Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Dewglee rrtatane; Ce, 11 4-1 S. ltk St.
set . Mmn for Oe. OnttkfUtr.
Twt. Otty Irye Wer. removed ts 4t7 8.
1 It h. Ramae block. rir. .i I ,
F A. taikui Pkotorrenker. vmI"
m r-i. .,. l . .
W. W. Biagaasav, candidate for repiK-
lirea nomination tier of district court j
Bock Bprlag-s CmI Place your erd'f '
now for rrompt delivery. Central Coal and
Coks Co. of Omaha, l,th and Haraey.
er Btoek ef Van and winter woolens i
U complete. An order placed now mar be '
filled at your con rente -. Ouckart A
M-.Xor,eid. 117 . U. .
SlAttae a Wn e.iM--- i v ....
a TfftuMt pedolir. was fined 11 and costs
In poll'-e ocurt Thursday morning far doing
u sin ess without
4 per oat Utareat on deporlta la a lib- j
eral rate, and with the aaringa bank re
strictions, snakea the City Ka rings Bank
f-! Ideal flepoaitory for frugal people.
Fire ToUara for Ooll Watck Tom Meo-
ham waa fined C and cort m police court
Thuraday morning for taking a gold watcb
trnm PollH rtatar mt III Soutk Paurteveih
Trs jTasr Oottagwa J. P. Manon. arch- '
"eat. fcaa let centra-eta for t wa eattaga for
8- V. . Cotcar at TWrty-flflh and Leave.
worth eireete,- and a rottagv for A- Stryker
t Z Crskine street
CkaasTamx la rinad Thomas Lore. a
chauffeur for the Towell Automobile com-
Pta. sra ned K and eosta la police court
Thursday morning for exceeding tha soeed
limit in his chug wagon.
Tolutaxy BaakrmyVcy Walter 1L
Lrfach. a taevi.anlc of Omaha, has nied hta
oluatary peutioa rn baakruptcy in tha
Vnited Slatea district court. Liabilities
tfX Asaea fipn, wrtih usual exemptions.
Eil mi ' Wlaaa A small blaaa j
luaed rr ctmim eilertrv wires wee I
Started tn the toll hma. r,..r the rmh '
.... . . . . .
end of the Douglas street bridge W ed nes
dsy night and caused about CXI damage
tefore It could be (languished.
Teachers' ZMtttala stoma? The last
examinations for teachera of the county !
previous to tha annual institute will be j
held at tha city hall Friday and Saturday. !
Tha Inetltute will open Monday morning i
at the hlgli school bulldlr.g. to be In s-s- I
aion tha remainder of the week. j
Bwttlsmeat af ntck.a Ta-An agree-
ment has been reached as to the basis of I
aattlement of the Inheritance tax In the
Kitchen estate and Judge Lslle la draw-
Ing op the formal order of court, which j
may be aatsred Wodneaday afternoon. Tha '
terms will not be announced until tha for- t
mal order ts -Issued.
Q Btrsst te Ba Wider In committee of
the whole Thursday afternoon the county I
commissioners decided to widen tha paring i
on the t street road to aixteen feet. The !
original plan called for macadam twelve. !
fet wide down tha center
of the road. J
but the wider roadbed will be laid from
the city limit of South Omaha tor two
miles into the ooabtry.
Back as kUcklg-aa Fas rrank Meyers,
recently ai rested for the robbery la day
light of Martha. Miller, who runs a stors
on P'.fteenth and Webster streeta, will be
taken back to the state penitentiary tn
Michigan, wsero bo baa a sentence of nlr.e
yeais to serve out. The highway robbery
charge will be waiting for him wbea he
geta out
Xag-larr fog BUffa Bckool At the meet-
trig of ih
Vienirg ti
f ache
the Board of Education Monday
the selection of an engineer at thf
school building win bo takes u?
tt.e matter has caused conaiderable talk
among the members of the board, aoaso of
whom deetro" tr' retain -the present - en
glrir. Gecrge Parker, who resigned be
cause the bosrd would not grant tha In
crease In tlry asked by bins at the end
cf the Is st seheel year. -
Wast Bits for riaaUg- Mill Johnson A
McLoan are looking for a site In Onsaha
for a planing mill. This firm's mill war
the Mets brewery was burned a few
months ago and the concern moved. 10
Council Bluff a. saving a cheaper site srd
cheaper labor could be secured there.
After giving tbe Blcffs a abort trial tha
firm la ready to locate permanently In
Omaba and has acquainted the Omaha
Real Estate exchange with tbe fact that
It wishes to buy a alt.
All Crops Good, Says exk "The crup
conditions of Kansas. Nebraska aad Col
orado, to my eyea. are exceedingly gooJ."
rays Sjperioteadent Park of the I'nion Pa
cific, who la back from his trip. "The corn
is jumping every day and bida fair to sur
pass the expectations of the most hopeful,
klacjr peoplo ot the state are loeAlag up
gal coal, aa moat of them have been ap
prised of the coal aituatlon. and the threat
ened shortage this fa.lL Those who axe
faneclnx will not sate ths opportunity of
Q'Jtag up their bias while they can.
By press Oessy sales Ase TlaeA The
Walter 8. Jardius com pan y, Oma' a Trans
fer company and the McOauley Traaefer
soon pan y srere fined ?t and costs sack fey
Poltos Judge Crawford Thursday moraine
for neglecting- to take out licensee Tor all
f their wsLgona. City Uceoso Inspector
sVacoaor has ooaoplalned before that the
slg companies have not beesr living ap
to ths law la regard to ths payment of
their annual taxes ajkd thla measure was
This Glaze is JVliolesome
There i? a glaze of fresh eggs
?nd pure granulated sugar on
Arbucklcs Ariosa Coffee that
does not improve its appearance,
but keeps its aroma and flavor
intact,;and protects it from con
taminating odors" and the dust
of the store.
Arbucklea Anota Coffee complies with
tvll the requirement of the NAttoa&l Pur
Food Lwa-ffioaJ Gu&r&ntee No. 2041
tied 4vt Wsuhington ad It pure Coffee
blended for economy, fUror emd heavlth.
No timiliir coffee is sold loose by the pound,
or under any other tiame, or by any other
persons or Onus.
You have our word for it, that
no one can duplicate it or sell
any coffee as good for anything
near the same price.
to wring then, V tlsee. Every
warn In use I required to have a license.
- .,r n.oirr. was cnra u ana t --an ,
jit.ikfc Jodie Crawford Tnurwdar morning
iter dumping hie k-eds near the Tenth!
Winer aa. OflWr I
for h'.fn Thjrslav
',77 n "M!OIL
. Oo drV h lying In wait
T,nlh ,nd tenport with
a warrant
ana. knowing what the
trouble waa. .
nippeo up nve nor- and tried
to nuke i
his get-away. Goodrich followed oti foot ;
catil he found a man on a motor cycle, and !
after that tt waa easy. Vlner wae over- j
hauled and gara bond for his a i pea raooe
In court. i
Tt emtio for Garbage Ordiaeaoe Ap- ;
pearances Indicate there will be little (1!f- ;
Acuity In passing the garbage erdlniuice
rait Taeaday. II waa Introduce 1 last ;
Tueaay after a conference wltu the at-
torney of the Hotel and Restaurant Men'a j
aaaoclation, who aaid that In its present :
form hie. clients hAd little ohlectltifi to
ta temia and desired to ee how it would !
' operate before making complaints. He
j desired to see it enacted and tken confer
with the health commissioner regarding
any change which may be found to be
deslraMe in practice.
Police aVftar Boy Bwlasjaeta Complaint
recalved by the probation officers thai boya ,
tn tha neighborhood or Fort)-CH.od and !
Isard streeta are in the habit of awtmmtng
tn the old Cotton pond near that place
caual the detail of a policeman who has
been Instructed to rislt the pond each af-
temoon and to bring to the juvenile court i
any hoy found swimming in the pond. Real-
er ne'.ghoornooa aueexe trie ooys I
6o9 thrlr e,oUl! nd ,h':r ood manners
""W',oua!y and that they not only
awlaa without
ither create disturbance Ly loud and pro
fane language.
i. Woxaaa la TeaJoma of BTuabaad Mrs,
Annie Godfrey of 1W North Twenty-third
street became so jealous of her husband,
i cror.'.:m tn the atorr aha told Judge Craw-
1org tB pniio, court Thursday raomlng. that
. , . ... . . . i. . . i
' vToieniiv aasauiien jars. cxie eiisni, t
.. ,
i ri mi urinr in inc. aunr iiduiw. iiri
husband was too admiring cf Mrs
good qualities, said Mrs. Godfrey, and J
wheat she began to tell her story the court ,
waa literally swamped with language fcr '
fall five
Inutes. after which a fine of S5 '
and eosta waa summarily pronounced and
the abused wife w as led heartlessly away.
protesting ajid explainer sn:ie she went,
Hart T7p la a Tisa Clyde Roose of Red
Wing, Minn., who has been vlsltirg his
' . w . a nar-a) T-k.. ,
-unl- r- " ""JT .
-n"e7 uviir -
morning while working In a tree In Mra.
Cha''a yard. He waa cutting a limb above
hia head and when It waa severed the
weight of the branches made It kick back
nd ,he jested end caught him just 'below
the Jaw. The thyroid cartilage, or wind
PlP. w" 'lr lacerated and he has been
breathing all day throvgh the hole In his
neck. Dr. Edmundson waa called and Dr.
Fltigibbon took him to the Omaha General
hospital In the polios ambulance and
dressed hia Injuries there. - The injury is
not likely to prove fatal.
Waiter Assaults Onset Korman Kear
ney cf S3 8 North Twenty-third atre?. a
elerk la tbe Ancient Order of lri!?e
Workmen offices, says he was brutally as
ti oiiircs, sejs ec was oruiauy a - v " - r ... v
br a waiter In the Bostrn lunch ) Alice Williams, administratrix of the ea
lay afternoon He had ben wMt- I late of Ellen Williams, sues the Omaha A
Ing for some time and complained to the !
waiter about It. Another came and took
his order and while he was eating the other
came tip suddenly and struck him several
times In the face. They were separ;l
ard the, culprit was allowed to escape. A
complaint was filed aralnst him under
the name of John Doe. Joe Marcum Is said
to be the man who made the assault and.
aceordlrg to the statement made by the '
management of tbe restaurant, he had been !
la Its employ only a short time. Mr. Jonss. i
manager of the lunch room will assist in
prosecuting him
against him.
If a
Is made out
. a 1
Alwa-s get. Burnett s; take no substitute.
xew Rate, scut 1
fklrsgs, BTtlwawkee A St. Paal Ity.
One far plus CtO for round trip tO-day
ticket, en sale dally to eastern Canadian
points, aad on August A 1. M, U: Beptem
ber It, It. 24 aad 3. to New England points.
Choice ef routes east ot Chicago, stop
overs at Detroit. Niagara Falls and other
points. For rates, routes and Information,
call City Ttcktt Office. UM Farnam Street,
or write F. A. Nash, General W oaten
Agent, Omaha. Neb.
Ask for what you want and ask em
phatically. Do so through The Bee's want
columns. If ' u want an employer or an
employe you can find him In a hurry if
you take this course. The Bee will tell
your wants to many thousands of people
as quickly as you can tell them personally
to a dosea people. Tou can't afford ths
slow way.
The Texas WtMw
Cures s'l Kidney. Bladder and Rheumatic
treeblea; sold by Sherman A McCoanell
Drue Co. and Owi Drug Co, or two
tenths' treatment by maO. far ID- Dr. E.
W. Hall, a Olive 8L. St. Leula Mo. 8en4
for testimonials.
Balldlns; Perealta.
Thorn s W. Haxen. frame dwelling. Twea-ty-etghta
and "palding streeta. SlAW: A
Laaretta. repairs to building. IA Capitol
avenue. fKi.
Xeer t Oil.
rnDn innnnrrc tt irvv!rUo" for rear i scan
County Commissioners Fix 12.4 Kills
v. w.. i
" kUC kI'
Aaaeant ef Ike Total Valeatlea far i
All PirtMft, preiarlai Over freiaelai Over
Paar If and red Thousand
The Board of County Commiaaionera i
Thur4y mornlrr received the rirl of
the Board of EuaJiaatkon and then p&aeed
reeolutioua providing for the taxation of
the county, the city of Orr.ana and tha
riiiagea for Ui year i:. The city ot
Roul h Omaha rAMi.i unrtn lim own int. t
tton ao thla 1 Cot Included in the work '
of the cmmtsaleinere.
It dT:rpa that the city will tpt receive
the fu'.l amount requested by the council
either for feaeral or ainkicg fund. whHe
the school board will receive alightly more
than waa estimated from the lery It fixed
In report to the
vaJttatkHi for county
council. The total
purposes la deter
mined to be BLR 3.701 and at the rate of
11 1 n-.nie the county will recetre for all
purposes for the year eajiTT-li The val
uation cf the city la fled at t3.4M.TSl. and
the assessment of a t mills will produce
S"r?.T1i for the general fund and :..
f.ti.ys for tha sinking fund. The amounta
rueted by tba city were Sti0 for the
ffntni twi ud 6.0i) for the ainktng
The valoat'on of the school district of
Omaha Is fixed at K3.5tl and Us revenue
from tsxalion will be SMI Ml when It
aekea KUK
Ttie rate of aaaeesment tn the Tillages of
tha county are as follows: Florence. 1
ma; Bettson. IT mills; Dundee. 14 mills:
. . .,.
lUlliaro. s m.lis. sue,
t mills; Waterloo.
! Mills; ElVhom. 7 mills, ana Bennington.
jv mine
ws. l.stltSJte. so-ethl.e: arel 1st
Ike Way af Iasaae Htl
gatlon. Wednefulay was "personal damage" day
I In the office of the clerk of the district
court, all the salta filed up to noon having
to do with such mstters. One of the casea
Is unique in Douglas county, a mother
suing the alleged seducer of her daughter I
for damages bv reason of the loss of the
I time ana tabor of her minor child while the
latter waa caring for the baby. This case
Is entitled Alice Morse against Clay W.
Samuel Mancaeo. as administrator of the
estate of Enrico Elmilo, sues tho Burling-
ton Railroad company for n.JWJB fr the
death of Elmilo. which occurred near Mal-
colm. Neb., in April. Elmilo falling from
a handcar, which ran over him.
John J. Alberts sues the same company
for ta.PPo damages for permanent injuries
said to have been sustained while st work
on a SF"ch engine in Omaha ra 1905.
Council Bluffs Street Railway company
for tS.MO for the death of Ellen Williams
She allegee that on August 4 of the present
year Mrs. Williams got on a street csr
at Canton street and asked to be taken to
Thirteenth and William street; that after
getting on the car she became s'.ck snd
vomited on the floor: that the conductor
stopped the car at Thirteenth and Pine
streets and caused
starting it before
hr to leave the ear.
hed reached the
ground. . thua throwing her ao that her
head simcK the pavement; mat in mis con-
dliion the woman waa left on the street
i at midnight, suffering from injuries from
i which she died.
J In the county court Ous Caravas. who sued
the Vnlon Pacific for tl mo for injuries r-
celved when at work for the company, ac-
cepled us in settlement ot tne ciaim.
Repairs te Paved aad l'ssare4 Ther-
Jthfaree Is Belmg Pwsked
The city engineer Is rushing work for re
yairs f both paved and unpaved streets
with the object ef getting aa much work as
possible done before September 1. when it
is dc-sired to make a conaiderable red -lotion
in the force of almost every depart
ment, l
Tbis rear the engineering department has,
in common with all of the other depart-
ments. been cramped for rands and has
had mre than the usual demand upon It.
The ralr.a of the summer, while little mere
water fell than uaual. came la such shape
s to do great damage to unpaved streets
snd lnadeouata sewers. For this reason
raucb more than usual expense was aecea
aarv In the maintaining department. Powa
town the asphalt repair plant haa put Into
shape Douglas. Iodgs snd Hsrney streets
and Capitol avenue from Tenth to Sixteenth
streets and Is post working on ths cross
streets In that vicinity, with the ob.lect of
getttrg them In shape for winter before the
reduction In force takes place.
There Is s-mc complaint In the office sa i
to the disposition ot certain funds The
law requires money set sside for Inspection
work to be placed In the public works fund.
The council set asld for this purpoee.
but so tar It haa not been placed In the
fund designated by law. The sewer fund
has also seen weed to pay for certain work
.. i.,., ...t t the aewer district. 1
but when property owners bsve paid the
money It has been placed la another fund '
.... ... m v -. . w .it. I
and this Is a4 approved by the city en
glnetr, who Insists thst the funds from
which the money is originally taken ahould
e reimbursed when tbe cash comes to the
jKext Ceaveetlea Will Be Cewvte-d by
PoJseer as Cesasaerrtal
Postmaster H. E. Palmer, with ths assist
enc of the Commercial club of Omaha,
will make a determined effort to secure the
annual convention of tbs National Asso
ciation ef Postmaatera ef the first class for
Omaha In 1M. The convention will be held
this year at Erie. Pa., from August to U.
and Captain Palmer will depart for Erie
la a few days to brgta tbe campaign for
tbe 1M convention for Omaha.
This convention Is ths most important
gathering ot postmasters In tbe country
aad Includes the postmasters of sll ths
seeding cities of the I'nlted States Last
yesr ths convention waa held at St. Louis
and was attended by several of the krads
of the P s toffies department, including the
postmaster general. At ths Erie conven
tion nest week Postmaster General Meyer
and several ef the beads ot tbe depart
ments will be present and It Is also ex
pected President Roosevelt may be there.
"I think we can get the convention for
Omaha next year. aetd Captain Palmer,
"but te do so we must ke assured ths
hearty operation of the business men
of the city. Buck a convention will bring
U us tbs very class of saea from an parts
of the Cnrted rtta'.es thst we want to visit
aad see Omaha and its capabilities and
posslMltttee. I did aat Intend te attend the
oosrveattca this year, but In view ef the
probability of a ere ring the national sou
that I can to bring It her
nil t beiteve that we t,a1 be amecessf ul."
PUMrnncT Id
Atlesred trrllfe In barter Trraled
as Bad Mae la A r-
1 narie "inw1 Kurapnrey. toe third
!at of the bo) accused of the murdrr of
Haa Fak in July, wee landed m the Omaha
city jail at f 3" Thursday morning. De
tective S. 8 Prismrny returned with Mm
from Ravender., Ark . where he waa caught
In the heart of the mountain region.
"They were evidently a'ra,d of the yc ung
rc""w- rrummy. as they kept Mm
U'gchalned and whenever he was moved
from one place to another two men with
drawn revolvers followed him."
He Is about 3 years of ag an-1 was
formerly employed at the Iler Grand hotel
as a bell boy. Hi sister took him from
Ft Lou La. where he was in hiding with
Willis Allraack. another of the murderers,
and they went together to Memphis. Tenn.
Pumphrey went alone from there into Ar
kansas. Pumphrey'a sister had enraged John O
Teieer to act as his attorney, but when
Mr. Teieer applied at the jail Thurs-tay
morning to sea bis client be was refused
that privilege. Mr. Teieer. however, wes
Dot la be outwitted, and ba went around
to tkc outside of the Jail and yelled through
the window to Pumphrey to keep quiet and
tall his story to no one until ha had a
chanos to talk to him. He then went Into
district court and demanded a mandamus
to compel tha prison authorities to allow
btra to consult his client, bat on the ad
vice of the Judga the privilege wss granted
without the writ. In accordance with his
advice Pumphrer has refused to tell his
version of the aJIalr. although personally
be said he would rather make a clean
breast of it and have that part of It over
with. He seems more tmpra.saed with the
gravity cf the aituatlon than his two al
leged accomplices, Mullen and AllmacV.
fays Raa Cars s Left Has! Track i
to Meet tkt Habit of
Joe MiV, passenger director at the Burl- i
ington station, ha solved the problem of
teschlng the women of Omaha the proper
manner to alls.t from street care. Mr.
Mik's rropositlcn Is based upon the theory
lhat the WOmen are right in holding on to
tn hand rail with the right ban J and
tn4t the error lies with the rtrwt car
company, which should run Its cars on the
' eft hand track Instead of the right hand.
"ve make a mistake in trying ts reform
people and to teach them to bold on with
(the left hand." said Mr. Mik. "It is not
;rst'jral to hold on with the left hand. Most
: people ere right-handed and therefore they
take hold with the rigrht hand when they
j (rt ff csr.
"Now. my propo!"cn is t0 change the
cars and run them on the left hand tra'-k.
This could be done wl'h very little trouble,
1 0n the eun-mer cars all that would he
necessary would be to change the woven
wire guard from the side on which it now
la to the other side. Then the cars would
be to run on the left hand track and
then the women In taking hold of the hand
rail with the right hand would be correct
i god tney could not tall.
-The street car convpacy wouij not ned
j to advertise and instruct the pec-ple in the
( correct way of aiigtiUng. because it would
; be natural."
i jr. Mik has promised to aiite some
! poetry i support of hla pressed radical
i reform.
Defeeltlas: Asreat ef at. Lewis A
i Fraeetsce Railway Lodged
a( Ousks.
T.v. , ... .v.. o t .
UIIU AVer KWW save .am e a ea, as e t r, es
I defaulting agent of the Bt Louia A ban
I anei9C rt,t)wty at Okmulgee, I. 'f ., was
arrested at Buahnell. Neb., by Deputy
j f iti states Marshal U A. Sammons,
takn before Vatted States Commissioner
I Mark Spanogla at Bridgeport and bound
1 over In the sum of C00C to the I'nlted States
district court for the Indian Territory die
trict. In default of bail he was brought
to Omaha and lodged ia the tiouglaa county
Jail, to await tbe issuance of an order of
rmoval to Okmulgee.
LRoy Is charged with embetxling t j
worth of tlcketa at Okmulyee in April, then
diaapriearlrg. He was finally located at
Bushnell. Neb-, where be had secured em-
piovment as night operator for the Cnloa
i Paclflc He waa traced to Bushnell by
I Special Agent H. A. Thompson of the
j "Frisco system, and the complaint tor his
j arrest was made before I'nlted Slates Com-
miss ioner Anderson st Omaha, and the
warrant placed la ths hands of Deputy
Marshal Sammons to serve. LeRoy wet
employed at Bushsell under tbe name of
W. 8. Lawrence. He made no resistance
to arrest, but on his t.-xam?natlon befara
' Commlsssloner Senpogle be entered a plea
j of not guilty and waived examination. He
. had been emplcye! as night operator at
j Bushnell tor about two months.
1 , ,
JUVtNiLt LAW - IU tSttlUUd
Cesr Will Be Seat te tksw Beath
What at
Probation CmVer Bernstein will send to
Chief Briggs of South Otnit.a a copy of
the JuvenUa court lsw together with a
requesting mm 10 see me terms
of the lsw are observed by ths officers of
te police force of that city.
vii AflAn t talceti r-ni ut of the fre
quency with which the law haa been ig
nored in the Magic City. A few weeks ago
a girl under the age of 1 years was sent
te prison by the police Judge; later a amall
bey waa held ' for a day. This w- the
child of a Mrs. Morgan waa kftvj in the
jail over night and the probation officer
oot permitted to take her to a hospital j
where she coul receive tkeoeesary af.en- ,
Hun snd Thursday morning . 11-year-old '
negro boy was louna to fcavs spent two
nighu in the city Tall.
The case of the negro boy Is now before
the Juvenile court. The lad baa filled Us
head with thoughts of life la the wild west
until be Imagines ths deeds of his heroes
are his own. He was making preparations
te tola a wild west show where he In
tended to show the public bow a diminu
tive negro could ride and shoot when he
was taken up by tbe police.
Healtkt Destartsaeat Peers Ktreaeae
Tea Tkeasssl Peeade tee
si seed fresa t blraae.
About lao prvncls ol beef, shipped from
Chicago te Scbwartxchlld A Bulsberger at
Omaha, have been condetined. and de
stroyed by the city health department. The
consignment arrived in Omaha Wednesday
In bad rendition, aaid to be ths result of
delay tn transit. The company refused te
accept It and the railroad company agreed
te Its eels oa its own account, tbs packing
company to be paid tbe d ffereace la the
value of the goods as they were shipped
l&d what was realised from tne sale.
Tbe cvns.STirr.ent constated c r about goes. ,
pounds, and the inspector found that a'J
cf the meat In the outside tiers had become
tainted, but about two-tohrda o? tha cargo
wag IU Ivi fOtfd Tbs stale coat aas give
r.cad thee quotationa from busintsa men and stulcr. .a vho have vis
ited our school:
"I had no idea you had such elegant rooms."
"I am going to take my shorthand course with you."
'That a the finest method of Bk-keeping 1 ever saw."
Tou have the finest and best lighted rooms of any coilere In the city."
"I wish I didn't have a life scholarship in another school. 1 would
like to finish the course with you."
xobt (in otra womo ro it, btjt comb astd gri fob tott-
fjj 17th and Farnam Streets, jj.
9 'Phone Douglas, 6619. Omaha, Nebraska.
25. J,JUI"1 pTt-mber 2nd Will be the largtst enrollment In its history.
OXXXBAI. XBrOBMATIOB New 1100 000 build ng and equipment. Rated anvrg
the ten larpeet srhoo.s in the U. 8. Has a body of ex-sttid-rts of over 10 0"0 Kv
rolla over 1.10 every year. Courses thorough. Strong faculty of specialists Fr're
lture course, literary soe'ety and gymnasium. Can work for board if desired. All
graduates placed in posit'on.
Catalogue sent free. Write today. Address stohrbottgh Bros, Omaha, Bah.
Cadets' rsomi all single. Iarce corps it
university graduate Instructors. Splendidly equlfped phvsical and chemical labora
tories, mariuil training ahopa. library, etc driwirg snd ciosic Non-sectariari aril
cornb!Tes home influ-nce with military discipline, dr. II. systematic phvslcal culture
ar d hih educations! stjindards. llnroiltrent limited and on.y bova of ' good charac
ter admitted. Early a;.p,!cati jns advised. Tuition HvO. Write for illustrated cata
logue. Bf'X In.
CoL Geo. . Burnett. X,L. B X. A. (West Point KO) BttperlaUadest.
htaj. Lcds B. Zawtca (West Point '3. Commaadaiit.
Wentworth fllifitary Acs demy
OUt1 a:iJ Larrrs: ia tbe MkIu West. Act!TeT.".fi. Arniyofficer
deiaiiod by the War rVrortmrnt. Class A. 1'repsres for rniversl
tiei. Government- Aesd-mies or Bnr.c. f-fi.Crxi m irr.prove-ra-n-s
now beinr eemp'eiel. Rates .CO. Srsrratc dryznxseat lor
saun scrL Catalogue fre. AcHre.
The Ccllege A l'ti:ertny Irai&ed Faculty. Literary work
I;ven IS majors credit by the I'niverslty cf Chicago.
'J he Conservatory Herman Standards.
Courses In Art. Eirut:--u. Business snd Cooking.
Write for vaiitic-gue and trims to Pres. John W. Millions.
A. M, 1S05 College Place. Mexico. Mo.
Kewniu4 rrrMr schcwl for at veonrl rnmesity as 1 !-eiTs ecl'ew. anry
cBoT from KSTt lw eii to srhfoi t lrrt Y.XVrA la t!i(h r;ui ty War
tieiiutaDi. 1 -i cat:ce;a.tilil'i iL r. a-seaxstex. )e ku, hmu a.
Creighton University
j cqli.OIATT3 JtD B3QB SCatOOI
'Srrwa Tears rreel
Medicins Law
-Dentistry Pharmacy
rer rail Xnforxcstiom Apply to
Ysrtewe Bepertaaeata
Central Holiness
A new school with a great beginning.
Laat year, its firm a mr clous success.
A school where the moral and teiltf
loaa s.oe of i.fe Is giten a A
safs piSA-e fcr tbe young.
blroi.g course. New tuildings with
steam Rates very reasonable. Tui
tion: $l.u ter week; board. ti.C'J. rtom
with light and heat c to 11.00.
tepartmenta: College of i ' trM Arts.
Academy. School of Theology. Norma
t-ct.ool. School of Oratory. ck-hOcl cf Mukic
Fall term orna Pert- IT.
Ct'!p"rie free Addreea.
CrjlTTtlli HOX.lBSS TJTrrv"TmlTT
Uaivsrstty y ark. Oakaioosa, lows,
Where Shall I Send Him
Yeur awr's smai nm Ocpraea larseif epos feis caas-
1st fcaisa Our bora era .-m:T.t4 a.aa
ealanit., aurn.iiide viuk ni; toaiitasa last
ItP ta! to o,. tei. ml caaraciar Bers tn
J?! JS.!?2'SL T,X
raw la nair au.ualKeS. Kas tira-sraat
tat'.aivsa- g'fT Bbc4r aSt-SBtac. Special Sa
inm l tar bars I ta 11 rar- ta tot Catalog i
Kearney MfHtgry Academy,
Re eras y. Nek,
CTTER COLLEOB- For Young Ladles
fciudjuits Irom iJ t!lat-e. Number select
snd unlimited 10 teachers. Depart men is
under specialists. Aptoninents ot tie
highest order. Recommended by leadiiig
i: en of the U. S. fen far t'nt- sue .)..
B P. CabeU. D. D.. pres.. B" lin Green.
stiu coxz.roB or oiteotatwt.
rvs Moines. Ia. Tbe standard Osteopathia
oiiege of America. tVe hms mm caiis for
our graduates than we can supply. Ternt
Uvtr.s be;L lttb. Catalogue O.
a bath of kerr.pene and consigned to the
fertilixer plant of a local concern, while
the remainder waa disposed of In tbe best
a.anner possiine.
The Dollars at tear Deer.
The dollara you want are knocking at
your door. The people you seek are pro Li
ar, ly reading The Bee at this very mmute.
The )cb you want is waiting for you. Tru
man who wanta you expects to find yc-u
In ths want columns of The B. Don t
h4t ,ma, iTora the dollara at
come out and gather tbern in.
your door.
One little
Bee want ad will do It.
lists Boot rrial it.
Coll f OS
A ii iiss U
TstiEaaArarr. tiouii aad xlocvtiox.
rrea fctsiogae. Address.
H. B. ItOYLES, rrr-RiJent.
lBOa HABJfBT ITBalXT. OktAKA, XClkllC v.
J7r S7
The only military academy whose super
intendent and commandant are both West
Point grsdustes. Piant cost ISf'O.000 and Is
modern, ssnitsry ar,d abs"iute)v fire pr.vf
A MO.OPv a--mnaslum. l.ppa seres of wood.
lAkes. parade gro'ind and athletic field.
IfTZ SlCKfTAKY, Box M. Lrttnfftttn. Ma,
$1,000 FER YEAR?
McCartney Institute
lFOl raraaat street.
Complete courses In Short v..
i wri'U.g. BokeeHns. Commercial Law
j 1 rnouinskip and College preparatory work."
Able prolessors In each department,
j lay and eienirg sessions.
j Call, or Tel. Doug
1S40 JT. Mertd-ss BUJzUUaaapoUa, tad.
Boarding and Day School. Coilegs
Preparatory -General CV-urse -peciAl
Coarwrs In Music, Art. Culture.
Name Trench and Oerman Teachers.
j n.iia.uui Private grounds fjr
letlcs. Bhle Study in ail Depart
ments, ii.iupet.oid ticlrrne. ltd Day
Pupua. 15 bOirrt;cg j urlia. Certli.cate
admits to such collet? as Vu-tir,
Welleasey, Snith. University of Chi
cago and Cornell.
Mlts FRi.rOMA ALLEN, ph.
Prin-lpal. Cornell I'niteraity.
v . , . .
A- M,
Chicago Conservatory
Xelli. 14SS. SUM earSiaa. syae. I
(M'ieM aa bsat arkoal fe tbiroczk taeatnt of
Tkia et-hnl aivai-a aaa:at.ia lA k iskaas auaa.
area el ani .. m. p ioj can ta a4
aaaat aaiMtila iRacrMHora. lr .! are e'l
enail leJ iinwi aewaiit) Faireiit oi slai
Mt l tne lalereaUKS aftleiaa.
ia. Ckiaova, Ml.
Ftair.mrniig or btieech iviec'-S
Medical refarencea and Inrormatioa
I about ire ecbool furnished vu ai pll-
. stion
bam ax Btmsaro. omaba. btzb.
Elglland Park College,
Oss kUtaas.
a rs. 69 fll aaxta eewSJHia ( f aaoecrv aawae-
&b S.a.a lix l-ana f iieuaiva bQa.teiit,
A fsmity "C afr-a.:ii. tee o.dseu asai.altj .
tut sn4 seii sx s.
t. OaSM! a. 1MM ttaMl
ft. suii a. mii i ia, iiimiii
a II I i H'l I. UmmW IL IllIll
a. nq a iti e ai iwimi ia. aa
ttlsica FU faa saMLMI fill CA Ittt.ln Bnass a)
Aa ideal scnooi for hii. ttira. t.eautl
fuliy situated is the "t.lli ountry of
llliraois Ore hour from fatcagu. th
year Per.u f'-r fir iro(-etus
B0B1VB BUI.U rria, Woelstock. IU.
is uaa BeaaftUe. Cwaaa-la4 Vauef. Cm
laa U .- et a S sa.4 ktaa-
aw. ait a sacaa escaUrkC tamltr. caaaa.s a ecasi
.4 ae. .! nlu aallate M H MUelLK. ye
Bk. rsss. M tenaae Aae, Ckerrasrs fa.
Information concernlrg tVe afl
vsrtares. istrs extent of frur-rv-'lum
and other data atxiut
the best schools and roliegea
can be obtained from the
School and College Informa
tion Dureaa of
All Information ab-ljtely free
nnd imrartlsl Ctsls?ie of
any partJrular school cheer
fully furnished upon request.
edre-ts ef ornorvantHes
ail taofte Ctn oetest Se
ttiem. lbs defltc4
srg m-c ana wtrDire
thlnrs fr eiceedi the
Fit 1 celf i.r sucresA
boTKtrstiie tnti iiesBt ra-
ftti graduate w .. tell roa lass si
normal College
r.sVC t-n An If
ekesply aad
oourses are;
l-Kr-crtiT. m rf ltd. txu
rm ormal .
Te&rKer' Cr I Si-, tm
elentitir. I Iterarv. flasale. le.
fsrsteri. Ruslnee. Fhortband,
ipewrillna. Art. MiUr.ll.
riittoa. C nreeioeittice Csre
end Seramer konl Beieranytinei
L R- ffcre retiaid b g. Itat'ttfeluw
est. w nie lor f ree Knlietla.
1 A imtt. Pts.. Ih tl . tosuKsasa. la.
us about
We will send you catalogue and
school information of any kind which
you cannot obtain so easily ia any
other wav. The service is
No chi'pe now r at any other
time. The following ctae of
schools are included in this offer :
1. Ce'trf a: 4 l'niernei.
2. Bert' ef Oitlt' Prart'Sierr SciMoU.
s.'Soit trt Ceilrfct hM )oai
sti!MBrr Sc honlt.
Busier Cnl'.rrct.
Mil t tr Anktkwe
Norwll it Soot.
DrMki Scsaolt.
Psatsiacsi sckools
Lev k'baift.
Tetrrrips tri Ttdrt gcSwls.
TrfmiirBl 9cro'1t.
Trsirisf Sctieoli ft Kftrtas. tec
Cnrrrtpoc. srficc St be..
Edacatfonal LnlormallonBartraa
0 Klalvel Wnltdlnsi. St. I owtn. Mew '
Liy,i. ji , 'r;'i,;","ii're
It i
I f rea ds
M J stii.rlr.
S3 m is ss
iBrownell llali
1 A boarding and day School for Toung
Women and Oiris Students holding cer
i tificates covering in fuli t;ie entrsnce re
i qulremer.ts cf a stanCerd Univer
I sity. are admitted eitiiout exin.n.atl-n
I to Junior year in advance course, t'ertl-
f:cate in co:irge rrtaratory ci.jrae auintisr'
I t, mar, Wcilrbuy, Mnlih. ML Holyoke.
i. in, tun. fi isc'tnsin
ant L'r.iv. of Chicao Exceptional adtan
ts.s in Music, Art anJ l-o.-iiestic Science.
Well equipped (tyniuas uni and cutduor
shorts Students mothered sympathetically,
by wumcn of larxe practical experience
with girls in that li:grly important forma
tie pti:--d between fjuitetu asd tweaks'
one years of ape.
Send for Illustrated Tear Book. Address
Mlaa Macrae, Principal, umaha.
University of
Notre Dame
A Catbollc Couere
Bvery Biscatloaal Advaatage
Bvery Moral Baisg-aard
IS buiiuiiigs la Pi vl rftfcol s
Courses In Ancient scd Modern Lan
ytifegea. Kr.srljsh. History and Eco
nomics, tnemtstry. luoiogy. rtiar
iiiici. CIvlL K.r trlcaL Chemical and
Mechanical Engineering. Architecture.
U, bhorti.aud, Bjos Keeping, Type-
air1 tin g.
TXBMSi Board, Tmlti ra aad Isia-
ry $400. Special Department for
oys Oncsr ia AoSreas Tae
Bsv. John Cavanangh. PreetAeat.
How about the bov
your boy?
What school for 1907-08?
The book called "The right
school for your boy" gives many ,
help, xil suggestions. We send
it ai.d cur catalogue, without
cost, if you ask for it.
Racine College Grammar School
Racine, "iicoriin
A rimMII Malt
AeaA eWAAA Ch.cego, 111.
Te Lead:c f :hoo of Mstic sad Dramatic Art
TstMl.SiCOSDIHiON. reveaty aai
est instnartors. I'ssmrput ted cotirae ot srodr.
Teachers T ra:oiftg arrmect. Litn'nnsaed
TeacTer s Cemacatea tVeeiwaiaaf cer Atttm Thin tree and one ku vired partial srttoiar
frupt awarded annaallv to talented stoorets ot
j tailed Bturi. f'sii lerni begins September
147. Catajomta maid iree.
Ivl iti.i-Ctaas tel. stKeUSc ai aaaeairal aea.-s,
ac.AJja.Mr aa aurnsiiae lasa sam saaJaa tas
;Ma ex aa ran relinae er selrawus.
oaLHSj. sx. ttcxi-siaaaa iarr sj
ceixe. Cn.ia4e sraaa4.
fOKsIE VSTont-Tkeers ml sssata.
ia..s. eloc-mea a&S sjv
CMlHl CC..Vxr.TlCJNfc-ri-.-. Has sag Beritas
ie rsUsa,. raw ItoHrs iwmHanae
aaatnas frae'laau WsAtearca, aaJwaa, atae.
gsr sUBtgAili
has recent iy tuoved new quart-
eis In It. Heal Estate Exchange
bJ.ldit.g. llth and t-arnaov It will
:ci.Mi:n Ita cr.aracier aa a seleet
acr.oui fur the train. ng of stebe-
a,i aphera
Ii;nbiri!f d Uisle Sckeol.llll r.riam
a dar.
ty Ma. I
than lftr
fate th
at the
store ot the rerfleld knaave Ce, Osaaka.