Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1907)
HELP WANTED MALE Agents nA Ulrtmra-1 oattnaed. vanaof.r or SALESMEN. -1 want man, uperienccd. with lest references and record inn others need apply I. for developing and managing real estate salesmen, my Ideal would a men who ran II hlmilf and get others to do o. who could take up one of our out-of-town territories 'It In out of New York and Brooklyn that the best real ratal money ran he msdei and develop It, adding- another within eBay railway dis tance in goon aa he could get the first o It would run Itself with moderate over sight, and o on until he should have a state or a little group of states paying him an annual tribute for his brains and energy that ought to run to iJft.uil or more; t inn ahow how men In our laet previous operation did thla or better, and successful aa have born our previous developments they were am all a onm pared with Resell, where $8.nui.of4 la being; spent for Improvementa, anv suc cessful solicitor who la making lea than litMl a year at hooka, at advertising, at real estate or In any similar line Is not doing- himself Justice If he doea not en deavor to qualify for this rare chance, tall or address A RTHUIl FTUNK-HHirn-in, room 226- east 26th St (Mad ison iniiarn), New York City. (9J-6R4 28 pAIjESMAN WANTED-Spare hours or entire time. We own number of scholar- hlps In a local business college which we will sell ,.t a liberal discount, fan you sell them? Big eommiss'on If you can Also own scholarship -.""i other schools, all parts country. Write today for particulars. Columbia School Agency, Manhattan Bldg., Chicago. (9 Gw 28x AQF.NTH W A NTKI for the most wonder ful money maker sold today for agents, street men. distributing agencies, etc.; hlcgest success on record. When oper ated people stop, look, listen, become fascinated-buy. Demand world-wide; agents making $l'i to $.' a day. (let "next' quickly. Write Handy Things Co Lud irgton, Mich. () 68 28x V'ANTED Traveling salesmen. A large manufacturer requires the services of two voung men to call on the drug and generel store trade In Nebraska: goods constantly In demand; well advertised line; can be handled the year round. State age. rxperh nee, lines handled. In first letter. Replies confidential. Rox 566, Chicago. 9l 670 28x A. A. W. SOMMERFIEI.D A CO., On clnnatl, o. desire salesmen for Iowa, Kans.-is. Nebraska find the west to sell the well established "Four Hundred" guaranteed brand of suits anil two-piece suits from J1 ,V) to $!?. Trousers, II to $4 Oarment lienr label rending, another garment free If not sat lafactorv. Thirty .tears experience bark of It. State sales, territory, reference and previous experi ence. Excellent opportunity. Applications: treated confidentially. (9i 6;KJ 28 CAPARI.E salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line; high commissions with $li monthly, advance. Permanent posi tion to right man. Jess. H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. (9) 638 x BIRSCRIPTION solicitors wanted. An excellent opportunity to make money, securing subscriptions for an old estab lished hardware Journal. Liberal com mission. Address, stating experience and references, The American Artisan. Chi cago, ill. (9i 539 28 SALESMEN WANTED To fill vacancy, traveling specialty salesmen worth 12,600 rier Mar. Position permanent. Estab Islied trade. Write giving experience. Personal Interview If satisfactory. Ad dress V 130, care of Reo. (1)1641 2lsx VA NTED The rlnht kind of man. In every town having na works. Will set him up In a business with great' money making possibilities. The Alton "In verto" equals six ordinary burners and cuts bills in half. Every gas consumer wants It. Sample light complete, ex press prepaid, on receipt of $1.5t. Your money hack if not as represented. If you desire a position of dignity with as sured Income, be the Urst in your town to apply. Alton Mfg Co., 67 St. James Bldg., New York City. (91542 2Sx A COMMISSION big enough to produce, heart failure for traveling men Willi golden tongues and established routes. Address Bldo Line, box tsi3, Cincinnati. O. (91-643 28x AVA NTED High class traveling salesman for Nebraska to call vn general trade, vacancy August 1, contract balance this year and next if aales are aatlsfactory. Address stating experience and salary expected. J. A. Kldwell, 1920 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, O. (9i 60 28x COMMERCIAL salesmen wanting some thing new, easy, very profitable. Choice territory. Address specialty. 836 First National bank building, Chicago. III. (9) 562 28x WAN T ED On e good specialty salesman In each state. New, high grade proposition. Rond ami references required. Address Jobbers, 510 S. Gilbert St., Iowa Cltv. la. (9) 563 2Sx WANTED Only one In a town, ambitious man, 22 to 36; particulars free. How you can command good salary; experience not necessary. We tell you how. The In terior Display Co., 109 Park Ave., Medina N. Y. (91691 28x TRAVEL for old relluhle wholesale house; ataple. well advertised line; $125 to $260 a month and expenses. Wanted a good man for Nebraska and Iowa territory at once. Address Wholesaler. 7uti to 7i Hotiser Bldg.. SULoiiIb, Mo. 9)-656 28x WANTED Salesman experienced In any line to sell general trade in Nebraska liberal commissions, with $.16 weekly ad vance; one salesman earned $1,289 28 dur ing last three months, hia first work. The 4 ontlnental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, O. (9)-i!l7 28x SALESMEN WANTED to sell to grocers druggists and confectioners; lot) per month aid expenses. California Cider and Extract Co., St. Louis. Mo. (91-631 Six WE START YOU selling diamonds. Don't fall getting our liberal offer; $6 daily sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse N I. Mention paper. (9) 632 28x BALESMWN can easily make $10.00 a day selling our gold window letterp, novelty signs and changeable signs: catalogue free SI LIVAN CO.. W. Van Hu?en St.. Chicago. HI. (91699 Sx SALESMEN calling on drug, grocery and feed trade wanted to represent old well advertised line, steak remedies aa side line on liberal commission. Dlx Mfg Co Lewlatown Pa. (9)-ix5 is ' Bare. BOYS with wheels wanted; good wagea Postal Telegraph Cable Co. l M548 SOx 8TRONC young men to learn good trade, $6 fr, ,-rk V ,,nrt- APP Champion Iron tod Wire Works, HI 8. lUi St. (9)-6?9 3 Clerical and Office. Pookekeeper. retail, $100. Bookkeeper, retail, $o. Bookkeeeper, wholesale, $75. Assistant bookkeeper, manufacturing, $60 Bookkeeper, young man, $f0. Salesman, lumber. $loo or better. Real estate salesman. $100-$160. City aaleaman, good bouse, $100. Traveling salesman, dry goods, $150. ( retail clerks, different Unea, $.,0-$t-$7. Hotel clerk, man 40 yeara of age preferred Assistant manager grocery department, $A 4 stenographers, $.-$ 75. We neeJ the above applicants to fill position at once. We also have numerous other vacancies. Complete lisC furnished pn repuest. Call or write. WESTEitN REFERENCE A BOND ASSN. 721-2 N. Y. U Building. (91 674-3 CO-OPERATIVE OPTOR n'NlTIES W B HAVE CALLS FOR MEN TO FILL THE Fol.lAlWINU POSITIONS; Stenographer, btenograplier. $76. Invoice clerk with seme railroad ex perience, $". Bookkeeper, $s0. General office man, $50. Stenographer. $6'. The above poaitiona must be filled AT ONCE, several pool uon are open to h filled August 1. Complete upon request. Call or write. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 404 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha t$-i7 28 WANTED young man In real estate of fice Must be first class bookkeeper and oftVe man. competent to figure Interest and wait on counter. Addre F. 7!7. rate of Bee. (-i3 2 ti(OKKEEPERS-Free. worth reading, ' How to become a head bookkeeper, audi tor or public accountant " Address ('has. A. Bweellexid, tpotileston Bids , Chicago. t?J- lix HELP WANTED MALE I lerlcal and Omce Continued. WANTED A voung man for office .work. Alsmllo B inltary Dull) , 1X12 Farnam. (91-iltHl 29 W ANTED Competent bookkeeper; atate experience. Address K 7, lice. (3)-2: 2Sx W A NTEI" Male stenographer and assist ant bookkreper. B'ate experlenc" and sal b'v expected Position open at once. Ad dress F 764, Bee. (9)-lX6 2 First class bookkeeper, $1m. 6 stenographers. H"-t7n, dlrTerent machlnea. Several retail clerks. SPO-J7S. Assistant bookkeeeper. And many others. Call or write for com plete list of varanclea. KSTBRN REFERENCE BOND ASSN. 721-2 N. T. U Building, (91676 28 W A NTED Stenographer. ol Farnam St. (9i-M3u9 29 WANTED At onre, experience phoe paleg. man. none other need apply. The Fair Store. 12th and Farnam. f9 614 28 WANTF1D At once, experienced gent's furnishing goods and hat salepman, none other need apply. The Fair Store, 12th and Farnam St. 9i HIS 28 WANTED Drug clerk; state age, experi ence, salary wanted, etc. II. Westveer, Schuyler, Neb. (9) Farlorr 1'iMt, POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knleat. 707 N. V. L.. Omaha. W A NTED Gas Otters. Power Co. Reatrlce Oas & ()-MH81 30 WANTED Man with pome experience In traveling capable of earning high salary; bond required. Address, with stamp and references, S 617, car Bee. tty 08 WANTED Experienced furniture packers, permanent position. Apply 10th and Farnam. Heebe Runyan Furniture, Co. (9)-M457 27 WANTEI flood coatmaker at once, good prices. Address W. H. Ford, Creston. la. (9)-M448 28 FIRST-CLASS wallers, $21 per week; ten hours. Luzon Cafe, Billings. Mont. 0-M445 A2x ONE all-ariund tailor wanted at once. Carl P. Llndecrantz. Holdrege, Neb. ()-M669 30x GOOD cornice man and tinners, at ones. Lincoln Cornice and Metal Works, Lin coln. Neb. (; M770 WANTED An engineer to run electric light plant at night; must be a good fire man and und"rstand engines, have good references and strictly sober. McCook Electric Light Co.. McCook, Neb. (91-M208 28 WANTED First -class barber;, no sfut!snt; guarantee of $16 or 60 per cent. Answer at once. John Stack, Huron, S. D. 9,i M876 Augfix WANTED Rarber In a flvo-chalr 16c shop; $Ki and half over $-0; must he first class and sober. Chas. St. John, 1S4 Merchant St.. Kankakee. 111. (9.I-M226 29x MACHINE hands and laborers; steady work; good wages. Omaha Box Co.. East Omaha. (9) 146 28 STEADY, reliable barber at once, best wages. C. S. l.tach, Atlantic, la. (9) 193 Aug3x WANTED One first class barber. Holllngsworth, Missoula, Mont. C. E. (9I-M2U 30x WANTED-A young man apprentice to learn the molding trade. Wearne Bros. Foundry. 1409 Jackson St. (9i M207 30X rRI NT ERA Two good commercial com positors; steady work; open shop. Meyer Itotier Printing Company, Milwaukee, Wis. (9)-M253 31x WANTED All-around Jobbing tinners, at once. Jas. Barrett, 206 W. Fourth St., Al ton, 111. (91-M281 SOx WANTED Carpenter and general repair man, for real estate firm. No loafer or grafter. Give references, age and sal 774. Bee. (9) 2i9 27 TWO experienced rug weavers wantad. The. lola Rug Factory, lola, Kan. (9)-M491 A9r WANTED Party competent to run two cycle engines on large launch; state wages wanted. Sandy Scott, Fullerton. Neb. g-M45 28x BARRER wanted, good wages and a steady Job for the right man. Isaac Reed. Wray, 4'o1o. (9J-M460 29x WANTED Two gray Iron floor mouldera; only first-class nonunion men need apply. Address Rainier Foundry Co., Seattle Wash. MEN learn plumbing. Western Plumbing Trade School. 1509 Tremont. Denver, Colo. Write for catalogue. (PI- WANTED At once, experienced window trimmer, inn and Karnam. (9 61B 28 WANTED-MCSICIANS ON ALL INSTRC MHTS t."VH A TWIP AurM-K-r, .rue WORLD; FINE OPPORTCNITY FOR DRESS Aldl'ST HA ASF, BANDMAS TER, FIFTH REGIMENT, FIRST AR TILLERY, LEAVENWORTH, KAN. (9) 12 2Sx Mlacellanvoaa. HERE are Just a few The Keystone has open tor cotwifieraiion at once. Combination stenographer and bookkeeper, Hotel clerks, both day and night. Experienced brokerage maa. Several high grade stenographers. Expert salesmen, competent ' office bova male cashiers. Remember we are for a limited time registering stenographers wuo can pass a Tequirea examination free. 0 Keyatone Surety & Ref. Agt., (Inc.)., 404 Ree Bldg. 'Phones Douglas 8.'S and Harney 2891. Omaha, Neb. (9) BOOKKEEPER. $100. Bookkeeper, $86. Bookkeeper. $76. Assistant bookkeeper, $60, Stenographer. $76. Stenographer, ISO. , Stenographer. $70. 4 stenographers. $50, in and out of town. several retail rierns, nirrerent lines. Several first-class traveling salesmen. 1 city salesman, $100. We also have numerous miscellaneous va cancles and are here to Interview any applicants desiring positions. We can place you on snort notice. WESTERN REF. & ROND ASS'N, INC.". 721-J N. Y. Life Bldg. 9) M4 7K 27 WANTED Teams, C. B. Havens A Co.. yards. 14th and Webster St.: teams now making from $5 to $8.60 per day. 9 M510 WANTED Several good farm hands. Ala miio Sanitary Dairy Co., 1812 Farnam St. (9)-M131 WANTED Bound young men. aged 18 to 85. for firemen and brakemen on leaqng men earn $100 per month, become mil. neers, earn, $2u0; brakemen earn $75, be come conductors, earn $160. Call or write at once for particulars. National Railway j raining ass n., .u a., raxton Block, timana, iveo. (Si V2S Auil ANY student desiring employment or any one desiring to consult as to best method of entering business honorably and profitably may register free of eharxe i i j ,u.u,u,c, io' r iiiam m. YOI'NG man to wrap bundlea and take . A ,.,,u . 1 1 1 a 1 . V V. . . -I CtA.k Ing Co. () M9 U WANTED At once, a good all-round tailor; ateady work; good pay P. E, rugtiue, the tailor, Lander, Wyo. 19) M46S auglx WANTED Tile ditchers to work by rod make $160 to $3.5o a dsy. Apply J. W Ten Brink. Nlckrson, Neb. ($621 WRITE short stories. Rig money. If you den t know how, I will help you. Write to M. Herman liueie. 1U4 Tonawanda 8t Huffalo, N. Y. ( 438 2x FREE employment bureau of Business Men's association. 9i4 N. Y. Life, assists without marge workmen to .obtain post lions. () anso A74 WANTED Wringer man. Model Bteam launriry. ( M422 28x WANTE D Men for ard work; Sm per tour, siraigut time. Hunaerland Hros., VU and Iiickor, tj-MWi 2S HELP WANTED MALE JMIsrellaaeoaatonHnaed. TEAMSTERS wanted, well acquainted with town, $12 week, (imaha Rendering and Feed company. 1208 Jackson. illi-MlfiS 28x WANTED Man for outside work. $2.60 per day ami expenses References and cash deposit required, experlrnce unneces sary. Apply, 815 Ramge Bldg. ( -248 29X WANTED Man with moving picture ma rhlne to work In summer resort; also wanted to buy or rent good machine. Ad dress Y 128, Pee i) M:W 27x GOOD TAY- Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc. No canvassing. National Dlst. Bureau. Chicago, III. (i-M26111x BCPINERS MEN S EMPLOYMENT ASScT Cl ATIO.V. 435 Commonwealth Bldg., Denver, Colo. Excellent positions open; high salaries; legal stenographers; bank bookkeeper; bookkeepers; cashiers; salesmen and en gineers; hundreds of other positions for high grade technical men. Our motto: "No position No fee." Write for terms and list. (9) M440 3x LA BORERS for handling freight at Vnton Pacific, Council Rluffs transfer; wages 17tfe cents per hour. Roard arranged If necessary. Apply Thus. Scanlan. fore man. (91455 HI'PTLERS wanted everywhere; $23 to $10 made weekly distributing circulars, over seeing outdoor advertising; new plan; no canvassing. Merchants" Outdoor Adver tising Co., Chicago. (9)-M4fi9 2Sx WANTED-Young man with some knowl edge of meet cutting to help In meat mar ket and grocery store. C. W. Shr.ider. 2Kth and Rlondo. (9) M490 MEN'S $3.50 shoes from the Norrls stock st $1.98. Benson & Thorne, 1617 Doug-la St. ()-537 28 WANTED First-class white porter; one who understands lunch. 723 So. Kill St. (9)-60S T8 WANTE TV At once, six experienced travel ing men who know liow to sell goods and are capable of earning large salaries: strictly commission account; old estab lished Jobbers and manufacturers: spe cialty line; staple. Address. 1112 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. (91-548 28x BARRER trade taught complete for $15.00 in our mtn-siimmer class; can earn from start; call or write at once. American Rarber College, 12th and Douglas Bts. (9) 674 30x FOR SALE Thoroughbred Scotch collie puppies. E. B. Cook, south or Country club grounds, Benson, Neb. cm-fftf sx HELP WANTED MALE OH FEMALE WANTED Good piano player; will pay iiiei-uiHss smary co nrsr-ciass musician. J. L. Prandela Sons, Music Dept. (101- 295 27 BOYS AND GIRLH-Sell 24 Jewelry novel ties at inc each and get a gold-laid watch or other premium free. We trust vou. L. S. Brooke Co., 407 Jefferson St.. Val paraiso, Ind. (10)-53o 28x LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. GOOD wagons (or sale cbeap at 1314 N. 24th St. Ill)- M114Augll WE are not selling out at cost, but we are selling driving wagons, buggies, lurries and stanhopes cheaper than any other firm west of Chicago. Holmea-Adktns Co.. 714 S. 10th St., Omassa. (U)-ll RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. W. A, btone, km Lincoln Ave., council Biurra. (10-M103 JUST received, a car load- of drafts. drivers, laundry and grocery horses. Among these one 8,200-lb. team, right every way; several other lighter work horses; one 4-year-old, extra good single wagon horse. Come and see us. You can't make a mistake if you want It horse for any purpose, as we give a written guarantee that every horse Is as represented. Cash or time. Omaha Horse and Supply Co., rear 414 N. 16th St. (Ill Ml6 SHETLAND ponies and Scotch Collie dogh. Bend for Illustrated catalogue. Cnssldy & Thompson, Des Moines, la., and Jamaica, la. (ID M433 A4x HARNESS, Saddles, Trunks, Traveling Bags, some good bargains. Alfred Cor nish & Co.. 1210 Farnam St. UU-810 FOR pony buggies, runabouts, wagons. traps, carts ana harness, see Johnson Danforth Co., S. W. Cor. 10th and Jones Bts. (1D-V WE are selling delivery wagons, teaming gears DUggles, carriages and harness cheaper than any other firm In Omaha. Johnson Danforth Co., S. W. cor. 10th and Jones Bts. ' (111776 SALT, $7 a bbl. Wagner, 801 No. lth. (ID 812 TWO half Shetland ponies, broke, $4 each. Four good riding and driving ponies cheap. One draft team, a.000 lbs.. $350.00. One double harness and wagon. 2531 Sherman Ave. Tel. Web ater 1136. (11) M174 23 ONE bay matched team, weighing 2.300 lbs., $180; team work horses, weighing 2,600 lbs., $110; sorrel horse, welghlrg 1.100 lbs., $85.00; one single driver, ?8S. ZB1D N. 16th Ave. (11) M15T FOR SALEt Rubber tire stanhope, hand- maae Harness, nne nay mare, 7 years oia, weight about 1,000 lbs. D. 1 Morgan, 34 Sherman Ave. Phone Webster 838. (ID 288 28z One 3-8PRING WAGON, new and one de livery buggy, rubber-tired. Oscar Harts, 29th and Farnam Sts. (11) 718 FOR SALE Three runabouts, rubber tires; will sell worth the money. Harney St. Stable. (11) S6 ENGLISH cross saddle and bicycle wheel runabout, both In perfect condition, 8128 t nicago. (U) 9i 30 foaltry aid Eixa. GOVERNMENT book free. Model Squab co., umana. (U) M.vm bepti Cows, Birds, Dogs aatd Pets. FOR SALE Fox terrier puppies. 190$ vteopter. (11) JUSll six FOR SALE Beautiful, long-haired Angora aniens, Airs. Charles belier. Muscatine, Iowa. (11) M439 auglx FOR SALEThoroughbred Scotch collie puppies. E. B. Cook, south of Country ciud grounas, tsenson, fieo. (1D-M971 27x FOR SALE Jersey cow, Just fresh. Astle ford, 61 h Ave. and Martha St. (1D-M217 29x FOR SALE A fresh family cow. $214 California St. (11) 508 29 FOR SALE Nice little jerfey cow; very gentle and good milker. P. C. Caldwell, Stith and Q Sts., South Omaha. UD-681 28x FOR SALE Calf two weeks old. Klndell S0u2 8. Sth St. Iin-7wi3x LOST AND FOUND LOST Diamond solitaire stick pin. prob ably on Leavenworth street, between 17th and $lst or St. Marys Ave., or vicinity. Liberal reward. Phone Doug. 1U7: (U)-M277 27 LOST Red leather pocket book containing personal papers and railroad transporta tion; will finder please leave address at The Bee officer Reward. (U-'M443 27 x LOST A red enameled watch, with an leaf of pearls on the back. Reward if returned to Mrs. George A. Munden, 703 N. 82d St. (12 M278 27 U Several i!a go. g,,(l watch charm, monogram O. I. C , and embl m iront uiiij Uuck. hiil'si ant iai reward if returned to Douglas Printing Co.. 314 S. 19th St.. or William Kennedv. Adver tising Dept., The Bennett Company. (12) 458 M LOST Iaat Saturday evening gold watch, four dog Lea 'In attached to fob. Re w.rd, if leturned. Telephone Wehster 4064. (12l-M47p 28 FOUND-Large bunch of keys. Owner call al Bee orUce and erv property. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY LOST AND FOUND (Continued ) LOST Man's 18-slse open-face. Illinois gold watih. leather fob, with bulldog face; reward. Return to Bee office. (12i -M473 2x MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men, "Oray'a Nerve 1 ood ('Ills, pi a ixit, rosipaio. onerman A McConnell Drug t;o.. umana. ( 1 8 ) 8 13 ANT poor girl In need of a friend rail or Write TO I ne mmrun ui in- Armv Home for Women at $824 N. 24th St., Omaha. Neb. (1$) M108 DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases o women. SOyesrs practice in connnemenis. (.mice, S14 N. lth; residence, 2421 Charles, Omaha. (1$) 814 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghtnn Medical college, i4tn ana cav enport Sts.; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super Vised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1117. Calls answered dsy or night. 411) 129 RUPTURE CURED-No knife, no deten tion from business. QUICK CLUE RUP TURE CO., over 8. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas, Omaha. 13 926 A us DR. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women and children. Office, 2306 cuining. i'none Douglas 367. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. A RUN FOR YOUR MONEY Villi UU , U,I V.1 WIH, .liv.i.t, V. , -1 . . ,.n ..nit, ..nnlrui t if emi hnrrflw money of us and you pay for only the time you are umiik uui iuuncj. We make no cnarges In advance, you t th. full amount in cash. Wa will loan you any amount you may want. Uon t, forget mat we uav oven nerv fifteen yeais. Coma to the "Old Reliable." Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Bldg.' (14) 464 A VACATION SUGGESTION. Vacation time is here. If you need money to see you through that good time you have promised yourself this summer, come to us. Our special low rates for vacation money are still in eneci; you can gei me money quickly, privately and conlldentlally on your salary, household goods, pianos, etc Low rates; easy terms. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. SOS Paxton Block. 'Phono Doug. 1411 (U)-d DR. PRIBBENOW'S MONET. loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc., In any amount; less than half rates, perfect privacy; immediate attention; any terms wanted; payment suspoudeil when sick or out of work. 214 Karbach Blk., $09 B. 16th St. (14)-818 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advances private money on chattels or sal ary; easy to gel; no rea tape, rou get money same day aaked for at small cost. Open evenings till 1. (14) 816 TUB UNION LOAN CO. have Increased their capital, and during the month of July win make a special rate on collateral '.oans, personal property, mort gages and individual notes without secur ity; terms to suit. 'Phone Douglas 2904 or call at 310 Bee Bldg. (14) M428 Aug MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB and others, without security; easy pay ments. Offices in 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. (14)-821 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St. (14) 817 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all Duslness confidential. 131 Douglas. (14)-p32 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room , Barker Blk. (14)-820 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE) PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loans. 823 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Douglas 746. (14 621 OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlas and Hootu. MOST convenient and pleasant location; de- airuLIu moms. Call before lacatlna. Thi Pratt, 202-212 So. 26th St. Private ex change Douglas 3138. (15) 828 GOOD -able; modern conveniences; private family. 2468 Harney hi. (16) aiww 37x NEWLY furnished rooms, with or with out board, 403 No. lolli St. (15) M115 27x BOARD with Of without room. 2208 Harney. U5) M90 Aug JO DESIRABLE rooms; first class board; fine location; walking distance. 218 8. 26th St. (15) M987 27x DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (lD)-8i VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (16j-24 A GOOD home for business men close In, cool, pleasant rooms, ample baths, hot water, every room a front one, with two meals a day. Address. M 770, Bee. (15) 247 SOx Fl'RNiSlLED south room. 2228 Dodge. U5)-M270 Six LARGE front room; modern convenience. Telephone. 2469 Harney. (15) M489 A2x 2 LARGE rooms with board in private family. All modern. 2232 Farnam. (15) M518 31 X DESIRABLE rooms; flrst-clacs board; fine location; walking distance. 218 S. 15th St. (16)-672 8x VERY large front room; board If desired; other nice south rooms. 614 N. 23d. (111-884 1 Furnished Rooms. ELEGANTLY furnlsUod rooms. 1915 Capi tol Ave. (15)-9S3 JyJ7 406 8. 24TH AVE.; a(. new. up-to-date; gentlemen only; references. (15)-M30 Augix FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms. 841 3. 19th. (15) M5S9 AugSx NICELY furnished room, south exposure; references. 117 So. 25th Ave. (16) M513 DESIRABLE rooms, fine location; walking distance. 218 S. 26th St. (16 1986 27 x NICE front room, with all modern con veniences Douglas $837. 217 S. '.'5th St. (15 15 REASONABLE furnished rooms. third floor. 15o5 Farnam. (15j 825 A17 SOUTH front room, new house, privata family, walking distance. Tel. Douglas S632. n6)-M462 Alx FURNISHED room for gentleman. 818 N. 18th St. (15) M4S0 Al CLEAN rooms In modern house, roomy porches; large, shady lawn; attractive surroundings. 1-8 S. 26th St. ilS.-MWO 27x FL'RNISHED rooms for rent. 2025 Farnam. 'Phone Douglas 4102. (15)-Myo8 27x FOR RENT-Desirable rooms In all parts of the city. Omaha Rental Co., 308 N. Y. Life Bldg., Tel. Douglas 3S8I. (15)-M963 AugJOx THREE large rooms, sink and sewer, S12.iu; single rooms, $4.50. 2407 Rtirt. (lfi-M9Sl'r LARGE south-front room, with alcove; also other rooms, 2702 Farnam St. (15-M107 27x LARGE, newly furnished, southeast room, half block north of Hanscom Park. Private family, fine neighborhood Tel. Harney 1348. (15-Mlu 27 TWO furnished rooms 2418 Farnam; first class: gentleman preferred. iUo 11S Jix HANDSOMELY furnid rooms 2JI N. 19lh. d."i- ;u8 Ai6x FURNISHED ROOM for two gentlemen; lare room, with closet; fine lawn, trees, high above street; finest location down town; private family. 1!"3 Capitol Av. Telephone Douglas t.348. (15)-M24 27x FOR RENT ON K TWO or three rooms, furnished or unf urnlkhud : thoroughly modern house, by small private family! )larom lark district: near splendid, board: r f ren.e. 'Phone Harney 317 fciijMw3 20 28, 1007 OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Rooiaa Coatlaaed. PRIVATE family has large front foom, modern, lose in. Gentleman only, Refer ences. Address N 771, Ree. (15)-246 28 Z.V CAPITOL AVE., large room, private family, walking distance. (161242 'X 7 ROOMS for rent, upstairs; modern 2828 Sherman Ave. Phone Webster 14n.1 (161-M471 FOR RFNT-Elegant furnished room, pri vate fnniilv 2610 St. Marv s Ave Phone Douglas 4461. (1.M-M4SH A9x THREE housekeeping rooms at 4n Far nam. 111. ilM- Ml2 A2x IN PRIVATE fsmllv. furnished rooms for one or two. with breakfast ami supper if desired. 'Phone Harney 3W 2 Capi tol Ave. (15I-W1 A.lx NICELY furnished room, suitable for two gentlemen; prlvute family. 2211 California. ( ( KJ Mn26 THREE cool modern rooms parlor floor, n'cclv furnished, close In. 2o7 N J'.d Tel. Red 52. (161 MU3 A.'.x ROOMS In modern house. Roomy porches, huge sh idv lawn. 1 So. J5th St. t lot -MM2 A3 FOR RENT Reaut if til rooms, ensulte or single; modern; reasonable. N. -.1 St (i:.1-M-:7i 3x LARGE front room, suitable for two. mod cm. gas and electric light, steam heat; private family. Tel Red 7"tV 2 Dewey Ave. tHll evenings. rio ttTK .10x LARGE south-front room, with alcove; also other rooms. 272 Farnatu St (I'll- C3 3x STRICTLY Modern Furnished Tloom Home cooking. Phone Red 2'.'17 How ard. (lii-dSO 3 DESIRABLE furnished rooms, with or without board; close in. K 819. care Rec. (15W.S7 8 HOUSEKEEPING rooms reasonable. 1712 Jackson. ( 15 3x "ROOMS and board. Dodge St. Hillside, 1Mb nod (16) !! :ix ONE or two furnished rooms, new. 2rti7 Dewey. (151 I7 3x Unfornlshed Koome. Wlthnell Rlrlc. 1.-)ih and Harney. St. Mary's Bldg., 27th and St. Mary's Ave, $S !0. N. P. DODGE- & CO., 1714 Farnam St. (16)-M2S7 27 TWO OR FOUR connecting unfurnished rooms; modern. 26H5 St Mary's Ave. (15) M 151 At TWO elegant unfurnished rooms and al cove, modern. Good location. S3! Park Ave. (16l MtitiS A3x Hoamekeeplnst Rooms. HOUSEKEEPING rooms reasonable. 1711 Jackson. (15) M105 27 x 218 No. 23d. furnished or unfurnished rooms. Very reasonable. (15) 2P4 31 TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping, with gas. 2fli) Farnam St. (15)-M640 30 Apartments and Flats. NEW BRICK FLAT, close In. 8 rooms. all modern, large yard. $15. On two car lines. 8 rooms, all modern, $40.00; both vacant Aug. 1. O'KEEFE RIVAL ESTATE CO.. ) Phone Doug. 2152. 1001 N. Y. Life 'Bldg. (19) M271 27 TEN-ROOM steam heated flat. 2317 Douglas St. Iiuiuire 2i Paxton Block. (16)-602 29x FOR RENT First floor new brick flat. 8 rooms, modern, newly decorated: '.vith Ave. and Harney St.; $42.50. Telephone Maple 6148. (15) MS27 6-ROOM flat, all modern. Martls block, lSth and Webster. (15I-M534 A3x FIRST-CLASS 8-room apartment. Majestic; rent, $48; reference required. 'Phone Web ster 4328. (15) M588 4x MODERN St. Louis flat on 2fith and Cali fornia, lower floor, 7 rooms and bath. Inquire at 2002 North 18th. (15)-Mt.37 Sx 2807 N. 24th St.. 8 rooms, new modern, $:85. 8322 Harney St., 9-room, modern, oak finish and floor, separate servants' rooms and toilet $56. 2912 Harney St., 5-room, modern, first floor oak finish and floors, new decorations 142.60. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. 05)- Furnlahed Rouses. FURNISHED house for rent, for August and September. 2509 Farnam. (16)-M262 28x 8-ROOM cottage, all modern and completely furnished, 214 South 80th, $.7. Phone Doug. 585. Be mis. Paxton block. (15)-M4S8 n oases and Cot tag. ea. OMAHA Van & Storage Co. pack, more, store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Office 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1568. (15) 829 NEW B-room cottage, modern except fur nace. &10 N. 83d St. (lul-.N1447 28 82 N. 26TH AVE., east front, city water, gas and bath, $22.60; suitable for two families at $25. Apply 2617 N. 45th St. Phone Webster 4274. G. E. Reiff. (16) M464 28 FOR RENT Five-rooin modern house, 4"8 N. 26th St., walking distance. Inquire C. W. Bllxt. First National bank. (16) M455 28 140 618H N. 24TH ST.. South Omaha Six room apartments in new "Scurgo" build ing; all modern conveniences, including hot water in kitchen and bath. $302517 N. 18th St., 8-room modern house, with attic and barn. $451807-9 Farnam St., six-room apartments in "Qulvel" building, all modern convent, ences, including hot water In kitchen and bath. Hall Distributer Co., S17 First National Bank Bldg. 'Phone Red 74'. (16j 774 FLAT, full modern, 6 rooms, beside bath and private hall; newly done up; gat rant?, etc.; em Ire building being put In perfect order; best flats In north part of city; walking distance; reference required Call, investigate this; $26. . BEM1S. Paxton Rlock. (15)-Mi54- FOR i R KNT S ven-room house, modern. 2412 Parker. (15i 5ol L1 NEW strictly modern 7-room house. 806 S. 21st St. Key next door north. (15) 497 29 SIX ROOMS, modern except heat, south front; larg, shady erounds; one block to car. 3518 Jones. Phone Harney-12S5 (16) 496 29x 280) RUGGLES ST., fine new 6-room, mod ern cottage, two blocks to Dodge car line, possesulon at once, $21. J. W. RASP CO.. 435 Paxton Blk. Doug. 1653. (15; M47 l-ROOM boMse. modern In every respect 2727 Cuming 8t- (15) M7j HOUSES. Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Blk (15) 833 HOUSEHOLD gocds packed, forwarded, cheap freight ru'es. Moving and storage. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Ttl. Doug las 394. (16) 33 FOR RENT Beautiful 10-r. all moJerrv house, oak finish, and large barn, P"a session July 28; rent. $4u per month. PAYNE INVESTMENT ( 'O.. First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781. (16)-M17t 29 vVE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices Tel. Douglas 1'. SchmolUr it Mueller Piano Co., 13U-13U Karnam. U6J-8J1 linrT:iW in 11 parts of the city. R 11UUOM c peters & Co . Bee Bldg. (J)-j: Ull N XiD ST. 8-room strictly modern, tiranl new .$.15. O'Keefe Real Kstate Co.. IiaI N. Y. Life Bldg (16) Ul;l nnTT2VS In all parts of the city. The UUUOM 0 F Davis Co . Bee Big (i6)-aso 2628 CHARLES St . roo s modern, hut furnace In test repair. $li- iUjHA 2&t OFFERED FOR RENT Hosiers and Cottasrea Contlnaed. FOR RENT-Large store room, lth and Vinton t-te. C M. Bachmann, 43, Paxton block (lf, WE MOVE PIANOS-Magsaid Van and Storage Co. Tel. Douglas 146. Ottioe, 1,11 Webster oi. (l.i)-34 UtOOM cottage, all modern, barn. 9o S. ITtn si. .- ." - MODERN BRICK FLAT r.A a.. o..l. kit S rnnms: neArlV fieW. In excellent repair, 'and walking distance. ., lo) M -'if ONE -rooni bouse, city water In kitchen, 115; one h-room nouse. mim"n pace $17; 7-room house. 4 William St.. $23. Chris Royer. 212.1 Cuming l-MV FOR RENT- 8-room modern bouse, barn, shade trees and fruit, wholly m"'!'' 4".U lJifayette. $3000. Inquire. 1124 No. 40th. (1.-,)-M16 H17 Bo S2d. nine rooms, modern, f !0.C1. 21,VJ-h4-Sf So. 20tli, five Vooms, in. idem, new J"? N P. DdDGH CO., 1711 Farnam St (151- M .'' -i 4-ROOM apartnent. "The Orchsnl.'' I'rt Hoor, SO South th PL. $2.": -ioo,,, ,ot tsge. modern except heat. 41,4 I'd'". 9-room cottage, all modern. t' St., $.10 'Phone Doug. 6K5. Hcmt I'Jixion blo,k. 1 151-M 4x7 11H N. 37th St., live rooms, just remodeled. 123 N. 37th St., six rooms. Just remodeled. 127 N. 37th St., five rooms. Just remodeled. HASTINGS A HK1 D K N , 7 Farnam St. ( 10 1 iVl -1 $2" PER MONTH-210 p. 2mh St.. rooms, cltv water. P7.5i per month-2548 Chicago St.. 8 rooms modern, all in the best of repair. $40 per month-2i3 Pail lie St, 9 looms, modern, very desirable. JHO per month !21 Park Ave., 9 rooms, etrlitlv modern, steam hcHt. CEoRCE A- CO., 10-1 FARNAM .TT (l.M - 8-ROOM modern bouses. Just completed, now ready for use, best location, rent free to September 1. then $45 per month. Tel. D. I";. 222 Paxton Block. ( 15.1 it:2 .!0 WpsI Farnam, 7-room modern, 110 S. 35th St . $.t7 60. Remls Park. 8-room modern, $35. Walnut Hill, 8-room modern, Sii N. Srith. $4" O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO , 1001 N. Y. Life. Tel. Douglas 2152. (15)-M'V.'3 30 2548 CHICAG't. -room thoroughly modern house. Will lie vacant Almost I. $;i7.5o. George At Co., Itinl Farnam St. (15) M622 30 MODERN R-room house. 2110 Lake St. (16) M 660 30 FOR RENT. 110 S. 3Sth St.. 7 rooms, modern 117.50 S23 S. 26th Ave.. 7 rooms, modern $.16.00 1o2 Standford Circle, 8 rooms, bath. ...$10.00 6c7 S. 34th, fi-room cottage $15.00 3"7 N. 27th Ave.. 6 rooms $10.00 2214 D St., South Omaha, 6 rooms $8.00 GARVIN BROS., 16m FARNAM. U5)-3S 28 NEW IjOCATION. Call and aee our rental list at our new office, straight in from main entrance on fiist floor of N. Y. Life Bldg. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. (15) NEW 5-room house, all modern except fur nace. 2613 Blnney St. (15) 5D2 2Sx 4-ROOM cottage, well, 33d and Charlea-$12. 4room cottage, barn, city water, 19th St. boulevard; walking distance $12. 7-room, modern house except furnace, 16th and Grace-$20. 7-ioom, modern house. 23d ami Grace $22. New 8-room, modern home, 23d and Grace $27.60. 9-room, modern house, 18th and Lake $33. 4-room cottage, 11th and Arbor $12. W. O. BHRIVER, 1023 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)-547 28 FOR RENT-4.10. atfiS Martha St.. 8 rooms, all modern, hot water heat. $25, 4013 Nicholas St., 7 rooms, modern ex cept furnace. D. V. SHOLE8 COMPANY, 110 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Doug. 49. (15) 36 28x MODERN HOUSES FOR RENT. 9 rooms, new. 416 N. 40th $0 9 rooms, 621 Park Ave $( 2 office or living rooms in Davldgn Bldg.. $20 JOHN W. ROBB1NS. 1S02 FARNAM ST. (15)- $20 6-room modern house; 1134 N. 281 h St. N. Fcnger, 62 N. Y. Life. Tel. Red 3217. (ir,) 114 N. 26TH ST.. 13 rooms. Sfi3. New store, 1.104 N. 241 h St., $25. (15)-8r 31 HOUSES TO LET. 110 S. 26th Ave.. 8 rooms, modem. 640 8. 21st St., 6 rooms, modern except fur nace. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. (15) Balldtngs. Wholesale District BUILDING For Rent The four-story and basement brick build ing at 916 Farnam St. Apply F- D. Wead. 1524 Douglas St. Qt M380 THE entire building formerly occupied by the Dally News, 44x30 feet, i stories and basement. McCague Investment Co., 15oi Dodge St. (16) 8S8 1312 HARNEY ST. floors and basement, 83x120 feet; suitable lor wholesale. Mo Cague Investment Co., 1501 Dodge St. . (16J-S37 unices. DESK room on first floor at 1211 Farnam, (u-62 ID FLOOR, well lighted; elegant for offloe use. 1212 Farnam (15)-440 FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office. clt hall building. 417 N. 25th St.. South Omaha. Apply to manager. (IS) 184 CHOICE OFFICES It Is very seldom that good outside space in a well appointed office building is avail able. At the present time we have a beautiful suite of two rooms on the fifth floor, with east and south light, a large vault, which makue this a most desirable space during either summer or winter. Everybody in Omaha knows the location of the Bee building; U ts central, close te the city hall and county court house. There are several h'jndred people who spend more time here than In their homes and any one of thens will testify as to the care they receive here. Foe further particulars call THE BEE BUILDING CO. 17TH AND FARNAM. Oft-434 tore. FOR RENT fJttge store room, with good basement. 24KI So. loth St., $16. C. M. BACHMANN. 4.4 paxton Blk. U5)-4J,lt SOUTH front store room. 2ix6 feet, and basement, near 2210 Farnam Si . $4-) ; r month. George at Co., ItM Fariimo St. (15) OFFERED FOR SALE reaclBg. ANCHOR and lion fencing; wire fenclr.j fc ver feel, IM N. X7U lit. Tel. Red sit ieiiHrU OFFERED FOR SALE (Continued.) Fnrnttare. ID-HAND furniture- bought and sold: busi ness on the square. Rosenberg, formerly with Chicago Furniture Co , i n nth. D. 6886. 1)-M:70 Jv27 FOR SALE-' opera Ihratcr, alinopt new. 1,14 Farnam St. sirs from Rijiu P I "o.lKO ,t- ( o., (liii- J 27 Pianos, Organs, Mnatral laatrnnieate. PIANO PRICES Down to the nsr?l notch this week twentj -four new, uv,., nd sccond-hsi o I pmOV'I" P.MI.- Ill mil OMlKKlll IOIMM, IllUI II. floor. Come iii ami get led inn. New England, upright Klmliall. upright . clioii e ae- ..$ .. 63 .. M .. 1 Martin Pros., uprig'it I.lmllui.'iti & tnny. upi inl.l... Five dollars cash and t a week will buy any of the above biirgjiius. Scliniollt r Mueller Piano Co., i;:il-l;il:l Farnam S't. Phone Doug. l'O'i. tl6i--6W FOR SALE f.'.io piano for less than half price. Address. H Ue. ilfii : 2K( Swl'ARE PIANO, rosewood case, gooti tonsj and condition, $60. Call 111, N. 24 1 n St, 5 to 7:.W p. m. (16)-M'j3:l Sex " Pool anal Billiard Tables. FOR SALE- New and secondhand Millard and pool tables. We lead the world tit cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Hruns. wk k-Balke-ColIc:idar, 407 8. loth St. (lb I -845 Typewriters and Mewing Machines. TYPEWRITERS for rent. $2 tip. Central Typewriter Exchange. Phone Doug. Sift. Ifio? Farnam. (hi) -Sol) 28 HOT WK ATI! Kit 15AH(iAIX3 IS TYPEWRITERS No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Remingtons Smith Premiers. Smith Premiers. Suns (new) Densmores ..... Bllck (new) . .$.-n (vi ,.$li.OO ..$onC ..$..). (W ..$25.08 ..$S00 ,..$45.00 ,..$16.01 Fox Chicugo (new) ALL MAKES h'EXTEI) $l'.50 PER MONTH XrilAXGE TYPEWRITER COMPANY 1824 Farnam St.. Omaha. Thone D. 3874. (lfiJ-610 28 SMITH PREMIER Typewriter, almost new way down low. Central Typewriter Exchange. Ifiti7 Farnam. (l()-46 28 FOR SALE High grade secondhand type writer; good condition; a bargain at 1A van loom wa, nee tugg, SOME fine bargains in Bllckensderfer Tyr writers. Central Typewriter Exchange, h Farnam. (ltfi- 646 2S ONE Remington typewriter. No. 8, in goo, condition, for aale ciieap. Call at Bee Office. U6) 623JC TYPEWRITERS for rent, $2 up. ' Central Typewriter Exchange. Phone Doug. 8i6. tio7 Farnam. ( li) if rs REBUILT Oliver Typewriters, fine aa silk -$.la up. Central Typewriter Exchange, 117 Farnam. (ltV-647 28 Mrseelln urona. SEND us your mall ordeis for drugs; freight paid on $10 lola. Myers-Dllloo Drug Co.. Omaha. (IS) 860 PHERWIN' WILLIAMS CO, best mixed paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. (16)-192 GAS. ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES. Special low prices during the summer ta reduce stock. ;order now; goods dullvered when ready. 1 BURGESS & GRANDEN CO, Telephone Douglas 681. 813 8. 16th St. U6)-S4 SNAP. RESTAURANT and cafe; rent $1$; blocks from postoftice. We feed li0 per day. Address E 814, Bee. Must sell t S' (16)-7.30x DRI7QS at cut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogue free. SHERMAN & M CON NELL DRUG CO., Omaha. Neb. (16)-M41 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and retail. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. (U)-M41T TYPEWRITERS for rent, $2 up. Central Typewriter Exchange, Phone Doug. 8(u. lio7 Farnam, (lOi-tU) 28 GOOD Id-horsepower, 2 cylinder runabout for sale for cush or real estate. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam. (1-M?79 28 FOR SALE First-class store fixtures, showcases, etc. Olobe Land and L.vesi ment Co., 1822 Farnam St., Omaha, fxea. (16)-4)60 TYPEWRITERS for rent, $2 up. v-enirai i ypewnror fjxehange. Phone Doug. 6u6. loo7 Farnam. (l6;-650 a HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (l)-47 FOR 8ALE Fancy cherries. Ihm's Fruit Farm, 63d and Military Ave. Tel. Benson J04- (16)-tl FOR 8ALE At 7t So. 13th St.. store fig. tuieu. shelving, counters, cases, challa, adding machine and msli register. WILLIAM J. COAD, Trustee. (H-J-M165 FINE Russian antique samovar, bargain. 808 N. 16lh St. (16W47l8x 2-BURNER gusoltne stove. $2 00; 8-burner gusullue stow, $3.00 Uinuha Stove Ru. pair Works, 1 206-8 Douglas St. (16) M17t 1J FOR SAI.E-AT NO. TZ SOUTH 18TH ST., STORE FI cTI'R. S. SHFJVIN.i COUNTERS, TABLES. CASES. CHAIRS n sifli ii i rvr.. i Ann xirjii h.iC WM. J COAD. TRUSTEE, (It) 778 CASH register for sale, $40; keys, le to $8. 1111 Farnam St. (16) M17J 29x COMPLETE c amp outfit, teiit. flooring, eto., cheap Apply Brown, On. a! a Rod and' Oun club. i'lione Webster 1213. (lii) MtSi 2 FOR SALE Finest boarding house in the city, best location, all furnished, best walking distance, etc.: cheap. Inquire cj Karbach block. Omaha. NVb. (16) 288 FOR SAI.F- Fresh alfalfa hav. Telephnnit Harney 26'f7. (1)-M51 29 FIVE barrels C-year-old Pepi.r Whisky In bond for sale, or traoe for troulug-brd i oil ('. li Thompson, tX S. h,th Ht Omalia. Il6)-M04 2t ' HAIR I)RF:SSIN'J establishment. In busi ness section of city; brat class estab- 'irat class estab- i lit.g owing to 111 1 ?. Address H 718 I ( lb) M Kit 11. ' ' iisueu iritue. ally neiii health; terms i eaaouubie. Ree. (lb) Mijll Alt FINE Remington Typewrlier-$C5. including n.cial i-ovt r. Ceulral Tjvvrlter t-ictsngt. 167 Fsrnsrn, . . A W4 ' tUlja-kniai i t ? i t. V I 1 I -