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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1907)
I THE OMATTA DAILY BEE: TIITTRSDAT, JULY 25, 1007. 10 il 5S TUT VVIini P PITY IQ TAI KMR flF TUP III. IIIIULb Will III IllkltlilWI W 1 TREMENDOUS BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING EVERY DAT FROM THE O'DOHAHOE, REMOtID, NORMILE i ENTIRE STOCKS OF SHOES AND MILLINERY HOW OH SALE AT ABOUT OHE-HALF PRICE THURSDAY EXTRA SPECIAL QUICK CLEARANCE OF WOMEN'S KI6H GRADE SUMMERY Smart Shirt Waists Worth I! 25 at 69c Small lots and broken lots of high grade summer Waists have been grouped forquick clearance at a small price Thursday. These waists are in newest styles, with long and short sleeves, open front or back fancy embroidered fronts, lace in sertings many of the favorite Peter Pans Marie Antoinettes, etc. also pretty colored waists, worth up to $2.50, at each All our very finest imported waists as well as all our silk, net and lingerie waists will be rapidly cleared at startling bargain prices. Sale Starts Thursday July 25th Men's Odd Coats. $1.00. Strong serviceable Men1 Pants, 11.00. Men's Suits that sell everywhere as nigh as $11.00, your cholre, $5.00. Mens Suits worth as high as $15.00, one, two and three of a pattern left but a good many different kinds, your choice $7.60. Suits worth as high as $22.00. to close them out quick take your choice for $9.90. Men's PanU worth up to $3.60, your choice $1.90. Men's Pants worth Tip to $5.00, take your pick for $2.48. Boys' good weight Overalls to age 11, now 25c. Men's CoatleBS Suspenders. 19c. President Suspenders, 39c. Shaw Knit Hose, 20c. Men's light weight Undershirts, 16c. Men's fancy Hose, worth up to 20c, your choice 9c. Men's $1.00 Union Suits, 69c. Men's soft Shirts with collars attached, in plain tan and slate colors, 39c. Men's Silk Four-in-hands, worth up to 35c, your choice, 15e. Soma Men's Shirts slightly soiled, worth 60c, sale price, 19c. Shirts worth up to $1.25, your choice 4 8c. Men's Underwear, worth up to 75c, your choice, 35c. Men's strong Suspenders, 16c. Suspenders worth up to 75c, your choice 25c, and hun dreds of similar articles for men and boys equally as cheap. GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO., 1519-1521 Douglas Street. OMAHA WKATHEK FOKF.CAST Thursday Fair. BUYER'S WEEK Tha fourth day of this extraordinary barraln . will attract greater crowds around tha bargain tables tbaa rt witnessed. Wbyf Because tha aula baa baan proclaimed aa though from tha housetops, by thoaa who have attended It. A pleaaad customs! beats all kinds of paper-carrylne; advertising. Thla sale has now had three days momentum. The buyers and clerka. knowing- that thla la their affair theirs peculiarly are enthnalaetlo. They're making- reoorda for themeelvee, and record making- la a paying Investment with BEHKITT employeea. Xt'a be oauaa they made reoorda prior to July let, that thla big retail Institution determined on giving each clerk a half holiday during July and August. Help tha buyers encourage tha clerka attend thla extraordinary money saving sale. m A MIGHTY BIO FATIHO THCTO OH TOW. HLAXA'B VTBI TOO OBBTSB orzxr ax,x. sat thttbsdat Cnnolol (ni Thla VUooh Beautiful silver spoon, FREE, all this week, with each 25c pur- tjj chase of Zest, at booth In basement. & M Zest, toasted wheat flakes, per ? . i . i SpUUKBgtt lUU n i. rmmr -l li NET AND SILK WAISTS. Very fine nets, measallnes, Jap Silks, and taffeta waists, with lace medallions, panels, etc. have sold up to fJQ $12.60, at fiUO LINGERIE & TAILORED WAISTS This includes may sample Opera Waists, also embroidered wash jumper waists, etc., worth as high as $7.60 each, at 1.83-2.50 CLEARANCE OF WAISTS WORTH UP TO S7.S0 AT J2.S8 Teat lot of fine Jap Silks, messallnes, nets and taffetas "1 CI Q have sold up to $7.50, will go In one great lot at ,Jj 4 BIG SPECIALS IN BASEMENT CLOAK DEPARTMENT Ladles' Summer Dressing Sac ques new light patterns, at 15c Big Bargains Ladles' $1.60 Wash Skirts, in dark or dot ted ducks, also plain whites at each 59c Small lot of white Summer Waists, slight ly Imperfect, worth up to 76o, at, each 19c Ladles' Dress Skirts, mohairs striped worst eds, etc., worth up to $4 OMAHA $1.50 ft CORSET GIRDLES, AT 80C Summer weight tape girdles and corset gir dles of coutll and batiste made with hose supporters, at 39c 49c BATISTE CORSETS Long corsets in all sizes, with two pairs hose supporters. at, per pair (1.00 CORSETS AT 60c Regular one dol lar quality of American Lady and H. and H. Corsets made of good qual ity batiste with hose support ers all sixes will go at, each 69c 3 packages for . , -o0 if? I 8 Domestic Swiss Cheese, per lb...80o New YorK Cream uneese, per io..uo Imported Swiss Cheese, per lb....33o (J Klberta Peaches (fancy) basket . .30o Per crate (4 baskets) $1.00 55 RwMt Cem faelerteril ner doz....l5o li s,; Fresh Eggs, per doi loo V V Jelly Olassea, per doi 80o 7 ?3 Mason Jars, pte, per doien 45o U rinaM. Ka, nn.n , nun zaz S-quarts, per dozen 66c 17th and Douglas 8U. VaC Beaflaa 4f g fria'e Bxtkaace onaeots all Be, UJJ AXiI SAX IHIHIUI TeiiiP" " h DR. BRADBURY, Dentist. 12 1S08 FAR NAM ST., OMAHA. Extracting 25c Porcelain Fills, .ft op Crowns $2.00 up llridge Work.f2.S0 up 11 ales tZAQ up Year me location Phono Douglas 1766 We make a specialty of metal and roofless plate. Tatnlesa work in all operations. Open evenings till 8 o'clock. NEW HIDE STORE TO OPEN Boll A noerera' piavce Diimi B. UoaaJd. la Boackt Mo- Duncan B. McDonald baa bougtit tha oroperty In wlilch Bollea & Rovers, Chi cago hide merchants, conducted their Omaha business. He has also resigned hla position aa local manager for the firm and will run a hide bualnesa himself at the old atand. Tha property formerly belonged to IUsiMOoa M. White of Philadelphia, who sold It to Mr. McDonald, through tha Byron Heed coinpuy,Xr S3.2EO. The lot la tweaty-two feet In width and Ilea on the east aide of Thirteenth street, between Howard and Jackson. James Neville has bought from Mrs. Van Brunt of Missouri, throurh John N. Fren ser, tha full lot and two-story frame build ing at ITU Chicago street. Mr. Neville ex pects eventually to tear away tha old build ing and erect a brick etore and flat build ing. W. II. Gates reports tha following sales: House and lot at southwest corner Twenty-seventh avenue and Lake street, to Grace 8. Nesblt, tl.GCO; till Maple street, to Le Roy Wood; southeast corner Twenty firth and Ernklne streets, to Nellie Kelly for home, fl.tsju. to save on purchases Is in herent in some men. Some men many of them in fact, still entertain the mistaken idea that they cannot get much of a pair of shoes if they pay less than $5.00. We have a splendid object les son here for such men and ask an opportunity of show ing them our great DrexePs Special S3.50 Shoe These shoes are made on all the new lasts from half a dosen kinds of good leathers. We doubt if you could tell them from our $5.00 shoes. Every pair is so good that they are a great temptation to money-savers. Others up to 56.00 CHOLERA MORBUS Diarrho, Dysentery or CkoUra Infaa turn can be quickly cured by using WAKEFIELD'S Blackberry Balsam Earr borne should have supply of this ralitoie remedy on band. 61 years of cures A-l dntggiato Mil It. 15 ceaU. GAS UP TO LEGAL STANDARD Heating- Ponca, oa OmcUU Test, Meets Heualrcmcat ef City Ordinance. as Commissioner Crowley has oom pleted a aeries of testa of Omaha gaa for tha purpose of discovering the heating power of the gas. The result of the series has not been announced, but enough la known to warrant the announcement that the thermal test shows the gaa practically up to th standard set by the ordinances, tut British thermal units to tha cubic foot of gaa. The teat made Wedneaday morning showed C11.4 British thermal units to the cubic foot and that there Is a constant improvement In the quality of tha gaa tested since tha series began. This Improvement la said to be due to the fact that the pipes through which the gaa rrachea tha laboratory have not been used foe -a long time and ware filled with air, which diluted tha gas used la tha earlier testa. Drexel Shoe Co. lilt Firnira SL We Call and Get Your Shoes Repair and fix them up and return them to you for less money than you can have first-class work done elsewhere. Thui saving you the bother and time of carry' lng them down town, 'phone and give us a trial. , - MEN S HALF BOLES Hewed tflo Nailed 5o Men's heels Jio LAIilKS' HALF SOLES Hewed TSo Nailed COo Ladles' heels too RUBBER HEELS Ladles' or gents' 80c Shoe 1-a.ces. Polishes, Shoo Trees, etc.. always in atocg. We have Just moved our work room to tha first floor. Coma in and see our nu n at work. You ran see our Goodyear stitcher through the window) It Is the only one Installed In a repair shop In tlie city. Standard Shoe Repair Co 1804 Far nana St., Tel. Douglas 7507.e Office hours, I 00 to SO a. m , 1J no to I SO p. m. Telephone Harney 6&k OMAHA VETERINARY HOSPITAL attlO Masoa Itmt, Otuana, Neb. H. L. Ramacclottl. D. V. 8 . Deputy Stata and City Veterinarian, food Inspector, Chief Surgeon. IX Q. Scott, D. V. S.. Uwa- fcUal burg sua, CHILDREN'S 1 rhi LOW SHOES Oxfords g Sizes and ' Wixkww Eight Gibson m" M To Tics sa $1 Eleven Regular $1.25 to $1.75 Values for 50c Any "Woman's Tan Oxford in the house, only 87 pairs, all told. Values up to $3.00, for $1.39 WAIST Buyers Sale Second Floor All Lingerie Waists that have sold up to $5.00, for Thursday Buyers' and Man agers' Sale $48 All Lace, Net. Lin gerie and Chiffon Waists that sold up to $10.00 for 5 All our fine lace and Chiffon Waists that have sold up to $19.50 for $(D) 75 Every Dinner Set in stock at a CUT PRICE None Reserved. OH UP 2d Floor. BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET MEATS The following are but a few of our extra spe cials in meats for Thursday. All meats are delivered from re frigerator wagons. Complete wagon de liveries every day, es pecially Thursday. Pig Pork Loins, per pound 94c Pig Pork Chops, per pound 10c Chuck Steak, per pound 8VsC Pot Roast, per lb. 6c Cudahy 's Rex Bacon, by the strip ..12VaC Llpton's Tea, Special lb. tin 60 And 40 green trading stamps Baked Beans, special, "Best We Have" three cans 25 And 10 Green Trading Stamps Hominy, special, Genesee brand, two cans 20 And 30 green trading stamps. Macaroni, special. Royal brand, two pound packages 20 And 20 green trading stamps. Bennett's Capitol Extract, bottle. . And 30 green trading stamps. Oatmeal and Graham Crackers, package for 10 And 10 green trading stamps. Palace Car Jams, assorted Fruits. To close out, can for 10t Pears In syrup, large cans for 15 And 20 green trading stamps. Pickles, assorted, three bottles. . . .25 And 10 green trading stamps. Worcester Table Salt, two sacks 10 And 10 green trading stainpsA Egg-O-See, four packages for 25 Bennett's Capitol Cocoa, V lb. can 24 And 20 green trading stamps. California Raisins, seedless, lb. . . .100 Worth 16c. Castile Toilet Soap, six cakes 250 And 10 green trading stamps. Our noon Luncheonettes are the best values in Oinaha the business man's ideal lunch. GRAND CLEARANCE VALUES THURSDAY All O'Donahoe, Redmond, Normile Stock at Less Than Manu facturers' Cost. Unsurpassed Bargains in all Departments Thursday. MOT Ms THE RELIABLE TRE No Place Elsewhere will you find the values Equaled Manufacturer's Entire Stock of Wash Suits and Princess Dresses on Sale Thursday The entire stock of Wash and Princess Prtuwes from John Connor, Importer Jk and manufacturer. 084 llrondwny, .New York. Fine miillx, lingerie and batiste) In pink, 1)1 ds, hrfitrope, tans, grays, etc., trimmed with fine laces, medallions and insertions, worth regularly up to $20.0O; all at one nrlee ThursdHT choice ma SK1KT SALE 8ATl"HPAY. $5 From ull O A. M. Women's Kimo nos at 190 From 8:30 till 0:30 A. M. $1.50 long Kimonos for 690 800 SlyliHh Panama Skirt In plain colors, checks, plaids and stripes, some trimmed with vel vets and taffeta pleated and gore styles values to $S.0C, cholca tor $2.08 $1.50 Silk and Voile Skirt With five rows of bands; also fine panama and poplin skirts regu lar and extra sizes, made to sell at $10.00, choic 34.05 STARTLING WAIST I1ARGA1N8 Waists worth $1.50 Saturday, at 390 $2.00 Lawn and Lingerie WaiRts, choice 03 $3.00 Jap Silk, Net Lingerie Waists $1.50 $5.00 and $6.00 Waists in silks. il ii lawns, linens, lingerie, ere, irim yLhA wed with fine laces, embroideries " and French tucks, magnificent assortment of designs, at. $2.05 From 0 till 11 A. M. Women's Wash Suits, worth regularly $3.00, choice for 080 With electric power over work is economically handled. The convenient service is ready twenty-four hours every day. Investigate. Tel. Omaha Electric Light and Power Co. DougUui 1002. V. M. O. A, Bldg. "We offer you, fresh from the mines, our "six best sellers", as follows. Best Penn. Anthracite $10'!fJ pr ton Our Celebrated Rockvale Canon Lump $8.75 per ton Our Celebrated Rockvale Canon Nut.... 8.25 per ton Sunnyside Lump and Egg $6.50 pjjr ton Sunnyside Washed Nut 6.25 per ton Canon City Nut $7.50 per ton Call and get one of our handy heat registers, with our compliments. Thonc 431 NEBRASKA FUEL CO. Grand Clearance Sale of Laces Our Annual Clean-up 8le of Laces usually started July 10th to 12th, on account of backward senson has been poHtponed. But July 25th wlU begin the jrrcHtest Lace Clearance ever known In Omaha. Matchless varieties in quaMty and pattern at extreme low prices. Most surprising bargains Thursday. 1st Lot In Clearance Sale at lo Flno Vals., laces and inaertings, narrow torchons and slightly soiled Point Paris laces Thursday -f - at, per yard t 2d Lot Clearing Sale Price, 2Hc An immense line of fine Val. laces, tor chons and Point Paris worth to 10c per yard Thursday, at, per yard 8d Lot Clearing Hale Price. Bo A grand line of all linen torchons, fine Point Paris and French and German Vals., also fancy trimmed laces greatest bargains ever of fered at, per yard Big Enameled Ware Sale Royal Blue Ware Lined No Damaged Goods, All Perfect. Royal 2lc 5c 12k 4-quart (or one gallon) size Blue Sauce Pans. 4-quart size Royal Blue Preserving kettles. 4 and 6-quart Blue White Lined Milk or Pudding Pans. One quart Blue White Lined, Azure or Gray Tea Pots. Large size Blue and White Wash Basins, all the above on sale for 12 Vic each, worth 35c to 50c. perfect en,- Paxton Extra Specials for Thursday AT 0:30 A. M. 100 pieces of 7 Vic lawns, fast colors, at, a yard 20 19c large bath towels O'0 10c large bath towels 50 7Vc apron checks 3H0 Amoskeag checks GH0 Hope muulin 040 Lousdale muslin 100 Fruit of the Loom 100 AFTERNOON ONLY 9-4 bleached muslin ........ IQ M 0 We secured the new and ameled ware, from the Gallagher warehouse. We have no BROKEN OR DAMAGED GOOIJS, as broken or crushed enamel ed ware cannot be mended. Big sale large blue white lined water palls, dish pans, tea kettles, etc. IN THi GREAT DOMESTIC ROOM' 9-4 bleached Peperal 200 8-4 bleached Lockwooa , $1.00 sheets, 81x90 ... 85c sheets, 81-90 . . . , Sheets, 39c, 49c, 69c up. $1.00 bedspreads 690 76c bedspreads 500 15c batiste 100 12c batiste 7H0 10c batiste ......50 Fifty other specials. 200 730 65 Four Splendid Furnishing Hour Specials From 8 till 0 A. M. Ladies gauze vests, all sizes, worth 15c, at choice 50 From 0 Ull 10 A. M. Ladles' muslin gowns, worth regularly to $1.60, will go at 500 From 10 till 11 A. M. Ladles corset covers, worth regularly 60c, your choice 250 From 11 A. M. till 12 M Ladles' y lace hose, white er blacky worth 16c, at, per pair 7H0 Men's Fine Cambric Handkerchiefs White or fancy borders, lOo values, Thursday six for 250 Peaches for Canning received 1 car load of W hava Just Extra Fancy- Texas Elberta Free Btone Peaches, packed four baskets to tha crate, These are the richest flavored and finest eating peach that grows. There Is noth ing finer for canning;, the peach crop, like the other fruit crops, Is short, so we would advise our patrons to buy now. as they will not be as cheap again this season. Thursday we will sell them: Per four basket crate, for Single Basket, for 20C each No limit, all you want while the car luxta. MKAT SEFA1THIKT BJECIAI, Kftncy tilrioln Steak for this sale IOC only, per pound OMAHA'S GREATEST FBESJK TXQS tabi.11 and rxnrr hjuiiet. Pw-ft Corn, per dozen 10 Fresh Wax or Oreen Dsana, per lb. thko Frenh Peas, per quart Jtfo Large HettdH Krfsh Cabbage 20 Frrxh Meets, per bunch lo Fresh Carrots, per bunch lo Fresh Turnips, per bunch lo Fresh Onions, per bunch lo Fresh I.:ttnce. per head lo Fresh Fie Plant, per bunch .10 Fresh I'arsley, per bunch ....lo Fresh Hlpe Tomatoes, per lb... lo Fresh Cantaloupes, each 6o Kxtra large fancy Juicy, 240 slxe, Lemons that retail for 60c doxen, our pries this sais, per aozen sua l'ea Fresh anuts, per quart So Quart boxes fancy Raspberries. Gooseber ries. Blackberries or Currants, box 12 Ho m HA VDEMS' sm Dow to Gel Oil a Car Wait until the car comes to a complete stop; Have your LEFT arm and hand free; Step squarely down onto the step or running board, holding to upright hand hold immediately in front of you with your LEFT hand, and facing direction car is headed. Before stopping off see that no vehicle is passing, to collide with or run into you. Ketain your grasp upon the hand-hold to steady yourself, and step down (forward) from the step or running board with your RIGHT foot first, releasing your hold as soon as your foot reaches the ground. Assist us in preventing accidents. OMAHA (EL COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO, Bee Want Ads Produce Rest-Its