Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1907, Page 9, Image 9
ITTi: OMAHA DAILY BEE: MOXPAV, AT'OfST 12. 100. f OFFERED FOR SALE Mleeellaa Cwattaaed. fOR BALK Two Id-hand IflO li. p. tubular boilers ) tnehee In d'smeter. 16 feet Wg. with fronts and connections, now In tie at eur laotorys wa are about t re- Jiara them with larger ones. Will !! heap, Omaha Cooperage Co., JOth and I 't, Ikiulh Omglia. Neb. 16 o PATENTS D. O. BARNKLL patent attorney and mi Mil designer, Faxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. . (17) MI07 mi LARSON CO.-Ixok free. Bee Bldg. (17J K JPERSOlAl OMAHA ld. Btmn.erer- Institute, Rn IKWIPM1 bihIiImi rented. Nab. Cycle Co., lata and Harney. 'Phone Dour I. (18-sM MAGNETIC i Inter. I a an balk. Mm SnUtti. IIS M. 1UD, 2d floor. (IM ato fEW bargains to Id-hand fad a fountains, monhly payments. Iertht. 111 (amain. . tvu tu ECZEMA absolutely curel by W. A. Paxton gejtr. s. 4. actutueu. ggt., vvarti. magnetic vissrf-ras:- poet I. Ubi Farnam St.. id floor. ., (M-Mt8-AJ TWINGES, rubber goods, by mall; eut price, tana (or free catalogue. Myors Dilieo Drug Co., Omaha. (Ik)- tWABSAOll bath, manicure, chlropldlst facial and acalp apecltfllat. 1S24 Dodge St., rth, Opp. J. a 118)-M07 lEx A FAIR, aweet aatln akin aecured Uklng fcatln akin cream and face powder. 26c HIE SALVATION ARMY enllclta cast-off clothing: In fact, anything jrott do not eod. Wa eellect, repair and aall, at 114 K. llta It, for you of collecting, to the woitn poor, cau pnona iJoug. fsa anq wagon will call. in. (Iaj-U TOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha a atranger are Invited to vialt the Toung woman a Chnatian Aaaoclatlon room, UII Farnam (treat, where they will be ' directed to eultable boarding placea ol otherwlae aaalatod. (18r-13 FRIVATB CONF1NEMKNT HOMEl-Mra Vt. King, W ti. Wth St. Tel. Poug. fta TUB ELITE ftr.rtm lady operator eal gelldua run. Room 'M, Barker Ijloclt, tath and Farnam. New eetahlinhmont. .... n)-M0O12x r , , . WANTKP Jeraey oow. to paature. 839 N, T. L.'Xe. US1-M522 13z REAL ESTATE BAL JHTATB DBALBHI, ItVBflBLTw. M'KITRICK CO.. i Ramga, (l-i2 TURRJELX If Pattaraon Elk. Doug PATNB INV. CO, m Boor N. T. int. . L. Dou L O. PBTBRA CO., Bee Bldg. at)-MT U W. BUNNELL, Donglaa ' co.. sa N. T LI f ALFRED C. JianH Bids. KKNNKDT. WW Ft ret Natl "mane Douglag 1U- OEORQM COMFANT. pE1! Tarnra. , Tel. Oouglaa "H . ' , (l)-ai C. M. RICH. Utti Locuat. Tel. Web. 1474. ivn-mnx CITf PROPBRTT rOH gALB. EAT- K-'fiTATE TITLE-TRTJTBT r n t; Aft. K. WILLIAMSON. Prea Ul HI t)R BALE Five-acre tract of land In Be' ana, the block from car, gultaole far flaming or ror improvement; an ocpor unity for aeraeone, AdAr fir tttg WALNUT HILL . $3,000 f l S830 SEWARD ST tVant otter, part terpjg if desired, for this good seven-room dwelling, modern except furnace, with pice south front lot, on paved etreet, .$4000, . , 3854 SEWARD ST Vant offer,, part term U desired, for this good nine-room dwelling; hot water heat, rorcalain bath, gas, ety water, eta., with ull south front lot, on paved street. owner ha moved from city. Wants to lse the money and proposes to bell. want an of- GARVIN BROS.. '1904 FARNAM ST. (W) tie BOt'fB and lot. nearly new, rooms, re ception .hall, modern except furnace. B324 N. Wlh Bt. (W)-M6 li r - ' IS.M0 lfiOt-1501 South, 28th bt., oorner lot, 50x11 reet; twe eotiag!s; rent in-r roonthi room far (we more cottages or flats. Euxy lerma, . THOMAS BRENNAN, Jloorn 1, New Turk Life Bldg. U leokUDS for L I or 7-room aottage oa your own urpis, 'pajone Wee. 1 LIST your property . Udand Cuming 8ta. with Curls Boyen tl9)8U . WHO' WANTS THIS? Revaswvoom cottage, full lot. barn, ear flags house., fruit trees. 1 blo-ks feem Vvest leavenworth car, 11,790; one-half cash, balance terms. Inquire 14114 Farnam St. CIXSE IN; EASY PAYMENTS -room house, located at M20 Pierce St.: lot Oxlso, fronting on two streets; eeuer, gat, 1 nting on two streets; seer, gat, ? lJ, water and partially modern rlu'ihi house aloelr papered 1 price only U.9U). ash. balance same as rent. C. O. CART.BERO. IU N, Y. LIFE BLDC1. (19 M6u7 FOR AL-1-room houe. lit 61(131, in good locality. Iirqulre sTUr I n m nt fall Spegcer at. . (191 M 647 12x Flve-rom cottage, fully modern, hot , water hat, three block of oar pn North 11th. rrlte, IJ.tVO; eay terms tat 140 feet vacant, faces on the bniKvard end two other streets. A bargain at 11. :m. Some bargains In farms In weatern Iowa gitd eastern Nebraska . RANDALL REALTY CO., Pbope Douglas Uii. M Bee Building. (19 M67S 13 REAL ESTATE flKM AND KAAIU l.AnU FOR SALV .WANTED Agents to represent as In the ale ef eur Kansas lands. Write for par. LloUler. Osualie, Here, MIQQB I r "' sua in, wm k mi c ti v mw Nib. tJMt-es Hefesmekuu It ACRES two miles west of Florence, oa fewd road, wart In grove, some fruit, a fine platoe for some one; a bargain at fct.seO; easy tertua. Seybolt. TUphon Webater lare, -i4244 t . . .TOR BALE Tw tracts of 480 acre each, abe-ut fifteen ntiWa southeast of Sidney. Neb., about - lx mile from elation on V'nloa Paclflo and same distance from tattea on B. M., tin per aare. eeeh, balance la nine annual payments. . Tbia la epea for few daya only. Address T Ikl eare of Bee office. (au) M487 la f " " .. .BAROAINS. MO aore Improved fsj-m, Ij. IS acre Im proved farm, 8u. Is acre tmpreved farm, 871, 14 acre Improved farm, tao. Western Land fret IU pmr acre ua. Ad- fnat A- J, Ytblt Invest, Co., lrona, Burt Csv, Me, , -M36UJ REAL ESTATE FiBM Amu HAM H LAND POH ALB Nebraska Contlnaea1. I IIAVB anma choice rsrrches In Nebraska and Wyoming, also auma good ferns In esrtern Nebraska and South Dakota, Ira r roved and tin Improved, at bargains, lav noma choice trading propositions for storks ef goods and Incoma property. If you are In the market for anything o this kind write to me and tell me "hat Sou want for I can rill the hill. Address . P. Falter, plattsmouth. Neb. (2v MT01 14 FIRST-CLASS Nebraska tarmg end ranch for homea or investment, Bemta, Omaha, BARGAINS IN FARMS-For llt of porn, IfaKa and winter a heat farms write J. T. Campbell. LlUhfleld, Neh, (201-M171 17x Boat Daketa. TRIPP COUNTT OPENINO-ror full par. tlculars write Triip County Land . and Abstract Co. Dallaa. . D. W-Ml 2 REAL ESTATE LOANS LOAN? on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, (tie First National bank Bldg. (22-.'. LOANS on Imnroved Omaha property. O Keele K. E. Co., 1001 N V, Life iiit t- tl,one,060 TO LOAN en bnaHieee and reat- aence property in Uminn; lowest rte; no delay. Tiiomaa Brennan, Room 1, N. T. Life. C-ih-tO WANTED City loana and warrants. W arnam Bmltlt Co 1U Farnam BL tai-194 t00 TO 440,000 TO LOAN at lowrM rat, 110 delay. UAKViN tJKClb. 10O4 FAKNAM. t22)-K? PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. IB Doug. MONET TO LOAN-Payna, Investment C LOWEST RATES Bemla. Paxton Block. VUJt WANTED City loans. R. C. Patera It Co. WANTED TO BORROW WANTED TO BORROW 11,000 to enlarge a good paying business witn prtveicge to reduce loan yearly. Ad. dresa W T76, Bee .4)-tl WANTED-TO BUY CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foye Co.. 11) 8. I4tb, Pbone Douglas U3L v f26)-ll WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture, cook ana neating stoves, carpets, lino, leuma, office furniture, old clothea an shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts and all kinds of tools; or will buy thl furnlturo of your house complete." Will buy antique or mahogany furniture. The highest prices paid. Call the right man. Tel. Douglaa W71. - () M46 AogtS CARD CABINET of IB to card by I inches: state cheap. At. area L K2. Bee, 26 drawers for price: must b CfD-MI . WANTBU. Oeneral stork of merchnndls-; Slve particulars In first letter. AddreFg S.CnnibiMdgea. (jMjlii31 WANTED TO RENT WANTEX) To rent, furnished and unfur. nished rooms for light housekevplng Omaha Rental Co., SOS N, Y. Life Bdg,A Tel. Douglas I4M. (2 MWJ Aug20x . - a , 1 1 WANTED TO RENT By man and wife, 4 or 5 rooms for housekeeping, with hea( preferred; muet be In good neighborhood, P. H. Johnson, Dept. "Mgr., Ifayden Bros. (S)-MC3 llx WANTED SITUATION WANTED POSITION II years' experience bookkeeping and office work In real estate, department store, lumber, grain and mill Inc. E. R. Pease, Fremont, Neb. (27) Ml 99 A YOUNO man 21 years old Danlah) wishes position In grocery areTef- - talks little English; used to that business. Ad drees A U, Bee. () M4I2 16x POSITION WANTED Bv all around clerk I a worker: 11 years experience in geperai i merchandli Reasonable waaea. Be references. Box 111. Oakland. Neh (ttJrdMjMJ? RAILWAY TIME CARD t'NIOIV TATtOJT.lOtm AND Sf AtOT talon Paelfle, Leave. Arrive, a 1:40 pra MS " a t-.m ant a 8:B prs a 1:11 pm a a :i pm :11 P Overland Limited I The China and Japan. .m 1:66 ata Fast Mall Coin. A Calif. Ex If " .....a I SO pre Caltforna Ore. TEX Lea Ancelea Limited. a 4:00 bm al2:K pm aU:6S bra Colorado Special North Fiatte Lacat a 12 era Beatrice Local a t:4 am Wabash. St. Louis Express a t'JO pro m 1:10 erg Bt. Louis Local (tma Council Pluflal a M nU:ll pre 6tsnberry Local (from Council Bluffs) .,.. It prnbi0:l g Mtraoarl Paalno. K, C i Pk L, Exp a 100 am a K. & aV St. L KYp.,...ell:l P l t P" Nebraska Local a 1:0 pm all:0 ai thluaso, Blllwaakaw M. at. ratal. Chicago V Colo-. Special, liit am UaOt are Cailf. to Qinon klxp... l Upm ij6 pn Ovorland Limited :& pm 14' " th !' IUa Y Paelge. BAST Chleaga Limited ......... t:48 am all M pra Iowa Local .....a 1 . am a 4:30 pm Dea Moines Pass A t.tjt) pm a 12:30 om Iowa Local :. nil. 40 km b U pi Chicago tEascern Ex.) a 4:80 pm ' a 1:21 pig Chicago Fiyor a 1:04 Din a 1:3s ata. Rocky Mountain Lrati.all prn Colo. & CaL Expreaa... 1.3i pin a t; am a 4:40 nra tiki Texas Express.. a 4:40 pm a 1:41 brg Lincoln A Falrburv Past a 1:46 araal:ll ain ihtvawo rtira. Chicago l'ayl'.fclit i:S in alt :M pre 8u Paul-U apolla Exp.. a T:60 am al0:00 pio Chicago Local elk:, am a 1:21 pra Siuux City fuSMngoC-..e 1:W em a 1:1 p.s Chicago raseng .....a i. . 4. A pi a 30 aia 4.04 pra a I 10 aig i v.nii:eHti viin;ii .. I ft- Paul-M'pohe Lretd..a : pra v. . '" " "?7I Overland Limited alO:00 pi ) Fatt ilall ., 1 Bloux city Local a : pra a l a ar a I kO a a 1 36 p n a 7:t am a .U aji Faat Mall Twin k-uy LlmttaS.. . I::K pm Overland Liiiuiad ....a 13 pm Norfolk-Hor.estael ... .g 1:40 am. Ltnroln-Chadrvo ,. a; 0m 1 adwood- Inuolo ,i.t l O pro Caarjer-&nnajirt ...... a k ow i nt 10.U arg U:3n a: a 1 .06 pm a t t pig Haatlngs-3U(flor ......b 1:00 pro b 1:0b pip riemont-Ailiioa 6:01 pm- bl'2:60 pi I os Ang tir Uiolted.. a l:fc pin e12 38 ma HUMLI-NUTOiSI T,-0'l'll A Mtlp.1 Barltagtua, Leave. Denver M California..., a 4:10 pro Nort sweat Bie,lal a 4:10 pin PLauk 11 ula a 4 W pot Northwest oipre ..,..a 1:10 pm bk-brasKS points a e oo gm Nebiaska Express a :K am Lincoln Fast Wall b 1:41 pm Lincoln Local Lineeln Local Lcutavllle A plattwn'tb.b 1:10 pm Ballovu-Plst'smouth ..a I.1" :n Ar rre. a 4 l prg a 4.10 pig a 4:11 p. a 4 44 Zii a 1:10 prg a 1:14 p I!:J P'l b 1:0 ant a : pn b 10 1:0 a s a Ltf sa VlV p i a :4i a:a 11:41 prg a l it pnt 1 all to ant all -to am a 4 In am !:! pre Plaiiainoutn-lowa kill ia fcWlavue-l'iattarnouia .. Denver Limited .all:tt pre Chkaa-o Siwcial-..., a 7:i am riiiLaao K 1 nresa 4.10 ne Chicago Flyer a 1:30 pnj Icwa Locl ., ,. 1:11 am St. Louie Express. a 4:41 pm Kansas ctty A at. Jo..alA:4 pm Kanaaa Cltv A at. Jee..a 1:11 am Kansas City A St. Jo..a 4: pin Cblcege Ureal Westerw. 8t. Peul A Mlnneapolie. I.M pra St. Paul A Mlanaapoiis. 7:10 am Chicago l imited I 01 pm Cbiosge FjiiM TiJO 4k Chicago Fxpress 13 pra Itllaala tea (ask Chicago PTxpreas ..T a T SO am. Minn. A t. Paul Exp...b T:M am Chicago Limited a M pm Minn A Si. Paul Lmtrt a I M pm T 10 are II li pre 117 arg 11:1 Put t:30p. a 8 M prg a I te Ira a s j am rVsQPTEit TA HT m ?BSITK8) Chleasia. B. Paal, atlaaeaaeJIe 4 ask. Twin Ctty Psssengvr bVam A.rlve. 1 Bievx i rty fessenger... i.oe pm all :M arg Fmerenn local : pm IMir Emcraoa 1k4 ..M.....4 l:4t am tt p GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Sellinff MoTemfnt General and the Liquidation Bearj. WHEAT IS IfXABLY CENT L0WE3 Cora fcaeee OC Fractionally Oat TaKe Par la Decllae BellUh -' Ueparta rnt treat floats Dakota. OMAHA. Aug. 0, 13u7. The market waa weak and on the pr oline. Jailing waa general and liquidation heavy, llac6urattig reporta from Bimtri L'akuta atating wheat waa atmeiing front heat and lack of morstur had little effeoi In checking the decline. The weailier fore cat f'r genaial - aheware . aaa . euoler weather for Bunuay. Wlifat waa weak and lower on a gen eral ruari at the opening to aell Ue.'ore any einiport waa In evulence. Cxniiiiaalun housea had good resting ' orCe; Una cherkeil the decline. , The effect ef the government report nnd etrong cablea Induced a amall rally. Bl tember wheat opened at ale and cloned, aj Corn waa lower In sympathy with wheat and on heavy commission home selling. There waa little to eupport lue market and thrf little buying waa acaMered and trndrt waa eatramely light. September curn AiwitiH at Afif tnH rlfiun at 48'VO. Data were some weaker after the hei Heavy it iM ItmiMallnn of vesttr;lav. and with the trade of the Baturdey market .nilea (lumped. Sr ptember oata opened gt 4ac e,nd cloaed at 4IVc. . . Liverpool oloaed A higher on wheat and V.d higher on corn. Local range of optlona: Artloles. Opn. Hlgb-I Low. I Close.) Tes'y, Wheat-I Pept.. DC... II II 80H tWt 8S-H SM M V wjs 49 49 4S 4RT 4S 464 44 4bT4 4f.-, 4-H 47 47H 47H , S 45 45'4 44H 44S 4R 43H 43H 4i 42t V 46 46S 44H 44S May... trorn . Sept. Dec.. May. Oata- Pept. Deo.. May. Umtlt Caah Frlcea. WIIEAT-No. I bard, 75((rmc; No. No. hard. 787Hc: No. 4 hard "c: apring, IctdUc; no grade, 57Si3c. CORN-No. S, 4Sf?44c; No. 4, '4iiJ170i no grade. 4MfHc; No. 1 yellow, .iQei No. I white, 49V40Hlo. OATS-No. 1 mixed, 43'3lc: No, 1 white. 4-vfM5ftc; No. 4 white, il3Kc; standard, 45c. RIE No, i. Tic; No. $ 370a 4, as Let Reaeipta, Whest Corn. Oats Chicago 97 U M inn., noils 110 Omaha sa ' 44 U Puluth 37 i HieAoe ortAi-r ano pnorisio.ts Feat ores t the TradUar an A Closing Prtocs oa Bpard ef Teade. CHICAGO, Aug. 1.-Lack of telegrsphlc facilities, due to the telegraphera strlka, (ended to paralyze business, on, the Br ef Trade, and cauaed weakneaa In th grain and provialon pit. At the close wheat for ueDtember delivery waa down 1W Corn svaa off U(Bc. Oata showed a net )oss of 4eO. J?tovlslons were tftc to 22Vc lower- . w , . The wheat market was weak all day on mhiimI llin bv. nit traders and Wxial longs. The selling wke due mainly to the uncectaJnlv. arowlna out of the strike of telesraoh operators and to a fear that the situation mlarht become still more acute by e. spread of the trouhle- A decline In the price of wheat market on- the Min neapolis curb also Induced considerable selling. Favorable weather for the crop was largely reaponalble for the weakneaa in the northwestern market. Trade was quiet all day, being restricted by the In completeness of thS usual statistics. The market cloaed weak. September opened tl6c to lOlda lower at JTo to 8ct,"l4 oft to StiTiC and closed, at 737V4cv Mir.P- spoils. Duluth and Chicago reported re, eel tits ef m cars, against 2 cars last week; and su ears a year age. Sentiment in the eora pit was bearish the entire session bgpause of the strlka, . Price showed Qp'y moderate loss because of fairly good snpport by a leading bull. The oloae was -weak... September, opened V to W9ic lower at 641s 4 io to 66c, aold off tq Ha agnd closed at 6414($647Ac. Local re, ceipts were 14 phi, who 68 of contract Hie" government report end , the strike brought out ceneiderable pront-taking aales In oata ana oausea a anarp aiump in prices. The government report showed muck larger ateoks then had been generally ex pected. There was some ouying on me 01 flclal forecast for showery weather, The market 'closed weak at almost the lowest point. September opened unchanged to Ua lower at 46o to 4Me, sold off to ftc and closed at 444a44,c. Local receipts were 80 cars. . . Provision! were weak, owing to trie weakness of grain. There was very little trading the entire day. At the close Bap. tember pork was off 22Hc at 16.12l,4. Lard waa off 7H at 19.10. RIba were lOft lower at 18.7W. Eellmatad receipts for Monday: Wheat, 300 car; corn, It cars; oats, 71 ee-rii hoes. 80,000. The leading futures ranfed as follows: ArtloUs I Open.j lilgU.I Law. Close T ay Wheat tst- Dec. May Corn Sept. Dec. May Oats Sept. Pork Sept. Lard Best. Ool. Rlbe Bept. Ct- 5r .l g!iaU 88 I 92H1t K , K B I 64T4fttj5 66 6l'4-2', 62 63 t5 fa - 4 4IV ' 43S 46 K r 4S'4 II so 1 so im I irA I 10 1 I 80 8 5 (lH MVI7H-S;. 91H 17X4 2V4i t7; 9S 64s 644 f 6t4 W'4 v2H 1144 684,1 4 st 44-44,)0 46 II 08 I 10 11 12V4 II 85 I 83H I 17X 1 10 17V4l I t 7514 121 No. t FIXUR Bteady; winter patents, 11.10 4.40; winter straights. 3.T.fM. 00; spring pat ents, M.7ot6. 1); spring straights. 1.10JT4.lo; baker. $2 W-4.60. 1 WHEAT No. t spring, 8'rT97c; No. S, 88H a9k'.; NO.-1 rd. Ifc.WniKV.a. CORN No. 1. 64.trfc; No. 1 yellow, M'4a. OAT8-N0. 2. 6! ii 53V.o; No. I white, 61Vc; No. 3 white, 48'dilHc. , ., RYE No. X 7287TiC. BARLEY Good feeding, EStkVs. fair te choice malting, 8fV370c. BEEPS-Prlme timothy, 4 60. , i'Hirt ieurV8 Short rlhs. side (loosel, tSog.7. Mese perk. per. bbl., Ill.fYitrm H Lard, per W hs.. 19.00. Bhort clear aides (boxed). W. 79 00. k ... , , , .V. . Ti 1 - . . tl.L . 1 mm Wll I8K Y -Basis of in-" wines, ei.i. Receipt. Shipments. 23I.C00 21J0- Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu.. ..236.400 S9,8o ..207.010 216. 9is) ..U4w 271.40 .. J. Oats, bu Rye. bu...... Barley, bu. 18X1 l.M tin th Produce Kehnge tnrlav the but. ter market waa steady; creameries, HKfCte; dairies. 'C23c. K.r. stesdv at mark, tuas IsuiUuled,. UiU5Uei ft rat a 17j petmg firsts, 1M. Chie. )el34a: steady. gt. LoalS General Market. BT. LOUI8. Aug 10-WHEAT-Marke lower; track. No. 2 red. rash. S1WfT4Hc No. 1 bard. SJSiSae; September. 84uc: De. cemher. rc. DATS Market lower; track. No. t cash, new. 4Tr; 1rt. 4c; No. 1 white, new. 49c: old fir: September, 41Tc: Pecemher. 411o FI)UR-Rteg,dy; red. winter Patents. li.;0 ftlto; extra fer.ey Vnd straight. f3.STi4J4.05; rln. tlttrtVS 15. ' FRAN ery strong: ackd. eaat track. 97r9e. . ' PROVISIONS-Pork. lower; Jobbing, RAILWAY TIUE'CARD-t'-" Mlsaearl FaelAa. Local vlg vl'aepiog ' Water , a I OJ era ' a l:N pre Falls City Loral a 1 W pm . ll:V0 4 a Dslly. b rally except Sunday. 4 Dull except Baturaay ftwnday els. f Dan xc,l Mordai. . .1 OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CANADIAN PACIFIC "ewiPBtga- Lin of trie AttantTo ouaaao to jjvisrooi, x.aag raiAJi 4 TOVA BATg AT 8SA. . Empresses rail Aug. I. lit Sept. I, 10. First CMn III up: Peeend Cabin kit up: Third Haae III TI. Write for partlculara! O. S. afealaaata. tsaal, Aawat. Tel. tlaxrisaa IMIA. IU t CUrk SL7 Cblel,', - I at. Lard, lower; prime stoatn M i'Wtf Dry pH rr.eetl, tedyi bmed, enttra ehurta. f H. clear ribe. X snort clears, extra ahort, abort t-ktar, t J71. Baron, steady; boed 110 12; clear rib, JiO.U'H; gio. z. ' H AT Firm; timothy, ll&.OOfl'a.OO; prairie, t.'tfll.0. HuN mTTON TIES-JV09H, BAOniNtV-lnie. flEMP TWINE lie. I'OIXTRT Market dull: chlcVena, lc! p Ings. llHci lurkeya. UMc duobe, tc greae, HL'TTfcn Market ateedy; creamery, IRQ 4c. -i KOOS-Market iteady at 10. Racvliiti. Bhlpmen Flour, bhla.,..,. Wheat, bu... ... Corn, bu Oata, bu I.UHI ...3ca.uu0 . .. 73.( ...llO.UUO 1.2. lOi NEW Yonii GGXRHU M ARK1BT Uaotattoas of the Day aa t art on a CaremodUtea. NKW YORK." Aug 10-FIlt'R Re ceipts. TI,!M hbM.5 exports, T - Ms. market dull and lower to sell. Minnesota patents. 4 ff'di.Xb; winter patents, 14 4 S; - Minnesota tntlrers, R esifN ,W; winter extras, 3.1i(i3.7ft winter low grades, M.W feJ.9, Rye tl.iiir, dull; fair to good, ti.Wif fan; choice t fancy. Ii.'l( COKNMEAL Steady; fine whlt and yellow. 11.30; ooarae, l.lkfl.l8 kiln dried, ') 4. TO. RYE Dull: No. 2 weatern. 8))c nominal, f. o. b.. New York. W II EAT Hecclpls, 140,000 bu.J exports, 141.111 bu. Spot market' weak) No. I red. fci'V elevator and Itno f, q. b. afloat; No. i Northern Duluth, !1.0S: No. liard win ter. i4Vko. t'ndcr a violent bear attack and foived liquidation wheat broke 1 cent this morning, ine government reports wm aldetracked by fine weailier nawa, pros pects for lartrer world t ahlpmesita ana the Chicago strike. Laat rrlcea were Vl c net lower. September, 9&T'Pc. closed 9i'4c; December, rSV.'SJil.OfiH. closed 11.0; May closed II CORN Receipts. 30,100 bu.; exports, 13,- 6111 bu. Spot market steady; No. 2. W)c elevator and )c f. e. b. afloat; No. 2 white, muc; No. l yellow, option market aits without transactiona, closing about unchanged. OATS-Reoelpta 4S.000 bu.l exports. ,- 245 bu. Spot firm; mixed, oats, l!6 to 33 lnu., 6tHc; natural white. 30 to 33 lb., ogW)c; clipped white. 3S to 40 lbs., WW HAY Hteady; snipping, Ta; gooa to Choice, (l.auKg 1.25. HOPS Dull: stnte. common to cnoice, lf". 14ilc; 1905. 4W.c; Paolfio Coast, Mlic; 16, Cdo. liiDESl'iiii; Bogots. Ei'ic; central America, i."1!'e. 1KATHKH-Quiet; acid. SJ1TTV4C. PROVlSKaNS Dpef. steady; family. I13.0HS13.60; mess, J9..V.0M.OO; beef hams, 1 f0QS7.0O; packet. $10.5yflU.fl0; city lra India meaa, 121.00iI21.Si). :ut meets, quwi; Picked bellies, 1 10.76111.60; pickled hums Ill2f ialS.0O. Lard, eaay; weatern prime, 19 OS 9.IS: retlnert, ateedy i: oontlntnt, B5; Pouth America, 110.10; compound. W.7rf 9'v rork, barely ateady; family. I18.5i.i i.0o; short, clrmr, 11. 75(917.75; mess. 1s.0frj!ls.0. T ALLQW Quiet; city '12 per pkg ), t'A; Country, pkg. free, Milfme. RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extrv 6 C'i'4oi Japan, nominal. BUTTER Steady creamery, common to tpeclala. 21o to 25c; process, common to ex tra. lS'ff'Pc; Western factory, common to extra. 1Sfiac, CHEESE ffteadv; state, full cream, col ored and White, small, best. 12ei state full cream, la,rge, colored, best. H4c; state, white, ii u0; state, fair tp good, lofliie. EOQS Strong; stt, Pennsylvania and nearby selected white, 27tio; atate, good to choice 'IMc, . POULTRY Live, dull; western chickens. lc; fowla, 14e; turkeys, 11c. Dressed, j Steady; weatern broilers, VH&Wc; turkeya. mm: fcwi. aiSc . . . WEATHER IN THB CRAIX BELT Shower Bandar 1 Cooler la the Good: News, ..OMAHA, Alls. 10. 1907. Owing to the tala'grapners' strike our astern and southern reports are missing, and meager reports , ,re received irunl points throughout tbe central valleys, Western reper-t show unsettled weather in the west and. northwest, with an area of .low pressure overlying the upper Mis souri valley. Temperatures continue high in tba central valleys, hut much cooer weather is shown in the west and extreme northweat, and conditions are favorable for Bllglitly cooler weather in this vicinity to night and cooler Sunday, with, showers tOi night and possibly Sunday. iimana recora oi temperature ami precip. Ration compared with the corresoondlna day of the fast trtiee years: W'l. iWi, urjo. twi Minimum temperature..,. 7t 71 66 Preolpltatlon jr...". .00 .01 .00 .Od Normal terhperatpre for (qday, 71 degrees. Deficiency 10 Dreololtatlon slnos March 1. .47 Inehea ' Iefld-nev correaponaing perioa in jsua, 1.41 inches. uencieticy t.75 Inches. corresporfdlng period In' I90S, L. A. WELSH. ., fjocal .Forecaster Corn a)no Wheat Region BsUetln. For the twenty-four hours ending it I a. m., 75th meridian time, Saturday. August 10. 1901; ' OMAHA DISTRICT. . Tettip. Rain- Station. Max. Uln. fall. Bky, Clear Foggy i Olee glear lear Ft. cloudy Clear Clear Clear , Cloudy . Cloudy . Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Asnianu, roeo yz ,T .00 .00 .0)1 .Oil .w .oo .00 , .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .40 .00 .00 .00 Auburn, Neb 81 Columbus, Neb... 83 Falrbury, Neb... 9$ Fairmont, Neb... ffl Gi. Island, Nb..H Uartlngton, Nsq. 94 Hasting. Neb.... 98 Oak dale. Neb..... 95 Omaha, Neh...... 91 Tekamah, Neb,.; 10 Alta, la. 1$ Carroll, u 85 CWInda. la 90 Sibley, a. IStoux City, la... 10 71 . 71 ' TO J) ' 75 78 74 71 ' . i 19 . 71 Not Included In averages. tMiolroum temperature for twelve-hour period ending ei e a. n . piSTRICT AVERAGES, . - . No. of . Tamp Central. Stations.' Max. Mn Chicago, 111 ... 17 84 It Columbus. 0 11 M Indlsnapolls, Ind.. It ' M 62 Omaha, Nab. U . 99 4 Bt, Louis, Mo ; 11 ' W 74) Rap. Jaqliea: 5 T .04 Owing to the Ulagrapheri' strike corn and wheat region report were not re. reived from the Des Moines, Kansas. Crtty, Minneapolis and Louisville districts. Llghf showers occurred n all district from which reports were received except the Omaha district. High ' tampergturee " parently continue In all portions of thg corn belL- 11 '.: U A. .WELH, Local Faraoaete. Kansas City Grata and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 10.-WHK AT-Mar, ket unchanged; September, SOtyo; Decern ber. 84,c; My, 8SVc . Cash: No. 2 hard, 79e; No. 1, .T7fec; No. I red, lofeStici No. 3, 8:&84e. CORN September, 43Ho; Deoember, 46c; May. 48o Cash: No. 1 mixed, 40c; No. 1 white. 60c; No. 1, 4He. OATS No. 2 white, 61c; N9, f rpUed, 4f'Ae'. ' RYE Steady; 80c. . HAY Steudy ; choice timothy, $12.0D212,CO; choice prairie, f8.2u4rt.60. EGOS -Steady; extras. ISc nrsu. jgic; mjuiiu, tU7X. Recelfrts. Shipments ,. M.uO 44iV)r .. S0,P) 66.000 .. 24.000 10.0"0 Wheat, bu ..... Corn, bu , Oat,.bu Mllwaske Grwla Market. MILWAUKEE. Aug. 10-WHEAT Lower; No. 1 Northern, 11.0001.01; No, 2 Northern. toifjlSc; September, ITHc. RYE Bleady; No. 1, rr)o. BARLEY Firm; No. 2, 7icj grople, 60(9 OATS Firm; standard, BlttrjKc. CORN Steady; -oah, 644c; September. 64o bid. Liverpool Crela Market. IJVERPOOL, Aug. ia.-WHEAT-8pot quiet; No. t red western winter, 7s V4d' fu tures, steady: September, 7s Ml December. Is yl; March, 7s 4d. CORN Spot, steady; Amerclan m1.l new, 4a Id; American mixed old. Sa 2d futures, steady; September, is tiled; Oc' tober, 4s lld, Mlaaeaaolla Grata Market. MINNEAPOIJS. Aug. 10. FLOUR First ratenta, gfl.nOff 6. 10: second patenta, 14 kd'ij '0: first clear, M.eVf3.5; second cleare ti"6iT2.l. . WHEAT Sertentber. JlSe; December, 91 eiei Msy. Mso; No. 1 haed. 9tic) Nv 1 northern. 9o; No. I, tJrlklc. . B HAN-In bulk. P7.0t417.6u. Fhlladelphta rredeee Market. . PHILADELPHIA. Aug. Kl BUTTER Dull and weak; extra western creamery IMMHe. ... . tK Firm; good demand; western choice. 3e st mark. 1 , iicDncj .,r aernena: Now Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 16. WTTON-Spot quiet; middling uplands, 13.40c; mtddlins nlf IXSrV: no sales. ' , ST. WQUIfl. Aug. ta-COTTOH-tadyj mlddllug. llKr; eali-e, hone; receipia, 244' bale; ehtpmenta, tt bateej stnofe,- i,t" balet. NKW ORLEANS, Aug. l(.-COTTtN-flpnt olaaed auiet and steady; sales 7B ir'.'lV":,?:?.1 XV- nominal; low middling. 1.1 l-lr; rood mlddilna. 14V a, nemlnali mlJ- dllna fair. ItHii. neniinal. fair. H,e, nom lnaU Receipt. Ul bales; atouk,, 41,277 bales OMAHA WHOLI'ttB MARKET. CaaSltloa at Trade mm ftaala and Pane? ErtOS-Per doa.. IV. Qaetatlons )j rVadae. " l"4c; choice te BL'TTEH.-Packlng rtock fancv da rv. He: preamer. 23c. 23 LIVE roVLTRY-fiDrine chickens. Hct hens, 10c; roostera, 6c;. turkeys. 12c; ducks. a' geese. Sc. IIAY-Cholre Na. t ueland. t1.M: medium. 19 00; No. 1 bottom, .0H; offgradea from V,M to t.lo; rye strgw, 17.00; Na, alfaUa. FRUITg AND MII-ONS. APPLEH Early June and Aatrachan, 1C per bail bushel basket. BLACKBERRIES Case. 'A quarts, 12. SO. CALIFORNIA PEACHES-Per box, gl.Sf. California rLUMS-p Virata, iiv BI1;EBERRIE8 rer 10-qiiart case, 12 W. TEXAS WATERMEION8 Each, 26340c; (rated for shipment, I"4o per lb. CANTELOl'V&V-Texaa, standard crate, 3. DO; Arlsona standard. M.aO; , Arkansas sisodard, tA.00. PEARS California, 3.15 a box. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS Llmonlera, loe size. $8.00; I6 fixe, SS.WB, other brands, 6ue laae. BAN AN Ait Per medlum-elzed bu.ncb, li.Vttl.3o, Jumbos. !204f3.M. ORANOEli Valenclaa. Mk 98 and 112 sixes, I4.W4.W; 1. 160, 174, 200 ana 111 sises, lo ll Utl.DU, DATES -Kadawsy, 6c; Sayers. Re; Hal lowls, 6c: new stuffed walput dates, 9-lb. box, 11.00. VPIOFrTAftt.KS. NAVY BEANS-Per bu.. No. 1. B.OOaj J.W; No. 2. Il.rx32.vv; Lima, 6He per la, PCTATOES Per bu., new, 1a. AEPARAOl'S 76o car dog. bunches. BEANkU-New wag and string, 60e per niHi-kt t basket. BEETS. TURNIPS a.n CARROTS Per market bakst, toff-tOc. RVlJlSiilj Per doi. bunches, homn Brown. Oo. TOMATOES Home grown, market basket irate, It. CUCUMBERS-Per dos., 4xg"Oc. LETTUCE Per dos., loo. CELERY Kalsmaxoo. S0S&oq. ONIONS Yellow. 11 'o per lb.: red. 3c NEW PEPPERS I'er market basket, 76. MISCELLANEOUS. COFFEE Roasted. No. 36. 26o per lb.! y No. 20, 1 V' per lb.; No. IS, 19c per 11.; No. si. i-'M-c per is. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are aoniewltat unaevtlcd by freer offerings from second hands, who seem desirous t f movlna aunnlies of immediate ararlcs Q talluna range from 6c to to for Callfori la) fruit and from &c to c for uregon. Peaches are slightly easier, with fancy yel lows quoted st 13H- Hglsins, are Arm; three-crown loose Muscatala are quoted at ic: four-crown, 10c; seeded raisins, siifjllo FISH Hslibut, lie; trout, lie: pickerel, 10c; pike, 14c' pike, fresh frnr.en, 12o white fish, 14jTlf?c; buffalo, 8c; bullheads, skinned, and dressed, 13c; catfish, dressed, 17c;. whit perch. To; white bass, 16e black 4as, Ret sunllsh, 6f9c; crapplea, 6ff9e; large crap plss, lie; herring, frsh frozen, lei white flah. troxery 13015c; pickerel, fresh frosen, 9c: Bpanlsri mackerel, lip; native mackerel, lS4236c per fish; codflah. fresh frosen. 12c; red snapper. 12c; flounders, fresh frosen, 12c; haddock, frh, frcsen, 12; smelts, 13c; shad roe, 46c per lb.; frog Uga, tic per dox. : green sa turtl meat, S5o per lb. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard, west ern, oo. Tomatoes, fancy -pound cans,' 11.45; standard, .-pound caps. 11. W. Pine. anp!e. crated. 2-nound. 2.'XIT2.30: sliced. tl.79i92.ti. Oallon apples. 1X26. California aprlcou. 12,(10. Fears, Si 7i4J2.54, Teaches. fl.75ia2.4o; L. C. peachea, 11&VJ2.60. Alaska salmon, T1. tl,t0; fancy Chinook, gat. 12.10) fancy sockeye. flat, 11. to. Sardines, quarter oil, 18 K; three-quarters, mustard. 81.10. Bweet potatoea, 11.25njl.36. Bauer kraut, It. Piimrklns,' KIJl.sO. Lima beans, B-t., T5cSffl.i5. Soaked peas. 3-lb., 60c; fancy, I1.2MW1.45. ' ' HIDES AND TALLOW Orsen No. 1. me: No. 2, fV4c; bull hides, 8c salted. .- xreen. nldes, No. 1, T; No. I. go; horse, 1 10 1 sheep pelts, K-c.1.96. Tallow. 4c; No. 2, 34c. Wool. lMr22c 11. SIM No.- 1, BEEF CUTS. Ribs: No. 1. Wc; No. X UHc; Na I. 8n. Loin: No. 1. l?e No. I. Hc; No. 12c. Chuck: No. 1. 60 j No. 1. 6Wc; No, Y 4"c. Round; No. 1, c! No. t, 8V4c No. 1, V-te J y late: ino. 1. sc NO. I. oi No. .1. zhc. Bee Want Ads Are Business Boosters. Porelaa Fhianelal. - -- LONDON, Aug. 10. The supplies of money were plentiful. In the market Unlay., D's-' counts were harder owing to rumor of financial embarrassment in. Berlin. Trl tng op the Stock exchange was dul, the transactions being limited tq the usual Week-end acale. British securities, under the lead of consols, ggaln declined, owing to further liquidation. Consols sold at 81. a new low record. Americana opened quite Irregular, gain predominating. Prices be camfl steady later and remained o until tne last nour, wnen iney gave way nun console. At the close ef the market a weak tone prevailed. . Brand Trunk Buffered a further decline, Rio Tlnto was weak. Jp gneae Imperial Is of 1901 oloaed t tjt'C BERLIN, Aug. 10 Price on the Bourse, generally Were Inclined to be weak. Amer icans were depressed upon the New Yorlt gdylces. PARIS. Aug. 10 -Prices on the Bourse to day were heavy In sympathy with all the foreign markets. Russian Imperial 4s were unquotd. Russian bondg qt 1904 closed at ' Pllg an 4 Raatat. NBW YORK. Aug. ia-OIL-Cetton, Seed, eaay; prime crude, nominal; prima yellow. 4V,4c. Petroleum, firm); refined, New York. 18. U; Philadelphia and Ralti. mure, 18.40; Philadelphia and Baltimore, In bulk. 14.96. Turpentine, firm; 10c. ROSIN Quiet 1 strained, summon t good, 14 4tV4.60. v. 1 1 i, au j in 1 . reon nai- nces. gl.Tl. Runs, M.808 bb.: average, 163,814 bbls. Shipment. 171.299 bbla.) aver age. miM hbla . . oAVAnnAti, ua., Aug. 10. o 1 1 Turpen tine, frm; B8Vo; sales. 147 bbls.; receipts, 171 bbls.; shipments. (II bbla ROSIN Firm; sales, 1,949 bbl.; receipts, t.937 bbla.: shipment. 1,908 bbls : stock, 11,910 bbls. Quote: A, B, C, 13.So08.9O; n, 14.10, E, 14.8nM.40; F. t4 80(fNTfl;' X tlil 4.70; H, 14.90tjc4.88:. I. 14.9Ofm.00: K. 16 34; M. 16 66; N.. wSeUai tO; W. Q., 16,10; W. W.. 6.1fS.30. Isgsr and Molasaea. NR7W YORK. Auy lO.-SUOAR-Rawi flulet; fair refining. 1.43W:: centrifugal, 94 test, .i4,e; molase sugar, l.lxAc; re fined, quiet; No. S. 4.60a; No. T. 4 66c; No. 4.50c: NO, 9. 4 4oc: No. 10. 4 H6c: No. 4.300;. No. 11 4.26c; No, 11. i2i No. 1 4 15c; confeotlonerr A. 4.80c: mould A .35c; cut loaf, I.TOc; crushed. 5.70c powdered, 1.10c; granulated, 6.00c; cube, e- -. MOIABSES Dull; New Or cans anen bet. tie. good to choice, 87S'8o. NEW ORLEANS. - Aut. 10. STTG AR Steady; oucn kettle. centrlfuxaL SUilialkfi centrifugal yellow, ITsOt'ic; econd.t, 29 3Sc MOLAB8EB Qutetr new- syrup, SCffStc. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fyalts, NEW YORK. Am. 10-EVAPORATEn AI'PLEri Market la unchanged; fancy arg quoted at 8Vc; oholce. Hic prime, 7'r?8ci poer to fair, agfc. UKlKU f Kl 1 1 a rrunes are firm, with quotations ranging from 4V) 12Vr rr California fruit and from 6o to 9o for Oregona up to )e-4. Aprleots are un changed with oholoe uated at tie: extra choice, o; fancy, WMc. Peaches sra steady, with choice quoted at llo; extra choice, I'.'UlflSo; fancy, llrfJUHo: extra fancy, 14?14Hic. Ralalas are unchanged on spot, with loose Muscatel quoted at SVaiOcj seeded raisins, 7V3He; London layer. 11.71 fil.86. OoaTe Market. NEW YORK. AUB. W ?OFFEE-The market for coffee futurea opened steady at tinohsnged prices to an sdvane of 1 points In response to higher Kuroncan ca blet. Trading wae quiet. The close waa net unchanged to 8 points lower. Snle were reported of 16.000 has, lncludlaa an. tember at I MTA9i)r. December at I A Merer, gt arfS4l.0(V. May at 1. 00 and Jul at $.10r. Spot cofree. quiet; No, 7 Ro, t;He: No. 4 fVnto, T4e; mild coffee, oulet: Cordova, myize. Metal Market, NEW YORK. Aug, 10. ME7TA IB Thg metal noarkate were generally quiet, with price more or lea nominal n the arnc of cable. Tin was weak at ll'.to 8 IS, CipW.r, nominal; lke. f9 tyfl20 ;. el" tro lytic. tlSVUMinor raatlnr, tlg.Vfill V. Ta1. dull at 16.16418 75. and arelter at li.769e.tQ, Iron, quiet snd unehanred BT. IUIS. Aug. 10 M KT ALsVLad, dull st liOQ. Bnelter, weak. V47a) a'ked, . Market PEORIA. Aug. 16,-OORN-gteady; No. I yellow. 64e; No. s, Uo; No mill 44-fle new. S24e ; jid OATS-Lower) (4o. I white, 46t4aHe No I white, 4tvic. gw, . , . , RTW-Fssy: No. i. 70 ' .- . WUlOki Y 11 H. 1 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET CatU of All Kindt Shw Good Ad- rancei for Weak. HQ03 lOWm TTIAJ? WEEK AGO kjceai aad 'l.aaaSa, Madf Oood Ualae tar Weeg fm ,, v",,ir Were Cwacemed, hat R feints Wf M IUt. " . . SOUTH OMAHA, A Rerelpts were: ' c'atrte. Ill ogs. Blioort. ciftli'lal ftlonday m 4.3M B.XJ0 1.01 Tuesday 1.67 OMrtial TVednesd'gy. Xk .aul -if 7.100 i.2( Omclel Thuralay., umcigi. VTinay Estimate Saturday. Srx daya this week.....H.0t 40.446 SS.4S3 Satna-davi last werk'.' 122 ". 2? game daya f weeka ao..f41 R.lTf gam dan I weeks ag..14 7 I,M 1.J game day 4 weeks ago. .11.241 7.0 . 14 game days last year, 1S.U1 61-32 .33 Trie following table ahows the receipts of eattle, bag and gheep at Boutk Omaha for the year .to pate, compareu win. year; 1o7. W. Cattle 4t.9M 864, 79 "f-s-l ,... .I63.43i LilT-?9-hen , 1,006 rH,lS4 Inc. W.151 ''i Deo. The following table shows the average rlee of iioas st South Omsha for h Isst Several da a, with comparlaons; Date. 1507. jlO.ri9.!l90.19.llW9. 1901 Aug. 1 Aug. I.... Aug. 4.,.. Auf. 6.... Aug. J,. Aug. Aug: I..,. Aug. .... Aug. 10... 8 91HI 161 7 11 I 7 I 9a C 231 I 22i i iii 7 1 82 5 83 6 79 ft nt J 13 v vV 5 W 'Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Omaha"' Kansas City ., I 3iitf?.20 St Louis ...,.,, l,rvJ.W Chicago ,, Louis ;.4v Sious City .2jW(.0 Hogs. 4. lu 0. tj 6 wnn lJ ine oniciai number ol tars of st ick j as fol- brought in today by each roaa w owa: T o m. Hogs. She I ' 11 42 ..... 4 ..... 4 ..... 16 . 11 1 . 2 7 H'r'a. St. P. Paciilo :nlon 4 N, V.. east i N. W.. west ... St. P.. M. & O... , IS. & Q atist g- & , weat R. I. & P., east..., R. I. A- l.. weat. Illinois Central hkago G. W..., Total recrlota 107 10 ..107 Th disposition of the day'a receipts wag a (Qllows. each buyer BurchaaUui tUe nunu ber of head indicated: Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co. . gwtft and Company 14.H 735 vuoany t Hcxing UK9 lV8 4.4 1,611 2.M2 armour A Co. 25. H. Clark ... buyers- . pther Totala 7.177 CA'J TTLB-As usual op a Saturday there were a fow sprinkling loads cf catt e In the yards, but nothing nt any consrquenro to make a market. The total receipts of th weak.ltave bean atsappulnttngly fciuU, showing a largo decrease as compared wT.h the previous week and a still heavier de orease as compared with the corresponding Seek of a year ago. Under the influence of ie light receipts the market on all kinds of qattle has gradually firmed up, being etiong ,nd active every day throughout the wfe,t. While there has been quite a aprrnnl'iig tf bf steecs,. boUi rangers and eorn -feila, on some daya, the general supply during the week has been usually meager. In ion sequence values have steadily advanced, ro V. . . V CI ' . "1. .?or" JZ 1 15c to 40c higher. There hgi b en fair activity to the trade on moat dnys, showmr the mgrket to be in a good healthy condi tion. Cows and holfera have advanced etnadllv along, wrth beef steers, and at the elcse.'rf the a-eek re Jftfttoc hlgker than they were lasillSliSi 6 07 i Oi S79 6 01 I 84 I 11 SK su in I 86 6 02 6 1 a wwk ago, or fully 7&o higher then, gi tjciSloux City...... low Ihne ten da-ys or two weeks ar ("lie 7 Kansas City,.; psaa pas- neen active every flgy, so tnxt ar- rivals, have met with very ready snn Jt wuireni firioea. -n- . Stonker and feeders have been free sell err every day - and they too have gradually firmed up, and at the close of the week are generally quoted all cf 2K higher. There la I every reason for bellevlnir Oi thnre will 1 be a good demand for feedera throughout the season i.d . -. 1. llllUi-.lliia. aattl invshiu fiv.iu ... C . L. . . .. .. I . k : ivri?.iJ'7"'w.z'?i:. 7,. r . !.? Z. ' !. . . V."".W.Y'".""'"V iimn mere -were 1111 got me run gavame. tnq ract was tnat a few hogs sold early to nit an urgent oraer iitat iookcq as mucn as c nignqr, out asms from tuat the pacK- era were genrally only willing to pay about Steady prices. Taking -into oonefderatloo s. sales that were higher, the general mar ket might be oallcd a shade better, al though, as noted above, a good share of the hog did not bring any more than yes terday, 'lite market was dull and flow throughout. The strike of telegraph oper ators st Chicago made It Imposalbls to se oure reliable news and packers were not inclined to bid up very wall. The receipts of hog this week have been aonBldarably llghtar than the previous week gnd lighter than a year ago. During tho greater part Of the week there baa been a downward tendency In values, but the re action yestanJay jfi, the market at the eloae today Just about a shililuf lower than one week ago. Uepresantative sales: No, A v. Sh. Pr, pio. AV- an. fr. . t to to ! I ts I i I 7t I 14 lit" t Itlt I ' 2l ... M6 130 ati ti., sis 41 J4 71 VI to t It 40 1 IS I:::r.:::loi M .'..! m..... II. ..... ..8I1 II 141 1M t as t tt I 16 t li I BJ 6 U I ti S.W TI..'.....N 1 71 M 11 64,,....1 24 140 I TS tt .M0 M t. ...... 41 60...,., tt . 4t 41. a:.. t.w,A 11..,.. U IM xie at ! to 100 .Ki ' ii 1 77$ .7 ... I 77i ''tt..-. 2i4 I u Mt 1 rt ..IM its tO't-trw' .Ml ua 1 11 ... I 77 tt ... 17.,,. 71.... 64,... H.::: 71.... 71,... 11 ... 17,... 71.... M.... tt.... 74.,., W.... tl.... !.. 7... li:::: it.... '.81.,.. CI.,, it.... 40.... tt.... .. ut ...i0 r..ti0 ,..U7 ...1.7 ,..m ...241 ...Ml ...144 ...Ml i...'7 ...tit ,..tJ ,...114 ...too ...t4 ... -BUT ....804 f I7V i" 1 17 i 17 Vt ii' I to 1 to i Ml f to t M I M 1 tt K f!t I 5 6 tt-.. t N I tt ill ' ts I 0 If 7J , t' 1 10 .m r4 r , m ......tit ?i7 t-)4 tta :) 1 M Hit) in too 1 to 40 I M ... I to ... I It ... I t i&o w It to iit at. I a - I 10 I 84 t to I It 6 I UH, t t-i .170 igo 10 40 4t 120 I kt i M 6 tt I W 6 tt I II to..' lit It 24 - u 14 1AI 260 - ...,.iie 1:7 t 10 11 SI 1 tt 111 miLNe contrary to me usual rule on a Saturday there was a fair run of sheep, nine rare being reported fr. Of thle num. per Ave ogr were yearling feeders, the sn.e tha,t r here earlier In the week, which were bought fpr delivery today at 15.75.' There, were lour more cars of the game wethers as brought 86 60 yesterday, whloh sold st tt.40 today. The fact that It wss a Baturday and that the demand la never very urgent on the laat day of the week would he sufficient reason for the stuff selling lower. - The market this week ha been In a verv satisfactory condition. Receipts hsv shown g large gain over tne previous week, but re .till far snort or the record of a year go. Under the Influence of the very good puytng demand both sheep and lambs ad vanced 16-(fAc. reaching the high point about Thursday. The advenes on lambs wss retained until the end of tbe week, the ftaltng gt the close bepg strong at th advance noted. Wethers oh the other hsnd sold off a little on Friday and Sat urday, a that the market on that bind was not ao much higher. Still under thg Id nil that the weak in the eheep trade elones e Friday the market even ' on Wether would have to be quoted consld. trebly higher.' A comparison with the cor. responding week of a year ago shows thst Values on all classes bf eheep and lambs r near torjeoo higher tkan they were at that. lima. - The demand for feeder sheen snd lamb has been exceedingly good ell the week and fas In excess of the supply. TMe hag naturally had a altrnulgtlng effect upon the feeder market and hat strengthened thg market for killers es well. There is every reason for believing that there will be, a continued gnod outlet for feeder ebeep aad lam he throughout the season, as a burupnr 'turn urop ts prseileally as sured! At g matte ut course eautsslvg runs are hound to produce wnk snote now and tl:en. but everyone, both I'm ere and seller, la looking; lor an exceedingly goftd market throughout the season. Quotations on killer's; tlood to choice laint. IT.Olijl.Ufi; fair to good Umba. te 1 ii, good In choice Vearllng wether. Is TI I1 . gone) U choice wethers. I IM'A.'w; fair U g'Ktd avetners, 8u.001ifi.ft; good In choice ev.. 11 etaiiW; fair la good ear. H l"nt . (tills sn Micks, W WM4 00, VIviolstK.ns on feeders IM; y.aHirxa A Ma 16: wea. W . Represent at I ve sales I No, 3 Wromlasr wethere lmia. wet bars. P. .4 l"T 696 Wyoming yearling wether., Tt 611 Wyon'lng yearling wiier, M 6 Wyoming yenrling wtiera., at v yoming wernera- .... M Wyoming ewes I Idaho yearling gulls,. 268 Idahe yearlings...,,.,. 1 a 60 1 CHICAGO LIB STOCK MARKET Pattle aaeVlbe'e trmr -Hega Test o rirte raie trigBef. ' ' Quotations on killers: flood to' Vholoe lanihs. 17.IO4TT90; fair to good tarn ba, 10.101 7.oo; cull lgnitia, tsout.oui good to gnolcg yearling wethers, Ih i.ulS. fair ,10 good ' wethers. 15.3.W6.H0; , fatf to gootl weihers, te.OnfjlK; good te t lolce ewes, M i.80; fair to good ewe, 84.60tpt.Kii culht pad' bucks. 2.60JJM.0. -j 1 i Quotations on feeder: Imba, .9e.0; i yearlings, 16.avrja.7l; wethers, HViib.l0; . ewes, ll.7Mjf4.a6. New York stock Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 10. BEtiVF-S-R-ceipts, t,Vt head; ayne ' on atile; fecllhg. steady; exports todny, W head of satlle , grid 4. fiX) quartera ef beef, all to linden. Liverpool and Iondotr eahles quoted live : cattle gelling at llHft'iZHc per niHind; tone, t lxinilon. I2r dressed weight; refrlg-t are tor heef M lV per pound. t:ALVM-Recelpta, 92 heuil; nothing do-' Wg, calve null and weag lor all gra'iea; qreFseo rs. slow; city dressed v,ais nt sjji30 i per pound; country dressed, iJillHo. I HtKlrt Reoelpta. .W head, all fog 1 alniil,l..r. nr., Mm, i1,il,t. fat,,lln .luilV. . . , ....... ...n -.". v oIlreFP AND rAMHa-Kocelpts ,ng head; aherp steady; lamlie le-a actlvet lop gradea, 10c lower; others lAOjCiSp lower. Kaaaaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY,' Mo., Aug. 10.-OATTLH Receipts. 2,01)0 head, including I.OOO south erns; market sUadv. ('holco expPTt N4 Oresad beef atecra, 86.2Tkui.60; fair to good. 86.OHii6.20; western fed steers, 14,26fJ.'V,; atnrkera and feedura, 13.264iu.2S; suuthem sieern, $l.go4.0: seulhcrn cows. 12.WKT1 5..r.0; nntlve cows, l2 .Mi4.60; natlvis. lielferii. MM fjft.U; bulls. t.'.iifi3.50; enlvea. 14.0Dfii.iO. Receipts for the week, 68.100 head. HOOS Receipts, ' (lead; ' market 5o hlifher. Ton, tli.ia; bulk nf.ales. .058.20; heavy, I5.'((i.10; packers. t6.0ni."; pigs and light. Itf.iotillkV Receipts for the week, 3" head. . 8HKKV AND LAM B8 Receipt, none; market nominally steady. Receipts for the week, 17, mo head. M. l.oola Live Stork Market. BT. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. 10. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,000 head, IncliKilng KS) Texgngi market strong. Native shipping and export Steers, W 7;if7.40: dressed beef and butcher' steers, in.5oiti.10; steers under 1,000 pounds. M.0utJ4.t; stockers and feeders, K.84.7!)l . cows and heifers, !3.10Q6.2; canners, 11. ,1 2.30: bulls, I3.15fr4.00; calves, t-lSOifJ.OO; Texas and Indian ateerg, I3.604f.t)0i aawg and heifers. 1 6ii4.00. HOGS Receipts,. H.SdO kead; market 10o higher. 1'lps and lights, ta.S09e.&0; pack ers. J.V7Va SK; butchers and, best heavy, 16.1T,(B.35. . . .. No sheep pn sale. . ' '. "' T . St. Joseph Llye toek Market. ' st. JosFrn, Mo.; Aug. io.-cattl Receipts. 114 he.x-market steady. Natives, 14.5067.00; . cows, - helpers. J2,p0iT?8; gtockrrs and fceOcrs,- 13.6oii4.(V). p. iit '4 nean; marnei nr lOo higher. Tort.-rMJlx; bulk of aales, 16.; 1.(0 6.16. . BHEEP AND .LAM BS Receipts, none. . ..' , ; : , , gloax Citr, l ive glock Market. : SIOUX' City, la1, Aug. lOWSpeclal Tele gram.) HOGS Receipts, 6.100 head; market hteady, selling at ti.tftJI6.00; bulk. 16. JiJ6.k6. CATTLE Receipts 400 head; market etendy; beeves.' rs.t07?7;OD; cows and heifers, I 1J.76416.00; stockers and teeners, w.gosh.w; l.l.0oi4.W: stock belftrr, 13.2K(Q3.16. .1 1 , , gtoek l glKbt. . Receipts of live -stock st the five prln dipal western .markets yosterday: - - Gattls, lu(Li sneao, 7.o"0 . 1,20 r. , 1 a aw. ! South Omaha.,u.,...-V.. ... .... u.w TW ., 1,000 S.400 ' ...4 .. 114 5.304 . .... 1 mi. joepnr Bt., Louio.. t" Totals 1,114 0,9OJ 1.000 Boatou Btoeke and Bond BOSTON. Aug.' 10 Call loana. Jt. rent: time. loana. &9 per cent.- ner Oineial closing prices on stocks and bonds 1 AU.hlion ad). HH Rlnsham 1 18 do 4s .. 15 H cl. Hsrls IM .. I1H Csntsnntal 1S'4 .. Ills Copper Rang W .. flVt Daly West 134 ,.121 Frsnklln It ..140 Orsnbr ....,....,.,.! ..H4 .isle gartl ..',.'. It tin MiBlng ili .. ll4 Mlchlraa II Mei. cmrsi u - Atchl.on 1 -d0 D(a 1 Bo,iUB a Albany Bontoo m Mslns Fltctlbum P Mx. Central N. V., N. M. tlnlnn Psoltlc A H...1M Mohk ,,m,u, 70 lit Moat. Caal A C IV Am. Pneu. Tube... 4 "4 Old Dominion . tt Am. flugsr ....t ,.lllOsceols .tie .Ml .100 114 : do pfd Am. WooUtt do pld EdlMO Rita. 1..., M. Kleotrlo do eld Mass. Oat ,. United Fruit United Shot Mtch.. lit Parrot ... ItQulncy .. M Shannon , t Tamttsk 14 Trlsltr .. 14 V. 8. Mining tr v. a. on ,. lOHl'tak 41 Mi 41 Vlttorta taj 1 ee tl V. B. HI Ml do ptd Adventure Allouet Amtlftiatua , Atlantic Bid. Asked UH Wlnsas ::::i4? I14t W'olrartn t North Butts .., tt emu oealltlea It Ntvada U t4HCal. 4 Arlsaaa II UHArls. Commercial..,,, )f ClearlaaT Hssts Bank atatenaeat. NEW YORK, Aug. 10. The statement ef clearing house banks for the week show that the bsnks hold 17.760,660 more than the legal reserve reqtilremonta This Is an In crease of 2K7,."60, as compared with. t weea.. l lie siaieiurm iuiiuwi, Ded. -118. 497.400' ,27,800' 2I.4O0 1 81S.110 1,998. 00 Loans .11,110.451,100 Deposits rt.i. 4,076. 904. 10 Circulation 6O.IWi,Ki0 Igal Uenders 70.Witf10 , Bpecle ' '. 806,346,700 Reserve 276.9'6.700 6.812.100 i!.x-i nuea. aisles ati poBit Inert H,7OJ,5Q0 t - . .miss Increase. Bank Clearing. ,.. OMAHA, Aug. 10 --Bank clearing for today were 11,444.989.38 and for Uie corre pondlpg date laat year 11 811.121.!. iivi . isoe. Monday ,. Tuesday .. Weduesday Thursday Friday .... Saturday , Totals. . , 1.108.681 56 l.m,lt7 ...i. i,vri,4s.70 1.6.7r4.6ft 1.718.111 47 l.rt.l.Htf , 1.181.981.34)' l.iei,. an. m l..Vtfl.6. 1,879,424 18 1,177.111.44 l.tltlgl.U tl4.t4:'.987.17 t8,89,06B.n Intresse over for corresponding week lust yesr, 11.646,148.61 w .. : Lost tToslag gtaeka, -' IONDON. Aug. W.-rioalng quotations -en stocks were as follows: Consols, aiontr tl U. A Nahlllt ...... It .. tlwtl., K, u tttt .. 1'W N. T. Otatnl ,. U tilt Norfolk A VMtta.MH ' 14 p(t 14 ,. tltiOet, A Waeterg , 1414' . .171V Ptpai.l.aala , ,, tlU ., MtiPatd Minos ,;....,. li ..lit outlwrs Rt Urn .. U4 o pld hm .. teit outktra Paeias .... tt 71 laioa Pad to at Anaconda guklaos do pfd g. Ohio Canadian Paolfio fh.a. a Ohio ... fkicau O W... C . N A t. P... DeBatrs a. m n. do pld w-vm:::::::.":: fdoVtl1!?!::- Inmnis catr.i :.:::. iii - ' " " , SILVER-Psr. steady': 81 11-ltd per ounce.! MONEY-IV.41V4 pes Beat. ' " The rate of dlacouat on the open market for short bills It MU l&rll per cept: for three months bills. 4- per sent. Mevesaentg p( ael. . NEW TORK Aug. I0.-Iropor tt the pert of New Jork for tin Ing today were 149,171 silver and -JroporU ef ana la a s ween end. Ing today ware 149,171 silver and If.) goW- Export or specie from th port f yt. r York for the week endkig today fl,6374I glleer sng I1O7.6O0 gold. . . Dgletk 4rla Marlfet. ' PUl-UTlL Mlnn-j Aug. W.-WHEAT-No ' 1 hard tut track, ttii No. 1 Uurtltasa.. 9SSc; No. 1 N'orthtrn, tiWc; skpteiober, tt,c: December. 14c; May, li.0frl.t)0'4. OATS 'fe arrive, tie; oa taaok. tie. ' . Weel Market. BT. IiOI'18, Aug. U.-WOOL Steady; mt,' (Hum grades, combing and clothing. t4'rJ'.o; light nae. "?tuo heavy fla. limits; tub washed, 5-c