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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1907)
1 THE OMAYTA SUNDAY BEE: AUflUST 11, lf07. HfBETT BOM1S. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. '1 LfiiDnin& Frffl bw t fl wn&i sol MMWAWBk EMM 111 He ( Feather yoar nest FI'IIMITI RR. If yon desire goodo of high anallty, loir prloe. and easy tanas. It be hooves you to treds at TOE PEOPLES STORE. lath and riSHAM STS. PIANOS. .-j VTA&OS Reasonable Tanua ?,!: a t' il KIOCK of Weber, Mehlln, Henry and 8. & . Llndeman, l'rstir A Co. Krhiller. MATTHEWS PIANO CO. Mf;rs. and Dealers 1813-18 Haxnar. Omaha pi a pro fcverj.i1.n2 in Art an1 Music A. H06PE CO. 1513 Douglas St., Omaha PIANOS. J. S. CAMERON Manufacturers' Stat Agent GRAND and UPRIGHT PIANOS IO. No. ISth St.. Omaha. Neb. Tel. Red 2 841. 11 AIM OS SCalMOLLEa k. MVELLEB PIANO CO. pianos Mftoufertunre sod Is High Orads Pianos Over 500 Plane In Sleek 1311-1313 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. ' Ml'SIO BY MAIL Illustrated Mask School, 1611 Farnam Music py man -ri -Jf Rtht different courses. In vest I- store of the Perfleld Piano Co.. Omshs. I'll ON OCR APHS AMI IIIKIHIIH. Columbia Phonograph Co. Gold Moulded lt.o orda to At anv Ovlin- 25c TilHrW der Talking Machine - ' I .made You thro rfrAtstJ awsy money If you pay more. Clears, Robber Goods and Drns ViCiivtlou Aoouraur Quarautssd. Byringrs. Rubber Goods by MaiL cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Bona us your mall orders for drugs. Freight paid on (10 lots. Cigar st out rlces. 10c cigars. Be. Myers Dillon Drag Co. DRUGSl VAIITTl ieth and Psrnam. 1418 Harnsy. WHOLUSALE AND RETAIL CIGARS. BREWERIES Always Ask for Metz Bros. Brewing Co. FAMOUS KEG AD BOTTLE BEER .OMAHA. X. WATEK FILTERS. drink man, spabkliho WATia bt usiaro mts a cum watib piltzbs. C. 11. RUBER, Mfgr. 1301 Pamam St., Omaha. TELEPHONES Nebraska Telsphone Go. PHOTO SVPPLIES. KODAKS. PHOTO SUPPLIES ptsrsHiHa pob amateubs Mall Orders SoUclted The Robert Dempster Co. 1115 Farnam St. Omaha. SHOE KEPAIHI.NU Standard Shos Repair Co. 1804 PASSAIC Wa do the work right, phone Doug. T667 and wa will call for your work. We aell polish, laces and shoe special ties, v npM ami tv V in ha4i)iiariara for ail claaolBg, Ayalug'. psasslag and repairing at la dles' sit gentlemen's ilothlr.g. TOU ToADB BOUCITXD THE WARDROBE I01 Farnam Branch tfflca. 172S Leavenworth. Telephone Doug. 1721. I.A IMltll-l tu Mrw wax" We don't iron siiirta at all. Wa press tt em. This glv.s an uttiactlva finish w itliuut wearing out I lie iiau. ETAKS' STEAM iAVKDUT Kt. 1ST. Allaa M. KanUton, KgT. til 1. lltn 6t. TsU Douglas SSi. i:HM A I.HTHER tiOO'.m TRUNKS nt. Salt Cs'fs, Bags and l ine racket Cooks FliUNC STE1ME Tel. Base. 4M. MCI fara. ai H)1NG WUKTOHUi: OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. Moves. 1'aoke and Stores Household UOti. Phias Doajlas 1I8S 1607 Pamam y TCBACCO QHI HAT. IT. BOOST OSAKA BT PATBOVXSXaO . THE ONLY HOME CO. Surety Bonds Metropolitan Bond and Surety Co. 490 BTow Tort Ufa Building MINE" (M MIMKB. For Information concerning lagltl mata mining In British Columbia, address F. H. KNIGHT Offices Bridge St. Oraad Porks, - B. O. UAK. FIRST NATIONAL BANK h,OMAHAm Deposits Sl2.000.000.00 HANKS United States National Bank OF OMAHA, NCB. . United States Depository Ifcth and Farnam Sta. RANKS.' OMAHA NATIONAL BANK ..OMAHA Capital $1,000,000 RANKS J. L. BRANDEIS Q SONS , BANKERS Capital $100,000 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID SAVINGS RANKS. 4 Interest on Deposits CITY SAVINGS BANK 1Sh and Ootids. Sis Omaha INCUR TOR ATORS. Wa Incorporate Tour Business an! . Torelga Corporations The Mercantile Incorporating Co. 425. 42 N. T. : Life Bid. Omaha. EMPLOYERS' REFERENCE1 AGENCY IN THIS OAT OP SPECIALISTS you tvnme tllnu and money selecting your ln li. WE ARB SPECIALISTS The bi'st ability In the city Is listed 'with us. (live u your needs let us assist vmi nn chare; to xmnlnvtirs. WEST. HEP. fc BOND ASSN. Snlt 723 W. Y. Life. Tel. Dons;. 4983 REFERENCE AGENTS. HIQH GRADE POSITIONS Keystone Surety and Reference Agt. Inc. B. S. OXOTBB, Gen. Mgr. Suit 404 Bee Building. OFFICE El'RN ITCH E Best Selection DESKS OMAHA PRINTING CO. 10th sad Faroaa Sis. OFFICE Sl'JM'LlES LOOSE LEAF DEVICES Bfltai Cabinets, Piles and Ledgers, Offloe fixtures. And Supplies of Ail Kinds, ANCHOR PTJBLISHINO CO. ISaa Parnaan St. Tel. Deng. 8M8 OFFICE SUPPLIES Office Supplies rarythlaa from a Pin to a Pilln Cabinet OMAHA PRINTING CO. 10th and ParBABt 8a TYPEWRITERS, A Fine Smith Premier Type writer all complete with metal cover, practically new, for $35. Central Typewriter Exchange 1607 Pamam Phone Doug. 808 AITOMUHII.FI AND SAFES. J. J. DERIGUT & CO. Wholesale and Retail Safes and Automobilrs 1814-1818 FARNAM 8TRKET LIFE AND ACCIDENT INStRANCB. TOM S. KELLY Managnr Llfs snd Accident Depart ments for State of Nebraska. The Travclera Insoranoe Oompaaj Halt fort. Conn. 120 BMk Omaha. Neb. Slall Order, Novelty aad Preaa. Goods WESTERN SPECIALTY CO. BSCZ2B8 AND DISTBXBUTOBS ' V 'iiiaaie I'-h1'-b ;;i NOTXLTI-S. PTtillUii GOODS Maul Order HnppUes vt All Kinds First Clan. Agent Wunted omaiia. ni;b. v SIO.M' M EXTI MONUMENTS Largest Stock in the West J. F. BLOOM CO. 1813 Tarnam St Omaha CIBIJtlTV Uf.illl.VI Iprr m-ncl Omaha as a Jobbing Center The making and merclianting of articles for the needs, comfort and luxury of mankind have expanded at Omaha In the last dozen years in a greater degree than at aqy other point in the United States. This has not been the result of chance or accident, but the frnltlon of wall defined eausrs. Tha city's superb location, In the very heart of the great Transmlssls Blppl empire, a region of unequalled frultlblllty, has brought the business men, merchants, Jobbers and manufacturers into direct touch with the population in a territory within a radius of 300 miles in which the greatest development in the history of the country has taken place. In no other like section of the coun try is stored so great a share of the nation's present and latent wealth and Omaha Is proud to be the center of it. It Is but a few years ago that the Jobbing business of Omaha was confined to a small area, representing a very limited number of lines. The expansion has been rapid until today the merchant of the west finds no occasion to go or send to Chicago or New York for any article or line of goods demanded by his trade. Omaha contends for supremacy as the chief jobbing center west of Chicago and 8t, Louis and is already a vigorous competitor with those cities. In 1890 the jobbing trade of Omaha amounted to 147,000,000. The success of the houses then located JEWELRY AND WATCHMAKERS N. P. STILLING, Stsmend Esaeri Watch, ' Clock and MM Jewelry Re SjtS. Special attentl Repairing, ntlnn to complicated and intri cate repairing. All work guaranteed. Boom a Paxtoa Block. JEWELERS AND WATCHMAKERS. Gustafaan ZL Henricksort Baeaaaaora to P. B. PLODMAB 00. Jewelers (EL Watchmakers 1614 Capitol Ar.nne. PHOTOGRAPHERS. HEW LOCATTOIT WEAD BLBO. 18th and rarnam PHOTOGRAPHERS. MILLINERY. RILEY SISTERS Exclusive v Millinery 517 SOVTH 16th STREET OMAHA DENTISTRY. MATTHEWS OBIOIBAX PAXBXBSS DSHTTST Largest and Piaeat S.ntal Office Wast of Chicago Butt 4, Buahman Blk., Kth and Doug. It AIR STORE. SEE MONHEIT'S aZOLTTBTYB HATH 8T0BB Por B vary tiling In Xalr Woods, air .Wort, Kalr Drssslng, fcwltch.s. Wigs and Tops.s. 1411 PABBAM ST., OMAHA, MSB. Tsl.phona Dottglaa 8333. OPTICIANS g!Tlia H. JPanfoldCo. WB LEAD. OTXBBS POLLOW SCXEBTXTIO OPTICIANS Boa Oar Haw Torlo Lenses - 14SI Farnam Bt. Omaha, Neb. OJIve Oil, (aadv. Mineral Waters. Imported Olive Oil Dircot Prom Italy J 15 per gallon. Bpecial prices to dealers. Agents for H'jyler's fine candles. Fresh dally. ' Agents for White Rock Mineral Water and Mountain Valley water. Drag Co, leia and Faraaai. Enatnrer unit M f . XRchlnlat. P. UELCHiOR'S MACHINE WORKS MANrPACTCBINO ABB IS PAXBUIO OP ALL KINDS OP BLAOKINSBY Ereetlag sad Consulting Engineers N. R. Cor. Hth and Howard Bt., Omaha. WAGON RU SLUE US. ANDREW MURPHY & SON Wagon Quilders OMAHA, NEBRASKA BOILERS WILSON STEAM BOILEB CO. Majrt. a Tabilsr rise sa4 rir. Soi ttttm il si4 tr lanks. Stacki au4 Sreecfelnf :,.lrlM n Jl 7, r . i itiw Factory ISth and Pierce Sia., Umaha MACHINERY SLPPL1EB. JOSEPH K. LEHMtK H.adqoartera for BTarythlag Electrical Railway. aUam aj. Mill flupvucs . PTompt SlUfK.nt aad Sattsfaotloa Gnaranteed. 1218 FARNAM STREET flev ATons, srppi rrs. etc. J. R. KENNEDY Passfnger tnd Freight Elevators SVPPLIES and REPAIRING Phoae beaglaa 8SST. 104 N. 13tW Bt. 107 SOUTH lath STREET here led other concerns to seek a share of the advant ages offered and the business increased until the total wholesale trade in 1900 aggregated $70,000,000, an increase of almost 100 per cent in a decade. The rapid development of the territory tributary to Omaha In the last half-dozen years has been reflected In the growth of the Jobbing trade in this city, whlcti amounted In 1900 to $84,700,000 and which is rap idly nearing the f 100,000,000 mark. A hint of the extent of the jobbing trade of Oman is shown by this official report of sales In 1900: Groceries, Cigars, Tobacco, etc 111,300 000 Lumber, Cemept, etc 10,500,000 Dry Goods and Millinery 9,500,000 Agricultural Implements 9,000,000 Hardware ' 4,500,000 Liquors, etc 4,000,000 Boots and Shoes 3,500,000 Paper 2,5j00,000 Drugs and Druggist Supplies 2,500,000 Taints, Oils and Glass 2,000,000 Furniture and Carpets 1,800,000 Fruits and Vegetables 1,850,000 Rubber Goods , . . 1,700.000 Candles 1,000,000 Every line shows an increase of from 10 to 100 per cent over the business of the previous year.--The growth of the business spells more work for everyone connected with the mercantile and transportation in dustries, increased prosperity for prosperous Omaha. SANITARY PLUMBING. T. F. BALFE PLTniBIXTQ, HOT WATBB AJTS STEAM HBATISO Oas and Blsotrlo Platurea Repair Work a Specialty Tel. Dong. 43. 1607 Howard St. Pl.l'.MBING HEPLAT1NU Cold and Silver Plating Table Ware. Gas Fixtures, Brass Beds and Jewelry Replated as New. OMAHA ft-LATrpa OO. RelHMo Gold and Silver Plalers. established 1898. 1220 Harney CORNICE WORKS Cornice Est. 1889. Steel OelUnffS SL L OAST1S SHEET METAL WORKS Ptalala, Metal Roofing, Tanks, Sky lights, Sheet MetaL Plre Proof Win dows. Large Stock of Metal Celling 1 718-20-2-24 St. Marys Avenue Tel. Doug. 402. Omaha. ELECTRIC SIGNS. BEE TJS POB ELECTRIC SIGNS Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. TEL. DOUGLAS 106B. FI XTLRES, ELECTRIC AND GAS j Gas and Electric Fixtures w Wholesale anA RaiH SURGES S-GRWDEN CO. Tet DB. Ml I1IS. ISIkSL GAS WATER HEATERS Why heat up your coal range Just to heat water when a Oas Water Heater will give you snough hot water or a bath In a few minutes. Ws sell them. OMAHA GAS CO. STEEL ENGRAVING. PRINTING. ETC, KOTERA a COMPANY Steel and Copper Plate En graving, Embossing and Printing 1 1 01 Jsckssn SU Osisha, Nek fc.NGHAVINU HALF-TONE a ZINC ETCHPRS ENGRAVING. ANIMAL FEED A. VV. WAGNER fiholessle and Betsi) Dealer la FEED FOR ANIMALS TeL Douglas 1143 N. 16th St.. Omaha FLED I'OH ANIMALS M. ROSENBLATT Wholesale Hay, Bran, Oats, Peed BKBT ORAlJh OF COAL Office, Ooal Tard aad Grain Elevator TM. Mil. 1S5S Nicholas Bt. CATTLE VOWDF.HS firman Hog and Cattle Pewder Co. Manufacturers of PABMEB'S CONDITION POW9EB "IittO SHOT" WORM KILLER .ZMPOBxEU SksU aad CATTLE DIP Lucal Agviils Wanted. HIT Farnam &L Omaha CARRIAGES FOR III RE DOU6Uk3 A4 'AXION rlACIitTAaS jfy lynch Oro( 7 RI SINESS RROKER9 Do you want to sell or buy any business We do the work quick. Also exchange your atora for land, or land for business. W handle Paras, City Baal Batata, Bantala, Loans and Insurancs. Let us have your pitronnire. klLDBSTK a LOWMAK, tlO Dee RldK. Omaha. N.b. BUSINESS BROKERS. TO BUY, TRADE OR SELL "Any Business Anywhere" See "Business Chance Bunnell1' 822 N. Y. Life Phone D 5149 BUILDERS. The Western Boms Builders Will Build Ton Home for You and Let Ton Pay for It Like Bent fll-36 V. S. KATIOHAL BANK BLOO. Phone. Bona;. 4S03 Wholesale and Retail Paint. We are sola agents for Lows Bros. Hifh Standard Paints and S. A II. Jap-A-Lao, P. t 8. Bukoto and a complete line of Tarnish Call or writs for color card. Myers-Dillon Drug Co. DRTJOSl PAINT I 18th and rarnam. 1418 Harney. SIGN PAINTING. S. LI. COLE SIGN COMPANY SIGNS of Every Description 1809 Douglas St. Tel. Dong. 8818 FIRN ACES, American FurnaGC BUTLT LIII A BOILER CLEAN, DTXABLB, ECONOMICAL W. S. HEATON Baieintst. 1301 Fsresm St. These 138 COAL. Central Coal & Coke Co. OF OMAHA ISth and Harney PRINTING. PRINTING. "Have Root Print It" 1210-1212 Howard 8b Omaha, Nebraska. Telephone Douglas 1604 !MUNTI n Oeo. B. Sn.ll Albert Simmer SXKM CO. FABTICULAB PBINTEBS 810 South lath St., Omaha, Hen. Telephone Douglas 874 COLOB W9BK -I- -I- EMBOSSING !'ltlTING. IuUtaUoq TrewrltU-n Letters. Praotioul Printing, No Job Too Large or loo Small. WOBX BIGHT PBICSS BIOHT ABiCHOR PUBLISHING CO. lBOa Pamam EL Tel. Dong. 8998 :nivn(i. Continenttl Print Shop ALL WORK a. ta Br 21-36 U. S. Nat. Bank Htdg. Continental K.alty Co., Props. U. 8. National Rank Hide. Tolophone for e.ilir.uie.. lJuuglaa i&Ot I'll IN I lii Good Printing No Job ton small. No Job too large And the same careful attention to details. OMAIIA PRINTING CO. loth and Psrnam Bts. PRINTING. mmmmm, TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS ABB THE BEST BOOSTEBS POB TOCSk BtTBrWBSS WB MAKB TatB PEAPNOT KINB MANGUM & CO. Tslephoae 1888 18 Bo. ISth St. CAX.I. FOB OTTB FLAT OP WEST FARNAM LOTS $1,800 to $1,800 Saca Harrison 6c Morton SIS W. T. I.lfs TsL Doug. il4 REAL ESTATE. MORTGAGE LOANS $3,000,000 TO LOAN on Improved city pruiirrtv. If desired loans can be closed without d.'lsy. W, H. THOMAS, 303 rtaST NATIONAL BANK BI.DO. REAL ESTATE. ERNEST SWEET 13 Vsw Tors Life Building Builder of High Class Rasldonoos Sevatal now Beady at 33rd and Harney (Farnam 1 1 III iMMittri) Sea Them Tod7 REAL ESTATE. GEORGE ra CO. Real Estate Absrraeta of Title Investment Securities 1601 rarnam St., Omaha. Neb. lEL EST TH, R. C PETERS a CO., Bee Building MORTGAGE LOWS, REAL ESTATE. RENTALS, INSURANCE It E S I. ESTATE. GARVIN BROS. Buy and sail REAL ESTATE, Collect Bents. Bant Property. Loan Money on Baal Estate. 1604 PABNAM ST. HEAL ESTATE. eiRKETT & TEBBENS Real Kstate, Care of Properties, Insurance and Loans. Phone Doug, 4704. 483 Bee Bid. REAL ESTATE. Globe Land and Investment Co. Beal Batata and XsTostments Perm aad Baneh Lands Por Sale or Trads. - ipsa Para am St. TsL Dong. 0562 REAL ESTATE. $900.00 Will buy a fine lot; south front, be tween 25th and lirtlh on Wocilworth Ave, psvoil Htrepl flml puvlnr all paid HUTCHISON-BOLLARD CO 1683 ramam St. Phone Doug 418 REAL ESTATE. SWS14 INDIANA AVENUE, S1.850. Sis rooms, collar, city water and sower, street paved and paid for. Come and see us. MrCAGt E INVESTMENT OO. TsL Dong 418 1808 Dodge St. RU. KvrtTK, Notary In Office. Phone Doug. 1SG3 J. W. RASP CO. BEAL ESTATE, INTBSTMI NTS ZHSOBAHCB, LOANS, ABBTBACTS 438 Pazton Block ISth and Parnam Sts. OMAHA Hi. A l. i:s i 1 1, ItEtl, ESTATE. l0i Parnam SL TsL Doug. 38b7 SKimer d Chase Co. BEAL ESTATE, INVESTMENTS, B2NTALS, INSUUANCB BDTLSBBS OP MODERN HOUSES Omaha, Nebraska. : t i. J. H. Dumoat 3. B. Dnmoat J. H. DUMONT SON BEAL ESTATE, STOCKS, BONDS, BENTAL8, LOAAS, PI&Z INSU3ANCB 806-0 M. Y. Ufa Bldg. TeL Dong. 680 OMAHA i. E . 1 A 1 i , Payne Investment Co. CITT HEAL ESTATE, LOANS AHB BENTALS, LANDS AND BANCBES "The "Alfalfa Land M;n" Main Floor. N. V. L. i', Omaha REAL ESTATE. ALFRED 0. KENNEDY BEAL ESTATE, LOAI S, INSURANCE, BKMTAT.3 808 Plrst National Bank Building, TeL Doug. 783. OMAHA, NEB. HEAL ESTATE. NEW 5-R00M COTTAGE llndern ccttngr with larg' rooms, near gnnrl car line WW Cliarlef St., frice i:,4t. 'OKN W. ROBBINS 1808 Fsrnam Tel. Douf. StS REAL ESTATE. D. V. SHOLES CO. Real Estate, Insurance 110 BOAB9 OP TBADB TeL Douglas 48. OMAHA. HEtl. ESTATE. Leais Bsrka Chas. Btclg.r DERKA a CO. BEAL ESTATB City Property, Parm Landa, Loans, ' XarastnisBts aad Plre Insnraaoe Office: til N. T. Life Uldg. Tet. Douglas 74S7. 80 ACRES' S of a mile west of Elm wood park, fently rolllnR land, every foot can e cultivated, fine spring. Fine for a country home, dairy farm or garden 1b ml O'XEEPB REAL ESTATE CO, 1001 N. V. Life Hldg. Omaha. REAL ESTATE lis, $12, tlS aUnthly rsirnlt. 115. 110. t7S.tl8 Cash Are the terms on whlnh we sell lots, , bouses, linnit-s and properties of all klmls. Duly 6 per cent Interest. Htnrt psylns for a home today and wasta no more raylnu r.'nt. Ru.mU 4 MrKltrlik f... 471-14 Ram. SUj. REAL ESTATE, H. H. Payne, K. 1. Ilnstwlck, E. M.' Hlater PAWNE, liOHTWICK CflMPANV BEAL ESTATE, RENTALS CITT LOANS, IHSUBANOB Main Floor N. T. Life Bldg. ' , Telephone PiURlns 101B. REAL ESTATE. W. Farnam Smith & Co: Loans. Real Estate. Rentals , and Fire Insurance 1380 PABNAM ST. OMAHA..' " REAL ESTATE. Investments, R.eaJ Ettsvte. Rentals, Mortags Loans ' INSURANCE M. J. KENNARD ffl CO. . S09-SI0 Brown Block. REAL ESTATE. Beal Batata Abstract of Xnanranoe Titles Loans Baatala The Byron Reed Company 81 S South 14th Street Phone 8S7 OMAHA, NEB. REAL ESTATE. BENSON (SL MYERS SIS N. Y. Life Bldg.. OMAH A Special attention given to prop erty for out-of-town clients. REAL ESTATB. THOMAS BRENNAN First rioor New York Life Bldg. Mnltea a specialty of handling property owned by eastern parties, and has .1 elusive aRency of every piece of prop erty on his books. Losns M.iry al Ihr L.wrat Torrent Bate el Intxrtst REAL ESTATE. WRIGHT & LASBURY Real Estate and Insurance Tel. Douglas 152 504 South Sixteenth Street. REAL ESTATE. BENSON L CARMICUAEL Real Estate, Care of, Insurance, Loans 848 FAXTOH BLOCK, OMAHA. . REAL ESTATE. If you want to buy or sell Improved city nroDer t v : Im proved f a r m S property; unim proved land, see Ut Can Fit Yas Oatl HEAL ESTATB. ELEVEN ROOM HOUSE WalkiiiR llstance, on car line, rents at 15.00 QTftft per month, for National Investmenti Co. 'Phone Douglas 6691. Douglas Block. REAL ESTATE, HOME BUILDER C. P. Traver ' . .. nuve sr 'erai nis to seieci irnm, w.m ins illHiunoe, prices rlnht. C. P. Traver." The co T:d 4721. 1834 Parnam St. A US I' It A ( TORS. S. M. SADLER & SON Abstractora and , Title Examiners Ntw Loca'loa SOS Sooth ISth St ! AIIXTItACT OF TITLES EALEJS5NORTO 1ABSTRACTS IN I vsf nra B BV N.. 1 7 m s.iT.T aaruasnrattan sa aw. Mm OMAHA ABSTRACTORS. Midland Guarantee & Trust Co. Incorporated 1B8S Abstracts of Titie. Title Insurance 1714 Parnam SI TeL Bang. StS A HSTK ACTORS. EED ABSTRACT CO. Oldest Abstraot Offloe In Nebraska. 1711 Faraaai Street, Omaha, Nth. A U Vl lt ACTS OF TITLES REAL ESTATB. tVSN I have two cottages lucated on ISth and Vlntnn Sts. '1 hey am almost nsw '. snd niiKlern except furnuce. rTlce, ' I1.7CU each. Will sill or trade ons or both fur arrcuge mar ths car line. W. S. FRANK 331 Neville Blk. Tel. Doug. 500 VWIT) J