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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1907)
HIE OMAHA DAILY BEEj THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1907. 11 OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltare Cattnae4. ID HAND furniture tyuarM and Sold; bust . ns on the o,tiare. Ilwnher. formerly lth Chicago Furniture Co.. im 8. 14th. D. 8to. (ID 728 A22 WHEN YOt writ to advertiser remem ber It take but an extra atroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you Saw the ad In The Pee. flam, Oraraaa. t astral lastrameat. PIANO PRICES Down to lha lowest notch this wck. .twnty-four Dew, used and second-hand pianos on. tale In our bargain room, fourth floor. Coma early and get a choice se lection. New England, upright Kimball, upright Mania Bros., upright LJndlman AY Bona, upright. ..I .. 06 .. 138 .. 160 Five dollar cash and $1 4 week will buy any of the above bargain. r Schmoller & Mueller Tiano Co., 13U-1.U1 Farnam St. 'Phone Doug. 1(2. (18) 690 FOR SALE Planalo and music; all In good condition. Phona Harney 286. (16) S04A2X Paal a4 Bllllarw Table. FOR BALE New and secondhand billiard and pool table. We lead the world In cheap bar fixture: easy payments. Brunei wlck-Balk-Cotliidar. AJl kV. 10th 8t. (1;-84J Typewriters and Itwlsg Machines. - $250 PEuTmoNTII )J CHANGE , TVPEWRITER 1824 Farnam St.. Omaha. 'Phone D S874. (16) M788 31 FOR SALE HlRh grade secondhand tyro writer; good condition; a bargain at Mi Call room 603. lie Blag. (16) 71 ONJC Remington typewriter. No. (, In good condition, (or sals cheap. Call at Be Office. U6) i2x HMeelln jeoaa. SEND ti your mall orders for drugs; ' freight paid on $10 lot. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. . (16) -8ft) B HER WIN WILLIAMS CO., beat mlged paint Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. ... U6)-W2 FOR SALE Story Clark cabinet organ; 13 stops; a beautiful, strong-toned Instru . nient; suitable for church or home; good eonrtTtmn: a bargain; cpst C0, price $i0). Ail'in a L ".31, Bee. ' A (16) M72 SIX n. ,:!; grass counter show cane ,'1ti hi. (lG)-MS46 7x If.VY. U'ngner, 801 N. 16th. (16) M732 .) o;-s of good clear Ice for ... Smith, Box 10, Albion, (1S)-M741 Aux .Mil- ' New UA3. KLECTRIC AND ;. ' COMBINATION FIXTURES. . . . . Bpeclat low price during the summer to reduc stock. ;ordr now; goods delivered when ready. BURGESS & GRANDEN CO, Tslsphon Douglas C8L 3U 8. 16th St. ua-4 DRUGS at cut price; freight paid or. $10 enters; catalogue fres. tVHKRMAM M'CONNELL DRUG CO.. Omaha. Neb. " ' . " (IS) M tig rIOMEOPATIIC medicines, wholesale and retail. Sherman at McConnell Drug Co. 06)-M41I FOR BALK Flnt-claaa (tors fixture, showcases, etc. Globe Land and Invest, meat Co., UI Farnam St., Omaha, freo. - ' (16 kiO HALL'S safes, new. Id-hand. 1818 Farnam. Q6J-47 Clearing Sale on Motor Cycles On Thomas, $S0; one Mitchell. WO; one Wagoner, ioo; one March, 1100; one Cres cent. (IK; on Indian, 1136; on Indian, 1140; en Indian, wltli sld seat. S176; one Marsh, with fore bur, $176. The above are extremely good value for the money. . . LOUIS FLESCHEK. 1622 Capitol Ave. (Ml 724 A4 THE ELITE Expert lady operator ve, mass bail. and 11 gellflu rub." Room 200 Barker Block, lUh and Farnam. (18) 717 31 x : j -J. . . r t FOR BALB-Af NO TM BOUTH MTH ST., 8TORE FlTrRES. SHELVINtV COUNTERS. TABLES, CASES, CHAIRS ADD1NO MACHINE, CASH REQISTEFL WM. J. COAD. TRUSTEE. (14)-7T ld-hand rubber hoM, tool. Sing.-, 416 N. ICth. 08-7 FOR SALB-rinest boarding house In the city, best location, all furnished, best walking distance, etc.; cheap. Inquire S-1 Karbacb block. Omaha. Neb. (!) 2S8 I1AIR DRESSING Mtabllirhmer.t. In bust- nee section of city; first class estab - llshed trad. Party selling owing to 111 health; terms reasonable. Address H 748, Bm. - (It) M541 A3x FOR SALE Two 5d-hand 100 h. p. tubular i borler m tnche In diameter. 16 feel long, with fronts and connections, now in .- use at our factory: we are about to re place them with larger one. Will sell cheap. Omaha Cooperage Co., 85th and 1 BIsh South Omaha, Neb. Ui fu PATENTS LARSON ca-Book free. Be Bldg. (17 oa D. O. BARNELL, patent aUorney and ma chin aaaJgAer, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red. 7117, (17 IWoAuglO PATENT for sale or royalty: Improved wire stretcher, serial No. 367.1KV2; a money maker. Sale price $4,uuu. Good reason for selling. U. H. Weyant. Nachusa. Ill, , (17 607 Alx PERSONAL OMAHA Stammerers' Inatltut. Ram fs Idg. a-k 7 ISVINO machines rented. Neb. Cycle Co., U8)-g66 UUSICIANS to Join first-class attrxc Ulon. Aug. 10, to double band and oi clieslra; alao Juvenile, lady; must play standard music. Box 6S7, Belmond. l.-v (18) M73i ASK MAGNETIC '"atroent and bath. Mm. J ' ' (UU MU PAINFUL, burns, any sore or skin hurt quickly healed by batln skin cruaui. 86 FQW bargains In Id-hand soda fouatatns, .nonnly paymsnU. Derlght. U18 Farikam. (W ECZEMA bolutly eurd by W. A. Paxton aaiva. B. J. soanntll, agt.. K War Hit. 08)-Ma YRINOES. rubber jood. by mall; cut tV,?- Snd for fie catalogue. Myera Dl.lon Drug Co.. Omaha. (18 J THB SALVATION ARMY aollclt cast-od -lfchlnir. la fact, suiything ou U not '" aoWect. i air and sell, at 114 s. Utn Bt, for cost of collecting, to t)i wi.rthy oor Call niwa Doug. 4i and wagon win ca!l (lkj-Ul ' PERSONAL Continued YOUNO WOMr.S dining to Omaha s (ranger are Invited to Tift the Toung Women' Christian Association room 1M6 Farnam treet. where they will be d'rerted to suitable boarding place or otherwi assisted. U8) 61$ pr iv ath confinement home Mr. Dr. Kins, liitf N. IMth St. TfL Don;. 8.. Uu a f AliYFTIP Osteology and massage. Room 2, li04 Farnam St.. 21 floor (18) M 486 AS A NICE, healthy habv girl tor adoption. Address H tt"0. carp lif e. (!) H70 Jlx REAL ESTATE BE A I. ESTATE DEALERS. RITBSELL A MKITR1CK CO.. 432 Rama. ())-& W. H. TURRELL, 16 Patterson Blk Dong 1128. (l)-h PAYNB INV. CO., 1st floor N. T. L. Doug. 1781. (l)-btt L. W. BUNNELL, A CO, S22 N. T. Life. Douglas 614. (lit iVt R. C. PETERS CO.. Be Bldg. (ltl-887 ALFRED O. KENNEDY. 209 First Natl Bank Bldg. 1'hone Douglas 723. (191 WS OEORQU as COMPANY. 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 756 CITY PROPERTY FOR 9AI.B. SEATTLE lot, cleared and level, for $20 down and $10 per month, near 1900 fair ground; easy way to own tentln grounds during the fair and then tell at a big profit. Fartlcul and bank ' references furnished. Charles Pielmann, 217 Bailey building. Seattle. Wah. (1) M734 Aox $1,400 WILIj buy a (too f-r.-.srr. hotise. all In good repair, located In the northwest part of the city. This house 1 6 blocks from the car line at the present, but will only be 3 blocks from the new extension on the Harney line. Thl Is a fine homo Call at once. Kelly Investment Co., 220 Neville Blk. !) M7S6 2 FARNAM RESIDENCE New 8-room house, constating of three living room, kitchen with pantry, three bedrooms, alcove and bath with natural finish, newly caDered. lovely combination texture, nickel plumbing, furnace, oak. Has grate, mantel, sodded yard with tree and walks. A bargain see It quick. C. P. TRAVER, 1834 Farnam. Tel. Red. 4721. (191-MS441 EASY TERMS. Brand new 6-room cottage looa'ed at 3Rtlt and Boyd Bt., large corner lot. aouth anil east front, lies veTy sightly, onlv or. block from Ames Ave. cr line, elegant " gas ajid electric light fixtures, double floors, vertlcnl grained surface floors highly flnlnhed Interior, large bath, floored attic, bricked up cellar; Will be papered attractively to suit; everything In "M top" condition; thoroughly well b-illt Price only 12.000; lot alone worth J5no Very eay terms to reliable, party. C. G. Carl berg, 811 N. Y. Life Building., 19) MT95 CLOSE IN. Three J-room cottage nearly completed on Blondo St., between 26th atid 27th, all thoroughly well built; bricked up cellars, double floors! strictly modern with the exception of heat; permanent ldewilk will be built on treet and lot nicely sodded. Price ranging' from $2,250 to &500. ay term to good parties. C. G. Carlbers," 8U N. X. Life Bulralng. U9) U784 THE KERR ABSTRACT CO.'S AB STRACTS OF TITLE sre the safest. You are - protected by a $10. COO ond against loss by errors. You don't buy a lawault when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1614 Harney Tel. Douglas 6487. (It) COTTAGE FOR SALE Need a larger house and will sell my partially modern 6-room cottage In Clif ton Hill at a bargain. City water, sewer, ga and bath room In house, nice shade trees, permanent walk. In- fact an Ideal home for a small family. Price, $'.,n0fr-$oo0 to $t)00 cash. Balance, same as rent. Ad dress D 830, car Be. --!) M780 Al lienntiful $4,000 Homo for $3,200 "V; If Sold This Week 7-room house, all modern, 2 bed rooms and line bath room upstair; fine reception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen and but tery downstairs; cement cellar under whole house; splendid furnace; fine lot, with ce ment walks. This place fronts east on the North 20th St. boulevard and command beautiful view; never any paving taxea to pay; aiso cioee to enerman Ave. car line. . I3IRKETT & TEBBENS, 423 Bee Bldg. Phona Doug. 4TM. (1 M8161 CLOSE IN PROPERTY $3,760 for WIS California St., 4-room house and large barn on premises; full lot 60x123 feet; room to build several brick flats. t-room house for $2,600 at 2707 Davenport St.. modern ex cept furnace; house has large room and la In good repair; If you are looking for something within walking distance don't fail to look this over. GEORGE & CO.. lfiOl Farnam St. (19)-M&27 I $W0. We offer for a few days a beautiful south front building lot In the West Farnam ami net. ail graoea ready for -building solid Kround. sewer, water and m in th. street. This Is the cheapest lot for the money in tne west part or the city today. PAYNE. BOSTWICK Sc CO.. Malti Floor. N. Y. Life Bld. (19)-809 I Look at This Only $2,300, Worth $3,000 Cash Owner moving to Seattle, forced to sail s-room modern house. There Is no bar gain like It In Omaha. No color line drawn on mis saie; no commission paid to any one. INQUIRE 28(8 OHIO ST. (18V-S06 4x $1,8)0 6-ROOM, modern except furnace, near 24th and Uurdeite; reduced from $2.?fr) so a to make sale mia weca. F. C. BE3T. 824 N. Y. LIFE (I9)-810 Al STOP PAYING RENT Buy this 6-room, new, molern, except furnace, permanent walka, cellar under en tire house. No. W7 N. 27th Ave.; easy O. C. oLsilN 101 S. 1TH ST. a)-si 2 LIST your property wtrh the Wasters. Horn Builder, rni. 32-3 Nebraasa NatL Bank Bldg (U 714 REAL, ESTATE TITLB-TRUST CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, Pre FOR SALE 4Vroom cottag. owner tearing city, wl.l el. at a sactince. itti Nortn uLh. sou(a umaaa. l(. (T3)-M!4S REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR lALBL iContinued.) Chris Boyer 22d and Cuming Sts. WILL ENTERTAIN OFFERS ON THhi FOLLOWING PROPER I IES; T room, modern except fur race, mil St., ahout ( block s. utn of Leaveuworlh, full lot, $3,fc 6- room house and t-room, on Da-enp(rt between i8th and 2vth St., lot V&xUi. 7- room house on Parker, be tween Sth and &th St., full lot, $.100. -room house, modern except furnace, lot xl&ti. Franklin fci., '-ren ith and 3tAb tits.. $3,000. 6- room house, city water, lot Scxli, ga In kitchen, good barn, Ixard St., between tOlh and 21st, $2,000. 1-story frame store building, lot 4xl04, 24th St., between, Saulding and Sprague St., $J.8u0. Two 6-room houses, modern except furnace, 26th near Cum ing. $&Wu. 7- room house, modern except furnace, good barn, lot 30x144, located on Burt St., near 2.UU Price $2,000, If taken soon. 6-room house, lot 40x63, city water In kitchen, 2907 Seward St., $1,300. 6-room house, city water, good cistern, lot 60x127. on Rua gles, between 27th and Alii Sts., 11.750. lft-room, modern house on Cuming, between 40th and 41st Sts.; good barn; lot 50x 160. Everything In good con dition. 4-roora house, lot (3x100, city water and sewer, 28th Ave and Kuggie. $1,600. 6-room house, cistern, water, grape vine snd Currant bushes, lot 48x160, $120 Burt St., $1,600. Make offer. Corner lot, 88 ft. on Cuming St.. 88 ft. on Burt St., 3M on 27tii Ave., with two houses, I&JIN0. Good house, ( large room. City water In kitchen and gox4 cistern, lot 83x127. Prlc Three lot with 4-room house, northeast corner 32d and Corby Sis., $4000. VACANT Lot on Webster St., between 33d and 34th Sts., 66x160, $1,00 It on Webster St.. between 27th Ave. and 28th St., 3vxl50, $700. Two lots. 27th and Saratoga. locxir. $). 30th and Manderson, lot 60x127. $uo. Two vacant lota on 88th St between Pratt and Spauldtng, $300 for both. Several lot In Benaon, $456 each.. On Cuming, between 40th and 41st, lot 25x130. Make offer. TO TRADE It,"' acres of land In Wheeler county. $10 per acre. Will trads. for house and lot In Omaha. CHRIS BOYER REAL ESTATE. RENTALS. 22ND AND CUMING STS. PHONE DOUG. 2048 09)-79S SI BEMIS PARK DISTRICT t rooms, brand new, strictly modern, $4,000. O'Keefe Real Estat Co.. 1001 N. Y. Lira Bldg. C18)-M977 FOR SALE Five-acre tract of land In Ben son, thre blocKS from car. suitable for filantlng or for Improvement; an oppor unity for someone. Address G 4-.'3. Ba. Q)-oatx FINE WEST FARNAM STREET HOME $12,&C0 Will buy the large residence of 9 rooms .on S3a at., soutn ot uooge. This la a beautiful house and was built by the owner for. a home. Is finished in quartered oak, ha a -billiard room and tiled bath room. Tn Interior finish, plumbing, light ing fixture and hardware are the very bent; lot 5()xl3& Hero 1 a rare chance to buy an elegant home at a bargain. J. W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. TEL. DOVO. 6J8. (19)-Ms21 lx SIX-ROOM COTTAGE ONLY $800 " SOU Lindsay Ave., only two blocks from Hnrney car line; house can be made modern, a there 1 sewer in street. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam Pt. (19) MS36 1 NEW HOUSE At 83d and Harney. Ruy in a topnotch lo cation when It costs no more than In ferior oriMS. First -( lass material brought direct and In large quantities enables me to sell you a better house for several hundred dollars less money than It would cost you if building only one. $228 Harney A handsome col tag of six rooms, very pretty reception room and stairs, large living room with muntel. all finished In oak, with oak floors: kitchen, Santry, tin closet and refrlperator room nlshed In birch, with maple floors; laun dry in basement; second floor has thre bedrooms and bath; combination side light for dresser; medicine cabinet, with bevel plate mirror and aide lights; best plummng and heating; nice cement walk and step; pries, $1,760 cash. Earnest Sweet, 613 N. Y. Life Bldg. lawn. $1,500; 0-W2 Six WEST FARNAM DISTRICT Eaat front lot. (0xl. on Mth St., near Jackson, paving all paid. This lot Is nicely ter raced. In a fine neighborhood and big bargain at $2,000. W. FARNAM SMITH, 1 Farnam. Tl. Dug. V4. (l-;85 21 REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. (Continued.) DUNDEE . There are many reasons why. Dundee 1 a most deslrabla place In which to live. Omaha I growing westward. Land value In Hhe West' Farnam district are Mgh. In Dunde from Hhrea to six of the nest lota, each 60x136 feet In also, can be had for the cost of one of the best West Farnam district lot. In Dundee the lots, blocks and streets have been put to uniform grade and the price at which we offer lots Include tree, Ce ment atdewalks, city water, electric light, etc. Dundee, a a whole. I high and afford - a fine view of. the surround ing country. Building restric tions are In no way prohibi tive, but of such a nature that home builder are adequately protected. Dundee 1 a village-, having It own government, consequently has no city taxes to pay. This suburb Is less than twenty minute' ride on the West Farnam Dundee car . from the businesa center, and is - not only Omaha's best suburb for home building, but offer opportunities for eafe and profitable investment. For further Information tall vn GEORGE A CO., lol Farnnm St. (19)-MS24 1 33 Feet On Capitol Ave., between 18th and 19th for $4,000. Hicks Real Estate Co. 439 Board of Trade Bldg. (19)- 7C4 31 Beautiful Keystone Park. Two more sales made today. This is the best evidence that Keystone Park 1 a desirable place to locate. Think of It, lota In Benson are selling at $600 a lot, $2,600 an acre; on mile west we are selling land, better located and more desir able for a country home for $a to $350 an acre. Now Is the time to buy In Keystone Park. Take you out any' day tn an automobile. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor. N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug, I78L D. V. SIIOLES CO "f Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Dofig 4. OW-M791 2 If looking for (, I or 7-room cottage oa your own Lrrma, 'pmMf Web. 1866. U $25.00 . $25.00 :"$25.Q0 $25.00 . . i WHERE CAN YOU. . INVEST THI3 SUM TO AS GOOD-ADVANTAGE? Here a the plan: Select one of those beautiful lots in Hal cyon Heights, the finest and I most sightly location for a fu ture home or Investment, only two blocks south buslncxs cen ter of Benson and Military avenue car line; pay t-6 cash and the balance $.i or $lu or such amount as you can spare monthly, and In a short time you have an Investment better than a bank account, for it ranx get away from you, and the lot Is rapidly Increasing in value. You are therefore In position to obtain a loan to build a home, or at any time ell the lot at a good profit. All this you can do at a $J6 Investment. Over v40 lots, $260 to 1660. See us today, or 'phone Douglas 867 and we'll take you out to see the lots at any time. RUSSELL & M'KITRICK CO., 432-34 Range Bldg. 15th and Harney St. IF TOU are thinking or building it will pay you to see the Western Home Build er, room 21-36 U. S. Nut'l Bank Bldg., for price and term. (19) 210 $4,000 ' will buy on of the best home In Kounti Place. Modern In every way. Large barn. East front. Street paved. Permanent sidewalk. Easy terms. THOMAS HHENNAN. . Room f. New York Life Bids. Phone Douglas 12t4. (19)-M1 LI6T your property with Chris Buyer, 82d and Cuming Sts. (19) 64 WHEN you write to advert'ser remember It takes but -tn extra trok or two ot th pen to mention th fact that you aaw th ad In Th Baa REAL ESTATE FARM AND HA.NC1I LMO FOR SAL, Kansas. WANTED Agent to represent a fn th al of our Kansas lands. Writ for par ticular. Globe Land and Investment fa.. Omaha. Neb. t W Kansas, Solomon Valley. Kansas. 10 acre Improved. $ per aore. 320 acres. Improved. 75 per acre, lay acres. Improved. $76 per acre. 750 acres. Improved, $46 per acr. 320 acres, improved, lit) per acre. 1W acre. Improved. '-$ per ere. If you want to get a good horns cheap come and see us. J. M. Boyle, Bennlnsrton. Kan. (?0-M74S A5 Montana. MONTANA ranch of Ji.noo acre. Improved at $5 00 per acre, verv desirable, parties Interested address Q 799. Bee. (20)-687 IX FOR SALE Farm. 110 acres on beautiful lake, one and one-half miles from Alex andria. Minn., the famous summer resort region. Fine hardwood timber. Fine new mod rn residence and barn Address O. E. Nettleton, Alexandria, Minn. (30 64771 ASX Wohraskat. FIRST-CLASS Nebraska tarms and ranche (or home or Investment, bemls. Omaha. a-Mj. NEED THE MONEY Want to-sell eectlon 6-12-il. Chynn county, Nebraska; land Is rolling, dark sandy loam. location choice; cash, $2,784; railroad contract nine year to run from February. 1S7. $2,016. Address W. O. Wirt. 716 Willow Ave., Council Bluff. la. ' ( M747 4 DOI OLA3 COUNTY FARMS. 80. 1.0, 16 acres, 80-acre bargain good upland. 3 mile from Dtkhorn. l'-5 sr r. J. A. Gibbous, Elkhorn, Neb. 0-677 tlx REAL ESTATE FARM ASD HMH L(Mli FOR gALIt. (Continued.,) atk Dakata. BARGAINS IN SOUTH DAKOTA. We have many bargains In Hnnd Co.. South Dakota, which are money maker. 811 families moved Into this county last spring to settle. 1'lenty of rain. g'H'd water. The normal mean temperature for Januxry and February Is 11 degrees above sero. I .set year wheat went . bushels per ncre, corn 40 bushels and oats 7'i bushels. Prices are advancing. Buy nctxv and prolit the advance. Some of our bargslns are as follows: 330 acres. 2 miles of llee Heights, which has ele vators, general stores and new bank; buildings l'tl rod from school and are; Splendid hotise. fine well of water, with windmill and tanks, fair barn and gran ary, almost level Innd. good soil, every foot Is tillable. Price, $27 per ncre. S3T acres, level and line. 6 miles of town. Price. $22 per acre. 1 acres fine level, good soli, 78 acres cul tivated and excellent crop. $25 per acr. 220 acres, covered with luxuriant growth of grass, lies level, with few low places. Price. $17 per acre. We have, many other to choose from. Write or see us. Let u show you our hinds. Join our excursion August 6 to Miller. L. W. Tulleys & Son, Cotsncll Bluffs, la., 102 Main St., upstairs () MS53 4x ARE YOU Interested In South Dakota? If o wrltu to the A. C. Brink Land Co. of Pierre. 8. D., Concerning th 23,0X eres of farm lanu they own In Hujthe and Bully countlea- They will answer you gladly. I20-M37 Al TRIPP COUNTY OPENING For full par ticulars write Tripp County Land and Abstract Co. Dallas, 8. D. (20)-M7Sl A29 Wyoming. SPECIAL land bargain balance of this month. National Investment Co., Douglas Blk. (20) 237 31 THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. has Just placed on the market THOUSANDS OF ACRES OF GRAZING LAND In Western Wyoming, 20,000 to tjOV Ou acres of fine sheep gracing lands at $1.00 to $1.6u PER ACRE TERMS One-tenth down payment and ten year' time on the balance. If erou Intend to Invest In cheap lands, BUT NOW. The opportunity will not last. For further Information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY, Omaha, Neb. Dept. "A," 818 S. 16th St (20)M71 Aug3 REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. - Thomas, eU6 First National Banjt Bldg. 22)-.'4 LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O Keele . Jb. CO., luoi rt. I. Life Bldg (22)-ui $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and rest- aKnce pruii m viiiviia, iuhih rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, N. Y. Lite. (Z2) W WANTED City loan and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam SU l22)-04 $a00 TO $50,000 TO IX)AN at lowest rates; no aeiay. uahviin umm, iuo4 farm am. (22 o; PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1620 Doug. (i-i) SU MONEY TO LOAN Pay n Investment Co. (22)-Ml LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. (22) 06 WANTED City loan. R. C Peter A Co. (22) 90S WANTED TO BORROW WANTED TO BORROW $l,ono to enlarge a good paying business with priveleBe to reduce loan yearly. Ad dress W 775, Ben. C20 291 WANTED-T0 BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes. and shoes, pianos,, feathers, bed pillows, quilts and all kinds of tools; or will buy the fiirnlturo of your house complete. Will buv antique or mahogany furniture. The highest prices paid. Call the right man. Tel. Douglas 3!71. (25) M46S Aug26 CARD CABINET of 16 to 36 drawers for card 3 by 6 Inches; state price; must b cheap. Address L M. Be. (23) 81$ WANTED 2d-hand oak partition and railing; also bank counter and fixtures. Address Y 216. care ot Bee. (2S1-M839 1 I WANT to buy a republican weekly paper ond Job office In co. seat town in Ne braska. Cash. Writ Y 219, Bee. (25) 1-J Six CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foy Co S13 8. 14th. Phon Douglas 122L f26)-10 MYSELF and partner want for cash $8,000 to $12,000 stock general merchandise, do ing good business In good town. Pur chase from owner only. Discount be low 20 cents ou dollar. Address. Y 128, Bee. (26) M441 aug3X WANTED Old feather bed; highest prlcb fiald for old feathers. Will stay a week n Omaha. Address Simon Conn. gen. delivery. Will call. (23) 807 A8x WANTED TO RENT SMALL fsmlly wsnt 4 or 6-room cottag about August 1st. Address. N 753. Bee. (2ti) M478 Aug2x WANTED Furnished bouse; $30 per month and best of care for nicely furnished house; responsible couple. Address M 736, Be. (2ti)-M797 6x WANTED To rent, furnished and unfur nished rooms -for light housekeeping. Omaha Rental Co., 308 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 31- (26I-MH63 AugJOx WANTED Board and room In private family by two yo-ing men. Must be close In. Address O 737 Bee. (26) MH41 7x If you have anything to trade advertise it In th For Exchange columns of The Bee Want Ad page. WANTED SITUATION WANTED Work by the day by experi enced dressmaker. Call on or address 4936 Capitol Ave. 'Prions Harney-lud. (27) 917 Af WANTED Position a compositor; mix months' experience. Address Y 126, Bee. (27) M 154 ug2x TEACHER, without home, experienced a housekeeper, want situation during aum raer, or will stay Indefinitely in desirable home where she may take piano lessons. Would like to be on farm. Address L-T, car Be. (27)-M4j AH EXPERIENCED tenogrpher. Address 8., Omaha Bee. 16 Scott St., Co. Muffs. (27)-M227 If you have anything to trade advent It In th For Exchange column of Th Bee Want Ad pages. GOVERNMENT NOTICES CHIEF QUARTERMASTERS OFFICE Omaha. Nebraska. July 30. 1907. Sealed proposals, tn triplicate, will b received here and by quartermasters at the post named herein, until 10 a. m.. central stan dard time. August t. 1907. for furnishing oat, bran, hay and straw, during th fiscal year ending June 30, 1, at Omaha Q M. depot. Forts Crook. Omaha and Robinson. Nebraska; Fort Riley, Kansu: Fort Des Moines. Iowa, and Fort Meade. South Iakota. Proposal for delivery at other places will ) entertained l'nltd State reserve right to reject or accept anv or all proposals or any part thereof. Information furnisned on appllcatloa her or to quartermaster at the stations named. Envelope containing proposal should be marked "Proposals for For a re," and ad dressed to MAJOR TUOMA8 ('RI SK. C. Q. M Aul-2-17-l REALJESTATEJRANSFERS H. J. Orove and wife to Amanda Mc Keown. lots 3t and 21, block 7. Ben eon $ i.K United Real Estate and Trust com pany to James W. Iarsley, lot , Maxwell's Second add 100 Herman Neuhau and wife to William Voss, lot 1. block 4. Bennington ... U. William F. voss to Anno Voss, lots t and 2, block . Bennington 1.600 John B. lieadltv to R. M. Morgan, lot 1, block 4. Waterloo 76 Edward Oisln to Mabel V. Shinier, lots 28 and 30. block 5. Hrlgs place 1.2O0 Mabel V. Shlmer and husband to H. D. Thorpe, north feet lots 20 and 30 and south 40 feet lots 29 and . block &, Brig' place 800 Martha E. Bovd ft dl to H. U Un derwood et at. lot 1. block 1, Plain- view 4.000 Amanda Smith to Edith Peterson, lot 4. Stewart place . 2.M On'alia Council Bluffs Street Rail way company to Antonle Brown, sub lot 1 of lax lot 7. sw nw 34 15-11 1,000 H. F. Cndy Lumber company to Omata Belt Rallwity company, lot 1. block 8. Kendall's add 1 A. A. Bergelt to (. K. Bergelt. north 6?.R acres wUj sei l-M-12 1 O. E. Perirelt to A. A. Bergelt. south 10.1S acres wt$ set, sec. 1 and part !t ne( sec. 12-1i-12 1 Insurance company of North America to Edward J. Brown, south 44 feet north 88 feet lot I. hlock 3iJ. Omaha.. 7.000 W. J. Dearth to M. P. I'igan. lot S, Fah's sub 2,400 N. J. Smith and wife to Nellie C. Brennan, west 34 feet, south 1171 feet lot If. Barker's allotment 1 O. J. Plckard and wife to H. M. Crsb tree, lot 0 to St. Incorporated, block 8. Eckermsnn plnce i.V) Julia 8. Bryant to W. T. Graham, lot 7, block "il," PMInn's Second add ... 10 F. O. Vcsey and w ife to T. W. Shil llngton. lot 6. block 6. Baker plnce.. 10 Rt. Rev. Richard PcnnneU to John F. Mclaughlin, lot 7. block 1, St. Mary's add 2S3 A. W. Sreelman and wife to Fred E. Parish, lot 17. block 4, Ivnman plnce 212 F. 1. Fltzprnld et al to John U Duff, lot 1. (Jury A Co sub 1 Arthur East to A. M. Hansen, lots 11 and 12. block 8. sub block 3o. Al bright's choice 1,000 J. I,. Hewey and wife to H. J. drove, . lots 11 and 12, block 23. Halcyon Heights 400 Jacob A. Morgan and wife to Mildred Tltrel. lots S and 6, block 41, Benson.. 1 Total (i,816 RAILWAY TIME CARD UNIOI gTATIO lOth AMD Bf AROY. tales Paelae. Lesr. Overlond Limited a 8:65 am The China snd Japan Fait Mall a 2:50 pm Colo. A Calif. E a 8 60 pm California & Ore. Ex. ..a 4 00 pm Los Angeles Limited.,.. a12:M pm Colorado Special a1l:66 pm North Piatt Local a 7-43 am Beatrice Local .b 7:42 am Arrlv. a 6:40 pta 6:00 pm a 40 am a 8:5P pm a 1:16 pm a 6.60 am a "!6 pm o 6:1$ pm v a aaaat. 8L Louis Ctprem a'6J pm a 6:20 am Bt. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) a 1:30 am all:16 pm Stanberry Local (from Council Bluff) b 140 pmbl0:l am lliMaaarl Pact go. K. C. -t St. L. Exp a 1:09 am a 6:63 are K. C. 4 6L L. Exp all:lS pm 6 36 pm Nebraska Local a 5;0v pm all:40 am Chita a a, Milwaukee A Bt. Pawl. Chicago & Colo. Special. 7:02 am 12 Call l. 6t Oiecon k.xu... .u Dui OC am pm Overland Limited t:6.i pm t 17 am Chicago, Heclt Islaad Facile EAST. fhlcam Limited a 2:46 am all a 4 a 12: b 9 a 1 a I so pm :SO pin 30 pm 66 pm :36 pm 86 am Iowa Local a 7:00 arc e Molnr Pa a 4;oO pm Iowa Local au.40 am Chicago (Eastern Ex.) a 4:60 pm Chicago' Flyer a C:00 pm WEST. Rocky Monntaln Lmtd. .all:40 prn Colo. A Cal. Exprea...a 1:35 pm Okl. A Texas Express.. 4:40 Dm : am :40 pm a 4 . 2 u pm 15 am Lincoln A Falrburv Pass.a 8:46 amalO Caluaaa A . ortawesitre. Chicago. Daylight a 7:06 am SI Paul-M apoU Exp..a an Chit ago Lccal an:3v am toax City Passenger ...a 7:S0 am Chicago Passenger a 4:30 pm Chicago bprotal a 6:04 pm St Paul-M'poll Lmtd..n 8:28 pm Los Antie Lrmlteo.... : p-n Overland Limited 10:o0 yrr. Fast Mail Sioux City Local r. 1:10 pin Fast Mall ; all alO :S4 pm .00 pm :28 pm :28 pm :30 am in am 4 aid 12 : pm a 8 a 8 a a $ :m am J am :20 am :36 pm :06 am II am la am :S5 am :06 pin :0i pro :0t pm :60 pm .36 pm Twin City Limited... ..a 8:28 pm ..a 8 38 pm Overland Llmltea a I 10 10 a $ a 6 b 8 bi; 12 Norfolk- Boneaeeel a 7:40 am o 7:40 m a 8:00 pm a 1:00 pm b 2:00 pm b 6:02 pm Llncoln-Chadrrlh' .. Deadwond-Lmeoln Caaper-8tiohnl .. Hastlngs-tro pertor Fremont-Albion Los Angele Limited... a 6:60 pro Chicago Great Western. St. Paul A Minneapolis. SM pm St. Paul & Minneapolis. 7:80 sm Chicago Limited 6:06 pm Chicago Exprss 7:30 sm Chlcsgo Express 3:30 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:20 am Minn. A St. Paul Exp...h 7:20 am Chicago Limited a 6:u0 pm Mlno. A 8u Paul Lmtd.a 8:30 pm T :30 am :S6 pm 11: 6 11 ci am 36 pm I M pm a I a I a I a 6 :45 pm M pro .30 am .30 am BCRLlilGTO IT -tOTH A HAIOIt Darlington. Leer. Denver A California. ...a 4:10 pm Nortnweat Special a 4:10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm Northwest Express a 8:30 pm Nebraska point a -"0 am Nebraska Express a IC am Lincoln Fast Mali S 1:45 pm Lincoln Locnl tlncoln Local oulsvllle A Plattam'tb.b 1:10 pm Bellovue-Platttmoutn ..a 8: pm Plattsmoutb-Iowa b V10 am Bellevus-PlatUmauta Denver Limited all:56 pro Chicago Special a 7:0 am Chicago Express a 4:30 pre Chicago Flyr a 4: pm Iowa Local a 1:16 am fct. Louis Express. a 4:46 pm Kansas City it Bt. Joe..al0:46 pm Kansas City A 8L Jos. .a 9:16 am Kansas City A St. Jo. .a 4:46 pra Ar .Iv. a 4:10 prs a 4:10 brm a 4:10 pra a 4:46 am a 6:10 pro a 6:16 pm 12:01 pnt D :( am a $:00 pm bl0:20 a:a a 1:4$ a a biV a 6:44 pm aia u a $ a 8 :4S om :U Dm M am all 3u em : a is 10 am aU a 4 a 6 10 pm WlCBITER STAe- 8BTII A WEBSTER CBtieaa; ss. m-mmm, niiinioni OnaJaa. Leave. ,.b 6:30 am .a 2.00 pm ,.b 6 43 pm ..a 8:46 am a. Mm Twin City Passenger, Sioux City Pssscngar. r.merson Local Emerson local Missouri PaelSe. Local via Weeping Water b 6:10 pm au:zo a b 1:10 a e 6:60 pra .a 1:06 am a 6:36 pir Fall City Local .a i:u nm aii:ao a a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d D-,llf xcept Saturday Sunday only. Dally except Morda. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS japan. china, phillipines, hono By tha Royal Mall Steamers af th Canadian Pacific Railway Sailing from Vancouver. B. C. Cnuetfllrd serrtce to th Orlsnt es ear tr-sm-ri. tniiml of Inillt. vEmtrl ot enln sn4 Emprru ot Japin. Thve tsmni srs the (irtMt bvtwMS Amsrif-s si4 ih far Rst. Bt, aSMn Mnnuusi. Tsrur saa Athsnisn, carrr o el,s ot rsbln psaMafers ouly. st turn tstermedlsts rsu. Ssllinst about svery tea mr' Stssiiaera Moans, Miowm 4 aorsnfl lorm tbs only lis to Australia; escllat sgcobi. muoatloss. Ssillnss -oaos s month- , For rotes, tntormutos sud lltorstsro, ss Ir to a. C. awn Cts. if I.. 211 . Clark tt, Cfclcas CESSPOOLS TO BE ABANDONED Mast GIt War t Sewers a Rap- Idly as letter Ar Coaw pleted. Health Commissioner Coni.ell ha re quested th city engineer to notify him of the creation of paving district and a soon a the notice ar received h will Instruct all property owners hi the dis trict to connect their houses with sanitary ewers and to discontinue the use of cess pools and similar devices. This action Is taken with the object of having all private sewer connections made on tret befora tb paving 1 dona, la order that the new p.tvlns will not b torn up, and for thu further (urpose of curtailing the use of cesspools wherever possible. LOCAL JOBBERS LAND HIGH Omaha Wholesalers ecore Rla Cow tracts ttt Saitaly Army (' nilssnry Needs, Omaha wholesalers and Jobber were lnrgely th successful bidders In the recent awards of contract for rommlsaary np plles for the army posts of the Department of the Missouri, for the ensuing uuarter. which wire o)ened by Captain T. H. Hacker, chief purchasing commissary for this section. Among the successful bidden wrre McCord A ItraiM, Paxton A Oallsgher Co.. Allen Bros. Co., Stewart Brothers, Richardson Drug Co.. Byrne-Hammer Dry Goods Co., M. E. Smith A Co., Thomal Kllratrlck Co., F. Hnrmon, and Hasklnl Bros. Soap Co. The flour contracts, amotint. Ing to nn.noo pounds of flour went to 9. F. Oilman of Neliith. there being no Omaha bidder for the big flour contracts. Brigadier General E. fl. Godfrey. pce)m panled by his aide-de-camp Lieutenant Clarence Llnlnger, arrived In Omaha Wednesday morning to remain at head quarters Department of the Missouri fof several day on department business. Captain W. G. Doane, Judge advocate of the Department of the Missouri, left for Sheridan, Wyo.. Wednesday afternoon on leave of absence for a month. Captain Doane will spend his outing horseback riding from Sheridan to Yellowstone park and through that resort and the mountains In that vicinity. H will be accompanied on the trip by Harry McCormirk, who ha horse already In waiting at Sheridan for the party. The purpose la to rough It during the entire trip, which Captain Doane thinks will cover about three weeks. Captain Waldo E. Ayre of the Thirtieth Infantry will act as Judge advocate of tha department during Captain Doans's ab sence. Private John R. Bladee of th Fourth Infantry ha been transferred to th hos pital corps. Private Julius Relchle, Company I, Third battalion, engineer corps, has been hon orably discharged from the army by direc tion of th War department. First Lieutenant Joseph F. Barnes, field artillery, was a visitor at army headquar ters Wedensday. DEATH OF JOHN N. DUKE . Former Omaha Man and Prominent Packer Expire at Sloan City. SlOfX CITY. la.. July S1.-(Speclal Tele gram.) John N. Duke, euperlntendent of the Sioux City plant of Armour A Co., died at 6 o'clock thl morning of periton itis. He was taken ill after an arduous trip through Texas. Mr. Duk married Mnrgaret Howe of Omaha. He began hla packing career In Omaha under E. C. How and roso rapidly. I'pon the death of Charle W. Lennon he became superintend ent here. He was a popular man. His daughter. Miss Harriet Duke, was vlit lng In Omaha at the lime of his death. John N. Duke came to Omaha In 189. and worked for Armour A Co. until 1903, holding a position under Robert C. Howe, manager of the South Omaha plant. He married Mr. Howe'a sister. Mis Harriet Howe. They had four children, one of whom, Miss Har riet Duke, was visiting here at ths time of her father's desth. She returned to Sloug City Wednesday morning. "My brother-in-law's death was quit unexpected." . said R- C. Howe. "He hai been 111 about four weeks, but had nearly recovered. I was up to see him last week and he had made arrangements to take a vacation trip for a rest. He has charg of the packing and shipping departments here and left this position to become super intendent of the Sioux City plant. He was made manager there a year ago." Mr. Howe will go to Sioux City this even ing- MANY WANT IN SANITARIUM Application Come to Cantaln Palmer from Veteran In TVnraer ooa States. Blnoe his return from the east Postmaster Palmer ha been overwhelmed with appll- atlons for admission to the Battle Moun tain aanltarium at Hot Springs. B. D., of which he Is one of the managers. Thes aDDllcations come from all parts of ths country, applications now on Captain Pal mer's desk being from Pennsylvania. Ohio, Wisconsin and elsewhere, from old ret- erana who. whll not at preaent Inmateg of oldler' homes,' are aeeklng relief from their ache and palna at the new sanitar ium opened at Battle Mountain In May last. CuDtaln Palmer aaldr "Ths sanitarium has now about 150 patient. Out of the first 110 received there seventeen have been sufficiently cured of their ailments to be returned to their home after two, thre and four weeks' treatment. The sick vet erans ar kept ther until they are cured. The sanitarium is not tn any sens an almshouse nor a charity hospital. It bag been created for the benefit of veterans of the civil and Spanish-American war. who could recelv benefit rrom in treat ment and water there, and Is especially adapted to rliaumatlo and kidney com plaints, the waters being especially adapted to the relief and cure or sucn ailments. Beveral Omaha veterans ar now tbera. Among thoe going ther recently ar John R. Hoi ib and E. R. Ball of Omaha." WEAD MAY BUILD ANOTHER Ear on rased y Ralt ( Tw Othr strartarea, II Consider Third. A $28,000 building I a possibility tor ths southwest corner of Seventeenth and Dodgs streets, where th Campbell homeatead stands. F. D. Wead, who heada th yn dlcate owning th property, say h will take a vacation soon and when h return the syndicate will seriously consider th matter of building. Mr. Wead ha met such success In leasing th buildings he has erected at Twentieth and Farnam and at Eighteenth and Farnam that he Is en couraged to enter upon another venture. If ths yndlcat decide to mk Improve ment It may erect a $28,000 structurs where the frame house now stand, or It may add two atorle to th brick building on the back of th lot. TIDD WILL NOT STOP DEAL l.oherk gay F.velos Factory Will rseer4 Whether He Come r Nat. So far Omaha business associate of A. W. Tldd hav heard nothing from him re garding hi trouble at Cincinnati, but they are expecting word at any time. C. O. Ixheck. treaeurer of the Excelsior Envelope company, of which Tldd 1 manager, said: 'While w expect to hear from Mr. Tldd In a short time, his trouble should hav nojastlng effect upon the Omaha company, as th proposition I a good on and th company 1 so organised that It doe not depend upon th work of any on man. The businesa 1 on that will stand upon It merit and If Mr. Tldd I not bl to do hi part aaetbar aaa can tak hla alacn,"