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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1907)
THE, OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, '. JULY 24, 1P07. OMAHA WINS FROM TEDDYS Both Sides Maia More Error Than Art Necessary. DEBTEE OVERLOOKS ITS CHANCES Welch MtkM a Home Ran Jost to Show H tka nit a I.eft-llaaded I'ltrhrr, bat Avtrey aad Delden Fall to Land. M:VEIl, July, 21 Denver missed sev Tal bright opportunities In today' game, while Omaha took advantage of all that came her way. Many close decision were thrown on ttje umpire and the home (an refused to agree with him on ' many of them. Captain Wheeler of the Denver made frtxjuent tripe to the plate to ex postulate wolth Mr. Brennan and White even jostled him. a little. These little epl sodas were unnecessary, for Brennan' de cisions were correct an dthe demonstration against him after the game was gratui tous. Klneally' error In the second, Zal unky's bad throw In the fourth and Wheeler' neglect to run In on Franck' error In the third were the failures on the part of the locals. The two error gave Omaha two run and the fall down kept Denver from making one It badly needed. Welch's home run In the seventh Inning tied- the score and the winning run came In thn eighth on Austin's single and Graham's two-badger. Score: DENVER. AH. H II. PO A. E. Murphy, rf 2 0 0 0 0 0 Doll, rf i 0 1 1 1 0 McDonough 1 0 0 0 0 0 Cassady. If 8 1110 1 Wheeler. 3b 4 0 1 8 2 0 White, lb S 1 1 T 3 1 IjHutcrhorn, 2b 4 118 11 Mcllale, cf 8 0 1 8 0 0 Klnenllv, ss 4 0 8 1 1 1 Zalusky. c ; 8 0 0 8 8 1 It. Adams, p 8 0 0 0 8 0 Totals S2 1 10 27 14 6 OMAHA. AH R II. VO. A. E. ridden, rf 8 0 0 1 . 0 1 Franrk, ss 4, 0 1 4 6 1 Dolan, lb 1 1 12 4 0 Austin, 3b 4 1 2 0 2 0 (iraham, 2b 4 11(82 Autrey. If 4 0 0 1 0 0 Oonillng, c 8 0 1 8 4 0 Welc h, cf 4 110 0 0 Hall, p 2 0 0 1 1 1 Totals 82 4 "t 27 19 1 Butted for Murphy In fifth. Denver 20000100 08 Omaha 01010011 0-4 Two-base hits: Austin, Graham. Ilome runs: White, Welch. Sacrifice hits: White, McHale, Uelden, 1111. Stolen bases: Gra ham (2), Austin, Oondtng. Bases on balls: OlT Adams, 1; off Hall, 8. Struck out: By Adams, 2: by Hall, 8. Left on bases: Den ver, 8; Omaha, 7. Double plays: Doll to White; Graham to Dolan; Dolan, Franck to Dolan. Soaked by foul halls: Brennan, 4. Time: 2;02. Umpire: Brennan. Jack Thomaa Wloa tor Dacky. SIOL'X ClTr, July 23.-Wlth two men on banes and two out. Jack Thomas hit the 1 ball over the home run fence and decided a see-saw game In favor of Lincoln, t to 6. Both Sllmmel and Smith were easy propo sitions today. Sttminel lasted five Innings and Bmlth six. Cleotte. who replaced Stlm mel, held the Sioux down to blanks, while Bngle could not stop the Ducklings' run gettlng proclivities. Score: SIOUX CITY. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Nance, If 4 2 4 8 0 0 D. Sheehan, 8b 4 '0 0 1 1 0 Nobllt, cf 8 112 0 0 Weed, 2b.. 8 0 2 2 4 0 Hart, lb , 4 0 0 11 0 0 Uranvtlla, ss .4 1 1 2 8 0 Campbell, rf 4 18 10 0 J. Sheehan, c 4 1 1 J 1 1 Smith, p 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 Engle, p. 2 0 10 10 ..Total SS A 13 27 13 1 LINCOLN. ' " ' ' - AB. R. It PO. A. E. Ketchem. cf 4' 8 8 8 0 Fox. 2b 8 0 0 0 1 0 Reddlek. 8b 8 2 4 2 8 0 Gagnlee, ss 4.11.0 4 0 Fenlon, rf 4 0 1 0 Thomas, lb.; 5 2 2 .13 1 0 Davidson, If ,...5 0 8 8 0 0 Sullivan, c 8 0 16 0 0 Btlmmel, p 2 0 0 A 1 cicotta, p z o i I 4 McKay 1110 0 0 Totals 40 9 II 21 12 0 McKay batted for Stlmmel In sixth. Sioux City ...1 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 0-4 l ln. .,lii i 0 0 1 4 1 0 2 0-t T.b.) hits: Nance f4, Granville, J. Sheehan, Ketchem, Thomas. Three-base hit: Davidson. Ilome run: Thomas. Sac- Trial Treatment Free DR. r.cGREW is one of the Oldest and Most Successful Specialists in the treatment of all forms of Dis eases of Men, 35 years' experience. 25 years in Omaha. The best equipped office In the west for all forms of modern treatment. He can cure you as he has thousands of others. Treatment! by mall. Box ,766. Office 215 South 14th Street. GqidTgp THE PSffrrCT DrrjTm Wad fey tie rood Old Oanaaa irocess aula, slsaltaxul ana 'Phone, and have us deliver a case of large or small bottle. You will like Gold Top. JETTER BREWING CO. tiunon mo. a. so. owuma. Omatia Headquarter. HUGO F BILZ, 14th aad Douglas. Tel. Itoug. .Hil. Co. Blult Haadciuutiri. LKM MITCHELL. 1018 Main Bt.. Telephone 80. . IT J fans- aarvoas - OO va find their powar t NAPVae to ana youthful 1go tsrvsJB fon aa a result af orr srork or Btentaj exertloa shoud take GKAra KKRVIC FOOD P1LS. Tuay wtU Suak you sat and ! and be a man again. 61 Beat Vwl SS-M by ataU. mintit it Hogoinu u &, Uvraw lota aad IX4 ku. owb poo ooaLraarx, Ok laite aad aaaraay ftav. Oa, If' STANDING OF THE TEAMS WE8TKHN LEAGUE. Played. Won. Lost. I'rt. Omaha 01 65 08 .604 Lincoln m (0 It) .6i De Moines 18 44 Sif .fi30 lenver 82 40 42 . 4S Flou City 87 15 ii .403 Pueblo 81 82 4.1 .35 NATL. LFAQUB. AMKR LEAOL'K. W. !. l'ct. W. K Pet. Chicago 22 .7X8 Chirsao M 81 .fiSl New York. .48 81 .r,lg Cleveland. . .60 Z3 .ft lMttsburg...4 32 . Detroit 47 82 .OH I'hlla 46 34 .670 Phlla 45 35 . 63 Brooklyn... 3S 41 .4f.9 New York. .39 42 .41 Boston .14 46 .4S Bt. Louis.. ..34 49 .410 Cinolnnatl..33 Go .3W Boston 31 48 ' .3)i St. Louis.. ..19 69 . 216 Waahngt n.2t ii .3-1 rifles bit: Nance, Fox. Stolen bases: Ketchem (2). Davidson (2). Double play: Weed to Granville to Hart; Uranvllle to Weed to Hart. Innings pitched: Hv gtlm mel, 6; by Smith ; by F.ngle. 8; by Cleotte, 8. Hits: (HT Smith, 10; off Kngel 6; of Stlm mel, 11; off Cleotte, 2, Bases on balls: Off Smith. 2: off Kngle. 2; off Cleotte, 1. Htru k out: By Bmlth, 4, by Eimle, 1; by Stlmmel, 3; by Cleotte, 4. Time: 2:10. Umpires: Con ahan and Corbett. Attendance: 4. Champ Ileaten at Pueblo. PTJEBLO. July a.-MIIler was hit hurl today In the opening Inning and Pueblo e cured enough runs to take the llrsl game, score 8 to 1. Jackson kept the hits well scattered and had the game In hand throughout, while at the same time he was backed up by some sensational fielding by the Indians. McUllvmy opened the game by securing a two-sacker, an dnfter Bader had been retired Ryan scored him with a three-sacker. Kyan scored on Melchlor single. Melchlor stole second and scored on Belden's fly. les Moines scored Us only run In the second Inning. Andreas opened with a three-bugger to rltfht field and cored on Yeager's tly out to center field. Both pitchers then settled down and pitched good ball. A One-handed stop of McLear's drive over second by Corhan was the fea ture. The score: DISS MOINKS ' AB. B. II. FO A. B. Mrlx ar, If 4 u 1 4 u u McLaughlin, cf 2 0 1 2 0 0 Hogrlever, 8b 4 0 0 8 2 0 Dexter, lb 4 0 0 B 0 0 Andreas. 2b 3 114 2 0 Hupp, rf . 4 0 2 0 0 0 Yeager, c... 4 0 0 4 0 0 Oochneur, ss 4 0 10 2 0 Miller, p 8 0 1,1 1 0 Totals 33 1 7 24 7 0 PUEHLO. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. McGllvray, cf 3 i 2 8 0 0 Bader, 'b 8 0 1 5 X o Hyan, 3b 4 I 1 1 3 0 Melchlor. rf 4 1 2 4 0 0 Belden, if 4 1 I 0 0 McCulloch, lb 4 0 1 6 0 0 Corhan, ss 4 0 1 0 8 0 Drill, c 4 0 0 6 1 0 Jackson, p 3 0 ' 1 0 1 0 Totals S3 8 10 27 9 0 Des Molnea . .0 1000000 0-1 Pueblo 3 0000000 -3 Stolen bases. McLaughlin, Melchlor, Mc Gllvray (2). Belden. Two-base hits: McOll vray, Melchlor. Three-base hits: Ryan, An dreas, Hupp. Double play: Hogrlever to Andreas. Base given for hitting batter: Jackson, 1. Sacrifice hit: Mclaughlin. Struck out: By Jackson, 6; by Miller, 4. Bnses on balls: Off Jackson, 1; off Miller 2. Time: 1.30, Umpire: Haskell. Attendance: 800. GAMES IN AMERICANvASSOCIATIO Kan ms City and Toledo Break ETra In Double-Header. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. July 23. Kama City and Toledo each took a gome In a double-header here today. Hill' home run In the ninth Inning of the first game tied the score and the locals made a run and won the game In the tenth. The second game was called at the end of the seventh Inning by agreement. Score first game: KANSAS CITT. TOLEDO. AB H O.A.E. All.H.O.A.B. Mcnrld, m . I 1 1 ftBarbuu. ra.. 6 1110 Ksrwln. rf...( 1 t 0 OBmoot, ct 4 1 8 0 Hill, of 4 1 I MJ. ('4r., It 4 1 t Rorkler. lb.. 1 10 0 OArmbrunt'r, rf 4 1 1 1 0 Hu.l.ion, III 1 1 0 lPtrrtng, lb.. 8 1110 Krurgtr, ib... 8 1 t I OWllli.m.. lb 4 1 I 4 0 Hurk.. lb.... 4 0 11 0W. Clrt,lb4 110 Sullln, ... I 14 1 0 Abbott, e 4 1 1 0 tnnn. 4 I S (KM.. , 0 ,0 I 0 Totals II t SO II 1 ToUl..1f..J4 I'll 16 0 One out when winning run wa made. Toledo 0 10010000 02 Kansas City 0 10000001 12 Struck out: By West, 7; by Swann, 5. Flrt bale on balls: Off Swann, 1; off West, 4. Wild pitch: West. . Sacrifice hits: 8 moot. HuelBman, Kroeger. Stolen bases: Barbeau, Abbott. Sullivan. Two-base hits: ArmbrusUr, Perring, Kerwln. Home run: Hill. Left on base: Kansas Cltv, S; Toledo, 6. Umpire: Kerin and Eagan. Time: 2:20. Score second game: TOLEDO. KANSAS CITY. AH H.O.A B. AB.H. O.A.K. Barbuu. as.. 1 I 0 1 1 UrBrlde, aa.. 1114 1 Smoot. cf.... 410 OKarwIn, rf... 111 I ( larka. If 4 I 1 1 0 Hill, of 4 0 1 0 0 Armbruat'r. rf I 1 0 0 OBocklor. lb.. I 0 10 0 P.rrlng, lb.. I 1 1 3 CHu.l.nian. It 4 I 1 1 0 Willi. ma. lb. I 8 I 4 5b.. 4 1110 W. 01arka.lbl 0 10 1 IBurka. lb.... I 1111 Land, e I 0 4 1 ISulllTaa. c. I 1 I 1 I Olll.a. p 10 0 1 0( t.a, 9 110 10 Kaan, p I 0 1 Totals 17 T SI II I'JacOarttar .. 1 t 0 0 I Touls 81 7 11 14 8 Batted for Caae in sixth. Kansaa City 0 0 0 0 1 3 0-8 Toledo 1 0 0 0 2 1 0-4 Struck out: By Glllen, 8; by Case. S; by Egan, 1. First baae on ball: Off Case. 2; oft Egan, 1; off Galen, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Berkley, Case. Stolen bases: Bar beau, Porrlng, Huelsman. Sacrifice hits: McBrtde, Kerwln. Double play: Krueger to Beckley. Left on bases: Kansas City, ; Toledo, 6. Three-base hit: J. Clarke. Umpire: Eagan and Kerln. Time: 1:80. GAMES IN TUB AMERICAN LEAGCB Cleveland Make it Three Straight from Washington. CLEVELAND, July 23 Cleveland made It three straight from Washington, Clark son shutting Washington out with one cratch hit up to the ninth inning, when with two out Altlser walked and voored on Delehanty' double. Bcore: CUDVELAHD. WASHINGTON. AB.H. OAS. AB.H. O.A.E. Filch. It I 1 I 0 tOanlsjp, If.... I 0 10 0 Bradley, lb.. I 1 1 ltlr. as.... I 0 10 I Tun,.r, as.... 4 10 1 0 BVilakanty, cf 4 1 0 0 gtorall, lb... 111 OAndorann. lb. I 1 IT 1 Clark, .. HlQabmao, Clark, 4 0 11 Hi.kma, rf.. I 0 I 0 0 fill 0NIII. lb I 0 I 0 O'Hrl.a. lb.. I 0 8 1 Hardoo, c ... I 0 110 Brraiiah'm. ef I 1 4 0 tSralpk, Ib... I I I Clarkaoa, p.. I 1 I OSmlth, p 1 0 1 1 0 Warnar .... 1 0 0 0 0 Totals U 18711 1 ToUla U 3 14 11 8 Batted for Smith tn ninth. Cleveland 10 H 0 0 10 M Washington 00000000 11 Two-base hits: Hinchtnan, Delehanty. Three-baae hit: Btovall. Sacrifice bits: Bradley, Altlser. Stolen bases: Flick (2i, Stovall, Turner, Uanley. Double pluy: Clarkson, O'Brlan aitd Stovall. Bases on balls: Off Clarkson, 4; off Smith, 2. Left on bases: Cleveland, 6; Washington, 8. Struck out: By Clarkson, 4: by Binllti. L Time: 1:8ft. Umpire: Stafford. Friend's Errora Coatly. FRIEND. Neb.. July 23.-(8peclaI Tele gram.) The local lost a fast gum of ball to Kearney here this afternoon through a couple of error at critical time. Score: Kearney ....... 38100000 0-t 6 3 Friend 000001030486 Batteries: Kearney, Justice and Lucas; Friend, Morse and Whltoomb. Struck out: By Justice, i; by Morse, 1. Two-baa hit: Whltcoinb. F-arnod runs: Friend I. Double plays: Kearney. 8; Friend, 1. Time: 1:26. Umpire: Wilson. The same team play here again tomorrow and Thursday. tvlauabns' First lH-feat. DAVID CITY. Neb.. July 23. (Special Tel egram.) David City defeated Columbus to day In a fast and exulting game. It 'ts Columbus' rirst defeat of the season Ta t feature of the game was Paul itlchiii. Score: R.H.E. David City 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 8 tt 4 Columbus 0 0 0 V 0 0 0 1 01 6 7 Two-base hit: Browning. Struck out: By Paul. 14; by Dolan. &. Double play: Mc Cracken (unassisted). Batteries: David City, Paul and lily; Columbus, Dolan and LulalenakL Time: 1:40. Umpire: Hull. Croat Britain Loots Cap. LONDON, July 23. Great Britain ha lost the Davla cup. the International tenuis trophy, to Auslalaala. The aUigl an ddecidlng matches were flayed at the Wimbledon courts today. In he first single A W. Uore, British Islea. defeated A. F. Wilding, Austaiaaia. three el to wa, Soore: 84, 68, J 6, '6 3. The fate of the cup than hung on the last sliisles Wiwmh H. Roper Barrett, British IsU-a, and Norman IX Brook. Australasia. Bruok won tn ttire .stralahl seta. b.ore: ft. 6-4) aad 6 - GIANTS WIN IN THE TENTH Cubs Shut Oat in Fast and Exciting Contest GAME IS PITCKEBS' BATTLE Only Ron I Made on Two Dase on Ualla, a Single aad a Fly to Center lleeolts of Other Game. NEW TOHK, July 23. Chicago and New Tork wound up the aerie here today with a ten-lnnlng game, In which the local won out. The winning run wa made off two bases on balls, a single and a fly to center. Today's victory gained second pluce for New York In the pennant race. Scire: NEW YORK. , CHICAGO. AB.H. O.A.E. Att-U.O.A.B. Bhannon, If.. 4 0 0 0 0 Slagle, of 0 I 0 Browne. rt..4 1 1 0 0 aher-kard. If. 4 1 I 0 S Devlin, 9b.... I 0 14 OSchulla, rf... I lilt H'lmrair. cf.. 4 10 0 1 Chance, lb... I 111 Bmnahan. c 4 0 I 4 0 Ib 4 0 1 I 0 banian, aa....l 0 4 1 0 Tinker, aa.... 4 1110 Ixirle, il..... I 111 ORT.ra, lb. ... 8 Oil dtrang I 0 0 0 OKllns, o 4 I t 1 0 Uowerman, lb I 1 If 0 0 Brown, p..... 4110 Ames, p I 1 ft 1 . 0 ToUla II V 10 Totals 31 I 90 10 1 Two out when winning run scored. Batted for Doylo In tenth. New York 0 00000000 11 Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Twn-basn hit: Chance. Sacrifice lilts: Schulte, Ever. Double pluy: Stelnfeldt to Chance; Devlin to Bowerman; lialilen to Bowerman. Left on bases: Chicago, 6; New York, 4. First base, on balls: OlT Ames, 3; off Brown, 8. Struck out: By Ames, 4; by Brown, 1. Time; 1:48. Um pires: Ulgley and 0'D.ay. Dodgers Shot Oat Reds. BROOKLYN, July 23. Several brilliant bits of fielding enlivened the gume be tween Brooklyn and Cincinnati today, the visitors being shut out, 2 to 0. Score: BHOOKLYN. CINCINNATI. AB.H. O.A.E. AB.H. O.A.K. Alparman, lb 4 0 1 I 1 Hunliia. lb.. 3 0 0 1 0 Caery, lb I 11 I OLobert. as ... 4 0 3 I 0 Lumier. rf... 4 14 0 OMlu-hell. rf.. 111 Batch. If..... 8 110 Og.hlol, ....... ISO JuiJ.n. lb... I 0 10 1 OUaniel. lb.... I OHIO Maluner. cf.. I 1 I OKruger, cf...l 110 bela, aa I 16 1 OMawrey, lb.. 4 0 0 1 0 liarsan, c... I 1 1 1 Oodwell. If.;.. 4 10 Mclutjre, p.. I 0 0 I OWaliner, p... 118 4 0 Total! It 1 17 15 1 Totals M IMII t Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 Sacrifice hits: Hugglna, Welmer, Batch, Maloney. Stolen base: Casey. Double plays: Mclntyre to Lewi to Jordan; U-an-ael to Lobert; Lobert to Oansel. Left on baes: Cincinnati, 8; Brooklyn, 6. First base on balls: Off Molntyre. 8; off Welmer, 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Welmer, 1 Struck out: By Mclntyre, 1; by Welmer, 3. Time: 1:35. Umpire: Klem. noaton Defeats Plttsborg. BOSTON. July 2B.-Boston won the last game of the Pittsburg series, 6 to 8, today. Score: BOSTON. PITTBBURQ. AB H.O.A B. AB.H. O.A.E. Drlow.ll, as.. 1 0 1 4 1 Andsraon, rf. 4 0 1 1 0 Tenner, lb... I 0 11 8 D Leach, cf I I I 0 0 Brain, tb 4 I 1 4 C larka, 1 ... I 18 0 0 Beaumont, cf. 4 0 4 1 Wifur, as. ..4 1 4 I 1 Batea, rf 4 8 1 0 OAb'atchlo, Ib 4 0 6 I 0 Randall, If... 4 10 0 ONealon, lb... I I 0 0 Sweenejr, lb.. I 0 14 0 Slorke, 3b.... I 1 0 I 0 Needtiam, o.. 8 1 I 0 OOlUon, o 4 0 I 0 Flaherty, p.. I 1 1 I Wlllla, p I 0 0 I 1 Totals II t 87 It I Totals II 7 84 It 3 Boston 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 46 Pittsburg 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0-6 Two-base hit: Randall. Home runs: Leach. Wagner. Sacrifice hits: Storke, Brldwell. Stolen baso: Bates. Double plays: 'Penney (unassisted); Brldwell to Sweeney to Tenney; Flaherty to Tenney to Need ham. Siorke to Abbatlchlo to Nealon; Abbatlchlo to Wagner to Nealon, Left on bases: Boston, 4; Pittsburg, 6. Bases on balls: Off Flaherty, 8; off Willis, 4. Struck out: By Flaherty, 1; by Willis, 8. Tune: 1:40. Umpires: Carpenter and Johnstone. BROWS AMO.MU TUB GREATEST Former Omahan , Ranki with the World's Best Pitchers. Mordecal Brown, the , "three-flogored" twlrler of the Chicago National league base ball champions, Is regarded as one of tho greatest pitcher In the ' history of baso ball. The record of his work thus far thi season shows some remarkable fact. Only twenty-nine runs have been cored against "the miner" In 148 innings. He ha won thirteen game and lost two. He took the place of pitcher In four other games, so that he ha worked In nineteen game. In tiiese nineteen game, or, to be exact, 148 Innings, 110 hit were made off his de livery, an average of .74 pur inning. Runs twenty-nine, or an average of .14. During the 148 Innings, ho has prevented his opponents In scoring In lie of them, o that only In twenty Inning has he been scored on. In the eighth Innings of games four run have been scored, which Is the poorest in ning ho has had. His average of runless innings Is M. so that It can be Been what ho has accomplished. Since PIttHburg played Chicago with Brown on the rubber and Ieirteld opposing, June 27, when the Pirates won the game In the first Inning by scoring three times, only one run has been scored off the 'miner. That was by Cincinnati, July 8, In the sec ond Inning. So that he has pitched forty three innings with only one run charged against htm. Allowing the one inning that Pittsburg scored, he ha pitched fifty six Innings with only two runs counting. Going back farther, when New York scored In the fourtn, only three runs have been scored against him In sltty-elght Innings. During the opening of the season Brown allowed only one run In the first twenty three Innings he pitched. That wa scored by Pittsburg In the opening game of the season, when Pittsburg defeated him, 1 to 0. He shut out Cincinnati the second game nd then prevented Brooklyn from (coring for five Inning. The hardest he has been hit was by Cin cinnati, May 29, and by Boston, June 17, each team getting nine hits. His best game was against Pittsburg, April 18, when ha held the Pirates to two hits, but Inst the game, 1 to 0. Four runs have been scored against him twice, Brooklyn, May 8, and New York, May 21. He bus four shutouts credited to his record, blanking Cincinnati, April IS; St. Louts. June 21; Brooklyn, July 8. and Philadelphia, July 12. Pittsburg has done the best work against Brown, winning the only two games he has loHt, Leilield being opposed to Brown both times. The Pirates scored ten of the twenty-nine runs, so that the two teams closest to Chicago In the race have scored nineteen of the twenty-nine runs. Ex. GAMES IS ' TUB IOWA 1.12.4 GV IS Waterloo Take a Tighter Grip on First Flaea. MARSH ALLTOWN, la., July 23.-(SpeclaI Telegram.) By winning today Waterloo gets a little larger lead. Scores: At MarahnlltnB,n B1IH I Marshalltown . .0 0080300 27 13 6 Wulncy u o 1 o 1.0 o o g u Butteries: OrlfTen, Forney and Keyes; Bennett and Jameson. At Waterloo- R.H.E. Waterloo 0 0 f 0 1 0 1 0 4 7 0 Jacksonville ...00010000 0-1 8 3 Batteries: Holleubeck and Llsette; Wels brodt and Belt. At Keokuk R.H Q Keokuk 08000100 4 7 3 Oxkaloos 0 0 0 0.0 1 0 0 0-1 6 4 Batteries: Prater and Ryan; Shaft and Mine. No game at Burlington. Kearney lilts More Timely. GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. July 23 (Spe cial Telegram ) Kearney hit to better ad vantage today and maintained the lead throughout. Score: R H 15 Kearney 10110000 1 4 Tl Grand Is'd 00000200 02 7 3 Batteries: Kearney, Wagner and Lucas; Grand Island, Kada and Townseud. Kasy lian ta Prospect. BALTIMORE, July 23 The automobllist who are on the annual tour of the National Automobile tour of the Olldden and Bower trophies, resumed their ourney on achedule time today. The Itinerary provided for a run to Philadelphia over a course 178 mile In length with a time limit of ten hour and thirty minute. An easy run wa antici pated a the road Is macadamized all tb,e way. ' Grand Island Defeat Arcadia. GRAND ISLAND. Neb Jul 28. 8pedal Telegram tirand Island won today from the Prairie Dug of Arcadia. Bcore: R H B Pralrto Dos;.... 0 1 0 6 0 1 t 1 Grand Island. ...3 0 0 4 0 0 0 3 0-8 13 0 Batteries: La win and Freer; William aad Townsend. , , . : 1 . ' - -j. Hoyal Wist Gum. . . .., . The Royal are anxious to hear from 'any fast team la or out of the otty wIummi play ers average IS years of age, for a game Sunday, or any Bumlay In August. They re particularly anxious to hear from the Hollys and the Magic Cltys. Address chnl lvii.'s to Managur ('. U. Schocasler, 2431 South Nineteenth street, Omaha, or tall Harney 6- 8. TOHK. HACKS DRAW A BIO' ClldWII Foar Illah Grade F.irnts Are on the Cnrd. ' TORK. Neb., July 23. (Special Telegram.) The first day's attendance of the York county fslr race meet was the largest In tlm history of the fair. Hundreds are here from a distance and hoti-ls are crowded. One hundred and seven race horses, prin cipally pacer and trotters, coming from nearly every state, are here and entered for the many purses and events this week. One of the prettiest and most exciting races of today was the 2.?5 trot In which there were seven enlrles and slv started. In the first heat Herrod surprised the lalint rind bookmakers by winning, after this Prospector made a bar fight for sec ond place. Following are heats and po sition: Bell of Diamond 3 111 Herrod v 1 5 5 6 lYospector 3 2 2 4 Moll C .- ti 4 8 1 Knlherlnn Kunnnell 5 6 4 8 Garnett L. . 4 8 dls. Time: 2:21, 2:23, 2:24, 2:29. In fhe 2:22 pace, while Ray Star won three straight beats, Brown Woodford and Helen C. finished stmng in second place, com ix l'.tng tho winner to go In 2:16. Lay Star 1 1 1 Helen C 2 3 3 Brown Woodford . 5 2 3 Cutter 0 3 6 6 Jim Booth 4 8 7 Dick Allen 7 6 8 George 0 6 8 5 MIks Oun.l , 8 7 4 jukla niid Tncy 1) were drawn. Time: 2.1VJ. 2:18. 2:22. Serena, tho guldlesa trotter, went a mile In 2:11ft. Nine gallopers lined up before the Judge and took thirty minutes to start In a half ,mlle duslu Frank James, won; Neva Hustler, second; John Hicks, third. Time: 4 seconds. KVKMS OA TIIHJtlMXO TRACKS General Husaell Win I ndergraduate Stake at Urlarhton Bearb. NEW YORK. July 23. Oeneral Russell, the heavily played favorite, won tha Undergraduate stakes, five and a half fur longs, at Brighton Beach today, defeating Bellewether, whtoh-was backed from 20 to 1 "to 6 to 1 In a drive by a neck. Corncob was third. Gene Itussell broke in front snd made all the pace. When he was offered for sale he . was bid up to 34,t and secured by 8. C. Hildreth. This wa an advance of 82. 0 over hi entered ell lng price. Four favorite won. Results: First race, selling, six furlong: Jacobite (102, K. Dugan, 1 to 13) won, Bon New (112, Herbert, 2 to 1) second, Golden West (loo. Walsh, 30 to 1) third. Time: 1:12. PJandy, Botanlet, Cinchona, Work and Play, Big Ben, Grenadier and Suffice ran. Second race, steeplechase, about two and a half mile: Good and Plenty (163, Ray, 15 to 20) won, Dr. Keith (137, Archibald, 80 to 1) second. Grand Pa (107, J. O'Brien, 6 to 1) third. Time: 4:51. Esex rn. Flimflam fell. Third race, mile and sixteenth: Star Cat s7, Clare, 7 to 1) won, Workmald (87, Marshall, 5 to 1) second, Chief Hayes (lol, Boadwee, 6 to 1) third. Time: 1:47. D'Arkle, Llnneppe, Nagazam, Thomas Hoy, Cutter and.Ivanhoe ran. Fourth race, the Undergraduate stakes, five and one-half furlongs: Gone Russell (Ui9, Mountain, 7 to 10) won. Bellwether (K2, Lowe, 6 to 1) second, Corncob (lOU. Notter, 2o to 1) third. Time: 174- Fash Ion, Joe Nealon, Montauk, Bigot, Glorious Betsy ran. Fifth race, mile and sixteenth: Running Water IX. Miller, 2 to 5) won, ZJenap (99, K. Dugan, 6 to 1) second, Sonoma Belle (107, J. Johnston, 12 to 1) third. Time; l:4Mi. Ruby ran. Sixth race, selling, five and a half fur longs: He Know (14. Garner, 6 to 2) won. Woodlane (100, Notter, 11 to 6) second, Slnple Stone (W, Jlookman, 12 to 1) third. Time: IM.." Musks and Faces. Lady Bard, Kydent, Sendllo, Silver Ball, Smlrker, Ella G., Lancashire Lad, Alloy, N'Importe and I.ltholln ran.. FORT HIL1SV ' JIMOnS DEFEATED Army Polo .Teettn Lone to Dry Mini . . by Xeelslve Hcore. LAKE FOREST. 111., July 23.-The Bryn Mawr Juniors. foa1a.y 'defeated the Fort Riley ojiiura-cBOynsvofitsia, 1014 point to 1, In the 'h!rd,"(tn tf the national polo champloiuthlp, ."lty ' winning taday's game the easternnis Varned the right to play tn the finals against On-wentsla for the Junior polo championship next Wednesday. Although the score Indicates that today's game was decidedly one-sided, the play was far the bent that ha been seen so far In the tournament. The army officer fought harder and played better polo the longer the game progressed. They threat ened Bryn Mawr s goal many times and It was only the brilliant back-handed strokes of Alox Brown at No. 1 that stopped tho progress a dozen times of the bull toward the easterners' goal line. The scoring was as follows; Bryn Mawr. Goal. Alex Brown y I. L. Downing S W. 11. Huhn... 8 M. I. Rosengarten 1 Total 18 Fort Riley. Goal. Lieutenant R. V. 'Armstrong. 0 LlMUtenunt F. B. Hennessey 1 Captain William Lasslter.....': 0 Lieutenant Emll Engel 0 Lieutenant Allln 0 Total i Fouls: Brown and Downtnir. Hafetv- Huhn. Total: 1V points. Bryn Mawr. score iti. Lieutenant Allln took Armstrong's place In the third period. TENNIS MATCHES AT FIELD CLUB Three Con lest In Third Ronad Cham pionship Mingle. j Eight matches finished In the second round and three In the third round of the city championship tennis single wa tho result of last night' play at the Omaha Field club. The scores were as follow: SECOND ROUND. Dr. Van Camp defeated Ezra Millard 10-8, -2. R. A. Newell defeated D. H. Wareham 8-0, 6-2. H. Pollock defeated F. C. Thomas 8-8, 6-1. R. Ralney defeated O. Wallworth -S, 6-1. C. H. Young defeated J. C. McConnell 6-L 6-3. W, Haynes defeated W. C. Bennett 6-1, 6-3. L. McConnell defeated W. Hlllls 10-8, 6-8. J. W. Hughes defeated J. Heyn 6-4, 6-L THIRD ROUND. . O. J. Martin defeated J. Potter 8-6. 8-0. C. If. Young defeated G. Rasmuasen 6-1. 6-2. L. McConnell defeated H. Roadlnger W. O. Tonight the following matohe In cham pionship singles will be played: Caldwell against Dufrene. Winner Caldwell-Dufrene match against A. Cldlett. Van Camp against Newell. H. Pollard against Ralney. Koch against Will Haynes. R. Dinning against J. W. Hughes. The first rounds in the championship doubles and the championship singles will also be played. Kntrles for the doubles will be received as lute as 6 o'clock, when the drawings will be made. R. A. ' Newell, the Diets Athletic club champion,- Is still showing excellent form and many predict, that he will be seen In the finals. Claras win la Twelfth. CLARK. Neb., July 23. (Special.) On the borne grounds last Saturday the Clark's Athletics defeated the Polk team by a score of 10 to 9, tn a twelve-Inning game. Scorer Clark Athletic.... 01088003100 110 lolk 001020123000-8 Batteries: Clarks, Johnson and Powell and Little and Little; polk. Perklnson and Haguman. Umpire: Shank of Silver Creek. Sportlug Gossip. IJebhardt actually got two hits Monday In that game he won for Cleveland. Your old college chum. G. Alonzo Stone, snouted the ball thrice Monday out of four chance. ' Reddlrk: the former second baseman of the 1enwr team, has Joined Ducky Holmes. If the Sox really don't want that old flag they can easily llnd a couple of team that would be eager to accept It. When a team has a third baseman like Purring who i almost dally making a Couple of hit It hol some, Altrock hud enough of a change of luck thut he did not lose Mumliv. but was tied at twelve innings with Cy Young. Dave Brain was able to make only three two-baggers Monday. He's one of those fellow wUo couldn't hit good enough for fit. Loufs. 'Glade exploded In the ninth Inning after baring the Highlander defeated Monday, and wa touched-up for five runs, which gav the game to New York. , - - Prairie City Wonder Brown I going ahead with- hi win for tiie Phillies. H was not satisfied with his berth at St. louls and Is doing belter, work at Phila delphia. lYesldent O'Brien has fined Cuptaln Clark ll'O for allowing a Sectalor to nasault the umpire after the gume. Omaha fans are of course glad It was not Manager Duyle who was flnud. Tho beauty of a man like Wngner on a team wa shown In the game with Hoston Monday. Ill three-bngser did the busi ness and he made two hits berldes, one a two-sacker, and stole a base. The Boyers would like to arrange a game for the codling Sunday with any of the strong amateurs of the city The team averages 21 years of bkc. Address W. A. Dolson, manager. Telephone Douglas 6747. Brooklyn certainly deserves credit for climbing from Inst to fifth place. It will be recalled that Brooklyn lost a dozen games before It ever won more than one. But the Brldegroooms are making them all look around to see what Is propping them up now. Everything is breaking lovely for the Lincoln team these sultry July days and It Is making a real run for the top of the ladder. Corbett had It beat Monday) until the eighth Inning, when he went to pieces and another game was added to the long list of victories. It Is difficult to see where Washington gets the better of Cnntlllon's action In taking Schlpko from Des Moines and send ing; Perrlne to Minneapolis. Up to date Schlpke has ranked as one of the biggest false alarms In the country at the bat while Perrlne ha hit well and fielded a well as Schlpke. The Overland take exception to the re- rort ent out that they wre defeated at 'lattsmouth Pattirdav. They any thev played at Fort Omaha flaturdav, winning from the second team at that place bv the score of 21 to 5. It would be a fine thing If some of these practical Inkers who de light In faking could suppress their humor long enough to give the newspaper and the other fellow a square deal. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Contracts Are Awarded for Work on the Interstate Irrigation Ditch. (FVom a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, July 23.-(Speclal Tclo- gram.) Bids for building structures In con nection with the Interstate canal, North Platte Irrigation project In Nebraska and Wyoming, wero recently opened at Mitchell, Neb. There were eleven bid received, the lowest of which were as follows: Construc tion of siphon, culverts and sluiceway, J8L 455, and schedule 2, construction of lat eral headwork, $8,398, Byal & Co., Mitchell. Neb.; achedule 4. steel truss highway bridges, 316,915, Omaha Bridge company, Omaha; also schedule 6, wooden highway bridges, at 811,112; schedule 6, structural and reinforcing steel, $6,415, the Expanded Metal and Corrugated Bar company of St Louis; schedule 7, lifting devices, gates, etc., 89,059. Colorado Grey Iron Foundry company, Den ver. The secretary of the Interior has therefore awarded the contracts as above and authorized the reclamation service en gineers to construct schedule 8, lateral drops and other structures, by force account. On recommendation of Congressman Hep burn, Dr. B. E. Bamford ha been appointed pension examining surgeon at CentervUle, la., vice Dr. A. E. Nelson, resigned, and upon Tecommendatlon of Congressman Hull, Dr. Emmet Porterfield has been appointed pension examining surgeon at Indlanola, la,, vice Dr. D. M. A. Dashell, deceased. Postmasters appointed: Nebraska, Cuba, Rock county, Alfred C. Kendall, vice J. M. Sawyer, resigned. Iowa, Wright, Mahaska county, John Gunsaulls, vice Z. C. Delash mui, deceased. South Dakota, Vandervoort, Clark county, R. H. Board, vice John Swenhart, resigned. Frank A. Demuth has been appointed reg ular and Daisy E. Demuth, substitute, rural carrier for routo 4, at Emmetsburg, la. BODY OF STRANGER FOUND Evidently Had Been ' There - Sine Soma Time Last' Winter. EVANSTON, Wyo., July 23. (Special Tel egramsWord has Just been received at the sheriff's office In this city of the finding of the body of a well-dressed stranger in a lonely part of Star valley In this county. The letter Is from Deputy Sheriff A. L. Hale of Afton, who went to the place and examined the body. The body was found by a sheepherder In a lonely part of tha mountains southeast of the little settlement of Smoot. Appearances Indicate that the body had lain there all winter. There is still some snow In the vicinity. A bullet hole In the bead shows the cause of death. The fol lowing Is a description of clothing and articles found with the body: Dark brown woolen suit, silk lined; No. 8 shoes, nearly new, made by F, P. Klrkendall; hat, soft gray felt, powder-burned; black cotton Bocks, blue denim overalls, size 88-81, Levi Strauss brand; black ellk handkerchief; on cartridge belt, one 88-callber Colt' revolver. black rubber handle, loaded except one chamber; one purse containing $1.25 In sil ver. Deceased was a stranger, as no one has been missing from that part of tha country. MARK TWAIN IN NEW YORK Antbor on Hi Return from Abroad Say English Have a Sense of linmor. NEW YORK, July 23 Samuel I Clemens (Mark Twain) returned from England thi afternoon on board the Mlnnetonka. Mr. Clemen' stateroom number wa "23," but he said that wa someone's Joke and not his. He wa Informed that the old Clemen homestead In Hannibal, Mo., wa soon to be sold and Mr. Clemen quickly replied that to his knowledge the old homestead had already burned down four times. Pressed to tell the best Joke he heard In England, Mr. Clemens said he was "keeping that." He declined to tell any jokes he had heard, saying that he could get thirty cents a word for them and there were no night rates. Asked If he enjoyed his dinner with King Edward, Mr. Clemens replied that the king did. Speaking of English humor Mr. Clemen aid: "If all nonsense to say that this or that natlqn has no sense of humor. We are all alike In this world. Wa see thing from different viewpoint and the humor ous feature appear to us In various phases." NEW NORTH AND SOUTH ROAD American Midland to Bnlld Line from l.aagdon, Pf. D.p to Galreston, Texas. GUTHRIE. Okl., July IX The American Midland Railroad company, capitalised at $00.0u0,0uu, wa chartered here today by New York and Guthrie men to build a line from North Dakota to near Galveston, Tex. The proposed line I to have an estimated length of 8,100 mile and run from Iingdon, N. D., through that state. South Dakota, Ne braska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Indian Ter. rltory to a point near Galveston, with a brauch from Wtnnsboro, Tex., to Coal City, I. T., and another from Coal Gate to I'oteau, I. T. The directors are U. C. Ouss. B. T. Hegler, .Jr., and C. H. Havlghorat, Qutbrlti; Henry Oppenhelmer, frank Je rome Uoyle, Meyer Oppenhelmer, Charles F. Benkowskl and Lamar Lynden, New York City. City Kl oaring Mills. LAWRENCE, Mass , July 2a The City Flouring mills wer destroyed by lira aarly today. The pilll was owned by Frank E. Chandler of Boston and tha loas la aatt- 1 mated at fTS.Ouu.. . . i . , MLTOIJRIST The Vitals of tke Royal When you are made aware that tn.e Royal is purchased by the keenest, most exacting and most irastidious people in the country, you will realize tow far it Las advanced beyond other nigk power motor cars. Counties men who are familiar witn mechanism and who have sufficient wealth to buy anything' they want prefer the Royal because of its magnificent vitals, the extraordinary care given to their installation and the superior character of their surroundings. With a perfect set of vitals, the human beinj lasts indefinitely. So it is with a motor car, for speed, strength, power, endurance and capacity all pro ceed directly from the vitals he actual seat of life. oflsk oR n Owner Concerning the Vitals of a Royal Royal Touring Car, 45 H. P stats seven. JiOOO Scad lor catalogue contarning b!u prints of car ROYAL MOTOR CAR CO. CLEVELAND. O. Members Aa L. A. M, D0OTlrlS FOR vz$mmiwiwu rm The Reliable Specialists heed the danger signals Ar you weak, don't feel right, nerve shattered, despondent, lifeless, with out ambition, Impaired memory, easily fatigued, excitable, restless, haggard looking, Irritable, and on the verge of menial and physical collapse. Tt so, you should consult us without unnecessary delay and escape from tho slavery that Is holding you captive. We make strung men out of the puny and weak, restoring that feeling of youthful fire, vim and courage. You should be btrong, possess nerves of steel, self-confidence, strength In every muscle, ambition, grit, energy and endurance In order to make your life complete. We have gladdened th- heart of thousands of young and middle-aged men., restoring them to specimens of physical manhod, full of vim, vigor and vitality. If you are lurking In these essential elements of manhood or suffering from Nervous Debility, Rectal and Kidney Disease or an disease or weakness due to neglect, Ignorance, dissi pation or the result of specific diseases, you should take proper steps to rid yourself of such a condition, aa It may cause bitter regret ana humiliation hi after life. W do not quota misleading prtoss mislead Is leading statement or deoeptlT. men at th lowast cost for skillful fair dealings and honest methods We treat men only, and cure promptly, safely and thor oughly and at the lowest cost, BRONCHITIS, CATARRH, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD POISON, SKIN DIS EASES, KIDNEY and BLADDER DISEASES and all SPE CIAL diseases and weaknesses and their complications. Frie EiiBliitln-ffff fSi?.' ?noWS STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sta., Omaha, Neb. How to Get Oil a Car "Wait until the car comes to a complete stop; Have your LEFT arm and hand free; Step squarely down onto the step or running board, holding to upright hand-hold immediately in front of you with your LEFT hand, and facing direction car is headed.'" Before stepping off 6ee that no vehicle is passing, to collide with or run into you. Retain your grasp upon the hand-hold to steady yourself, and step down (forward) from the step or running board with your RIGHT foot first, releasing your hold as soon as your foot reaches the ground. Assist us in preventing accidents. OMAHA a COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. A RUBBER GOODS V MAIL BXPRISS Oil FREIGHT Wa sell a thousand different item made of Rubber. Write for our catrni.- of Babber (rood and ratent Kedloln nil. J-gt Fountain Myrlnge. Sue; by mail 8O0 J-uL Water Bag. 0c; by mall 6O0 Good Trusses. 11.00 and 2 ao Rubber Olovea. 4o to $1.00 freight paid on 110.00 Cash Older. sherman & McConnell Corner IStn aad Dodg Sta. Bee Want Ads W. B. O. 4 12 atiattlMMi V LuwJl irU.wuH'iKv.d.lia In onr announcement, w make no unbnslnassllk proposition. Wa cure and successful services. We baliev In drug co., OWL DRUG CO. Cornsr 16th and Harney. Produce Result: f 1 - ' X i i i I lill