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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1907)
10 THE OMATIA DAILY BEE; WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21. 1907. Bin Hit v.". n u II Window our jUtonoblU Coiti soNS 10 u Slltl Wnei't (J EXTRA BIG BARGAINSD ii Women Imitation Heatherbloom and Stfcen II Petticoats A fine lot of the Imitation Heatherbloom Petticoats pret tily made in greys tans, old rose blue and white also black sateen petticoats. These are made with ruffles and tucks worth 0mmm T uPto$i&$i.25 Mjfn - 4 coat a big bar gain for Wednes day, only at, each n f -49 9 rIIv i ti n ev mum V u B III M Im Them Window- f u Did ,Ton la th. Sr&Hc SHORT KIMONOS 19c Dressing Sacques, Combing Jackets and Short Kimonos figured and flowered Lawns, Jap and Persian patterns light and dark effects light weight materials in one big lot worth up to 50c and 75c, jl f at Aifc a 1 oxaxa'm rvma roos cairro Wednesday's Darnains I New York Cream Cheese, per R lb 20c h 1 R p Swiss Cheese, per lb 20cO d Fromage De Bre, per lb...... 25c ft S3 o B WaukeBha Cream Cheese, & each 25c i nuaaeipnia cream cneese, each 10c q Neufchatel, each , $ Imported Camembert, each M Fancy Edams, each . 91.00 R .1 Korn Kinks, per pkg Sc $ U Pretzels, per lb. 6c 0 Q Uneeda Biscuit, el 3 Sun-Light Soap, 9 bars for. OMAHA WEATHKR FOUKCA8T Wednesday Fair. WMirTW Ft 1 . k JS m M ivy All august r SALE OF L 69c 98c Women's $1.50 long kimonos and summer wrappers in desirable light patterns, figured and floral lawns, Persian and Jap designs, at Two Muslin Underwear Special M,,.,m rwn. .Wirt., drawer., chem- I 5c quality oTawers nicely lace and t. and cornet coVers I Cm - embroiaery inm m very nicely made, I at $2 Quality, 2-plece houses dresses dressing sscque with skirt to match light and dark patterns, ' at 49c i trimmed with tucks, at, pair 18c FRENCH and GERMAN VAL LACES at 3c-5cyd. Narrow and medium edgings and lnsertlngs In desirable patterns great lots on bargain squares at 3V4c and 6c yard. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS IN NOTION DEPARTMENT SKELETON WAISTS Qood strong- waists all slsee hoe aupporters attached and un usual bargain. , Notion Dept. 19c rOftwOMtN "Officially Indorsed1 25c Jelly Glasses, per dox .20c$j jp Fresh Eggs, per doz 15c Q Cucumbers, each 1c j A SNAP Wilson Whisky that's all per bottle 73c k"2 - y per case or l doz 98.50 $ (ponrtney Q Go, 17th and Douglas 8U. B TsL Doufla. ,M7. U Private Exchange connects all Depla. n The Last Week of our CLEAN-UP SALE Men's Oxfords of Patent Colt and Gun Metal, $(.00 values, CA OCT now JJva.D $3.85 Dressers, Commodes, Brass and Iron Beds, Chiffoniers, Parlor Suits, Odd Parlor Chairs, All Kinds of Rockers,' Music Cabinets, Ladies' Desks, Dining and Parlor Tables, at Prices that Defy Competition. Go-Carts at About Half Price. Porch Furniture at less than Factory Cost. Price does not cut any figure, we want to move the goods. 3rd Floor. On Sale Balance of This Week. 14 Baby Carriages Basement Old Store Men's 6. 80 and $6 Patent and Dull Oxfords Men's seasonable Oxfords in all the popular leathers, f i and CO i Ft $3.50 goods p.XO Men's special Patent Colt and Dull Oxfords. LOW QUE-WAY RATES $2,503 U Women's Patent and Dull C QEtB E Oxfords, $5 grade ....... H.0B nl Women's Brownell College OO HftH I Girls' Oxfords cut to..., H . W I Aof last pair. S1.50 II B Women's $3.00 White' - BO 1 r . inn II D Canvas B I nalllrtn M 1 Women'. $2.B0 Whit. 'Q1 rWll ,c?rdA. M S M;: S1"'- si.ool w ror oac u ' a H 1 H If ry shoe co.I H a iiom 1 h 1 16th and Douglas Streets. VIA union PACIFIC PROM OMAHA EVERY DAY SEPT. 1 to OCT. 81, 1007. $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25 to San Fnaciaco, Lot Angeles. Ban Diego, anl many other CaliforaU points. to Everett, Falrharta. Whatcom, VancouT.T and Victoria. to Portland.- Astoria Tacoma and Seattle. nn to Ashland. RoMburg. UU kumm. Albany and Salem. Including So. Pao. branch line In Oregon. (AA Cfl to Spokane and inter. g4a3U mediate O. R. ft N. points to Wenachee and Intermediate point. to Butte, Anaconda, Helena, and all Inter mediate main line points. $20.00 Slfl lift to Ogden and Salt Lake City, and Intermediate main line points- f Tot full Information Inquire at ,'. CITY TICKET OFFICE, MS4 Farnam St. 'Phome Douglas SSI I y- r i j&022 EastSide n V Street. ! 9"1 Tk. rb.ograpkM It's a good plan to have your picture taken at stated Intervals. ; It's a sensible habit that Is sure to make pltutsure for yourself and friends. You'll never be sorry If you'll let make one NOW. ginri tom aiox qtaxztt 1S-317 L3 i i j Ml. Mth Bt. j t j Iwtemtt. aioek. ttmCif2Zi PATENTS tnet PROTECT" t t I tC,Mifi. I U iff LCT-1 Ek. n urn I ICE CREAM SODA 5c Odd Dining Chairs Three No. 1603, was $2.30. now $1.59 One No. 63. was $2.00, now $1.27 One No. 213. dam aged 200 Five No. 1520. Tea Seat, each .. .840 And ten other styles Grand Clear ance of Snils Wool Suits, in cluding many .' new fall models, tailored taffeta suits, taffeta and foulard silks, dresses In princess and two-piece styles, tailored linen suits, dainty lawn dresses princess and two piece styles, .hand some ' lingerie gowns. Not a suit re served, all go at One Half their reg ular marked price. Lawn Kimonas at Half Price Short Kimonos, 40c values, 20c Short Kimonas, 58c values, 29c Short Kimonas, 98c values, 49c Long Kimonas, 75c value's, 38c Long Kimonas, 98c values, 49c Long Kimonas, $1.95 values at 98c Long $2.48 at . . Long $3.95 at .. Kimonas, values .... $1.24 Kimonas, values .... $1.98 Special in Hardware Wednesday Genuine Stransky Enamelware at less than Wholesale Price. The best quality Garbage Cans at $2.45, $3.00 and $3.25 Double Green Trading Stamps. "We have the cheap ones also. i r I I I i I I I i fi i t r B i .1 s i R SPECIAL WEDNESDAY BARGAINS Special Bargalm In Suits and Skirts All This Week EXTRA SPECIAL FOR THK BBLUBLB ITm J WEDNESDAY IS MtSTIC ROOM Buy Fowne's Gloves They're Absolutely Guaranteed OUR MAMMOTH DO- AT 0:30 A.M. 1 case of 10c Bleached Muslin, QH FOKEXOOX ONLY Apron Stripes, 7c grade 50 10c Dress Ginghams 5 10c Cotton Bats 5 $1.00 Cotton Blankets 5f), $1.26 Cotton Blankets 75 $1.00 All Linen Bleached 500 60c All Linen Damask 350 25c BleAched Damask 150 AFTERNOON ONLY 1 rase of unbleached 8 He Sheet ing for 50 16c Battate for 7 HO 10c Batiste for 50 5c Dotted Swiss for 5 12 He Scotch Zephyrs for 54 12c Extra Heavy German Blue for )0 10c Huck Towels for 00 10c Turkish Towels for 5 20 Other Specials for the Day. TOMATOES FOR CANNING One-Third Bushel Baskets Fancy selected ripe Tomatoes for cnnnlng, on sale Wednesday for, per basket GREEN SWEET PEPPERS FOR PICKLES One-thfrd Bushel Baskets extra fancy selected Sweet Peppers for pick- 25f ling, per basket CRAB APPPLES FOR JELLY One-ThlrdBuBhl Baskets fancy Whitney or Siberian Crabapples for Jelly, pj bastoet THE REGULAR) LOW TRICES ON ALL VEGETABLES AND 35 FRUITS. IKIIKItKHBin'!; I1T'I 'BBIBVHSinil REFRESHING, AVHOLESOME, HEALTHFUL. Made from our high-grade Ice Cream, with fresh crushed fruit. Served every day for Ask us for any soda fountain drink you may desire. Our dis penser will please you. ' 5c ARS UNDER CONSTANT NERVOUS TENSION ENDEAVORING TO RE STRAIN LADIES FROM GETTING OFF BEFORE CARS COME TO A STOP. WON'T YOU HELP THEM BY WAIT INGUNTIL THE OAR STOPS AND TliEN STEPPING OFF SAFELY IN THjS RIGHT WAY. 1 Li V Assist ds In preventing accidents. Omaiui & Council Bluffs Street Railway Co. 8 ; , ' Imitations pay the dealer larger profit, than the real thing, otherwise you would never be offered a substi tute, when you ask for an adver tised article. Imitations art not advertised because they are not permanent. For every genuine article there are many Imitations. , The imitator has no reputation to sustain the advertiser has. It stanza to reason that the adver tised article Is the best, otherwise the public would not buy It and the advertising could not be con tinued. Wheu you ask for an advertised article, see that you get It. Refuse Imitations. Office hours, t:00 to : a. ra., 11:00 to t:jj p. m. Telephone Harney MO. OMAHA VETERINARY HOSPITAL SUIO HtMl Street. Oaaaka. Nek. H. I Ramacclottl. E. V. 8 , Deputy State an City Veterinarian. JoocJ Inspector, Chief Burveon. V. & coU U V. a, pltal Burgeoo. THtSrORE rOK Df LICACIF.t- 1518-20 Fa mam Street. Phone Doug. 711. ' R Baldufrs Ice Cream Barrels- uMslzelOjlnOO HOTELS AND SUMMER RESORTS ' in teal rm Hotel Kupper ltb eaA Moaee, KANSAS CITY, M0. fa k nMpUf BlrMot. fee ail the Vkeaure. ?oo Weatual aoo&a, 00 prtvaee bathe. Hot aad cold wtM la mU ttmmm. kveloa. lotaky, vurlora. Telepkoa. ta every reoaa. eaattiul Oafe, reifeot CMlsiae. SI to $2.50 Per Day mrp riaa. HJffl.BLSON K9TEL Ct. BS A. MIIOI, To Chicago EVENING TRAIN NO. 12 leaves Omaha at 6:30 p. m., arriv ing Chicago at 9:00 a. m. Carries all classes of high grade, elec tric lighted equipment. The .Burlington's famous diners serve supper leaving Omaha and breakfast entering Chicago. AFTERNOON TRATJtT NO. 2 leaves Omaha at 4:30 p. m. Supper is served in the diner, and the arrival at Chicago is early 7:00 a.m. . ' .. FAST DAY TRAIN NO. 6 leaves Omaha at 7:00 a. m., arriv- l ing, Chicago 9:30 p. m. for connection with night trains on prin j cipal lines for the east. All meals served in diners. YOU WILL LIKE the Burlington's dining car service. What you order is of the best and you pay only for what you order.. Rate: Omaha to Chicago $10.00 Tickets, berths, information, etc., Km la I I CITY TICKET OFFICE: Tel. Douglas 3580. 1502 Farnam Street. .i BAILEY (EL MACH DENTISTS THIRD FLOOR PAXTON BLOCK Corner 16tb and Farnam Streets. Best equipped Dental office In the middle west Highest grade Dentistry at Reasonable Prices. Porcelain fillings, just like the tooth. Call Us by Thone 'Whenever you want something call 'Phone 288 and make tl known through a Bee Want Ad. Food for ST1 aad ntmui maa 'ho find their Dower to NArVAC work and youthful vigor Dl s fone as a result of over work or mental exertion sboud take GRAY'S NERVE FOOD PIL9. They will make you rat and iWp and be a men again. 1 Bomj 3 kozes S2.S0 by Mall. atXKMAS ft McCOVHZX.Xi SKUO OO, Corner 16th ask SoAse stta. OWL SBUO oouru X Cor. IStk and Karaey kts omaka. Veb. Delicious of Orange Is obtained from the finest fruit. Great Shoe Sale Thursday Entire Shoe Stock of Atkins, Brooks & Co. 312 Washington Street, Boston, Mass., secured by our buyer at about 50c on the dollar, goes on sale Thursday AT ABOUT HALF REGULAR PRICE Such high grade and well known makes as Zeigler Bros.' Ladies' Oxfords, Burt & Packard, Churchill & Aldens, Ral son Health Shoes, all at a fraction of regular retail value. SEE SIXTEENTH STREET WINDOW DISPLAY. M HMDENS' sm If you are well ? Jam and wish to stay 1 tnSfMi well, or if vou are fXyttt sick and wish to yJjl X 'sf VV I get well quickly, ff. fify keep a supply of jjLgjfflk f ,f k F fJ MALT EXTRACT in your home and take it regularly. It is a delicious tonic and liquid food. It will fill your body with rich, red blood, give you strength, increase your weight and soothe and quiet your nervous system. STORZ MALT EXTRACT is absolutely pure. It is made from malted barley, Bohemian hops and sparkling artesian water. KlfiHT HUNDRED of the most prominent physicians in the west have recommended STt)RZ MALT EXTRACT as being invaluable to the convalescent, the nursing mother, those suffering from indigestion, insomnia, anaemia, a run down constitution or an overworked Drain. uts. YOUR DOCTOR. If you would like to know more about STORZ MALT EXTRACT write for our beautiful illustrated booklet entitled, "Has Your Blood Red Corpuscles?" It exDlains in detail. It's free. STORZ MALT EXTRACT complies with all the requirements of the National Pure Food Law. Guaranty No. 3011, hied at wasningion, jj.v ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS SELL IT. INSIST ON STORZ. rfe'"k?-Ve. j" T It A Bk -' t fe, t -5rgn '. STORZ MALT EXTRACT DEPT. OMAHA; NEB. If you are starting in business or a new comer to Omaha, a bank ing connection with this bank will be a distinct advantage. It will be worth your while to talk to one of our officers and to some of our customers before deciding upon a bank. Our officials always accessible. 0?imtL National Bank 13 IS STREET vBETWEiN rARNAMS D0VQLA3L r.u. jm MILLARD. W WALLACE. Wtt.DUCHOLZ a.(tc4.i. k BOYD, We can furnish your office complete everything from pen points to bank fixtures from waste baskets to desks. All here under our own roof no delay In sendlns east for them save 10 to It per cent on ypur expense for office supplies. Everylklflfl Needed for the Office OMAHA PRINTING CO.. Farnam and 10th Sla Omaha Telephone Pouflaa 141. Mail eraer. filled. Send for oataloraa. ! J i VI 9 7 1 it Jf u