Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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i 1
!8X jiff
Cease the drug habit Get Nature's remedy prop
erly applied, constant, soothing, safe electricity. Wear
a pair of m ELECTRICURA Shoes. Save your
stomach through your sole.
Let know if 'the dealer caat sappl? jom.
We'll fix IU
- vnmnmwuTi nom coicpavt.
'Washiag-Voa and 10th ate, St. Xrtmls, V. S. A.
superintendent got around to the work
about the same time and tSe hcle waa
filled In time for Sunday's driving.
Bill for lurl Street Oatls Advertise
ments for bids for the construction of the
big I lard street eewer outlet are being pre
pared and blla wl'l be opened In about !x
week. On account of the magnitude of
the undertaking tres advertisements will
b Inserted In some technical papers out
side of the city. An Idea of the cost can
be fair :-d from the fart that a preliminary
estimate of the engineer shows that Iron
and concrete for each foot of the square
ewer under the t'nton Pacific shop grounds
will cost about STA The city will be re
quired to pejr for but little of thla heavy
construction, thla form beir.g used only In
the grounds and for about lfl feet east and
west of the grounds. The other part of
the big fr wtu be round In form and
will consequently be leaa expensive.
Bidi for Supplying County Much
Higher Than Last Tear.
Egt Aaterae-lte Only 1 at, portent Va
riety et Raised. Price Staadias;
at ., the aaie aa
Last Year.
Laa4 If
Twin City Dye Works removed to 407 S
Kth, Ram re block. Close at i p. tn.
1. Af aUasbxrt, photographer, remored
to Eighteenth and Farnam atreta.
noewer area a portion of hli salary
wlU find the advantages of the City av
lnga bank very much to Ma convenience,
Xvar7 Sataxday wight, beginning at I
o'clock. Thomas KUpatrlck . Co. sell
men's tO-cent neckwear for IS cents.
Ja4a Eetelle at Oraa lalaad Judge
Ure trtelle baa been Invited to deliver a
lecture at the Grand Island chautauqa
and will apeak there August X.
Offce Tetoe Xaa Ptcnio The office for-
ef W. Farnain Smith ft Co., twelve In
number, had a picnic Saturday afternoon
and evening at Rlverrlew park.
M.wj T. Clarke Setter The condition
of Henry T. Clarke, ar. Is greatly Im
proved Monday morning. He waa able to
dictate several letters during the morn
ing and seems to be getting better
era Oet Sixty Cays Fred Smith
and Bert Ryan, the two men accused of
robbing David Blumenthal the" Cuming
street grocer of 113 at the grocers picnic
last Thursday, were given sixty days each
by Judge Crawford Monday morning.
Troope te the whnipplnae Three offi
cera, alxty-elght enlisted men and JUJ horai-s
and mulea, besides a large amount oi
rjlpment, will pass through Omaha Tues
day en route from Fort Sheridan to San
Vrancieco. They are going to the Philip
pine. Seep oa Kea's Clothing "Tim Smith,"
an obstinate woman who Insists upon mak
ing a man of herself, was again In police
court Monday morning and was given a
sentence of thirty days In Jail. She refuses
to take off her men's clothes in spite of
persistent persecution. V
Cam Who Threw the Brick Bat John
rhilHpa. who halls Georgia, was ar
rested In a dark alley Sunday night with a
brick bat In hia hand which he intended
to hand one Nettie Bvan of 3 North
Thirteenth street. He was fined fl and
costs In police court Monday morning.
Walt fir the Council Until after Taem
day night the mayor and city council prob
ably will take no further steps looking to
signing of petitions for paving on the down
town atreeta of the city, aince the coun
cllmen are always busy on Monday and
Tueaday becainte of the council meetlnga.
The work probably will be taken up In
earnest Wednesday morning.
Set Tear Clothes te Fit A moral drawn
from the police court trials of Monday
morning Is. get your clothes made to flu
Flody Carter, a colored boy who came to
Omaha recently with a clium. Robert Price,
waa arrested aa a auspicious character be
cause bih coat was new and very much too
Urge for him. The boys were dtsmissed
with a warning to get to work and wear
their own clothing.
Yomaf Max tx Tremble Benjamin Muff
son, a young man charged with stealing
Vi from his landlady Mra Annie Eiaman.
at Fifteenth and Burt streets, has been
raptured at Waterloo, la., and will be
brought back to Omaha to face a criminal
charge. Moflaoa fled from the city the
Bight he Is alleged to have stolen the
money. Detective J. T. Donahue will go
At the meeting of the Board of Park
Commisaioner Monday morning the street
railway company reported readineas to
place the tracks on West Leavenworth In
shape before paving is done. A proposition '
for the purchase of a small park about one
acre at Twenty-seventh etr-et and Foerier
avenue, was referred to the committee on
J. H. Dumont, for the 8. D. Mercer com
pany, proposed to convey parts of Mercer
park and Park View addition to the city
for park purposes, provided the city will
cancel all regular and special taxes against
all property In the boundaries, part of
which Is retained by the company, . and
shall maintain the park and adjoining
boulevarls on the property deeded to the
city, and permit owners of abutting prop
erty to place gas and water mains under
any part of the land and Ox the lines of
! boulevards before November L
j Accompanying the proposition was x
i statement from Mr. Dumont showing that
'he total amount of taxes to be cancelled
to Iowa after him. iDeputy County Attor
ney Macmey made out the requisition pa
pers Monday.
Fire yrom Xocataneoxs Combnstlnii
The wall paper store of Louis Thoelecke at I und"r th off" :.5.8. of which nearly
19J Farnsm street, was damaged by fire j D,lr interest.
Sunday to the extent of seve-al hundred i petition of certain property owners In
dollars. The blase is supposed to hsve : favor of the purchase was also presented,
originated in some greasy raps In the base- I The matter was referred to the commit
ment by spontaneous combustion, and was
probably smouldering for some time before
It was discovered. The building and stock
were fully Insured.
BUt by Slab of Stoas Oscar Huff, resid
ing at 24C2 South Twenty-ninth street, was
seriously injured Monday mornlr.g Just be
fore noon at the yards of the Nebraska
Stone company. Fifth and Jones streets.
A slab of stone about seven feet long fell
on him, crushing him badly. He was re
moved to the Omaha General hospital,
where Dr. Fitxgibbons is attending him
and It is believed he will recover.
Working- for Eagles' Convention The
convention committee of the Commercial
club will meet one day this week to talk
over plana for securing the 1909 national
convention of Eagles for Omaha. The con
vention this year will be held at Norfolk.
Vs.; next year at Seattle. Wash., and it la
conceded It will go to some mid-continent
city in 1V9. Nebraska Eagles will mske a
strong bid to get It In 1 for Omaha.
Juveniles at Beglstrattox Registration
of voters in juvenile city waa held Monday
afternoon at the play grounds at Nine
teenth and 6t. Mary's svenue. The regis
tration books opened at 3 o'clock and re
mained open until last evening in order to
give all the children who claim cltisenshlo
In the miniature commonwealth a chance to
have their names recorded. The election of
officers ill take place the first week In
August, when an entire set of city officials
will be chosen.
roweU Home from Lake Shetek
George B. Powell has returned from Lake
Shetek, Minn., where he has spent several
weeks eating, sleeping, boating and fish
ing. He rowed out one morning and pulled
in bullheads and perch until the entire bot
tom of the boat waa covered, but he has
no big tales to tell of pike and picker 1,
for Just at this time of yesr the spoon and
minnow have no attractions for those fish.
The lake was full of them, but Mr. Pow.;ll
caught just X few. Mrs. Powell and the
children remained at the lake.
Vew Oaxbag-s Ordinance Tuesday night
the city council will receive a garbage or
dinance prepared by Health Commissioner
ConnelL who is drawing one to cover the
terma of the contract with the Omaha Re
fining and Rendering company, which goes
Into effect August 1. Because of work on
this ordinance the doctor is unaMe to keep
an appointment with the mayor for x trip
to South Omaha, where they were to in
vestigate conditions In the houses of the
Independent packing companies. A later
date will be flx.ed for this trio.
Cut the Bed Tape, Says Mayor "Cut
the red tape and fill the hole," was the
message of Mayor Dahlman to the street
eommlaaioner Saturday afternoon, when a
number of complaints had been received
by him relative to a hole In the boulevard
on the western end of .Woolworth avenue,
on the road to the Field dub. The street
Commissioner proceeded to cut the tape and
sent a wagon to haul cinders Into the de
clivity, into which a number of automo
biles had stumbled and stuck. The perk
Per Year for Life
If you are in good health this amount, or a larger
or smaller one, can be assured to you by a contract
wiving you and your wife a life i
: end
lpuiatea period and continuing as long as either shaU
or giving your wife s lift income beginning
immediately if you die.
The Mutual
Life Insurance
mvires invesrigatiofi from those who
would like to make sure the welfare of
tljeir loved ones. It invites investiga
tion of its assets, of it policies, of its
rates, and just now especially of the savings made and
being made by its new manapemenL
How would you I ke $1,000 per year for life? Send
for folder showing who have tried this method and
Low they like 1L
The Time to Act is NOW.
For the new forms of policies write to
The Mutual life lasatrsasca Coesexay
el New Tecx. N. T.
Or STA5HOPK FLEMING. Mxxxer, First NatiosuJ banX Bklj,
Cortes- ISth and I ar iuux ou-t-cta, Oiualta, Set
tee on designation of grounds.
Mr. Dumont then addressed the com
mission, saying that the proposition had
been hedged about by a number of condi
tions, all but one being of the usual char
acter. The novelty was a provision for the
construction of sidewalks; that there are
about alx and one-quarter acres Included
In the proposed donation.
Dr. R. W. Cornell called attention to the
fact that the pipe at the artesian weU at
Rlverview park is In aa unsanitary condi
tion, the pipe having corroded. The super
intendent was ordered to repair the pipe
at once.
John Parrieh appeared to protest against
the flowing of water through Bern is park.
He wanted water piped from the spring
to the present pond and protested against
the formation of a pool near the spring.
The board proposed to abandon the upper
pool and Mr. Parrlah wants It retained.
The auperlntendent will report x plan.
A representative of the Barrett Manufac
turing company requested the board to
use -Tarvia." an alleged dust preventive,
on some boulevards. Ttrvix la x coal tar
composition which will cost about 74 cents
x gallon at the factory and one-half to
three-fourths gallon la required to the
square yard. No action was taken.
SalMM-riprleas ef Stack by Taiwan te)
Italee Haadred Tkeaanasl
Dellars Deelg-ned.
Omaha will have a labor temple
within five years snd possibly within three
Tears and a definite plan ior raising the
money will be outlined and undertaken
within the next two or three months. So
says Charles A. McDonald, director of the
Labor Temple association and ex-president
of Central Labor Vnlon. '
Since their lease xplred on the Kennard
building at Fifteenth and Dodge streets
the labor unions hsva been scattered ail
over town, having been unable to get pos
session of the old State hotel, which they
have leased for ten years. This Incon
venience had opened their eyes to the keen
necessity for a building of their own. says
Mr. McDonald, and those unions which
have always held bsrk before are now
ready to take action toward the erection of
a temple.
The Labor Temple association now has
but a few thousand dollars In Its treasury,
snd so most of the tlOO.tXO or $!I5',0u) it is
proposed to put Into x temple Is still to be
secured. Two plans for raising the money
are under discussion and it ia probable both
will be adopted. One ia to sell stock to the
members of tne various unions and the
other la to call on the unions all over the
country for subscriptions.
"In Omaha are about I.ono union men."
aaid Mr. McDonald. "If each one would
take C of stock In 1M and S3 In 1. we
would have JSO.000 from Omaha alone at the
end of two years. Then we ought to get
tii.OJO to tyi.&O from outside unions by a
plan which has met with success else
where, especially In Los Ar.geles snd San
Francisco. The unions In these two towns
got subscriptions f rem unions In all parts
of the United States, from the Omaha or
ganizations among the rest. We could do
the same thing.
"Some of the local unions would take
stock tn the building. I am told that the
bricklayers, who sre in the beet financial
circumstances of all the unions, stand ready
to put C.' Into the project. The carpen
ters would also take stock.
Is the alleged Coal trust dead, asleep or
Is ft. a living, bresthing reslity?
Bids which were opened Saturday for the
furnishing of coal to Dnuslas county dis
close the fsct thst the county will hsve to
psy from 10 to 310 per cent more for Its
coal this year than It did lat In spite of
the seven bids which were offered the
prices on almost every material Item has
been Increased. The only Important excep
tion Is hsrd cosl. which will remain at
IS SO a ton, delivered this year as last.
C. B. Havens A Co. are the low bidders
on Cherokee steam coal at C ffl a ton. Last
year the price was CO. The same firm
bid low on Cherokee nut at H.Ot. Last
year It was tlSS. C. W. Hull company
was the lowest bidder on Iowa nut and
Missouri nut at tV13 a ton for each kind.
Last year the county got Iowa nut for
S10S and the Missouri grade for S2 K.
For furnishing the same grade of coal In
carload lots at the County hospital switch,
the price Is somewhat reduced. The Victor
White Coal company bid low on Cherokee
steam at CK. Last year the county paid
11 30. c. B. Havens and E. B. Corrigan
are tied for Cherokee nut at IB 5. The
price last year was 2.M. C W. Hjll com
pany waa low again on Iowa and Missouri
nut at CB. Last year the price of Mis
souri waa tSM and of Iowa. a slight
Vlcter White Lew far Poor.
Victor White Coal company Is low on
coal for the indigent poor to be delivered
In ton. half and quarter ton lots anywhere
In the city. For Cherokee nut, their bid
is as follows: Ton, M 70; half ton. 150;
quarter ton, 11 Si. Last year the low bid
for ton lots, C7?; half ton. til?; quarter
ton, tl.S. The low bid for Sheridan lump
waa t50 by the Victor WT:!te company.
Last year the price was tS.75. Trenton lump
and egg anthracite are the only grades
upon which the price has not been boost ed.
For the former the price is still H.S6 and
for hard coal, f?90. both prices Including
delivery to the Detention school. Sunder
land Bros, were low bidders on anthracite
and C. W. Hull company on Trenton lump.
It haa been pointed out that the big
Increase Is on coals mined In Iowa, Kansas
and Wyoming and not on eastern or Penn
sylvania products. The local coal dealers
have always contended the Increase In
prices waa due to advances made by the
eastern mine "owners, especially In the
exse of anthracite.
The bids have not been accepted by the
board yet. but will be taken up at the
meeting Wednesday.
To the Man Who
Wants to Advertise, But
Thinks It Too Expensive
We want to show you why it is not expensive. If we find that advertising can bo
applied to your business, we will prove to you that advertising is not nearly so expensive
as the concessions you must make in forcing an unadvertised article into consumption.
Wi want to tell you about the kind
of advertising that will sell your
goods at a profit and at the
same time add dollar after dollar to the
value of your brands and trade-marks.
We want to show you how to make the
trade come to you instead of you having
to go to the trade.
We want to show you how to gain real
business independence independence
of competition of the trade, trade
deals and combinations.
We want to show you how you can
regulate your selling cost and selling
prices to suit yourself not to suit the
trade salesmen, jobbers, commission
men and retailers.
Don't say that such things are impos
sible in your particular business.
We have met many business men who
have said just that. Today a large per
centage of these men are among our
most successful advertisers and have
accomplished all that we have outlined.
We want to talk to you about your
business. If advertising will be of value
to you, you need us. If we cannot be of
service to you, we will tell you so with
out hesitation.
We want to explain to you how we are
able to eliminate the experimental
waste which is a part of ordinary
advertising campaigns.
We want to show you why we can pre
pare for you better advertisements than
you can possibly prepare for yourself
better in text, in appearance in every
way. Irrespective, mind you, of whether
you use newspapers, farm papers, maga
zines, posters or street cars.
We want to show you why we can place
these advertisements where they will
be most effective and at the right price;
We want to explain how we go still
further than advertisement prepara
tion and space buying in your interest.
We help you harness your advertising
and sales organization into a perfectly
working unit, resulting in your being
able to open up the maximum number
of accounts at a minimum of selling
cost, and secure the proper " repeat H
We want to show mail-order advertisers
how we prove results from every advrr
tisement. In fact, we want to show how
a dvertising is the profit protector and
the greatest economy you can practice if
properly done and thoroughly utilized.
Free to Advertisers
or Prospective Advertisers
Write for "OUR DOINGS," which reproduces the
advertisements of many of America's tnost successful
concerns. Some are advertisements used by Urge
advertisers some by small. "OUR DOINGS"isfree
and includes specimens of newspaper.maganne.farra
paper, mail order billboard and street car advertising.
A Lord 8t Tbomaa representative, competent te
discuss advertising and selling plans, printed matter
am promotion work, will call on any business house
considering advertising and without obligation te
the concern suggesting an interview.
Lord & Thomas
Cesasalttee Jtsselated at Iter's Dla
aer te Drss te raavaas the
A. J. Dean of Kansas City, one of the
owners of the Midland snd Baltimore hotels
ef tat city, was In Omaha Monday, the
guest of P. C Her. snd was entertained
at the Omaha club at noon Monday by
Mr. Uer in company with about twenty
representative Omaha citlaenx
Mr. Her Invited a few business men to
discuss the restter with Mr. Dean at lunch
eon at the Omaha club. Mr. tier repeated
his declaration that he would not build
his long-promised hotel himself, but that
be was rady to turn over his arrangement
with the Deans to x local hotel company
organised to taka his property cS his hands
at a stipulated valuation and that be would
take part of the purchase price eut of
Stock In the company. The subject was de
bated and much light waa thrown on It by
Mr. Dean, who said hs was ready to como
Into Omaha whenever a first-class hotel
on a central location should be open to
him. The outcome was an understanding
that a appointed to canvass
the matter and aee if any feasible plan
could be developed.
General Maaaser Heldrege Says
Barliagtoa Plaas .e Sew
Q. W. Holdrege, genera manager of the
Burlington lines weat of the Missouri
river, has returned from an extensive trip
of Inspection with President Harris and
Chairman Perkins of the executive board.
Mr. Holdrege was loud in his praise at
the condition of the country tn the west,
but said they had reached no decision on
any further construction work in Wyom
ing. Asked about a ram or thxt President Har
ris authority was", about to be increased
so as to make It paramount to that ef
Darius Miller. Mr. Holdrege protested thst
he bad never heard of the report, or of
any pertaining to a change in position of
authority of either official
nielreaoa Hoaae from East.
O. L. Dlckeenn. assistant superintendent
of transportation of the Burlington. In
charge of the lines west of the Missouri
river, has returned with his family from
a vacation spent at Atlsntic City and
other eastern points of Interest.
"There were lots of people st the sea
shore snd the season is a little late." aald
Mr. Dickeson. "While walking down the
board walk one morning I was accosted
by a small newsboy who aaid. Tell me
your home city and I will give you x
morning paper from there.' When I told
him I was from Omaha he reached Into his
sack and handed me The B, which con
tained the announcement of the death of
W. A. Paxton, of which I had not heard."
Railway Jisies aael Pereoaals.
The Northwestern road has sfltled the
Chicago grain market and the New Tork
stock mark-t reporta to the news bulletin
service which is put before the passengers
on the Overland Limited trains. Some time
aro the fnion Pactflc added this feature to
the Associated Press bulletins and this
now completes the service.
E. H. Wood, general freight agent of the
I'ninn Pacific, left Monday for a weeks
stay in New Tork.
Effective Ai gust i, the railroads within
the states in wh'eh the 2-cent passenger
fare is in force, will d'Kcontlnue the sale
of tickets st reduced fares on sccount of
chanties and Inmates of state and na
tional homes for sailors and disabled vol
unteer aoldiera. After August 1 the sale
of these tickets to snd from Wisconsin
slso alii be discontinued.
J. C. Philliprt. sssistant general freight
agent of the Missouri Facific. has returned
from Deadwood. 8. D.. where he has b-en
for the last week. "I never ssw such a
wheat crop as in rTetched out before
my gase as I traveled along the lines of
the Burlington ra'lroed ini Nebraska." said
Mr. Phillippi. "The other groin is also
in splendid condition and Nebraska may
look for another bumper crop."
The Union Pscine has prepared an elab
orate pamijlei on the "Motor Cars on the
I'nion Pacific." Po great lias become trie
demand for informal ion on these car
which are proving su.-h a success that a
'booklet with cuts and statistics has been
irepired by the road for distribution.
The bunk contains a brief hts'ory of tne
work and experiments with the cars frnrr.
No. 1 to No. f. s'.l of which are now com
pleted ard w'll I sent to Colorado for
service next meek.
D. Cl-m Ieaver. superintendent of the
homeekers mini mati"n bureau of the
Burlington, has rt"urn-d frftu an extensive
trip into the North liatte countrv. vts-.t-
Ing Bridgeport, Scotts BlufT and other
loans Air. lesver said te saw corn in
that section which a tew years ;'- was
considered of no ahie. which was as higii
as the corn In Douglas county. The irons
of the state of Nrrraska will be a sur
prise to m jst people this year," said Mr.
Young Hero Killed by Gai and Not
Barns on Body.
Report at Herolasa af George Miller
la Strict Aerordaaee with
Facts ssl Saves Maay
Major Thomas Cruse, chief quartermaster
of the Department of the Missouri, accom
panied by Mrs. Cruse snd their son. Lieu
tenant Fred Cruse, returned home from
Washington Mondsy morning, where they
attended the burial of Midshipman James
! Thomas Cruse st Arlington cemetery.
whose desth resulted from the powder ex
plosion In the turret of the battleship
Georgia near Boston two weeks sgo. Mid
shipman Cruse was the son of Major and
Mrs. Cruse.
"We feel grateful for the many expres
sions of condolence from our Omaha
frienda," aald Major Cruse, "and for the
kindly manner In which our bereavement
has been hsndled by the Omaha papers
It may be Interesting to our Omaha friends
to know that James' death was not the
result of burns received by the explosion,
but from inhaling th gases generated by
; the explosion. True, he was burned badly
j about the face and hands and lower limbs,
j but his eyes were not Injured. He wore's
(heavy sweater during the target practice
and It was this that protected him from
fatal bums. He could hsve escaped by
climbing out of the turret, as did one or
two of the men, but they had been drilled
to us- the water for cases of explosion that
were likely to occur In such emergencies In
the turret snd Jsmes sttempted to turn the
water on from the hose and succeeded In
turning It about two-thirds on. Jle was
stsndtng erect snd the wster assisted In
driving the gases upward and be thus in
haled them.
Gets Air that Savee Hlsa.
"One of the midshipmen fell prone to the
floor and got some fresh sir through sn
opening In the lower part of the turret
and thus escsped desth. The death of
young George Miller was fully as heroic
as the press reports indicate. At the
sscriflce of his own life he closed the
breech ef the big gun from which the
powder bag was' protruding and had he
not done so, not a man In the turret would
have survived the explosion.
"When we reached Boston, we fo-ind
James very hopeful and he recognlxed me
readily. He asked how long a leave I had
and then jokingly remarked that he guessed
he would have to get a leave too. I told
Mm that had all been arranged and that
he was going to have a leave of three
months. He thought that would be too
long. He was hopeful to the last. We were
Informed by the physicians In chsrge that
his case waa hopeless, but hoped that pos
sibly his strong constitution would bring
him through. But the poisonous gaaes he
had Inhaled were like strychnine and his
death was really only a question of a few
Crlttetse Aeeembllas; af War Yeeals
aaa Net Iarrease of Mer
eaaat Marls.
"We are soon to hsve the unique spec
tacle of sixteen battleships guarding six
rnercnantmen in the Pacifls.
"By next winter there probably will be
only one American steamship carrying e-ur
commerce across the north Pacific to the
"Not one American ship is running acr-isi
the south Pacific."
These sre sentences from a letter sent
out by the Merchant Marine League of the
United States, whose secretary is John E.
Penton of Clevelsnd. O.. lajnentlng the
fact that the last congress failed to do
anything for the American merchant
marine and the fact that Japan has at
tained supremacy on the Pscific. The let
ter wss addressed to the Board of Trade,
but evidently was meant for the Omaha
Commercial club. In conclusion Mr. Pen
ton thus aaks the opinion of the club:
Do you approve of the policy which
crowds our Pacific with battleships and ig
nores entirely our merchant ships? Of
what avail will the mastery of the Pacific
be to us if Japan dominates the shipping
snd monopolises the commerce of that
mightiest of oceans?
Thirty-fifth and Harney streets, tK.COM
Byron Red company, brick and cement
dwelling. Thirty-fiftli and Harney streets,
Nasaaes of Mem, be re the Cosa sselal
t'lae Has Set Oat ta
N?t "1.0CO members," but "double the
membtrship," Is now the slogan of tha
membership "boosting" committee of the
Commercial club. A week ago the commit
tee Informally talked of 1,K0 members as
the goal for Its efforts this summer, but
Mondsy noon the committee met and
formslly decided to bend every energy to
double the present membership, which la
between W and W0. A list of business
mn not now members has already been
started and It is the Intention to give every
eligible man In the city a personal invita
tion to affiliate.
A membership of l.frjO would place the
cIjo in a position where It could not only
afford to secure new snd Isrger quarters
next year, but where It would sbsolutely
be compelled to do to. The club has paid!
off the last of the debt It contracted two
or three years ago when it refitted the club
room a.
Balldlax Permits.
Trorge Glacominl, alterations to brlrk
building. Fifteenth and Chicago streets.
$ei, Nina M. D. Hoffman, frame dwelling.
Maa Dtalaya Wife's Divorce
He Gets LI cease for Their
On their way back to their native 9yr1x
to mske their home In the future Fsbll O
Ablon snd Mrs. Effle Jshs Aboarab of
Aspen, Col., stopped tn Omaha Monday
long enough to get married. When he waa
getting the license Mr. Ablen exhibited X
decree of divorce which was granted br
the Colorsdo courts to his Intended bride
from her husband on the grounds of ex
treme cruelty. They are both Catholics,
but owing to the fact Mrs. Aboarab la a
divorcee the groom feared he could not
And a priest who would perform the cere
mony. "If I can't find a priest where can I
go to get married?" he asked as he left
the office. He was directed to a justice ef
the pesce.
Announcements, wedding mx tlonery aa4
calling rarria. blank books and magazine
binding. Thona Doug. UM. A. L Root, tax,
The Texas Weader
Cures all Kidney, Bladder and Rheumatic
troubles, sold by Sherman A McCon-: "
Drug Co. and Owl Drug. Co.. or
months' treatment by mail, for fl Dr ...
W. HaU. Ollvs St.. t- Louis. Mx Bend
for testimonials.
aaerh Service, set'. Sid SeaesT !
eo route to Niagara Falls, Musk oka and
K a wart ha Lakes. Georgian Bay and 1
Temagaml F.t-gion. Ft. Lawrence river and
rapids. Thousands Islands. Algonqu n Na
tional park. White Mountains and Atlantic
Sea rost resorts, via tlrand Trunk Railway
system. Double track Chicago to Montreal
and Niagara Ifalla, N T. " Special tow
round trip fares are In effect to many sf
these r aorta dur.-. sum.Ter season I
For copies of tourist publications, fares. 1
and descriptive pa-nphlets apt'.y to Uearge I
W. Vaux. A. G P. A T. A li Adams
street Chicago.
.Bleat aaiae Shoo troltaa,
contains no lurneatme ar xcido. g.eas a
sxtla finish, will aot rub eC an the dAthtag.
Money Sswal la 1 ravel
brings full value if Invested in railroad
tickets over Penns) b'nort Lines
from Chicago, llginst standard passen
ger service to Washington. New York and
eastern cities and to Indianapolis, Louis
ville snd Cincinnati. Particulars free oa
request by writing or calling oa Rowland.
V. S Bar k Bldg . Omaha
The Boa Want Ada Are tne al ft"-f'-r-'
Don't Ruin Your Best Horse Going for a Doctor
Bowel complaints are always more or less prevalent during the Summer
months, and many a man has ruined his best horse going for a doctor
when some of his family was suffering from cramp' colic or cholera
morbus. Be prepared for such an emergency.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
fs the most successful medicine yet produced for these diseases and can
always be depended upon. No doctor can prescribe a better medicine.
It is almost certain to be needed before the Summer is over. Buy it now.