Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1907, Page 12, Image 12
THE OMAILV DAILY BEE: -WEDNESDAY, Juli 31, 1007. 1 m:m. i: bt bt n - b nc m m a - wn OMAHA WKATnFIl FX1IIECA8T Wednesday, Fair. fl Few of Wednesday's Special Bargains a 1 IB I You C&n Choose From the Entire Stock of O'DONAHOE REDMOND - NORMILE Men'. Women's ClfAITC and Children's OllUHfO A New, Clean Ip-to-Date and High Grade Stock At About i Price Your choice of Women'i Linen Oxfords and black Oxfords, worth up to $2.00, at 98c. Choice of all women's $2.60 black and tan oxfords at $1.29. Choice of all women's $3.60 fine oxfords, at $1.98 pair. Choice of all men's $2.00 satin calf and'Tlct shoes, basement, $1.29 pair. Choice of all men's $3 oxfords and high shoes, at . pair. WOMEN'S SHIRT WAISTS Dainty Hot Weather Attire Moderately Priced New Btyles, new trimmings and prettiest of fabrics In these dainty waists, colored or white, checked or striped lawns, colored chambrays, coin or ring dots Peter Pan or Marie An ttonette styks values up to $1.60, at CIAL FOR WEDNESDAY 69c New white tailored or lingerie Waists very smart new styles that are art fully lace or embroidery trimmed worth up to $3.00, at 98c LADIES' PRAWER.S A big bargain, lace trimmed, embroidery trimmed, r all sizes, worth up to 1 f 8&c, at, pair 1UI KIMONOS and WRAPPERS MEN'S $3.50 PATENT COLT & GUN METAL OXFORDS FRY SHOE CO. Ill IIOllI 16th and Douglas Streets. Ice Crem tsAl Your Office Women's Dressing Bac ques, short Kimonos and Combing Jackets fancy and flowered lawns and Jap de signs, worth up to $1, at 39c Women's light weight summer wrappers and long kimonos. Persian and Jap patterns, fig ured la w n s, etc., worth up to $2.00, at 89c Women's 36c quality short kimonos and Combing Jackets figured n and dots, JjC Sr" "!"! i mm tiCrei'i -"J mm Saucers and Spoons Free With Each Barrel A SPECIAL NOTICE. We beg to announce that on next Saturday we will place on special sale very fine Marseilles Bed Spreads. These are of exceptionally good quality, but are manu facturer's seconds and are subject to very slight im perfections. These bed spreads are worth up to $6, but we offer them Saturday, in 2 lots, at 98c and $1.50. SRMWRHb OMAHA -.1 Auflusl Clearing Sale n Mon'c Fiirnichinnc Shirts at $1.15, former price $1.50 and $2.00. Union Suits, knee lengths, 20 per cent discount. 50c Underwear at 40c. Pyjamas at SO per cent dis count. Golf or Tennis Trousers at 20 per cent discount. Jean Drawers at 25c, worth 60c and $1.00. I, I CAM RIP iANYSHIRT BUT 'CAHHS J 1322 Farnam Street. 1 VV MV7 Shirt Maker and Men's ' W f l i! Futnistier. Ul Llll Albert Cahn M if I f 1,1 Iff Irl 1 ConscryafiTe banking principles must be our first consideration, at the same time we shall treat our customers as liberally as we can consistent with sound, safe banking rules. Our officers are always ready to consult with you at any time regarding matters of finan cial Interest Remember our Interests are mu tual; consult us freely. OttAHA tfATHWAL BANK m . rr t J tt. MILLARD, Wm WALLACE. C.f. MfGRCVX ....... Vftl.DUCHOLZ rtM-t fRAH K BOYD, Lace of many nations all City ia Orawlaf n Bceoa. las Coosaooolttaa ta Its Mlktif. 'kmaka'a liiuanll. fl W I VMarln In Vnxx.. -'uv m mvwumw w v oa yyj rsa titom even mora rapidly than , Greater 'mat. And It ta a cosmopolitan com- uitnlty. Monday was registration day and sH children appeared and took out thalr I buttons of olUaeBabJp. Thee buttons entitle ihem to tha right of to (rounds, to "life, tbarty and tha purault of happiness," In my arty they can (at them, upon tha rartoua Joy -producing; eontrlvanoe found a tha Jwenll municipality. M jr" clt wtthgut a govern- Inr head, but the official election will be held some day next week. Mayor, ooun cllinen. police Judge, city clerk and treaa urer are to ba elected. There are two or three of the children In line for election to the mayor's chair and several of tha Irish children are aald to be making- vigorous campalgtia for places In the council. Superintendent Fraser noted the nation ality of tha ta cltliena who registered Monday and tha figure are aa follows: American, 63; Jewish, 46; German. !; Irian, S; English. 1 Swedish. 14; Danish, ; Bohemian, 6; Italian, 4: Scotch. 4; Scotch Irish, 4; Yankee, S; Norwegian, 1; French, 1; colored 1 In a basket ball game between the girls and boys tha boys won by a score of J U i Wouldn't a little barrel of Balduff's Ice Cream be refreshing 5 at your office these hot days? We furnish paper saucers' and spoons free with each barrel so that it will be convenient to serve. There are three flavors of ice cream in each barerl and it is packed so that it will stay 'hard 3 for a long time on a hot day. wuan oize . 4tfC Pint Size 20 The store roiiDaicAci rn, 1S19-SO. l'tt yam Street. Phone Douglas 711. Through Jamestown Sleeper A through sleeper to the "Jamestown Expos ition" daily from Chicago via. Erie Railroad. Apply at your lo cal ticket agent, or, H. C. Holabird, 555 Railway Ex change, Chicago. 0 old Top f THE PEMFZCT BEER m. Ton will enjoy ta oooaslonal bottle if of Oold Top this hot weather. It II Is mild., refreshing and healthful. H 'V'hnn. iia auiit .lu..ln. - .. mm of large or small bottlea to your home. JETTER BREWING CO. nuraon no. a. so. obcaxa, Omaha Headauarters. IM'iin ir BILZ, 14th and Douglas. Tel. Doug 1641. Co. Bluffs ...... I.KE MITCHELL. 1011 Main Bt Telephone (0. Call Us by 'Phone Wbemrrer yon wamt ' soma tiling eeil Tfcons 88S and maka II kxtsrarn tbrougk a B4) VTant Ad. RED LETTER DAY AGAIN Csrgors ol timely bargalss for Red Lrtlrr Day nhoppers, la evrry departnral; groaning tables on all tlasrs; inltreMlng tld-blts ia Linn, VYatb Geodi, Domrslics, Silks, Dress Geods, Enbroldfrirs, Lares, Hestrry sad Knit Lndrrwrar. Rousing rtady-to-wrar snaps lor womta and children; a mosesm ol monty-savlaj opporlonlllrs in Croekrry and Art. Exlrsordlnary bargains in Hardware and Grocery. Special Extra Grrts Trading Stamp Gifts all over (he home. SHOP EARLY I SHOP EARLY! nlMllil LINGERIE WAISTS jj 800 beautiful Lingerie Waists dainty five dollar ones latest, prettiest and y48 most cantivatincr stvles j I o j - 98c Drawers and Corset Covers for $1.00 long Lawn Kimonas for $5". 95 Lawn Dresses, lace trimmed, very pretty 48c 59c 995 Your critical inspection of the most extensive stock of Ladies' Summer Ready-to-Wear Garments y specially invited. PICTURES Sed Letter Dsy on Second Floor Our Komi-Annual Discount Sale, which has been an excep tional success, closes on 'WED NESDAY, RED LETTElt DAY. 20 discount on all Picture Framing. 20 discount on all Framed Pictures In our galleries. And Double Green Trading Stain ps all day Wednesday in Picture section. Red Lelter Day rDOriEDV on Second floor VllULuLti I Three real snappy specials for Wednesday. Scores or other bargains for the China ware buyer. BERRY SfiST 25c 85c assorted Glass Vases, all colors and shapes, 50c Sugar and Cream, pretty shape, fine colors and gold treatment a pair, 29 15c HOSIERY Ladles' Seamless Lace Hose, 26o value for Ladles' Imported Lace Hose, 39o Ofli value, for d3j Children's Fast lilack Seamless "ll Hose, 19c value, for Double Green Trndlns Stamps In Hosiery. Ladles' value for UNSESWEAB Low Neck Sleeveless Vests, 16c Qn uv Ladles' Silk Lisle Vests, slight lm- " Ol n perfections, 26o-aluea, for Arf 2 Ladles' wide knee feace Trimmed Pants, 85o values, for Double Green Trading- Stamps in Underwear. 25c EAHDUKCEIErs Ladles' Hemstitched Swiss, 6c ( value for Ladles' Pure Linen Hemstitched, Ql, 12V4C values, for O 3v Men's Pure Linen Hemstitched, 15c Ct value for .JKj Double Green Trading Stamps In H'dk'fs. GLOVES Ladles' 16-button Lisle Gloves, $1.00 value for Ladles' 16-button Silk Double Tipped Klnger, $2.00 values, for Ladles' 16-button Colored Silk Gloves, 12.25 values, for Double Green Trading Stamps In Gloves. 69c 1.29 1.C9 SED X.ETTEB SAT XZT STATIONERY Ten Green Trading" Stamps with each of these I Bennett's Lunch Paper, (60 sheets) 100 Lace Shelf Paper, be.t grade, 20 yards . ..10o Plain white Shelf Paper (36 sheets) 25c Decorated Crepe Shelf Paper, 10-ft. bolts, ISO Tlisue Paper Napkins (printed, 200 per) . . . 10c 1,000 sheets roll Toilet Puper, S rolls . . .350 Fine ruled Note Pnper, park age, 126 wheets at 19o Carter's best Writing Ink and Carter's best Library Paste, eai'h. for 10c 10c Ink Tablets, two for 100 Ten Green Trading Stamps With Each. "fnHardwiJrlA COUPON This Oonpon Is worth 4 lo Bring It to the Hardware Section, 1 M pay It In with 34o and you'll get a 75o 8TAJ7SKY ENAH- J 4s? M ELED SAUCE PAK, with cover w j GENUINE B1KAH8KT WABE QUADRUPLE COATED AKD THIKTT n 34c- -And this Coupon (with 80 Green Trading Stamps) ?Af See the Ware In Harney Window. O BROOMS of Lemon, Vanilla. Orange, arc tha flnast Oavora UuU uu bo msvda, Red-Letter Day in the Basement A BIG SALE The best 4 -tie Parlor Broom made by union labor and bear ing the union label; right in every way; Wednesday, 1,000 of them, each . . . 30c And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. MM mi BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Wednesday Sed-Xietter Day Spaolals. Bennett's Golden Coffee, lb 36o And 30 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Coffee, lb 88o And 30 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Pepper, can lOo And 6 Green Trading Stamps. Tea Bennett's Favorite Japans, oolong, Gunpowder, Knglish Breakfast, rer pound 38c And 30 Green Trading Stamps. H. C. Baklnir Powder, five-pound can "LOO And 100 Green Trading Stamps. Free Ice Cold HuttermilK. New Potatoes, peck flOo Best We Have Corn, two cans.BOo And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Three Star Salmon, can 80o And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Dunbar Shrimps, can flOo And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Blood of Grape Juice, pint bot- bottle. 3So And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Blood of Grape Juice, quart bottle... SOo And 40 Green Trading Stumps. New York Full Cream Cheese, lb... 800 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Vneeda Biscuit, four pkgs 16o And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Jell-O Ice Cream Powder, two pKg..80o And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Won eater TaL.e Salt, two sacks.... lOo And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Haarmann's Malt Vinegar, quart bot. 800 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Bay Us' Yum Yum Pickles, bottle. .. . 16o And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Bayle' Salad Mustard. Jar 100 And 10 Green Trading, Stamps. Royal Macaroni, three 1 -lb. pkgs....85o And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Wiggle Stick Bluing, six sticks 6o And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Wonder Wax for Washing, pkg 10e And 10 Green Trading Stamps. BBVNETT'S GAUDIES. Grocery Section. Chocolate Bon Bona, pound box 86o And 20 Green Trading Stamps. 5c Ice Cream Soda-'-polkheSes i 1 . n a B B q n B n B M B II B I BAILEV (EL MACH DENTISTS THIRD FLOOR TAXTON BLOCK Corner 16th and Farnam Street. Best equipped Dental offlca In the mlddia west Highest grade Dentistry at Reasonable Prices. Porcelain fillings, just like the tooth- mam m Omaha Agents for Fleischer's ColitrtNl Yarns, THE RELIABLE STRB lleadqnartr for Towne's Iona; Silk loves Abolufly tJuarantwd. Women's Ready-lo-Wear Garment Specials Of Unrivaled Bargain Worth $7.f)0 ANO $10.00 TOIKIST COATS, the entire stock of a well known manu facturer. Splendid assort ment of styles and colors, as shown fv f Q In the ICth Street window the last few days, entire lot will be on J v O sale Wednesday at ono price, choice avs i' I'RKTTV WASH SI ITS In ginghams, ' SH.OO I'XION 1,1 EN WASH SKIRTS, niadnis and fine lawns, all colors and I on snle Wednesday, at $1.45 white, values up to $5.00. Over 400.gio.oo FRENCH VOILE SKIRTS, to select from, Wednesday at $1.50 $2rt.00 SILK SHIRT WAIST Sl ITS, a splendid assortment of most beautiful styles. In checks, stripes, plaids and plain colors, at S12.50 trimmed with bands of taffeta, on sale Wednesday, at $4.05 92.00 LAWN ANI LINGERIE WAISTS trimmed with tucks, lacos and em broideries, on sale at 08J High Grade Wash Goods FROM O TO 10 A. M., 25 piece of St. Gall Swiss in dots, figures, etc, hand embroidered 11.50 grade for 85 $1.25 grade for 7!) $1.00 grade for (?)t 85c grade for 55 76c grade for 40) 50c grade for 294 39c grade for 22 35c grade for 19J Extra Specials for Wednesday In the Great Domestic Room AT 0:30 A. M. 1 case full standard prints, regular 64c grade for 3Mt 16c batiste, fine designs for . . . . 10 12V4C batiste, fine designs for 7H 10c batiste, fine designs for 5 A. F. C. ginghams, 12 He values, 5 Sole du Nord Ginghams 5 Scotch ginghams, 16c grade, ..7J- No dealers sold In this room. PEACHES PEACHES AT 2:00 P. M. 1 case heavy unbleached muslin rHJ Amoskeag checks H Check ginghams for .124t Sampson's prints for IiH) American prints for 3H lite Towels for 10) 15c Towels for 7)4 10c Towels for 5 10c bleached muslin for f Special sale on Tapestry Table Covers. 3c 50 r! 75- $1.00 No dealers sold in this room. PEACHES FOB Buy now while the fight Is on, Just as soon as they come together Peaches will advance 85c to BOc per crate, Wednesday we will place on sale our second car of Fancy Klherta Peaches. 4 baskets to the crate, tfi'? Single basket, per crate JJC f,,r ,rtl A. 4 gfj XI o Limit, All Ton Want Walla tha Car X.aata. Extra fancy large, 240 else. Lemons, that retail for BOc ctnz., our price, per dns. JOq BUT TOtJK Mason JABS AND JX.t,t GLASSES HOW, OX.ABSWAKB HAS. ADVANCED OVEB 85 per cent. 1 pint Mason Jars, with covers and rub bers, per dozen Jf 1 quart Masnn Jars, with covers and rub bers, per dozen 49e 2 quart Mason Jars, with covers and rub. bers. per dozen 69 Jelly Olasses, with covers, per dozen 164 rXESX VEGETABLE PAIGES WEDNESDAT Fancy Sweet tlorn, per dos 10c Large Heads Cabbage, each 2 too Fancy Wax or (Ireen Beans, per lb 2 Ho Fancy Summer Squash, each 2Vc Fresh Parsley, per bunch la Oreen Peppers, per doz 10c Fancy Klpe Tomatoes, per lb Be Fancy Beets or I'arrots, per bunch, lo 6 bunches fresh Onions Be Juicy Missouri Lemons, per dozen.... 1 Be SEE THE DISPLAY OF ROYAL SATSl'MA YASES In lth strwt window. Entire sample line of a great Importer, WILL RE PLACED ON SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST 3d. M HAYDENS' MSI YOUR. MEAL Will be more appetiz ing and more enjoyable if you drink a glass of rr b swiff W AY sir 1 Ajr pnysiouuis Prominent because of its purity, tones and nourishes the of STORZ BEER pleasure df DINING i meal time? There's a BEER. Try it and see. lue Ribbon Bottled Beer TORZ BEER use it tWdly stimulates em. Why hot order a case y your home and. have th 1 1 I of mercly EATIN in every 5 Phone Webster 1260" STORZ BREWING CO. ' (mw OMAHA, NEB. Two Cents per Mile Dttwesn all Station on tha CHICAGO GREAT ura WESTERN RAILWAV, Detter than former excursion rates Gbel on all trains. Cemeand go when you please. Take that long Contemplated trip NOW. Tlokets and Information from W. G. DAVIDSON. C. P. AT, A.. 1512 Farnkoi 8C. Omaha. Mob. Office desks are the backbone of our stock with other houses, desks are only a side line Our desks are made for ua In carload lota especially selected for busy business men price to you the same aa the retail furniture dealer paya the Jobber. Everytblifl Needed lor the Office ' OMAHA PRINTING CO.. Farnam and lOih Sta., Omaha Telephone Douglas 141. yrH erdora lid. a-Wlo-. t r J . Bee Want Ads Produce Results I J ! ....... J