Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Chicago and Brooklyn Flay Nine
Inningi Without a Ban.
South Omaha Pet Unable to Get Much
Home Tram Score. Twlre In Tenth
laalns; the Visitor Ones i
Howard Mikn Winning?
Maaraat Brad ford 'a Bora Take the
Colored (Slants Into Cans la
the Sara Old Way hy
One-Slded Score.
Found in its highest and most effective form in
CHICAGO. July 29. Today' game, a
Jiltchcr's battle, went nine Innings with
out a score, only one hit being marts off
Jlrown. and three , off Mclntyre In that
time. In the tenth, Lumley hit over the
right field fence for a home run. In Chicago's
half, Alperman fumbled Kilns' drive.
Howard vii lent to bat for Brown, and
singled. Hofman sacrificed, Sheckard atrtick
out, Bchulte wai purpoely passed and
Chance won the came with a hit pant asc
end, scoring Kiln and Howard. Score:
AH H O. A B. AH.H.O A.K.
Ttifmen. rf... I I l Alperman. lb 4 I t 1
She.Varil, If . 3 Ceae. Jb I 1 I
SXiulta, rf...l 1 I l.timley. rf...4 I I
CTianre, 1B...S 1 It 1 R.trh. If 4 9 t 0
teinfeMt. lb I 0 0 t l-dan. lb.... 4 Oil t
Tinier, m I 0 I toner, cf.. 10 14 0
Inn, tb 4110 Mwle. w I I I
Kllna. c 41 Brn. c 0 I 1
p I 0 14 9 Mclatrre, B-..I 0 1
Howard .... 1 1 0
Total. II It I
Total. .12 S 80 16
Batted for Brown In tenth.
Two out when winning run was acored.
Chicago 0 00000000 3-1
Brooklyn 0 00000000 11
Two-baee hit: Fheckard. Home run:
vumley. HacrMc. hlta: Sheokard, Tinker,
lofrnan, Caaey. Left on bases: Chicago,
9; Brooklyn. 1. Baaea on ball: Off Mc
lntyre, 4. Hit by pitcher: Bchulte. Struck
out: By Mclntyre, 8. Time: 1 : 40. Umpires:
Emails and Kicm,
Ctuakera Defeat Reda.
CINCINNATI. July 29.-Errors by Gan
gs! and lxtert In the flrat two Innings
gave Phllade Iplila enough runs to win the
game. Cincinnati waa unable to bunch lilt a
off Hparks, acorlng only In the last Inning.
Thomae, rf. .. 4
Knabe, tb.... 4
Tltua. rf 4
ategae. If ... 4
Courtney, lb. 4
110 IHnggln.. lb.. 4
0 110 1,0 hart, aa 4
1 I
0 0
0 10 OMItrhall, rf.
1 I 0 OSrhlol, e
A 1 1 0'lantol. lb...
Bran.flela, lb. 4 2 10 0 OKnirjr, cf
Doolln. aa,... I Oil OMowrey, tb
1 1 o
Jacklltarh, o. I 1 I 0 0Odw.ll, If...
1 I
BBama, p 4 0 0 0 0 Swing, p
0 0
1 0
Totals 34 IT 10 OMaeon, p 0
- Total. 14 I 27 11 1
Batted for Ewlng In eighth.
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
Philadelphia 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t
Two-baae hlta: Ewlng. Kruger. Rrans
fleld. Stolen baaea: Doolln, Kruger. Sacri
fice hit: Doolln. Left on bases: Cincin
nati. 6; Philadelphia, 3. Double play:
Knabe, Doolln to Branafleld. Struck out:
By Ewlnr. !: hy finarks. 4. Baaea on halls:
Off Ewlng, 1; off Maaon. 1. Hlta: off!
lowing. 8 In eight Innings. Time: 1:60. Um
pire: Rlgler.
New York Wlaa In' Eleventh.
ST. LOl'IS, July 20 After a wild throw
by Mathewaon gave St. Louis the two
tying runs In the ninth Inning today New
York won, I to H in the eleventh, on
tingles by Devlin and Bowerman and Sey
mour'a triple. Score:
fb.nnon, If.. 6 1 0 OByrn., h a 118 1
firoarne, rf.., 5 0 4 0 0 Barry, rf 5 110 0
larlln, lb 4 1 1 1 0 Konetihy. lb 4 1 11 0 0
Seymour, cf.. 4 10 0 Burnatl. cf...4 0100
Rreanahan, c( I 1 I 0 Holly, aa 4 I 1 1 1
Bowerman. lb t 111 OMurr.y. If. .. 5 1000
Pablan. aa.... 4 111 OHo.tettar, lb 4 1140
Beyle, tb (til 0 Noon an, .... 410
Hetheweon, pi 0 1 I 1 Karger, p.... 4 10 10
Total. 40 I 13 16 i Totala 9 I 13 24 I
Ft. Louie 0000000010 1 3
New York 000100100024
; Three-base hlta: Konetchy, Seymour.
Bacriflce hlta: Burnett, Seymour, Mathew
aon. Stolen base: Bresnahan. Left on
baaea: St. Louis, New York. 7. Flrat
base on bulla: Off Karger, 2; off Mathew
aon, 2. Struck out: By Karger, 2: by
Mathewaon, 4. Wild pitches: By Karger,
J. Time: 1:56. 1,'mpire: ODay.
Boston Defeat a Ptttabnrgr.
PITTBBURO. July 2.-Pitc.her Duggleby
today made hla first appearance on the
home grounds aa a member of the Pitta
burg team. He did well until the sixth
Inning, when Boston won the game by
hitting him soundly. In the middle of the
seventh he waa relieved hy Leever. Linda
man pitched a steady game all the way.
AB.H.O.A K. AB.H.O. A.E.
Brldwell, aa., I 1 I I AnOaraon, rf. 4 I 0
Tannay, lb... I t 10 1 if.... I 0 10 0
Brain, lb i III 1 Clarke, if.... 4 l i a a
Beaumont, el. 4 15 0 0 Wagner, a. .. 4 I 1 1 0
Bataa, rf I 1 1 0 a A b at. h to. lb I I 1 I 1
Kandall, If... 4 0 I 1 ONawion, lb... 4 0 110
Rltrh.y, lb.. 4 1 I 1 0 8hrahaa. lb.. 4 I 1 to
Broao. c 1111 (ibann. c 4 140
Uaaaaiaa, p I 0 1 1 0 Puggleby, p. I 0 t I 0
Leev.r. p 0 ( t 0
Tatala M 10 37 11 l'Hallmaa ...1 0
Totala II I 17 1 1
Batted for Leever In the ninth.
Plttaburg 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0- 3
Boaton 1 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 S
Two-base hits: Wagner, Sheehan, Ab
batlchlo, Tenney. Thra-taae hits: Tennf y,
Bates. Sarriltce hlta: Brown. I.lnrlu'mnn
Hits: Off Duggleby, S In six and a third'
innings; orr leever, I In two and two-thirds
Innlnga. Flrat base on balls: Off Duggl-by,
3; off Lindainan, 2. Struck out: By Dug-
flrby, 1; by Leever, 1; hy Lindaman, 1.
ft on bases: J'lttaburg. 7; Bonton. .
Time: 1:46. I'mplres: Johnstone and Car
Boaton Banchea lilts with Cleveland's
Errora la that Eighth.
BOSTON, July 39. Two hits, a sacrifice
and errors by Turner and O'Brien In Bos
ton half of the eighth today converted
what look ad Ilka a victory for the crippled
. visitors into victory for the home team.
Cleveland's new second baseman showed to
advantaxe. Hi 'ore:
Barratt, If . .. I vie OW.Hnrhm'n rf 4 110
6ulllvan, cf.. I
Cons. Man. rf 4
0 oiriin.n. lb.. 110
lTumar, ...... 4 0 I, id... 4 0 II
1 1 Uninl.. a 4 4 1
t OH Hnchm'a lb 4 1 4
I 1 Halahanly, If 4 1 I
UnsUub, lb.. I I II
OnmHw, tb I I
Knlfht, lb 4
W.anar, aa. .. 4
0 I
Cri, e 4 I 4
Winter, p.... I I
1 0 Hrmngh' m, of I
0 1
I 0 I.iabhardt
p. 1 0 0
ciarka 1 a
JOLila II 1 17 II I
Tatala M I 14 17 I
Batted for Llebhardt In ninth.
Boston 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 4
Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 03
Two bane hits: O'Brien. Three base hit:
1'nglaub. Sarrlllce hlta: Birmingham,
Vrglaul. Stolen base: Crlger. Double
rlays: H. Hlnchman, Turner to Stovall (1);
1. Hlnchman to Stovall. Left on baaea:
ry"fii " "" ""
Utt4aTOratc bncd.
Ltedf STBKffi g&,
44.faVti $J
' S J
i n
When you buy Cook's, you
pay lor what you get Pure
Champagne. When you buy
foreign makes, you pay lor
champagne, duty end ship
freight that's why Cook's
Imperial Extra Dry is half
the price of foreign makes.
Served Everywhere
Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
Omaha 97 69 38 .008
Lincoln $3 '63 40 .669
Dea Moines 87 47 40 .641
Denver 88 42 4 .477
Sioux City 92 37 66 .402
Pueblo , 89 35 64 .393
W. L. Pet. W. I,. Pet.
Chi. ago 65 24 .73fl Chicago 64 35 .807
Pittsburg... 52 It! .612 Cleveland.. .53 36 .696
NVwYoik..51 34 .ti0 Detroit 50 34 .f.95
Phila 46 87 . 5:,4 Phlla 49 36 .676
Brooklyn. ..41 49 .456 New York. .41 46 .477
Boston 37 48 .435 St. Louie... .36 61 .414
Cincinnati.. 36 52 .4o Boaton S4 6i! .396
St. Louin....21 72 .2.6 Waahngt'n.27 66 .329
Toledo 67 39 .593 Waterloo. . .45 29 . 808
Columbus.. .53 42 .fH Burlington. 4.1 32 . 573
Mlnneap'lln.64 44 .551 Oakaloosa. .40 32 . 556
Milwaukee.. 49 47 .610 JackHnville.37 84 .621
Kan. City.. .49 48 .&r, Marahalt'n.37 3ft .507
Louisville.. .46 62 .464 Otturawa...84 40 .469
Indianapl's.41 58 .414 Quincy 33 41 .446
St. Paul 40 68 .409 Keokuk 26 60 .333
Western League Des Moines at Omaha,
Lincoln at Denver, Sioux City at Pueblo.
National League Boston at Pittsburg,
Brooklyn - at Chicago, New York at St.
Louis, Philadelphia at Cincinnati.
American League Chicago at Washing
ton, St. Louis at Philadelphia, Detroit at
New York, Cleveland at Boston.
American Association Toledo at Co
lumbus, Indlanapolla at Louisville, St. Paul
at Milwaukee, Minneapolis at Kansas City.
Boston, 7: Cleveland, 9. Bases on balls:
Off l.ichhardt, 2; Winter. 1. Hit by pitcher:
Sullivan. Struck out: By Winter, 4. Time:
1:42. Umpire: O'Loughlln.
Games Postponed.
At Phlladelphla-St. Loula-Phlladelphia
game postponed; rain.
At Wauhlngton Chicago-Washington
(double-header) postponed: wet grounrjs.
At New York New York-Detroit game
postponed; rain.
Bnrllngton Administers a Shntont to
the Leaders.
MARSH ALLTOWN, la., July 29.-Follow-lng
are the results In the Iowa league:
At Marshalltown R. H. E.
Marshalltown..l 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0-3 I
Keokuk 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 06 6 t
Batteries: Slapnlcka and Forney, Rade
baugh and Williams. ,
At Jacksonville R. H. E.
Jacksonville ..0 0 1 0 0 0 1' 0 - S I
Ottumwa 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 00 7
Batterlea: Patrick ana lien, (joyaenaau
and Welgart.
At Qulncv R. H. E.
Qulney 0 1020040 -7 1
Oskalooaa ....0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 11 10 7
Batteries: Rause and Walsh, Schaerr, aim
and Moody.
At Waterloo R. H. E.
Waterloo 0 0000000 00 6 2
Burlington ...0 0001000 01 4 Z
Batterlea: Harmon and JLlseue, cis ana
Grays Are Still Winning.
ATLANTIC, la.. July 29. (Speelal.)
The Atlantic Gray base ball club defeated
the team from Exlra yesterday In a
poorly played game by the score or o
to 4. White pitched for the Gray up
to the lust lnnlnir and did good work,
but In that Inning he threw hla arm out
or place ana was replaced ty ctatgeani
The feature of the game was a running
one-hand catch off the right field fence
by Herbert of the Atlantic team. A nign
fly was knocked clear to the fence and
It looked like a sure hit, but Herbert mad
a Jump for It, and. though he caught his
hand In a post of the fence and badly
mashed it, he held to the ball and re
tired the side, insuring victory for the
Grays. About 400 people watched the
game. The Anita boys are not satisfied
with their defeat of Friday, when the
Grays won In a ten-Inning game by the
score of 8 to 2, and have Issued a chal
lenge for three games for 3100 a game.
The management of the Grays will prob
ably accept the challenge.
Hooper Takes Game from PUgrr.
HOOPER. Neb., July 29. (Special.)
The Hooper team added another to their
long lint of winnings by defeating the
Pllger nine at PUger by a score of 4 to 3.
Hooper 0 2 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 4
Pllger 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 03
Batterlea: Bulger and Jonaen; Schwartx
and Tift. Hits: Hooper, 9; Pllger, 7.
Three-baae hit: Tift. Struck out: By
Bulger. 7; by Srhwarta. . Hit by pttctwr:
By Schwarts, 1. Baae on balla: Off
Schwartx. 1. Errora: Hooper, 4; Pllger,
4. Time: 1:10. Umpire: Atkinson.
Grand Island Wins la Tenth.
GRAND I8I.AND. Neb., July 29. (Special
Telegram.) Grand Island won today from
North Platte in a ten-Inning game. Score:
Grand Island 0 00001000 11 8 3
North Platte 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 8 3 I
Batteries: North Platte, Bailey and
Short; Grand Island, Bridges and Towns-
Antos Raa OH Tie.
NEW YORK, July 29. The two run
abouts that finished the tour of the Amer
ican Automobile aasoclatlon with perfect
scores started today to run off the tie
In a four days' tour to Cleveland.
fauUMSt. Whca
' WtagT aaaUal
- '
The Ie-Glass-Andreesen Originals de
feated the South Omaha Stars Sunday
afternoon at Vinton Street park by the
score of t to 1. Doran'g pitching and C.
Clair's batting were the features. Doran
struck out ten men and Clair hit safe every
time he went to bat. Captain Jackson
also got three hits, sending Jackson over
the plats with a timely single. The Lee-Glass-Andreesena
will play Wahoo next
Sunday. Score:
AB.H.O. As). AB.H.O.A.K.
K 1 1 I lTyba. rf 0 I 0 0 t
Bradford, lb. t 1 I OJohn.on, cf. . I 1 0 0 1
Lawlar. aa... 1 1 I lWh.lan, ....0 Oils
C., lb.. Ill lb.. 1 I 1 l
Otbaon. rf ... Ill IM.thrwa. aa.. 0 011
Mlnlkua. lb.. 10 11 wmiama. If. 1 I 0 1
I'ougharty, cf 0 t I ORoaa. !b 0 I 1 1
B. Clair, o... t Doreua. lb... 0 0 7 0
Oor.o, p t I Obaa. p 0 I 0
11 17 "l Totals "l 1 14 i i
L.-0--A .' 10040008 -8
8. O. Stars o 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0-3
Struck out: By Doran. 10: by Lee, 4.
jf'rt base on balls: Off Lee, 4. Two-base
hit: C. Clair. Three-baae hit: Johnson.
Brlgs' Pitching; Enables Indianapolis
to Shat Oat I.oalsvllle.
L0.ri8yILJ'R' 3uy 29-Briggs pitched
great ball today, allowing the locale but
three singles, part of which came In the
last half of the ninth Innnlng. The win
ning run was made on Brlggs' three-baae
hit and a long fly to left. Sullivan's fielding
was the feature. Score:
Cooke, rf I 110 OfHovall. rf.... 4 10 0 0
Coulter. If.... 4 1 1 OStanley. of...l 0 10
cf I I o Braehear, tb 4 1 I I 0
rrr. lb I 0 11 1 OCooley. lb.... 4 0 19 1
Lladeay, lb.. 4 1 I lgulllv.n. lb.. I 0 I T 0
Howie, , .... 4 1 4 0 OPeltl, 0 I I 0 0
K. 4 111 OQulnlan, ee.,.3 0110
Hopke, lb.... 4 111 OWoodruff, If.. 118 0 1
Brlgga, p.... 4 10 4 OPuttman, p.. I 0 0 1 0
ToUla St 27 It 1 Totals II "l 17 it "l
Louisville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01
TWO hlU tllta .71 T T 1 t(
Three base hits: Brlgga, Cooke. Stolen
ciarney, vtooorurr, ivrug. rjacrl
flee hit: Stanley. Bases on balls: Off
Brlggs, 1: Puttman. 2. Hit by pitcher:
Siegle, Sullivan. Doublo plays: Hopke to
Krug; Sullivan, Braehear to Cooley. Left
on baaea: Louisville, 4; Indianapolis. 10.
Time: 2:00. Umpire: Kerln.
Minneapolis Beats Kansas City.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 29.-Mlnne-apolis
took the first game of the series, 4
to X Score:
AB.H.O.A.B. an H n a I!
O'Neill, cf....4 1 I 1 OMrBrlde. aa..6 I 110
uuution, id., a i a a OHorarthy, rf. 4 I I 1 0
J Freeman, rf 4 1 1 0 OHin rf a ft i n n
B Freeman, lb I 111 1 Beck ley. lb.. 4 0 U 1 1
Gremlng.r. 3b I 1 1 2 OHuel.tnan, If 1 1 0 J 0
rernae, ii.... a v 1 o OKrueger, lb.. 1 0 t 1 0
Oyler. aa 4 0 I 4 1 Burke, lb ... 4 1 I 4 0
Oraham, a.... 4 I OSulllyan. o... I 0 4 0 0
Ikiiroy, p i a l OEgan. p I 0 1 4 0
-Laany 1 1 0 0 0
Total. S3 7 37 It I
Total! 11 I 17 19 1
Batted for Egan in ninth.
Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 S 04
Kansas City 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 23
Struck out: By Kllrov. S: hv VBn
Bases on balls: Off Kllroy, 4; off Egan, 2.
Hit by pitched ball: B. Freeman. Stolen
base. McCarthy. Saerttlce hits; Krueger,
Gremlnjrer. Two-base hit: nrminuur
Three-baae hits: Gremlnger, Huelaman.
Left on bates: Minneapolis, 4; Kansas City,
S. Double plays: O'Neill to B. Freeman.
inpie piay: Aicuartny, Egan, Burke to
Sullivan. Time: 1:46. Umpire: Kane.
Milwaukee Defeats St. Paul.
MILWAUKEE, July 29. Milwaukee de
feated St. Paul today. 12 to 4. Tin hnin.
players Stole seven bases. An American
association record waa also established
when Doyle's men secured one or more
runs hi every turn at bat. Score:
. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.!.
Roblnaon. aa. 4 1 I I trninlun. rt i l l ft a
Oreen, rf I I 1 0 0 Flood, lb I I I J
Con no re. lb., t I II 4 OOeler. aa I 1 4 I I
noin, c a i s o lFrl.k, If 4 I 1 0 0
McCorm'k, ibl 1 1 I OKerdvke. lh.. 1 0 S 0 L
McCheaney, of I I 0 0 OTiemeyer, lb. I I I I I
Clarke, lb.... I 111 OKoehler, ct... 4 111
McCann, If... t 110 0 Pierce, a 4 111;
Curtis, p 4 0 0 4 0 Leroy, p 4 1 1 I
Total. 40 11 37 11 1 Totala...... II 10 34 17
Milwaukee 12112132 li
St. Paul 10000020 14
Two-base hits: McCheaney. Frisk, Koeh
lor. Three-base hits: Connors, Dunleavy.
Home run: McCheaney. Stolen bases:
Robinson. Oreen. Connors. McCorrnick. Mu.
Cbesney (3), Geler. Double play: Robin-
eon 10 sicA.'ormicK. irt on bases: Mil
waukee, 8; St. Paul, 7. First base on balla:
Off Curtis. 2; off Leroy, 8. Hit with pitched
ball: Green. Struck out: By Curtis, 6;
by Leroy, 4. Wild pitch: Leroy. Balka:
Curtis, Leroy. Time: 1:55. Umpire: Hayes.
Colambna Wins from Toledo.
COLUMBUS, q., July 29. Perfect work
afield and good work on the bases hy the
champions enabled them to easily win
the first game of the series with Toledo.
Prl.l, lb...... 4 111 OBarbeau. a... I 1 I I I
Juaa. rf 4 10 0 8moot. cf 4 110 0
Hul.wlu, s. I I I I 11. Clarke, If 4 I 1 0
Oeaaler, ef....l 1 I OArmbraat'r, rf I 111
Klhm, lb I 1 0 OPerrlng, lb... I 0 I 1
Rellly, If 4 1 I OWWllama. lb. 4 0 1 I
Wrlgley, lb.. I 4 0W. Clarke, lb 4 I 1 0
Blue, a 4 4 1 0 Abbott, c 4 0 4 3
Wioker. p.... 410 We.t, p I I 0 I 0
Upp, p 0 0 0 0 'Reagan 140
Totala II 37 U Totala I! I 14 10 4
Batted for West In the ninth.
Columbus 0 0 1 0 0 2 6 0 S
Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 3
Stolen baaea: Hulswltt (2). Klhm,
Rellley. Sacrifice hits: Wrlgley, Bar
beau. Baaet on balla: Off Wicker, 3;
Off West, 4. Two-baae hits: Hulawitt,
West, Smoot. Double play: Hulswltt to
Frlel. Struck out: By Wicker, 2; by
Upp, 1; by West, 2. Hits: Off Wicker,
8 In eight Innings. Time: 1:62. Um
pires: Warden and Egan.
Defeat Borers In Doable-Header at
Fort Omaha.
The Townsend Gun company team played
a double-header Sunday on the Fort Omaha
grounds with the Boyers, winning both
games by the scores of 11 to 5 and 1 tod.
Eastman started the game for the Town
sends, but retired In favor of Morearty
after the fourth Inning because hla team
mates did not support him. The Town-
sends seemed to be all In the first four
innings, but after that they all braced up
ana ins ooyers were unaoie to score an
other run in either game. The second game
waa a flve-lnnlng contest and was hurried
through by the Townsends In order to leave
the grounds at 8:20, it being customary
to quit at that time, according to Fort
Omaha rules. The Townsends outfield work
was phenomenal, especially that of Qulg
ley, who nailed a few hard ones. The
Boyers' shortstop and center fielder were
the stars for the Boyers. Morearty pitched
superb bail and at critical times waa In
vincible. He struck out fight men and
allowed only five hits In both games. The
batting of Eastman, Winslow and Pilaster
waa great.
Knapp for the Boyers In ths second
as ma pitched an excellent game. Score,
fret game: R.H.E.
Townsends ....61041310 011 20 8
Boyers 0 3 10000006(3
Stolen bases: Townsends. 4; Boyers, 1.
Struck out: By Eastman, 8: by Morearty,
4. First baae on balls: Off Morearty, 1;
Batteries: Townsends, Eastman, Morearty
and Brown; Boyers. Mathews. Johnaon
and Knapp. Two-base hit: Barr.
Score, second game: RH E.
Townsends 1 0 0 0 01 7 0
Boyers 0 0 0 0 00 3 1.
Stolen bases: Townsends, 2; Boyers, 1.
Struck out: By Morearty, 4; by Knapp,
a First base on balls: Off Knapp, 1.
Batteries: Townsends, Morearty and
Brown; Boyers, Knapp and Dolson.
Plainvlew Challeages Biaa.wlrk.
PLAINVIEW, Neb., July 29 (Special.)
The management of the Plainvlew base
ball team hereby challenges the Prima
wick team for a match game for a side
bet of from 3300 to $500, optional to the
Rrunawlck team; game to take place on
the Plainvlew diamond. Friday afternoon,
August t. under tha same agreement a
141 Bk
the game at Brunswick July 26. The
Plainvlew aggregation are of the opinion
that Brunswick won the game on July
26 through "horseshoe luck," pure and
aimple, and foel confident that they can
play a faster game any time.
Only Two Hearolnr. Have Places In
300 Class.
National league hitters are stilt slumping
with the continuance of hot weather, and
but two of the regulara, Magee end Wag
ner, are now playing above the 3(10 mark.
The mujority of the heavy hitters of former
years are still down the list. A St. Lou
jewelry firm will rresent the leading bats- I
man of each of the big leagues with a
handsome diamond medal at the end of the
Chicago has now stepped Into first place
with team batting and New York la second.
The Cubs also lead In team fielding. Per
Rlcble, Philadelphia.. .375 Sttlcklett, Brooklyn.. .134
Scanlon. Brooklyn 833Davla, Cincinnati 23
Wafner. Plttaburg 320 Bran.lteld, Phlla lit
Smith, Pltt.burs HSJarkllu, Phll.delpbla .2.13
Magee. Philadelphia.. .SUAbbat'o. Pltt.burf no
Hofman. li3 Malonay, Brooklyn IM
Sheehan, Pittsburg... .2:Brown, Boaton .227
Bowerman, N. T 297 Grant, Philadelphia... .J2
Browns, New York... .!9 Bennett, ft. Louie :.'
Leaoh. PHUburg laeUoolln. Phllalelpnla.. .til
Lumley. Brooklyn 391 Moran, t;hlraao....... .3J0
Odwell, Cincinnati IW) Sweeney, Button , .211
Kllna. Chloato tS Bun:h. Brouklyn II
Brhlel. Cincinnati IM Mcl,utjre, Brooklyn... .11
Seymour. New York.. .11 Dooln. Philadelphia.. .11
Beaumont, Boaton 281 Hallnjan, Pttt.burg... .Ill
Btelnfeldt. Chli .so 279 Uurr v. St. Loul. Ill
Knahe. Philadelphia.. .ITU HyniVr. Plttaburg In
Daelin, New Yurk 178 Randall, Boeton in
Jordan, Brooklyn fTTRItter, Brooklyn Ii
Daniel, Cincinnati 27Hanlfan, New York... .Zii
McOann, New York... .27 McOlyno. It. Loul.... .lul
Br.ln, Bntton 376Kruger, Clnclnnail... ,lu
gchulta, Chlr.igo 275 Kelly, St. Loul. in
Lohert. Clnrtnnatl I.E Berkley, Ht. loula H)
Clarke. Plttaburg 174 Nealon, Plttaburg I7
RlUhey, Bo.ton S74 Brown, Chicago 1M
Tenney, Bo.ton 171 Taylor. Chicago 104
Batea. Boaton 371 Needham, Bo.ton..... .181
Mitchell, Cincinnati.. .271 Brldwall, Boaton 131
Hugglna. Cincinnati.. .3Kane, Cincinnati 110
Hall, Cincinnati Ifi90erall, Chicago 14
Strang, New York 2(19 Brown. Philadelphia.. .181
Lewla, Brooklyn 268Rucken, Brooklyn 10
Chance, Chicago 6H McOlnnlty. New York .184
Sheckard, Chicago I7 Mathewaon, N. Y 180
Welmcr, Cincinnati.. .Sii7 Boultea, Bo.ton 171
McLean, Cincinnati... .28Karkar. ft. Loula .177
Murray, St. Lout. 2H5 Phlllppl, Plttaburg 173
Byrnea. St. Loula 2M Burke, Boaton 174
P.atorlua, Brooklyn... .3U Oleaeon, Phlla 171
Fromme, St. Loula... .Ml Marshall, at. Loaie... .171
Howard, Chicago 2Si Konetchy, St. Loula.. .168
Plagle. Chicago SS7Young. Boaton 147
Mowery, Cincinnati... .2M Lindaman. Boaton 167
Breanahan, New York .152 Bergen, Brooklyn 1IT
Holly. 8L Loula z;2 Mason, Cincinnati 163
Corcoran, New York.. .JMPhelpe, Pltt.burg 161
Thorn... Philadelphia ,26lBeebe, Bt. Loula 157
PfcBer, Bortnn 850 Taylor. New York 150
Courtney, Phlla SsoLelneld. Plttaburg 141
Dahlen. New York Z48neil. urooaiyn i
Tltua. Philadelphia... .247 Dorner. Boaton 138
Flaherty. Boaton 246 Beulbach. Chicago 193
Batch. Brooklyn i4(iButler, Brooklyo 133
Burnett, St. Lnuta 144 Ewlng. Cincinnati 121
Noonan. St. Loul. 24ftMllla. Plttaburg 123
Lueh. St. Loula !44Lundgren. Chicago Vll
Brara, Chicago t4leeer, Plttaburg Ill
Amea. New York 143Peater, Chicago Ill
Otbaon, Plttaburg UlCorrldnn, Phlla lot)
McCarthy, Brooklyn.. .141 Shay, New York 104
Alperman. Brooklyn.. .l40Morcn, Philadelphia.. .105
Storkea. Pltt.bura: 2tnKraeer, Chicago 100
Hoatettar, Bt. Loula.. .839WUtne, New York 01
O'Hara, St. Loula JMPIttlnger, Phlla 0S1
Caaey, Brooklyn Jlsr.mnltl, Plttaburg 043
Hummel, Brooklyn... .2S(8parka. Philadelphia.
Tinker. Chicago USCuakley, Cincinnati.. .CU
Anderaon, Pltuburg.. .ist
AB. R. H. SH. SB. Pet.
Chicago 1704 300 - 114 114 ,3M
New York.... Z 53 K-1 6.19 w iib .va
Cincinnati ... 2.TJ7 274 65 116 1'X) .IfiO
Boston 1728 2M 6"3 75 Hi .143
Brooklyn 2.7X7 2f,2 673 1 04 7 .243
Pittsburg .... 1617 3-!rt KiZ 108 146 .241
Philadelphia . 142 6 6l Hi tt .23S
St. Louis 2,876 204 655 75 66 . 23
2B. SB. 4B. Bases.
Philadelphia 107 87 6 , 345
New York 92 26 17 m
Brooklyn 87 3" 6 3"3
Cincinnati 67 45 6 28
Pittsburg 60 39 10 27
Chicago 86 25 6 27!)
Boston 81 24 8 2V
Bt. Louis 73 23 10 2oo
P. A. E. Pet.
Chicago 2.86 1,133 1"4 ,70
Cincinnati 1347 l.W 116 .W6
Boaton 12i9 1.2"8 127 .94
New York 2.175 1.045 121 .W4
Brooklyn 2.847 1,227 143 .W2
Pittsburg 2.137 l.i'-T HI
Philadelphia t il 1.030 17 .W7
St. Loula 1273 1.13 in3 .U60
Bremer'. Errora Cost Game.
BBBMER. Neb., July 29. (Special.)
The bail game between tne renaer ana
Beemer teams took place on the Beemer
I Jf V ' topl e Metal oap
ppv Si. from Large Malt-Nutrina Bottles
CTTf f wi''1 ''' Tr,e-Bl,r op 24 Irons
v Split Bottles with Black Trede-nuu-k
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poison, and making this fluid pure, fresh and health-sustaining. The im
provement commences as soon as the patient gets under the influence of
S. S. S., and continues until every trace of the disease is removed from the
blood, and the sufferer completely restored to health. Not one particle of
the poison is left for future out-breaks after S. S. S. has purged and purified
the blood. Book oa the borne treatment of this diease and any medical advioa
desired free. . JHE SWT SPECCaS XUMilK GA.
grown in the Province of Saaz, Bohemia, is creating
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Is prepared exclusively from these Saazer Hops
and the very highest grade of. Barley Malt It
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cent of alcohol. t
Positively Non-Intoxicating.
Anheuser-Busch St. Louis. Mo
Brewers of the
Famous Budweiser Beer
grounds and resulted in a victory for the
Pender Indians by a score of 8 to 7,-Llppold,
the Pender crack pitcher, was knocked out
of the box and Bam Anderson finished the
game for them. Pender won on a couple
of costly errors bjr- the Beemerltes. At
tendance: 200.
Pueblo and Denver Divide on a
Double-Head er.
DENVER, July 29.-(Sprclal TelegTam.)
This being an on day, Pueblo and Denver
played two of the five games thct were
postponed on their Denver schedule, each
taking one. She first went to Pueblo on
the good pitching of McGregor and the
grand support given him. The second was
saved to Denver by Bohannan'a grand
pitching and the heavy hitting of the locals.
Murphy led the hitting with a home run, a
three base hit and two singles. Bohan
nan'a support waa fine except In the third
Ininng. Both Wheeler and White made
wonderful stops that cut off possible long
hits. Score:
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Murphy, rf 5 0 1 2 0 0
Cassady, If t 0 0 3 0 0
Wheeler. 3b 4 0 2 1 8 0
White, lb 8 0 1 13 0 1
Lauterborn, 2b 4 0 1 2 4 0
McHale, cf 3 0 110 0
Kineally, ss. 4 0 0 2 1 1
zaiusky, c z o u 4 s l
Doll 1 0 0 0 0 0
C. Adams, p. ........ t 0 1
0 4 1
Totals 32 0 7 27 17 8
AB. R. H. PO. A. S5.
McGilvray, of 3 0 1 3 1 0
Pader. 2b 4 0 2 2 2 0
Ryder. Sb 4 1 0 0 S 0
Melcholr, rf 4 1 3 0 0 0
Belden, If 3 0 0 3 0 0
McCullough, lb 4 0 0 10 0 0
Corhan, ss 4 0 1 6 8 0
Drill, c 3 1 0 6 0 0
McGregor, p 8 1100
Total 32 4 T 27 18 0
Batted for Adams In eighth.
Denver 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Pueblo 0 040000004
Two-base hit: Murphy. Home run:
Melcholr. Btolen base: Bader. Sacrifice
hit: Belden. Left on bases: Denver, 10;
Pueblo. 8. First baae on bolls: Oft Adams.
2; off McGregor, 6. Struck out: By Adams,
4; by McGregor, 4. Double play: McGregor
to corhan to Mccullougn. Time:
Umpires: R. Adams and Fltsgerald.
bcore aecona game:
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Murphy, rf 5 3 4 4 0 0
Caasady, If 4 1110 0
Wheeler. 3b 3 l l l a i
White, lb S 0 2 12 0 0
Lauterborn. 2b 3 1110 0
McHale, cf 4 0 1 0 0 0
Kineally. as 4 112 2 1
McDonough. c 3 0 1 6 0 1
Bohannon, p 4 2 2 1 6 0
Total 33 9 14 27 10 t
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
McGilvray, cf 4 118 0 0
Bader, 2b 3 0 0 2 3 0
Ryan, 3b 4 0 2 3 1 1
Melchtor, rf 4 0 0 0 0 0
Bolden, If 4 0 0 1 0 0
McCullough, lb 4 0 0 U 0 0
Corhan, ss 3 0 0 2 2 0
Smith, c 3 0 0 2 4 1
Morgan, p 8 1114 0
Totals 82 "5 4 24 14 2
Denver 1 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 I
Pueblo 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 02
Two-baae hit: Kineally. Three-baae hits:
Bohannon, Murphy, McDonough. Home
run: Murphy. Bucrifice hits: Caasady, Mc
Donough, McGilvray, Bader. Btolen bases:
Wheeler, White. Baaea on balla: Off Mor
gan, 3. Struck out: By Bohannon, 6; by
Morgan, 1. Double play: Morgan and
Ryan. Ift on bases: Denver, 5; Pueblo, 4.
Time: 1:40. Umpire: R. Adams.
Crelghton Lose to Pierre.
PIERCE. Neb., July 29. (Special.)
Pierre won easily from Crelghton Pun
day by a score of 7 to 3. Grants pitched
a steady game for Pierce, allowing out
four hits and striking out seven men.
Batterlea: Pierce. Grants and Kre;
Cielghton, Caley and Stoddard. Struck
out: By Grants, 7; by Caley, 6. Hits:
Pierce, ; Crelghton, 4.
Clerks Defeat the Ideals.
The Walter G. Clark company team de
feated the Ideals in a well-played game
by the score of 9 to 4 Bunday. Hadlsy
for the Clarks pitched first-clsss ball,
giving the Ideals but two hits and sinn
ing out fifteen men. He also got three
safeties out of five times to bat. ONell
for the Clarks played an errorless gainn
at short and got two baggers. Beaver
for the Ideals pitched a good game, but
got ragged support at times. Score:
Ideals .4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 2 3
Clarks 2 3 00 2 0 1 1 12 2
Batteries: Beaver and Overman; Had
ley and McCrary.
Caldwell and Young- and Kohn and
Hughes Winners.
Caldwell and Young beat Chambers and
Van Camp, and Kohn and Hughes beat
Newell and Collett. These were the only
matches played Monday In ths city tourna
ment which is now on at ths Omaha Field
Both matches aroused considerable Inter
est from the gallery, which occupied the
south porch of the club house, and was
also scattered along the lawn, applauding
the good plays as they were made.
Van Camp and Chambers played a bard
game, but they were outclassed by the
veterans, Caldwell and Young, who in
sisted on persistently lobbing the ball, and
the well known ability of the two former
champions made It easy when this style of
play was followed. The team work of the
veterans was also good and seldom could
the "Doctor" and the "Lawyer" plaoa one
out of reach of the other team.
Newell and Kohn made the fight of their
lives In ths first set, which was finally won
by Kohn and Hughes by the score of 10-8.
The game was even at six-all, with honors
even, and then It sawed back and forth
until won by 10-1 Newell Is good at all
branches of the game, his serve being
swift with a good break, and his net work
NSC S- jr.' 7. -i
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"Since 1837"
A. GDckeohelmer & Bros., Distnien,
A disease or weakness that deprives a
man of his spirit, ambition and force should
not be considered a trifling aliment. Can
you afford to take tha risk of other compli
cations being superinduced or other organs
becoming Involved? This matter Is on. that
not ony concerns your present welfare, but
probably your future happiness aa well.
The man who realises this and begin pro
per treatment In time la often restored so
promptly, safely and thoroughly by our
method that he often does not appreciate
the calamity be bas avoided.
Ws treat maa only and crur. promptly, and thoroughly and at ths lowest
eoart OWOaItTI, OATAmitK, lY
DISEASES and aU Special Diseases and
weaknesses and thai aoatpUcaUoaa.
a J r
Call and Do Examined Free or Write
Office) Hour 8 A. M. to S P. M. Sunday 10 to 1 Only
1303 Farnsim St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha. Neb.
rarmaoenfjy EUbllarbd La Omaha, Kebi aaka.
ii in a
la excellent, he being a second Dr. Blather
wick with his ambidextrous returns. Tha
ability of Hughes and Kohn to "get" the
ball won the first set.
After the hard first set Collett and Newell
seemed to slow ud and were riot able to
keep up with the rapid fire placing In
dulged In by Jack Hughes.
The game scheduled for this afternoon is
the finals In the championship doubles be
tween Young and Caldwell and Kohn and
Hughes. There la considerable speculation
as to the probable winners of the doubles.
Wednesday evening Is the time set for
the finals In the championship singles.
Young and Caldwell beat Chambers and
Van Camp, 6-1 6-1.
Kohn and Hughes beat Collett and New
ell, 10-8, 6-1
Raelng at the State Fair.
LINCOLN, Neb., July 29. t Special)
The entries for the clans racea of tha
Nebraska State fair, to be held at Lin
coln September 2 to 6, will close on Au
gust 10. At this time closes entries)
to the 2-year-old trot and 2-year-old pace,
each for purses of $260. The trotting
races, each for 3500 purses, are as fol-j
lows: Three-year-old; 8-year-old. 2:46''
for Nebraska bred colts, 2:80, 2:27, 2:24
and 2:16, and for 31,000 purses, 2:85 and'
8:24. Pacing, for 3600 purses, 2:35, 3:27,
2:21 and 2:16. For 31,000 purses, 2:80
and 2:34, and the one and oneelghth mil
derby for running horses, with a purse
of 3600. i
; From the fact that 124 horses were
named in the stake races May 1, tha
races of this fair promise to greatly ex
ceed any had for the last ten y.ara,
7bo-f old
Plttsburflh, Pa.
iuj auaiaai
..a, -IV
"jr.'.i' 4
Tj kf . ..I
Spex-LaXlsts of tha
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Established la Omaha IB Years. Jj
L7DE7I3 Consultation
wr 1 taw Ea and Eismlnstlan.
m-lta tor Symptom Blank for Horns Treatment.
Dr. Scarlcs & Scarlcs
S. E. Coratr 14th ud DtnjjlM St.. CMAIA NE&