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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1907)
ir 57TE OVAILV DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY", JULY 24, 1W7.' 'Yrmt vi"3rvm-i veiv vjar:o-svgvav xv.t vm'sruxTrmarmaMSC tori. win Silt Bitsa't. Old Store Oil Store BlSMIi.t Gnnlti tan - Sill hi QUICK CLEARANCE ren s Dress es Id order to reduce this stock to a minimum, we offer thousand! of children's summer wash frocks at STILL GREATER. REDUCTIONS Pretty little white and colored dresees In all the newest styles little, low neck summer dreBses charming; little French dresses Bail ors, Buster Browns, Peter Thompsons, etc., In the fayorlte plain and figured fabrics. Children's white and colored Greases worth up to $1 25, on bargain Cablua-w at Our children's summer white and colors worth up to $1.60 on bargain tables, at Our chlldron's Summer Dresses In th most elegant and dainty styles, worth up to 12. 60-at driers, In One lot of Children's Rompers and Dresses worth up to 60c as long as they last at 19c Clearing Sale Specials in Basement WASH GOODS Prettiest and finest lot of white Swisses for dresses and walHts Just received neat embroidered figures large, medium and pin woven dots, finest assortment that ever came from the mill 36c values, at Persian patterns cotton challles, In long use ful lengths for dress ing sacques, kimonos, etc., at, yd . . 19c 2c One tabic of Curtain Scrim, worth 15c, in mill lengths, at yard Beautiful white goods In dress lengths, the 25c quality of India Llnon, Persian Lawn, Pearllne Lawn, French Lawn, Etc. all fine new goods, at yard Big bargain square ot laces and embroider ies, all kinds in slightly mussed lots, no matter . what former price, yd ... . 1 12l2c lc FOR WEDNESDAY Women's White Canvas Oxfords Genuine Welt Soles OMAHA, WSlTHn FORECAST Wednesday, Bhowars. OUR CLERKS Rovel in the onjoymtflit of an unlocked for nnl nn un sought Half-Holiday Each Week During; July and August. It tickles the clerks, pives us no small pleasure mid it doesn't disturb your shopping convenience in anv way. BUYERS' WEEK Opened with remarkable briskness Monday a. m. It'll be kept agoing with vigor all this week. Bar gains, Bargains, just one watchword, one plan, one object: BARGAINS 0 HI HUNDREDS OF SPECIAL BARGAINS From the O'Donahoe, Redmond Furnishing Stock and Pittsfield Bankrupt Shoe Stock. Matchless Midsummer Clearance Bargains in all Departments liiMYllols THE RELIABLE STORE Bargain all this Week. GRAND MIDSUMMER UNDERWEAR CLEARANCE iKMKNTS AT ! i 1 V J) A GREAT SALE OF J FRY SHOE CO. TVS IBOiai 16th and Douglas Streets. and will last several months. Cold Storage Is the thins: necessary to keep the housewife good humored. BIGGER BARGAINS EVERY DAY From the O'Donahoe-Redmond-Normile Co. 1.29 stock of 1.98 Tou may take your choice of entire O'Donahoe-Redmond-Normlle stock of women's shoes and oxfords that sold up to (2.50, for. . . Your choice of entire stock of O'Donahoe-Redmond-Normlle Women's Oxfords, Shoes and Pumps that sold up to $3.50, ygflsffsssBrgMRyssftftfliry .say ay .say &ay vaay sty: flay "JSay &&sf &ay nmb yssttst sav SPECIAL SUMMER EXCURSION RATES VIA Va CHICAGO Um I XAXK SHORE" ' Or BSXCmQAX CENTRAL ;t 1 " os: if '-X- ' it - -1 ' f No more tainted milk, soft butter iind nice cold meats going to waste. Ice Is cIiphp and ni'ver was of finer quality. The Cold Storage keeps It cheap The walls ar? llnod with asbntos on both sides and a solid packing of mineral wood between. Mr. Hurd'a patented glavs trap Is only used In the Cold Storage. The white enamel will not chip nor srala. get soft, nor carry an odor. The system of refrigeration Is a natural one; cold dry air continually circulating. The result, the air la never dead, but Is sweet and will not carry taist. No other Is made like It. We sell them on easy monthly pay ments, or a cut price for cash. Tho Stoetzel Stove Co. 714 60TJTH 18th ST. From ST. LOCI 8 Un "BIG FOUR ROUTE" SAMERICA'S GREATEST RAILWAY 8YSTEM TO DOOTON OLD HOME WEEK a 11. m. n. u Vtmm CHICAGO or ST. LOUIS ONE FARE plus 2.M for the ROUND TRIP r A Gnuxl "OLD HOME WEEK" Celebration soul Runioa Serai IMya ot Public FeatlvlUea, C nnmnolmg JULY Mth rm Dsvrt Patriot's Day; Greater Baa tan Bsgrt New Flnjlaaa Dm aeU Day: Women's Day; Military Day: Iurinr theae Beren Day Blstorio BOSTON will be "AT HOME" to all aer Soma and Daughters, wbrrever rralrtlng pOSTON and Rsturn Fare from CHICAGO, JULY 18, 22, 2S, AUG. 0, 10, SO, 2 Sept. 10, 14, M, BS Fare tram ST. LOUIS, fl7jM REWENGLAND RESORTS M mv w, mv n e4-s 1V a am, um ViwaCXaCAGO e ST. LOUIS, One Fare Plus a.OO for Um Hound Trip . CANADIAN RESORTS. DAILY T7OTTL SEPT. SO, 0T rmtm CHICAGO -or ST. LOUIS, Ona Fare Plaa $aUM for Um ftaancl Trip Fall ParUcnlara may be obtained front maj ticket agent of tha ' AJBRKJI J. LYNCH. Fsmsenger TrajQo Managsr, GmOAQO (?Jr. Coal Buyer. IWe offer you, fresh from the mines, our "six best sellers", tJS follows. Best Pena. Anthracite $10.50 per ton Our Celebrated Eockvale Canon Lump $8.75 per ton Our Celebrated llookvale Canon Nut.... $8.25 per ton Bunnyside Lump and Egg $0.50 per ton Bunnyside Washed Nut $0.25 per ton Canon City Kut $7.50 per ton Call and get ona of our handy heat registers, with our Compliments. Phone 431 NEBRASKA FUEL CO. r HOT WEATHER GOODS JvatowL euafcfcias. bathlnc caps, bath aowaara and oool toilet watara. la fart naydlnf la th war ht waOr sooaa. Lt us show yon this lla. Any om of th tiUAa tat you might nc4 jmyll uvta tb quality and aparaoiata tha coadast Tho Doll Drue Company Uif VABJt. Ice Cream Soda. 5c Made from our high grade Ice Cream, with rich, crushed fruits. The same price every day.. 5 Call for any soda fountain drink you wish. We are sure to please you. TtiESroRtroiiDfiicACiri 1B18-20 Para am. Phoue Doug. 711 it More and Bigger FIRE SALE Drug Bargains W still hava thousands of dollars worth of stocks sllKhilv damaiced. that must b sold before our new tod: arrives So we are making BIOQZm BAMAXBia THaJf ITEK Xvnmbtt, the prices we offer ars ror ail you want or what we have. sa loaf as it lasts. Pears. 4711 Glycerine, Jersey Cream eoapa lOo $1.14 Hot Water Bottles 43o 76o Fountain Syringes 85c 10c and 60c Box Paper 13a Graves, Lyons, Santol, Bansal Tooth Powders Bo 50o and tOe Combs .5e lOo Roll Toilet Paper, 4 roll S5o 6c Roll Toilet Paper. I Rolls ....10o 11.04 Bath Syringes Sfte to Cigars t for 6c Bos 91.83 10 Cigars. o Box $3 .83 DOWELL DRUG CO. lets aaa Capital. Are. CrTEf!(T -t photect- I tla.1 LACt" .iir B.u tye Utt A seasonable article fine Lemonade Jugs all sorts and sizes, some hand painted, some fine Iogas, Bird Jugs, Tulip Jugs, half -gallons, quarts, pints, half -pints: 50c and 60c Jugs for 25c 85c and $1.00 Jugs for 49c $1.25 and $1.75 Jugs for 69c The biggest and best bargain sale of new style Jugs ever produced. Sale begins promptly at 8 a. m. Jugs on dis play in Harney street window till hour of sale. Engraved Stationery STTWHTgnPaC1 WAISTS & 60c value 19c Ml B W F-nciranvS L W It Cs Va. ti Is 1tllJiJkjljkJ linen or oiganUle bond mum mm ' paper and 26 envelopes nuirrnn rswr to matct. all he latest BUYERS SALE '-- and color-.- hlgftest grade paper. . Your Initial staniped $5.95 Fine Panama Skirts, for $2.95 i?BhScdr11epL0prril,B:n',A 60o value - ff $3.95 Pure Linen (Irish) Skirts $1.95 tot J 1 BUMMEBt SBADISrO Thousands of books $1.50 Lawn Waists for 49c ?at at "ffi iiubllshed at ll.BO all $2.00 Children's Lawn Dresses.. 89c If, m? .Suite . While they 19 C $1.00 Lawn Kimonas for 43c jaBt' for r A BABOAIV BAXiS 98c Muslin Drawers, Corset Cov- or ers, Skirts and Gowns for 48c PIPES Keerschams, Briars, 50c Muslin Drawers for 19c a, .V.0.. " V&'l ana stems, buyers' Lingerie Dresses and Linon Skirts WL p f at HALF ,, PRICE. Wednesday Buy- 20 Off11 ers' and Managers' Sale. Second floor. And double greet green trading stamps SCXN'S AKD BOTS STRAW HATS BUTIiLS' win Tour choice of any ITSAW KATi Rxoept a Panama or Mexican Ftxhlng) at KAX.T PaiCE: ,2.60 value 1.25 $2.00 value for . . . S1.R0 value for . . $1.10 value for . . 60c value for . . . $1.00 .75c 37c 25c 2 GRE4T BARGAINS IN , . BUYERS' SALE HOSIERY Ladlos Imported lace lisle Hose, blacks and whites, regular 39c goods, Wednesday, a pair- Ladles' allover lac, lace boot and hand em broidered lisle Hose regular 60c goods Wednesday, 8 pairs $LM WEDNESDAY ONLY Great Shirt Bargains All High Grade Shirts, made large and roomy; plain or pleated, attached or detached cuffs mostly cut coat style. A beautiful assortment of colors and patterns. Values up to $1.50 89c Values up to $2.00 $1.10 Values up to $3.00 and $3.50. $1.89 Summer Furniture Three-piece Porch Fet Divan Korker and Arm Chair; solid oak, substantially and hand somely made, a regular snap at three pieces $11.25 Swing, complete It with chains, for U.AJ Canvas Camp $ r. Stools IJC BUYERS WEEK IN HARDWARE TEDHESDAT BFECXAXB. 10 olaoount on anj OAS KAHOE. Stoves all KtrU'ea and styles mm Garbage and Ash Cans, sizes and prices to suit every one, up from 98o Asbestos Mats, regular fcc; spei liM, two fur lOo 10 Green Trading Stamps. Mouse Traps, regulur 3c, 6 for loo Iust Pans, sold elsewhere for : special 5o Plumbers' Friends or Closet Plung ers, regular 6oc; special . ...48o Mincing or Chopping Knives, reg ular 15c; special lOo SVOBTEBTQ OOODS. 25 discount on all Uase Ball goods except Spalding's. Uoys. DOWT MI8a the chance. Bennctrs Big Grocery Qualities always rlglit, prices correct, deliveries prompt. Bennett's Capitol Coffee, per lb.B8o (30 Ureea Trading btampa.) Teas B. K. Japan, Oolong, Oun powder. English Hreakfaet. lb.4o (40 Ureeu Trading Stamps.) Blood of Grape Juice, pint hot.SSo 20 Green Trading Stamps.) Blond of Urapn Juice, at. but. SOo (40 Green Trading Stamps.) Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, per lb aia (SO Green Trading Stamps.) Three Star Salmou, can.. BOo (20 Green Trading Stamps.) Granulated Sugar, ll lbs 91.00 Worcester Table Salt, tuo sacks ioo (10 Green Trading Stamps.) Uayles' Cider Vinegar, plr.t bottle ... fxOo (5 Green Trading Stamps. I BayleiT Cider Vinegar, auart bottle iso (10 Green Trading Stamps.) Red Snapper Rellxh, br.ttle . . . . 15o (10 Green Trading Stamps.) Alvord a Corn Relish, bottle .860 (20 Green Trading Stamps.) Dr. Price's Food, 4 pkgs aso BAIBTjr SPECIAL. About 200 pounds California Rul tana Kalslns, worth 16c; Wednes day, lb , lOo ALIIBTA VXA0KZ8. Several hundred baskets tine. Juicy Alberta Peaches; as long as sup ply holds out. basket ISO DAINTY I'NDKKMl SI, INS AM) Nl'I.KMMH KMT MOSS THAN HALF UKil l,AU I'ltK'K. Our stork Is beyond comparison the preateRt In vartoty and largest we fiav ever had on. our nhetrea at this season. Drastic methods are necessary to nake room for new poods already arriving it nee This Pricing at a rrscttoa of Their Heal metall Value. BKIXTS, that sold regu lnrly up to 6.00, In tliree lots, Wednesdny, Jl.50 9198 8,,d 2.98 BKimTS, generously pn-porttnn-l, wrn ninde and pri tttly trimmed, unmRtchabln no,, barsBlns at ... UOV OOWNB worth regular ly to 12.00, divided Into S lota, for thin sale, at G9c 75c 98c COMET COVERS made from flno materials, trimmed with deep lace or embrolderv. yoke at - )(. S!c. 15c and . . . -1 X.AOTES' 7 So JBH.SET BIBBED UltlOIf BUITS on sale at LADIES' $1.00 SILK A WD LI8LB VBIT8 with fancy hMnd croched yokes, on sale Wetlnesday at LADIES' LISLB AND COTTOW VESTS In treat assortment, worth double CHEMISE In all lengths, In flen qunllty nainsooks and cambrics, daintily trim med, embroidery and lace yokes, worth to $2.00. pale prices 49c, 69c and 98c LADIES' TJNIOK SUITS worth to li.OO, Swiss or Jersey Ribbed, with fancy ernched yokes, 0 Wodnoadnv for JJ 19c clenrance prices. 25c, 19e, 15c, rTp 12.kC 10c snd CLOTHING CLEARANCE BARGAINS THREE GltKAT KI'KCIALS WOHTHY OF 1MMUDIATK CONSIDrUATION HOVS' ODU KXKK PANTS In all sizes, worth to $1.00, any pattern or col or desired, clearing Fale price 35 ai'd 50 KNKK PAXT SUTS worth to 54.00, all latest styles and ra'terns, over 1,000 suits to select from at Sl.r.O and MEN'S PANTS, worth $7.50, neat mixtures and stripes, strongly made and serviceable, sale price 05 EXTRA SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY AT 9: HO A. M. 10 dozen sheets, 63x90 and 81x90, got wet In the last rain. They are worth 69c and 75c each, will close lot at half price 31 and 37 64 Inch Table Damask, worth 39c, at a yard 15 19c Towels for 10? 15c Towels for 7a 15o Batiste for 10? 12c Batiste for 7W? 10c Batiste for K4 SPECIAL CRACXE3 AND COOKIE SALE WEDNESDAY, FRESHEST OOODS IsT THE CITT .MADE BY THE NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY. Jersey Tonst Cookies, per lb for This Salt 8ic Lemon Square Cookies, per lb. . Frosted ( renin Cookies, per lb.. Mary Ann Cookies, per lb Suberba Cookies, per lb Fancy Newton Cookies, per lb. . Cartwheel Cookies, per lb Oatmeal Cookies, per lb Graham Cooklef, per lb Richmond Cookies, per lb OMAHA'S QB.ATEST FBE8K Sweot Corn, per dozen 10c Fresh Wax or Green Beans, per lb. 2V4o Fresh Peas, per quart 2 Ho Large Heads Fresh Cabbage 2 He Fresh Beets, per bunch lc Fresh Carrots, per bunch lc Freh Turnips, per bunch lc Fresh Onions, per bunch lc Fresh Lettuce, per head Ak-Sar-Ben Cookies, per lb.... Cocoanut Cake Cookies, per lb Cocoanut Bar Cookies, per lb.. Macaroon Snap Cookies, per lb.. Scotch Cake Cookies, per lb.... Crystal Coffee Cookies, per lb.. Atlantic Cookies, per lb Currant Cake Cookies, per lb... For Thl$ Silt M HA YDENS' am nlM AND RETURN 7 I listen For the New .England Home Coming; tickets on sale July 25, 26, 27 and 28, via the CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RY. Return limit Aug. 5th, with privileges of extension to August 31st. Three daily trains to Chicago from Union Station, Oma ha, at 7:02 A. M.; 5:58 P. M. and 9:58 P. M. Close connec tions -with all eastern lines. For information, folders, etc call at City Ticket Office, 1524 Farnam St., or write t F.A.NASH, Omaha, Neb. General Western Agent. BAILEY (EJL MACH THIRD FLOOR PAXTON nLOCK Corner 18th and Farnam Streets. Best equipped Dental office In the middle west. Highest grade Dentistry at Reasonable Prices. Porcelain finings, juat like tte tooU. . mm? ft. VtxW a m mi r ' w mw ' aO jrftf BLUE RIBBON BOTTLED BEER are imported by us direct from Saaz, Bohemia. We get the choicest pickings of these, the world's most famous hops. Our European representative, Mr. J. K. Storz, personally selects our requirements each season, right at the hop vineyards. It is the use of such excellent hops that imparts to STORZ BEER an exquisite aroma and tonic strength that distinctly marks it as a superior brew. It costs i a you no more than ordinary beer, lie sure you order STORZ. WTO "Phone Webster 1260" STORZ BREWING CO.. 0) OMAHA. NEB. AT 2:00 P. M. 4 5 and 4 8 Inch Peperal Pillow Sheet ings, regular price 20c, on Bale at a yard 12 H Apron Checks, 7c grade 5 12V4 Dress Ulnghama 5 120 Percales for 7 Full Standard Prints for 2H Scotch Lawns for 10c Muslin, bleached, for 5 8ic Unbleached Muslin for . . . -4?4 Othor fuiU'H during the day. VXOETABLE AWD FKUIT MARKET. Fresh 1M( Plant, per bunch 10 Fresh Parsley, per hunch Itt Fresh Klpe Tomatoes, per lb Bo Fresh Cantaloupes, each 6o Extra larRe fancy Juicy, 240 sirs, Lemona that retail for 60c dozen, our price thla sale, per dozen SOo Fresh Peanuts, per quart Bo Quart boxes fancy Raspberries, Gooseber rles. Blackberries or Currants, box 12 He i ) J