Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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ricei Advance Easily from Openinj
of Strength.
fconie . lorn In Slater State is
Abandoned to Weeds Because
of Too Mh Wet
OMAHA. July 24. 1907.
The otenlng market was strong, with
I prices advancing easily. Northwest mar
Jj kete were hlieher anil showed good tone.
- Commission hnmoi were good buyers and
shorts covered freely.
Wheat showed good tone and advanced
easily In spite of Tower cabins and favora
ble weather and easy curb market. The
crowd hung to the buying side and there
was little wheat for sale on the advance.
September option opened at MHo and closed
at 8SVc.
Torn wiis Arm and higher with light of
ferings and trade was fairly active. Dam
age reports from Iowa say crops have suf
fered from floods and fields are abandoned
to weeds. September corn opened at 47o
and closed at 47e.
Outs opened soft on scattered selling by
country houses. Large brokers are sup
, porting; market on soft spots and hold
1 ; rices to strong level. September option
1 1 pened at MHc and closed at Hc
' ITtmary wheat receipts were 802,000 bu.
arid shipments, 315.OO0 bu., against receipts
Inst year" of f.!So9,00O bu. and shipments of
L'.'J.OCO bu. Corn receipts were 431,000 bu.
unci shipments, 4T.M00 bu.. sgalnst receipts
Inst year of 514.10 bu. ana shipments of
f-io OCO bu.
Clesrances were 63.006 bushels of corn,
2.000 bushels of oats, and wheat and flour
euual to 260,000 bushels.
I..vcriKxl closed 1 lower on wheat and
d lower on corn.
Local range of options;
Articles. Open. H1gh. Low. Close. Yeify.
W he. it
July... S-pt...
July... 6pt...
S3 82h
84'n K6V, H'i
M4 88V 87T
47Vi 474 4714
47 47 47
43V 44 44
41 '4 41. 41
HUH &i 80S
88 1 S?H
8TV, 8M,
471 47i
47. h
44 j 43H
41V 414
9R S'iVi
36, fl
Omaha rut Prices.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, 2Vii; No. 3 hard.
7'.u81c: No. 4 hard. 7GG78c-: No. I spring.
, S-tlMo.
I'OHH-NO. Z, 7c; NO. 8, 46H'47c; N0.4, 4&-a
4'n ; no grade, 4nt&44o; No. 3 yellow, 46&
4,Vc; No. g white. 47ce47l4c
OATS No. 3 mixed. 4242V4,ci No. I white,
43c; No. 4 white, 42fc42c; No. 2, TOc; No. 3
Carlet Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oat
i Chicago 82 132 78
Kansas City t 161
Minneapolis 143
. Omaha 8 21 I
Luluth 126
Bt. Louis 100
Features of the Trading; and Closing;
Prices on Hoard of Trade.
CHICAGO, July 24 Excessive rain in
the southwest and lack of It In Manitoba
had a strengthening effect today on the
lot ul wheat market, the September de
livery closing at a net gain of Ho. Corn
was up farc- Oats were He higher. Pro
visions were ao lower to 6c higher.
In addition to the unfavorable weather
for the crop In the winter wheat section
and In parts of Canada, the wheat mar
ket was bulllshly affected by a rumor
, that Spain had suspended the duty on
wheat. Small primary receipts and light
country acceptances also Increased the de
, niainl In the local market. With the ex
k ceptlon of a heavy tone during the first
I lew minutes of trading, due to lower
1 tiMes and a generally favorable weather
'tfc the northwest, the market was strong
oV day. Prices reacted slightly In the last
half hour, but the close was strong. Sep
tember oened V to So lower at 91 to 91HO,
advanced to 92, and closed at 824c. Clear
ances of wheat and flour were eaunl to
2.r,t)oO bu. Primary receipts were , 02,0u0
bu. against' 1.5S.0G0 Tu. on the same day
last year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi
cago reported receipts of Sul cars, against
2iAi cars last week and 636 cars one your
The corn market was strong all day
on buying by commission houses and ele
vator interests The chief bullish factor
was the Iowa state crop bulletin for the
week ending July 22, which suld that the
corn crop of that state has suffered a
heavy loss of acreago by flood and by
abandonment to weeds. The close was
strong. September opened Vie higher at 63,
advanced to 68Vc, and closed at SS'ltf
KV- Local receipts wero 132 cars, with
11! contract grade.
Trude In oats was In small volume and
the market showed only a feeble response
to the upturn In wheat and corn. A num.
ber of reports wore received telling of the
Improved appearance of the crop In many
localities, and these advices caused mod
erate liquidation. The market closed
, steady. September opened unchanged to
J W lower at 384, to 3Mio. advanced to gftc.
y snd closed at Sc. Local receipts wero
I cars.
Provision! were quiet and ateady. Buy
In k of lard and ribs by local packer was
the feature of the trading. A 6c to 10c
advance In the price of live hogs was a
strengthening Influence. At the close Sep
tember potk was up 6c at 31100. Lard wss
v lower at 3s.f7H- Kibe were a shade
higher at $8.sni!.82t4j.
KMlmated receipts for tomorrow are:
Wheat, 60 cars; corn, 177 cars; oata, 81
cars; hogs, 27,i0 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows;
Articles. I Open. High. Low. Close.) Bat'y.
I N-c.
Coi n
1 ec.
W fS
1 00
1 00 1 COS .1 WH
63Vi 63
63 63Vifii
49W t
, 61 Hi
6H.! 6114
43 H
41 '4fV41
16 80 I 16 65 16 60
18 6S
9 W 9 32"4
9 ft
9 ?7V
J7V 87Vii
8 DO
8 75
8 RK
8 86
3 77h!
8 M
3 T3HI
No t
I'uKh quotations were as fellows:
FI.OTTR barely ateady: winter patents,
3110(14 40; straights, 33.70u4.3o; spring pat
ints. $ 704.90; straights. 4 )'JjH,00; bakers.
I:5n 6.
WHRAT No. f spring 9c1.0O; No. 3. 93
ii'-Sc: No. 2 red. SVVi9PSo.
COKNNo. 2. 83c; No. 8 yellow, tv.i
ATB NO. 8, 45V4yBc; NO. I white, 43
ITK-No. t SBc.
BARLEY Good feedlna-. 6O61660: fair ta
chclee malting. r2c.
SEiCDS flax. No. 1 northwestern, 31.13;
flover. contract grades, 115.60.
PROVISIONS Short ribs, sides (loosel.
3tLV-87V Mesa pork, per bhl., SllOfiij?
K6i. I-ard. per l'O lbs.. 19 liV4 Short clear
Me, (boxed). 8,-49.i:S4.
Following were the receipt! and ship
ments of flour and grain:
Receipts. Shipments
Flour, bbls 87.5o0 24.2110
VVheat, bu 56, 14.10
V'orn. bu 2tn,eO 07)
ratK. bu i6.2) 33,400
Rve. bu... 1,000
Harley, bu 11.000 4.500
On the Produce exchange today the but
ler markvt wss steady; creameries, IlwOWc;
3uiri.. lsiicgvc. Fggs. firm: at mark,
' included. lt14V: firsts. !4Vc; prima
linn. Cheese, steady, U&lSc.
' at. I.oala General Market.
t ST. inns. July J4 -WHEAT-rtigher;
tr, k. No. 1 red. cash, xtvc; No. I hard.
' jrlV; September. 8HJ9e; December,
.RM-HlFherr track. Ko. t cash. Mc;
No. I white. oa464c; September, bic; De-ce-nber.
OATtf Strong; treck. No. t cash, 49
4Hc; No. 3 white, 4M?: September, 8TS0:
Ifcember, 84,c.
run K-Hteady; red winter patents. 34 IS
64,; extra fancy and gtralght, 83.TOS4 15;
?ler. K tfVni. m.
BlTD Timothy, steadr; 83 3K64 36.
CORNMrAI-Weak. 81 70.
BRAN Lower; sacked, east track. 80fJ
HAT-Klrm; timothy, 81tfl04T.4; prairie.
PHOVIrflONS - Pork, higher; jobbing.
t:Vr. tard. steady: prime steam, IS
I'ry salt meats,; boxed, extra shorts,
p-26; clear ribs, ; &; short clears, S ri.
liacon, steady; boxed, extra shorts, 310.12V,;
clesr ribs. I10.12S: short clears. 110.26.
Ptrt'LTRT r'lrm; clib kens. ll'Ve;
springs, i;vc; turkeys, 13o; ducks. 3c; geese,
HT-TTER Steady; creamery, Zl2&Hc.
17003 llrm at 13c
Receipts. Bhlprnents
Flour, bhl R.oon 6.O0
Wheat, bu irrtfloa 2i.()
Corn, bu 67,i"0 6f.00
Oats, bu 42,000 83.000
Quotations of the Day on Varlona
Com mod It lee.
NEW TORK, July 24.-FIX)VR Receipts,
19.M1 bbls. : exports. M79 bbls.; market
steady, with fair demand; Minnesota pat
ents, 36.0o-ft6.36; Minnesota bakers, 33.7oy4.20;
winter patents. 34.4ui4.9u; winter straights,
84.264r4.46: winter extras, 33.10'j3.i0; winter
low grades. 33.0053.00. Rye flour, steady;
fair to good, 34.756.00; choice to lancy,
CORN M KAL Firm; fine white and yel
low. I1.ifcgi.9v; coarse, Sl.llVSl.17; kiln dried,
33 Soru.'l 4u.
RYE Nominal; No. 2 western, 80c, f. o. b.
New York.
WHEAT Receipts, 106.000 bu: exports.
7,996 bu; spot market steady. No. 2 red,
97c elevator: No. 2 red. 9814c f. o. b.
I afloat; No. 1 Northern Imluth, 1.0f f. o.
o. anoai; .-no. i nara winter, 994c I. o. D.
afloat. There was a weak opening In
wheat today followed by strong advances
due to rust and export talk, covering of
shorts and active bull support. Later a
partial reaction followed, although last
prices were still Vic net hlsher. Julv,
97Vt7c clo1 ;c; September, 9S 3-lCi,
99V4C, closed ?c, Lecember, 81.011.02,
closed 81.0-4; Ma. SlXibVfriJu.OGVk. closed
CORN Receipts, 67.725 bu; exports, 213.143
bu; spot market firm. No. 2. 6!c elova'or
and 604ie f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 white, 61140,
and No. 2 yellow, 61o f. o. b. afloat. Option
market was higher on covering hy July
shorts, closing 1'S'4c oer the previous
night. July, fio'4'u61c, closed tile; Septem
ber closed WHc; December closed 64c;
May closed 68c.
OATS Receipts, 28,600 bu; exports, 2ft,
(W bu: spot market steady. Mixed oats,
36 to 32 pounds. 49c; natural white, 30 to 33
pounds, oK'diic; clipped white, 84 to 40
pounds, 61fi64Vic
HAY Steal: shipping, 7075o: good to
choice. 21. 15120.
HOPS Quiet; IS". 4Vi3Tc; Pacific coast,
a-iillc; 19f, WdSc.
HIKES Dull; Central Amerlco, 23V4c;
Bogota 27v.
LEATHKR Steady ; acid, 25527V4o,
PROVIBIONS-Reef. quiet; f.miilv. 818 50
!14.00; mess, S9.5oifM0 00: beef hsms, 324 0
Si.OO; packet.; city extra India
mess. S21.60ift?2on. Cut meats, steady; pick
led bellies, 310.7513.60; pickled hams, 112
ifli.00. iArd, firm; western prime, $9.30
9.40; refined, firm; continent, 8S.6O. South
America, 310.26; compound, W.glt&9.VH
Pork. Arm; family. 1K ir'fi '9 Y; short clear,
31R6O(frlR60; mess, 18.0fi18.60.
I'OULTRY Live, steady and unchanged;
dressed, IrTerular; western chickens, 17
23c; fowls, I2ft16c; turkeys, 10Sfl4o.
RUTTKR Quiet and easier; street price,
extra creamer, 25Vc; offlolclaH rrtces
creamery, common to extra. 20jp24Ue;
western Imitation creamery firsts, 21V4'j
CHEESE Quiet; state, full cream, col
ored and white, small, best, 124c; same,
large, colored, I2V40; same, white, 12V4o;
state, fair to good, HV4(3L'lV4c; state, in
ferior. 84c.
KGGS Firm; state, Pennsylvania
and nearby, selected, 24'it26c: state, choice,
2l4(23c; state, brown and mixed fancy, 22
4i23c; firsts to extra firsts, ISallc; western
selected finest, lR!ai9c; western, average
best, 17V4(&l8c; official prices, firsts, 18318V4o.
Showers and Sllnhtly Cooler and
Thursday Fair.
OMAHA, July 24, 1907.
High temperatures prevailed throughout
the central valleys during the last twenty
four hours, ranging well up In the 90s In
eastern Nebraska and western Iowa, and
reaching 100, or above, at points in Kan
sas. Missouri and Arkansas. The weainer
continued very warm throughout the east
and south, but Is slightly cooler along the
Atlantic coast and In the glulf states this
morning. Thunder storms, with moderate
rains, were general throughout the central
valleys during laat night and conditions
continue favorable for showers In this
vicinity today and tonight, followed by
fair Thursday, with slightly cooler to
night. Omaha record of temperature and pre
cipitation compared with the corresponding
day of the past three yearsr
1907 1906 1906 1904
Minimum temperature.... 64 i3 64 00
Precipitation 62 .00 .00 .00
Normal temperature for today, 77 degrees. -
Deficiency in precipitation since March I,
4.67 Inches.
Deficiency In correspjodlng period, 1906,
3.07 Inches.
Deficiency In corresponding period. 190B,
7.41 inches. L. A. WELSH,
Local Forecaster.
Cora and Wheat Region Bulletin.
For the twienty-four hours ending at 8 a.
m., 75th meridian time, Wednesday, July 24,
Temp. Rain-
Stations. Max. Min. fall. 8ky.
Ashland. Neb 94 68 . 44 Cloudy
Columbus, Neb... 96 68 . 70 I't. cloudy
Falrbury, Neb..,. 99 70, .00 Clear
Fairmont, Neb... 97 9 .00 Clear
Or. Island, Neb.. 93 70 T Clear
Hartlngton. Neb. 92 62 T Pt. cloudy
Hastings, Neb.... 98 67 .00 Clear
Oakdale, Neb 93 65 . 46 Pt. cloudy
Omaha, Neb 92 64 .62 Cloudy
Tekamah, Neb... 93 69 1.28 Cloudy
Alta. la 91 66 .00 Clear
Carroll. Ia 91 3 .00 Clear
Clarlnda, la 95 68 .00 Pt. cloudy
Sibley, la. fi6 61 .47 Clear
Sioux City, Ia... 92 68 .01 Cloudy
No. of Temp.- . rti1n.
Central. Stations. Max. Min. Inches.
Chicago, 111 26 8S fS .08
Columbus,! 0 18 94 64 .00
Des Moines, la..., 14 F8 64 ' .14
Indianapolis, lnd.. 11 90 70 T
Kansas City, Mo.. 20 98 72 T
Louisville. Ky 17 94 70 .06
Minneapolis, Minn. 27 S4 63 .04
Omaha, Neb 15 94 64 .26
St. Louis. Mo 12 94 70 .36
Very warm weather prevailed throughout
the corn and wheat region during Wednes
day. Temperatures reaching 100 or above
were recorded in Kansas, Missouri and
Oklahoma. Showers occurred In all opr
tlons except the Columbus district.
L. A. WELSH, Local forecaster.
Kan mi City Grain and Provisions.
tember, S&'Ac; Ie.cember, SSVJc; May, S2,c;
No. 2 hard, cash, 86390c; No. 3, 3asc:
No. t red, MV4fcc; No. 3 red, 83'(f84c.
COHN July, 49c; September, 4.HSc; De
cember, 4&Vc. Cash; No. 2 mixed, 50.'
54c; No. S, 60c; No. 2 white, 60Vc; No. 3.
OATS No. 3 whlta. 46H7V4c; No. 3
mixed. tfjptSHo.
RYE-Steady; No. , 7.VGftc
HAY Weak; choice timothy, 311.00iSal.80;
Choke prairie. 88.60inI.7B.
EGOS Extras. Ikc; firsts, 16Hc.
oiUTTER Creamery, 24c; packing, 18Hc.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu.. ll.r) 69 000
lorn, nu JO.OflO 4.ml0
Oau, bu 4,0o0
Kansas nty cash prices as furnished by
Logan 4 Bryan, 113 Board of Trade build
ing: Articles.
I Open. I High. I Low. Close.
September... December....
84Sly 8S4 8414
88 14
48t 4ar4
Liverpool Grain and Provisions.
LIVERPOOL. July 24.-WHEAT-8pot.
nil Iff ' n 9 ra.l tu.t.. ..1... at- , .
';""''' Quiet; July, 7s ld; 8ptember, 7s
CORN Spot. Hess dried, quiet. 6s old
ncirthern, steady, (a Jid; futures, steady:
July, nominal; September, 4s lOd.
Peoria Grain Market.
PEORIA. July 84-CrRN-Hlglier; No. &
8JV; No. 4, tHc; no grade, 44'u47o.
OATS Higher; No. 3 white. 44',,a45c.
RYF Nominal; old No. 3, sfcfrwic.
WHIoKY-On the basis of 3131.
Daluth Grain Market.
DtTLVTH. July 14 WHEAT No. 1 hard,
on track. 81.0; No. 1 northern, 8W4o; No.
I northern, Vc; July, 9&c; September,
8vc; December, 8Ve
OAT8 To arrive, SbHc; Jury, 40c.
Minneapolis Grain Market, -
patents. K.0if.10; second patents, 34 nt
6.m; first clears, 33.5i'u ; second clears.
U 7542 6.
LRAN-In bulk, 815bi15.75.
Toledo Market.
TOLFDO. O.. July 34. -SEED Clover,
cash. 3 ; Octolier. I'i.JS; Dtcember, 38.70;
March. WiV, ta w, liiuoliiy,
Sharp Rise in Southern Pacific Due to
Bumor of Higher Dividend.
Steel and Other Storks Decline
Because of Sales to Seenre
Panda to Invest In
NEW YORK. July 24.-The action of
Southern Pacillo today, which rose to 90 V4,
wa regarded as strongly confirmatory of
the conviction that an Increase Jn the divi
dend rate Is Imminent. No official informa
tion of the plans of the dlreetors could be
secured beyond the information that the
directors would !e In sesalon tomorrow, the
executive committee not until Inter. This
information was considered to Indicate that
a period of speculative activity in Southern
Paclflo would Intervene before dividend
action shall be announced. The profes
sional traders followed the movement on
this supposition, very Industriously. Borne
of tho rumors used with effect regarding
the probable dividend action were not con
tent with asserting the Intention to
the rate to 6 per cent, but Insisted on a
coming 7 per cent rate. Tho official esti
mates of the year s earnings mihllHhed last
week showed a balance of 3:.1,&75,1Sf after
the allowance for the dividend 011 the pres
ent outstanding preferred stock. ThlH Is
equivalent to about 12 per cent on the com
mon stock of the company. The 33'!."0O.0' 0
of new preferred stock, now In process of
payment does not yet draw dividends, tho
requirement for which would be 3iftU0.n00
each year. It will be seen that either tho
6 or 7 per cent dividend would leave a
large margin of surplus in tho present rate
of earnings. The weight of opinion in th8
trading element today was In fiivor of the
6 per cent rate. Vnlon Pacific sympathized
with the Junior security today. Tills served
to rectify, to some extent, the bad effect
of Vnlon Pacific's recent poor response to
the movement in Southern Pacific, which
threw suspicion on the latter movement.
In view of Vnlon Pacific's large holdings
of Southern Pacific and Its consequent
profit from an Increase In the latter's
dividend, Vnlon Pacillo whs expected to
move In harmony with Southern Pucllic.
The movement was not without some In
fluence on the general list, but in nothing
like the proportion that would he expected
usually of such a considerable market
demonstration In a prominent stock. This
wss partly due to the fact that there whs
some switching of traders' accounts from
other stocks Into the Harrlmuns. Accounts
In other stocks were sold out to secure
resources to put Into Southern Pacific. This
process was reported In operation in re
gard to Vnited States Steel and helped to
account for the heaviness of that stock.
The character of the discussion over tho
iron strike episode has been followed bv
a diminution of the talk of an Intended
Increase In the Vnited States Steel divi
dend at the meeting of the directors next
week. Bt. Paul showed the chtsest sym
pathy with the Harrlmans. and Amalga
mated Copper developed a degree of later
strength In compliance with the better
tone of the foreign market for the metal.
The Hill stocks were backward, owing to
the difficulties which have bee pointed
out In the way of a cutting of a Burling
ton melon for those stockholders. Monev
on call continued to decline, and at tho
same time foreign exchange made, a fur
ther encroachment on the narrow margin
which divides it from the gold export point
and kept that prospect in view. Of the
day's total sales of 682, AOO flhares. 149.4cfl
were of Southern Pacific and 176.000 of
Vnlon Pacific, thus lllustrAtlng the un
evenness of the day's market.
Bonds were Irregular. Total sales par
value 31,214,000. Vnited States 2s registered
declined V4. while the coupons advanced V4
per cent on call.
The following wss the range of prices on
the New York Stock exchange:
Salts. High. Low. Hwi
Adama Expreaa
Amalfamattd Copper
Amer. Car and Fonndry..
do pfd
Amer. Cotton Oil
do Did
52.800 81'4 H
l.Ht) 4S't i1i
jno lnoii 10014 K1014
100 3214 H 2'
.... tt
I A mar. Express
5s Vi
Amer. Hide A Leather pfd.
Amer. Ica
Amer. Unseed Oil
do pfd
Amer. bocnmotlra
do pfd
Amer. Smelting A Ref
60 pfd
Amer. Sugar Radnlng
Aoter. Tobacco ptd Us. ...
400 19 1IV4
t.l"0 6H 6944
T.SOfl 1US 1"I4 118a,
&ni loe w? 10a
12: '4
1 Aaaoonda Mining Co
j Atchtaon
do pfd
Atlantlo Coast Una
, Baltimore A Ohio
do pfd
I Brooklyn Rapid Transit....
' Canadian Pactno
94 V,
InO 91H
100 M14
1,800 1774 lUVa 171
Central of Near Jereev
Chesapaaka A Ohio
Chtoago Great Western
Chicago A Korthweatern...
C, U A St. Paul
Chicago Term. A Trans....
do pfd
C. C. C. A St. Lou la
Colorado Fuel and Iron
Colorado A Southern
do let pfd
do Id pfd
Consolidated Oaa
Com Products
do pfd
Delaware A Hudson
11., Lack. A Waatera
benrer A Rro Grande
do pfd
rilstlllera' Securities
do 1st pfd
do Id pfd
General Electrlo
Illinois Central
International Paper
do pfd
International Pump
de pfd
Iowa Central
do pfd
K. C. Southern
do pfd
Louisville A Nashville
Mexican Central
Minn. A St. Louis
M., St. P. A fiuult Sta. M.
do pfd
Missouri Parlfio
M , K. A Texaa
do pfd
National Lead
N. R. R. of Mexico pfd....
New Tork Central
N. T , Out. A Weaiern
Norfolk A Western
do pfd
North American
Pacific Mall
People' a Oaa
Pitts.. C C. A St. Louis..
Preaaed Steal Car
do pfd
Pullman Palace Car
do 1st pfd
do Id pld
Republic Steal
do pld
Rock Uland Co
do pfd
Rubber Oooda pfd
St. L. A San Fran. 2d pfd.
St. Loula SouUtweatera
do ptd
Southern Pacific
do pfd
Southern Railway
da ptd
Tenneeeee Coal and Iroo....
Texaa A Paclde
Tel., ft. L. A Western ...
do pfd
Union PaolBc
do pfd
V. 8. Expreaa
V. 8. Realty
U. 8 Rubber
de pfd
U. 8. Btoel
do pfd
Virginia-Carolina Chemical.
do pfd
da pfd
Wella-Parso Expreaa
Wcetlnsbjuee Klertrte
Weeiero t'nioa
Wheeling A Lake Erie
Wlaeoiislu Central
de ptd
Inierburoush Metropolitan..
do pfd
Oreat Northern pfd
Central Leather
do pfd
Northern Pacific
1.410 1SH4 181
21,700 ISt
134 V, 19:.
t"0 824
l.7il 27 1 1
40 "(,
1.4C0 46
24 '4
25 H
100 172S4 17ita
1.800 28V4 jj"
'inii 6si ti
W0 :tS 26
400 (UVi 61
joo 4i 41V,
6n0 14044 140
100 146 146
iio 71" n"
700 116
114; 114-4
200 41'4 4H4 41
200 107 107 107
74 TS4
M4 K
1,000 114V4 11344 113',
700 7 014 754
200 63 OS
Ron 81 ou
12.500 i;j4 Hsu, iij4
400 VI VI '4
6,900 105V4 1044 I'm
100 Hit li4 gtv,
, l.l'i't Si 14, l
100 47S4 47 47
to :s si
100 2u 0 2"'4
149.400 i4 ffS
1'") 112', 1124 112
'0 20 lt 20
100 10 10 10
MO 4'4 49 4f4
174. OuO 147 144 14t
57 V
200 -r, sr,
1) 91 9
84 10 S0 G4
4,0rt lt 100
4 10 t
"ioti 24" is"
' i w"
l"0 14'4 lf,
I 2"0 44 41
1.i 1J7 1J
200 ae 6
tfl 2" 92"
17.100 U7 16
Total saws for tba day. sl J0 aha tea.
Ferelatu Plunnelnl.
LONDON, July 24. Money was plentiful
In the market today and discounts wera
easy. Although business on th, rjtock ex
change did not materially Increase, the
tone of the market wa firmer In place
The) rise in the price of tlie metal h.lp,.j
copper shares and good t rattle returns, t -gvther
with some Investing, assisted home
rails. Confluents! support hur.lun, d d a
niond shares. Aroerlcans rose fractionally
during the morning on better news from
Wall street. But enthusiasm was lacking
here and prices moved nsrrowly until the
afternoon, when New York lidding up
Southern Pacific and I'nlon Pacific freely
put moderate Ufa Into the market and tne
dealings bucame almost active. Prices
closed firm at the best quotutlons of the
day. Japanese Imperial s closed at lftju
BERLIN. July 84-The general tendency
of the trading on the H.mrse today was
quiet. Later prices steadied.
PAKI8. July 24. Trading on the Hours
today was dull and firm. Copper si, sire
er stronger. Husalan Imperial 4s were
not quoted. Russian bonds of 19"4 closed
at f0.
'Srvr 1 eric Money Market.
NEW TORK, July II. MONEY On call,
easier, luv per cent: ruling rate, 2 per
cent; closl.ig bid. m per cent, offered at 3
per cent. Time loans, very dull and firm;
sixty days, 4V"4 per cent, and ninety days,
4Vu6 per cent; six months, 8 per cent.
per rent.
tual business In bankers' bills at 4 8&nvg
4 87 for demand and at 34.RVi1j4 835 for
Bixty-dsy bills; commercial bills, 84.83V
BILVliR Bar, SS'ac; Meexlcan dollars,
HONDS Government, irregular; railroad.
Tne closing quotations on bonds today
were as follows:
U. 8. rf. la. rf ...ljspsn 4Hn. rtfi
do rniipon
to tt series 17
.lot4 do 4 t'114
L. N. unl 8
.1Z14 nht. c. told ta.... V
.124M1. Centrsl it n
V. 9. in, Ts ,
do coupon
I". 8. tinw 4a. rrf
do coupon
Am. Tobaroo 4s..
do 6a
At'h!nn san. 4a..
'do a1). 4a
Atlantic C. L.
71 ! 1st Inc liV
.104 Minn. St. L. 4a.. 7
M.. K. T. 4a
. M do Ma 6
. 4,N. R. of M. a. aa.... Iiv,
. t N. T c. acn. ISa.... "H
" N. J. C. ten. 6a 1!J
7tt No Paclfto 4a l'lfl
,10JV do la MH
fcM N. A w. e. 4a as
. l Or. 8. L rt. 4s.... H
. 14 rnn. rr. ma
ll.Redlnt ren. 4a ti
. t:vrt. L. I. M. a. !"'
B A n. ta
1o 3H
Br. R. T. CT. 4a...
Ontral of Oa. (a..
do lt Inc
do 14 Inc
do Sd Inc
Cna. A n. 414a . .
hlcaao A A.
-., H u n. a
pt. i,. ft s. r. r. 4a.
11. 1 P. 4a.... e4st. L. 8. W. e. 4a 73
do col. Ra 7V4 S-almard A. l
fi'f. A St. t, (. 4a. M Bo. Pacldo 4a.,
rolo. lnd. Sa. aer. A. 44V, do 1at 4s ctfa..
t'olo. Mid. 4a f go. Rallar !..,
Olo. A uikera 4a.. HUH 'Tai. a P. ua
4a.. to
.. 17
.. tin
'""ha Sa 10.1 T.. Bt. L. A W. 4a.. 7"!,
U. ft R. O. 4a nit'nlon Paoitlc 4a MV
Pint 8eca. (a 81 t; B. Stl Id 6a !7
-Kria prior llan 4a.. M'-t WkOikIi
do gn. 4a to Wralfrn Md. 4a
Horlt. Vallay 4Ha....llUVlW. ft b. K. 4a
Japan a tSHWla. Central 4a.
do 2J acrlaa fyiA
Bid. Offered
. to
. 14
Roston toeki and Bonds.
BOSTON, July at. -Call loans, Vg6 per
cent; time loans, b'u prr cent, ufflclal
closing prices on bonds were as follows:
Atrhtwn adj. 4a Atlantlo 12"4
do 4a !MS4 Innahnm 15
Mix Central 4a 81 Cal ft Harla 800
Atrhlaon 94V, Ontf nnlal l
do ptd 3i Copper Kange ISii
Botoa A Albany 2i8 Iialy Weat H
"Boston A Malna....l60 Tranklln 14"4
lUwton Blavatrd 1.14 Oranhy 116
KitcMjurg ptd 123 Ilf Korale 14
Max. Ontral 50H Mass. Mining 6S4
N. Y.. N. H. A II.. 1M Mlrhli.n llj
It nlon Pacini- 14SU Mohawk S2
Am Argo. I'hamlcsl.. l'i Mont Cnal A C
do ptd 81 Old Dominion 44
Am. Pneu. Tuba S4Gaceola 129V4
Am. Buar It! Parrot 19
do pfd m Qillncr llg
Am. 1l. A Tal i Fhannon 174
Am. Woolen 24' Tamarack 10R
do pM 81 Trinity 23i
E.liaon Elac. Ill ll Lntad Copper .... tl'i
Mssa Elactrlc 15 V. 8. Mining 48
do pfd MVi V. 8. Oil o4
Masa. Oaa 8 ftah 4f,v.
United Pnilt 110T4 Victoria 1
fnlled Shoe Mich U Winona 7
do pfd atiWolTrlBe dl
I'. 8. Btael 86H North Butts 18
00 P'd 10Cn Butta Coalition
Adventure Is, Nevada 14V4
Allouai 4,1 ra1. A Aritons W
AmalKamated tlHArti. Commarclal 14
Hid. 4aked. Ki-dlvldend.
London Cloalng; Rtrecka,
LONDON, July 24. Closing quotations on
stocks were as follows:
Conenle. money 83 f-ll (., K. A Texas Wax
do arrouut 3 9-14N. T. Central 117
Anaconda UtaNortolk A Waatera... T
Atchison mn do pfd 84
do pfd It Ont. A Weatarn J7V4
Ilaltltnora A OI1I0....IOI Pennaylvanls aju
Canadian Faclflc llOljRand Mines L
Ches. A Ohio 84 Reading Mil
Chlraao O. W 114 Southern Ry
C. M. A St. P 138 do pfd 69
DeBeera USo. Paclflo 91
D. A R. O S tnlon Paclflo 1494
do pfd 74 do pfd 99
Kria inC. 8. Steel... rJ
do let pfd 82 do pfd 102S4
do 2d pfd 48 Wabash 142
Grand Trunk JSV, do pfd U
Illinois Central 147VsBpanleh 4a 83
L. A Nanhvllla 1
FILVr.Il Uar, steady; 81 11-16J per ounoe.
MONEY 2 per cent.
The rate of discount on the open market
for short bills Is 8'4 per cent; for three
months' bills, per vent.
New York Mining; Mtoeka.
NEW YORK, July 24.-Closlngr quotations
on mining stocks were;.,
Adama Con 8 little chief a
Alice Jos Ontario 176
I Breeca 20 Qufelr , no
Brunswick Con 35 ios1 i
Comatock Tunnel 87 Savese 64
j Coo. Cal. and V 64 Blerra Nevada 41
, Horn Rllver 146 Small Hopes 25
., oii.rr MM.flju Biannarq 160
Laadvllla Co,
Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON, July 24-Today s state
ment of the treasury balances in the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the 31o0.uu0,two gold
rest.rve, shows: Available cash balance,
341,167,02; gold coin and bullion, 36,3!8,
iU7; gold certificates. 380.713.ulto.
Omaha Clearing:.
OMAHA, July 24. Bank clearings for to
day were 31,637.745.18 and for the corre
sponding date last year 31,370,164.97.
Wool Market.
BOSTON, July 23.-WOOLr-Tradlng In the
wool market Is less excessive than last
year. Many heavy dealers have withdrawn,
while buyers are more disposed to hold off
until supplies are larger and the general
situation Is more clearly defined. Most of
the prominent lnfluencxs at present are of
a strengthening character and the demand
seems to be running more than ever to flna
wools, which are not over plentiful. The
s.-ason will go on record as one of the
shortest in history. The market for for
eign wool Is dull. Quotations on western
wools follow: Missouri: Three-eighths blood,
XMrXlo; quarter-blood, SOaio. Sooured val
ues: Texas fine. 13 months, TISc; fine, 6 to
8 months, C6(fi4i8c; fine fall WratHc. Cali
fornia: Northern, 6W70c; middle oounty, 65
tiimic; southern, 62tft3c; fall free, 676j8c.
Oregon: Eastern, No. 1 staple, 7iW73o; east
ern. No. 1 clothing, 70072c: eastern, average
8rr70c: valley. No. 1, finite. Territory
(ncoured basis): Fine staple, 72&'78o; fine me
dium staple, 6Xt?ji70c; fine clothing, tHujO",
fine medium clothing, 6tj't45Rc. Pulled wool:
Kxtra, oVu7c; line A, 5ia6ic; A tuner, 50t
5ec; H supers, 44fiH7c; C supers, 8.'XfiKe.
IXJNDON, July 24. WOOL The wool auc
tion sales closed today with a moderate
selection offered, which met with ready
sale at current rntee. During the series,
good merinos met with Increased competition
on the part of American buyers and the
closing rates were partially 6 per cent
higher than the previous auctions. Klne crotss
breeds realised unchanged prices, while
poor growth and scoured merinos show a
decline of 6 to 10 per cent. Cape of flood
Hope and Natal wools were 6 per cent
cheaper. During the sales the continent
purchased fio.OnO. the home trade, TS.uoO and
America, (VX) bales. The number carried
over for the next sale was 23, GOO. The fol
lowing Is today's sale In detail: New South
Wales. 'KO bales: scoured. SHdfls HH'J;
gri-asy. 8flfl8. Queensland. 900 balrs: scoured,
Sii'nls 7Mj1; greasy. Mills Vfcd- Victoria, tK)
hales; scoured, lOdfi'ls lid; greasy, 7Vtdfp
Is L'tl. South Australia, ix bales; scoured,
7tl''tls 7d. New Zealand. 4,400 bales; scoured,
llVlf'f'Js; greasy, odditis Id. Cape of flood
Hope and Natal. 4-) bales; scoured, sdfals
ll'd; greasy, 5UaiVd. River . Plutte, 600
bales; gressy, KVyills 2d.
ST. LOCIS, July 24 WOOL Steady;
medium grades, cnmhlng and clothing. 26
ii'lc; light fine. 2if12c heavy fine, KJjlic;
t'Jb washed, 2yj3hc.
Cotton Market.
ket was nervous and Irregular, prices sold
Into new high ground for the movement,
during the earlier session, but weakened
later and closed stesdy at a net loss of
8 to 15 points. The sales were estimated at
3r0.(i bales.
Increased demand, prices 8 points higher;
American fnlr, K.l'7c; good middling, 7 7Se:
middling, T.lVe; low mid lllng. c Mc; good
ordinary, 6.07c; ordinary. 5 47. The shs
of the day were l'),v bales, of which 6u0
were for speculation and export and in
cluded 9.100 American. Kictlpls. 1,000 bules;
no A met lean.
ST. IXM'ltf. Mo., Julv 24. COTTON
Quiet; middling, Jc. Buleti. St bales; re
ceipts. 1j littles; shipments, 24 bales;
stock, 9.3-6 bales. ,
Oils and Hoalo.
OIL CITY. July 24 -OIL8-?red1t bsl
ances, 1178: runs. 112, if ibls : averuioi.
I lf,.i.iol bbls.; Hhipmtmts, lti7,13h bbls.; aver-
SAVANNAH. Ga.. July 24. OIL-Turpentine,
firm; StVc.
Kt ;N' Firm; sales, 2.778 bbls.; receipts,
2.1'7o bbls., shipments, lie)-bbls. ; stix k. bo,
o. ;i bbls. Quote: A B C, 84. 164 30; E, 4.6t-rt
4 70; F, 34.Xf44.e5; ti. J4 Si'74 to; H, 14 .(
4(D; I, J4uat; K, s.lo6.o; M, J5 2oo
J...i; N. J6 S0; W G. 36 90; W W, 36 00.
Mllwaakee Grala Market.
Steady; No. 1 Northern. 31'112: No. 3
Northern. sr74j4l.iai; He.t.mber, tfrZMvs.
RVE-Pteady; No. 1, 87c.
HA RLE Y Lull . No. 2. 70c; sample. (4
O'RN-Hlgher: No. I aah, 62jji3c; Bup
ten,b.r. L3ic bill
JULY 23. 1007.
Cattle of All Kinds Slow and Ten
dency lower.
sheep and Lambs Very Slow and Doll
from Start to Finish, with Park
ers Rot Trying to
Day Many.
POUTH OMAHA, July 34. 1907.
Receipts were: Cattle. Iloss Sheen.
Offlflal Mnndsv 7 Qo7 nun v-,
Official Tuesday 2.887'3 8.07;
Estimate Wednesday .... S.noo ,j"0 ,Mo
Three days this week. .13,734 24. Ml K.6i7
Same days last week 10.117 ,757 10.217
Same days 2 weeks ago.. 9.H36 35.215 lS.rW7
Samo days 3 weeks ago. 7,419 1W.6..3 10.6W
Same days 4 weeks ago. .12 UtiO 2,V4'i 8.V.J
Some davs last year 12,li4 19.961 22.10
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to date, compared with last year.
... 19071. 19H6. Inc. Dec.
c,at,,e 614.414 6i'.,&)2 88.S13
l,M2.7i l.fH7,S21 84,5;.!
B"eep &J,2M M4.86S 40,4ffl
The following teble shows the averago
price of hogs at South Omaha for the last
everal days, with comparisons:
tte. I 1907. 19W1. 11906. 1804.1903.1902. 11901.
E 74
8 64
5 33
5 .18
5 47
4 S9
5 94)
5 77
t 5
6 54
5 69
6 14
6 r8
5 68
6 71
5 70
o 73
5 71
6 7f.
6 72
6 5U
6 t'3
6 1:1
5 381
5 V.
5 17
5 -a
7 731
6 54
3 19
7 17
7 71
6 50
6 19
8 61
8 51
8 47
5 (Mil
t 20
7 71
7 74
1 8 tw.
6 to
5 21
5 22
5 ?2I
I 22
5 2
5 231
S 18
6 74!
5 87
6 l,l
S t'4
5 11
7 So
7 til
5 5. 6 l
8 511 K 101
I 5 4MI 5 07!
6 5?i 4 94
8 661 5 471
7 41
7 S21
7 41
Cattle. HnRs.
Omaha 3! 5"t7.f 36 "Mi 20
KanSHS City 2. 2f, 17 7 25 6.frrl 30
Chicago l.MwiTSi 6.KKSW.30
Pt. Ixiuls ra 7.35 6.7'X'itJ 35
Rioux City 2.5OW7.10 5.70'u6.05
C, M. & St. P 1 8 ..
Wabash 4
Missouri Pacific 21 1
Union Paclllc System. 17 29 12 4
C. & N. W.. east.... 1 17
C. & N. W., West f,.' 50 5 2
C, St. P., M. A O. 2 9 1
C, 13. & Q., east.... 10
C, R. & Q., west.... 20 10 8 2
C R. I. A P., east... 2 15 .. ..
C, R. I. A P., west.. 3
Illinois Central ! 4
Total receipts ....IS8 144 24 8
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Cattle. Ho(?s. Sheep.
. 290 1.084
Omaha Packing Co....
Swift and Company
Cudahy Packing Co......
Armour & Co
Cudahy, from K. C
Swift, from Ft. Worth.
2.V19 118
8,549 M3
2.813 304
The official number of
of stock
n today by each roed was:
Co ttle. Hogs. Sheep. Hrs's
Carey ft Renton in
Hill & Son 71
K. P. Lewis 31
Huston & Co , 30
Hamilton & Rothschild.. 115
J. H. Bulla 9
J. B. Root & Co 78
T. B. Inghram 19
Sullivan Hros 3
Le timer Bros 1
Other buyers 2!1
Total 3,495 .4r6 8,602
CATTLK Receipts of cattle this morning
were not large, only 123 cars being reported
In, of which number eleven cars wero di
rect to packers and not offered for sale.
There was a sprinkling of all kliuK but no
great number of any one thing. The mar
ket aa a whole was slow and to that ex
tent at least unsatisfactory.
Packers were late In getting out Into the
yards and It was evident right from the
Start that their orders were not sufficiently
pressing to make an active market. The
whole market was a drag from start to
finish. Some of tho best cattle perhaps
did not sell so very much lower, but the
general tendency was lower on everything.
Medium to common kinds of fed steers,
such as show more or less grass and all
kinds of medium to pretty decent grass,
westerns have been gradually working to a
lower basis all the week. Such cattle are
2T,c, and In some cases as much as 4to
lower than a week ago. Chicago closed ?ff
40c lower last week, while there was little
change at this point. This week the
Omaha market Is having its turn and prices
are being forced down to a point that will
bring them An line with Chicago. It Is
difficult for the country to realize Just how
much lower these cattle are.
The cow trade was very dull today. Some
sellers who happened to have what buyers
wanted, thought they got out In pretty
good shape and about us well as yester
day, but, on the other hand, the general
market was lower. Grass cows, like grass
steers, have sold off sharply "lis week,
but strictly good dry lot cows and heifers
have held up very well.
Good welgnt feeders hove been In fair
demand every day this week and have sold
to good advantage., but. as noted before in
these columns, the light stocks, even the
best grades, have been a drug on the mar
ket. Prloes have slumped so rapidly that
it has been almost Impossible to keep up
with the market. They are at the best
25f(50c lower than the best time a week or
ten days ago and some grades are 6075c
Representative sales:
Ho. A. Pr. N. At. Pr.
! 117.1 I (0 to net s (5
I til 4 75 I Hint t 00
17 442 4 71 II 12SI I 00
11 lOtiO 4 0 t.i 1UT t 00
10 ! t 10 13 1IH t 60
) til 8 It ift net us
10 lOtifl t 10 SI 1:147 I 74
t 7140 I 40 Si n?- t 0
11 lint ( M 64 lS'tl W
10 SD7 I 0 U 11,07 7 00
4 1J 5 40
1 1140 1 60 4 S70 3 10
JK Wl 2 S II 10.',2 I ft5
1 V S 41 4 101.8 I 65
It Ml I 65 18 tl I 16
1 HO0 76 8 SM I 70
14 TSi 2 75 1 til) t 70
I 17: 6 V.'H 7t
1 10.3 2 10 11 &M ft 70
1 IU ' 1 H.1 I 70
W. tf.t I 85 It t7 I 70
1 1020 J 00 11 MJ 1 70
3 116 I 0 t 104! I 7J
U :4 3 00 I ififirt 1 ao
1 11 1 ID It 9M I M
1 11 1 00 1 1070 9 M
I IT6 I 10 I ntaj 4 00
2 tbO I 10 1 12.K) 4 .)
1010 1 10 I imo 1 (a)
1 SW I 10 10 11 40 4 04
1 "l I 10 1 1140 4 00
1 1140 I 10 6 1140 4 "5
1 1175 1 30 T 1,5 4 J5
I S1 I 40 1 1J.JQ i 40
1 SW 40 1 1140 4 40
1 ll'O I 40 I M4 4 SO
1 1:W I 50 1 mo 4 50
3 t50 1 6 1 1370 4 40
1 10 I 40 1 15M 4 04)
1 10r0 I 40 1 us.) 4 ,)
1 H0 I 46 1 H7u 4 11
1 1240 I 40 1 1,',70 4 ?r,
2 1415 I 76 1 1410 4 25
1 U'.O I 75 1 . 4 16
1 1:'.to 4 00 1 1.130 t 40
1 130 4 0
4 4r6 ' I lit 76J 25
1 ISO I 46 4 125 I 76
1 1170 I 10 1 70 4 21
671 I 26
6 114 5 10 1 m I 75
I l"5 6 0" 1 2.-.0 i 75
1 170 6 TS I t kj
44 4 10
t" 1 15 II 0i t 00
4"0 1 o 19 8lo I to
...... 5lJ t 45 i n 4 00
ti 1 60 is t:t 4 eo
Spear Brus., Wy.iming. 4 it 1 stter 130" 6
bo steers.
3 steers K'.'O
1 fleer
2 steers. ...1 no
t steers. ...Ion)
A. J.
32 feeders.. Uuu
6 15 1 steer lm) 5
5 15 1 stf-er l.tiu 5
5 15 1 steer lltiu
4 75
Abbott. Nebraska.
4 do 12 steers. ...12'
4 RT.
HtMlr- Hoks
iis-nca DC tilKI er i l mnrn.
lng, with possibly mure advance than that
on some of the llgl't hogs. Tlie buying,
however, as limited to one or two pai-kers'
and they very quickly lowered their hands
Aft.r the first round, all the advun. e was
lost, and the msrket from that time was
sltiv.-, ailh buyers offering only about yes
terday's prices. A good share of the hogs
sold today inside the range, J.7 (M t (ft, itii
a top at 3 20 Testeiday the hogs sold
largely si . w tin. no. vttn
top at $6.10.
Representative sales:
1 ..
44 ..
4t ..
.Ul .
. Isl
8h. p.
.. 6 at
.. I M
... IH
10 I M
. 171
. IM
. 141
I 71
I a
i so
I to
14 ...
SO ...
TO 147 1?0 I
M t4l 40 SS
tt r i 10 1 Ht
T Ill to IU
TO llti 40 I Si
tt I I ID IK
tl 130 ... I M
14 110 ... I V3
44 ) tl I M
s :o no ill
V- I0 ... I eft
7 tst 40 4 s
TO 141 40 6 tS
76 .tt 10 It:,
1 tM 0 t !74t
II K40 40 I 7
B: t4 ... 3 74i
II 4 rno 5 7'
M t 4" 5 7'
41 1 IU ISO I P7H
I I 7V
7 im to aiva
to M4 io 1 ;h
le id mo 4 00
74 lit 40 4 00
71 HI ) 00
ft t ... 4 00
41 !4l tet I f0
U l) 4 00
71. K7 ... I 00
TT. t7 ... 4 00
M in ... 4 CO
70 tM to oe
5 ir.t to I 00
S !'4 40 4 00
17 ir.i ... too
to tit ... 4 00
4 .1 M IM
75 t4 ... I 00
Ti . m I OIH
74 tt 1) 4 07 S4j
70 111 ... 4 OB
107 I I 40 I 04
71 HO ... 4 OS
ft! 0 0 I 04
M Ml ... I to
V! t.V) I K
1 ! 40 I an
M ! ... i to
5 t7 4n I 01
7r.. rt lit I M
6 154 ito 6 r1
SI !4 ... I tO
41 l4 ... I to
41 141 ... I a.)
7t HQ .. . 8 t
Hl to I to
174 . . i M
16 171 M ll
134 f.O i (1 ,)
Si 10 I 40
II Sit 10 t an
120 t M
44 f1 ... I 90
41 7J fl t XI
TJ taj to I n
40 iff. 40 I ,!
7 10 ... ao
48 148 ... I tO
M t4 l III
ii m t i?h
49 247 ... 6 IIS
ST 11 ... 6
71 t5 40 t a."
M J7T ... t t24j
40 171 ... t
64 1M 40 I 41
41 tr ... I t't
T4 tig an
17 IU ... 4 10
tti so e u is 111 in 1 1
77 144) 100 I lis M :j 10 4 10
II 117 SO I eft It ?lt ... t 11V4
II 14 ... IU tl I0J 40 4 IU
SHEKP The market this morning wns a
dead tine. Tho receltps were large and
advices from eastern points were not st
all encouraging. Mure than that, packers
were complaining that the eastern mutton
msrkot was exceedingly bad. Whatever
may have leen the reason, It was very
evident that packers either did not care
fnr fresh supplies of any consequence, or
else were determined to break the market.
They were very backward about making
bids, and when they did bid. their offers
were decidedly lower. To relieve the pres
sure loc.Uly, milto a number of sheep were
shipped out without being sold. Such stuff
as did sell went at prices that were right
at 2."c lower than yesterday morning.
Quotations on rangy sheep and lambs:
Good to choice lambs. 37.iK(i7.40: fair to
good lambs, H.5tV,i.7.00; cull lambs. 34 5iKiJ6 fio;
good to cholco yearling wethers. 33 26&6.fl6;
good to choice wethers, 34.7Vi7fi.25: good to
choice ewes, 84.76trt26: fair to good ewes,
34.2f.tTt4. 75; culls and lambs, J2.5Uij4.00.
Representative sales:
No. At. Pr.
f.17 Wyoming yearlings 79 5 t
21 Wyoming yearlings, fdrs..t.. TH 5 60
Western ewes, fdrs 78 3 78
8 Western bucks 110 3 O0
17 Western bucks 73 4 00
Cattle ateady to Weak Hoars Ten to
Fifteen Cents Higher.
CHICAGO, July 24. CATTLE Receipts,
about lit.nno head; market, best, steady;
others weuk and dull; common to prime
steers, J4.7fjVT.3o; cows, J.l 2556. 75; heifers.
J3.00fii5.75; bulls. J3.1!90.2B; calves, $3.00
7.26; stockers and feeders, J3 005 00.
HOGS Receipts, about 23.000 head; mar
ket, hufilfic higher; good to prime heavy,
J6.aKa6.8u; medium to good heavy, J8.1iiJ
6.20; butcher weights, 3.lM-r JB; good Jo
prime mixed, J6.1tv(?4t80; light mixed. JS 28
f86.8r; packing, 8u.44rti4.10; Pigs, J3.6tVo41 36;
selected, ja.oVa4M5; bulk of sales, KV'iP
RHEF7P AND LAMBS Receipts, about
14,(n head; market 10 to 25c lower; sheep,
33.2Sfr8.of; yearlings, JR.5tu-40; lambs,
35 rt W.50.
New Tork Live Stork Market.
ceipts, 2,Ut head; steers, 15fi25o lower;
bulls snd cows, 10 to 15c lower; common
to choice steers sold at 84.5Mi455 per 100
pounds; bulls, 33.404i4.ti0; one car Ohio bulls,
Jl .40. Dressed beef, steady, from Oflflnc.
Exports today, 1,050 cattle and 7.500 ou'arters
of beef; tomorrow, 4,io0 quarters or beef.
CALVES Receipts, 8,475 head; veal mar
ket fairly active and steady; buttermilk,
steady to a shado lower; all sold. Common
to choice veals Bold at 5.6fafl.7E per 100
pounds; grassers and buttermilks, at J3.50
.'(M.60. City dressed veals steady at 9i'13e;
country dressed at 7frl1Vfcc; dressed graasura
and buttermilks at 71t9c.
SHEEP AND LA M B8 Receipts, 1114
head. Sheep market, steady. Lambs more
active and full steady. Prime and choice
grades a fraction higher. Common to
firlme sheep at J3.5oSi45 50; common to prime
ambs, 86.00tu7.26; two cars at 7,37Va and one
choice car at 87.50.
HOGS Receipts. 6,0f head; market, fair
to 10c higher; heavy to choice, light, state
and Pennsylvania hogs are quoted at $6.80
t7.00; a few pigs might exceed quotations.
Kansas City Lira Stock Market.
ceipts, 11.000 head. Including 2,000 southerns;
market ateady; grass cattle a shade lower;
choice export and dressed beef steers,
J6 Kttil.lS; fair to good, 36. (V7F6. 25- western
fed steers, 84 26 fi'J.OO; stockers and feeders,
33.50tg6.00; southern steers, J3.6on14.80; south
ern cows, 33.60tij3.n0; native cows, 32(va4.30;
native heifers, J.'l.lXre6.75; bulls, Ji.'.&tiftj't.Oij;
calves, J4.fXVn.fi0.
HOGS Receipts. 11.400 head; market ft
Vc higher; top, 16 SO; bulk of sales. 86.101$
8 25; heavy, tS.OUtij 1: packers, 36.10tij6.22'4;
pigs and lights. $.lf.T41 30.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2.300
head: msrket steady: lambs. JS.SOtOT.e'i:
1 ewes and yearlings, JS ryvfr0O; Texas clipped
yearnngs, it. ytiwk. a ; Texas cupped stieep,
Jj.2JxaC.85; stockers and feeders, J3.50tff5.00.
Bt. I.onh Live f4toek Market.
ST. LOt'IS. Mo.. July 24.-CATTIR-Re-celpts,
7,X0 head, inclutling 4,000 Texans.
Market lower. Native shipping and export
steers, J5.40r&7.35; dressed beef and butcher
steers. 34.7rsft6.10; steers under l.roo potindH.
34.0t"'u4.66: stockers and feeders. 33.0t6t.S5:
cows and heifers, tt.lSti&OO: canners, J1.75
1t'-.40; bulls. K.TMH.riO, calves 34 OOti.W.OO;
Texas and Indlnn steers, JSfiS.BO; cows
and heifers, $1.8053.75.
HOGS Receipts, 6,6f0 head. Market, 5
10c higher. Pigs and lights, 5.7ijiJ 45;
packers. 35.754t6.S5; butchers and best heavy,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,600
head. Market lower. Native muttons, 33 50
i5.&o; lambs, 34mtii7.on: culls and bucks,
J3.004I4.00; stockers, $4.003f..75.
St. Joseph Lire Stork Market.
Mjilnl. 9 7tt1 t, 1. u , 1 - r, 1 I-1 11, u .,. . ... .. 1 1 . . . .,
$4.50187.00'; cows and heifers. J2.2.'ji5 60; stock
ers and feeders, J3.5ft4.5t).
nttiio-necfipis, 04.1,1 nesn: marget, 10c
higher: top, J6 3--"; lilk, J6.lj.20.
stfirir,.r 1 vn 1 am nsiT-.t..t tti
head; market stesdy; litmbs, $6 fsWj.Bi';
yearlings. J6 25ij.tx); wethers, J5.2f,46.75;
ewes, J5.0O56.J5.
Hoax City l ive Ntock Market.
STOt'X CITY, la.. July 24. fSpeclal Tele,
gram.) CATTLE- Recelnts, 500 head; mar
ket strong; beeves, lfi.0ofi$7.10; fat cows and
heifers. $4.254 fi.Eil; grass cows, $?.5tt4.t0;
stockers ami feeders, $3.7&Tr4.75; calves and
yearl'PBS. $S.f"ri4 00.
HOGS Recelnts.. f. ro head: market BtfMOo
higher: selling at Ji.75iiti.05; bulk of sales, i
tork In Slant.
Receipts of live stock at the six prin
cipal western markets yesterday:
t at tie. j togs. Sheep.
Pouth Omaha 3 ") fc.tvo 4 mio
Sioux Cltv 4.('1 5.61 J6tV)
Kansas City H.40O 2,Xt ;
Pt. Joseph 2 371 r..M04 5,771
St. Louis 7.oOO 6 ",'0 5..Wl '
Chicago 10Xfl 23.0uO 14,0t0 I
.46.371 61,6a 30.671
Metal Market.
NEW YORK Julv 24 - M ETA LB There
was an sdvni'ce of ICir.s In the Tondort
tin market, with soot t losing at 183 6s
and f'-ttires st CIS. Locally ti e mrk
wtis dull and unchanged st 81I .fOfrtl.I.V
Copper was higher In the English msrket.
snot advancing 2 It) to !6, and futures
1 Us to . Iocallv thn market ton
tlnued dull and nominal, with I.ak quoted
at 3'(l.0(Vi!j On: electrolytic. 0 fsri .'1.O0. and
casilnr nt 0fiS).25. Ltsd was unchang. tl
at .. 15--1 5 -5 in the local market, but de
clined hm. to 2o 10s in Limlon 8jeltr
was 2s 6d lower at 23 16s In Ixindnn. Lo
cally the 11 srket wus weak, with smt
tiuoted at H'siOt. Iron was irregular
In the London market, with standard
foundry closing at 57s 3d. and ClevelHnd
warrants at 6ss Cd. locallv the market
wss unehanxed No. I foundry northern 's
quoted at $2K 7'W24.; No 2. $24 rti ?.; . J:
No. 1 founilrv sotitliern. $28.00, and No. !
fonndrv at ?1.5o.
ST. LfJI'lM. Mo.. Julv 24 METALS
I-ad. unsettled at $,V0Gn5.06. Spelter, weak
at J6K6
j Evaporated Apvlra and Dried Fruits.
A PPLE8 Market Is tiulet. rather reassur
ing advances as to new crop pr-s'er's
cherklns- deJcsnd for futures st the. com
paratively h'gh orices The spot msrket
Is unchanged, with fnnev ouotei at Hc;
choice. X'4c; prime, 74.'f'c. and poor tt
fa'r AolTV-
DRIED FRI'ITP-Pnines sre iincrunr"!
on spot, with ntmtstlnns rsnr'ner from 41..
to HUc for California fruit and from hKe to
for Oregotis Apricots are stesrlv. wltli
choice quoted at lc; extra choice, c, ami
.v) M11 . . 1 an
IS ; w I sa
U 144 IK I IV
44 i at) I H
f'7 1 1 ... til,
M ... w
1 IU 40 I f74
0 I t K I 7H
&. 11 40 t UTS
41 . ... t -
m ri ... 1 jth
P7 tv4 40 IK
fancy. IJJj:3c. Pesches are quiet and un
changed, with choice quoted at Ki'; ixtr.t
i lio It e, I?'tul3c: fiiucy, at 1.'mi13V, and
extra fancy at H.rUV- Raisins are quiet,
but steady, lth loose must atel quoted at
8rtlnc; seeded raisins at 71xil3c; lxmdon
lajers. tl.7iaua.8&.
Condition of Trade and 4aoatlosta Ota
Slav1' and Fanry Prod ace.
FGGS-3'er doi., li15c.
BL'TTER Peeking stock, 18c; cholca to
fancv tlalry. S.;i2Jc; creamery, 26c.
LIVE POILTHY-Pprlng chickens, lfj
I8 ; hens, loo; roosters, be; turkeys, leo;
ducks. Kr; geese, tjo.
PLACKBERK1ES Case, 24 tits.. 3S.25i7j
RASPBERRIES Red, 24 pts., 33; black,
34 qts., J3.
O'lt'SKHFRRlFS-Case, 24 qts., 33.
CHKKRIF.S-Home growh, 34 qts . ft.
HEP CI It HA NTS Case, 24 Qts.. II. (6.
yellow freestones, tl . TS.
PKACHKS-Texae Elbertas, 4 basket
crate, 11; 6 basket crate, 12 00,
CALIFORNIA FLU MS-Per crate, Jt.00.
CALIFORNIA CHERRIES Per box ol lbs . bls-k or white. J2.00.
46c and 600, crated for shipment, Jo per lb.
CANTELOrPE-Califortila. 46 to crate,
standard. Jb.60; 64 to create, pony, $e.60;
Texas. 30 sice. 82.
LEMONS -I. lmonlera. else, 8.00; 861
tlse, $s0; other brands. 50o less.
BANANAS - Per medium-slaed bunch,
$:.fMl2.2u; Jumbos. J2.6uuj3.60.
ORANGES Medltenarirae Pweeta,
fancy, 160 slse, J4.26; 178, 300, 31 and
-Sti sixes, J4 60; . 134 nd V klses.
14. 0, extra fancy. 2fc mora per box; St.
Michaels, 176, 200. 31$ and 260 stse
34.75; 126 and 160 sixes, 84 40; Valenoiaa,
80. 86 and 112 sixes. 34 0$-t.76; 138, 1W, Lt,
tw and 313 sixes, 34.7tiAxUO.
J4.0o; extra farcy, 2&c mora per box; St
lowis, 6c; new stuffed walnut dates, SWItx
box. li.ta).
DATES Kadaway. 6'4c; layer. 8c; hal-
lowls, In-; new stuffed walnut tliitea, 8-lb.
box. 11.00,
NAVY BEANS Per on. No. 1. ll.OOtf
2.10; Mo. 2. Jl.80Qi3.00.
POTATOES Per bu.. new. $1.00.
NEW PKIPHRS-Fer 8-basket crate,
J2; per M, bushel box, 76c.
ASPARAGl'S Tie por doi. bunches.
UEANS New wax and string, par
bu. box or basket, 75c.
dim bunches, soft 36c.
VIEPLANT Per dog. bunches, 20a
Cl t'i'MItFRS-Prr dog , 600 75o.
TOMATOES Tennessee, fancy, IJ-IlX.
crate, f:J.
ONIONS- Green onions, per doa., 860.
CAIU3AQB- Home grown, 2c per lb.
LEAF LETi'LCtt-Hot-house. per dea.
hvnds. 20c
RADISHES Per doa. bunches. hol)
gttin. "tie
CELERY' Kalamazoo, S0?f35c per doa.
No. 1 ribs, 13Vic; No. 8 ribs, 12o; No. 8 riba,
ltc; No. 1 loin, 13c; No. 2 loin, 14'c; No.
3 loin, 13c; No. 1 chuck, 6c: No. 2 clun k,
6Htc; No. 3 chuck, 6c; No, 1 round, 9c; No.
2 round, 9c: No. 8 round, 8Hc; No. 1 Plata,
8c; No. 2 plate, 2.c; No. 8 plat, 2S4jC.
M 1 SC H Ll-A N EX 1 1' S.
COFFER Roasted, No. 36, 260 per' Ib.J
20. 14c per lb., No. 26, 16c per lb.; No.
20. 144c per lb.; No. 21, 12Hc per lb.
are somewhat unsettled by freer offerings
from second hands, who seem desirous of
moving supplies of Immediate grades. Quo
tations range from 6c to 9c for California
fruit and from 6yti8c for Oregon. Peaeheg
are slightly easier, with fancy yellow
quoted at 13c. Raisins are firm; three
crown loose Muscatels are quoted at Vu;
four-crown, 10c; seeded rslslns, 94llc.
FISH Pickerel, dressed. 10c; pike,
dressed, 15c; white fish, dressed, winter
caught, 13'l5c; fresh, 16c; trout, 12'til5e;
halibut, 11c; salmon, 16c; catfish. 17o; her
ring, dressed. Rc; crapples, round, 64tc;
crtipnles, largo, fancy, 10c; black bass, 26c;
smelts, sweet and fine, 13c; eel, 18c; blue fish,
16c; red snapper, 13c; ro had. per pair,
40'itiOc; frog legs, 3',U4V, lobsters, green,
per lb., 27c; lobster boiled, per lb., 80c;
mackerel, Spanish, per lb., 16c; mackerel,
native, Wu3ba per lb.; fresh green turtle
meat, 26c per lb.; dressed buffalo. 8c; bull
heads, 12c; white perch, 7c; white bass, 15o.
CANNED aOODS-Corn, ita t.'ard west
ern, 66c. Tomatoes, fancy, S-pound cans,
J1.45: standard, 8-pound cans. $1.28. PI no
applet, grated, 2-pound, J? 2KtT2.80; sliced,
Jl.76ij2.85. Gallon apples. 33 25. California
apricots, 32.00. Pears. 31.7r.ifi2 60. Peaches,
Jl. 75i 2.40; L. C. peaches, J2.0fn2 .60. Alaska
sslmon, red, J1.30; fancy Chinook, fiat, J2.10;
fancy sockeye, fiat, 11.96. Sardines, quarter
oil, J3.26; three-quarters mustard, J3.10.
Sweet potatoes, J1.2VJ1 36. Patier kraut, Doo.
Pumpkins, ROcitiJl.00. Lima beans, 3-lb., 75a
iJl.25. Soaked peas, 2-lb., 60c; fancy, J1.26J
NUTS California walnuts. No. t, soft
shell, 12c; Brazils, lfiVtlSc; pecans, idftzia;
filberts, Ho; peanuts, raw, 7Wc; rousted,
fs'nc; California almonds, lv'ic; cocoanut.
J5.00 por 1M.
CofTre Market.
NEW TORK, July 24 OOFFEI5 Ttisj
market for coffee futures opened steady
at unchanged prices to a decline of 10
points under scattering liquidation or real
izing; and some selling for a turn. Etiro
1 in markets made a fairly steady show
however, large trade Interests wero
ers early, and during the morning
prices worked up R points over the clos
ing figures of lust night on one or two
months. Later the market eased off
slightly under Wall street selling and
closed steady, net unchanged to 6 points
lower. Sales were 42.2CO bags. Including
July, 6.75c; September, 6 65f6 70c; Novem
ber, 6.70c; December. 6.75c; March, 6.76c4
SSftoj May. 5. 00c. Spot coffee, quiet; No.
7 Rio. 6c: No. 4 Santos, 7c; mild coffee,
quiet; Cordova, Pirl2Wc.
oarar and Molasses.
NEW YORK. July 24. BUG A R Raw,
firm; fslr refining. 3.87V-C; centrifugal, 98
test, S.37'i3.38c; molasses sugar, S.2c; re
fined, steady; crushed, 6.7oc; powdered,
6.10e; granulated, S.m'ic.
NEW ORLEANS. La., July 24. St'OAR
Steady; open kettle, centrifugal, SVy3T4c:
centrifugal yellow, STi'S'4"4ic ; seconds, 2iJ
MOLASSES-Culet; new syrup, 30tf34o.
Prices of Wool Hlslng-.
BOSTON, July 23-Prlces In the Boston
wool market are rising and a corresponding
withdrawal of buyers Is noted. The dealers
say activity will be shown ss soon as tho
buyers and sellers are willing to compro
mise. Philadelphia Prodace Market.
good demand; western firsts, free cases,
18c at mark.
CHEICSE-Ftrm; New York full creamg,
Enough Mistreatment for Woman snd
he Has Her Husband
G. T. a blacksmith, broad of
shoulder and deep of chest, was aoeused by
Itts wife before the people's bar Wednesday
morning of abusing her when drunk.
'I've stood It for fourteen years Judge ,
aid Mrs. Wlsa. "I've never had htm ar
rested before, but I can't stand It any
longer. He doesn't more than half sop
port his family and he Is drinking most of
the time." ,
Wlss was given ten day In Jail.
For rartlonlars Adaress
The I1IBUS M. (ZL M. Co.
1032 Fourtttnth St., Dtnutr, Colo,
"Only a limited amount of Ooaraotead
ntocs ror ejala
General Elwtrte Peter Co.
I Of CkafttU
I 61 INTEREST txtd
I DlrUend Parficlpsflng Btrntlj
(j n Tea tewret I fnatsa treat
9 M. J. CREEVY a CO.-
U 414 3c. BLDG.
B MK8t$T lliai WriJTalUr M TM ItassTSf