Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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i -I
Invitation! Continue Coming, Extend
inf Well Into Next Week. .
Two Large LaarhMa Parties aa
nmrroue Smaller Oau Contrib
ute to Gal Lad Ira' Par
Oat Bensoa Way.
The Country club presented It usual gla
appearance Wednesday, ladles' day, with
several urn art luncheon part tea In progress
and several score of fashionable women
Mr. Nathan Merrlam waa hostesa at
on of yie largest lunchaona which waa
given In honor of Mra. Allea, guest of Mra.
Clarke Colt, and Mra. Oarrabrant, guest
of Mr. C. K. Coutant. The color scheme
was green and white, ferns and white
.store forming a pretty center piece. Cov
ers were laid for Mrs. Oarrabrant. Mrs.
Alice, Mra. Clarke Colt, Mrs. C. K. Cou
tant, Miss Bessie Allen, Mra. Oaear Will
lams, Mrs. Arthur Pinto. Mrs. Sargent,
Mrs. Edmund Martin, Mrs. Charles Sweet,
Mrs. Oeorge T'pdlke, Mrs. Ella Squires,
Mrs. C. N. Diets, Mrs. W. B. Millard, Mrs.
8. D. Barkalow, Mrs. J. E. Baum, Mrs.
C. M. Wllhelm. Mrs. J. 8. Brady, Mrs. J.
H. Butler, Mrs. R. . Carrier, Mrs. Warren
Elaekwell, Mrs. Archie Love, Mrs. Rich
ard Moore, Miss Merrlam and Mrs. Mor
rlam. Miss Margaret Baum entertained at
luncheon for Mies Bertha Dickey and Miss
Helen Scohle. The table had a pretty dec
Oration of sweet peas. Covers were laid
for Miss Helen Scoble, Miss Bertha Dickey,
Miss Alice Carter. Miss Violet Joslyn, Miss
Katherlne Beeson, Miss Margaret Baum
and Mrs. D. A. Baum.
Mrs. Z. T. Lindsay had eleven . guests In
honor of her sister, Miss Evans of New
Mrs. Myron Learned entertained seven
guest a.
"or Mlaa Rate.
Miss Adele McHugh entertained at lunch
eon at the eVmntry club Wednesday In
honor of Miss Estee, guest of Miss
Hazel Connell. An attractive decoration
of Bhasta daisies was used. Those
present were: Miss Estee, Miss Connell,
Miss Hasel Connell, Miss Mona Kloke,
Miss Hortense Clarke, Miss Elisabeth
Congdon, Miss Caroline Congdon,
Miss Nathalie Merrlam, Miss Gwen
doline White, Miss Louise Dinning, Miss
Bess Baum, Miss Alice Swltcler, Miss Car
oline Barkalow, Miss Dorothy Morgan,
Miss Margaret Bruce, Miss Frances Mar
tin, Miss Helen Sholes, Miss Alice Kennanl,
Miss Frances Wessels, Miss Olive Baker
and Miss Louise Peck.
At the Field Clnh.
s Mrs. H. O. Fredrick was hostess of the
largest luncheon given at the Field club
Wednesday noon, her table being laid fo.
eighteen guests. Mrs. W. C. Dean enter
tained a party of eight, Including Mra. L..
M. Talmage, Mrs. J. Kennard, Mrs. T. W.
Blackburn, Mrs. J. A. Mclnlyre, Mrs, Jul n
McDonald, Mrs. N. P. Dean and Mrs. C. 8
Haywavd. The table had a pretty dercra
Hon of daisies. .
Mrs. F. A. Ewlng entertained a lunch 01
party of eight, covers being laid for: M.-a.
Ruth. Mrs. Frank McCoy, Mrs. D. V.
Bholes, Mrs. Robert Dinning, M s. John
Stout, Mrs. Arthur 8rlbner, H:im Pinto
and Mrs. Ewlng.
Mrs. W.. C. Bullard entertained in honor
of Mrs. J. A. McClanahan, guert of Mrs.
W. H. Oerhart, the party Including: Mrs.
McClanahan. Mrs. Gerhart. Mrs. G. H.
Elllngwood, Miss Madge Bullard and Mrs.
Mrs. N. F. Reckard entertained a party of
even In compliment to Mra Perfect of
Kansas City, who Is her guest. Among
Cud ah y Company Completing; Sanitary
, Improvement in Beef House.
Idaalcale at the Country Clab Attracts
m Lame Number and Proven to
Be Moat Entertaining
The sanitary Improvements which have
been under way at the Cudahy packing
plant for several months are approaching
completion. The largest undertaking was
the construction of cement floors for the
first and second stories of the beef house.
These are practically finished and represent
an Immense amount of work. The result
la a floor which in every way meets the
requirements of the government regula
tions. Aside from the flooring, the company
Is working on the roof, putting In a system
Of overhead lighting. This haa been greatly
needed In the beef house. As soon as these
operationa are completed Improvements will
be undertaken In the hog house, where the
demands have been as great for repairs as
In the other departments. The company
haa done little toward erecting any com
plete buildings during the last year. A
small addition waa made to the office.
Knife and Pitcher, aa Weasoas.
Robert Borders and Charles Thomas, both
colored, got into a wrangle Monday night.
Which led to blowa Thomas seized a glass
pitcher and used It as a weapon. He broke
It over Border's head and the sharp edges
Of the glass cut long gashes In the scalp.
Borders then drew a jacknlfe and made a
pure. The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother must
pan, however, it ao fraught with dread, pain. Buffering and danger,
that the very thought of it fill, her with apprehension and horror.
There it no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either painful
. .
.... g hit
great and wonderful
remedy it alwaya 11
aDnliedexteraallv.anrf .
hat carried thousands
of women throuch
the trvinp- crisis without suffer!
Mead for tree Ux.k enetalntsf InformaUua
iniwhw wan e3ieiMii wuiaais.
lit HradCtid Relsttr Ce, Atlaata,
others entertaining small psrtles were;
Mrs. Frank Crawford, who had two guests;
Mrs. J. L. Baker, two; Mrs. M. Shirley,
three; Mrs. Carrlgan, two, and Mrs. E. B.
Zachary. three.
Mrs. Philip McMullen entertained at
luncheon Wednesday for Miss Margaret
Hale of Kansas City, guest of Miss Buntce
Beaton. A center-piece of nasturtiums
was used. The guests were: Miss Hale,
Miss Eunice Beaton, Miss Bertha Heltfeld,
Mlsa Virginia McMullen and Mrs. Frank
Prospective Affairs.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Judson entertained
the largest party scheduled for the Field
club Wednesday evening, having made res
ervation for twenty guests. Miss Vaughn
of Portland was guest of honor. Mr.
and Mra John F. Stout entertained a
dinner party of eleven covera, and Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Wagner one of seven guests.
Among others entertaining parties were:
Mr. and Mrs. Porter had a party of six;
Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Rogers, six; Mr. and
Mrs. J. Tl. Penfold, six; T. Davidson, six;
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Baker, four; Mr. and
Mrs. Edwsrds, four; Lee Spratlen, four;
Oeorge Hoobler, four; Dr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Bradbury, four; Mr. and Mrs. S. S.
Miller, four, and Mr. and Mra W. O. Gil
bert, four.
Miss Mary Morgan haa Issued Invitations
for a bridge party to be given Tuesday
afternoon at her home in honor of Miss
Estee, Miss Marlon Connells guest, and
Miss Sanders, who arrives soon to be the
guest of Miss Hilda Hammer.
Miss Gwendoline White will be hostess of
a luncheon to be given at the Country club
Saturday, August W, complimentary to
Miss Ftee. Miss Hazel Connell's iguest.
Miss Eunice Beaton will give a picnic at
Lake Manawa Thursday for Miss Margaret
Hale of Kansas City, who Is her guest.
Complimentary to her guest. Miss An
spacher of New York. Mrs. Ssmuel Kats
will entertain at dinner Friday evening.
The company will Include ten guests.
Come sit Go Gossip.
Misses Bailie and Anna Groh left
Wednesday for a visit with relatives at
Buffalo Springs, Lebanon county, Penn
sylvania. Cards have been received this week by
Omaha friends from Mr. and Mrs. H. P.
Whltmore from Norway.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kountse expect to
leave August IS for Europe.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hull will leave soon
for a tour of Europe.
Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson announce
the engagement of their daughter. Miss
Gertrude Jane, to Mr. William James
Miller of East St. Louis. The wedding
will take place August 14.
Mr. and Mra. J. E. Baum, accompanied
by Mr. Richard Baum and the Misses Bess
and Katherlne Baum left Wedensday
evening for a two weeks' outing on a
J ranch near Sheridan, Wyo.
I Miss Cranmer left Tuesday for her home
In Denver. Miss Wood, being 111, was un
able to accompany her as planned.
Mr. F. A. Ewlng - la the guest of his
mother In Cincinnati, O. '
Miss Florence Lewis Is confined to her
h-jire this week with an attack of grip.
I Miss Fannie Coren Is taking an extended
t: to east. Including Chicago, New York
City .and Washington, , Mlaa, Coren will be
g ino two months.
Sleeveless Caaaqae le a Favorite
Model for the . Dressy
"The thing that struck me most forcibly,"
says one correspondent in writing of the
great fashion shows, "was the marvellous
variety and beauty . of the coat designs.
Surely never before were so many fascinat
ing varlktlcns rung upon the coat theme.
Whether the coats are separate garments,
or, as la more often the case In element
toilettes, are en suite, with a fourreau or
skirt and bodice, they are wonderful In line
and detail, and my brain fairly reeled with
the effect to remember even a small per
lunge at Thomas, striking him In the back.
A gash three Inches long and an Inch deep
through the heavy muscles of the back was
the result. Both men were arrested and
taken to the city jail, where the police
aurgeon sewed up their wounds. They had
little to say of the trouble, except that they
were good friends ordinarily and would be
again. Thomas said If he ever got out of
Jail he would surely leave town, as he had
had nothing but trouble since he arrived
here. They were fined for disturbing the
peace yesterday afternoon.
Child Taken from Foster Mother.
The Juvenile officers have caused the ar
rest of Mra John Mangold, who was
brought Into . public notice several weeks
ago by her attempt to shoot herself In Al
bright. She fired a bullet Into her bresst,
Inflicting a deep flesh wound, though it was
not at all dangerous. She was cared for at
the South Omaha hospital and has but
lately been able to leave that Institution.
She has an adopted child which has b?en
with her for three years or more. It Is
said that she Intended to leave the city last
night to join her husband in Denver. The
juvenile authorities have been Investigat
ing the case and It Is likely the woman will
be deprived of the custody of the adopted
child. The reason assigned Is that the
woman Is not a fit party to be entrusted
with the care of a child.
Police Help Hant Wife.
When Jim Jones, colored, returned to hU
home from the packing houses, he found
that his wife was gone and was thrown
Into considerable consternation by the state-
ment of the immediate neighbors that
another colored man by the name of Al
Vance had come to the house and. using a
knife as a means of intimidation, had kid
naped Mrs. Jonea Jones traced the pair to
Indian Hill and then went to the police and
secured a warrant for the arrest of Vance.
The police went with him to the place
No womnn'g happi.
new cant complete
without chil-ircn; it
it her nature to love
and want thero
at much to aa
it ii to love the
v -.:r.i
uejaumui ana
Jicuaics UltJ syitsm IOI
yesscu wiiooui any aanger
fl gj
mTl fSft
centage of the striking coats In the prsaga
at the Grand Prix. Everything Is worn.
There are apparently no hard and fast
rules. Originality and beauty excuse an7
extremes; and yet though originality Is so
ardently desired the general effect of the
mode exhibits Is not bizarre or spectacular.
I think I have never known a time when
French fashions struck me as so extrava
gant yet In such extraordinarily good
The loose long casaque, without sleeves,
has figured largely In the coat display and
in linen Is to be a particularly emphasised
feature of the midsummer modes In TTou
vllle. Already In Paris stunning linen
costumes or costumes of linen In combina
tion with other material, such as the popu
lar gros tulle or heavy net, have been dls-
played and no amount of hand work and
elaboration Is too great to be lavished upon
the handsomest of these models.
The frock of net and linen sketched for
one of our cuts was one of the sleeveless
casaque type and the coat with Its cutaway
"wing" skirts Is built upon lines highly
favored. The cutaway Idea has attained a
decided vogue this season and Is carried out
In more or less radical fashion In all sorts
of materials.
The fascinating Mme. Max, to whom Is
accorded a place among the half dozen
most perfectly and authoritatively gowned
women of Taris, wore at one of the great
racing events one of these long cutaway
wing skirt coats In rich deep violet sl'k.
This coat, severely plain save for silk cov
ered buttons the full length of the Ion,
close fitting sleeves and on the coat skirts,
was worn over a clinging fourreau of soft
white and black line check, which fell in
long graceful lines and was untr'mmel In
Its skirt length. A big plumed hat Jif violet
matching the coat completed a costume
which for all Its studied simplicity of detail
achieved a decided success and called forth
admiring comment from all critics.
For that matter, Mme. Max never falls
in her effects. Her taste Is unerring and
though often audacious In her originality
the results always Justify the audacity.
Where Dress Fads Originate.
A number of popular actresses are re
sponsible for many pretty fashions, says a
writer. Miss Lillian Bralthwatte set the
fashion of bugle-trimmed dresses; Camllle
Clifford created the close-fitting princess
gown; Miss Marie Tempest Is responsible
for a pretty coat with short sleeves. Sarah
Bernhardt ruled the sleeve fashion for a
time, while Mrs. Langtry gave a number
of clever dress Ideas to the public. There
have been skillful modifications in all of
where the parties were said to have se
creted themslves. Captain Tumqulst as
sisted In the hunt. Both the man and
woman were taken to Jail.
It Is said that on other occasions Jones
has had trouble with his wife and that she
has even refused to live with him at times.
Muslrate at Country Club.
In spite of the rain last evening the mu
slcale at the South Omaha Country club
waa given with effect before a fair sized
audience. Mra J. D. Ringer had charge of
the recital and the merit of the perform
ance showed her -careful preparation. The
program was not given until after the rain
had ceased. It consisted of eight or ten
numbers, mostly by South Omaha people,
and some from Omaha.
The management has determined to re
quire all visitors at the regular Friday even
ing dances to show their membership tick
ets hereafter. It la thought that some peo
ple who had no membership have been In
the habit of Imposing on the privileges of
the club members.
A mid-summer tennis tournament has
been arranged, which Is to start Saturday.
The pairing for the opening games of the
initial round is as follows:: Ferguson and
Blake, Plnnell (a bye), Caughey and Towle,
Tanner and Tagg, Stryker and Fitzgerald,
Culkln (a bye), Weppner and Laughlln,
Tlbbltta (a bye), Crandall and Vols. Cox and
Plnnell, Arnold (a bye), Ensor and Talbot,
Iefler (a bye).
Magle City Consist.
The Indians defeated the Cowboys Sun
day afternoon t to 1
Frank E. Jones Is recovering rapidly from
a recent severe Illness.
The Board of Education meets la regular
session Monday evening.
The Country club will finish Its golf tour
nament Saturday and Sunday.
Frank Mitchell and wife have returned
from a trip to Great Falls, Mont.
Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to all
parts of the city. Telephone No. I.
Leo DeLanney Is to go on a visit to Avoca,
la., this morning. Hs will he gone two or
three days.
Now Is the time to place your order for
winter coal. Bee Joe Uarlow, successor
to Christie Bros.
The Highland Park team will try for
honors against the strong tsam of the
South Omaha Country club.
Captain James Austin, one of the oldest
residents of South Omaha, haa filed for the
office of South Omaha Police Judge.
Dr. Sapp haa returned from New York,
where he has spent the summer at a med
ical Institute taking an advanced course.
The government sanitary Inspectors took
an examination yesterday to put them In
line for promotion aa asalstant Inspectors
Arnold Fernland foil off a street car at
Thirty-second and Q streets last evenlna-
and suffered severe bruises of the back and
Richard Novak, inanaaer of the Nebraska
Shoe and Clothlna house, has left South
Omaha for a two week's vacation trip. It
Is generally believed by hie friends that he
ui do married before Ms return.
Mra C E. Bcarr haa heen recallMf fmm
New York by the ntu that h.r iik i
tying very aick at Bucklln. Mo. She la ex
pense! to arrived In South Omaha tonight
and will leave at once for her old home
An ""erst'on has been performed and there
. , ' V that the father may survive
his Illness - -
1 1
the styles, yet their origin began back of
the footllghta
Matron Moans Over the Thlaae that
Are Left Behlad at Vaca
tion Time.
"My troubles begin with vacation," said
the matron of a girls' college. "Don't talk
to me about the carelessness of boys they
aren't In It with the girls. May be It Is
because we expect more of the girls. Here's
my experience; Judge for yourself. The
first crowd got off on the special, which
left at 7 p. m. Before ( next morning I
had telegrams galore. Jeweled, fraternity
pins, lace waists, a princess gown left hang
ing In a closet, a diamond ring and an opal
necklace were a few of the things tele
graphed for. One student left Ave shirt
waists, her new gymnasium shoes and all
of her small things. Washcloth, tooth
brush, soap cup, whlskbroom. and never
even wrote for them forgot she ever had
them, I guess.
"Do you know, I don't believe ten girls
in the whole college had more than two
thirds of their belongings. They all left
all their toilet articles. I think college life
makes girls careless and slipshod. I asked
the dean If one of the girls was very
wealthy. "Why, no, I don't think so they
are comfortably fixed, I believe, but not
rich. What made you ask?'
" 'What made me ask? That girl left six
almost new pairs of shoes, two hats, all
her towels, curtains, shoe bags (they all
leave those), two silver spoons, a lot of
books, a beautifully carved sandalwood
box and any number of small things could
not get them in her trunk, she said. Do
you wonder I thought her family must be
"Sweaters, hot water bags, handsome
waists by the dozen, aren't even written
for. One girl did write for her bible she
had forgotten and needed very much.
When they leave valuable things we send
them C. O. D., and of course forward all
things written or telegraphed for If found
wagonload after wagonload of stuff, trash
of all kinds taken from their rooms.
"It's a grand harvest for the maids.
They find more than they can carry away.
After a while they stop taking powder,
shoe polish black, brown and white bot
tles of witch hazel, camphor, alcohol and
tonics never heard of so many kinds of
tonic. They look with scorn . on nail
brushes and tooth powders. They really
have more towels, handkerchiefs and wash
cloths than they can carry away. It seems
an awful waste to me to have good things
go In the trash hampers when I know all
the mothers aren't rich and many have
denied themselves to send their daughters
to college."
Olive Oil for Health.
Many women exhaust their system by not
taking dally care of their health. Those
who are troubled to know how to proceed
should take a tablespoon ful of olive oil
dally. It Is good for the skin, the digestion
and the liver, making them do their work
well. Fill a wineglass partly with water,
then put In the oil and more water, gulp It
down and you will not taste It. Get the
best olive oil that is to be got. This is a
treatment that may not suit everybody It
does suit most people but ask your doctor.
because he may know of some bodily
peculiarity that might make it disagree.
There Is no treatment that will suit every
body, but In nine cases out of ten those
who follow this advice will testify to Its
wisdom and will be quite astonished at
the result. It makes you vigorous, brisk
and not overburdened.
To Clean Palattagrs.
To clean an oil painting that Is covered
with dirt and fly specks wipe all the dust
from the painting with a soft cloth. Put a
little linseed oil In a saucer and, dipping
a' finger In the oil, rub the painting gently.
It will require time and patience, but the
effect will repay you. Artists say that in
cleaning a painting nothing but the Angers
dipped In oil or In water should be used.
Change in Hotel. Made Last Night by
Some miller.
"w of New One Contemplates For
mal Opening with Elaborate
Ceremonies on First of
The Her Grand hotel ceased to exi.t .
hotel last night at 12 o'clock. Its entire
executive rorce was transferred to the
new Rome hotel adjolnina at Sixteenth nrf
Jackson street, which opened at mid
night, receiving and caring for all the
guests then In the Her Grand. The Tier
was formally turned over to P. E. Her and
win ce closed indefinitely as a hostelry.
The new Rome hotel, occupying the
Brunswick block of Sixteenth street and
Its twin structure, the new Rome hotel
building, will be formally opened for the
reception of guests at t a. m. Thursday
and the doors of the old Her Grand will
Rome Miller will assume personal charge
of the Rome hotel and his son, W. B. Mil
ler, win be assistant manager. The re
mainder of the executive force will con
sist of William Anderson, chief clerk; H.
H. Brown, room clerk; J. Merrltt. Cashier;
S. L. Damery. night clerk; Frank Rose
and Elmer Poulson. front clerks; David
McAllister, head porter; Mra Delia Com p.
ton. housekeeper; Paul Ponterenke, chef;
Eugene Atkins, checker; George B. Scott!
head bartender, and former Chief Cook
Robinson In charge of the grill room,
koaeous on Fire Escape.
The Her Grand remained open all night
In the guest rooms department to enable
the guests to become familiar with the
Are escapes should the emergency require.
"I have no apologies to make," said
Rome Miller, "except that we want our
guests to bear with us for a few days
until we get things Into running order.
Tou will observe that this U rr.t. t.i-
undertaklng and there Is much yet to be
done. But we are ready for the reception
of guests, and can take care of them
handsomely. I might add that this Is an
Illustration of a hotel being built without
much talk and opening on time. It
for itself."
The formal one nine of the Rnm. in w.
celebrated with elaborate ceremonl.. au.
tember L
Print ry for Mississippi.
JirKRON Vf Ii,l mi t-u . .
- . - - - j . . 1 1 pnmirr
t n mi . ITnit-it St - . . .
- wiwiur, uinta ana
county officials will be held tomorrow. In
'.eru nUr ,n th senatorial race between
John sharp Williams and Governor Varda
man. The campaign has been, a strenuous
one and both sides claim victory. There
are SU CoeldaU tut governor.
New Ordinance Introduced for Open
ing of Twenty-Fourth Street
Council Taken Recess t'ntll Thureuay
Moralagt, When It Will Meet to
Pass the Monthly
The city council held a short, but busy,
session Tuesday night. The only Important
measure to come up was the ordinance to
correct the error In the ordinance for the
oiwnlng of Twenty-fourth street In front of
Crelghton college. This was read the first
and second times and referred. Another
ordinance was for the purchase of a num
ber of lota In Mayne Place for park pur
poses. These lots are In a depression and
will be Improved by the Park board.
The council did not adjourn, but took a
recess to Thursday morning at t o'clock,
when the monthly payrolls will be pre
sented. A communication from Reed Bros., offer
ing to deed a tract of land fifty feet wide
from the south line of Guise's addition to
Blnney street wss referred to a committee.
The offer would have the effect of opening
Twnty-elghth street fifty feet wide upon
the cancellation of taxes assessed at IXH
but the land could only be used for street
Councilman Bedford Introduced a resolu
tion as follows:
Resolved, That the city engineer be In
structed to notify the street railway com-
fiany to abate the frogpond nuisance at the
ntersectlon of Thirtieth and Spalding
streets, or stock It with bullheads and plant
weeping willows to protect them.
The resolution was unanimously adopted.
William A. Hlggins waa named In place
of Benjamin Robldoux on the board of ap
praisement for the extension of A street
and O. A. Scott, Q. F. Bheppard and John
McCafferey aa appraisers for the opening
of Webster street.
The ordinance for the opening of Twenty
fourth street was vetoed and the veto sus
tained, after Elsasser had made a speech
criticising -the old ordinance.
Gaa Commissioner Reports.
The report of the gas commissioner
showed the result of recent tests In that
The Park board requested the purchase
of certain lots In Mayne place for park
Appraisers reported damages of Jl.tOO for
the opening of Hickory street from Seven
teenth to Eighteenth street. Elsasser moved
that the report be rejected and this was
done after Elsasser had voted against his
own motion and corrected himself.
The report of appraisers on the opening
of Paul street from Twenty-first to Twenty
thlrd was referred to the committee of the
whole. The report carried JS.fiOO.
An Invitation waa received from the
League of American Municipalities request
ing the council to send delegates to the con
vention to be held at Norfolk September 18
to to. Councilman Elsasser wanted the
mayor, comptroller and three councllmen
to be sent at public expense. The matter
went over until Monday.
The Real Estate exchange requested the
council to have street signs placed at all
corners where they do not now exist.
Employes of the street cleaning depart-
lb Beef
if It teaches you that
Better health
come from
Try the change.
You will feel "fit as a lord" in a week's time hy breakfasting on Grape-Nuts and cream,
a little fruit, a soft boiled egg, some nice, crisp toast, and a cup of well made Postum.
If you ever try this experiment, you will always bless the day you woke up.
There's a reason why Grape-Nuts food furnishes power to body and brain. It is made of
selected parts of the field grains that furnish phosphate of potash in a natural state that can be
assimilated by the human body. This joins with the albumen of food and forms the gray matter of
the brain and nerve centers.
Feed skillfully and you can "do things."
The greatest brain workers eat Grape-Nuts.
Ask one or two, they will tell you.
You meat eaters who are ailing in any sort of way should take the hint.
A prominent authority says :
There U no doubt of the fact that meat-eating Is not essential to human life, and that men can be well nour
ished without resorting; to a flesh diet.
"I think the statement may be accepted without question that, aa a rule, we eat too m , not only of meat,
but of all forma of food. The question of limiting, the diet Is based primarily not on the principle of economy, but
on the requirements of hygiene.
"At the early breakfasts which Americans are wont to Indulge In, that Is, a hearty meal before going to their
dally work, the emission of meat is to be
"It Is well known that men who are nourished yery extensively on certain cereals are capable of the hardest
and most enduring labor."
You can depend on the energy from Grape-Nuts longer than from any other meal of meat. '
"There's a Reason" for
Made at pure food factories of the Tostum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to Well
ille," in pkgs,
Get your five "senses" to
gether, then all aboard for
the grocer s for
the ginger snap
that has broken
all records.
ment asked for an Increase In wages from
22Vt cents an hour to 26 cents and the mat
ter will come up before the committee of
the whole.
John G. Willis protested against the con
dition of curbing along his lots and the
paving committee will consider It.
Petlllons were received for paving Ham
ilton street from Twenty-fifth to Fortieth
and Twenty-eighth street from Dodge to
Teameters Ask Water Trough.
A petition was received trom a large num
ber of teamsters asking for a watering
trough at Thirteenth and Chicago streets.
The city attorney was authorised to con
fess Judgment In the sum of f.100 In the
personal Injury damage case brought by
Helen Goodwin.
Bids were requested for the purchase of
the house on lot S, block 13, Orchard Hill
McKay & Cathroe were awarded the con
tract for the construction of a storm water
sewer on Leavenworth street, from Forty
sixth to Forty-eighth. The bid was much
lower than those received on first ad
vertising. Ordinances introduced Included one to
change the grade of Charles street from
Twenty-second to Twenty-fourth; chang
ing grade of Locust street to Florence
boulevard and Nineteenth, from Blnney
street to center of block south of Corby;
to change the grade of Twenty-seventh
street from Lake to Miami and Ohio street
from Twenty-seventh street to Twenty
eighth avenue; changing grade of Parker
.street from Thirty-fourth to Thirty- fifth;
to open Twenty-fourth street from Cass
to the alley south of Burt; to grade
A Benefit
Greater strength
Keener Brain
earnestly advised.
1 r3XSTtlII
Forty-fifth street from Lake to Boulevard
avenue; to grade Forty-second street
from Dodge to Davenport; to pave
Twenty-fourth street from Ames avenue
to Fort street; to create sewer district
No. S44; to appropriate lots 1, 2, I, 23,
24, 26 and St. block I, and lots 11 and II,
block 3, all In Mayne Place, for park pur
poses. Ordinances on third reading were
passed, as follows: To repave Clark
street from Sherman avenue to Twenty
fourth street; creating sewer district No.
343; to pave Twenty-eighth avenue from
California street to Central boulevard;
changing curb lines of Ohio street be
tween Twentieth and Twenty-fourth;
changing curb llnea of Forty-first street be
tween Davenport and Tage; changing euro
lines of Lafayette avenue between Thirty
third and Thirty-fourth; changing curb
lines of Seventeenth street from Willie
avenue to alley north of Lake street; es
tablishing grade of Thlrty-flrst avenue
and other streets from Jackson to
Leavenworth; changing grade of Emmet
street between Thirty-first avenue and
Thirty-third street; ordering grading of
Evans street from Twenty-fourth to
Twenty-seventh; changing curb lines of
Douglas street between Twenty-fifth and
Twenty-sixth avenues; changing grade of
Twenty-eighth avenue from Chicago street
to alley between Cass and California.
Morass Buys Santa Fe Bonds.
NEW YORK, July 31 The Atchlwm, To
peka and Santa Fe Railroad company haa
sold to J. P. Morgan A Co. the portion of
the 3Jfi.000.OfO convertible 6 per cent bonds
recently Issued which were not taken by
the stockholders. It Is estimated that the
stockholders have subscribed at par for
slightly more than Jll.0M0.0u0 of the Issue.