Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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S-tut Rttnie to G-t Scared at CaiV
Tonbi CoiiiLiaa.
fia.t": i 'aticy mail st. i.g'-.t, P-. "aj 1. 15,
-I-S- Tw;.1 5. I
FV. v;-. .Si Prc. 'Or-
$"4 . stead-"-- steam, .".
i"-y .i.t meats ' a-o steadv; ex
sti.r-.1, at 3: clir rba. JR. etiort elaarsj,
rr-. f.aoon ' jii-.Ji. 'i"fi7; rtra i.
r( ,-1-s. r;ear t:a. C'" -a- mnort cas.
C" JR.
r" ' I.T7.T at-it!- i"f-aen4, I".'-. turkeys.; duosj. V. C'i ae,
XCST 2ZPC2T3 CCJUiiLl TO C0X2 . .v
" ""-aniery. ii'AV:-
utt sr.,ty. mr "Jo.
Twmm te wtMt, K.Kk Oeame Mi4r, ' tr-.,.,,. Hj:, R.":"rw sni"n7',
la Dtvtaasl aaal CmalilH .pear. In ll V ,r a
urn, .ill... t ST, "1
'-at, bu. .T. ni 5H . l
Ifcat CaCtl About SteaJj. Others Slo Tr
aai Geaeriill7 Luwsr.
Maavrate Errl ( Saeea. wtta
Laaaa Vary rars;e tt
f Oa It la 4 " acahl
Cki( la Fi-tatee.
17 f d-rs ' 3 V lri,
tr L Aslibr-iok -Neb.
11 heif -m . r I jm eni rt
at cows w J ' 3B aaif'.rs.. 4m
l iir z " t.:ws r;
1 cow tJl 3 ) 7 cirri liia
rrr-. rntr ." tniTieri,- if m
.oca. .lemand 4r.d ixvors id-ires fx-m
: !r pent market .int or-anetl
ng t. ,-i:':rr t.;ai ri. it ia
gl a." soid 3c
t" n.i -in
am-e note-1. but
i..-m .;ad 4
tame it) 4 aud-
:::4 4
1 10
r.; ipn.n a e?i- ail
r- i.iy-.::r. 14 m.t ".:
OMAHA. Jn!y . tun. ;
tn spt nt er-ot"HMl riat rigii"i frim 1
t!l iii:;f an.f .-.4 prnt o'tK) ?a j
ttta want TTrp. lail'.rmrlonm fnm ..ia nnrtn- ;
wat. wntcrt mr c:nc.i'l til ba ma-ittr.
bo'n In y.KliX mml Oa .mw 1 wa ,
tneUnad ta tna tear sida mail pr-ca
Whaa,c opniJ tijl7. with da -n-'l
hrllna-l to ba baai-an. Trmila wma
ami cnmmtaaton nouaa boiuclt .l otT-r-'
In, aaptamlwr wbamc ovnel mt Kse mnil .
enaat mx -:-
Cora ntntnt tfam.i7 nl anlafll,l. !
Trmla wa r.-!lP tins', turn a ra-
trail illnir iy Tnrr-nisali'n h.maa.
LrfH-ml iron rarisfj m noiirmra mnd ;
shipmanta mra til!n( rw5U
Oan daraanil wu fair Sounbr tura
cpanad at HTya mniL ri-ial t ?".
C-ata opnoil unhacifxl mnil t.-ui wM
"rary linc TTir waa nm mixlarata
bivin of SCiiy opMoo.
Saprambar oata apanad mt anl cluaeil
mt iT--..
Prtnarr wtiomt r-rfpt wra "0. u..
mnil ahiotmrota t S11.. a4;rt r-(5ta
laat ynar of bu, mna mipmpna j
Cai Mcmpn wra bu. anil h:p
tnanr MS. bu.. ajfamat rucaipfs :a yar ;
of Uii.KW b'l. and snicrnanta ni CA ) bu.
OaarmacHa war H.iJt buani-la of corn. I
no oata. ami wUttaX Mil 3uur atiuai to I'd.
m b'lanala. !
Uvtrswil ?loaMl qfi luwar on wbeat I
mail Sri Io-r on mn. '
. arl rtporijI 4, ,am b'tahala if wjrat
mad Mijua buaaaia of nra tor ?ort. I
JLocai rmna of opOona: ,
Arttclaa-i Opan.l ECh.i Low. ! C!o Ta y.
Wliaar ( f ;
J'it-... T4 mm I t-n OT rn,
Saot... tfit Wf- V"
. Lac.... 80 ) W
Jily... 4-, TH
st... 7H r r- 4- On
Dac.... 4Ha 44 4iT4 44
Jny... 44 44 c c4
Swpt... rt jt-, r-- rs
Io..- 37 1TX 37 3TH JTX
rata rrlawa.
WH2AT-No. a har4. SSc; Wo. I hart.
iao; No. 4 bard. 7jMia; I prtn. Out
Hue; no crmda. TBcjc.
ctoiof .). 1 4;rxa; wi. a ao
fraart. 41-rK:: No. 1 yaUuw, 7c; No. i
w ntti 7 nunc
OATS No. a ml:tt 434jc; Wu. a wntta.
&4-ati; No. 4 walca. iaiyita; tmadaxtl.
&IS No. i. TOe; No. i. CBo.
C4wrta Bawl9a.
"WThaat Cora. Omta.
CH!r.arj K i ta
Kmnaaa City 170 ... ...
Minn-apuila 14
Omana m 13 14
r-uiutn . 2ZT
dt. Luula ...... ut
rfalim af t Tvma?la mad Claataa;
Pr1a aa Baant af Traaa.
CHICAi, July 30. Tha local whaat mttr
kc aitvr iltnpiaylnif aima waaicpaxa toiin7 of favirmbia waachar ciimllUona in
tni cuunr.ry, cloaail atitady on courm by
antarts. fflnai ittiacmtiona on tha Sfptamoar
Uit"r ilKiwtil m aJa of d. Com wma
unminnml Caxa wara off o. pTovtuloaa
wara Inwar to Tf! bi!iar.
Tha wnaat mortar, apttnail 3rm on modar
mta buytnit by aoramlaatun buuaaa, ma 41
nc In tna pnea ef wheat on tiia M.nna
apoiia curb bHln responalbln for tna 1
niiutit. Pit traiinra. hnwwiir, wara baop
lahly inWtnml brmuaa of lowar pnena tn Ljv
era)i)l anil tha cii-ar wauir In tna LnltaH
Staa an, I Cmnailii. Thnir arl.lna; railt,'ii
In a dxnilna of mora than la from tha hiifti
paint of tha 4it. Trs.I'n u liu.l for a 1
pfma anil th mrlt"t! coailnmil bam-y TOf.t I
lata tn tha day. wnn prti.-oa a.lvmnrarl on-1
coarinit oy nors cmitmed by rapnrta mm
tna norrhw"at tSmt tha gnna; wbrnt flrup
In nar-U la la por ermi.ltliin. Tha mar
ket cUih1 riaily. Sptmhr opannrt S.iiS
bitfhar mt H'So. anid off to Hii.WV.
mml irtnaetl at JZ'tc. Claarmmraa of wHeat
mnil iiiur wtra aijuai to LctO.On) bu. Tha
wurlit'a vlallila nppi7, ma liown by Bra.l
arrt s, rlcraaiHl KO.JUit bu. Primary ra
caipu wnra 7H1. , bu., mainat 1.23t.Jii0 bu.
on tha aama 'lay Iaat ymr. Iflnneapnl'm.
Duiutrt ami Chn:aa roortl ni:Mtjf a of 4
cara, ya nut 3M cars laat waail mod 771 cmra
onu yur 04-0.
Tha corn aurttat waa aaay for tha faaror
part of thn iltiy bacmuaa of good wvather
for thd ,:r o anil on account of tha wnai
neaa In wrteat. maJ prunary ra:rlpta wra
a farnor tn hnliltna; tha markat Arm. Tha
clitaa wru atrtaily. Sptamoar earn openail
uncbancM to m ahmua bmhar mc Si to
"aj.. aolii batwaan 53P-. mnil 53c mnil
ciiavil mt IS'-w;. Local racetpta wara J8S can,
with IS of contract aral.
Oata wra walc on aaillnif by local lonaJ
mnil caah bouaaa. Tha marWt j;anar.;y 1
lai-kwl aiiDpnrc 3apttmbr opanar! m shade
lower to hla;har mt 3So to 31iu3-b.
aiilil off to 3&So and cloamt at 3USjyc.
Locaj rm-aima wara 131 cara.
Traillna" In proatiina waa fjuli mml tna !
markft waa aoy binrauaa of aalllna; by lncai
pucitpra. Portt raJlail allahtly lata In tha !
day on mwrm by hora. tha S"ptimb-r (
dallvary cloaln mt m nat nln of : 1
Brt.j&. Lart waa lowar at US. Riba .
wara off -So mt B.T,
EatlmatiHl racalpta for tomorrow mra
Whaac 177 rara; cam, 13 can; omta. C ,
can: hoaa. Z,nin bna,l
Tha Wain Tatxiraa rmngad ma follow:
Artlciaa I Opan I H'.!l. Low. Cloaa.; Ta y.
aalatlona of tna Oar aa Tarlaaa '
Cawimwllrlaa. j
NTT TCtEX JiIt V -7L.'-.7-aaca pta.
14 1 ti.ij. agtinj. i"n7 301A : Eartm j '
VUKt, w-.ta ipr.nir -a'-r.rj ",f?M h-m-nar. I
M..-inaaotA 'avtr.Tj. S, n-;a.. iCnneaori
M.nnBWit i ":aii-T.. C'ltj.JO. w'n:i?r ;at
fQ'a.. I4.4..m Ti-r ifr-tfri, t.J.1
A6, wuir-r -i-ia. au.ltiC. M. wntar low
raIea. B.1,!. P-T4 Sukit. srnuiy; fn r
t.i if joil, H.iiO. 1; uia.jlca t.i tancy, to.;,- j
CC rOTi7AL ii-:f : 1n whKa anil
inw tJ, ciio.-w. ;.l('l.n, auln JneiL fc..W
aa. a)
Rr5J-T;m:nai, No. 1 western, Jf.c, . o. b..
NVw Tr.
W"ajU.r Ecpipfj. 10. W u.; nx-rr-n,
I'" & Su. ; r:r, ainritat ta!7 No. 1 r-Ml,
JHs tnwiror nj j-ic j. a.ioar; No.
n.;rsra Duiutr. H.,i, f. o. b. a.iuar No
1 har l wntar. M-i t j b. mSoas. Ex--ot
t r .jpanjiif sr.ea.l.nesa iuo ui lr-n oono
Oi'nt.u am.-,---! wm; 14 hcay a.i,i
l,?r mU Jay iin'U near t.,a clo;. whn tt
rul,eil on iinvrtnr. rrt b-ia'l
m aaa war:ir a.i'1 ia r-i nwr
mn.-liat clomaa; unchAfuriil to So ni-t
aiUhnr. J-ily. '-t'j-J"--'. .,a.l Jfi: . .p.
taiabar. HwV, !),:; Di!i'--.-
oar. n..KS.(pl.:W :. .-i.iBna XL:I3. i7,
WL'H. ciowHl CHPfc.
iJtj?yR,.,!;rj. ;..73i pn.; Tpot. rrar
Itac tutmily. No. i i,; eisti'r an. I
f. o. b. rn.1i!:.. No. 1 ami '..
a yal'.ow, -so t 3. h. i.1,.:. cun mar
ket win Tilec in.l a.i7, .:i,;Hlr:; 410
luwir. Uy rli-ai-.l H'S: ?-'Bt(!tnSr C.o;
Eci?TT-f;i!r S9o; May. 51k:.
'-ATS Hacairrfj. S4.) ':u. : 4rct. mar"t,t
Srn. M:ii, JtiCS pi:i:rila. tlSo; Qutunil
w jw-ft poumla. citppaii
w tilts, ili4l) pDiini.a. y, 'VZr..
KaT c;-niiy; auippin, 7',(f7jc; noil ti I,
H'-PS Vj'iiat ei'mmon to choir.
T-ip. l'Hc; cr-c. Hj-.JBc- ?a.:ii.:
craar. :jc -in. p. iiji:.:: Ui5 .-roo, jflc.
HIE) EL 'iulet; Central Aaierlca,
FRij VIj;o' 5of. nta.17: fimi:7 r.l. )
tt'H-ai; inaaa. t; baaf C5.J"'J
17..n; men, tZL ji. hi. Cit mrars. jta.iy:
piOKlwl bflll.ta. nu "5 .jru..iit: ;u:k.n-,i harr.s.
JU-Ki. cin:Ht. ai'.a'-tliiiu. Larl. 4Ta.ty;
eontlnant. Si 3a; warrTi pr'ma. JS 2Ur9 .v.-Siiur.-i
Axeria, to.3: compound. W.Tw
Porte !rn; family. Ha. !; uurt clear,
CAT.gn7i mia. tg.ajitj.!.
LOW dtaajy, city, Hc; country. 9
H--i73 F"rTi; aornaarlo, fair to axtra,
IH4c: Japan, nominal.
fOCLTSZ Uvt ttaily; rrnif chickana.
17c: fowla. He: turknya. Uc: dr-aiwtil poultry,
buamaaa cnmplataly tW ua. ow-nif to sfr'k
of truck drlvan and In tha anaanca of ajy
miivmnt prcaa wara ntlrai7 aommmi.
BCTTEH street prloaa. axtra,
craamery, ls4ti;, official ptica. craaaiary,
common to sxtra, attra la.ry. com
mon to fancy. I;t":j:c; wctct-i factory,
onmmon to arsta, I'dcJlc;; western tmitauon
craamary flratj. S4'J3c
rHSSi2i-etAa.l7: ml craa-H. colcr-4.
aroaii, cent, uic; Larra eolor-1. beat. LiVl.
mta. ijc: fair to (raid. "rut:c: Infrtnr
Kdiloc: mma. r5c.
EOii ttata, Pannay'-'anla anil
nearby fancy taleeteil whita. injtic; jnoil
to choice, yiuiic; tara, bnwn and mxx.r
fancy. ri5C4c: waarara aeleied Inert. 1
Juo; waatern awraa best. 1754;ljc; offlciai
prtca. Urata, vrpla.
SOUTH ClLUi.V. J-i:t
P. r m nvT4.
rT.cia. -jt,T.t;j
HJif. iiieT-
-ed -nr'.f aa itr'm(r.
lasatn; :iyr and t ;.te
r4 'htiiiI ? '1 m? )
the-r w-r pafra attir
wirT Fnm uni
.1 r-a.: waJ aary lull.
n wis
n our ail
a :i,c!-.l.4i-n
Tiuc-r 1-n
n 1-- 1
a. j
tha J-
' j... a i-i
. a.. -.17 J..1 0 i.'-ti
m..;.: ;3.j.h
.ii, :h ii J- 4 10 -J-
. 4. "' I I" J.' i-
. ; ".!: 'J
. A JU1 IS .7 1
iiali) iii.-ta
Tti dav -..i.a week..
Same -lay '.iurt. w-i-a..
same ,lay 1 w-eaa 441
a-n lay J J a 1
Sa.r.e la4 w--k3 14
Sunie d.iys a y?." ma"
Tha fjllnw.nir taaia 111111 the n-cetpu of
ca:t-e. a.. as a.-.d tap ac iuui . ttia.'.a
fir taa yvax to dai. ci;mcrii w.ta aat
yaar: I3"7 :. lie. Ec.
Ca:t.-a -iilU'C i-I.H . 4
Hoas jtir.iM jjr .. . ii.-ta
ataep jaS.JU 17 oii 2.jn9
Tha following Laoie r.oi tu avarag
pr"ca of .luirs at Jnut.i i.-tna...i f)r tha laJt
varii dav4. w.iu cucicaru'.na.
iJWl..y"4..a' UMi
:f rri-rn!n ..-at tad
.1 tact t.i Tia-tr c.i;aKil
i.Tr vitetnlay
Tha fact t.ia:. t:; martj oDr-.l hiaf-er I
t i i"pfiHi o u.'ii:r. i w r rr i,1m a nr.
sjrr-aa o orcea
-la.oa biw
B.? print.-ir;va
aa WU oe ai!t.'d ;r'im t.ia
1 1.7
... V
1 1. ,-
a lis
1 1.7
14 .
17. .
Jl. .
3. .'
i4. .
'.9 .
i i;
1 iiti
. 1 1 ""I
1 H
J 3 ,
s Ty 1 ii.
5 1 7
4 .
' rv ,
5 io
2 i::
i W-B, 441
, 4 4E
4 BH,
1 4 r1
ill ! T 771 3 1
i a i i-tl l J 4
5 ii. i S' i if 7 17! 5 -
, i j i z, : i
i 3lii ) M n t l
5 - , 3 It S 32 "" ' I
i 3; 3 141 T , 3 J
3 , 5 3 3 a
5 3i. "1 '.HI 3 SI T 32:
3 48, . r1 '1 i r 3
t 4 . ; r : j i
3 ,-' 3 M 7 41 4 Ti
1 V11 3 , i a 7 j3. .1 4
i -to. 3 11 7 32- 3
3 V. T. V'. 6 i4
3 .31, 5 V.i 4 :Z
3 ju i U 3 ' 3 4
, 3 -IS, 3 jJtl 7 7' 5 .4
raws 3 c? pr.rcss.
.mar.a . ... XL. IB
Ch:i:ao l. ttcj" ,)u
tCansu.4 !y iiEq" JB
?t. Luu-a L.'j'7 3
Siuua City IJi'i.rj
The jfflciai number of omr?
brought in tciay by eocn roaJ waa.
Cattle. Huiji. iheep
C M. 4 St P I
Mi. P. Ry I
P 4- s'-rn 28
C. A N. v isaat, .... i
C. A N. W. iwearj .. 31
C, t. P.. iL A U-. 4
C. B. A Q. nadti .. 1
C. B. A ia- -- H
C, R. L A P. laadt,.. i
C. n. L A ? ( weat.. ..
CUnuia Central
Chicago Or. 'rVtatern i
3. -uj'ii. fi
i. Wr i
j. "TwiH-.W
of itocit
I .u ill. Pr a 3h. p-
I " I . 171
1 i Hit i l i. j,j t
I IS j"t HI j S... .. nl i 4 -.J
,7) CS . J a 3.1 3o t ;u
t ai t j -e jjj ;.. j ltt
I -IT" '.a s H . 4
I at i" ... j s ,: 1 .0
i i ... i a i 4 .
at jw . 3 K T .... M 1 -.j
I i Ji IS) i J5 47 . . . . 40 4 ill
1 J JtJ 41 .. X to 4 .l
I 11 . 3 i 4 i 4 .j
: ii .. ... sr.z 40 m it; 4 11
(44 U :o 4 JO 711 i.t 4 ;i
it .4 4 ill fli J7 4 :j
' lt .. .. 40 4 a T, M Ml 4 ;o
! 2) 411 4 ' ;4 : -o
1 -to '.-, at 4 iu :o
ai . n- w 4 .fi -4.. . -i 4 --'-
1 47 Ji 4 I Wk 4 3, 4
i '4 A 411 I 14J 44 :4 4 .4,
V. 4J I 11 .v. . .. Ji .J, s y
!' 4 ... 17 . .1. 4 J ,
: JT . 7l 4, Ml 4 : ,
4 r : i 74 . . : 1 ;w 4 : .
' 14 411 4 iff -n 4
!.... 4 a . . . S5 "'4 .j-
t .... 2;" 4". 4 la "2. Z lit 4 - h
-.4 4 4 R 4" - :'-i 1" 4
" - ... : 4 TS joi ,.o 4
a i 4 a 70 4
4 15
; -ii 1.,' 41. 4 I"- 4.1 4 3
'' - ... 4 -, Tt j.-... 1 ;
" ....j . . 4 ,ir- 4; : . 4 .:,
4 ;yt 'ft 4" .. J-i 40 4 .5
. r.- 10 4 n - -v. j 3 i 4 ji
' H' -tirf l'J 4 ?- 12 iJJ 10 j --4,
"3 j., ;mi 4 r u 71 ..... j 1 4 --" k
-c s uu 4 -ir, rj .., 4 i
iw, :jo 4 174 a. :sH . 4 :",
I i- 11 1 -t 4 w :j i a
. '.4 rti . 4 7-4 4 .i, 4
' ' -!' -JU' 4 ,14 '4 :sw 1 :f
I -" ... 4 4-4 411 ..IJ l 4 Ji
J "H JT. 4 .IT- U ... 1 JO
I -.n
nt ?-n
of w-.:cii n
l ,;a.:a -r .
l:ar. rher
ie ma.-K.'
a.-3 ri-
n -i. niter
tari '
Total raceipu ....all 1U 14 3
The dtspoeltion of h.; day's rceictj waa
aa follows, eacn buyer purti-adlntr da num
ber of head :nii!i'atiil:
Buyers. Cattle.
"! Wawaaaday aa4 SllgaUy Caolav,
la taa PTwafcrtlaa.
OMAHA, J-aly 3D.
Light rain a fall in tna A thin tic
wtain tha mat twenty-tour nours and mra
fa.llng tn tha aout.iarn 4-atea this morning.
Vary light local mhowera ara widely o attar-.
t tarjugtiout tha ftiJtral vmUay thia
minming mml wera scattered ovar tha
mountain d.atr'ct3 dur'ng ifomiay. Tha
waathar 'a a.lnttiy warmas In tha IH.a
aoun valley, but no lmpL.rtant aiaanga in
temparatura haa occurr.l In any aactlon
tnc tna luat report. Condltaona ara fa
aorabla for ilght local anowara In this
vvinlty today, probajiy followed by fair
tnnlgnt and Wadneaday. slightly
cooler tonight.
Omahm rauori of temperature and pra
dpitatlon cnmcareil wu taa corrsapond
ng day af tha laat three y-a.-a
117. la, aos. 1304.
MTnlmitn temperarara rjH sa 74
Fraivpitatlcn JO M ..H) ,,)9
Normai tamperatura for today, 77 de
grees. Deficiency to precipitation slnca Mirch 1.
4.. inchea.
Deficiency corresponding parladi in IDftft,
a.w incr.ea
Omaha Packing Co. .... -.2
S'.'t and Comjany .... 4; 1
Cudahy Pocitlcg Co W
Armour A Co 1.JS3
Swift A Co., country ..
Vinaant A Co .SI
Carey & Benton ........ ltj A Co 134
W L dtephea tS
Hill A e..n .. Ii9
J. P. Law.s 39
Huston A Co U
Hamilton A Rotascund. . 1L4
L. F Huaa i
L. Wolf J!i2
J H. Bulla 15
1 B. Root A Co. n Iu2
T. B. Inghram .......... 2
Sullivan Bros 12
Lahmer Bria.
uther buyers .......
CAITLS- Racelptj tilla
Hog-t. 3heep
L !i 1!
.... 3.JS2
f 17
arij..f r'-.ere wera
Por-inl in r.'rs nicning.
"1 caa w-re d.r-.-t to .1
rt,n 'ara on 4a.a v,
ine sr-tn-. TItat mi-ana
.1.1 mien or or.a mnn on -le aj.-HT. .)
tar fl:!s seasoo. t.iat iteen tite geat
'm;id,ttt it t.i.i r"i-eipis ,vin-s-s:
ng vry larreiy of out Tvt,iers. w.r.i
h.i.-di? any lamoe to speaa .jf and vary I
f v ewes or yea.-t!ng:4. j
The s:ti-ep -ride toda7 migt be dea- '
4i-r'.beil ,n a gr.eril wa .as sm-v i: about
4-eady prcea. T"e few v-a.-! and lambs I
there w-re poHHibly misrht r.e ; meed strong 1
wtti w-tiiers if easier hut -aarata
market was loout Snm -fir
laTtV sold at V 'n. wJh veurt!i(rs aj
u'.irh aa f. di and a su-uig of ews mt SL.'.'K w;'.-j-rs is h.gti aa S.3.
There wera a few 'iftle o'.nchea of feeil
era on 4a. , but not enoun to oru:e any
-i-ar am.-ont i" in'-rsr 40 ::a trie trade 1
,.n mar. i:n.i was a'.so a little dull. 1
:;.:: per -nu.t nor understand fr-im what j
h:u heen sa:d'4 r.-mt this tnarket im ,
not :n a a-nnl -'ond "'.on ' r ' -e o. ntrary
is not true. Prices at. th-.s cnlnt-ars high ,
1 bi.r.; sneep and lamta are rant
oee utj to Chinaa-i. In fact so nut of toe 1
st-iff t . .rwanie-t from his oomr. d:d not;
or'ng any mora In Chicago than waa of
fered here?. Tha oni? trouhla at nor. Hi
aoove Is that tn ma.-Jiet la irt-.n onin
:nd of sheep, parsers betrg inula
i-ure lamba or yar!lng3 to kill out
with -lie oiil wetiiers otMnirtg
Quotarliius on aiirs: -joi1 to choice
I hi.nos. r.'aj7.Ai; fair -1 food a.r.cs. V.")
j 1 !; ctiil liunbs. Se msftal. tat t good to choice
I yearling wemers. 4L. i.,. 41 . fair to good
i yearling wataers. tt . 'i(.i,4" , g iod to choice
wetnars. ti! Ji cjti.jit-,- faff to ioil wethers.
Ifi..i4ui.3: good &, enatce- w, l4.4fi--i13..f,
: fair to go.jj awes. f4.jei(j4.jS . cuiia and
bucks. Ci.litMuA.'HI.
1 wuocaci.ina-ot feeiairs Lmmbs. Is.oiaiA 3f;
i yeaiiions. , 5.i'jij6.aas-cweunrs, KJ.1U;
! cl
Deficiency ccrrespondlng period tn
L. A. WHAH, Local For-caater.
Crm aa4 Wicat Raartaa Ballatla.
For tha twanry-f hours ending at 1 s.
m., 75th meridian Cine. Tuesday, Jjiy JO,
OMA-H.t crjT-arcT.
Temp. Bum-
Man. Mln.
I aleai
411 I
11". 1 40 031
till., IflOVs:
1 ia
Ashland. Neb 44
Auburn.. Neb. ... 45 a,
Coiumbua, Neb... 7 3e
Fsurbury. Neb.. t9 12
Fairmont. Neb... 47 "il
i-r. Island, Neb., ii H .m
Hartlngton. Neo. M 34 10
HaJimga, Ner. ... 47 44
Cada.M. Neb 47 43 .,10
itmiaha. Nab 41 -i6 .00
TeaamaX eo. .. 55 out
Aita. La. 41 40 . 4t
Carroll. Ia 42 55 l
Claim Ja. Ia. itt 34 on
Siblev, Li. 41 34 .)
1oUj1 City, la... 4 42 .'1
Minimum temperature for
pariod ending at 4 m. m.
Ft. oloudy
P. cioud7
Clear ,
antu-aly of rangsrs.. wta only a smiul
I of nat;vea and corn f.iiia. The
! market aa m whole was slow and :t waa
j lato before a clearance was effected.
I Tha f teling thia morning waa cora
I fed cattle ought to cimiiiaad strong r
i prices, but buyers wre slow aoout
on and sa.esmen found it hard work to
forca pr.ces any higner; tt-. suma of the looked m lltt.a beter tr.aa laat week.
; on tha other hand, tne Inferior ain.ia ot
Jom-feil cattle, aa weii as tna least deslr
ama of tha wesrem catt.e w-nt j.ow and
, genera.;-y lower 3ome good beef
! soiii up to IS. JO. ic wu apparent that
' buyers wera not overly anmoua for m.
, piles and hence too t.:eir uina in maamg
I Largi receipts of cows and helf ts lio'a
i yesterday and today gava ouyers a.l
aupiirtaaity not on.y to J cr-minat. vr
I closely m the matter of .;ua.:iy, out a..)
U) bear the .marxet on t.iat u
1 not strictly good, trei.ers ivho w-r-t f.,r
I t:maai ni;ug:i to ha to a few rg.-it g-iod
: cows or hei:ers wre g-nerally i ior:rg the
market on their kind aa, but
oueside of that tna market waa aot n.y
! slow, but decidedly low-r.
' Thars Were t'lt'e a man7 st.wtkers
snrl fseders in the yards, which g.-i-ta buy
ers a chance to j-ie.-t the best, and tiiey
I wera aot slow in doing 0. The ntariet
1 on the moat desirable a-ru.ies was ien.-r 1 ' r
steady, but the tendency on otiier grades
was easier
Representative sales: 1
Bjr-TZT 11.1 ,i 5,
. P-
N.J. Ave. Pr.
uh rah ewaa. -feeTrrtTT -.,.7 jij
J Cta.a ewes. feie-s a......... luil i i
15 lamos 1 34 7 .5
JS Titan 1a.11.1a 7 lo
r.'ta.i tttmba 4H 7 ii
i C'-an ewea. f-vderaj ji) 4 15
if L'-a.i ews, f-e J.o:s liio 4 15
U '" ewes, f-eiii-rs I114 5 !)
I t f 'a.l iT't f-eiier 44 3 io
J7 1. tan lanioa. falters) 41 4 M
1 l''j:l bucks "3 3 "xl
4ti4 '.Vyorning wrhr 1U 3 35
;.ts w-sTern- .. ..; U4 5 I'J
i4-t i!a.:o ti-i.yri and y'gs 43 5 10
3;4 I t.1.10 weriiers u.l y la., fdrs. 14 5 in
"1 Wyoming v -t.iers Ill 1 J51
71 west -rn lamos 30 i Ji
ii) Western W"a Iu4 4 73
5t I
44. 4F
TavT Snai Otr,! JVN,39.S--T..'rrtSri
Jtl 42 3D
1.4 44 34
14 43 44
12 44 34
10 St) 42
La i 44
is 12 M
14 44 40
13 84 44
W 40 I IS 39
S!.41(itw 41V
14 40 a a
a z
4 dfi 1
t X
i A)
1 75
i s
JT -sn I JO
4 1 I 4 ?
4 aDajt
I 47H,
411 'a
s 75
4 47V,
No 1 , 4j
Cash n'uitattona war aa fallowa
FLOt"R area.!?: wn'er patent K10J
4 4-. straignrs. I3.tikj4.20: snrmg paraca
a.7' straigtits, t4.iiea4.a0; bakers, 1.54
V71 M.
WHBIAT-No. I spring. eV44n.,wi; No. 3
annrnr Htrmtr; N14 J rad tS'i c
0RW No. a. Kf4H.c; Wo. t Veilow. S4H
IT9 No. 1 4ta444c: No. a whita. 4J7t
RTF-fo 2, Wc.
BARJLJrT-Cimif feeding. S3gBsc: fair ta
cliotca- mairmsr. "isirraic.
?Er- Flax. No. l northw-arerrt. r.-3":
prune tanutny, K45; clover, contract grade.
Sill 34.
FROV-TdTOXS Short ribs sides Oooael.
SKSrtia-"!- M pork, per bbl., cif.j
la S Lard, per ua in, taiaj. Short eiea
aliia tbosed'i. O-JTS-fiS.
r uiowltig ra tha rvcatpts and shla.
taata of dour and gr:n
. w, Rai-ei-r Shlpmenr
JWour. bbls a- 44. 4)
Wteat. bu ....ItE.jmi 41 3
im, bu s 72
lts, bu l4Ait Jil
Ry bu .na j,
BaHay bu. ml Urn
on the Pniii-.k-a sscbanga today tha but
ter tnarkac w is easy : creameries. V x
BV: dairiaa. ijiocfrSrr Eg. firm: at mam.
caaea niciudei). LHnjiii,:: rirsra. Wr; prima
Art i.e. Oie. staady at lilJic.
- Law la 4waaU Xaa-aaa.
sew r r4j r .1 m.. .
i- " --eni-ir-Liiatr-
.. 11. 3 harL
No. of
Central. Stations.
Chicmge,. CI .
Columbus, O
D."S Moines, Ia. ...
Indlanapniis. I ml..
iCaneas iTity. Mo..
Louiav'lle. iCy
Mlnreapi lis. Minn.
Oma.-.a. Neb
St- Louis. Mo
Temperatures continue moderate through
out tne corn and waeat region. Light and
scattered inuwers occurred ,n tha Oma.ia.
Minneapolis and Coiumhua districts, and
heavier rains :n "a Louisviie distr'ct
L. A. WEIJH, Local Fbrai.aster.
Kaaaaa City Grala ss4 Prwv-tsasima.
KAW3AJ CITY. July lO.-TV-H'La.T-Sen.
temnar De,.emer ,c, May. Vi.c-
casn. Wo. 1 hard. 4i;iiSs.: No 4 fp-A
47c; No. I red. to; No. J. UtU3Sc.
CORN MptJituer, 47V. Lacercoer. 4SVM
May 45t,c: caan. No. 2 mlaed. 4K jhHic; No.
J. 4TJaar-c. No. J wlnta. tSc. Na. 1
O ATS Wo. a whita. 47a; Wo. a tntxad. 44
R TT33 Steady ; No. X TrTte.
HAT Weaa; chona timotay, C3.jDlli:
choice prairla, 7.Jo,,7 ju.
E-4 3Vak; eatraj. .4c; Srsta. Iifv,,'
secumls. c, cases Btttixnao. la lass; anita
am. !! off
BCTTEft-Craamary. 2V: packing, 18c.
F.eo"ip's. Siiipments.
Waemc, bu ro,mi 54.,m
Cum. ba j- 4t aj .tna
oat, bu 4.,jw iisjo
Kansas City tura prtcea ma ri ml shed
by Li gaa A Bryan, lu Board a Trad
ia auxwt. .
4 a)
44 4 30
ia 4 m
...Lift i -
. . a
. JS7
.. M4
. 0
5 1
i S
4 .1)
I 15
i IS
u ..
1. .
t ..
i4. ..
. Jv-0
. ;j4
S 41
4 10
4 10
i Ji
4 5
4 J5
4 n
I li
Cacti aa.l Shee 4tedy Hitfl '
SteiMly to Hla-her. )
CHICAi, Ji;y 40. CATTLE Receipts, i
J."e tca.t. mataet steady . cummon Ml
prima tte.-- t. t4.etti7..B; .iiwi. til. t.(S. jr, .
heifers. a.-t-5.4ti: bulls. C-tt'ir3..J0- en f -si I
J.l.nti'7.3, stockers and feeilers, tX.Ufc-ifi. s.
H- iia ?!Ceipi.4. ..,K) head; market
steady to 5c higher: good to prime heavy.
X.-, ,r'1..!Ti. medium ' good heavy'ifjjl; !
butcner weight. ti..'."j;t4a. good , rtrmo ;
mix it W.Jtxga.Jit: miseit. JM.4w;.ait:
pm-klng. lo.jwiiai Ju;., K ..o. t.3. saittctail, 1
W..3c!io4r.. bill of JUmerl. fi.JI"IItl..t. 1
SHiii? A.N t-AAiBl" Receipts. :5. J0 t
stai.-. sheep. t:."SiTj. jtt:
.ail . market
y-.-a.-licgi, 4&.4iiiui. .1
lamus, fi3.Jtftt7
fk Warkrt.
ArticleA I Cpan. High. Low. I Cloaa.
! I !
"S li
1 4-li V
47sl 47S,
44 , 4A
ro i m
1 4 1..S7 1 to
i 34 1 a
1 '1 1 ...i j a
1 70 17 iOH6 i w
I 19 K.7 4 40
4 M
I o 1.
I a I.
I 16 L
4 X
Kaaaaa City Live t
KAXi.U CUT, lily ,i. !.'. heaU. initialling X it a aoutnerna
Ma.aet steady, itiiciters and feeilers lei
Lagaei-, cnuicii export and drsaed beef I
steers. Id Jini-7 .HI; fi.r to goml. C K)i4LiB; !
Western steers. J4.jf'(i5.r7i; stockers and !
fjeiii-rs. VI. JKusi.lS, souuiem steers, Sl.Wi
4.411 jo'ithem cows. S.mo3.3. native cowt, I
tJ.juuH. a, native teiiers. Jl.Jotyi5.U; bulla, i
U-.3i 'all. J5. ca.ves. Hl.-'f 7H
Hijtio Reunites. ir.joo head: market !
weak Ui- 5o lower. T-A. W.JE, biult of siues. (
JO. 1.3 445.10; heavy. U-L-j ':.. pacKara, j 1
ti. P'ts and Lgnra. H.jxipti.'fi. '
i 1X..1? -4NDj iAii3j oWcaipt.4, 7.ii0
hen 1 Tiiiraet staady Lamns ai.75i(j-7
ws sad ve.-'lnga. Ju.J5a4.IO; range
patl', 45.7istsl.JS range tr.enp, $5. Jw(i. ju;
stoca 'rs and feeders. t!..3o5. .
142 steers..
1 steers
2 feeders.
a cows. . .
.1 Ji.
1 bull i:ho
SOCTTt-i DAa'3-TA.
4 heifers.
44 feeders.
14 heifers.
I buil
1 ster..
. 112
17 f sai'.ars. . 9T7
2. cows 4m4
7 feeders.. 4J
1 cow Ii-aO
stset-l. ...LUC
S cows LUtJ
II beifars. . 444
J feeders. 11.W
20 fatHiars. .iisM
4 feeilers. 111
31 cows lti3
17 cows ii4t)
1 feeder. . . sin
46 feeders. . iX
3 cows. . . J3
tra. li No 1 r-rt
4M-tiV: Setitenr.bor. 4Sc. Dafember siSko.
C'RW rrrr. trc No. a cssn. 5o: vTT.
a wain, - (oi- aupunmar. ii'ssitUsvCi Da.
carnher. 4 i -at Vi-
OATS Firm tracm; Wo. i emsh. ski; No.
1 whita. 43V, aktptambar. JSi. Cacsmbstr
arirrv-T'mothy steady HXilaA
Ct:'RN3XAL 12.70.
B R-4 N Firm , sacmaa. east track. iS9",
HAT tre.ty; Hraothy, :4Jjat3i.u; orali
rta. arU JS "
BA'-eirWO HSc
hsmp rwr 33-ne.
fAK-R rt.U, rod Water natenta ta n
Llvarsaata tirala u4 PawsriBsatm.
LrVTRP L. July W H TEAT Spot,
I use. No. 1 red weaiarn wnrer. 7s IX f t
t..ras, steady; July. 7s 1-sjd. Septambar. 7a
JHii Ctcem, r. 7a 4-Sid.
-Oa 17 pot. staiiy: A.mencaa mixed,
new. ia'd. jirt aoriiierti. ia i'-rt. Future,
luiet, j l.y aomir.m.. Septemaer, 4s ltXd.
PEORIA. Julv 34) '-f,.W Ceill: Wo. 1 Sstl
1 a T9 iiifr: Ne. a whit. 4a33?4iPc; Wo. a
No. i SS-srff-ii--.
WIS NoounaJ.
TO LED. O. J-aiw
eao. 44.1S: octooar.
K.iKit. 1 1.7a.
J.l SFrr.S Cloaer.
lili ImH4r a .1.1
14 4a. TUnoUU.
1 bull
4 eowa
U st ears. ...
1 ca.f ....
I bu .1
4 feeders
a cows.
4 3il
4 t
3 30
3 .J
2 n
3 5"
4 10
3 i
a al
3 5tl
4 I.
3 Ji
1 at
3 u
4 !
4 a
a s
i 40
J 35
4 at
4 Ml
3 tt
1 15
2 3.1
J at
3 'JO
J 50
3 3
1 steer ... . l.":'i) 3t
steers ...met 1 vi
2 fee.iers . 411.3 J a)
3 heif ?rs. . W4 1 i
4 nulls 115 J
JI .tows JJ7 3 U)
4J steer 1. ... -i-h-i 1 IS
U Steers ii;j 46
11 COWS 420 2 a
1 stastr Utu 3 3iJ
1 MTXrj.
14 feeders.. 1 ill
27 feiera. . 4 4
5 steers. ..lilAt Ju
3 -."o s Ilia 4 m
1 low Hurt- a 3
23 f e.ters UJti 3 a
15 rows 1K1 2 iO
3 fee.1ers. . rJ5 It,
2 feeders Wt -j -i
1 cows v" J .st
13 ca.ves . 2e4 4 3o
i feedera "i 1 -i
J heifers. . riT" J 75
4 aetfers. .731 2 43
14 cows 4f2 2 "5
1 bu.l 12-1 30
1 ca.f 120 t i
1 stacr iisi j 3
4t. Lasts Live 4dta; Xsrlwt.
ST. LOT7IS. Mi.. Juy . CATTLE P.e
eeiro.s, 4,iii uea.l. tnci ading L.'sS) Texan
Ma.-k-t strong na.-'e snipping and ex.
port steers. .!' J dressed beef and t
fcu'cner st.44Ts. '."'tg.Js: steers unuer 1
I .mi rounds. I4. .j4.73 stiwkers and fed- I
era. ti. 7io a..; cows and heifers. 12. 45.04 75.
tanners. H.SKtrU. Ji. b tils. J2.7Sm-4.5u: .-a-ves j
!r...Ku 1.1 r-.ans a.l.: lidia.i seera, 12.,li.-p owe and eei:--rs. fi sw.r7!. 75.
H. i5a Pecemrs. 1.1. ant head market V
!c wer puts and .lutfs, t& raciil t
'".:-i..t5. butcners and oest heavv- I
era. Ii 7
(li Jilt a
AMD LaM"- ftacelpts. 3
h'-al. martte stead-' Native muttons. $"1.50
i '3 i larr.ns. C..i.7 S nilli bucks.
4,1 ..i4. 111, sr icsers. 13. i.3.50.
St. Joaest Live Stweat Xukft.
! ST. JsXl-ii. Mu.. 111? i.-C.lTTL2-l
Rece-pta. 2.57s aead. mar art stead : -ta-I
t;-.'ee. J4..3n.ij7 -w; v-earung ca.ves, jj. jigH., '
4toi'rs an.l feeders. HL'u4.5tt. ' J
Hi tin Recitpts. lia7 nea.i market 3i.i !
liH: 1 -wer. l-.g'-.t mixed. Jti; pigs, Ja. 10
u4 i- o:'.'. JAiinu-..-!!.
' AND L..aiit.ti Jteceipis 2. ll
head, ma.-ket st -dy Lamba, 4R.Jtii7 5u-
Gold SemlaAnnua! Interest and
General Electric Power Company of California
To be Offered fcr Public Subsarrlptioc
96 Per Cent
TYj SaYfng ta Usi Ca,rBrry and tta 2an;ori ar! Pn.T'.a Utaaiiy UrwU ta UarfatVra,
The General Electric ?"-.: Ccmpmay Colilaraia was incurporatetl under Cie laws of the Stat o( CAll&g-ala
SeTTterar 191:5.
Aatliofixad Capital Stock. ... S 3.050X00
73.QCO Camaca SXir of $;x euth. 15,000 Setea per ceat P-;ie -i J'.i.ares 0 j:rx emch.
AathorLiad BoaJ tja. ... S?.lX;.0)0
Ccnsi.f ino- of t var 5 -er cent Goi l F-raf C'v,.!-n.l Paruopaaao; 3oai!s of t par Vain at SiOO
SVX). So.4i aa,l SI0. laterest pavai lOctoimr luil aad ila.-ca jn.i.
Tbasa Road aot oay tVear m Flteol Hat of laterest but Participate la the Profits ol tha Coanpaay.
F-ans set est-sua of tae CdTioaav after aa-etent of latet-e'i: est baads. oeraitn4. aiatateeaace. s4uata raasl aaal sthas
caer-ies. dlvlS.eua -vol first ae 041,1 sr rata en tails the ilrst K04I4 autitaartla aa4 tka leiwe 1 ian
tx k aatil ecl saatl aava ncaivad j pas ceat. s aaauas. T'aa coaimua stuck Issue canal a bicresMd aaaat a
autaars ' coasenf.
The i-omtariT w.U recei-r- ar.Sacr-ticna for tlie bon is, pnal-'e as foilo-ws :
I3 on Appi:ca..oru Ii ;$ on Auirnat t, Xj nSl'oa Oct.iber r, 1)07. 13Tit an Decembcsr i, iopa.
Ijl on A-.otaient. Hit o" Stt:t. t. f:-. ia on Noa-mher 1, : yc. lit on Pafiraar 1, pjoo.
Pi-tnca: :a fi" cit be ca al.otoicnc or on u due dat ot any tastalzieat and iaterest mt til rail ot
$ w.11 accrue frnm Lie .iate of such puyT.eit.
Tie Bond's an rieeB:.i . hv 'lie Comuntr Oi-'o'-er 1 -ap, .r afer to,u at oction of the ComTmaw at T05JL
Of til (atal aetharli-d 3onJ lajaa. 2to.X)0.lX-0 ara reser-ved lor Cagiaad. Fraac mad Ballaad.
Ta reujtla.a, Sil.COO.CcO wul 2 sold la til L. S. af ssalca Sl.0OO.0tJO U slow offarajsl mt &t3.
A.1 reaiaa.jjr Uooila w..i e suid only a: par.
Security of the Ho ad a
Tk Bo ads are a first charge cpoe ail property no-w oJ or hereafter actrtxlr-ad. TJw are Lsaned ta
pnja-ide workia caonal for ctinatrictioas. adiL'-ioaa aad ixpr-jvemenis, niade mad to be made upon the) ComTjanysj
prcpentea. i i the ;taie ci Cal.fora-a.
Tlie procrds ;t tis utnue w-".l be derrtwiteil wtth the tnstee aad wZX only be paid ont by it on eniaeerj
certiica:s for worts irou.atmcilati and '..tad mad material purchased.
Interest at ive per netst per a;ua 3774:11 the various ia.a;a' menta from the dates of pmvmect until eompIeQuq
of the Cumpaay'j wort ( wiiich it ia estiaut.d w.U take two years will te deposited with the trustee, mad will be paid
by ic on al. tnst.t'aienta r.a the d ie dates beir-n-iaif llarch a. 191 8. ' wi l be mad ia iue courae to the comaiittees of the London Stock Excfcanifs aad the New York
Stcck Zadiai.Ki for a (-aotatmn fcr the Sends.
Tratsteea lor Baasl Isaaa
CKi.Ss.GlZ TZwST COMPa.aiY, Saw Tors.
BOTH TTirs-- Cf3C s;T, 1ew Tare.
Ilia LlJel'Utl.SlA NAriO.Val. SAJ45C, of!
atessrs. aJjlTClUT, MOsUL'd. Cli CO .
17 Tkraaraiarroa Asa-, r a.
Casraaala aad Attaratays
JOHN W. QCK3ZT. A a. Itr.l.fOT, Saa Vraacaco, Cat,
Caaaaltia4 CaafsHtars
JCtI74 UtViAaT. sTsq.. 10 axi-.liange ? iaca. Xew Turk
Mmiw immtts 4oTtetv of civil las-nee-s
VI em or r institute at Civil Kagtneers, lemakia
Sfessr KlNCAtO. Wr.t.ira. sf.jrTTX.S A DiTlin,
39 areat 5aurge SC. Wcstaiinsier, 7 .4 gj, V.
CaanaLlai i
alassrm WAUTOSf H. BIO W74 at aao.. 43 WtU St, M. T.
afessrs. DaxOTTT PTaTTDaB. &arjr?Tni9 CO,
LonOoa Wall Butliuaga, Londua. sad q Wall at Jf. T.
les)larar aad Trssafw Areata
CTTT SAFit EEPCUsiT AJto iC8.CT CO., Unrttad
14 Tthingmortaa Itt, f iVl K, C
CAA-Vaora Tll-ST Ca. Jlew Tork. fci, a. ,
FSlULTf A CCM PATTY. 1134 uraaite Bids;.. Socbotcr, IV. T.
H2TOT T 4C7TT ai F-a-tnsca. Cal.. Clarew.ta
Director Cm ker-w M-.i-eorta Itationa. saaa. 3aa Ftanctsn
Tnuaee Cronxer Estate, saa P rani-sea.
wTLLlAM Ti CN3E2 WOO 3. ajchester. N, T . President
A. L. 4COTT Saa ?-tai-c-i Cal " ce-iJ-
rresidenx iHmdc iarawa.-e A ileal Co.. Ai Prancsco
CHCH'-rE W ?-T.Trsm. ai-ramento. CaL. Tem-wr-r
PTesi'l-Ttt 4tate 3tnt't ,4Hw:cintinii of 'iaofania
V.ce-presiiieni The Caitioraia National Ban, ol' Sacramento
G 'J l C C VI.0E7I. Sna Fraacieco, Cal, StLTttary
Adoraev at Lav. ,
HHN1T A BCTT-H-JA 4t F-incsra Csi.
P-esideat .Vor.Mra Elecmc Campany of Calilbnia
JCS CS Air;. Woodland, Cal.
a:taraev tt Li
afAiT'W y. W0LL, Rachester. X T.
Ctrecior at:cua. in -1 i of Commerre. Rd.hstr
Ctrector Caion Trust Compaav. Rot.aasur
GUOR'33; W AJCHHU. Bot-bcster X. T.
D'r-etnr Msrcaants' Baak. a.K-hrsteT
Director Caiua T.-tiat Co., aocaesier.
JAM3S D a.327 torheste-. X Y.
rt-etor N -iimns ;1aa of C.immeef, B ochcsteT
Director Caion T-rtst Campaay, ajtibestar
JOHN 4 CAMPHyLL. Bnt'er Pennsvlviaia
P siiient antler L; it. Hest nd Motor Com. tan v ButirT
Ctrector Butler Savings and Trust Company, iiuuer
The bonds of the General Electric Power Company of California are secured by a FTaST M0H.TGAGS on alj
lands, water tights, plant, terminmia, transmission Unes, retaining mail storage darn a canal, dimes, pipe hues, standard
g-ni?e high tenaion railway and its equipment, rails, freight yards, ferry rv stems, docks aad wharves and pnjperty of whs,
soever ktiad now owned or which may hereafter be acquiretl by the Compaav, iacindiag also tha ownership of all tha
stock of the Gear Laate & Southern Rai.ruad, iacorporate,! uad'er the laws of the State 0f Ca iforaia, Serot ember xoo.
with a capital stock of ., 500. 000, WHICH STOCJC IS TO BE HELD BY THE TH.CSTEH. '
, Ja Compaav has been formed to generate electric power by the dewelopment of it water r'ghts la tlie statw
t Ca..fcrnia, aad to ocerate aa eiectr.e mlrom.1. It owns m fee simple mil ita daai sites, reaerroir sites, lamia, aqueduct
rjht of sray, power hou3e sites aad water r.hts for the use of all waters at ita locatioa on the Mokalurnne sivaTV A
inaia ukffl Ijvj feet tn aeibt will form a reservoir with storage capacity of aoproxiaiately r.400,000 000 cfabic feet
of water. Above thia data other dam aad larjra. aatarai iaies f rovui additional storage capacity rreater than hmt d
the tttaia reservoir. - r a "
From the main reservctr aa aqueduct srin convey the water sereateen miles whence it fa." throoiih riycted steel
piprsj to the wheei of the power house U.iO vertical faat baiow aiviag 6o,ouo electrical horse power at the power hooae.
or 60,0430 net H. P. for sale. a
Thia power will b traa.smirted aa loarf dlstaac lines which will paaa thraagh fifteea differwat carali
of Ceatral Caiiforaia. embracing ail the principal cities, in which the deaaaad for power ia eaarwaoaa. No
power comoaay seiliaj power scmaiercia y ia Caii.liraia has ever delau-ted ita later est cavment or faued to car aada.
factory divideada.
Electrlficadoa of Railways
Ceatrai Cuiforaia
miles of tracks. Imoiec
which require lare amoaats 1
-sorwtthstaaattad thaamnst anllmired aiaHt.l foe aowas-. tha Caatoaay loa mia4 kasiaes raaaoaa. ara a.ductedtii sad will
caaclnSa 4 caatrsct tar tlta Ml of i.t.oiH) tarts taew 4ilvnkla their ptosis ara catapteto aaal alar. faa euj.TalLVIj
s,rlcs wtiica "i4oc. a rev. sue t-o aa eae-kaif times ta tlx a 4 taiarasl aayawiat mas tka baa, ... - e
aa axcaattoaaulx Mils sacartty iur tna taveauacat at taaa. a savaaraaaa
Clear Lake aad Saarhara tailraad
rs 0W-XE3 ENT77I7T.T 3T T1H GUXHTaAL ELSCTaiC POWia COMPANY Of CALryra.XIA. Thia mad ran between 9..
aad LaarTHirt. a beaut; lal resort ;jo miles avav taroiira a r. k ag-ctiitara. 4ba.1n1l1.1a ,n m,nm, .n.l oaxween aaa Praacnssj
. ... . - - - . - ummk. w mm. Mm. i. - . , l . i v umum mr r . .-.m . v
sett bv die ra-.".wav Ma - . . 71
Less aperauag expenses, tncloUing deprerhatiaa, taxes, etc, i.raa
ta pr.iar.tij ta follow the ia the eiectriiicatirjn of rt-lvtr Ti-ie mnel.. t j
ise consiraction of Iarrsrbma lines are :a ctrjirress. others nrntecreii uTmntK,. , . .-t -1
of power. Nothiaa; caa compete with e.ectnc p.jwer j-rnerated from water falla.
lmstsst the sotal
i that the Cneril E:ectric Power Company will be deUawn- ita entire ontpirt of power fa two yaara. at
...-sad w-.J into be ta operation. Taaiag power at aa avennre selliair price of lao oar EL P twr ,r
aat ftevstraata
T ita. aaaual act earnings Jf aailroaij, fry ij
Total Yearly ProHt
It is ex-VTCTea
rhich time the rail;
aad which ia J25 iesa thaa it caa be prodaced la CAhforaia by aaiag the cheapest fuel (crade oil), grrea :
wj.cs.u eicttinc uorw power at aao .....
alAiatecaace aad aepreciaMa, lacindiag ceratiaff expenses, iixaaraace, taxes, ustCTist oa bonds, siakiag faad, oato
Total aaaaal set profit from power ... ft,yo,noa
It ia conserratiyely estimated after due allowances arc made for orriati-tctinir cxntinreacies that tha first thjraa
years aad thereafter of operation the corn pan y will prsdace yearly aot less thaa :
From the a.e of pow-r - - Jr.. 500,000 From th rxilwav
Total Yearly act Camiags. ... Sl0.6.0
It is important ta note that aat eamiag-i of Sl.oVJO.640 aaniaHy sroold pro-ride aa additional fira
cant, dividend aa tha bo ad, mail a surploa equal to thra tlaaaa the ftxsd laterest cJiarge.
Conservative' y rut the assets of the Company opoa tha completion of the rJaata aai raiaroail, wia snobtad
f :3,00c, x, or So. OOO, GOO ia excess of the bond issue.
Contract far Coastrwctiaa
m c...r.L. .0. ' aowar ! aaa aiectrt railway has bawa salsis I lata wtta
Brawa A Urn . Ballwar Coatrsctors . If art. cits, fer wale taav aadenaa ta aaasalasa tka .-iJ-
l-t-wa ta tna Caasaa) wUa a OAAX.Aart aa H ta. lata, cast aad aa ta taVaaa. at cmmcUT
Messta. wa.tou H Brawn x B-as. are an af me leading onatructioa 4-tna ia tke rni 4 ,, . t. . .
tskings of surh aasguunde a, aaJao,. kocnester A P-ttsttiir, 5v Chicg" sTtAn? A. aFn a eTttiiaa mji i a 31 1 TeSe w "y1.!!1 iiicsaail
si. Lotti Lurnj t-Naai P'aie.. T'aey ara sow engaged cnustractmg a ran a.l under the Xaat aiv i2aw Vk Btrotiava).
Extract from teport af John 5a g art. Caasaitia. Engiaaer
fa Bis repart after a caret il ttadv of okvsical and industrial conditions ia Cslifaraia. Vf- Tnhe k-. - ,. - , "
Power s iva-iaol- in .arje ajiuuats st taa aaiauaed ojcauoa, aad it caa tM drveiapett at a coat waxrt wi 1 .., ,
featured 'or sucb leveiumnent- 1
. m e- - '' -e mK m u mi nmiumuTi rats tor eiectrt power ta aa extant tbat will -a dirar aad I
dlata eetum in ae n-4i ne-i- J win gtv oiracx saa 1
J rbi-re t orun ae. . t if.1,1 n vtsitrsacr ,t aa increasing demand for power la tba ragloa to be served by tai tntsTTjrisa. Taia
will be sticn ta ta toaora ubm s snort ame a.l ta power ara: all trom this smirrv ' aat-. m ,. lais c
l a prpoie.i ra;; av wi.l tr
tries anil give .inrae.uate:v a .
lacusi-ies ja ia exieni i.tai w.i maae ji rn.way s aestra lie part at yottr prye-ir
.U ' '"U' kav a.atlabi. tar ..1 sat I.. rj... tky.OOO kaasww mi aUetrle
- --7- 7 17" , .. ., ww-mmw ' win mat laapli ia. 4 m tmmm A
ia -I a otv .t saa ?anct!- I found -aat drmaad insistent tor eictn -urrentaTttae nncea and ant rfc. .i,i.,. . .,
raaraatee -ama. v.wever. tint r ,., a,a dad . a-ket atuck sesrer vn.,r pewer pi.7o77 ta. X P " .iTrod "tT
.tstde ,1 ?nta.sco .ad t.i. listr-ct u. a.ool.ed by voir Cameany ther, are tnany rtne. d sav wwxs wata
torta .uu .a -rtdtwr-ea and wts . eranc rot. ana lig.luag, fur a.l of waica siectnc ourreaV cl b. ia .uiT-Z-ecanumica.
ttian tlat now funu-tini i atra-.n mai oy watax puvrstr snu aa saase
aucb 4s:-,reau;ri,v-d t- n- oi tha nulwwy. ax
w iJcz ?x::zz:is. .z.1' - -
M. J. Greevy (& Co., 414 Bee Bldg.
ail tn.
tr'T 4 nc a a.nntrv aow w.taout famliues of transportation wlicb Us prearnt arrtmlatlaa aaal hsrtsa.
a a rge aad wau:n. wittt taa taciluies ta o. ..fordid by tai railwav m 'V !?1-??T
w.l maae a. ni.wav s destra He part af yottr jiwe T intn!M m popinstine sag
a. ,A, .75,
4lui Ctry ttva Stars NarkM.
l!y .soee-al Tal.
-lead, mar-
as md
, SIC'CTC CITT. u. ,
i gram. "A TT" P.ei-ei-tj. 4ii
'Set Steady Reeves.. r.jf5.
aalfers. C 7E d5 -. oi'-r in.! fdera,
4 cows. ..
a cow. ..
4t steer. .
ill betfsrs
'3 eatrsj...
a bulls. ..
Jonn Hn'key, Nebraska.
3 .M
3 10
a 3
a s
a 50
. st.l
S caws.
30 readers
J. C
4 cows.
i steers. .
staers. .
4 cows .... "
4 eows 47
3 ealvsa. l.a
w n airg, aorasita.
li'T. 1 at
Heartlna, KabraakA
nrx t &
V. MooaireifCa. Wyiuunat
J cm.vea... ! 11 in ca.-ea... :7
1T) ew,.... t.j il, cows 5h
44 lows aa a 40
Aba Joaaa. 3imtn rjatAoTa.
J enws 3a 3 43 I sut Tt
fieif-rs.. 4721 a 20 1 bull IT-)
B feeders . 7 4 4 fW.ers.. J37
U feelers. . "3 4 s) 1 feeiler . m
Bea-.-er Cream Cattl Co.. Wyouung
17 feeders.. EJ6 4 30
E. P (jstaan -Neo.
IB steer. ..illli I sj
soutt aides 2 a4
a :o
4 -.r-,
4 3.1
2 tS
1 at
a jO
1 20
1 40
a is
a jo
(ja.Sii cav-s and year..iga,
HJ''3i4 Receipts. I'm
strong, selling at IT..jir4. Jj.
472.1. at;, lu.
ne.a.l, market
su.g of aa.-s.
Staatk ta 4lht
Raceltits of Uva Sloe a
cia. staurri mara-tk 7
s'.uux CK
1 rCa-iaa City ..
f su ...aepti
I-St. L.,u'
a. T-7
14. M
.... 1574
at t.i mix
sterdar :
t r,
JB.4U m3. 4&7 34. eg
crae. 1.35.1. I'l'l h.;
or suae, i. , .' ii i - .
rates a. id , a.ia.ia.
-ii. Alloa t f r i.i.i
JO I. lOO u.s.le.s
Eur..fea.a aui.y. de
Com. Inu-d
oreaaeii, 2. 1 '. ioO oo
. -a.t -. T' -i - i a -creaaeii.
1,344. I'M id.
1 ... .aiii ng ; - i
pof-ed ta.S W eK f
.rhi.-a-o p-'.v'i.e -te
t.i.i..' tod v.-i.i.ty
X isT'Cle
341. W'l IHee r: ::.: e
Port H i-ort
Fort IV it-..1 .... .
."level and
-a-j-d. j i
i a.iada.
ii i
.4.1- '. st; e-r jieara.
Clean r'.T.-itS.
'.V ri r .1 1" erC-lrtl-er
41 '11. V 1 n..r-.:ertl.
en. ar-sVc. 1
C. iC .".. r..
'v'. No
f 1 . N :
.i,,r' ..en.
i.-.d 'ieor--..aes ni-
44-aal Market.
pisT-jN. n.i.4j.. i .t -tv.-'i' r. a i-1
':-- r :i :,.i-a. w e.i ma.-tiet a 4t:ll oon
ined to tl.ier bor t..e i-',rs,:,iiti of
t; rn.tra-t 1, :.y aa. taiiea lealern'
-,) a -r 7o i :' r-'-g H.g :.-r :.rri-4.
:lne staolit, TZ'-'tfT?:. fire medium staple SB
u7.i-. rioe oli.i.img. 4.Hcut7t,c, line medium
o.oni.rg, It-itHj; nalf-unejd. gTaaHc; taraa-
4 t.i a 1i.m1. 4ii5ii; luarter-ouKMl, 47'o)
:. P'lied etira. 4hOii. ana A. asaisilu .
A 4 i;.era. lil.ati'. 3 sugars. 4s-Jt7c. j
ST. Li,r;:.,. 1j.. Ju lu 3V.jtjL ataadv;
meiii im -t !s, om ar.g and clotaing. aSs
oair ene. tei,.ac, heavy Una. li.tflac.
tuU- waaliud, ii-y'iii.
. I 14
. Ill
3 1
. I.J I
. 14..
1. 1. 1
man -.if t
ia ..t-tr A--ea.
'.Hie ir.d Se'
s r-t:--a.n
i. tr .1 li
A valla la
and telagrafam
iv bradatr
eha.igts in availac!
rr-vr7TT- . 7 ll'r
on trsca. ti'
1 northern.
aO-'ltAi, .,'ei::er
OATS T imv
rls viarfart.
; -THE.1 r-V , t h.ird
, 1 .r.:,-i. tl . a, V i.
1:1. r. e-. ieptemaer.
W aeat, Ca-itad acaxaa.
taaatlssra 433raia.
Jty 4 1 rJoeclai cable , wi-.a-aaTta"
e. mmurilcattiia re-eivT,t 1 miisassam
t'l S.IOW t-1 MUOWlTIg I MIi-41-" -J.
ucpueA a coui- 1 bu a. CJ ';"1 -15. ..; i jrTj?r. R pr-.ix 1
at Rock;
aa, ia-
Arst (aicau, tn..ii;
lO.-EilAN La I am. 41
em. No.
sales moderate; I elo'llng
acvAindj (a-aata, ' vaUey o.
trom a. :.-m.t.rg i
wo.Ie oot .ia lea-'y
i-4-r t.i, m t,,r a. me
a i tines are r-ie neil
1. M :i t a m 'iw--i'.;nd 'ra.isiuio .on in i?-na-a
-1vi.i:a wa.tued leta ne at Ktc. aiia.l lota
..f Vie . gi.i a id 'A sr. nsin "..i.f tod fir.e.
-g-.t-.s t-...,.l tl.-ei'ea ..a e oeen i..-4;i..a,-d
f a a.'c-V aid if a )"t f r j iu.-ter-
l.i 1. r-.-il" rs 'r'-m terr'fory d eerters
4, tl'at i.ea v tranMn. ".una a' :1 -on' n
'n ina ai.i;: e md r.a.f-f,.i..inL
Licreased boaineas s a..t-d 'n ( 'reian m mt,
.id ,ri'm ar nre ttendv T'te leu.t'rg
l imesric i-io'a' ons ara as f olmws: it:
soun, tre,-elg1t.1a hlood Cl'-ttCav uuarer-I
Mood. "!. sa-naie. .,1 ra. lea. tine.
:i niiinuis. ri''t'!t!: i( etarlt mon'n.s.
4rnisr- enrt fa.!. 3"'tii'. itaU'mta nor-.i-
moidle Clone-. sw4iMe: sijuta-
fa.l fraa. 3"c-Jtc. '.'rgon aasr
srtsi. THi'75t;; aaarsra V; I
ram averaga, stVi-yji:-
im avviat. Tarn Lory, scuurtut
Casta slaratt.
.vyv T -R . J ny iiFTJ'ETB Tta
Tarser fir ,!i.fTe frares oot-ned steady mt
to i.lvmu f Vila niinrs in resotinae to
n;get S ir oean marsets and ouytng by
an trade rr -rests. Pr'vate caoies trurti
re reo.,,ert,t -tovering ov Hamourw
st:. -fa in '.tar -:.arset. tie lncai mw
a t '- ri:.n.ed steady t t irm. cii.alr.g
4' I let a 1-l.lce if 'ov; !.', r)' Itlts Allies. 4U. -
.3n '.a.'s. .noii-ltng svtemre-r at 5..iV i-.
t oer ar 3 i.3c, Hwi'em ,-r i V54fi 4at, 34are!i
ar 5 .tnr5 JFc. April at 1 1 , M if at A'4sis
I 'or a.
Ni 7
,1 i ine at 4. vie. te
ratee. ataaif;
!? e ed
P. .ii. sVw: No. if .n-oa, THc Kild
ouief Ccrdiiv. 91tVi.
CH!C:S04IEW TC3X 1.2 L!l ,
Win ay as aVaiaa aa Tata SSjaaA
A Btasa Bsxaaa,