Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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i redmond - norile
Entire Stock of
Is Now On Calo
:Less Than
I'd Addition to This Stock We
for the First Time the Favorites at
Resorts in the East
'Fluffy Ruffles' Hat
The Mid-summer Rage
$ At every summer hotel, in
along the streets of every
"Fluffy Ruffles" hat is the
shows this new mid summer style
first in Omaha the wide "fluffy
trimming, the long drooping
back, etc. a score of new styles.
"Huffy Ruffles" special Satur
day at
2 Specials in Notion Department
Security Skeleton Waists Strongest and best
made, with rubber button hose supporters, all
sizes, up to 8'years white or black, Tfl y
V special
ft 75c Shears at 25c Steel Shears, 6, 7 and 8 in
jpj long, every pair guaranteed 5
j big bargain at, pair
v i&i fcssj m ftwi m
: .
How the Country Has Grown Faster
Than Understanding.
Mr. I'mvidrni Fill l'p on Chautau
qua Statladra and Brlnga Some
Thoughts Aloag with llrr
larUrt Uanket.
' 1 have ben attending a Chautauqua."
euiJ Mn. I'rovidem, "and liav Umeiied to
hiuh wnnil'Tful slatfiuent concernlnu th
w.-alth and capahilll,i, of my country and
countrymen that I'm all pufTed up with
pruli-. " V- ro the pivotal country round
lilch the world In the next deoatle will
rotate, and we don't ay that ourselves,
tin- thinkers and prophets of other coun
ties ru It for us. Other nations, thoae
viliteh jy. developing and reaching out (or
the bec ihat Hi to b found In the material
life, are tending their suns and daughters
t i us to study our applications of art and
lenee to living. Then the rapidity with
v. liUli wc are multiplying our material pos
. KKlor.s and the vuslnpss of our country as
enmpared with the little ones of Kurope
iluit liave been looking down on us in calm
rUirtiy. when put In some simple ob
j. , t lesbun form alniokt liewlldeis one.
l or instance, If nil the people of the
1 tried Stales were portioned Into families
ef live, cad family could have a Pi tie
form of three and one-half aeres of Ne
bi.iKl.a land and not a human being occupy
w vt K p l r
biiv otner siaie in me union. "',,,,. -,it nf iii, . i
tm refore, one state alone, could give every
perxifh living In the I'nlted States almost
l'iie --quarters of an aire of ground for a
1 . me. ;uul en that amount of land rultl
vated s they do in the more thickly settled
I'Minlrle. enoMKh could te grown to main
i ini t lie owner.
Itetairrn Theory and Practice.
. No, when 1 take my basket av.d start
ii to maikel I am continually thinking
f that happy family of five and the pr.v
.( 1 1. 1 j-- of tluir thiee and one-half acres.
1 luy from 30 to cents for a basket of
' 1'iiHt.ies containing perhaps twenty, small
nn.l some of them not good. 14 cents for
a f.'W new onions. 15 cents for a cauli-
nver, from 15 to 20 cents for berries or
kind of fruit a bjx, and there does
not seem to be a fruit or vegetable that
.cn he bought at prices that will not
make the meal tante of money to an
extent beyond what should be forth
c'.niiiin from the parse of a
family of moderate means. To be sure,
some of these things si, or huve been.
hipped In. not home grown, but the home
rr.mti ones are little If any cheaper. Then
Bilious Colic
Quick relief Is afforded by
Chamberlain' Colic Cboler-4
and Diarrhoea Ilr-mccly .
It never toil aad Is pleasaat ar Mr
to take.
Thrf attack mar be warded off rtsklM
double dme of this remedy rL a,,u
Ih. inrt Indication o( the dlmeithauiwara,
or sale by dmggiste eve j b
Final Clearance of
lAi U Ready-Made Apparel
Show Saturday $
This is the
stunning Fluf jij
Ruffles Hat
comes in a
number of style &
is the fashion
able hat for
every resort and & Q
eastern city the n
Clear.ince of
Clearance of
White Swisses
Very fine white Swisses,
for waists and dresses
plain and cable cord
grounds with embroider
ed figures and . a 1,1 size
dots, including' the pop
ular pin dots, yard
ttea n
&tsc arsg:
I ylslt a friend who lives In a suburb,
within a block of the street cars, and on
t"helr one good sised lot they produce vege
tables that supply them during the summer
season, that enables them to put up their
own tomatoes, corn and some other vete
tahles, for the winter, and the grapes and
small fruits give them a considerable sup
ply for present use and to ran. The work
required to keep this garden Is done by a
person not robust In health and who knows
that the outdoor exercise is one of nature's
medicines to aid in his recovery, and occu
pies comparatively a small portion of hi
time. I also had another ob5ect lesson tti
other day; I went down among some of our
foreign population living In little cottages
near tha rier; almost every one of them
had their tiny lot, but little wider than
the house, fenced off with all sorts of crude
fencing, sometimes boughs bf trees Inter-
laced, ""time palings mad. of old bar-
rels, anything they could gather at little
expense, and In these bits of ground they
were growing all sorts of "green things"
good to eat, enough to give them a vegeta
ble with their meals every day, and the
yards looked thrifty and well .kept. I-flter
I went Into an American district of famil
ies of about the same grade and their
yards were a sight. Pirty In the rear,
weeds and IU kept sod. if any. In the front.
the houses run down and no sign of an
understanding of making use of what th.v
had more of than their foreign neigh' r
They probably ate baker s bread and dnl-
cofTee, four meals out of five, with a beef-
steak of the toughest, fried In grease, when
thev could get money enough for y, and
their slopry diet showed in their i,,nnv
II,-, .
Problems Before fi l s ar.
.. AmJ ,ha, t pn of h- problrjris lnat thp
riede. said the I'ntted Stas, was con
Unually having presented m we advanced
In clvlllz ation, and were a o'le to solve one
after another, the dislik f nine-tenths
of the people to worklnr,- on the land, and
the feeling that It Is 'menial Initead of
the most delightful re-jvatlon and pleasure
to see things growl M, an(, ne Kr,ite.n
health giver to draw ror,. and po"'" from
mother earth.
We are all so Interested In our tireless
cooker that I r ex doing llttlo else these
time, except to prepare some simple sulad
to supplement fhc dishes cooked In it. Here
are two or t'ree that we use a good deal:
"Banana fuddlng-Feel and mash six
bananas, r Mt three egirs. add with a cup
of sugar trt the bananas, then stir In two
cups of arift bread crumbs and the Juice
and grated rind of a lemon. Butter two
bukinr, -powder cans or covered moulds of
slinilijr g(1; n them a little over half full
with ihe mixture, put covers on cans and
"t W.em In a kettle of boiling water that
" come up as high ip on the outside of
'ms as will permit them to stand firm In
-the kettle and boll for ten minutes over
I the tire, the kettle uncovered, then set the
kettle wrnpr'd in a tiewfpar'er In the fire
less coolicr and any time after a couple of
hours It will be ready to serve with the
"llaid Sauce Cream a half cup of butter,
add. testing, a cup and a ha'.f of pulver
ised sugar-granulated will do. In which
case use a little leas-then the well beaten
white of an egg. and just before serving
a tablespoon of boiling water and grated
lemon rind for flavoring, testing It ra-
A Great Sale
Women's Summer
We have grouped in two lots for Saturday an immense liny of Wash Summer Suits and Drosses which we will Bell
at once. These suits are all new and represent the best styles of the summer. We will sell them at less than the cost of the
materials because we will not carry them over another week.
$5.00, $7.50 amd $10.00 Wash Summer Suits jnd Dresses at $1.50
i jhi mm Bmm
t i Mill in rtnt i at w 'a .) n wr ot. XM-nyr
our women's $6 and $7 Skirts, new
styles in stripes, checks and browns, 2
Women's f -S Mohair Skirts
Wash Skirts worth up to $2, rotted and
ringed dv,ck3 and denims, at
Extra Specials
Women's Vests
In all sizes, have been
selling all season at
I2V2C in basement
Saturday at, each
Idly as the boll water Is put n and serving
at once. In hot weather H should be
chilled before putting In the hot water, af
ter first beating together. Should It he
desired to mould the sauce In any pretty
shapes, the hot water could not be used.
"Uma Beun I'uree Soak u, cup and a half
of Uma beans over nlght Vn water to cover.
Four off this water, cove- Vith freshly boil
ing water, and cook fluen minutes, then
wrap the kettle in n spaper and set In
the flrelesa cooker far- four or five hours.
Take from the cookA, pour off the water,
saving it for soups, and press the beans
through a sieve: add a quarter cup of
cream or rich mlV a tablespoon of butter
and salt as iv-eded. 'A tablespoon of
minced parsely or onion can he added as
preferred. Tn"is Is a fine vegetable dish
to serve wl , lamb or mutton chops, or
pork chops..
j nk a()(1c(1 ,t makpa a ,oup
The bepin may also be served without
pressing, through the sieve, adding the
cream and butter to the whole beans.
EearA are very rich In protelds or body
buiVQers and should be served with a
prsper quantity of starchy foods.
"Apple and Date Salad Cut apples In
I Render, niatchlike pieces; wash and stone
' ul l"1' uo,"
"arter '"""7 PP to
r'nl ' th' m,x,ur mM two t,'"'"Pon
of ol,ve o!1 ,Urn U car'fu"y over nd
!oveT ,,nl" lhe " ,l'n',rtf thoroughly.
Xhen a11 Bt '''"P00" of lemon Ju!p' Bnd
"llX "'" CMH PrV ,ettuce
,eav'' lf oHv m ' ,u, "k,,d the nilxture
. oan he cnll,t,rt Bn1 whipped cream added
1 Just before serving Instead of the olive J
; oil. the mixture being marinated In two
tablespoon of lemon Juice, before chltlln.
Anything Wnnted Mny Re Had
Limited wpilr in Local
Almost anything in the way of fruit,
Including a few -Ihixcb of atrawberrles,
was to be had In the local market Friday
morning. To be sure there was not u
bountiful supply of all and the prices were
far from cheap, but things were to be had.
The sources of supply for the shipped
ftults especially are changing constantly
now. which accounts In a large measure
for the difference In qpallty and flavor of
many things. The California cantaloupe
has raised and In Its place lias come the
Arizona melon, which sells from 10 to 15
cents each. Watermelons, too, are cheaper,
selling from SO to 5 cents each for the
best. A few crab apples were offered
early Friday morning, but did not last
long. They sold for 50 cents a peck. 1-em-ons
still sell from 30 to to cents a doren
and oranges from 40 to 60 cents.. California
peaohee are cheaper, sel'lng from 10 to
2; cents a doien, while the Arliona peaches
sell from to 30 cents a basket, accord
ing to s!ie. The baskets hold from 18 to
Sij peaches in file orlglnul.
I'.errles are all cheaper than they were
earlier In the week, but the quality Is by
no means rellaoia The first of the home
grown blackberrUs are In and are very
nice, selling for 13 rents a quart box. KeJ
and black raspberrlua are of doubtful qual
ity, ths red selling for 15 cents a pint and
the black for IS cects a yuan bog. The
of Shirt Waisfi Soils'
Dresses 2? Wash Jacket Suifls
These dresses and suits, both in
white and colors and long
and short sleeves, are shown
lace and embroidery insertions
are used elaborately in the trim
ming skirts elaborate and fluf
fy many worth up to $10 at. .
folks, three-quarter coats, etc.
Made of butchers' linen, union
linens and ducks; also smart
ly trimmed light weight sum
mer shirt waist suits the ap
parel in these lots is worth
up to $2.00 at
Children's Wash Dresses, in all sizes and
about 50 pretty girlish styles for summer,
some are white lingerie dresses, at"
49c 69c
98c 1.39
One lot or Children's Rompers,
worth up to 1 5c, at
Saturday in
$1.50 Corsets &t 9c
An immense quantity of
odds and ends of corsets
in well known brands
mostly small sizes, but
worth regularly ud to
11.50 each; Saturday
only, each
season for the raspberries Is over and
only a few scattering cases may be ex
pected from now on. A few more blue
berries came In Friday, but only a few,
and thev sold for 30 cents a scant quart
box. Wild goose plums were also among
the special things offered Friday morning.
There were pjily a few baskets of them and
t'uey were not well ripened. They sold
for 40 cents a small basket. The wild
plum crop will be very small this year,
the fruit men predict, owing to the late
cold weather. A few late cherries are also
In and sell for 15 cents a Quart box. Cur
rants look very nice and the gooseberries
are fine, both selling at IS rents a quart
box. Fie apples are more plentiful and bet
ter than they were and sell from SO to
M cents a peck.
Green corn was plentiful Friday morn
ing, but the ears were small and the
kernel Is not Well filled nut. It sold for
15 cents a doien ears. Celery la 6 rents a
stalk and getting better. A few eggplant
were to be had at from 15 to SK) cents each,
according to site. Summer squash, both
the long-neck and the smooth, round va
rieties sell for t cents each. Green peppers
are plentiful and sell for 16 cents a dozen
and cabbages sell for 5 and 10 cents a hea 1.
Tomatoes sold for 30 cents a basket Friday
morning, hut several shipments are ex
pected that will be sold as "specials' Sat
urday at 2b cents a basket.
Hutter has advanced in price from 26 to
IS cents a pound for the best package
creamery. Country and dairy butters have
gone up In proportion and sell from 23 to 6
cents a pound, while cooking butter sells
from 19 to 22 cents a pound.
Kpgs still sell from '5 to 18 cents a
dozen for the "regular" fresh.
Quick Shin She I'olleh
ts the best for ladles, men's and children's
shoes, oils and polishes and Is water-proof.
Black Files Cnnse Death.
FAST Al'ROltA, N. V.. July 2.-John
Gr ffln, who has Just returned from the
Algonquin park locality of Cananea. re
ports that six dial lis resulted from blood
poisoning, following slings of black files,
near his camp. Mr. Grirhn has hunted In
the region of Algonquin park for ninny
years and he pronounces the pests the most
numerous and deadly he has ever seen.
Rich or poor alike arc habit
ually constipated. It 6lays its
victims by thousands, although
some other name goes into the
death certificate. Drugs will not
cure. Eat daily.
vhich is ot a laxative nature.
fO rpnrc n nnrlrr rr
i Ftr solg hv all Crooara
mi rnm
Wash Suits at About
Their Actual
Several hundred of the stunning suits
and dresses made of the daintiest of
mulls, dotted Swisses union linens cham
brays lawns etc.
$3, $4 and $5 Wash Suits at 98c
Jacket suits, in white and colors Prince Chaps, Nor-
Women's Summer Shirt Waists, all
dainty styles, worth up to $2.60, at,
Women's very fine lingerie and QQ "J Cf
tailored waists, at l.JO'fctJU
Your choice of very fine net and silk
waists, worth up to $12.50, at
Our Basement
Over 1,000 beautiful
dressed kid body dolls
samples from a great im
porter we bought so
cheaply we can sell at
Teddy Bears
The genuine imported
kind, white and
brown no child is
happy without one
immense assortment
75c p 7.50
10c 15c, 25c
and CA
up to $4tJV
Eight Councilmen Vote to Sustain
Action of Committee.
nte SIsti-.Four and Half Mills, Total
Appropriation City and Schools
.Nearly a Million and
a Half.
I'll plehlters win In sustaining the 64'4
mill levy rate for the city.
Hy u vote of S td 3 the city council de
cided to stand by the report of the com
mittee of the whole, which carried with It
a total appropriation of Sl,t3.A00 fur city
and school purposes for the year 1!08. Tha
first vote came on a substitute offered by
Mr. Bedford o Funkhouser's amendment to
reduce the levy. Those voting to sustain
the report were: Bedford, Brncker, Davis,
Hansen, Elsasser, Jackson, McGovern and
Sheldon. Those opposed were; Funk
houser. Zlmman and Johnson. The same
vote was recorded on the passage of the
Two members Hansen and Bridges
were absent at the opening of the ad
journed session Friday morning, but Han
sen came In later. Th first matter
presented was the report of the committee
of the whole, which recommended the
levying of $.'X).O00 for general purposes.
tW,5O0 for school purposes and t2&0,0GO
for city sinking fund, or a total assessment
of $1,43.600 for all city and school purposes.
Some Informal discussion followed as to
the proper form of certifying the school
fund levy and that portion of the reso
lution was adopted separately from the
other parts.
Talk tver the Levy Matter.
Then the council went "at ease" so the
members could talk over the city levy
without formality. This discussion lasted
for half an hour and then Jeff W. Bedford
moved that the committee report other
than that referring to the school funds bo
adopted. Mr. Funkhouser moved to amend
by fixing the amount of the general fund
at S.fMio and .he sinking fund at L!15,000.
Bedford moved as a substitute that the
figures Included In the report be approved.
Mr. Zn-iman spoke In favor of the
amendment, pleading for the lowest levy
possible to produce satisfactory results. He
declared that every fund had received an
Increase hy the leKislature and that any
levy above th figures offered by Mr.
Funkhouser would be an unnecessary
burden on the taxpayera.
Mr. Funkhouser also spoke for his
amendment, declaring thnt the council !i
not responsible for an Increase of l0u,001,
as the leulflature fixed the amount. He
was In favor of Hie extreme levy at first,
manting to take up some bonds but was
Inter wllllns to acquiesce in the Idea thai
the nest ei neratlon should pay part of the
rres.-nt h'irilHis of eltT government. He
asiierted he 1 p posed the low levy of laxt
yesr. nut nai furred to vote for It In
order to a lopt the k-IkI fun I 1 ' vy.
Bedford Defends Heport.
llr. K"dfoit defend -U t.'ie report, say
ing the lars. Intrease In taxes is due to
tiie lekttlaluie ar.d ll.u J.-.'.-Cj In the
NX Br I 1 I VI nJ Is
x Gold Inlaid Combs J0 styles to select
N from, a regular 75o comb, at. . .
Value I
Inlaid French Stone Combs
ers' samples, worth up to
$1.50, at
Ladies' Hat Pins,
ity, Saturday at
S? .... ...
y Vanity Bags
S purses, in black
purses, in black
shades, worth up
i Fancy Brooches,
bargain stjuare,
25 -Tef A M ifAyl T TI1 Qiofnj Xliliin Kia
j-our initial engraved free;
regular price $1.00 C S
O xfMfi n.ii."
iuiiiiury mMiiugs in nu coiors.
i Women's Fine Kid Belts that sold up
S to 75c, at
j Women's Fine Beaded Belts that sold
up to $1 at
y Women's Wash Belts, with pearl
buckles, '23c values, at
Sjb ;
r and
Big Sample Line of High Grade Cut Glass Tum
blers Nearlv 100 of these "traveling men's
samples best bargains ever of
fered in rich cut glass, worth
Fancy Ghina Very thin, translucent china,
handsomely decorated sugars and creamers,
salad dishes, fruit plates, cake
plates, cups and saucers, cuspi
dors, etc., worth up to 50c, each
Fancy China Strictly high grade Imperial
Crown China, in great assortment
of pieces, worth up to $1.00,
Saturday at, each
cral fund ts absolutely necessary; that the
money Is not needed for "pie biters," but
for "pie" to make Omaha a "plo" agree
able to visitors and rllltens. He asserted
that a reduction In the sinking fund would
Injure the credit of the city and that It
cannot afford to refund 126,000 In bonds.
Mr. Elsasser spoke In favor of the reso
lution, paying particular attention to th
fire and police funds, declaring they should
be kept at the maximum.
Mr. Zlmman then enme back at Bedford's
remarks regarding city Improvements, as
serting that these Improvementa are pro
vided for by legislative enactment.
Mr. Sheldon asked for an expression from
the comptroller, ar.d Mr. Loberk assorted
that with the full levy the tax rate would
be lower In Omaha than In any progressive
city; that Interest on bonds must be met
and there would be few balances on haivli
at the end of 19"; thai (25,1100 city hall
bonds should be taken up and the reduced
assessment would permit only a continu
ation of existing conditions.
The vote was then taken.
Plat of Drexel addition was approved by
unanimous vote, but the plat of Roanoke
did not meet with approval, as It waa be
lieved to Interfere with boulevard projects.
Reports of appraisers on street opening
were approved.
Still Doing Business at Old Stand
and lies I res te Avoid flank
raplcy Prareedlnaw.
Stephen A. McWhorter. the Omaha grain
broker who la In financial trouble as a re
sult of being on the wrong side of the
market, Friday morning gave out his first
public statement since his return from Rx
celslor Springs, where he rested for two
weeks. ,
"I am doing business right here at the old
stand and I want to keep It up If my
creditors will agree to It." he said. "If
they will allow tne, it la my Intention to
carry on a grain brokerage business, Just
as I waa doing, until I pay off every cent
I owe. I made a mistake and lost money
heavily and 1 would rather be given a
chance to pay off my debts than to close
the matter by means of the bankruptcy
law. My creditors have had five or six
meetings and from what they say now I
am hopeful that they will not attempt to
close up my business.
"As soon aa I can reach an agreement
with them I intend to take a rest of a
month or more. My physician says I will
break down if I don't."
i hnrles Thompson. Colored Matter at
Mnuam-a, Kills Self Following;
Dispute nlth Wife.
Charles Thompson, colored, of Sift North
Twelfth street, took hie own life Friday
about t p. m. by drinking more than half
a pint of carbolic acid. He hod b en hav
ing trouble with bis wife during the list
week and Thursday night she left hhn.
going to live with the family of Rsbeit
Urown at :!11 No.ih Tenth street. Thurs
day evening Thompson wi-nt there to e
her and was lieaten by Urown. wjio ."truck
him over Hie head with u china rtluli cover
He was despondent all night and drank the
acid at o'clock, expiring soon a't-r. lit
as employed as a wslter at the cafe In
Manama and was about :J yur of ai
'JO styles, import-
69c 8
the regular '2oe qual- 1 f)
Ut J
omens carnage lags ami q
and all leading 7 f? &
and all leading
to$L at.
Stick Pins and Cuff Buttons, jfcs
each. .
.25c S
25c '$
.15c I
West Arcade
1 j
w oay w fr
Proprietors of Sixteenth and Harney
Will Erect for Sale.
Syndicate Will nolld Pair of
Five or Mx-Story Strnrtnre
for Purchasers of the
Whoever wants to add two new buildings
to the list of those In Omaha's retail oenlcr
can do so by finding a buyer for the
southeast corner of Hixteenth and Harney
streets. The owners of the property, ac
cording to C. C. George of George & Co.,
who heads tha syndicate In control, statt
ready to erect a five or six-story butldln
on half of the lot 1f somebody will buy the
other half for a bulldlntt alio.
The property Is 132 feet on Blxteenth
street by ninety-nine feet on Harney street
and thus would afford room for two build
ings fl6x494 feet. The syndicate will sell
the whole piece, but prefers to keep half of
It as a site for Itself.
Oeorgo & Co. has sold to Mrs. Sarah Ann
Ferguson for the Dundee Realty company
a lot at the northeast corner of Fifty-first
and California streets. Blie will build a
S.000 house there, one of a group of three
which will be built. Herbert I. Gannett
will build one and Mrs. Ward one Just
across the street.
even Thousand-Dollar Deal.
Robert L. Kobison has bought from the
Insurance Company of North America a
house and nlnety-nlne-foot lot on the north
side of Dodge street at the head of Twenty
fifth avenue, paying $7.(J00.
The I'nloii Pacific Railroad company hag
bought for 7.i0 lot 11. block M. South.
Omaha, from the Hogth Omaha National
bank. This lies Just north of the company'
freight depot and gives It poaaesslnn of the
entire black west nf the alley.
Payne, Bostwtck A Co. reports tha fol
lowing recent as Lis: To A. J. Jennings,
from Henry Ma. block of New York, lot at
Thirty-fourth and Taylor streets; to W. A.
Hpeelntun, from Henry Maddock, lot at
Thirty-fourth and Taylor. Both of these
purchasers will build.
Ta Prevent Shoe from Craeklac
use Quick Uliitie 8 hoe Polish. It Otis.
Polishes and gives a patent leather finish
nd is water-proof. Ask your dealer for It.
To Cure
Dysentery, Cholera Marbwa or Cbolaca
Infantum take
Blackberry Balsam
Von better j-et a bottle today. You may
need it tor.irht It l a most reliable rem
edy for ell loose eondltione of the bowel
Alt druigitu eell it. Full uze bottle 16.