Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1907, WANT AD SECTION, Page 9, Image 17
u n THE OMAHA SUNDAY TiEEi STCJLT 28, 5907. ( OFFERED FOR SALE Mlacellaaeoaa Coatlnae. CONCRlrrn .hoUowl block machine; !m ptrnt, chpnt, b"t; making ? water- i fcoJrt. Louis, Mo. Jw!-JK'1'..y, PATENTS LARSON CO. Book fraa. Be Bid. (17)- -iu p. O. BATiNELL, patnt attorney and ma chin daalgner, Paxton blk. Tel. Red. 7117. (17) KtOAuglO PATENT fT al or royalty; Improved wlra trtriicr, oerVHl No. &7,Hfi2; a money maker. lc price $4.. tlood riaiun for Ulng. U. 11 Weyant. NacluiHa. Ill (17 frff A3x PERSONAL OMAHA Stammerer' Institute. ltmg bid. (1&J-867 SOME lady, over 25, that want a liom of hr own anwr t ti is. Olve full ad drmi. Write, M 161, Bee. (13) M4U) Zlx BEWIN'O machines rented. Neb. Cycle Co, lith and llama. 'Phone Uoat. l'Wa. (ll)- ( Ar.Vr.TTrtrMtn,eiit and bath. Mmt, MAUINXjXlgn,, ug N 1Mhf 2d flour, () mt FETW bargains In Jd-hand soda fountain, monthly payments. IXsrtfht, IMS r'arnam. (DO 4 ECZEMA abaolutaly cured by W. A. Pajtton Salve. B. J. Bcannell, agt., 60S War HI. (1) &13S SYRINGES, rubber good, by mall; cut prices. 6end for fiee catalogue. Myera PHlon Drue Co.. Omaha. (l-i PLEATINO Buttons. .RuchlnB. 1 UVnilllU Embroidery. Dyeing Vnd cleaning-, sponging and shrink ing only 6o per yard. Bend for price list and aamplea. OOLDMAN PLEATING-CO.. 10 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1934. fiACHHLOR are 37. wishes to make ac quaintance ol rpectable lady under ii. Address. K 7J0, Bee. U8( MU 2x TUB SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing; in fact, anything you do nut fieed. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 If. 11th St, for coat of collecting, to the worth poor. Call 'phone luug. 413S and wagon will call. (18j-411 TOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha aa s' rangers are Invited to visit the YounK Women's Christian Association moms. 1518 Farnarn atreet, where they will bs directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. US) 913 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, 120 N. 24th St. Tel. Doug. 3ut. Af AHTCTITTP Osteology and massage.'Mrj LIVj Vapor and tub baths. Room 2, 1204 Farnarn St., 2.1 floor. ON) M ISS A26 TlfF. Vr.TTF! Expert lady operator uLi-LLi AjiJJiU gives masuge baths and sal gclldus rub. Room -IK) iturkr Hlk., l&th and Farnarn. OH) 2X4 27x OMAHA Bteam Paste Co., manufacturers tiure flour paste, 2210 CumL.g. Telephone Douglas 1621. llSj PAINFUL burns, any sore or skin hurt quickly healed by Batin skin cream. 2&o. BCPtfRFLl'Ot'S HAIR, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allendur, 422 N. Y. Ufa. IW THH BON MARCHE TOILET PARLORS Electric, face massage and scalp treatment. shampoo and manicuring tor ladies and gentlemen; superfluous hair removed by electricity. Mrs. Kollcr and Ada Louns- bury, room 14 Ualdrlge Hldg., 20th and Farnarn. 'mone uoug. tii. u) cTlDN'S. lithe N I sold tx "8, women'! and children's shoes from Nortis stock selling aa shoes never before. Benson Thome, 1(17 l)oiig. las. 18) 66 28 THE Norrls shoes going at ridiculous price at 11.88. Bonsoo & Thorno, 1617 Douglas St. (IS) 6t m YOUNQ widow desires acquaintance of a respectable gentleman between 36 and 40. object, social amusement and mat trlmony. Address B 742, care Bee. (IS) G.'0 28x MIDDLE AOKD widow, good looking, wealthy, tired of single life, would cor respond with gentleman, object matri mony. Box 104, Elgin, 111. (181673 2Sx FREE Your fortune told; future and past wonderfully revealed by the greatest phil osopher, astrnlogist, clairvoyant. Bend birth data and stamp now. Prof. Cress well, Box 410, Aurora, 111. (IS) 674 2x FRRE Your fortune told, future and past revealed, surprising, by America's eminent philosopher, astrologlst , clairvoyant Bt. John, 12 Sheldon St., Chicago. Bund birth date and stamp. Know thyself. (18) 680 28x 1 1" PRETTY orphan girl, 22 year of age, worth V I'jg.ujO, desires to correspond with gentle- man with view to matrimony. Address, Lock Box 4. East Boston, Mass. (IKi577 IK RETIRED business man, wealthy but lone some, wishes to correspond. View, matri mony. No oV)ojon to poor woman. Box 4. Elgin. 111. (18) 6i9 2ix YOtTNO widow, fine appearance, wealthy, wishes to correspond with view to matri mony; no objection to poor man. (illnn, Ui B. 22d St. (18) 584 tM WEALTHY business man wishes Immedi ately a true and loving wife, fond of home life. Ad. Hill, 22og Wabash Ave., Cbloago. (18-6SZ 28x WHY suffer from dyspepsia, constipation, ncrvnutmoHs, rheumatlsmT Particulars free r Kurdlng a wondetful remedy that will cure quickly. Endorsed by doctors. Write Kramer supply Co., l&M uiatousn Ave.. Brooklyn, N. N. X. (181-681 28x A NICE, i.salthy baby girl for adoption. Address H , care Bee. (18) 670 Six BUSINESS MAN of good appearance wishes the acquaintance of a good-looking lady over 24; Herman preferred; ob ject matrimony; give full description In first letter. Address confidentially, H801, car Bee. C18) 689 2Sx WOULD like to correspond with maiden lady or widow matrimonially Inclined. Address Y 148, care Bee. (18) &)8 28x WOULD like to correspond with maiden lady or widow matrtmonully Inclined. Ad dress Y 148, care Bee. Ub CM Six REAL ESTATE BKAL KITaTB DBaLEHs. RUSSELL A M KITKICK CO.. 432 Ramge, Mil W. H. TURRELL, 16 Patterson Blk. Doug. 112. 41i tKsd PAYNE INV. CO.. 1st floor N. Y. L. Doug. Hal. (W-Nxi L W. BUNNELL CO., (23 N. Y. Li fa Douglas 614. at) MM) R. C PETERS CO.. Dee Bldg. (1)-8T ALFRED C. KENNEDY. V First Natl Bank Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 723. Cl 84 aSOKOB COMPANY. 1J1 remain. Tel. Douglas 761 CITY PHOPERTT FOR IALbV MUST BELL Uiat elght-roont modern house at J12J TRT STREET. One of the best located properties In northern part of elty. South front, let tux 124. ahads trees, cement steps and brick walks, large barn. Asking 34.600 for the place, oust 16,000 .to build, will take small property as part payment W. H. QATE3, Room OT New York life BulMlng. 'Phone Douglas ISM. q- 3S8 r. BEMI8 PARK. Two beautifully ailuaUd lots, eOxlST feet J h ammt frnnl im tiil.iia.J 1.1 1, - nw.v.viv, wu U,UV AS to car. 00 grade; corner, XtjO; Inside. tlM. Meet be eold bf ewaer at auoe, u4 I- tajreU Ave. W-HM REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR t ALB (Continued.) D. V. SHOLES CO. 11) Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Doug. 49. $1.6ft). 312 ParkiT St., 60x130 ft, with story and a half 4-roum well built houe; water and gas. (Jood shade. A bargain. $i,26Jk N. W. corner 3th and Taylor Sts., 64xlUi ft.. v.itli I. rand new 6-room all modern liouse, except furnace: ready to move In; well built, street paved and puld. Block from car. i:;iev terms. Uet busy. t.',3(i. 4ol2 Nicholas Bt., 7 rooms all mod- erii except furnace; fine shade and fruit In yard. Its all right. 331(0. (n Cat-s Bt., between 31st and 32d, 1 storv 6-rofm all modern home, with iV'xlCO ft. lot. Nice high loca tion and very desirable. Cheap at the price. One block from Har ney car. 13,200. 7-room story and a half fronting on Hanecom Park, hot water heat, porcelain bath, all modern conven lenc es, 60 ft. lot and all paving paid. This Is cheap. 16,000. fiaet front on 4"th near Chicago St., 60 ft. lot; a good well built 8 room all modern house. Will be on the new car line as soon as completed. Is worth the money. Can erlve possession any time. $6,000. 41M and Douglas Bt.. MOxlS ft-, lies fine, facing south, with nearly new 7-room all modern well built hack tilaKtered house. Part oak finish. Splendidly arranged. Stone walks. 120 So. 37th Bt., between Farnajii and lodg, new 8-room dwelling, thoroughly modern, Holland oak finish down stairs, white enamel above. Completely decorated and strictly up-to-date. Brand new, ready to move In. On 4i)th near Davenport, east front, 10-room modern residence, oak fin Itl.OOO. $11,000. ish, hot water heat. Large grounds, 86x111 ft. House alone cannot be duplicated under flO.ono. Want a proposition on this right away. It can be bought at a snap, INVESTMENT. liS.OOn. Rental. ..!X per year or IS pel cent. A three-story brick building, t'rfi ft. square, three stores and six flats. Immediately between lfith and Furnnm and the Union Depot. Only five tenants, all prompt pay. The lieFt paying proposition in Om.iha. 310,oti cash and $16,000 from one to five years, at GV4j per cent. 310,000. B. W. cor. 28th and Harney Sts., 7ftrH0 ft., with two new well con structed modern 8-room dwellings. Rental, 31.iou per year. Room for two or three more houses. EXCHANGE. $1)0.000. 132x13? ft., with 9 modem steam heated flat building, six of 14 rooms each and three of 9, renting for 30.MO Der vear: taxes. Insurance and fixed charges, t.&)0. or $5,240 net. 8 per cent net Investment. One-third In good land, one-third cash and one-third mortgage. ACRES KEYSTONE PARK. The choicest acre proposition ever of fered In Omaha. Tracts of from 14) to 10 acres, at $176 to $376 per acre. One mile west of Benson. Write or see us for plat and prices. 09)-33 28x . For Sale Three modern 9-room houses, 507, 509, 511 South 25th Ave. Rents for $1,170 a year. Lot 6Gxll2. Price, $9,000; terms $2,500 cash, bal ance $500 a year from July 1st, 1908, interest 5 per cent. Pays 13 per cent on investment. Thomas Brennan Room 1 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 1264. Take the wife and babies for a drive to Keystone park and you will be well re paid for the expense. 1) 24TII And VINTON Choice business lot on paved St., must go. $300. A fine corner lot, nicely terraced, on paved street, one block to car, $560. For quick sale, list your property with ua. J. W. RASP CO. 435 Puxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1663. (19) 628 23 BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN RESIDENCE SITE 9-acre tract located at the head of Flor ence Boulevard, directly east of Miller park, oxtendlng from N. 24th Bt. l,32o feet east. Part of the ground lays some twenty feet higher than Miller park and has a commanding view. This Is without a doubt one of the choicest auhurhan building sites on the market. Price $10,0tx; has city water and la near car. C. O. Carlberg, lt N. Y. Life Bldg. 0) Rents for $1,080. We want an offer on three 10-room 2-story brick flats, located on Bouth 10thjiear Hickory. 'Phone Doug. 686. Bemls, Paxton Block. li- SNAP Large 10-room house, arranged for two families. In first-class shape, all modern except heat; large east-front lot, with large 3-story barn; close In, near loth and Leavenworth Bts $3,760. Robinson & Wolf, 423 Paxton Blk. 01 $ 2 $240 GREAT SNAP I am forced to sacrifice this to pay judg ment against me 19x124. 26th and Fort 8. O. NullDviUlST, Owner, tl 8. Joth St, (19 637 28 NICE HOME NORTHWEST PART OF CITY Nine-room house, completely modern, large barn, permanent walks, payed street, lot 60x130, close to car. Tide Is a snsp. Let us show you through. Price. $2,860. WM. E. P.OMA1N. Douglas 116k. Wa Board of Trade. (UV-B71 H RARE OPPORTl'NITY-W.i'O-Three lots. l"7xU3 feel; 13 bearing fruit trees, new 6 rooin house, rloae to car, east front; high and sightly; a fine home. Ut N. Y. Liln. Tel. Had $211 (i REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR AVU (Continued.) GEORGE Dundee Tel. Douglas. 75. To those wishing to combine a wise real estate Investment and a home, we iT buy In Dundee. Omaha Is growing rapidly towards the west along the Dodge Street road and lot values are steadily increasing. Good building lots have ben selling well In Dundee since early spring. Before Investing elsewhere you owe It to yourself and family to visit Dundee and look over the ground. Come out today. Take a West Karnam-Dunee oar and go to the end of the line and you are in the midst of the lots we are now offering. You will enjoy the good air and pleasant surroundings and you may decide to make this tour future home. Tou have doubtless noticed recently the Increased tax rate in the city of Omaha. Please bear in mind that Dundee has only village taxes tn pay and not Omaha city taxes, for Dundee Is a separate and distinct village, having its own government. It baa all the conveniences that can be had In the cltyof Omaha and Is one of the most beautiful suburbs of this large and growing city, we have some of the choloest lot which are now being offered in thin suburb, at the low price of $660 each, terms one fourth cash, balance at t per cent WEST FARNAM HOME $8,000.00 for $001 Davenport Bt New home, having large rooms and reception hall, it Is thoroughly modern and up-to-date. Cemented basement and good laundry, large cistern, laoes sou in on aspnau pavea street. This Is aa exceptionally well constructed home. $7,600.00 for 137 N. $2nd Ave. 9 rooms, full two stories and attic, five bed rooms. House has been recently painted on the outside and every room papered; quarter sawed oak finish on the first floor, combination gas and electric fixtures all new; hot water heating plant, stationary wash tubs In basement Property is now vacant and we can give immediate possession. For further particulars call at our office. We have the key here and can show you this property at any time. KOUNTZE PLACE HOME 1924 Kmmet Bt for only $4,900.00; large south front lot 74x114 ft Tlenty of room to build two more houses if desired. House has just bei painted and Is In good renalr. Call at our office for the key and look the property over at your convenience. This Is one of the new style square houses built only two years, quarter-sawed oak finish first floor; $ laxge rooms; combination, gas and electrlo fixtures. We can make terms right if you mean business. GOOD nOMES FOR SALE $3,800 for 416 S. 28th Ft ft rooms, all modern, oak finish, close In. Corner lot, east front on asphalt pared street $3,760 for 1915 Cat. SU, large lot 60x132 ft, room to build several brick flats. $3,300, 8 rooms, all modern, 2710 Bristol St A cheap proposition. $2,800 for 524 8. 85th St, 7 rooms, large lot 66x124. Room to build I more houses. $2,600 for 2816 N. 28th St, 8 rooms, modern except furnace; good lot only one block from street oar. , $3,600 for 2707 Davenport 8t, 8 rooms, modern except furnace. $2,800 for 2634 Davenport St, rooms, lot 88x100. UNIMPROVED 179 ft frontage on Harney St., near 85th Ave., part doable frontage on Dewey Ave. All streets paved and paid for In full. Property well Improved, very desirable location for apartment house or several brick flats. $1,660 for east front lot on 25th St, $1,500 for west front lot on 21st St, Home Sites. f, 000 46x158 on Bouth 24th, near Vinton. 00060x160, on South 28th, near Shirley. $ 900 6fx75, south front on Poppleton, near Z7th. $ 900 -44x186, east front on South 10th, near Bancroft. $ 800611x124. west front on 23d, near Man derson. $ 75060x1321, south front on Seward, near 33d. $ 700 Full east front lot on paved street, 34th and Frances. $ 60078 feet frontage on North 24th, near Hlmebaugh Ave. $ 460 4ox L24. east front on 25th, near Blondo. $ 400 Full lot on Fort, near 27th. Lots south and adjoining Miller Park $100 to 83U0 each 46 down and $6 per month. 'Phone Doug. 685. Bemls, Paxton Block. 09) BRAND NEW 6-room cottage, 24x36; large bath, floored attic, bricked up cellar, level lot, elegant gas and electric light fixtures; will be papered attractively to suit; double floors; everything in "tip top" condition; located at 3th and Boyd, just a block south of Ames Ave car line. Price $2,000, $500 cash, balance same as rent C. G. Carlberg, 811 New York Life Building. 09V- Where Is Keystone park? One mile west of Benson post office, either straight west from Benson or out Military avenue. (19) COTTAGE HOME Five rooms nearly new, city water and gas, S. front, large lot, one block to car, only $1.4X $200 cash and $20 per month. Another new 6-room cottaae. all modern. beet plumbing, latest combination fixtures, choice 8. front, lot two blocks to Dodge car line, cement walks In front and around the house, a rare bargain at $2,600. $6u0 cash takes it J. W. RASP CO. 435 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1663. (19)-627 28 ACRES AND CITY PROPERTY. Ten acres on hill north of Florence, with small house, all for $1,600. Can make terms. Ten acres near Hlmwood Park. Ltiys fine. $360 per acre. Ten acres near Ruser's Park and 6-room house, barn, etc.; all kinds fruit. Ideal fruit, garden and chicken tract, $4,000. One, two and five-acre tracts just south of Dundee, at rea sonable prices and terms. 2603 N. 20th St. comer Ohio, 6-room, all modern cottsge; lot has 40 ft. frontage on Ohio by 123 ft on 20th St. boulevard. You can't beat this for $2,000. Paving, sewer, sidewalk, gas, water, all In and paid for. 100x128 ft., or two beautiful lots In southwest Farnarn dis trict and a -room cottage, only 5 years old). $3,000 takes it all. You can nearly see the "state house" at Lincoln from these lots, so the view must be superb. - S. ARION LEWIS, Acre Specialist 834 New York Life. tt9) A SNAP 8-ROOM MODERN nOME Plastered Attto. Two blocks from 24th St car. Bouth front. Lot 60xlti8, paved street. 2670 Poppleton Ave. Inquire at 2mk Poppleton Ave. (1) -M6T2 29 GENUINE BARGAIN Fight rooms, walking distance; closets, boulevr.rd and car line, beautiful corner lot, large shade trees; must be sold at once at extremely tow price of $2,860. National Investment Co. Douglss Blk. Doug. tiSi. (19) TWENTIETH AND GRACE Almost Walking Distance A new 7-room strictly modern house on paved street and car line; very up-to-date. This Is the ene you bave bean look ing for. Price. $3,460; well worth every piny of It V. S. FRANK, Tel. Doug. teOQ. 821 Neville Blk. Uty-aU 27 REAL ESTATE CITY PHOPERTT FOR BALIS. 'Continue j & CO. 1(01 Farnarn Street Very expensive hot water heating plant. near Cass. Choice. 66 ft north of California St Cm- CARLBERG 'S SUB-DIVISION Blondo St between 26th and 27th Sts. South front lots, 88ft $S60; north front lots, 36ft. $600. Above prices include per manent cement walks and lots brought to grade. Only a few left Five modern houses in course of construction. Street will be paved this summer. Walking dis tance, easy terms, $50 cash and balance $10 monthly. Practically same prices and terms prevailing on lots sold three mllee further out. Vou can t come near duplicat ing as close In, C. G. Carlberg, 8W N. Y. Life Bldg. 09) 28th. Near Woolworth. 6-room, partly modern cottage, full lot, 60x140, faolng east 42,000. 'Phone Doug. UKk Bemls, Paxton Block. U9) 2210 FOWLER AVE., BUILT .TO ORDER, NEW, MODERN Beautiful south front lot. 66x138 feet, fine terrace, cement steps and walks all around, quarter sawed oak floors, large living rqom, 16x26 feet, birch fireplace, beautifully papered, four good bedrooms, large Moored attlo, large porch, pressed brick foundation, porcelalned lined laund dry, tubs in basement, fine furnace, everything the bests can't be dupli cated for $6,000. Owner will sell this on monthly payments to responsible party at reduced price If sold soon. NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE, MOD ERN, PRICE REDUCED TO $2,550 IF SOLD BY AUG. 1 At 22d and Laird we have a fine little 6-room house just completed, well built; Interior wood work stained, nice combination fixtures, finest modern open plumbing, ce mented cellar; first floor has large square reception hall, parlor, dining room -and kitchen; second floor has two nice bedrooms, bath, with large closets. This Is on a full lot. 50x124 feet, 2 blocks from 24th St. car line; we can sell this for 8600 down, about $26 or $30 per month. Don't let this oppor tunity pass by. SIX LARGE ROOMS, NEW, $2,200, EASY TERMS We offer for the first time a splen did new partly modern house, with 5 large rooms on first floor and one fin ished and one unfinished room on second floor, large front porch, full south front lot high and sightly, be tween Omaha and South Omaha. 34th AND HAMILTON, EIGHT ROOMS, $4,500 We have Just listed this splendid 8-room entirely modern house; has oak finish, full basement, good fur nace, cement block foundation; fine south front corner lot, nice terrace. Look at this. It's good. 16th AND PINKNEY, $3,100 We have a fine large 7-room square house on full lot: paved street, per manent walk, all paid for: modern except heat. The owner will put In any kind of heat desired: cemented cellar; right on car line. This sounds good and Is good. Hastings & Heyden 1704 Pamam St Bee Bldg. (19)- WHAT A. L. THOMAS SAYS OF KEYSTONE PARK Payne Investment Company, Omaha, Neb. Gentlemen: Why did I buy In Keystone ParkT That Is easily explnlned. We hs 4 ved In the home place on Key stone Pa, for nearly seven years. When we heard you had bought the land from the late W. A. Paxton we had no thought of buying a portion of the tract, but when we saw how beautiful you had made the place, with Its winding boulevards and thousands of trees and shrubs, we decided It was the nlcrset location for a suburban home near Omaha. When you put the price on the home place at $7,000 we didn't discuss the matter more than twenty-four hours before we paid you the money and had the receipt. We consider it the best bargain for the money to be had anywhere In Omaha. Very truly yours. A. L. THOMAS. (19) MUST SELL Good Investment 6-room cottage near 2d and Hslf-Cass; Just reduced from $1 2f"); make offer. F. C. BUST, 821 N. Y. L. (19)-6S 28 MUST SELL LAST CALL tn excellent opportunity for colored peo ple to secure a good home This place must g before July $u Furniture for sale at a sacrifice. Everything gone. Come early and get bargain. Inquire Uue (U1 fti, aJ-4U 14 REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALK. (Continued.) Chris Boyer 22d and Cuming Sts. will kntertal n okf10r3 on thk Following properties: 7 rooms, modern except fur nsce, JHth St., about 8 blocks South of Leavenworth, full lot, $3,900. 6- room houss and 8-room, on Davenport between th and U)Lh Sis., lot toxiSi, $l.b'.0. 7- room house on Parker, be tween tth and Seth Sts., full lot, $i,100. 9- room house, modern except furnace, lot 40x160, Franklin St., between iSth and )th Sts., $3,000. 8- room house, city water, lot 8CX182, gas In kitchen, good barn, lsard St., between 2Ulh and 21st, UOOO. 1-story frame store building, lot 40x104, 24th Ht., between Fpauldlng and Sprague Sts., $:,8U0. Two 6-room houses, modern except furnace, 2GUi near Cum ing, $6,600. 7-room house, modern except furnace, good barn, lot xltt, located on Burt St., near 27th. Price $2,v if taken soon. 6-room house, lot 40x63, cKy water In kitchen, 2)07 Seward St., $1,300. 6-room house, city water, good cistern, lot 50x127, on Bug gies, between 27th and aitlt Sts., $1,700. 10- room modern i,n Cuming, between 40th and 41hI Si., Kooti i,i,. iil 5,.m. Uverythir.K in good condition. 4-room house, lot 63x100, city water and sewer, 2th Ave and Rubles, $1,600. 6-room house, cistern, water, grape vines and currant bushes, lot 48x150, 3120 Burt St., $1,500. Make offer. Corner lot 68 ft. on Cuming St., h8 ft. on Burt St., 3:0 on 27th Ave., with two houses, $8,000. Good house, 6 large rooms, city water In kitchen and good cistern, lot 83x127, Price Threo lots with 4-room house, northeast corner S2d and Corby Sts., $2,000. VACANT Lot on Webster St., between S3d and 34th Sts., 65x100, $1,000. Txit on Webster St., between 27th Ave. and 2!lh St., SoxUx), $700. Two lots, 27th and Saratoga, 100x127, $050. 30th. and Manderson, lot 60x127, $U0. Two vacant lots on SSth St., between Pratt and Spauldlng, $200 for both. Several lots In Benson, $450 each. On Cuming, between 4oth and 41st, lot 26x120. Make offer. TO TRADE 160 acres of land In Wheeler county, $10 per acre. Will trade for house and lot In Omaha. CHRIS BOYER REAL ESTATE. RENTALS. END AND CUMING STS. PHONE DOUO. 2049. (19) 620-28 For Sale New all modern six room house, oak finish; corner lot, 50x120; ce ment walk. Taken un der forced sale and now offered at cost. Price $3,625, payable $300 down, balance in monthly payments of $30, at 6 per cent inter est. 40-foot lots in West Farnarn St. District at $800 each and on easy terms. CHAS. H. BROWN 407 Brown Block 'Phone Douglas 1528 (19) 694-28 Walnut Hill. Near 40th and Charles. Aa fine an 8 room home as you can And for $t,5o0. 'Phone Doug. 6t& Hernia, Paxton Block. (1S)- MG SNAP 8-room, strictly modern, except heat; cor ner lot located on ZHih and Ruggles. Price, $2,5o0. C. O. Carlberg, 91f N. Y. Life Bldg. (19) COTTAGES We have two 6-room cottages, close In, on paved street, rented for 150 per month, on the 8. W. corner of 25th Avu. and In diana Ave. We will sell thtaa cheap. Act at once. See them and submit offer. Quoted price, $2.4f0. IJoliinhon & AVolf, 43 Paxton 111k. (19I-&7 38 $4,000 WILL BUY A good t-rooin house, with bath room, good barn, nice lawns, permanent walka, paved street, near hlxh school and ('relghton college, and half block from Harney street car line. W. H. GRIFFITH. 2521 Chicago Pt. U too M Bouth Side Property, Must be Bold. 7-room, new modem houae, near lMh and Ontario; permanent waja and good loca tion. Bee ue about this oulek; price $3,0u0. BIRKBTT T It B ft ENS, 33 bee lild. "Phuu Loug. 4764. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOH S4.1.R. (Continued.) 0'Kecfc Real Estate Co. W EST FARNAM. Full lot on S. 40th St., tnst front, only $t.:00. On 33d St., near Dutine. oast front. ;.0xU.". $2,000. On Dowry Ave, corner lot, t'.GxK'.:'. Hh H-room house, room to Imilui flats, t4.o 00. On 39th St.. rear PoiIro, GCxl.".."., $4. On Karnaiu St., near 3od. SO-ft. front, for flats or gtorcs. only $r.O pf front foot. l'.KMlS PARK DISTRICT. I North of the park 5-rooni cottacr, tuodi rn iviopt ftirnnco, full lot, 14 Two blocks from park, near convent !-r., nil modern, lot 00x120, $3, oOO, block to car, reduced for quick sale to $2. "00. Ou car line, north of park S-r., all modern home, Just finished, delight ful location. $4,000, On Hurt St., corner lot, S-r.. nil modem, $4,200. On Lafayette Ave., new 7-r. nil modern home, first floor finished In oak fin neighborhood. $5,000. Near 40th and Cumliift, 10-r., nil modern, s. front, on paved st., $4,750, (1KT Ht'SV. Ijook at these Imrgnhm and MAKK on-'KH Uils week: North of IirlM-:iv- .".-r .;!'. on full lot, 1,I"0. On 2Sth Ave, ncur K.irnam cur. J r. cottage, rent for $IC. What la this worth) to you? 8. K. corner 19tli nd Mitmlrmin, lot f.Oxlto. t-otttiuo rciitins: for $10 per tnonttl nd room to hull, I three more. Two full lota nenr '.'Mil nod Fort. P. ntli front. On Mnml-mon, neur L'Tlh. lull lot. owner lll ITUMSH M11XKY TO TU'Il.I 2414 N. 17th St.. ,',-r. (Oltiine, rents for $ 1 1, ; nnd newer. On Walnut IH1I. Mock from, 1 block 1 1 oiu nchnol, full hn, 9-ft hous small ensh rnsnient down. On S ?"th St., corner lot. 6.1x100, S huxe rooms, nil modern. Kirn. MT'ST SLU.U THIS WKICK Fine sriU'UHAN IU'SlNrsS omNKIl, ."Oxlf.0, on new S. "4tli St, car Una. KASTKU.V XKBKASKA LAND. ' . SO acres, west of KI-MWooji 1WHK. run e.islly he dHMed Into trnrt cf 5 and 10 acres. F.vcr-tlow lns .rlns. line view. ILKA I. t'olNTUV lloMK. Ksi'ectiilly good for dairy purfnses. , , . Nenr A.IIKAN'I- 1T.1 iiercs In Saunders county, nil level, Improved xvitft 8-r house, barn, etc. Price. $H0 per m re. WKSTHKX LAM). 1C0 acres, five miles from H. In Klmlmll county, land Is level, Witt blacH soli and clsv sulsoll. tJrlee, Li -i" per acre. 3L'0 H.rex. ti ne miles from It. It . same kind of Foil ns iil.ove: $i..2j pepacra, ruction in Kind, all county, I'.'c mil, from K. It.; per u, r-. .n.,.re ranch In western Nel.raska, n.od Impi ov. inent can ho sold ttt bRrSi,110,0aViVreB'riiUNe'hraska nnd Colorado, m arly nil smooth land; $6.23 pi'P actA Terms can he araned. . . Sellers of Snaps $1,6504145 RrsHlne, cozy 6 room c dtnue, Kood barn, fruit and shade trees. i $2,1504209 Cumin. 7 rooms, hath. Bas, city water and sewer, paved street, and two blocks from cor. Very easy terms to responsible party. $2,6004 rooms, modern except furnace, on Srith, south of l.oa en worth. $3,000 Fine 9-ronm modern house In splen did repair, near tli and Hamilton. $4.600 Attractive 7-room. new and modern homo, N. 24tli Ave and Haniey, combination fixtures, closet and bath. Tho place for you if you nppreciitit" being right down town. $5,000 Kleitnnt R-room home. Jf. 3".th Ave. ana t'oppieion, rtm m iifm i u, the Field' club district. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor New Tork Llfo Hid. 'Phone Douglas 17S1. Five-Room Cottaco. , . ,.- Un.nAtr t rout nf illlP' hag bam, chicken house, back yard sot to fruit, electric uunm, aim i ju" ' you are looking for $l.tiix--$r.oo cash. Phone Doug. oat). iiumis, runun "Jjjj NEW HOME. North part of city, ono Mock from cur, new 8-room nil modern house, reception hall, parlor, dlnlnK room, kitchen, butler'n pantry on first floors four bed rooms, large closets, linen c.lcset in hall and bath room on second floor and stairway to largo attic; full ttb.u basement, best of furnace, bi-.-'t nickel plumbing; outside and intsido cellar wa ; combination, fixtures. Lot on perfect grade, with cement' walks around house. This la especially well built house. Best bargain in the city today for $;!,00. COTTAdE HOME. Five rooms, city water, gas, toilet, sewer, ast front lot, permanent walks, brlcked:up cement-floor cellar, new roof, newly papered and painted, and all plumbing in first-class condition throughout; in excellent neighborhood, two blocks from Kountze Place. Price, tl.ooO; easy terms. On Capitol Ave., west of Hiph school, o-room cottage, on lull size south front lot; three bed rooms, dining room, kitchen and bath room, with bard pine finish throughout; full si.o basement; in good condition, but owner Is leaving city and must sacrifice. Price, $2,300. INVESTMENT. Three-story and basement brick building on South 13th St., first floor ha three good store rooms, necond and third floors rented at present for hotel purposes. Owners are very anxious to sell. See us for price. ACREAGE. Seven acre near 3 8th and Grand Ave., which can be platted into 3C good Size lots, or can be subdivided Into acre tracts. Price, to close uu estate, $ 2,500. VACANT. East front on 3Cth St.. near Jackson St., COxlOG, paving all paid, about four feet above grade. Snap at $2,100. South front on Fowler Ave., near Florence rioiilevard, 60x133; $700. South front on Spencer St., near 25th Ave, three leet above grade, y anent walks, water, sewer and eas; $500, easy terms. W. F AH NAM Telephone Douglas 10C4. New Homes on West Dodee Street If you are seeking to buy a bouse ready to move Into look over the three new ones we have erected on the southwest coiner of 22d and Dodge Sts.; the doors will be open today; they have all modern conveniences, including HOT WATF.K HEAT, and are finished in oak and mahogany; well lighted attics above and ce mented basements below. Hl'Y A NEW HOUSE; IT IS CLEAN, HEALTHFUL AND SANITARY. We are making prices that you cannot duplicate. CALL US VP Douglas 698 AND UET OUR PRICE. It. C. PETERS & CO., E20 S. 17th St., Uee Uulldlng. New House of Seven liooius. Near &d and Franklin. Will bo Hi l.-lu-d In about a week $2,jo0. 'Phone Doug. li nils, Puxton l!, k. il'ii- A IJAKUA1N, iM,K(M) (7714 tt'.uth 2nth t.) 6-room i.uuso. First story brick, second story frame. 4 rooms on each floor. llouso built fur two families. In good repair. Iot 45i:6Sx ft. fctreet puved. All fcoeclal taxes paid In full. M'CAaUal 1 N V KH T M FIN T CO.. VM Dou fct. REAL ESTATE CITY rnoir.HTY I'Oll sAr.n (Continued. (19) ALMOST iTAV IIOMKS ON KASY PAYMENTS North Side, one block to Podge Ht. car, 6 rooms, city water, guB and toilet 4ju4 down; price, $1,400. Near above, 5-room Iioufc, city water, gno4 cellar, full lot, with tries $.00 downj price, $l,4io. Two fi-ronm houses, modern except furnar brand now $i!,0"0 cuch. SOUTH SIDE isth near Center St., 7-room house. In beat repair, full lot-l'oV uukk sulo, $1,600. Homer, near 11th St. car. 7-ronm house, In perfect eonilliion. Jit y and cistern water, beautiful lot. It is very cheap nt $1,00. I'.th, near Center, 5 rooms, pns. city watet and sewer, alone wulks t'iOuO. We have also very good cholco of vacant lots. P.KKKA & CO. 'Phone Dour. 7497. 9118 N. T. Ufa. wont rarnaoi jioinu. Flegant home, located on Farnarn Pt., rlKht In the heart of the best residence district In this city, lot louxlVJ. Owner died recently, leaving this property, which must be sold to settle Up the estate. Price $3i,Krt. i ....... r..-. 1. .: 1'iiYtitti ltloek. Phono Doub. C)fij 1 lends, Paxton HloeK. SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnarn Streot, (i) For Sale House, close to town; 10-room modern house, northwest corncri Eighteenth and Hurt. $4,500. The Byron Reed Co. 'Phono i!'J7 (19). 2.") ACRE FRUIT FARM HARK OI'l'iiltTl'MTV. HK1ZK IT. ' Secure this 2'Hiiir improved fruit farm, r Ik I it in tho corner of (iimilm, for le.n thun prices puld lor farm land adjoining iliy; acii iic, i- h. liinu for ) to an ll'le; thlH lace (an l bought for fjf0 ail Here;, two m ix Iioum'm; ttlout 10 aciea in fruit; old api'ln orchard and new ono- In, In arum, "ii i room l ! rn half aor rod riii-i't'cri -It b; plenty of caily lttclniiond and, lute cherries. acl.cM. nice vino) urd, etc. j can doui'lii ai.,1 iiulrujjlu your jnoiicy wiii-n on jji t nuuy tu audlvldo. prlc "sfilMEIf & CHASE CO., I;i:sr HAU'IAINS JN lUVALTY, lf 'J 1- ai mini iumkh I'roiit. IjouhUh Swrt (l!ti3 J Ki It KAI.K. iwi!I!iik No i i:; N. ,;nih St., with twij u iil one-t iii.J Ion utt.iclmii; 3 looms, hulL III ;i!,inu uml H i ooiiiH and hull below. Laundry with hot and cold water. Froiila on Itnuiet ui d. Veiy dcn'ruhlu home. Itwellmt; .No 4 :S l'ainuin, four lance rooms and I. .ill aliove and hiuiio tx:iow. liuth, hot and nil water. Hot air furnaca, fciatu and inaiilel, loon y and Weil located, r'ull lot witn bain. ii. v. uiuvmi. lica n. sh st. n