Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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McLaughlin's Three-Bagger and Do
lan'i Error Decides Hard Game.
nearke Slagarera Vail CMt with
Hall mi Critical Tlmn, Thonga
Several Opportaaltlee Offer
, TkrnHlTin. '
Des M-ilnes, J; Omaha, 0; 11 Inning.
McLaughlln'a three-sacker, following Do
lan's error or the umplrWs mlsjudgment In
th. eleventh Inning, gave Des Molnea the
decision In the hardest fought pitchers'
battle aeen on the heme (round thla sea
son , by the score of 1 to a
Ragan- and Edmondson were the opposing
slab artlets, and for ten Innings It was nip
and tuck wfth neither having an advantage,
. but the tide turned In the eleventh Inning
and the game Wee lost through a hard
luck combination. With two out In the
eleventh, Edmondson hit a hard line
grounder to Dolan, who juggled the ball for
a second, but recovered' In time' to throw to
Ragan who covered the seek. The umpire
called the runner safe, but few of the fans
agreed with his Judgment on the decision.
That was what host Omaha the game, for
McLaughlin, the ert Champ to face Ba
gan, hit a three-sacker, Jnst between Bel
den and Welch, and Edmondson trotted
home, scoring the run which won tha game.
; Miller ' 9a virs the Gam.
Manager Kelley evidently . thought the
sprint from first had tired the young pitcher
for he called upon Roscoe Miller, who had
lost the day before, to save the gam. He
did it, but ha had troubles of his own while
doing the turn. Franrk was the first of
the Rourke family to face Roscoe In the
eleventh and he hit for a' single, the second
hit of the fame. The fans took heart, for
some heavy hitters were coming along and
they looked for a repetition of the game of
the day before when Roscoe was handed hla
draw. Dolan tried to hit It out, but the ball
Went to Andreas, who subdued Franck at
second by throwing to Oochnaur. The
Frenchman was eager -for a double and
made his second wild throw to first, Dolan
going to second, so It was Just as good as
a sacrifice. Austin hit the ball hard, but It
went only as far as the shortstop end
Dolan went to third on the play. That put
' It up to Grand Island Graham to save the
game by driving Dolan In from third, but
the beat he could do was a fly to McLaugh
lin, and the game was lost.
Ragsn was pitching great ball all the
way through and but for the unfortunate
' error of Dolan the game might have gone
' on until dark. Three hits were made oft
his delivery, but one of them wss a scratch,
Oochnaur driving one at Ragan which was
a little too hot for him to handle. The
other two hits went In the same place, both
Just over Graham's head. Teager's was
' fielded ao It was but a single, but neither
Belden nor Welch could reach the game
hit of McLaughlin' and It went for three
sack a.
Edmondson was pitching Just as good, al
though he passed five of the Rourke family.
Graham, the first man up In the second Inn
nlng. hit for a single to right, and that
i was the only hit made off Ed, Franck mak
ing hie hit oft Miller In the eleventh.
Omaha Loses Its Chance.
Omaha had several chances to win tha
game, but tho needed bit would not ma
terlalise. In the second, when Graham sin
gled, he was sacrificed to second and
nolther Oondlng. Welch nor Ragan could
drive him home. In the ninth Dolan. the
first man up. walked, but was caught at
second when Austin tried to sacrifice. Aus
tin got to second on Graham's Infield out,
but Autrey could 'not make good. In the
tenth Edmondson passed Oondlng. who was
the first of the Rourke t.'.be to face h m.
Welch made a good sacrifice, but Oondlng
t was nailed at third on Ragan's grounder to
the shortstop.
The score:
H. PO. A. E.
0 8 10
1 4 T 0
0 19 0 1
0 0 19
0 0 0 1
0 8 0
0 3 0 1
0 0 0
l 83 18 3
II. FO. A. E.
110 0
0 t 8 0
0 0 0 0
0 16 0
16 10
0 1 0 0
0 16 1 0
14 11
0 16 0
0 0 0 0
"i is m "i
Belden, rf .
Franck. ss ..
Dolan, lb ..
Austin, 3h
Graham, 2b
Autrey, If .
Oondlng, c
Welch, cf ..
Ragan, p ...
Totals M
McLaughlin, cf ..
Hogriever, 3b ....
Dexter. If
Andreas, lib
Yeager, o
Hupp, rf
Kellcy. lb
Oochnaur, ss
KOmondson, p ..
R. Miller, p
Omaha 0
Ds Moines .. 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0-0
0 1-1
Omr.ha o
10 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 1-1
0 0 0 1-S
Des Moines ..0010100
Three-base hit: Mclaughlin.
First base
n off Damn 2: oft Edmondson. 6.
Struck out: By Ragan. S; by Edmondsoa,
4 Left on bases: Omaha, 8: Des Moines,
4. Double plays: Francs; to Dolan (2),
Belden to Dolan. Sacrifice" hitai Autrey,
Welch. Time: 1:45. Umpire: Conahan.
Attendance, 1,000.
s Notes of tho Gam.
Five hlta in twenty-two Innings Is some
The game will be called today at 8:30 to
allow the teams to catch a train.
Roscoe Miller probably feels evened up
for tb game he lost the day before.
Mot a' base was stolen In the game, but
then there were not many slayers on the
bases to try to steal.
. More than half the fans were of the
opinion that Edmondson was out at first
In that eleventh Inning.
' Neither A'ntrey's nor . Welch's errors
counted In the scoring and both were
.muffed ball after hard runs. ..
But sixteen men faced Ragan In the first
five Innings, two fast doubles from Franck
to Dolan retiring the side In the first and
third innings.
Roscoe Miller and his manager tried the
patience of the crowd by slopping to warm
up when he was railed Into the game. The
urn p. let him do It Just tho same.
Hogriever stopped what was Intended
for a hit from Franck's bat In ths sixth
Inning when he dived toward third and
picked up a hot one and then nailed the
runner at first.
Mike Kellev made a nn'- - -
for a foul which he picked from tho right
Sour Stomach
"I seed Caarareta and feel Uaa s near aaan. I bavj
Weeu a aut.rer from djtpepala and leaf atosiaeh
for Oia"a. wo years. 1 baa keen, takln aiedt
a oe e'J oib.r dru.e. t 4 9 "
for a abort .a.. f will raaoaamaal C j
liarllai Steanaaly Co.. Chisavge or H.T
fopZkS BT Tor
fl L JU Tho Dowtts jjk
rteaaaa. Palatable, PtrWM Testa OaodJ
Merer glekaa. Weaka. or rM. J;- tVg
told In balk. Ta teoatae Sablaa lUspei C U O.
laanaaieael fce en re or year aaoa.y vast.
8T .
Omaha , .
Dps Moines..
Pueblo ......
Sioux City..
Chicago 67 H .796
Ilttsburg ...K St .Ki
New York. 4 84 .514
Phlla 4 M .64
Brooklyn. ..41 (1 .446
Boston $7 Rl .4M
Cincinnati.. 87 M .41
Et. Louis... .21 76 .219
Chicago m 86 .
Detroit 61 85 .f3
Cleveland... 64 87 .(M
Phlia. ...... .61 34 .iix.
New York.. 4! 46 .477
St. Louis.... 84 68 .4
Boston 35 It -XS
Washlngt'n.28 R7 .329
W. L. Pet.
Waterloo... 46 30 .606
Burlington. 45 32 . 54
Oskaloosa..40 34 .641
Jacksnvlle.38 34 .628
Mamhalt'n.38 37 .6"?
Qulncy 36 41 .4fi8
Ottumwa...34 42 .448
Keokuk 25 62 . 325
W. I Pet
Toledo 60
Mlnneaplls.56 46
Columbus.. .63 45
Milwaukee.. 60 48
Kan. City... 60 RO
Louisville... 46 64
Indlanapl's.48 69
St. Paul..... 41 (9
bleachers' fence. The fans cheered him.
Omaha fans alwsys cheer a good play by a
Dolan and on none did the Champ have a
chance to get back to the sack.
The three double plays by the Omaha
to Dolan and the other from Belden to
team were all alike. Two were from Franck
member of the visiting team.
Even Break at Denver.
DENVER, July 81. Denver and Lincoln
broke even In a double-header this after
noon. Score, first game: R.H.E.
Denver 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 8 10 4
Lincoln 0 4 8 0 0 1 1 1 1U U 1
Batteries: For Denver, R. Adams, Doll
and Zalusky; for Lincoln, McKay and Sul
livan. Score, second game: R.H.E.
Denver 0 0000600 '-6 11 3
Lincoln 0 04000000441
Batteries: For Denver, C. Adams and Mc
Donough; for Lincoln, Zackert, Jones and
Paeblo Wins la Ninth.
PUEBLO, July 81. Pueblo made a strong
finish today and beat Sioux City In tha
second game of the series. Score:
Pueblo 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 3-6 11 1
Sioux City 0 01008000-491
Batteries: For Pueblo, Jackson and Drill;
for Sioux City, Bresslcr, Jarrott and Shee
Single Holds Louisville Down to
Fonr Hits.
LOUISVILLE, July 31. Slagfe was a com
plete puzzle to the locals today and Indi
anapolis had no trouble In winning the last
game of the series. L. Durham was batted
at opportune times by the visitors. Score:
B H O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.B.
AB.H.O.A.E. RtoTsll. rf... 4 0 10
Cook, rf 4 1 1 0 OfUanlejr, cf... 4 14 10
Coulter. If.... I 114 ORruhur. lb . 4 14 0 0
Belsle, cf 4 1 4 4 0 Cooler, lb.... I 4(00
Carr. lb 4 I 4 1 OBulllTan, lb., t 1 0 I 0
Undaar. lb.. 4 I t I 0 Pelts, o I 0 I I 0
LtTlngiton o.. I 0 I 1 Otlulnlan. ... I 0 I I 0
Knif, n Ill) Woodruff, If. I 1 4 0 0
Hopaa. lb.... I g I UL Durham, pi 0 0 0 0
8laila. p I Oil O'Puttmao ...0 0 0 0 0
Totals 19 17 10 0 ToUls N 4 14 11 0
Batted for Durham In ninth.
Louisville 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1
Indianapolis 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 1 3
Two-base hit: Sullivan. Three-base hits:
Carr, Stanley, Drashear. Sacrifice hit:
Coulter. Bases on balls: Off L. Durham, 1
Struck out: By Durham, 1; by Slagle, 1
Hit with pitched ball: Livingston, puttman.
Double plays: Hopke to Lindsay; Qulnlan
to Brashear. Left on bases: Louisville, 8;
Indianapolis, t. Time: 1:28. Umpire: Kerln.
Batchers) Defeat Millers.
KANSAS CITY, July 81.-Clark, recently
of Des Moines, pitched his first game for
Minneapolis today and he was batted hard
by the locals. Kltson was very effective.
AB.H.O.A.B. .--AB.H.O.A.B.
McBrlde. as.. I 0 1 1 OO'Nell, et ... 4 0 0 1 0
McCarthy, rf. 4 4 1 0 IDundon, lb.. I 0 I 0 0
Hill, of 4 1 4 0 0 J. Freeman, rf I 1 0 0 I
Becklejr. lb.. 4 I 1 0B. Freeman, lb I t- 1 8 6
Huelamaa, III 1 II OOramlngst. Ul 1 I 1 1
Krurcer, lb.. 4 I I 6 OParrina, U.. I 1 1 1 1
Burks, lb.... 4 10 1 0 Oiler, ss...-. I 0 17 4
Sullivan, a... I 1.1 tOrehanv.. I 1
Kltson, p Bill 0 Clark, p I 0 0 I 0
- Buelow .... 1 0 0 0 0
Totals II 14 14 I 4
Totals II 4 81 14 8
Buelow batted for Clark In Eighth.
Kansas City 4 1 1 0 0 0 1 7
Minneapolis 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 02
Struck out: By Clark. 1. Bases on balls:
Off Clark, 1. Stolen banes: Bradley, Hunts
man. Sacrifice hlta: McBrlde, Hueleman.
Home runi J. Freeman. Two-base hits: Mc
Carthy, Kffueger, B. Freeman. Double play:
Dundon to Oyler to B. Freeman. Left on
bases: Kansas City, ' R; Minneapolis. 2.
Time: 1:30. Umpire:. Kane. Game called
at end of eighth Inning by agreement to al
low teams to catch trains.
Toledo Wins on Errors.
COLUMBUS, O., July 81. Toledo made it
three out of four by getting all three runs
today on errors by Columbus players.
Singles by Frlel, Rellley and Hulswltt
scored two for the home club in the third.
Sutlholt got to third on Robertaille's bad
throw In the tenth and scored on Barbeau's
out to center. Score:
AB.H. O.A.Br AB.H.O.A.B.
Barhaau. sa.. 1 1 4 0 0 Frlel. lb 4 1114
Reagan, et. ..4 0 1 0 0 Rellley. et... I 110 0
J. Clarke, If. I 0 6 4 0 Huliwltt, ss., 114 4 1
Armbrust'r. rf I 1 1 I Ouessler, rf... I l'l 0 0
Perrlns, lb... 4 18 1 OKIhm, lb I 0 14 0 4
Willlama, lb. II I I 1 sarvathia. If. 4 0-1 0 0
W. Clarke, lb I 6 1 tWrlfUy. lb.. 4 I I 9 0
Land, a I 1 4 0 OUlua, a I 0 111
Suuhoff. p.... 4 1 1 8 4 RobarUllls, p 4 0 0 II
Totals II I K 1 1 Totals 14 40 It "j
Columbus 0020000000 S
Toledo 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 S
Btolen base: Rellley. Sacrifice hits: Qess
ler, Blue, J. Clarke (2), Reagan. First base
on balls: Oft Kobertallle, 2; oft Sutthoff, 2.
Three-base hit: Dossier. Double plays:
Hulswltt to Frlel. Hulswltt to Wrlgley to
Kllim. Wrlgley to Hulswltt to Klhm. Struck
out: By Kobertallle, 6: by Sutthoff, 8.
Passed ball: Blue. Time:- 1:48. Umpires:
Egan and Werden.
Brewers Defeat Saints.
MILWAUKEE. July 31. Milwaukee's
three hits drove In four runs, enough to
beat St. Paul. The visitors secured twelve
oft Ooodwln, but they were able to get only
two men over the plate. Score:
Robinson, sa. I 0 I 4 I Dunlaary, 0 0 0
Oreen, rf I 14 1 4 Flood, lb.... I 0 10 0
Connors, lb.. I 0 11 lOaler, ss I Ills
Barilla, c... I 14 1 4 Krl.k, If I 19 10
MoCorra's, lb I 6 1 I ONordyka. lb.. I I 10 I 4
UcCheaney. I 4 I 1 ITIemyer; lb.. 4 1 1 I 0
Clarke, lb.... I 118 I Koehler, cf..4 114 1
MoCann, If... I 0 10 ISuiden, a.... 4 1 T 1 1
Ooodwln, p... I 0 11 OCriea, p 4 114 0
ToUIa U 9 IT II 4 Totals 40 II 14 II 1
Milwaukee SOSO0000 4
SU Paul 0001010002
Two-base hits: Tiemyer, Nordyke. Three-
Dase nit: ureen. sacrifice nit: Connors.
Stolen bases: Robinson, Clarke, Dunleavy,
Flood. Double play: Robtnaon to Mc
Cormlck to Connors. First base on balls:
Off Ooodwln, 2; of Criss. 4. Hit with,
pitched ball: Clarke. Struck out: By Oood
wln, 4; by CrUa, 7. Passed ball: Bevllle,
Time: 1:3. Umpire: Hayes
Hold rea-a Defeats Maaoott.
HOLDREUE, Neb., July fl. (SpecUl
Telegram.) Holdrege defeated Masuott
here today in a close and Interesting
game. Score: K. H. K.
Holdrege 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 3 7 7 4
Mascoit 0 1800000 S ( 6 6
Three-base hit: Rodstrom. Two-base
hit: Paul Nelson. Double play: Khea
to Rodstronwto Waterman. Struck out:
By Fred Nelson, 2; by Khva. 4; by Bloom,
4. Batterlev: Holdrege, Fred Nelsuu,
Rhea and Hllsabeck; Muscott. Bloom and
Eavay Game (or Kearney.
KKAR.NET, Neb.. July Jl.-(Speclal Tel
egram.) Kearney played North Platte to
day and It was a walkaway tor Kearney,
the score being IS to 0. Score:
Kearney 1 11 0 I 0 0 0 0 frU
North Platte 0 0 0 0 0 i 0 0
Batteries: Kearney, Fugate and Lucas:
North Platte, Philpot and bhort.
Caaaaya to Play Hollya.
The Cudah Base Ball club will play
the Holly club at Vinton Street park Sun
day afternoon for a 8100 purse. The Cud
ahys have a strong lineup and deny that
they are ringing In outsiders to strengthen
their team. The Cudah y s have posted their
8j0 as side bet and are ready to have the
Holljs cover same.
. Users ! Hoick Sklae ea Polish
say It Is the best and' most "lasting polish
they have ever used. It gives a pollstt
to the leather and It won't rub off on the
clothing. A well satisfied user is the best
Reulbach Holds Brooklyn Helpless
Except in One Inning.
Evers Steals Home la Thlra lamina
and Scores Chicago's First Boi '
Ileasjlts of Other National
Leaarao Games.
CHICAGO, July 81. Reulbach pitched in
great form today, holding the visitors help
less except In one Inning, when three hits
gave them one run. Evera stole home,
scoring Chicago's first run, a pass, a single,
a triple and a long fly adding the other
three. Score:
Hofman. cf..4 1 I 1 OAlDsrtnan. lb I 0 I 4
Sherkard. It.. I 110 OCaeey, lb ... I 1110
Srbulta. rf...4 10 0 Lomler. rf.. 49119
Chanra. lb... 4 1 I 1 0 Batch, If 1 0 1 0 0
Ulelnfeldt, tbl 0 1 I 4 Jordan, lb.... I 0 t 0 0
Tinker, sa.... I 0 14 1 Maloney, cf.. I 110 0
Brers, lb I I I I Lewis, aa S 9 I 9 9
Kiln;, e I I I 1 0 Bitter. 0 I 19 19
Reulbach, p.. I 1 1 OHucker, p.... I 10 0 0
Totals XI I 17 It 1 Totals M 4 84 0
Chicago 00100800 -4
Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01
Two-base hit: Rltter. Three-base hit:
Schulte. Sacrifice hit: Casey. Stolen bases:
Kvers, Kllng. Left on basest Chicago, 8:
Brooklyn, 2. First base on balls: Off
Rucker, 3. Hit by pitcher: Alperman.
Struck out: By Reulbach, 4: by Rucker,
6. Time: li20. empires: Emails and Klem.
New York MIna Both Games.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., July 31. New York won
two games from St, Louis today, and both
scores were 4 to 8. The first gams was tied
in the ninth Inning and St. Louis lost in
the tenth. Umpire O'Day put Bresnahan
out of the first game In the eighth Inning
for disputing a called third strike. Score,
first game:
Shannon, If.. 6 10 0 OByrna, lb.... 4 10 11
Browne, rf... 4 110 Berry, rf I 10 0 0
Strang, lb.... I 0 0 I VKnnetchy, lb I 111 1 1
Seymour, cf.. I 0 10 OBurnatt. cf... 4 0 1 0 0
Breenahan, a I 0 4 I OHolly, at..... 4 I I 4 0 j
Dowrra a id-o a w vnurray, u.... a i a & i
Dahlen, aa.... I 111 I HoMetter, tb 4 1 I 4 1
Iorle. id.... 4 111 ONoonaa, .... 4 I 10 1 0
Wlllae. p .4 0 0 1 OUeeba, p 4 0 0 1 4
McOann, lb.. 11400
ToUls 17 11 W II 4
Totals 17 I 10 17 1
St. Louis 000001008 0-3
New York 000111000 11
Two-base hits: Holly, Bowerman. Sac
rifice hits: Barry, Burnett, Browne. Stolen
base: Bresnahan. Double plays: Holly
to Konetchy, Dahlen to Bowerman, Dahlen
to Doyle to Bowerman. Left on bases: St.
Louis, 7; New York, 10. First base on balls:
Off Beebe. 6; off Wlltse, i. Hit by pitcher:
By Wlltse, 1. Struck out: By Beebe, 7;
by Wlltse, 2. Passed ball: Bresnahan.
Wild pitch: Beebe. Time: 8:10. Umpire:
Score, second game:
Shannon, If.. 4 I 1 0 OByrna, lb I 0 0 1 I
Browne, rf... 4 1 ( 0 Barry, rf I 1 0 0 0
Strang, lb.... I 111 0 Konetchy. lb 4 1 t 1 0
Seymour, of.. 4 10 0 OBurnatt, of... I 0 10 0
Breenahan, at 1 4 0 OHolly, ss I 0 14 1
Bowerman, lb 4 0 11 0 lMurray, If.... I 110 1
Dahlen, aa.... I 111 OHoatetUr, lb I 1400
Doyle, lb.... 10 14 OMarnhall, e.. I 1 I 8 0
McUlnnlty, p. I 0 0 4 OMcfllynn, p... I 0 0 10
Bennett, lb.. I 0 0 10
Totals 10 I II 14 1 Luab. 1 0 0 0 0
Totals it I 81 11 4
Batted for McGlynn In seventh.
St Louis 0 0 0 0 S 0 0-8
New York S 0 0 0 2 0 0-4
Two-base hits: Konetchy, Marshall.
Three-base hits: Barry, Strang. Home run:
Bresnahan. Sacrifice hit: Strang. Stolen
base: McQinnity. Left on bases: St. Louis,
6; New York, 8. First base on balls: Off
McGlynn, 3; off McOlnnlty, 1 Struck out:
By McOlynn, 6; by McOlnnlty, 2. Time:
1;35. Umpire: OTay.
Pair for Pirates., M
PITTSBURG, -Pa., July 81. Pltfs'burg
won both games of a double-header from
Boston by good, sound batting. Young
was driven oil the rubber In the first game
and terribly, punished in the aecood. Which,
by mutual Agreement, lasted "only sever)
innings. Bates was -hit on the head by a
pitched ball In tho first game and knocked
senseless. Randall slid along the ground on
his face In the second game, badly hurting
his head, but continued to play. With the
bases full Clarke knocked a home run in
the second game. Score first game:
Andereon. rf . 4 i I 0 OBrtdarell, ss.: I 1 I I 0
Leach, cf.... I 0 10 0 Tenner, lb... 4 SHOO
Clarke, If.... 1 0 4 0 0 Brain, lb 4 1 2 11
Wagner, sa..4 1 0 I 1 Beaumoat..' of t 110 0
Ab'atchio, tbl I I 0 1 Be tea. rf.:... 1 1 0 1 0
Ncalon, lb... I 111 1 Randall, If... I I I 0 I
Sheehan. lb.. 1111 ORItchey, lb.. 6 0 110
Olbaon, 4 110 0 Need ham, .. 4 1 1 1 1
Willie, p I 0 12 0 Young, p 0 0 0 1 0
Burks 1 0 0 0 0
Totala 19 I 17 14 IPfeRer. p.... 1 0 0 0 0
Boultea. p.... I 0 0 I 0
' Totala It I 14 II "l
Batted for Young In third.
Pittsburg 0 4 10 10 10 7
Boston 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 04
Two-base hits: Nealon, Gibson, Tenney.
Three-base hits: Wagner, Brldwell, Bates.
Sacrifice hlta: Leach, Clarke. Double
play: Brldwell to Rltchey tp Tenney. Stolen
bases: Anderson, Clarke, Rltchey. Hits:
Off Young, 6 In two innings; off Pfeffer, 1
In one Inning; off Boultes, 8 in five Innings.
Bases on balls: Willis, 4; off Young, 1: off
Pfeffer, 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Willis.
Bates (2); Boultes, Clarke. Struck out: By
Willis, 2: by Boultes, 1. Passed ball: Gib
son. Wild pitch: Willis. Balk: Boultes.
Left on bases: Pittsburg, 4; Boston, 12.
Time: 2:16. Umpires: Johnstone and Car
penter. Score second game:
Anderson, rf. I I I 0 0 Brldwell, ss.. I I 1 I 0
Leach, cf I I I 0 0 Tenney, lb... 10 10 0
Clarke, If... 14 I I 0 0 Brain, lb I 0 I 1 0
Wagner, as... I I 2 1 0 Beaumont, ef I I 10 0
Ao'atdolo, tb I 1 1 I 0 Burke, rf-lf.. I 0 14 0
Nealon, lb.. 4 110 0 Randall, If.. 1 110 0
Sheehaa, lb., 1110 0 Sweeney, rf.. I 1 0 0 1
Phelps, c 4 14 8 Rltchey. lb... I 0 4 0 1
Camnlta, p... 4 0 0 4 Brown, o I 0 I 0 1
Young, p 9 o 4 4
Totala niin 6 NeeJhem ...1 0 00
. . , Totals II I II I
Pittsburg 4 0 S 1 1 T 15
Boston 0 0 1 0 0 0 01
Two-base hit: Leach. Three-base hits:
Clarke, Wagner, Sheehan. Home run:
Clarke. Sacrifice hit: Abbatlchlo. Stolen
bases: Anderson, Leach, Wagner (S),
Sheehan, Brldwell. Double play: Brain
to Brown, bases on balls: Off Camnlta 4;
off Young, 8. Hit by pitched ball: Wagner.
Struck out: By Camnlta, 6. Wild pitch:
Camnlta. Lett on bases: Pittsburg, 8: Bos
ton, 6. Time: 1:35. Umpires: Johnstone and
Game Post poaad.
At Cincinnati Cincinnati-Philadelphia
game postponed; rain.
Cleveland Drives Tanarblll from Box
la First Innlnar.
BOSTON, July 21. Cleveland won today's
game in the first Inning, batting Tannehlll
out of the box. The final score stood 4
to 1. The home players began to hit Joss
hard In the seventh and In the eighth filled
the bases wirh none out. Congalton hit to
Joss who fell down, but managed to roll
the ball to Clarke and Umpire O Lough
lin called Hoey out at the plate. It was a
close decision and a spirited argument fol
lowed. Manager McGulre and several Bos
ton substitutes were ordered off the field.
A fnst double play ended the Inning and
Boston's chance of victory. Score:
W.Hnchm'nrfl 1 I 0 Barrett. If... 4 1110
Storall, lb... 4 10 0 OSulllraa. ef.. 4 1 0 0 1
Turner, as.... 4 1 4 1 4Congaltoo, rf. 4 I I I 0
Berate, lb.... I I 14 0 lUnglanh, lb.. 4 1 I 1 9
Clarke, a 4 8 4 4 40runahaw. lb I 1 I 0 1
HHnobm'albl 111 1 Knight, lb... 4 1414
Delehanty, If 4 I 0 9 4 Waguar, as... 4 0 14 1
Brmngb n, at 4 1 I I 8 hew. a I 0 111
Joaa. p 14 0 1 4Tanneb.Ul. p.. 4 4 0 0 0
Prultt. p I 9 1 1 9
Totals II I 17 II 1 Winter, p.... 4 4 0 0 0
Hoar 110 0 1
Totala a iniil
Batted for Prultt In eighth.
Cleveland 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04
Boston 0 9 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-2
Two-base hits: W. Hlnchman, Bemls.
Grtmshaw. Stolen base: Delehanty. Sac
rifice hits: Bemls, Joas. Double plays:
Congalton and Unglaub; Barrett and
Shaw: Joas, Turner and Burns; Turner
and Bemls. Basea on balls: Off Prultt. 4
lu seven Innings; off Winter, none In one
Inning. Struck out: By Joss, 8; by Prultt.
4. I .eft on bases: Cleveland. 4; Boston, 6.
laalk: Prultt. Wild pitch: Prultt. Time:
144 t'mplre: O'l oughlln.
Now lark MVmm froas DartMlt.
NEW YORK. July 81. New York won a
Newton nntf Mulll'n were ecjually effective,
but the locals with two hits, a single and
a double, a- hnttery error and a wild pitch,
scored two tuns la the fourth, which were
enough to win tha game. Score:
' AB II O JT . AB H O A K.
Hoffman. ef 4 0 14 OJcnea. If I 0 19 0
rtnray, a.. I 9 14 lOwahlln, .lh. I 1114
Chaee. w.,..j 1 f 0 ecrawtors. .cf. 4 0 0 0 4
William, lb. I 4 4 1 4 Oobb. rt 4 4 10 0
Leporta, H...1 119 0 Romnnan. lb. 4 0 10 1 0
Moriarlty. rb-'l 0 0 1 01wna, lb.... I 0, 1 0
nicaey, .n.... o I o 0 Payne, o I r s 0 0
Thomaa. e ... I 110 OO'Leary, aa.. 4 1 I I I
Newton, p..i 0 0 1 0 Mullln, p.... I 0 14 0
Totals. T....K I 17 10 I ToUls .10 I 14 14 I
Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01
New York ,. 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 0 S
Two-base hits: Laporte. Sacrifice: hits:
Downs. Newton. Irt on bases: Detroit,
7; New Tork, 8. Bases on balls: Off Mullln,
8: off Newton. 2. fltrtick cat: Bv Newton.
4; by Mullln, 3. Wild pitch: Mullln. Time:
1:65. Umpire: Connolly
White lot ghat Oat Senators.
WASHINGTON, D. C, July 81-Walsh'a
pitching was too much for Washington to
solve today and Chicago won handily, 3 to
0. Remarkable catches by Manager Jones
were features. Score:
AB.H O A. B.
Hann, rt I o
r. Jonas, at. I 1
OCIymer, If... 114 0 0
OOanlay, rf.... t 0 0 o 9
Onelrhantr. lb 4 0 1 I 1
label I, lb.v.. I B
Davla, aa..... 4 I 0 0 0 Andereon. lb. 4 0 I 0 0
Rohe, lb... ... 4 0 4 1 9C. Jnnra. cf. 4 0 0 0
Dcrugharu. 1(4 1 1 0 4Altlser, .... I 1 1 I 0
Donohua, lb. 4 1 17 1 OH-ydon. a.... 1 1111
Hart, e ..I 110 Werner, C... 0 0 10 0
Waleh, p I 0 11 OSehlpke. lb... I 0 0 10
Oehrlng, p... 110 19
totals 12 127 11 0 'Hickman ... 1 0 0 0 0
ToUls II 4 17 I I
Batted fop Heydon. In tho seventh.
Chicago .0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 13
Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Two-base hit: Davis. Three-base hit:
Davis. Saclflce hit: Ishell. (Stolen bases:
Clymer, 2. Double play: F. Jones to
Iebell. Left on bases: Washington, 4;
Chicago, 6. Bases On balls: Off Oehrlng,
1; off Walsh, 3. Struck out: By Gehrintr.
6: by Walsh, 3. Time: ' 1:35. . Umpires:
Sheridan and Evans.
Athletics Win n Eleventh.
PHILADELPHIA. July 81. Philadelphia
defeated St. Louis today In a hard-hitting
eleven-Inning contest. The home team
won out on three hits, an error and a
wild pitch by Dlueen.. Seore:
HarUel, If... till ONIIee, lb I 1 I I 0
NlclioJa, aa .. 114 0 Hemphill, cf. I I I 0 0
Seybold, if.. 1110 OStnna, If 1110 9
Davla, lb.... 4 1 11 I 0 Pickering, rf. 6 I I 0 0
Murphy, lb.. I 14 1 1 Wallace, aa.. 4 1110
Colllne, lb.... I 1.1 I OHartiell, lb.. I 1111
Oldrlng. cf... I I 0 1 1 Jones, lb I 1 14 I 0
Ochreck, 0....I I T 4 OBpencer, o.... 4 110 1
Dygart, p I 111 OHnwell, p.... I 0114
Hartley, p.... 0 0 0 1 ODIneen, p.... 1 0 0 10
Plank, p..;. 1 9 0 1 t'raager 0 0 0 0 0
Totala ! 11 3 U I Total! 43 1430 II I
None out when winning run was made.
Batted for Howell in the ninth.
Philadelphia ...2201200000 1 8
St. Louis 0 000000260 0 7
Two-base hlta: Spencer, Stone,. Hemp
hill, Schreck. Three-base hits: Niohois,
Dygert. Hits: Off Dygert, 10 in eight
Innings; Off Bartley. 2 in two-thlrJs in
ning; off Plank, 2 In two and one-third
Innings; off liuwell,, 10 in eight Innings;
off Dlneen, 8 in three Innings. Sacrifice
hits: Hartsell, Seybold, Dygert. Stolen
bases: spencer,- Collins, Oldrlng. Doublo
plays: Hartsell-(unassisted); Jones to
Spencer; Bartley to Schreck to Davis. Left
on banes: St. Louis, 8; Philadelphia, 10.
Bases on balls: Off Howell, b; off Dygert,
lj off Bartley, 1; off plank, 1. Hit by
pitcher: By Howell, 1;, by Dygert, 1.
Struck out: By Howell, 1; by Dygert,
8; by Dlneen, 1; by Plank, 2. Wild pitch
Dlneen. Time: 3:80. Umpires: Stafford
and Hurst. .
Story Teller Gets Busy with Ball
Ball players always were and always
will be the subjects of many Interesting
stories. And not only players, but man
agers have been the object around which
hundreds of good yarps were woven. Chris
Von Der Ahe, for instance. Mike Kelly,
old Mike of "Slldo. Kelly, Slide" fame,
though dead for many years, continues to
live In the minds and memories of base
ball posterity. Mike was a story teller and
Joker himself and It is said" of him thai
the last day on which he - was alive he
was being carried on a stretcher when
suddenly he slid off accidentally. "That's
the last slide I'll 'ever make," murmured
the man, who la stMteidered perhaps the
best all-around player the . game has
known. .
When Kelly wasr a member "of the Chi
cago club he was at times given to looking
on the cup which cheers. On occasions It
was necessary for some of the other fellows
to keep a close watch on Kelly in order
to see that he did nqt overstep the limit.
Once, when the team was In Washington,
Kelly was going so fast that orders were
given to the clerk of the hotel not to serve
any more drinks In room 32. In conse
quence, when the bellboy responded to
Kelly's bell-pulling, he Informed that
worthy that the orders were against serv
ing any more drinks iln that room.
Kelly, being a ready-witted fellow, did
not allow this mandate to Interfere with
his business, for, crossing over Into room
42, he ordered up the drinks In such rapid
succession that when the other- players
came track to the hotel that night they
found the king of ball players carrying a
handsome Jag, but It was some time after
ward before they found out hoi Kelly had
worked the deal. ' "
Little Johnny Evers of the Chicago Na
tional league club (who, by the way, Is a
nephew or Tommy Evers, who once played
a star game 'at the' second bsg for the
AVaBhlnglon team), la much interested In
electricity and Is enrolled as a student In
one of those correspondence schools. Every
moment that Johnny, can spare he devotes
to his favorite study.
The other day. when the Chlcagos were
on the train going to St. Ixuis, Johnny
was In the smoking car reading the Elec
trlo Magazine, when in walked his ai.l,.
partner, Shortntop Tinker, who, Kluncii.,;H
over jonnny s snouiaer at tne title or the
work, exclaimed:
"I should think that would prove mighty,
dry reading, Johnny."
"On .the contrary," replied the little
second i bsaeman, as he prepared to turn
over another page, "ft can be termed light
Shortstop Turner of the Cleveland team
Is a Joker of the eccentric order. In this
great respect he Is a dead ringer for the
once great pitcher, Pink Hawley.
The other day at Cleveland Turner came
Into the club house wringing his hands
and with the most despairing expressions
on his mobile face.
"What Is the matter?" cried Lajole,
starting up In alarm.
"Oh, It's In vain, In vain. In vain."
answered Turner, as he continued to wring
his hands, while the rest of the players got
around him to Inquire the trouble.
"What Is In vain?" asked Lajole, ex
citedly. "The letter V," shrieked the cotton
haired lad, as he beat the bunch to tho
door and out of the ball yard, while the
doughty Napoleon Just remained where he
was, In a dazed condition, though his tins
moved In silent, though, no doubt, ex
pressive language.
Aztell Loses to Itftdreth.
HILDRETH , Neb.. July 31. (Special.)-.
The Axtel) base ball club crossed bats with
the Hlldreth team on the home grounds
yesterday and met defeat by a score of 12
to 4. McCombs, for ths locals, pitched a
splendid game. The score:
Hlldreth v.,....3 2 0 2 4 0 1 0 IS
Axtell 0 10000003-4
Batteries: Hlldreth, McCombs and
Ashby; Axtell.' Iefgren and OUon. Um
pire: J. & Myers.
Bee Want Ads Are Business Boosters.
Whenever a sore or ulcer refuses to heal it Is because the blood la Infected
with poisonous germs or some old blood taint which corrupts and pollutes the
circulation. Nothing Is mora trying than a non-healing, chronic old ulcer.
The very fact that it resists all external applications, and ordinary treatments,
is good reason for alarm, for the same frerm which produces cancerous
ulcers is Lack of every old sore, and especially is this true if the trouble be
from any inherited taint. Surface treatment cannot reach the trouble the
blood is at fault and must be purified before a cure can be hoped for. In S. S. S.
wilt be found a remedy for sores and ulcers of every kind. It is a perfect
blood purifier one that goes directly into the circulation and promptly
cleanses it of all impurities, poisons and taints. The ulcer can never heal
while the blood discharges into it the noxious matter with which it is infected,
but when 8. 8. S. Has rid the blood of this cause and freshened and built up the
circulation the sort, will heal naturally, and of its own accord. S. Sj S. begins
at the bottom and heals the place as it should be healed and makes a permanent
and lasting cure. Book on Sores and Ulcers and any special medical advice
tree to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA.
Highball Had to Be Withdrawn on
Account of Lameness.
Alice Pointer Winn the Sill Pare In
Straight Hesfs from 1 horn way
Ardelle Wins the 5i03
CLEVELAND, O., July 81. Tha contest
between the two stars, Sonoma Girl and
Highball. In the 215 trotting event scheduled
for today, promising a shattering of records.
drew to the second dsy of the Grand Cir
cuit meet the largest crowd that has wit
nessed dlght harness trotting at the famous
Glenvllle oval In many years. Unfortu
nately Highball was lame and had to be
withdrawn. As a result Sonoma Girl won
with ease, there being no other starter s
that could force her to her usual speed.
Her best time was 2:0n4. Thornway was
tho only favorite to lose, Alice Pointer, sec
ond choice, winning her race In straight
heats. Ed Oeers, who drew the dtance
flag three times Tuesday, won the third
race fylth Ardelle, the Memphis pacer that
won the Chamber of Commerce stakea In
McDevltt." driver for David Shaw of Cleve
land, scored his second victory of the day
when he won the 2:09 trot wit hIJllian B.
The track was In excellent condition for
speed. There will be five races Thursday."
the stake race for 8-year-old trotters being
the feature.
2:11 pace, purse Sl,l:
Alice Pointer, b. m., by Star Pointer
(McDevltt) '. 1 1 1
Thornway, b. h. (Cox 2 2 2
nilly W.. b. g. (Sunderlln) 8 3 8
Red Bow, b. m. (Sweeney) 4 4 5
Kustivllle. b. g. (Gahejrnn) 6 5 4
Time: 2:06V.. 1:(W, 2:07.
2:1R trot, purse r,00o:
Sor.oma Girl, b. m., by Lynwood W.
(Springer) Ill
Genteel II., br. h. (W. McDonald).... 3 2 6
Clatv iJttus. ch. m. (Lasell) 6 5 2
Henry E., Jr., b. g. (F. Evans) 3 rt 6
Margorlc, br. m. (Cox) 7 8 8
Tolling Chimes, b. g. (Whltrfr 5 4 4
Wild Bell, br. g. (DeRyder) 4 7 7
Silver Band, blk. g. (Hnll) 8 8 da
Time: 2:US4, 2:064 . 2:074.
2:05 nace. purse;
Ardelle, br. m., by J. H. L. (Genrs) 1 1
Nervolo, b. h. (Cox) -.. 2 2
Hsl C, ch. g. (B. Shank) 4 3
Vesto Boy, ch. g. (Murphy) 8 4
Custer, ch. g, (Hall)... da
Time: 2:07,, 2:OM4.
2:09 trot, purse 81.000:
Lillian R., b. m., by J. T. (McDevltt)... 1 1
Allle Jay, b. m. (Starr) 3 2
Emboy, b. g. (W. McDonald) 2 6
Charley Belden, b. g. (DeRyder) 6 3
John Caldwell, b. g. (Goers) 4 4
B1 flora, b. m. (SplanD 6 6
Take Championship In Doubles from
Scrlbner and Martin.
The championship In doubles at the Field
club tennis tournament was finally won
Wednesday by Caldwell and Young, who
defeated Scrlbner and Martin, winners of
the WOti tourney. The younger team took
the first game and after that fought hard,
but were outclassed when It came to
steady playing. Perhaps as many brilliant
returns might be credited to them as to
the winners, but they made more numer
ous and more lnexcusn1-'" errors. There
was a treat deal of 1 m (, particularly
by Martin and Scrlbner d they seldom
lost a point on that kind of a stroke.
They got most of the halls that struck
within their lines, but there were too
many balls netted and batted out of bounds.
Young played In fine form, but had only a
little the best of his partner. Scrlbner had
a little the better of the playing In the de
feated team, although Martin played a fine
game and won applause several times with
difficult drives.
The final match in championship singles
between Caldwell and Young Is scheduled
for today and promises to be a close fight."
ManyTredlct that Young will have to play
his very best to gather In the champion
ship, although his chances are acknowleged
to be the best. The challenge match with
Scrlbner, winner of last year's tourna
ment, will probably come off Saturday.
In consolation singles Kohn won from
Bartlett and then took the finals from
Sweet, who had defeated Armstrong. In
the final match he won easily without ex
erting himself.
In consolation doubles Dinning and Polard
have beaten Armstrong and Dufrene by
default and will play the winner of the
Bartlett and DeVries, Rainey and Hlllls
mateh In the finals.
Young and Scrlbner have both decided
to enter in singles In the Iowa state tour
nament, which will be held at the Hypor
mon club In Des Moines August 6 to 10.
They will be entered together In the
doubles also.
Wednesday's ecores:
Championship doubles, Young and Cald
well beat Scrlbner and Martin, 6-2, 7-6, 6-4.
In consolation singles, Kohn beat Bart
lett, 6-0, 6-5. Sweet beat Armstrong by de
fault. Kohn beat Sweet, 6-0, 6-3.
In consolation doubles. Dinning and
Pollard beat Armstrong and Dufrene by
Grand Island Wants League Ball.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., July 81. (Spe
cial.) The convictions of most of the base
hall supporters In this city are more firm
than ever that there will either he amateur
ball here next year or state league hall
amateur, such as depends upon gate re
ceipts only, and made up entirely , of home
players, or an organization of four, six or
eight cities, with state rules and a regula
tion championship schedule and paid. Inde
pendent umpiring. Many of the supporters
who have at the beginning of the season
contributed from 85 to ll say their con
tributions will cease unless there Is such
a state league, and It Is likely that an
effort will . be made not later than Sep
tember or October to get six or eight
cities In thla state In line for the next
season. It is believed that Kearney, Grand
Island and Mlnden or Holdrege In the west
ern part of the state, and Fremont, South
Omaha and Beatrice in the eastern, with
possibly Wahoo and Columbus, can be
Tennis Tournament at Orleans.
ORLEANS, Neb., July 81. (Special.)
Entries for tho southwest Nebraska tennis
tournament have been made from Alma,
Oxford, Superior, Clay Center, Harvard,
Doniphan, a few places In Kansas, and
other Nebraska towns. There will be forty
or fifty entries. The drawings will be
held on the courts of the club Thursday at
10 a. m. 'Play will begin at once. Plav
will be called again at 8 and at 9 and 2
on Friday. It Is hoped that the finals
can be played Friday afternoon. There Is
every indication that this will be the most
Successful tournament held In the state
outside of Omaha. Some fast playing Is
promised. A handsome silver cup will be
swarded In singles and two In doubles. A
band concert will be given for the visitors
Thursday evening and reception Friday
Conntry Clnh Tennis,
Thirty-six entries . have been made for
the Omaha Courtry club tennis tourna
ment for the club championship and the F.
T. Hamilton cup Play will beirln Saturday
on the three courts at the Country club,
which are now In most excellent Condi-
Boom Malting Shoe Sale
Tomorrow morning we will sell the best men's shoes In tho world
at a frreat saving. Just think of getting
$6.00 Shoes,
$4.00 Shoos,
$2.60 Shoes,
s i.98
Also big table with hundred
of pairs of fine shoes, odd sizes,
at OS4? JM'P Pn'r tnd up.
tlon. R. T. Burns Is chairman of the tennis
committee which has the tournament In
chance and entries should be made to him.
Added interest Is taken In tennis at the
Country club this season since the cour's
have been refitted and put In tournament
form and twice as many are playing the
game than ever before.
Hares at Fremont, However, Are
Closely Contested.
FREMONT, Neb., July 81. (Special Tel
egram.) There was a good attendance at
the races this afternoon. The track was
heavy and It was 8 o'clock when It was In
shape for the first heat. The 2:12 race was
the best. Tho three leaders were closely
matched and College Maid, the fourth horse,
was close up. Fred H. did some good work
In the third heat, drawing ahead on the
home stretch and winning by a nose. Clear
l'rlft took the last two heats of the 2:22
with Mamie H. a length behind. On a fast
track the mare would have broken the
record. Summary:
2:12 pacing:
Fred II., b. g.. Robare 3 Sill
8. 8. All., br. h 2 12 2 8
Conroy, S., b. h 1 3 4 4 2
Coll.-ge Maid, br. m 4 4 8 8 4
Time: 2:18V4, 2:1SH. 2:20, 2;19K, 2:2Wi.
Trotting, 2:22 class:
Cleardrift, o. h., Whltemore..l 3 11
Mamie H., ch. m 2 12 2
Mr. Dooley, b. g 4 2 3 8
Sequel, b. m 8 4 dls.
Time: 2:24. 2:2H. 2:24,, 2:23.
Running, flve-elghtha mile: Neva Hus
tler first, Nettle C, second.
All In Readiness tat right.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 30. All la In
readiness for the sound of the gong that
will call Jimmy Brltt and Battling Nelson
together for their contest at the Audi
torium rink tonight. Fight fanciers are
displaying great Interest In the match and
the sale of seats shows that there will
be a very large attendance. Betting Is
uveiy, wun Nelson a 10 to e favorite, it
was announced last evening that both
are at the required weight of 133 pounds.
Manager Greggalns hopes to have Brltt
and Nelson In the ring by 9 o'ctock.
Racing; Opens at Norfolk.
NORFOLK, Neb.. July SI (Special Tele
gram.) Norfolk's three days' race meet
opened with a record-breaking attendance
and clear skies. Race results:
Class 2:35 trot: King Woodford (Zulauf)
won, Molly (Beexley) second, Mltolus
(Sneer) third. Best time, 2:S0.
Class 2:20, trot or pace: Bessie G (Toung)
won, Edith F. (Freund) second, Carrie Na
tion (Speer) third, Messmerlsm (Stanr.)
fourth. Best time: 2:21".
Norfolk bent Nellgh at base ball, I to 1.
Pllger Wins from Pierce.
PJLGER. Neb- July, SI, (Special Tele
gram.) Pllger gave Pierce a drubbing
Pllger 0 8 0 3 0 1 1 0 0 T
Pierce 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 03
today, winning out; 7 to 2. The feature
of the game was the pitching of Martin
for Pllger, striking out eight men and
allowing but four nits. Score:
Batteries: Pllger, Martin and Tift;
Pierce, Shindel and Free. Umpire: At
kinson. Bearer Crossings Easy.
FRIEND, Neb., July 81. (Special Tele
gram.) The locals defeated 'leaver
Crossing In a one-sided game of ball here
thla afternoon. Soore: R. H. E.
Friend 0 1040181 IS 12 6
Beaver C. . .0 0, 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 8 4
Batteries: Beaver Crossing, Moore and
Pate; Friend, Ling and Whltcomb. Struck
nut: By Moore, 6; by Ling, 3. Two-base
hit: Whltcomb.
PlnlnvtevV 'tlalte the Game.
STANTON. Neb!. July 31. (Special Tele
gram.) Stanton and Plulnvlew played the
fastest and most exciting game of ball
seen on the local diamond this season. At
the end of the tenth the score stood 1 to 1
and neither was able to score until the
ian ies
Look for tho word "RYE" in red on label.
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Big Bargains
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AlafLft 11,-vt-sin CKTTINO THE MOST
FOH 111S MONKY will attend our
$.1.00 Shoes,
S.ftO Shoes,
first half of the twelfth, when Plalnvlea
rrot one hit and two errors. Sianton tle
n the lsst of the twelfth on singles by
Holsteln and Hopper and a sacrifice by
Hartnian. Plalnvlew men claimed the ball
went foul and refused to finish the game.
The umpire awarded the game to Htanton,
8 to 0. Other than upon this decision there
waa no kicking on the umpire. Score:
R. H. a
Stanton 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-2 8 4
Plalnvlew 10000000000 12 11
Double pluys: Plalnvlew, 2; Stanton, L
Bases on balls: Stanton, 4; Plalnvlew, L
Batteries: Stanton, llartman and Person!
Plalnvlew, Bohannon and Jewel t. Umpires
Qulncy Takes a Double-Header from
MARSH ALLTOWN, July 31. (Special Tel
egram.) Following re the results In tha
Iowa league:
At MHrshalltown R H.E.
Marshalltown ..0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 t 8 0
Keokuk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 8 3
Batteries; Dort and Forney; Burch and
At Jacksonville R.H.E.
Jacksonville ....2 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 6 0
Ottumwa 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1 7 0
Batteries: Roach and Belt; Sedgwick and
Welgert. .
At Waterloo- R.H.E.
Waterloo 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 8 0
Burlington 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0-2 S 0
Batteries: Hollenbeck and Lixette;
Schroedcr and. Bruggeman.
At Qulncy (first game) R.H.E.
Qulncy 0 0010000 140
Oskaloosa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 6 1
Batteries: Bennett and Walsh; Coates and
At Qulncy (second game) R.H.E.
Qulncy 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 4 -7 10 I
Oskaloosa 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 04 8 3
Batteries: Bennett, Mason, Jameson and
Shaw; Steele and Mitze.
Spokano Is After Varnell.
SPOKANE. Wash., July 31. Varnell, tha
crack foot ballist, base ball player and
fleet hurdler of the University of Chicago,
has been Invited to become physical di
rector of the Spokane Amateur Athletla
club and It is given out he will adept the
offer. In any event he will captain and
ooach the club's team at the opening of.
the foot ball season, when the club expects '
to land the championship of the Paclflo
northwest. The Chicago man Is looked
upon aa one of the fastest players In the
west and Is qualified In every way to take
charge of the physical department of thnj
Spokane Amateur Athletic club. The cluf
will put a strong team In the field tho com7
Ing season and In every other way noth
ing will be left undone by the organisa
tion, which Is supported by public-spirited
men, to win the highest honors.
Silver Creek Shut Out. ' '
CENTRAL CITT. Neb., July 31.-(Speclal
Telegram.) The Silver Creek- base ball
team shut out the home team today by a
acore of 3 to 0. Silver Creek's scores were
all due to errors of Central City. Bat
teries: Central City, Lutes and Patterson:
Sliver Creek, Zapper and Shank. Struck
out: By Lutes, 6; by Zapper, 2. Hits: Oft
Lutes, 4: off Zapper, &. Errors: Central
City, 6; Silver Creek, 2.
Frank Reha on War Homo.
Frank Reha, who represented Omaha at
the International meeting of Bohemian
turners at Prague last month, Is now In
Hamburg and will take ship for home
Thursday. He Is expected In Omaha In
about two weeks. S. L. Kostorys, who
went from Texas to the International con
test, la expected to return to Omaha later.
Sporting; Gossip.
At last Pueblo has nosed Itself out of
last place. This team has made a most
persistent fight. It was unfortunate In
getting started or It would have been
further up the ladder. It Is likely yet to
make Denver and Des Moines squirm. It
has a better team than either.
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