Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 6, Image 14

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Go Colorado "tJja H7o50
Wonderful Mountain Scenes
Beautiful Lakes '
Abundant Fishing
ening Twenty-Fourth Streets Means
Much Just at Present.
Ordinance Passed by City Council Will
;lve Lonnest Street In Omaha
nnd May 1'hanne Some Es
tablished Institutions.
Tli. question of opening Twenty-fourth
street In the neighborhood of Crelghton
university, thus making that street the
longest thoroughfare In the city, bids fair
to be settled after an agitation of ton
years. An ordinance opening the street
from California to Burt has been pasRed
by the city council anil awaits the signa
ture of the mayor. Certain citizens whose
property Is to be taken for the street
could hang up the matter In the courts,
but that la unlikely. Crelghton university
Is affected In greater measure by the or
dinance than any citizen, having to give
'tip a strip of ground larger than that which
will be required from private citizens. For
'many years the university opposed the
proposition of opening the street, on the
ground that traffic would injure me ocn-
leal Instruments In the oh-
aervatory. Lately the, university has 01
fered no opposition. ' "
j The rasstng of the ordinance calls to
wlnd Hiajiy prophecies that have been made
regarding the street in the last few years.
Time and time again the opening of the
ptreet, and In connection with It the build
ing of a cross-town street car line, has
jbaen discussed In publlo; a million times
!ln private. Come are In favor of the cross
town line for the obvious reason that It
would bring the north and south portions
of the city Into closer communication.
Others, and among them some who own
groperty-on the street, are opposed to it
on the ground that It would attract retail
buildings to Twenty-fourth, not only near
Farnam street, but at other points, and
'hus detract from the residence value of
he thoroughfare.
It Is generally conceded that the need for
good office room is not so great In Omaha
as It was a year or two ago, or at least It
will not be when the Brandels building Is
completed. On the other hand. It Is not
anticipated that any of the better .class of
offices will be vacant for long. When the
Brandels structure Is completed most of
the grain men will move there to get clot.
to the Grain exchange, which will take
quarters In the building. The majority of
the grain men. outside of two or three
big companies, are now In the Board of
Trade building, whose management will
i'ave to hustle for new tenants. Phy
sicians and real estate men will also go
to the Brandels building.
It will take but a very few months to
make the adjustment, say the realty men.
The Brandels structure will soon bs full,
and the Hoard of Trade building will soon
be filled by men moving In from the smaller
and antiquated office buildings In the out
skirts of the business district. Only In
these outlying plaoes will any vacant offices
be left. The condition there will be for
better rather than for worse, for what Is
needed In many Instances Is that the old
rookeries give place to larger buildings
of a more modern type. Just as the two
old shacks In the rear of the Merchants
'National bank building are making way
for a substantial bank annex, and Just as
tae row of tumble-down old structure on
via UNION PACIFIC, the Popular Route to All Western Points.
For Booklets and Full Information Write to or Inquire at Union Pacific City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam Street, or Telephone Douglas 334.
North Sixteenth street are giving way to
the fine Colin building.
A lull in downtown business property has
been one of the characteristics of the hot
feasor Only one transaction in property
of tliis description, as far as the public
knows, was made last week. It was the
cale of the Holies & Rogers hide house on
South Thirteenth street to Duncan B. Mc
Donald, formerly local manager for Bolles
& Rogers. This was outside the limits
of the high-priced dlstrirt, bringing about
$148 per front foot. Another downtown
piece was sold which will be made busi
ness property one day. Judge James Neville
bought from Mrs. Van Brunt of Missouri
the full lot and two-story frame structure
at 1711 Chicago street. Mr. Neville expects
some day to tear away the old building
and erect a store and flat structure.
Out In Dundee houses are going up In
bunches. Just as they are In Omaha. It Is
no uncommon sight to see three or four
new residences In course of construction
on one block. Lust week George A Co. sold
a lot at Flfty-nrst and California streets
to Mrs. Sarah Ann Ferguson as a site for
a U.000 home. About the time she begins
work on her house Herbert I. Gannett will
begin the erection of a residence Just across
Lie street and Mrs. Ward will build on the
lot adjoining Mr. Gunnett's property.
This week will see several changes In of-
flte Nation among the realty men. J. H.
Dumont & Son will move from their nt.
Hies on the ninth floor of the New York
Life building to the Hoard of Trade build
ing, having leased part of the office taken
on the first floor of the Nebraska Loau
and Building association. Payne. Bostwick
& Co. will move from the sixth floor
of the New York Life building to the first
floor offices, formerly occupied by C. R.
Glover. Both of these firms are getting
to larger offices and both to first-floor
offlces. This fact Indicates the prosperity
which Is attending the real estate busi
ness In Omaha.
' St. Paul. Minn., Is among the latest cities
to begin an extensive advertisement of Its
Industries and its advantages as a resi
dence city. A fund of $2nn.(100 Is being
raised for the purpose of carrying on the
campaign, and heavy real estate holders
are contributing largely. It Is proposed
to establish a central bureau of Informa
tion and develop a system by which the
bureau can keep In touch with the promi
nent men of all parts of the country who
vl-" the city, to learn of their coming
In advance and provide means of enter
tainment for them while In the city. Of
course the chief entertainment would be
seeing the town and hearing a recital of
Its manifold resources snd advantages. It
Is figured that the advertisement derived
from this source and scattered over the
country by enthusiastic admirers of the
city will bring many people to St. Paul.
People moving to Omaha for an Indefinite
period don't rent very long; they buy or
build homes. They readily rccosrnlze the
fact that Omaha realty Is a good Invest
ment, andf if they have any money they
decide to make It earn more, instead of
paying It out In rent. A. Edgecomb, who
came to Omaha from Missouri Valley last
week to 'take charge of the I'pdlke Milling
company's plsnt. bought a f5,om home be
fore he had been many days In the city.
This Is Just an Instance. They come every
day and do the same.
Realty men who read last week of the
establishment at Ploomlndale's. in New
York City, of "a real estste department for
the sale of high-grade restricted home sites
at very reasonable prices" are thanking
heaven there Is yet one thing In Omaha
Sart on Framework of a
1I- al
the department stores are not handling.
Bloomindale's offers lots at JL0 each, "on
a remarkably easy payment plan." Free
transportation Is offered to purchasers, and
on certain days a special reduction of 6
per cent is made to all buyers.
That Omaha Is gradually spreading out
over more territory as well as building up
within Its present limits is apparent to
one who takes a car ride to the end of
the line, whether It be north, south or
west. For Instance, take the car to Krug
park. You see new houses all along the
way, and when you get out on Military
avenue, out In the edge of the crfuntry, you
see them almost as numerous as when
you acre closer town. Along the avenue
and within one or two blocks of It, on
either side, are a number of nice renl
dences which have been built within the
last few months, and a number now In
course of construction. The latest one Is
a two-story double brick house, which Is
being erected by Mrs. W. L. Mardts at the
southeast corner of Military avenue and
Fifty-second street. It Is of the substan
tial type of brick houses so prevalent In
Omaha at present.
Judging from the reports of local men
who do a brokerage business In lands.
Omaha people who have money to Invent
outside of city real estate are putting It
Into Nebraska farms Si.d ranches. Speak
ing of the purchase of Charles D. Beaton
of a half section of land In Banner county,
a local agent said: "That man has the
right Idea, lie dtiesn't want a ranch In
some state l.ono miles away; he wants one
where he can get to It occasionally and
sea what is going on. A good many other
people of this city and other eastern Ne
braska towns think the same thing and are
Investing their money In good black Ne
r BaajaagS' i'Trrr"Wf'eTIHrr- rTf'HrTyW""'1fl -TtWTi r IH TeVH'r" iiiiinn ijhiihs mil'.) m a ..'
w a mi ami
OD C3 0 C3
Also Low Rates to Wyoming Fishing
Resorts and Camping Grounds and
Yellowstone National Park :: :: ::
,afL H, M.U. .-. " Tt-" Jfl'V. tl'.wJHXW. 1
mA Urn i5VVv
braska soil. I know of no place which
affords greater possibilities of development
than the weatern half of this state."
The attention of the Hoard of County
commissioners will also be claimed briefly
by the Real Estate exchange, which will
say to the board that many streets and
alleys In additions just outside the city
limits should be kept open, where now
citizens are allowed to close and use them
as private property.
It was whispered that the real estate
men would discuss billboards at the ast
meeting of the exchange, but nothing came
of the prophecy. The matter is slated for
this week's meeting of the body, and
whether or not an Intensely spirited discus
sion will arise depenns largely on what fic
tion the council takes Tuesday on bill
board ordinances now before It. An ordi
nance was passed !y3t week banishing bill
boards from city property, ' but the one
having to do with prtvato property whs
postponed until this week. Many of the
realty men condemn billboards of all kinds,
but there are others who say that a bill
board with fresh paint or posters on It Is
more to be desired than a vacant lot grown
up with weeds.
Hastings lleyden report the following
sales since July 1: Two lots In Cur
tis & Stone's addition, west of Miller
park, to John M Colllster; lot on Brown
street, between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth
streets, to Mabel l. Lumlhtig;
lot In Kountie. Place on Lothrnp street,
between Nineteenth and Twentieth streets,
to Mrs. B. V. Weeks; lot on Brown street,
between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth
streets, to Frank II. Foley; new house on
Ames avenue, between Nineteenth ani
Twentieth streets, to Fred T. Anderson
for a home; lot In Kountzu Piaca on Sher
Fine Building
' - ir n "i " in i - -rtfTirii iiiiifmr ... 9
man avenue, just south of Blnney street,
to R. A. Thompson; large corner lot in
Kountze Place, being the northwest cor
ner of Eighteenth and Spencer street.-;,
to A. N. Eaton, proprietor of Nebraska
Steel and Tank company; lot in Sulphur
Springs addition on Sherman avenue, be
tween Lothrop and Emmet streets, to C.
A. Prints, on which a home will be built
at once; one-acre lot In Belvedere, Just
west of Miller park, to Mrs. Emma Wll
letts; lot In Curtis & Stone's addition, Just
west of Miller park, to Charles E. Gard;
house on North Twenty-sixth street, south
of Ames avenue, to Anna Aukland; two
lots In Dundee, corner Forty-eighth and
California streets, to A. B. Wells; lot In
Kountze Place on Spencer street, betwe-n
Nineteenth and Twentieth streets, to Sam
F. Boord; lot In Bluff View addition,
corner of Fourteenth avenue and Pinkney
street, to R. L. Kenny, on which a new
brick house Is being built; house, 431
North Twenty-sixth street, to Mrs. Emma
Craven; two lots on Brown street, be
tween Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth
streets, to L. V. Herring; lot In Collier
Place on Ames avenue, between Thirtieth
and Thirty-first streets, to I. N. Htnuit;
house and lot In Summit addition on
Spring street, between Twenty-ninth and
Thirtieth streets, to John Kelltz; lot on
Twenty-fifth avenue, between Fort and
Jaynes. to Harry C Haiiry; lot on Twen-ty-fifth
avenue, between Fort and Jaynes
streets, to Louise Haefner; contract to
build a four-room cottage for Mrs. Deyoe
on Maple street, between Twenty-seventh
and Twenty-eighth streets; business lot
In Kountxe Place on Sherman avenue,' be
tween Locust and Blnney streets, to J. R.
Salisbury; lot in Curtis & Stone's add',
tion. Just west of Miller park, to D. J.
Trail; two lota in Central I'ark addition,
between Thirty-eighth and Hrown streets,
to M. H. Putney, on which a new house
Natural Mineral Springs
Unsurpassed Climate
Excellent Hotels
Is being built; two lota in Curtis & Stone'a
addition, Just west of Miller park, to
James MoGrael; lot In Sulphur Springs
addition on Emmet street, between Four
teenth and Sherman avenues, to R. and A.
Rhynn; two lots In Military addition, Just
north of Krug park, to George Pointer;
lot In Curtis & Stone's addition, just west
of Miller park, to George Sworenson; lot
In Curtis & Stone's addition, to J. A. Mur-
flliy; lot lrf Curtis & Stone's addition, to
Signa Bondesson; lot In Hastings & Hey
den's Third addition, to Elizabeth Nebar;
house and lot on Twenty-sixth and Brown
streets, S1.750.
Refuses to Approve Layout of Lota
Toncblnar Cat-Off Lake
A certain real estate promoter Is In
doubt as to whether he will sell lots In
Omnha next week. A short time ago he
came to the city and made arrangements
to plat a new addition, which was to have
Included what Is now known as Barker's
subdivision, an addition to the city lying
along Ames avenue, near the western shore
of Cut-Off lake, and to have also Included
part of a tax lot lying just east of the
Before this plat had been officially known
to the city authorities the Board of Park
Commissioners outlined a plan for Cut-Off
lake park, and this plan Included a boule
vard extending along Ames avenue, Just
south of the tax lot. At the eastern edge
of the lot It turns north along the line of
Thirteenth street, extended, and thonce
runs north of the lake. The scheme, also
contemplated the appropriation of about
forty feet of the south part of the tax lot.
Now the city council has been asked to
approve the plat and the members refuse
to do so until negotiations for the Cut-Off
lake park have progressed to a point where
the land can be appraised, a majority of
the council believing that the land can ho
more easily acquired In one body than In
separate lots owned by different persons.
Halle Howl at Alleaed Loss of Home
1 nfalr Advantage They
Chicago grain interests are objecting to
the ruling of the Interstate Commerce
commission that shipments in transit shall
not carry the proportional rates beVond
transit points at the time of reshlpincnt,
but Instead move as through shipments
at the. through rates In effect from starting
points at the time of original shipment.
The Missouri river grain men do not
Join In the anvil chorua, but are clapping
their hends In glee. Of course the Chl-
( csro men (Ion t IIKe. tne ruling, lliey say,
1 for It robs them of some of the advantages
! th.y have had over Omaha and Kansas
J City. Omaha men were most active In the
i fight to secure the ruling, and It Is na
; tural they should be pltsed. The Chicago
! grain kings can no longer store millions
of bushels of grain In transit' at Omaha,
and then have a special rate east made on
it. a concession the Omaha men could not
secure from the railroads.
Brevity la the Haul.
In a Tennessee court an old colored
woman was put on the witness stand to
tell what she knew aliout the annihilation
of a hog by a railway locomotive.
Being sworn, she was asked If she had
seen the train kill the hog in question.
"Vessah, I seed It."
"Then," said c ounsel, "tell the court In an
few words as possible Just how It occur
red." "To" honor." responded the old lady, "I
shore kin tell yo' in a few words. It Jes,
tooted an' tuck him."-Success Magazine.
Says Paving Operations Should Pro
ceed with More Dispatch,
Barber Company ta Criticised for Do
lay of Important Paving; on
Farnam Street and Prom
ises to Improve.
Paving operations have about reached the
maximum for the year in Omaha, but the
progress Is not satisfactory to the en
gineer's department. The officials of this
department are particularly anxious to
have the work on Farnam street finished
as rapidly as possible and the assertion is
made that the Barber Asphalt company,
which Is doing the work. Is delaying mat
ters In a way which will require explana
tions. The company promises to begin to
lay asphalt next week.
This company is also at work on Fortieth
street between Dodge and Davenport
streets. The street car company has Its
tracks practically completed to Dodge
street and the street Is being graded. It
Is thought this work will be completed by
August 10.
Charles Fanning Is rushing work on the
two contracts he recently secured from the
rity. Concrete Is laid on Bouth Twentieth
street from Leavenworth to Pierce streets,
and the setting of curbs on South Twenty
second street between' Pacific and Mason
streets will begin next week.
At last there Is some evidence of work
on Harney street between Twentieth and
Twenty-fourth. Resetting of curbs will be
started next week and the contractor, Hugh
Murphy, will begin work of paving as soon
as this Is dotie.
Work on Lake Street.
Work on Lake street from Twenty-fourth
street to Thirtieth street Is being pushed.
Curbs have been set, sidewalks moved and
some concrete Is being spread. Mr. Mur
phy Is now laying brick on Charley street
between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-ninth
street and this contract will be completed
In a short time.
There Is considerable complaint in soma
quarters that contractors have started
work In some districts, laid the concrete
and then suspended operations, leaving the
streets blocked against traffic. This con
dition is recognised by the engineering de
partment, which is doing all It can to
have such contracts completed before other
work Is started.
In reference to cuts In pavements made
by public-service corporations, the engl.
neer's office explains that the principal
reason why all such cuts have not been
filled Is that in marv cases they have been
made in pavements ori which th guarantee
I has not expired and the companies which
i did the original work lnslbt upon making
ithe repairs. The public-service coipora
j tlons are, therefore, forced to await the
convenience of the paving contractors.
Three Were Klir.ecJ and Score Injured
In Nmaahap ear Hol
ler, Pa,
BI'TLBR . Pa., July 27.Three were
killed and a score Injured In a wreck pn
the Allegheny & Western railroad near this
city today.
The wreck was caused by a rail breaking
beneath an engine drawing a heavy train of
picnickers, who were employed on the Buf
falo, Rochester & Pittsburg road, on their
way from Dubois to Newcastle. TV,MtJ
were toG or 600 oa the train.