Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 15, Image 15
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. .TtTLY 27. 1907. OFFERED FOR RENT Naitn fin 4 (amn 1 ( wtliwl, Ji-fln RCWI.KB ST., fine new R-room, mod ern colts", two blocks to Dodge car line, noMenilfti at once, 21. J W. HAS!' CO, 4OT paxton iiik. Doug. l&'j. (15) M4MT l-ROOM ho'tse. modern In every ri e-t 1727 Cuming Bt. (13) M7S1 HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. 10)-S3j FOR RENT Benullful 10-r. all modern houae, onk finish, and large barn; poa eesslon July 2; rent, 4 per muntlL PAYNE IXVKSTMKNT CO.. First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781. (1S)-M176 It FOR RENT An 8-room house, all modern, up-to-date; full lot, 6"xl'i6; nice shade trees; one-half block from street rar. lit p 3Mh Ave. Thone Douglas 4W7. 8 Bugarinan. Oo) 423 HOfPEHOI-D gnrSn packed, forwardod. cheap freight ra'.es. Moving and atoraxe. Expressmen's Lellvery Co. Tel. Doug laa 394. (!- AS DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas l;2n. Schmoller A Mueller I'lano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. (14) tt HOUSES ,n p!t" of tne UUUOIiO c PeterB & Co.. Bee Bldg. (uV-3J I6U N BD BT. -room strictly modern, nranft new ,136. OKeefe Real Estate Co., lull N. Y. I. Its Bldg. (16)-Mt. MflTTF.S I" Prt of the city. Tha UUUOrjO 0- F- uavla Co.. Bee Bldg (16-30 FOR RENT t.s.7n stole room. 16th and Vinton Sis. C. M. Bachmann. 43. Paxton block. (1)-J90 WE HOVE PIANOS-MagKaid Van and Storage Co. Tel. Douglas HSrt. Otllce. 1711 Webster bi. (1U 834 l-ROOM cottatra, all modern, barn. 90 N. 87th Bt. (15-Mi'l MODERN BRICK FLAT At MO Bo. 24i li St., H rooms; nearly nfw, In excellent repair, and walking distance; 49. OARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam Bt. (16) m:,7S ONE J-room house, rlty water In kitchen, $15; one 6-room house, modern except fur nace, $17; 7-mom house. 4'9 William St., $23. Chris Boyer, 2123 Cuming Bt. (13)-M2.V) FOR RENT 8-rooni modern house, barn, ahade trees and fruit, wholly modern. :U lAfayette. $3(1.00. Inquire. 1124 No. 40th. (1B)-M1S 526 CHARLES Bt., B rooms modern, but furnace In beat repair, $1S. (IS) 4''3 2Sx 6-ROOM houae; gas and city water. 2t7 Grant. (16)-g33 ix 1117 So. 32d, nine rooms, modern, $.!0.00. 8o. 3nili, five rooms, moilcrn, new, $L,?M. N. V. LOI)GH & CO., 1714 Fnrnam St. (15)-M'.8 J7 (-ROOM npartment, "Thf Orchard." Ilrst floor, ,u South IMIi St.. tir: ti-ioum cot tage, modern except lirnt. 1174 "ti-s. ?2.'.; 9-room cottaue, m 11 modern. 4"1" lzur.l St.. tM. Phone Doug. 55. ltcinlx. Pnxtoti block. (lfi-M4K7 Ualldlna;. Wholesale District BUILDING For Rent The fyir-story and basement brick bond ing at 316 Farnam St. Apply F. D. Wead. 16X4 Douglas Bt. (lb) M380 THE entire building tnrmerly occupied by the Dally News, 44x30 feet, i stories and basement. McCague Investment Co.. Dodge Bt. (16;-Se 181 2 MARKET ST. $ floors and basement, 13x130 feet; suitable fur wholesale. Mc Cague Investment Co., 1606 Dodge St. 15J 837 Offices. DESK room on first floor at 1212 Farnam. (16)-hJ ID FLOOR, well lighted; elegant for office uae. 1212 Farnam. (15) 1.40 FOR RENT-Deak room In Bee office, city hall building. 411 N. lHh St.. Soutn Omaha. Apply to manager. (161134 CHOICE OFFICES It la very seldom that good outside space In a well appointed office building Is avail able. At the present time we have a beautiful aulte of two rooms on the firth floor, with east and south llifht, a large vault, which makes this a most desirable space during either summer or winter. Room No. 646 Is now vacant and Is 14x19, with a good-slied vault; haa east light. A new hard-weod floor was recently put In this room. Everybody In Omaha, knows the location ot the Bee building; K la central, close te the city hall and eounty court house. There era several hundred people who spend more time here than in their homes and any one of then will testify as to the care they receive here. Pee further partloulais call THE BEE BUILDING CO. 17TH AND FARNAM. (U,-43 "J-1" 7th Bt-' flve room,.Ju8t remodeled, lON. 7th Bt., six rooms, just remodeled, 17111 Bt'' flV oom UBt remodeled, bASTINGS AV HEYDEN, 1701 Farnam St. (16) M4J4 28 ta FOR RENT Large store room, with good basement. 94e Bo. 16th St., $16. C it. BACHMANN. tM Paxton Blk. (i6)-Ar,nt OFFERED FOR SALE raaelaar. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing 6c per foot. St N. 17lh bu Tel. Red 814 Oty-U riaaaa, OrsntBa, Maaleal lastraaieata, PIANO BARGAINS For close buyera Tour choice of twenty different snake In our bargain room this week. Klmbail upright $71 Oero uptight, reflntshe-1 like new 131 Ludlman upright, large atae lit Hallett gt Davla. Flemish oak im iallett Davla. walnut caae IM j SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO COMPANY ) 'Phone Doug. 1626. UU-U11 Farnam BL (14)-U3 It HAND furniture bought and eold; busl ,esilia on the equare.. BaMnearg. formerly jwUijr1 -iucaeTe urnnure Co.. ius 8. Hih. an-! iui OFFLRtO FOR SALE Kara It are on tinned. FOR HALK 4 opeia 1 1, airs from Hijou llitatrr, almost lua. N.. P. Dodgo at u., 1.14 Farnam Ft. (lw .at) 27 foal ana Billiard Table. FOR BALE New an.) sfcundhand billiard and pool tables. We ad the world In cheap ta' nxiurea; tsy payments. )itun- liaenrltera mm Sewlaar Machine. FOR BALE High grade secondhand type writer, good condition, a bargain at tail room tU3. Bee iilatg. (.18.) 6.1 ONE Remington typewriter, No. 6, In good condition, lor aala cneap. Call at lie Ufiice. (lw Mrscrllaaroas. 6KND tia your lnuil crdeta for drugs; freight paid on 810 lota. Myera-Di.ioii Co.. Omaha. (1 S6o eill-UWUN WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman 4k McConnell Drug Co. (16)-1W OAS. KLECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES. Ppecltl low prur. during the summer to reduce stock. ;oider now; goods delivered wlii'ii ready. BURGESS & GRANDEN CO, Telephone Liougiaa 611. UI S. lMh Bt. 06)-4s SNAP. RESTAURANT and cafe; rent $16; blocks from poatomce. We feed l.vt per (Ikv. Address E 8J4, Bee. Moat sell at once. . (16) 777 3lx DRI OS at rttt prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogue free. BiiKKMAN & M'CONNELL DRUG CO., Omaha. Net). 06)-W41 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and retail. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. (16)-M41T OOOD ltt-horaepower, 2 cylinder runabout for sale for cash or real eBtate. N, i. Lodge St Co., 1714 Farnam. (1S)-M279 2S FOR SALE Flrat-clAss store fixtures, showcases, etc. Olobe Land and 1 vest ment Co., 1822 Farnam St., Omaha, neb. (l)-30 IIAIJS safes, new, 2d-hand.'181S Farnam. (16) 847 FOR SALE Fancy cherries, Ihm a Fruit Farm, 63d and Military Ave. Tel, Benson 404. (hi) -078 FOR SALE At 703 Bo. 13th Bt.. store fix tuirs, Shelving, conntera, caaes, chairs, uddlng machine and rash register. WILLIAM J. COAI), Truatee. OO-MKS FINE Russian antique samovar, bargain. 08 N. 16th St. (16) 147 28 x I-BT.'RNER gasoline stove, $2.00; 8-burur gasoline stove, $3.00. Omaha Btove tin pair Works. 1206-8 Douglas St. (16) M1T2 23 FOR PA I.E AT NO. 7"3SOI'TH 13TH ST., STORE FITTCRES. SHELVIN'i, Cof'NTF.T'S. TABLES. CARES. CHAIRS. ADDING MACHINE. CASH REGi.JTER. WM. J. COAD. TIU'STEE. (lti; 77 CASH register for sale, $40; keys, le to $9. 1111 Farnam St. (16) M173 Sflx COMPLETE camn outfit, tent, flooring, etc. cheap. Apply Brown, Omaha Rod and Gun cluh. I'hone Webster 124!. (16) iftai 29 FOR SALE Finest boarding houae In ths city. ;ieat location, all furnished, nest walking distance, etc.; chenp. Inquire 302 hnyncii block. Omaha. 4Nt o. (im w PATENTS LARSON & CO. Book free. Bee Bldg. (17) Sui D. O. BARNELL, patfnt attorney and ma. chine designer. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red. 7U7. (17) S80AUB10 PERSONAL OMAHA Stammerers' Institute. Ramge Bldg. (18J-867 SOME lady, over 2C, that wants a home of her own answer thla. Give full ad dress. Write, M 751, Bee. (IS) M4f.O 27x BEWINO machinea rented. Neb. Cycle Co., 16th and Harney. 'Phone Doug. 1M3. tl) SM t A flMTT'Tr'treatroent and bath. Mme, Bmlth, lis K. 16th, 2d floor. (18) vao FEW bargains In Zd-hand aoda fountains, monthly payments. Derlght, 1818 Farnam. (DU W ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Paxton saive. u. 4. tscannell. agt.. bus v are mik. (18) M938 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut prices, fiend for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 869 P L E AT I N Cl Buttons. Ruchln'g. 1 L.uni 111VJ Embroidery. Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink ingonly 6c per yard. Send for price Hal and samples. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 10 Douglas Block. TeL Douglas 1936. (16) m MAONETTf! Osteology and massage. iilAUiMrjAlVj vapor and tub batha Room 2. 1204 Farnam Bt.. 2d floor. (18)-M92 Jv29 RACHBLOR age 37, wlshea to make ac quaintance of respectable lady under 35. Address, K 750, Bee. (18) M425 2x TUB SALVATION ARMT aollcita cast-off clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St, for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 41$6 and wagon will call. (18j 611 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association rooms, 1519 Farnam street, where they will be directed to suitable boarding placea or otherwise assisted. (18) 913 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mra Dr. Kins', l&tt N. 24th St. Tel. Doug. 8;. (l.Sj-i6J A COMPLEXION satin smooth and alr given by Satin skin powder. Four tints. U8) MAGNETIC OHteology and maaaaire. Varor and tub baths. Room 2, 1204 Farnam St.. 2d floor. tlS)-M48 A28. THE ELITE .rt, lady operator massage baths and sal gelldua rub. Room 2v0 Barker Hlk., ISth and Farnam ns ZM 27x REAL ESTATE REAL KSTATK DE1LEHI. RUSSELL ac U K1TR1CK CO.. 132 Ramga (IS) AU. W. II. TURRELL. 16 Patteraon Blk. Doug 1129. (19)-86t PAYNK INV. CO., 1st floor N. T. L. Doug. 178L 419) Vto L. W. BUNNELL CO.. 822 N. T. Life. Douglas 6148. (19) W R. C. PETERS A CO.. Bee Bldg. 0)-iS7 ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 First Natl bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 721. 09 63s GEORGE COMPANY, 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglaa 754. (1 ASJ CITY PKOPERTr FOR SALE. MUST BELL that eight-room modern house at 2121 WIRT STREET. One of the best located properltea In northern part of city. South front, lot 50x124. shade trees, cement steps' and brick walks, large barn. Asking $4.5u0 for the place, cost $5.X0 to build. wiU take small property aa part payment. W. H. OATHS. Room 17 New York Life Building. 'Phone Douglaa 1294. (19)-22 27 IT Bee Want WILL IN A REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR ALB. (Continued.! DUNDEE Why not take a rar ride to Dundee one of these hot summer evenings and look over the many Improve ments that have been go ing on since early spring. The street car line has Just been extended to the grounds of the Happy Hol low Golf club. Many blocks of choice building lots have been graded, trees planted, cement sidewalks built. You can reach Dun dee In about fifteen min utes from lfith street by taking a West Farnam Dundee rar, which runs every eight minutes on this line. Yon can have all conveniences in your home in Dundee that you ran have In the city of Omaha, the same com panies that furnlnh water, gas and electric light to Omaha also furnish Dun dee. Everyone who has visited Dundee recently re marks about the uniform shade trees and sidewalks all over the village. If you are interested In building a suburban home do not hesitate to call at our of fice and ask us any ques tions about Dundee prop erty at any time. We are always willing to send a representative from our of fice to show you over the ground at your own con venience. We have some of the choicest building lots which are now being, offered In the beautiful suburb at the low price of $660 each; terms one fourth cash, balance at 6 per cent. As an Invest ment preposition these lots are excellent. As a plnco to build a suburban home they arc Idenl. Many beau tiful residences have been built there during the past year, and many more are now in process of construc tion. GEORGR & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. (1!))-Mlfi4 27 Did You See our six reasons In this paper why WEST COUNCIL BLUFFS is the Ideal place for a home. A bunch of rent receipts have no value compared with the com forts of a home. Look these reasons up. Benjamin Real Estate Co., Phone Doug. 7332. 325-6 Neville Blk. (l5)-M:74 READ THIS Six good reaaona why OmaTia wage earn ers are Becking homes In West Council Bluffs: 1st. Because building lots can he -bought for one-half of what they will coat In Omaha the same distance from ( he busi ness center. 2d. Because they can be bought for a small payment down and s.00 per month till paid. Sd. Because wj will build houses on' these lots on the Installment plan, monthly payments not to exceed the amount you are now paying for rent. 4th. Because the street car service Is as good as in any olher direction from the business center, the fare being $ cents. 6th. Because we have over '100 nice lota to choose from, besides several houses al ready built and for sale on easy terms. 6th. Because we have the goods and will be glad to show you that these state ments are true. Oflice open Sundays from I to 12:30. Benjamin Real Estate Co. 'Phone Douglas 7332. 825-6 Neville Block. (18) M164 CLOSE IN LOTS 66x132 on Burt St. between loth and 16th Bts., south front, two old houses on lot, 94.M0. 44x west front on lth near Webster St., $2,900. txl.t2 south front on Burt St.. $3.5(0. 4Ex13l south front on Burt St. near 20th, $2,700. 66x132 north front on Cuming between 17th and isth, $4.0ti0. 70x120 northeast corner 25th Ave. and Dewey Ave., will trade for house and lot, $4,500. THE BY RON REED CO., 'Phone Douglas 297. 212 8. 14th St. (19-M446 27 20 ACRES one mile west from end of Forest Uwn car line. Fine grove, some fruit. Good road. Sightly location; a bargain at $2,6on. 'Phone Webster 1970. (19) 464 2ix If looking for a 8, 6 or 7-room cottage on your own terms, 'phone Web. 1S66. (1 'SO BEMIS TARK. Two beautifully situated lots. 40x127 feet each, west front on boulevard, two blocks to car, on grade; corner, $800; Inside, $7(4). Must be sold by" owner at once. 34i-4 La fayette Ave. (19) -MM LI8T your property with the Western Home Builders, rme, 22-3 Nebraska Natl. Bank Bldg. (1) 714 THE KERR ABSTRACT CO.'S AB BTRACTS OF TITLE are the safest. You are protected by a $10,(00 bond against loss by errors. Tou don't buy a lawsuit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1014 Harney Tel. Douglas b48T. (It) BEMIS PARK DISTRICT f rooms, brand new, atrlctly modern, $4,006. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. T. Life Bldg. 0-Mt77 FOR BALE 6-room cottage, owner teaving city, whl sell at a sacilflce. 10U North 4uth, South Omaha. Tel. S7L tT9)-M14 FOR SALE Five-acre tract of land In Ben son, three blocks from car, suitable for flanting or for improvement; an oppor unlly for someone. Addresa G 4.S. Re. Q91 i3x $4.0X , will buy one of the best homes In Kounfze Place. Modern In every way. Large barn, Kast front. Street paved. Permanent sidewalk Easy terms THOMAS BKENNAN, Room f. New York Life Bldg. I'hone Douglas I'aA. (19-M1 IF YOU are thinking or building it wlU pay you to Ire the Western Home Build ers, rooms 21-36 U. 8. Nat l Bank Bldg., for prices and terms. (19) 210 l-ROOM house. 4'2d and Valley Sts, for rent. Appiy to J. Jenson. 'Phone H.irney 4- 0-M4 26 -ROOM modern house, with barn. 2"26 Davenport 1-t. $5.UuO; half cash. Sue owner on premlxea (1) M47J Jlx L Ads MAKE IT EASY FOR SMALL WAY AND REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR ItlR (Continued.) VACANT On South Twentieth Street. AH special taxes paid; about 2R ft. extends from 2th through to Vinton. $730; the best bargain In Omaha. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. Sole Agents. Phone D 2152. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19)-M272 27 1IAXSCOM PARK BARGAIN 1306 South 2th street (Georgia Ave.) Beautiful, larue. thoroughly modern, eight-room house, In pood repair, ce mented basement, east front, small barn, lot f0xl50 ft. Nonresident owner will sacrifice to make quick sale. See me at once. This is a snap. CONRAD YOUNG, Tel. Douglas 1571. 1 5 1 v Dodge street. , (lit) M435 28 TWENTIETH AND GRACE Almost Walking Distance A new 7-room strictly modern house on paved street and car line; very up-to-date. This Is the one you have been look ing for. Price, $3,450; well worth every penny of It. W. S. FRANK, Tel. Doug. SCOO. 321 Neville Blk. (lit) M2W 27 MODERN HOUSE Elegant 10-ronm residence on finest street In West Farnam district; new and com plete In every way, lor $11,000. HICKS, 439 BOARD TRADE BLDG. (191 M483 28 REAL ESTATE TITDS-TRUST L11A8. E. WILLIAMS. Pres. (1S1-892 LIST your property with Chrl.i Bover, 22d and Cuming Bta (19) 064 REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH I.AMJ FOR SALU Kansas. WANTED Agents to represent us in the sale of cur Kansas lands. Write for par ticulars. Globe Lund and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (20-S7 FOR BALEt or trade, 640 acres. Greely county, Kan., land, cheap. Address box 42 Lincoln, Neb. (20) 187 29x Nebraska. FIRST-CLASS Nebraska tarma and ranches (or homes or Investment. Beuiis, Omaha. (20) MH7 8 160 ACRES of good, level farm land; will take good automobile or merchan dise as part payment. U. 8. Renlty Co., HaHtingH, Neb, (20) M431 2KX FOR SALE or exchange, 720 a. In Holt Co., Nib.; 320 a. deeded, 400 a. Klnhald homestead. .Price, $3,500.(10. Address Box 00, R. F. D No. 1, Hartlngton, Neb. (20) M43 li'.'X RANCH FOR SALE-1.280 acres, Banner county, Neb., improved, running water, etc.; $4.50 per acre If taken at once. Kim ball Land Co., Kimball, Neb. (2u)M153 30x Booth Dakota. f ARE YOU Interested In Bouth Dakota? If so wrlU to the A. C. Brink Land Co. of Pierre, S. D.. concerning the 25.000 acres of farm lands they own in Hughes and Sully counllea They will answer you gladly. 20j-M379 Al Texas. YOUR CHANCE 20,noo acres, smooth corn land. Panhandle, Texus. fVOO an acre, on railroad, one-third cash. Box V, Sibley, Iowa. (20) M263 30x Wyomloc. SPECIAL land bargain balance of this month. National Investment Co., Douglas Blk. (20) 237 31 THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. has just placed on the market THOUSANDS OF ACRES OF GRAZING LAND In Western Wyoming, 20,000 to 60u,W acres of fine sheep gracing lands at $1.00 to $1.5J PER ACRE TERMB-One-tenth down payment and ten years' time on the balance. If you Intend to Invest In cheap lands, BUY NOW. The opportunity will not last. For further Information applv to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY, Omaha, Neb. Dept. "A," 318 S. 15th St. (20-23S 27 REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS on improved city property. W. H. Thomas, HA First National Bank Bldg. (22)-.!.6 LOANS on Improved Omaha property. OKeefe H. E. Co., 1U01 N. Y. Lite Bidj V (22)-ue $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, N. Y. Life. (22) Mi WANTED City loana and warrants. W. Fernai mllh & Co., 132U Farnam Bt. t22)-04 $500 TO 60,000 TO IX)AN at lowest rates; no delay. GARVIN BROS, 10O4 FARNAM. ' (22 90, PRIVATE MONEY-F. D. Wead. 1S30 Doug. (221-IKB MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. (2j)-901 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. (22)-i)8 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters ft Co. (22) 90S WANTED TO BORROW WANTED TO BORROW $l.of' to enlarge a good paying business with privilege to reduce loan yearly. Ad dms W 775. Bee. iJ4 11 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture. cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino leums, otflce furniture, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts and all kinds of tools; or will b.iy the furniture of your house complete. Will buy antique or mahogany furniture. The highest prices paid. Call the light n;an. Tel. Douglaa 3!'71. (25) MiM) Aug2i CARD CABINET of 15 t. 25 drawers for card $ by & inohew; stat rice; m ut be cheap. Address L tW. Bee (25) 81 MSELF and partner rit for cash $'.0i to $12,XJf stock general merch ndlse, do ing good business in ood to-vn. Pur chase from owners oni . Discount be low M cnla ou dollar. Address. Y lis. Bee fi M44; angJx 1 GIN 3 YOU TO DEGIN BUILD UP WANTED TO BUY (Continued. WE NEED two horses, l.oon to 1.2O0 weight; will pay cash or tnde good piano. Mat thews llano Co., I.'il3-15 Harney St. (.S)-M)74 27 CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foye Co.. Hi 6. 14th. Phono Douglaa 1321. (S)-10 I WANT to buy a republican weekly paper and Job oflice in co. scat town In Ne braska. Cash. Write Y 219. Bee. (So)-l 5 ?lx WANTED To buy a second hand, fiat bottomed row bont, must he In fairly good condition and cheap. State price. Address, M 752. Bee. (25) M W 30X WANTED TO RENT t ROOMS and board with rrivate family, near edge of town and car line. Address A-759, care Bee. (2G) 121 30x SMALL family want 4 or 6-room cottage about August 1st. Address. N 753. Bee. (2M M47S Aug?X WANTED To rent, furnished and unfur nished rooms for light housekeeping. Otoaha Rental Co., 808 N. Y. Life Bldg Tel. Douglas SKS1. (26 M9M Aug20x WANTED SITUATION WANTED Work by the day by experi enced dressmaker. Call on or address 4936 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Harney-liVd. (7 917 A WANTED Position as compositor; six months' experience. Address Y 125, Bee. 127) MIMi Aug3x 6MALL bundles of laundry taken homo. Rough dry, 35c per dozen, shirt waists, 2oc and up, 27o7 No. Stith. (27) 194 29 TEACHER, without home, experienced as housekeeper, wants situation during sum mer, or will stay Indefinitely in desirable home where ahe may take piano lesHons. Would like to be on-farm. Address L-769, care Bee. (27) M4.S) Alx EXPERIENCED stenographer. Address 8., Omaha Bee. 15 Bcott St., Co. Bluffs. (27)-M227 SITUATION WANTED A Hustler In real estate work; can give references. Ad dress J. Q. Hcsterly, Pawhuska, Okl. (271 M230 2!ht Office hours, 8:00 to 9:30 a. m . 12:00 to :30 p. m. Telephone Harney 639. OMAHA VETERINARY HOSPITAL 2MIO Minos Street, Omaha, Neb. II. I Ramacclottl. D. V. 8., Deputy State and City Veterinarian, Food Inspector, Chief Surgeon. D. C. Scott, D. V. S., Hos pltal Surgeon. RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION lOtfc AND MARCY. I'D Ion Paelfle. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 8:66 am a 9:40 pro The China and Japan Fast Mall a 8:50 pm a 5:00 pm Colo. Calif. Ex a 8:50 pm a 9:40 am California & Ore. Ex. ..a 4:00 pm a 6:6P pm Los Angelea Limited. ...al2:56 pm a 9:15 pm Colorado Special all:55 pm a 6:60 am North Platte Local a 1:42 am a 1:16 pm Beatrice Local b 7:42 am D 6:16 pm Wabasb. Bt Louis Express a 6:40 pm a 8:80 am Bt. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) a 9:30 am all:16 pm Etanberry Local (from Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pmbl0:15 am Missouri Pacific. K. C. t Bt. L. Exp a 9:00 am a t:58 am K. C i Bt. L. Kip all 15 pm a 6:35 pm Nebraska Local a ?: pm all:40 am Chicago, at Bt. Paal. Chicago & Colo. Special. 7:02 am 12:05 pm Calif. & Oregon Exp... 6:5S pm J:25 pm Overland Limited. 9:5" pm :87 am Chicago, Rock Island A Paelfie. EAST. Chicago Limited a 2:45 am all -30 pm Iowa Ixcal a 7:D0 am a 4:30 pm X)es Mo'.nes Pass a 4:oo pm a 12:30 pm Iowa Local all. 40 am b 9 56 pm Chicago (Eastern Ex.) a 4:50 pm a 1:26 pm Chlcagu fc'iyer a 6:00 pm a 8:36 am WEST. Rocky Mountain I.mtd..all-40 pm a 2:8T. am Colo. & Cal. Express. ..a 1:35 pm a 4:40 pm Okl. & Texas Express.. a 4:40 lira a 2:45 pm Lincoln & Fairburv Pass.a 8:46 amal0:15 am Inlcago Great Western. St. Paul & Minneapolis. 8:30 pm 7:80 am Bt. Paul & Minneapolia. 7:30 am 11:35 pm Chicago Limited 6:u6 pm am Chicago Express 7:30 am 11:36 pm Chicago Express 8:30 pin $:3i) pm Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:20 am Minn. & St. Paul Exp...h 7:20 am Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm Minn. & Bt. Paul Lrntd.a 8:30 pm Cbluattv A Aortu western. Chicago Daylight a 7:06 am SL Paul-M epulis Exp.. a 7:60 am Chicago Local an: am Eloux City Passenger.. .a 7:60 am Chicago Passenger a 4:30 pm Chicagu bpecial a 6:0b pm fel. Paul-M'polia Lmtd..a s:26 pm Los AnfcoUa Limltea....a "t pu Overland Limited al0:ts pm Fast .Mail Biuux CUy Local a 8:50 pm Fast Mad Twin City Limited a :26 pm Overland Limited a 8:38 put Norfolk- Boi.eeteel a 7;4u am l.Incoln-Chadron o 7:40 am Deadwood-Lincolo a 8:00 pm Casper-Bnoshoiit a 8:00 pm Hastings-superior D 9:00 pm r ienioni.-AIL.ion b 6:02 pm Los Angelea Limited. ..a 9:60 pra a 3:46 pre a 8:66 pm a 8.30 am a 8:30 am al:64 pm alO.uo pio a 'A'. t pm a 8:28 pm a 9:30 am a 9.80 am a 7.4 am al2:35 pm a 6:3 am a 8:JV am a 9:20 am a 3:35 p.n a 7:05 am a 9:31 am a!0:3o am aiu:36 am a 6:06 pm a 6:06 pm b 6:06 pm bl2:5u piu a!2.36 pm BURLINGTON TA lOTH A MASON Darlington. Leave. Denver California... .a 4:10 pm Nortnwest Special a 4:10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pra Northwest Express a 9:30 pm Nebraska points a "JO am Nebraska Express a 9:45 am Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:46 pm Lincoln Local Lincoln Local Louisville & Plattam'th.b 8:10 pm BeUovue-Plattxmoutb ..a 8:J pm 1'lattsmoutli-Iov.a b 6:10 am Bellevue-Plattamouia Denver Limited all:66 pra Chicago Bpecial a 7:00 am Chicago Expreaa a 3t pn Chicago Flyer a 6:30 pm Iowa Local a 9:16 am Bt. Louis Express. a 4:46 pm Kansas City & Bt. Joe..alO 46 pm Kansaa City Bt. Joe.. a 9:16 am Kansas City & 6U Joe. .a 4:46 pm Ar.We. a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pm a 4:10 piB a 6:46 am a 1:10 p:a a 6:10 pat al2:01 pm b 9 06 am a 8:00 pia L10.20 a. a a 7:46 m b 1:36 pm a 6:46 am 11:46 pot a 3 66 pea a 8:30 an) all. 30 am all:30 ana a 6:3u am a 6:10 pnt WtCUSTER BTA. 1STII A 'WEBSTER Chlentro, Bt. Paal, Minneapolis A Uotaks. Leave. a. rive. Twin City Passenger.. .b 6:30 am b 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger. . a t:00 pm all :20 am Fmerson Local b 6 45 pm b 9:10 am Enferaon local o 8:46 am c 6:60 pm Missouri Paelfie. Local via Weeping Water a 8:06 am a 6:30 prr Falls City Local a 9:60 pin all:20 a j a Dally, b Dally except 8unday. d Dully except Saturday e Sunday only, e Dally v '-ft M'irday OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN IINI j lDKnf Toa Twin-vcrvw rMMnf r sti uun id Norway, Sweden and Denmark tiling trou N u rk ftl ooou. C. r Tl.lj.s Jalr &llll: Olar A(. II Oictr li Aug ) t'Dltrd Hlitrs Au. St gloon IM nd up: second L.ln i0. A. Johnson A Co., 1 Hrondway. N. V. IM Cum Klmls St . ('klasge. ORIENT CLARK'S TENTH ANNt'Al ( hi IFE Ft (. '. to da br specially rhArtef4 9. m "Arabic." 1.00 tout I HkiLfc Tut l:s ROI'NO TM K W'M.H I, TKAftX C. ClAfiK. Times Bldg. Tw Tori MASQUERADING AS A MAN I, . - Woman Don the Job Successfully (or Eighteen Yean. MYSTERY AND MOTIVE REVEALED ranee Csreef of a Russian Woman in Amerlen Trnlh Rivals the lists. During ths last winter a member of the cilony of health seekers at Fhoenlx, Ails., known by the name of Nlcolal do Ttaylan, pnssed away. When the announcement of the dentil was printed In Chicago, persons acquainted with the deceased Insinuated that the supposed man was not a man nt all, but a w.-man ninsqucradlng In man's attire. A Chicago woman, claiming to be the wife of De Kaylan, declared in a news paper Interview that the Insinuation whs absurd: furthermore, that she was De Raylnn's lawfully wedded wife and ought to know. Public curiosity was thus aroused and wag whetted by the further assertion that the docensed was a member of a dis tinguished Russian family and heir or heir ess to an estate. To definitely settle tho question of sex Interested persons went to Phoenix, had the remains exhumed and In the presence of witnesses demonstrated that De Rnylan was In reality a woman. The mysteries of the life of tho woman who masqueraded eighteen years as a man are now explained for the first tliue by publication In the Chicago Record-Herald of the diary and correspondence of De Raylan In possession of tho puhlio adminis trator at Chicago. De Raylan, It appears, was started on her career of deception In an attempt to Mack mall her mother, at whom she was In censed because the paternity, of the girl was kept a secret. When Information as to the name of her father was withheld, De Raylan adopted male attire and tried to prove that ahe had been masqueraded as a girl by her mother In violation of the laws Of Russia, which provide heavy punish ment for such an offerse. A feature of tho story la the fact that De Raylan Interested the late M. Const antlnl Petrovltch Pobledo- nostseff, procurator of the holy synod, in hor case, and after convincing that states man and churchman that she was n man, prevailed on him to stmt suit against her mother. , Diary Covers l'on Yearn. The diary, which covers tho period be tween 1SS8 and 1892, shows that the real family name of De Raylan was Taletsky. The first entries depict her as a school girl, 15 years old. about to graduate frnm a seminary at Kiev, Russia. At this time the girl's mother suddenly acquires wealth to the amount of 250,000 rubles (about JIX.OOO). and Nlcolal, the only name by which De Raylan Is known to have been called, dis covers that the money has been settled on her parent as trustee by a member of the tiobllity, to be conserved In tho Interests of Nlcolal. The girl becomes curious as to the reason for the settlement and suspects that the unknown nobleman Is her father, but falls to drag Information on the point from her mother. Then comes the Inspiration that resulted In eighteen years of pseudo-masculinity for De Raylan. In Russia the law makes It a crime pun ishable by Imprisonment for any person to gain entrance for a hoy Into a girl's school and also, under the military statutes, makes It a serious crime for a mother to hide the sex of a male child. Young De Raylan, ac cording to the Journal, schemed to black mall her own mother by the aid of these laws, and to thla end took Into her con fidence her French governess, Ixmlse Ra tone, to whom she said, according to the diary: Misleads Iter Governess. "Louise, you have seen me in the house posing as a girl, when In fact all tfie time I have been a hoy. The purpose of my mother In disguising me In tills way was to Inherit or In some way procure thla money that has come to her." The youthful adventnress added verisimil itude to this story by making ardent love to Louise, and the two left Kiev for St. Petersburg. Two years were spent In pre paring for the assumption of the malo dis guise, and In 1891 Louise 'Ratone wrote to the late M. Pobiedunosleff, procurator of the holy synod, telling In detail the alleged facts In the case. The churchman at once called Nlcolal to his pulticp, and after the girl had convinced him that she was a man, Insisted on starting criminal proceedings against the mother. At his Instance Nlcolal wore out a complaint against her mother In Odessa. The woman was arrested and preparations started for the trial. This, however, was too swift a proceed ing for Nlcolal, and, fearing detection, she procured money from Zaney Ros dorhney, a woman living In St. Peters burg, with whom she had professed 10 fall In love, and fled to Ilelsingfors. Fin land, leaving a letter for M. Pobledon osteeff, telling him that filial devotion pre vented her appearance against her mother The procurator was chagrined, but or dered the oftlclula to proceed with the caae. Calls Doctor and Priest. The mother produced the doctor who had assisted at the birth of her daughter and the' priest who had christened her, both of whom swore that they knew posi tively that Nlcolal was a girl. The pro curator was enraged. From Ilelslngfors Nlcolal soon fled to Antwerp, Belgium, changing her name to Nlcolal Ktmstantlnevitih. At Antwerp a banker. M. Glttens, sent her to the United States. Arrived In Chicago, -Nlcolal was pre sented to Charlea Henrotin, liclgtun con sul, who Introduced her to the Kusxltin consul, and, after taking out naturaliza tion papers, Nlcolal eventually became secretary to Raron von Schllppenbach, Russian consul. The life of De Raylan In Chicago was disclosed after her sex was discovered following her death In Phoenix. Blin smoked and drank hard, used profane lan guage and traveled with a rapid set of young men. She married her first "wife" when 20 years old. Nine years later th'i "wife" obtained a divorce on statutory grounds, and then married Francis P. Bradchulls, De Raylan's business partner. Nlcolal at once went to New York am) married Anna Davidson, an actress, who brought suit to get possession of the es tate after De Raylan's death and sought GOVERNMENT NOTICES CHIEF (jl.AKTKHMAHTKR OFFICE Omaha. Neb. June .'!, lt,'7. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, will lie received iiere and by quaneimasiers at the posts named herein, until It a. in., central standard time, July .'!. 1307, for furnishing wood, coal and charcoal, during the hsfal year ending June 3c, 1. at Omaha qiiunerinasier depot, Forte Crook, Omaha and Robinson, Ne braska; Full Leavenworth, KansHa; Fort Mackenzie, Wyoming. and Fort Des Moines, Iowa. proposaii for delivery at other places will be entertained. 1'nlted States reserves rixht to re ject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Information furnlsned on ap plication here, or to quartermasters at the stations named. containing pro posuis should be markd "Projajsul for fuel," ond addressed to Major Thomas Cruse, chief quartermaster. JWyl-l-8 - -27 to establish that De Knylan ass a man. Letters discovered In the string wocdon chest In which the dlsry mas found Indi cate that Mrs. Ann.t De Rnylan knew Nlcolai'a Ufa aecret. THERE WERE MILLIONS IN IT Three llnndred Millions In Stiver Taken from the Indent inana Jnnto Mine. At the end of the eighteenth century tha mini's of the tluanajuato were 'he fort most cf their kind. It was then tlukt the Valenclana shaft was sunk to 1,809 feet, and it Is still the deepest III the dls trlct. This work was completed In 1 T S ft at a fnhulous expense. It is said to have cost $1,000,000, though even this expenditure seems small compared with that of Com bination shaft, sunk on the Comatoclf lode In IUI. This was 8.100 feet deep and cost 86.000,000. The cost of the big shaft of the Valen clana was offset by an extraordinary pro duction, stated at $800,000,000, most of It extracted during the latter half of the elahteenth century. This figure corre sponds with the total output of the Corn stock up to the time when the lower work ings were abandoned In 1S84. On August :o, 1S04. the kin' tax on the Valenclana, amounting to the sum of $2,643,866, was paid. As this represented one-fifth of the yield of a period of five years, It serves to substantiate even tha extraordinary statistics of these old mines. The other mines on the Veta Mud re and those on La Lui veins also produced enormously at this period, so that the population of the district at tha beginning of the nineteenth century had Increased to 100,001V This was the time of Humboldt's visit. He says that "the whole vein (the Veta Madre) of Guanajuato may be estimated at four ounces of silver per quintal of min erals." As a quintal is 1f pounds, thla means ore averaging eighty ounces per ton of 2,000 pounds. Then came the long years of the revolu tion against Spanish domination. In 1810, when In the height of her prosperity as a mining center, (luanajuato was attacked by tho republican forces and life became Inse cure, so that mining operations were dis couraged snd all work of Importance was discontinued. Deep work ceased entirely, no shafts were sunk and the production' of ore was reduced to Infrequent shipments taken from supporting pillars and from tha Bides of old slopes. Even such decadent mining became In significant as the miners were driven to ward tho surface by the slowly rising; water. It was at this period of general lawlessness that the heavy walls with watch towers were built around the mines, until every property of consequence had the look of a fortress. Similar protection wa given to the reduction works, which became fortified inclosures. Modern Mexico. Chances In Civil Nerrlee. The Culled states Civil Service com mission announces the following examina tions to secure a list of eligible to till existing vacancies In the civil service: August 7 For the position of Resistant photographer, nt $NI0 per annum, In the division of publications, lepartment of Agriculture; ai?e limit, 20 years or ov r. AugUBt 14 For the position of fish cul turlsl at Leadvllle, -Colo., at $600 per an num, and one vacancy each at Ualrd, Cal : San Marcos. Tex.; Spearfish, S. D., and liozeman, Mont., at $640 per annum; aga limit, 20 to 45 years. August 14-16 For the position of sclentllio assistant In animal pathology (male), at $M0 per annum, In the. l.urenu of animal Industry, lienartment of Asrrt. I culture; age limit, 20 to 40 years. For the position of civil engineer and super I Intendent of construction In the quarter masters department at large, at $1,6(0 1 tl o r annum' an., limit ma . . . " ' iiiiim, Mu yciu n or over. For the position of computer In ihe super vising architect's office, at salaries from $1,000 to $1,600, according to capacity and experience: age limit, 20 years or over. August 21 For the position of cleric typewriter draftsman In the oflice of thi artillery engineer. Kiin Francisco, at $1,200 per annum; age limit, 18 years or over. For the position of aid In grain stand aidlEatlon (male), In bureau of plant In dustry, at salaries ranging from $800 to $ per annum; age limit, 20 yuars or over. August 22 For the position of knife grinder, at 3 ) cents per hour. In the gov ernment printing office. Washington; in limit. 20 years or over. August 21-22 For the position of com puter In the coast and geodetld survey, at $1,000 per annum; age limit, 20 years or over. August 22 For the position of marina fireman In the quartermaster's department at large at Fort liurrancaa, Fla.. steamer lvie at a salary of $480 per annum anl rations: age limit, 20 years or over. August 28 For the position of chief engineer of the 1'nlted Ktnl. nnmt mnn I building, Chicago, salary $1,800 to $2,600 I'ei niiiiuin; bkc limit, to 45 years. All honorably discharged soldiers and sailors of the war of the rebellion will be ad mitted to this examination without regard to the maximum age limit. Traffic In Head Flies. A ton of dead flies was the strange cargo a vessel from Hraxll recently unloaded at the ijindim docks. Dead Hies are admira ble food for chlckena, birds In captivity and captive Huh. Rut there being no files la speak of In England, those in search of this delicacy for such a use have to send to Brazil, where there are files on every thing. The river Amazon swarms with thein and Hraxlllans MohI down the stream In boats andscoop In millions of the files, which circle In dense clouds just above the waters edge. When the haul Is bitr enough the flies are shipped abroad. Two years atm the llraxllian government stopped this exportation, being afraid that the ftsh In the rivers would suffer by being de prived of this fly food. Hut the prohibition has now been removed. Formerly dead files sold at 10 cents a pound, but the de mand has become so great and the supply so lessened that 30 cents a pound Is now charged. -New York Tribune. Nature Pokes. After a careful and Impartial considera tion of all the evidence bearing on the subject, says tho Indianapolis News, the Investigating committee reports that, not withstanding their long llfti and apparent respectability, (tie following are un doubtedly nature fakes: The hull In the china shop. The wolf at the door. The fly In the ointment. The dog In the manger. The (lull out of water. The beo In the bonnet. The flea In the ear. Tho rut that was smelled. The choius girl's lobster. 1'lts In clover. Horse and horse. Time Hies. The welsh rabbit. The man on a lark. ' An Apt Pnpll. The phllanthronlcal New York woman was visiting a lower KsA Hide Runrlav I school. To test the aptness of a partlcti- luny ininsjeni cluster or pupils, she took tin- cIhhh in band to question them. "Children, what Is the greatest of all vli t UeS?" Not one answered. "Think a little. What Is It I am doing when I nlve up time and pleasure to coma down among you for your moral goodt" A gi'.iny flat Went up. "Well, what urn I doing, little boyT" "Hutiin' In!" Sound Advice. Many friends of a well known horseman are still amazed over his experience with a faker. Borne little time ago he owned a horse which bothered him a great deal by foaming and driveling at the mouth. At last ( ne diiy he suw uu advertisement In one f the papers of a new and sure remedy for the trouble. The price asked was only i shlllinKs ar.d he sent the money along by the next post. A few days later came back a neat typewritten letter, with the follow lug advice: "Dear Sir Teach the horse to apit." Not No Had After All. "Forgotten the bait?" yi lied the first flKherman. "why, you blank Idiot, how U t hu nnVr " . "Heie! What's the matter with you' retorted the other; "jnu had as much rfKht to remember the can as I had. When I put the worms In it I" "o: the ran; J thought you meant von had forgotlea the but I lu." Philadelphia Presa )