Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 16, Image 16
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATUKDAY, JULY 27, 1907. n w n n n n n ci n p n n n p n n K 8 n p n I El n u n n u n n n CI N a P P P P P n .. -.- -:. , mvk J Saturday's Big Specials jj n I! -Mi 1 sizes on big bargain square at, per pair iviisses' and Children's Hosiery children's fine heavy ribbed hosiery, fast blacks lilp p and tans all sizes very special, at, pair lUVrj Neckwear Big lots of wo men's Bummer neckwear, tn eluding em brolderfd neck wear and rllk string ties, worth as hlKh as 2 5c bargain square at, ewh, Ilanilk'i's Ladies' and men's plain lin en and some embrol dered edge handker chiefs, In three sperial bargain lots, at 34c. 8ic, 12ic 5c 1 Women's Light Weight Underwear Ladies' extra size summer vests brella pants lace trimmed and silk fin ished, many are Swiss ribbed fancy vests, in one clearing sale lot )P at, each "Women's Swiss ribbed vests trimmed with lace all sizes, at, each 3 SaJe of Corsets CI "Women's Corsets in all sizes tape girdles 13 corset girdles with hose supporters, also long corsets with two pair supporters and $1 quality of American Lady and II. & II. corsets, at. genm a p TWO DIG SATURDAY SPECIALS IN SHOUSEFURNISHING DEP'T.l BASEMENT. OLD STORE Garbage Can Made of extra heavy galvanized iron rein forced bottom, angular steel staves and close fit- 4fiiw IVji 1 1! 1 i P t,.j;jv3 P H '"t-V,f! ting cover- now. I2-gl. 198 18 gal. 739 I 20-M -J89 g ire at size tt... I size 14 Ice Water Coaler Extra heavy tin, handsomely a m - , . .... rs decorated, galvanized P nickel plated faucet, charcoal g filled. g 4-gal. 4816-gal. 998110-gal. 450 p Cooler at G Cooler at Cooler at tJ P Lawn Swings, Settees, Porch Chairs, Croquet Sets, Lawn P 13 Mowers, etc., at big clearing sale reductions. P P p STSl H H " H H l tlTt 3 Special Prices v. 5 M REPAIRING JEWELRY, WATCHES and CLOCKS. P ill 3 The price of repairing Jew- i 12 e,ry new and the price of putting 1 r tnrtnntlniffi alwavii dPDendE tn rrpflt' exttiUt UDOQ luut What1 the Job la. j Saturday Only s !! we wUl figure the Job at ordln- 3 ary rates and tnen give you tnf benefit of one-fifth off. RlllNG IX VOl It WOllK N. P."ST1LL!MG i Manufacturing Jewelor j j IVooui and 8 1'aiCon Ulocb j j Phone DouglM 4307 I The Twentieth Century Farmer Rea.kea k VmUwr Kalaera. Big K Eirgiins L2 in uui f , Hardware p r i Hosiery Salejj ri Great clearing sale of ladies, misses' jJ and children's and men's hosiery, in PI Macks, whites, tans and browns, allover lace effects, also plain lisles and 6ilk n finished mercerized all 4i ra M ira ttuu Diirv a. ISci U at 10c Pair Misses' and J Ribbons All silk ribbons, plain and fancy taffetas, includ ing No. 80, also some beautiful - p a 1 1 e rns in Dresden ribbons at, yard 15c and um light weights 6lAc S3 , a n 39c, 49c, 69c B innnll P P P P H P P P P P P ill -remember the ordinance, buy one M sBVltrii P 1 1 n e d 4 A SAVING OF V4 On Good Oxfords TOR MEN and WOMEN Banning Paturdny we pla-e oo ale all of our high grade Oxfords, lncludins audi well liiiown makes aa llanun'a, Fostar'a, Clapp St Boydcn a, at a discount of 25 per cent from nT ular price. rOB MI Boyden'a French calf Oxford Por- lecio. regular o. ale price. ,4-60 llOVlltill'. 1 1 j Ian. .1 fee to, rufular J6. aula price. , .94-50 Boyden'a un metal Oxfjrd Weat l'olnt, rcaular 16.50, sale price. $4.13 Hunan'a patent colt oxforda, London. regular $5.60, sale price 94.13 uiar .u.uv, saie price S4.13 , . 1 Clapp patent cult Oxford.. teiruUr m.1 prlc 4.75 TOM WOMEI Ilanan'a patent kl.l wlt Oxforda, rei- Hanana klU rli uxfo'r'dV, 'Vonuiar " co" Ox'fortli.- VeguUr w.vv, pi It-v B3 75 Vl different line of our retiuiar'l4 Ovfolii.. nnv - IT All of of regular $3 and'$jVi) Wo- ....i.. nan uxioraa at a per ce,lt - Vl-00 Drexel Shoe Co. 1111 Firmm SL AT THE In Sa e Don't fall to attend onr great Slaughter Sale Saturday. We Just mention a few of the many bar raJns: Men's Silk Shirts reduced to $1.98. Men's extreme fine Suiu, some of which are sold as high as 122.50, one, two and three of a kind, but all together about 200 suits, including such high grade makes aa Alfred Benjamin an Schloss Bros., your choice, while they last, 19.90. Other Suits that sold up to $15, to clean them out quick reduced to $7.50. Men's Pants worth up to $3.50 reduced to $1.90. Men's Pants worth up to $5, now only $2.48. Men's Dol lar Union Suits, 69c. Men's Soft Shirts, with collars attached, 39c. Men's Suspenders, worth up to 75c, sale price, 25c. Men's fancy Hose, worth up to 20c, your choice 9c. Men's Silk Four-ln-hands re duced to 15c. Men's Underwear that sells at gents' furnishing stores for 75c, sale price, 86c. Men's Shirts, worth up to $1.25, your choice, 48c. President Sus penders, 39c. Shaw Knit Hose, 20c. Good Linen Collars, 9c. Sightly Suit Cases, 98c, etc. Polite salesmen will gladly show you through. If we can't save you money, we don't ask you to buy it's up to you. ua ran lee 1519-21 Douglas St. FOR ..SATURDAY.. Women's White Canvas Oxfords Genuine Welt Soles FRY SHOE CO. Til IIOIII 16th and Douglas Streets. HOTELS AND SUMMER RESORTS Stratford Hotel i (turopean Plan) Chicago, Ills. Offer you refined, qnlet and elerent av commodatlooe. Located cornet ol clty'i two tlnett boulevard!, It is convenient to eutire business centar and close to best theatros and shopping district. 223 rooms, 150 private batbs; luxurious writ ing and reception rooms; woodwork mahogany throughout! brass beds nd all modern coin forte: telephone In every room, beautiful dining rooms the best of everything at moderate prices. MichlHan and J season BUda. Chicado P GHIGAGO BEACH HOTEL Amerioan and European Plan Finest Hotel on the Great Lakes On the edpe of town, this ideal Hotel, spacious, elegant, modern, overlook laite ilictiiRan Beacn on two aides, wbil shaded parks comdete the beautiful surroundings. The city is but 10 minutes ride from the nearby station. Many families make this their permanent borne. There is always a cool breeze in warmest weather. 450 large outside Momi, 250 private baths, 1000 feet oi broad veranda. The table Is always the best. Tourists and transientguests find It a delightful place to stop sn route and rest. Address for handsomely lliustraied Booklet, giving lull particu lars. Manager, Chicago Beach H itel, 51st Blvd. and Lake fchoro, Chicago. Are You Going to St. Louis? The Hotel Hamilton is a delightful place In the Best Hesident Section and away from the noise and smoke; vet wltatn easy access. Transient hate: 11 t. 1100 per day. Euro pean Ilea. Special Kate by the week. Waite fer Buoalet. Address W K WII I.I4MSON. Manager. AMH.TOW KOTkl.. 8T. S.OVIS. ClotliingCo. Formerly to sconoD 15 lO DOUGIAS ST. Sale of Over 100 Linen Up to $25 values, Saturday at Saturday morning promptly at 8 a. m. this great sale of linen suits will start and will continue all day until every suit is sold. There are over 103 to choose from, in all loose fitting and tight fitting jackets, on eton styles with nice full skirts, the col ors are white, pink, blue, gray aud tan. Regular prices 58.50, $10, 512.50, 515, $17.50, $20 and $25, all on SALE SATURDAY, AT How to Get Oft a Car Wait until the car comes to a complete stop; Have your LEFT arm and hand free; Step squarely down onto the step or running board, holding to upright hand-hold immediately in front of you with your LEFT hand, facing direction car is headed. Bofore stepping off see that no vehicle is passing, to collide with or run into you. 1 Retain your grasp upon the hand-hold to steady yourself, and step down (forward) from the step or running board with your RIGHT foot first, releasing your hold as soon as your foot reaches the ground. Assist us in preventing accidents. OMAHA (SL COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. SPECIAL LOW KATE: S1 7 flO To Colorado and Betoro 7-,,tvr Every day to September 30. 1907. STO fad To Ogden or Salt Lake City and Ketorn Every duy to beptember 3U, 1S07. Sk OO To Yellowstone Park and Return uuuiuu Including- rail and atage, every day to September 111, 1K. &nfi Ofl 'onlul Taoowa, Seattle, San Fran pvvrvrvr clsoo, l.oe Angeles or San niego and re turn. Daily to beptember 16, 1DU7. ttTQ rtfk Circuit Tour via San Francisco, X.os An spstj.tjvr galea and Portland. .Dally to (September IS. 1607. CQfk K( To Yellowstone Park and Xeturn. jJC7V.JVf Including rail, stage and hotels In Park for regular tour, every day to (September 12, 1907. Qfifl HA To Sacramento and Ketorn. tpUVf.VFV August 28-29-30. 1907. Also very low round-trip rates, dally to Fept. 15, 1907, to many othnr California, Oregon, WaHhlnjrton, Montana, Idaho and British Columbia Points. VIA UNION PACIFIC Inquire at City Ticket Office, Phone Douglas 334. mm in CMrap Read The Bee For Sale at the following News Stands: AUDITORIUM NEWS STAND AUDITORIUM ANNEX NEWS STAND JOS. HERON, 476 S. R0BEY STREET POST OFFICE NEWS STAND, 178 Dearborn St GREAT NORTHERN HOTEL NEWS STAND BRIGGS HOUSE NEWS STAND PALMER HOUSE NEWS STAND GRAND PACIFIC NEWS STAND STRATFORD HOTEL NEWS STAND. Formerly BROS mess r-SCOFlLlD 1324 Farnam St. Soils Clearing Sale of Grandest Bargains Ever Shown n MAX H ? ;jcl TMK WlLltJBLB IfHI J About Half Regular Prices SsEs C i j '?'tri-' "i i PkL -ft ?yyw- stock and best values shown in Omaha, at $5.00, $7.50, $10.00 and $12.50 Children's Knee Pants Suits, worth to $4.00, sailor blouse, Russian blouse, Norfolk and plain double-breasted styles, sale price, Sa turday $1.50 and $2.50 Children's Wash Suits in all newest styles, values to $1.50, to close.. .35c, 50c, 75c, 95c Children's Wash Knee Pants, special, Satur day, at 15c, 19c and 25c O'Donahoe-Redmond-Normile Slock High Grade Men's Furnishing Goods to Be Closed Regardless of Real Value. f Unmatched Low Prices Considering Quality of Merchandise. Men's Shirt Regular J1.00 values, all new clean atock, In newest pat terns with or without collar, on sale In two lots at 39 and 49 Men's Shirt Worth to $2.00 Mon arch, Cluett, Griffon and other well known brands, very finest quality sale prices 60s? and 98t Wash Ties and Silk String Ties Worth to 39c, choice 15, Men's I'nderwear Worth to $1.00 Fine balgriggan, silk finished lisles, etc., in three lots Saturday will go at 25S 35t and 454 Combination' Suits Worth to $3.00 Fine lisK-s in white, blue, flesh or fancy stripe, on sale In three lots at 75S 98 and $1.50 m haydens' nm ZtSMribiitV-P M Shirt biif 1322FaFhamSt. Special SaJe -OF- Jean Drawers 25c For Saturday Only Realty Bargains Find them ererj jay by watching the m Bouncements In THJt BEE'S Want AA Ops PARKER'S HAIR BAL8AM Climamn mud bmutifixi U het& rrMinAsat ft laii&rUal fvrth. Ktvtr Psvils la liMrtor Grj Hevir to lta TsyutiaTul Colo. Cuxm tem p d.M kalr ftwUesft, ih3i i'-Im.grm Summer Clothing Quality and Variety Unsurpassed Men's Suits that sold regularly at $10.00 to $15.00, perfect in fit, splendidly tailored, strictly up - to - date styles, at $5.00 and $7.50 Fine Hand-Tailored Suits, worth to $2250, splendid all wool fabrics, tailored in the most artistic manner, unapproach ed bargains, Saturday $10.00 and $12.50 Special Bargains in Two - Piece Outing Suits, most complete Men's Kerkties Worth 60c, latent patterns and shapes, at 257 Men' Half Hone in plain or fancy col ors, values up to 60c will go on sale at 12 H and 25 Men's Hose Worth to 26c, In black, tea or fancies, three pairs for.25) Men's Suspenders Worth to 76c fin est lisle web, at. . 19. 25. 39 From 8: SO Till 0:80 A. M. Men's and boys' shirts, worth to $1.00, In all sizes, at 25 1 From 0:30 to 10:80 A. M. Men's Hose, fast black with double heel and toe, 16c value at 5t From 10:80 Till 11:80 A. M. Men's and boys suspenders regular 2 60 values, on sale at 10t 11 a ICE CREAM B DELIVERED We pack and deliver as small a quantity as one quart of ice cream for 60c a quart. Ice cream is a most delightful and refreshing dessert for Sunday dinners. We furnish it either In the plain or blck form different flavors. 'Phone ua about an order for Sunday. ICE CREAM BARRELS Balduff's Ice Cream Barrels are filled with three flavors of the finest delicious ice cream possible to make. The little barrels are convenient to take home In your pocket. Quart size 40c. Pint size 20c. Spcx-lal . Price on Ice Cream to boarding houses, schools, lodges, picnic parties, churches, charitable institutions, etc. Furnished Jn plain or brick form. TntSroRtroitPfLicAciF.'k Special Table 1' liote Dinner Sunday 73c. 1518-20 Farnam St. 'Phone 711. VBH,.r,,...M ,., 0 r-ATENTS tnat PROTECT. t 3 baaa !f I ':- snuWl fwo' tea. P S kk. UGt' W-ihnrton.O U Ultb 1 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. University of Notre Dame WOTKE DIME, IMOIABTA A Oat nolle Oollefe Home livery Eaaoational Advaataa; Every Moral aaf.ruard Is iiuiliilnaa i l'r.,f in.ur. suu Studtuita. I In Ancient kihI Modern I guutri, I'.ngu.n, History and Kco, fMietnlatry, Hioloify, I'liar niucy, Civil. Klf-ctrical, C.'liemlcal and Mechanical EnKlneerlnK, Architecture, Law, Shurthand, Uookaeeplns. Type writing Timl! Soard. Tuition m-nA T.n. In S400. Boeclal DtDirtmul Si." .. Joha Oavaaaura, Prealdeat. !