10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, ATJOUST 12, 1007. noun rrnisiiERs SrRETT BONDS. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. MM Feather your nest FIRNITIRE. If you desire goods of high auality, lew price ud ey terms, It be hooves you to trad at THE PEOPLES STORE lath u ta.hu am sts. pi.ason. , -i I IAKJ3 Seasonable Terms i t'-t t ock eber, Mehlln, Henry S. & Q. Llnrifmiin, I3 pr to. Scniuer. MATTHEWS PIANO CO. Mfrra. and Beelers 1513-15 Harney. Omaha riAKUS fcTsryibini in Art and Music A. HOSPE CO. 1513 Douglas St., Cmaha PIANOS. J. S. CAMERON Manufacturer' State Agent GRAND and UPRIGHT PIANOS 106-8 No. iSth St.. Omaha, Nab. Tat. Red 2841. PIANOS CKMOILEB 8s HUILLEB PIABO CO. P1ABOS Maoulftctunn aa4 D.il.r. ta High Ox ad Pianos Over SOS Hanoi la Stack 1311-1313 Famam St. Omnha, Neb. MCSIC BY MAIL lllnslrated Music School, 1611 Farnam Music' by Mall I ess than 10c a day. Eight different courses Investi gate tbem at the store of the PerfleM Piano Co., Omaha. PHONOGRAPHS AIN'O RECORDS. Columbia Phonograph Co. ooia Moniaod x.o- ) nr. ordo to tit any Cylln- ( 'riP der Talking Machine i UJ) mnde You throw 1 jj away mnnev If you pay more. 1031 P ASJTAM BT1BBT CI vara, Rnnber Good and Drna-s. Prescription Acouraoy Ouarautd. Syringes, Uubber 'Qoods by Mall, out prices. Send for free catalogue. Send tie your man eraers lur arugs. Freight paid on. $10 lota. iiv iota. pes. 10c ctrars. Sc. Cigar at cur rri BTyers Billon Brag Co. r. AIBTl lath an1 rarnam 1416 Barney. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CIGARS. BREWERIES Always Ask for UetzDros. Brewing Co. fAMCIS KEG AND BOTTLE BEER ..OMAHA- WATER FILTERS. X Kilt K PUXB, 8PARKT.IBO WATZB BY USITTO MIS BOVXJ WATZB riX.TB.BS. C. II. UUCER, Mfgr. 1301 Pars em St, Omaba. TELEPHONES Nebraska Telephone Go. PHOTO SUPPLIES. JOBBEKB ABO SHIPPERS OT PHOTO SUPPLIES BABOEST BOUSB 11 TUB WEST. The Robert Dempster Co., 131S PARWAM ST. OMAHA. SHOE REPAIRING Standard Shoe Repair Co. 1804 r ABB AM We do the work right, phone Ious. 7647 and we will call for your work. We aell pollen. lac?a and shoe special ties. CI.K.ANINtl AND IIVRIMI, We are houdquarter for ail cleaning, dyeing. prelng and rapairiar of la dlea' unit gntimn's clothing. TOVB TBADI SOLICITED THE WARDROBE tOlt rarnam Branch Office. 17JI Leavenworth. Telephone Doug. 17t. I. 11..MJH1KM TK1 BBW WAT W don't Iron hlrte at all. W press them. This give an attractive finish without wearing out the linen. STABS' STB AM LATJIDBT t. lilt. Alias B. Bamllton, Mgr. 11 S. lltfe St, TeL Bonglaa 884. TRl'.NKS AND LEATHER GOODS TRUNKS .IHT Sail Cases, lags and" Iktc rocact Seek rirXIMC a STOM1 TeL 8,. nt. IBM rnl MOMMI AND STOHAliE OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. Moves, Packs and Store Heueehold taooda. . XT ITS MASS OF TCHAOCO -aSaSVt HA7B IT. Phoa Dong-la 1S6B 147 Pi BOOST OMABA BT PATBOBXXIBO THE ONLY HOME CO. Surety Bonds Metropolian Bond and Sirety Co. 438 Bw Tork Blf Building MtNFS AND MtflKfl, For Information concerning legiti mate mining la Brltlah Columbia, address a F. If. KNIGHT Office Brldg St. (Brand Porks, - B. O. HANK 9. FIRST NATIONAL BANK -OMAHA Deposits $12,000,000.00 BANKS United States National Bank OP OMAHA, NEB. United States Depository 14th and rarnam Sts. O ANTKS. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK ..OMAHA. Capital $1,000,000 BANKS J. L DRANDC1S 2t SONS BANKERS Capital $100,000 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID SAVINGS BANKS. 4 Interest on Deposits CITY SAVINGS BANK ISth and! Deugl St Omaha INCORPORATORS. W Xaoorporate Tour Business and Bepresent rorlgn Corporation. The Mercantile Incorporating Co. 425. 42S N. T. Life Bldg. Omaha. EMPLOYERS REFERENCE AGENCY SN THIS SAY Or SPECJ-AXIBTS you waHte time and money selecting your help. WB ABB SrZCIAX.ISTS The heat ability In the city is listed with us. Give us your needs let us assist you no charpe to employers. WEST. BZr. fe BOBS ASSB. Snlt 733 IT. Y. I.lfe. Tel. Poug. 4283 REFERENCE AGENTS. HIGH GRAOK POSITIONS Keystone Surety and Reference Agt. Inc. B. B. CTiOYEB, Qes. K(. Cult 404 Bee Building. OFFICE FURNITURE Best Selection DESKS OMAHA PRINTS G CO. 10ik gad Faraaai Sis. OFFICE SUPPLIES. LOOSB LEAF DEVICES mnag Oafclnrta, rue and ZdgTs, Offloe riatursa, Amd SappUea of All XUda. ANC1IOK PUBIilSBJNa oo. ISM T arm am St. Tel. Bcmf. B8SS OFFICE SUPPLIES Office Supplies rerytking from a Pin to a rilin Oablnet OMAHA PRINTING CO. 10th and rarnam Sta TYPEWRITERS. A Fine Smith Premier Type writer all complete with metal cover, practically new, for $35. Central Typewriter Exchange -1807 rarnam Phone Dong. 80S AUTOMOBILES AND SAFES. J. J. DERIGIIT & CO. Wholesale and RMaI1 Safes and Automobiles 1814-1818 FARNAM STREET LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE. TOM S. KELLY Manager Llf and Acoldent Depart ment for Btate of Nebraska. The Traveler Xnsnraaoe Company Hartfort, Conn. ttO Bee Bldg. Omaha. Neb. Mall Order. Novelty and Pren. Good WESTERN SPECIALTY CO. BBOBSBS ABO BISTBZB TJTOBS WfiolCHl l.iLra In BOYTZ.TXEB, PBKKIBM OOOSS Mall Order Sapplie of All SUada First Class Agenta Wanted OMAHA. NKB. MONUMENTS MONUMENTS Largest Stock In the West J. F. BLOOM QU. CO. , I81J Faniam SL OcaaTaa riBi.idrr designs BP EATON IEEE BID'C OMAHA AS Time Is an essential element of all trade contracts. Every merchant in the nation realizes that fact and Omaha profits by it The patron Of an Omaha jobber knows, by experience or by a glance at the map, that Omaha occupies a commanding position as a dlstrlbut- . tng point for the vaM and growing empire weBt of the -Mississippi. The traffic and transportation Interests . of Omaba are of gigantic proportions, involving a sys tem of facilities superior to that of most American cities and affording Omaha and its varied industrial and commercial enterprises superior advantages in both freight shipment and passenger travel. It requires but a glance at any railroad map to furnish proof that Omaha stands as the hub of a region boundless in its resources and girdled with a system of railroads that makes It possible for every resident of the country tributary to feel like a next door neighbor. The territory covering Nebraska, the western half of Iowa, the northern half of Kansas and the Northern half of Missouri, all directly local and tributary to Omaha, is supplied with 19.500 miles of railroad, every train of which is operaled on a schedule with Omaha as an originating point for pas senger travel and freight traffic. But the Jobbtng business of Omaha Is not con flned to local territory. Enterprising merchants and manufacturers have extended Omaha's trade until Omaha salesmen are now making regular calls upon merchants In all the territory between the Mississippi and the Pacific. In this region is Colorado with 5,162 miles of railways; Utah with 1,935 miles; Idaho, JEWELRY AND WATCHMAKERS' III. H. .STILUS G, Dlanead bpert MtwJfy Wateh, ' Cloclc and mW4 Jewelry Repairing. .S5tgg. Special attention to complicated ana intri cate renalring. All jfifB work guaranteed. Boom S Paartoa Block. JEWELERS AND WATCHMAKERS. Gustation QL Henricksotv Saooes.ors to P. B. nOSKAX ft OO. Jewelers SL Watchmakers 1814 Capital Avenue. PHOTOGRAPHERS. BBW X.OCATXOB WZAS BUMh 18th and rarnam PHOTOGRAPHERS. 107 SOUTH loth STREET MILLINERY. RILEY SISTERS Exclusive v Millinery 917 SOUTH 16th STREET OMAHA DENTISTRY. MATTHEWS jOBIOXBAX, VAXBXBSS BBBTTZST Xargst and riaest Dental Offloe West of Chicago Suit 4. Bushman Blfc.. ltth and Doug. HAIR STORE. SEE MONHEIT'S BZOZ.USTYB MAXB STOBB Par Everything In Xalr Oooda, Bale Work, Balr Dreaalng, Switch, wigs and Top. 1411 r ABBAK ST., OMABA, BBB. Telephone Doagia OPTICIANS a The H. J. Panfold Co. WB LIAS. OTXBBS rOTulVOW SOZBBTTPIO OPTXOIABS S Oar ZTw Toric XBases 1406 Farnam at. Omaha, Neb. Olive Oil, Candy, Mineral Waters. Imported OUT Oil Direct Prom Italy 11.16 per gallon. Special prices to dealera. Agenta for Huyler's fin candies. Fresh dally. Agenta for White Rock Mineral Water and Mountain Valley water. Kyers-Bllloa Brag Oo. 16th and rarnam. Enslaver and Mfar. Mnrhlntat. P. WELCHIOR'S MACHINE WORKS ma Birr a OTTrmi v o abb u PAZBIBO Or AX.I. XIBBS Or XAOBXBBBY Breetlnf aad Oonsnltiag Bagineera N. R. Cor. llth and Howard 8t, Omaha. WAGON BUILDERS. ANDREW MURPHY & SON Wagon Builders CMAHA, NEBRASKA BOILERS W U.SO al STBAM BOH.BB CO. an. 1 Tatnlar fla as rir Bex Befltr U sad Slater Iaaas. Stacas aad Sreeehias raelrla Baa Baa axien I aa4&M Factory ltth and Pierce 8ta., Omaha MACHINERY SUPPLIES. JOSEPH K LEHMElR. for BverrthlasT Blaetrleal Badway, Steam aad Mill Snpnu- prompt Salnmeat aad Battsfaattoa O Tiaranteeoj. 1218 FARNAM STREET ELEVATORS. SUPPITES, ETC. J. R. KENNEDY Passenger u4 Freight Eleviton SVPPL1XS and BCPAISINQ Phone Bonglaa 8MT. 104 B. 18th St. 2 A DISTRIBUTING CENTER 1,654 miles; Montana, 8,325 miles; Oregon, 1,865 miles; Washington, 3,511 miles; Nevada, 1,541 miles; California, 3,615 miles; North Dakota, 3.462; South Dakota, 3,456 miles, making a total of 32,529 miles, and every merchant In that territory knows and appre ciates the fact that he has more direct communication with the jobbing and manufacturing establishment concerns in Omaha than it is possible for him to secure with like concerns In any other city. The Importance of this commanding position, as a distributing center, can not be overestimated. Nearly thirty railroads, with their branches and sub sidiary lines, have obliterated distances and the lever and the throttle of the modern locomotive have made Omaha the 'close neighbor of every community In the west w here commercial and industrial activities thrive. TheRe railroads furnish the arteries of trade through which the life blood of commercial and Industrial Omaha flows to fields in which the opportunities for development are practically boundless. A year's freight traffic In and out ol Omaha multiplies Into a volume almost beyond conception and the tonnage Is Increasing from year to year. This remarkable development of the distributing and transportation facilities of Omaha is the work of but a few years and is only a hint of the greater development that must come with the assured growth of the territory tributary to this city. The manu facturer or Jobber looking for a location has only to make even a cursory Investigation to convince him that Omaha offers advantages which are not ap proached by any other city west of the Alleghenles. SANITARY PLUMBING. T. F. BALFE rXiTOafBnro, hot watzb abd STEAK BBATIBa Oas and Btoctrlo ristnres Bepalr Work a Specialty L Bong-. 743. , , 1B07 Boward SL PLUMBING REFLATING Gold and Silver Plating Table Ware, Oas Fixtures, Brass Beda and Jewelry Replated ns New. OMABA FLA'iraO CO. Reliable Gold and 'Silver Platers. Established 1898. u . 1220 Harney CORNICET"WORKS Ooroioe Bat. 4aa.. Steel Ceiling a BwX. OABTZB KBIT ' MBTAX. WOBBS rtnlala, hiatal Roofing, Tanks, Sky light., Sheet Metal, Fire proof Win dows. Large Stock of Metal Gelling lTlB-Ht-22-24 St. Marys Avenue Tel. Doujr. 602-?'. Omaha.. ELECTRIC SIGNS. SB US roa ELECTRIC SIGNS Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. TBZ. XOTrOX.AS 1088. FIXTURES, ELECTRIC AND GAS Gas and Electric Fixtures Wholesale and Retail BlRCESS-CRADEi CO. TeL Deag. ttl SI! S. Uta St, GAS WATER HEATERS Why heat up your coal range last to heat water when a Oaa Water Heater will give you enough hot water for a bath In a few lalnutes. We sell them. OMAHA GA8 CO. STEEL ENGRAVING, PRINTING. ETC. KOTERA (EL COMPANY Steel and Copper Plate En. graving. Embossing and Printing I Ml Jicksea St, afcs. Net, ENGRAVING- HALF-TONE & ZINC ETCHf PS ENGRAVING. ANIMAL FEED A. W. WAGNER VYaalesalc telall Dealer Is FEED FOR ANIMALS TeL DouBlaa 1142 801-3-3-7-9-11 M. 16th St.. Omaha FEED FOR ANIMALS M. ROSENBLATT Wholesale Bay, Bran, Oata, reed BKST QRADE8 OP COAL Office, Coal Yard aad Orala Slevator Tl. 1411. .1213 Nicholas bL CATTLE POWDER farmers Kog 10. Cjtt.i Powder Ci. - Manufacturers of lABMIt'l COSTDITIOW POWDBB "StlD SHOT" WOlS BILLS .thVOSIBD SMSSP and OATTLB DIP Local Aaents Wanted. HIT Farnam St. Omaha CAR Rl AliKS F4R HIRE i HOU6IA3 0 0 FOR aiitt4iisI3 1 ' B aSBBa 1 BUSINESS BROKERS Do you want to sell or buy any bustneaa We do the work quick. Also exchange your store for land, or land for business. We handle rarma, City Beal Xstate, Beatals, Loans and Xnsuranoe. Let us have your patrnnatrf. BIX.DBETH ft X.OWKAB, B10 Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb. BUSINESS BROKERS. TO BUY, TRADE OR SELL "Any Business Anywhere" See "Business Chance Bunnell" 822 N. Y. Life Phen D SI49 BUILDERS. The Western Home Builders Will Build Your Homo for Yon and X.et Yon Pay for It I. Ike Bent 81-38 V. S. BATXOBAX. BABX BX.0. Phone, Bong. 4603 Wholesale and Retail Palat. We are sole agents for Lew Bros. High Standard Pafnt aad B. ft X. Jap-A-X.ao, P. ft B. Kuxete and a complete Una of Tarnish Call or write for color card. i Myara-DUlon Drug Oo. BBTOSi PAINT I 18th and rarnam. 1418 Barney. SIGN PAINTING. S. II. COLE SIGN COMPANY SIGNS of Bvery Description 1808 Ponglaa St. Ttl Pong. 8818 FURNACES. American FurnaGG BTJTX.T IJX1 A BOTXBB CTTiHAW. BTJBABI.S, BOOBOBOtOAX W. 8. HEATON lent, IBM tm Then Da . tm COAL. Central Coal & Coke Co. OF OMAHA 15th and Harney PRINTING. tm PRINTING. 'Have Root Print If 12I0.I81X Howard St. Omaha, Nebraska. Telephone Douglas 1604 PRINTING. Oeo. S. Snail Alkert Klmmor SNELL PRINTING OO. FABTXOUTbAB FBXBTBBS) 818 Sonth 18th St., Omaha, Beh. Telephone Booglas S7S4 COBOB WOBB .1- -I- BMBOSSIBO PRINTING. Iniltatloa Typewritten Letters. Practical Printing, Bo eh To Barg or To Small. WOBX BIOBT PBIOBS BIOBT ANCHOB PUBLISHING CO. 1838 rarnam St. TeL Bong. 8SS6 S'lllNTING. Continental Print &hop ALL WORK 21-36 V. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. Coatlaaatal Balty Oo Prep. 11-34 U. rt. National bank Hldg. Telaphon for estlmaiea. Lougla 4601 PHI.Vri.NU Good Printing No lob too araalL No Job too large And the same careful attention to detail. OMAHA PRINTING CO. loth and Farnam Sta. PRINTING. bbsbSBSS m BUZBSBn 1 1 i4..'A.iM TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS ABB TBB BBST BOOSTBXS . POB TOOB BOSIItSSS ' WB MAXB TBB PSaVThOT BZBO MANGVM Ot CO. Telephoa lsas 10 So. 18th St. CAXXi POB OTJt PLAT OP WEST FARNAM LOTS 1.BOO to l,SO0 Saoh Harrison tS Morton 818 B. T. Life Tel. Donr 814 REAL ESTATE. MORTGAGE LOANS $9,000,000 TO X.OAB on Improved city property. If desired loans can be closed without delay. W. H. THOMAS, 503 TO ST BATIOB AI. BANK BX.DO. REAL ESTATE. ERNEST SWEET 813 Bew York Bif Balldlng Bullder of High Class Residences Several Vow Beady at 83rd and Barney tr'arnaiu tllll Uifitricl See Them Today REAL ESTATE. GEORGE (SL CO. Real Estate Abstract of Title Investment Securities 1601 Farnam t Omaha. Neb. HEAL ESTATE. R. C PETERS ZL CO., Bee Building MORTGAGE LO.VVS, REAL ESTATE, RENTALS, INSURANCE REAL ESTATE. GARVIN DROS. Bay and sell BBAX. BBTATB Collect Bent. Bent Property. Beam Money oa Beal Estate. 1804 rABBsAK ST. HEAL ESTATE. DIRKETT & TEBBENS Real Estate. Care of Properties, Insurance and Loans. Vaoae Bong-. 4784. 403 Be Bids'. REAL ESTATE. Globe Land and Investment Co. Baal Bstat and Xaveatmaats s aad Bench Bands Po Sal or Trade. Psjraem St. TeL Boar. 8888 REAL ESTATE. GO AND SEE The Bortheast corner of 83d and Capitol Avenue. Small hoaae on gronnd. Por sis and price, see Hutchinson-Ballard Co., 1633 rSBBAM. REAL ESTATE. 36814 INDIANA AVENUE,. fl.SSO. Six rooms, cellar, city water and ewer, street paved and paid for. Come and see us. McCAGl'E INVESTMENT OO. L Boar 418 1508 Bodge St. REAL ESTATE. Botaxy In Offloe. Phone Bong. 1888 J. W. RASP CO. BBAB BSTATB, TBYBBTMBBTS ZBBOBABOB, BO ABB. ABSTBAOTS 438 Paxton Block 18th aad Parnam Sta. OMABA REAL ESTATE U Uiro4 fA.NAM at. Li LI REAL ESTATE. ios r St. i Tel. Bong. 8867 Shinier H Cho.se Co. BBAX BSTATB, ZBYBSTMXBTS, BBBTAX.S, XBSOBABOB BUZBBBB8 OT KOBXBB BOUSXS Omaha, Nebraska. REAL ESTATE. ?. K. BtTMOBT. J. K. BTTMOBT. J. H. DUM0NT & SON BBAB BSTATB, STOCXS, BOBBS BXBTABB, LOAMS, FIXE IBBUXABCB 1CCS r AXBAJC BTBCET, TeL Bonrlaa 690. OMABA. REAL ESTATE Payne Investment Co. C1T I BBAB BSTATB, BO ABB ABB BXBTABB, LA BOS ABB BABCBXS The "Alfalfa Band Man Main r'ioor, N. Y. L Bid.. Omaha. REAL ESTATE. ALFRED 0. KENNEDY BBAB BBTATB, BOAXS, XBSUBABOB, BBNTABS 808 rtrst Batlonal Bank Bnlldlar. Tel. Boar. 783. OMABA. BBB. REAL ESTATE. NEW 5-R00M COTTAGE Modern cottage with large room, near good car iln SU11 Charles Bt., Price 12.400. JOHN W. ROBBINB 1808 Parnam Tel. Doug. SS8 REAL ESTATE. D. V. SH0LES CO. Real Estate, Insurance 110 BOAXO Or TBABB TeL Bomglae 48. UK A I. Ksl'.tlU, Beal Berka Chaa. St.lg.r DERKA & CO. BBAB BSTATB City Property, Tarm Xada, Boaaa, Zjvtmnt aad Ptr Insoraaoe Gfflo: lit N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 74t. 80 ACRES 4 of a mile west of Klin wood park, gently rolling land, every foot can be cultivated; fine spring. Pine for a country home, dairy farm or garden land. O'XBXTE BBAB BSTATB OO, 1001 N. V. Uife BUlR. Omaha. HEAL ESTATE lit. til. tit Btenthly raymroM. t:S, 30, 175. 8100 rink Are the terms on which we srll lots, houses, homes and properties of all kinds. Only 6 per cent Interept. Start paying for a home today and waste no more rnvInK rent, aourll t Mrkitrkk e.. 4M-J4 Rm,r Bid. REAL ESTATE. H. B. I'ayne. H. r. Bostwlck, E. M. Slater 1UYXK, ItOSTWICK COMPANY RFAB BBTATB, RTJTTTAIiS CITY LOANS, INSURANCE Mala rioor B. Y. Blf Bldg, Telephone Doufflaa 1011. REAL ESTATE. W. Farnam Smith & Co. Loans. Real Estate. Rentals and Fire Insurance 1330 FA2IAH ST. OMAHA. HEAL ESTATE. Investments, Retvl Estate, Rentals, Mortajfe Loam INaVRANCK M. J. KENNARL & CO. 309-3:0 Brown Block. REAL ESTATE, Beal Bstate Insurance Abstraot of 1 Title Boans Beatal The Byron Eeed Company 818 Sonth 14th 8 treat Phone S7 OMABA, BBB. REAL ESTATE. BENSON MYERS 31S H. Y. Life Bids.. OMAH A Special attention given to prop erty for out-of-town clients. REAL ESTATE. THOMAS DRENN AN First rioor New York Life Bldg. Miun a peciiiy or nanuiing properly 1 owned by -eastern parties, and has ex-S elusive agency of every piece of prop- P ertv on hi hnnk.. I Uans Maaey at Ike Leweat Carrent R.re el Isterest REAL ESTATE. WRIGHT & LASBURY Real Estate and Insurance Tel. Douglas 152 504 South Sixteenth Street. REAL BSTATB. BENSON ft CARMICUAEL Real Estate, Care of Properties, Insurance, Loans 848 PAXTOB BLOCK, OMABA, REAL ESTATE. If you want to buy or sell Improved city proper t y : Im proved farm property; unim proved land, see Be Caa FH Yea 0ntt REAL ESTATE. ELEVEN ROOM HOUSE Walking distance, on enr line, rents at 136.00 Q'JTrrrt per month, for v National Investment Co. 'Phone DOYiglaa 8SS1. Bonglaa Block. REAL ESTATE. HOME DUILDER C. P. Traver Have several lots to select from, walk ing distance, prices right.1 3. P. Traver. Phone Bed 4781. 1834 rarnam St, ABSTRACTORS. S. M. SADLER & SON Abstractors and Title Examiner few Location I6S Soatfc ISth 51 ABSTRACT OF TITLES kCALENNORTO ABSTRACTS r nri tt xrs3 rSMa-irsrc aoTEAnnntitBti raXBV1.0 J J tJMjl- ABSTRACTORS. Midland Guarantee & Trust Go. Incorporated 1888 Abstracts of Title. Title Insurance 1714 rarnam St. TL Boog. 838 ABSTRACTORS. lEED ABSTRACT CO. Oldest Abatraot Offloe In Mebraska. 1718 FarasBi Street, Omaha, Nek ABSTRACTS OP TITLES aifM.4 tfJr? r - ""a REAL ESTATE. I hav two cottaKd located on luth and Vinton r!ta. 'I hey are almost nw and mo'lern except furnac. r'rlca, 11.750 each. Will aell or trade one or both for acreage n.ar the car Una W. S. FRANK S31 Neville Blk. TeL Uoug. 3800 rAiaSTTT'. JSI7Yjr "1