THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1007. 5 BRIEF CITY MEWS Dengl. Matin Co, 114-1 8. Jth t. Binehart, photograph, removed to Eighteenth and Karrinm streets Twla City Br Works removsd to 407 "4. loth. Ramg block. Close at t p. m. h City Barings Sank aoliclta the pat ronage of all mho need raving bnnk ac rommndattone. Br Batarsy Bight, beginning at o'clock. Thomaa Kilpatrlck Co. a. 11 men's 60-cent neckwear for 21 cent. . Bock Spring Coal riaca yoor Order now for prompt delivery. Central CohI and Coka Co. of Omaha, 15th and Harney. Automobile Bapr W. K. Johnson ha established an automoblla expreaa delivery yatem between Omaha and Benson. Tha new Una began operatlona for tha flrat tlma Thursday morning. Tatef Bate Torty-flTa Dollar Gun bang of the Famim dining hall. 18 J Karnain street, waa robbed oft 146 Wednesday by sneak thief, who entered hla room and took the money from hla trunk. Steals Xnsteaa of Sleeps Boma light fingered vagrant went to tha rooming house at 2016 Cuming atreet, owned by Sam Overgard and aaked for a room. Inatead of occupying it he took it part of the bed clothing and made off with It. Bound ore, for Time nee Theft Joaepli Zimmerman, who waa arretted Wednesday for eteailng a watch taut Hay, waa bound over to the district court undor 1600 bonda In police court Thuraday morn ing. , Borrta Browm at BCcBUal Club Sen ator Norrla Brown haa written the ofBcera of the McKlnley club advising them of hla aoceptance of the Invitation to he One of the club'a gueata and apeakera at tha banquet tha evening of Auguet 1 Births fot JbIt The report of tha Board of Health for July ihowa a total number nf blrtha of in. of which nlnety-als were white malea, ninety-two white fe malea and one black male. In thle number are Included five palre of twlna, five boya and three gtrla. ' lat year In July tha total of blrtha waa It?, a gain of twenty for the iaet month. Offlo Bobbed With Boy on Watch Wed nesday afternoon the coal office of Har mon W'eeth at Sixteenth and Charles streets was left In chaiga of tha office boy and while he waa there alone an unidenti fied man entered and asked him to change a $5 bill As soon as the cash drawer was opened he pushed the ' boy Into a close, locked him In and got 'away with 113.8. Bew Milk Ordinance The secretary of the Board of Health Is mailing to all deal era In milk in Omaha a copy of the milk ordinance recently passed by the city coun cil to regulate the sale of milk In the city. The ordinance . occupies twenty-five printed pages of a pamphlet Sit Inchea and is declared by many to be the moat com pleU ordinance on the subject ever adopted by an American city. Asphalt oa rtrum Street At last, at laatl The work of actually placing asphalt on Farnam atreet began at noon Thursday at the corner of Thirteenth street. Progress will be made westward. Mas Alleges Desertion Fred Moore has petltoned the district court to grant him a divorce from Anna Bell Moore, alleging she deserted him February 29, 1902, a day which isn't on the calendar, 1902 not being leap year. Charles W. Hopkins la also seeking a divorce from Ocle, charging her with misconduct and with living a bad life lt the states of Washington and California, Mippad Out of BUs Carriage John n .'liiiiirek has begun suit In district court ugalnat the Omaha Council Bluffs Street hallway company, declaring he waa tipped out of his carriage July 4 by a motor car. He -'1was-fidlnjr' alftn'r llB1ra avenue, South Omaha, at the tlms. He Saya the vehicle and harness was damaged to the amount of ISO and his own Injuries were worth 15,000. He sues for 15,060. Slsvator Conductors Change Fred Sul livan, for aeveral years chief engineer of on of the elevatora In the federal build ing, haa resigned that position to go into the undertaking business, preferring that vouatlon to elevating humanity. He will associate himself with the Swanson Un dertaking establishment. He will be auO ceeded as elevator pilot " by Scott. McWIl 11a ms, formerly of the city hall elevator force. Bom Hotel Opens oa Ttm The new Rome hotel opened Thursday morning for the first time. The flrat name on the new register of the hotel la Mark Morrow of Omaha. This Is followed by the names Of William Anderson, J. T. Clarke and J. Brooks, ail of Omaha. Then follows a Iktt of transients, generally traveling men from Chicago, Kansas City. New Tork, Bt. Louis. Grand Rapids, Cincinnati and Indi. anapolla. Internal Bevenae for July-rThe receipt of Internal revenue for the month of July, 1807. for the Nebraska district were U7r tStMS, aa against t20S.891.2S for tha month of July, 1908, showing a difference of I8.2W.06 in favor of 190. The difference Is attributed to varloua causes, the chief of which Is tha provisions of tha Olbaon law.i which prohibits brewers from owning building In which aaloon business is con ducted. Oyster Crop Is Big- The New Tork and Connecticut oyster crop Is large thla year and the bivalves are Juicy, according to A. M. Longwell, local manager for A. Booth aV Co. He has not had a report yet on tha crop In Chesapeake bay. The trav eling men for the oyster houses have Just gone on the road and are busy taking or ders for the September trade. Prices will open at th same figures that were named the beginning of last season. Bew Tork life la Largsr Offlo Ths New Tork Ufa Insurance company will soon occupy additional offices on ths third floor of Its big building on Farnam atreet. An Increase in office apace la mad neces sary by the recent extension of th Omaha office's Jurisdiction. Ths office now sends in Sl.000.000 yearly to New Tork. having jurisdiction In collections over Nebraska, South Dakota, western iowa. southwestern Minnesota and part of Wyoming. fclve Stock Bast Bver John Keith, th veteran stockman of Sutherland, la In .Omaha, a guest at the Merchants. "Never saw live stock conditions In western Ne braska better than they are at this . ason." said Mr. Keith. "Th range la MB best w have ever had and the cattle I v A ukln advantage of It. Crop of all L . ieinde out there with ua are In better shape 'haa for many years and the general coo- Id dlllons In western Nebrsska have nevr bn better." Bea Cam Act as XoW-Beech camp, No- Itfrt, Modern Woodmen of America, will have as Its guests Friday evening the members of al th other ramp of Omaha, aouui uroana. doiisoq and council Bluffs. Th meeting will be held in Barlghl a hall and the program will be of a muaical and ! literary nature and will include addresses by Q. Saunders of Council Bluffs, Net sou C. Pratt and' other prominent Modira Woedmen. The meeting will be open to the public. , wr Manaat Wot Yet ateoelred Th formal mandate of the I'nited States clr- v cult court of appeala. affirming the decision of the United States circuit court for tha district of Nebraska In the ease of Rev. George O. Ware, haa not yet been received by Judge Munger. The decision Is expected to rech Omaha at any tlni. No actios will be taken hy the attorney of Mr. Ware In the matter of an appeal to the United State supreme court until the official man date i received In Omaha. Brewery Bo Big Dividend Payer Juat to correct any mistaken impression the Stors Brewing Company haa tnnde. public the fart that 111 stock haa paid, the fol lowing dividends: Tear. Per Ceht. Year. ui iyoi .. 1AV2 TV Iflel .. IMc none Iftvi .. 1894 none 10nJ .'. lsve none lm4 .. li none 1! .. lh7 . 8 1S .. lm-s s i;jt .. Ter Cent. IWft I'of Many Coat Bill miffey and John Oreen. vagrants, and B. Ollckman, a second-hand dealer, were envolved In a oontroveray In police court over the right ful ownership of three coats. Ollckman as serted that one of the coat had been stolen from him and Green had been arrested with It In hi possession. Oreen said that he had traded coats with Duffey and paid 10 cents for the stolen coat. Duffey wa drunk, he aaid, and had not the slightest Idea what had happened. Duffey was given ten days In Jail and1 Oreen was discharged. ays Be Waa Trowa Off Car Assert ing he wa thrown off a atreet car by the conductor, a motorman and a policeman, A.' R. Bradley haa begun suit against tha Omaha ft Council Bluff Street Railway company for $000 damages for tha pain, Buffering and humiliation he underwent. Bradley saya he transferred from an Al bright car to the Harney line April 34, but when he presented his transfer to the con ductor the latter refused to accept It and told him h would have to get off the car. He refused and tha conductor called on the motorman and the policeman for as sistance and put him off. He says they beat htm about the head and shoulders In the presence of a large crowd" of people. POTENT AIDST0 BEAUTY Demonstration of Bnrnhana Prepara tions by Mia R. M. Moore at " Owl Drag Store. Much favorable Interest and many sales constitute the record of Miss E. M. Moore, who Is demonstrating E. Burnham's toilet wares at Sherman A McConnell'a Drug Co.'s store. Miss Moore has with her all the articles manufactured by the Burn ham company, and with each purchase she gives a free massage treatment, devoting the morning to these treatment, while dur ing the afternoons she stays at the store. The preparations for which Miss Moore la acting as demonstrator Include between twenty and thirty articles, each for its own purpose in keeping the face and body beautiful. The cleansing cream, which is used for removing blackheads and prevent ing, sunburn, and the skin bleach, for re moving tan, freckles, brown patches and the like, have aroused particular attention among the women of the city. Th free distribution of a booklet, en titled, "How to be Beautiful," la one of the features of Miss Moore's work. It Is an artistic pamphlet, carefully Illustrated, and glvea practice! Instructions in the art of face and body massahes. Its purpose Is to enable women t beautify themselves In their own homes, without having to re sort to professions! treatments. Miss Moors will be at the Owl drug store, SheYman & ' McConnell'a new store. Six teenth and Harney streets, for this and tb following week. DEAD RAILS TO BE MOVED All oh Rabblah atreet Tar Compear Promisee to Pat Oat of the Way. . A .committee of th'e ,clty council, con sisting of Messrs. Briicker, Bedford and Sheldon, has succeeded in securing a defi nite promise from the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company that all "dead rails" In the city will be removed from the streets as soon aa' possible and that a few which are now. "dead" will be put Into active use. It Is the Intention of the company, aa told to the committee, to use a few of the tracka now lying Idle on Fifteenth street, Douglas street and St. Mary's avenue, while tracks on Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twentieth streets and Sixteenth street north of Cuming street will be torn out, . Under the terms of agreement with the company the city asphalt repair plant is to start work as soon aa the company does, filling holes left in asphalt paved streets by the removal of the raUa. The cost of this repair will be borne by th street car com pany. On streets paved with atone the company will m .ike repairs Itself. The engineer's office announced Thursday .morning that It would be in shape to begin such repair Immediately and this was told the manager of the street railway com pany by the committee, which expects the rails to b removed within a week. PURE FOOD jAND BIG EXPO Combination Dlaplay la Planae by Andttorlam Management aad Retail Grocers. TJis management of th Auditorium and a committee from th Omaha Retail Gro cers' association are conferring on tha ad visability of holding a "pure food show and Industrial exposition" at ths Auditor ium In November.. The grocers are pleased with th results Of the former shows and want another. They wish to broaden the scope of the exposition, however, making It not only a food show, but an exhibit of all of Omaha's Industries, especially those in th manufacturing 11ns. November Is suggested because larger crowds would at tend In cool weather and because the Au ditorium Is engaged for September and October. Law Bates East Via Chicago, Mllwaake A Bt. Paal Ry. On far plu 12.00 for round trip 80-day ticket, on sale dally to eastern Canadian point, and on August 6, 10, 30, 24; Septem ber 10. II. 24 and II. to New England points. Choice of route east of Chicago, stop overs at Detroit, Niagara Falls and other points. For rates, routea and Information, call City Tick Office. 1SI4 Farnam Street, or write F. A. Nash, General Weatern Agent, Omaha, Neb Th Longest Stretch f Deable Track la the World under one management Is that of the Grand Trunk Railway System from Chicago to Montreal and to Niagara Falls. Ths Grand 1 Trunk-I.ehlKli Vallev douhle.track nwia vi. j Niagara Flla reaches from Chicago to I New York. Descriptive literature, time tables, etc., ; will be mailed free on application to George W. Vau, A. O. P. T. A.. Grand TruftH Railway System. 1SS Adams St., Chi cago. 111. KirsnloM Via Nickel Plat Road. To Borton and return. H, August (, 1CT, and H, September 10, 14. 34 aad 38. Limit thirty days from date of aale. Mrs s In dining cara U cents to 11. Stopovers. Ticket office. 107 Adams street, Chicago. Phones Central 3(87 and (173. Sal.'e street station, on elevated railroad loop. Announcements, waddw. sctttonery and calling cards, blank books aad magestn tndlng. Phone Doug. ISM. A. L Hoot. I a. SBHSaBBaBBBBBSBSBanBBSBBBBBSBBSBBSSBSBBB 'Tfie Ba Want Ada Are th Beat Bualnes Rnnat ra w irpTiMf VTP II t V f A TA f AITT1 TP JlLKlllAMa JlAl U) 1U lULKl Bigg-eat Taxpayers Liable to Appeal from State Board Increase. RAISE OF ALL REGARDED UNFAIR 1 Aatemoblle Men Are Taacht, aa They Mat Their Ooexle aa Merchan dise, Espertla to Es cape Boast. The action of the State Board of Equali sation In raising merchandise In Douglas county 16 per cent will add to the assess ment rolls npproxlmatelyt342,OflO on a valua tion of one-fifth. The assessed value of this Item In the county was 12. 25.434 as the figures If f t the county board and 4he In crease Avlll send the amount up to 12,628,000. The raise will fall heaviest on three or four department stores and wholesale houses that will sustain an Increase of about 150,000 or hiO.noo on full valuation or from $10,000 to 112,000 on assessed valuation. There were rumors Thursday that an ap peal would be taken to the courts by some of the heaviest taxpayers, though the at torneys for those firms would not say what they Intended doing. Counly Assessor Reed said he had re ceived no official notice of the Increase yet. He did not care to discuss the matter in detail, but said he was surprised that the Increase was so large. County Commis sioner i:re declared the Increase was unfair to a large majority of Omaha merchants because most of them were assessed high before the raise. I nfalr to Bala All. "It Is unfair." he said, "to Increase all of the merchant because two or three may be low on their figures. The figure, as they left th county bosrd, were a fair valua tion of the merchandise stocks and the In crease will be burdensome 10 a large majority of the merchants." It Is estimated that about three-fourths of the merchandise In the county Is located In Omaha. This will mean an addition to the city and school district assessment rolls of about 1250.000. ft will result In a reduc tion 1n the city levy of a little less than one mill. The school district mill levy hav ing been fixed already It will result in a sub stantial Increase In the funds for school purposes. There Is a slight touch of humor In the situation of the automobile houses though the regular merchants are not la a position to see It. The auto men feared the state board would make a sweeping raise In auto mobile valuations so most of them listed their stocks under the head of merchandise Instead of automobile. The Increase came Just where they though it would not and their taxes will be Increased correspond ingly. DIRECTIONS 0NGARBAGE LAW Ordinance la New In Effect aad Coa nell Issues Instractleaa te All. The new garbage contractor started work with two wagons on the downtown streets Thursday morning and four other started in tha afternoon. In the morning the manager of the company said he had not completed preparations of schedules for wagons and that routes wer tlll to be determined, bvlt untilthat Is done an at tempt will be made to send wagons to eery quarter of th city as they are needed. The company ha not yet de cided upon a permanent location for Its rendering plant, but temporary quarters have been secured In East Omaha. The following anonuncemoht has been sent out by the commissioner of health and an effort la being made to place them in every house in th city: NOTICE. - On and after August 1. 1P07, every resi dent must have a galvanised iron garbage ran with cover, having a capacity of not less than ten gallons. All gnrbage must be put In regulation cans, which must be kept accessible to the gsrbage hauler. No rubbish of any kind will be allowed in garbage cans. If paper, tin cans, glass broken dishes, bottles, old shoes, dead ani mals or dish water is put in garbage cans, the city teems will refuse, to haul It free. Garbage must not be mixed with ashes or emptied anywhere except In cans. Garbage cans must be scalded one a W"o'cn will be allowed to haul garbago after Augtiat 1 In the city of Omaha ex cept the Omaha Rendering and Feed com pany, which company has the exclusive right from the city. If garbage Is kept ss directed, It will be removed free of ex pense. This does not Include ashes, manure, etc. By order of the Board of Health. RALPH W. CONNftLfTj. Commissioner of Health. Ten dollars reward for anyone convloted of stealing a garbage can. OMAHA HORSE SH0W"PRA1SED Beat la the Co an try for City of the Is, Bays Bit aad Spar Manage. , J. A. Edmondson. manager of tha Bit and Spur, the leading horse show paper of the country, waa In Omaha Wednesday, looking over the situation for the horse show In Omaha this fall. , 'Ths outlook I encouraging for a suc cessful show this fall," aaid Mr. Edmond son, "for Omaha haa a most enviable reputation all over the east. Ths local owners have finer horses than any city of the slse of Omaha In the country. The circuit should be this year: Louisville, St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, the Twin Cities, Milwaukee and Chicago. Some of these towns have not perfected their dates. St. Louis will have no ahow at all, and Kansas City Is very doubtful. W. Q. Car. lln of Bt. Paul aays his show will be the latter part of October In St. Paul, but th date la still uncertain. "While In th east I heard the Omaha show, most favorably criticised and nothing but words of praise for th management. From what I can learn th Omaha mer chants are beginning to realise the com mercial advantages of a successful horse show and that la all Omaha haa held. It not only brings people from abroad, but stimulates a healthy trade from the Omaha peopl and the merchants all profit by this." JULY LICENSECR0P IS GOOD Receipts from Ordinary Boareea. Ex ceed Those of Aay Month ' Slace Office Opened. Th monthly report of th city license In spector Shows the receipts for th month 'of July from ordinary source were In etrea of those of any month alnce th cre ation of the office. The total amount was I4.17S. and the month of greatest collec tions previous to this was-last July,' when the collections wer $3.62. Th Inspector Is taking steps which he believes will further 1 nor ease the revenues of th office and at th asm time throw a greater degree of protection around per sons who hire automobile. At this tlms no bond la required of owners of machines who operate them for hire, but a bond of tl.OOO I required from each chauffeur who Is not an owner. Th Inspector says that since the new law went Into effect only one chauffeur has been licensed, all others who take out licenses asserting that they twa th machine they are to operate. The tnapeoior lias aent a communication to the council committee on Judiciary requesting It to prepare an amendment which will re quire a bond from owners Sad aasertlng ithat wher such bond la not required no crauntur win oe iiceneea as long a It Is ' possible for a man to become ''owner' of l machln whlta l l r-ally only the oPcr- i ator. CONSCIENCE CUTWEIGHS LOVE Man Walts a tear Rather Than Mls represent Age mf the lrl He Seeks. Floyd Ronk of Grove township. Pot tawrttamle county, Iowa, allowed hi conscience to play havoc with his matri monial Intentions Thursdny and as s result he will have to wait a )fsr before h-s makes little May Braden his bride. When License Clerk Furay arrived at the office he found Ronk and Miss Brnden waiting for him. The hitch came when lie frankly stated Miss Ronk waa only 17. " "Have you the consent of her father?1" Mr. Furay asked. "No. I didn't ark him. I don't believe he would give his consent to the marriage," Ronk answered. He ssld his bride had been earning her own living for the last two years snd he supposed that would make the parental consent unnecessary, but he was Informed the Isw required It when the bride .was under age. "Well I would rather wait a year than perjure myself as to her age." he said, and the couple departed without securing the license. CONFIDENCE IN OLD 'FRISCO ! mm Commercial Men of Golden Gate City Bare of It Boand Re-V Klein of Heller, Klein & Co., wholesale dry goods, and A. Rahwller. head buyer for "The White House," Pan Francisco's big department store, rassed through the city Thursday, returning home from a business trip to New Tork. Both men possess ths deepest confidence In the future of San Francisco. "Do you know how ! big our population Is?" asked Mr. Rahwller. ' "We have now 71,000 registered voters. Before the fire we had only 90,000. This ' Indicates that the city Is nearly as large as It was formerly. All the new construction Is fireproof and we are building a city that cannot be sur paBssed for beauty. "Schmlts ought to have had twenty years. He Is a scoundrel and there can be no doubt of it. He got a salary of $0.001 a year as mayor and now he Is worth mil lions." MAYOR WILL BREAK BRONCHO Intends to Pnt Finishing- Touches on Wyoming Poay for His Daoahter. Miss Dorothy Dahlmarn the little daughter of Mayor Dahlman, Is anxiously awaiting the arrival of one freight train from Gil lette, Wyo., for in a car on that train Is a pony which was promised Miss Dorothy last year by Samuel Ditto, a friend of th mayor, who spent several day In Omaha. The pony is said to be the pick of the plains and for several months Mr. Ditto haa been putting It through g course on instruc tions under his daughter and his niece In order to acquaint It with riding habits and the female style of riding: but the mayor Is a little danbtful of the efficacy of Wyom ing horse-breaking for small girls and will give the pony a further schooling before Miss Dorothy will be permitted to ascertain If eh has Inherited th? paternal ability to manage range horses. FIRST CAR OF NEW. OATS GOOD Weight Is Thirty-Three Pounds to Bushel aad the Yield Is . Mrv,,i The first car of new oata for the Omaha market has been received from Ragan, Neb., by the I'pdlke Grain company. The grain Is of fine quality, . weighing thirty three pounds to the bushel and the yield per acre la said to have been good.. Arthur English had a sample Thursday from Pender. Neb., which did not show up so well. The oats were bright, but of light weight. '' The general opinion' among the grain men la that the Nebraska oat crop Is very spotted, being good In some places, poor In others and medium In ' others. Thresh ing returns so far show this condition. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Colonel John A. Ehrhardt of Stanton is an Omaha visitor. Fred Renner, secretary of the W. L. Tet ter Wall Paper company, Is off on his va cation. W. B. Morledge and Mr. Walsh of Hast ings, Neb., were the guests of W. J. Hynes Thursday. ? J. W. Gillespie of Mynard, Neb., was a visitor at the Omaha Grain exchange Thursday. ' Probation Officer Bernstein has returned from a two days' Ashing trip to Lake Washington. He reports a fine time, but few captured baas. E. J. McKeenan and John W. Parkinson nt Tnnaka Mr. and Mrs. John M. Long and children and Dr. and Mrs. C, H. Oelke of fierce are ai me miiikiu. Assistant Game Warden H. D. Plerson and daughter have returned from a ten days' outing among the Ashing resort of Clearwater lakes. Minnesota. Mre. A. L Reed, who 'underwent an op eration for appendicitis Wednesday, Is get ting along nicely. She Is at Aloha, her country home, north of the city. I,. C. Erwln of Hastings, R. E. Miller rf Nebraska City. R. H. Merchand of Greeley, Colo.; V. A. Umback of Lincoln and R. H. Zangg of Yulan are at the Murray. Alec C. Reed. A. L. Reed's cousin, who had an operation or appendicitis Thursday at the Presbyterian hospital, Is not doing so well. There Is fear that another opera tion may be necessary. Mary Wormser and Lena Wormser of Ban Diego, Cal.; Charlea E. Walte, W. P. Kimball and R. M. Turner of Lincoln, C. H. Keyes of Denver, T. H. Wilson of Stromsburg snd J. E. Btimson of Cheyenne are at the Paxton. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sly of Wagoner, I T., H. W. White of Kansas City. B. L. Kerr snd J. W. Bmlth of Boise, George C. An derson of Philip, ' S. D. : Jay Morrow of Tekamah, Joseph King and C. S. Stafford of Bancroft and H. C. Ketchworth of Blair are registered at the Merchants. Captain Clare K. Aduma of Superior is an Omaha visitor. Captain Adams Is a csndldate for commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic at the na tional encampment ln 8m r a toga, N. V., In September next. He goes there bucked with the endorsement of the Nebraska delegation. E. J. McVann and Will L. Tetter started east Thursday on their vacations. They will go together as far as New York, whiio Mr, Ystter will make his semi-annual pur chases of wall paper. Mr. McVann will visit New York, Washington, Jamestown and Chicago and will return about August in. Mr. Yetter will go from New York to Duluth by lake, returning about August 2. Railway Votes aad Pereeaal. R. L. Hearon, traffic manager of the Colorado Fuel company, was in Omaha Wednesday. General Manager Holdrege of the Burl ington went west Thursday morning on a trip of Inspection. The I'nlon Pacific has arranged to put motor car No. 10 In service August 10 be tween Denver and Carr, Colo. The nlstance Is eight y-slx miles and the mr will make the round trip every day, or a dluiance of 172 mllea. leaving Carr in the morniag for Denver and returning In the evening. , Tkt Texas "Wonder Cures all Kidney, Bladder and Rheumatic troubles; sold by Sherman aV McConnell Drug Co. and Owl Drug Co., or two months' treatment by mall, for tl. Dr. E. W. Hall, rj Olive St., Bt. U-uls. Ma Send for testimonials Have Root prloi it ill """ "" WHAT Information concerning the advantages, rates, extent of curriculum and other data about the best schools snd colleges can be obtained from the School and College Information Bureau of The Omaha Bee All information abtolutely free and impartial. Cata logue of any particular school cheertull furnished upon request. - 0 s s s s s Letter on Dollars No. 8. Telling MOSHER-LAMPMAN STUDENTS pass the mile-stone on the ROAD TO DOLLAR VILLI? In 902 Arthur K. Lee finished four niontJis In Bookkeeping and four months in Shorthand under the Instructions of Mr. Lampnun and Mr. Mosher. Worked for Wright & Wilhelmy at 89.00 wk till sept. 1st. 1902. Went to Cheyenne with Union Pacific as stenographer In Master Mechanic's office at $77.50 rer month. Sept. 1st., 1904. was appointed private secretary to Gov. Chat terton at $125.00 per month. At expiration of term, In typwrlter and expert bookkeeping busi ness. Business good. Next appointed Assistant State Examiner at $150.00 and expense allowance, keeping Interest In typewriter buslneV FLMSHKI) SCHOOL FIVE YEARS AGO. NOT VLT TWENTY- FIVE YEARS OLD. WE give OVR students a GOOD START. Let as start yon. Call, "phone Douglas No. 6619 or write MOKHKR-LAMPMAN I1U8INESS COLLEGE 17th and Farnam (See Letter lbs7?tr'CA m, (See Letter No. 9 Friday.) CsT gg S S S S ,S :. ... V ROIlRBOUGil BROS., Props., 19th and Farnam . Oldest commercial school In Nebraska. Over 20,000 ex-stndentB. More, than 1,000 enrolled erery ' year.' Has a corps of teachers emi nently, .Qualified. .The, school occupies a $100,000 building-the finest of any like school In the entire country. It Is newly equipped through out. Day and Night Sessions. Comprehensive Courses. Three hundred given positions Blnce January 1 at large salaries. Has a Gymnasium of Its own, a Lecture Course, Literary Society, College Orchestra, and every facility to be had by any school. What school can you attend and obtain such advantages? Catalogue free. Vrlte today. ROHRBOUGH OT T7170 MILITARY DlJijjLJsO ACADEMY MACON, MISSOURI , Cadets rooms all single. I,arge corps of university graduate Instructors. Splendidly equipped physical and chemical labora tories, manual training shops, llbrsry, etc., drowlng and music Non-sectarian and combines home Influence with military discipline, drill, systematic physical culture and high educational standards. Enrollment limited and only boya of good charac ter admitted. Early applications advised. Tuition 1600. Write for Illustrated cata- lUKUf. mix i a OoL Oso. X.. Burnett, X.Z.. B., M. A. (West Point '80) Superintendent. Mai. Louis B. Lawton (West Point '93), Commandant' HARDIN COLLEGE AND CONSERVATORY FOR YOUNG WOMEN THIBTT-rOVBTB: YI1I CE1BTEBID BT TBI STJTB. The College A I nlverslty Trained Faculty. Literary work given 18 majors credit by the University of Chicago. The Consorvatory German Standards. Courses In Art, Elocution, Business snd Cooking SZSStOlT OFEHB BEPTXMBZB 11, 1807, . Wr,!5,.!0. fa"l0ue Bn terms to Pres. johu W. Millions. A. M., 1805 College Place, Mexico, Mo. IVentworih FJHitaty Academy Oldest ami Largest in the Middle West. Active U. S. Army officer detailed by tlie War Department Class A. I'repores for Vnlverel ties, Government. Academies or Bnsiness. $40,000 in improve ments now being oompleled. Rates 1360.00. separate ScsartaMal Isr (sua keys. Catalogue free. Address. , "craot"' IMC SCCKCTAKt. Be A. fxlnoto. mm. a mi. We ,l help yon te Ml.d a school, ky .!, y.,, absal.uly -inlorauiion icgtrding any perticalaf echoel or ciau el atboole Jaieat! ity. College, ScbooU for Womea. Military, Boya, Cilia. Baaiacia ttm. ....lon.l. Tecbslcal. M..i. Art, Tralaing or lads glung lull Infoimalios loom your setlrei. The EJacatbaal laierejatiea I area a. Ml Kaeack BaJUaaj, L Lsejs, Bo, KEMPER MILITARY SCHOOL Hseognlted preparatory school for kf iaeotui rniTeralty end all leadW anil.... o.e, fro. t.T. ha. detaUM to achuol b P.,ent. kated taeib, Sal I-pertinent. For catalogue, address WU t. a.easief, Se,., . !tiu POTTER COLLEGE For Toting Ladles (students from 4U States. Number select snd unlimited. JO teachers. Department under apeclslists. Appointments of the highest order. Recommended by leading r.en or the U. S. Rend (or Cittalogue ft v. H F. Cabell. P. ., Pres., Bowling Green. Kentucky. WIXSOBT OOX.X.BOB FOB WOMII In tbe beeutltul Camberland Valley, couraee lead ing to degrees of A. B- and llue. B riasalos. Mu sic. An. A most eaeellent faculty, rtmpua w acres: 14 building!, ratea nodrrale. M. H. RKAblH. Pa. D . Pres't. U Colleje Ae-, Cbaaibersbarf, Pa. Business Boosters Try th Waal A Goluuuja ot Tlx Schools AND SCHOOL how Hts., Omaha, Neb. No. 9 Friday.) torn BROS.. Omaha Th only military academy whose super intendent and commandant are both West Point graduatea. Plant cost 600,000 and la modern, sanitary and absolutely fire proof. A 160,000 gymnasium, 1,000 acres of woods, lakes, parade around and athletic fiiia 1 I J DOYLES COLLEGE SUMMER TERM OPEN Students admitted any day Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Typewriting, Telegraphy, English and Elocution. Pre Catalogue. Addrtss, H. H. BOYLES, President, 1803 XfABsTBT BTBBET. OMAHA, ITXBBAB1. ' 'rv : VABT SABTT SCHOOL Or ha. , "D. .... - ,nu new quart-1 i " - r "riimrn. it will '."r" , "i .u a select ' training or atsno- Illustrated Music School,! 11 1 FirnaiJ Music eUil Less an luci w tlLVUsr U J "r- ifl'-rTrTmsrTjS, -.fc'n different ijrr,,s. courses Invest rat them at thJ sior or ine hrerziaia nano uo., Omaha. BTT1X OOUZOl Or OSTBOFATKT, Pes Moines, la. The standard Osteopathia college of America. Wo have mure calls (or our graduatea than we can supply, Turin kxglua Kth. Catalogue t si H! Creigliton University OXAXA, HXB. 150 PROFESSORS CLASSICAL AITS CXEHTXTIO BS FiBTHEgTI OOllLXaZATB AJTD KXOV CXOO COUHIEM tSsrcB tsars IT) COLLEGES OF Medicine Law Dentistry Pharmacy noosmATS OKAKoaa For rail Information Apply to 9as of Varloua Departments DO YOU WANT A POSITION WHERX YOU CAN EARN $1,000 PER YEAR? ir YOU DO REGISTER. AT McCartney Institute 1803 Tarnam Street, ' Complet courses In Shorthand, Type writing", Bookkeeping. Commercial Law, Penmanship and College preparatory work. Able professor In each dupartmenl day and evening" sessions. Call, or Tel. Douglas. 1070. Browned Hall A boarding and day School for Tounc Women and Girls. Students holding cr 1 1 Urates covering In full the entrance re qulrements of a standard Stata Univer sity, are admitted without rxamlnatlon to Junior year of advance course. Certl floats n college preparatory course s'lmlts to Vassal, Wellesley, Kmlth, Mt. Kolyok. L'nlv. of Nebraska, vUnlv of Wisconsin and Univ. of Chicago. Exceptional ad vantaKa li: Music, Art and DomestM Science Well equipped gymnasium ana outdoor sports. Etudents mothered sym pathetically y women of large practical experience (th Jlrls in that highly Im portant formative period between four teen and twenty-one years of as. Send for Illustrated Tear Book, Address Miss Vicrae, Principal. Omaha. University of - Notre Dams HOTSS BAMS, UTDXABTA A Catholio College Home Bvery Educational Advantage Evary Moral Bafsgnard Ik buildings 76 Professors 8UU Students. Courses In Ancient and Modern Lan guages, KnKlish, History and Kco nomlcs. Chemistry, Biology, Fhar macy, Civil, Klectrlcftl, Clwinlcal and Mechanical Engineering, Architecture, Law. Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Type writing. TBKMSi Board. Tuition and X,aun- dry (400. Special Dapartmsnt for Boys Uadsr 13 1360. Address Ths atsv. jonn uavsnangn, i-resicism. How about. the boy your boy? What school for 1907-08? The book called "The right school for your boy" gives many helpful suggestions. We send it and our catalogue, without cost, if you ask for it. Racine College Grammar School Racine, WUcontin American ! Kimball Hall 30 toasa baah Av Cmoago, lit Conservatory The LeadlnrScbno: of Music and Dramatic Art. TWKNTY SECOND SEASON. Seventy emi nent instructors. Unsurpassed course ot study. Teachers' Training Department. 1 Unionist and Teacher's Certificates. Vnrtvalfd Fr AJtun tagts. Thirty tree aad one hundred partial scholar, ships swarded annually to talented students ol limited means. Fall term begin September 4 19U7. Catalogue mslled free. JOHN J. UATTbTAEDT, PresldanL Where Shall I Send Him? Tour bar's progress aspesAs lsrssly on stt to- , fort sud bapplnMs. Our boys srs contented ss j umlrtbl, surroundta with srsr, tarsnta that contribute to me tiuuain g ot rbarsflisr. Hoys are ftvan mwtrr opportunity to lara aslf control, ang vslls trusting to their honor, gisalpllns at th high, lit oraar is rigidly malnt alnea. Nsw llra-proot buildings. Erery advantage. Special de partment ter boys I to U years. . gen lor Catalog A Kaarnsy Military Acadvmy, Highland Park College, ! A colleee that nieete the demamla of modern edtieav eioa. Nine largo botldlnge; F-itenelve bjuinmeute; A acuity of fepeclall.le, Hug atudsula aasueily. cot kmes orrsais. t. Cllee t. Seele, . Fas aril t. Sereiall A Oraleryl IS. T.Utrepbyl S. gtMHog.(eH . t. Caaaarelall II. BlleSe!l e. ttenaeen b'L'he) . Skraea4i IS. Suae. BekeaL Correpontlnr'oure In aluoelall euujeota. Write fur fine new oataiou-ue. oj.ioewat,rri.Hi6Hut nnt mun.nH BELLEVUE COLLEGE! tOUJtUB Class cal. sciealuM, philosophical eeureee, aCAbKaty Aa euci edited high school pr.cees la beilevue or eor other eollego or aaiverailf. pokMAL SCHOOI. Ktemeuiarr had advance courees. Certittcates sraataa. CCSSBRVATOHY Theory of am a) a. ataa. sells, violin, elocution and Aft. OMAHA CONBF.CTIONS Elect rte Hnf aad Bor'Ug. tea rat:eay- Vow htodor Beraltartea, Address fres'isBl Weaeoonh. IMIletae. Mete (Chicago Conservatory BsiswiiMn . WMItMl PtfllM, PVfMa Unt nd bMt tvrbool for tboroufd tuAchtnf t MUSIC AND DRAMATIC ART arris) of tw-tUttr icllm mpioy m.if ttmmi aa (ha bit ItAsit mcrm. UrHiut r il ia I Hat nauiorm. mfry tkiBstiiil gulp Uad Lraaalio Art. requirement nf w (is3U) t. nr IntdHrtBstina Mltjsm, 4HsHtJB iNlMlaf S 1 iy,ii,.. .. ait. 9 P nvi si a I II gTimiiigi' TwarriT iii-i H 9lu Stammering or otlisr Speech Defect li I rs Medical rer t en tea ana ln3rmatlon H I Habout the school furnisiied on applt- H V BAMOB BUn-DIXO, Oaf ABA. BBS. B