Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1907, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAJU DAILY JDEEi frCESIUY, JULY 1D07. 1 ( 7 V IRAK A5D PRODUCE MARIET Open. Lower on Sellinc. but Oferirip Promptly Absorbed. SHAP.P ELACTIC5 THUS SETS IS Farther Blwk II ut Rryvrti fr Jr(kNl aad Rata Delaytac Hirtnl la Mtkitnt Art Chief lilirarn. OMJtHA, July . U"7 The market opened lower on BeJtrg for reaUxKat. h-t all off-ring wer quickly absorbed nd a eharp m Hon followed. runlirr Ka k rust report frv-n trie north west end rain delaying hr' wt In the Dj'JiwMt wre the chief influences. Wheal opened lower at tat Biart, with 1 -cal crcwo princijiel e:'.er on u. wek point p.lac k rut r;np were mere T unierous and bad more we'gr.t with w heat trader. Commission house wer good buyer 11 morning and price firmed up 8ertr-.rr corn cret.ed at t-rc and otier t rrvo. I"rirriary wheat rece'rta were 1.1KT.01 b-ari-e'.a and' e'.lftnertF buabeie, agalnrt rwelna lat yar of tlTa. buaiieiB and atrjmenta of SO.'kK1 b-jete, Com recern w-e im. bjahel and -hltirnerit 1C.W buehela. aa'.nat rec;rt iaat year of IfM.XJU U.aulB and Bhryrrjent tf bvahela. ClearanccB were :C" buahe'.a of etrrn nd Jim' buebela of c..ta and whaat and fiouT equal to 411. buetie'.s Uverp"! clr.aM3 i&ld higher on wheal And -d ighKT on c-rn. 6eaVe.rii reported Wi.iiO buFh'-le of whaat airl ;.(' '.nt.eie of rorn for eirort. The woiM'b :.tpmenta of wheat thit fl were t. ' buaneii at compared with t'e week taut jeir of T71."0 butheia. The world'e corn tripmectt thle week were 7.aU.tMV buefre'.t at corr.jared with thiB week lae year of 4.HS".nn(i huBhela. The total riB'bie uvjly 't wheat thit week i 44-iJS buei.eit, laM year. .3S1. !W0 bunbelm. The to'al i-itlMe B'JrPly of corn thlB week i T.PTS.doO buBheia; laat year, iJJTjfli'O b'ltheit Local range of options: rt VCr- opener c north wwat fuhaequent rai.!c turned thai . ,.,w- .v, . ee n.r't weak again and It cloeed e to le ; t -vva taae, and f,":r. wa! quit- r-ner.1. "t: No. white. C.C, Se;,:r.g waa and moatiy f-r reaha- 'Vf flo"- C?lifn IM r ' T- " " L. ' ,;f .nr.hio. ' w-nnout transaction. cnlng a L.V. .i'rr"." - -I' t-L- , ,.Tli unchanged. Jy cnaed at C: Article.! Opan.l High. I Low. Cloee.; Bafy. "Wheat-I I I I July... v rni rr, tr s r;t... w I W , -) W Com I I July. 4V 4"Sf 4" 4J 4n, Rept 4"S' 4-i 4"H It 4S 4X, y 4Ti 44 Oata ! I Ju'.y... 4i 4' 45V 4KV 47S Per... Pn' rs r--' ry r- rec...- j-v srv ri, r- "H OauLkm tak Prtew. WHFAT-No. 2 hard. 8f-; No. S hard. &SHvic; No. 4 hard 7V6ic; No. S apnng. no grade. 7'.4iTHc. CORN No. S, 4r-.4c: No. 4. 4ffS"c; ro grade. 4lr: No. i yellow, eS'ifto; No. S white. 47Vic4'e. CATS No. S mimed. 44c; No. S white. 44Sc; No. 4 white, 4.1'S44c; Btandard. 4S.C. RTE KTo. 1 7c; No. I. riJOe. 1 arlot Relta. Wheat. Corn. Oatt Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis . Omaha ... Inluth Bt- Louit ..1ft Sub m Sli in 2 . 7 ZftS CHICACrO GRA13 Alt D PHOTIBIOf FrMtrM ( the TrsLac Oaalavw n !' s Beari of Trauto. CHICAGO. July 2B Favorable weather for U-a crop In the north wear caused A B&arp decline In the price of wheat here ttxtuv. At the close the feer ember de livery was off 1c. Corn was down "wSnaO. Cisvts were up SvV. Promaioa were Jftse lower to -StC hlgber. The excellent wea,ther In the spring wnt ounvry resuated tm lower prioes for wheat cm the Mlnneaporls curb and caused the local market to open waak. The de cline commission houses became artivt bid ders because of higher pnoes at Liverpool, w-et weather In and reports ot black rum in South Dakota, This buying sent prices up more than Ic, sticut the o;eniiig figures. Pit traders, however, con tinued to sell freely, becauaa ef the wt X cees at Mlnneapolta. which seemed to dis crwdit the black rust storWa. Inning tns remainder of ths suasion sentunent waa bearmh, and In the last half hour tne market became decidedly weak. The close at tne lowest point of tr.e idvanced to irc and than was weak and day. rWptainber ft In lirt.e k .1 daclined to k-o, w nere rt tiosea. . -am- bf ht and flour wexe equal to 4. . bu. The amount m pasaagw de creAsed LEil bu. aid the TitBDle supply Uicreased liiUOO hu. Primary receipt were l.U,iu, against 2,17. (Ml bu. for the corresponding d.y last year. Minneapolis. Imlutn aitd Chlckfo reported receipts of SSi cars, against 4.U cars last week And Lit1 cars one yx ago. The corn market was weak At the opening because of the break 5n wheat. The rally in the wheat market caused a firmer ton la co-n ar:d during the remainder of the day the market was firm. The close was Bieady. September -pened Mj-e to N9"Sc luww at Ste to advanced to MVx and closed at Sc Ltcal receipt were M cars, with 3 of coctraot grade- Cie-ts were strong on llleral buying by bull And tree covering by Bfiorts. North western report were of a more serious character thaa heretofore, one expert say Uig that Oie Minnesota crop will be almost A totsJ failure. atepteaUwr opened un changed to e lower ax Site to asic, a4 vuiird to 4uc and ck-aod at !SiiVc. Lo cal receipt war caxa. Trado In provision wa quiet and tha market wa nn becaua of higuer prices for live hogs. At the close September pork waa off c At SU 47W Lard wa up Pfi at Su.lTV Ribs were uncbned at S4-7t-LrLimld receipts for tomorrow Are: Wl.j, 17k cars; corn. SS2 caxsi oaXa, I4u . hogR. lk,A4 bead, the leajlng futures rajigs followa; Anlslas4 Optiui H.gri.l Low. I Close.; Safy. Wheat III July 1 riw f.v "wi r.V Sepu 'w( V k-ifc, kw Dec javV-FV "V, H j k r. May i 1 1 Wt, l N,1I C 01 ti 1 1 July bept. Dec May oat--July feei t. fork UV M alia uhj 'w W, ii-x: ! j to I aim as iSSiAJ kk svs-awv' is 41V iw. 4. U 47 1( 47' U K IcWstal at j 14 I cWpt, U 1 mJ 25 a-pt Oct. tbs Sept. OcU Ik j IM I mj S 71 av-wi s rrw I 7 I nj k No 2. Cash qootAtlon ware a fallow: F1A1."K SteAdy; winter pumt. RriiQ sirAights, Si.TujHJl'; ;rUsg paiarts -i Tii0- Hu. sira-g 1.1. JW-l bakej . SLw WHEAT-No. I spring. ctfX; No. S, KflKkc ; No. S red. !H.jt'iSc CX.KN Nw. S, sfetyOtisu; No. S ywilw. OATSa 1 OVStVc; So. whit. 44 RI No. I SSc BiKUV-Good feeding. kuQOtCi fair to c.'m.i malting i6c dEEDti No. 1 northwester, tl T'.motny. prim. S4.4. Clovwr, contract rJna. rsfc. PKoVIiSiuNB Short ribs siie (IwwV fV45j7i. Pork, m, per bbL, S.4SSJ :( a Lard, per V lb . St U. ftiiort ciear .Js (Unedi. Folkoaing were ti receipts And hlp mrci of Qour and gram: Reoetrte. ShlnmTtta Fiocr, bbla. .. I4.w Irt Wh.At. Lu. K Corn, bu. ' fv l-l. bu. 1 4 14 CIS - . bu. S-W4 2.01" Larley. bu. X, IJuu on the produc tichaut todaT th but ter market wa easy: creameries. E'd W: ea:rle lSSv" Fkrgt. Srm: at snara. c tncluded. lSjlSc; flrst, lr: prun trstA 17a Chse. steady at LXjLAeC. Uverstal SsamlA Mat STwvlale. UTWRPOOU July SS WHEAT pot. . I r4 a-aartara wtnieiy mtij a4 1 lv,d. Future, steady: July. 7 lo; September. Ts 24. I-evember. . ISd- CORN Fpct. quiet arid '.ady. Amer ican tried, new. 6 S i . ed northern. 6t it ruturM rt 1 Ju.t Torr. 1 r.aj Stein oodon (Pacific et. T OR K bEVERAL MARKET Cjaelatloa ef the tT oa Varlow Ceaaaeedltle. NEW TORK. July 2B-FLOCR RecetptA j ik is r.Ma - emortA. ir r-D.a : iriirrn ! more active, cr.leSy f"r winter: U'ump'.i i paientA St i""3fc.So. Minnesota baker. II tr ; winter paten. St winter ralchte. St ,.43t4:.. winter extra. nifrtV; kiw trade. ti"JiltO Rye flour, 1 qjiet. fair to good. 64. Tfc. 00; choice to fancy. ' .(.XRXMExlr-Quiet; fine wfc'ta and yw) : k w U.S. ooar, r-14i.iS. kiln dried, SS-SO ; w KTE Nominal, No. 2 western. gSc. f . o. K. I Nw Tork. WHEAT Receipt. 4J.WB bx ; export. , l"i:8 bu. Spot, market steady; No. 1 red, ! ' PPSc e.evitcr. No J r-d. l-c f. o. aVat; Nn 1 cr.n.vm r-uluU.. tl.ilhf t. o. b., afloat; , I No. 2 hard winter. Wc I . b.. afloat- i AiUiougn wheat opened c lower It Quickly rKcvef-ed and wa very atrcng at tiroes on CJi'7?,. l , .Inta lCt nfW fen. trvit mrkt fc I. o. yel- tnarket bout Septem ber doaed at 41c: December tioaed at Sjc, May cloeed at f.c OATS Rece'pta. 22.5 bu. : einorta. SO.MR bu. Epot. market steady: mixed oata, 'J ti pounda. 4-3ac; natural white. So t its pounds, CIVc; dipped white, K to eu pOUn1S. tiJfiiO. UAT g'-'1r : ebtpplng. W"T5e; good to choice. Slfcyl JO. H'rS vi-iet ; state, rommon to eholc. crrr 13-1 4k-; crop. 4-: Pacific cc'at crrp. (ugllc: 1 rrc-p. "ic. HIDES Quiet ; Central America, WaC; P'-rr.ta Sl'i-c- I 'ROVlfiluNS-Reef truJet : family. VI 0 18 ft": mm. Sf Sn.ooO: beef harr.a C4 e mess. Cut meata. steady; pick led belljea. r-.75igU.5C: r'ckld harrt. ti 0 Lard, quiet: continent, S!1 So. South Amer V a ro.: coTipound. fc.75 Pork, quiet; family. OW; ahort clear, ti.lt3a7.75; mens. r 'a" 50. TALLOW Steady; city. Sc; country, 04 RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, SVff"c Japan nominal. i ;TTER Weak ; street prices, extra creamer?'. 24Va-c: omclal price, creamery, cotnmon to extra, ?"WS4c; state dairy, com mon to fancy. Iii4c; western factory, common to firt't. rase; western Imitation creamry. flrsta. tiffZx. CHEESE Weaker: full cream, colored, small. be, !Tic; large colored, best, lTe: white. 13c: fa'.r to good. llgHc; Inferior. li-JlOc: eklms. S4jwc EGGS Pteady : state. Penns-rVrsnla and I nearby fancy selected white, ibtgtc; good I to choice 2ititt4c: stAte, brown and mixed fancy, TitifMc; western selected finest, 1-J c: western avertge best, 1704e; official I price, fl-sts. ITVase- POITLRT Li v e. easier: swing chickens. 17e; fowls. 14c: turkeys. 11c; dressed, firm, but steaSr; western chicken, lftgSSc; ti--kcya. lf14c; fowls. ia?15c WEATHER 1?T THE GRAIN BELT Pair sad Slightly Trs)r TsicsAar, Sarw Welsb. OMAHA, Neb.. July . 1W. Heavy ram have fallen within tbs past twenty-four hours In the middle Mississippi valley, and showers were general m the lake region. Ohio valley and eastern state, and rair.s continue in the mlddje Atlantic states this morning. Shower were scattered throughout the lower Missouri vliey and mountain districts during Sunday, but fair weather now prevails In the central val leys throughout the wast. The weather continues cool In the central valleys and eastern states, but is growing warmer In the west, and will be allghtly warmer to this vicinity tonight and Tuesday, with continued fair. OmAhA record of tern per tar and pre cipitation compared with the correspond ing; dy of the past three yere: ww m w Minimum temperature.... 44 W 62 70 Prec'pltatlon - 00 .00 T .0 Normal tempermtur for today. T7 de grees. Deficiency to precipitation sino March 1st. 4 68 Inches. Deficiency 00 rrespondlng period to V0C. S. Inches. " Deficiency corresponding period In ISQg, T.44 lnche. L. A. WELSH. Local ForecAatar. Cert aad Wheat Rrgtoa Ballvttw. Tor the twenty-four hourk ending it I t m.. TSth meridian time, Monday, July B. HWJ: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rain s' atl on. Max M!n. falL llry. Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Aihland. Neb O 68 T 1 Auburn. Neb..... rbury Nb.. M ST M S7 B Sr IS CI w M ti S K 0 . .nf . T . .i .to .o .00 .( .(0 .M .( Fairmont. Neb... a Or. Island. Neb.. U HartingtoD, Neb. at Hastings, Neb.. 7 Oakdala. Neb 12 Cmaha, Neb RS Ten am ah. Neb... AJta, la a Cwrroll. la 4 iClertnd. Ia, e4 iP'.Mev. lA. !3 Sioux City. Ia... a 00 Clear MlnlmutTi terrpersrure for twalve-bour period ending at i A. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp Rain. Max. Mm Inches CmtrsJ. Ststior.A Oilcago, III . 24 Columbu. O IS Ie Maine. I.... 14 Indinpohs. Ind.. 12 Kanea Clrv, Mo.. 17 Louisville, Ky IS Mixmaapolla, Minn. 30 Omaha. Neb . IS St. Loula, Mo 12 78 .11 so Ti .i a b t 71s 4 .of 4 . 8 Vs .AO 7t M T S4 W .ft It U .441 Cool weather continues throughout the corn and wheat region. Heavy rain Lav continued In the eouthern portion of the com belt, and lighter ahower occurred la other portions, being very Eght is the Omaha. Dra Motnea and Minneapolis d. tncta. L. A. XUU. Local FurecAster. It. Lmla Geatral Sfarksl ST. LOriB. July S. WHEAT Weak ; track. No. 2 red, cah, SbQUKx; No. X hard, BV .!,; September. SSA-c; December, S8S- COP.N Lowsr; track. No. 2 cash. Sic: No. Z white, etc; September, AlSc; Decwmber. rAATft-Higher: track. No. S cash, Ce; No. S whits. 4Se; September. kc; Dw cerr.ber, SrHc FLO Ot Steady; red winter patents. St S 434.44; extrs fancy and straight, Si-MKli. clear, S1.7&.JA26, SEXXiTimothy, steady, tt X4.V ila.N-Firm; aackea. east tra k K-Orte. HAT Stror g ; timothy. S,i.0t-j"JUdO, prai rie. t 571 Mi. CO R.VMEA L Steady, ST TO IRON COTTON TIES 41 C44. PKOVISlC-No Poik. ready: Jobbing, rsad. Lard, steaiy; prtzn steam, ft Si l"ry salt meats boxedi. steady; extra snorts. SVC (jUr rib. SI, short clears, Hi t"t- Baton tboxadj. steady; extra shortA r.tAllia; dear riba. HOLT. Abort clear, M X. PoCLTRT Steady; chicken He; aprtnga, lie; turkeya. 11c. durka. Sc. gees. Sc. EtTTER Steady ; crearutry, tga&ie, EX30& biady at lie. Rcer.t. Shipmante Flour, bbla U.ouu . Wheat, bu, oiu It Cora, bu svmai U.M0 OaU. bu TXouO 4i, m Clry 4Sa mm PrwvlsteiaMt. KANSAS CITT. Jury B WHEAT ep ten.ber. Bt-c: Ioember. c. May, e; cash. No. 1 hard. tt-vvV No. S. alQfcc: No. 2 rvd. c; -a. j. stgeSe. CoRN Septrtnber. 47c, Iwoember, 44c; May. t'e; cao. No. 1 mixed. 4Ve; No. t, tec; No. 2 white. 4ic, No. S. e. OATS Casri. No. I thlu, 4'tac; No. 1 mixed tttitfcire. RTE Steady; No. 1 rTJ-ac HAT Stetdy; choice timothy, SZAjegusO; Choice pr.iri. ITJbsyr.U. KX3eV-6tady , extra, 17c; ftrat. lic; Bvounu. case roturDMl, 1 in . auuui trn le t BT-TTER Creamery, te; packing, WV4S. Rce'.(ts Shipment Weat. bu. El t Cora. b0 21 tAS) at ; Oat, bu siAW ik uw Kar.aas City cash price a famished by Lrgs AV BryAb. 1J Board ef Trad buiia tog: ArQclaa. Opa, i Hlch.! Low. , Oca. wrhaat SpLarbr. J 1 cai.ter... Cora AvntfCbaM Ustiec. 1 I tr IB vw 1skiJ. A4 j t. SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Little Diipocitiffs to Ainnco era Lover Price. JLLEKTT DULL 15 COXSEamCE Lavek ef lifiwt Cavataea a (Ibc Teaaewey, Vklrk Sa rllw4 by fkar( BrwaJc Sear tbe 51.1V TORK. July There wa mtl dineffltloB either to Advanoe or to lower price of tock for most of the session today and the market wa an excessively dull affair. The Indisposition to Advance left the market vulnerable to A ded and caused txie aasTgtng tendency, which ied ultimately to the aharp break to the final bour. Th ronraw of the trailing ww the further outgrowth cf the tendaoole developed ever since th opeculstlon to the Harrimsn stocks was checked last week. With, the perception that the laderhrp of this group to speculative movement wa not to be forthcoming lor th present any con siderable operation for an advanoe have leen abandoned. It was cbvVm today also that th anoertaistMi of the money outlook bore heavily on sentiment Th Saturday bank stAJement wa partly re sponolbie with Its showing cf the eejTjal pace with which credit expansion w keep ing up with the reserve lncre, to spit cf the imminent need of the crop moving demand The res'.mrtton of th gold ex port movement to Franc confirm eef the x-pec-talion of the latter part of last week, but it was none the les impressive of th manifold demand for banking resmrve. Still mor lmprensiv was the scramble which oocorred for th SS.fms.OnD of bar gold vai)able rn th London market. Th urgent competition ran the price up lied and took all but SX5no.ono arair.ct th efforts cf the Bax.k of England Thr wa a withdraw ai fmm the Bank of Enrland for shipment to the continent, suppoeahly to Vienna. This widening of th circle of th demand for gold proved disconcerting to fnanctal feeling. Meantime there ww forced liquidation In Erltlsh consols a an after effect of the recent Egyptian embar rassment and a fall to that security to e U-10. thus exoeeding the low price of few months ago and eetablishlng A new low reoord for forty-etgt years part. The sentimental effect of these Incidents cm investment feeling was unavoidable And wa felt to New Tork. London froAnclAl critic are combining to warninr to the bsnklrg world there of the danger of an other rise In th Back of England rate to i per cent this fall ar-d of the humilia tion It would be to hav to appeal again to the R,nk cf France for relief, a was don last falL Th drain cm London's gold last fall la attributed by the critics to th over-extension of credit to American borrowers and It 1 against tils excbn-e that warning are principally directed. At the same time th special necessity that la urged for building up on reserve abroad at this Urn 1 the likelihood that gold win have to be ahipped to New Tork in pay ment for food stuff, in view of the pros pect of foreign crop BhortAge. This ac knowledged condition eem to offer good swurlty to foreign lender to New Tork t this tlm that th outgo of food stuffs will furnish mean to llquldat Indebted ness, while the lending would obviate the noe1ty of two shipments of specie across th Atlantic. The New Tork market meeting with om disappointment that this view of th case Is not taken. Foreign backer hope that measures by our Treas ury department will obvlat th demand for imports of gold to New To-k to the fall against export of commodities. Another break In th price of copper was ab nnsetUln: Influence of the dav. Opinion I prepared for a record quarterly howing of earnings by the Tutted State Steel cor poration to 1 preeen ted tomorrow, but no Increase to the dividend is looked for and the effect on market senfment Is expected to be unfavorable. New Tork Central was subject to rumor of a bad showing cf earning for th last quarter. Report of rust In spring wht were of some effect on StotkA The ca.ll money mrket felt the Inflaene c f th growing dunand upon bank resource and th rle to th call loan rate con tributed to th lata weaknar of the atock market. Bond wwt heavy Total Bale, par rale. eMO.tkl felted States bond wW.a changed oa call. tKlfcV-f.oUov"'r'f. V rw of price, oa th New Tork Stock exchang: Aloe. v, aBSBH KlpiISS jj,, Am n,- mtmi Cnjir b mi m r it ar. rr ul yaaDrr. i.ti v r4 u . i jeix luew An.. Oettoa OU . I. tilt SJ eV . Bi Asmt. Hide A LasUitr ptt. Ajuar. lot Ajnar. Unnid OU. o ? W0 10 it to ltd tue it ST liW 4 pta Aaar emeiunc A I'.... nut 111, u ptt job :m Kit A Bar sncar Aetalsc od u u; in Tttoace '4 eta. ." aqkvui siicuig uo . . 4 mt t Atraiawi IM S tr J LWt tn AtiAUe Coast Use........ lm - Sktiuibort A Okio... ....... LSuV t t pt . Brtwk'ra Ripia Traasit.... IMC EP T Ca.DadlAB ytcitc AW lTT-aj ITS Caeumi ef Mew Jersey..... CbaaapaUa A Ohle 4,ta 14 if Ckioa Oraai Waatr... CkjoAto A kierta 1 111 a. .. CO 151 Jtt C. at. A Bt. Paul U.SU U5V 113. CaM I. star T phi C, C, C A Bt. lout sT4 ST ITS r- lw 121, s it 41 I w at "w oolcrmoa Fuel an Iras.... L2n n Oeieraos A Sontlan 17110 IT, 1 pt4 i.n, 5 4a M ptd imi . ST, MNimiuMa wa . . Oom FYuAaou 1:, lie pit 1m r 7 baisvtra A B4aoo ut ITS Lwi.. Lack A nun.. Iianear A kit Granite Sut 24 4t ptt IiaULarr Sacarluai . jn at 11 M) tv a tat pft .. bw , to 14 t'i a 4 17S r u" Sih t tl jtil. ttt r Tt , at 4I IM 142, Hi Tl, M T IT ST, r i-i, ST, 41 1X4 Hi tt l1 If 4, iW I riauanl Iieotrtt 1S.4H lit. . . .uuia uiauaj lsfaarsstiesai rapar 4 pit ....... iBtaraatifmAj Fnaas a p!4 Iowa Contral . . He pf A C. BoutherB at ptt Lealar.ut A Kaahri: .... Maaloaa C'anaral Mws. A Bt. Umit St.. Bt. P. A AaaiX Bta. St. 4 pffl Miaaourl Pacta Hiaaaarl. kaa. A Texas. ... a p:4 N'ational Lead i. k B. at Maxiae aid ! T. rent-al. . T . Os-na A wwaura.. Kortalk Wati ere ptt .. tot 144 144 lut t, 14, it r-, n, si r r r, i-s K lit, HJ, n u t:, Hi ti ill " lir " It TT T4 lA tff. It, r-- i", M0 4i 4. siti rii" iii, 1" If, K, ttt Tt it, "n St'" ii" LI Ut 1X1 KnrH al', r HIT, 41 Pmakc Mail rwnuarlew rarq 1 bat an llw. tlW Pitta., C, C A Be Lemis Slaal Car . P'S W i It, Puiuuaa Palas Car 1U koatn. . IS.Tt ltr- JSia. jMai 1 C U n, a. ; . .apssita Bual - r a 1 a p:4 M let M tt kock ltise Ce 1 van sji, p't r rt kit kaa rraa. M ptk. low l.-, rr k Leal sse-kwasiara.... au L 111 ae ptd koailan-a Partftc tl r tia, mi. Tl r, al ft n so ii pa 1W 112 BoeUiar Stairny I St L2e LI, P mod 41 c- tl Tailaaai 1 teal aai Iroa... :t la tf ttat A Paetse IP rr t: u T.. Sc Lna A Weaxara.... 4 ,,7 aa pit I nut i ftl :i nr, a ti, 1 it aa pK .. u r. A gxpeaat . .. C. S. saajtr .... C. A kaiiBar M . lit 4 P't idt H M I-, lii, 14 Ml , mt 144, TT If, IT ", S r B Suet C.T r- Aa pit tie is a 1 , Virgin la -CaSDlina CXanilcaX Lkl ST, Bl da -d ; p4 Walla-Para Btpraat ...... Waatiaslimiaa Kosrat ... w amai a t aios Wearing A Latka Ana.... wiaresius OaBtrai aa at - , Caamwl lThaT Aa aft aonaara PaufAt Orrnm Piortaart pf laiarnarougk Maxrapelna ! 1 n a avu tj 1, lav, 1A1, l.4 r ut a 1, U L, lw So ptt Koaa-Shefeeld pe Tuuu at am for aa day. alt at Bf, at. OMAHA, JiiJy tl Rack daarrtig for today wer S1.TT212SS. and for th or-rwi-3ding daf last ywar Sl.S41.44l SL WAbTHTNGTON, Jaly 2fc -Tcxiar mXmf. tnact of th trwasury balanoM in th gen- erai ruaxi. ex c lustra or th gj ) gold ttnjr: g-d co'r. ml bunion, lOMQjeai gold 4MrUSoAtev tTVJsTJSO. Xrw Tawsi Mwey Mwt. JCTTvT TORK. Jl'T a MiNET On csjl. firm; F 7 per cr t; ruling rate, IH per tent; closing 1-id. i- per cent, offered t I per cert Time 1lti. Irm, :x:y day A 44 per cent: ninety day bfU. fr-jV per cer- rx B)'ftv 4 pi' e-r.t bid. fRlME MERCANTILE PAf'ES-f 'VteRLINO EXCHANGE - Firm, with actual bustrww In banker hT at U P"3 lf"4 for demand and at S K-4 !.. fr atxty-dsv bills: commercial Hiia. $4 (WV SlLVER-btr, Sc. Mexic.n dol.ara. ic. tONDS Governiaect, steady; railmaa, teavy. Tt.e clo4Ttg qootaaoii oa bond today wre as folicw: t I r(. sa, r jsrw, etft. . . "H St eeuso ......l'V ma M sens " r S hi 1 i- OS Tt enueee - lntL A K. at ....- " t k new t ri....:riK Manhat ri . r epupoa ...Ijr'V-i Central Si tl Am Tstbac t T; S to 1st lnr t: 4o I it trn. 4 It L St. r Arrkmno e. .... nl . K. T. t t A l. w it Km t4 Atlntlr e to.... .? R. sf M. a at., n B A O a--.. In. T. C sen. !.... r i C run. is t nt. U T. . ts ... tKl PaciAc is !"' nuwl of Oa, ..H v., o let rae...... M Norton A V a. ts . t -Bo M m 'ew. L rrs, . fH Ao M lni.. 1 1 ii, M Pens. ev. ! in CtM. 0. KaailBg tea. H e 4-i- L 1 k. . blt C . B A a. ei ... s?st. U. A t r ii T . K. L l. 4s.. Ttt. U w. - Ml. i tl tta.-4 A k. L. Tt TC A tt U A 4 4a. r-lOr - Ola. Ir4. It, ma. A. t"V tst tt ?t M Co.o Mid. aDstasTB kr be lot ceio. a So. ts........ riTx a ?". 4 ..r.r4 -t Its 10JT V 1, A W. t;. D A A a. i rsrntoa rwlt ti It Ptet. aw. ta tiitl' t Uteel M le "4 E- p-1nr 1Mb .... tti irut lsl i" see ts '7i'wwaCT ui. tt tt Esak. WaUer 4s..:m-W . L K. ts. S Jtpa Si StTis. Oeotml t s4 to 14 ssna a Bld. Offered Best oa storks Bwwda. BOSTON. July B Call loans. V5H per cent; tlm loans, per oent. CfriclJ closing prKws oa bond were a follow: AtcbitoB ati. tt Hex. Central tt AUiLlWB. to BfS Bovine A Altetr.. Boema A Mttne .. BtllnB C,evte.. Sleriats Cencral H. T . w. R. AV fnloe. Paclftr is. A-pe. Cbsmlcel 4 An. riMot. Ttbt.... Am, Socmr (! It Tel A Tl Am. Woelen ...... e era e Amairaaaatad .. n .. IT ... I."., . .fwi .. 9 .. 7 .. U - u 11 .. fH .. vj ... 7 .. !, . . 41 ...12t .. it ..lit ... Ik, ...let ,. lV .. ti .. ... V ... th .. T, ... Tt .. X, ... u .. c . X Aiiantia . ...... . P'r.(la . tt a! A Hecla-... . Pfwnuir6!tJ S31 Cper Range Itn r:r Weat ......... .lte P-ast'ln r.,la' kmlt .UA, Maaa Minia Je tt. ctrsan . II Muhawt . 11 Mont Onal A C... . F01d rxnniaioa .... .in , "area'.a .US Parrn .let Qctncy . t FbaantTB .......... tl Tamawufc ......... BOiaos Elta IU. X-i Tnatty tniwd Cottw .... ZTitotrlt -- 14 ... 61 r. B. Mining. Maax. Gat i nit r-B retted So Mack. a pt4 r B Slerl .. aa it uu ..110 Ttak .. PH v1ti .. Mttna Btine ., .... M,itutta OeallLM ... .... .MP, Nerasa H k,raV A Anaona... ptd A a 'al.r usa .. , Aileuai . 44 Aria. Cesnaisraial. Bid. Akd- Leaoa OetlBg B tew km. LONTXN. July CloFlng quotations on stocks were as follows: Onaaola. Botiey II 11 -It at.. K A T . ", do aoeonnt IS ll-'l N. T. Contra! .. ....lit, AJtaroa&s - UkNortoIk A W TT, Aictuaoa ft do prd ... do pfd .. Itvcuit. A WfwaaTB. ... rl B A Ci 1014 Pmnarlrania 15 Cajiacian Par-So ....11'. Rand Mtnea F, Cne. A Ohio JH Reailn 15 Cklrago 0 W l.VSov(ie-n By ..... C. M. A Bt, y....l do pffl tt rietliim I ppaj omha-n Paelllo ItlJ I. A A O. ........... tl I'nioi Pacist IM, do ptd T?H da pfd . to Irie ...... I r. S laal ...... I da tat pro...- II, do pfd lt, do Id p-'4.... . tt Wabaah 1, Orand Trunk . 2r do p'4 XI IlllnoU Central ....14 tpaclak tt u L. A WattiTtiie. Ufi SILVER Bar, firm; 11 U-ld per ounce. MONET 231?i per cent. Th rate of disco-int on the open market for short bill 1 SSfjSS per rent; for three month bills, I S-1SOTS per cent Hew Twrk Btialaa BtwcMa. NEW TORK. July B Closing quotation en mining stocks were: Adaatt Ocm I Little Chief 4 Alloa .t"W Ontana. "4 Braaoa f Opbir ............... M arnawtk Cot...... an Pot oat , , H Coeutnok Tveael .... BT Savage 44 Com- Cal. ask Va.. St f terra KtvaAs at Bora BUvar ..... ltd Small Mesas , at L-aa Silver Blaadar lav LaadriUa Ooa.. M Ccrttoa Ktrfcrt. NEW TORK, July a COTTON Spot cloed dull; middling upland. ll.f(c; mid dling ru.f. lLlSc, Sale. 4.70b balea. NEW ORLEANS, July a. COTTON Closed quiet; aaiea, 775 bales; low ordinary. 7",e. commsU: ordinary. SSc. nominal: grod ordmary, k li-lAc, nominal: low mldd'.ing. llS-lkc: middling. 12Sc, good middling. liiic nominal: middling fair, ltve. nominal: fair, l&Sc, nominal; receipt. 2. Ski bates' stock. SVS74 bales Future, quiet srd ltady: January, 12.12c, bid: March. UlSc, bid; July. 12.4kc, bid: August. 12 4ic, bid: September, 12 41c, bid; October. 12 11c, bid; November. li-tTc, bid; December. 12 (the, bid. LIVERPOOL. Jruly S COTTON Spot, fair demand, prices 4d higher: AmerV-an middling flr. ABtd; good mlddllr.g. T.TikJ ; middling. 7.1Sd: low mlddllr.g. 47M: good ordinary. .(fcd; ordinary. Slid. The sale of the day wer s.OVO bale, of which WW ere for speculation and export. And In- eluded 7 American. Reoeipts wer l.M bate, all American. ST LOVT5. July B.-OOTTON Ouiet: middling. lT,c; sale, none; rece'pta. (2 oaie ; anijimetita, bale. 2U biea, stock. SJ57 Metal Market. NTW TORK, July 19. METALS Ther was quite a sharp decline In the London tic market, with spot closing 2 12m fid lower at 11 l: and futures Li Vm lower at lBt h. Locally, the market was weak and lower in sympathy, closing at S3.t? 4t for pot. Copyr also declined In the London mar ket, with spot closing at ? and future at 4 in. Locally, the warket wa weak. wth Lake quoted at SX aOiSa SO; electro lytic at Skiiji&.oi. and castir.s at n.5ttl I ru.iaj. ieaa was uncnacgoa at iv.isirix. in tn local market, but wa tt lower at 1S In In Lor.don. Spelter, declined 7a Gd to S Ss in th London market, and wa also lower locally, at S5 K. Iron wa lower m tii market, with standard foun dry quoted t &. and Cie-veiand at CI IxKally, th market waa unchanged. No. 1 foundry northern is quoted at S3 5JiU.X; No 2 foundry northern at Sii. 718.1(1.75. Sot-'them grade continue nominal. ST. LOUIS. July 3 LEAD Dull at S.t -.&. Spelter, firm at St.. lagar aad Molsttet. NEW TOBJC Ju jr 3.-STGAR-Ew. firm, fair reitr.g. 1 !"-Tjl i; . n,,. g,i w test, IkS-ic moiasse Bogar; 1 Zhtru- ii'Stf 1 retmed. steady; No. C. 4auc; No. T. tkjc; No. k. 4-fcic. No. I 4.46c; No. 10. 4.Cc. No U, 4 Sic; No. 12. 4.3; No. 12. 4.2T No. 14. 4 1fc; confectioner A 4kic; mould. A, SS; ctt leaf. STuc: cruthed. t7tic; pow &rX 5 1"r: granulated, be: cut-e. i.M. MOLASSES Steady ; New Orleans open kettle pood to cl dice. J"Slhc. NEW ORLEANS La.. July 3-SfOAR-trady; open kettle centrifugal. ST-Va SJ",e : centrlf 'igal yUijw, 13"iii4c, ecc.d, US LSc XL Olla avaai ImU. NEW TORK. July 2b OIL Cottonseed. eaier; yrtme cruce. nominal; prime cr'ide, yellow, SSVt. Petroleum, firm: refined. New Tork. S 4S; Philadelphia and EaltimcT. ISi4Ci; Phuadeljhia ar.d Balttmor. m bulk. j St aS. Turpentine, steady, r!iAie. , RC?IN Firm; strained, commoa to good, ! KicVM S ! OIL CITT. Pa., July S.-OIL-Cr-dtt bal 1 ibc. r.-TK run. lt.S' bbla ; avwrag. 1ST.- It.' bbls ; Xink bbla.; averaga. ia.S4 etna (tire ktrkrl. NEW TORK. July -v.ppnrK-rutures evened quirt at a decline of fujlo point in reeponse to lower French cable. Trading was very quiet and a lrttl buying straciif-d ttie market in t:it absence of pressure, with the close quiet, net unct.anged ts M point lower. were 2 TKi bag, tnelud- ir.g repteB-ioer at ,c iitcenit' at Tic, March at S IV and Msy at S pic S-'t, ouwt; No. T Rio. fr No 4 Sat. to. TSc Mud, duU; Cordova, 1.5-Se Pe-orta bra la Market. PEORLt. July 25 CORN-Firai; No. t yeliow. K-Sr: No. L MS.C , No. 4. ITS; no grade tf-,wc, OATS Sieady; No. t whit. 4-c; No. 4 White. 4te. P.TR Nomlral; No. 1 oT-v35e. whiskt-cc ST. IkTTS. July SB -wr OL trteady : me d'um g-radea. ct "-tnzg and cioth'tg. ZxJUmc; light fine heavy, i7aiic; ti.b waaiasd. SS?bc. ELatla Barter Market, ELGIN, in. Jtily SV B 1TTXR Firm at 24c, a declib bt iu.- OuLn-t Ll 11 m OMAHA LITE STOCK MARKET Good Beef Cattle Scarce and Cora mandirg About Steady Prices. HOGS XAKT. A SUBSTASTIAL GAT5 M4eral Rsav t Bh tvad with Trade Active awd Sti-OBC t Tea Higher Tka LavM Wewk. SOtTH OMAHA, Neb.. July a WW. Receln- wri Cattl. Hoc BuP- CnimAte M .nday ...... S O) J Same day last week .... 7 ,ia xa Same dy t week ago.. l 4 tot day S week ago .. S S .!? 4 W.' Sara day 4 weeks ago .. S -IS Sam day last year klMu S.41, S. Tt following table ahows th reoe'pt of catLt. bogs and sheep At South Omaha Tor th year w data, compared with last year. WIT. I". Inc., I-es. Cattle 2t.4tf S.4SS rja ..... Hog . JtT.tU LSA.KJS B-2'7 Sheep aaa.r.4 a4.S SLS Th following table ahew the averat prtoe of hog at South Omaha tor th At severai day, with eompanaon: tat. 1 W07. q as risos-twa. p. :w. July Juiy July U... IS... I 74-,; S4j I SB 4 S I T TT. S M S TJV, S Sl S S I OS, S B 4 S7I I 47; S IS! j 1! I irw I 44, W IK K; I J? I TV P 1, tt I I?' i 5 I TS 4 Si; IS S he 1 71, J s w v 4 a s t s n a 1 'V I l i-iy is... July 17.. J JUT Julv July Ju.y July July Ju.y Ju.y July July July July IS II.. SO.. a.. n.. n . 14.. a.. m. . Lk ..' S-ml2 -"-a. . !" ; : r: . ' t I rv 4 r s i j. I US IQ I 4 Hi t i 7 S2 I WH b' I 41 I I If l i I S4 4 61 t 56 S 04, S 06 7 S St", S S I m ' 42 A k- I U I U 11. 1 K i s ss 171 5 70 6 74 s es s 27.... la,. 3... ! s tf s n s in 4 7 u, s cis 1 1 so i m oi i pi Sun day. RANGE OF FBJCB8. Cattl. Hog Omaha 1 wvy W fcj'kj Chicago 14"u7. ? KarJTt City I V St Lou- lfc?7.25 ITSS Sioux City 2.7Va7.( tse The official number of car of stock brought in today by each road Cattl. HagA 6hep. lir. C M. BL P. .... a t " 'i Ni. p Ry J I V. F. sBiem I TJ S 1 C. A N. W. (eat) . . S - ; C A N W. twestl 6 K C St. P.. M. O... S I .. C. B. A Q. (east) .. 4 C, B. A Q (west I .. 1 C. R. 1. P teaU .. 1 C, R. L P- wet). I .. - - Illinois Central " Chicago Gt- Watern. 4 1 Total receipt US K 11 The dtspofition of the day r-ce-pt wa a follow, each buyer purchasing th num ber of had indicated: Buver. ttue. o- Omaha Packing Co. .... " Swift and Company .... LW Cudahy Packlr.g Co. . ... LI'S Armour A Co 1 Swift 4 Co. FT- Worth TS Swift at Co.. SL Joaeph 71 S. A S-, Sioux City.. . Vansart mt Co. T 1.43) 1.6H X6 Carey A Benton S - Lobman A Co - UU W. L Stephen .......... 12S ... Hill A 6on 1-1 F. P. Lwia . . . Sii .a . Huston A Co s . . Hamilton A Rothschild. 67 .- L. F. Husx 41 ..... ..... L. Wolf n J. H. Bulla - .- J. B. Root A Co. tl Sullivan Bros. Lrhmer Broa. 11 . Otnar buyers . Hk fTS Tcrtals 4.8S 1.0E1 CATTLE Th rwoeipt of cattl this morning were quite moderate for th first day of th week, considerably smaller than had been generally ajoUclpated. The re ceipt consisted very largely of wesiama, wiui oow stuff predominating. Th supply of oorn fed sier wa very limited, thsr not being Any strictly good or choice cattl of that description on sat and not very many loads of any kind. There seem to be a fair demand, but the cattl were not of th right kind to create a very great amount of Interest Among buyer. Th rull wa a rather alow market, with price about steady. Th upply of range beef wa also very lim ited and such cattle as there were gener ally commanded About steady price. Th yard were full of cows and heifer. Fortunately there wa a vary fair demand. ao the mor 0eirD 01 tn onering changed hand In fair season at prices that ' were not materially different from th cioe of last wee.. Tnat means, howvr. that I the market wa at least fcjic lower than 1 the first of laat we. Th trad oa th i common and In f trier grade wa very I slew and there wer those who thought they had to take off a litut on that kind I from laat wet-t closing figures. There I was a llttl sprinkling of stacker and feeders and ths better grad commanded j fully steady prices. Feeders having both 1 weight and quality sold quite freely at price that were fully steady. Common light cattie and even light cattle of pretty ' good quality war hard to mora i P.eureeectat.'ve sale: ! BETEF STETEEa. Jl :i. . JT.. ki.. Tl.. At. ltll ....111 14 ...1J Pt. It Av. Pr I 1 .....l"t S I 44 41 lliKT 4 II I SS S3 1114 I St 4 II CCWB. in 11 tti 1 11 I 35 1 Ml I II 5 K I Ttt, I 10 I 1 Km s ii S 10 II H4 I 10 1 (It 4 . K" I 15 I x 25 :rr 1 1 1 71 I 104 I t 2 Ml 1 110 I Ml I OH S Ull I Tt I M II 1" 4 OB I SO I 106 I 44 1 TSP I t0 U IM 1 -. eti 1 ........... 1 lull U Nl t I 1 toe I 1 I Ul 1 p(l COWS AND HEIFERS, 10... ttt I St HXXFTERS, 1 . 53 2 It 4 SET I II S tin I BULLS. 1 110 S S I IB 1 It S Tl 1 Oil I B I St t iSfl I 11 CALVES. 1 ta 1 ts t tn I it 1 . m tit s in 1 r I lit 111 L let S St 4. 10 t tv STOCK Kits AM) r E..t-U. rut. taclerm aud T-7 PT 4 I ut 41. 10M 4 m I IS WESTERNS. COLORADO. 1 IS 14 heifers.. T 4 25 4 heifers.. 722 IK 1 heller... StO WTOMINQ I heifer... 740 3d calves... k 1 he:Ier... tttt 74 r.eer.. 117 IS t eer lrfeS 1 cow KfO S ccws... SuO 1 hetler.. Mo 1 heifer ... 8K0 II feeoer. .ICS 1 buU S- k heifer.. S"4 t It I IS I Ti 4 SO 4 B 4 10 I sn I BO 1 steer . .130 1 steer 1 IS steers ...112S it helferB. 1 heifer... ? 4 U w. . . 17 feoder t foeder 4 steers . . IS oows... 1 steer.... a cows. . . 2"S 24 COW MO S cow h'T IS B'.eert. ...11,1 IS oow., 4 oow.. 5 oow.. 4 COW . S steers 1 steer.. I ealv 14 OO 1 Steer 24 steere 1 in cow 14 feeders. 2 b-lis ... 1 ca.f I mixed.. 1 belter . 6 heifers. B calves . 4k fr-Otr. ' cow . , . . 1 oow 10 CO s 4 cow 2 feeder 14 S A faaLf I heifers.. 4 4 uitt..,. UT t4 001... If" 4 PJ 4 SO I 6(1 I 10 5 to I 40 4 46 10 heifer.. 7ES t M 1 10 7 feeders.. . t 26 2 70 t rows Lsti 4 w I HI S 6 1 steer ISRj 4 6" LA tX IC tx4 u a r r sT tV M irmMPH .j" i 9 sap W t H 24 feeder.. 100 40 li5 4 71 4 4 75 SJt I 20 tl ters. .ll"l 4 76 IS m 4 71 1 oaif 2 4 SB ir4 I uO 1 steer 1SV S B 4 'T steer lnu S 2 IS 1 bull 14J0 S 00 I 25 1 steer 1J1S 4 46 4 B6 IS cow kl IM . W S M M cows .... T6 lit l a t 21 1 bull 1S9 I 0 . Kt S 0u 1 oow 1S10 4 10 . P S Ot' I str....lU3S 4 1 tta 4-6 1 stear..lAi 4 Tl 1U 4 76 11 001.... SRI S m NEBRASKA t i au 1 oow til I Bt ws l' S o 1 oow k t t . 4ku 1 76 21 oows Pdfc I B0 .l'T4 4 J 1 calf lku S 76 .ITT I 10 4 ec ws yi 2 Bo . 71 4 45 t feeders.. 71 4 00 1'So 2 Oti 4 calves... r7 4 0i . 4 l 1 stocks.. 4 S IB .Lit S So 1 bull 4"'J I Su , Stai 2 to 7 heifers.. 42 2 to .4.; B strs A C ta" 4 6 .177 6 tsi l'4l 4 45 1 feeder. . 771 4 10 S 10 . U l( 1 oow t 46 .-2 2? T oows .... "C 1 4T. . P I 4 cow 7T,7 I pi . IjS 4 10 1 feeder . .10 S 26 2 tt 1 bu! J370 S to t to I row St I 26 1 So 1 bull I S 2 SOUTH DAKOTA. 21 steer. X "6 4 at 17 oow 1 Bui I Wi wesTTRxa H. p-t Wyoming. w wwa.j-.Tri a au a c w . rm s a 1 wr-lrla 11 gteera. .1SVH) U S Bteer .r I IS hUr UXi S IS S4 Bteers ..XTT S ii WlU am Mkgoon g O oowm, ) 4 20 steers 4 C I ow KM I TS Charle McOlcnla Wyomlrg 22 steer S If 1 steer ... If. I 1 steer... .in. S 2 r.eer . . . . P4 I 7S S Blear,. .131 4 So Rigir BrtiA Wyomlrg I cow l'tk, I 05 s cew .... rr SB 1 leeder... . 4 1 feeder.. .lii 4 SV 1 (f l'l S 7 cews ... i':7 s f S steer. ...1M 4 BP 4 sneer. .L.i 4 sn I W Mel 4 feeder . l.7 4 Su 1 feeder... V 4 BO 1 ccw P S 76 1 cow ... r u T steer. .127 4 W 5 steer ,, U 4 Su hUThxn Neb. as cow .. yr 1 i H'.XJS Hog sold unevenly higher tvto morr.irg. the amount of th advance being dependent upon the kind cf bogs; thu god light hog were rwnera.iy 1 higher, with gcKd htavy nd medium wegris S.51 higher arid rough heavy packing hog steady to be t" The market wa not etjieclal'y ct!ve at th advanoe bjt still t,"- hor kept selltng and prctieal'.y every, thing in Bight wa Cleaned up in gd sea Bon to tr morning Th bulk ot th hog old t Srl". with a top at KJa. rtepreeentativ sa Ka. w & y pa. wi sb r m ... la tt n tt 4 tt Mf. wtet It H . II i I Ui ... I I at r lit I tf nv . i tt m p i oe M tt M I l tt Kl Mt I tt I 44 n t I M tl T . . I s i I1 S a s t Ut II M n f rn ti bi a i a rt !. i i-, n s 4 n n w I r, ti tst t i U. ...... 14 at 4 II 44 Mt 1PJ 4 i 4. Ul ... 4 t W r J I l let ... I tt tM K I f. It Ill ... 4 ta) SI W at 4r, t. It; ... I I 4t : If, II....... psft 4t 4 PfS 4 -Z'' tit 4 r U. ...... tt a tot, I" tt 4 t, rt iw Irs, tt it I ""h t iii . i m, n n t 4 -, u im itn tot, n ut k lit 44 n tt ttt, tT 1 1 TO pit HI 19, Tt m BP 4 It Tl M 11' 4 tt, r ta . . I w PM . I m, T to to 4 10 14 1M ... 4 14 Ti ut ... 4 11, TO Ul 1 4 T All ... 4 '., t w tti t t it a: n 4 It PM ... I 01 44 Ill ... 4 II, 14 A.I ... I 04 Tl Kl 111 n r ... in 1: n iw 4 ii II MT . . 4 t 141. It" I 11 n 14 10 ii -1 rr . 11 . tl I4( 1. I It. Tl Aid lit s 11 t- n it 4 06 r wt ... 4 u 44 ttt . r ts ... 4 s Tl H lit I Ii Tl. Ill 40 4 la Tu . 4 Jt SHEEi- For th frt dsy cf th week receipt of shep this morning wer very moderat. only If car bnr.g r-jxried In when the market opened, of w hich number j two car were direct to a packer and were not otrerea for saie. There as a guoo, 1 active demand for everything In tight and i the offering we-e cleaned up in a hurry. I the price paid ranging anywhere from : strong to 10c higher Among the offering were right g-od k:l-s. Idaho ewes selling at high aa St Bn with wether at SLM and yearling at SSTt. Barring a few odd and enls, etet j thing o'clock. Quotation on knier-. Good to chotee lamb. r.0"flT.IO: fair to good lamba, S4 6"9 7 : cull lambs. Sl OfaTM ; good to choice yearling wethers, St ff"nc; fa'.r to good yearling wethers, St KeJtt.Sr: god to eholo wethers li SSitrt.W; to good wether. Ci.3; grood tc eholce ewe. St S3 J: fair to good ewe. St.oCt K ; culls and bucka. ST 5"J4 nc. Quotation on feeder: Lamba, I (Wig .SO; yea.rllr.rt S 2fk&.S0: wwther. S4.Boarll.lft: 1 we. ti 764 2E. Reprentat:v Bales: 1 No. Av ... It ... Ill ... KS ... s ... Ill 1'.4 ... n ... Kt ... n ... st Pr. t s s so S ) ftO 4 ) s in t (6 I I n 5 76 4 C "4 Idaho ewes S3 Idaho wether 4 Idaho yearllrg 1T7 western lambs 10 Wyoming cull ewe ltk Wyoming ewes 2 Wyoming wethers fi'O WyomlLf wethers 25-1 Oregon yearling fders l.s Oregon yearling , B Oregon yearling culls .. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady te Btrnaar Hr Five t Tew Ceata Hlhrr. CHICAGO, Julv S. CATTLE Ret elptx, B.Otti bead; ateadv to strong; oom men to prims steere. S4.s0flT.SD; exws, SSi?t.Jt; heifer. SA.0tK9a.6ii; bulla. (2 Sutfi-OD: calvea, COi-B, stock er and feeders S.0na Oa HOxS Reoelpta. B u head ; SiTliic higher: good to prim heavy. S4.lT-i. medium to good heavy. St-25.20; butcher we'rh.ta, Sa.SUQBl.40; good to prim mixed, K 7j t; light mixed. 6J&43i40: packing, St SS43-Sn; pigs, S.Tv" 4f ; selected, Sa.4fca.ET4; bulk cf sale, tLXft 40. SHEEP AND LAMBS ReoetTt. .fjrj head, ataady to strong: sheep, B 76Q4.0b; yaax lings. S&.5Ltf.40; lamba, tl. OOtrCS. Kajaaavs City Live Stack Market. KANSAS CITT. July 21. CATTLE Receipts. 11.000 bead. S.608 southerns: market steady to 10c higher; choice export and dressed beef steer. IS.ltfj7.20; fair to good. SljSld; western steers. S4.2S6SIS; Blockers and feeders.; southern steer. II 4004. SO; southern cows, 12.1041 2 64; native cows, 11 00 4 SI; native heifer. !2.ro6SSS; bulla, I2S0WS.S; calvea, SS 606171 HOGS Receirts, 000 bead; market I $10c higher: top. 14 40; bulk of sales, tl 116 4 10 heavy, SSdlti4i:0: packer. pig and lights. rtliSrS-40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.000 head; market steady; iamb. h SS6 7 40; ewes and jearlings. SS2SIJS.O0: iwr.g yearling. 16 1064 It; rang sheep, 6 00 SS.TS, Btocaer and feeders U-f0fc.OO. Bt- Lls LIT Stack Market, ST. LOUIS, Lily 2S. CATTLE Ro ceipta. 4.200 head, including 2.000 Tex ar.t; market steady: native shipping and export steer. S6.lvQ7.2S; dressed beef and butcher slaers, 14 76 04 IS, steer under 1.000 pound 14 009 4 60; stockert and feeder. S!764S0; cow and heif ers. 12 16 S 5 76; canner. SltfJJJO; bulU, S2 7S64S0; calve. tt 00 ii 00; Texa and Indian steers, 11.00(6 6 60, oows and heifers. S160QS76. HOGS ReceUts, I lit hesl; market 1 0 h'.gber: pig and llghta. S6 S6f6 60: paok era, S6 76QS.40; butchers and best heavy, JO I 46. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.000 head; market strong; native mutton. SS 269 60. lamb. 24 06 4 71: cull and backs, I2.CS6I00; toeksrw, S2.00ia4 00. St. Jaaenk Llv Black Market. ST. JOSEPH Mo.. July 2 CATTLE Recsipt. 1.415 bead; market steady to stror.g; natives. 64.60600, cow and heifer. Si 00 (a 4. 26; stockera and foedet-t. 13 tOfi 4. 10. HOGS Receipt a 6.012 head: market I SJlOc higher; top, $I7t: bulk cf sale. S IF fl 4 IS. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, .7S head, market Active aid firm lamba, S6 60S 7 60, yearling. SSfOSSOO; weth er. St-ljT 76; ewes. S4 605 21. leak City Llv Iterk Market. SIOVX CITT, la.. July 26 iSpeclal Tlgrm.) CATTLE Receipt, 1.000 head; market teady; feeder, firm; beeve. IBOC'tj'Oli; cowa. tuht and mixed. 12 76 5 I6S; Blockers nd feeder. SI 60 4 60, calvet and yearling. SS 00 ft 4 06. HC5S Receipt I.60 head, market Sc higher at II S043 4 2-0. tuJt of .. (5 66 tjt.04. Stock la tlaht. Receipts or llv stock at th six prin cipal western markets veeterdnv: csttle. Hoi Sheep LC2 South Orr-ahav..... Sioux Citv Kansas City Bono f.mi lk 6 lta I 0- 2 A.naart M.tat) . . l ow ..1S' .. 1 4-6 .. On ..3 luO 1 ri S 4 l.v St.Ottj St. Joseph St Louis Chicago Total receipt. -47.IMS tc.ri rs.iipj V Sal hi Bsly a( Grata. KEW TCRK. July Us The ris'bl supjy of grain Saturday July 27. as compiled by the New Tork Produc exchang wa aa fellows : Wneat. r..tt9 bu , increased 191 ki bu. Cc-rn. 7'4) bu., decreased I.lC.'k bu OatA S.SckOuti bu.. decreased 1 11 bu. Rye, SIS ("4) bu.. docressed Si.OOt' to. Barley. 63k.0ul bu.. decreased T.Z.iHi bu. Mllwaake Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. July Ti.-WH K AT-Market higher; No 1 northern. HuSrglOS; No. 2 ron trf-m. ctl 01 ; Sepienaber. Kl,c bld. StTK Beady. No. 1. rt BARLEY Dull; No. L 70Sc; sample, SO CORN Steady; No. I cash. USCSc. Sept am ber, l lc M ieavrplle Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS July ? W H EAT-Sep-terrtier "S. It-crrkf. ".': No 1 hiri, r. iC. No. 3 northern, r 01 . N 2 northern' B""-- J--; No. S tor hern, t59e FLOlR Flrvt patents. Si t'.i l!: second pateots BtB3f.0f. Best ce:, 1 ooiSi . or.d cleara, n 75rLt iRAN In bulk. .6ntr.l7. Dry CreavAe Market. Nrw TtiRK. July 2 Th dry maritet wa fairly aotlv today, buyer frara th south and west Ui Baxj-kt. Advance wer anted yod Many ar la la th keakicg a&4 good for th very ssMtfartorr. w h eherB. Raw BSJ 1 weaker m tl.e Tt k,Aama market. baiS manufacturer her are not bvylcT fJ ! OSf 4 PI A WHOLE tut M AJtKXTBi CeadltU ml Trwde av4 4 a Btal aad Fwaey l?t-,Br.r aca. laorc H TTER-P.k:rg stock. 7He7 fancy da:ry SSfi'Skc. creamery. 26o LIVE PoVLlRT rricAT thicki Tc: lena. i- . roost r. o; larkey. LtC4 dck. 10c. gee. Sc. HAT Choice No. 1 plaM tHIl nvofu p. O 0P No. 1 bottom. IS Ot". c ffgrades fror SL I to SAiKi. ry sirsw, r m. No 1 a la.f . I-Uaa, I FRVHS AND MTiOM FLACKiERKlES Ca 4 q'-a, l SfttJ 1 atSfi RA?FFERRIES Red. M Qta, ILShf tjiaok q a . SS Go. SElERRn-Cas. M Ota, tt. CHEF.P.IF-Hcm grewn, S4 qta B. RET' CI R RANTS as. 14 flta.. ILB CALIFORNIA PlACki f beat, yeiic freestone. Ill . . . , PaACHCS-Texas rrberta. basket crate, por: 4 basket crate, f. Tt . CALIFORNIA FLWS per rrwXw. ILa CALIFORNIA CHERRIES Per boa af Abort S lb, black or white. Sloe, TEXAS. WATERMrLONB Each, 29C1 crated for t'.PTrt. Sr per lb. CANTLCVFB-43aJifornia. t crate, tandard. St. -SC. S4 to craai. posju Li, taxaa, JO s's. SL TROPICAL rwt-'l !. X.EVONS Ltmoaler, sis. fLOfr; M rse. SV50: ether brands. See lesa RNA.N'A9 Pr medio tn-ala f. null Imntna SLSJiTS SO, ORANGES Md:terrne PB4A fancy, L Bis. K; Vi. w it sute. Stb. B. US as BBS Basw. Itii, extra fancy 2Se more per box' St. Mlchaela. 174, foa, US 4 ll , Awmm, 14 71; It btiJ 1SS ike I SB; lm39imm BO, K and LI si Be kkiflil, US. Aku, 124, h and LS Btswa. KTaSUOB. B4.0C; extra fancy. Km mor per roxi St. atwia. Sc; new stuffed walnut 'at. Vlk box. r. . ... IATES Kadaway. I,ct layer Sc; haa. low li be; cw stuCed walnut dAtaaW Ni bo A C..tA VTiGETABL . NAVT BEANS Pwr ta, JCO. X. XIBa t 10: No S. 11 IS a IKlTATOEa Per bu-, new. B-. NEW PLFrERS-Fer S-basket Cribk K; per H bushel box. TSa. A5PARAGI S 76c per doa. buochea. BEANS New wax ana trlns. pr li bu hex or baaket, 70- EEETS. TV :R NIPS And CARROTS' ISM dot t'unvhe, AS116e. FIEPLANT per do. btmcTie. too. V. No. 1 loin. No, loin. 14icl JC&. S loin, lie: No 1 chuck. Br: No. t chock. i'-mc: No S chuck. Sc: No. 1 round. ta; Na i 2 ro' f.d. c. No. 2 round, r-c; No. 1 Plate, Sc. No I plait SSc; No. I Plata Pa. 1 CABBAGE Home grcwrj. 2c per Jh. I LEAF LTTX'CS-alo-tuuawk per AoaV reao ,wc. i RADISHES Par Asa. bnnchaA tiosaS , grcu. lr CELERT Kalamaaoo. kAffSRc per &OA M ISC ELLA NE 'ITS COFFED-p.oasted, No. SV per Th, 2". USc per lb., No. 2L, lkc per ItaJ No. XL. U'Sc I-er lb. CALIFORNIA TRXFT FT.l'lTS PrtmeA ar omwht unsettled by -er "rffat-lng from aond havnds, who aem sesirou of moving a-pplie of lrumwLate grade. Quo tation rarge from Sc to pc for Callforal fruit and from SSc for Ore row. peach r slightly e1er. wilk lanry yellow) quoted at lS'-pc. Raisins ars firm; thrww rrown loose MuBcatels are quoted at Box four -crown, 10c. seeded raisins. Sjjue. FISH Pickerel. creeled. 10c; plk, dred, ITic; whit fih, dressed, winter caugtit. llt&lfcc; fresh. 16c; trout, Wlic: halibut, lie. aalmon. 14c, catfisk. 17c; her. rr.g. dressed, fcc: era pple. round S4jvc rraDPies. large, fancy, lie; black was. 8t g-nelt. sweet and fin. Uc ; eL lkc; blu flah. li.c: red inapt r. uc . ro anao. per pair. TiOc; frcg lega. SOtter, lobtrters, grseo, per lb.. 2"c: lotwter boiled, per lb., Slc: n ckre. Spasuah. per lb., lie: mackarwl. rstiv. lfOJf-e per lb.; fresh green turtl must. 25c ;r lb.; dressed buffklo. Sc: bull bet di i;r; wntte perch. 7c; white has. ISO. CANNED GOODS Corn. ttiard. Wwst tm, ST-c. Ton.atoes. fancy, -pound can. SI ti: standard. S-pound cans. Si. 26. Pin aprle. grated. I-pound, S2 Xa2.9(i; siloed, SI 7otitSa. Gallon apples, 0& California apricot. IS.uO. Pear. SI 7641 50. Paache. r TTi.ul L. C. peache. tZimtflib. Alaska SAlmon. reo. tLW: fancy Chinook, flat, StlO; fancy socksya. fiat. C K. Sardmes, Quarter oil. UK; three-quarters mustard, fl 10. Sweet potatra. H ZP1 St. Bauer kraut. "c. Pumpkins. SocWl 00. Lima bean. 2-lb 76a ftljL Soaked pea. S-lb, 90c; fancy, SLiUj 4fi NVTB California walnutA No. i. soft shell. T3c; BrsxUs. ISValVr: pecana, UxffjJc; filberts, lee; peanut, raw, Ttc: roasted. ric: Calif ornlA Almocda, ITac; coooaauta, K M psr 11. Lralatk Grata Msrkst DXTLfTH. July . WrTEAT Jfox I harfl, on track. C-fBS: on track. No. 1 northem. COOS; No. I nortaern. SWSc: July torsi September, SLOPS; I-'ecinber. t-00: July durum. No. L 76,c; No. 2. 74,c; 6eptena ber durum. 7SSc. OATS T arrlva Bsc: July. tflo. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Paxton Real Estate Co. to Richard L'ahle. nS lot 46. Kevaton Park .. Jennie Mcintosh Patrick and husband to Waiter Bell, lot , block S, Mc intosh b sub Dundee Realty Co to Sarah Ann Fer guson, lot IS, block lJu, Dundea Plao Mary G. Madden to William E Beater, lot I. block 1. Maple Grove Mary E Lcdg to Helen L. Taylor, lot 7, block 6, Poppteton Park Rotiert O. Fink. Co. treasurer, to Con tinental Trust Co.. lot SC. block 1L Albright's Annex Continental Trust Co. to Otta Zoller, lot St, block 1L Albright 1 Annex ... Wilson T. Graham and wit to Henry Orodxinaky, lot L block U. Reed 1st add. John W. McDonald. Sheriff to Th Byron Reed Co., lot t, block i. Read a kd add. Abraham I Reed et al to Martoa Groff and wife, lot 2. block L Van Camp add. Henrjton Land Co. to Robert E. Ho Lennac, lot 3L block 1, Comer The O. F. Da via Co. to Ten Hof mann, lot ITT, Llcdquett's add Leah J. Wood to Ai gust Kruger, lots 17 to B. Waverly Replat D. W. Merrcw et al to Charles La Tbrmaa, lots 1 and 'A block B4, Flor ence A. B. Hunt and wife to the Nebraska National bank, loti t and 4, block L 1st add. to Mount Dougiaa Theodore R. Forgy to Nvtiraska Na tional bank, lota 2 and 4. block L 1st add. to Mount Dougiaa Alice McGsvot k to tne Nebraska Na tional Lank, lots S aid t biuck L, let add. to Mount IuiAt Annie M. McGavock to th KvlnraskA National bank, lot S and L block L 1st add. to Mount Iiougia Florence Co. to Charles L. Thorn, lot 1 and L block H. Florence CBcar P. Goodman et al to Charle L Thomas, lot 14. 16, IS. 17, Ik. and i". block 470, Grand view ... Anna Fiala to Barbara Novy, lot 14, block S, I'worak a add Peter A. Boisen and wife to Rosa Wax man. it, lot lis, Nalavsn'a adltlon .- J A Rcbinson and wife to Frank Murrtv lot 24. block A, Baanders and iT"mebaugh' add Id M. Krieb and rtuahand to Anna Gaiioway. lot li. bHx k 22, let Add. to Corr.gan Place , John W. Mv.D0r.a1d. sheriff, to Joseph Kurti, lot 10, b.o k i, and k I, block 20. Eoyd's add. E. D Beattle et al to Mark L. Shea don, lot L block I. P.aioview.. ...... Lurinda H. St.erman et al ta C. Z. ('recall w. tot L block I Plalirview.. TT m m tat su 1 sri 1 l Mary L, Sheldon to C. Z. Crenshaw, lot 1. hi'- k. piamvw Mary P. Edwards and hotband to Anna Jaoolaton. eno ft, , lot a block S. Orchard Hill ...... Otto Srhults and wife to Joenpb. Gar)"W. lota 17 and IS, biork a Jetter s Btttuod add Joat n Garlow to Mary A. Schults. lots 17 sr.a is. Mock k. j triers 0 ond addition . . -e t Dwirrt E Hewitt al to Jama C Ne ecn. l"t 31 block IS, Hitchcock B Firwt add . Pt.'.ltp J. Tebbena and wife to WT. harr. C. Farr and wife w fl. Sola 1 and L block 4. Kirk wood - John R. Weleter Cti Tr to Otlv An4t"k lot L block X Hillside Add. Sao 1 . Ant m bemearh and f ft to Jam Mai!ko e0 ft . wlOO ft., lot i. Bar ker t Allotment , L. Cmun to John E Usageo. lot 1 bl --k 12, MoCormlt k' add Petrr at.d wif 1 yVar.k tlM and J-lia Kratechvii, w4 lot K t.ioct 11 r-rowa farx - icr M ' ard M Koberlaon ant Wife to .. L. Tower, kt 10. Muck L Alatne f'UAA Jeeee & Rclert-) and husband le L .a L- lewar. lot U. block i. Weet Fr,d TA'tnaTi C Moms to Richard Kecny, lot SS, Bltf? View Emma ki Kaaaa and huabaad to May Cre.gttf.r.. kit 1 block S Miera. "ritchard and Tilda. add Paaton Steal Eetal C to Harming k. Laraon. t lot 46, Kysxot.e Parfc . -. .... .... mm. ....... MMW.Ma Itn ft aWTB4 aVkBiaklia eaha ' lllwIU ai. . iss, ns) m Xrma SX