Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 14, Image 14

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Want ads
Attrniwmfili far the want-ad
rolamn trill be likfa nntll til m. far
fee nnl edition aad antll fl a. m.
for the moraine and Snnday edition.
Cash mast accompany all nrdrri for
want-ads aad ao advertisement will
be accepted for teas than 10 cent far .
the flrat laaertloa.
Ratea apply ta either The Dally or ;
londir Bee.
Always roant alz word a to a line.
Combination of laltlala or aombera
roant aa oaa ward.
Insertion, per llae, 10 renta. Two or
more eonaeeatlre laaertlona, per line,
ceata. Bach laaertlon made oa oud
days, lO rrata per llae, fl.BO per llae
per month.
Death and Fwnernl Notices, Tarda of
Thaaka aad I.edae Notices, T ceata
per line for one edition, mornlnat or
evening) 3 coat a Hue lor each
dlttonal edition. andar, 10 ceata a
llr.e. No ad tnkea for lea than
adrertlarment la Inarrted nnder any
one af the classification given below.
It will be charged at the following
ratea I On laaertloa, 4 oeata per line
thre to alx eoneeoatlee insertion, S
ceata per llae each laaertloa seven
r mora conservative laaertloaa, 2
eat a per lino each laaertloa I 64
Oen ta per line per month.
Except Agent, Solicitor and
Cowa, Blrda, Dn(i and Pet
Horaea and Vehicles,
Poultry aad Kara-.
Typewriter and Sewing Machine.
Planoa, Organ aad Maalcal Inatrat
Famished Hooma.
Untarnished Hooma.
Housekeeping Rooma.
Boarding and Rooms,
Want-ad for The Bea mar be left
at nny of the following; drng stores
oae la "roar corner druggist" they
re all branch odlces of The Bee aad
roar ad will bo Inserted Jnat as
promptly and on the aame ratea aa at
the main olBco la The Bee Building,
Seventeenth aad Fnruaiu aitreetsi
Albach. W. C, 40th and Farnam.
Beranck, 8. A., 1402 S. 10th St.
Recht, Pharmacy. Im 8. l'ith tit.
Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Park Pharmacy, 83d and Cuming,
Blake's Pharmacy, 28i8 Sherman Av.
Cauiilln, C. K., 6th nd Pierce tits.
Clifton lllll Pharmacy, ail Military Av.
Conte, J. H., tlset Ave and Farnam.
Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake.
Ceainak. Emll. 164-6 B. ISth 8t.
Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton.
Ehler, F. H.. "krl !.eavenworth.
Foster A Arncidl, 213 N. 2.Mh tit.
Drr.-ytag, John J., 1914 N. 24th Bt
Florence. Drug Co., Florence, Neb.
Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake.
Green Pharmary, corner Park Ave. and
Greenough, G. A., 1025 8. 10th Bt.
Greenough. O. A., Ii24 8outh 10th Be
Havden, Wm. C, 220 Fsrnam St.
Hanscom Park Pnar. 1601 fl. 29th Av.
Hoist. John, 624 North 16th Bt.
Huff. A. L., 2924 Leavenworth Bt.
King, H. B , 2238 Farnam St.
Kotintte Place Pharmacy, 3301 N. 24tr
Patrlck Drug Co., 1124 N. 24th Bt.
I.athrop. Cba. E., 1824 N. 24th Bt.
Peyton, li. E., ?4th and Leavenworth.
Faratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Ave.
Bchaefer' Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and
Srhnefer, August. WTI N. IRth St.
Schmidt. J. H.. 24th and Cuming Sts
form Pharmacy. Iftth and Martha Sts
Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 4ith and Cumin.
Walton Pharmacy, Wh and Grsee Sts.
Wlrth O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Sts.
The following marriage licenses have
been Issued:
Name and Address. Age.
John Trost, South Omaha 37
Urlka RutRtrom, Omaha 35
Amoa C. Shaffnlt, Omaha 23
Mabel Pearl Richardson, Omaha 23
Births William Ruff. 801S Oak street, girl;
IFred Montmorency, 313ii Chicago street,
boy; Charles Abode, 1314 Pierce street
girl; Robert Clancy, 1301 South Thirty-second
street, girl; A. II. Johnson, 6332 North
w.e,y"lxlh ",re, b'yi Mike HenHktt,
2507 South Thirteenth street. rIH
Deatlis John Buss. St. Joseph's hospital,
aged 22 years; Mrs. John Laker, 171j Hodga
Street, aged 39 years; Mrs. C. P. Swarm,
Bt. Joseph s hospital, aged 42 years; Hora
Gilbert. Twenty-fourth and Dorcas streets,
aged 1 year.
HIE CITY OAKBAUa CO., office 4th and
Leavenworth Bis. TL Douglas VJki.
BIQN PAINTING S. II. Cole, 13U2 Douglas
a .Ji
1906 BUICK. two-cylinder, 22 11. p. tour
ing car, overhauled and painted $v0(4)
19U CADILLAC, 19 11. P. touring car, una
shape 525.ut)
19uo RAMBLER. IS II. P., almost new,
several extras Included $;nm.;iu
l:nS KNOX louring car, air cooled... IwOoO
l!K OLDri, with lop, 2i II. P $;u0uu
Iiu6 REo, 16 H. P.. UHed verv little.
IWo FRANKLIN, with top, four-cylinder. I
detachable tnnneau $o;j w
1906 FultD, two-cylinder, detachable ton
neau, 14 H. P Wu.rt :
liKm STIC VE.NS-DUU YEA, two-cylinder
and looka like new, with top JbwOOOl
RAMBLER K., detachable tonncau, just!
iiiiiuiru aim uvernuuieu Jti50 CO
Write for full dcscpritlon.
. E. FREDHICKSON. 15ih and Cap. Ave.
FOR SALE, at big bargain. l-c"ylinder
model IS, N 14 Rambler; run 2,600 miles
tup and aoom hH) extias; tluee new tires:
$1 ml; imiht he sold at once. Ji.lin o'
Hiijide, Wahoo, Neb. (2) Mliti 2s
FOR SALE A Cameron Runabout auto
mobile; a bargain. Globe Land and In
vestment Co.. 1822 Farnam St. (2) lu7
SEND for our list of second-hand automo
. biles. DEKIGHT. 1818 Farnam. i2)-lii
EXCHANGES If you hav city croperty
lock of goods, f. ii in land or property of
any kind to exchange, write for our com
plete list. We have properties and land
In all paits of the country to exchange.
Our list is free. Send lor It at once!
Globe Land and Investment Co., lv22 Far
nam St., Omaha. Neb.
S 110
I HAVE a good upright Kimball piano to
ell. or will trade even for $im worth of
sidewalk work at So2 Cass St. 'Phone
Harney SoM. t8 MTJ 27
NEARLY new uprlKht piano' for board and
room in private family within two miles
of posiotfue. Phone Douglas 7319 for par
ticulars. (Jl M73 l
WHEN writing to advertisers It takes but
a stroke or two of the pen to say you
saw the ad In The Bee.
120 ACRES 6 miles from Bchell City. Ver
non county, Mo ; So acres undir cultiva
tion; good buildings. Price, $60 per acr;
Incumbrance. $2.0uo. Will exchange for
general inrchaii'1se. Globe Land and
Investment Co., 1822 Farnam St., Omaha
EXCHANGE or for sale, hotel property;
furnished; modern; good business; want
land: merchandise or residence property.
Central Hotel, Spring Valley, III.
l$)-M20 x
GOOD stock cf general merchandise In an
Iowa town of 1.600. Will trad for clear,
cheap land. Globe Land and Investment
uta Faruain. tf 76
Are You Looking for a Farm,
Home, Ranch, Business
or Property
of any kind anywhere It makes no dif
ference whether i a want lltO building
li or a J.7km.0 tiact of coal or timber
land, you should not b'jy or trade befoi
seeing a copy of the Heal Estate World
It contains a lame list of property and
merchamlisf stocks for sale and exchange,
end lesclies several thousand readcra each
Issue, and la the best aivei Using medium
to rech the real ea'ate buyer, homeseek
er and traders that you ran advertlae In.
Write youi nane and adilres on a poetal
card, ma.l It today, and we will send you
the journal for two months on trln) fre.
Address the Real Estate World. Suit 6J0
Good Block, Dee Motnts. la. (4J 31
THE KEYSTONE will, on August 1. 19T;
open a department for the EXCLUSIVE
business of buying and selling rooming
bonnes. The party having charge of this
department thoroughly understands tha
business, consequently we can guarantee
satisfaction to btiver and seller.
Bulte 4u4 Uee Bldg., Umnha, Neb.
'Phone Doug.
(4) M940 27
LIPT your property with ua. we have buy
ers; hav oroperty for exchange also.
JACOUSON & CO.. P35 N. Y. Life Hldg.
;4i MH2 All
Life. Tel. Doug. 614!. (4)-M96S
ROOMING houses for sale, all
Gangeatad, 403 Bee Bldg. (4) MS6J
FOR 8ALB3 Tlie best paying business In
northeastern Nebraska, stock of gro
ceries, queensware and notions; will be
sold cheap. Answer quick. Address Y
Hi, Bee. (4)-M87S
WANTED A party to buy out a first
class stock of furniture In the best town
on the Elkhorn valley; best of reasons
for selling. Wlsnef Furniture Co.. Wis
ner. Neb. (4) 'M
JO BUY or sell any business or real es
tate, call on or write E. G. Gangestad,
403 Bee Bldg. (4)-:66
HALF Interest and help manage townrlts
and waterworka proposition; over 2-
lots and tine artesian well; new town on
R. R., 700 population; write for par
ticulars. John R. Hodges. Artesla, N. M.
(4) M4M augl.'x
LIST your property with us. Graham &
Wright, 922 N. Y. L. Tel. Red 563.
Do You Wish to Make a Change
I j you have a farm, home, business or
property that you wish to sell or ex
change, write us.
Omaha, Neb.
(4) MG61 Aug. 17
ONLY harness stock In good town thirty
five miles from Omaha. Box 279, Blair,
Neb. (t)-M663 A2
FOR SALE In Fullerton. Neb., blacksmith
and wagon work business, with tools;
one 4 H. P. gasoline engine; only four
Bhops In county seat town about 1,500,
Address C. K. Stenberg, Indian School,
Genoa, Neb. (4) M734 tlx
FOR SALE Barber shop, confectionery and
fiool hall combined; Kood reasons for sell
ng. Address J. Ullrich, Box 56, Hal bur,
la. (4) M226 A4x
ONE of the best pool hall and cigar stores
for sale at Lincoln at once; good reason
for selling. Inquire K St., liM Lincoln.
(4)-MlS2 A4x
FOR SALE 180 acres good land In west
ern Nebraska; 40 acres in cultivation;
owner's share of crop pays from 8 to 10
per cent on money Invented and the land
increasing In value every year. For par
ticulars address W. S. Zittle, Grand Island,
Neb.. 218 W. 3d St. (4)-M2&8 29x
BAKERY for sale or rent In good county
seat town; dolns 1,200 to 1,600 loavea
weekly; going west; cheap for quick buy
ers. Cassvllle Bakery Co., Cassvllle, Mo.
(41 MS78 27x
FOR SALE Rertaurant and nine furnished
rooms, all In good shape, each room with
bed room suite; dining room and kitchen
"well furnished, and will be sold at a
bargain If sold soon; reason for selling,
poor health. Call on or address G. C.
Elliott, Belle Fourche, 8. D. (4) M631 A5x
MILLINBRY stock for sale; a bargain If
taken soon. Mrs. A. Jennings, West
Point, Neb, (4) MUSS Aug. 18X
LIST your property and business; quick
sales. H. Manweller, 1524 Dodge St.
(4)-Mt& Aug a
FOR SALE First-class blacksmith and
wat'on work business, with tools; 14 to it
received for shoeing and $4 to $8 for set
ting tires. Address Y 129, Bee.
BUTCHER shop for salo Modern In every
respect; the best location In brick build
ing; only market In county seat of 1.000;
huge territory surrounding; employ three
men and do heavy business; a splendid op
portunity; owner unable to give personal
attention to business; terms, $1,500 cash,
balance time. N. J. Frayn, Faulkton, S.
D. (4) MU0 27x
NEWSPAPER and Job office, doing good
business, for sale In northwest lava.
Price buo cash. This is a snap. Guy D.
Savage, Alvord.,Ia. (4) M945 Six
809 New York Life Bldg.,
Omaha, Neb.
A flue wall paper and paint Ktore, do
ing fine business; Invoices. $4,50; mak
mo an offer. Address or call 111 N. Tejoii,
Colorado Springs. Colo. (4) M128 2x
COME to Hlldreth A Lowman with or for
business chances, farms or city prop
erty. . 610 Bee Bldg. (4I-M331
FOR SAL'C FlneRt ontilppcd photo gallery
In western Iowa. Best of trade. Good
reasons for selling. Will take two-thirds
Invoice, h.ilf tn.Mli, balance long time.
Write to box 3tj, Missouri Valley. Ia.
(41 M 177 2x
FoR SALE A successful money making
retail grocery business, selling $1,5lD per
month cash, located in good school town;
State Normal now lockted here, average
attendance over 00 students; good farming
country, good crops, prospects for busi
ness excellent ; good opening for dept.
or gene ml stole; population 6.0110, town
him paved streets and water works; busi
ness has been run by the present owner
for 3 yenr:, who established It, all In
good condition; will lump or Invoice; this
Is a good foundation for a profitable dept.
store, none In the town. Roy J. Shry
ai k, Mer., Co. Warreiisburs, Missouri.
(4)-M48i 28x
FOR SALE Only butcher shop In good,
enterprising town, dally sales, $25 ti $30;
will sell cheap, good reasons for selling.
Address Y 129. care of Bee.
(4)-M463 A3x
FOR SALE Two-chair barber shop, with
pool room, cheap; must aell; have other
business. 1423 N. -Mth St.
(4) M474 2Sx
DRUG stores for sale everywhere. T. V.
Knlest. 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. (4) 771
HOMES, lands, etc.. bought, sold or trsdd
quickly Pardee & Biaum, the hustlers.
330 Neville Blk. (41-529 Auglj
FOP, fcALE Drug stock and fixtures In
a ftood S.w'.hern Nerbaska town. Invoice
about $4.0u0. Addresa Y-207, Beo.
(4I-M115 27x
, a
FOR SALE Clothing and gents' furnish
ing stock fcr sale; only nock In good
farming tow.i cf about 2.000. For par
ticulars Inquire Ochsner Bros. A Co., Ed
gar. N. b. (5I-M104 7x
WANTHD Bright business man with
$2.6cu cash to take Interest in manufactur
ing bustneas and position ss manager at
$116 per month ,
Business Chances,
2ul NevilU Block.
GROCERY and meat business for sals.
Will give good discount. 2227 Broadway.
Council Bluffs, Ia. (4) M945 27x
SNAP. $2.000 00 atork of genl. mdse. to
trade for horses, tools, wagon. har
ness and rental of land, or will sell
at a discount for cash or trade for small
unincumbered farm. Address Box 288,
Tecumssh. Neb. (4) M434 28x
FOR BALE Stock of merchandise in
town of 6.000: will Invoice $3,600; good
reason for selling; good business; cash
proposition. Addresa Y 127. care Be.
(4) M4IJ 27.
Advertise your business
CASH for had accounts, Mils, notes or
any other claims. For particulars address
E-7M). Pee. (4)-Ml"8 Z7x
4,0on Laundry plant, absolutely clearing
j per week for $3,700 Elite TAtindry,
Boulder. Colo. (4) M11S 27x
HERKA & CO., 38 N. Y. Life Bldg., Sell
real estate quick and satisfactory.
(t)-20 Augl
city property, farms, merchandise or
chatteift. Write Townsond Kealtv Co.,
Modale. Ia. 4) M660 Aug&x
FOR SALE Nice, clean grocery stock and
fixtures on a good business street.1 In
vestigate this. The very best reasons for
selling. Address G 766, Bee.
(9)-188 29X
National Inv. Co. buya, anils or exchanges
everything land, city property, merchan
dise and automobiles. 63 Douglas block.
(41240 aug22
WANTED Partner with 21.600 or real estate
for 'half Interest In paying hardware busi
ness. Address J. W. FlUgerald, agent,
836 N. Y. Life. (4i-232 x
SALES mado on Mdse., Jewelry, household
goods, live stock, farm implements, etc
Roth & Tyrrell, 1212 Douglas, Omaha.
Carpet Cleaalng.
BAJflTAP.Y Cleaning Co., 1819 Farnam.
DR. ROY, R. t, 1506 Farnam Bt. Doug 47.
(6) M773
AUGUST KROFFT. building contractor,
10u3 N. 21st St.. South Omaha. (6)-77t
Civil Engineer.
to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omana.
IN FAMTLIEP Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney
1368 (5) -777
M'DOWELL Dressmaking School. 1623 Far
nam St. (6) M666
LADIES learning sewing can have pat
terns fit. 619 8. 24th ave. Red 6074.
(6)-7JS Aug. 18
BAILEY & MACH. 3d fir. Paxton. D. 1083.
HESS & 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam.
L. HENDERSON. 1519 Far. Tel. D. 1253.
I (o) 7sl
THE 6CHLITZ, European, 18th and Harney
Jeweler and Watchmaker.
N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry
repairing, 2-3 Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 4367.
(5) TSo
Lawn Mower Sharpened.
LAWN mowers sharpened. Lawrence, 2703
Leavenworth bt. (&) Mue3 Aug. 17
JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. I Tel. D. J64.
j Dr. Bowser, over 1502 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370.
OOlce Supplies.
FILING cabinets, files and ledgers. loose
leaf devices and office fixtures and sup
plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co.,
1822 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 6.i2.
(5) Mti52 Aug. 17
C. B. TRU68ELL, 115 South 16th St.
(5)-7s9 ,
WANTED Plumbers.
Tel. Harney I960.
W. Dudgeon
(5 Ml.Ti
BEFORE placing your litOS calendar order,
don't fail to sec our elegant Imported line..
Lyngslad & Jorve, printers, 16 & Cap. Ave.
(5) 787
HIGH GRADE Imitation typewritten let
ters and Job printing; no Job too larre or
small. Anchor Publishing Co., 1S22 Far
nam St. Tel. Doug. 661,2. (5) M966 AuglO
JENNINGS Printing Co.
Tel. Douglas 5330.
il) J8S
bates. Shutters, St
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a spe
cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and
safes. G. Andieen. Prop.. 102 S. loth St.
School Sapplles.
OMAHA School Supply Co., 16?1 Howard.
(5) 720 'Aug. 19
Shoo Repairing.
RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.. first - rlnss
work. 16184 Capitol Av. 'Phone Red fttl
MORRIS Chlcsgo Practical Tailor for
ladles' and gents' new work; retiring,
cleaning and dying. Called for and de
livered. 7u 8. 27th St. Tel. Red 6918.
THE Oliver Typewriter Co , 118 S 15th M..
will rent you an Oliver typewriter, with
oak aland, and keep ou In ribbons for 18
per month: will earn more than $3 per
mouth In time aaved. Get the habit.
(6 822 aug7
Violin Making.
VIOLIN repairing. C. L. Heskett. 647
Ranigs Blk tr.l M',:.s AugVi
$-'.50 HEADINGS 50c
Third time In city. She Is the most wonder
ful spirit medium and clairvoyant the
world has ever known. She can be con
suited on all affairs of life business, law
auits, Journsys. changes, speculations,
atves, lov affairs, marriage, whom to
marry and control the one you love, make
your loved onea at a distance think of
you, disease cured, habita corrected. Her
advice always reliable and highly recom
mended by all. Hours 9 a. m. to 8 p m.
(8J-M16C 27x
Th Leading Palmist of Omaha.
Revelations of past and future described.
Parlor 118 8. 1st a St., Opp. boston 8"r-
Reaches everybody within everybody's reach
I PROF. PISCHOFF. the world's wonder,
I absolutely guaranteeing to reunite the
j separated and locnte lost friend an 1
treasures; tiever falling. 214 N. Kth St.
' 'Phone Douglas 6."47. ( ,80 2Kx
llerlrnl ami times.
2 stenographers, $fi5.
2 office clerks, $30, $40.
And numerous other vacancies. If you
nre In need of a position see us at once.
We can place you on short notl -e.
721-2 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(7) M475 27
WHOLESALE house wishes first class
Btcnog.-apher who writes a good hand and
Is good at figures; good wags. Answer
In handwriting, stating experience Ad
dress P 773. Bee. (7)-M266 27
Faetorr and Traes.
GIRLS WANTED Burgess Shirt Co., 5M
Farnam St. (7) 797
wanted hand ironers at once,
kimball laundry. 1611 jackson
BT. (7)-7
WANTED Ladies and rlrls for decorating
sofa pillows at home experience un
necessary, permanent and good pay, call
before 3 p. m., 2311 So. 14th.
(7)-998 27x
WANTED A stylish, competent cutter, fit
ter and talloress, for first class dress
making parlor. A alngle lady, wanting
a nice home, prefered. References. Resi
dence, 1049 Park Ave. Phone Harney
3798. (7) M262
Housekeeping; and Domestic.
WANTED Good lady cook. $40. Phoenix
Hotel. Sanborn. Iowa. (71 M984
FAMILY cook and maid, $40 and $30. Can
adian Office, 15th and Dodge.
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
four In family. 4801 Davenport. Tel. Har
ney 2113. (7)-MU0
WANTEDCompetent cook; good wages
and steady position to right party. Ad
dress D 779, care Bee. (7) 13
GOOD cook wanted. Apply 32C4 Farnam.
WANTED First class cook, who has had
experience In good family, none other
need apply. Wases $10.00 to $12.00 a week.
Mrs. Ernest E. Hart, 52S 3d St.. Council
Bluffs, la. (7)-124 2Sx
GIRL for general housework. 2608 Pierce
St. 'Phone Maple 6150. (7) 772 26
WANTEDCompetent middle aged woman
to help with care of two babies under 3
years old; must be Intelligent and neat;
$26 wages. 1802 Blnney St. (7) M884 A3
GOOD girl for general housework; threo
In family; easy place. Mra. W. A. Smith,
112 S. 35th St. (7) 146 2s
EXPERIENCED girl, city referencea, In
family of two; no washing. Mrs. Andrew
Rosewater, S520 Harney. (7) IU
WA NT ED Experienced girt fot general'
housework; good wages; three in family,
Ziiul Dewey Ave. 'Phone Harney 2653.
(7)-234 30
GIRL for general housework. 3409 Cali
fornia St. O) 243 2Sx
WANTED Chambermaid at the Utopia,
18th and Davenport. (7) M261
WANTED Girl for general housework.
1d33 Park Ave. Phone Harney 1438.
WANTED Girl for house work at Hender-
son, the Florist, 1015 N. 26th St., South
KD m
GOOD lady cook tp take charge of small
boarding house. Write H. D. Floyd,
North Fork, Wis. (7) MI62 A2x
WANTED A housekeeper on a farm at
once. G. Von Asperln, Brlnsmade, N. D.
(7)-M461 A2x
M Iscrllaneoa.
WANTED Young women to enter the Mel
bourn hospital training school for nurses,
Los Angeles. Cal. For further Informa
tion apply to Miss A. U. DuSold, 960 a.
Olive St., Los Angeles. Cal.
(7)-M711 Alx
WANTED A nurse for small hospital In
norihwestern Wyoming. Address Y 218
Bee. (7)-M181 29
WRITE short stories. Big money. If you
don't know how, I will help you. Write
to M. Herman Thlele, 1115 Tonawanda St.,
Buffalo, N. Y. (7)-M437 29x
WANTED Lady to demonstrate th Man
love hair grower; liberal salary to right
party. Dr. Minerva James, 2024 Daven
port. Ti3l. Dousla G58& (1) M932
ANY student desiring employment or any.
one desiring to enter business nonorably
and profitably may register free of charge
at McCarenty Institute, 1602 Farnam St
WANTED Graduate trained nurse of
experience to act as trained nurse In
a small general hospital of 20 beds; 12
to 15 patients; 4 student nurses; salary,
$35 to $40 per month, room and hoard.
Send photo and references. Address
Pox 113. Jamestown, N. D.
(7) M487 29x
LADIES and girls to stamp transfers at
home days or evenlnas; $1.50 to $2.00 per
day; quickly learned. Room 6"6 Paxton
Blk (7) Ml8u 29x
WANTED A f rst-class hairdresser. Apply
at once to Hairdresslng Dept. J. L. Bran
.tlels A Sons (7) 4 ,8 28
Ageuts, Solicitors aad Salesmen.
To sell our 8-plece Dujch earthenware
cooking vessels to consumers.
The greatest money-making proposition
ever offered to canvassers.
One party is now ordering these goods in
carload lots.
Why? Simply because they are some
thing new and a quick seller, and him
self a hustler.
If you mean business send us 25c to
cover postage on complete caJivasslng
outfit with which to begin work.
Rosevllle, Ohio.
(9) M470 27x
AGENTS wonted to drive through th
Miinlrv K. t - I M Ti 0 rn t,iL.IHn
. j -. - ... -r.-..ivt, vvwr u -
fered; big value tor your customer, big
f - ....... ."us j ,,,, ittu
r, . . I , I . 1,a K'aW .... An.
(9) S34
SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those who
hav had experience selling vlvWa. por
traits or books; pleasant work and big
money. Call at Room tsU. Be Bldg
WANTED Man tr nire and manage a crw
oi solicitors; refer one who has bad ex
perience In selling to farmers; permanent
position: good Income. Address O 347,
Bes office. (t) 810
Clerical aad llltri j
Bookkeeper, 15. ,
B TiKkeeper, $75.
.as .rum look Keeper, $t,o.
Stenographer, $76.
Mere mi her," J60.
Stenographer, $70.
4 xteii. gr.tplei n, 150, In and out cf town.
Several retail clerks,' different lines.
Several first-class traveling salesmen.
1 city salesman, $100.
We als have numerous miscellaneous va
cancies and arc here to interview aoy
applicants desiring positions. We can
place you on short notice.
721-2 N. Y. Life Bldg
(9) M47I 27
WANTKTD A young man for olTIc work.
Alamlto Sanitary Dairy, 1812 Farnam.
(9i Mvil a
Clerical and OfHre Continued.
WANTEDCompetent bookkeer; state
experience. Address K 7o. I'rv.
CO 230 2.XX
WANTED At once, middle sged man for
cashier In hotel bar.
4U8 Bee Bldg.. 'Phone D. .m
(St)-457 26
WANTED Male stenographer and assist
ant bookkeeper. Stale experience and snl
ary expected. Position open at once. Ad
dress F 764, Bee. (?) 180 29
BOYS with wheels wanted; good wages
Postal Telegraph Cable Co.
(9) M64S 50x
Factory and Trad, i
POSITIONS for drug Inen everywhere. F.
V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. L-, Omaha.
WANTED Gaa Utters. Beatrice Oas A
Power Co. (9)-M681 SO
WANTED Man with mm experience In
traveling capable of earning hlRh salary:
bond requited. Address, with stamp and
references, S 617, car Bee. l9 W6
WANTED Experienced furniture packers,
permanent position. Apply 10th anil
Farnam. Beebe & Runyan Furniture Co.
(9)-M47 27
WANTED-Good coatmaker at once, good
prices. Address W. H. Ford, Crestoti, la.
(9) M448 28
FIR8T-CLA8S waiters. $21 per week; ten
hours. Luson Cafe, Billings. Mont.
() M446 A2x
ONE all-around tailor wanted at once,
Carl P. Llndecrantz, Holdrege, Neb.
()-M69 30X
GOOD cornice man and tinners, at ones.
Lincoln Cornice and Metal Works, Lin
coln. Neb. (9)-M770
WANTED An engineer to run electric
light plant at night; must be a good fire
man and understand engines, have good
references and strictlv sober. McCook
Electric Light Co., McCook, Neh.
(9)-M2l8 28
WANTED First-class barber; no student;
guarantee of $15 or 60 per cent. Answer
at once. John Stack, Huron. 8. D.
(9) M875 AugSx
WANTED Barber In a five-chair 15c shop;
$13 and half over $20; must be first clans
and sober. Chas. 8t. John, 184 Merchant
fct., Kankakee, 111. (91-M226 29x
MACHINE hands and laborers; steady
work; good wages. Omaha Box Co., East
Omaha. (9) 145 28
STEADY, reliable barber at once, best
wages. C. B. Leach, Atlantic, Ia.
(9) 196 Aug3x
WANTED One first class barber. C. E.
Holllngsworlh, Missoula, Mont.
(9)-M2U 30x
WANTED A young man apprentice to
learn the molding trade. Wearne Bros.
Foundry, 1409 Jackson St. (9)-M207 3ox
PRINTERS Two good commercial com
positors; steady work; open shop. Meyer
Itotler Printing Company, Milwaukee,
Wis. ()-M253 31 x
WANTED All-around Jobbing tinners, at
once. Jas. Barrett, 206 W. Fourth St., Al
ton, III. (9)-M281 30x
WANTED Carpenter and general repair
man, for real estate firm. No loafer or
grafter. Give referencea, age and sal
T74. Bee. (9) 2R9 H
I TWO experienced rug weavers wanted. The
Iola Rug Factory, lola, Kan.
()-M491 A9X
WANTED Party competent to run two
cycle engines on large launch; state wuges
wanted. Sandy Scott, Fullerton. Neb.
Q-M459 2SX
BARBER wanted, good wages and a steady
Job for the right man. Isaac Reed. Wray,
Colo. (9)-M460 29x
WANTED Teams, C. B. Havens A Co..
yards, 14th and Webster St.; teams now
making from $5 to $S.50 per day. (9) Mil.)
WANTED Several good farm hands. Ala
mlto Sanitary Dairy Co., 1S12 Farnam St.
WANTED Sound young men. aged 18 to
55, for firemen and brakemen on leading
railroads; experience unecessary. Flie
men earn $100 per month, become engi
neers., earn, $200; brakemen earn $75 be
come conductors, earn $150. Call or wilts
at once for particulars. National Railway
Training Assn., 620 X. Paxton Block,
Omaha. Neb. (9)-928 Aug
ANY student desiring employment or any
one desiring to consult as to best method
of etiifcrmg business honorably and
profitably may register free of chargo
at McCarenty Institute, 1S02 Farnam St
YOUNG man to wrap bundles and take
care of city deliveries. Nebraska Cloth
l" o- t9) M903
WANTED At once, a good all-round
tailor; steady work; good pay p. E.
Kugellie, the tailor, Lander, Wyo.
(91-M45S auglx
WANTED Tile ditchers to work by rod;
mane iz oo to 3.6U a day. Apply J. w
Ten Brink. Nickeraon, Neb. (Si 528
WRITE short stories. Big money. If you
don't know how, I will lieln von Writ.
to M. Herman Thlele, 1115 Tonawanda St.. !
Buffalo,N. Y. (91438 29x
FREE employment bureau of Business
Men s association. 904 N. Y. Life, assists
without charge workmen to obtain posi
tion. (9I-M450 A24
WANTED Wringer man. Model Steam
laundry. (9i-M422 2Sx
TEAMSTERS wanted, well acquainted
with town; $12 week. Omaha Rendering
and Feed company. 1208 Jackson
(9-Ml68 2x
WANTED Man for outside work $'50
per day and expenses. References and
cash tleposit required, experience unneces
sary. Apply, 315 Ramge Bldg.
(9) 248 29x
WANTED Man with moving picture ma
chine to work In summer resort- also
wanted to buy or rent good machine. Ad-
.-u, nee. ' 1 1 M 66 27X
' COrifl P A V Vf-n .
. . - - " o 1 1 1 , , everywnere to
tack signs, distribute circulars, samples
etc. No canvassing. National hi.i
Bureau, Chicago, 111. ii-M2l tlx
' nvaivcQu Lirv-D . . ... .
435 Commonwealth DIJs.. Denver. Colo. I
Excellent positions open; high salaries; '
I " .', """arapners; DanK bookkeepers:
I bookkeepers; cashiers; salesmen and en
i gineeie; hundreds of other positions for
iiiaue leccnicai men mr mmi.
"No position
No fee." Write for terms
and list.
(9i MI40 xrx
LARORERS for handling freight at Union
Pacific. Council Bluf. s transfer; wags
Hi renta per hour. Boatd a-ranged If
necessary. Apply Thos. Si anlan. fore-man-
(9) 465
WANTED Men for yard work; 20e per
hour, straight time. Sunderland Bros,
s'th and Hickory. (fci .VH&i 29
HUSTLERS wanted everywhere; $'5 to $10
made we- kly dlatrlhutlng circulars over
seeing outdoor sdvertlslr.g; new plan- no
canvassing. Merchants' Outdoor Adver
tising Co., Chicago. (9) M49 2x
WA NTFTi Young man with some knowl
edge of meet cutting to help In meat mar
ket an grocery store. C. W. rikrrter
26th and Blondo. (9i M49) '
WHEN YOU writs to advertisers remember
that It takes but an extra stroke or two
of ths pen to mention ths fact that you
saw th ad In Th Be,
WANTED Gtrd piano player; will pay
fit si -class samry to first-class musician.
J. L. Brandels Sons, Music Dept.
(101-295 27
Horses and Vehicle.
WE are not selling out at cost, but w ar
Selling driving wsone, buggies, aurnes
and stanhopes cheaper than any other
firm west of Chicago. Holmes-Adkltis
Co., 714 B. loth St.. umust. (II) III
Rl BHr.R-TlRED road wajon. W. A.
Stone. 3o3 Lincoln Av., Council Bluffs.
JUST received, a car load of drafts,
drivers, laundry and giocery horses.
Among these one 3,20o-lb. team, rlgft
every sy; several other lighter work
horses; one 4-iar-old, extra good single
vtngim horse. Come and see us. lull
rant make a mistake il juii waifti e
horse for any purpose, av we gle a
written guarantee thnt every horse ts
as represented. Cash or time. Omaha
Horse and Supply Co., rear 414 N.
ICth St. (11) M168
SHETLAND ponies and Scotch Colllo
dogs. fend for Illustrated catalogue.
Cassidy V Thompson, lies Moines, la.,
and Jamaica, la. (11) M433 A4x
GOOD wagons for aale cheap at 1314 N.
24th St. (ID- M 114 Aug 11
HARNEPS. Saddles, Trunks. Traveling
Bags, some good bargains, Alfred Cor
nish Si Co.. 1210 Farnam St, OD810
FOR pony buggies, runabouts, wagons,
traps, carts and harness, see Johnson
Danforth Co., 8. W. Cor. loth aud Jonas
Sts. UU M
WE are selling delivery wagons, teaming
gears, buggies, carriages and harness
cheaper than any other firm In Omaha.
Johnson Danforth Co., 8. W. cor. 10th and
Jonea Sts. (111776
SALT, $7 a bbl. Wagnor, 801 No. lflth.
(ID 612
TWO half Shetland ponies, broke. Un
each. Four good riding and driving
f mules cheap. One draft team, 8,10')
bs.. $350.00. One double harness and
wagon.' 2531 Sherman Ave. Tel. V'eb
ater 1136. (ID M174 23
ONE bay matched team, weighing 2.300
lbs., $160; team work horses, weighing
2.600 lbs., $110; sorrel horse, welghlrg
1.100 lbs., $35.00; one single driver, $86.
2815 N. 15th Ave. (11) Ml IT
FOR SALE Rubber tire stanhope, hand
made harness, fine bay mare, 7 years
old, weight about 1,000 lbs. D. L. Morgan,
33o4 Sherman Ave. Phone Webster ?:,
(11) 288 28 X
One 8-SPRINO WAGON, new and one de
livery buggy, rubber-tired. Oscar Harte,
29th and Farnam Sts. (11) 718
loaltry and Egga.
GOVERNMENT book free. Model Squab
Co., Omaha. (1D-M386 Augl
Cows, Bird, Dog and Pet.
FOR SALE Fox terrier puppies. 1909
Webster. (11) M911 31x
FOR SALE Beautiful, long-haired Angora
Kittens, Mrs. Charles Seller, Muscatine,
Iowa. (11) M439 auglx
FOR BALE Thoroughbred Scotch collie
puppies. E" B. Cook, south of Country
club grounds. Benson, Neb.
(U)-M971 27x
FOR SALE Jersey cow. Just fresh. Astle
ford, 6th Ave. and Martha St.
(1D-M217 x
LOST Gent's gold Oiled hunting case
watch, leather fob, Saturday afternoon,
in park east of Kursaal. Manawa. Initials
"F. A. J." on fob and watch. Return to
T. L Combs & Co. Reward of $5.
U 235 yi
LOST Diamond solitaire stick pin, prob
ably on Ieivenworth street, between
17th and 81st or St. Mary's Ave., or
vicinity, ji per ai reward. Phone Doug.
(12)-M277 17
LOST Red leather pocket book containing
personal papers and railroad transporta
tion; will finder please leave addrei-s at
The Bee office 1 Reward. (12) M443 27x
LOST A red enameled watch, wltr an
oak leaf of pearls on the back. Reward
If returned f n Mrs L J , . n . . r.
703 N. 82d 8t. (12) M278 27 ' ;
LOST Lady's gold-filled hunting case I
watch on Monday. Marked Inside, Stella '
r-eaKe, Klora. III. Finder return to 119
B. 29th and receive reward.
02)-2C3 26x
I-1CT Several dav ipo. gold watch
charm, monogram O. 8. C, and emblem,
front ana uack. Sulisnntlai reward If
returned to Douglas Printing Co., 814
S 19th St., or William lvennedv. Adver
tising Dept., The Bennett Company.
(12)-458 28
LOST Man's 16-stze open-face, Illinois
gold watch, leather fob, with hulldog
face; reward. Return to Bee office.
(12) M472 28x
LOST Iast Saturday evening gold watch,
four dog head attached to fob. Re
ward, If returned. Telephone Webster
4"M. 02)-M479 28
BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's. Nerve
Food Pills." $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman
A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha.
(13) 111
ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or
write to the matron of the Salvation
Army Horn for Women at 8824 N. 24th
St., Omaha. Neb. (12) M10I
DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women.
80 years practice In confinements. Office,
614 N. 16th; residence, 2421 Charles,
Omaha, (II) 114
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Crelghton Medical college. 14th ar.d Dav.
enport Sts.; special attention paid to
confinement cases; all treatment super
vised by college professors. 'Phon
Douglaa-1187. Call answered day or
night. ill) 129
RUPTURE CURED-No knife, no deten
tion from business. QUICK CURE RUP
TI'RK CO., over 8. W. Cor. 14th snd
Douttlas. Omaha. HSi 926 Au8
We will give you a run of on mouth or
twelve on your contract if you borrow
money of us and you puy for on(y th time
you are using our money.
We make no charged In advance, you
get the full amount In can. W will loan
you any ainuunt yuu may want.
Don t forget that w hav been her
fifteen veais.
Come to the "Old Reliable."
Omaha Mortgage Lxan Co.,
119 Board of Trade Bldg.
(H) 464
Vacation tun is i.era. li yuu need money
to see you through t.iat good tlni yuu hav
proailEed uurseif nils sunuuer. cui:i to ua
Out special low rates for vacation money
ar still in eft eel; you can tut. the nionsy
quickly, privately and compienilaliy un
your salary, houNeuold gouus, pianos, stu.
Low raie, easy terms.
M Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 1411
loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses,
ilc, in any amount; less than half islcV
perfect privacy; immediate M'temlon; anv
terms wanted; payment auapunded when
sick cr oul of work. 214 Karbacn Blk., 2v
S. 161 h St. (H)-All
Ho wen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg.,
advances prlvat money on chattels or sal
ary; eaky to gel; no red tap. You get
niuney same day asked fur al small cost
Opsn evenings till 1 (14) tl(
hav Increased then capital, and during th
month of July will make a special rat on
collateral 'oana. prunal progeny, moil
gages and '.n.!i vid.ia' ri'jies without secur
ity; term to suit. Phone Douglas 29ul or
call at 810 Be Bldg (14i-U4- Aug?
and others, mithout aecurlty; easy pay
ment. Office In 68 principal cities. Tal
man, room 714. New York Uf Bldg.
CHATTEL, salary and atorar receipt
loana. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St.
(14) 611
EAGLE LOAN OFFICE-Reliable, accom
modating, all business contldcntml. 134
Douglas. (14) 921
FURNITURE, live stock, snlnry loana. jufl
Ureen Loun Co., room 8, Uarksr Blk.
r$F.rwv3gl'ARF' PKAI' " TO TH W
PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chsttel or
salary loan. ittj Paxton Hik. I'hon
1'ouul' ? 114)-.V2J
Boarding and Hooma.
MOST convenient and 1 lessen t location; da- fl
alrahla looms, t all le!ore locating. The
Pratt, 2(i2-l!2 So. oiili St. Private ex
change DoUKlaa .11.1)1. Hi.) 828
GOOD table; modern conveniences; private
tamlly. 24ii Harney Kt. (16)-.t;ie 2;x
NEWLY furnished rooms, with or with
out board, 4o3 No. liui St.
(16)-M116 27x
HOARD with of without room. Harney!
Uii Mdi'O Aug Ai
DEBIKABLE rooms; first class board; fUia
looallon; walking distance. 21X S. 2. ih st
(li) MH17 27 x "
DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Kamam
(15)-tL& '
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe.
A GOOD home for business men close In
cool, pleasant rooms, ample rmths hot
water, every rwrni a front one, with two
meal a day. Address. M 770, Bee
(I5)-247 30x
FURNISHED south room. 2223 Dodge
(16) M27o 31x
LARGE front room; medern Convenience
Telephone. 2469 Harney. (16) M4N)A2x
Fnrnlabed Room. '
ELEGANTLY furnlsUfd room. 1916 Can).
'o' Ave. (15)-983 Jy37
406 a. WTH AVE.; a(. new.
gentlemen only; references.
(15) M430 Aiutfx
FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms. 812 3.
1th- (15) M5W Augtix
NICELY furnished room, south Txpsure:
references. 117 Bo. 26th Ave. (1;',)-M.M3
DESIRABLE rooms, fine location; walking
distance. 218 8. 25th 8t. (15i-9,v6 i7x
NICE front room, with all modern con
venience Douglas tail. 217 S. 2fith St
(luj 15
REASONABLE furnished rooms. third
floor. 1605 Farnam. (ISj 425 A17
SOUTH front room, new house, private
family, walking distance. Tel. Douglas
FURNISHED room for gentleman. 31 N.
18th St. (15) M430 Al
CLEAN rooms In modern house, roomy
porches; large, shady lawn; attractive
aurroundlngs. 128 8. 26th St.
(15.-M'.n0 27x
FURNISHED rooms for rent. 2n?S FsrnanC
'Phone Douglas 4162. (15)-M'."6 27x
FOR RENT Desirable rooms In all part
Of the city. Omaha Rental Co.. 3o8 N. Y.
Life Bldg., Tel. Douglas 3SJH.
(15i- MW2 Aug20x
THREE large rooms, sink and sewer.
$12.50; single rooms, $4.60, 24o7 Burt.
(16 M9M 27X
LARGE aouth-front room, with alcove; also
oiner rooms, wi f arnam St.
(15)-M107 27X
LARGE, newlv furnished, southeast room,
half block north of Hanscom Park.
Private family, fine neighborhood. Tel.
liarney JSW. (15)-M106 27
TWO furnished rooms 2418 Farnam; fin
class: gentleman preferred. (15) 118 28x
HANDSOMELY furntsajd rooms. 824 N.
19th. ir,)-lMAl6x
PRI ATE family hat large front room,
modern, close in. Gentleman only, Refer
encea. Address N 771, Bee.
(15) 246 28
2308 CAPITOL AVE., large room, prlvat
rnlly. walking distance. (16) 242 SOx
FURNISHED ROOM for two gentlemen;
mige room, wnn closer; nne lawn, trees,
high above street; finest location down
town; private famllv. 1903 Capitol Ave,
Telephone Douglas 6348. (!) M284 27x
7 ROOMS for rent, upstairs; modern. 2621
Sherman Ave. 'Phone Webster 1403.
(15) M4TI
FOR RENT Elognnt furnished room, pri
vate family. 2610 St. Mary's Ave. 'Phon
Douglas 4461. (15) M166 A9x
THREE housekeeping rooms at 413 Far
nam, $11. (15) M4X2 A2x
Unfurnished Hoosu.
FOUR unfurnished rooms, modern. On
block from South Omaha car. References.
2611 Pierce. Phone Red 34S2.
(15)-246 28
Wlthnell Bldg., 15th and Harney.
Bt. Mary Bldg., 27th and St. Mary' Ave.
N. P. DODGB & CO., 1714 Farnam St.
(15)-M2i',7 27
TWO OR FOUR connecting unfurnished
rooms; modern. 2665 St. Mary's Ave.
(15)-M461 Al
llouarkeeplna- K'joml,
SUITE of unfurnished housekeeping rooro,
strictly modern home; heat and light fur.
nlshed; Lint boarding house In clljH
across tha street. 2408 Cass St.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms reasonable. ' 1711
Jackson. (15) M106 27 X
218 No. 23d, furnished or unfurnished rooms.
Very reasonable. ' (16) 294 31
Apartment aad Flats.
FOR RENT West Farnam district, ground
floor new Bt. Louis brick flat, 6 room
and bath, modern oak finish, mapla floors,
south front. 29th Ave. and Harney St.,
$42.60. Tel. Maple 6148. (16i M91t
NEW BRICK FLAT, close In. 8 ruoms
all modern, large yard, $15.
On two car lines, 8 rooms, all modern.
$40.00; both vacant Aug. 1.
Phone Doug. 2162. loul N. Y. Life Illdg.
(19-M271 27
Famished House.
FURNISHED house for rent, for August
and September. 2509 Farnam.
(I6)-M252 28x
8-ROOM cottage, all modern and completely
fUr illnloil. 214 South 3nt 11. PtlOU
Doug. 5Jw. Bemla, paxton block.
Honaea aud Cottages.
OMAHA Van Storage Co. pack, move,
Slor II 11 goods, storehouse 1i2o-24 N.
19th. Ofllce W Farnam. Tel. Doug. 156$.
NEW 6-rof.m cottage, modern except fur
nace. 26iU N. iJd St. (loi M47 28
982 N. 26T1I AVE., east front, city water,
gas and bath, $L'2 io. huiiahle for two
families at $2u. Apply i.i," N. 46lh at.
'Phone Webster C74. G. E. Itelff.
(li; M154 28
FOR RENT Flv -room moilern house, 414
N. 26th St., walking distance. Iticiulr
C. W. Bllxl, Fust Nalioiiul lank.
C5J-M456 28
$40-618' N. V4TH ST.. South Omaha 81x1
room apaitmeiiis in new "Scargo' build
ing, all modern conveniences. Including
hot water 111 kit' hen and batli
$302517 N. 1-i'h St., l-room modern house
wltn attic and barn. '
$45 137 9 Farnam St.. alx-room apartment
In "Q uvet ' building, all luodi-Tn conveol.
emea, Including hot water In kitchen and
IIhiI Distributer Co.. 317 First National
Hank Bldg. 'PI. one Red 74'. (161-774
FLAT, full modern
and ttrlvsts hali:
( rooms, beside bath
newly dune up; gas
range, etc.; entire building beina- not 1.
perfect order; best flats In north part of
city; walking dlstsnce; reference reuulrad.
Call. lnvaltau this; 82.
fcLJaia, Paxton Block.