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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1907)
0 r 'TIIE OMAITA DATLT ' TiEs TRDNEST)AT, TUTT 24, 100? ' ( ( 1 r ( OFFERED FOR RENT Hoim and f'4taes t'natlaaed. KOR HEVT-N' 7-rnnm cottage, bath, fill modern conveniences, shaile and fruit trees 4oth. north of Dodge. Inquire. ,1. W Rnbblna. 1H"2 Fafnatn. (1SI MS4 FOR tlENT--mom modern house, barn, shad trwn and fruit, wholly modern. Jjifayette. no.OO. Inquire, 1124 No. 40th. Oif-MIM jtiR RKNT 7-room house, Parker. modern. 241 (IS) M151 25 FIVE eottages, lyth ave. and Bpauldlng; new, east front; modern except heat, 122. 1.124 N. 41st St., 8-room modern. $37.50. 110 8 36th 81., 7-room, 137 60. Hastings & Hay don, 1J04 Farnam St. (15) M 224 14 BttMlao. THE entire building formerly occupied hy the Dally News, 44x30 feet, t stories and basement. McCague Inveatment Po 1501 Dodge St. (16)-81fl 1311 HARKET ST. I floora and basement. 53x1311 feet; suitable for wholesale. Mc Cat ue Inveatment Co., 150 Dodge St. (lSj-Stt Wholesale District BUILDING For Rent The fooy-story and basement brick build lug at I1 Finiim St. Apply F. D. Wead. 1&24 Douglaa St. (11-M380 Offlre. DESK room on flrat floor at 121 Farnam, (16) 13 ID FLOOR, well lighted; elegant for office uae. 1212 Farnam. (15) K40 FOR RENT Deak room In Bee office, city hall building, 411 N. 25th St.. South Omaha. Apply to manager. (16) 134 STORE room for rent. 422 S. 18th St., one block south of court nouns. (io) Ml IB CHOICE (16) M175 iox OFFICES It la very seldom that good outalda apace In a well appointed office building la avail able. At the present time we have a beautiful aulte of two rooms on the fifth floor, with east and aouth light, a large vault, which makes thla a moat desirable space during either summer or winter. Room No. 646 la now vacant and la 14xlft, with a good-slaed vault: haa east Hunt. A new hard-wood floor waa recently put In thin room. Everybody In Omaha knows the location of the Bee building; U la central, close to the city hall and county court house. There are several hundred people who apend more time hers than In thnir homes and any one of then will testify aa to th cars they receive tier. Foe further particulars call THE BEE BUILDING , CO. 17TII AND FARNAM. (1S 4M to: FOR RENT Large afore room, with good basement. 24flv Bo. 16th St., lis. C. M. BACH MANN. 430 Paxton Blk. (1D-M71I I STORE) ROOM. 110S N. 18th Bt.. 120. -Jj BEMIB. PAXTON BLOC J 'Phone Douglaa 68a. (16) 414 SMALL storeroom. Hoe No. 24th. (16) M152 26 140 per month for desirable storeroom and Daeement, joxw, near 2iM ana rarnam His. OEORUH at CO., ItiUl Farnam St. j (16) M218 M OFFERED FOR SALE fencing. eNCTIOR and Iron fencing) wire fencing to per foot. Oj r. Bt. Tel. Bed 814 lie; mjs Fnrnttar. ID-TIAND furniture bought and aold: bus! ness on the square. Rosenborg, formerly with Chicago Furniture Co.. 103 S. 14th. D. 6815. (16)-M970 Jv27 Pianos, Organs, Mnalcal Instrument, PIANO BARGAINS For close buyers. ' Tour choice of twenty different makes In our bargain room thla week, ; Kimbai! upright t 71 Gem upright, reflnlahed like new 13) Ludlman upright, large alse 16 Halleit A Davis, Flemish oak 160 Hellett A Davla. walnut case 190 SCIIMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO COMPANY 'Pheae Doug. 1826. 1311-1311 Farnam Bt. (,18)-M370 FOR BALE1 A Hardman Cabinet Grand I prignt Piano, nearly new. Inquire a 2,1b Ohio Bl. (16) 714 1JX Poel ana Billiard Tablea. FOR BALE New and secondhand billiard and pool tables, we lead the world I cheap bar hxturet; easy payments. Hruna- wu k-oame-coiieaaar, wi o. iwn bu (It) 848 Wat writers ana tewing Machines. 110T WEATHER BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS No. Remingtons No. 2 Smith Premiers. No. 1 Smith Premiers.. No. Sun (new) No. 4 Densmoros No. 7 Bllck (newV...... No. Fox '.. Chicago (nw) .$.00 8J5.00 ..y).io .$26.00 .$26.00 .$26.00 .1.6.00 $16.00 ALL MAKES RENTED $2.50 PER MONTH X 7" CHANGE TYPEWRITER COMPANY st Farnam Bt., Omaha. Phone D. 8874. 1) M214 24 FOR SALE High grade secondhand type writer; good oondition: a bargain at $ 4 Call room 0J, Bee Bldg. n)-71 ONE Remington typewriter, No. 6, In good ii, if auie crteap. can at nee OlMce. (16)-2g Mtacellaaeons. . 6 END us your mull deis for drugs; Drug Co.. Onu mar a. il6 . HKRWiS- WII.MAM8 CO, best mixed alnt. aheriusn cConn.ll Diug Co .l)-! OFFERED FOR SALE Mlerellaneone--toa tinned. OAS. ELBCTRB"! AND COM BINATIoN HXTt'RKS. Cperle! low prices during the summer to reduce stork. ;order now; goods delivered when readr. BUUGESS & GRANDEN CO., Telethon Douglss Ml. Ill 8. 16th St. US)-84 SNAP. RESTAURANT and cafe; rnt MS; 6 blocks from pnstoffice. We feed per dsv. Address E 814. Bee. Must sell at once. 16l 777 30X DRt'GS at cut prices; freight paid on 110 nrHpri' ratftlftni free SHERMAN A MCOXNELL DRLO CO., Omaha. Neb. (1-M41 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and retail. Bherrnan & McC'onnell Drug Co. (16)-M417 FOR HALE First-class atore fixtures. ahowrascs, etc. Olobe Ind and I vest ment Co., 1823 Farnam St., Omaha, N'b. (16)-o0 HALL S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1811 Farnam. (!) 47 FOR SAI-E Fancy cherries, Ihm's Fruit Farm, 63d and Military Ave. Tel. Benson 404. (16I-076 TWO diamond rings, K, each at a snap. j-iv, iiee. ... uoj iu FOR BALE At 703 So. 13th St., store fix tures, shelving, counters, cases, chairs, adding machine and ensh register. WILLIAM J. COAD, Trustee. (16) M166 FINE Russian antique samovar. bnrgHln. aus jn. lth St. (1 H. air 2-Bl'RNER gasoline stove. 12 00; 8-burier gasoline stove, 3.oo. Omaha Stove Ho pulr Works, 1206-8 Douglm St. (16) M172 2D CASH register for sale, 140; keys, lc to (9. 1111 Farnam St. (18) Mil 23X FOR BALK AT NO. 7i3 BOTTTH 13TII ST., STORE F1TI"RKS. SHELV'IN'U, CorNTERS. TABI.F.S, CASCT. CHAIRS, AIrlNO MACHINE. CASH RBOISTER. WM. J. COAD. TRUSTEE. (16)-T7S FINE upright piano, nearly new, largest size, very cheap; party leaving cltv. 415 N. l'3d St. (16I-M221 PATENTS LARSON CO.-Book free. Bee Bldg. (17) 86J D. O. BARNELL, patfnt attorney and ma chine designer, raxtoa bik. Tel. Kea. int. , (17) 980AUK10 PERSONAL OMAHA Stammerers' Institute. Ramg Bldg. 08) 57 BEWINO machines rented. Neb. Cycle Co., 16th and Harney. 'Phone Doug. 1A6S. (!$)-& M AfiTTr,.TTPt'"'',ropnt and bath. Mme. iil.AUlliJAXgmltni lu N uth 2d noor (18)-JiiiO FEW bargains In 2d-hand aoda fountains, monthly payments. Deright, 18)8 Farnam. (16) 848 ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Paxton aive. u. j. scanncll, agt., ouy ware hik. (18) M38 BTRINGE8, rubber goods, by mall: cut prices, berid for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) has THE ELITE Expert lady operator 1UU Klve- m-ssage. baths and sal gelidus rub. Room 200 Darker Blk., 15th and Farnam. (18) M136 24x PLEATING Buuona, Niching, i 1 ",VJ Embroidery. Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink ingonly 6o per yard. Send for price list and eamplis. QOLlfAN PI.KTIVfl rn . 10 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglaa lf34. (16) tol MAGNETIC P'teo'ogy na massage. MiiUKiJlHy .Vapor and tub batha Room J, 1204 Farnam St., 2d floor. (U) jy:s TUB SALVATION ARMY aollclts cast-off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St, for coat of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will call. (18) 611 TOUNO WOMEN coming to On. aha at strangers are invited to visit the Toung Women'a Christian Association rooms, 1818 Farnam street, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. U6j 91S PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, 132) N. 24th St. Tel. Doug. 3569. (18) 863 A FAIR, sweet satin akin secured using atln skin cream and face powder. 16c. (18) HANDSOME young Lincoln bachelor, well bred business man of popularity, wants acquaintance of wealthy lady under 80 of good address. A. Merchant, Oen. Delivery, Omaha. (18) M1S2 25x REAL ESTATE REAL G8TATB DB1LERI, RUSSELL & M KITKICK Cp., 432 Ramge. (18)-&t3 W. H. TURRELL. 16 Patterson Blk. Doug. 112. (18) SCb PATNE INV. CO., lat floor N. T. L. Doug. 1781. (19)-8ti L. W. BUNNELL CO., 822 N. Y. Life. Douglas 6149. (!) R- C. PETERS & CO.. Bee Bldg. (19)-8S7 ALFRED C. KENNEDY, 209 First Natl ttauu tiiuij. -none Douglas 723. (19) 888 OEOROE & COMPANT, 1001 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 75C (li) 8S CITY PROPERTY FOR SALES. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A IIOMET If so and you want a home that will help aupport you, you should, by all means, see Keystone Park, where we can aell you a tract of 3 to 20 acres from $175 to $376 per acre. Two traits sold this week. Out of 552 acres, 150 acres have already been sold. This Is on of the most beautiful and attractive spots around Omaha and you should, by all means, see It before you buy. Qlad to mat) you out in an. automobile at any nine, leiepnone emier on or me under signed. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Firut Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Douglaa 178L or I). V. SHOLES CO. Board of Trade Bldg., Douglaa 49. (1S)-M917 24 $4,000 will buy one of the best homes In Kountie Place. Modern In every way. Large barn Kant front Street paved. Permanent sidewalk Easy terms. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room f. New York Life Bldg. Phone Douglas 1204. J 19 Mlp) VERY CHEAP A 4-roora house, well, cistern, cave, barn two chicken houses, strawberries, fruit trees. Two lots. 44x!20 each, situated In Co Bluffs, la.; $4 cash u.,i.-d to handle this property. Balance monthly. TLRKEI.L CO . R 17, Patterson Bldg. Tel. D. 112t 08.-MI77 U TWO goed homes, both modern except Turns-; one has 5 rooms, the other ( rooms east front and on grade; located on 19th and Vinton Sts ; price. $1,700 and $1,100 each; would exchange for acreage close to car line. W. 8 FRANK. 'Phone Doug. 6y0. Neville Blk j (W Ml 42 IS LIST your property with the Wastera Ilome Builders, rma. 22-2$ Nebraska Nail, bank Bidj. . Ut)-71$ More City Real Estate REAL ESTATE CITV PROPERTY FOR SAM (Continued.) I CHEAP CORNER We can offer 33 feet all at the corner of Capitol Ave. and 19th St., only two blocks from the poetottlce and thre blocks from HavriVn Bros., and the new Brandels store, for 4.6iW. If you want the biggest bargain in Omaha call and see us about 'this at once. Modern House We offer for sale ft very handsome resi dence, located on one of the finest streets In West Farnam district. It was built by the owner for a permanent home; new and up-to-date In every respect, ami Is one of the best arranged and most complete mod erate sized houses In this city. Has eleven rooms, parlor, library, dining room, kitchen, pantries, etc., also largo central hall, on first floor. Four large bed rooms and den, bath, closets, etc., on second floor. Two nice bed rooms, storage room and closets on third Door; elegant electrlo light and gaa fixtures; handsome mantels. Price S13,GC0. Choice Inside Lot The finest Investment In Omaha, S3 feet, only two blocks from postorllce. three blocks from Hay den Bros.' big atore and Brandels' new building; one of the finest locations In city to build a flat on and get big rentals. This ground so near the busi ness center, win soon oring i wu to miou times the price we can offer It for today; only 33,750. If you want to put your money where It will grow, look this up. Fin" Residence Corner Two beautiful lota, corner 3th Ave. and Doilge, Junt opposite the new Cudahy brick residence; perfect iadc; spleudld location; for I'j.500. BIG BARGAIN Large modern house; all latest conven iences; extra large bathroom; fine lot, near 2Jith St. and Capitol Ave., close to Farnam street car line, for 15.760. . CHEAP LOT One of the finest lots In the center f the West Farnam district, for 32,876. SEE THIS t-raom modern house, targe bam, full lot on paved street; "all specials paid;" close to cur line; special price, If sold this week, of $2,850. Hick's Real Estate Co.. 439 Board of Trade Bids. (l) 197 23 MUST SELL Our nearly new home; 6 rooms and recep tion hall; all modern; facing aouth; paved street; 1 block to car; In Hanscom park dis trict; reasonable terms. Address C 761, care Bee. (19) M160 24 BIG BARGAIN $2,500 SEVEN ROOMS 8334 Spauldlng We offer for the first time, for quick sale, thla handsome house of seven large rooms, full south-front lot, high and sightly location, 8 blocks from car; modern except heat and piped for furnace; In good repair; new roof. This house would cust $3.u00 to build today. Owner anxious to sell. Look Into this. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1704 Farnam Bt. Bee Building. 119) 190 23 NEAR BEMIS PARK A NEW eight-room all modern house has just been completed. If not sold this week will be leased for a year. See this at once. $4,(M on easy terms. O KEEFE RfclAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Doug. 2152 (191-204 26 If looking for a 6, ( or 7-room cottage on your own terms, 'phone Web. 1866, (l-'90 $1,950 If Sold This Week -room house, I bedrooms and bath up stairs. Parlor, dining room, kitchen down, porcelain sink, city water, cistern, pump, hot water tank and pantry In kitchen. Houae newly painted, water meter, shade trees and perm, walks, good location and close to car line. $sa cash, balance like rent. j BIRKETT & TEBBENS, 128 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. 4754. (19) 200 23 FOR SALE-rine comer lot, close In, with eottsge containing 7 rooms and bathroom, located S. W. corner 26th and Charles Sts., lot fronting 120 feet on Charles St, and ti feet on 26th St; has room enough for two or three more houses; paved street and permanent sidewalks; price. $4.87. W. H. Griffith, owner. 3621 Chi cago Bt. (19) M2 26x IF YOU are thinking or building It will pay you to see the Western Home Build ers, rooms 21'-86 U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg, for prices and terma. (18) 210 BEMIS PARK DISTRICT' f rooms, brand new, strictly modern, HtUOi O'Keef Real Estat Co., luol N. T. Life B'dg- (19)-Mif;; NEAR FIELD CLUB 1314 8. 35th Ave. Eight rooms; built last year, modern throughout; permanent walka: paved street. For sale by owner, pries fc.Ouu. JOHN 8. LITTLE Phone Red 4D46 (1)-144 23x BEMIS PARK. Two beautifully situated lots. 40x127 feet each, west front en boulevard, two blocks to car, on grade; corner, UrM; inside, STgu Must be sold by saner at once. 4U La fayette Ave nt-aifts advertised in. The Dee everyday in the month than in any other Omaha paper. T S REAL ESTATE crrr propgrtt fur sai.k. (ConUnued.) READ THIS Six good reasons why Omaha wage earn ers are seeking homes In West Council Bluffs: 1st. Because building lots can he bought for one-halt of what they will cost in Omaha the same distance from the busi ness center. 2d. Because they can be bought for a small payment down and o.00 per month till paid. 3d. Because we will build houses on these lots on the Installment plan,, monthly paymenta not to exceed the amount you are now paying for rent. 4th. Because the street car service la as good as In any other direction from the business center, the fare being 5 cents. 6th. Because we have over 100 nice lots to choose from, besides several houses al ready built and for aale on easy terms. th. Because we have the gooda and will be glad to show you that these state ments are true. Office open Sundays from 8 to 12:30. Benjamin Real Estate Co. Thone Douglas 7332. 325-6 Neville Block. (ID) M164 t2,Ki0 for 75x142 ft. west front, on So. 10th St. near Bancroft; excellent building lo cation on car line. GEORGE & COMPANY, 16ul Farnam St. (19)-M219 24 FARNAM RESIDENCE NEW 8-room house, living rooms MnlHhed In oak; oak mantel gas grate; plumbing; furnace; newly papered; ail finish a piano mllh; bedrooms and hath enameled; this a a bargain; see it quick. C. P. TRAVER, Phone Red 4721. 1S24 Fnrnam. (19) M213 24 THIS IS A SNAP 2 houses and lot 66x115, Capitol Ave., between 26th and 27th, $2,500, If sold at once. In quire 2(131 Cass. (19) M223 26 FOR SALE J-room cottage, owner leaving city, wlil Sell at a sacildce. 10(1 North 40th, South Omaha. Tel. 37L ' (19)-M14$ FOR SALE Five-acre tract of land In Ben son, three blocks from car, suitable for planting or for Improvement; an oppor tunity for someone. Address G 423. Bee. (19XH LIST your pr&perty with Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming Sis (IS) 64 DEAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO CHAS. J. WILLIAMS, Pres. (IS) S92 HOME IN BENSON rooms, electric light, water In klchln, house nearly new, two full lots, east front, easy terms and very cheap at $2,360. TURRELL & CO., R 17, Patterson Bldg. Tel. D. 1129. (19) M178 24 REAL ESTATE FARM AND HA.VCU LAMD FOR 8 ALU Iowa. TWO small Polk county fruit and chicken farms for sale near toVn; price reason able. .Address Burkey & Graeber, Shel dahl. la. (20)-M64l 24x Kansas. WANTED Agents to represent us In the sate of our Kansas lands. Write for par ticulars. Olobe Land and Inveatment Co., Omaha, Neb. (2o 897 FOR SALE or trade. 640 acres, Oreely county, Kan., land, cheap. Address hoir 42 Lincoln, Neb. (20) 187 29x Nebraska. FIRST-CLASS Nebraska farms and ranches for homes or Investment. Bemls. Omaha. (20) MJ78 RANCH FOR SALE 1.280 acres. Banner county. Neb., Improved, running water, etc.; $4,50 per acre If taken Bt once. Kim ball Land Co.. Kimball. Neb. (20) M15S 30x Sooth Dakota. ARE YOU Interested In South DakotaT If so writ j to the A. O. Brink Land Co. of Pierre, S. D., concerning the 25,000 acres of farm lands they own In Hughes and Bully counties. They will answer you gladly. (2Co-MJ7 Al REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS on Improved city property. W H. Thomas, 6t First National Bank Bldg. (Zi)-22 LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O Keele R. E. Co., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldrf (22)-9J6 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rales; no delay. Thomas Brennan, lioom 1, N. Y. Life. (22) 901 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 132u Farnam St. (22)-904 $500 TO $50,000 TO LOAN at lowest rates; no delay. OARVIN BROS, 1004 FARNAM. (22)-90, PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1620 Doug. (22)-9u2 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. (22)-901 LOWEST JIATES Bemla, Paxton Block. (22)-U WANTED City loans. R. C Peters A Co. (22)-M FOR SALE A good 7 per cent mortgage on farm land, 11,300. The O. F. Davis Co., & Bee Bldg. (22) MTdS 24 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpels, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts and all kinds of tools: or will buy the furniture of your houe complete. . Will buy antique or mahogany furniture. The highest prices paid. Call the right man. Tel. Douglaa 371. (26)-8t Jy26 CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foye Co., 8U S. 14tn. Phone Douglaa 1121. (26) 4)10 CARD CABINET of 15 to 25 drawers for card 8 by 5 Inches; atate price; must be cheap. Address L ?. Bee. (36) Sift WE NEED two horses, l.uoo to 1.100 weight; will pay cash or trde go.d piano. Mat thews Piano Co., 1513-15 Harney Bt. (26 MH74 27 A DELIVERY Wagon, In good repali. vlth capacity of 3.000 pounda. August '.. Greenhagen, Station li. (25) M171 25x I WANT to buy a republican weekly paper and Job office In Co. seat town In Ne braska. Casn. Write T , Bee. . (2'.i-l TV-lx WANTED TO RENT LADY desires pleasant front room with board in strictly private family; price no object for the right place: references ex changed; boarding houses and flats need not apply. Address G 816, are He ' 2-) M'.'63 21X WANTED Te rent. In southwest section, modern house or cottage, with five or six rooms; furnace not necessary; for desirable place reaannshle rent will be paid. Address C 8U, care Bee. . UUi 24s WANTED TO RENT (Continued.) WANTED Desirable rooms In all parts of the city. Omaha Rental Co., 308 N. T. Life Bldg., Tel. DuukIbs 3.SSI. 1261 M3 AugTOx WANTED Board and room by refined young lady, employed; can give best of references. Address 1) 762, Bee. (26) M169 2ix 3 ROOMS and board with private family, near edge of town and car line. Addrea A-759, care Bee. (361-121 SOx WANTED SITUATION WANTED-Position In store by young lady; unexperienced; would work cheap. Ad dress Y 14X Bee, (27) M ISO 24 x WANTED Work by the day by experi enced dressmaker. Call on or address 4936 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Ilarney-1661. (87) 917 A9 WANTED Position as compoaltor; six months' experience. Address Y 125. Bee. (27i M1R AuirSx SMALL bundles of laundry taken home. Rotixh dry, 35c per doxen, shirt waists, 20c and up, 2707 No. SWth. (37) 194 29 KXPKRI KNCED stenographer. Address S., Omaha Bee, 15 Scott St., Co. Bluffs. (27)-M 227 SITUATION WANTED A Hustler In real estate work; can give references. Ad dress J. O. Hesterly, Pawtiuska okl. (27) M230 29x REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Charles 1. Morris and wife to Nels C. M:idsen, lot 10, block 66, Benson $ 175 Charles Mc jli nemy ' and wife to Thomas G. Plummer and wife, lota 10. il. 12, 13 and 14, block 15, North Omaha r. .... 2 Somerset TruRt company to Charles McMenemy, same 420 Stella Culp to Lucy A. Ualnea, tax lot 8, In 11-16-10 800 Alfred Resum and wife to Carl A. Wlckstrom. 75 ft. strip adjoining tax lot 4, In Sl-16-10 175 Henry Maddock and wife to A. W. Speelman, lot 17, block 4, Denman Place 150 James S. Gilbert to Alfred I. Crelgh, lots 13 and 14, block 106, Dundee Place 1,000 Omaha Ixian and Building association to Marie Goodro, a lot 20, block 4. Potter AY Cobb's add 1 650 William E. Swentxcl and wife to Walter Swltala and wife, lot 3, block 13. Wilcox add 3"0 J.icob L. Jacohson and wife to The Evangelical Lutheran Zion congre gation, part lots 1 and 28, sub block "A." Reservoir add 1 Elizabeth Knuntse Real Estate com pany to Albert N. Eaton, lot 14, block 23. Kountxe Tlace l.KiO George A. Luce and wife to I-aura Armstrong, lot 4. I'rp's suh 2.065 Caroline I. Poppleton et al. to Edith A. Prints, lot 12, block 2, Sulphur Springs TV The State National Bank of Cleve land. O.. to J. W. Moslrr, lot 183. Lenox add 85 Ethel K. Boyce et al. to Jay a. De Uols et al.. part lot 8, block 8. Orchard Hill 1.0(0 Albert T. Peybolt et al. to Katie D. Mntber. lots 16. 17 and 18, block 18, Halcyon Heights !,6,ri0 Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust company to Moses Colin, part lot 4, block 203'., Omaha 2.4'fl Total $14,41$ LEGAL NOTICES BONDS FOR SALE SEALED PROPOS als will be received at the office of tho city clerk of University Place, Neb., for the purchase of fifteen thousand i$15.00i) dollars of electric lluht bonds of said city Said bonds will be Issued In denominations of one thousand (fl.'ooi dollars each, run ning twenty years, optional alter Ave years, bearing 5 per cent lnterext, puyahle an nually, at the Nebraska Fiscal agency in the city of New York. Said bonds are Is sued under the provisions of sections 8j4 and 8fi6 of Cobbey statutes of Nebraska for 19"3. The time for receiving of said bids will close at 8 o'clock p. m., July 27. 1SKI7, and each bid to be accompanied with a certified check In the sum of !20o as evidence of good faith. The city council reserves the rlglit to reject any or all bids. By order of the city council of University Place, Neb. R. E. SHELLEY, CI" clerk. (Il)-Jy2t GOVERNMENT NOTICES CHIEF QUARTERMASTERS OFFICE, Omaha, Nebraska. June 26, 1907.-Sealed proposals, in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here until 11 o'clock a. m., centval standard time, July 25. Kni7, for Installing an Electric Freight Elevator In Commissary Storehouse at Quartermaater'a Depot. Omaha, Nebraska. Full Information furnished on -application to this office, where plans and specifications may be seen. Envelopes containing propos als to be marked "Proposals for Electric Freight Elevator." and addressed to Major THOMAS SWORE. Qurntermaster, Army Building, Omaha, Nebraska. J 25-26-27-28-Jy23-!4 RAILWAY TIME CARD UNIOX STATIO! loth AND M ARC Y. Union PaelAe. Leave. Overland Limited a 8.56 am Arrive, a ft. 40 pm The China and Japan Fast Mall a 3:50 pm a 8:00 pm Colo. A Calif. Ex a 1:60 pm a W am California & Ore. Ex, ..a 4 00 pm a 6:5? pm Lea Angelea Limited.... al2:65 pm a 1:15 pm Colorado Special a'l :55 pm a 6:60 am North Platte Local a 7'4J am a :! pm Beatrice Local b 7:42 am o 8:15 pm Chicago, Book Island A faclKe. EAST. Chicago Limited a 1:46 am Iowa Local a 7:00 am Dee Moines pass a 4:8 pm Iowa Local all. 40 am Chicago (Eastern Ex.) a 4:50 pm Chicago Flyer a 8:00 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain T.mtd..all'49 pm Colo. A Cal. Ex press... a 1:36 pm Okl. & Texas Express.. a 4:40 pm all 30 pm a 4 30 p-n al2:80 pm b t:86 pm a 1 pm a 8:36 am a 2 'St am a 4:40 pm a pm Lincoln A Falrburv Pass.a 8:46 amal0:15 am Chicago Great Western St. Paul A Minneapolis. 8:30 pm 7:80 am U:36 pm 8:27 am 11:36 pm 3:30 pin a 1:46 pra a 8:51 pm a 8.80 ana a 8:30 am St. Paul AY. Minneapolis. Chicago Limited Chicago Express Chicago Express lllluola Central. 7:30 am 8:06 pm 7:80 am '1:10 pin Chicago Express a 7:20 am Minn. A Bu Paul Exp...h 7:20 am Chicago Limited a 8:00 pm Minn. A St. Paul Lratd.a 8.80 pin Chicago di Northwestern. Chicago Daylight a 7:06 am El Paul-M anolls Exp.. a 7:60 am Chliago Local si;:,a:n Eloux City Passenger. ..a 7 60 am Chicago Paasenner ..-.a 4:30 pin Chicago Cspecial a t:0C pm Et. Paul-M'polls Lmtd .a 28 pm Los AnV.c. Limlteo....a a:a pra Overland Limited a!0:00 pin Fast Mail 6loux city Local a 1:60 pra all 84 pm aio.uo pie a 1:28 pm a I S pm a 8 30 am a ft 80 am a 7:44 am all 36 pm a 1:28 am a 1.2ft am a t:20 am a 1:86 pm a 7:06 ant a ft 31 ant a 10 3 am aio st am a 1:08 put a 1:08 pia b 8:06 pin bll io pin ell: pm I Fast Mall Twin Clly Limited a 8:28 pm OveilanJ Limited a 8:88 pm Noifolk-Bonesteel a 7:4 am Llncoln-Chadron o 7:40 am Deadwood-Llncoln a 3 00 pm Casper-Shoalionl a 1:00 pm Hsstlngs-feuperlor b 8:00 pm Fremont-Albion b 8:03 pm Los Angeles Limited. . ft 60 pm W abash. St Louis Express a JO pm a (.10 am et. Louis Local (frjm Council Bluffs) a ft 80 am all:ll pm Stanberry Local (from Council Bluffs) b 140 pmblO:ll am Mlssoart Pari ho. K. C. 4 Bl U Exp a : am a 8 58 ant K. C. A St. L. Exp..., all 16 pm a 1:35 pia Nebraska Local a t:6v pm all 40 era Chtcatfo, as at. rani. Chi Colo. Special... I t) am U 41 pra Calif. A Oregrm Exp... 1:5a pm J 4 pm Cveilaod Liu. ilea. a fiia $M eat PASSING OF NOTABLE PLACE XUmoTal of John M. Thurston Home Recall! Great Events. MEN OF FAME HAVE BEEN THERE rene of Many Dlatlna-nlae4 Fe lions. This Old llnrliri Haa Norther o i It self Mow. Mounted on great timbers, standing half on Ita lot, half beyond the curb, at Twenty-fourth and Farnam streets. Is a large frame house. Workmen are busy removing the foundatlona from which the house hns Just been taken. An apartment building Is to be erected there. The houae la the famous old Thurston home. It shows the marks of wind and weather and the hand of the depredator. Its windows are boarded shut. No other house In Omaha has seen such receptions and affair as thla one. It was built In 1S84. Attorney R. P. Hall had erected the house west of It In 18S3. Judge Thurston was living on Hsrney street at that time and It was Mr. Hall who per suaded him to build a home at Twenty fourth and Farnam streets. The house with Ita pretty yard became one of the eight of Omaha. It was also the anoint center of the city. More great men national and world wide fame were entertained beneath its roof than anywhere else In Omaha. Among these were: John I). Rockefeller, head of the Standard OH company; Russell A. Al ger, senator and later secretary of war; Jay Gould, multl-mllllonaire; President William McKlnley; Charles VV. Warner; fully half the members of the United Slates senate; most of the leading railroad magnates. Notified of Ills Triumph. There the paper which declared John M. Thurston nominated to the United States Senate was presented to him signed by ninety-five of the ninety-seven republican members of the Nebraska legislature. Scores of brilliant receptions, dances, af fairs of various natures, were held there. On hundreds of occasions brilliant lights biased from every window In the house. Later the homo waa draped In mourning and with It the city and state, for that iioo.e woman who had ireslded over the house for many years was dead. There Is something human about the ap pearance of the house, it seems to stand there bewildered, unable to realize that It has been ejected from Ita place of honor occupied with such dignity all these yeara. Can It he that men mean to supplant It with a mere apartment house? The build ing can hardly realize the fact. It blinks nd pinches Itself to see if it Is really awake. H strives to hear again the nolso Pf children's voices and to see Its halls and rooms and windows lighted up Tor some brilliant event. But, alas. It has not even a single window to be lighted up. Rough boards cr.ver the places where once the great of the world sat and looked out. Rude. Irreverent workmen tread with dese crating foot the once stately and brilliant halls. The present Is no dream but reality. !ol Where to Set It-elf. The contractors who gre moving the house away have not yet secured a lot on which to place It. So the condition of tho house Is that of an outcast. Flula have their places and common old shacks have their sites, but this noble old house has not where to set Its foundation. Neglected In Its old age, deserted by Its friends of the brilliant, happy days, tho historic old dwelling seems to be stopping on the edge of the atreet disappointed and dejected like some decrepit old man cast out upon the cold world. Sic transit gloria mundl. But E. O Hamilton, Its new owner. Is negotiating for a lot and will have It In a day or two. PHILANTHROPIST IS IN JAIL Colonel Joyne Bound Over for Seek' lnK to A senna; e Thirst of Friends. John Joyns, colored, whose philanthropy In seeking to assuage the beer thirst of a group of friends at his domicile, J218 Chi cago street, Sunday last and for which he was arrested and brought before United Statea Commissioner Anderson, failed to Impress the commissioner with tho con viction that his purposes were wholly phil anthropic, and so Judge Anderson bound Jeyns over to the federal grand Jury In the sum of f300. The commissioner's court room looked like the dispensary department of a brew ery Tuesday morning with the array of captured exhibits, consisting of two half empty cases of beer, a tub full of filled and empty beer bottles and a garbage can full of empty beer bottles bearing the brand of the vintage shown on tho cases. Joyns is a full-blooded negro and was formerly a member of the Ninth United States cavalry. He Is at present employe 1 as a hod carrier and mortar mixer. IBs wife Is a white woman and she appeared as a witness In the case. Joyns was unable to Join onto satisfactory security on his bond and was Joined to the federal colony in the Douglas county Jail to await tho action of the federal grand Jury In Sep- RAILWAY TIME CARD COK'ri!' UlHLi.VOlOA Si A lot 11 at UAMON Darling, ten. Leave. Denver A California.. ..a 4.10 pm Northwest Special a 4:10 pm Black Hills v.a 4.10 pm Northwest Express a t:80 pm Nebraska uciuis a 08 am Nebraska Express a ft:06 am Lincoln Fast Mali b 1:46 pm Lincoln Local Lincoln Local Louisville A Piattara'tb.b 8:10 pm Bellevoe-Plattxmouth ..a 8:) pm Plattsmouth-Iowa t W 10 am Bellevue-Plattamouia Denver Limited all:S6 pm Chicago Special a 7:00 am Chicago K i press a 4:30 pm Chicago Flyer a 8. so pm Iowa Local a 8:16 am Et. Louts Express. a 4:4t pm Kansas City & St. Joe .alO 6 pm Kansaa City 6 St. Joe. .a 816 am Kansas City A BU Joe.. a 4.46 pm Ar.lve. a 4:10 pra a 4:10 pr a :io pia a :46 am a 8:10 pia a 8:10 pia ai2:oi piq b ft 06 am a 8:00 pm bl0:20 l; a 7:44 a .a b 1:86 pis a -.15 aia a)l:45 pig a 1.66 pra a 130 a.-s all.: cis all :3ft am a 1:30 am a i.ia pi WtCUSTER STA IBTlt WEBSTER Chicago, Omaha. t. Pant, Aflaneapolle A Leave. .b 8:31 am a t oo pm A.tlve. b ft io pm all:20 am Twin C'ty Passenger., tloux City Passenger.. f.meraon Local Emerson local Missouri Pacige. Local via Weeping Water Falls City Loral D no pm b 8:10 ant .0 8:5 am i:5o pia .a 8:06 am a 8:30 prr .a 1:60 pm all 20 a j a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dully except Saturday c Sunday only, e Dally except Morday. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CANADIAN PACIFIC Nl H H K " Lin of th Atlintlo QUEBEC TO X.rVEBFCCXfe X.EBS TSAJI TOVM SAYS AT SA. Empresses sail July 28; Aug. 8, 21; Sept. 6, 20.. First Cabin 880 up; Sscond Cabin 146 up: Third Class 136.75. Write fur particulars. C. Benjamin, OeaX Jureat, Tel. Harrlseo 1118. 183 ho. Clark St.. Chicago ORIENT CLARK'S TENTH ANKUAl IkUaE. rt. . lis. 1 uil kr spwttllr fbirtnrf g. g 14.un teue. 1MaU lul'US HOUND "Arabic VsVAHat 0. ClAJaK. Times aid Btw Tor Chases Dirt (7l j. r n v 'v bTC i Old Dutch Cleanser is the most economical of all cleaners. This new cleanser takes the place of soap, soap-powders, scouring-bricks and metal polishes, and docs all their work tasitr, quick? and bttttr. Saves Work It takes all the hard work out of keeping . things clean. Re quires onlv half the labor nec essary willi old-style cleaners. vSaves Time It works much quicker than any other cleaner rapidly ab sorbing dirt in every form and carrying it away, leaving every thing scrupulously clean. vSaves Cash It saves the cost cf buying several different old-style clean ers, because it does everything cltans, scrubs, scours and polishes. ' tmr'm 1 af"X Jlftlnftop Can I B If i( atl Grocers') Tho Cudahy Packing Co. Seath Omaha, Neb. tember unless he furnishes ball In th4 meanwhile. BARBER SIGN GOOD JOKER Farmer with I, nee Cnrtnlns on His Neck. Sees the II amor In It. "Neck shaved, 5 cents." That sign was painted In white across the mirror In a downtown barber shop. The other day the barber finished Job on a citizen who had every appearance of being from the country. The cltlzes) stared at the mirror sign as he slowly drew himself out of the chair. He delved down into trousers pocket, hroughj. up a nickel and handed It to the barber. "Excuse me, sir." said the barber, "but . you are 10 cents shy here. I charge IS centH for a shave." - "That's all right," replied tho stranger, "but you have a algn there 'neck shaved for 5 cents.' and I had my neck shaved." The fellow wore those hemstitched whis kers that underline the neck, like your grandfather used to wear and he hod evidently Just shaved clean the other por tion of bia face before entering the shop. The barber was about to let It go for a good one on him when the man from the timber laughed and handed him the other 10 cents. CIRCUS STILL IS POSSIBLE Show Mlzht Come After All Thus Save C'lty at Last. and Omaha may have a circus this summer If the representative of Barnum & Bailey's show can make satisfactory arrangements. A representative of the company waa at the city hall Tuesday morning and desired the council to pass an ordinance permitting the use of the "Hoagland land" at Twenty-sixth sercet and Ames avenue aa circus grounds. Incidentally he desired a reduc tion In the license fee, but was not so In sistent on this point. At present the ordinance provides for shows at the old site at Twentieth and Paul streets, but the site la occupied br houses and a new site must be selected. A lte at Twenty-seventh atreet and Fow ler avenue waa selected, but property own era objected, and an ordinance to prevent circuses from using grounds without se curing the consent of all property owner adjoining is now pending. The representa tive or the circus aald the consent of all property owners affected had been secured and waa Informed that action by the coun cil would not be necessary. This did not seem to satisfy him and the matter may come up again. TWO MARYS ARE IN DEMAND Both of Bonlh Omaha and Are Wanted by the Proba tion Officer. Probation officers are on the trail of two Marys, both of South Omaha. Tha ona most anxiously wanted Is Mary Novak, who was released on parole from Oeneva so that she might he present when her mother should die. The mother recovered and It m now alleged has assisted In keeping: Mary from the officers, who are anxious per parole. Tlie other Mary Is Mary Moran. She Is a former charge of the court and escaped from the house of the Good Shepherd a short time ago. Monday night tha South Omaha police found her and aha was taken to headquarters. The desk sergeant wanted Mrs. Towle to take her to the Towle home pending removal to Onml a. but this oould not be done and the police turned hrr over to her mother. As soon as she was out of jail ahe went to the home of a neighbor, appropriated 136 to her own use and flitted to parts unknown. SNYDER GETS TWENTY DAYS Boy Mho Gave Poison la Was a a to Kill Herself In Jail. James Snyder, the messenger boy who gave carbolic acid to Jessta Short, tha woman of the tenderloin who commuted suicide Thursday, was sentenced te twenty days In Jail by Judge Crawford Tuesday morning. Snyder was warned tret tha woman wanted the poison for suicide, but gave It to her anyway, telling her com panions that It was none of their if ahe anted to kill herself. He was warned that he was liable to a term ih " penitentiary fur such an vfftnae V