u t rrm omaiia sunday hee. .iuly 28. i nor. ( II I GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Trade it Ext rtmely Light and the Demand. So it KEPORTS OF RUST IN NORTHWEST ifnfrl Indication, from Whrm Ihreahtna Are Ihnt Crop Will Sot Kliffrt Ihrof.lnnplhi f Last One. MAM A Trsde s extreme!-,- Itcr'it msri'1. ?.I r- uii r noils e. nnriimest snd rt'-i-hI I ri J t from nlini thrr-.l!iiK i-fluri no! to exceed 1 1 1 r - i u u i ti r 8 ji.iy ror. wl'h little ri. i imc f o n t he a tin;- si far an- Hi b nl la-t ,ier rr"p. Tl e lirat tnaiki'i m i ! s.'ii wl at presume, and nmre (list r. the northwest IhrcsMns: In still rMnyil bv Willi no nt f oin r otitlniied tv et w. :i t her. September v. ht at Cb'.il a I vc. cti,-, aL M'. Hml torn npe'ied nr on revolts of tlmi.il rams In southwest urn co . i on rt tHi in I Iioiik1mi'ii i lie rorn licit 8 II Ihk was scattered ami Ihik.Iv bv cninnili e'en bouses. Tl t" was little huv Ins on resting- oril.r and 'rarlr vary light. September coin opened sf C4c arifl dosed at t7V'. Oats opened soft and h shade I nvnr on nme selling-. Thete was no t artl' Jlar r s ur on thf. market im.l the demand ' a lKlri Komi on the decline. Seetemh,-r oats opened at My and closed at 3?i ,c Primary wheat receipt, wore 7!:..'.0 bush els and shipments 50), iH.; l.ii-.lmls t-caln-t receipts last year of l212.to t.-l os ml shipments of .Cl'i.oo bushels. Corn iccelnts were 377,010 Imshols and shipments 'snni bushels, aaalnst receipts last vr-ai of i'4'..o 0 bushels and shipments of .Vn.iiO bushels. Clearances were 1:.V0 bushels or cum. a.nnO bushels of oats ami wheat and flour eo'ial to 501.000 bushels. Liverpool closed N'"41 lower on wheat and 4d lower on rorn. Seaboard reported 'S4 MO bushels of wheat nd 114. tni bushels of rorn for export. Local range of options: Articles ! Open. High. Low. I Close. Vcs'y. Wheat .T 1 1 1 v . . Sept.. Dec... Corn July.. Sept . Dec... Oats July.. I M',; M S(i, Wt, 4N, RlH ftO'J stii,1 fH'4 s,i I I ! ! 47S! 4i!'4; 47S 4', 4'i 47'JI 47 47'4i 47' 471j 43HI 41 4;iji 44 ' 4:i 1 ' I 1 4-'H 4W, 4214, 4S.j V:1 3".V.-I S7',' .Wi,1 37'. I S'S SliV S7H! KS,' r,w SOt, Sept . Dec... Omaha (nah I'rlen. WHEAT No. 2 hard. W'Sdc: No. 3 hard. HpriiiR, !'.iL'c; No. 4 hard. 7ffU- No. 3 was.-?; no grade. 76'57So. CORN-No. 3. 47''4iij4Nc; No. 4. 4fi'c; no frade. 42if4fie: No. 3 yellow, 47W1 (',- ; No. 1 white. 47'ii4i,4r. lATa-No. mired. 4L"i743c; No. 3 white. I4i-: No. 4 white. 42fM.!r; s'an.lard, 41.4c. RYE No. 2. 70c; No. 3, fivMi!c. ( nrlot Ilri-elpts. Wheat. 93 2 Hi 191 37 7 US Corn, l.Vi t ats. 67 Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis Omaha Imliith Ht. l.oula .... I lilt Alii) CHAIN .WO TROVISHON Keatnrea of the Iradlna and Closlnu Price, 011 Hoard t Trade. CHICAGO. July 27. Kresh nnllrmai Ion of black runt in the wheat fields of 'he northwest caused all advance of mole than 2- per bushel In lh price of wheal in the local exchange today. At the rime th September delivery showed a net gain of 1 c. Corn w as up , i ,c. oats were Nc higher. Provisions were a shade to c higher. The sharp advance In wheat prlcts fol lowed a weak opening, doe to selling byught out by lower pi ices at Liverpool S1 by a decline In the price of wheit the Minneapolis curb. Favorable ather for the crop In thla country als had a Weakening tendency at the start. Sentiment In the pit. however. noon changed to bullishness upon receipt of re porta from Minni'iipulis which claimed that black rust la. steadilv spreading throughout the Dakota and Minnesota. An Improved demand for cash wheat at Minneapolis aided In bringing out all active demand for wheat here by short and com. mlaalon houses. Ah trading progressed the buying became mure urgent and prices advanced rapidly. The market cloned, Strong, with prices almost at the top. Clearances of wheat and Hour wore ciiu.il to 501,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 795,000 bushels, compared with I.2l2,n!i0 bushels the corresponding ntv a year ago. Minneapolis. Diiluth ami Chicago reported receipts of 3H5 cars, against j'l.' cars last week and 725 cars a year ao. The corn market opened easy because of rain and copier weather In the south west, but became firm on huying based on the sharp advance in wheat. Trading waa rather cpilet all day. The buying was chiefly bv leading commlseion houses. The market closed tlrm. September opened unchanged to lc lower, at .".5 , r.r..lAe. advanced to 63,c and closed at r,3:", vf 531c. Local receipts were 155 cars, with V' cars of contract grade. Trading In oats was verv quiet and he Biarket followed the trend of wheat and corn There was quite active covering by shorts late In the day. which caused a strong finish. Sept-'mher opened un changed to He lower. at Ss", 'n JV advanced to 39 4c am closed al 3s'4" Local receipts were Hi cars. Provisions were quiet and steady. A f!"! uf tra,ln u the Ilq11ldati1.11 of lard by a prominent local holder. Tha market was supported by packers. At the close September pork was up 5c. At ti 60. Lard was a shade higher at $9.26 Rlhs were a shade higher, at JH 75 Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat 110 cars; corn. 205 cars; oats, 80 cars; hogs, 41.000 head. ' The leading futures ranged as follows; irtlclas.l Open. I High. how. Close. Yes y. 'Wheat July Hept. nw. May Sept. Ihrc. May. Oats - July Sept. leo. May fork . sWpt. Lara Pept. Oct. Rlbs- 6ept. CK.V. 91V 1 12 . S9 SIS t9', Si ; !v ji iv' ;, scv. . bil-,-', f3J 64' t ' 53'., is"&3A8U' 53' tlO".-" irvUs, 5ii 61-, uO'.nid, I91391S' 1tou9.',' 9; !S'U !, V1l Ml' 53,'uSi SWU'Vb .5MlVe, I I 44UI 4.-.U. I 45S, 44, 39, 3, 3.',, 3S , 41'ii40,'U'. 3 ,, 40V,, 404'-,41VwV 16 60 16 16 9 25 8 32V 9 W 9 31) 9 25 9 iJ w so 9 3u 72V, 8 75 t 75 X 65 67' , No 1 Cash quotations sen as follows: FLOl'R Siead ; winter patents $1 lcii 140, atraigbts, .!.70(i4 " ; apt ir.g ua,r .Is h i''!tl4.o; straights, tl.nvi4.uu; i ickcs j'j 41 1 50. WHEAT No. 2 irit 4. f. K"b 01 . No 4 M"t:$l.ia, No. 2 red. t9u..lV. t'nHN-No. 2, 541,,. ,,!; No. 2 vellow. oil, ir. 1 OATS No. I. 45Vll5'nc; No. 2 while, ,7c o 3 white. 44'iri47o. RYE No. 2. aoc. HARLEY Uood feeding. iVsJi6i.c; fair to Ihoice malting. 69cu63c. SF.EPS Klsx. No 1 nort hw en. i n. $: ..o riinothy, prime, $4.64. 4 lover, contract trades, $15.60. i'l iVlsiioNS Sh e t ribs in t, .,,., ""1175. Mess pork, per bbl . t, r,i. p,. 100 lbs., ti t 71- S ion clear aides t 'Xcdi tx.s7W.d0. 121, j" ronowing wera t: le rfcdpls and Mill p- nients of flour and grain : Recel-.'s. S 1HJ.11 !.' iPvt'ol 132.. mi 3(1V 5.5n Flour, bbls IVheat, bu -orn, bu taia. b:j Hye. hu Harley, hu :9 nvi 2 l. 1 a cue rroiliice ev lei lltllgt to.'.iv I lie 'nt- market dairies. st. Kill' C" 14. was IP. ti a ti. l te Epgs. flrt i ; at niurx. included. !6i,c. C Lu oc. 1.1 lle.'Se. BltUi!.. I , lrts. P. tin l:ul3':c. Mlln.nk.ee lirala Market. si 1 1 . IV A I K E E. Julv 27 -steady; No. 1 norinern, $llv iritie-rn. ta-.il (.,. Sent nher. H VE Steady; No I. 87c BARLEY -Dull. No. 2. 7e',c; CORN- steady; No. 3 cash. September, 5J,c. WHEAT -0-'; X... kauiple. 4; 5V g'tf ;..!,i' l.lTerpol t.rala and LIVERPOOL. Julv 27 Prut ialons. WHEAT- Spo: oimrsel quiet; o red western winter .a Id. Fulures: Market e ; Julv. 7, ,,1. 64-ptemh. r 7 J'-d . Deeeniher. 4'.d CORN-fipot: Uarkst quiet and steady; American mixed, nomltinl. os id: oM nort hern f,a L'tI Fntiir.a Market nulel: t J ' 1 . nominal. Scptrmhor. 4s l"t,..1. KV KIRK I.OKMAI, M UIK ET tnoa(luua of lh liar on arloua 4'ommod Itlra. XKW VOHK. July 27 - J- I.Oi n-Tieeeli te. 14. H4 t'hls ; i xportk. MO Mils . steady but ci'il'-t : Mlntif-sotH pa'enis. fc'..ir.4ft.;Ui ; Minne so'a t.aKers. ;.7'")4 2: winter t nients. 4 40 ' 4 :-" ; winter struiKiiis M. .v.( winter extras. $.1 l"d'.f.7'i, rnnlT h.A grmjes. J3 'vt 1 i'. H e flour, qui t . fair In Kood, I4.7iv? 5 hi: choir., to fam . h -tif . 'URN ME.4I Hteady ; tine white and yel low. Jl.-T. . coarse. Il lVul Hi; kiln dried, JS.3U tl.'t V It VK- Nominal. Nn. 2 western &c, f. o. b.. New Vork. WIIKA T- Receipts. Hfi.lrt) bil.; exports. IHi.S'7 hu.; sales. I.Wn.fsO bu futures Spot, firm No. 2 red. '.c, el.ator. and f o h. afloat; No 1 northern. Diiluth. II. os''. f. o. b.. alloat; Nn. 2 iiaid wintci'. ''V. f o. h. afloat An .ally half cent beak In wheal today, dm to bearish cables, was followed by a cent advance on covering Induced by less favnr.ihle tiorth wept l ews. Iast prices were Vhc net higher. July closed at !r ; September. 'S'''ii' ,r, closed at WH4c; Decemlier tl 01 ",(( l.iCV ilost.l nt $l.-2; Slav, ll.'fifrl.Wi. closed at $! ',. Ci HN - Receipts, K3.42n hu.; exports, 2.fi'i0 bu.; sales, l.ii bu. spot 8pot, steudy; No 2. li,c, elevator and f'1.', f. o. b., afloat; No -' white. Hie; Nn 2 y llow. 'C t. o h , afloat. The nj.tion market was without transactions, cloHlmr net uncliKm'ed. July ilosed at B'c. September at fil'o, Dei ember at ri:'i,c and Slav at 5l.ic. OATH-Receipts. 4W.4m bu.; exports. 4. MO bu. Hpot. steady: mixed oals. 28 to 32 lbs., 4I"V: natural w hite. ;i to 31 lbs rd'ifi.',2c ; liiped white. 36 to 4n lbs.. Sl iiS.'ic. HAV-Steadv; shipping. 7fi7,'ic; pood to choice. Jl IMil Ji. 1 1 iPH-Julet ; state, common to choice. 19 i rop. IK'ilftc; 1!MR crop. 4ttf(fc: T'aclflc I'oast. !! crop, SVu'llc; hio crop. ii'i . HIPKS Quiet; Central America. 22'4r; Bogota, 221'. LKATHKR-Hteadv: acid. 2:,fl'27'c. I'RDVlSloNS Heef. steady; family. 13 50 flH.'iD; mess. i.:.ifi lll.iHl; heel hams, tM f'Vf 2;'.iim; iscket, $lM.&i-all.ii' citv extra India mess. f2l.,rvf22 o Cut meats, steadv; pick led bellies. i.7Mr13..Vi; pickled hania, I13.0H. Iarij, iilet; continent. $H 5r: South Amer h'a. $10.26, compound. Jl.7."i. I'ork, quiet; family. $1R Suffix 50; short clear. 7'Vn 17.75; tliese. llS.Hl'mn.SO. TALIX.)V-8teaily; city, 6c; country, ft, tlc. Rl 'E Steady ; ilomestlc, fair to extra, uVuTc: Japan, nominal. Bt'TTKK Fancy creamery, steady; oth ers dull, easy and unchanged. CHKKSE yulet : state full cream, col ored and white, small, best, 12,.:; same, huge, colored, 12Vjc; aame. white, liMc; i r- ate. fair to cood. ll'wnVic: atate. In- ferlnr. Si4c. KUtJS- Firm ; state. Fennaylvanla, 21g23c; state, brown and mixed fancy, 22 t.Mc; firsts to extra firsts. 18''i21c. western selected finest. ltWc; western, averape best, nilfcc; official prices, flists, lSiS'lSc. roI'LTR Y Live, irregular; spring chick ens, ISc; fowls. He: turkeys. 11c; dressed, si -idy; western chickens, lMr22c; turkeyB. Wa He; fow ls, 12'nlSc. WKATiiKH i Tim ;niv iiki.t Muineri Probable snnilar and So Temperatnre I'hanir, OMAHA. Neb.. July 27. 19i17 Cooler weather prevails this morning In nil portions of the country, except the up per hikes, and extreme upper Mississippi and upper Missouri valleys, where the temperature has risen slightly. Rains were scattered throughnnt the jowcr valleys, and over the eastern and southern states, j since the last report, and showers are re- pnrien ui widely separated points In tbo Missouri valley this morning. Nearly four Inches of rain Is reported at F.niri. Okl. t'nsettled conditions prevail west of tbo mountains, and the outlook Is favorable for showers In this vicinity tonight and probably Sunday, with no Important change In temperature. Omaha record of temperature and pre. itation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1907. 190ti. JRo:.. WA Minimum temperature K 70 r.4 M Precipitation 00 .13 T .00 Normal temperature for tori8, 77 dogrees. Pendency in precipitation since March 1, 141 inches. Deficiency corresponding period In lflOli, 3.1'! Inches Pendency corresponding period In 1905, 7.17 Inches. L. A. WBT.SH. Local Forecasier. rorn and Wheat Region (Inlletln. For the twenty-fo.ir hours ending at S a. m , 75th meridian time, Saturday, July 27, 1!7: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rain- Stations. Max M!n. fall. Sky. clear cioudv 1 'loud v ( lnudv Raining Pt. cloudv Pt. cloudy i 'loinly 'loudv Cloudy 'lear Clear Clear Pt cloudv Clear Pt. cloudy t w elve-hour Ashland, Neb SI 69 Auburn. Neb 7S M Columbus. Neb... 77 57 Fali'hury, ,Veh. ... S2 P1 Fairmont. Neb... 7X 5 (Jr. Island, Neb.. 7 M Hurtington. Neb. 7S 5S Hastincs. Neb.... 7! 1 (i.tkdale. Neb 79 67 Omaha. Neb 7 2 .no .Ot .'0 .0 T .00 no "00 ,ot .CI .(V) Tckamah, Neb. . . 80 Alta. la 7 Carroll, la 7 Clarlnda. la SO Slblev. la 76 Sioux citv, la. .. 7 53 53 62 (VI .00 .Oil f.r 'Minimum temperature period , ending at 8 a. in. DISTRICT AVF.RAOF3. No, of - -Temp Central. Stations. Max. Min Riln. Inches. .on .00 r .OX T ."1 .02 Chicago. Ill Columbus, O I es Moines, la . . . Ind'anapolls, Ind 7 17 II 12 SO 7fl K? N s Ka nsas Cl! y Mn . 22 I otilsvlHe. Kv 19 Minneapolis. Minn. 27 7 Omaha. Neb pi ; St. Ixiuls, Mo 13 K2 The weather Is slightly wanner In Minne sola ami the Dakota,, but is much cooler in the southern and eastern portions of the corn tml wheat legion. Showers occurred In all except the lies Moines and Chicago districts. Nearly four Inches of rain fell at Enid. Okl. L. A. WELSH. Ixical Forecaster. it. Loots l.eneral Market. ST. LOFIS. July 27. WHEAT Higher' track No. 2 red cash, ssnsm-; No hard "HCioiVjC; September. 9m, c; December, 94c! wn- iiiKiK-i . iisi'h rn. x cash. 6 c: No. white. 54'i64Vc6tu,i : September. 52'c. OATS -Higher; track No. - cash. 47c No. 2 while, 49c; September, her. 3eAc. S1,!' 1 lecetll- FIOI R (Julet ; red w inter patents. $4 20 M. .'.".; extra fancy and straight, $3.7511-1 In clear $2.76ti8 25. SEED Timothy, steady. 83.25'a4 '5 COH NM E A L Steady. $2.70. RRAN-Firin; sacked, east track, 95!97e HAY Strong; timothy, tJWiOO; prai rie, $9.lsKqll,00. IRON CtvrTON TIES $I.09U. RAOclINO 1 1 ic. HEMP TWINE 11c. PROVISIONS - Pork, steady: Jobbing. $16.55. Lard. 8tea.lv: prime steam I-.; Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts ! $9.Sn; clear rflia. $9.25; abort clears. $9 37U. j Itacon. steady; boxed extra short,. $10 l 'C clear ribs. $10.12',; short d.-ars. $10 25 I POl'LTRY - Steady; chickens. 11c j springs, lf.c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, c; geese,' Rt'TTER ICCKIS St. S:e ady cdv, Lit creamery, 21'h 25'i.o.. R.-cei "ts. Shipments 6.0O0 K.f.. 149,K i7,(Kiii M.ooo ,0.1 6.0OO 36.KX1 Flour, bbls. 1 Wheat, bu. ! Corn, bu . tuns. bu. . KansMS ( tty tirain and Protlainna. KANfeAS CITY. Julv :7 W I ' 1 :A'i'- Sec mher. A';u.c: December, Ki'vc; May. !Mrk. isn N . 2 tiard. St.uSHc: N. -tS7c; Ne led K,V.',l.,.; N t S-UfrXfa. Ci iRN .May. 46v t. niher, 4.n'.c. i lecc ril er. 44 -Vc; N" - mixed. 9c: No. 3 .1"'. .'0c ; No. 3. 49A,c. white. 47Vc4; No. mixed, : Nil 2 w J A T3 - No. 2 7tYF -Stea.lv; No. 2. 1 1 AY Lower: ee 'ce Mi 78c. timothy, $lti,6cf II ..ii: cOion. prairie. $7 25'u'7.&0. Ei ii!S Weak; extras. lc: flrsif s. coiiils '; cases ret'li in it. lc less ern. Ic tiff. 16Sc; sout li i .. I !. ... ( 'r. amrry, iiai'lem. Red ipts. Shipments 277.tl 3 t 4 3I.IH0 i, , I",ix 6, (A. f lee, as ' nt n sh' d ! y Ucaid cf TrjcJe bu lj- Wh.at bu 4 'ci n. bu . . j Oats, bu . Kansas ! Derail & !n: n 1c l-a. ' V, 1 eat citv i a:i Htyan, 112 t Open. I JPfh.i Low. I Close Septe.V.ber ' "'s ' 861, I fcC, f,l Jc mn .. . v7A, ' A'., 1 X7c, ' ci Mac ' 9? i 9;t, ; t ; vi, '"HI - ! 1 Scpieinb' r. . . I 47'. 1 4 ! 47', 4f.U .lanuary. . .. I 43 ) 44 43', 1 41V, May I 45', 46', I 4..'4 4:'. : bid. Toledo ftrad Markrl. .'7 -SEED 4-lover. Tol.FDO. IV. Julv 27 cash fi.Vi; October. $9 ' Marclt, rT-!. AlaUe. $Tij lieeember and lllllutliv. $2.15. NEWVORIv STOCKS AND BONDS Sluggishness of Harriman Pacifies a Restraint on Market. BANK STATEMENT NOT LIKED lirotrth In Deposits Offset hy Heavy loan Kltnnlnn Net Changes niall and 4 lose Is I rrr solar. NKW YORK. July 27 -The sluggishness of the Harrunan Pad'ics, which has been In evidence ever since the Intended dividend tflte on Southern Pacific was made defi nitely known, was a continued restraint on the stock market today. Pi Ices fluctuated unevenly ov r a narrow range and trading at times was nearly idle. The complexion of th" bank statement was not liked, the growth ill deposits through the heavy loan expansion nft.set tlng practically the benellt to the surplus from the guin In cash, which was nearly as large as anticipated Foreign exchange rates were fully held and the conclusion was strengthened that rtrxt week will see a renewed outgo of gold to France. The demand of the bank of France is not to be construed as a policy of accumulation of Idle surplus, as its gold holdings are still S2?.S72.5r less than In this week last year, w'iafn its note issues and outstanding loans ore n .iny millions In excess of last year's figures. Rank clearings for th- week show an expansion over last year, and It Is sig nificant that while New York's clearln(?s for five days are $70,Ki less than last year those for all cities outside the seven lead ing reserve c enters ar $t' Oio.ijeo greater than last year, thus reflecting the wide spread distribution of the activity. The week's expansion of New York loans Is attributed to a transfer of loans from trust companies to banks. Induced by the un profitable rales for money cm cali. There was some recovery In the File issues from recent weakness. Firmness in I'nited States Steel was attributed to the expectation of a favorable report for the July quarter to be published next week Cotton carriers and Industrials showed soni" special strength. Changes al the end of the day were small and the tone Irregular. Total sales of bonds, par value, H9S.O0O. The following was the range of prices Oft the New York Stock exchange: V Sulc. HtBh. Low. Clns,. Adama Rxprnt iro AmMlKanntU'il C'opper 16.10e fc,, 90 Amer. far ,nd Foundry.... 3ini 43'' 4:'.1 4:1, do ptd too Amr. ( oiitin oil t.2n0 M't 3j', H do pfd ' u, Amer. Bunr, 2w Ainer. Hlrie & Lcatlir pfd. too 19", m' 19, Amcr. lea : lM ,6 H H Anier Linseed nil I do pfd 23 Amw. Locomotive 20O t:", t'.tt do pfd 14 V, Anicr. Smrlting Refining l.tno 114 118 V do pfd 108 AmiT. Surar Rllnln(t 2"fl Ul 12'.", 1L'2 Amir. Tolia-'i' pfd ' fa 2ml H7'4 K7, 104 Anaronda Mining Co :,s AT" F,7i, Atl'hiMKI S.S'H) SI1! 44 94a, do pfd 92, AtiHntir f'oHat Line 97 Haltimore Ohio Son 9 ttS ""4 do pnl &6 Rrooklvn Rapid Transit.... 3,5'0 :,9' A9 59 Canadian relfl.' 4n US', I7.S-S 1 76 44 I'enlral of N Jersey 175 t'liesapenk & Ohio Sn" X X Chlfa,o Ureal Wcptrrn 310 11', 1 i IIV4 Chlrago & Northwestern. . . fiOil l',l 1.S1. 1M C. M. St. Paul 70H i:if,, 134' us I'hleaso T. T , nrfered A do pfd IS C. C. V. & St. Ixnls. .... ! Colorado Furl and Iron.....' 4'l S"'a 8:1 3.1 Colorado ft Southern '..1 ill, 'Jffi do 1st pfd 2no 6n fi", 0 do L'd pfd S'iO 4K 4;,7, t.VT c innolldoted Oa, 1 600 Ui'f 120 12; Corn I'rtiduct, I7i do pfd 72v, Del. & Hudson 17214 Del.. Lark Weslern 49 Denver Ai Rio llrande 2on 27 ' 17', 27', do pfd . . . 70 Dlllllers- gacurltir, 2'") M 4 li Krl, 11,6.1.1 24'k M 24 1t pfd :ioo no f.94 ;. do 2d p'd :oo 12 41 " 41 1 General Klei trie lunula Central Internal I. inal Paper do pfd International Tump do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K c. Southern do pfd Louisville A Nashville M.xlran Central Minn A St. Louts M.. St. P. & Ssull Ste. M do pfd 139 14 144 144 P4 24 '4 7o 200 17A, 17 1714 2"0 31S JRS Sf4 26 '4 57 100 114 114 H.1'4 "4 too tl4 41 41 loSAk I. 1 Missouri Paelfle ... Alio Tk 7AA, 7Ai M., K & Texas 12.4'l ', , J4 do pfd SnO A7', s', ! Nalional ld 200 lit Al 61 N. R. R. of Mexlcn pfd ,v4 N. V. Central i,l'lfl 1114 -a, n.t N. Y.. (Int. tk Western " Norfolk & Western 7AC4 do pfd AA North American As I'a.'tne Mall inft 50 si 'c, Pennsylvania 8,. '.i)0 124 1214 123 4, Peopte'a c;s fui, num.. C. C. Ht. LouI.j PrcKwd Slerl car sr. do ptd tl Pulinmn Palaee Cur l:l Km4li. 21 efm MAV, li I0i, do 1st pfd 1'sl S'O, SOI, ko .lo '.d pfd T Repuhllr Steel m Jfn, 2SC, ;fH4 do pfd MV, Ito, k Island Co 2"0 224 22 2214 do p.4 ..... I110 47'., 47S 47 Rubber Good, prd 9,1 SI. L St San Fran. 2d pfd 1"" ,1S', S'.'k ' t'-t. Louis Southwestern $0 da ptd Al Southern Parlflo 29.AO0 91, o el'4 do pfd l'O 11:14 US', JI2 Soutlieru Rallwar AW 19c, It', I94 do pfd l.O Al tl CI Tennessee Coal and Iron 144 Texas & Pacl'le J.t 31 ,ldS 11 14 Tel., St. L. & Western 56', ', ;', do pfd 1,500 tfiA, 49 fnion Parldo S7,Su0 14, 14AS 1461, do ptd US I . 9. Kspreu lo I. 9. Kf.-cltv At I!. S. Rubber 36 do pfil . V tH t8' 97 P. 8. Rleel 11. Inn 37a, S714 374 du pfd l.oiO 10"', li 1"0 Vtrtcinis-Carollna chemlral. H.tiiO 27', 2ti 2714 do pfd 101 WtK.sh 13.114 do pfd :4 W'ells-Karso Express 1'so Westtnaheuse Klecttic .... 1'ic) 14'. 14,'. 14.'. Western t'nlon Md 78 7 77 Wheeling l-ake Kne 1' '? Wisconsin centrjl l'.c, do pf'l . . 4'JC. CVnttal Leather ;is 23', 21 do pfd 91 Crest Northern ptd !.jV :'7' 1U ,:T Northern Pa.ifle J.u0 I36C, l3r ISA, lnterborougli Mc-lrupolltan In , do ptd bsi 4'. 91ow,-shenVld Total aalrs for the day. t'7,lfi0 ahara. 4A 44 Boston itocka and Honda. ROSTON, July cent: time loaos. closing prices uii At.hik.m adj. 4." ... do 4? Alex. Central 4, Alrhison do pfd Hii-tou 4b Alhuntr 'Hosion a.- Main.- H-istrn Kl.vsifd .. Kitchburs ptd .... Alex I etinal 27 -Call loans. 2'y&4 per 4:'4o6 per cent, official ootids were as follows sa t.tlantti' Itlnsham HI Cal. aV He.-la 941, I euU'll'IISl fl ic. Copper Ratia;, 2' Dalv West 16' Krjnlcllil ll't "le :iva!e T.'-i At s is Minliuc . .. Ml. tun.iii I'll Vnhak " v en c.mi ,v c . :i 11 t Ito.nlnion lits ... 1$ ...AoA ...29 ... to ... I.,4 ... 13., ... 19L, ... ... 13C, ... S", .. 2, " N Y , N II t'nlo'i rsilO'. II A"t. Att he-iiii cl do nt I Am. Ftieu. Tuhe ... Am. SiiKtr 43 I:' 'S Parrot n 1-- y 117 1J-. .-'llSII'lOII lljt, 1 7 Tan.ar i k 104 .'C, Trinity ;:4 -4 1'iilt.d Copper 6'J J!'.', 1 s Meiai; I, I I S nil II 7! I'taii 4, V: l oris 7 ll'.c Wii,,;is 7i, Ct, W.i . Ti 'e 12 .. oh H':tte ; :i7 1 , ilu" e c 'oal'llfin '. "C4 to.,-'. Nect,,., 14 " '4 cl A Ai U"iia . . . .164 4H kru. C'ommrr.lal ... $4 uo Am. Tel Ai Tel Am Woolen do pi I K't :!! K!e.. III. Msst- Kle'-tnr d.. ptd .... IiU.h c;4, . . 1 nltcsl t run I luted Shoe do fd I' 8 Steel. do ptd Adventure . .' Alinuol . . Amalgamated loci Asked. I iniilnil Cliislnar sttneka. LONDON. J lc - i 'losing quotations on s uvre as follows: Consols, money s.',l. x- Vachvtlle '2" do a -cmiiil SI-, Iri . K AT USA- Ai''Otit .. I : . N V UnlKl lit j Aii''I". M'-. N'onolk W ... 77'4 I do pf.t 91, do pf.t M I IUI- ' ' inns '': ic i a, W e-tern 1" ' I's 'inY Ik.V, Pe.mivaiiia 4 ", Che, p.- Ohio ,'s' R4ni Me.es i. lie '1 ' W I Hfadins c, M A St. I' M.1 ; "ittiei i Ky ;..c, I" lle-r ,,, ,.f ,s " .v " tl :', r . I'a. tft.' 2i, lo pfd 7 0-5 I tui n Cs.iflr ..... lf,i I!" : S. do .f,l .1.1 do lot p'd ,1', I t ! 1AS4 I" 2d I'd 4- lo pfd mc, C-' d Trun. ;s , Wct,k., j, lllltio.. Central 14s do pfd iSII V EK-Har. steadv; .tl 12-lud per ounce. M'.NEY 1 , 1U per cent The rat.' .lisi oi.nt en t he open market for short bids is :i,ii3'v per cent; for three months' I ills i.s 2 7-..ia, per cent. Merchandise and Specie. NEW YORK. July 27 -Imports of specie at lie poit of New York for the week tndiDa' tvUa weie (12,414 stivu in, gold Fxports of specie from the port of New York for the week ending today were 1923.5.10 silver and no gold. ev York .Money Market. NKW YORK, July 27 -MONLY-On call, nominal. Time loans; sixty days. 4''cf 414 p. r cent: ninety days, 5 per cent: en months n per rent PR1MF. MERCANTILK PAPFR-M4.1II per cent. STKRLINU KXCHANOK Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 71Vof 4 S72o for demand and at $4 s.'anv.'H M f r slxiv day bills; commercial bills. ll!'V " 4. S3", S1LVKK Rar, Wuc; Mexican dollars. 5.1V. P.ONPS iovernment. steady; railroad, Ir regular. Tin- closing quotations on bonds today W-. re as follows: P. ref. ir. ri...."H, J, pan 4v, ctf 90 do reupon lo:, do 2d series 1.7 f 8 S. r 1IW4 do Is ''' do coupon .. 1rS4 & N. unl 4s . . 9 I' S. new 4s, reg . . . 1 ?7 Ma n. .. aolrt 4a 97'-, do coupon l.'i1, Mei Central 4s 1S Am. To'., ts do 1st ln 2: do As '4 "Minn St L 4s . 7 Af-hlsnn gen 4a R', 'M , K. T. 4s.. , do adl, 4, N do 2.1, s A'lantlr c. L 4s 4'4'N. R. of M c 4s ,2 R O. 4s loo N. V. C. ten. J,s... do it .. fn N. ,1. C. gen. As 12l! Rrk R T. i'v. i, sio No. rs.-lflc 4a i Central of Oa. 5, 101114 do s 7,4, "lo 1st Inc.. K. & W 1. 4s K.v, do 2d Inr Ore s 1.. rl . . , do 8d inr '' Pens i-'v. .Tis 94-4 Ches. V O. 4'4, . "l! Readlns cen 4.. . "I, do Vtt KTS'M. I.. . 1. M. .. r. .iio .. J. n 4s.... 34St. U 4 . F. fit l. 77 C, R & T. 4s 70 'St. L. S W. . 4s.. 72 do rol i.s . 7", Seal 0:1 .d A. b. 4a 70 CCC. A St. b. g 4s . So r,eie 4s K7' Colo. bid. As. s-r. A A,'-, do 1st 4s rtfs H, Colo. Mid. 4s :. So Rallw,v .', tJi, coin A- 4t 1:1 T r 1.1. 11214 fuha St Ii.:iT.. SI. b. & W. 4.. Til, D. A R. 0. 4s S44 I'ninn f.-lne 4s 100 IHrl. Se.-s. As Hl'Jf. S Steel .d ."s JTA, Kne prior lien 4 91 Wshash Ni do gen. 4a 79', Vt rstern Md. 4" 7SH ttork. Valley 4i,s tun, w I,. K 4s 9'i JWn As 99'4WI. Central 4 S4'4 do Id Kries y-.it, Bid OfTorcd New York Itolnu Storks. NEW VORIi. July 27. closing quotations on mining stocks mi"' Adama Con Little chief t Allee 4 0 llicrlo ST.i Breee, ftt m, no t.iowl.k Con nl Pntosl :2 Ct.iii k TliPnel 2s Sa.age t',j 'on i al and ti. HI sierra Nerada r, Mnrn fiber ,. . . lev Small Hope 2.'. Inci Silver 2JA Standard 1W Leadville Con S uflercd. Foreign Klnanelnl. LONDON. July 27-1-Money was In belter demand and Arm In the market today. Discounts were steady. On the stock ex change dealings were restricted, owing to Hie nearness of the settlement. Some real izations weakened consols, but home rails benefited bv dividend announcements. Americans opened quietly steady. Bus'ncas was on a narrow scale during the session and was confined principally to the Pacltie stocks. Near the dose profit-taking; caused a reaction from the best and tha market finished quiet. Foreigners were easy. Japanese Im perial 6s of 1904 at 1.02'4. RKRLIN. July 27 Trading on the Rourse today was somewhat depressed. PARIS. July 27. Trading on the Rours today was Irregular and dull. Copper shares were heavy. Russian Imperial 4s were unquoted. Russian bonds of 19iH closed ut 502.00. ( Irnrlng House Bank statement. NKW YORK. July 27. The statement of clearing house hanks for the week show the banks hold $9.25)1.675 more than the legal requirements. This Is an Increase of $170,600, as compared with last week. The statement follows: Incr. aso. $17,913 7en 22.781.6f9 S8.4H 182,Oi B.63 0 6 R'"-. 001 6 69.-..4O0 170.600 175 775 Toans Deposits I Circulation ! Legal tenders ... j Specie Reserve $1,123,163,700 . 1,096,772,900 &0.293 900 72.750,400 . 210.461, fioo . 23.2"1.9on . 273.943.225 9.258.675 16,208,325 Reserve required Surplus '. Ex-C S. deposits Decrease. Rank Clenrlnas. OMAHA, July 27. Hank clearings for today were $1,4x5.63.49 and for the corres ponding date last year. $1.292.3177.37 1907. 1906. Monday $1,696,766 1 8 Tuesdav 1,637.537.43 Wednesday 1'. 637,745 on Thursday 1.626.671.46 $1,618 1 98 33 1.5t;9.l95 32 1.370,154.97 1. 434.368. s 1.601.99S 22 1.292.367.37 I Friday 1,643.156 66 Maiurnay i.wi.ims.vi Total $3,526,540 30 $S, 796. 268 36 Increase over the corresponding week last year. $730,271.94. Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL. July 27. COTTON Spot. ?ulet; prices easier: American middling air. 8.2fid: good middling, 7 66d; middling, 7.12d; low middling. 6.72d: good ordinarv, 6.9sd; ordinary, 6.4Xd. The sales of the day were " 000 hales, of which 5K were for speculation and export and included 2,'.00 American. NEW VORK, July 27. COTTON Spot, quiet; middling; uplands, 12.90c; middling gulf, 13. UV; sales, none. NFW ORLEANS. July 27. COTTON snot closed quiet. Soles, ntio bales. Low or dinary. 7c. nominal: ordinary. fr. nom inal; good ordinary. 10 l-if,c. nominal; 1 iw middling. 11 3-16c; middling. I2'l4c; good mid dling, 13-V, nominal; middling fair, 14c; fair. If.',!', nominal. Receipts, 118 bales: stock, 1.300 halts. ST. UM'ia, July 27. fOTTON Quiet ; middling. 13c. Sales. non: receipts. 3) bales: shipments, 70 hales; stock, 8.403 bales. Oils and Rosin. NEW YORK. July 27,-OIT-Cottonseed, quiet am steady; prime crude, nominal; prime crude, vellow. 66c; petroleum, firm: feflned New York. $8.46; Philadelphia and jPaltlmore. $8.40: Philadelphia and Rslltmore in bulk. 4.9f.; turpentine, steady; 6X(hTiS4c. ROS IN Steady; strained common to good. $4.6611 .4.65. SAVANNAH, Ga., July 27.-OIL Turpen tine, Arm; 67c. ROSIN Firm. Quote: ARC. $4.02Vfc4.W; D. $1.26t(4.30; E. 4 55; P, $4 77i4.75: O. $4.75 IH4 80: 11. $4.frV48f,; I, 4.90; K. $5.30: M, $5.y-; N. $5 90; W O. $6.00; W W. $6.05. OIL CITY, July 27. OIL Credit balances, $1.78. Runs. 825,237 bbls; sverage. 14.242 bhls.; shipments, 148,544 bbls.; shipments, 15.356 bbla. I'vaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. NEW YORK. July 27. EVA PORATED ' A Pl'l.ES Quiet and unchanged. Fancy are quote ci at 8V4c; choice at 8'4c; prime at i1 , '(ic. anil poor to fair at 6'n7,c. j DRIED FRF ITS Prunes ate firm on I bullish crop advices from the coast. Quo- tatlona for California grades range from '. 4'ic to 12'c. and Orc-gons up to 3ts-40s are quoted at 53,c to 9c. Peaches are In mod I erate demand, with choice quoted at 12c; extra choice at WtivUc; fancy at 13r13'4, land extra fancy at 14'ul44c. Apricots are unchanged, with choice quoted at 21c; ex Itra choice at 22c. and fancy at 22di23c. I Raisins are steady, with loose muscatels Ht 814'ul0c; seeded raisins at 7,,,''j'13cl and London layers at $1. T.Hil. S5. toffe Market. j NEW YORK. July 27.-CoFFRF,-Market for coffee futures opened qulc t at un- changed prices to a decline of 6 points owing to slightly disappointing European cables. Trading was very quiet and the market showed no feature until near the close, when the ile. line tut increased somewhat under scaMering liquidation. The , market was finally qti et net unchanged to 10 points lower. S lies for the day were ! reported of 6.i bass. Including Julv at 6 80c, September at A Soc, December at o.sovfi 6 X5c, January at 5 85c. February at 6 85c and March al 6.90c. Spot coffee steadv: Rio No. 7. 6'-,e; Santos No. 4. 7⁣ mild , coffee quiet; Cordova. 9frfT2i.4c. Sugar and Molasses. NFW YORK. .L ly .7.- SC3AR- Raw. firm. I fair relit. ing. 3,S7i..'j 131-0: centr'fugal 96 ; lest. S.fi'.'-c; molasses sugar. 3 12'fi'!.18i': i refined, steadv: No. 6 4..v; No. 7. 4 5V; rco. x 4 jec: ,0. i. 4.4oc: No. 10 4,;fc No 11. 43V-: No 12 4.?5; No. 13. 4.2i'c: No, 14, 4 1m-: confectioner s A. 4 So,. ; mould. A. 5.3,".c: cut loaf, 6 70c: crushed. 6,70c; pow dered. 5 1iic: ki auiiliitcd 5c; cubes. 6. 26c. MOLASSES Qn!ci; New Orleans open ketlle good to choice. S7W4Sc NEW ORLEANS. Julv 27-SI'OAR- i Steadv; niii-r k.ttlc. centrifugal. 3'-,U37c: ' centrifugal, yellow. Z'i'tc; seconds, I 3c. I MOLASSES Julet : new svrup, 30fi;4c. itnlnth 4. rain Market. Pi l.l'TII. Minn . Julv 27-WHEAT-No 1 bard, on track. 110"'4; 011 track. No 1 northern, $1.01 'o! oil,,; No. 1 northern. $1 no July. $1,014: September. $11; December $1 01. OATS-To arrive. 38Ue; July. 40c. B.lRl.KV-Kiit'.r. Peoria l.raln Market. PEflRIA. Julv r, -CortNSteadv; No 3 ellow. &;;..; No. S 5.1c; No. 4 624c; no glade, 4',''lVlc. OXTS-l.ower: No. 3 white. 4440. P.YF- Vo ? nominal, 8.'(tTcfo. WHISK Y-$l 31. Philadelphia Product Market. PHILADELPHIA. July 27-EC.G-Mar-I k. t steady, fair demand, westerq firsts, (re 1 caaea, ic. a, uiaib OMAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Show More or Less Decline for the Week. HOGS MAKE BIG GAINS THIS WEEK Sheep F.iprrlrare Sharp llreak at All .Market Points, Krlna Tvtrnty Flve to I'ortj tents l.ovcer for the 'Week. SOUTH OMAHA. July 27. 1907. Receipts were: Official Monday Official Tuesday iMIioinl Wcdnestlay . . . official Thursday Official Friday Kstimated Saturday... Cattle. Hogs Sheep. 7 907 2.HS9 ::.tiJ9 S.S34 1.415 3'.J 6.1-.1 s.uu 9 ','- K' ,.17 9.241 9,0lJ 2.122 S.075 ti .241 1.474 344 Six days this week 19.994 63.9rt2 1S.2'3 Same davs last week 14.731 62. WW 19.514 Same days 2 weeks ago. .13,241 67 . 2t" 14 .S"1 Same days 3 wee ks ago.. h.S37 60,435 12.9" t Same clays 4 weeks ago..l7,o77 o 279 12.9 Same ilajs last jear... .17,435 47,133 3H.436 The; following tablo shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sncep nt South Omaha for the year to dale, compared with last year. 197l 1906 Inc. Pec. Cattle 630.614 630.17.1 90.441 Hogs 1,641,ST7 1,624. 193 82,616 Plicep 8x6,8.'.J S54.9M 31 S68 The following U'ble shows the averags price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: tate. 107. llSvfi. lXi. ,104.11903. 1902. ,1901. July 12. July 13., July 14. July 15. .Inly M. July 17., July 18. 74 s 71-J 6 75-l, 6 72 5 ti4 6 641 69 6 50 6 611 62 6 61 1 6 47; 6 48, 6 63 6 55, 8 62! 6 60! 44 6 23j 4 8t 6 90 6 84 b 38, 5 031 5 13 6 47 6 64 6 19 6 l?l & 66 6 66 6 B oj I 6 601 5 21 6 631 6 ll 6 59 6 3 6 611 6 101 6 4X1 6 07, I rl 6 471 I 6 651 6 04 5 60 . 6 111 5 M 5 111 I July 19. I 6 73H, July 20.. July 21. July 22., July 2X. July 24. July 25. July 26. July 27.. I a w'.-fe I .1 5 87'i 5 68 6 71 & 70 I 5 911,1 .1 5 94',! . 6 94l .1 5 99',l 5 69 0 oil Sunday. RANOK OK PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha $2.2Mr5.O0 $5 .8tii6.20 Chicago 1. 1017. W o oiVntl I ' Kansas City 2.25;q7.16 60e'ci630 St. Louis 1 5' tj7.25 B.n.V'i'6 40 Sioux City 2..VKJ7.O0 5.70ii4t.n5 The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle: Hogs. H'r's. C. M. & St. P 9 Wabash 1 Mo. Pad tic 5 1 t'nlon Pacific Svstem 17 1 C. & N. W. least) 13 C. N. W. twesll 42 C SI. P.. M. ei 0 10 C. R. Q. (east) 7 C.. R. & Q iwest) 6 28 C. R. I. & P. teasti 11 C, R. I. P. (west) 3 C. O. Western 3 Total 11 145 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. 1.40X 2.4".6 2,470 3,127 Omaha Packing Co.... Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour Company.. Cudahy Pack. Co., K. L. Wolf Other Buyers Ml 15 Total 310 P,4iX) CATTLE There were no cattle on sale today, at least none of any consequence, the market being practically bare of sup plies, as usual on a Saturday. The total receipts for the week show a large gain over laat week and a fair increase on tho corresponding week of a year ago. As tho season advances tho supply of range cattle Is becoming more liberal, so that a consid erable proportion of the arrivals this wevk has consisted of cattle of that description. At the same time corn-fed cuttle are stead ily becoming scarcer. The market on the best dry-lot beef steers lias jioc shown very much change during the week. Such cattle are not to exceed lotjloc lower than the best lime, on the other hand, common to pretty fair cattle and grassers generally have been steadily working to a lower basis, prices for tho week being generally 2.'tS4oc lower. It would be well for shippers to understand that, as usual at this season, there is a wide difference in price between dry-lot and grassy rattle. While the trade has been slow on soma days at least owing to the efforts on the part c? buyers to force values downward, the market as a whole has nevertheless been in a fair condition as compared with markets prevailing at other selling points. While the very best cows and heifers have not shown very much decline owing to the fact Dial they have been in very light supply, the general run of ahe Block Is 4uti.".oo lower than it was a week ago, and safely 75c lower than the high time ten days or two weeks ago. Fleshy feeders have sold verv well all the week, pricrs on that kind holding very nearly steady. On the other hand, the de mand for light and thin cattle has been limited, while the supply has shown a large, increase. I'nder this influence prices during the week broke down rupidlv and at th close are generally 5oc lower, with the in ire common and inferior grades almost unsals, ble at a still greater decline. COW6. N'o- At. Pr. No. Av Fr I A0 I 2 (Ml j s 1 "I IM 1 1,20 J ;,0 30 t 20 13 63 3 (jo 9 M 121 , HEIFERS. 11 711 i AO CALVES. 1 430 I 60 82 2(3 4 7A t 274 S 75 4 4 44 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 11 T72 S 36 12 -n 4 M HOGS Hogs sold unevenly lower today some sales not showing much oT and others a good deal, with the general mar ket mostly 5c lower. The trade when once under way was eullletently active to ef fect a clearance of everything in sight by 10 o'clock In the morning;. The hogs sold largely at $5.9uti.o0. who a top at $6 ''0 esterday most of the hogs brought $.95j 6024. with a top at $6.3o. Receipts of bogs this week, while de cidedly smaller than last week, have be 11 considerably heavier than a year ago. In spile of the fact that receipts have been quite libei al. the market has made a note worthy gain, values having shown strength practically every day until today. At the close of the week the market was on an average about loo higher than at the close last week and the highest it has been any time since early in June. Th trade on most days has been active, packers evi dently wanting the hogs at the advanced prices. In other words, the trade has been In a very healthy and entirely satisfactory condition all the week. Representative sales: No. wt. 6h. Pr. No. Wt. sh. Pr. t t.U . . t 4.1 63 ... i ft 44 302 160 I A.'. fS 2C4 ... A 9.'. - 3d 240 4 41 2X2 40 t 95 M 31.0 40 4 IT , 44 24..; ... j 8l lil 290 160 I J I'.' 2 ... A f". 44 tm ... 5 0 4 2.i 124 A SI t -vl 40 I 91 ,s 2li 40 5 t7 112 120 4 99 fc 267 120 5 9i ; 4 n.1.1 ,) 4 90 . ,i 120 J c 2 24 160 i XI Tl 246 ... b 9.-. W : 40 t to (I 206 . . t tA 2 2' S 121) 5 l) t :M 0 3 96 4 2 AO t t 64 i , 40 f 9', 6." 270 40 i 9t 76 15,1 120 5 9714 u 272 40 i 90 44 2f,2 UO 6 97c, t 2SI ... 5 90 57 2:c,i 2o0 b 7W 67 tilt ... 6 90 fc 120 ... 4 97', i.7.. r.3 160 i 0 41 23S . . 6 7'4 A.' 28 , 6 90 60 STui 120 S 7H 4 3..1 to 6 90 227 AO 6 97c, le' 274 4u A lei 7.'. 21 120 A 97V, H 2M 40 6 9V 2 227 ... 6 97 c- li .t 40 t t 74 246 .. 5 ;cj I 271 ... 6 to 15 ..Ml 120 (ice 70 364 40 6 9.C4 75 I.S to 4 971, 61 300 ... 6 02 , 7 220 160 ttTU 69 21 0 6 92', (6 i20 40 4971, 68 280 40 t v, 67 2$ ... 6 97', 2M ... 6 24 70 227 40 6 47', t t 4 92V, fl 243 40 t ;u Tl 765 120 i, 74 2 40 ( on 5 2. ... 6 92', M .'.'J , i CO 42 ) 6.1 6 tic, 78 221 ;"l 4 00 42 :o 40 5 92', n 2 is Ho t on ' 24 40 t t2H H ... 21" 40 400 St ... i 42 '4 72 : to t 00 4 ..2S 6 9.1, 67 241 t 00 tt tt-4 tc) 6 tS' 5 15 60 I f.) ' J7. ltd S S2'4 69 2.1 40 6 clO 1 t' 40 b 9:1, a 144 . . 4 w 2.0 a 6 ."4 16 240 120 6 cs 247 120 4 9.", 75 2:2 1 0 6 0.1 " 274 . . 6 tiVc 4. I 7 77 i 28 5 16 7 73 i 17, 7 17 6 23 7 72, 5 20 7 71 5 22 7 74 I T 86' 5 22 I 5 if- 7 62, 5 2H 7 41 5 25 7 ;ffl 5 18 7 41' 6 05, 7 63 7 52, 4 96 . I ....2.4 Sttf 6 uci 40 t f' ... 2Ji ... 4 00 ,...2.',4 4l IC'4 ....24.1 b.i I 1'; l, . .. :jo 40 4 ... 2'..' 120 6 or. .-..2'S 60 4 04 225 ... 4 (V. ... 242 . . 4 II.'. ...194 40 6 of, ...199 160 i ci. . 2i4 1-M 4 0 ....r.i 11 1 oc ....217 ... ( OS :i2 4,1 4 (cf, ...tit ... 4 10 . !ol ... ( ... 2't . 4 10 ...,2ia 1I lit S6 2'j:, 20 I 9. c, 71 . . , 5 286 ... i 92', 61... I 290 10 4 42c, 67 . . '-' 261 100 4 :', 47. . . ' 29V 1 4 .'V, 71... 76 246 ) 6 67 . 44 S.'.a 120 6 9, 6". . . J47 40 6 9S SI... ti : 60 t IS 74... M .$! . . I t tt... 6 271 49 a-91 .1 .. 64 SM 40 I 911 76 . . i 2'l ... 4 9 71... ! In: SO 4 ,4 IJ .. 04 XI Mil 1 SV. 70 . . 64 244 . . 6 94 41 ... t I I 40 6 9 :i .. ti 247 . . 1 9.V '... w..uu..ti u iu m... i ' t 10 4 ;':'4 4i a 10 s i?J ... :h 4 ... , ; ', "' ' ' is . . . a 1 2.1 4o a M 71 ... !.. .'.1 SHEEP- It was piacucally a holiday in the big sheep barn this morning, there being 11.1t 1 1 1 1 nt of any ions, nm nco on sale The receipts for the week have shown a slight tailing off as compared with last we ek and a vei y bi acy decrease as com pared with a year ago The arrivals con sisted pi liiclpally cl W yoming, Idaho and Montana sheep. Not etiougii lambs to really make a lest ot the market have been received, the supply of young stud being extremely small for this season of tha year. As noted yesterday, there has been a gen eral decline at all market points, the break here amounting to 25ti4eo as com pared with last yotir. As usual on a down market, the trade has been rather slow on some days, packers not being at all anx ious to load up wlnle values icte steadily dropping. Otu- "rouble at this point has been mat rccc Ipts -Itav e consisted of too much of one thing, the arrivals being made up almost t nliri ly of wet tiers, Willi very few yearlings or ewes and hardly auy lambs. Thus far the supply of feeders, both sheen and lim bs, has been very small. Such as have arrived have met with quite ready sale at very satisfactory prices. Everyone Is looking for a very good trade this fall In feeders, as prolits last year were very satisfactory to the man who fed. Wuotations 0:1 killers: Uood to choice lambs, $;.cs"(i 7.50; fair to good lambs, $66"i 7 00; cull lambs. $,. 00-(,tt.o.., good to choice yearling wethers, $.". .i.4i6.i1; fair to good yearling Wethers, $5.4cKir.tin; good to choice Wethers, $5 2S' ij5 40; lair to good wethers. $5xxfl6 25; good t choice ewes, $4 s.nvi.25; lair to good W'cs. $l.:VVa,I S5; culls an I bucks. $2bo'(M0ii. yuotatlons on renleis: Lambs, $6.0u'6 ..; yearlings, $,S.25f!iC.50; wethers, $4 x.''p."' ' i; ew es, $3.754jt 25. t lilt At.O 1,1 F. STUCK M AIIKfcir Cattle and Sheep Mrady Mors Five Cvnta Loner. CHICAUO. July 27. -CATTLE Receipts. 6m head; market steady; beeves, $4.4cru7.3U; cows. $1.4(ft i.2c; heifers. $2 Hkvio.4'', calves. $,'., u7.'.t. ; good to prime steers. $5.7o.i 7.30, poor to medium. $4.4rcf5.65; stockers and feeders, $2.60111 181. HOtiS -Receipts. 17,f'0 head; market oc lower; light. 16 Hs6. W; mixed. ti.ii'ui.40; hcavv, $o.,'kVii6.3; rough. $6.55'(i5.9i; pigs. $5.75fi6.35; good to choice heavy, $6.20yc!.jo bulk of sales. $'".. It!i6.30. SHEEP AND LA M RS Receipts. 2.500 head; market steady; native, $.1.50'ti5.75; western, $1 ts i6.76; yearlings. $0. villi). 'a; lambs, $u.fi(Xu'7.3U; western. $5.5ttr7.30. Kaaiai City Live stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. July 27 - CATTLE Receipts, 3t head. Including 2"i southerns. Market steady. Choice export and dressed beef steers, $6.25'u 7. on; fair to good, $l..5d' 8.(8': western steers. $4.2iu.76: stockers and feeders, t3.n04j4.xtl: southern steers, $3.0 4 4.50; southern cows, $2.2o'u J.2f; native cows, $2 2r.'id 35; nativo helleis, $3.0.K(ic').:r; bulls. $2.6f.'cj;.75; calves. $3 25Hj).5". Receipts for the week. 70.6cK head. HOGS Receipts, H.fVotl head. Market 10c lower. Top, $6.25; bulk of sales, $6.0tKfi6 .20; heavy, tf.9iVn6.iR: packers. $60i"tt6.20; pigs and lights. $6.i4i4i .25. Receipts for the week, 4X.1KJ0 head. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, none. Market nominally unchanged, l.ainbs, $6.75 Sri. 3"; ewes and yearlings, $".2.Vtt'u.x5; range yearlings. So.5iKviiS.iXi; range sheep, $5O04i6.7h; stockers and feeders, itStxhSU". Receipts lor the week, lo.ijc.si head. New York Live Mock Mnrket. NEW YORK, July 27. REEVES - Re ceipts, 1.428 head; feeding steady; dressed beef unchanged. Exports, l.tmn head cattle and ii50 quarters of beef. OA LVES Receipts, fsix head. Veals steady; others slow. No sales reported. City dressed veals steady at 9ul;lo; country dressed, I'itIIo; dressed grassers and but termilks, 7i(i4e. HOOK-Receipts, 2.714 head; market feel ing steady. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Receipls. 2.009 head. Kheep steady: lambs active and prime 15c higher. The pens were cleared. Sheep, $l.25fg'4.uO; lambs. $.'i.(Wt'7. 10; one car. $7.75. St. l.onia l.li4 Mioek Market. ST. lyOI IS. Mo.. July 27. CATTLE Re ceipts, sum head. Including- 250 Texans. Mar ket steady; native shipping and export steers. $5.0n'o-7.25; dressed beef and huloher steers, $4.6o'm4.25: steers under l.ooo Ihs , $4.00W'i.75; stockers ntid feeders, $2.7.V(t4 65; cows and heifers, $2X5n5.75; canners, $1.76 Cu2.3); hulls, $2.75ii4.6ti; calves. $5 .m& 12.00; Texas anil Indian steers, $2. 75115. 50; cows and heifers, $1 r3.75. HoOS Receipts, 4.(m head. Market 6c lower; pigs and lights, $5. 76166. 40; packeis. $5.65''ci6 .So; butchers and beat heavy, $6.1(Vi 6 35. No sheep nn sale. St. Joseph Live Stock Mnrket. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., July 27. OATTLE--Recelpts, 443 head. Market steadv; na tives. $4.7Vf!i (; cows and heifers. $2 (Kx'od .25; stockers and feeders, $3.5o0i4.5ii. HOGS- Receipts, 6.737. head. Market .Yd nc lower; top, $6,274; hulk of sales, $6.05 (ft,224. SHEEP AND LAM RS Receipts, none. I,ii nibs, $U.uOtfi7.50; yearlings, $o.50'i(6 "in; wethers, $."i.2;i'i)5.75; ewes, $4.uii((i5.2o. Sioux 4 ll Live Stock Market. SIOI'X CITY. la.. Julv 27 - (Src ial.i CATTLi; Ren ipts. 100 head; market sieady; beeves, $4.5U'U 7,ii; icivvh and boiler., $1.0. njs 5.50; grass cows, .'rtYi,z 5i; stockers and feeders. $3.50!'i7 4.50; calves and yearlings, $3.tii4.fs. HOGS-Receipts, 5,500 brad; market lower; bulk of sales. $5.75'?r5.9'i. Stork in Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six prin cipal western markets, yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha : 9,6on .. . Sioux Clly Km 6'i .... Kansas City 3f 3.5ii St. Joseph 413 6.737 St. Louis 8. si 4,K C hicago 5i0 17,O0il 3,500 Totala ...2.413 46,3;;; 3.50H OMAHA WHOLF.SALB MARKET. Condition of Trade and Qnotationa on staple and Fancy Produce. FWS-Per doz., Higioc. BI'TTER-Packlng stock. 19'.,o: choice io fancy dairy, 2Ui22c; creamery, 2f.c. LIVE Pol L'l'R Y - Snriiig cliiclcens, 167 17c; hens. I.c; roohtcus, t.c ; turkeys, 12c; ducks, 10c; geese, tic. H AY 4.-ioTc( No. 1 upland, $10.00; medium. $9.00; No. 1 bottom $8.tm; offgradea fiom M to $6.50, rye straw, $7.un; No. 1 ullall'a, $il.tw. FRCI'IS AND MELONS. RLACK LELltl ES -Case, 24 uts., $3.26(1 1 $3.60. . RASPRERRIES Red, 24 qts., $5.60; black 1 24 qts.. j. GOtSE HERRI ES Case, 24 qts., $3. 'H ERRI E8 Home grown. 24 qts . $1. RED C I' R RANTS Case, 24 qts., $2.75. CALIFORNIA PEACHES - Psr bog, yellow freestones. $1.26. PEACHES Texas Elbertas, 4 basket crate. Hoc; 6 basket crate, $1.7$. CALIFORNIA PIA'MS-Per crate, $2.00. CALIFORNIA CH ERRIF.S-Per box of about 8 lba , black or white, $2.0t. TEXAS WATERMEI.ONS Eac h, licNc; t-rsted tor shipment. L'c per lb. CANTELCU'PE Calllornla. 46 to crata, standard, $5.50; 64 to create, pony, $2.M: Texas. 20 size. $2. TROPICAL FRVIT!" LEMONS Lltnoniei 11. W0 size. 48.tV); 160 size. $.5o; other hrunds. 5oc le.s.s. BANAXA3 Per inediiim-alsed bunco, $-'.(& 2.25; Jumbos. $2.5Wa.3.oo. ORANOES Mediterranean Sweets, fancy, 150 size, $4.26; 176, 0. 216 and :.'u sizes. $4.u; K6. 126 n siz. s. $4.00. extra fancy, 2ic mora per box: St. Michaels, 176, 2()0. 21 and 250 slz, $4.75; 126 and 160 sizes, 44 oO; Valencia, 80, 96 and 112 Sizes. $4.5('u4.7S; 126, h). 176, ! and 216 siks, $4.7u&5.iW. $4 00; extra fancy, 25c in.ua per box; St. low in, 6c; new stuffed walnut dales, 3-lb. box. tl ou. DATES Kadaw ay. E',r; layers, 5c; hal low Is. 5c; new blurted walnut, dates, -lb. box, $1.00. VEaETABLES NAVY BEANS per bu., No. i. ti.OOO 2 10; No. 2. 1. 9042. 00. POTATOES-I'.-r bu.. new, $1.00. NEW PEPPERS Per 6-busket crata, per t bushel box, 76c. APARAHI 'S 75c per clns. bunches, BEANS New wax snd strlntr. psr t bu box or basket, 75o. BEETS, TLHMP3 and CAltROT8-rer d"'.. I'llficlleS ICOflS&c.. PIEPLA NT Per lioZ. buncf.es. 20a. 1 TCi.MI.KP.S-Per dor. ttit'Cc. TOMATOES Tennessee. laticy, 20-lb. ciaie, 41 10. ONIONS Green onions, per dog., 25c. BEFF CI'TS. No. 1 ribs, U'.fcc; No. 2 ribs, 12c; No. 3 ribs. .. I 4" S 9". ,:..i 'i a sr. BOYCE & BLASIHGHAM, mm m ST0CK BR0X Rendf rs ruslomeis the bt i-ervi(e in Omaha. Trades in 1 00") bushel grain and upwards: 10 rharrs and upwards. A nllaMe firm. Room 4 N. Y. Life. Omaha. I.0114J distance telephone. Uotiglas 7 r, 4 5 . l-r: No. 1 loin. l4c; No. 2 loin, I4',c; No. 3 loin, IV: No. 1 chuck. 6c-; No : c hu. k. 5V; No. 3 chuck. 6c; No. 1 round. ',c; No. 1 round. 9c-; No. 3 round, 84c; No. 1 plate, 3c; No. 2 plate, 2c; No. S plate. 24c. CAItRAtii: llopie grown Le (.er lb l.KAF LKT'IVCK- Hot-nouse, per doa, beads, 85c-. RADISHES Per oo. bunches, horns gron, CELERY Kslamasoo. aoro per doz. MISCELlsANEOCS COFFEW-Roasted. No. 85. S'.c per lb 20, I440 per lb.; No. 26, 19c per lo.; Nn, 21. 1:40 per lb. CALIFORNIA DRIED F-IU'ITS Fr.mea. are somewhat unsettled by ''err fferlnga from second hands, who seem desirous ot moving supplies of immediate grades. Quo tations range from 6c to 9c for California fruit and from 54iT8o for Oregon. Pcache, are slightly easier, with fancy jellow quoted at 13' Raisins are firm; three 1 row 11 loose Muscatels are quoted at 9c; fout crown. 10c. seeded raisins. !Vlllc FISH Pickerel. dressed. KV; pike, dressed, 15c; white flsh. dressed. Winter caught, lStjlCc; fresh. 16c: trout. 12tjl6c; halibut, 11c. salmon, 16c; catfish. 17c, her ling. dressed, 8c; crapplea. round 6jf9c( nappies. Isrge, fancy, 16c; black wass. 2Ac smelts, sweet and fine, 13c; eel, 19c; blue flsh, lf.c; red snapper. Loj ro ahad. per pair, yf-Oc; frog legs, Seniles' , lobsters, green, per lb., 27c; lobster boiled, per IK. 30c mackerel. Spapish. per lb.. 16c: mackerel, native. 19o;t5c per lb.: fresh green turtle meat. 25c per lb.; dressed buffalo. So; bull heads. 12e: white perch. 7c; white bass. 15e. CANNED GOODS Corn, itni.'ard, west ern. 65c. Tomatoes, fancy, il-pound cans, $1.45; standard, X-pound enns. $1 25. Pine, apples, grated, g-pound. $2 2it&"2.30; sliced. $1 .7.Vh 2. 35. Gallon apples. $3 California apricots. $2.wi. Pears, $1 7Vif2 50. peaches. $1 752 40: L. C. peaches. $2.sva2.50 Alaska salmon, red. $1 V: fancy Chinook, flat. $2 V; fancy sockey. flat. $1.95. Sardines, quarter oil. $3. 25; three-quarters mustard. $3 10. Sweet potatoes. Jl '25111 35. Sauer kraut, fur. Pumpkins. 80c''p$voo. Lima beans. 2-lb.. 75o 'i $1.25. Soaked peas, 2-lb., 60c. fanc y, $1.2.'n 1 45 NETS-California walnuts. No. 2 soft shell, lVr; Rraslls. 164iTc; pecans. 191 22c; filherls. 14c; peanuts, raw, 7'j.c; roasted, 84.; California almonds, lltc; cocoa nuts, $5.00 per 1(10. Metal Market. NEW YORK. July 27. M ETA I .S Tr ) metal niarkets were dull and largely nom inal, as usual, In the absence of cables. Tin was nnc hanged at $40 .Own 4n M. Copt er, nom inal, with lake quoted at $21 "irh 72. "H, electro, lytic nt $20.'yii21Ai and casting at $2ii''. 10.25. lead was dull St $. 1'7i5 25 nn1 slter nt $5 95(1 6. 00. Iron was quid and without further change. ST I.OI TS. July 27 M ETA tS -Ird. dull, $ri.(SKti5.fi2',s. Spelter, dull, $5.85. Minneapolis t;raln Mnrket. MINNEAPOLIS. Julv 27-Close: No 1 hard wheat. $1.H3; No. 1 northern, $102. No. 2 northern, 9mV(i99c; No. 3 northern, 94W'". FLOI'R-Flrst patents, $"..0HT6 o: sicond patents. $4 9tvuf..00; first cleats, $.1 ,'.,".Ti;1.66; second clears, $2.76112 86. URAN-ln bulk. $15.5utl 15.75. Wool Market. ST. LOl'JS, July i7.-WOOI Steady; me dluin grades, combing and clothing, 2S'oji6c light fine. 2?W2;ic; heavy fine, 171 19c: tub washed, 2!Ko:;iiic. HURT SAYS HE IS INJURED Claims Northwestern Stole Railroad Track from Off Ills Sheep It j itch. Ten years ago ex-Senator Joseph J. Hurt of Wyoming moved lo South Omaha and built a large sheep-feeding station on West L street and ctmairi d 111 the feeding of sheep. The Nort hwrstorn railroad bitill a siding into his ranch, which was removed by the railroad some time ago, against tha wish of Mr. Hurl, who now says the rail road will have to replace the track or pay him heavy damages for Its loss. Th ranch Is valuable property, raid to he worth. In connection with the Improvements, about $65,000. The Northwestern railroad maintains that Hurt has clone no business with it for over two years, that the track was a switch from the main line and was taken nut, as It was a detriment to ssfe opera tion and of no use :is long as It was not used for switching. The railroad rlHlms the track was pufln under nn agreement that as soon as the railroad abandoned the road the land waa to revert to Hurt. It is said Hurt is still a feeder, hut not a shipper. If you have anything to trade advertise It in the For Exchange columns of Tha Bee Want Ad pages DIVIDENDS ACTUALLY GUARANTEED For Particulars AtSdrass The HI BUS M. M. Co. 1032 Fourteenth St., Denver, Colo. Only a limited amount of CruarantaatI Btoc for Bals STOCKS AND BONDS St HJECT FOR SAI-K, ETC. Will DIVIDE. y ion 7 TH I1S1O r,o to 401) jooo arsol L'.i' 0 tism t'tilana, 8'.,c. dooo Penn-Wyo , 5.Vc. Or. A. roffM. $16. 6".s) I'rea Coll., 4.-. Taeoma. 611. t'nlv. I'neu , 2'lc. Empire. Wlaner, 2ic, Amor. M.X., loc. Ho,. 4 Jor. l op . 2.1c. Nor. Verde, 12. Vuseogeo I). It , 26c. flaiiinalin I'op., Ot'r. ttatiner i'lin.. ii"c. (itl. cariboo. 4iu- IJ tlOWBlOIUl, lb ISM. finu Ea., Se, 6018) Umpire Tun., 1Jc,r. 10 f,o. N. V. AIT bin,. IOI Hidwell tile, . tr 1m t ni. ill,, Kx., in. asl B C. Aiual. Coal. .S) Kiy Henulea, 61: jnil 1.11. Kloreni-,. Mkt. :i.,0 ( hlana ( on. . 9',r to o lirt. Cariboo. .e. t'HSI Klor Mi.havk. t. . 2o 0 K SnoWBloKn. lb ,S'i 111. West. OH, lm. 4.-. f! A. T.4w,ll. $1 if ' iW ''on. Jeff. (I. ('. 1 ee,raili'r.. $1; 2000 Prairie Rivet lion Jnon Voliecan, hid. Mln. & V.A.. ,'slc j 20 MultlHtoie Op. 48 4". 6nue Palmer Mtn TAP Santa Hosa M. M. 1810 Re6 Win, O. 44 . bi4.i 50U Klor. Hopkins, hit. 6.0 lilneru 1 011.. bid. ,4000 blue Bird t on. 151.0 Wellliijlon Mines Co. ,f0. 000 Happy jai'k. WE WILL BUY 1000 Penn W'io., 4te. S0011 Chiaii, t on , ',.. iO0 Ot West., Heo.l , 7r noo 0 iv, Mm , 40c. MK) Happy Js.k. jl.ssj ElKavnr, 3,' l'ssl Aoiaion, It.-. oo 1.11, Klorenee, 7(w. 14 0 A. t'olres, 4Jr. I 760 Ely Hereulea. WANT THOUSANDS MORE. OFFER TOUR ITCIt'K. Western Business 136 Balls It., Chlcajri. f"l T.W.1WW j General Elsclro PonrGal a( C&IJfcrma 6 INTEREST and' Divi&naJ PartkrfiRg' Bands law V, Itumi 1 PnMsactsa fnaa M. J. CREEVY a CO. 414 BEE BLDU. ICIEST ItUCE IIIEtTIICII Ot trie tUttTTT W, Farnam Smith & Co. Stocks, Bonds, Investment Securities. Ws of far, subject to sals, 80 sbsrst Union stock Yards at 101. 1320 Farnam St., Tel. Douglas 104C 2