Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1907, WANT AD SECTION, Image 15

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    The Omaha
Advrtl In
Best West
i)L. XXXVII NO. 6.
Want - ads
Altfrllwnriii ror the want-ad
rnlnmne will he taken nntll 13 ra . for
the rtriiDi rilllioa nnd antll A a. m.
for the morning nail nnday edition.
Cnah mntl nccompnny all ordera for
, Tiant-ada and drrrtlarmrnt will
he accepted fop Iree than IU renta for
ihe flmt Insertion.
Hates apply to either The Dally or
Rune-ay Brr,
Alerar roant six word! to a lino.
t omhlaatlwna of laltiala or n a sabers
eonnt aa one word.
ItKut'l.AH ri.Airir,TIW One
Insertion, per line, 10 renta. Two or
more ronarcatlre Inaertlona, per line,
H cent. Knrh Insertion made on oud
days, 10 renta per line. ft. AO per llao
per month.
Death and Fan era. I otlee, Tarda of
Thanks and Lodge Notices, T eeata
per lino for one edition, morning or
evening) a eeata a lino for each ad
ditional edition. Sunday, 10 eenta a
line. No ad taken for lea than HO
advertisement la laaerted nnder any
a of tho claaslgeatlons (Irca below.
It will be charged at the following
rale I One) luaertlon, 4 eeata per lln
three to all ronaecatlve Inaertlona, 8
renta per line each insertion ae-vsa
or more roaaeentlre laaertloaa, 3
eeata per Una each Inaertloat BO
renta per line per month.
Except Agent a, Bollcltora and
Cowa, Birds. Dan and Pet
Horea and Vehicles.
Poultry and Ess.
Typewriters and Sewing Machines.
Planoa, Organa aad Maaloal Inatra
Furnished Rooms.
Unfurnished Rooma.
Housekeeping ILooms. '
Ilonrdlng aad Heama.
Want-ada for The Bea mar bo left
at any of the following drag stores
one la "roar corner efgU" they
are all branch otUoea of Tho Bee and
loir ad will bo laaerted Jaat aa
promptly and on the aame rates aa at
the main oiHce In The Bee Building,
seventeenth and Fnrnuiu o.reetat
Albach. W. C., 40lh " Farnam.
Boranck, 8. A.. 1403 B. 10th St.
liecht. Pharmacy, iau B. 16th St.
Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb.
bemls Park Pharmacy, and Cumlnft
Blake's Pharmacy, 'iS.C Slierman Ave.
Cauglilln. C. H., 6th nd Plerca Bta.
Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 221 Mjlllaiy ts.
Conte. J. H., aiaet Ave and Fariiam.
Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake.
Crrinak. Emll. lW4-6 8. 18th Bt.
Eastman pharmacy. 404 Hamilton.
'liler, F. H.. 2i2 Ieavenworth.
Tl.itee A Ariu.lHI 13 N. iiith St.
I'eytag, John J., 1914 N. 24th St.
Florence Drug Co., Florence, NeD.
Goldman Pharmacy. iiOth and Lake.
Green a Pharmary, corner Park Ave. sad
Greennugh. G. A., 1025 B. 10th Bt.
Oreenoush, G. A.. 1624 South 10th Bt.
Hayden. Wm. C. .920 Farnam Bt. .
Hanscont ParK Pnar. 1501 8. 29th Ava.
llolat. John, 024 North lfith Bt.
Huff, A. L. i'f'-M Leavenworth Bt.
King, H. S., 223S Farnam St.
Kounlie Place Pharmacy, S9t N. 24tfc.
Patrick Drug- Co., KJ4 N. 24th Bt.
I.athrop, Chns. E.. 1324 N. 24th Bt.
Pevton, L. E , 34th ami 1-avenworth.
Pai-atnca Priitf Co.. 04th and Amee Ave.
Schaefer'a Cut Price Drug Store, .16th aa
PrhoJ-for. AiiRUst. 2C31 Tf. liith St.
Rchmldt. J. IT.. ?4th and Cuming Sta.
Ptorm Phnrmacv, 18th anil Mai-tha Sts
Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 49th and Cuming.
Walton Fhnrmacv, loth anil Oraca 8t.
WlrtK O. H.. 4"th and Hamilton Sta.
HOKHCHEN Francis. aReil 34 yenra 4
months, 6 iluy'H hflovci wife of Henry
VliiH'ai hen ot 2424 Kninict atrcpt. July 2ti,
Ttniaitm a if at 1 loff tintu'a uiulertaking
l'Hikirs. Sixteenth and Jonea. Funeral no-
tU'M later.
To all our kind frlenda and netarhbora we
wish if, extend our alncere thanks fur the
aynipulhy, a8ltance and beautiful floral
offerlnifa, which were ao generoualy'glven
ii. at the death of our beloved wife and
IH K CITY GAKBAOK CO.. office 4th and
Leavenworth HI a. 'i'oL Douelaa
B1QX PA1.NT1NG-S. H. Cole. 1302 Douglas
10 BUICK, two-cylinder. 22 H. P. tour
ing car, overhauled and painted )t0.ut
CADILLAC, 1 11 P. louring car, rtna
Bhape i62o.u
l: 1UMBLEK, 18 H. P., almost nw,
aevaral extraH Included j0u.!j
lo KNOX touring ir, air cooled. .. .mA).00
lf"5 OLDS, wllh lop, 20 H. P tTx).u
1 HEO. ltt 11. P., umd very little. .1760.0
1'6 FRANKLIN, wllh top, four-cylinder,
detachable tonneau T6.ia)
lfciS KOKD, two-cyllniler, detachable ton
neau, 14 H. P $400.0
IM STliVKNS-DlJRYKA. two-cylinder,
utid loolta Ilka new, with top tduO.Ot
RAMB1.KK K . detachable tonneau, Jut
vrcalnted and overhauled $o0 0
rite for full deiupruion.
Li FREDKlCKoON. loth and Cap. Ave.
1R SALE, at Mk bargain, l-rylind-r
model leni. N 14 Rambler; run 2,( mllei.
- '"P and about $100 extra; three new tires;
II o; mut be sold at once. Jolm ).
B.ilule. Wahoo, Neb. 2l M446 2S
FOR RALE A Cameron Runabout auto
mobile; a bargain. Ulohe Land and In
vestment Co.. Farnam St. 12)-107
Ek.ND for our Hot of second-hand automo
biles. DERIOHT. ISIS Farnam. 0-106
'ef motor vehh-les 111 Nebraska. Name and
a iaresa of oa'ner. liHcrlpllon of machine,
mailed on ruielpt of fl. Add ess Secre
tary o( State, Lincoln. Nei.
TIIK RliST automobile. In Omaha.
dilven mile; coat luoO. D. K Mo-
. Kay, ism Uarnty 6t. C)-9 2x
fcXi'l lANtil-vlf you have city property
t- ol!, of kuoos, f. it in land or property of
'.y kli'd to exi'hange, writ for our com
I lete list We hate ptoiertiea and land
to all paita of the country to exchange,
t'ur llsi :a free. Send for It at once.
Globe Iji.d and Invetiment Co., 1S2J Far
nam m , uuiaha. Nt. lS 119
1 HAVK a good uirlrht Kimball piano to
aeil, or i! nude even for Hon worth of
Hidewalk oik at 3Soj Ca St. 'Phone
llarru-y 3u4. iji M!73 27
TTPKWHITER8 for rent, 2 up.
Central 1 fewrller Kxchanga.
Pliuns iMug. luS. 16u7 Farnam.
(Continued I
NKARLT new upright piano for board and
room in private family within two miles
of postofflc e. Phone Douglas 719 for par
ticular. Ii-M97l 27
CO ACRL8 6 mlle from Bohell City. Ver
non county, Mn ; SO acre under cultiva
tion; good buildings. Price, 160 per acre;
Inoinihrance, $?,nno. Will exchange for
general merchandise. Glohe Land and
Investment (!o., 1S22 Farnam St., Omaha.
S 7..B
EXCHANGE or for sale, hotel property;
furnished; modern; good business; want
land; merchandise or residence property.
Central Hotel, Spring Valley. III.
1$) M309 30x
TYPEWRITERS for rent. 12 up.
Central Typewriter Exchange,
Phone Doug. UW Farnam.
U-61 2
GOOD stock of general merchandise In an
Iowa town of 2.600. Will trade for clear,
cheap land. Globe Land and Investment
Co., 1822 Farnam. iJi-769
A GOOD driving horse and pha-t In good
repair, to trade for lot in o Cin, give
number of lot. Address. I 7."v . lee.
( ?. i - V 29x
EXCHANGB-S.4?1 acres. J.V). 5 miles from
'Kaniua City, Mo.; want Income $.H ooo
genersl stock, land and some cash. Init
Co., 1608 Jackson (upstalia).
(3)-WB 2Sx
tl7.Brt stock hardware and buildings; want
good Iowa land.
G,8-o general stork merchandise; want clear
Omaha or Council Fluffs Income property.
Beven residence properties, Council Illuffs,
$9,000; for Iowa land.
Ftur cottages. Council Bluffs. (4.500; for
J. R. ADKIN8. Room 4. First Nat l Rank
Bldg., Council Bluffs. la. (3-9P 2Xx
TYPEWRITERS for rent. 12 no.
Central Typewriter Exehange.
Phone Doug. 805. 1607 Farnam.
tSi 661 2S
4a0-ACRE farm In Custer county, Im
proved. 4-room house, large barn, scales,
etc.; 150 acres under cultivation, 12 acres
alfalfa, balance pasture. Price. M.COn; for
Omaha real estate or Omaha drug stock.
Address A 7M. Bee. (3)-?4s 28x
TWO Des Moines residences to trade for
merchandise or western land; rents CW
per month; well located. E. T. Dalbey,
Hamburg. Ia. (3J 533 2x
TYPEWRITERS for rent, 12 up.
Central Typewriter Exchange.
Phone Doug. 806. 1W7 Farnam.
(3 51 28
WANTED Merchandise and hardware
stocks In exchange for farms, CHAS. B.
WILSON, Mondamln. Ia, 13) MiW7 2&X
Some choice farms In Douglas, Washington
and Sarpy counties. Improved and vacant
city property for sale; also several sec
tions of first-class western Nebraska
408 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 612.
(8)-626 2S
GROCERY stock, clothing stock, general
mdse. stock to trade for land.
"Any business anywhere."
8J2 New York Life. Doug. 5149.
WILL trade good building lot, clear. In
northwest part of city, for good driving
horse. Byron R. Hastings, 1704 Farnam
St . ' IS)-
THE KEYSTONE will, on August 1, 1907.
open a department for the EXCLUSIVE
buainesa of buying and selling rooming
houses. The party having charge of this
department thoroughly understands the
business, consequently we can guarantee
satisfaction to buver and seller.
Suite 404 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
'Phone Doug. 33d.
(4)-M940 27
Life. Tel. Doug. 6149. 14) M968
Are You Looking for a Farm,
Home, Ranch, Business
or Property
of any kind anywhere.' It make nn dif
ference whether you want (100 building
loi or a (Mto.ooO tract of coal or timber
land, you ahould not buy or trada before
seeing a copy of taa Real Eatate World.
It contains a large list of property and
merchandise stocks for sale and exchange,
and reaches several thousand readers eaoh
Issue, and Id the beat advertising medium
to reach the real efctato buyers, humcseek
ers and traders that you can advertise In.
Write your name end address on a postal
card, mall it today, and we will send you
the Journal for two months on trial free.
Address the Real Estate World. Buit 6J0
Good Block, Des Molnea. Ia. (4J-431
HALF Interest and help manage townslte
and waterworks proposition; over M
iota and tine artesian well; new town on
R. R., 700 population; write for par
ticulars. John R. Hodges, Artesla. -N. M.
(4) M480 auglox
ROOMING houses for sale, all sizes.
Oangestad. 403 Bee Bldg. 14) M36
FOR BALE The best paying business In
northeastern Nebraska, stock of gro
ceries, queensware and notions; will bs
sold cheap. Answer quick. Address Y
211. Bee. . (4)-Ms7(
WANTED A prty to buy out a flrst
clasa stock of furniture In the best town
on the Elkhnrn valley; best of tenons
for selling. Wlsner Furniture Co, Wis
ner. Neb. H)i(A
TO BUT or sell any business or rest es
tate, call o.i or write E. G. Cangestad.
403 Bee Bldg. (4)-7M
TYPEWRITERS for rent, 12 up.
Central Typewriter Exchange,
. Phone Doug. 80&. 1807 Farnam.
141-66: II
HOTEL furniture and leaee for sale; rea-
aun for selling, owner wishes to quit
business; hotel doing fine business In the
best town In the Black Hills. For partic
ulars, address Box 37, Belle Fourche, B. D.
t4- Md03 augaz
DO YOU need capital, extend or start busi
ness? If ao. write me before arranging
elxewhere; exceptional facilities placing
stoeka. bondx quickly. Everett Dufour,
Corporation Attornev. Wanhlngtnn, D. C
l.4i 676 2x
ROOMING houses for aale. I have a few
bargains, see me before you h"y, 1 have
all Hlxes from 4 to 45 rooms. Prices from
I2ii to I3.mii. Can place you In moat any
kind ot business. Gangestad. 43 Hee
Bldg. (4)64 U
We have a large lint of BUSINESS
I'lIANCES nnd among them are some ex
ceptional BARGAINS. We have a few that
are "cracker-jacks," thnt are netting the
owners the handsome profit of from fi! to 7(
per cent. It will pay ou to Investigate.
New York Life. Doug. 5149.
FOR SALE Tanner's cafe. the pert
equipped place In western Inwa; tneljde
up-to-date soda fountain, confections, ci
gars. Ice cream, news department; a mint
for good man; equipment all new; dtl
(00u buMm-as last year. Address Tanner a
Cafe. Neola, la. ' (4)-7 as
NURSERY for sale. Price IIL-HO; one-half
cash, one-half mortgage at 6 ter Cent:
proflta (li.Si. Full particulars, ll.irry J.
German, 6th and Walnut Sts.. Allentown,
Pa. (4 fcT7 2sx
HOMESEKKERS Best spot on earth for
rich and poor Is Fresno count e. Cali
fornia. Writ Secretary, Chamber of
Commerce. Fresno. Cel., for free Illus
trated pamphlet. (4 5M 3Sx
FOR Investors only. I have Just Issued a
sieilul letter and folder on a copper stock
of real merit, mh'.eh posaeaaee a splendid
Investment opportunity; good sound cop-
E'-r stock logic for shrewd buyers; edition
n't il J. Uu-b Bauer loin, Denver. Colo.
4AJ-471 x
LIST your property with ua. we have buy
ers; hv property for exchange also.
JACOBSON A CO.. 935 N. Y. Life Pldg.
(4) M44I Ali
LIST your property with us. Graham tt
Wright. Kl N. Y. L. Tel. Red 563.
Do You Wish to Make a Change
lr you have a farm, home, business or
property that you wish to sell or ex
iliuiifcT, write us.
Omaha, Neb.
( M661 Aug. 17
ONLY harness stock In good town thirty
live miles from Omaha. Box 279, Blair.
Neb. (0-MSS3 A2
FOR RALE in Fullerton. Neb., blacksmith
and wagon work business, with tools;
one 4 H. P. ganoline engine; only four
shops In county seat town about 1,500.
Address C. R. S ten berg, Indian School,
Genoa, Neb. 14) M734 2.x
FOR SALE Barber shop, confectlonory and
pool hall combined; good reasons for sell
ing. Address J. Ullrich, Box 56, Halhur,
Ia. (4) M225 A4x
ONE of the best pool hall and cigar stores
for sale at Lincoln at once; good reason
for selling. Inquire K St.. lDon. Lincoln.
(4) M182 A4X
FOR SALE 160 acres good land In west
ern Nebraska: 40 acres In cultivation:
owner's share of crop pays from 8 to 10
per cent on money invented and the land
increasing In value every year. For par
ticulars address W. S. Zlttle, Grand Island,
Neb., 218 W. 3d Bt. (4)-M26S 29x
BAKERY for sale or rent in good county
aeat town; doing 1.200 to 1.500 loaves
weekly; going west; cheap for quick buy
ers. Cassvllle Bakery Co., Cassvllle, Mo.
14 M.i7i 27x
FOR BALE Rer.taurant and nine furnished
rooms, all In good shape, each room wllh
bed room suite; dining room and kitchen
well furnished, and will be sold at a
bargain If aold aoon; reason for selling,
poor health. Call on or address G. C.
Elliott, Belle Fourche, 8. D. (4)-M831 ABx
MILLINERY stock for sale; a bargain If
taken soon. Mrs. A. Jennings, West
Point, Neb, (4) MSS Aug. 18x
LIST your property and business; quick
sales. H. Manweiler, 16M Dodge St.
(4) M695 Aug Is
FOR SALE First-class blacksmith and
wagon work business, with tools; (4 to U
received for shoeing and (4 to (8 for set
ting tires. Address Y 129, Bee.
BUTCHER shop for sale Modern in every
respect; the best location In brick build
ing; only market In county seat of 1,000;
large territory surrounding; employ three
men and do heavy business; a splendid op
portunity; owner unable to give personal
attention to business; terms, (1.E00 cash,
balance time. N. J. Frayn, Faulklon, S.
D. (4) M110 27x
NEWSPAPER and Job office, doing good
business, for sale In northwest Iowa.
Price 600 cash. This Is a snap. Guy D.
Savage, Alvord. Ia. (4) M4o Six
809 New York Life Bldg.,
Omaha. Neb.
A fine wall paper and paint store, do
ing fine business; Invoices, $4,501; make
nie an offer. Address or coll 111 N. Tejo.
Colorado Springs. Colo. (4) M128 28x
COME to Illldreth & Lowman with or for
business chancea, farms or city prop
erty. 510 Bee Bldg. (41 MS31
FOR SALE Finest equipped photo gallery
In Western Iowa. Best of trade. Good
reasons for selling. Will take two-thirds
Invoice, half cash, balance long time.
Write to box 30ij, Missouri Valley, Ja.
(4 M477 2ax
YOU can never profit ty business chances
unless you have some money; small sav
ings are the foundation of large fortunes;
start a savings account with J. L. Bran
dels & Sons, Bankers, 16th and Douglas
Sts. Assets over (400,000. (O
FOR SALE Our flm. general merchandise
business, at a bargain for cash; strictly
fine stock; Invoice about (16,000; annual
rash sales $40,000. Will sell all or part on
time If pr perly secured. Sheedy & Reed,
Mankato, Kan. (4)
TURNED Illustrated guide book and list
of inventions wanted, free to any ad
dress. Patents secured by us advertised
free In World's Progress; sample copy
free. Evans, Wllkens at Co., 588 F Sc.
Washington, D. C. (4)
Ten Dollar Note for a Flyer
will carry a 26-word classified ad.
into a million homes one time
Boston Herald, Omaha Bee.
Phlla. No. American, Buffalo Courier,
Syracuse Herald. Rooh. D. & Chron.,
Pittsburg Dispatch. Providence Telegram,
New Haven Leader, Cleve. Plain Dealer,
St. Ixuls Olnbe-Dem., Des M. R. ft Leader,
Washington Post, Denver Republican,
Mil. Free Press. San Fran. Chronicle,
Cincinnati Enquirer. Atlanta Constitution,
Minneapolis Tribune, Dallas News.
Detroit Free Press. Chicago Inter Ocean,
Indianapolis News, Kansas City Journal,
Write for combination offers magazine lists.
riage or vehicle factory could be located
to excellent advantage st a city of west
ern Arkansas adjacent to timber supply
and with tine distributing facilities. In
ducements given, other attractive open
ings for all kinds of factories. New
handbook, "Opportunities," sent free. M.
Schultcr. Industrial Commissioner, Rock
island- Frisco Linos. St. Louis, Mo.
(.4J-649 2SX
TYPEWRITERS for rent, (2 up.
Central Typewriter Exchange.
Phone Doug. 806. 1607 Farnam.
141-652 28
HOTEL for aale cheapo 16-room hotel;
grocery, meat market and livery tn
connection: Hi miles from Toledo, In thriv
ing village: good school, church and elec
tric line facilities. Address communica
tions to MRS. J. 8. McROSS, Erie. Mich.
4 M600 aug3x
INDUSTRIAL and mining stocks. If you
huve any slocks or bonds to dispose of,
. we ran obtain the best cash prices for
them; prompt returns; write to us.
1-eavitt & Grant. Unlisted Securltlea De
partment, members Consolidated Stock
Exchange of New York, 55 1 Broadway,
New Ytirk. (4 566 2x
; MONED Do you need it 7 We are In a
position to furnish capital for any nierltor
loua enterprises. We ran sell your stocks
and bonds quickly on commlaslon basis;
money advanced on good securities; char
ters procured In any stite. Do not fall
to confer with tia; It will be to your tn
tereat. R. Kaatx & Co., Bankera. Tacoma
Bldg., Chicago. 141576 2x
INVESTORS Write for our special free
copper letter, forecasting the copper
share situation; Interesting. Homer
Mineral Go., 66 Broadway, N Y.
(4 1 63 2Kx
WANTED Manager branch salesroom; ro
sponslble man with hrst-rlass reference
and (fvOOO cash to manage branch sales
room for large manufacturing company,
whnee products are sold In carload lota
to R. R. and other large companies; osl
tlon paya la'i) per year, highest bank
and commercial referencea. Address Box
154, Freeport. 111. 14169 2x
WANTED A partner In a business that
will net you (J) per month first year and
not Interfere with your regular business;
$700 required. Address F 74, Bee
l4)-529 2sx
WANTED TO BUY One. 20.00 or 25.000
bushel grain elevator In Nebraska or
western Iowa. Address M, care of Be.j,
' So. Omaha office. (4) (79 2Sx
FREE SIX MONTHS A mining paper
worth reading: It shows bow to make
money; write for it. American Securltlea.
ti Broadway, New Toik, U 6&l if
tContlnuini. i
FOR SALE A successful money making
retail grocery business, selhng $1.5no per
month oa-sh. located In good school town;
State Normal now located here, average
attendance over ! students: good farming
country, good crops, prospects for busi
ness excellent: good opening for dept.
or general store; population 5.m. town
has paved streets and water works; busi
ness has been run by the present owner
for 3 years, who established It. all In
good condition; will lump or Invoice; this
Ik a good foundation for a profitable dept.
store, none In the town. Roy J. Shry
ack. Mer., Co. Warrensburg. Sllssmirl.
(4)-M4i 2Sx
FOR SALE Only butcher shop In good,
enterprising town, dally sales, $25 to $30;
will sell cheap, good reasons for selling.
Address Y 128, care of Bee.
(4)-M43 ASx
FOR SALE- barber shop, with
pool room, cheap; must sell; hav other
business. 1123 N. I'ith St
(4) M474 2Rx
DRUG store for sale everywhere. P. V.
Knlest. 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. (4) 771
HOMES, lands, etc.. bought, sold or traded
quickly. Pardee & Uraum. the hustlers.
830 Neville Blk. (41-529 Augl.l
FOR SALE Drug stock and fixtures In
a good Southern Nerhnskti town. Invoice
about $4,000. Address Y-207. Hee.
(4)-M115 27x
FOR SALE Clothing and gents' furnish
ing stork for sale; only stock In good
farming tow.i of about 50oO. For par
ticulars Inquire Ochsner Bros. Co., Ed
gar. Nb. (5)-M104 27x
TYPEWRITERS for rent. $2 up.
Central Typewriter Exchange,
Phone Doug. R05. 16-7 FarnnriY
(4l-iio2 28
W A NTHD Bright business man with
$2,500 cash to take interest In manufactur
ing business and position as manager at
$115 per month
' Business Chances,
203 Neville Block.
(4) 244
GROCERY and meat business for sale.
Will give good discount. 2227 Broadway.
Council Bluffs, Ia. (4) M945 27x
SNAP, $2,000.00 stock of genl. mdse. to
trade for horses, tools, wagons, har
ness and rental of land, or will sell
at a discount for rash or trade for small
unincumbered farm. Address Rox 286,
Tecumseh, Neb. (4) M484 28x
FOR SALE Stock of merchandise in
town of 6,000; will Invoice $3,500; good
reason for selling; good business; cash
proposition. Address Y 127, care Bee.
(4) M432 27x
CASH for bad accounts, bills, note or
any other claims. For particulars address
E-7S0. Bee. (4)-M108 27x
$4,000 Laundry plant, absolutely clearing
$75 per week for $3,700 Elite laundry,
Boulder. Colo. (4) M113 27x
(4) 76R
FOR BALE Nice, clean grocery stock and
fixtures on a good business street. In
vestigate this. The very best reasons for
selling. Address G 766, Bee.
(9) 188 29x
city property, farms, merchandlso or
chattel. Write Townsend Realty Co.,
Modal. Ia. (4) M560 AugBx
BERKA & CO.. 938 N. Y. Life Bldg.. sell
real estate quick and satisfactory.
(i 20 Augls
Val tonal In v. Co. buys, sells or exchanges
laiiu, eny properly, merriiHn-
dlse and automobiles. 53 Douglas block.
(41240 aug22
WANTED Partner with $1,500 or real estate
for half Interest In paying hardware busi
ness. Address J. W. Fitzgerald, agent,
835 N. Y. Life. (41232 30x
FOR SALE Lunch counter, cheap; good
business; only one In town; on crossing
Milwaukee and M. & St. L. A. H.
Meyers. Bradley, S. D. (4) 49S 2x
TAII.OR SHOP, established five vears. In
good neighborhood, for sale. 1308 N. 24th
St- 4l 4M 21x
rectory, located In a thriving locality;
works now in operation and additional
capital needed to take care of increasing
trade. This Is a fine opportunity for a
young man wishing to be established in
a manufacturing business. Address Man
ufacturer. 20 Mill St., Rockford, III.
IF YOTT have $750 and willing to hustle you
can get nair interest in a business that
will clear not less than $600 monthly. Ad
dress B 794. care Bee. (4) M6&5 2Sx
TYPEWRITERS for rent, $2 up.
Central Typewriter Exchange.
Phone Doug. 806. 1607 Farnam.
i4-62 28
STOCK, bond offering, mining, electric, in
dustrial or railway company, wanted for
sale; commission basis. Address, full
particulars. Clientele, P. O. Box 2T. New
York. (4)-66 28x
OPENINGS for business houses are plentl-
iui aiong ine kook island. Frisco lines
in the rapidly growing southwest and
west. Particularly attractive are some of
the locations for general stores. If In
terested, outline kind of location pre
ferred. Send for hundbook, "Opportuni
ties." M. Schulter. Industrial Commis
sioner, Rock Island-'Frisco Lines, St
Louis, Mo. (41548 2x
WANTED Competent voung man for atoro
manager: aalary $l,nv per year; Invest
ment $700; permanent position. Address
Galbreath, Youngstown, Ohio.
(4) 668 28x
H. T. RODMAN & CO.-Hlgh class Inveat
ments, Cambridge Eldg., southwest cor
ner 6th Ave. and 33d St.. New York, N. Y.
Write or call on us for full particulars
concerning our guaranteed 2 per cent
dividend security, payable quarterly.
, l4)-572 28
FOR HALE Fine brewery business. Con-
eeveoieen noieis in eastern state.
Investigate this. Address, Y 214. Bee.
(4i MrtOS 29x
BUSINESS CH A NCE Newspaper plant for
town or rv. Address A. C.
Bomers. Dickens. Iowa. () M604 auglx
SALES made on Mdae., Jewelry, household
goods, live stock, fnrm Implements, etc
Roth oc Tyrrell. 1212 Douglas. Omaha.
Carpet Cleaning.
SANITARY Cleanins Co., 1911 Farnam.
DR. ROY. R. I, VjK, Farnam Bt Doug. 6497.
Id j ali,
AUGUST KROFFT. building contractor.
wj i.. 01,, ooutn umana. ( 77i
CtTll Engineers.
(6) 77
0vincjv creamery co., umana.
IN FAMILIES-MISS Sturdy. Tl. Harney
IM 771
M' DO WELL Dressmaking School. 1623 Far-
LADIES learning aewtng ran have pat-
wmi ut. aie a. hiu ave. rtea Mit.
l5)-2 Aug. U
.Continued J
BAILEY MACH. 3d Mr. Paxton. D. 1.
HESS A BWOBODA. 1415 Farnam.
L. HENDERSON. 1519 Far. Tel. D. 126S.
THE 8CHLITZ, European, 16th and Harney
Jeweler Wa tea shaker.
N. P. 8TILLINO WMch, clock. Jewelry
repairing, 2-3 Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 4367.
Lawn Mowers Sharpened.
LAWN mowers sharpened. I wrence, 2703
Leavenworth St. (5) MiK3 Aug. 17
JOHNSON INS , 418 N. T. L. Tel. D. 14.
(5) 786
Dr. Bowser, over 1502 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370.
(5) M373 A23
OOo Sapplles.
FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose
leaf devices and office fixtures and sup
plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co.,
U22 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 606 2.
(5) M662 Aug. IT
C. B. TKUSSELL, 115 South lth Bt.
l) 7X1
WANTED Plumbers.
Tel. Harney 1966.
W. Dudgeon,
(6) MISS
BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order,
don't fall to see our elegant Imported line.
Lyngstad & Jorve, printers, 16 & Cap. Ave.
HIGH GRADE Imitation typewritten let
ters and Job printing; no Job too large or
small. Anchor Publishing Co., 1X22 Far
nam St. Tel. Doug. 5562. (6) M966 AuglO
WHEN YOU write to advertisers remember
that it takes but an extra stroke or two
of the pen to mention the fact that you
saw the ad In The Bee.
JENNINGS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 6330.
Safes, Shatter, ISte
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a spe
cialty of Are escapes, shutters, doors and
safes.1 G. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 10th St.
School Supplies.
OMAHA School Supply Co.. 1621 Howard.
(6) .ao Aug. 19
Shoo Repairing.
RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO. first - class
work. 1618V, Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red tot
MORRIS Chicago Practical Tailor for
ladles' and gents' new work: repairing,
cleaning and dying. Called for and de
llverod. iU9 S. 27th St. Tel. Red bi16.
THE Oliver Typewriter Co., 116 8. 16th St.,
win rtiu jou on unver typewriter, with
oak stand, and keep you In ribbons for $3
per month; will earn more than $3 per
month in time saved. Get the habit
(5) 822 augT
Violin Making;.
VIOLIN repairing.
Ramge Blk.
L. Heakett, 547
5) Mla Augl2
The Leading Palmist, Clairvoy
ant, Trance Medium
Parlors at 113 South 16th St.,
Reveals all of your conditions Present,
Past and Future, without asking
you any questions.
If You Are Interested to Better
Your Affairs Consult
I Mme. Buddha
Tells you the meaning of the lines that
your hands show, and the things that are
about to haprien. If It la for your benefit
or not; If It ia possible to avoid It, and, if
Inevitable, how to meet It.
the future with marvelous accuracy; on
what dates you will be successful and when
you may expect to see the changes, and
what to do accordingly.
" Names and Description
When you will have business dealings,
and If they will get the best of you. How
to proceed and to look out for such persons
and avoid them.
Mme. Buddha
gives you names of your relatives and also
If they are far away, and If they are pros
perous, whether any legacy la left to you,
etc.. and how to acquire the necessary In
formation to get the legacy.
Gives Always Complete Satisfaction
Guaranteeing satisfaction In every case
or no fee will be accepted. Call when In
doubt, or in difficulty.
Parlors at 113 South 16th St.,
Engagements by 'Phone
Douglas 4596.
See Display Sign Outatde. (T)
Those that are interested in
bettering their condition turn to
for Mme. Lo Retta's display ad.
Greatest Clairvoyant and Spirit
Medium of Omaha. Parlors at
1709 Dodge Street.
( 06-2l
MADAM BROW N The gifted clairvoyant,
reads both hsnd and card 1624 Cuming.
Ioug. 50. 642 2x
MRS. FAl'ST, scientific palmist. Advice
on all affairs. Ladles. 50c; gentleman,
11U6. 1 Cuming. Doug. 4122,
Clerical anil tBee.
We are in need of V2 stenographers at
slnrii-s rnnslng from $ to lift, to till posi
tions temporarily. We nlso have a
number of temporary positions for those
desiring places of that kind D' not fall
to see us Ht once as we can place you on
short not're.
721-2 N. Y. U Building.
t7i;;f- 28
STENOGRAPHER wanted by wholesale
house. In answering i;lve salary ex
pert ed and state where last employed.
Address D 7W5, care Bee. (7-6 2S
WHOLESALE house wishes first class
stenographer who writes a good hand and
Is good at figures; good wages. Answer
In handwritltiK, stating experience. Ad
dress P 773. Bee. (7)-Mi5 27
WANTED-Stenographer who can wrlie In
surance and keep books In real estate of
fice. Address own hand, giving references
and salary expected. Address A 741. Hee.
(7 M514 30
STENOGRAPHER wanted; write, stating
experience and salary desired. C 7!f. care
Bee. (7)fti5 ffl
WANTED Young lady stenographer to
stay In office and do public stenographic
work. A good opportunity for the right
person desiring to lead Independent lite
and make good money. Y 147, care Bee.
(7) 695 :x
CLERK Accurate at figures; aalary, $7
per week; give reference and experience.
Y 140, care Bee. (7) S5K 2
Factorr and Trade.
GIRLS WANTED Burgess Shirt Co., 2024
T a "rot
caii in in oi, i i47i
ST. (7) -793
WANTED Ladlt s and girls for decorating
sofa pillows at home experience un
necessary, permanent and good pay, call
before 3 p. in., 23U So. 13th.
(7 99S 27x
WANTED A stylish, competent cutter, fit
ter antT talloress, for first class dress
making parlor. A single lady, wanting
a nice home, prefcred. References. Resi
dence, 1049 Park Ave. Phone Harney
37i0. (7) M2G2
Housekeeping and Domestic.
WANTED Good lady cook, 140. Phoenix
Hotel. Sanborn. Iowa. (7)-MS4
FAMILY cook and maid, $40 and $30. Can
adian Office, 15th and Dodge.
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
four In family. 4S01 Davenport. Tel. Har
ney 2113. (7)-M110
WANTED Competent cook; good wages
and steady position to right party. Ad
dress D 779, care Bee. (7) 613
GOOD cook wanted. Apply 3204 Farnam.
(7) 141!
WANTED First class cook, who has had
experience In good family, none other
need apuly. Wages SlU.Oft to (12.00 a week.
Mrs. Ernest E. Hart, 55 3d St., Council
Bluffs, la. 17) 124 VSx
WANTED Competent middle aged woman
to help with care of two babies under 3
years old; must be Intelligent und neat;
t25 wages. 1802 Blimey St. (7) M8S4 A3
GOOD girl for general housework; three
In family; easy place. Mrs. W. A. Smith,
1V1 B. 35th St. 7) 146 2S
EXPERIENCED girl, city references. In
family of two; no washing. Mrs. Andrew
llosewater, 3520 Harney. (7) 141
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework; good wayes; three In family.
3901 Dewey Ave. 'Phone Harnev 2653.
(7)-234 30
GIRL for general housework. 34i Cali
fornia St. (71-243 2Sx
WANTED Chambermaid at the I'topla,
18th and Davenport. (7) M201
WANTED Girl for general housework.
1533 Park Ave. Phone Harney 1436.
- (7)-285
WANTED Girl for house work at Hender
son, the Florist. 1016 N. 2ith St., South
Omaha. (7) 452 28x
GOOD laJy cook to take charge of amall
boarding house. Write H. D. Floyd,
North Fork. Wis. (7) M46Z A2x
WANTED A housekeeper on a farm at
once. G. Von Asperln, Brinsmade. N. D.
(7) M461 A2x
WANTED Good rhnmberninld who will
help with the Ironing at the Creche, lM'l
Harney Bt. (7) 4!0i 29x
CHAMBERMAID (white preferred) to care
for rooms only. Cnl!.at 107 8. 17th St.
I'ermanent position for right party.
(7) 4!3 29x
WANTED-Reliable girl for general house
work. Apply to Mrs. J. B. Patterson. W'19
Pacific St. 'Phone Harney 36.19.
(7)-M523 30x
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework, 16 per week; most of wash
ing sent out. 2214 F street. South Omaha.
(7 522 2
GENKRAL house work; no cooking. 3218
Cuming. (7l M677 30
WANTED Girl for general housework;
wages, 5. 3210 Popplctou Ave. (7) 671
Slenographer tattoincv's office), Jtii.
Stenographer (wholesale house), STiii.
Stenographer (very light work), $40.
Several stenographers wanted for sub
stitute work, $2 to W per day.
The above positions must he filled AT
ONCE. Several positions are open to be
tilled August 1st.
Complete list on request. Call or write.
404-6 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha.
(7)-73 28
Here are Just a few:
fady cashiers, experienced.
Stenographers and bookkeepers combined.
And many miscellaneous positions. We
will for a limited time register FREE
stenographers who can pass a required
examination. Register t once.
404 Bee Bhig. 'Phones D. 33b. 11. 3!l.
Omaha, Neb.
2 stenographers. $65.
2 office clerks. $30, $40.
And jiumerous other vacancies. If you
are In need of a position see us st oin-e.
We ran place you on short notice.
721-2 N. Y. Life Bhlg.
(7) MI75 27
WANTED Young women (o enter the Mel
bourn hospital training school for nuri-ea,
Ixa Angeles. Cal. For further Informa
tion apply to Miss A. E. DuSold. 950 t).
Olive St., Los Angeles. Cal.
'(7I-M711 Alx
LADIES and girls to stamp transfers at
home days or evenings; $1.50 to 12. mi ier
day; quickly learned. Room 6"4 Puxton
Blk. 7)-M180 29x
WRITE short stories. Big money. If you
don t know how, I will help yon. Write
to M. Herman Thlele, 1115 Tonawanda St ,
Buffalo. N. Y. I7-M137 29x
WANTED Lady to demonstrate the Man
love hair grower; liberal salary to right
party. Dr. Minerva .lames, 2u24 Daven
port. Tel- Douglas 65sh (1) M932
ANY student desiring employment or any.
one desiring to enter business honorably
and profitably may reg'ster free of charge
at McCarenty Institute, 1802 Farnam St.
(7) -MM
WANTED Graduate trained nurse of
experience to act as trained nurse In
a small general hospital of .0 beds; 11
to 15 patients; 4 student nurses; salary,
$SS to $40 per month, room and board.
Send photo and referencea. Addreas
Bug 111, Jamestown, N. D.
.(7)r-Ail7 2x
-4 ontlnaed.
WANTED- A nurse for small hospital Ira
northwestern yomlng. Address Y zif
(7)-MUU 2
aNTEI A first-class hairdresser. Appl
t once to Tiairdrrsslng Dept. J. ! Bran
dels k Sons.
(71 -4:4 it
WANTED -Sewing Rlrls. at
Frank Press. 4032 8. I.ith St.
once. Mrs,
t7)-14 2x
FREE, to ladles; handsome stick pin, ex
UiilsitH design; also valuable beauty
secret. Send name and address. Ahtram
Mfg. Co., 221 E. 53. New York.
(7)-N3 2fix
WOMEN'S $3 50 shoes from the Norrls
sto.k st 111. Benson A Thome. 1517
DouglasSt. (7) 2
Agents, Bollcltora and Salesman.
To sell our 3-plece Dutch earthenware;
cooking vessels to consumer.
The greatest money-making proposition
ever offered to canvasaers.
One party Is now ordering these goods in
carload lots.
Why? Simply because they are some,
thing new and a quick acllcr, and him
self a hustler.
If you mean business send 11s 25a to
cover postage on complete canvassing
outfit with which to begin work.
the j. w. m cot pottery co.,
Rosevllle, Ohio.
() M470 87x
AGENTS wanted to drive through the
country; best aelllng proioltlon ever of
fered; big value for your customer, big;
rrotlt for you. Write today for particu
lar and territory. B. R. McClcllan, 60S
Bee Bhig , Omaha. Neb. (9) -834
SOLICITORS wanted: prefer thoae who
have had experience aelllng vlewa. por
traita or books; pleasant work and big
money. Call at Room 6u3, Bee Bldg
(9) 338 .
WANTED Man tc titre and manage a crevr
of aollcltora; prefer one who haa had ex
perience in selling to farmers; permanent
Sosltlon; good income. Address o 347.
lee oftlce. (9) 410
EXCLt SIVE territory to district manag
ers; liberal contract to write our waul
earners' combination health and accident
certificate. Address World Accident Asso.
elation, 5u2 W. O. W. Bldg , Omaha, Neb.
$J5 PER WEEK and traveling Flense
paid salesmen to sell goods to grocery
dealers; experience unnecessary. Iurlty
Co., Chicago. (9)
AGENTS wanted to sell $1 box of Native;
Herbs for 36c, express paid. Write, P. C.
Melrose, Columbus, O. (SI
SALESMEN WANTEIV-To sell the well
known and widely advertised line of
"Acorn" and "Sophomore" men's clothing
for the stales of Kansas, Nebraska, Mis
souri, Iown, Illinois and Wisconsin. Lib
eral inducements to men with an estab
lished trade. All communications treated
confidentially. Address Leopold, Solomon
and Eisendrath, 231-236 Market St., Chi
cago. (9)
AGENTS' opportunity to sell either ter
ritory or article Itself. Greatest fuel saver
Invented. AU10 the Iowa Concrete fencn
post. Address J. A. McDanlel, Letts, la.
RESPONSIBLE, dignified man wanted as
financial representative In every town;
congenial, independent employment, lead
ing to large salary; no Investment re.
quired. St. Paul Timber Syndicate, 8U
Paul, Minn. ,t!))
SALESMAN wanted for Japanese meer
schaum advertising pipes. Best sellliur
novelty today. Liberal commission. Prompt
Japaneso Novelty Co., St.
Louis, Mo.
AGENTS One exclusive agent for every
town to take ordets for inade-to-iiieasut
suits for men and women; $100 mo 'hlv
or more easily earned; sample outft ..V
styles newest woolens, packed In hand
some carrying case, delivered free of cost.
Opportunity to establish prosperous and
growing business without Investment or
capital. Full instructions with every out
fit. Apply today. The Eagle Tailoring
Co.. 212-218 Franklin St., Chicago. i'Ji
SALESMEN wanted for the most practical
11 1 nl popular line of office apeclallttes on
ll market; universal demand; splendid
opportunity for good men. D. 8. Cooper,
Burlington, la. (9) 626 2Xx
SALESMEN wanted with an established
trade among hardware Jobb4rs and re
tailers to side line n unique sharpening
and grinding machine; light weight, easv
to carry, perfectly made, sells on sight
wherever shown, and every machine Is
guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or
money back; exclusive territory given,
commission on reorders and other new
and attractive features to salesmen. This
is the best proposition offered to reliable
men. Write for full particulars, staling
the house you are with and give refer
ences. Only responsible men wanted.
Foster & Co., 52a tlei mania Hldg., Mil
waukee, Wis. t) 624 2Sx
RELIARLE men to take charge of terri
tory now open for new telephone attach
ment. Every telephone user buys on-.
Exclusive' territory. Address for par
ticulars. Janus A, Mulch, Woodstock.
Ontario. (9)-iol 28X
WANTED a salesman of ability to repre
sent us exclusively In Nebraska, with our
large and first class line of calendars
advertising spoellat les and druggists
labels and boxes. Our line Is so com
plete that every business concern In each,
and every town can be solicited; our
goods are first class and priced right
our company was organised In 1K2 ami Is
well ami favorably known ' I hrouuliout
the country. Caplulixed Tor $2on,ii,o. Com
mission 3i and 26 per cent. A man of
ability and willing to work steadily can
lilske from $50 lo $fl per week. Gooil
man only wanted Enclose this adver
tisement with application. Address Sales
manager. Merchants Publishing ,.
Kalamazoo, Mich. (9) 60" 28
WANTED-Bright man to travel this terri
tory; experience not necessary; expense
advanced and fair salary lo stsit Mo.
Brady Co., Chlcngo (9i-o78 x
SALESMEN who contemplate making
change write us for particulars. Several
of our salesmen earned from $100 to innn
per month during May ami June. Mo
Alllsl. r- Company, 358 Dearborn
.- " i !''??!!: ()-679 28x
HALESMKN for Nebraska; experienced
traveling man preferred; linn staple fni
general trade; position permanent $30
week y advance with commission. Saw
yer, Islle & Co., Detroit, Mich.
1 l9 C40 Stx
S A LLttM EN Don't answer this ad unless
you want to earn from $3nn to tftOO i,"e
month with a at rung proposition We
mean business; If you are the man' write
us. Frank R. Jennings, Sales Mgr Chl-
'- () ". x
AGENTS WANTEI.-LegltTinaTeTisTitut,
for slot machines, patented; sePa on elifht
for $1. Particulars, Glsha Co., Anders m
ln;' (9i-61 Six '
WA NTED Salesman ; best stationery prou
oslllon going as side line. Dept a Ror
420. Davenport, la (l-562 3ix.
I SALESMEN lo sell sld- line;
. paint line; only makes in
specialty In
the llnlterl
vooo finishing Co.,
Philadelphia. Pa
(9) -563 2Sg
116 North 41 li St..
WANTED Agenta for heal selling article
large demand for goods; sgems make $2
weekly; sample and particular 10c, silver
Occidental Supply Co., I am Angeles Cal'
(9l-64 2Rx '
small line of new. original advertising
novelties; fine sellers; sample, prepaid,
25c to practical salesmen. Write SpoU
wood Specialty Co., Lexington. Kt
(91560 28g
US for tiart lelllsra uUnl
30 useful artlclea; aelf quickly; large
profits; all holies' and children's good.
rair Mig. t o., M-f.n, Haclne, Wis.
l9)-fl9 x
WANTED Traveling aaleamen; salary and
expenses advanced; eav line; experience
unnecessary, Hubert Thai & Co., 84,
Lou la, Ui M-ttf 2&