Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1907, Page 4, Image 4
y 0 THE OMATTA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1P07. r ' hlr; wot Tl Bl ! t n of tii I ft. i.1 PA WHIPS THE CHAMPIONS War Sar.d?n Holds D:t Moinn to Ons T.nn. BOTJRKES HANDY WITH THE CLUB rin Itastus Miller All Over the Lot and C lirln ' Sparer la Catlrd la to Take Ills Flare. ritual a ? T Milne. 1. I War Banders i In fine frt'le Tuesday nd pitched shutout ball after the Aral Inning, and at the rtime time Ma term inatea were lambasting Itastus Miller and Chrl. Bporer for twelve lilta and making II the runs tliey wanted, winning the fame y the score of T to 1. Raatua Miller struts around the diamond aa though he cannot bo beaten, but he has to Uke hta medlrlne when he comes to Omaha. Buckerlne Franek hit him twice before he waa out and Chirk Autrey hit hlra three times, but theac did not seem to feaee him. It remained for Joe Polnn's two-Backer to put on the flnlahlng touches, after which he rrawWd under the players' bench until the crowd had dispersed, when tie came out and lay on the floor of the feus as It drove the players to th city. The game atarted Jtiat as though the Champa were going to run Sanders cit of the lot. Ha was a trifle nervous-for there was a Clncl scout In the crowd Rising up the players and pasaed the first man who faced him. With all the confidence, of a Winner Hoggle sacrificed the first man to second and then Charlie Dexter hit a hard ens, which went straight toward Oraham, but Just before It reached Or.und Island mads a bound and went over Graham's bead, allowing Mclaughlin to score. DM Moines Only Ran. That was the only run Des Moines mado In the gams. It was the only pass Mr. Sanders Issued In the game and It was the only hit made until the seventh Inning, when Banders tried one of his quick re turns on Yeager. The veteran was looking 'for It and laced It out for a single. Edition aon and Bporer, th$ first men up In tho eighth Inning, each singled, but a fast double and a strike out put them back. Raatus Miller got along pretty well with the Omaha batamen until tin fourth Inning, when he got Into a hole which waa a tough one, but one from which he came within an aoe of extricating himself. Franck and Autrey, the first two up, each singled, which made Rastua a little nervous and be walked Welch, filling the bases. Could be get himself out of the hole? That waa 'the Question. He struck Dolan out and when Graham tried to bunt Into a squeese, Franck was caught at the plate, leaving the bases full with two out and Austin up. Austin hit a grounder to Frenchy Ooohnaur, who threw to second, but some bow Andreas was not there when he threw the ball, and before It was fielded from the right field both Autrey and Welch had crossed the pan. j The fifth Inning was even worse and saw , the end of RAstus. Sanders flew out to j middle and Belden bunted to IToggle, who I clawed all around the bait until Belden j, waa safely on first. Franck singled and B so did Autrey, making his third hit and b driving Belden borne from second. Welch ' 1 flaw out and then Cosey Joe Dolan knocked . i one against tTie middle field fence for a .-' a double, scoring Franck and Autrey. ' Two OH flyover. .) jgf. m Manager Kelley trotted out Mr. Bporer Tin tho sixth Inning, and while he waa better I looking than MY. Miller, he also pitched better ball. But for all that, two mora runs were added, one In the sixth and one In the eighth Inning. Austin singled, stole second and scored from second on an In, field out The same teams play this afternoon. Score: OMAHA. AB. R. IT. PO. A. F. Belden. rf 5 1110 Franck, as Antrey, If Welch, cf TVdan. lb.. .!..... ' flraham, 2b.;..,. --Austin, 8b " ponding, c flandera, p ear Totals 87 7 12 27 . 11 v.f m Vet DES MOtNKB. AB. R. H. PO. A. 0 . 1 0 0 2 'cLaughlln. cf. 8 Hogrlever. 8b... JCVexter. lb....... Andreaa, 2b Hupp, rf Teaser, o Oochnaur. ss.. Edmonson, If.. Miner, p.. tftorer, p. Totals .80. 4 24 Buns O M Omaha 0 0 .1 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -7 0-1 Yj a) Dea Moines. Omaha ....1 1 0 2 8 2 1 3 ....1 OOO0O12O4 TVtfan. Bases on tiaila. Dea Moines.. Two-baae hit: thf Oft Bandera. 1; off Miller, t Struck out: ll( J?J ' 8anderB, 4; by Miller, 8: by Sporer, 1. on pairs: omani, t: Dea Molnea. 4. Sacrifice, hit: Hogrlever. Hlta: Off Miller, T In nve Innings; off Bporer, 8 In three In nings. Stolen bases: Graham, Austin. . nings roub M & double play: Franck, Oraham and Dolan. ie: i:s&. , umpire: Conahan. Attendance: Notes of (ho Game. AH Champa looked alike to Sanders. Tba gam Thursday will be railed at I JO to allow the teams to mske the train. Autrey hit Rastus Miller everr time he fame to bat, but he could do nothing with Bporer. Pa returned from the west with no rlpplea except Hall, who la Buffering from an abseeaa on the leg. Townsend, Omaha'a old catcher, occupied at position In the grandstand. Ha la en route i Trial Treatment Free DR. r..cGRW ' I poar 4 Is one of the Oldest and Most Successful Specialists in tho treatment of all forms of Dis eases of Men. 35 years' experience. 25 year 8 in Omaha. Tho beat equipped office la the west for all fornig of modern treatment. II co our you aa be baa thousands of otWa. Treatment by mall. Box 111, Office 111 SottUt 14Uv etreet, STANDING OF THE TEAMS WESTERN LF.AOVE. I'lsyoil. Won. lVst. pr-t. .612 .664 .631 ,4f-3 .400 .Set Omaha 98 60 38 Lincoln H 11 41 Its Moines S 47 41 I enver Sit 43 46 riH-l.l.) 1 3 64 Sioux City 93 17 64 NAT I. I.KAt'QE. AMF.ll. LBAOrB. C'hlrng-o . . 24 Pittsburg. ..63 SS New V(irk..fc! T4 PI. Ha 4 3a Pronklyn...41 5'i llostnn 37 1 Cincinnati. .37 ii St. Louis.. . 21 73 .7X1 Ohlr-ngo 6 W. ,S4 .! Detroit 51 84 .' .t5 Cleveland ...M 37 .(! .M Ptilla f 3 -6 1 .4:,1 New York. 41 K .i73 .4: Ft. Iula. .. .V, M . ,41 ponton 35 62 4"2 .2i3 Wast-lngt'n.18 6 .8 3 AMER. AP8N. IOWA LEAGUE Toledo " SS .tK'2 Waterloo... 46 90 .WO Burlington. 44 32 .64G Oskal osa..4u 34 .& Jacks nvlle.Jti 34 .4N Marslialt'n.38 31 .46 Viuincy 35 41 .416 Ottumwa.. 84 41 .414 Keokuk 61 Mlnm sp its M 44 679 ! t'oluinbii ..j 44 Ml 1 61I Milwaukee.. 4l 48 Kan. City.. .49 60 l.nulsvllle ..46 6.1 indlanaprs.42 69 41 I 4f8 ' Ht. Paul 41 Cs .3.9 OAME8 TOIAT. Western League Dea Moines at Omaha, Lincoln at Denver. Sioux City at Pueblo. National League Boston at Pittsburg, Brooklyn at Chicago, New York at St. Louis. Philadelphia at Cincinnati. American las;iie-Ch1caRO at Washing ton, St. Louis at Philadelphia. Detroit at New York, Cleveland at Boston. American Association Toledo st Co lumbus, Indlsnsoolls st Louisville. St. Paul at Milwaukee, Minneapolis at Kansas City. to Jacksonville. Ill . where he Is to do the recelvlnr for the team. Conahan has gotten over most or nis lameness while awav from Omaha. He failed to get a hit Tuesday. I Old Foi Yeager waa lnylng for ono of I those quick returns and lined It out when I It came straight across the pan. Oraham tried to come, home from aecond on Austin a grounder to noggie, dui iub "Ancient" one was too foxy to throw to first and caught Graham at the plate. Miller pitched some good ball to get out of that hole In the fourth Inning. He did not get out, but It was not his fault that Oochnaur threw before Andreaa had reached the sack. Thomas "aTea a fthntont. DENVEK, July 80. Fine base ball marked the game between Lincoln and Denver, the latter winning on a batting rally In the sixth Inning. The second baso play of Fox was a feature, he cutting off a num ber of what looked like sure hits. Lsutor born also played magnificent ball, but In general It was a duel between the two pitchers. Olmstead having the better of It. Lincoln would have been shut out but for Thomas' home run. Score: DENVER. AB. R. Murphy, rf 4 1 Wheeler, 3b 1 Cassady, If 4 0 White, lb 1 MeHale. cf 4 0 Lauterborn, 2b , S 0 Klneally, Ss 4 0 McDonough, 0 8 0 Olmstead, p 8 0 H. PO. A. E. 110 1 8 8 0 0 8 8 0 0 8 6 0 0 110 0 16 6 1 0 8 0 0 0 8 10 0 0 8 0 "5 27 9 2 II. PO. A. E. 1 8 0 0 0 3 8 0 10 10 18 8 0 0 0 0 0 2 T 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 9 4 0 0 10 0 1 27 10 0 10 0 0 0 0-1 0 0 3 0 0 0-3 Totals 33 ! LINCOLN AB. R. Ketchem. cf 4 Fog. 2b 8 Reddlck. 8b 4 Oagnler, ss i 4 Fenlon, rf 4 Thomas, lb 4 Dsvldson, If 4 Sulllvsn, 0 3 Clcotte, p 3 Totals 82 Lincoln 0 0 Denver 0 1 Two-base hlta: White, MeHale. Home runt Thomas. Stolen base: Cassady. First base on balls: Off Olmstead, 8; off, 1. Struck out: By Olmstead, I; by Clcotto, 8. Left on bases: Denver, 3; Lincoln, 7. Wild pitch: Olmstead. Time: 1:42. Um pire: Haskell. nioox Pitchers .Are Easy. PUEBLO, Colo., July 80. Sioux City waa easy for Pueblo In today's game. Drill's men hit Williams and Waldorf all over the lot, wlnntng by a score of 11 to 3. In the first Inning Sioux City earned a run on Campbell's hit, a stolen bsne and a single by D. Sheehan. In the third Inning, with two down, errors by Hader and MctJullooh gave the vlsltora two runs. After that Flts gerald was almost Invincible and the Sioux drew blanks. Williams was hit hard In the first four Innings and after he had been hit twice In the fourth and passed ono man he was taken out and Waldorf was sent In. Waldorf was more effective, but wfas wild and the locals scored In every Iniflng but the fifth. Score: SIOUX CITY. AB. R. IT. PO. A. E. Campbell, rf ... 4 2 in once, ir Weed, lb D. Sheehan, 8b.. Granville, BS.... Nobllt, cf Hart, lb Williams, p Waldorf, p J. Sheehan, o.... Totala 34 I PUEBLO. T 21 11 AB. 8 .... 4 R. H. PO. 3 3 A. 0 6 4 . 0 0 0 4 1 0 14 McOilvray, cf... Hader, Sb Ryan, 8b Melchlor, rf Belden, If Mcculloch, lb... Corhan, as Drill, c Fltsgerald, p.... 0 3 3 1 2 10 2 3 0 Totala 88 11 13 27 Sioux City 1020000003 Pueblo 2 1 0 2 0 1 3 2 -U Stolen bases: McGllvray (2), Campbell (2), Bader, Bolden (2). Two-base hits: J. Shee han, Bader, Drill. Three-base hits: Corhnn, Ryan. Hit with pitched ball: By Flts gerald, 1; by Waldorf, 1. Sacrifice hits: Fltsgerald, McCulloeh. Struck out: By Fltsgerald, 2; by Williams, 2; by Waldorf, k. First base on balls: Off Fitzgerald, 2: oft Williams, 1; oft Waldorf, I. Time: 1W). Umpire: Brennan. Attendance: 6u0. TE.N'NIS PLAY IS CHICAGO Johnsoa of Philadelphia Defeata Harkett ot New York. CHICAGO, July 80. In one of the great est games seen la singles this year, Wal lace 8. Johnson of Philadelphia defeated Harold H. Hackett of New York In today s play of the Western Tennis tournanv nt at Onwentsla. Hackett defaulted at the end of the fifth game In the second set. when he waa even up with Ms opponent, the acore being 7-6, 6-8. The play Johnaon had In etock for Hack ett seemed too much 'tie latter and at the end of the fifth gam he wa exhaust d and defaulted. Anoti..i .patted match waa that between Carl Noel and Paul (Jaidnrr. Neel finally won by the acore of 6-4, 0-6, 6-2 All the other visiting players won their matches In both singles and doubles. At the end of today's play the tournament had been advanced to the third round In both singles and doubles. YOIXQ AND CALDWELL WIXNF.H Take Final Ttoond la Doubles from Koha and Hashes. Conrad Young and Sam Caldwell won from Jack Hugliea and Herb Knhn In the tlnala In doubles In the city tennis tourn ament at the Field club Tuesday evening. The contest was an Interesting one from sisrt to finish, the score running it C-3. 0-J, 4- an.l 6-1. All Mr. Young and Mr. Caldwell have to do now to become the city champions Is to beat Art Pcrihner ond dale Martin, last year's champions In doubles. Put this Is not an easy task. The challenge round In doubles will be played this afternoon at 4 30 If the ground la In eondlMon. S'-tlbner and Martin will have to defend tha'r right to the champions! lp. A large crowd is ex pected In the gallerlee. I oar a A I h let lea Prosper. IOWA CITY. la.. July S0.-(Spclal.) Manager Marc Cattln ot Iowa university athletics todsy made public the financial statement of the laat year. Iowa took in about 115.000. of which foot ball produced mure than I10.0UO. About IS.OuO waa cleared on the gridiron spurts, while base hall and track athletics lost about 8,100 each, and other branches of athletlca, almost without exception, also were conducted at a greater or less loss. In all, the ath. letlc union cleared 82.4C6 and nearly wiped out tta old debts. Gleawooa Oeta eats- Raa. TABOR. Ia.. July 80 (Special Telegram.) In the base ball tournament today ilen wood shut out Malvern, 1 to A. liatterles: Olenwood, dinners and Coppla; Malvern ben net t and Maatara. Here Root pnag ft- I CHICAGO DEFEATS BROOKLYN Chance Drives in Winning Ban in the Tenth. KLLNO AND LEWIS EJECTED Catcher for the Cubs and Shortstop for Dodgers Banished for Dl" putlng Orrlslons Seores of Other (iamrs. CHICAGO, July JA-Tnrtsv's game again went ten Innings and Chance repeated Ms yesterday's record of hitting afely, bat- ting In the winning run. An srguinent on a j decision In the first Inning banished Kllng. : and Liewls was ejected In the tenin ir i same cause. A slnsle. an out and Jordan's hit over the right field fence scored three for Brooklyn In the first. They hit Roul- bach for three singles and a triple In the 1 ninth. Three bunched hlta, with a tae on balls. In both the fourth and ninth InnlnM tied the visitors' lead, a gift and two sin gles winning In the tenth. Score: CHIC Ado. BROOKI.TS. AH H O. A C. AB.H.o.A r.. Hofmin. rf Phckril, If Schulte. rf. 1 I 0 I 0 1 t 0 OAlfrra'n, lb-sa 5 8 I 1 0 0 1 1 4 1 1 4 1 0 1 t 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 4 ('Lumlej. rf... OPitrh. If 0 Jordan, lb... OMaloner. cf. 1 LewlB. BS.... ORiittr, c ORcll. p 0 Hummel. 2b. 1 Rucker, p... t'hanre, lb Stunfetrtt. Tinker, M 1 F.rrrt, !b.. t 10 lb 4 .. 4 .. t .. 0 .. 4 .. I P. 1 ... 1 Kilns Morn, 0. Overall, p J"""''".h' "" 0 Totlll 40 I'ZS li I Totals S3 t to 12 I Hatted for Overall In eighth. One out when winning run was mnaf. Chicago 0 00300008 1 i Brooklyn 3 000001U v-v Two-base hits: Schulte, Chance, Three-base hit: Maloney. Home run: Jor dan. Hits: Off Overall, 6 In right Innings: oft Reulbach. 4 In two Innings: off Bell. 6 In nine Innings; off Rucker, 2 In one-third Innlnir BncrlHce hits: Rchulte. LtimleV, Rlt ter, Sheckard. Stolen bases: Stelnfeldt. Hit ter, Malonev. Double i.lav: Bell to Aiper man to Jordan. Left on base-i Chicago. 5, Brooklyn, 7. Hasea on Dans: Off overall, 1; off Bell, 3; oft Rucker, 1. Hit with pitched ball: By Bell, Sheckard. Struck out: By Overall. 7: by Reulbach, 1; by Bell, 2. Wild pitch: overall. Time: 2:10. Umpires: Klcm and Emslle. Philadelphia Shot Out. CINCINNATI, July 80. Twelve Cincinnati players faced Corrldon In the third inning, securing seven hits and a base on balls, which netted seven runs. Sharp fielding behind Hltt pre'-ented the Phlladelphlans getting a hian over tho plate. Boore: CINCINNATI. PHILADELPHIA. All H.O.A.K. AD. H O. A. E. Hucrlna. lb.. 8 Oil lTtiomas. rf...4 t 0 0 0 Lobart, ss.... I Mltchall, rf..4 MrLaan, c... I OUieison. ZD. . a v oTitua. rf Ill lMagea, If 4 0 I 0 Courtney, lb t 0 1 OBranadald, lb 4 I II ODnnlln, as.... 10 1 OJaoklltarb, e. 4 1 Ganae), lb.... 4 Krutr. cf.... 4 Mowref, 8b.. 1 Odwell, If.... I Hltt, p I OCorrldon, p.. I 0 0 Drown. p I 0 0 Tnlala SI 11 (7 11 1 , Totals 13 t 4 14 0 Cincinnati 00700010 8 Philadelphia 0000000000 Two-base hits: Ganrel, Kruger. 1 nree base hit: Dobert. Sacrifice hits: Mitchell, Mowrey. Stolen bases: Kruger (2) Hug gins, Dobert, Uanzel, Odwell, Titus. Left on bases: Cincinnati, 8: Philadelphia. 8. Iouble play: Brown to Bransfleld to Jack lltsch. Struck out: By Corrldon, 8; by Brown, 1. First base on balls: Off Hltt, 2; off Corrldon, 2; off Brown. 2. . Hit with pitched ball: Bv Hltt. 8. Hits: Oft Corrl don, 7 In three Innings; off. Brown, 5 In live Innings. Time: 2:00. Umpire: Rlglen. St. Loots V.mur tor New York. ST. LOUIS, Mo., July 80. The New York Nationals batted freely today, winning from St. Louis, 11 to 6. Wolters, a St. Louis recruit, was batted out of the box In the seventh Inning. Score: : - NEW YORK. 8T. LOVIS. AB.H.O.A. IS. AU H O A K. Shannon, If... 4 110 OP.mi, lb.... 4 0 4 8 0 Browns, it... 1 0 0 0 Harry, rr I 0 fl S Daflln, lb...; 4 I 1 Btymour, cf.. 6 I 0 Dresnahan, e. 4 I 5 Dowarman, lb I I 11 bahlsn, as.... 1 1 I Doyla. lb lit Lynch, p 6 0 0 Pbyl. lb 0 0 0 I OKonetahy, lb t 1 10 0 1 0 OUurnatt, cf.,. (lilt 1 OHolly, as..... 8 14 10 1 OMurray. If.... 8 10 0 0 1 OHoatattrr, tb.l 1 ( I I 0 latarahalL e... 4 2 4 1 0 1 OWoltara, p.... 1 0 1 I 1 0 OLuah, p 110 10 Touts 18 17 IT 11 1 Totals II 17 14 1 New York 0 0 0 2 0 4 2 3 011 St. Louis 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 26 Two-base hits: Devlin. Bresnahan. lilts: Off Wolters In seven and one-third Innings, 10; oft Lush In one and two-thirds Innings, 2. Sacrif.ce hits: Barry, Holly, Murray, Hoatetter, Devlin, Bowerman, Dalilen, PhyL Stolen bases: Byrne, Wolters, Shan non, Devlin. Double play: Holly (unas sisted). Left on bases: St. Louis, 9; New York, 7. First base on balls; Off Wolters, 8; oft Lynch, t. Struck out: By Wolters, 3; by Lynch, 8; by Lush, 1. Wild pitch: Lynch. Time: 2:12. Umpire: O'Day. Pirates Bunch lilts. PITTSBURO, .July SO. Pittsburg Bcored eight rure in the first Inning on seven hltr, a sacrifice, an error and some slow fielding This took all the Interest out of the game, although good work was done In the last Inning. Score: PITTSIICRO. .BOSTON. AB.H.O.A.E. AD. 11.0. A. E. Anderson, rf. 4 1 I 0 onrldwell, aa.. 4 0 1 Tenner, lb... 4 0 0 Drain, lb.... 4 1 Olleaumoot, cf 4 I OBatea, rf 4 1 Oftandall, If... 4 4 OHItrhey, lb... 1 0 0 Needham. a. 4 1 0nrner. p 8 Sweeney ,..1 Len'h, cf.... 5 I I Clarke. It.... I I 1 Wagner, aa. . . I 1 1 Ab'atrhlo, lb I I I Nealon, lb.... I 114 Sheehan, lb. .10 0 tllhaon, o 4 11 Hhllllppe, p. 4 1 1 Totals... 40 It 17 10 1 Totals K 1 14 11 4 -Batted for Dorner In the ninth. ttsburg 80020002 -12 lioeton 0 1 0 i 0 0 0 0 08 Two-base hits: Leach, Clarke, Abbatlchlo, Gibson. Sacrifice hit: Sheehan. .Stolen base: Abbatlchlo. trouble piny: Brldwell to Rltchey to Tenney. First base on balls: Off Philllppe, 1; oft tsorner, 1. Struck out: Hy Philllppe, 2; by Corner, 1. Left on bases: Pittsburg, 6; Boston, 8. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Carpenter and Johnstone ' CAItn BACK AT TOP QT LADDER Manager of Indianapolis Lrads Araer. Icaa Asaoclatloa Batting. Manager Carr of the Indlunapolls team has resumed his place at the top of the batting list In the American association, showing that managerial honors do not interfere with the batting of some players. Perrlng has raised his average to .ZH3, but for the last few days has been falling down. Toledo has four men hitting above tha ,30t) mark and Columbus two. Josh Clarke and O'Nell of Minneapolis havo stolen thirty bases each. Flayer. flub. Prt. Plarer. Hub. Pet. Carr. Indianapolis... .S4I Jarkaon, Columbus... .860 J. (iarke. Toledo 4JS Kelllf, Cnlumhua 2f,0 Annbruater. Toledo. . .1 .111 Curtla, Milwaukee 246 Oeaaler. Columbua... .SIR Qulnlaa. Loutarllla. .. .246 Connera, Milwaukee.. .114 Egan, Run. flty :6 Bri-kler. Kan. City.. .310 Cook. Indianapolis... .244 Dunleavy, St. Paul... -S Slesle. Indlanapolla.. .244 imoot. Toledo '5 Tlemayar, SI. Paul... .241 Flood. Su Paul 303 Livingstone. Indlsils .Sal Hulewttt. Columbus.. .!' Sullivan, Louisville., .I4u Roth. Milwaukee V'l Tboniaa, Minneapolis. .140 Lattlraore. Toledo ... S'fl Pultmann. Loulavllla. . Jerry freeman, Minn. .) Mantke, Minneapolis. .237 Jnhn freeman. Minn. .294 Andreaa. Mlnneapolla. .236 narbeau. Toledo lua Ahlott, Toledo gtovall, Louisville... 24 Hopke, Indianapolis.. .I'M O'Nell, Minneapolis.. .M Koehler, St. Paul l.t Perrlns. Toledo !M Wtlgley, Columbus... . ' Deeille, Milwaukee... .2M Oraham. Mtnneapoiia. .Ins Frlel, Columbua 23K Lauahlln, St. paui.. .i;a. yM Columbua "91 (Jeyer, Columbua K26 Frlak. St. Paul t"4 Wllllama. Indlatis'lls .224 p,,kornoy, Toledo Hi Chech. Toledo jij HueHiren, Kan. City 2l Sullivan, Kan. City.. .I?t Land. Toledo . .210 I'ougherty. Milwaukee .til tlrr-en. Mllwa-ikee M Kerwla. Kan. Clt-y .. .n, Bervellue. Columbua.. .274 KntM-rrallle. Columbus 211 Fella. Toledo 116 Stanley. Loulavllle. .. ) Jude Columbua 1T4 F.aelrk St. Paul (4 pelta. Lmilaville IIS Swann, Kan. Clly . . J- ) Nordtke. 8l. Paul... .573 Kellum. Ind'snspulla, ; lot (iremlnier, Mlnt.ea'lla 1T West, Toledo i,s MeCormirk. Mllwau. 2' Wllllama. Tuledo 1H Coulter. Indianapolis. . t'PP. Columbua ij Cooler. Loulavllle ... 1.L Boy. gt. p Jtl gobtr.aon. Milwaukee. .24 tiundon. Mlnneapolla. .1W Oyler. Mlnneapolla. . . .2",J IWue. Columbua n Llndtav. Indianupolls -So2 Hushes. Loulavllle... .lrf Millr'.de, Kan. C'.ly.. -tit t'rutoher. Kan. Clly.. .lg; Woodruff Loulavllle.. .HI Cl.rk, Milwaukee 151 Kthra Columbua IM Brlrira, Indianapolis., .lao MK'beanev. Mllwau.. .i40 Goodwin, Milwaukee.. .171 Towne. Mlnneapolla.. .l.iSI(le, Indlannpolls.. .l',a Met arthy. Kan. City .11) Farrla. St. Paul 154 Burke. Ka. City lie Frame, Loulavllle .. ..', Leahy, Kan. Clly 24J Kllroy, Mlnueapulla.. .141 wuker, Columbua ... fo Mn'snn. Milwaukee.. Hlmea. IndtSuapolls . .r Howley. Indlanapolla .12 Hassan ..... Snthog. Toledo 137 Ilraaluar. Louiavllls.. .2-M Parrlns, Mlnneapolla. .ISO W Clarke. Toledo... .13 Olllen. Tolede lt Susdeo. tit Paul Ml tv-hnelberf. Mllwau . .Ill KrueRer. Kan. City.. .11 Townaend, Columbus. .104 Oeier. St. Paul 2M tummers. Indies' Ha.. .It O. Freeman Mlnn'lls fa Ford, Minneapolis T Crowley, Kss. City.. .160 Caee, Km. Oty 1l Wllsl Tarawa Caaail Gasna. KEARNET. Neb., July . (Special T'e gram.) Wild thf. to fiisl bass aod toraa by the score of 6 to 4. 4JAIKS IX THK AIKItlf I.U.tUt K tloston hata (lot (Irrrlnnd, Scorlna ' Three Tlmrs on Krrora. PfiSTON, July 1 O Urieti's throe errors wcro rrtponall.ln f ,r h nianv Boston runs today and, as the visitors pofiM do notlilng m-4fll V..1,.i . 1 ...A X r.m ton made but four bus o!T Clarkfon, and , two of thom were d luUful. Score: ! AH H O A R Atl.H il.A E Birrtt. f... 4 Sullivin. cf . . I ConioiltDn, rf I I . ub, Ih 1 fnni(hw. 2h t Knlht. 3B .. 1 Wmpi.r, ... 1 Shaw, c 1 'oung, p... 3 1 0W Hnrhm n rf 4 1 0 I 0 10 OU'Hrlen, b...l 0 i I; 1 1 0 OTurnir. aa ... 4 0 1 I 0 1 1 3 I siorall, lb... I (II 0 0 0 t 1 n-Tnl. r 4 1 1 I ! " " I ill'n :b 1 0 J 4 0 i 7 1 Iw.phanty. If I 0. i 0 0 1,1 - Ilrninsh m. tl I 1 ( . 0 1 t 1 OUaiktun, p.. I 0 C 1 f To,l ! 4 tl U J ' Totala 3C S 54 :J I i Boston 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 t) -8 Cleveland 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Two-base hit: 1'nshiub. Three-base hits: j tonk-alton, W. Hlnchtuun. Bucrtliee Mis; Sullivan. O'Brien. stolen bases: KnUlit, i Btjviill, Birtiilngl.Hin. Double play: Turner j to Stovall. ltt on hases: Boston. 8; Cleve land, 0. Struek out: By Y'oung. 7; by I Clnrkson, 2. Time: 1:41. Umpire: O'Lough- lOven Urenk la Wsahlmton. WASHINGTON, July 80. Washington and ! Chicago divided tho honors In today s j double-header. The visitors raptured t lie ' Ilrst game, while the second went to Wash- j Ington S to 4. The pitching of Fulkenl erg In both guinea was the feature. Manager Jones was benched In the first gume for persistent objections, and Davis In the sec ond for the same cunse. Score, first game: CHICAGO WASHINGTON. AB H O A B. AU.H.U.A.E. Hahn. rf t 1 i l ocirmer. If ... 4 10 11 . Jonea, rf. 1 0 0 0 OOanlay. rf.... 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 llhanty, lb 4 0 0 4 0 0 18 0 Anderson, lb. 4 0 13 0 0 0 0 7 1 C. Jonea, cf. I 0 10 0 Waiday, cf... 1 Isbell, 8b 1 L'avia, sa 4 Roba, lb 4 Dougherty, If 4 111 0 Altlrer, aa I 1 1 4 0 10 1 OWarner, c.,.3 1 10 1 0 Donohue, lb. 4 1 11 Sullivan, c... 10 4 Mi Farland, c 1 0 1 1'atterjon, p. I 0 0 0 0Khlpke, 2b... I 1 0 I 0 0 0 Patlen, p 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 Kaiscnborf , p! 0 0 4 0 1 0 HuKhca, p.... 0 0 0 0 0 Hi.ltmin 1 0 0 0 S Totals 11 1 17 22 1 Totala 80 17 II 1 Batted for Falkenberg In eighth. Washington 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 02 Chicago 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 Two-base hits: Hahn, Clymer, Ganley. Hits: 'Oft Patten, 4 In two Innings; oft Fal kenberg, 2 In six Innings. Stolen bases: Rohe, Dougherty, lHnohUf. Double plays: isbell to Donohue; Hahn to Dunohue; Rohe to Isbell to Dono hue. Left on bases: Washington, 2; Chi cago, 8. Bases on balls: off I'atten, 4; off Patterson, 1. Struck out: By Falkenberg, 6; by Hughes, 1; bv Patterson, 3. Time: 2:110. Umpire: Sheridan. Score, second game: WASHINGTON. CHICAGO. AD. 11.0. A. E. AB.H.O.A.E. Clymer, if.... 4 1 1 0 OHalin, rf S 14 0 0 Ganlay, rf.... I 1 1 lelehanty, lb 4 0 4 0 0 r . Jonea, ct 4 1 1 0 1 1 0 Isbell. 2b 1 0 1 0 0 1 OlUTla, aa 4 1 0 2 0 0 0 Uulllln, lb... 0 0 0 0 0 1 iKohe. Sb-aa... 4 1111 1 0 liuuitherty, If 4 1 10 0 0 OPnnoliua. lb., 4 1 & I 0 1 OHart. C 4 0 7 1 1 1 0 W hlta. p I 0 1 1 0 0 0MrPar!ana' . 1 0 0 0 0 Anderaon, lb. 4 C. Jonea. rf. 4 1 11 1 I Altlser, aa... 4 1 4 1 0 1 0 0 Heydon, c... 1 Warner, c... 1 Schlpaa, 3b.. 4 Falkenberg. p 4 Hickman .. 1 Totals 15 11 17 13 I Totsla 34 24 1 1 Hotted for Ilevdon In seventh. Hatted for White in ninth. Washington 1 0000032-6 Chicago 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 24 Two-base hit: Ganley. Sacrifice hits: Is bell, Ganley. Stolen base1: Clymer. Lft on bases: Washington, 6, Chicago, 6. Bases on balls: Off Falkenberg, 1: off White, 1. Struck out: Hy Falkenberg. 2; by White, 7. Wild pitch: Falkenberg. Time: 1:50. Um pire: Sheridan. Philadelphia Defeats St. Louis. PHILADELPHIA, July 80. Philadelphia defeated 6U Louis today In a pitchers' bat tle. The home team won out In the ninth on an error, a sacrifice and a single. Score: PHILADELPHIA. ST. I.OtrtS. AU. H.O.A.K. AB.H.O.A.E. Hartael, If... 1 1 0 0 OMIea, lb 6 114 1 Nichols. aa...l 0 11 nHemphlll, cf. 4 1 1 1 0 Serbold, rf... 10 10 OStnna, If 4 0 0 0 0 Darn, lb 4 111 1 0 1'lrkerlng, rf. 4 0 1 0 0 Murphr, 2b.. 4 14 1 1 Wallace, aa.. 4 0 14 0 Colllna. lb... I 111 1 Htrtssll. lb.. 4 1110 Oldrlnj. cf.:.. 1 110 C Jonea. lb 4 1 11 1 0 Powers, o.... 1 0 4 0 OSpencer. o.... 116 10 Bender, p 14 1a OFewell, p 4 0 0 1 0 r- Totls......l7 117 11 1 Totals IS 726 14 1 One out when winning run was made. St. Louis .10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Philadelphia 00 0 0 0,0 0 1 1-2 Two-base hits: Jones, Oldring. Three base hit: Murphy. Sacrifice hits: Nichols, Seybold, Collins. Oldring. Stolen bases: Stone (2),- Hartzell, Hansel, Bender. Left on bases: St. Ixuls, 8; Philadelphia, 7. First base on ballsr Off Powell, 3; off Bender, 1. Struck out: Hy Powoll, 2; by Bender, 3. Time: 1:45. Umpires: Hurst and Stafford. Detroit Wins from Near York. NEAV YORK, July 30-The local Ameri cans started off well today in the first gania of the series with Detroit, but they got their only run In the first Inning. Klllian outpltched Hogg. Score: DETROIT. NEW YORK. AD.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Jones, If i 1 4 0 0 Mortality, lb. 1 13 11 CouiMIn, lb. I 0 1 0 Ot'onrojr, sa.... 10 11! Crawford, cf. 1 0 1 0 Orhae, lb 4 1 11 1 0 Cobb, rf 14 10 OWIIIlama, lb. 4 1 1 1 0 Koaaman. lb. I a o OLaporte. rf... 4 0 10 0 llowna. Sb.... 4 112 C Richer. It.... 4 1110 Scbmldt, e... t 111 0 KIM now. o... I 0101 0Xemi7, aa . 114 1 OThnmae, .... I 0 I 1 0 Kllliau, p.... 4 2 0 1 Hloftman, cf..4 0 110 Hoag. p 4 0 0 t 0 Totala 1! 112710 Totals 11 I 17 14 I Detroit 00020120 19 New York 10000000 0-1 Two-base hit: Cobb. Three-base hit: Morlarlty. Sacrifice hits: Crawford, Rosa man. Stolen base: Thomas. Left on bases: Detroit, 11; New York. 8. First base on bulls: Off Hogg, 4; olt Klllian, 2. Struck out: By Hogg, 3; by Klllian, 3. Time: 2:10, Umpire: Connolly. GAMES IS TUB IOWA LEAGUE gainer Takes Double-IIradrr from Oskalooaa. MARSHAL,t,TOWN, July S0.-(SpeclaI Tel egram.) Following are the results in the Iowa league: At Maishalltown H.H.B. Marshalltown ..0 1001000 2 8 0 Keokuk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 t Putterles: Dort and Forney; Burch and Williams. At Jacksonville R.H.B. Jacksonville ....1 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 '6 & 0 Ottumwa 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 7 0 Batteries: Roach and Bolt; Sedgwick and Welgert. At Waterloo R.H.E. Waterloo 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 8 0 Burlington 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0-2 0 0 Batteries: Hollenbeck and Llzette; Schroeder and Bruggeman. At Qulncy (first game) R.H.E. Qulncy 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 Oskaloosa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 6 1 Batteries: Bennett and Walsh; Coates and Mltse. At Oulncv fsecond srame) R.H.E. ! Qulncy 0 0 ! 0 0 2 1 4 7 10 2 Oskaloosa 2 1 1 u 0 u u u o 4 B 2 Batteries: Bennett.' Mason, Jameson and Shaw; Steele and Mitxe. SCOIT LOOKS OVF.n OMAHA TEAM Loots Ilrllbronrr of Cincinnati Hear Blsr Iblnas of Ilaatan. Louie lleilbroner, rer'resentlng the Cin cinnati base hall club, was in Omaha Tues day to look over some of Ta's recruits, of whom the reputation has gone abroad In the land. He salo he had heard especially of the twirling of Ragan and wanted to stay In Omaha until he could see him work and flnil nut If some Of the reports which had been going out were true. Mr. jieiiuroner Had little lo say ui mm u team- exci-pt to remark that sometimes the management thought It was tho goods and at other times It seemed to refuse to win the game. Plalnwlrw Units the Game. STANTON. Neb., July 3u.-(Speclal Tele gram. )-Stanton and Plalnvlew played the fastest and most exciting game of ball scon on the local dlun-ond this season. At the end of the tenth the scors stood 1 to 1 and neither was oble to score until tha first half of the twelfth, when Plalnvlew got one hit and two errors. Wtanton tied In the last of the twelfth on singles by Holsteln and Hopper and a sacrifice by liartmsn. Plalnvlew men claimed the ball went foul and refused to finish the gams. The umpire awarded the game to Stanton, I to 0. Other than upon this decision fhera waa no kicking on the umpire. Score: R. If. E. Stanton ...0 0 1 0 0 00 00 00 1-2 S 4 Plalnvlew f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-2 II 8 Double playa; plalnvlew, 2: Stanton, 1. Bases on balls: Stanton, 4: Plalnvlew, 1. Batteries: Stanton, Hartman gnd Person; Plalnvlew, Bohannon and Jewett, Umpire: Horton. Grand Islaaa Wtaus waif wet. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., July 80. (Spe cUl Tslegrauu.; Grand Jslaad won UOav from Ncrth Platto In a ewatfeM. Pcor": 11 It K. N. Platte. ...0 0 0 0 0 11147 12 4 U. l.l:ind... .4 8 0 0 0 0 1 2 013 U 5 Butteries: North Pbitte. Lowell and Shurt; Urand If land, Kads and Zalu.-liy GAMES IX AMEIUCAX AHSOC1 TIOM Minneapolis Wins a Pair by Superior lilting and Fielding. KANSAS CITY. Mo., July 30 Minneap olis took two games from Kansns Clly to day by superior hitting and fielding. Sen sat tonal fielding by "Orenilnger and Oyler and the batting of the Freemans were fea tures of the second game, which was called at the end of the eighth by agreement. Score first game: MINNEAPOLIS. KANSAS C1TT. AB H O A 5. AH. H O A I O'Neill, cf.... 4 I I 0 FVrBrld, SS 4 0 4 1 1 liundon. Ib... 4 114 0 M.-l arthr, rf 4 I 1 0 0 J Preeman. rf 4 1 4 0 0HIII, of 4 1 I 0 9 P Freeiiinn. lb 4 0 tl) 1 tPerkley, lb... 1 1 II t) 0 Oromlnser, Ib4 111 vHuelaman, If 4 0 4 0 0 Perrlne, If ... I 1 I 0 OKrurger, lb... 4 1 1 10 Oyler. ss .... 1 1 I 1 OHurkx. lb 1 0 0 I 0 Oiaham, e... 1 0 I I C Sullivan. ... I 0 0 I 0 Thomas, p.... I 1 0 0 OSwann, P 1 1 0 1 0 Totals II ( .1 11 0 Totals 11 1 17 it 1 Minneapolis 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 02 Kansas City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4) Struck out: By Svtann, 1: by Thomas. 2. Bases on balls: Off Swann, 1; off Thomas. 1. Stolen base: Perrlne. Sacri fice hit: Burke. Two-base hits: Mc Carthy (2), Oremlnger, Perrlne. Left on bases: Minneapolis, 2: Kansas City. 6. Double play: Dundon, Oyler to B. Free man. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Kane. Score second game: MINNEAPOLIS. KANSAS CITY. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A E. O'Neill, cf.... 4 I 3 0 OMrtlrlde, ss.. I 0 t 4 0 Dunoon, ib... 10 11 OMrCanby. rf. 4 1 1 0 0 J. Freemen, rf 4 I 0 0 0 Hill, cf 1 0 10 0 v rmiii.a, iu v a iu v v ne meT, id., a a v . v urriiiiuBi'r, iu a v a a vnuriimm, li, a a v w Perrlne, If.... I 110 OKrueger, lb.. I 0 110 Oyler. as I 0 1 4 1 Burke, lb I 0 1 1 0 uianeui, v.... v A v ' r li I iivan, c... a v e A v Ford, p 1 0 0 1 0 Brandon, p.. 1 0 I I 1 Totals tl 721 11 1 Totsls 11 t II 10 1 McCarthy out for Interference. Minneapolis 0 10 10 10 14 Kansas City 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 03 Struck out: By Ford, 1; by Brandon, 5. Bases on balls: Off Ford, 3; olt Brandon, 2. Stolen bases: O'Neill, J. Freeman. Sacrifice hits: Hill, 2; Dundon, Oyler. Home runs: J, Freeman, B. Freeman. Three-base hit: O'Neill. Two-base hit: McCarthy. Double plays: McBrlde, Krue ger to Becklcy. Time: 1:35. Umpire: Kano. Left on bases: Kansas City, 6; Minneapolis, 3. Even Split In Loulavllle. 1H'ISVII.LE, July Sn.-Loulsville and In dianapolis broke even In a double header here today. The visitors won the first game by batting J. Durham at opportune times. Summers pitched a great game, allowing the locals but two sitiulo hits. Selgle s fielding was a feature. In the second game the locals batted both Kellum and Chenault hard and had no trouble In winning. I. Durham pitched food ball. The second game was called y agreement at the end of tho seventh. Score, first game: INDIANAPOLIS. LOUISVILLE. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Cook, rf 4 1 0 0 0tovall, rf.... 4 12 0 0 Coulter, If.... I I 1 i) uritanlny, cf.... 10 10 1 Selgle. cf.... 6 I 10 0 li 'trahear. lb. 4 0 1 1 0 Carr. lb I 1 6 0 i ooley, lb....! 0 0 0 Lindsay, lb... I 1 1 I 1 Sullivan. 3b.. 4 0 110 Livingston, c 4 0 6 0 OHughra, c... I 0 110 Krug. ss 4 111 (lOutnlan, ss.. 1 1441 Hopke, 8b.... 4 0 1 1 0 Woodruff, If.. 1 0 10 0 Summers, p.. 4 0 0 I OJ. Durham, pi 0 0 1 0 Totsls 14 11 17 1 1 Totsls 1 17 11 1 Louisville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Indianapolis 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 15 Two-base hit: Carr. Three base hits: Coulter (2). Stolen base: Lindsay. Sacri fice hits: Lindsay, Carr. Bases on balls: Oft Durham, 8; oft Summers, 3. Struck out: By Durham, 7; by Summers, ft. Wild pitch: Summers. Double plays: Krug, Lindsay and Carr. Left on bases: Louis ville, 5; Indianapolis, 6. Time: 1:48. Um pire: Kerin. Score second game: LOUISVILLE. INDIANAPOLIS. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Stovsll, rf.... 4 1 1 0 ICook, rf 1 10 0 0 Stanley, cf...4 10 OCoulter, If.... I 0101 Braehear. 2b.. 4 1 1 1 OSelgls, cf I 14 10 Cooliy, lb ... 4 14 1 OCarr. lb I OHIO Sullivan, 3b .. 4 Olt OLIndsay, ib.. I 1110 Pelta, c 4 1 1 0 0 How ley, c... I 1111 Qulnlan, as.. 1 Olt lKrug. ss 1 1041 Woodruff. If.. I lift 0 Hopke. ib.... 1 1010 L. Durham, p 4 I 0 I OKclluui, p.... 1 0 0 0 0 Chenault. p.. 1 0 0 1 0 Totals 84W21 T 1 Livingston .110 0 0 ToUla......27 7 11 11 1 Batted for Chenault In seventh. Louisville 3 2 2 0 0 4 213 Indianapolis 2 0 .0 0 0 0 02 Two-base hits: Cooley, Pelts, Durham, Rtovall. Livingston, Stlsle. Stolen banes: Peltz, Woodruff, Llndnay. Sacrifice hits: Selgle, Branhear. Bases on balls: Off Dur ham 2; off Kellum, 2; off Chenuult, 2. Struck out: By Durham. 1; by Kellum, 1; by Che nault, 1. Hits: Oft Kellum, 6 In two Innings; off Chenault, 9 In five Innings. Double play: Selgle to Carr. Left on buses: Lou'sville, 4; Indianapolis, 6. Time: 1:30. Unit, Ire: Kerln. Snlnta Win from Brewers. MILWAUKEE, July 30,-Pt. Paul won a close game from Milwaukee today by a score of 7 to 6. Errors and poor Judgment on the bases were responsible for the locals' defeat. Score: ST. PAIL. MILWAUKEE. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Punleavy. rf. 6 1 1 1 0 Robinson, sa. 6 0 4 1 0 Flood, lb. ... I tit OOroen, rf 4 1000 Oeler, ss 4 I 0 1 0 Connors, lb.. 4 2 7 0 1 Krltk. If I 1 t 0 Oltotlu c 4 1 8 0 1 Nordyke, lb.. I 1 10 0 0 Mi-t orm'k, 21) 1 1 1 3 1 Tlemver. 8b..6 1 0 1 0 Mw'hesney, cf I 1 1 1 0 Koehler, cf.,5 1 4 0 OCIsrke, Sb....l 1110 Laughlln, c.,4 1 7 1 1 M . ami. If.. 4 110 0 Mlnabsa, p... 4 10 1 0 Wilson, p.... I 0 0 10 Bevllle 1 0 0 0 0 Totsls M 11 17 11 1 Totsls 81 t 27 11 1 Batted for" Wilson In the ninth. Milwaukee 00041000 16 St. Paul 01210100 27 Two-base hits: Flood. Tlmler. Three- base hits: McChesney, McCsnn, Nordyke. Sacrifice hit: Qeyer. Stolen buses: Connors, Dunleavy (2), Flood (2). Double play: Oeier to Flood to Nordyke. !ft on bases: Milwaukee, 4; St. Paul. 8. First buse on balls: Off Wilson, 3; off Mlnalmn, 3. Hit with pitched ball: Flood. Sirm-k out: By Wilson, 8; by Mlnahan, (1. Wl'd pitch: Minahan. Time: 2:(. Umpire: Hayes. Toledo Wins Both Games. COLUMBUS, July 30. Despite wretched fielding. Toledo took both games today from lUBit'O a lit. . w lui'ico tix: , iii'ne out In the ninth Inning of the opening game. Upp's wlldness In the fifth Inning of the second game was costly. Chech pitched splendidly after Fohl and Fricl got doubles off him In tha third inning. Score, first game: TOLEDO. COLLMnt'S. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A K. Bsrbeau, ss.. 1 0 3 lFrtel, lb t u 1 J 1 Siuo-it, cf....t 10 1 OJarkaon, rf... 4 0 10 0 J. Clarke, If. t t 2 3 oHulawlit, ss.,4 1 4 I 0 Armbruat'r, rf I 1 I 1 OOemler, C....4 110 0 Perrlng. lb.. 4 0 1 0 tKihm, lb I 111 0 0 Wllllama, lb. 4 I t I IHellley, if.... 1 12 0 0 W. Clarke, lb 4 110 1 OWrlgley. 2b.. 1 10 10 Abbott, o 4 0 1 I 1 Blue, c 4 2 1 0 1 I ., 1 . - - .. .1 f.lnU. n , . . . , I... ..lot, ....... Lattlmore, p. 4 t 4 lTowuaend. s . 1 0 00 (.been, p..., Totsls Columbus Toledo .... ,oavvo Totsls 12 I 27 10 2 94 10 17 18 7 000018020-6 0002000057 Stolen bases: Rellley, Wrlgley, Arm bruster. Sacrifice hits: Klhm (2), Hulswltt, Keilley. Wrlgley, Townsend, Arrnhrustcr. First base on balls: Off Townsend. 2; off 1. atttmore, 8. Three-base hits: Burbeau, Smoot. Doubla Play: Hulswltt to Kthtn. Struck out: By Townsend, 3; by Ijittlmore, 2. Hits: Of Lattlmore, 9 In eight and two thirds Innings. Time: 2:15. Umpires: Euan and Werden, Score, second game: Toledo. columbus. AB.H.O.A E. AB.H.O.A E Barhesu. as. . 4 0 1 I 1 Friel. tb.. 4 10 10 Smoot. rl 4 14 0 OJude. rf.. 4O000 J. Clarke. If 4 I 1 OHul.wltt, aa, t 1 4 0 Armbruat'r rf 1 1 OOesaler. ct.... I 0 10 0 Ferrlue, lb...l Oil OK it. to. lb... ,114 0 0 .41100 Wllllama. lb.. I Oil SRelllev, It. W. Clarke, lb 1 I II t OWrlflor. ib.. 1 0 4 0 1 Lata, c I 0 1 1 IFuU, 4 17 1 0 0 Cbecb, p I 0 0 1 01 pp. p.... Bervaliue Totala 10 I 17 10 1 10 0 1 10 0 0 0 Totals t 17 10 I Batted for Upp In the ninth. Columbus 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 Toledo 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 02 Stolen bases: Uessler, Wrlgley. Sacrifice hits: Upp (2). Klhm. Wrlgley, Perrlng. First base on balls: Off Upp, 2; off Chech. 8. Two-base hits: Krlel, Fohl. Double plays: Williams to Barbeau to W. Clarke, W. Clarke to Perrlng. Struek out: By Upp, 8; by Chech, L Wild pitch: Upp. Time: 1:36, Umpires: Egan and Werden. Games la Three-1 Learns. At Clinton Bloomlngton mado tlT first core In the fifteenth Inning, winning a brilliant gains, I to 0. Koestner's pitching was the feature. Boore: R.H.E. Bloomlngton 1 13 1 Clinton 0 8 1 Batteries: Bloomlngton, Koestner and Donovan: Clinton, Flt and Smith. t Rock Island Rock Island. : Peoria, 0. At Dubuque Hprlngneld, 6. Dubuue, S. At Cedar Rapids Decatur, . fi; Cedar Rildg. CLEVELAND HARNESS RACES Grand Circuit Opens Second ?oollel Meet at Forest City. REPR0ACHLESS WEfS 2:13 PACE Hidalgo Wins the freosd Heal, rinrlnsj Ills First Record at 2 KI4 1-4 tire rs Distanced Three Tlmea. CLEVELAND, O., July 80 Tho second poolless meet ot the Cleveland Driving Park began today and the circuit campaigners were greeted by a fairly large crowd. A fust track and bright day added to the gen eral Interest. The feature of the opening day was tho Thistle Down stakes, for the 2:13 class pacers. Reproachlcss, owned by General W. B. Chlsholin, after whoso stock furm the stake was named, was picked to win the event and she fulfilled expectations, but not until she had been forced to reduce hef record nearly two seconds. Hidalgo was the principal contender and forced Re proachlcss to race the first heat In 2:0414 Iteproachless was tired In tho second beat and Hidalgo won It after a great finish with Leland Onward. Reproachlcss being fifth. Hidalgo took his first record. 2:044, the fastest heat of the race. Hidalgo looked like an easy winner In the third heat. Re proachless was fifth at the half, but Starr began his drive at that time and Reproach less camq on like a whirlwind, mowing down her adversaries In order, nipping Hi dalgo at the wire In 2:05. The first race of the day, the 2:22 trot, was won by the favorite. Carlo, owned by the Hlllnndale Farm, Mamoroneck, N. T and driven by John Dickcrson. Ho won the first two heats easily, making a new rec ord of 2:li)14. Margaret O won the last heat. Carlo making a slight skip that caused him to lose a few strides. The time was 2:094 and was a new mark for Marsaret O. Blackleg, also owned by W. B. Chls holm of Cleveland, captured the 2:07 pace In straight heats after his rivals had taken turns In leading. In neither heat was ho apparently a contender until the three-quarter polo was reached, when he ra"apd the leaders and won In a terrific finish, reduc ing his record to 2:04H In the first heat. Second and third money was divided by Captain Derby and Wilson Addlngton. Lotta, driven by McIIenry and owned by the Crnbtree stable, a winner at Detroit. won again here today, taking oft the 2:18 trot In straight heats. One of the special features of tho day was the distancing of Ed Goers' starters In all three races In which he drove. Dr. Ives drew the flag In tha second heat of the 2:22 trot, William O. In the first heat of the 2:18 paco and Lucretia In the first heat of the 2:13 trot: Results: Class 2:22, trotting, three heats, purse tl &no- Carlo, blk. g by Bellini (J. Dlck- erson Margaret O., b. m. (Davis) Codero, ro. c. (A. McDonald) Dainty Polly, ch. m. (Bowerman).. Queen's Daughter, b. m. (B. White).. Punlliie, ch. g. (T. Marsh) Dr. Ives, b. g. (Geers) l.-mlt li .Vi m fCnrrvl 112 4 2 1 2 8 8 8 5 4 6 4 6 6 60s 7 ds ds ds ds Prince, of Calcutta, br. h. (Letting well) Modicum, br, m. (T. HAys) Time: 2;1U4. 2:10, 2:0i4. Class 2:13, pacing, three heats, purse 3,(i00, Thistledown stakes: Reproachless. blk. m.. by Direct Hal (Starr) 1 Hidalgo, b. g.. by Warren C. (A. Mc 6 1 Donald) I Leland Onward, b. h. (T. Murphy). 7 Whltelock. g. g. (Snow) 8 Major Mallow, b. g. (T. Murphy).. 4 Bonanxa, b. g. (A. Thomas) 6 7b Jerry B., ch. g. (Cox) 6 idr Village Boy, b. g. (M. Wilson) .... 8 8dr William O., blk. g. (Oeers) ds Shaughran, b. h.- (Kmc) ds Time: 2:04Vi 2:0iy. 2:08. Class 2:07, pacing, two in three, purse $1,000: Blacklock, blk. h., by Cuckoo (Starr), ltl Cuptaln Derby, b. g. (Eldrldge) 8 2 Wilson Addlngton, b. h. (Cox) 2 8 Billy Colo, br. g. (E. Dlckerson) 6 4 Kruger, ch. g. (A. McDonald) 4 7 Cascade, br. g. (Davis) 6 6 Prince Hoi, b. g. (Snow) 7 6 OTOLS for ''( f.-Vt' i" ! r " "I ' 1v l I " r w " 'i lira nrmifMri J -nrr ss-1 The Reliable Specialists " "1 4f A I I 1 1 fa consists of an Inflammation, acute or IJEJIIilil UI I IV chronlo, of the bronchial tubes, producing li la I I 111 I a Mil diseased condition of the mucous inem 11 I 1 II I H IJ I I I I 111 brane. This treacherous and destruo- " tlve disease Is often primarily lnducd . . . , through contracting cold, or a series of colrts, as a natural sequence following exposure when overheated, sudden cll matlo changes, getting wet. cooling off too suddenly, Irritating vapors, or such other causes as materially weaken the general system. The bronchial tubes branch off from the trachea like a network and conduct the air to and from the lunge. They are very delicate and easily effected. The starting point Is frequently a severs cold, or repeated oolds, producing an Inflammation or diseased condition of the mucous membrane lining tha nose or throat, commonly designated as a catarrhal condition. Poisonous secretions then accumulate which are not only absorbed, affecting the blood and nerves, but there Is also a oonstant dripping of this poisonous substance from the nose to the throat, etc.. hence it extents to the bronchial tubes, fre quently producing Asthma, then Into the lungs, causing acute lung disease and finally Into the lung tissue, terminating In consumption. Through neglect and Inattention It gradually weakens the whole pulmonary system, making It very susceptible to disease, aa It seldom ceases In Its destructive couree until It has Invaded the stomach, liver and kidneys, affecting the entire system. If the Inflammation extends into the lungs, it Is very apt to render them sus ceptible to th pneumonia germ, tending to make the sufferer an easy prey to its ravages. If the disease Is allowed to progress until it haa advanced to this stage the sufferer then realizes that he Is In the clutches of one of the most destructive diseases that pervades our land, spreading desolation. . In Its Incipient stage little pain or Inconvenience Is experienced, and the sufferer Is lulled Into a sense of false security, postponing treatment day after day and week after week. In the meantime allowing the disease to advance step by step until It has securely fastened Its tentacles upon the system. If you are afflicted with this dlveiiKe you should not dfer treatment unnecessarily and possibly throw away your chances of obtaining a cure, but call and consult us rn time, while you have health within your grasp. It Is always better to b safe than sorrv when one's health is concerned. We treat men only, and cure promptly, safely and thor oughly and at the lowest cost, BRONCHITIS, CATARRH NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD POISON, SKIN DIS EASES, KIDNEY and BLADDER DISEASES and all SPE CIAL diseases and weaknesses and their complications. Fret Consultation in. Enmlnitloa fr? r:i?.( "" STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th St.., Omaha, Neb. RUDBER GOODS V MAIL BXPRKSa 0 PRCIOHT We sell a thousand different Items made of Ituhber. Write for our catalogue of Mubber Ooods and ratsnt afsdldnes e-ut. Fountain byrings. luo; 2-qt. n atrr nil. cue, iv mail iod Tmeses. $1.00 an e ana ituhber Glovra, 4c to Frelsht paid on 1 1 0.00 SHERMAN & McCONNELL Coravst- 16tta aaa Bodga tta tip Bystander, b. g (Hall) Time: I 04. 2:0T. Class 8:13. trotting, two In three, pntso I ltta. blk. m.. by Ouy Thisua taic- Henry) 1 I Pewltt. b. g. (Smllb) J Wllk-s Heart, b. g (Steel) J Imperial Allerton, br. m. (Snow) 4 10 Ult-hie Baron, br. g. (T. Hays) 12 4 Mills Stranger, b. ni. (Ourry) The Tacelet, blk. g. (McDevttt) J Paul Kruger, b. g. (Cox) Dossle Vlillers. b. m. (Packard) 14 7 f v aa k .Haiti 81Z I f K m (ITnlll Prince 6.. b. h. (McKlnley) Kim. ch. g. (8hank 10 Qulntell, b. h. (H. James) " " Dr. Charley, b. g. (il.ihagen) ..lids Lucretls, b. ni. ((leers) ds Dorrls Martin, b. m. (S. McCsrgo) ... ds McDotttall. ch. h. (I.asell) da Time: 2:(, 2:09V F.VENTS OS TUB Bt'SinO TltACKS Bad News Wins the Xaatllus Stakes at Brighton Bench. NEW TORK, July 30 Bad News, heavily played at A to 1. easily won the Nautilus stakes, mile and a sixteenth, at Brighton Beach today. He ran the distance In l:44n, which Is within one-tlfth of a second of the track record. Results: First race, six furlongs: Bsrbsry Bell (. O. Burns, 10 to 1) won. Halifax (U, Brussell, 13 to 6) second. Haensel (102, Pres ton, 10 to D third. Time: 1:12. Hansarra, Creaslna, Royal Vane. Crackenthorpe, (len tlan and King's Daughter also ran. Bar bery Belle was an added starter. Second race, five and a half furlongs: Jubilee ftoo, Knapp, JO to 1) won, Rosl mlro (100, Booker. 10 to 1) second. Tartar Maid (102, Homer, IS to 1) third. Time: 1 :i;. Woodlano. Miss Dclancy, Polar Star, Master Roberts and Alex Grant also ran. Third race, selling, mile and sixteenth: Toney Bonero (ltM, Miller. 7 to 2) won. Von Tronip (104, E. Dugan, 11 to 20) second, Clements !C, Margrave, 30 to 1) third. Time: 1 :4C.t4. Ajadn, King Cole und Herman also ran. Fourth race, the Nautilus stakes, mile and a sixteenth: Und News (1, Herbert, 6 to 1) won, lYetenslon (lui, Musgrave, 8 to 1) second, Moonshine C.W, Sumter, 16 to 1) third. Time: l':44. Hyperion II, Acrobat and Bed Prlar also ran. Fifth race, selling, five and a half fur longs: please (lis, Robinson, 2 to 1) won. Servile (1(8, Miller, 8 to 11 second. Biskra m, Cullen, 40 to 1) third. Time: I,. Hal, Bravoure, Abbey, All Alone, Montbert, Bon ton and Lancashire Id nlso rnn. Sixth race, mile and sixteenth: Sally K. (108. Mountain, 12 to 1) won, Easton (lln.' Brussell, even) second, Muckrake (107, K. Dugan, 16 to 1) third. Time: 1:47. Sphynx, Booterlna, Sam RIi-p, Mahopac, Leonalbi, Oarters, Mandate, Wise Hand and Knock Irby also ran. ItHrORDS BHOKKN AT FRRMOST Fnrrorlte In the Two-Twen t y-Meven Trot Kails to Land. FREMONT, Neb., July 80 (Special Tele gramsThe state records .In tho 2:27 trot and 2:22 paco were broken at the race track this afternoon. In the 2:27 trot Trav eler looked like a winner, but only won the first and second heats. The track was In good condition and everything was fa vorablo for good time. N. J. Ronln waa starter end got the horsus off In satis factory shape. Class 2:27, trotting; purse, 8400: May June, b. m, Yankey ..5 2 12 1 King Traveler, b, h 1 12 8 4 Herrod, b. h 4 6 3 1 i Perry Mac, Jr., b. h 3 4 6 4 8 Pony George I 2 4 da Time; 2:aH4 2:194, 2:W4. 2:WH. 2:22. Class 2:22, pacing; purse, )400: Black Douglas, b. g., North 7 Sill Percy D., bl. h 8 1 2 2 2 Ray Star, bl. h 3 2 6 6 8 Drown Woodford, br. h 6 6 8 8 4 Helen C s. m 6 6 4 4 6 Hastings Girl, b. m 4 4 7 6ds Dick Allen, b. g 1 7 ds Oulda, a. m ds Time: 2:lui, 2:16, 2:164. 2:16, 2:lGSi. Running, half mile; purse, 875: Neva Hustler, b. g., Frank Janes, won; Buck muster, second. Sllrer Creek Shut Ont. CENTRAL CITT, Neb., July 30-fSpeclal Telegram.) The Silver Creek base ball team shut out the home team today by a score of 8 to 0. Silver Creek's scores were all due to errors of Central City. Bat teries: Central City, Lutes and Patterson: Sliver Creek, Zapper and Shank. Struck out: By Lutes, 6; by Zapper. 2. Hits: Off Lutes, 4: off Zapper: &. Errors: Central City, 6; Silver Creek. 2. Sporting Gossip, The Benson Eagles will play the Hoctorg at Sarpy Mills Sunday. Mike Cantlllon has his scouts out to find a man to fill the vacancy caused by Sandow Mertes. The city tennis tournament Is arousing considerable Interest as It progresses which augurs well for the middle west. The play Is now down to the finals In both doubles and singles. . '1'.. u.A-Jr a.:.',.: ' 4 ' A. I a IatBB. by mall .4K .OS 2. GO $1.09 ' Cash hr'de'r. DRUG CO.. OWL DRUG CO. "Oomsr lsta aa4 axasjr. MEM T'-L,- I I . -fry Vj .1 ( 4 k r .i t-T V 7 1 'M IVWI