Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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I'' '
bald heads must go
,X , -N. v. , a J '
' . ' ' . ., ,; :;-
Chicago. July 14. 105
Iear Fir: Aft.-r having ued your
Hair Grower for about nix months I
ran truthful'? My it 1p the mirt
wonderful hair tonic I know of It
h storir'efl tho falling out and the
bald ip"t is entirely covered with a natural growih. I m more than
I leased with the results. A physician
friend who examin'-d my hea..i. said
hair could not be restored on the bald
ppot and the enclosed photo show
that It can be and ti restored by
your Hair Grower. My hair ireasurep
41 inches and tt atlll growing, hap a
rich healthy color and la admired ty
all who aee It
Am rec'immendtnf your tonlo to all
my friends and acquaintances, and I
sincerely wlah you the auooesa yvu
and yttur wondrfnl dlscory deaerve,
hiu4 -6. 6sruijjZnr
1T Bay Ptate Building
P. B. Tom are at liberty to uaa my
letierp and phutoa In any way you
ee fit.
i V- f T vv 'v. .v
v ? ! h . -
.' 'i: J
?: hi
if '. U 'Ji
Six Months After
We h the original photop of this
lady snowing the )ald spot the same
as rproduceo here, which may be
se.-n at all f r3t class d-alert hand
HnK our pooda. Thlp bald ppot Is
now covered with a growth or hair.
Fhotcgraphp sliow facia and are posi
tive proof of whut Btirnham'a Hair
and Scalp Tonic has done for her.
Kt-ad what she aays again:
FOR thirty year w hare spent t1m and minr and employed the best and
most skilled ctitmirt In the United Statep perfecting Ill'HNHAMS HAIH
SCAL.F1 TONIC Today we have thousands who will testify tt its merita.
We have photoa of thla lady ahowlng the bald spot, the nine as reproduced
here. The baid spot Is now covered with a thick growth of hair. Photographs
show facta and arp poaltlv proof of what Burnham'a Hair and Scalp Tonic hu
dona for ner.
mailed on receipt of 10 cents to cover the expense of packing and postape.
BurnhjLin's Toilet Requisites should be on Kale at all first clasa dralera. If
your 1-aler doesn't carry them, send ua your name and address and we will eve
that you are supplied.
Our booklet. "HOW TO BE BEAUTIFUL," mailed free.
Tha Largest Kalr and ToUt SCaanfactnrar In tna World
V feetaU TO asd Tt VtaM St. Wholppalp 7 and 6t Waaklalnf-tom AT.
citexoo. tt.i-
FVr Sale by
iiniui k xcCoitixl nun oo, leth and zodr Bta.
TU Owli SBua co, iet A.JTB aL a x its.
N. B. E. Burnham will have a demonstrator In this city from July 15th to
August 10th for the purpose of teaching the ladies how to use K. Burnham's
Toilet Requisites with equally a good success In the privacy of the homea aa If
they had ylelted his oelebraud Toilet parlors, eilaUr bU .
Board Channel Work of Assessors la
a Somber of Counties.
Insist tfce iMeaaairat sf fewl Cstat
Uajly Oajee In Fair Veaura la Hst
wiplylBa wit n the Cob
(Prom a PtafT Correspondent
LINCOLN. J i'.y -i.-r-TiM. With Gov-
- DW.Ih - V 41... Btalc 1 (,,- -I r. f
K'lualitatli n rrrt today and flxed the value I
of horew. rattle, n uh-s ana nofts, ny in
croasing by p-r tent a number of counties.
Nothing ai done regardlrg the assess
ment of lAtjc-astfT in any particular,
but It Is the snse of the board that It will
be Increased at least 20 per cent, to make
up for the cut of the county beard. The
state board did not want to pass upon this
matter nor the demands of the railroads
until the return of Governor Sheldon, who
la to be hire tomorrow. The following
tatlra show the number, the value as re
turned to the state board by the county as
sessors and the Increase made by the board
In the aasesemint of mules, cattle, horses
and hogs;
teiiel ...
Hanner .
Platne ..
Colfax ..
Iam-R ...
Oaalat ava Cwrtaws Fewtarea tf Llf
la a Rapldlr Grwl
Please don't blame r scrlba for tha ab-en.-e
of "Hooksr" newi lart week. It
w written, but th water waa so bigh
ths mail box could cot be reached; so It
was sent to town by a neighbor, who. roan
fashion, forgot, of course, to mall it.
Beatrice Times.
She rd the Work Ona of tha girls
northwest of town had an accident tha
othr day, but cum out of It without any
rious Injuries. 8h waa told by ner
mutht-r to aweep down tha stair. A ah
waa a dutiful gtrl sha atarted to do the
Joh, but when ah arrived at th top of
the stalra ah altpp1! and came down,
cleax.lrg lh atepa, but not In tb way bar
BMLhrr Intended. Plalnrlew New a
Religions In Pender A Merldan corre
spondnt to a Cherokee paper, eaya: "A
number of our young poopl Indulged In a
mo-.mllght rl-n'o. whatever that la." What
ever that la? O whla! If the corre
spondent never attended on, she ha
mlaeed much. A moonlight picnic la where
th young people go on a moonlight night
to some grove and hang hammocks In the
darkest places In the grove. There they
mm and spoon, spoon and swing, two
poors t vrTT swing. Often the man In
moon bide bia fac behind soma dark
cloud. It 1 certainly a picnic Marcua. la..
New a In Pender they go to tb Methodist
church, when they can find the door un
locked, and seek the dark st corner they
ran get into. Pender Republic
Tha Con Got Even Conductor Henderson
waa "In It" July 4, at Bloomfield. The
good-natured "con waa put on the police
force, but th wags stole his star and he
waa "vagged." Later on. with the assist
ance of a few friends he arrested the
mayor and marshal and had them locked
up for "resisting an officer."
Tbo Story cf. Ksidtdnfc
Its nam Golden Medical IIicottt
u auurtistod by one ot It aiot Import
urt ami valuable IngradlWiU Goidea
Nirly fortj rars aro, Dr. Pierce dl
coven d thtt he cou'.d, ty tho ca o( pure,
triple-re fined glyoerinA, aldad by a oer
t:n dogTM of cunnautfj na!ntaln4
heat and with the aid of appitrctui and
appliance fW;no.l for that purpose, ex
tract frum our umcsv valuablo native me
d'.jlLal root their uraUv propertiea
r uch Mw than by the us f alcohol,
goLeraliy employed. So the bow world
fuTicd C;old;ia Ile1lral Dweovrrf, foe
tb cure of weak tujrr.tch. lrtdlgeatlon, or
dvtvpt!i. torpid llvr. or bi:ioLn aod
kindred derangcKanu waa tnl Baoe, aa
It rvey alntrt ba bVn, wiihua particle)
tl alcohol it) iu tsaWv-up.
A jltweWWuV flat of tta tngredh.
prlnimi cu Trvtrv be ul-wrapper,
v ill thow tbet it U VlV froB ooat
taiuaUle saeJIclaal ruJii fud rrowlng-
i vur AiiarictB toreaun ;i tneye in-f.'-K'V-iU
have recelv.-d lt : If rVlii.
i 1-l.XZZTT
I , -i - yT'-T1 WVtf.T a.3 .S-fTT
Aliiu; uuvkf of U.l.0 Cituorartnciu LiT
n comp3ed by Dr. E. V. Pierce, of
fc -iffalo, X. Y.. and will be mailed frm U
a'k!n tame by pxauaJ e-ini, or
leivrr addrcMui to th Doctor aa above.
' ui those eaduraeiueau, copied from
i Urd niedleal boota at all lb differ
i chx)l of practice. It will be foucl
th lrtgtvd.ruui eooiBoatng tbGokl--n
Medical Discovery are advised not
( y fur if.' cu:e of the abora KMinilorjed
c. ia., but alM far th eur ot all ra
l-rrtil. tnnxh'.al and throat afieetiooa,
tccjuipained with catarrhal discharge.
j-iMirv uc--s ur threa lloferlng. or
.ng-on-couf )!, ai4 ail thoae waatlnf
t-otUon alich. if nut promptly and
properly treated ar Labi to W-rminsu
a consMEtion. Tak Dr. Plerea's Die-
ei"''ir,,n VB PTsever fa U as
'il you give it a fair and It U not
sfy Uj olsappuJat. Too much moat not
'xjr ted of It. It w1U not perform
-j.rac.. J, Wi etire rorwumpUoa
"lwwiM, Keaaadiolras wl'O.
n ty cure the afiecuoM that lewd no la
wueAx-Jt. if taavm(fav, "
Nebrauika Xtwi Xotea,
LINWOOU-F J. Menaek, an old eettler,
died at his home Sunday morning.
L1NWOOD Prague played here yester
day. Score. 7 to Z In favor of Lin wood.
LINWOMJDSome threshing ha been
done. Wheat is going from twenty to
thirty-five buai.ela per acre, oais twenty to
team of crrual.a played a rocky game bare
Saturday afternoon, allowli. the home
team to defeat them by a score of 11 to 4.
TEKAMAH-J. W. Lett, better known
aa "Bob." died at hl home east of this
place last night. Mr. Latta waa bom In
Ohio and waa sixty-five years old. He
leaves a wife, three daughters and two
PLATTSMOUTH Superintendent of
brlua-ta for the burllngtoi, Wootlilng (.aa a
force of sixty men repairing the east bank
of the Missouri river at tl.ts point, wi.lch
waa recently washed out by the on ro a.
; Many carloads of willows and cruahed stor e
j are being put In each day.
i TEKAMAH The annual pow-wow of th
j Omaha Indiana Is now running In full blaat
at Kir Chief Lodge, about ten miles north
of Iiecatur. The prosviara which will lat
j about two weeks longer, consists of na.lve
dance, feaata. horse ana toot races ana
many other amusement peculiar to the
WAYNE For five days th Wayne Chau
tauqua assembly haa been a auccesa b
von.l tha expectation of us promoters and
-Tronilsea to continue ao through th re
maining nve Oaya. Btiuroty tiiruaaiiuc
was very large and on Sunday more then
7 Ouo people vlaited the grounda during tie
day. The weather haa been unusually fine.
UE&MER Pard Schiecht, engineer at
Baker & Albright elevator, while roaming
the belt aaide of the engine had hla arm
cauglit In the pulley and waa hurled
a.nst the fly-wheel, receiving a deep
gush acruaa hi head and his arm badly
aprained. Laving a very narrow escape
from death. Al present writing he la Im
proving. SEWARD Sunday waa the twenty-fifth
year of Kev. C. H. Becker a work in the
ministry of th German Lutheran church
and th congregation arranged a aurpriaa
for him. They invited Rev. Mr. Lngelb.ect
of Falls City. Neb., who waa preaont
two la) men from the Falls City church.
Kev. Mr. Becker filled the pulpit of the
palls City church for laeiv year before
coming to Seward. He v. Mr. Moelierlag o(
Hampton. Neb., preached at the church in
tii evening. At tha cloee of the sermon
th congregation of nearly av people wei.t
to tha LuUieran seminary, where, in the
dining hall, a reaat waa spread. He v. Mr.
Klawilter of Kuby and He v. Mr. pflug of
Thayer, Neb., spoke at th supper. Hev.
Mr. Becker responded- He waa presented
with a line gold and a sum of money
by his congregation.
HASTINGS 1 lie Toucg Men's Christian
aaaociatlon haa begun a to raiaa
th remaining lndebtedneaa on th new a
oclailon building whan as compleuad sev
eral montba ago. It will not be opened
until the balance, about M.uou, u paid.
HASTiNiiS Th reoeipia ot the ten days'
chautau.jua, which closed last n:gt;t. were
about t'.M. Tt balam la about 3 and
to aufhclent t pay in rwmainmg inaebied
nesa on in new pavilion, one of the flout
In the country.
HASTlNGis Harry Williamson, proprietor
Of the Pioneer restaurant, sold hia bosinea
lat last night and Immediately left tiT
city, without Informing hia creditor as
to hi destination. Hia unsettled account
amount to about fc.oou.
-"r 1 ............. iva
Ftanlilin 1 i
Garfield 1J1
Grant l
Kimball 67
Knox M3
Lincoln 441
Logan M
Loup KB
McPherson 74
Sioux M
Thomas i... t
Panner 14 61
Cheenne 45.3
Iawes 4S.875
Franklin &.I.60
Garheld U.(c3
Hayea 15.40s
I'euel 61! 5GJ
Hitchcock U.SW
Holt Si.K7J
Hooker 7.4
Kearney 20.464
Knox 66 774
Lincoln V'tTt
L"In U.14S
Loup g j4j
Mcl'heraon IG.MB
Pierce S4 71'
Platte to'-m
Saline 24.8
Saunders S 161
Scott's Bluff 1.615
inomaa 6 o
Average In
asepp"d crease.
value. Pet.
il 1 15
12.12 10
II. SJ 30
10.62 av
1J II 10
10. W 60
10 70 SO
17.17 HO
U.2 25
13 61 20
&. VD
26 Sv
10.2s M
IS. 42 10
12 M 20
10.68 JO
10.37 .i
10 76 26
74 Ki
1 10
111 IS
t 93 26
t 26
2 3T.
2.16 20
S.42 lo
8 2 16
. 10
I. 34 10
I 48 10
1.28 20
1 U 1X1
2 35 lo
I.W tJ
1.74 1C
I 97 10
3 40 10
3 36 .
37 JO
3.1 3o
3.42 10
t 3 64 26
M 10
8.U 25
11. 00 6
10.06 15
14.26 Jo
-n 60
10 64 lo
ea ao
1 60
M 10
11.61 10
S.24 80
6.42 0
11-22 16
0 fi 30
. 10
.W 40
1.33 10
e Law.
Vse-re el slek kklae taM .n.k
eay It Is the best and most lasting polish
they tar ever used. It rivaa a r.n.w
to th leather and It won't rub off on th
clothing. A well satisfied user is lu .
Se Waat Ads al
ay a brie- mk:'a
Banner .
Blaln 1 mi
Ctietenna . 11
Coifax 7'?2
pwe S.2.
Dougla J'.!!! lLul
Grant ... l.kit
Ho" 12.600
hooker 1 42g
KlmbaU ... 1574
McPherson 1 134
Sheridan 11
, .,ww
Bherman 6 3&j
Thomai 1 igj
Hon ;;;;; a '7
Saline fix s7
Sherman 27,35
Attack oa Hevei
th statute requiring the assessment of real
etate every four year. Edson Rich, re
presenthig the Tnlon Partflc railroad, thle
morning asked th board to make a reoord
IU answer to bis demand that the value
of real estate be equalised with the value
of other property In the state. The board
promised to make a formal answer to
morrow or to take some action on h! de
mand. Mr. Rich is making a reoord ao
that. If deemed advlslble, the Union Pacific
may go Into court to fight its taxes on the
present value aa flxed by the board. He
want fhe value of real estate Increased
or the valtw of railroad property decreased
The Burlington railroad Is working with
the Union Pacific In thla case and the
record which applies to one will apply to
both. Attorney Deweese appeared for the
Burlington, while A. W. Scribner and R. J
Clancy cam down with Mr. Rich. The
railroad attorneys contend that unless real
estate Is assessed each year It will not
bear Its equal share of taxes as required
by the constitution. Mr. Rich also Insists
that real estate Is this year, assessed on
a basis of only about 60 per cent of It
actual value.
Secretary Bennett waa put on the stand
and testified that the board had not In
creased the value of real estate since 1904
and fiom the beard a records. Mr. Rich
showed real estate. Improved, had been
assessed at an average value of J? an
acre In 104 and unimproved at an average
at S1.M an acre. In 1S06 the Improved real
estate was assessed at $6 53 an acre and the
unimproved at 31 1 an acre. In lftot there
were 13.434,70 acres of unimproved lands
assessed at a total of H7,no,74g and thers
7Uy Prepared.
Rightly selected food will alone cure
many dlseasea
Try a scientific and healthy break
ra,,: Fruit of some kind, preferably
cooked; a dish of Grape-Nuts with
cream; two aoft-bolled egga; (Put two
eggs In a tin pint cup of boiling water
cover and set off for nine minute
White will then be the oonplstency of
cream and most easily digested) slloe of
hard crisp toast, cup of Postum Pood
On that breakfast you can work 11k a
horse and be perfectly nourished until
noon. Tour nervous troubles, heart pal
pltalton. r'.jiuacb and bowel trouble
kidney complaint and varioua other dl
order will gradually dlaappear and firm
solid health will set In.
Why? You have probably been living
on poorly .elected food, that la. food that
lma not contain the required elements
the bo.y needa That ort of food, and
coffee, ie the direct or Indirect cause cf
mor than half th ills th human body
Grape-Nuts la a perfectly cooked food
and both that and the Poetura Food Cof
fee contains fine microscopic particle of
phophate of potash obtained In a nat
ural way from th grain of th field and
by scientific food experts Incorporated
into food and drink. That elemeat Joins
with the albumen In food to make gray
matter, which la the filling of th brain
cells and th nerve oentere throughout
the human body.
A man or woman thus fed Is scientific
ally fed and rapidly grow In vigor and
vitality, and become capable cf conduct
ing suoceesfully the affair of life. To
produce a perfect body and a money
making brain, the body must fcaee the
right kind ef food and th expert food
specialist knows how to make It. That
Is Urape-Nnu and Fostura Food Coffee,
produced at th pur food factorle of
th Postum Co, at Battle Creek. Mich,
Read "Tb Road to Well rill,- la pkga
"Taet-e'e t Reason,
ll mm im rnmam
al skipxxsxxBBxixBHpi iNS bi 1 1 1 ! isBBl AHssBBsTsBiii mm XMuiM biiiimbii isnsi BBrBafaaaaBMJasaUaUsxUVnssn D
THIS is the last week that a bonus of free transportation will b? given with
each share of Omaha and Nebraska-Central Railway stock purchased. This
transportation is transferable, so it does not matter whether you live cne
mile or a thousand miles from the line, you can us? it or sell it for cash, thereby
getting back part of the money you now pay for your stock.
With each share of stock you buy this week you get FIVE DOLLARS worth
of transportation. The price of the stock is $26 per share, therefore your stock will
virtually cost you but $21 per share (par value $100.00).
This tra n s portation
means money to you.
Invest this week.
J jaoTNtA ! j
"JW. j
A Second Grading
Camp Installed
That our work is steadily poing forward is manifested by a second grading camp to ho
established this week. A telegram has been received stating that they will arrive this week
and push the work with all energy. This means that our stock will go to $27 per share within
a very few days.
of transportation with each share.
In a few days TWENTY-SEVEN DOLLARS per share with no transportation. WHICH WOULD YOU PREFER?
Don't be skeptical and hesitate as many have done. Some have said: "O, I will wait a while", and while they have
been waiting they have watched this stock advance in price. Some will wait until this stock is $30 per share. Don't you
do this, as it will mean a loss of $5 per share to you.
Please send me further informa
tion in regard to this road
Invest now and get the cream yourself. Anyone who knows Nebraska and
what the Electric Roads are doing in the east and west and south, will know
that this stock will continue to advance.
ha and Nebraska-Cenlra!
320 First National Dank.
Phone. Doug. 3744.
Omaha, Neb.
were acres of Improved lands as- j
sewed at tl22.E.TS. In W6 there were .-
L-r. af. m.r-Tm tit itnnrored lands assessed at I
21iS.2a.624 and there were 14 C.411 acres of
unimproved acre asepd at 341!4..
Mr. Rich started to put Land Commis
sioner Eston on the etand to show the in
crease In value of the school landa, but at
this Juncture Treasurer Brian expr-sed a
willingness to concede that real estate had
Increased in value since 1904. so Mr. Eaton
was not asked to testify. When Mr. Rich
started to show wl-at personal taxes his
road paid. Treasurer Brian objected to tak
ing up the time of the board with thla
matter, as he could see no connection be
tween that and equaling the val-jes be
tween counties. Mr. Rich assured him he
desired to bring ont this Information merely
to show to the board his Interest In the
proceedings and his right to appear and
protest. Governor Sheldon was not at the
meeting ard Commissioner Eaton acted as
Caldwell for Railroad rosaaalsslewer.
P. A. Caldwell, who represented Clay
county In the legislature for two sessions
prior to the last one, fled his name with
the secretary of stste today as a republi
can candidate for railway commissioner.
Mr. Caldwell was a candidate for this place
before the last ptate convention, but did
not land. While in the legislature of IXC,
Mr. Caldwell farthered a freight rate bill
which failed of passage.
Caadldatee for Jada-e.
J. A. Pouglaa. republican, of Raesett, filed
1.1a name with the secretary of state tody
as a candidate for Judge of the Fifteenth
district. Mr. Pouglaa served In the 108
and 1905 legislatures and came very near
being a candidate for attorney general be
fore the last state convention. W. H.
Westover of Rushvllle has filed aa a can
didate for the democratic and populist
nominations for th same office. Other can
didates Bled were: B. F. Good of Wahoc,
democratic and populist candidate for Judgt,,
of th Fifth district; F. C. Power of Tork.
republican candidate for Judge of the Fifth
district; Charles H. Balllet of Omaha, re
publican candidate for Judge of the Fourth
district; R. C Orr of MoCook. republican
candidate for Judge of the Fourteenth dla-
Baaka mm Stat Dewoattorle.
The following banks have qualified as
state depoaliorles:
Button National bank. $4,000 bond.
First National bank of North Bend. $6,000
National Bank of Aahland. $6.W bond.
The money to b placed in these banks
will be taken from the following: Com
mercial National of Fremont. First Na
tional and German National of Hastings
and Fullerton National. The following
have filed bonds not yet acted upon: Bank
of Conunerc of Hastings, Craig Slate
bank, and Farmers' Bank of Kearney.
The bonds are: $S.uo0. H.&uO. and CO.OOo. re
apec lively.
7lee ef Flsttsaaeeth Hta l-t.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. July (Spe
cial. Henry Boeck of this city has re
ceived word that his niece. Mrs. Lolse O.
Nake, and her daughter. Miss Nellie, were
among th unfortunate one who lost their
lives In the recent collision of the lll-fsted
steamer Columbia and the Pan Feiro on
the Paclflc ocean. Mra Nake and her
daughter resided In 6l Louis and the lat
ter taught school In th city. They at
tended th National Educational associa
tion meeting in Los Angeles, CsX, and
after visiting wkh friends there had started
for their home via Portland. Ore., when
the aad accident occurred.
Bullet Enters Temple and Panes Out
of the Top of the Head.
W. O. Belts, a Hired Man Farm ot
Merrill Br.w. Krar Lyons, Fires
Twice at Ills Employer D ar
ias; m (I Barrel.
LTON3. Neb.. July 2P. CBpecIal Tele-mam.l-At
about :30 Sunday evening Mer
rill Brown, a well-known and wel-to-do
farmer, was shot in the temple by a bullet
from a thirty-tmo calber revolver, fired by
W. A. Butte, his hired man. Tb shoot
ing took place at the home of Mr. Brown,
who lives about six mile east of Lyons.
Butts got Into argument with Mrs. Brown
over a horseshoe, which he said had been
taken from his burgy by one of the little
girls, and made some very Inslutlng re
marks to her. When Brown came home
and was told of the trouble Butts was mak
ing, he went out to settlewlthhlm. Word
were exchanged between Brown and Butts,
and Butts, who has the reputation of being
a very quarrelsome person, pulled out his
gun and took a shot at Brown, but missed
him, aDd Brown rushing up grabbed Butts
and threw hirn over a watering trough from
where he fired again without getting up.
Thia ahot hit Blown In the left temple and
came out the top of his head. Bulla then
got into his buggy and drove to town and
gave himself up to the authorities, where
he was held until the Sheriff Fhlpi ac
rived on the scene. Biieriff i-hlpps started
for Ttkamaha about ! o'clock this morning
with butts, who will be held there until
ifter his preliminary hearing.
Mr. Brwn waa attended by Dr. Hill of
this piace and who upon examination
found that the wound wa not as aertojs
as it was first to be. Brown prob
ably will be out again in a short time.
Butts Is a very quarrelsome person and
has made trouble for nearly every persoa
whom he has worked for In the two or
three years that he has been In this vicinity.
Badswa Trie t Brewk Jail.
TDCVM8EH, Neb.. July 29. 8pec1al
Simeon Hudson, awaltfng tr'al In the John
son county Jail on a forgery charge, evi
dently is getting tired of his new quarters.
Eherlff H. V Miner yesterday discovered
where the primmer was making an attempt
at Jail breaking. An Iron rM had been
removed frotn one of the bee's In a cell
and Hudson had used the rod to remove
the rein,ent from about a large ptone. the
work being In the cell and secured from
Pls-ht. The chrrlff promptly took the rod
from the prison and Informed Hudson be
ould either quit surh work or be would
be compelled to handcuff bis hands be
hind him.
A 5tsmw Eeape for Pirrrj or,
PAPILUON. Neb.. July . -(Special.)
While County Surveyor Patterson was run
ning a line nesr the Bellevue eotta- crrer
a tleep cut of the lnterurban road he had to
throw hla steel chsln across the cut. It
strurk a Bv wire and the rail, mak'ng a
complete clrcut. Mr. Taterson received a
severe shock and h'a chain Is In several
PotHhtlf Cure
of continuous sucoess. Printed matter
sent In plain envelope upon request. Ail
correspondence strictly confidential.
Twei.ty-fl.'th anu Cass Bta.
Omaha. Neb.
Miller and Peterson, and Nip-htlngale. th
catcher, bogatla caught the game for th
Creeoenta and could uol have done belUr,
BrsMi Kar lea A gala ea Top.
In a one-sl1ed game of ball the Benson
Eieles defested the Clark Imperials of
Omaha Sunday b ythe si ore of 1 to 0.
The features cf the game were the pitch
ing of Whitney, fa.t work of Anderson
on first base and the heavy hlttlnr of
Rice. Score: p.. H. E.
I ' " . V V V 4 1 1. 1
1 C. I a 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 C 4
, Batterle: Hamilton and Ogden; Whit
ney and Rice. Struck out: By Whitney
allowing no passed bslls and catching tnree
men on second and one on third base.
The Crescents would like to hear from
any team in or out of the city un1r 30
years of see. such as Boyers, Benson
Eagles and Nonpareils. Score. R.H.E.
Crescents il 0 1 0 2 0 0 ! -6 t $
sialic City 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 12 2 (
Two-uase hits: McMellon. Hogau. Htol
lnrki. bauertea: iiaai::iann and Botatis;
Fowers and Ciasna,
1": bv Hamilton. 4. Bases on balls: OT
Whitney, 2; off Hamilton. 4.
tin: Klce. Two-base hits:
Whitney, Burke.
400. Umpire: Nlelson.
Th ree-base
Rice ii
Crewe mtn Wla frwa Made CI tra.
The Crescents ,defra,ed the Mairic City
team of South Omaha Sunday by a a-ore uf
t to t Haarn.ann for the t'rMeiils pitched
a splendid game, striking out eight men
and allowing bu' two hits Power for the
Magic City s also pitched ball, striking out
nine men and allowing five ht. The
Crescents were not able to put up their
usual game, being short their two pitchers.
Sport lag Gossip.
Ths Pirates epaln have nosed the Glanta
j out ot i ieoe.
t Indianapolia la now playing Cook, for
i merly of i'ueolj, at the lop of the baitli.a
I Ducky Holmes Is said to have a resolu
tion. He in t going i aet mad a rain ti.l
, s. as ii. iT oldiiig hia team duean t lose any
i Boons games. .
Haif ti.e men on the Cleveland team are
I Mid to be tryli.g u get on some other
i loam beci-iise of the continual roasting of
u.e home xans.
Within the current three weeks the Cub)
get a whack al every learn In the league
on the Cubs grounds. Can you thlrji ot
ll wlu,uui we.piii,;
LMdie Graney will probably pitch for
Cleveland next jr, a I.ato,e has secured
an option on him. No. this Is not Kddte
Graney i f Frisco, the prlte-f.ght proinuttr.
Cleveland, so Hugh Jennings says, wants
tJ f.gnti i on its ii.m. lie coiuts Ira. a
WUk.l sir.
l sick Baiae Pells
Is th best for tadis," man and children'
ehoeaj cLa a&d polish aad la ait-jo
n i i
M V'
A powder to be) ahaien into the ahoea. Tour fet feel ewollfn,
nprroua. Lot and gt tir-d etailj. If you LaTe aching, Emartiiur
feet, try Allen a Foot-lCaaa. It reata tha feet and makea new or
tight ahoea eaay ; al way una it to Break in New Shoeg. It cures
ewullen, hot, Bweating feet, blitro, inflrowino; naila and c&Uoua
spot. Kelievea ooms and buidona cf all "pain and gives lut
and Comfort It curea while you walL Lave over thirty
oiki.d tatimoniala. Ttt it ioJLay. Sold by all Drufpsta
everywhere 25 oenta, Ionrt accept any aubstitute for Allen a '
Foot-Eae Trial pckap-e FREE. Addreaa, AlLn S. 0vaA,
xjo xwy, i. x. . European jJnmcn Offloe. i'eterboroufl'h. England
oucoiwa cringa lmitauona. boor
re s ci
laauiaiiut wortLIeaa limtaUona are aomfatimfa
offered for sale. Inaiht upon Laringf Allan's Foot-Easo. The
Original powder for the ftt Twelve years before the public
Annual aals orer two million cackaea. Da net u.-.-y
suLbtitutt-s claimed to bo "iuut at eool " iTm'tti.'.r,
-litrwis you vould terer be
rootEaae. Ahk for Allen's
r 44 '
Remember. Allen TWa is k t
bearingf yellow label with our trade EQitrk and f&ceimile aigiiture
Stcp"1 ft? rVZTH " Tot TRZZ T1 P". ako free BacpU of the
FOOT-EASE fc.AMr.AiY O0BK-PAI. a aw Uveotioa. addi-aAji-i B Oht4 1 L, v w
7 'v "V N-BfiUrioi:s ubbtitutt-9 claimed to bo "jubt i
1 , ''rW''' VJ ti-G thtrc-tr profit otherwise
''fVtU'U"" offered a euljstitute for Allen's Toot-Ea
"i V'Vi Foot-Ease, and inawt upon Laying it
la a Pinch.
It AJUn'i Foot-Easa."
Churchill Drug 'o.,
Burllnrt..rf Rr,J
Cedar Rjplds,
Olney tt McDaid.
Torbert Dm Co..
J. W. Edgerly A Co,
Ottumwa, I a.
Puller Puller Co..
Chicago. 111.
Humlaton, Keeling tCo,
Chicago, 1)U
Morrisson, Plummer A
Co., Chicago, 11L
J. S. Merrell Drug Co.,
bl. Douia, Mo.
Myer Broa Drug Co..
Bl. Dojla. Me,
Hall-Pipkin t)rug Co ,
Hpringfield. Ma.
Jewett Irug Co.
Aberdeen, H. D.
L. W. Ielghthead Drug
Co.. ualulh. Minn.
Mlnnea;,olia Drug Co,
Mlnneapolia, Minn.
Noyes Uros A Cutler,
St. Paul. Minn.
Barker & Wheeler Co..
Peoria. 111.
Colburn. Blrks A Co.,
Peoria. 111.
Aldo Somjuer's trug Co,
(ulncy. 11L
Harti A liahr.aen Co.,
Kock l.lacd. 111.
Etans-Pmiic Drug Co,
Kt- Joaeph. Mo,
Eans-Smlth Irug Co.
Kanaka City. Mo.
Klchardaun Drug Co..
Omaha, Keb.
All leading WkoW-i
1 1
I 1
si i