Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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    Trra OttATTA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JULY ' 23, 1007
Batldlasrs ChiIIumA.
JI1 HARSKT 8T.-8 floor end basement.
ua Investment Co., 1501 Dodge St
Wholesale District
' For Rent
The fo-ar-atory an 1 basement brick balld
tog at 916 Farnam 8t. ,
Apply F. D. Wead, 1SI4 Douglas St. '
Uk U3M
DESK room on first floor at 1212 Farnarn,
t . 15-m
ID FLOOR, well lighted; elegant for office
Dae. 1212 Farnam. (15) f.40
FOR RENT Dealt room In Bea office, city
hall building, 41? N. lh St.. South
Omaha. Apply to manager. (15) 134
BTORK room for rent, 422 S. 18th St
one block south of court house.
(16) M1T6 aax
It to Terr seldom that good outside apace
In a well appointed office building la avail
able. At the preMnt tlma we have a
beautiful mite of two rooms on the fifth
floor, with emit and no nth light, a large
vault, which make thia a moat desirable
apace during either aummer or winter.
Room No. M4 la now vacant and Is Mrlt,
with a good-slxed vault; haa east light.
A new hard-wood P.yor- Waa recently put
In thla room.
Everybody In Omaha knowa tha location of
the Bee building: h la central, close t
the city hall and county court house.
There are several hundred people who
apend more time here tlian In their homes
and any one of then will testify aa to
the care they receive here.
For further particulars call
FOR RENT TArge store room, with good
basement, 8461) So. 16th St., $18.
C. M. BACHMANN. 436 Pazton Blk.
STORE ROOM, 110S N. 18th St.. 120.
'Phone Douglas Itu, (15) 414
SMALL storeroom, 1706 No. 34th.
, (lfi) M152 25
840 per month for desirable storeroom and
basement, 2(mfit), near 221 and Farnam Sts.
GEORGE A CO., 1601 Farnam St.
(15) M218 26
ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing
. 6c pur foot. 206 N. 17th bU Tel. Red 814.
. , ' , , (16; S42
D-HANr'furnlture bought and aold; bus!
reus on tha square. Rosenborg, formerly
with Chicago Furniture Co.. 103 S. 14tli.
2X 6886. , . , (16) M970 Jv27..
For close buyers. Tour choice of twenty
different anakea In our bargain room tbla
Week. ' '
Kimba'i! upright I 76
Gem upright; reflnlshed like new 131
Ludlman upright, - large six 161
Hallett A Davis, Flemish oak 1A0
tlallett 4 Davla. walnut case 10
sciimollek & mueller
piano Company
'Phone Doug. 1(25. UU-131S Farnam St.
. (1 M370
TOR BALE" A Hardman Cabinet Grand
Upright l'lano. nearly new. Inquire at
. 87u6 Ohio SU . (16) 714 25x.
Pool and Billiard Table.
FOR SALE New and secondhand billiard
anil pool tables. We lead tha world In
cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Bruna-witk-Baike-Collendar,
4V7 8. 1Mb St.
Typewriters anal lewlag Machines.
FOR SALE High grade secondhand type,
writer; good condition ; a bargain at Ml
Call room 60S. Be Blag. (16) 671
ONE Remington typewriter. No. 6, In good
condition, fur aala cheap. Call at Bee
Utile. (16) stag
BEND us your mail ordeis Tor drugs;
freight . paid on $10 lota. Myers-Dillon
Drug Co.. Omaha. (16) 80
HER WIN WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed
. italat. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.
, . (16)-ltl
Special low price, during tha aummer to
rduoe atwtji. ;order now; goods delivered
when readyTS.
Telephone Douglas 681. 113 S. lWh BL
.... UO-844
RKSTAI'RANT and cafe; rent '5: 6
Miok8 from postorflce. We feed l.Si per
day. Address 814. Bee. Must sell at
once. (lli) '.7.' 3ox
DRI'OS at rut prices; freight paid or. (10
orders; catalogue free.
Omaha. Neb.
(16) M416
JIO.mkiiPATHIC medicines, wholesale and
. I' tull. tshoruian at McConnell Drug Co.
(16 M417
FOR SALE Flrat-claaa ator fixtures,
auweaers, etc. Olobe Land and I vest
Hunt I ii Farnam St., Omaha, iito.
, (lti iv
P if ALL 8 safes, new. Id-hand. 1818 Karnam.
. (16) 847
TK SALE Fancv cheirles. Ihms Fruit
Farm, iij an Military Ave. Tel. Berson
(16) 676
"pK 8AI.F-At 703 So. 13th St.. store flx-
uies. shriving, counters, rases, chairs,
auilmg iiitt,)hln and tash register.
WIUUM J. COAD. Trustea.
' XK Russian antique eamovar. harcin.
N. 16th St. (ll 147 28
I-IH KNKU gaaollne atove, $2i0; S-burii?r
ttasollna atuva, a 00. Omalik Stove Ho
llr Work. 12U6-8 Douglna bt.
(16) M17I 23
8AI Finest boarding house In tha
iwaiion. all lurnisnea. neat
walking dlsiance. etc: cheap, lmiulre 1
Karl.ailt tlixk. Omaha, Neb. (lb) St
'o.S a''At"kO. 7S BOl'TII I3TH
a . 1 I A r I -1. TV l.AHf I lt IKS,
V Hanon, Oracans, M aaloal Instruments,
Mlseellaneonat ntlaned.
CASH reprl-fer for eale, 140; km, lr to
ti. 1111 Farnam St. 1 M 173 29x
FINE upright piano, nearly new, largest
alr. very cheap; party leaving city. 415
N. 23d St. (16)-ME1
LARSON CO.-Dook free.
Bee Bldg.
(17) 8.
D. O. DARNELL, patnt attorney and ma
chine designer, Paiton Blk. Tel. Red. 7117.
17) MOAUglO
OMAHA Btammerera' Institute. Ramge
Bldg. 0 )--!
SEWING machine tented. Neb. Cyls Co.,
loth and Harney, pnone uoug. lwa.
( A n WTTPtreatment and bath. Mms.
JlAUtJllVg,,,! Ug N- 16th 2d floor
FEW bargains In 2d-hand soda fountains,
monthly payments. Derlght, 1818 Farnam.
(16) A
ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Paxton
aalve. B. J. Bcanoeli. agt., 600 Ware i'lk.
(U) MKI8
SYRINGES, rubber gooda. by mall; cut
E rices. Send for free catalogue. Myere
'lllon Drug Co.. Omaha. (18)-o
PLEATING Buttons. IRuchln'f .
I LLnilllVJ Embroidery.
Dyeing and cleaning, aponging and shrink-Ing-nnly
5c per yard. Send for price list
and samples.
10 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1P36.
AfiNF.TTf! Osteology and massage.
lUilUlMrjllL Vapor and tub bat ha
Room 2, VIM Farnam St., 2d floor.
(18) M926 Jy26
THE SALVATION ARMY solicits caat-off
clothing; In fact, anything you do not
need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114
N. 11th St., for cost of collecting, to the
Worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 41S5 and
wagon will call. (18 611
YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as
strangers are Invited to visit the Young
Women's Christian Association rooms,
1516 Farnam street, where they will be
directed to suitable boarding places or
otherwise assisted. (18) 913
Dr. King, 1&0 N. 24th St. Tel. Doug. S.".
(18) 863
PAINFUL burns, any sore or skin hurt
quickly healed by Satin akin cream. 26c.
HANDSOME young Lincoln bachelor, well
bred business man of popularity, wants
acquaintance of wealthy lady under 30 of
good address. A. Merchant, Gen. Delivery,
Omaha. (18) M182 26 x
(13) 66e
W. H. TURRELL, 16 Patterson Blk. Doug.
1129. (tf) 866
PAYNE INV. CO., lat floor N. T. L. Doug.
178L (M)-
L. W. BUNNELL A CO.,- 823 N. T. Life.
Douglas 6143. (19) 890
R. C. PETERS A CO.. Bee Bldg. (19-8S7
ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 Flrat Nat'l
Bank Bldg. 'Phone Douglaa 723.
(19) -888
1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 756.
Did You. See
our six reaaona In this paper why WEST
COUNCIL BLUFFS la the Ideal place
for a home. A hunch of , rent receipts
have no value compared with the oom
fortti of 'a. home. Look these reasons Up.
Benjamin Real Estate Co.,
Phone Doug. 7332. 326-6 Neville Blk.
81s good reasons why Omaha wage earn
ers are seeking homes In Weat Council
lat. Because building lots ran be bought
for one-half of what they will cost In
Omaha the same distance from the bunl
ness center.
2d. Because they can be bought for a
small payment down and 15.00 per
month till paid.
3d. Because we will build housea ott these
iota on the Installment plan, monthly
paymenta not to exceed the amount you
am now paying for rent.
4th. RecauKe the' street car service la aa
good aa in any other direction from the
bualnesa center, the fare being 6 oenta.
6th. Hecause we have over 100 nloo lots to
choose from, besides several houses al
ready built and for Bale on easy terma.
6th. Hecause we have the gooda and will
be glad to show you that these state
ments are true.
Oftlce open Sundays from 8 to 12:30. ,
Benjamin Real Estate Co.
'Phone Douglas 7332.
S26-6 Neville Block.
(19) M 164
On South Twentieth Street.
All special taxes paid; about 26 ft. extends
from 20th through to Vinton, 3750; the
best bargain In Omaha.
Sole Agents.
Phone D 2152. 1001 N. Y. Life Hldg.
(19)-Ml72 27
Almost Walking Distance
A new 7-room strictly modem houae on
paved atreet and car line; very up-to-date.
This la the one you have been look
ing for. Price, $3,450; well worth every
penny of It.
Tel. Doug. S600.
S?l Neville Rlk.
(lit) M2A 27
vlll buy one of the lieat homes In Koimtze
Place. Modern In every way. Large barn.
East front Street paved. Permanent
sidewalk Easy terms.
Room t. New York Lite Hldg.
Phone Douglas IJxA.
(19) Milt
MrST BE SOLD before Julv 30. Owner
moving to beattle. Call and get the bent
bargain ever offered In a house; 8 rooms,
modern; no color line drawn. This la a
cl..nce of your life. Inuutre 209 Ohio St.
tiy 31 24x
A NEW eight-room all modern house haa
JuBt been completed. If not aold this week
will be leased (or a year. See thla at once.
4,WOI on easy terma.
1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Doug. S15J
(19) AH J6
I rooms, brand new, atrletly modern, 84.000,
' O'Keete Real Kxtate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life
Bids. Q9)-Mn
Two beautifully situated lots. 40x177 feet
each, west front on boulevard, two blocks
to tar, on grade; corner, tbuu; lasMe, 7ja.
Must be sold by owner at ouce, Dtot La
fayette Ave. 1-M
LIST your property with Chris Boyer.
txl and Cwmutg bis. jli) in
Why not take a car ride
to Dundee one of these hot
summer evenings and look
over the many Improve
ments that have been go
ing on lnre early eprlna:.
The street car line has Just
been extended to the
grounds of the Happy Hol
low Golf club. Many blocks
of choice building lot 3
have been graded, trees
planted, cement sidewalks
built. You ran reach Dun
dee in about flfteeamln
utes from 16th street by
taking a West Farnam
Dundee car, which runs
every eight minutes on
this line. You can have
all conveniences In your
home In Dundee that you
ran have In the city of
Omaha, the same com
panies that furnish water,
gas and electric light to
Omaha, also furnish Dun
dee. Everyone who has
visited Dundee recently re
marks about the uniform
shade trees and sidewalks
all over the village. If
you are Interested In
building a suburban home
do not hesitate to call at
our office and ask us any
Questions about Dundee
property at any time. We
are always willing to send
a representative from our
office to show you over the
ground at your own con
venience. We have some
of the choicest building
lots which are now being
offered In this beautiful
suburb, at the low price
of $660 each; terms one
fourth cash, balance at 8
per cent. As an Invest
ment proposition these lots
are excellent. As a place
to build a suburban home,
they are Ideal. Many
beautiful residences have
been built there during
the past year, and many
more are now In process
of construction.
1601 Farnam St.
(19) M256 25
Northwest corner of 27th and Harney Sts.
132 feet east front on 20th St., by 66 feet
enuth front on Harney St., room for six
flats. Price, (4,500.
Northwest corner of 20th and Cass Sts.,
132 feet east front on 20th St., by 66 feet
on Cass, fine shade. Owner must sell at
once. See us for price.
Twenty-fifth Ave., Just south of Dodge St.,
in a fine neighborhood, 66 ft. frontage.
Just right for a double St. Louis brick
flat, paving paid, permanent walks.
If you are looking for Improved close In
property, see us at one
Hastings & Ileyden,
1704 Farnam St.
Bee Bldg.
(19) M2b8 25
North part of the city, one
block from car, new 8-room
all modern house; reception
hall, parlor, dining room,
kitchen and butler's pantry
on flrat floor, 4 bed rooms,
large closets and linen closet
In hall, and bath room on
second floor, and stairway to
large attic; full size base
ment; beat of furnaces, best
of nickel plumbing, outside
and Inside cellar way, combi
nation fixtures. Lot on per
fect grade with cement walaa
around house. This Is an es
pecially well built house and
best bargain In city today for
1330 Farnam 8t.
Douglas 1064.
(1U)-M249 26
If looking for a (, t or 7-room cottage oa
your own terms, pnone weD. laao.
FOR SALE Fine corner lot, close In, with
cottage containing 7 rooms and bathroom,
locat'Jd 8. W. corner ZSth and Charles
Sts., lot fronting 130 feet on Charles St,
and 63 feet on 26th St; haa room enough
for two or three more houses; paved
fctreet and permanent sidewalks; price,
$4,375. W. II. Griffith, owner, 2621 Chi
cago St. (19) M228 lix
STRACTS OF TITLE are the safest.
You are protected by a ilfl.uOO bond
against loss try errors. Tou don't buy a
lawsuit when you buy s "Kerr" abstract.
1614 Harney. Tel. Douglas 647. (19)
CHA3. K. WILLIAMS. Pres. v-Vj
IF YOU are thinking or ttulldtng It will
pay you to see the Western Home Build
ers, rooms 2l'-3ti U. S. Nat'l Bank lll.lg..
for prices and terms. (19) 210
Beautiful tract of land, only three and
a half miles from postofUce, for o per
(1 Mi7S as
TWO good homes, both modern except fur
nace; one has 5 rooms, the other 6 rooms
east front and on grade; located on 19th
and Vinton Sts.; price, Jl.TuO and (l.goO
each; would exchange for acreage close to
cur line.
'Phone Doug. 3ii00. 321 Neville Plk.
(19) M162 20
LIST your property with the Western
Home Builders, rms. 22-3 Nebraska NatL
bauK Ulug (1 714
1 housea and lot 6Sxll5, Capitol Ave., between
.uin mi inn, cum, ii som at once. In
quire 2631 Cass. (19) M223 26
FOR SAI R e-room cottage, owner leaving
city. Will soil at a Sacilnce. 100 North
4uth, South Omaha. Tel. 471.
FCH BALE Five-acre tract of land tn Ben.
w.ivw uiuvab iruiq car. euuaoie for
planting or for Improvement; an oixior
tunity for someone. Address O 4J3, B.
(IS) Jt
WANTED Agents to represent us tn the
eale of our kaiikaa lands. Write for par
ticulars. (Jlobe Land and Isvestment o..
Omaha. Neb. Uo s7
FOR SALB or trade, 640 acres, Qreely
43 Lincoln. Neb, (Ai loT 29g
FIRST-CLASS Nebraska tarme and ranches
for homes or Investment. Bemls, Omaha.
RANCH FOR 8AI.E-1 JO "acres. Bnnncr
county. Neb., improve'", running weter,
etc.; $4 SO per acre If taken at once. Kim
ball Land Co.. Kimball. Neb.
(&) MISS 3x
"oath Dakota.
ARK TOU Interested In South Dakota? If
so wrltj to the A. C. Brink Land Co. of
Pierre, 8. D., concerning the 26.000 acres
of farm lands they own In Hughes and
Bully counties. They will answer you
gladly. (20-M379 Al
YOVR CHANCE 20. POO acres, smooth corn
land. I'anhanille, Texas, ift.00 an acre,
on railroad, one-third cash. Hox 4K2,
Sibley, Iowa. (20ie-M363 3UX
SPECIAL land bargain balance
of thia month.
National Investment Co.,
Douglas Blk.
(20)-37 31
has Just placed on the market
In Western Wyoming.
20,000 to 600,m acres of fine sheep
grazing hinds at
11.00 to $1.60 PER ACRE
TERMS One-tenth down payment and
ten years' time on the balance. If ynu
Intend to Invest In cheap lands, BUT NOW.
The opportunity will not last.
For further Information apply td
Omaha, Neb.
Dept. "A," 818 8. 15th St.
(30) 2! 27
LOANS on Improved city property. W. IL
Aiiumas, uuo r irst aLiunai nana Hldg.
LOANS on Improved Omaha property.
O Keefe K. . Co., 1001 N. V. Life Bldg.
$1,000,000 TO LOAN On business and rest-
ueuu- piuiteny in onmiiti; lowest rates;
no delay. Thomas Brennan, Room 1. N.
Y. Life. (22)-903
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
Farnam Smith A Co., 1330 Farnam SU
122) 904
$500 TO $50,000 TO LOAN at lowest rates;
no delay. GARVIN BROS, 1G04 FARNAM.
PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Weed, 1620 Doug.
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block.
WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters A Co.
(22) 90S
WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture,
cook and heating stoves, carpeta, lino
leums, office furniture, old clothes and
shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts
and all kinds of tools; or will buy the
furniture of your house complete. Will
buy antique or mahogany furniture. The
highest prices paid. Call the right man.
Tel. Douglaa S971. (26) m Jy26
CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foye Co.,
311 S. 14th. Phone Douglas 1321.
CARD CABiNET of 16 to 25 drawers for
card $ by 6 Inches; state price; must ba
cheap. Addreas L tKt. Bee. (26) 819
WE NEED two horses,. 1,000 to 1,300 weight;
will pay cash or tride good piano. Mat
. thews Piano Co.. 1513-16 Harney St.
' (26) M974 27
A DELIVERY wagon. In good repair, with
capacity of 3,000 pounds. August C.
Greenhagen, Station B.
' (16) M171 25x
I WANT to buy a republican weekly paper
and Job office In co. seat town In Ne
braska. Cash. Write Y 219, Bee.
26 1-3 31x
WANTED Board and room by refined
young lady, employed; can give best of
references. Address D 702, Bee.
(26) M169 3x
ROOMS and board with private family,
near edge of town and car line. Address
A -769. care Bee. (26) 121 30x
WANTED To rent, small garden roller;
state terms. Address O 772, Bee.
(26)-M205 26X
WHEN you write to advertisers, roanember
It takes but a few scratches of the pen
to state that you saw the ad. In The Boe
WANTED To rent, furnished and unfur
nished rooms for light housekeeping.
Omaha Rental Co., 8uH N. Y. Life Bldg.
Tel. Douglas 3S81. (26)-M963 Aug20x
WANTED Work by the day by experi
enced dressmaker. Call on or address
4936 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Harney-ir,ol.
(27)-W7 A
WANTED Position as compositor; six
months' experience. Address Y 126, Bee.
(27) M158 Aug3x
SMALL bundles of laundry taken homo.
Rough dry, 3&c per doxen, shirt waists.
20c and up, 2707 No. 26th. (27) 194
EXPERIENCED stenogrspher. Address
S., Omaha Bee, 15 Scott St., Co. Blurts.
estate work; can give references. Ad
dress J. Q. Heaterly, Pawhuska. Okl.
(27) M130 29x
Deeds filed for record July 74. 1907, aa
furnished by the Kerr Abstract company,
bonded abstracters. 1614 Harney street.
N. W. Bronson to J. F. Fraxler. lot 2.
block 56, Omaha $j,000
j. r. f railer to James Neville, lot 2.
block 65, Omaha
J. N. Haskell and wife to Frances
Troa. lots 20 and 21, block 33, Al
bright's Choice
T. C. Kennedy and wife to C. H.
Hlldebrand. lot 21, blink 109, Dundee
W. II. Eldrldge and wife to J. W.
Meadlmber. lot 4. block "F," Shlnn's
Second addition
T. J. Fitzgerald to Vaclav Mlnlberger,
13Hi ft., lot and nl3' ft., lot 10,
block iA, 6outh Omaha
Frnnk houae and wife to H. J. Grove,
lots 13 to 18, block 9, Halcyon
Sam Hluter to Anna Slater, S40 ft.,
ioi uiock .-1. Bourn umana
F. II. BurUick and wife to llward M.
Welltnan, e.w ft., lot U. block. "C,"
Prospect Place .
Elisabeth Dufrene to Alfred R. Par
dun. a34 ft., lot 15, block 6, Plain
view ,
Philadelphia Mortgage A Trust Co.
to John T. Johnston wlJO ft., lota 23
and 24. block 19. Han scorn Place...
Mary M. tiow to the McCague Invest
ment Co.. lot 3. block 9. Poppleton..
Mary M. Reed et al to Arthur Theo
dore, lot 13, block 4, Shull'a Second
The Michigan Mutual Life Insurance
company to Gerald M. Drew, lot 13
and e lot It Pelhani Place
laahel E. O KeefTe and hushand to E.
I'olrler. lot 6. block IS, PoppleU.n
Esther A. Zabrlskle and husliand to
Maurice P. Hlnchey. lot 6, Fah's
Peter Jessen. Jr. and wife to The
Byron Reed Co.. part lota 1 and 4,
block "F." Omaha
Henry Graff et al to Arniln Schramm,
part lot 11, Millard and Caldwell a
Wllhuin H. Mallory and wife to James
A. Steele, lot 30, block 1. Pateraon a
I'alen Paelsle.
Leave. Arrive.
Overland Limited a $ 66 am a 9.40 pre
The China and Japan
Fast Mall a 3.M pm a $ 00 pm
Colo. Calif. Ex a $ 80 pm a W am
California A Ore. Ex.. .a I pm a $:M im
Lea Angeles Limited. ...a)2:U pm a I 15 pm
Colorado Special .a1t:56pm a I 60 am
North Platte Local a 7 43 am a (:)R pm
Pratrlca Local b 7:4! am o $:ll pm
Chicago, Rock lelaad A rariae.
Chicago Limited a 2: am all-IW pm
Iowa IiOcal a 7:00 am a 4 -sa pm
ts Moines I' 4 as a t:o pm al2:30 pra
Iowa Local all 40 era b 9 t6 pin
Chicago (Rasiern Ex.) a 4:50 pm a l:S pm
Chicago Flyer a 4:00 pm a 1:3 air.
Rocky Mounts'" t.m'.d all -4" p a SM am
Colo. A Cal. Expreaa...a 1:36 pm a 4:40 pm
Okl. AY Texas Expresses 4:40 pm a 2 45 pm
Lincoln i. Falrburv Pans a 8:45 amalO lS am
Chicago Great Westers.
St. Paul i Minneapolis. 8:30 pm 7 to am
St. Paul A Minneapolis. 7:30 am 11:86 pm
Chicago Limited (:t6 pm 6:27 am
Chicago Express 7:30 am 11:36 pin
Chicago Express $ 30 pm $:30 pin
Illinois Ceatral.
Chicago Express a 7:W am a :46 P-
Minn. A St. Paul Exp...h 7:20 am a 3:6$ pm
Chicago limited a SMO pm a a.W) am
Minn. A St. Paul Lmtd.a 8.30 pm a 6:10 am
Chicago A Northwester.
Chicago Daylight a 7:& am all:64 pm
8t Paul-M'apolia Exp.. a 7:60 am alOOO pm
Chicago Local a: am a $:'.'$ pm
Bloux City Passenger.. .a 7:00 am a $: pm
Chicago passenger a 4:30 pm a 9:30 am
Chicago fepectal a 6:06 pm a (.$0 am
St Paul-M'polls LmtcL.a :28 pm a7:4ain
Los Angeles Llmlteu....a : pm all:36 pm
Overland Limited alO:00 pm a 8:23 am
Fast Mall a 8:29 am
6loux City Local a 8:60 pm a 9:20 am
Fast Mall a 3:36 pm
Twin City Limited a 8:38 pm a 7:05 am
Overlani Limited a 8:38 pm a 9:31 am
Norfolk-Bonesteel a 7:40 am a 10 36 am
Llncoln-Chadron o 7:40 am al0:35 am
1 lead wood-Lincoln a 3:00 pm a 6:06 pm
Caaper-Shoshonl a 8:00 pm a 6:06 pra
Haatings-Smperlor b $:00 pm b 6:06 pm
Fremont-Albion b 4:0? pm bl2:60 pm
Los Angeles Limited.. .a 9:60 pm aU pm
St. Louis Express a 0 pm a 8:30 am
St. Louis Local (from
Council Bluffs) a 8:30 am aU:l pm
Stanberry Local (from
Council Blurts) b $O0 pmblO.'lS am
MiMeoarl PaolSo. -
K. C. -t St L. Exp a 1:00 am a 5S ara
K. C. A St. L. Uxp all:15 pm a 6:36 pm
Nebraska Local a t.Ow pm all .40 am
Chicago, Milwaukee A at. Paal.
Chicago & Colo. Special. 7:02 am 12:05 pm
Calif. Oiegon -p... 6:ns pill J:i pm
Overland Limited. 8:5s pm 6:37 ara
Denver A California.. ..a 4:10 pm
Northwest Special a 4:10 pm
Black Hills a 4:10 pm
Northwest Express a 9:30 pm
Nebraska points a :00 am
Nebraska Express a 1:03 am
Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:46 pm
Lincoln Local
Lincoln Local
Louisville A Plattsm'tb.b 1:10 pm
Bellovue-Plattsmouth ..a 8: pm
Plattsmouth-Iowa b 6:10 am
Denver Limited all:66 pm
Chicago Special a 7:00 am
Chicago Express a 4:30 pm
Chicago Flyer a 6:30 pm
Iowa Local a 9:16 am
St. Louie Express. a 4:46 pm
Kansas City & St. Joe..al0:46 pm
Kansas City A St Joe. .a 9:16 am
Kansas City A St Joe. .a 4:46 pm
a 4:10 pra
a 4:10 pra
a 4:10 pig
a 6:46 am
a 6:10 pm
a 6:10 pia
ai2:oi pm
b 9:06 am
a 8:00 pra
bl0:30 am
a 7:46 am
b 1:36 pra
a 6:46 ara
all:46 pra
a 3:66 pnt
a 8:30 are
all. 30 am
all:) am
a 6:30 am
a 6:10 pm
Chicago, St. Paal, Minneapolis A
Leave. A.rlve.
Twin Cfty Passenger. ..b 6:30 am b 9:10 pm
Sioux City Passengcr...a 8:00 pm all:20 era
f.merson Local b 6:46 pm b 9:10 am
Emeraon local o 6:46 am c 8:50 pra
Missouri Paclflo.
Local via Weeping:
Water a 8:08 am a 6:80 prr
Falls City Loral a 8:66 pm all:20 a'j
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d D-tly
except Saturday e Sunday only. Dally
except Moiday.
by the lioyal Mall gtMiners of the
The fsvteftt stenmeni to tha Orient. Rvoord pansa
by the "KmrreM of Chins," 10 lisvt, IlhounB. t !.
Vancouver and Voknbsm. Th ''Tsrtsr.'' "Athea
lsn" and "Montoagle" provide an elocutionally rhanp
trip, enrrvh-.s one olaw of cabin paaaangen onij at the
Intermediate raU.
Balllnr from Vancouver to Yokohama, Kobe,
Kus aaaki. Shanghai, Along Koug and Mantl.
Tartar July 86 Bmpreas of India, 8pt 8
EHnpreaa of China. Aug. 6 Monteagl 8pl. It
Athenian Aug 22 Empreaa of Japan Se pt. It
From Tanoouvsr to Honolulu and Sydaay,
Mlowers Aug. 14 Maona Oct 11
Aoranfl Spt. Ii Mlowara Nor. I
For ratrR, Information and lllaratura apply ta
A. O. SHAW, Oenl Agt., 832 Clark Bt
Gratified to Learn Indictment Against
Former Omaha Man la
Omaha friends of K. T. McCarti.y. who
will be remembered here as having been
at one time connected with the Hammond
Packing plant at South Omaha, are grati
fied to learn that the Indictment brought
against hint out In Wyoming In connection
with some fraudulent coal land entries,
has been dismissed by the federal author
ities. Mr. McCarthy was Indicted along
with some former associates and partners
Interested in the Monarch mine at Sheridan,
owned by the Wyoming Coal company, but
on the trial of the principal offender, Hol
brook. It developed that McCarthy's In
terests had all been sold out before the
alleged frauds were committed and on this
showine- the prosecution and the court
agreed that there was no case against
Pass Kiled by Gas Fred Nelson Meant
to Take Ills Own Life
Fred Kelson of S06 South Thlrtv.flfth mi.
nue attempted to take hi own life Wednes
day arternoon while drunk. He had
been abusing his wife and family all day
sod about 11 o'clock he drove them all out
of the house and turned on five ariia Via
Officer Shea, who was called to rescue him,
was forced to break In the windows to
reach him. Py the time he had reached
tha station In the riatrol wunn Vta4 re
covered far enough to laugh about his
suicidal fit. The only damage from the
gas waa the untimely demise of tha family
Grocers and Batrhera Will Close
Tbelr Mores and Have
Borne Fan.
Houaawlves who thoughtlessly go to the
grocery store or butcher shop Thursday will
be dlsapiolnted In finding them closed. The
Omaha grocers and butchers hold their
annual picnic Thursday and It Is the rule
to keep their doors ahut.
The picnic will be held at Fort Calhoun
and the Northwestern will take out two
trains from the Webster street station, one
at 7.30 and tha second at 6:4a. Between
l.GoO and 2,000 people usually attend, and if
the day la fair the number thla year Is
expected to be larger. Brandt's band will
furnish music and there will be dancing all
day. An attractive list of races and other
competitions, all affording prises, haa been,
arranged. The aala of llquut an tha grounds
will nut bo allowed
Mrs. Clark Coit Ent:rtains for Mrs.
Herbert Allee.
Arrival of Silas Kstee of Montprllrr,
Vt., Miss llasel Connell'a Gneat,
Orrailoni Aanoanrement ot
More Kntertalaln-.
Xtra Clark foil n t ert n Itiett a rtn rl i' nf
twenty-four at whist luncheon at the Coun
try club Wednesday In honor of Mrs. Her
bert D. Allee of Detroit, who la her guest.
The green dining room waa engaged for
the rartv ai.d tha luncheon served from
two tables, one decorated with pink aaters
and the other with lavender asters. Tne
plate carda wore white monogrnmed In
gold. The guests present were: Ms. Al
lee, Mrs. C. K. Coutant. Mrs. Oarrabrant
of Chicago, Mra. W. K. Guthrie. Mrs. Philip
Potter, Mrs. W. A. rtedlck. Mrs. Henry
W. Yates, Mrs. Reha Morgan, Mrs. Nathan
Morrlam, Mrs. Charles Greene, Mrs. Oscar
Williams, Mrs. Richard Carrier, Mrs. Z. T.
Llndsey, Mrs. Arthur Pinto, Mrs. R. C.
Moore. Mrs. Elia Siulre. Mrs. W. J. Con
ncll, Mrs. W. C. Sunderland, Mrs. E. C.
McShane. Mra D. D. Sargent and Mrs.
Warren Blackwell.
For Mlaa F.atee.
Miss Mona Kloke entertained one of the
pretty luncheons given at the Country
club Wednesday In honor of Miss Eetee.
guest of Miss TTnset Connell. The table
was decorated with marguerites and the
guests Included: Miss F.stee, Miss llortenco
Clarke, Miss Connell, Miss Hasell Connoll,
Miss Brownie Bess Bnum, Miss Adol Mo
Hugh, Miss Bessie Brsdy. Miss Mary Lee
McShane, Miss Julia Hlgglnson. Miss Mar
garet Wood. Miss Cranmer. Miss Caroline
Barkalow, Miss Olive Baker and Miss
Louise Peck,
A torgess-Arnold.
The marriage of Mr. Thomas F. Sturgess
and Miss Leon a G. Arnold took place at
8:30 o'clock last evening at the home
of the bride's sister, Mrs. 8. Stewart,
Twenty-fifth and Brown streets. Rev. W.
N. Paxton of the Methodist church of Nlck
erson. Neb., performed the ceremony. Mr.
and Mrs. Sturgess left last evening for a trip
to Denver and will be at home upon their
return at 811 North Thirty-ninth street.
Mr. Sturgess Is editor of the Twentieth
Century Farmer and prominently Identified
with the work of the Methodist church.
Mr. George 8. Iubach of Omaha and
Miss Gladys Mock were married Saturday
at 406 Thirty-third street. Chicago. Mr.
Lsubach Is a graduate of the Omaha High
school, class of '08, and graduated last
June from the Armour Institute of Tech
nology as a civil engineer. Mr. and Mrs.
Laubach will' reside in Chicago.
Personal Mention.
Miss Wanda Estee of Montpeller. Vt.,
arrived Wednesday morning to be the
guest of Miss Haxel Connell. Miss Estee
and Miss Connell were room mates at the
Finch school, New York, and Miss Estee
will be here for some time. A round of
entertainment has been planned in her
honor, first of these being the luncheon
given at the Country club at noon Wednes
day by Miss Mona Kloke. Wednesday
evening Miss Connell and her guest will
dine at the Field club with friends and
remain for the hop. Friday Mr. Will Snorr
and Mr. Paul Cooley will give a sailing
party at Lake Manawa for Miss Estee, the
party remaining for dinner and the danco
following. Saturday evening Mr. Ed
Crclghton will give a amall dinner at the
Country club for Mlaa Estee and Miss
Hasel Connell, and Sunday evening Miss
Haiel Connell will keep open house for
her guest.
The midweek dinner and hop at the Field
club Is promised large attendance this
week, the following reservations having
ben made for this evening's parties: Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Jordan, ten covers; Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Summers, eight; Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Palmatler, four; Mr. and Mrs.
William Yettcr, sixteen; Mr. Ed J. Malone,
four; Miss Eunice Howell, six; Mr. B. C.
Rogers, four; Mr. and Mrs J. A. Kuhn,
five; Mr. John Smith, four; Mr. Ie Sprat
len, four; Dr. and Mrs. W N. Dorward,
eight; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hunt, twenty;
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Plxley, five; Mr. and
Mrs. E. V. Lewis, eight; Mr. E. A. Cope,
four, and Mr. E. M. Martin, four.
At the Country Club.
Mrs. Edwin T. Swobe entertained at
luncheon at the Country club Wednesday
for Mrs. Frank 8mlth of Evanston, guest
of Mrs. Allan Robinson. The table bad a
decoration of garden flowers. Covers were
laid for Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Robinson, Mrs.'
Louis Nash, Miss Mary Alice Rogers. Mrs.
Pryor Markel, Mrs. Samuel Burns. Jr.,
Mrs. Herbert Wheeler, and Mrs. Swobe.
Among those giving smaller luncheons
weTe: Miss Marie McShane, with three
guests, and Miss Edith Thomas, four
At tha Field Clnh.
Mrs. J. H. Dumont entertained Wednes
day In honor of her sister. Miss Ebersole
of Scranton, Pa., and Mrs. Lilas Duncan
of Bath, Me. Nasturtiums formed a pretty
centerpiece. The guests Included: Miss
Ebersole. Mrs. Duncan, Miss Blessing. Mrs.
Draper Smith, Mrs. F. W. Judaon. Miss
Vaughn of Portland, Mrs. Bpauldlng, Mrs.
Arthur D. Smith, Mrs. Frederick McCon
nell, Mrs. R. W. Carpenter and Mra Wil
liam Watson.
Mrs. W. H. Munger gave one of the
largest luncheons st the Field club In
honor of Mrs. C. N. Diets. Dahlias were
used for deoorstlon and covers were laid
for fourteen.
Others giving smaller parties were: Mrs.
C. McMenemy, six guests; Mrs. Edward
Riley, three; Mrs. William Rulf. three;
Mra. M R. Murphy, two; Mra. K. H.
Howland, five; Mrs. E. B. Carrldan. five,
and Mrs Frank Crawford, one.
Prospective Pleasure.
Dr. A. W. Riley entertained at dinner
at Krug park Wednesday evening. Covers
were laid for twenty-five.
Mrs. John W. Orlfflth will entertain in
formally Thursday afternoon for Mrs. Her
bert D. Allen, guest of Mrs. Clsrk Colt.
Mrs. Draper Smith will entertain for
Mlaa Ebersole of Scranton, Pa., guest of
r ,
however, by the use of Mother's Friend before baby comes, as this
great liniment always prepares the body for the strain upon it, and
S reserves the symmetry of her form. Mother Friend overcomes all the
anger of child-birth, and carries the eipectant mother safely through
this critical period without pain. It is woman's greatest bletbing.
Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit end relief derived from iL)
use of this wonderful
remedy. Sold by ell
druggists at $i .oo per
bottle. Our little
book, telling all about
this liniment, will be sent free,
Til IniMi Eegtlitor Ci,,
Mrs. J. H. Dumont. Thursday at the tlspp)
Hollow club.
Mra. Henry W. Yates will give a lunch
eon of twenlv-flve covets al the Happj
Hollow club Thursday.
hllilrrn's l.nttrheon,
Mrs. A. I- Reed gave a lilrthilav lunch,
eon for her little daughter. Mrs Kllsnlwth
R"ed. at tile Country club Wednesday. A
pretty decoration of sweet peas was used
and covers wore lulu fer little Misses Mary
Meneath. Margery McOord, Frances linen
stetler, Katheilne Ilium, Anna, Peggy and
Elisabeth Reed and Mra. A. L Reed,
t ome and 4,o Goaalp.
Miss Smedlcy of Halt I-nke City la tha
guest of Miss Louise McPhersnn.
Judge and Mrs. W. II. Munger leave
Satutday to spend a week with their son,
Mr. llorton Monger, at Dngey. Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Afeyer and family of
7i7 Davenport atreet, hsve returned from
n western trip.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. McShane left
Tuesday evening to take the lake trip.
Mra. Max Schwab of Springfield, Mo,, Is
the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
J. Zlegler, S9f9 Fs.i-nam street.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Stoker of New
York Ctly are the guests of Mrs. Stoker'a
parents, Judgo and Mrs. James Macomber.
I.lttle Ones from Hi. James Knjoy Has
pltallty of Knlahta ot
Who are, who are, who are we 7
St. James' orphanuKe. Don't you seet
The shrill chorus of a hundred childish
voices shouted this yell a thousand times
more or less Wednesday morning as tho
two cars filled with the bits of humanity
sped throiiKh the streets of the city. It
was the annual trolley ride given by tho
Knights of Columbus to the fatherless and
motherless little wards of the church who
are cared fur In the hlg orphange at Ben
son. It wss a great day for the youngsters.
Scarecely anything else had been talked
about by the children for weeks. Father
Flnnnagan and the good sisters had been
kept busy Just answering questions. Boys
and girls who had been on the outing in
previous years enlarged and expatiated to
the newer comers on the glories of the
never-to-be-forgotten day, so that expecta
tion was at the highest pitch when the
time arrived.
Promptly at 9:.T0 o'clock In the morning
two special cars stopped at the orphan
age. A few minutes later they were filled
with the breathless little ones and away
they went. The ride took them to South
Omaha and then back by a different route,
out Farnam street and bsck to Krug park.
Peter U illen, Dr. Langdon, John O'Hearn,
Tom Larkln and others accompanied the
cars and acted as masters of ceremonies.
Nor were the Utile ones under 6 years
of age forgotten. They, by reason of their
youth, had to stay at home, but Ice cream
and candy In abundance found Its way to
them. The spirit of that sweet charity
which aecketh not its own reigned through
out the day. The futherless found fathers
snd the motherless cuddled Into maternal
And on this same day, beside an open
grave In Germantown, a suburb of Phila
delphia, stood a priest and mourners. Into
the grave was lowered all that waa mortal
of the late W. P. McDevItt of South
Omaha. The clods fell upon the coffin
i in that Germantown churchyard even
while the hundred little orphans in Omaha
were shouting In childish glee at the
pleasures of the day. W. P. McDevItt In
stituted this annual noting four jreArs
ago. Its occurrence this year, by an odd
coincidence, came on the very flay of
his funeral, and not too gay were the
children to think of their dear, dead friend.
Faithful Dog: Mays by llama Ba
Knew Beat Instead af tha
New One,
Sam was a dog an old dog.
For months his master lived in a house
on North Nineteenth street. A week ago
ha moved to the south part of the city,
taking the old dog with him. Two days
after they moved Sam reappeared, much
to the surprise of the neighbors. He took
his old place on the grass, rolling around
contentedly. Apparently he had walked
all the way. Sam Is too old to run. He
lifts one foot at a time slowly and where
there are steps he does not venture.
Sam was so glad to be back In his old
haunts that he permitted, with considerable
sufferance, the frisky liberties of a young
puppy which he had always repulsed with
warning growls.
He stayed around all day lying in tha
grass and occasionally walking to the
front yard and looking up and down tha
atreet. No one thought of feeding him and
Bam was not the kind of dog to beg. In
the early -evening he dragged himself to
ths front yard once more, looked up and
down the street, then turned slowly and
returned to the grass In the bark yard.
The next morning Ms master came to
get Sam and take him back to the new
The old dog was lying on the grass In
the back yard dead.
Announcements, wedding stationery and
calling cards, blank books and magazine
binding. 'Phone Doug. 10)4. A. I. Root, InCt
Wlthnell Says Ifereasarr ta G at
Few Favors ta Flela
Complaint haa been made that a tan!
estate firm of the city baa been moving
houses from other parts of town to the
vicinity of Twenty-first and Vinton streets
and placing them on lots without first pro
viding foundations for them. On this sub
ject Building Inspector Wlthnell says:
"Permission was given this firm to place
the houses' on the lota without building
foundations at this time, but with tha
understanding the foundations ara to be
placed under the houuea as soon as pos
sible, the time not to exceed three months.
In these days of rapid building operations
in Omaha It is necessary to grant some
concessions. It Is practically Impossible lor
people to secure bricklayers and other
workmen Just aa they are needed and wa
would stop much work did wa not grant
a few favors."
Every woman eorett
shapely, pretty figure, tod
many of them deplore the
Ion of their eirlith forma
after marriage. The bearing
of children i often destructive
to the mother' shapeliness.
All of thia can be avoided.