Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1907, Page 2, Image 2
2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 21. 1907. Telephone Douglas 019 IWchei All Department. Special Sale Real Hand Embroidered Lunch Cloths 2.38 Beautiful Hand Embroidered Lunch Cloths, for elaborate dinners and luncheons; Unena that at once Impart distinction to a table by rea son of the rare beauty of the fine needle work that adorns them. Size 30x30 Inches, regular price of these beautiful Lunch Cloths $4.75, 15.00 and $6.00; on special sale Wednesday at, each Main floor. Continuation of Oar Orcnt An (fust Clearing Hale of fine table Lin ens; many beautiful patterns in cloths and napkins at greatly reduced prices. ,SKrlal Showing of new Fall Suits and Skirts. Second floor. Ilrmard, Corner Hixteenth Street. Bee, s-20, 07. Open Saturday Evening. hard. If It become, their duty to do It To the sons of the Puritan, it ia almo-t needles, to .ay that the lesson above all ether, which rurltanlara can teach this nation I. the all-Importance of the resolute prrform.nce of duty. If we ore men we will pass by with contemptuous disdain - alike the adviser, who would seek to lead ,s Into the path, of Ignoble ease and thoss who would teach us to admire successful wrongdoing. Our Ideal, should v be high, and yet they should b capable of achieve ment In practical, fn.hlon; and we are a. little to be excused If w. permit our Ideal, to be tainted with what Is sordid and mean and a. If we allow our power of achlevomvnt to atrophy and become either Incapable of effort or capable only of such fantastic effort a. to accomplish nothing nf permanent" good. The true doctrine to preach 'to this nation, a. to the individual. ?omposlng this nation, is not the life of ease, hut the life of effort. If It were In my power to promise the people of this land anything. I would rot promise them pleasure. X Would promise them that stern happiness which comes from the sense of having rtctrvA In practical fashion a diffi cult work -which was worth doing. Element, of Sacre... The Puritan owed his extraordinary uc t rs in subduing this continent and making It the foundation for a social life of or dered liberty primarily to the fact that he combined In a very rcmarkabre degree both th. power of Individual Initiative, of In dividual self-help, and the power of acting in combination with hi. fellows; and that furthermore ho joined to a high heart that ahrswd 'common sense which save, a man from the besetting .In. of the visionary and the doctrinaire. He was stout hearted and hard headed. He had lofty purposes, but he "had practical good sense, too.' He could hold his own in the rough workaday world without clamorous insistence upon being helped by others, and yet he could romblne wtth others whenever It became necessary to do a Job which could not be as well done by any one man individually. The Problem, of Today. These wer. the qualities which enabled him to do hi. work, and they are the vary qualities which we must .how in doing our work today. There Is no use of our rooting here to pay homage to the men who founded this nation unless wo first of all come In the spirit of try ing to do our work today as they did their work In the yesterdays that have vanished. The problem, shift from gen- munlty, to each state, the control over tho.e things which affect only Its own mem bers and which the people of the locality themaelvea can best grapple . with, while providing for rational regulation In those matters which necessarily affect the nation as a whole. It seems to rhe that such ques tions a. national sovereignty and state's rights need to be treated not empirically er academically, but from the standpoint of the Interests of the people as a whole. National sovereignty I. to be upheld In so far as It means the sovereignty of the people used for the real and ultimate good of the people; and state's rights are to be upheld In so far as they mean the people's right. Especially I. this true in dealing with the relation, of the people as a whole to the great corporation, which are the. distinguishing feature of modern business conditions. . Experience has shown that It is necessary to exercise a far more efficient control than at present over the business use of those vast fortunes, chiefly corporate, which aro used (as under modern conditions they al most Invariably are) In Interstate business. When the constitution was created none of the conditions of modern business existed, They are wholly new and we must create new agencies to deal effectively with them There is no objection In the minds of this people to any man's earning any amount of money If he does It honestly and fairly. If he gets it as the result of special skill nd enterprise, as a reward of ample serv ice actually rendered. But there Is a grow ing determination that no man shall amass a great fortune by special privilege, by chicanery and wrong-dolns. .o far a. it I. In the power of legislation to prevent; and that the fortune when amassed shall not have a business use that Is antisocial. Most large corporation, do a business that is not confined to any one state. Experi ence has shown that the effort to control .trlctiy construed In favor of the defendant. and In our country, at least both Judg. and Jury are far mor. Inclined to consider Ms rights than they are th. Interests of th. general publio, while In addition It is always true that a man's general practice, may be so bad that a civil action will lie hen It may not be possible to convict him of any one criminal act. There I. un fortunately a oertaln number of our felow countrymen who eem to .ccept the view that unless a man can be proved guilty of soma particular crime ha .hall be counted good cltlaen, no- matter how infamous the life he has led, no matter how per nicious hi. doctrine, or his practices. This I. the view announced from time to time with clamorous insistence, now-by a group of predatory capitalists, now by a group of sinister anarchistic leaders and agita tors, whenever a special champion of either class, no matter how evil hi. general life. Is acquitted of some one specific crime. Buch a view is wicked whether applied to capitalist or labor leader, to rich man or poor man. -and all that I have said as to desirable and undesirable cltir.ens . remains true. Expediency In Prosecutions. But we have to take thla feeling Into ac count when we are debating whether It Is possible to get a conviction in a criminal proceeding against some rich trust mag nate, many of whose actions are severely to be condemned from the moral and social standpoint, but no one of whose action, seems clearly to establish such technical gutlt as will Insure a conviction. As a matter of expediency, In enforcing the law against a great corporation, we have continually to weigh the arguments pro and con a. to whether a prosecution can successfully be entered into, and as to whether we can be successful In a criminal action against the chief Individuals in the corporation, and If not whether we can at least be successful In a civil action against the corporation itself. Any effective action on tho part of the government ia alway. objected to, a. a matter of course, by the wrongdoers, by the beneficiaries of the wrongdoers, and by their champions; and often one of the most effective way. of attacking the action of the government is by objecting to practical action upon the ground that It doe. not go far enough. One of the favoritfe devices of those who are really striving to prevent the enforce ment of these laws is to clamor for action' of such severity that It cannot be under taken because It will be certain to fall If tried. An Instance of this Is the demand often made for criminal prosecutions where such prosecutions would be certain to fail. We have found by antual experience that a Jury which will gladly punish a corpora tion by fine, for Instance, will acquit the Individual members of that corporation If we proceed against them criminally be cause of those very things which the cor poration which they direct and control has done. In a recent case against the Licorice trust we Indicted and tried the two cor porations and their, respective presidents, The contracts and other transactions estab- me guut or the corporations were between man and man and rigid obedience to the law. Our aim Is to help every honest man. every honest corporation, and our policy means In Its ultimate analysis a healthy and prosperous expansion of busi ness activities, of honest busines. men and honest corporations. Hear, for Railway Employee. I very earnestly hope that the legislation which deal, with the regulation of corpora tion, engaged In interstate bu.lnes. will also deal with the rights and Interest, of the wageworker. en-ployed by those cor porations. Artlon wa. taken by the con gress last year limiting the number of hours that railway employe, should be employed. The law I. a good one; but If In practice It proves necessary to strengthen It, It strengthened. We have now secured a national employers' liability law; but ultimately a more far reaching and thoroughgoing law mutt be passed. It is monstrous that a man or woman who Is crippled in an Industry, even a. the result of taking what are the necessary risks of the occupation, should be require to bear the whole burden of the loss. That burden should be distributed and not placed solely upon the weakest Individual, the one least able o carry It. By me.klng the employer liable the loss will ultimately be distributed among all the beneficiaries of the business. I also hope that there will be legislation Increasing the power of the national gov ernment to deal with certain matters con cerning tho health of our people every where; the federal authorities, for Instance, should join with all t state authorities in warring against the dreadful scourge of tuberculosis. Tour own state government, here In Massachusetts)! deserves high praise for the action it ha. t.ken In these public health matter, during the last few yean, and In thla, as In some other matters, I hope to see the national government stand abreast of tho foremost state govern ments. .. cannot produce wholesome results. In most cases such effort falls to Correct the real abuses of which the corporation Is or mey be guilty; while in other case, the effort is apt to cause either hardship to the corporation Itself, or else hardship to neighboring states which have not tried to grapple with the problem in the same man ner; and of course we must be as scrupu lous to safeguard the right, of the cor porations a. to exact from them In return a full measure of Justice to the public. National Incorporation Law. I believe In a national incorporation law for corporation, engaged In interstate busi ness. I believe, furthermore, that the need I tnm - I - I . I - J V. n . . eration to generation., but, the spirit In , .,i. .v. .. .. w . l corporations which,- 'because they are C6:n- whlen they must be approached. If tney , , , ... . ever the rams. The Puritan tamed the wilderness, and built up a free govern ment rtn th, tiiniri-ilnttA.t Ua.lnir, dmlj i ' th. ,i " , V . ui j 7 . . furred under the Interstate commerce clause, taiu gjiifiiv.n, ivirDii ill,. UVBVXUUWIIB tlon; and which can be completely con trolled, in ail respect, by the federal gov ernment, by the exercise of the power con- must try to shape th. life of our com plex' industrial civilization by new de vices, by new methods, so as to achieve In the. end the same results of Justlco and' fair' dealing toward all. He cast aside nothing old merely for the sake of Innovation, yet he did not hesitate to adopt anything new that would save hi. purpose. WHen he planted hi. com monwealth, on this rugged coast be faced wholly new condition, and he had to devise new methods of meeting them. So we of today face wholly new condi tion. In our social and Industrial .life. Wo should certainly not adopt any new scheme for grappling wtth them merely because It I. new and untried; but we cannot afford to shrink from grappling with them because they can only b. grappled with by aotne new scheme. The Puritan wa. no Laodicean, no lal.iex-fali t theorist. When he saw con duct which was In violation of hi. right. of the -.'rights of man, the right, of Oud, a. h. under.tood them tie at tempted to regulato such conduct with Instant, unquestioning promptness and, effectiveness. If there was no other way to secure conformity with the rule of right, then he smot. down the trans gressor with -the Iron of hi. wrath. The spirit of the Puritan was a spirit which nevtr shrank from regulation of con . duct If auch regulation was necessary for the public weal; and this 1. the spirit which we must .how today whenever It I. nece.sary. National and State's Rlsnta, The utterly changed condition, of our na tional life necessitate changes in certain of our laws, of our governmental method.. Our federal system of government la based upon the theory of leaving to each com- AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Bids Opened by City Council for ths . Q Street PtTinir. SAMPLE BRICKS DISAPPEAR Belonged to Ike Lovrrat niilder. Who Declare. They Were Brongtat te the Council Chamber by Mini. The ordinance authorizing the Issuance of 142. 135 in city bonds for the pay ment of the paving of Q street" from Thirty-third tq the city limits wa' the moat Important item before the cliy council last evening. UMs were also opened for the paving of the street. Three firm, were among the bid lcrs. The lowest Md was by 3. M. McOownn of Omaha, as follow.: Extra grading, 25 cents per cubic yard; concrete curb ing, 47 cent, per lineal yard; paving on a concrete base, $2. IB; extra concrete, $7.5l per cubic yard; taking up and re laying aldenalk, 10 tents. Th. National Construction company was bs follows: Extra grading, 2& cent, per cubic yard; concrete curb, 26 cent.; paving, concrete base. J2.U; extra con crete, IS. 25; taking up or laying brlok walk, 10 cent.. The third bid was by C. E. Funning and wa. too high to be In the coinpetl tlon. Some excitement was caused from tho fact that .everal .ample, of brick required by the specifications to be sub mitted In the specifications and belong ing te McOowan were carried out of th. council chamber before the bid. were opened. McGownn and other witnesses declared that he had brought the brick as required. It was not discovered where NOW READY eWfwPOR INSPECTION All the Furniture that will be sold in our DROP PATTERN SALE. This is a sale that is entirely different. It's out of the ordinary. We show the pieees for four days (for inspection only); no orders taken or goods sold until Monday morning, August -C. We, therefore, give you plenty of time to make up your mind and talk over the purchase. Hut if you want any of the articles, you better be on hand early Monday morning. Half price nnd even less on many pieces will move them nuickly. Furniture these corporations by mero state action rmade through, and so far ei they were in writing, were s!gnrd by fie two presi dents. Yet the Jury convicted the two corporations and acquitted the two men. 1 Both verdicts could not posslblv have been correct; but apparently the average Jury man wishes to see trusts broken up, and Is quite ready to fine the corporation Itself; but Is very reluctant to find the facts 'proven beyond a reasonable doubt" when It crmies to sending to Jail a reputable member of the business community for doing what the business rnmm.,r,i ,.. ! tTi rril The t itv engineer I have spoken of but one or two law.!.,,. ... ".hi,k McOowan. brick wmcn, in my Judgment, It is advisable to enact as pnrt 0f the general scheme for making the Interference of the national government more effective In securing Jus tice and fuJr dealing as between mm and man here In the United States. Let me add, however, that while It Is necessary to have legislation when fonditlons arise where we' can only cope with evils through the Joint action of all of us, yet that we can never afford : to forget that " In the last analysis the all Important factor for eacli of us must be his own Individual character. It la a necessary tiling to hnve good laws, good institutions, but. the most necessary of all things is to have a high quality of individual citizenship. This does not mean that we cam afford to neglect legislation. . Individualism Necessary. It will be highly disastrous if we permit out selves to be mlrted by the plea, of those who see In an unrestricted Individualism the all-sufficient panacea for social evils; but It will be even more disastrous to adopt the opposite panacea 'of any social istic system t hlch would destroy all in dividualism, which would root out the fiber would stand the lest, anyway, lie being the only outside bidder make, the dis appearance of the brick rather peculiar. The Doard of Kducatlon asked that the water malni be extended to accommodate the new school building at Sixteenth and II streets. Tho city trea.ufer reported that he had received from F. A. Broadwell 2.271.10 a. district court Judgment. In favor of th. city. Th. official milk Inspector reported thst the firm of P. AnJers.m had poor milk, It being botli watered and skimmed. A petition was received asking for a change of grade of S street from Thir tieth to Thirty-second rtreet. A renolutlon of some Importance pro vided for the dosing of the Q street viaduct as .oon a. the Union Pacific and the Union Ptock yard, should be ready to construct the new viaduct. The cltv engineer was Instructed to draft ! plans and specifications of the new via duct and to fix the termination, by a aurvey. A. resolution was passed closing F street temporarily during the time ifhieh the For the parlor, dining room, bed room in suites and separate pieces. An excellent opportunity to pick up bargains iu suites or odd pieces, for it's all desirable and worth the regular price, but it's ' our method of cleaning house. Making room for new goods. All goods assembled on our main floor for this event. Come! Look! Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Come to buy Monday A. M. August 26. The choicest lot of furniture we have ever gathered together for a sale of this kind. 'Orchard & Wilhelm 4I4-I6-.8 South 16th Street unhappily grown to recognise as well-nigh ! ment 'or securing justice toward all men .."....a. ,n ousiness. Moreover, under the necessary technicalities of criminal pro ceedings, often the only man who can be reached criminally aome, subordi nate who 1. not the real guilty party at all. Keachln Men Criminally. Many men of large wealth have been guilty of conduct which from the moral of our whole cjtlxenship. . In any great fnlon Pacific may need to complete the movement, . such s t.fcot In which w. are engaged, nothing is more necssary than sanity, than the refusal to be led Into ex tremes by the advocates ef the ultra course on either side. Those professed friends of liberty who champion license are the worst foes of liberty and trail by the reaction of their violence causes Jo throw the govern ment back Into the hands of the men who champion corruption and tyranny I In the name of order. So ft 'la with thUr move- and equality of opportunity so far a. It can be secured by governmental action. The rich man who JsrltH, hard, arrogance de clines to consider ,llf,rf-lghts and the need, of those who . r lans- well off, and the poor man who excites or Indulge. In envy and hatred of those ! 'who . are better off, are alike alien to the spirit, of our national life. Each of them should learn to ap and, If necessary, under the post-road clause, of the constitution. During the last few year, we have taken marked atrldes In advance along the road of proper regulation of these railroad corporations; but we mu.t not .top In the work. Tho national government should exercise over J can be proved so as to Impress a Judas and nd control to Jury, then the department will strain every .tanapoint !. criminal, and their misdeed. ! predate thS basenes. and degradation of cans. h degree reprehensible, be- hi. point of View.. evil in the one case - vmuuin, mem nave no ex- as In th other. .... in aauiuon to moral r.inn.ihiiit these men have a legal responsibility which j Announcement fig On Thursday final Clear ance Sale entire 6tock of Children's and Misses' Slip pers and Oxfords from the Norris Store. Wait! Children's Slippers and Oxfords, in two lots, all go at' . - 49C and 69C uins a and Misses' Slip pers and Oxfords, in two lots, all go at "cl$1.35 98c Benson &Tliorne Lilliputian Bazaar 1515-1517 Dou,!as St them a similar supervision and that which It exercises over rational banks. We can do this only by proceeding farther along the lines marked out by the recant national legislation. In dealing with any totally new set of conditions there must at the outset be he.l tatlon and experiment. Such ha. been, our experience In dealing wtth th. enormous concentration of capital employed In Inter tate business. Not only the legislatures, but the courts and the people need gradu ally to be educated so that they may see what the real wrongs are and what the real remedies. Almost every big business concern i. engaged In interstste commerce, and such a concern must not be allowed by a dexterous shifting of position, a. has been too often the case la th. past, to escape all responsibility either to state or to nation. Need of Reajalatlon Apparent. The American people became firmly con vinced of the need of control over thee great aggregations of capital, especially where tht-y had a monopolistic tendency, before they became quite clear as to the proper way of achieving the control. Through thalr representatives In congress they tried two remedies, which were to a large decree, at least as interpreted by tl.e courts, contradictory. On th. on. hand, under the anti-trust law the effort wa. made to prohibit all combination, whether It wa. or wa. not hurtful or beneficial to the public. On the other hand, through the interstate commerce law a beginning wa. made In exercising such .upervtalon and control over combination, a. to pre vent their doing anything harmful to the body politic. The first law, the so-called Sherman law, ha. filled a u.eful place, for It bridge, over the transition period until the American people .hall definitely make up it. mind that It will exercla. over the great corporation, that thoroughgoing and radical control which It I. oertaln ulti mately to find nece.sary. Th. prlnclpl. of the Sherman law so far a. it prohibit, combination, which, whether because of tlielr extent or ef their character, are harmful to the public mu.t alway. be pre served. Ultimately, and I hope with rea sonable speed, the national government must pass law. which, while increasing the supervisory and regulatory power ef the government, also permit. .Ah u.eful combination. .. are made with fbe.lts openness and as th. representative, of th government may previously approve. But It will not be po.albl to permit auch oom blnatlon. save a. th second atage in a course of proceedings of which the first .'.age must be the exercise of a far more complete control by the national govern ment. A. t Criminal Action. In dealing wtth those who oftenj agaln.t the anti-trust and inter.tat. commerce laws, the Department of Justice has to encounter many anl great difficulties. Often men who have been guilty of violating these law. have really acted In criminal fashion, and If possible should be pro ceeded against criminally, and therefor It I. advisable that there ahould b. a clause In the., law providing for auch- criminal action, aod for puulahm.nt ty Impri.oa- I ment a. wall a. by fin. But. a. I. wall known, la a criminal action th law lnnrl 8"t' ' Poverty, of weakness and . .ordld and unlovely type of social develop ignorance to offer as nrtii f-f 1 . .. , : . . liar unwholesomenef j in a' social and gov ernmental Ideal where wealth by and of Itself I. held up a. the greatest good. The materialism of ucV a view, whether It finds It. expression In the life of a man who accumulates m rest fortune In ways that are repugnant to every Instinct of gen erosity and of fair dealing, or whether It finds Its expression In the vapidly useless reacn them criminally. Where this Is Impossible, then It will take what eTor action will be moat effective under the actual conditions. In the last six -years we have shown (nut f hara tm . uii.. . i tlnn .r. , i '"u,;'auB' "na "0 corpora- ari(i self-Indulgent life of the Inheritor of .. ...... im or it. stands above that fortune grading of the right-of-way at that point John Demos was granted $ and J. V. Cohn $15 for Injuries done to their teams which In each case ran away and fell off the embankment at Twentieth and N j streets. . A couple of ordinances were Introduced providing permanent sidewalk.. The committee on furniture for the new city hall asked more time for their re port. The water work, company wa. ordered to lower it. water main between TWenty firet and Twenty-second streets on U owing to tho grading of the street. , Mnsrlc .City fiaslp. The "Equal .Bights r&publlcan club will meet Tuesday evening at , Lundgreh s hall. .'.- Glynn Transfer Co. , Tel. So. Omaha SM. Mrs. ' B. F. Trapp and son have g me on a visit to Sioux City, Jetter's- Oold Top Beer delivered to all parts of the city. Telephone .No, g, John Fits Roberts' residence In -said to have been entered lost Friday night. ' Mrs. Josephine Carroll lias gone for an outing of ten flays at Lake Manawa. Mies Daisy Oosney Is expected home Friday from a montn spent, in iiicnr. u..t,r (1 A. fount has cone to Denver, where he expects to remain until about September 1. John Sucha. arrested R;iturdsy nlgnt for alleged petit larceny, was dismissed, owing to the fact that the complaining witness had no evidence against iilm. t ILlll... ... ... iiuiiiu or punishment under the law. "During the present trouble with the stock market, I have of course received countless request, and .uggestlons, public and private, that I should say or do some thing to ease the situation. There is a world-wide financial disturbance. It Is felt n the bourses of I'arls and British consols aro lower, while prices of railway securl- ravo a'so depreclsted. On the New Is contemptible In the .yea of sll'men cspable of a thrill of lofty feel ing. Where the power of the law can be wisely used to prevent or to minimise th. acquisition or business employment of such wealth and to make It pay by Income or In heritance tax Its prope.7share of the burden of government, I would invoke that power without a moment's hesitation. Justice In EverT Act. But while we can accomplish Something York Stock exchange the dlsturhanr h. ! by legislation, legislation can never be mor been particularly severe, moat of It, I be- I than Prt- and often no more than a small lleve, to bo due to matters not particularly ! Prt ,n vne general scheme of moral prog confined to the United States and to mat-iress; and crude or vindictive legislation may ters wholly unconnected with any govern- i at any tln-.e bring such progress to a halt, mental action, but It may well be tiiat the ; Certa'n .oelalistlc leaders propose lo re- uuiruiMiiniion or i,io government In which, ' uiatriDuie tne woria s goons Dy refusing 10 gentlemen. It will not waver, to punish ! thrift and energy arid Industry their proper certain malefactors of great wealth, has ' superiority over folly and Idleness and been respone.ble for something of the ' sullen envy. Such legislation would merely, troubles, at least to the extent of having j in the words of the -president of Columbia caused these men to combine to bring ; university, "wreck, the '.world's efficiency about as much financial stress as they j for the purpose of redistributing the world's possibly can in order to discredit the pol-j discontent." We should -all. of us work Icy of the government and thereby ta i heart and soul for the real and oermanent betterment which will lift our democratic clvlllratfon t6 a higher level of ssfety and usefulness. Such betterment can come only by the slow, steady growth of the spirit which mete, a generous, but not a senti mental. Justice to each man on hi. merit, a. a man, and which recognize, the fact that the highest and deepest "happiness for MAIL BAGS STOLEN (Continued from First Page.) secure a reversal of that collov mn th they may enjoy the fruit, of their own hvII doing.. "That they have milled many good people Into believing that there .hould be such reversal of policy i. po.sible. If .o. I am orry, but it will not alter my attitude. One. for all. let me .ay thaf. a. far as I am concerned, and for the eighteen months ; the individual lie. not in .elfl.hne. but in or my administration that remain, thoro j service. will be no change In the policy we have . steadily pursued, nor let up In the effort Have Root print it. io secure me nonesi observance of the law, ' rur i regara nils contest as one to deter mine who shall rifle this government the people through their governmental agents, or a few ruthless and determined men whose wealth makes them particularly formidable because they are behind the breastworks of corporate organization. ' Vindictive Prosecution. "I wish there to be no mistake on this point. It Is Idle to ask me not lo prose cute criminals, rich or poor. But I desire no less emphatically to have It understood that we have undertaken and will under take no action ef a vindictive type, and above all, no action which shall Inflict great or unmerited suffering upon the inno cent stockholder, and upon the public as a whole. Our purpose l. to act with the minimum ef har.hness compatible with ob taining our end.. In the man of great wealth who ha. earned his wealth hon estly and used it wisely we recognise a good ctttsens worthy of all praise and respect. Business can only be' dona under modern conditions through corporations, and our purpose Is to heartily favor the corporations that do well. The adminis tration appreciates that liberal but honest profit for legitimate promoters and gen erous dividends for capital employed either In founding or continuing an honest busi ness venture, are the factors neceuary for successful corporate activity and therefore for generally prosperous business rendi tions. "Ail these are compatible with fair dealing WVfl9r Making Prices Dance We are banging away at regu lar prices right and left hore now 'during this Prc-Inventory Sale which because of tho fact that our Btock of Fall Suitings will Soon arrive is offering to make to meaa- ure Fine Domestki Suitings, worth up to $50.00. for $25 Fine Imported Suitlnps, worth up to 140.00, for $2Q McCAKTHY-WILSON TAILORING CO. Phons Doug. 1 tOg. 304-80. H. 16th St. Near 8. W. Cor. 14th and Farnam Sts. 4 Interest Few investments net such a liberal rate of interest and permit so many conveniences. Deposits may be with drawn at any time without notice. Our location is central, our office hours suitable to all people. We respectfully solicit your patronage. Oldest, Largest and Strongest Savings Bank in Nebraska. CITY SAVINGS BANK i6th and Douglas Sts. AMVSEMRXTa. (IMAM A ONE DAY ONLY, MONDAY qrpT Q 1 UftlAilA Shew Ground--27th and Ames wLrl. - THAT IS -. f..,-.. A CIRCUS aiAt-i ti. ia dummy kino it Ever Seen on -Earth Before ALL THE WORLD'S MOST STARTLING THRILLERS. THE NEWEST . , LATEST, MOST STUPENDOUS SENSATION THE DIP OF DEATH The FuHens, Flashing, , Furore'Crtatlng Flight A Young Lady Loop Ing tho Gap In an Automobile. upaidedown. AN ACT THAT C09T8 BIOO A 6ECOND, AND IS WORTH IT. THE TWO TWIRLS OF TERROR Atr'at Somtrsautts bp TtCo Daring, Viqth-Vtfglmt tr nitimtH. First lima of tho Kaspland.nt New Military and AlLgarical Saaclacla ' 1 P 1 k 1 US. jWfA J. i. r nnnlfl on th. S iiimJimhn Wilt. Jntrrxtnqtnf Handrvo'. 1 5 J" ft it 113 Gisuir'AinuilrIS(.Iiini, ..llorssnd w 7 "". jlol avw Us Mi iagfcal ay III iH .,. kor.. Vlchipu-Uod Honrl, sad OauwM audQoIil-llluiBlD.IlT.blMaCr.tcit:illnMliup.ibl)l.plM(PwintrTkr.nU Modern Times. MORE HIGH-CLASS FEATURE THAJt ALL OTHER SHOWS COMBINED iwrirrnt ty so r.mon. Artl.i.- Hrlof P.tformtf n7ht--RjrA-lltti t.rtaj Onnf i.M Hr. Ilr.nn .ml fwrnif u likllLJ lloroom.n f ri r)wU-rnti rU 1 V t. Hem Lull -P" iIChn.1rri.'C"v"0 t'.iMsrCU'ii-"is wmii mi BanH-mai)Ml rWI. ," AUI lUUkCUwl SUllM. O IlT. OODtllWUU. . f icmcvfM-isia 8ooh-ttiI!s or special cah-k nosni-cmij wrd ainVn-wtrAa -If crr. ul Trn'i t'.r C.Bnio.rf-l Hlua-t -Mammoth Ajrlal ' . Kill b.l.r u tL klhtwli.u laruuliaiskl 11 . M. Slid r. M. soUjr. TWOaXHIBITIONS PAIIT.ITI a P. M. coos. o noun USUI. ' aoHi.siea. with a a. sr. so.imts. ohilombn und. 10 Y.saa. Mtrlioa ,. ssivat. sax ah a assaavsa oewsaa ssats, sxmA. AOoOaoina to looatior). AH llwrfM nmNird. PHvai B .nd wmd ftrsnd Staas Chair. sa Ml. at tt Qratwdt H la. OpM'PS ll.tti. aud d.rlna lb. jr i t tiakM lc BEATON DRUG CO., 15th and Farnam Sts. Ho ha. ascertained that the valuable, wer. all In two of the rnclis, cne being rmrty. Seven sacks of n-eistered moll wre j Ii'acpd on the Kansas City train leavhji j lu-nver over the Iiurltngton SunJoy n'ght. Thira sacks were destined fcr Chicago and csko train at Osford. Nb. Two cf tho I registered sacks were ritrslng when Ox fori was reached. Postofflca officials r.ave all ben warned to be cautious about giving out Informal! n on the robbery. CHICAOO. Aup. Ift. At the general of fice, if the Burlington ro.d It was said to day that they possess no knowledge what ever of the theft of any mall sacks frm any train on the road. JJ r mi man !' , Ckareh t'oraerataae . Laid. TANKTON, B. D.. Aug. .-8ieclal.) The corner .ton. of th. new Segel church wa. I all Sunday with appropriate cere monies, with Father Jo.eph Bartlc, pastor. In charge, as.latcd by priests from Tank ton. Tabor and Parkston. Tha church, which takes the place of th. on. blown down thla summer, w ill coat $8 000 to con struct, an4 to furnish severil tfc.usanii mora. iai this OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDlNti ASSJN. and keep It growing by adding a little lo it every ween. A balance to your credit will enable you to taka advantage cf a profitable opportun ity should one present itsflif to yuu later in life, t-y not -p-n an ac count today and be ruady when 'for tune knocks " Ws pay per cent In terest on deposit accounts sod ninka homestead monthly paymett loans. Offlcs S E. Cos. Sixteenth acd Dcdga. G. W. I..OOMI8. Preaid-wit. G. M. NATTINUEK. Secretary. COVTH OKAMt (Opposite PoetoOlCd) J. H. KoPlETZ. Agent. Talcum Powders 1 al Beaton's 25c SwlntDD's Lilac Talcum. . .8a 21c Violet Talcum Powder.. . IOC 25c Menuan'a Talcum Powder 15 r Vantlne's Talcum powder 'K 26c Eabe.kln Powder 12g BEATON DRUG CO. 15 til and Farnam Sts, p. S. Jphnson'a ShaWng Crcanr. Soap produces rich, craaniy lather that doe3 not dry 2, tuDe. AS VINTON ST. PARK t . Omaha vs. Lincoln AUG VST 18, 19. SO. 21.. Monday, August 10, Ladles' Day. Games Called 8:45. KRUG PARK S vs. - hi rl t-i Jki t, S, 4 and a-Herse Esnsr Fcr SULKY, tm vi DISC PLOWS Ask Your Dealer for "Helder" Evener., or Write Ua he id sr. mra. co., Hnw cd tli kuvts st UJaws, Cm Dept. B. CARROLL IOWA. . Oraana'a it. ork. Till. Afternoon and Evening rxita'a okBATia omaxa ajtd TM2 JTLTHia BIKDJIIXa Big Picnic. Tlii. . Week, Newsboys; Friday. Union Veterans' Union;' 8turday. f'n tiordon. i , if' -, 10c Krealng, So. Aug. 2S yj" ) ido'a Venetian Band. KRUG S Theater 25-50-75 Tonight 1:15 Wednesday ' Matinee LYMAN TWINS in ; THE YANKEE DRUMMERS TBTtm TKB OSSAT EABTZBV WOBUI A'CrttlOHTOrl1 'Phone tt. OTtnU BTJHBAT. MAT MM, ITt. Stat, oa sal. Moaoay, Aafust atlfe