Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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    nm OMATTA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 23, 1907.
Office, IS fteott
Mion wr:TioJr.
ravls, drugs.
Btookert Bells rarfets.
Pumps, J. Zollt-r Mt. Co.
Fxi Kngcrs' Tuny Fsut beer.
Klne engravings at LefTert's.
Bee Schmidt's elegant new photos.
Iewl Culler, funeral director, 'phone 97.
Woodring Undertaking company. Tel. fjj.
Picture framing, C. E. Alexander. 333 B wy.
lH not buy until you give 1 infer, the
lumberman, a chance at your bill. Council
Bluffs, la.
M. C. Sorensnn and family of Ztfi Avenue
C will leave today for a two weeks' outing
at AVall Lake, Ja.
We will deJIver all sizes of hard coal dur
ing August for tin a ton. Wm. Welsh, 1U
K. Main St. 'Phones 12. '
County Attorney and Mrs. J. J. Hess
left last evening fur Chicago, where they
expect to visit for about ten days.
Olive Neva Belles began suit In the dis
trict court yesterday for divorce from
Maurice, Belles, to whom she wus married
October 6. 19"4. She charges her husband
with treating her In such a cruel and In
human manner that she was forced to leave
him last NfivemlHT.
Rose Lavedure, nged 16 years, was or
dered committed to the Oirls' Industrial
school at Mttchellvllle yesterdny by .Iudg
Thornell. The girl lives at Fifth avenue
nd Twenty-fourth street Hnd was before
the court on complaint of her father, who
charged her with being Incorrigible.
Colonel W. J. Davennort. formerly gen-
l .... .V, If.tlnnt,.n it. f m,nn(l I
T.'T.W"""" ;"u ,
become a "coal baron. He recently
opened a coal mine In Boulder and the
first car of the product has been shipped
to a Council Bluffs company and has been
old to local friends of Colonel Davenport.
morrow We received a lot of extra fine
peaches, 2Se per basket; tomatoes. 25c per
basket. We have some extra fine apples.
ic peck. Wo are getting In cucumbers,,
beets, cabbage, corn, onions. We still have
raspberries and blackberries. Try some of
our peanut butter, liic and 2ic Jar. We
have new honey at 20c pound. We are
getting In some extra fine celery. It Is
nice and tender, at 5o bunch. Bartel &
Miller. Telephone 359.
George Baldwin Phelps, son of Mr. and
Mrs. George Phelps of this city, left last
evening for New York City with the Inten
tion of adopting the atage as a profession.
Mr. Phelps has been prominent In amateur
theatricals In this city and Omaha and
was with the Woodward company at the
Burwood last summer. Mr. I'helps. who
has recognized ability In his chosen pro
fession, uppeared Thursday night as Or
lando In the open air performance of "As
ou Like It," at Falrmount park.
Tote for Franchise and Hla-ht of City
to Know What the Water Com
pany la Making,
At a mass meeting held at the city build
ing last Tuesday evening the statement was
made by the manager of the water com
pany that the water works, taken at tin;
Valuation put upon it by the city's special
engineer, had not shown a profit In its
business until the year 1305. Whether this
Is true or not makes no difference at this
time. The citlxens are not satisfied with
statements of hired foreign engineering ex
perts as to what the company Is earning.
Under the proposed franchise the city has
the right to examine the company's books
and accounts every day and know Just
what the Income and expenditures are,.
Under the present arrangement It la en
tirely In the dark. If an examination shows
the company Is making an unreasonable
profit on the city or Its citizens would any
Council dare to refuse to pass a lower rate
ordinance at Its next meeting?
Vote the company the franchise and have
the right to know what it Is doing and
what It Is earning.
Let us make your glasses and take care
f your eyes for one year without extra
charge. Dr. W. W. Magarrell, Optometrist,
10 Pearl street.
Full line
of refrigerators. Petersen 6Y
Ileal Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The
Bee July 26 by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
Kew Hampshire Banking Co. to Wil
liam Kong. wlO ft lot 5 and elO ft
lot 8, block 7, Bayllsa' First Ad.,
Council Bluffs, w d tl2,000
Wllloughhy ly and wife to Charles
W. Wlgglnton, lota 1 and 2, block
15, Macedonia, la., w d 1250
M. Turner Abbott to Day A Hess Co..
lot 12, block P. Curtis & Ramsey's
Ad., Council Bluffs, w d
Benjamln-Fehr Real Estate Co. to
G. A. Schoedxack, lot 13, block 36,
Central Kuh., Council Bluffs, w d..
Wllloughby Dye and wife to Charles
R. Aggson, part lot 4, outlot t,
Macedonia, la., w d
International Harvester Co. to F. J
Day and J. P. Hess, lot 8. block S,
Thompson's Ad.. Council RlnfTs. d..
I H. Bolton and wife to F. H. Mc
Cartney, lots 1 and 2, block 11. Mc
Clelland, la., w d !.. . i
Eva R. Beker and husband to C. W.
pillln. lot 1L block 6, McClelland.
Ia., w d i
fcoe M. Ross to Ilenjnniln-F. hr Weni
Kstate Co.. lot 7. block 22, Ferry
. Ad., Council Bluffs, q c i.. 1
Total, nine transfers 113,718
Miss Elisabeth Qulch, a recent Western
Iowa college student, has accepted a posi
tion with the Perue Plow and Implement
Ice cream flavored with pure, vanilla;
omethlng that will please you. Purity
Candy Kitchen, 5W Broadway.
Ara-nments In Portland Case Ended.
The hearing before Judge Thornell of the
district court In the first batch of thlrty
Ix suits Involving the question of the right
Of Pottawattamie county to assess the stock
f the Portland Oold Mining company for
local taxation was completed yesterday
Afternoon. Former Governor C. 8. Thomas
of Denver and C. O. Saunders made the
closing arguments yesterday for the Port
land company. Mr. Thomas and Tyson
Dines, counsel for the company, left last
venlng for their homes In Denver.
As both sides have to tile written briefs
It will be some time before Judge Thornell
will hand down a decision. The arguments
occupied four days and Court Reporter
lrerguson will be kept busy for several days
waking a transcript of the arguimnts from
shorthand notes. The transcript will
never several Hundred sheets.
s.z. uuiu ruursKS, GRAND IJVERY
church. Saturday evening. Price. Sic.
Reliable picture framing, pictures framed
r unfrsmed. The latest colorings and real
works of art. Reasonable prices. Bor
Wlck, 111 South Main street.
. City Scavengers
i Horse and cattle hauled fr- of ohav t',
uaroag. aanes, manure aau ail rub
bish; clean vaults and ceaspuola. Ail
work done is guaranteed.
Calls prosapur attended te.
Ihd. Phone 112 Y Boll Red lift
St. Tel. 43.
Makes Statement to Police Chisum
Hartley Was Not Drowned.
lias Attorney Prepare Proof of Heath
for Purpose of Collecting Insur
ance on Ills Life George
Mills Signs Affidavit.
Major George H. Richmond, chief of pollen
of Council Bluffs, has obtained from Frank
McKr.lght a signed statement to the effect
that the story of the drowning of Chisum
Hanley, McKnighfs brother-in-law, while
bathing In the Missouri river near the bridge
of the street railway company on the after
noon of July 10, was a mere fabrication and
that to the best of McKnighfs belief Han
ley Is now alive. This admission was se
cured from McKnlght after he had been
subjected to a strenuous cross-questioning
by Chief Richmond.
Despite the admission of her brother,
Frank, that the story of the drowning was
a fake, pure and simple, Mrs. Chisum Han
ley yesterday Insisted that her husband
has been drowned. Hanley carried $4, "00
Insurance on his vltfe, it being In two
policies each for $2,000 in the Union Cen
tral of Cincinnati. While McKnlght was
to Chief Richmond that the
story of his brother-in-law's drowning was
untrue, Mrs. Hanley was In the office of
J. J. Stewart, her attorney, preparing , using this as his arpument against the
proofs of her husband's death with a view , franchise. He attacked the councllmen who
to collecting the Insurance. As a proof voted for the franchise ordinance, declar
of the death of her husband, Mrs. Hanley )nK ,mit tnf,y na(1 ilt.,,n elated on a munlcl
presented an affidavit signed by one George pnl ownership platform, hut had changed
Mills, who claimed to have been an eye
witness of the drowning. When McKnlght
reported the alleged drowning to the po
lice on the evening of July 10, he said that
he and Hanley were alone.
Contents of Affidavit.
The affidavit of Mills was, in substance,
that he had arrived In Council Bluffs from
Brownsville, Tex., on July 9, the day be
fore the alleged drowning, and had taken
a room at the Letup hotel, 1021 West
Broadway, after securing employment with
the Union Pacific at the transfer. He was
sitting on the river bank and saw Hanley
drown. Investigation by the police shows
ty.nt ,-. man Yw f "tt name of Mllln VflH
....... .. ....... w - -
employee at. me ira-mmr ny me
Pacific, nor had anyrx.dy by mat name
taken a room at the Lemp hotel.
Mrs. Hanley, on being appointed admin
istratrix of the estate of her "drowned"
husband, secured, through Ohio Knox of
this city, a bond In the sum of $8,000 from
the Aetna Indemnity company of Hart
ford, Conn. Yesterday Mr. Knox served
notice upon H. V. Battey, clerk of the dis
trict court, that the company withdrew
the bond.
Mrs. Hanley still Insisted yesterday
that her husband had been drowned and
, that her brother, Frank McKnlght, had
signed the statement declaring tne story
to be false under duress and through
fear of being placed In Jail. Chief Rich
mond, when asked as to this, said yes
terday that McKnlght, before making
the admission, asked him if he intended
to "push the case against him." Chlaf
Richmond told him that as far as he
knew at that time McKnlght had done
nothing which would warrant his ar
rest and urged the man to tell the truth.
Recants on Promise.
"Well, if you won't push the matter
against me or my sister, I may as well
make a clean breast of It," said Mc
Knlght and he signed the statement
which Chief Richmond drew up. The
statement was:
I, Frank McKnlght, do hereby decla.e
that the story of the drowning of
Chisum Hanley near the motor bridge
on July 10 is not true, and that Clilsum
Hanley la now alive to the best of my
Chief Richmond has the word of a cer
tain person, who does not wish his name
made public in connection with the case
unless it becomes absolutely necessary in
the Interest of Justice, that he saw Han
ley, with whom he is well acquainted,
and Hanley's wife together on Broadway,
near First street, as tote as Wednesday
of thlB week.
Since the disclosures the police have
been unable to locate Hanley, and he Is
supposed to have left the city or be In
hiding. The police were looking for Mrs.
Hanley yesterday afternoon, but aft-sr
leaving the office of Attorney Stewart
she is said to have gone to Omaha.
Frank McKnlght Is employed as an ele
vator conductor In the Bennett depart
ment store In Omaha. The McKnlght
family live about three miles east of the
city beyond the bridge of the Great
Western railroad over Mosquito croek.
Petersen ft Schnenlng sell matting.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.. Tel. 260. Night. L 698.
20 Per Cent Discount Sale on Shoes.
We are making a reduction of 20 per cent
on everything in our stock. The sale be
gins Saturday, July 27, and lasts seven
days. We want to close out our summer
goods, that's the reaton. Duncan Shoe
company, 23 South Main street.
Pts-ures on New Hydrants.
In reply to an Inquiry from President El
H. Merriam of the Commercial club as
to the amount which can be expected to
be available for hydrant rentals from taxes
of lKe6, and hoy many hydrants and how
much pipe under the new schedule could
the city hope to put In. City Treasurer
True yesterday furnished the desired infor
mation In the following statement:
I have at hand your Inquiry as to the
amount that run he excted to be available
for hydrant rentals from taxes of li. and
how much, pipe and how many hydrants
under the new schedule can the city hoK)
to put in. In reply Mill say that the as
srosed valuation of the city on which gen
eral tai.i t will be paid is in round num
bers Jo.MS.OuO. but that the auiount with
which water taxes will be paid will be just
about ?3.7Wi,0l. The 6-mlil levy would bring
in tlit.ii"'. when collected.
The rentals of the 2V( hydrants now lo
cated at the new price of n per hydrant
amounts tu $17. "s", which h aves an available
I ,
balance of tl.l. that should be paid Into
city treahury by the time any addi-
tioiial hydrant rentals could become due,
This. I figure, will admit of the ordering of
' something over U ftnj feet of water main
Stat Convention of Librarians
Mrs Miry E. Dailey, librarian of the froe
milili,. librrv 1m miltlnir In her ansLre mn.
' . ..', ' ,k
,amn.erl cf the number, of the Iowa
State Librarian' nrnctatlon, which will
hold Iti animal mee'lr.g In illy Octo
ber S. I and 10. While the date of thd meet
ing is oiill somewhut distant, there are a
number of details to !e attended to, ani
these entail considerable correspondent e on
Mrs. Dalley's part. In the work of planning
for the three days' meeting of the slate
association, Mrs. DalU y is being assisted
by the miinbeis of the board of
of the library.
It Is the plan nrd hope of the local mem
ber! to have en exceptionally interesting
program for tne meeting and nothing will
be Uit'm undone oa tbelr iait li oiaka tht
session full of picture and benefit to the
visitors. 5 voir fort Is being made to
secure a large attendance and Invitation
are beir.g sent lo every librarian and
trustee of p'lr'lc library boards In the
state. An especial effort is al.-o being made
to secure the attendance o' ivny librarian
not a metnljer of the afrsoi lation, with Uiu
hope f having theifi tfrme affiliaud at
this meeting.
One of the prominent speakers already
secured for the mi ting is Dr. Nathan C.
Sehaefi'er of Ilarrlsburg. Pa., state super
intendent of public Instruction. The ses
sions will be held In the auditorium of
the public library building, and headquar
ters will be at the Grand hotel. A ban
quet, according lo present plans, will be one
of the features of the entertainment of the
George W. Klein, 19 South Main street
Phones: Ind., 710 Black; Bell, 543.
Office Space tor Rent.
Eight feet wide, eighteen feet long, on
ground lloor, opposite Nebraska Telephone
building, 15 Scott street; central location;
only one-half block from Broadway. Ev
erything new, electric light; for ts a month.
Omaha Bee,, 15 Scott street.
Opponents Hold Well Attended Meet
Inn at City Hall.
Opponents to the- granting of the pro
posed franchise to the water works com
pany gathered In force at the city hall last
night. As at the meeting Tuesday night,
C. C. Clifton presided and Dr. I L. Poston
acted as secretary.
The principal speakers In opposition to
the proposed franchise were G. H. Scott,
former Judge of the superior court, and
Thomas Q. Harrison. .ludge Scott paid
especial attention to the rate ordinance,
their minds. He gave W. Klersted, the
expert employed by the city, a dig. and
declared that when he flrft came to Council
Bluffs he was w)th one faction of the city
council, meaning Councllmen Wallace,
Olson and Younkerman, but later, when he
returned to make a further Investigation,
he was with the other faction, meaning
the councllmen who voted for the franchise
ordinance. S
Mr. Scott quoted figures said to have been
furnished by the city treasurer In support
of his argument that the city was in a
position to acquire municipal ownership by
i jjurcnHne oi me water woras plant. lie
, . ...... .
aeciarea mat mo rates naa been based on
an excesa)ve valuation of
Uie plant and
wound up by urging every man present to
go to the polls on August 6 and vote as
his conscience directed him.
"What I am about to say Is not the
product of my Imagination, but the decision
of some of the greatest Jurors In the land "
was the opening statement of Thomas Q.
Harrison, who proceeded, as he termed It,
to "shoot holes" Into sections 7 and 8 of the
proposed franchise ordinance. Theso are
the sections relating to tho reinforcement
of the mains in the Implement district and
reserving to the city the right to purchase
the plant at any time it bocs fit and is able
to do so.
Announcement was made that similar
meetings would be arranged for In every
precinct in the city between this and the
day of the special election.
Marrlaare Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and residence. Age
A. C. Topp, Council Bluffs 27
Marie Jensen, Council Bluffs 27
David Fox. Omaha .. 23
Sarah Saltzman, Council Bluffs 19
Heavy Wind Xear Atlantic.
ATLANTIC, la., July 27.-(Special.)-Tuesday
and Wednesday night, there were
fierca storms in this neighborhood, the
wind blew up almost a hurricane. Trees
were torn down all over town, some out
buildings were demolished, telephone wires
and electric light poles were blown down,
and the plate glass window In the Fisher
building, on Chestnut street, was blown In.
In the country there was much damage
from wind and lightning. Some buildings
were blown down or struck by lightning,
crops were flattened to the ground by the
heavy wind, and hay was badly damaged
by the rain, while the lightning created
havoo in Beveral places. R. Barry, a farmer
near Grant, lost a valuable thoroughbred
cow, and a cow for Murray Trailer of
Marne. was killed by lightning. One barn,
containing a quantity of hays, was struck
by lightning and completely consumed.
Will Collect Taxes from Estate.
WEBSTER CITY, la.. July 27.-(Speclal.)
P. J. Brandrup, country treasurer, has
served notice upon the administrator of
the estate of the late W. S. Wortliington,
formerly one of the best known capitalists
In Hamilton county, he will bring suit for
t'2,500, alleged to be due as back taxes. The
filing of tills action will create some sur
prise among tho friends and former asso
ciates of the wealthy Webster City capital
ist. The estate Is valued at $100,000 and Is
probably worth more than that sum. When
ins inventory was niea with the county
clerk. Mr. Brandrup noted a discrepancy
between the properly noted there and
that returned to the assessor for soma
years back. He immediately filed his claim
for the taxes he alleges are due. It was
only a short time ago that he collected
quite an amount from the administrator
of the Clinton Wyckoff estate In a similar
Mayor Appoints Superrlsfira to Suc
ceed Men Who Confessed to
Taking: Bribes.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 7.-Mayor Tay
lor today appointed a new board of super
visors, as follows:
A. D. Ancona, physician; Joseph P.
Booth, editor; H. U. Brandenstein, attor
ney; Gustav Breunor, retired merchant;
George H. Center, real estate dealer; A.
Compte, Jr., attorney; Bernard Ralmon
vllle, Insurance man; Thomas Magee, real
estate dealer; D. E. J. Molern, president
Academy of Sciences; Charles A. Murdick,
prtnter; D. D. Murphy, attorney; Henry
Payot, merchant; Loring P. Rlxford, archi
tect; Llpman Sacks, merchant; G. W. Staf
ford, merchant; M. I. Sullivan, attorney;
O. A. Tveltmoe and J. I. O'Neill.
The two latter are members of the old
board and not Involved in the charges of
PaclSe Toast Mill Owners Object
ta the Iroptied Haiae of
TAOOMA. Wash.. July 27-Fifty mem
bers of the raclftc Coast Lumber Manu
facturers' association attended ihe op. n
Ing session of the semi-annual meeting
here this morning,, and the unanimous
sentiment was that they will fight to
the last dlteh the proposd Increase In
freight rates on eastern shipments. Tho
best of legal talent will be employed.
Help has been assured by oth;r lumber
men's associations of the west. A fund
of f 50,000 can readily be raised, and the
members voted today to carry the ques
tion iuiQ tb. liUUt court u uooajuMuy.
Temperance People Contend Statute
is Unconstitutional.
City of lies Moines Wants an Appro
priation from Congress for the
Improvement of the Des
Moines Hlver.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOIXES. July 27. (Special. ) F. S.
Dunshee, as attorney for the temperance
Interests that have attacked the constitu
tionality of the mulct iaw, today filed his
abstract with the supreme court and got
the case docketed. The case is that of J.
11. Campbell vs., Jnckman Brothers, and
was tried first in th district court of
Black Hawk county at Waterloo.
Tho case promises to attract some fur
ther attention. The position taken by the
Waterloo temperance people Is that the
law la unconstitutional because the legls- I
lature has no authority to enact laws to
license a thing that In Itself is aV nuisance.
Judge Piatt of the district court held that
tho law is constitutional. The law, though
on. the statute books for some years, has
never been tested In Just that way. The
attack asainst the law Is considerably like
the attack was made In Indiana, where
a lower court Judge held that the licensing
of saloons was an unconstitutional act, and
that case is now pending in the supreme
court of that state.
The case filed here today will be In time
to be placed on the docket of the supreme
court for the September term, but as that
will be the appearance term of court for
the case It is not likely that It will bo
argued and tried then, as the written ar
guments will not likely be completed by
that time.
Food Inspector Married.
Michael Flynn of Burlington, slate food
Inspector, ex-base ball player and ex-rfHc"-man
and detective, arrived in Des Moines
today with a brldo, the wedding having
taken place . a few days since. An In
formal and quickly arranged wedding re
ception was held at the office of the state
food and dairy commissioner when they
arrived and some of the samples of food
left for Inspection were sacrificed for a
wedding feast.
Attack School Merger.
The suit to prevent the consolidation of
tho school districts within the city limits
of Des Moines on the grounds of con
stitutionality was heard in the court by
Judge Miller of the district court today.
The court allowed the districts of Cnk
Park. Agency, Plum Grove and part of
Evergreen to Join as Interveners In the
suit. Witnesses were examined to show
that four-ninths of the Valley Junction
school district Is within the city limits
of Des Moines, and Valley Junction of
ficials testified thnt that district would
be unable to meet its bonded Indebtedness
of tl8,O00 If this four-ninths was taken
from it and placed In the Des Moines dis
trict. Chnnsre In Pinna.
Plans for the military maneuvers have
been changed and the maneuvers will be
held a day later than first Intended. They
will be held on August 9 and 10. Monday
following the troops will be reviewed by
the governor, but not at the fair grounds
as first intended, but on Walnut street, In
West Dos Moines. '
May Appoint McClakey.
It Is understood that First Lieutenant
McClaskey of the United State Marine
corps may get the appointment to succeed
Major Olmsted as Inspector general of the
Iowa National guard. McClaskey went to
the Philippines with the Fifty-first Iowa
and later was continued In the regular
service, being retired now for" deafness.
This may Interfere with his appointment
as regular army inspector of the Iowa
guard. Major Olmsted's term Is nearly up.
Des Moines Wants Some.
The lndexer at the city library here, from
Indexing the congressional rivers and har
bors expenditures which reach the library
monthly, has discovered, or claims to have
discovered, that nearly every little river In
the United Suites is getting appropriations
except the Des Moines river. The attention
of the greater Des Moines committee was
called to the matter and other cities of
the state are now to be Interested. It la
claimed that congressmen in other states
have been able to get appropriations of
thousands of dollars for river Improvements
for Insignificant little streams that ara
often not big enough to be placed on the
map while Iowa congressmen have been
Curator Aldrlcb. Better.
Curator Aldrich. was able to get down
from I'.oone and was at the historical
building today for the first time in some
weeks. Though enfeebled In body, his mind
is clear, and he is able to attend to many
of the details of his work by directing
others. Ho is somewhat improved from his
recent ill attack.
Thought Professor a Spy.
Takl Yakaharl, a Japanese professor from
tho University of Chicago, was today sus
pected of being a spy when he appeared
at the gates of Fort Des Moines. The
soldiers of I ho fcecond cavalry were in a
flurry of excitement. It developed later
that the professor was in the city for a
visit and the fort was one of the attrac
tions recommended to him to see and he
was paying a visit out of curiosity and not
as a representative of his government.
Iowa -Xrwa "Votes. .
WK9T UNION One of the most disas
trous hailstorms that has visited this part
of the state in years destroyed hundreds
of acres of corn and oats Thursday morn
ing. HIOOI'RNEV Louis esjjftj bson came all
the way from far off fciuih Africa to wed
the girl he had learned to love In northern
. ituswu rour years ago. Miss Ella Reese,
' 'he bride, came to this country but a vear
I ago. irabbl Gross of Ottumwa performed
mo ,-ei ciuoiiy,
ATI-ANTIC The law that went Into ef
fect on July i, granting a bounty of ten
cents per pair for the front legs of gophers,
does not seem to be much attraction for
the youth of Cass county, as but thirty
five pulrs of legs have been presented to
the auditor for bounty so far this season,
while in Pottawattamie county, the pests
are being caught by hundreds.
ATLANTIC Mr. hert Line of Marne was
seriously Injured Thursday afternoon While
loading hay into the barn. The rope
oil the liay fork broke and he attempted
to Jump out of the wav of the falling
fork. He caught his foot In the hny
rack and tipped the entire load over. He
fell under the hay and when he wus dug
out, it whs found that three bones In his
! foot hud been dislocated and one fractured.
SIOUX CITY Alfred Haas, a democratic,
politician and prominent attorney, and A.
!'. Heed, cashier of tho Iowa Telephone
company, were saved from drowning last
night at Crystal lake by Kdward Heehly, a
Ploux City newspaper man. The men were
swimming and Jumped overboard from a
boat In the middle of the lake A sudden
iiia!l Idew the boat away, leaving them
struggling in the water half a mile from
shore. Hech'y reached them in time to
haul them into his boat, Haas bt-ing com
pletely exhausted.
OKLWKIN A new pest, other' than the
green hug, is ravaging the crops In Iowa.
This time it Is the com thut is suffering
damage, which following close on the heels
of the recent flood, will not leave much
profit for tiie farmer tills yeur. K Wood
ring brought a sample of the new peat to
town. lie says thousands of them are
WUXkiUJC WVlMI Ut lU (HUM. Hnnrt..,.
the worms work In a small patrh. The
worm It strawberry blonde In color, about
an inch In length and is evidently a centi
pede, as It has many feet. Mr. Woodrlng
says that he succeeded In killing the ma
jority of the pest.
Qoeer and Cnrlona Features of Life
In a Rapidly Urorrlna
' State.
The streets would look much more pre
sentable If the dead brush used for the
shade on the Fourth was hauled off. and
the money we blowed In on the Fourth
would .have done the town more good had
we Invested It in Improving the public
roads leading Into the village. Osmond Re
publican. A Busy MatrEdltor Wilson of the Kim
ball Observer leads a strenuous life. He
has a homestead five miles from town on
which he Is actually living and yet he ar
rives In town before 7 o'clock each morn
ing and, with a day's help each week from
his better half, does all the work in the
shop himself.
He Must Be In Love Did you ever In
all creation see anything prettier than a
woman dressed all In white? Emeralds'
diamonds, rubies, blend them, mix Into
the combination the beautiful tints of a
rainbow, the silvery light of the moon, and
she's got the whole bunch beat a mile.
Columbus Tribune.
Surprised Last Thursday evening Just as
all of Free's folks were getting to bed
und whllo Will was smoking his lust pipe
and pulling off his left sock, n bunch of
their friends came tramping up the walk
with pans, baskets and ice cream freezers.
A nice supper and ice cream was partaken
of and a general good time enjoyed until
about 1 o'clock that night. Chapman Cor
respondent Central City Nonpareil.
Poor Pawnee A doctor writing for the
Pawnee Press treats Sunday's flood as a
merciful design of the Lord to wash away
the accumulation of debris and tilth whose
removal had been neglected, to the detri
ment of health by citizens, and now calls
on the latter to keep up the work so
auspiciously begun. It Is truly hoped
Pawnee people will not again wait for a
cloudburst to effect cleanliness and en
force sanitary regulations. Beatrice Ex
press. Happiness A little 8-year-old girl stopped
us on the street to tell us that she earned
"a half dollar and four pennies" picking
raspberries yesterday and the little tot was
so proud and was a grand contrast to some
big grown-up men who would rather sponge
a living than work. If we could have back
the old days when we did sixteen or eight
een hours work a day on the farm and
could sleep three hours and feel as fresh
as ever we would not want to change
places with a millionaire. Those were
happy days, but we simply failed to see
It as we do now. Blair Pilot.
An Amateur Equilibrist Deputy Sheriff
and Mrs. Ernie Thomson are parents of a
boy 17 months old who is certainly a cau
tion when It comes to hazardous deeds.
Out on the ranch near Arnold, whllo Ernlo
was away from home, the lad climbed a
twenty-foot ladder on the windmill framo
and walked out on a cross-benm. There
he was discovered by Mrs. Thomson and
his grandmother, Mrs. C. U. Richardson,
and both displayed the unusual nerve of
not making a scme and thereby startling
tho boy and causing him to fall, but neither
had the strenth or nerve to climb and res
cue him. The man working In the field
also saw the child's aerial position and
lost no time In covering the distance to
the house and up the ladder, and safely
placing the lad In the arms of the women,
who all but smothered him to death with
hugs and klsses.-Custer County Repub
New York Police Warn Parents to
Guard Their Dann-hters More
NEW YORK. July 27,-To the series of
unpunished crimes against young girls
which dally of late has exasperated the
police and put parents In the outlying dis
tricts In an ugly mood, there were added
today for Investigation the cases of Vir
ginia Bariah, 17 years old, and Annie
Falkoweko, a tot of 5 years.
So notorious have become the cases of
assault, amounting in two recent cases to
murder, that Police Commissioner Bingham
has been driven to explain that his army of
policemen is insufficient to tope with this
particular species of degeneracy. He .has
warned fathers and mothers not to allow
their little ones to wander aimlessly in tho
The Barlsh girl has been driven Insane
by Inhuman treatment, an Inkling of which
was first given to the nubile tnrinv av,
became separated from a party of friends
at North Beach Wednesday and that night
was rescued by chance from the surf, in
which she was about to drown herself.
She had been beaten black and blue and
robbed of her clothing. Driven mud through
suffering she fought her rescuer and only
with difficulty was placed In restraint.
v nen ner mental condition lum.
parent the girl was taken to the King's
county hospital. There In a lucid Interval
she told a pitiful story of assault, many
of the details of which were subsequently
substantiated. Attacked by a gang of nine
rougns. sne was left In a state that to her
frenzied mind suggested only suicide. It
Is a question whether she can recover.
Annie Falkoweko went to meet her father
and fell 'n with another man. ai.
a bestial attack and Is In ' the care of a
pnysicmn. Joseph Nocwtck, a steamship
fireman, 34 years old. and whom h
' ' ' Hum
accused, Is under arrest.
A third case today cannot be said to be
wholly unpunished. When i ir..01
of Harlem heard the screams of his Infant
suter ne am not stop to notify the
police, but promptly beat k.
aged 62 years. Into unconsciousness. When
v..o lu yeoman was seized with a fit
and was removed to i
critically 111. "0"l",
The police records show that during the
last thirty day. seventeen specific 'com!
plaints of assault upon g d. and womTn
have been reported In this city.
Pension Commissioner Warner Ara-aes
W ill Case la Illinois Clrcnlt
CLINTON, 111., July .-Arguments In
the case contesting the will of John
Warner, father of Vespasian Warner, com
missioner of pensions, were endod today
and Judge W. H. Cochrane will give his
decision next week. During the hearing of
the case It was charged tiiat John Warner's
second wife was partly of negro blood. The
widow, who la making a fight to get a
dower share of the wealth of John Warner,
aggregating 1,.Guo, was In court with her
two daughters, Mrs. Minnie Harrison Mel
tier of Chit ago and Mis. Arabella Warner
Bell of Clinton. She listened attentively
to Attorney Fuller, who made the argu
ment In behalf of Commissioner Warner,
ho Is seeking to prevent his stepmother
from breaking his father's will.
Attorney Fuller painted Mrs. Warner as a
ouonlng siren, tlia daughter of poor parents,
who Lad. Into hat meshes John w
nor. the banker. All the evidence. Attor
ney Fuller Insisted, showed that Isabella
Robinson had planned a hasty marriage and
that she did not allow her husband to see
her family for more than an hour on the
day of her marriage. May 2S, 1S74.
Now and then, when the lawyer made
reference to her cleverness In "trapping"
the aged bnnker Into a second marriage
or to the poverty of her father, Stephen
Robinson, or "Curly" Robinson, as he was
known In his home near Steuben, O., she
would smile disdainfully. Her daughters
also appeared to bs amused at the charges.
Mrs. Warner emphatically says her father
was white. She signed, she says, a pre
nuptlal agreement waiving her dower only
after the aged banker had deceived her
about the value of his estate.
Sixty Million Acres In Nebraska,
South Dakota and
WASHINGTON. July 27,-Tliat a coal
famine Is not necessary nor Imminent Is
the opinion expressed by Acting Secretary
Woodruff of the Interior department. In a
statement made public today he discussed
the coal area, as developed by the geo
logical survey, saying:
"Not including great areas of lignite,
which will be mined only after the more
valuable coal deposits are exhausted, the
geological survey has determined thut there
arc townships In the states and territories
west of South Dakota. Nebraska and Kan
sas, aggregating In all over (jn.uOO.Ono acres
of land, each township of which contains,
under its entire surface, or part of it,
workable deposits of ceal. The geological
survey has been busy for several years In
determining the location, quantity, quality
and workable condition of these coal de
posits. This work has been taken up with
the utmost vigor during tho present yeur,
and townships containing more than 2s,
OOrt.O'iO acres in which workable coal exist
have been examined and classllled.
"When one remembers that these classi
fied areas are most conveniently situated
with reference to transportation and set
tled districts and that every acre of them
Is subject to purchase from the govern,
ment, under the coal land laws. It Is easy
to see that If there Is to be a coal fumlne
next winter, such a famine will result only
from failure to mine the coal, which is
easily accessible."
Cripples and Paralytica Walk from
taurca and Itlind Woman
KANKAKEE, 111., July 27. Thousands
of persons attending the ninth day session
of the novena at the shrine of St. Anno
today luw several persons arise In St. Jo-
I seph's church and announce that they had
been healed of mummies.
Miss Mary Pierce, 18 years old, of
Delphi, Ind., said that she had been af
flicted with paralysis for four years, dur
ing which tlmo she had been unable to
walk. She left the church without sup
port. I 1iss Tialsv Lamond of TCanknkee ol.
most Ifllnd for thirty-two years, said she
was able to read without glasses at tho
close of the nine days of prayer.
George. Neary of Lost Nation, la., and
Michael McCormlck of Kinsman, III., botli
said they had been cripples from child
hood. They walked from the church to
day and said It was tho first time they
had walked since Infancy.
Elaht Prostrations Reported In St.
Loots Crowd Halds Ire Wagons
at Monroe, La.
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. July 27.-D. W. Pea-
body, aged 62, and Ernest Knlorino, aged
29, died today as a result of the heat yes
terday. Eight prostrations were reported
tonight, although the temperature did not
exceed eighty degrees today.
MONROE, La., July 2B. After a day of
terrible heat and dust, with the tempera
ture near 105 all the afternoon, Monroe Is
tonight without Ice and cold drinks. The
local artificial Ice plant cannot supply the
demand and nearby cities 'have cut off
their supply. A tralnload of Ice Is enroute
from New Orleans, due early tomorrow,
and It Is the only relief In sight. The few
Ice wagons which ran today were emptied
by small mobs on the streets.
Railroads Decline to Use Low Rate
During Trial In Other
KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 27. -The State
Board of Railroad commissioners today re
ceived letters from representatives of the
Union Pacific and Santa Fe railroads de
clining to put Into effect In Kansas emer
gency passenger rates of two cents a mile
during the pendency of the litigation to
test the validity of the two-cents-a-mlle
fare law. The letters were in answer to
a request from the railroad commission
ers that the railroads put Into effect a two
cent fare In Kansas, at least during the
time the two-cent fare laws are observed
In Missouri, Nebraska and Iowa.
No Change Made from Last Tear
nd Old Employes Are
The annual election of officers of the
)maha Public Library was held Friday night
and the old officers were re-elected for the
ensuing year. The officers re-elected are
Lewis S. Reed, president; Harry P. Deuel,
vice president, and George West, secre
tary. Miss Edith Toblt was re-elected as
librarian. A month's leave of absence on
half pay waa granted to Miss O'Brien, as
sistant librarian.
One Man Killed and Four Women
Seriously Injured Near
New York.
NE WYORK. July 71. In a plunge of an
automobile over a thirty-foot embankment
near Bernardsville, N. J., today, Herbert
Erbacher, the 18-year-ild son of the late
Victor Erbacher, a New York millionaire,
was killed and four other occupants of
the csr seriously Injured. Those Injured
are Mrs. Victor Erbacher, Miss Anita De
wltt. Miss Margaret Romans and Miss
Emma Randolph.
Developing Oil Kit-Ids.
LANDER. Wyo., July 27. (Special.)
Joseph H. Lobell of 1-ondon, England, who
now owns the Murphy or Henderson oil
wells at Dallas, left this morning for the
east to purchase additional drilling rigs,
material for a pipe line eight miles in
length to carry the oil to Lander and ma
chinery for a small oil refinery, which he
says he will build at once. He states that
he has French, Dutch and Swedish capital
ists who have had a careful examination
made of the oil fields and are ready to
supply him with all the carltal needed to
carry on this great enterprise. No local
capital has been asked for, but Mr. Ixibell
states that the p.ifpl'i of louder will be
asked to provide a site for the refinery
near town. Falling In that, the refinery
will be located about three miles below
Lander at Lucky Strike, where ample
grounds can be secured at a nominal
figure. Mr. Lobell states further that all
litigation will soon be closed, leaving him
self and asac&uatea rvady. to wseii with
Where to Find
The Bee When
You Travel
Atlantic City, N. J.
Majanw ft Taylor, M OoodsHU Av
Boston, Masa.
Vsndotn Bowl,
Tonraine Uotui Hews Stand. ;
Tfouag-s Eoua Bern ttUuidi
Buffalo, N. Y.
Oeassee Hotel.
Hotel Iroquois Sws Stand.
Hotel Xafyetta Nws Stand.
Bunnel Colin, 150 EUloott St.
Jas. X O'Keefa, l&alA and Court.
Chicago, 111.
Auditorium Kwi Btaad.
Auditorivr Annex News Stand.
Jos. Ht-.ou, SrtanA, Jaoksoa ajnf
Oreat Nurtnora Hotel Hews BtatUL
Full Of floe Mows Stand. 178 Dnuten
Grand Paciflo HoW Hsws sjtaad.
Stratford Hotel News Staad.
Valuer Hons News Btaad.
Cincinnati, Ohio.
fUnton Hotel Hews Btaad.
Hovlla Ketst Hews Stand
St. Bloaolas Hotel Howa Stand.
Cleveland, Ohio.
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Antlers Hews Majnd.
A. O. Wrignt.
la. X, Bell ft Oo.
Denver, Colo.
B. Rice.
Xendrlok Book and. BtaA. Oo , IM ITtst
X. r. Kansas.
Itrowm Valao XotsL
Des Moines, Iowa.
If orris Kobn, SIS B. and St.
Hotel Chamberlain Hews Stead.
Kirk wood Hotel Hews Btaad,
Haver? Hotel Hews StsuUL
Moses Jacobs, 60S Ma ft.
1 Paso, Texas.
A. M Vorbea.
Excelsior Springs, Mo.
T. M. ApplsgaM.
Slak and Oleves.
Fort Worth, Texaa
rt. WortU Mews Co.
Goldfield, Nev,
Xaouia rolls.
Hot Springs, Ark.
T. V. Marks, 834 Central A.
it. a. wyatt, aao OomnU Ave
O. K. Weaver Oo.
Hot Springs, S. D.
aim II Xargeaa.
Kansas City, Mo.
Union Ave. Besra Oo., Opposite Vsdoft,
Sua ton.
Toms Mews Oa Bth and Main.
Xicasecker Oigar Co. 6th and Walnn
Xiokseoker Otgar Oo , 13th and Walnu
Keld's news Ae'snoy, 818 Wall St.
Jenkins Cigar Co., bth and Walaas.
Baltimore Hotel News Stand.
Midland Hotel Hews Stead.
Hotel JCnpper.
Los Angeles, Oal.
B. B. Amos.
Asg-etua Hotel Raws Stand.
Alexandria Hotel news Stand.
Lankersalm Hotel Hews Stand.
Wesuniiurter Hotel Hews Stand
Memphis, Term.
World Xewa Oo.
Milwaukee, Wis.
Hotel Vnlster Hews Stand.
jr,ULk miilsem. Brand Ave. audv 9 4x
Minneapolis, Mum.
Oenttury Hews Co 8. 3rd Bs.
Minneapolis BtayUonecj Cto, 332 XeTvnaw
pin Ave.
M. J. Xavanauga, 48 8. 3rd St
West Hotel Uevrs sraaad.
Hotel Opera afewa Uuid, 321 1st Aesw
Mt. Clements, Mich.
X. X. Tjlahtig- Oa.
New York City, N. Y.
Breed way Theater Hews Stand.
Imperial Hotel Mews Stand.
Kuiokerbocke Hotel Uews Stabl,
Hoffman House Hews Btamd.
a rand Onion Hotel Hews Stand.
aloliaud Houss Mews Stand.
Muriay Hill Hews Stand.
Belmont Hotel Wears Stand.
'Waldorf-Astoria Mews Stand.
Manhattan Howl Haws Stand.
Aaor House Bnm Stand.
New Orleans, La.
St. CliarUe Xeeal Xewa Stand.
Norfolk, Va.
' Porta k Koala.
J Soluieiaar 4s Oar
Oakland, Cal.
Amos Hews Oo.
Hale Hews Oo, Me Tta St.
Ogden, Utah.
W. A Taylor. S49 Orent .
D. 1m. Boyle, 110 aotb St.
. Bray Hews Oe Depot Hewa
Ooddaxd Bros, See a&ta St.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Penii Hews Oo.
BsUevus Btratfovd Hotel
Walton Hotel Hewa Stand.
Pittsburg, Pa.
X. A. Bchafer Hews Co.. 3G7 3rd Ave.
rt. Pitt Hotel Hews Stand.
Hotel Henry siwii EtatAe.
Portland, Ore.
Carl Jonas, 875 WasiL, 00 dtk.
Bumuu iawi Co.
Oregon Hews Co, 147 8Xn St.
St. Joseph, Mo.
9. Berg sr. 618 Tld.mond BTt.
St. Louis, Mo.
Southern Hotel Mews Stand.
Planter Hotel Hews Stand.
Hotel Jeffesaoa Hews Stand.
B. T. Jsct
O. P. OcanaJa.
St. Paul, Minn
M. Bt. Maria.
C. Z. MUlsr.
Byan Hotel Hews Sfnl
Sacramento, CaL
Ames Xewa C.
Salt Lake City, Utah.
Hesenfsld Hansen.
Hotel Ms uie to ad keen
San Diego, OaL
B. X. Aaaos.
San Francisco, Cal.
H. WaseeisT Hews Stand.
United Hewa Agents, 11 Bdd.
Amos Hewa Oo.
Hotel St. PraouU Hew Stead.
Mew Paleos HuMt Mews Stand
Palrmont Hotel Hews swuss.
Seattle, Wash.
Joan Jefferson.
XBeraaUsaal Hewa On.
scut Hew Oo.
Prank B. Wilson. 807 Ptke St.
Halner Hotel Hews Bteud,
Betles Hotel Mews Stand.
Sioux City, Iowa.
West Hotel Hews Stand.
Mcndeuitn Hotel Mews Stead.
Oeraid PlUgtbeoa Hew ft mud
Spokane, Wash.
John W. Ore&aan.
wide wona
Oo, 1UH Post
Tacoma, Wash.
People Hewa Oa.
Washington, D. C.
ralrtaJB Hotel Hew Stand.
Xww WUlard H-Jtcl Hew Stead.
Hsw Hnlelga Hotel Hew SlaMnij
AssinsTtoa Hotel km Stand.