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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1907)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1907, V "X Beein next liar properties y of Ms friends among thn socldllst Titers and the so-railed labor Jury, who sve been attending the trial, was in the urt room at the early hour the verdict as rendered. The spectators' benched re empty, but In the doorway stood Uov rnor Frank Goodlnn, who has taken an Stive part In pressing the prosocutlon of laywood and his associates. There was 9 demonstration other than that made by e attorneys for the defense, and the Burt proceedings were over, the prisoner ad been discharged and the Jury dis tlnsed for the term In less than three mln tes time. Mrmif from Emma fSoldman. OYBTKR RAT. N. Y.. July .-Without tmment President Roosevelt made public is following telegram received by him to ay referring to the verdict In the Haywood iurdr trial nt Boise Idaho: NEW YORK, July a. 1WT.-President .oosevelt: Liidenlrable citizens victorious, lejolc. (Signed.) "KM MA ilOI.n.MAN. "AlyF.X ANI'KR HKKKMAN, "HirPOt-rTE 1IAVKU" DENVER, July 29-"We will hire from he t'nlon Pacific railroad the same spe lal train In which Kill Haywood was taken Rolse. after being kidnaped, and In this rain we will bring him back to Denver," eclared James Klrwan, acting secrctsry reasurer of the Western Federation of liners, today. "This great victory for the good name of he federation will be followed by the Im ledlate engagement of enough organizers n double the membership of the Western federation of Miners In the next three nonths. We will not have any more secret teetlngs of the various local unions, be ause there would be no work for the de ectlves, who have been getting money rom the mine owners to spy on our leetlngs." BOMPEHS TALKS ON THE VERDICT Honeat American Jury Coold Have Done Otherwise." WASHINGTON. July 28. President Gom lers of the American Federation of Labor ontght, In an Interview regarding the out- No human hand touchc$ WHEAT FLAKE CELERY from its first process of manu facture until it is served for th table. It is composed of Wheat, Celery and Salt. Not a trace of any other substance. Its daily use has a tonic and laxative ef fect, n 10 cents a package. Tor sale by all Grocer VyftUisrWbMaaanrfmaleka4t!fas foi tb lut iw.alr-Sr. inn and a.r.r found an rslUf til biu tkU roar CututU. Btae. aakb(a Uklnf Cunmu a. has sarar ha4 tta. aautocha. Thar kin aatlraly nrd htm. ('esraM da what yoa raooatMnd tb.m to do. I will tWa joa the prtil. of aalnc an lama." fc.M. IHcka.a, in Baaiasr Si., WJadlauapalla. laa. Cast For The bowels PaJMaMa, Foaaoa, Taata fioos. Do Geo. "'' ? Grip.. IN, Ue. Ma. Netar ai la balk. Tka . ublat atampad 0 0 0. Siaiubua to aare ot jour awo.r back. Starling Ramady Co., Chicago arN.V. sol AXaWAL SALE TEN MILLION BOIES smmm u Fire, Smoke and Water Sale Joseph In the O'Donahoe-Rodmond-Normile Building, . Sixteenth and Howard For Tuesday and Wednesday we will add $2,000 mor goods (slightly damaged by smoke and water) to our stock now on sale. Tuesday and Wednesday Vill Be Bargain Days Our entire wholesale and retail stock must be closed out by Saturday. August 3. Joseph. Fn IliSs Sixteenth and Howard. Men's Linen Y In no article Is inferior starching o con spicuous as in men's lineu. Laundresses who excel in this difficult branch who make their work Kjual to that of the famons French laundries owe their success to the genuine KINGSFQEIB'S OSWEGO Silver Gloss Starch wash dav to Use iL The rrn. of this wonderful starch insure superhne, unusually pliable, beautiful, snowy finish, not onlvon men's linen buton entry mar ine ut or article where faultless work is essen tial. Prevents linen from turning yellow. The standard of quality for over half a century. BEST TOR ALL KINDS OT STARCHING rr aeiKral ate Soil elrtclre. Far starchbit nraaalea' as a coW-witrr (Ur da. rraalrtas as selling . Made for over fifty years at Oswego. All grocers, full weight packages. T. KINGSFORD & SON, Oswego. N. Y. National Starch Co., Successors. aim come of the Haywood trial at Boise, Idaho, declared that no honest American Jury could have brought In any other verdict. Mr. Gompers said: "Even If Haywood. Moyer and Pettlbone had cause to feel re sentment against Governor Steunenberg during his administration, at tlw time of his being killed and for almost two years before he was In no way In a position to Interfere with the work of the Western Federation- of Miners; he was removed from the Meld of opposition to the miners' organization. "The organization, as a matter of neces sity, was compelled to deal with new con ditions, with new men and with new opponents and could not have the time, much lea the inclination or motive to wreak a murderous revenge upon one who was no longer In their path. There was no motive and no purpose for Haywood to kill or to conspire to have killed ex-Governor Strunenberg. "The Idaho Jury and all the American people are to be congratulated on the ac quittal of Haywood. The testimony oT Orchard confessing that he was a manifold murderer; that he was a bigamist, burglar. Incendiary, thief, llnr and fraud, was enough to sicken the hearts of all out J people. Upon such testimony It was un thinkable that a Jury of American citizens would hang even a yellow dog.." MENTION PREHIDKVr MOOSEVEI.T Socialists and I.nbor Leaders Xote Outcome of Trial. NEW YORK, July 29. "President Roose velt, not William D. Haywood, la now the 'undesirable citizen,' " said Alexander Jonas, socialist loader and editor of the Volks Zeltung. when asked how he re garded the result of the trial In Idaho. His reply was perhaps the most pronounced of many opinions by local socialists and I organized labor leaders, but Jubilation was the keynote of them all, Moses Oppen helmer, the oiganizer of the Moyer-Hay-wood conference. In speaking at the meet ing of the Central Federated union In which socialist and nonsoclallst unions are represented, said: "I have been a great many years In the labor movement and In all my memory this Is the first time the working class has exerted Itself In the same way as It has done In behalf of these men," (meaning Haywood, Moyer and Pettlbone). Efforts will be made to persuade Hay Wood to fame -her Wx'eek o attend ' ' socialist parade and, mass meeting in his honor" to tie' held lri'fcladfson Square Gar den. It Is expected that fjo.ono persons will be In the parade. The New York social ists claim to hav contributed 125,000 of the fund cf ttfW.OfW raised for the' defense. . IONDON, July 29. Commenting on the result of the trial of William D. Haywood at Boise, the Chronicle today says: The state of society revealed by the trial la more terrible than any civil war, be cause It Is more treacherous and Is likely to be more lasting. From beclnnlng to end It revealed a condition of brutal rapa city, confronted with savage, despairing violence, a condition that gives America's boasted civilization a very dubious look. The Daily News says: From the outset the question has been complicated by the fierce prejudices of a kind of smoldering class war. The whole movement, both In the revelations of the trial and Its accompaniments In public ex citement, has Illustrated the Insecurity of authority In America and the profound skepticism concerning the Identity of law and Justice. , Both articles refer to President Roose velt's "undesirable citizen" statement. The News calls It one of his frequent public Indiscretions, and the Chronicle predicts that It will cost him dear, BUTTE, Mont., July 29. Seven thousand miners and other union workers of Butte paraded the streets In this city last even ing as an expression of their gratification at the acquittal of William D. Haywood. Preceded by pictures of Haywood, banners on which were Inscribed the sentiment of the marching thousands, and by Amerloan flags and with a band, the procession started, four abreast, from In front of the Miners' I'nlon hall and traversed all the principal thoroughfares of the city. Occu pying a position of honor between two American flags at the head of the proces sion was a big silk bsnner ot the union, bearing Its motto, "Charity to all, maltos toward none." As the parade progressed hundreds of men on the sidewalks stepped Into the ranks and marched along. It was one Of F, ths lara-t parades ever hel1 In Butt. Returning to the Miners' t'nlon hall. pwha wr made from opn windows by labor leadrs and by president Duffy of the miners' unlnn. GIRL CANNOT PASS UP HORSE Admits She la Irrealstnhly Impelled t teal Ktfrr !N'J e Seea. On account of her mania for stealing horses, whlrh she seems unable to control. Stella Bloom, a IR-year-old girl living st Sixteenth and Martha streets, was com mitted to Ilie nd Shepherd home Monday morning by Judge Kennedy cf the Juvenile court. She confessed she was unable to keep from taking horses and frankly told the court she did not know what eould be done to stop the practice. last Thursday she went to a ltverv stable In South Omaha and ordered a horse and bupgy sent to a curtain address. When the horse arrived she was dickering with a woman at the nirnber she gave for room and board. She stopped her bargain ing and climbed Into the buggy and drove sway. In spite of a diligent search made by the police the animal was not found un til Sunday, when It was located In a livery stahle at Twenty-eighth and Farnam strrets where Stella was bosrdlng It. 1'p to a few months ago Stella bad her own horse and buggy, but the animal died snd since then she bss taken horses that did not belong to her several times. She hss been In Juvenile court for this same offense once or twice before. Her father and mother have separated and her mother se nis to be unable to control Stella. Twelve-year-old Dorothy Newlean was sent to St. James orphanage by Judie Ken nedy after be had heard her story. A few days ago Mrs. Towle of the probation officer's office found the little girl In a two room hovel under the Sixteenth street via duct where she was living with an old woman. Two drunken men were living at the same shack. Dorothy's father and mother are separated and neither were con sidered fit to have custody of the child. For passing herself off as a married woman snd traveling around the country with a man. IJllle Hult. 1 years old. was committed to the Good Shepherd home. She has been In court several times be fore. CRAWFORD HOMEFROM NORTH Omaha Men Make F.xtenalve Journey Throoch the British Northvvest. Frank Crawford, who. with Lysle Abbott and Dr. Sparling, has been making an extensive trip through the British north west, returned to Omaha Monday, a few days ahead of the others of his party. Mr. Crawford was as brown as a berry from his lengthy outdoor trip, having trav eled 5,000 miles by rail. 200 by steamboat, 323 by small boats, 340 by stage and 225 by horseack. "We were In a new and practically un known region of British Columia," said Mr. Crawford. "The country we covered was on the line, as surveyed, of the new Grand Trunk Pacific railroad. Good farm ing land Is a very scarce article In British Columbia, the land being arid, seml-arld lei, wa had fine new Early Rose potatoes, ley, which runs esst and west, sloping to ward the Frazier. That was a splendid valiey and wheat, oats, potatoes and all products raised In any part of Canada yle'd big returns wherever planted by the trapper-farmers in that country. Ten days ago at Fort Dodge, north of the 54th paral and rocky. In the main except Nechaw val grown In the garden of an Indian. The climate Is much the same as northern New England, except that the winters are shorter and less severe." PACKING HOUSE AT ALLIANCE Independent Concern Files Articles -. Havelock to Reesra- One -. Also. LINCOLN. July 29. Independent packing houses will be constructed In Havelock and Alliance, Neb. The Alliance company, with a capital stock of $25,000. fully subscribed, filed Its articles of Incorporation today, while Charles Williams of Sioux City Is now in Havelock organizing a company there. Both concerns will do a complete packing business, the capacity of the Alli ance concern being 100 beeves per day. DEATH RECORD. Mrs. Josephine Rocheford. Mrs. Josephine Rocheford, aged 17, died Sunday at her home. 2506 South Twenty fifth avenue. The furieral Is to be held at Bt. Patrick's church at 8:30 Tuesday morn ing with interment at Holy Sepulchre cemetery. She Is survived by her husband and an Infant. Mra. Sarah Pratt. Mrs. Sarah Pratt died at the county hos pital Friday at the age of 92 years 6 months. The funeral was held Monday afternoon from the Swanson undertaking establishment. Rev. Charles ' W. Savldge officiating. Interment was at Prospect Hill cemetery. Mrs. Pratt was survived by sev eral children. Mra. Caroline Mnrhlheanaen. Mrs. Caroline Muehlheausen, aged TR, a resident of Omaha for thirty-one years, died at her residence, 25S2 North Eighteenth street. The funeral will be held Tuesdsy afternoon. She Is survived by two sons and three daughters, Adolph and George Muehl hausen, Mrs. John McGuIre and Miss Muehlhausen of Omaha and Mrs. Qua Olson of Chicago. HYMENEAL t Holmea-Procter. Mr. William Holmes and Mlsa Minerva Proctor were married Sunday evening at 6 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carter. 2134 South Thirty-fifth street by Rev. Charles W. Savldge. ftrholarahlf) Uoei Brftlnr BOONE, la., July M. (Special Telegram.) -Education Is going begging In Boone county. A Highland Park scholarship of fered for full terms by a Dea Moines msn, can find no taker here. Superintendent Cobb is acourlng the- country, but finds no one who w'll tske scholarship. Many Woodmen Initiated. CHICAGO," July 29.-8pectal Telegrams Rev. G. H. Schleh of Omaha Initiated l.anO new menileis of the Woodmen of the World a; - big meeting held here, yesterday. Oakland, la'., Man Injnred. CIUCAGO. July 2S.-(8peoial Telegrsm.) I.. E. Freemsn. aged 59 years, of Oaklsnd, la., a cattle buyer, was severely Injured by a street car here last night. WAKEFIELD'S BLACKBERRY BALSAM ia and has been for 61 years the rnoet prompt and reliable cur for Diarrhoea, Dysentery and Chelera Infantum. As these diseases often come in the night, every home should be prepared to check them without delay by having Wakefield' Blackberry Balaam on hand. It never fails. All druggists cell it Full size bottle 86c UNION LABOR LAUDS VERDICT Coniideri Haywood Case Victory for Cauie and Justice. FAIRNESS ALLOWED RONE OTHER tarlea I.. McDonald, Former Presl dent Central l.ahor t'nlen, E preaaee Serprla ea Well as I'leeaere. fnlon labor men In Orraha are gratified st th Haywood decision. To a man they regard It ss the only fair conclusion Of the case, though some, Charles 'McDonald for one, expressed surplae thst the Jury should return a verdict of not guilty. John Pollan. presUU-nt of the Central La bor union, said: "The verdict could not have- been other wise under the evidence and the Instruc tions of the court. The trial was fair ami union labor has no comment to make upon the course of the trial. I guess It is pretty clear that the Mine Owners' sssoctatlon was back of the prosoc utlon. l'nion labor is generally pleased with the verdict, be cause it Is a verdict of fairness. At the meeting of the Omaha Typographical union Sunday a telegram of congratulation was sent to II y wood. The victory for Hay wood Is not so much a victory for union labor as It is a victory for law and Justice. The court, the attorneys snd the Jury were fair men. and under such conditions the result of n acquittal could not have been otherwise." McDonald la Surprised. "I was somewhat surprised at a verdict of acquittal. I looked only for a disagree ment of the jury. However, under the evidence and the Instructions of the Judge there could have been no other fair result than an acquittal. "It Is on the whole a victory for union labor, and shows that the unions are strong enough to defend their rlRhts and that with able counsel these rights can be won against the corporations. It Is also s victory for Justice, t'nlon labor has nevet for a moment condoned violence and should not be held responsible for the acts of such men as Orchard and Irreconcilable agitators. I'nlonlsm does not mean social Ism nor anarchy. We believe In law and order, but we believe the law Is as much for the man who toils as for the man who waxes fst off the products of toll. This trial has cost union labor a vast amount of money and union labor Is able and willing to pay Just as mucrh more for Justice. Union labor docs not wish to. shield or protect a criminal, a murderer or a felon. And union labor will resent the charge that In the defense of our right to live that we are criminals, murderers and felons. This acquittal of Haywood has shown that the bull pen method of coercion has come to an end in this country. It has demonstrated that men and women cannot be driven from their homes at the behest of corporations because they nat urally resent the proposition that they have no right to live except by the permission of corporate interests." KELBY SAYS HE IS OUT OF IT Attorney for Bnrllnsrton and Other Nebraska Men Once Tolerated " In Kwerla. Ben I Castor; president of the Egerla Fuel company, which Is the one mentioned In connection with an eatensive fraudulent coal land deal In Colorado,' Is well known In Omaha, and Is a son of Tobias Castor, right-of-way agent of the Burlington road. Castor resides at Wllher, where he has extensive real estate and banking Interests. Several other prominent' Nebraskans are mantloped In Jhe transactions of the com pany and several "of "KVnfr'were closely Identified with the Egerla company, amen them being J. E. Kclby. counsel for th Burlington railroad and J. B, Dlnsm,ore or Sutton, twice prominently, mentioned as a candidate for governor. . , Three residents of Aurora, Neb., are men tioned aa witnesses who will give evidence against the promoters. These sre Dr. L., O. Myers, George Burr, editor of the Aurora Register, and William Glover, who owne banka at Giltner and Trumbull. A Burlington official said with reference to the "president and secretary of agricul ture" mentioned In this story. "That Is Grover Cleveland and J. Ster ling Morton, and yet I doubt If either ever had a dollar's worth of stock In the affair. It may have been the promoters found It profitable to peddle the rumor they did." Mr. Kelby said: I am not now nor nor long time have I been a stockholder or officer of the concern or connected with It In any way. The matter Is merely a politi cal stlr-up out there in Colorado. I Just returned from DerNer today. The Denver News of yesterday has tljls to say of my connection with the matter and I do not care to say anything more than Is con tained In the News article, which Is: 'Attorney J. K. Kelbv of the Burlington will have no more Interest with the men In the new company to lease the Egerla lease and proirty, but ne waniea to ao what he could to protect mem, aaya a friend of his. This friend declared the name of J. H. Kelby stands high. He was mixed up In a bad crowd and found It out. H wantrd to Drotect the Innocent and get away from the company of the guilty, so he resigned as a director and helped pay back money Invested by innocent psrtles. Ills part was a correct one and It cost him conslderanie monny to neip ciear ma saina of apparent responsibility which did not even amount to actual responsibility. I knew something about the Omaha meting. It was a surprise to Kelbv when he learned the actual condition ef affairs and he Insisted that restitution be made to In nocent stockholders. This was done and Kelby was active In seeing that It was done. TWENTY DIE IN FIRE (Continued from First Page.) hose carta te fight the flames, now being swept along under the smart west wind. The Inflammable character of the wood, staff and papier mache the constructive material of the many attractions, made fine food for the flames and, notwithstand ing the many streams of water poured upon them, the conflagration seemsd to defy sll efforts to check Its course up the beach toward the Bowery, and to the countless amusement places along Surf avenue. Ftre Commissioner Lantry, seeing that nothing could be saved in ths park, or dered that all efforts be concentrated on the east side of the flaming blocks to keep the fire from getting into the flimsy build ings In the Bowery and thus making a fire trail to Dreamland and Luna park. The firemen were massed at the entrance of the Bowery, and, although a Japaness skating rink, a small dance hall and a restaurant were destroyed, there the fire was checked. The wind had. In the mean time, switched into the south and this favorable slant of breese aided the fire fighters In confining the firs to seven blocks. The alarm of fire woke up dosing Coney Island with a start, and in a few minutes Surf avenue was Jammed with excited freaks and frolltckera, chorus girls, snake charmers, animal trainers, performers, amusement employes all the miscellaneous population of the island. In fact. Clothed In a stats of terror and little else, thou sands fled through ths streets while the roar of ths flames could be heard from one end of the Island to the other. The houses burned like Under and a BULLETIN NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY The Nebraska Telephone Company does not have to earn or pay fixed charges on watered stock or inflated capital of any kind. Whyt Simply because its capital rests absolutely dollar for dollar on real plant value. It has no watered stock. It has no bonds. It pays (5 per cent dividends y-no more, no less. Some day the people of Omaha will appreciate that this conserv ative capitalization is a great advantage to the telephone u.ser as well as the telephone owner. If the Nebraska Telephone Company had been over captalized it could not have kept its place in the front rank of the telephone procession. It could not have afforded, in that case, to have replaced half-worn equipment with equipment that is thor oughly up-to-date. It could not have pro vided, in advance, for the growing tele phone needs of Omaha and provided an outlet in every direction by means of a comprehensive system of toll lines. It could not have provided branch offices for the further convenience of its customers and for the purposes of securing greater accuracy and economy in the handling of the growing traffic of the city. It could not have given subscribers the benefit of rates which are actually lower today than they were ten years ago, although the num ber of subscribers has more than trebled. The American people have learned to look to the capitalization of their public utilities. They have learned that they can not for any length of time get a fair rate and a fair value of service for that rate un less the finances of the public utility com panies rest on a sound basis. The growth of the Nebraska Telephone Company has been remarkable. The Com pany endeavored to show a progressive spirit in meeting this growth and at the same time has kept its finances on a strictly conservative basis. The Company is therefore in a position to give its subscribers resonable rates and full value for their money. few minutes sufficed to wipe them out clean. Arthur Lee, manager of Steeplechase park, speaking for Mr. Ttlyou, said that the loss on the park, which was completely destroyed, would reach 11,000,000, and there was no Insurance. The hotels destroyed were small and the property loss on them will not reach much over $100,000. Technically Under Arrest. WORCESTER. Mass.. July 29. General Joslah Pickett, 86 years old and a veteran of the civil war. Is said to be dying here, technically a wealthy prisoner. He has been under arrest. It Is stated, ever since the battle of Cold Harbor end has de clared that he will die under arrest. Pick ett was colonel of the Twenty-fifth Massa chusetts during the fighting at Cold Har bor, and In a fit of anger In the height of the fight, replied roughly to General Ptan nard, his superior. The latter promptly plaoed him under arrest and took his sword. Lter Pickett was commended by Btannard for gallantry In the Cold Har bor battle while heading a charge, but the record of arrest was never changed, and General Pickett has been technically under, arrest for forty years. New Steamship Llae. MEXICO CITT, July According to In formation received In shipping circles here today the Wilson line, under the direction of the Neptune Navigation company, will soon be plylnr between New Orleans and Mexican and Central American porta, touch ing at vigia, ron Moreios, uense and other points. Nothing Ever Made To Equal KIRK'S JAP ROSE Transparent Toilet Soap. Jap Rose Transparent BATH SOAP known- Lathers equally well fn hard or soft water never leaves sediment or scum. Grocers and druuslsts sell ft. lin. WIubIowIi Soothing Syrap breo nsed fnr cr BntTT-TIVE TEARS E Hijlorw OTHERS fur OlIUiftI? LI, WIT Hra. Wn thrr s iawji OBianrraaT BATHES the C!iriPJHorrtN8theGl,!i8.AlXAfs) TmtJj fur PUttKHIA, Sold bj f)ruri"l feir pari vf tb world. B tnr. and as f..r " Mr.. Wio- iftr-iniu.wi'n rrr.rwJi ni ixuhn. it . Will AimoB rxnrcs OOaCVASr a7 a.ria in, an tauks July 29 Deadly Parallel No. 6. CLE.ANLINE.SS" It the watchword for health and vigor, com fort and beauty. Mankind is learning not only the necessity but the luxury of clean liness. SAPOLIO, which has wrought such changes in the home, announces bar sitter triumph HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH A special soap which energliet the whole body, starts the circulation and leaves an exhilara'.ing glow. A llgrttert and druggisti. PREIHVEHTORY SALE Summer Suitings on sale at about half price. FINK IMPORTED SOTS TO OIUHCU $25.00 WORTH UP TO $00.00. Fine Domeetlo Suits to order $20.00 worth up to $40.00. No goods reserved, all go on this sale. Fit and workmanship guaran teed. MacCA&THY'VTILSON TAILORING CO. Pnone Doug. U0. - I. .Mth St. Nsar B. W. Cor. Uth and rarnam Bt ft rite for My F res Book Entitled Grain Speculation lot a Fine Art Bms air book nd afly Imt br ymrwlf ths unnl, aeiulb). mra ot 4m1Id ia wick, ore. ou .iotUIom. It will Ml uwu Sow to operaM oonMnrmtlrelf aad miir ot Ut. CMomo Bowd at Trmim. Writ today tor thl Authority on SumkM rru. Boat promptly FRKB I ?r th. powtaa to las oa sir book. It will latwwjt roa. E. W. WACNE. M rUarJ st Tr4 BUfM Okas r teHbw Par THE OMAHA DEE Best & West FACTS vs. CLAIMS The promoters of the new Omaha tele phone company are attempting to dispose of bonds to the amount of $1..))O.00O to fi nance the building of a plant having (?,000 telephones. In the bond circular signed by their fiscal representative, Ixmis ,T. Wilde of Tortland, it is claimed that these fi,000 telephones will make total earnings of $243,900 a year. Under the head of "Ex penditures," this $243,900 is apportioned as follows: Interest at 5 per cent on $1,500,000 bonds $ 75,000 Dividends at 4 i?r cent on $1,500, 000 preferred stock C0,000 Operation, Maintenance, Recon struction, etc 4f!,500 Sinking Fund to Retire All Bonds (30 years) 25,000 Total Expenditures $207,374 This statement that "Operation, Main tenance, Reconstruction, etc." will be cov ered by $46,500 is manifestly untrue. The items of operation, maintenance, recon struction, etc., include all salaries and wages, insurance and taxes, repair and re construction material, rent, light, heat and power and miscellaneous expenses of all kinds, and the sum of $4(5,500 will scarcely, cover half of these various expenses. Take a case in point. The Lincoln Tele phone Company also has an automatic switchboard with considerable less than 6,000 telephones and yet the Lincoln com pany pays out over $53,000 a year merely in salaries and wages, without considering material, rent, light, heat and power, in surance and taxes and other miscellaneous expenses. The Lincoln pay roll is about as follows: General Manager's Office (3 em ployes) ' $ 4,800 Maintenance Dept. (43 employes) . . 34,392 Operators ( 1 7 employes ) .' 6,000 Record Dept. (2 employes) . 840 Bookkeeping Dept. (4 employes) . .. 2,520 Contract Dept. (4 employes) 2,700 Collection Dept. (2 employes) 2,520 Total Salary and Wage for year. $53,772 The Omaha company promises nearly a thousand more telephones than Linclon is now operating, and its salaries and wages will cost more rather than less. But at the Lincoln rate the Omaha company's pay roll alone will be $7,272 more than has been ap- propriated for all operating, maintenance and reconstruction expenses. The experi ence of the Automatic exchange in Lincoln shows that the figures in the prospectus of the new Omaha company have been juggled and are seriously misleading. Either the stockholders or the subscribers must suffer on account of the discrepancy. LUE WE made a most generous pur chase of Blue Serges some months ago. We bought them right and w now offer a full Blue or Black Serge or Cheviot Suit with extra Trousers of same or striped material at $25 I We don't know of a better way to I tempt your order than to offer you the best tailoring the choicest fab rlcs and the assurance of well fitting garments at a tempting mid-summer price. Every suit order this month Includes an extra pair of Trousers for the price of suit alone. Suit and Extra Tnusers $25 lo $45 TAILOR WILLIAM JERRKMS SONS 209-11 So. 13th SU -PATENTS that PROTECT J One 3 .ki ier lfeia sftlW4 reealft o toft,. lUAM I Alll'dEMESTI. ASE BAL VINTON ST. PARK 0VlftHfl V5 DBS MOINES July 29t 00, 31, Aug. 1. afOVVAT, JVX.Y 89, X.AOZKB' DAT. Came Called 3:45 P. IYI. You Vill Appreciate Our Superior Cooking and - Unexcelled Service Bhe CALUMET r 1 r V. I ! ) - 1 r ) 5. i