Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1907, Page 11, Image 11
7 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEEx WEDNESDAY. JULY SI, 1907. 1 OFFERED FOR SALE (Continved. Pianos, nrenai, Maalrwl Instrnseenta. PIANO PRICES I)own to the lowest notch thta week, twenty-four new, used and ecnnd-hand pianos on sale In cur bargain room, fourth tl'Kir. C irr.e early and get a chdre ; loot Ion. New England. uprigM Kimball, upr :ght Martin Bros., upright 13 Llndlman A Sons., upright 1 Five dollar cah and tl a week will buy any of the above bargain. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1?,11-1213 Farnam St. Thone Doug. 1G26. (16) 690 Pool and 111 I Hard Table. FOR BALK New and secoudhanu billiard and pcol tables. We lead tho world In cheap bar fixtures; eat,y payment. Brunswick-tJalke-Coil" sua:. iJi 8. 10th St. (18,l-34" Typewriters and fwtn Machines. Hot Weather BARGAIN'S IN TYPEWRITERS N. 8 Remingtons No. 1 Smith Premiers No. 1 Smith Premiers . No. a Bims (new) No. 4 Densmores No. T BHck (new) No. 1 Fox Chic g 'i (new) . 3fc O ' . 2o.H0 . Eo.'O . 25. "0 . 25. "0 . 4;'.. 00 . 15. U0 ALL MAKES RENTED $2.50 PER MONTH Z CHANGE 024 Farnam St., Omaha. 'Phone D 3874. (16) M758 31 lOR SALD High grade secondhand type, writer; good condition; a bargain at Ml Call room 608, Bee Blag. (16) 671 ONE) Remington typewriter. No. t. In good condition, for aule cheap. Call at Bee . Offloe. UGJ 62VX fcacelia aewa. . SJND your ' tna4( rirdeta- for drugs; .. freight paid cm 1 10 lota, Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Ouseba. US)-60 IHERWIN WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint, bherman dt McConnell Drug Co. (16)-19I FOR SALR-Story tk Clark cabinet organ; It stops; a beautiful, strong-toned Instru ment; suitable for church or home; got.d condition: a bargain; cost liO. price I0(. Addreas L 734. Bee. (lo M7V2 HAT, t per ton. Wagner, SOI N. 16th. (16) M732 TWENTT (30) cars of good clear Ice for sale. Mark N. Smith, Box lu6. Albion, Neb. (16)-M741 Aox OAS. ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES. Special low price during the summer to reduce stock. ;order now; goods delivered when ready. BURGESS & GRANDEN CO, Telephone Dougiaa eg;. IU a lth St. U6-4( SNAP. RESTAURANT and cafe; rent t!5; iincks from postotflce. We feed 160 per ay. Address K Hi. Bee. Must sell at EC. (l-777 30x DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on lit orders; catalogue free. SHERMAN & M CO.NNEIX DRUO CO.. Omaha, Neb. (16)-M41( HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and retail. Sherman McConnell Drug Co. (16)-M417 FOH SALE First-class store fixtures, Showcases, etc. Globe Land and I nvest ment Co., IKU Farnam St., Omaha, neb. (16) me HALLS safes, new, 2d-hand. 1811 Farnam. (iij-47 Clearing Sale on Motor Cycles ' One Thomas. M; one Mitchell. );. on Wagoner, $100; one March. luu; one Cres cent, $li; one Indian, I3&, one Indian, 140; one Indian, with side seat, 17j; Maxsii. witli foro bar, 17&. The above are extremely good value for the nionry. LOL1S FLtSCHKR, 1C2 Capl'ol Ave. (1 til 7:4 A4 THE EI ITK Expert lady operator " ' x gives massaKe baths and sal gelldus rub. Koo:n 8uu Warmer Vlock. 15th and Farnam. (la) 717 31 x FOR BALE-AT NO. 7 SOUTH 13TH ST., STtRE FUTURES. SHELVING. COLNTFR3. TABLES. CASES. CHAIRS. ADDINtJ MACHINP. CASH REH13TER. WM. J COAD. TRUSTEE. Ci:)-T,t td-band rubber hose, tools. Singer. 416 N. lUh. (16)-72S FOR SALE Finest boarding house In the city, best location, all furnished, best walking distance, etc.; cheap. Inquire 3"! Karbach block. Omana. Ntb (16) 2gS HAIR DRESSING establishment. In busi ness section of city; first rlasa ertab lUhed trade. Party Belling owlr.g to 111 health; terms reasonable. Addrens H 74i . (181 MS41 A3x PATENTS LARSON CO. Book free. Bee Bldg. V. O. BAR NELL, pattnt attorney and ma chine tBlgner. Paxton Bik. Tel. Red. TUZ. (17) sauAuglO PATKNT for sale or royalty; Improved wire stretcher, serial No. irt.Jot; a money maker. Sale price t4,j0. Good reason for , selling. G. H. Weyant, Nichusa. 111. . (17J-6J7 Alx PERSONAL OMAHA Stammerers' Institute. Ramge fc'dg. 0i6; EWING macblnee rented. Neb. Cycle Co., Utb and Harney, 'phone Doug. fiau. U4)-8U MAGNETIC treatment and bath. Mot Pl.rtUIAl.elrDHn. Ui N. lith. 3d floor. (la a A FAIR, aweet aatln akin secured Uklng batin akin cream and face powder, :6c. aii TEW bargains In 84-hind scda fountains. a""t"' paymuuta. Drigal. lail Farnam. PERSONAL CuptinuiMt MUSICIANS to Join first-class attrsc tlon, Aug. 10. to double band and or rlietra; also juveiill. lady; muH play standard music. Box 637, Relniond. IV t lk J MJ 3 J A'.x ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Paxton aalva. B J. Scannell. act., M War Blk. (1) M9JU SYRINGES, rubber good, by mall; cut Lrl ea. nd for fiee catalogue. Myers 'lllon Drug Co.. Omaha. (18) 4t PLEATING AM. KINDS. uttons. Ruchlng, - - tom Droinei j. Dyeli.g and cleaning, sporgtng and shrink ingonly Be per yard. Send for prk list and samples. (JuUiMAN FLKATlNiJ CO.. U Douglas Block. TeL Douglas mi. 116) 1 TUB SALVATION ARMT solicit cast-off clothing; In fart, anything you do not ried We collect, iealr and sell, at lit N. llth Bt., for cost of collecting, to th wortii, -oor Call phone Doug. 4136 and wagon . fair (18,1611 TOL'NO WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Toung Women's Christian Association rooms. 1518 Farnar.i street, where they will b directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. US) 413 PItlVATB COXK1NEMKST HOMC-Mm. Dr. Klnc. li-i N. :uli St. Tel. Dong. (ia a MAGNETIC Os'eology and maHBf. Vaior and tub'batha. Room 2, 1JA Farnam fat., 2d floor. (IS) M4SS AM A NICF.. healthy baby girl for adoption. Address 11 tn 4t, care Roe. (1m W0 1 x REAL ESTATE HUtL ESTATE DEALERS. RUSSELL ft M K1TK1CK CO., 13 Ramge. (1 n W. H. TURRELL. II ratterson Blk Doug j 1129. (i)-tbb i PAYN13 IN'V. CO., lat floor N. T. L. Doug, j 178L (18)- L. W. Rl'NNELL 4 CO., 83 N. T. Life. Douglas ii4S. 09? W R. C. PETERS & CO.. Bee. Bldg. (19)-SS7 ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 First Natl Bank Bldg. 'Phone Dougiaa "JX tll-JSJ OEOR1H & COMPANY. 11 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 718. (1) -S9 CITY PROPERTY FOR I AlB 6EATTI-E lots, cleared and level, for $20 down and 110 per month, near 1909 fiir grounds; eauy way to own t-ntlnjt groundH during the felr ar.d then sell at a big profit. Particulars and bank references furnlphed. Charles Iddmann, 217 Eailey building. Seattle. Wash. (19) M734 A5x THE BEET WE HAVE. 13,330 New 7-room house, near 21th and Blnncy 8t., combination fixtures, hot watrr heat, large reception hull and bath room, full Blzed cemented cellar, south front. $1,W0 First class O-room house with large brlcked-un cellar, gas and water In house, good location, near 20th and Bancroft Sis. NOLAND & CO . 1614 Harney St. 'Phone Pout. MS7. (19)-7TS 30 $1 400 WILL buy a (rood 8-room house, all In good repair, located In the northwest Tart of the city. This house Is 8 blocks from the car line at the present, but will only be 3 blocks from the new extension nn the Harney lino. This Is a fine home. Call at once. Kelly Investment Co., XX) Neville Blk. (191-M7S6 2 EASY TERMS. Brand new 5-room com a re located at 36th and Boyd Sts . large corner lot, south and east front, lies very sightly, onlr or.e block from Ames Ave. csr line, elepant gas and electric light fixtures, double floors, vertical grained surface floors, highly finished Interior, larxe bath, floored attic, bricked up rellar; will be papced attractively to suit; everything In "tip top" condition; thoroughly well built. Price only $2,000; lot alone worth WW. Very easy terms to reliable party. C. G. CarlberK, 811 N. Y. Life Building. (19-M79fi CLOSE IN. Three ,1-room cottages nearly completed on Hlondo St.. between 2ith and 27th. all thoroughly well built; bricked up cellars: double floors; strictly modern with toe exception of heat; permanent sljewilks will be built on street and lots nlcelv sodded. Prices ranging from $2,250 to $2,500. Easy terms to good parties. C. G. Carlberp, m N. Y. Life Building. (19V-MT94 We Sold a Little Over $6,000 Worth of VACANT: LOTS IN KOUNTZE PLACE Since we took the sole agency last fall for the sale of this beautiful ad dition. THE MOKE YOU AROUND LOOK The better satisfied you will be to locate in Kountze Place, that la If you want to live in a HIGH CLASS NEIGH BORHOOD here you have all the pub lic Improvements, such as paved street permannte sidewalks, gewer, water, and gas, large trees, close to good stores, churches, schools and three sood car lines and within 15 minutes drive of the center of the city. The prices are certainly low. From $750.00 TO $1,150.00' For large lotf 60x124 feet, cornera a trifle higher. Over 20 new homes now bring built In the addition. If you will Investigate, you will buy no place else. HASTING & HEYDEN 1704 FARNAM ST., BEE BUILDING (1 M77I 31 COTTAGE FOH SALE Need a larger house and will sell my partially modern 8-room cottage In Clif ton Hill at a bargain. City water, sewer, gas and bath room In house, nice shade trees, permanent walk. In fact an ideal horn for a small family. Price, $2.u-ln) to $5M) cash. Balance, same as rent. Ad dress D (., care Bra. (!) M7 Al If looking fox a t, t or 7-roonci cottage oa )vi uii .rrias, 'pnone Web. U54. (l)-'90 LIST your property wTh the Westers Home Builders, rma. U-U Nebraska Nau. Bank Bldg UJU Tit REAL K STATU T1TLB-TRUST CT CHAD. . WILLIAMSON. Prsa -VJ (1 M FOR SALE 6-room cottage, owner leaving city, wLl sel, at a saciince. It North 4wUi. bouta Omaiia. lei. I7L an-mu REAL ESTATE CITY PKOPKHTV (OA (ALB (Continued! INVESTMENTS. S14.000 Large two-story frame building. 8. E. corner 27th and" Pt. Mary s Ave.. 7 stores. 22 rooms, ld engine bouse and room for more buildings; 24 feet frontage on paved streets, all paid tor. Rental $2,19? and can be raised. 4.500-South front lot on Farnam St., op posite 2Sth. with buildings renting for $30 per month; lot 3fxl22. $3,500 W12-14-18 Harney St.. a two-stcry brick and frame building, covering the lot com monly known as Oermanla hall or BIJou theater. Tills property is In excellent con dition and has had $10,000 spent upon It within the last year. We consider this a very cheap property at $35,0u0, as the va cant lot Immediately back of the building fronting on Farnam St. sold for that figure two years ago. This property Is adapted for many purposes and is steadily Increas ing In value. You can buy it on your own term. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam St. (19)-M774 31 NEW, MODERN HOUSES $2,500 AND UNDER Plnkney and 30th Sts , attractive, new, 6-room house, large bath room, with 6 ft. tub and the finest fixtures; stairway to the attic; upstairs unfinished; plllarn and pedestals between parlor and dining room; both rooms papered in the swellesi new patterns. Full south-front lot. brick sidewalks. 14 block to car. Price, $2,&0. 29th St., H block north of Plnkney St.. new, 5-room. modern cottage; cement cel lar. 50-ft. lot, blocks to car. Price, siaoo. 'th St. and Lake, new, 6-room cottage, 21x 3$. all modern but furnace, on paved s'reet. paving all paid: hnue too small for present owner. Price, $2,500. 3334 Saulding St. We offer for the first time for quick sale this handsome house of 7 larg,' rooms; full south-front lot. high and sightly location, 3 blocks from car; modern except heat and piped for furnace. In good repair, new roof. This house would cost $3.0u0 to build today. Owner anxious to sell. 31st and Fowler Ave., brand new, 5-room, modern cottage, on full lot; house faces est; cement cellar, stairway to the attic, cement sidewalk; one block to paved street only 18 minutes' ride on car down town. Price, $2,600. I9th and Vinton, new, 4-i-oom cottage; porch In front anil around the side of house; 6 rooms on first floor, 1 room finished up stairs; 1 more room can be finished. Price, $2,200. 28th St., H block south of Ames Ave., 8 room, mod. house, on large east front lot; has reception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen and bed room on first floor and 8 bed rooms and bath room on 2d floor; all rooma extra large, built ty owner for a home. Barn and lots of fruit and shrub bery. Price, $2,500. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 FARNAM ST. BEE BLDQ. (19) 762 30 WEST FARNAM DISTRICT East front lot. 60x13. on 3Sth St.. near Jackson, paving all paid. This lot is nicely ter raced, In a fine neighborhood and a big bargain at $2,000. W. FARNAM SMITH, 1320 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1164. (I9 765 31 33 Feet On Capitol Ave., between 18th and 15th for M.000. Hicks Real Estate Co. 439 Board of Trade Bldg. (19)-7C4 31 $4,000 will buy one of the best homes In Kountie Place. Modern In every way. Large barn. Last front. Street paved. Permanent sidewalk. Easy terms. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room f, New York Life Bldg. Phone Douglas 12C4. (!) M14 LIST your property with Chris Buyer, Uid and Cuming Sta (19) 64 BEMIS PARK DISTRICT I rooms, brand new, strictly modern. $4,000. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. T. Life Bldg. OJ)-Ma?7 FOR BALE Five-acre tract of land In Ben son, three blocks from car, suitable for Planting or for Improvement, an oppor unity for someone. Addrtsa Q 4J, Bee. UDi J34X $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 '$25.00 WHERE CAN YOU INVEST THIS ' SUM TO AS GOOD ADVANTAGE? 'Here's the plan: Select one of those beautiful lots in Hal cyon Heights, the finest and most sightly location for a fu ture home or investment, only two blocks south business cen ter of Benson and Military avenue car line; pay $25 cash, and the balance $5 or $10, or such amount as you can spare monthly, and in a short lime you have an investmvnt better than a bank account, for it can t get away from you. and the lot is rapidly increasing In value. You are therefore in position to obtain a loan to build a bome, or at any time sell the lot at a good profit. All this you ran do at a $2$ Investment. Over 40 lota, i to $650. See us today, or 'phone Douglss &57 and we'll take you out to see the lots at ' any time. RUSSELL & M'KITRICK CO., 432-34 Ra nge Bldg. 15th and Hsrney Sts. (19)-766 1 IF YOIT are thinking or building It wui pay you to see the Western Home Build ers, rooms 21-36 L. 8. Nat'l Bank Bldg., for prlcea and terms. tl9 210 WHAT ANOTHER PUR CHASER THINKS OF KEYSTONE PARK. OMAHA. Neb.. July 7!, 1907. Payne Investment Company, Omaha. Neb. Gentlemen: Answering your Inquiry as to why I bought lot No. 71. fourteen acres. In KEYSTONE PARK, will ssy that 1 had In Dilnd getting this property for a future suburban home. My Idea Is that this piece of property will provide me a living later on and make a very desirable home. I have put a fine, new Model High Carbon Spring-Steel White Enamel Woven Wire fence all around this acreage and Int-nd to plant the entire tract with fruit treei of all kinds, such aa cherries, plums, ap ples; also grapes, strawberries, raspberries, blackherTlrs. currants, gooseberries, etc., and will build a home there later. , In ten years from now I figure thia piece of land will be worth ll.ono per acre. I be lieve this beats paying for a home in town all to pieces. Your truly. F. J FARRINOTON talesman for John De" 0" - rv ( ( )-M7) 31 REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR t ALE, (Continued.) Beautiful Keystone Park. Two more sales made today. This Is the best evidence that Keystone Park Is a desirable place to locate. Think of It, lots In Benson are selling at $.Y a lot, $2.5f an acre; one mile west we are selling land better located and more desir able for a country home for $.v to 1:50 an acre. Now Is the time to buy In Keystone Park. Take you out any day In an automobile. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor. N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781. D. V. S1IOLES CO., Board Of Trade Bldg. Tel. Doug. 49 . (191-M7P1 I REAL ESTATE FARM AXD HAJIC1I LAM) KOR BALM Kansas. WANTED Agents to represent us fn the sale of our Kansas landa. Write for psr tlculara. Globe Land and Investment 'o Omaha, Neb, qm ' Kansas, Solomon Valley, Kansas, lfti acres Improved. 9' per acre. 3M acres. Improved. 75 per acre. 223 acres, Improved, $75 per acre. 'M acres, improved, $16 per acre. 820 acres. Improved, $-' per acre. 160 acres, improved. 2u I er acre. If you want to get a good home cheap come and see us. J. M. Boyle. Bennington. Kan. t;o-An43 A:.x Montana. MONTANA ranch of 2S.OO0 acres. Improved at $o.X) per acre, very desirable, parties Interested address U 7r9. Bee. (20) 687 lx Minnesota. FOR SALE Farm, 110 acres on beautiful lake, one and one-half miles from Alex andria, Minn., the famous summer resort region. Fine hardwood timber. Fine new niodrn residence and burn. Address O. E. Nettleton, Alexandria, Minn. (2t)) M771 A3x Nebraska. FIRST-CLASS Nebraska tarma and for homes or Investment. Bemls. Omaha. (20)-M7S NEED THE MONEY Want to sell section 5-12-51, Cheyenne county, Nebraska; land is rolling, dark sandy loam. location choice; cash. $2,784; railroad contract nine vears to run from February, Y.Jl. $2,016. Address W. O. Wirt, 71S Willow Ave., Council Bluffs, la. (2ui M747 4 DOT-QLAS COUNTY FARM 3. 80. 120, ISO acres; 80-acre bargain, g'-od upland, 3 miles from Klkhorn, $6 per acre. J A. Gibbons, Elkhorn, Nob. (20) 677 31x South Dakota. ARE YOU Interested In South Dakota? If so writs to the A. C. Brink Land Co. of Pierre, S. D., concerning the 25.000 acres of farm lanos they own In Hughea and Sully counties. Tbey will answer yoa gladly. (20-M37 Al TRITP COUNTY OPENING-For full par ticulars write Tripp County Land and Abstract Co. Dallas. 8. D. (20)-M7Sl A2 Wyoming. SPECIAL land bargain balance of this month. National Investment Co., Douglas Blk. (2o) 237 31 THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. has just placed on the market THOUSANDS OF ACRES OF GRAZING LAND In Western Wyoming, 20,000 to 80u,iuu acres of fine sheep .grating lands at $1.00 to $1.50 PER ACRE TERMS One-tenth down payment and ten years' time on the balance. If you Intend to Invest In cheap lands, BUY NOW. The opportunity wfll not last. For further Information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY, Omaha. Neb. Dept, "A," 318 S. 15th 8L (20)- 712 AugJ REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, art First National Bank Bldg. (22-2- LOANS on Improved: umaha property. OKtefe K. . Co., luOl N. Y. ute Bldg (22)-u $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and real dence property In Omaha; lowest rales; no delay. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, N. Y. Life. (22) m WANTED City loana and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1220 Farnam 8U t22)-04 $500 TO $50,000 TO LOAN at lowest rate; no delay. GARVIN BROS. 1004 FARNAM. (22 60 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. 16j0 Doug. (22)-i MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. (22)--901 LOWEST RATES Bern Is, Paxton Block (22)-Ul WANTED City loana. R. C. Peters Co. (22) 90s WANTED TO BORROW WANTED TO BORROW $1,000 to enlarge a good paying business with prlvelege to reduce loan early. Ad dress W 775, Bee. t24) 2tfl WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture, cook and healing stoves, carprts, lino leums, office furniture, old clothe and shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts and all kinds of tools; or will buy the furniture of your house complete. Will buy antique or mahogany furniture. Tne highest prices paid. Call the right man. Tel. Douglas 3i71. i26 M453 Aug2o CARD CABINET of 15 to 2 drawers for card 3 by 6 inches; state price; must be cheap. Address L . Bee. (25) 19 I WANT to buy a republican weekly paper and Job office lr. co. seat town In Ne braska. Cash. Write Y 219. Bee. (Sii-1 5 fl CASH paid for old booka. Crane-Foye Co., li R. 14th. Phone Dougiaa 1121. 26)-l MYSELF and partner want for cash $S,' to $12,oU) stock general merchandise, do ing good business in good town. Pur chase from owners only. Discount be low 30 cenU on dollar. Address. Y 128. Bee. (26 M4tl aug3x WANTED A second-hand Shetland pony cart or-carriage. Address F TV. Bee. i36)-X! 30 FOR SALE A new all modern cottage, story and a half, on macadamized road, ten minutes' walk from bus:ness section; owner leaving city. Apply 539 8. 24th Ave. (2w frJ 0 WANTED Pair of goats broken to drive; also harness. Apply W. H Thomas, rare J. L. Brandeie ft Sons. (26 SM 30 WANTED TO RENT 3 ROOMS and board with private family, near edge of town and car Hue. Address A-7i. care Bee (-U)-l21 JOx I WANTEDTO RENT (Continued.) SMALL family want 4 or R-room cottage about August 1st. Address. N 753. Bee. (2b)-M47 AuglX WANTKT-Furnished house; $.Vt per month and best of care for nicely furnished house; responsible couple. Address M 735. Bee. t2U M797 Sx WANTED To rent, furnished and unfur nished rooms for light housekeeping. Oniaba Rental Co., 306 N. Y Life Bldg Tel. Douglas J. (2ii-M3 Auglox WANTED SITUATION WANTED Work by the day by experi enced dressmaker. Call on or address 4b38 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Harny-l6td. (T-17 A WANTED Position as compositor; alx months' experience. Address Y 126. Bee. (27) M158 AugSx TEACHER, without home, experienced as housekeeper, wants situation during sum mer, or will stay Indefinitely In desirable home where ahe may take piano lessons. Would like to be on farm. Address L-769, care Bee. (27)-M428 Alx EXPERIENCED stenographer. Address j S., Omaha Bee. 16 Scott St.. Co. Bluffs. 1 (27)-Mt7 COVNTRY printer wants permanent posl- tlon; not a booxe fighter or cigarette fl, nd; l strict attention to business; references. Address B-fJJ. care Bee. (27) "31 30x ! WHEN YOl write to advertisers remem-: ber It takes but an extra stroke or two1 of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad in The Bee. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ! The 8. D. Mercer company to An tonio Lngrntta and wife, e. Vfc lot 7, block 74, Omaha $ 3.750 George A. Hoagland and wife to Mrs. Margaret Yates, e to ft. w. 80 ft. lot. 6. block 3. South umaha 100 Sarah Vengrovitch and husband to George E. Godfrey, lot 19, block 9, Hanscom place 6,025 Charles K. Falls and wlfo to Mar garet Koshklk, lots 1 and 2, Fall's suh 1,500 L F. Crofoot and wife to William E. Spenser, lot 3, block 2, Omaha View SM William Arthur and wife to William H. Russell, w 25 ft. lot 6. bl-ick 3. Shlnn's add 425 Fred C. Hriewnld to Walter J. Bart- I leu, lot 11. block 1. Madison square.. 1,900 Anna B. W. Baker et al to Duncan I B. McDonald, part lots 6 and 6, block ltjfi, Omaha 3.250. -Frank H. Koeaters to Agnes J. Koes- I ters, I'd 2, block 182"4). Omaha 1 Annie M. Pfeifer and husband to same. Same 1,050 Amelia M. Davenport to Alice A. and Arthur R. Davenport, lot 2. block 2. Hillside add. No. 1 and , other lots 2,500 Frank P. Gould et al to Joseph Ne podal, lot 4, Rocheford & Gould's add 50 John T. Cranshnw to Judes Mushkln, part lots 7 and 8, bhlk 198H, Omaha 8,000 George R. Armstrong to Zelda E. Robinson, part lot 3, block 1, Arm strong's First add 100 Ella R. Gould and husband to same, part lot 3, block 1, Armstrongs First add 1.800 Bvron R. Hastings, trustee, to Got ileb Kurtx. lot 10, block 6, Military add 150 Total $30,151 RAILWAY TIME CARD I JilOI STATIO lOth AND M ARC Y. L'alsm Psielfle. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 8:51 am a 1:40 pm The China and Japan Fast Mall a 1:50 pm a 6:00 pm Colo. A Calif. Ex a 3:60 pm a 9:50 am California A Ore. Ex. ..a 4:00 pm a B:60 pra Los Angeles Limited. ...al2:fi pm a 9:15 pm Colorado Special all:56 pnt a 50 am North Platte Local a 7:42 am a t:'.t pm Beatrice Local b 7:42 am o 6:11 pm Wabash. fit. Lou la Express a IJI0 pm a 1:10 am St. Louis Local (tram Council Bluffs) a 1:30 am all:Ii pro Etanberry Local (from Council BluiTa) b 1:00 pmbl0:15 am lliaaoarl Paclxte. K. C. t SL L Exp a 9:00 am a t:K am K. ?. ft St. L. Exp all 15 pm a 5:35 pm Nebraska laical a I.Ov pm all:40 am fblcago, Mllirankee A Bt. Pawl. Chicago & Colo. Special. 7:o2 am 12:05 am (.am. tfc Oregon n.xp... e.espm ,.jiin Overland Limited I:i pm t:3i am Ik lea go. Hock lalaad Facile. EAST. a 2 45 am all 30 pm a 7:00 am a 4:30 pin a 4:00 pm a 12:30 pm all .40 am b 9:55 pm Ex.) a 4:50 pm a 1:35 pm Chicago Limited . fowa Local ' )es Moines Pan., owa Local Chicago (Eastern Chicago Flyer a 6:00 pra a : an-. WEST. P.ocky Mountain Lmtd. sU 40 pm a 2:BE an-. Colo. & Cal. Express... a 1:35 pm a 4:40 pra Okl. ft Texas Express.. a 4:40 pm a 2:45 pra Lincoln 4 Falrburv Paaa.a (:45 amsioni am (tkago A NortKeatara. Chlcagq Daylight a 7:05 am SL Paul-M apolta Exp.. a 7:60 am Chiiago Local an am Sioux City Passenger. ..a 7:50 am Chicago Passenger a 4:30 pm Chicago special a 4:04 pm St. Paul-M'polis Lmtd..a s:28 pm Los Angclea Limited. ...a j pna Overland Limited al0:00 pm Fast Mail all 54 pra alO UO pra a 3:28 pra a 3:28 pm a 9 30 am a 9 30 am a 7:44) am al2:35 pm a 8:23 am a 8:29 am a 9.20 am a 3:36 pm a 7:06 am a 9:31 am a 10 35 am al0:36 sm a 6:06 pm a 6:06 pm b 6:05 pm bl2:W pm al!:3 pm 7 :30 am 11 .35 pm 6:27 am 11 : pm 1:30 pm Sioux City Local a 1:60 put Fsst Mall Twin City Limited... Overland Limited .... Norfolk-Bonesteel ... Llncoln-Chadron 1 leadwood-Llncoln ... Casner-Shoshonl Hastings-Superior .... t remont-Albion Los Angeles Limited .a 8:28 pm .a 8:38 pm .a 7:40 am .o 7:40 am .a 3 00 pm .a 8:00 pm .b 2:00 pm .b 6:02 pm a 9:60 pm Chicago Great Western. St. Paul ft Minneapolis. 6.20 pm bt. Paul & Minneapolis. Chicago Limited Chicago Express Chicago Express 7:30 am (:u5 pm 7:30 am 2:30 pm Illluols Central. Chicago Express a T:t0 am a 1:45 pm Minn. & 6u Paul Exp...b 7:C0 am a 1:5 pm Chicago Limited a C:(M pm a i:lu am Minn. & St. Paul Lmtd.a t.Ju pm a t:30 am BVRLINGTO IT, -lOTH HAIO.1 Bsrttnatua. Leave. Denver ft California... .a 4 1') pm Nortnwest Special a 4:10 pm Black Hills a 4 lo pm Northwest Express a 9:9u pm Nebraska points a am Nebraska Exprfeas a 9:05 am Lincoln Fast Mall b l.ii pm Lincoln Local Lincoln Local Louisville at Plattsm'Uj.b 8:16 pm Bellevoe-Plattsmou'.a ..a 6:4 piu Piaitsmouih-Iowa b 6:10 am Bellevue-Flattamouui Denver Limited all 65 nm Ar ,ive. a 4:16 pm a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pra a 6:45 am a (.10 pm a (.10 pm al2:i pm d uo am a 9:09 pin bl0:20 a:a a 7:4a a a 'bi':'pr a $:4 a o 11:45 pm a $.oe pi a 8:30 am all tj all:10 a r a C 30 air. a C:10 p:s Chicago Special a 7:00 am ! CI. lean j Express a 4:30 pn 1 Chicago Flyer a 6.30 pm . Iowa Local a 9:15 am ft. Louis Express. a 4:46 pm Kansas ity He Bt. Joe. alO 45 pm Kansas City ft St. Joe.. a 9:16 am Kansas City ft SC Joe.. a 4:46 pra WltnlTER ITA. lBTIt A WUBfTER Chiracs, St. Paal, Minneapolis ft Omaha. I-eave. ..b 36 am .a I. oo pm . b 5 45 pm ..c S:4a am a. five, b 910 pm all:20 am b 910 am t: 6:50 pi Tain C'ty Passenger. Eloux City Passenger. Emerson Ical Etv.frson local Mlsaoari PacluV. Local via Weeping Water a 8 05 am Fails City Local a $:s0 pm a 6:30 prr all:20 a j a Dslly. b Dully except Sunday. d D .llf except except Saturday e Hunday only, a Dali Ujtilu). OCEAN STEAMSHIPS UAiiADIAN "(MPRE8I" Lin Of tho At'ntlo QUEBEC TO XJVEUFCCI X.XBS TBAJT FOUR DAVs AT hA, Empresse vail Aug. 9. 23: Sept. 6, 20. Flrbt Cabin $fctf up. Second Cabin $46 up; Third 'is l-l 75 Write for particulars. C. 35. Benjamin, OuU. Ageat, Tel. Harrison 171$. 232 So. Clark St. Chicago ORIENT CLARK' tenth ansuai (Hlli-t Pes 4, '(. r lUra r apacUllr cliinme B 14.000 tous. il.htg lulUA KOlSU Tl'l Wrd.Ii raAVK C. CXAB3L. Tims Mlig. 2few York CUBA WANTS ANNEXATION Island Ami on 1 for American Control, Sayi Harry A. Zleeie. NEBRASKA MAN JUST RETURNS Bay One Iloodred Thousand Acres of Land la What Me Deelaree la Beaatlfal and Fertile i'onntry. Harry A. Reese of Lincoln, who for the last seven weeks has been travrllng over the Island of Cuba In the Interest of Omaha and Nebraska capitalists, returned Tuesday to make his report, which was that he had bought l'.CH) acres of land In the eastern part of the Island. Mr. Reese affirms the view expressed by other Nebraskans who have recently re turned from Cuba, namely, that American control is desired. He says: , "The outcome of the political situation cannot be foretold. The responsible ele ment Is anxious for complete annexation and the only trouble expected Is from the mor radical of the liberal party, which Is composed largely of blacks. The general opinion of the natives Is thst In less than two y lore the Island will be ahs dtitely con trolled by the I'nlted Ptstes. either by an nexation or by a protectorate. "In lookfng over the Island for the Ne braska people In whose Interests 1 went. I spent seven weeks traversing it from east to west; went to Manianlllo by steamer from Santiago and then Inland 100 miles on horseback to investigate the soil and con ditions. The east end Is the richest of the entire Island and the southern part of that section Is covered with merchant able, hard wood. Including mahogany and Spanish cedar, very l.ttle of which had ever been cut and most of which was standing when Columbus crossed the deep. We gathered wild limes and lemons, oranges and bananas and saw high grade coffee growing In profusion. The Interior of the Island Is as fertile aa any country In the world and wonderfully beautiful. Maarnon chows Effects of Toll. "I visited another famous Nebraskan, Governor Magoon, who has the sltjalnm well in hand, although It takes lots of hard work which seems to be telllnc on him con siderably. He I remarkably popular with business men and property owners and is manifestly the right man In the right place. "There are many Nebraska people in Cuba. I met them everywhere," said Mr. Rese. "I saw Joe Sargent "of Lincoln, a graduate of the I'nlverslty of Nebraska,, who Is now chief engineer In charge of public works In the province of Orlente, origin ally Santiago de Cuba. His assistant Is Arthur O. Schrelber of Omaha, son of Mrs. J. H. Wlnxpear. The) government Is spend ing f4.ono.OCO In the construction of rock metaled roads and has the Intention of pending $ie.0"0.000. Sargent father wae one of the locating engineers of the Union Pacific main line. "The Cuban Agricultural Experimental station Is also In charge of a Nehraskan named Horn, whose home Is In University Place." NEWS IN THE ARMY CIRCLE General Godfrey Will spend everal Days at Department of Mis sonrl Headquarters. Brigadier General E. S. Godfrey, com manding the Department of the Missouri, will arrive In Omaha Wednesday to remain for several days at headquarters. He will be accompanied by his aide-de-camp. Lieu tenant Clarence Llnlnger, First cavalry. Captain Waldo E. Ayer, adjutant of the Thirtieth Infantry at Fort Crook, has been assigned to temporary duty with depart ment headquarters The Signal corps battalion, which has been doing target practice duty on the Fort Crook range for two weeks past, re turned to Its station at Fort Omaha Tues day. Trlvate It. J. Ferguson, Company B, Fourth Infantry-, having been general court-martial for desertion, has been sentenced to dishonorable discharge from the army, and to be confined In the military prison at Fort Leavenworth for two years. ' TWO WEEKS T0 SIGN NAME Red Tape Attached to Government Contract Is Discovery Omaha Man Makes. J. H. Wlese, .the Omaha contractor who Is to erect the $250,000 federal building at Colorado Springs, haa arrived at the con clusion that a large quantity of red tape Is Involved In a government contract. He received word from Uncle Sam's architect that he had been awarded the contract and the same information came from the board of awards. Mr. Wlese was prepar ing to move his outfit to Colorado Springs, when word came from the architect he had better not do anything until papers award ing the contract had been signed by a certain official. That was a couple of weeks ago and Mr. Welse Is still waiting for that official to write his signature. There is also a tangle of red tape In the award of contract on building for Catholic Institutions. The contractors who bid on the new building for the academy Of the Sacred Heart are pathntly waiting on the deliberations of the ecclesiastical authorities In Paris, where the bids had to be sent. OMAHA FIRM IS CALLED IN Stotta Aaked to Demonstrate Merita of Its Train glarnal Myatem. W. P. Borland of the signal board of the Interstate Commerce romm'sslon. has asked '.he Stotts' Signal company o' Omaha, which, under the management r.f E. 8. Stotts, Is manufacturing signal devices at tha Stroud plant In the north end of town, to demonstrate the merits of its Fj'stem to the commission. A newly appointed block signal atu-tTjln control board working under the Interstate Commerce commission hss begun Investiga tions Into rlgnsl device and haa started Its Investigations at the patent office. It Is proposed to Investigate the charges that the railroads and big manufacturing corpora tions have bought many valuable rafty appliance and then suppressed them and that by refusal to avail themselves of the work of Inventors the roads and manufac turers have made themselves largely re sponsible for the large loss of life In rail road accidents. CON MEN MAYBE RELEASED till in Jail, hot No One Claims Power to Prosecute Then. E. L. Thlelmsn and E. A. Alsteadt. the two men who worked the fake piixe fight on Henry Haselbaum uf Ijulaville and profited $1,000 thereby, may yet go free for want of prosecution. They are held at the Omaha city Jail, but s:nce they have committed no crime her the local author ities can do nothing The victim haa re turned bome. so the Council Bluff police lacking evidence ran do nothing and lh," I-oulsvllle authorities bsve no Jurisdiction since tha money was actually transferred In Iowa. Tha Omaha police can onljr hold them for a time, wait Inn for Instructions. MURPHY ALARMED AT LABOR Contractor Wants Mo More Wart? While Treaent Conditions -Kxlat. "I don't care for more contracts." said Hugh Murphy, contractor for street paving and other work, recently while relating big troubles In securing labor. "Tbere Is na price I might make on new paving that would warrant me loading myself up with work under present conditions. The labor market Is In the most unsatisfactory condi tion I have ever Known It u V. There la no price that one may offer within reason that will hold laborers on any particular class of work. These days the laborer are In demand; they ran quit one Job one day and go to work at another the next. There Is to them no adequate Inducement for long service with one contractor. They are ask ing and getting more than their service Is worth to the man who hires them. The labor Is not of the highest class. I am de pending almost entirely on Italian and negroes for help. There was a time when the farm boy came to town and made a good laborer. He was the roan the con isn the ccn w as capable I ey. and wal ght advance I tractor sought for. because he and steady. He wanted money. willing to work for It. He sought ment with his employer. With the farm boy we were satisfied, but the farm laborer hag passed. "My raving organisations In Lincoln, Oniliha and Denver have done about ohe half the amount of work per day since early spring that should have been done. At tha prices bid. I contemplated doing the work at a certain time and getting It out of tha way. At my quarry on the Platte, with a force of men that varies from almost com plete to no men at all from day to day, I am not getting out half the stone that I should produce. The most Serious problem In this country today Is the labor situation A touch of hard times might make it bet ter, even for the laborers themselves, but! the situation as It stands today Is a eerlou! one." CHICAGO AS SUMMER RESORT' Windy City Makes n lilt with C. O, Valentine for Hot Weather Ref nare. "Chicago Is one of the finest summer re sorts I've struck. " declared C. C. Valen tine, court reporter for Judge Troup, who has Just returned from a month' stay In the Windy City. "I spent all the time out on the lake shore playing golf, loafing and letting the lake breese blow over me. It waa as cool and pleasant as Michigan or Wisconsin. I did not go down town but two or three times during the month I wa there. The hotel wag full of southern peo-j pie and they all thought Chicago was an I Ideal summer resort." Mr. Valentine, who In a rabid fan, and hi daughter cut their vacation short and camel home Monday to watch the game between Omaha and Des Moines. They were very I much disappointed when they found the! game had been poatponrd. CADDIES FORGET THE RULE Sell the Golf Balls They Pick Vp, Re ajardlesa of the n esca lations. 'How many balls d'Je get today, kid?" "Aw didn't get but four. Found two, b' I couldn't swipe -only two from that bal headed guy w;hat I was workln' fer." Thl 1 a typical conversation bet wee two caddies, according to a Field golfer, who spends more money for g balls than he does for shirts. The Fl club members say the caddies are awful careless about the balls; can't seem to fin them at all; but after the contest they go 'round the course and gather In the har vest. They sell the balls to the next player who cornea. One man says he caught a caddy pushing a ball Into a hole with hi toes. There Is a rule which prohibit tha caddlt selling golf balls, but It prohibit only In theorr. ' POLITE THIEF DOES WE Snave Individual Works tho R dencea by Walking, In Wrong; Door. ' A sneak thief who walk Into house broad daylight ia at work In Omaha, is good looking and well dressed and is suave or manner mat even wnen ne ne n awayl apolX thlf caught Inside a door ha easily get awa "Oh, I believe I am mistaken," he oglxes. "What is the number of house, please?" Then he lifts his hat anf walks away. Mrs. Johnson, who lives on Dodge treH near the High school, had an experlen with him. He attracted her attention one door by knocking and then entered another. She met him on the porch a left and he begged her pardon for 1 truding, but he believed he had the wro number. Mr. Johnson went Into the hou and found her purse had been taken. FORTY-TWO DEEDS ARE FILE I. arte Mnmber of Small Transfer? Recorded In the Connty Office. Monday was a big day for real est transfers in Douglas county, as far a number la concerned. Though the amount of money Involved was not large, forty-two deeds were recorded, a number not every few days. nm neculiarltv of the dav's record era ! the small size of the transfers, the lsrgesti one being only $5,3o0 and the aggregate amount involved being only $29,190. It waJ a freak day. , I Wilson T. Graham has aold to Henri Orodzlnsky for $5.)0 a house and lot the southeast corner of Twenty-aevtnt and Davenport treet. CITY MAY TAKE CONTRAC Gets After Street Workers Who Canl plain They Cannot sersrs Enough Laborers. Work Is progressing so slowly on atre Improvements that the city engineer' oftl ha been compelled to notify at least o ' curbing contractor that unless h's work I done more rapidly the city wfiTNaasu j charge of the contract and complete It his expense. This, notice was given Tuesday mnrnl I and marks the Introduction of a new eff ! to get the work done on time. Scarcity ! lubor ia assigned as cause of much of I di luy and if this 1s the real cauae the c I v. Ill have difficulty In securing men to the work, but It is announoed It will given a test if necessary. Bilious Colic Quick relief 1 afforded by Chamberlain's Colic, C olcra and Diarrhoea lOmedjr. Tt never fall and ia pleasant and safe to take. The attack roar be warded off by taking a double doee of this reawdy as son it the irt Indication of the disease aupvata lor sale bj (Uuglala rerrwoare L