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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1907)
TIIFi OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEPXESPAY. JULY 24, 1007. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Opening ii Weak and Bearish on Lower Cablet. RALLY ON NORTHWEST REPORT Humor of Grrra Dog, Blaek Rial and U F.atlmates Comblat to Stir t the Pit Bom. OMAHA. July a 1907. The n ik"t opened weak and bearish on lower foreign tables, but rrports from the tmrthwest, which were exlremely bullish, claiming Krwri bug arid black rust and l"W ri"i esilniHtea, caused a sharp rally. The Ni.rlliwwlern Miller reports black rust In western Canada and estimates 66 per cent .it last year's crop. AS heat opened weak and sluggish owing tn surprisingly low foreign cablca. No wheat was pressing at the start and the rowd wan short on the break. I-ater re ports of black ruat from the northwest started the market up and prices answered sharply to some strong bull buying. Bep i. iiihiT option opened at Mo and cloaed at M-'v- Corn opened a shade lower at the start mi scattered selling by commission houses. Iji'it the market i Armed some on local buying and the adVance In wheat. ofcrlngs were light, and cables firm. September corn opened at eSVio and cloaed ut itPc. Oats was ateady on some buying, caused by bullish reports on crop conditions. Re ceipts were light and trade slow. firp temlxr oata opened at 3H4c and cloaed Primary wheat receipts were, 817,000 bu. and shlpmenta were 200,000 hu., against re ceipts last year of UK, 000 and shipments of 739.000 bu. t'orn receipts were tf.s.otO bu. and ship ments, ni7,( hit., against receipts last year of 4",000 bu. and shipments of 801,-' 0"0 hu. Clearances were ,000 buahele of corn, 10,000 bushels of oats and wheat and flour equal to 2,OM) buahels. Liverpool closed 'A'a'X lower on wheat and 'i higher on oorn. Henbonrd reported 450,000 bushels of wheat and 22,mo bushels of corn for export. Loral range of options: Articles. Open.) Mlgh. Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat July , Bept. 1 eo. . Ccm July . Bept. lec. . Oata July Spt. lec. . 8241 Si 87 82i RT4 83 8U4 1 84SI 85S an 4fi4j 46 47' 46' 43V4J SDV4! 43H' I 41 H 43V I 41 41 3 871 87 7 87 Omaha Caah Prices. WHEAT No, 3 hard. 81(&fi3c; No. 3 hard, TSWic; No. 4 hard, 73&'77c; No. 8 spring XV.lK.1lV CORN No. 2, 46c; No. 8, 4634tc; No. 4. 4-Wii.foV: no grade, 4t?t43c; No. A yellow. 4.;Vi-4'Aic: No. 8 white, 4',3M7c. OATrt No. 3 mixed, 4iic; No. i white, 41!Y'-t3e; No.' 4 white, 424c; standard, 43c. R V E NO.- 2. 71c; No. 3, 6'a70c. . Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn Oats Chicago Kansas City. Minneapolis -, Omaha Duluth ...... St. Louis .... 61 92 334 19S .. fl .. 63 ..1M .. SS 41 ti llllt AGO. CHAIN AND PnOVISIOXS Feature-bf the Trading and Closing Prices on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, July - J3 Conflicting reports concerning the condition of the spring ,,in wl.ear crnn kent the local market In a nervous condition today, but the close was weak on denials of damage by black rust. Final quotations on the Beptembcr delivery showed a net loss of 1'!o. Corn was up Vn44c. Oats were Ho lower. Pro vlHlons were 2 to Wc higher. ' The wheat market opened weak becauso t af tho continued favorable weather In the northwest and because of a decline at Liverpool. The market however soon re covered on buying by commission houses, based on fresh reports of damage by black rust In Dakota. The market was ilso strengthened byr -th statistical news. Primary receipts today were leas than one hnlf of what they were on the-corresponding dv' last year and Rradstreet's state ment of the world s visible supply snowea k decrease of r,!VOU,000 bu., against an in- trae of 2,0ba,i0 bu. for tho same week last year. The market weakemvd late In the lesHlon bivause of reports from Minneapolis, thut the claims of damage by black rust could not be verified. The market closed Weuk and close to the bottom price. Bep- t. M.ber opened K'nc. to HjiS.c lower at IPc tii 92Vi, advanced to and then declined to HIV-. The close was si ic.. l leaninces or wnet anu nour were equal 10 tl,,tM ou, mniury rrt-rijjin wcit uil.vw bu.,' compared with , 1,353,000 bu. for the lumu day last year. Minneapolis, Duluth sod Chicago reported receipts of 350 this, agalnat 458 cars last week and 9u2 turn uiiu year ago. The corn murket was firm during the treuler part of the day because of reports That many fields are under WHter. Several ut the leading commission houses were ac irve bidders throughout the day. The close sas llrm. September opened a shade to VaVc lower at 53V4C to 62SC sold up to iie and closed at K74c Local receipts wero 3So cars with 46 of contract grade. The oats market was nervous In sympathy with wheat. Reports from Iowa stated that runt had made its appearance there nd this In some measure checked the telling pressure, which was mainly by local longs. September opened unchanged, !o Vc lower at SVo to Hc, advanced to E'Ve and cloaed at 8Stc. Local receipts s-ere 198 cars. Provisions were Arm because of higher trlccH for live hogs nd buying by local packers. At the closo, September pork was UP I'Hc at $lt!.t. Lard was loc higher at ti .3S1.,. Ribs were up 6c at $8.80. Kailnmied receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, ) cars; corn, 135 cars; oats, 7 cars; hogs, 11 no head. The leading futures ranged as follows; Vrtlclen. Open. High. I Low. I Close. I Bat y. 'Wheat I July 1 'ce. May Y.irn Julv Sept. Dec. Muj" INtS- - July Sept. Dec. May poik Sept. .U!1 S. pt. 1 'CI. Vil.s- Sept. 89l 90 93 89', 9H H 1SI -S iSWB't 1 00J 1 C0T4 91H- II oo. IK 1 oiv 1 OOW 63S1 tJi 62", KS'it-Vi 4'.i',!4M(U 6oi,,60!ta"a 6-" 49Vwi ho 4'A.ti'Hl 60 4:iJ I 42 38Vu, a '', i40S 43V, I Hie, 43V,! 43 3N' S9 4oT, 40Vl(41 40, I 16 W I 16 55 j 16 50 16 56 15:S 9 2 I 9 8 77.,! 8 70 I 9 rsi 9 70 V 25 82,l 9 22, a;, 9 1.7V. 37 V 8 80 h 75 t 7.'S! 8 so 8 7u 8 TO 8 70 a 67S, No 2. Cadi '-notations were as roiiows: Fl.orit Kasv: winter patents. t4.1'? 8 4"; htniie,!.ts. H.7(ii4 2ii; spring patents, I' ,"',( I 90; ttralKhis, lii4 ou; bukers, 8J 6k) 4.1 .1 ' WHEAT No. ! spring, SScjtfl.OO; No. J, Vp.i!t"o: No. 3 red. WIJ''ljC. t'tiHN No. 2. 83Vsc;.No. 2 yellow, 53c. tiAT-N". 2 43'c; No. I white, 44Sc; No. white, 4.IJH4c. HYK-Nii. 2. iio. BAlil.K V Good feeding, S0&6&C" fair to :-1;.in - malting. 6'-rlti.'c. SlM'MiS Flax. No. 1 northwestern, 8122; l'.i.n,- tlmothv, II . Clover, $15.60. V' VISli 1N28 Short rlhs, shies (loosel. 8- u 73. Mess pork, per bbl.. r6 37,ij IS '". l ard, p.-r l' Itw , 89.17HS. Short clear S-.l-t (boxed), 8.454j.lO. 1 '.. IU. wing wire the receipts and shlp nn nm of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments VL.iir, bids 21.600 23,100 Mieat. bu 4U.U-) 9.!i0, bu S24.1NO Iis),4i Out.-., l u tll.DO 121.0s) ).- bu 10aj0 1 ) Ifarley, bu .9w 4,isX t'n the produce exchange ti1ay the but t. r market was weak; creameries, tl(gZ3c; duiru. loSv-. Kggs firm; at mark. mi 1. 1. 1, -d. lul4V; firsts. IVnfii prtuie r.i.ia. 14c. CLese7 steady. L&13HC lcorla Market. Pi:oHlA. July IS. CORN Higher r No. 8 How. 6;e,r: No. 1 S2c: No. 4. &d4i&oVaO. krsle. 4J.l'&4iic. O T-lllKher: No. 1 white. 44S44"Ac: No. I hiie. 4.V. KYE Nominal; No. t 8&8bO. I.t-rerp4el Grain Market. HVEFtl-OOL. July tl-W HEAT B pot. 0'iiet; No. red western, winter, 7s Id. Futures ateady; July. 7s ld; September, Is 3,1, inembtr, 7s 4 VI CX'RN-Spot, steady; Hess dried. 6s; old July. SEW YORK GENERAL MARKET (annotations of the Day era Varloas Comnaodltlea. NEW TORK. July 3 FLOt'H Receipts. 21.117 bbls.; exports, 4.SH5 bbls.j market active and steady; Minnesota patent,'; Minnesota bakers, 33 7olv4 ; winter tatnuts, 14 4iu4 .9); winter straights, 34.iVa4.4i.; winter extras, 83.1iii8.70; winter low grades, 8J (em 8 60. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, I4.iwo6.o0; choice to fancy, 35 lf"tf 10. CORNMBAL Quiet; fine white and yel low, ti is'i'; coarse, 31.101.17; kiln dried, 13 SXot 40. RTE Nominal; No. 3 western, 80c, f. o. b. New York. WHEAT Receipts, 61, W0 bu ; exports, ff.W3 bu.; spot market. Arm; No. 1 red. 97o elevator; No. 8 red. fc f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth. Il.nnu f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter. te t. o. b. nnoat. rTom an easier opening, due to weak cables, wheat had a one-cent ad vnnce on black rust talk. Later realising developed, and the upturn was lost, flnnl prices showing S'O'V' net loss. July closed at 9,c; September, msiivnuc, closed 9V; December, ll.U!frl.08ii. closed $1.01; May. $1.(8 7-Hsiil.ns, closed $1.46 T-1G. t'UK.N-KcceiDts. S1.ZT5 bu. : spot market. firm; No. 2, flOHc elevator and wfcc f. o. b. float; No. 2 white. 6le. and No. t yellow. 6"e f. o. b. afloat, option market was quiet but firm, closing c net higher; July closed etc: Heptemlmr. KlUirsiHc. closed 61c; iJocetnber closed B&c; May closed OATS RecclDts. 32,0in bu.: exrxrts. lo.osg bu. Spot market stead: mixed. 2tt&32 lhs., 4tc; natural white. JG&33 lhs.. itHvUWc; clipped white, 3wii40 .Jba., Dl'riMVtc. HAY Steady: shluDlng. lOsfToc: rood to choice, $u-,ei.2o. HOPP oulet: ;. 4-a5c: Paclflo ooaet. HIDKS Dull; Central America, Zc; Hogota, 2?Hc. LKA.TH Ell Quiet ; geld, ISBQJrttC. PROVISIONS Heef, quiet; family, 13 SO H4 W: mess. t5ovi100n- beef hams. 124.0)0 Ju.OO; packet. 110.601 U.oO; city extra India mess, a.B,"l"0. Cut meats, steady; Tick led bellies. Jll.iMJfni.&O; plcklod bams, I12.0C 012.75. Ijird. stoidv: western prime. Jk.OiTi 9.00; refined, steady; continent. $S.SO. South America, $10.10; compound, is.vyTrn.lZVfc. Pork, Arm; famllv. $1 iVift.yv; short clear, $lS.7rVpi7.7B; mess, $18.(xjri 18.M. TAIIX)W Firm; cltv rt3.( per niltt.l. 6c; country (pkgs. free). 6Viiilic. HI TTKR- Rarely steady; prices un changed. PHHBBE-Quiet; state, full cream, col ored and white, small, best, 15io: same, large, colored, 12c; same, white, lZUc; state, fair to good, lUf&TlVsc; state, in ferior, Sia. K(.Ka Irregular; state, Pennsylvania and ncarhy, selected, 24WTic; state, choice, 21tj23c; state, brown and mixed fancy, 22 tt2Sc; firsts to extra firsts, 18fi21e; western selected finest, lCfil9c; western, average best. 17V7lc; official prices, firsts, licpl8Vie. POULTRY Live, steady and unchanged. Dressed, irregular; weatern chickens, 17 4'23c; turkeys, 1(i15c; fowls, l2UWc. WEATHER IX THE GRA1S BELT Probably Fair, with No Important Chaiiae la Temperature. OMAHA. July 2S. WK. Rains have fallen In the Ohio valley and eastern states since the last report and are falling In the eastern and New Eng land states this morning. Light and widely scattered showers occurred In the Missouri valley, being very light in Nebraska, ex cept the heavy fall of 2.24 IncleT' at North Plutte. High temperatures prevail In the southern states, and along the Atlantic coast, and warmer weather Is general In all sections, except the lake region, middle Mississippi vailev and extreme northwest, where It Is slightly cooler. The weather la fair In the central valleys and west this morning, and will probably continue fair In this vicinity tonight and Wednesday with no Immediate change In temperature. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding day of the cast three years: 1907 1905 1905 1904 Minimum temperature 70 68 ) 64 Precipitation 07 .00 M .00 Normal temperature for tooay, 77 degrees. lencleney in precipitation since March 1, 4.65 Inches. Deficiency In corresronllng period, 1908, 293 Inches. Deficiency In corresponding period 1905, 7.27 Inches. I A. WEI8H, Local Forecaster. Cora and Wheat Region Bnlletla. For the twenty-four hours ending at I a. m. 75th meridian time, Tuesday July 23, OMAHA DISTRICT, Temp. Raln- Stattons. Max. MIn. fall Sky. Clear Clear i,n) Bn1 jiod T , Auhurn jjen no Columbus Neb... S j fnirbury ' Neb.... 89 jrBrmont Neb . 87 1 Qr juia,, Neb, 80 Ha'rtlngton, Neb. 80 : astlngs Neb . 84 (mkdale,' Neb 84 , Omaha Neb 85 69 64 69 64 82 68 60 70 88 60 69 66 68 .00 T .00 .00 .00 .12 .00 .06 T .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 T for It. cloudy Clear Clear Pt. cloudy fleer Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear , T(.ka.nBri Neb... 85 1 Altn la 79 Pt cloudy Carroll. Ia 82 l lear Clear Clear Cloudy Clartnda, Ia $ Sibley. Ia 77 Sioux City, Ia... 80 64 Minimum temperature twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVER AQE8. No. of Central. Btatloni Chicago, 111 25 Columbus, 0 17 Tea Moines, Ia.... 18 Indianapolis, Ind.. 12 I Kansas City, Mo.. 30 ! Ixuilsvtlle, Ky 19 Minneapolis, Minn. 18 Omaha. Neb 18 St. Lobls, Mo IS northern. Ss JH1. Futures, quiet; nominal; reptemher, 4s I"1. Temp.- - Rain. . Max. Min. Inches 84 64 T 80 66 . 84 82 .00 90 68 .00 92 70 .Of 94 71 .08 73 68 .04 84 64 .01 94 72 .00 illghtly lower In the Temperatures are 1 Omaha and Des Moines districts. Showers occurred In all except the Des Moines and eh. iouis aismcts. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. St. I.onla General Market. BT. IXM'IS. July 23. WHEAT Weak track No. z red cash, 88Vt(g9Wc new: No. nara, rTiic; cepitmDer, n'auna; Decem ocr, p.c. CORN Higher: track No. t cash, 6JVjc; No. 2 white, 6SV4C; September, CT'ic: December. 48c. MM 61$ OATS Steady; track No. 1 cash. 46c: No. i white, 4fcc; September, $7,c; December, r hOUH Steady: red winter Datenta $42440; extra fancy and straight, $3,700 4.15; clear, $2 RvS 30. BEED Timothy, ateady, $3.264.26 CORN M E A L Weak, $2.70. Ii RAN Steady ; hacked, ,east track. $1,004) .w. HAY Steady ; timothy, $16.00000.00 prairie, ifi itw. IRON COTTON TIE-1.0ev,. HAGOINijl-lHc. HEMP TWINE lie. PROVISIONS Pork. steady, lobblna $16 60. Lard, higher; prime steam, $8.63. Dry 3!i 1 salt meats steudy; boxed extra "shorts, 89 26; clear ribs, tn.ia; short clears, 88 17 Bacon steady; boxed, extra short. 110.1; clear ribs, H0.U"4; abort clears. $10.26. POI I.TKV Steady; chickens. 11c; springs, 16c; turkeys, Uo; ducks, 8c; geese, 6c. Bl'TTEIt Stead ; creamery. 214126c. EGGS Higher, 13c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 7.(4 4,144) Wheat bu W.ts) 3SO0 Corn, bu ,...5tj.0i-) M.000 Oats, bu ; 1 8s, 900 43.0u0 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. July S3 WHEAT Sep tember, k4Tc; T'ecember. 8c: Mav, 8'.iic: cash No. 2 hard. 84-h:c: No. S, 823S5c; No. 2 red, MfiS4c; No. J, 82U74c. CORN July. 4tw; September. 4774.C; De cember. 44'-c; rash No. 2 mixed, 60c; No. 3, 4M,c; No. 2 white. SOc; No. 3, 4ftc. OATS No. 2 white, 47Viti-4Sc; No. I mixed, 46-o4fVc RYE Bteady; No. 1 7C1r7lc. HAY Choice t.mothy, $11. 00011.60; choice prairie, t 50hH 75. BUTTER -Creamery, Mc; packing stock. ISV- "-'aogF-xtra, higher. IV: firsts, lower, 14V: seconds. 9c; caaea returned, lc less; southern, lc off. , Receipts and shipments of grain were as follows: Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bo M.0O JS 0O1 Cm, hu U.'Ort tfi.nia) Oats, bu 10.000 8.000 Kansas City cash prices as furnished by Ix-gan & Bryan, HI Board of Trade build ing: - . Articles. I Open. I High. I Lew. Close. Wheat- September. Iiecember... Coru September. Uecetnber.. 84T4 8084 8e 8 474 44 44Vj! 44H 47H l4Tf?48 444. 4M6-4 Mllwaake Grain Market. MILWAtTCER. July 23. 'WHEAT Mar ket steady. No. 1 northern, 81.01(11.06: No. 1 northern. f7ofri.00; Seplembes, U bid. RYE Steady; No. i, tTTctjtl.Ot HAKl.EY-Uull; No. I. iV; sample, 88 tl7or. (X1RN No.1 rash, 61V-3c; September. 62Tc- 1. SEW YORK STOCKS AND BUNDS Declining Tendency Developed Price, Monday is Checked. in MARKET DULL AND STAGNANT Soathern Pacific, Atchison, Itarllng ton ana 1'nlted States gteel Ad trance Slightly II 111 Shares Are Lower. NEW TORK. July 2.1. -There developed In the stock market today a mild t 'tie to tl e declining tendency winch seemed satisfied to arrest that tendency without maKing any ttempt to push prices ngieresniveiy up wards The result was a (.ull market. which approached stagnation at times. The only active trading was In half a d"sen stocks and the prices of these vibrated within a narrow range. The day's news al most wholly concerned tho dividend to be eclared oil (Southern 1'acinc next montn. The large earnings for the last year dis closed by the official estimates given out last week gave the bnis for the rumors hat the rate would be raised from the resent 6 per cent. No authoritative Information was forth coming from any source. The manner In which I nlon Pacific has hung back glnce the new movement in Southern j'actflo started aroused suspicion, as I'nlon Paclflu would be the largest lieneflclary of any In crease In the Southern Pacific dividend. The strength shown by Atchts-in was at tributer' to the expects"'- ' m tl-e annua,! report, to be publihe1 Thursday, wll snow earnings very largely In ... ... 0!' pres ent disbursement In dividend, ,111c move ment In Atchison also gives some stimula tion to the demand for the convertible bonds, only part of which was subscribed Tor stock Holders. 11 inus nappenea inai Southern Paclflo and Atchison were the sus taining forces In the market In the same way as yesterday. There was a correction of the sharp weakness of 1'nlted States Steel, which was a material feature In dis turbing the market yesterday and In the opening decline today. Rtivers of the stock professed confidence that the strike of Iron miners in the lske Sntie.i,.r reslnns would rebound to the benefit of the corpo-atioti, although this would signify mime plans or contraction In prospect. Money develop ments are unimportant, rates on call con tinuing easy. Difficulties In tno jv of a Purllngron re adjustment In the strict control vested In the Joint bondholcV--i, which were a snh- ect or current discussion, accounted an advance of a point In the Burlington Joint 4s, hut proved a weight on the Hill stocks. Prices were lifted laboriously In the final hour, but the movement was In consequential and did not hold. Ronds were irregular. Total sales, par value, $K10,OuO. United States 2s, registered, advanced 4 per cent on call. The following was the range or prices on the New York Stock exchange: 8a In. High. Low. rtr. 1M Adama Express Amalsamated Copper Amar. Car and Foundry.... 15,000 !2H 1 100 4a St 43 1H 4Sw 100 S54 4 ID H i2 t 10414 11714 l"f.4 12!1 HI 87H t 97 t 0 S4 17f, ITS 15 11 ir.ou do pfd Amur. Cotton Oil m 8! K do pfd Amar. Eipreaa Airier. Hide A leather pfd. Amer. lea Amer. t,tnad Oil 1M 1SH lt j) IK) t.10i D.iio 4iX S.'jlio 11,4(0 10 It 59 4 116 1(4 1:1 87" tW4 do ofd Amar. LocomotlTa do pfd Amer. Braaltlng A Ref 1IT4 14 12S i do pfd Amer. Surar R8nlnx Amer. Tobaceo pfd ctrs.... Anaconda Mining Co Atrhtann do pfd Atlantlo Coast Una Baltimore A Ohio 1,100 t84 nv, do pfd Flrooklrn Rapid Tranllt.... Tanadlaa PaciAc cntral of New Jana? Chesapeaka A Ohio Chicago Oraat Wartern Chlcaso A Northweatem.... 10 1.60 100 ff) 1"0 601 1,900 lTHi 175 55 r.i 134 17"4 17S sr. im irnx 133 C, M. A St. Paul Chicago Term. A Trana.... 134'4 ( IS (is 14 l 25 5i4 '4 lit 72 1T1 45 ?7 70 45 I4H tk 41 i:' 141 14 71 J4 10 1' 31 '4 77 7 114 11 41 107 15 7.- 35 do pfd C, C., C. A Bt. tiula Colorado Fuel and Iron..,, Colorado A Southern 15 44H do 1st pfd do Id pfd 100 800 0 46H Consolidated Oaa Corn Products do pfd Palaware A Hudaon Dal., Lack. A Western Denver A Rio Orauda, 400 M4, IS . do pra Ptitlllen' Bwuiitlaa Brie X I a I.SO0 do lat pfd do id pfd Ocnaral Electric toO mi 139 Illinois Central Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd Iowa Central 174, 17 '4 1TV, 17 do pfd K. C. Southern tno do pfd louiaTllle A Naahrllla Meilcan Central tOO I14H 114Vk Minn. A Bt. Lou I a M . 8t. P. A Bault Bt. VI. do pfd Mlieourl Paclflo Idluourl. Kan. A Teiaa... do pfd National Lead N. R R. of Mexico pfd.... N. T. Central N. T., Ontario A Weatern., Norfolk A Western do pfd i North American Pacific Mall Pennarlvanla People' a Oaa Pitta., C, C. A St. Louli. Pressed Steel Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car Heading do lat pfd do Id pfd Republic. Stael do pfd Rock Island Co do pfd Rubber Qonde pfd Bt. L. A Ban Fran. Id r'd St. Louie Bom h weatern.. , do pfd Southern Paclflo 400 100 41 4 107 60i 101 4 1.410 100 80 5" mo l"0 700 11314 9 74 113 14 75 V, HI 8 fo 75 81 s-X i& 81 TO 35 80 160 H.4i, Ml 78 27 83 II 85 31 I'M) t.rv 10 81 123 81 80 123 81 100 85 5 45,200 10; 103 6,700 11 21 -O0 300 .11.14 21 ai. to 88.6-0 luo 8 112 84 112 r. do pfd Southern Railway do pfd Tennessee Coal and Iron.. Teiaa A Paclflo Tol., Bt. L. A Weatern do pfd Union Paclflo do pfd Or S. gipreas V. S. Realtr U. S. Rubber do ifd U. S. Bteel do pfd Virginia-Carolina Chemical. do p(4 Wauaah do pfd Welle-Kerso Eipraea WesllM(houae Electric WVatern t'nion mat. :4i4 86 144 80 , 24 49 144 4 3 105 52 35 7 81 IWC4 88 101 n i i4r 78 10 17 40 13H 22 91 500 73, 48 144 49 14" 2 4"0 41i0 1.700 100 'i'O 810 !.-. 94 8 loc 2H i:t 15 85 97 35 99 2 13 25 ()0 7l' 79 Wheeling A Lake Erie.. ! Wlaconala Central do pfa Northern Pacific Central Leather do pfd gloaa-gaetneld 1 Great Northern pfd lutertKirnugh Metropolitan. do ptd Total aalea for the dar. 1S.8M0 1S6'4 185 100 4 0 7.9-) 81 0 t'41 81 57 134 91 67 138 16 48 67 18614 1-H 15 43 43 375. 4i) aharca. London t'lostna stocks. LONDON; July 23 Closing quotations on stocks were as follows: Consols, money. .. .II 11 14 M , K. Teiaa 34 do account 83 11-14 X. V. Central 117 Anaconda Atchison so pfd Baltimore A nhlo Canadian Partite Clice. Ohio Chicago O W ... 11 Norfolk At Weatern. W. do pld 84 Ontario eV W po IVnasylranla 18' Hand 34 Heading 11 S'.uthrrn Ry lit do pfd 78 84 .. 87 .. 43 .. 1 .. 83 14 .. .. te .. 87 .14: C. II. it St. Paul DeBeara 83... Pacific Lieuver A Rio Grande IK I nli.a Fnolac do pfd Erie do lat pfd do td pfd Grand Trunk . . Illinola Central LoutaTllle K. . 79 do pfd . K' I. 8. Steel... . 82 do pfd .... . 43 Wabaeh . iu do pfd .148 Spuulsh 4a ., '.ISO 88 87 1U2 14 14 88 per ounce. B1LVER Bar oil let I 81 11-ltid MONEY 1V.U2 per cent. The rate of discount on the open market for short bills Is 3 per cent; for three months' bills, 3 per cent. New Yark Minlnsr fttnrka. NEW TORK. July 23. Closing quotations on mining slocks acre: Adams Can. 9 l ittle Chief .. ( ' ..800 .. 14 .. 81 .. 8 .. L3 .,100 Alice 4U4 Outerio Ophlr Potoal Savage Sierra Nevada SniaJI .Hopse , gtandard hruaaartek Cos CiMuatwS Tunnel ... Coo. Cal. and Vs... Horn Silver f... Iron ttlTer LaMdrin res Offered. Bid. Fore-Ian Financial. leONDON. July 23. Money was Very plen tiful and easy on the market today as a re sult of the weakness of discounts, (hi the Stock exchange the trading was dull and uninteresting The poor response to the South Manchuria loan of l.ouui), which was quoted at 1 per cent discount, and ru mors of a probable Brll!u.ii l.tan. caused further weakness In the gilt -edited reourl tles. Consols led tha dc lino In tha jn,,rn- Int. but closed st'S'ller. Americans sta'tcl steadily, bit the Interest die. I out before noon and prices gradually dropped ! low parity under the It 1 and I'nlon Pacific. lead or (.ananan incim" Then tho New ork opening caused a temporarv stead'mss. especially In 1'nlted States Stel. but the biiving soon subsided and the market closed dull. Foreigners and Knftlia were lltc'ess. I Japsnese Imperial Us of 19o4 closed at ltCV. j Copper shaii s w ere easy. I rtmn. J III .-i .inoion on inr ii,i.i.-. today was dull and prices ruled lower. Rus sian Imperial 4s were not quoted. Russ'an bonds of h4 closed at 60I. HERLIN, July 3 Trading on the Rours today was depressed and Americans weak ened upon New York advices. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. July 23. MONEY On call, steady at 2Vtu"- per cent; ruling rate. Jv, per cent; closing bid. 2 per cent; off' red at 3 per cent; time loans, firm; sixty days, 4V, per cent; ninety days, 4,3 per cent; six months, 6 p-r rent; prime mercantile pa per, 6V(i Per cent. STEKI.INO EXCHANGE Firm, with ac tual business In bankers' bills at $4 87'(i4.87il0 for demand and at $4.83S05c4 8S for sixty day bills. SILVER Bar, 68'ic; Mexican dollars. 63c. BONDS Government, firm; railroad. Ir regular. The closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: V. 9. rrt !, rci.,..lM Jpin H ctfs... do coupon ltfH do Id series.... t". t. to. rt '"-w d do eoansal 1" b A N. unl. t . V. 8. n.w 4. rs... lt"Vt Vnht. t. (old dif coupon .,12J M. tntrl ta. . .. t 4e Ut lac Minn. A St. L. Am. Tobscoo flu 6i. 4l AtoJitnm gsn. 4s..., do dj. 4s At, mile C. L. -4s I) O. 4 j do Jiji . Prk R. T. CT. 4.. 1 Central of Oa. (a.. .. M , K. T. 4s .. M do 2dt ... 9' V. B. of M. c. 4 . .. N. T. C. n. .. ) N. J. r. gen. to. .. 7V4 No. Psclflc 4l . .loav do 3a ., U Norfolk W. 0 4s .. M drs. R. U rf. 4l.. .. 64 Penn. CT. IVfc" . ,101V Hrsdlnt (n. 4s.... do lut tnc do J.t Inc do. id Inn ChM. & O. 4V ... Lhlcagn A A. IHa C B A Q n. 4a. 'It. L ft L H. . !H ft. I. A 8. F. fg. t. R. 1. A P. 4a. 4t,Sl. I 8. W. C 4 7J do col. 5 7, Sboard A. U 4s.. '0 rt A St. !.. g. 4a.' 9 Ho Pacltle 4a 81 Colo. Ind r. ler. A.. 2i4 Mo lt 4s ctra 1 i'oIo. Mid. 4i 5 8omhrn Ry Sa "7 rolo. A Bo. 4a .- Tn. A Pacific lsls lit cuh 6a 1M ST., St. U A W. 4a.. TS r. A R. O. 4a.. Plat. Beca. (.. Ena prtor lien MVi t'nion Pacific 4s t V. s Steel id 6a. MVi Wahash lata tUj Weatern Ml 4s... l')H W. AL B. 4a... WUjW'la. Central 4a.... MS . D7 .104 . 74 . M . U 4a. do gen. 4a Hock. Valley 4Sa ... Japan ts do 2d aerlea Bid. Offered Boston Stocks and Donda. BOSTON, July 23. Call loans, 41T. per cent; time loans, fcga per cent. Official closing prices on bunds were as follows Atchlaon .... IS Rlnsham 18 Mei. Central 4s.. .... 1Ke.c,, a Hccla... .... 81 Centennial .... 9Cnpper Range ... ....til Ialv West ....10 Franklin ,...1M Oranbr ...Atl Irle Borale .... 24 Mass. Mining .... H..1W Mlrhliraa ... .i'W .... law .... " .... h. .... 141 ,...10 .... 1 8 .... 14 .... 82 .... t .... 43 ....17 .... 18 ....117 .... 17 ...105 .... 11 Atchlann do pld Boston A Albany. Boston A Maine, pinion Elevated Fltchburg pfd ... Mea. Central .... N. Y., N. H. A Union Pacific ...14 Mohawk Am. Arse. Chemical do pfd Am. Pneii. Tube.... Am. Surar do pfd 18MHit. Coal A 0.. ... 81 Old Dominion .... ... tOsreola ...112 Parrot ...lit Qulncr ...107 Shannon ... 24 Tamarack ........ ... 80 Trinity ...110 Vnlted Copper ... ... 15 V. 8. Mining.... ... 87 V. S. Oil ... 88 Ptah ...110 Victoria ... 50 Winona ... ft WolTrtns ... 8h North Uutte ...100 Butte Coalition.., ... 45 Nevada ... ! Cal. A Arlsona. ., Am. Tel. A Tel Am. Woolen .... do pfd Bdlaon Flee. Ill .... 84 .... 48 .... 11 .... 44 .... 1 .... 7 ....Ifit .... J .... J5 .... 14 ....167 .... 14 Maes. F.lectrto ,1o pfd Mass. Das t'r.lted Kmlt I'nlteil Khoe Mack... do pfd I). S. Hteel do pfd A 11 ones Anialsnmated Atlantlo lild. "Asked. 12 Aril. Commercial Treasary Statement. WASHINGTON. July 23. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund exclusive of the tirAuOO.OuO gold reserve shows: Available cash balance, 8244,701. 104, gold coin and bullion, 8uT,507,bOl; gold certificates, 7k47,10u. Bank Clearlosa. OMAHA. July 23 Bank clearings for to day were 81,637,637.43 and for the correspond ing date lust year ll.o-W.l! 82. Wool Market. BOSTON, July 2S- tVOOLe-Tradlng In the wool market Is less excessive than last year. Many heavy dealers Have withdrawn, while buyers are more disposed to hold off until sum. lies are larger and the general situation Is more clearly defined. Most of the prominent Influences at present are of a strengthening character and the demand seems to be running more than ever to,. fine wools, which are not over plentiful. The season will go on record as one of the shortest In history. The market for for eign wool Is dull. Quotations on western wools follow: Missouri: Three-eighths blood, SiflO:; quarter-blood, 3w81c. Wcoured val ues: Texas fine, 12 months, T3i'3r; fine, 6 to 8 months, ni.uc; fine fall. 67rgG8c. Cali fornia: Northern, 6K.1i-70c; middle county, 00 'ytibc; southern, 62Sn3c; fall free, D7'uC8.i. Orepon; Eastern, No. 1 staple, 72taT3c; east ern, No. 1 clothing, 70872c; eastern, average 6vo70o; valley, No. 1, 9tit2c. Territory (scoured basis): Fine staple, 72iK7Sc; fine me dium staple. (WfjiTOc,: fine clothing. 6Mi;0c; 1 fine medium clothing. Off-Olc. Pulled wool: 1 Extra. 6W&72C: fine A. oS4tKc: A Butr. 6.a jXc; K supers, eWcWic; C supers, SOt)3oc. LeONDON. July 23 WOOl At the wool auction sales today lS.JKO bales were offered and consisted of a miscellaneous selection. New Zealand first greasy half-bred comb ings were purchused by America. Scoured locks and pieces were In strong demand and the bulk taken by France. Cape of Good Hope and Natal stock was in better de mand. There was an Increase In the with drawals. Following Is the sale in detail: New South Wales, 100 bales; scoured, Is Id Is 9d; greasy, tklffrl 2.1. Queensland. l,:4l bales; scoured, Is Hdti's; greasy, 7Hlrci1s lVid. Victoria, 4uo bales; scoured, Is -Hd'ff 2a; greasy, 9di1s Sd. South Australia, 201 bales; scoured. Is 2lfils 0d: greasy, 6WQ H)V1. New Zealand, 7.000 bales; scoured, 1s HfedfUs BM,d; greasy, 5di51s 10M,d. Cate of Oood Hope and Natal, Duo bales; scoured, M'u'ls lid; greasy, rfiKid. Iunta Arenas ! bales; scoured. U.dflls 4d; greasy, tlVfcd 4i-1s id. ST I.OUIB. July 23. WOOLr-Steady; me dium grades, combing and clothing. Zta'J6c; light fine. 22fja(c; heavy fine, 17319c; tub w ashed. 29-g30c. Metal Market. NEW YORK. July 23. METALS The I London tin market was 10s higher, with : spot quoted at lo4 and futures at 181 10s. lAically the market was dull. With spot ' quoted at 841.0uu41.1. Copper was easier In 1 the English market, with spot 1 lower, lat 93 los and futures I'm lower at 87 6s. I Locally the market was dull and nominal, : with lake quoted at $21.0ua"J2.00; electrolytlo I at t.0.6o(u'21.(io; casting, jt OO'JO. 26. Lead - was unchanged at $6 16-6. 2& In the local 1 market and 20 10s In London. Spelter was I unchanged at 23 17s 6d In London and at ; $6.iAKn.ixi locally. Iron was higher In the ; English market, with standard foundry quoted at 67s 9d and Cleveland warrants ; at 08s 6d. Locally the market was uu- nuil N." , 1 1 fnunrirv rtiirtl.Arn Is it . . r, t a.4 I at VJ.7oVtfii4.25; No. foundry northern, IL'3.aa;l: No. 1 foundrv southern 82A fV Nii. 2 foundry southern. $24. 50. HT. IU1S. July ti JIETAI-Leal. dull; 80.uui.u7V Spelter dull; 86.90. C'otton Market. , NEW YORK. July 23. COTTON-Spot. cU.scd steady; middling uplands, 13.10c; middling gulf, 18 V--; sales, fro bales NEW ORLEANS, July 23 ?OTTON Spot market, closeu quiet; sales, 176 bales; low ordinary, 7 8;16c, nominal; ordinary, 8 U-lOc nominal; good ordinary, 10c nom inal: low middling, HHc; good middling. 13 11-me nominal; middling fair, 14 11-16 nominal, fair. 15 f-w nominal. Receplts 18 hales: stock. 41.193 bales. ST. LCl'IM. July i3 COTTON Quiet ; niiihlilng. isc. sales, 10 naies: receims. 14 bales: shlpmenta. none: stock, 9.613 bales. LI VERF't i4")L, July 23. (A)TTON 8pot In limited demand: prices t points higher; American middling fair, 8.19d ; good mid dling, l.of.d; middling. 7 lid: low middling, 4 73,1: good ordinary, 6KSM; ordinary, 6.3Vd. The aales of the day were 7,( bales, of which 6u0 were for speculation and ex port and Included ?.. American. Receipts, 2u0 bales, all American, futures opened steady and closed steady. Available innplle of Grain. NEW YORK. July IS. Special cable and telegraphlo communication received by llradatrects show the following changes In available supplies of grain, as compared with previous account: Wheat 1'nlted States, east Rockies, de creased 4M.ISO bushels; Canada decreased bu. Total Cnlted fctales and Can ada, decreased I.6M.O0O bu. Afloat, for and In Europe, decreased 4, -lfi.'" bu; total American and European supply decreased 6.6M.U0O bu. Corn l'nlte-1 States gad, Canada, In-crt-ane-d 21.0u0 bu. Oats l'nlt-d States and Canada, de rreased Vt OuO bu. 1 he it-adlng decreases and. Increases re ported this week follow: ' Increases Manitoba. 878. ofs) hu.; Lincoln, 94.) bu.: Portland. Me. 7.fmo bu.; Chi cago private elevators. 6O.O1O bu. Inert asea Ogdrimburg, U.uoj bu.; 6t. Joseph. 61, XV bu. ta.lnoii 4a. TS OMAHA LIVE STUCK MARKET Cattle of All Kinds Steady, with No Quotable Change. HOGS OPEN HIGHER, CLOSE LOWES sheep In large Receipt ana Trade Slow to Ten Cents I. oner Than lesterdar on All tirades. ROl'Tll OMAHA, Receipts were: Official Monday Estimate Tuesday Neb.. July S3. 1M. Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep 7.'7 1.768 8.1'd 11a ton) H.i.'j Two davs this week 10,S5 16 ril Bame days last week... 6.M 17 :7 ' Same davs weeks aso.. 7.4M H.U Same days S weeks ago 6.21? W..M7 Vi0 Pame days 4 weeks ago.. 8,-41 1 .07 6 407 Sums days last year.... i.'H 11. lo64 The following teble shows the averaga price of hogs at South Omaha for the several days, with comparisons: Date. 1907. 185. 19. 11904.11903. 19"2. 1901. 4 841 I S: 4 S! T 771 6 9 8 M 6 77 t 6 6 bt 6 l' 8 r-S u o 5 CD 6 71 & 01 6 e T TJ i 6 i; 8 ll 8 17 7 17 T 72 7 71 7 74! T l i 191 6 2.1 t 2o 6 21 6 22 6 I." s in. r ni 6 l'i 6 tl 7 62 6 071 5 2 7 41 4 Ml J .Ti! 7 S2 RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. 15.4! P 6.4f.gtf22. 6.K.'0 1-H 6. 7i "a 30 6.7lKUOi of stock Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Louis Bloug City ... 2.1.Vy90 lT.Vii'7.35 2.50y5.25 1 60u7.a0 1.5"-u6. The official number of cars brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. 8heep.ll ra"s. . 97 1 u... o uai o K o y .. in -J"'' 67 6 47 . r JUly 111... 5 7t)! 6 60 . 5H July 17... I 6 72 I 61 6 M . W July 18... 1 s tii-V 62 6 6 . iv July 1... 8 7SS, I 81 6 C3! j:1 July 2ti... 6 7 6 47' 6 o! J'iy 21... 6 48 6 61 July 22... 5 87V. I 5 4K " I' July 23 62! "i , . I . 4. 'Sunday. C, M. & St. P 2 11 Wabash 8 1 .. Mo. l'aclilc 2 1 Union Pacific System 10 2S 7 .. C. N. W. (east) .... 7 II .. C. & N. (wt-st) 0 42 12 C, St. I. M. ft 0 18 1.. C, B. dt Q. (easti 9 t .. 1 C, B. i (west &) 26 14 .. C R. I. & P. (east).... 7.4 C, R. 1. & P. (west).. 1 .. .. Illinola Central 1 Totals receipts 121 138 84 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber ot Lead indicated: Cat tie. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co... Bwlft and Company.. Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour & Cp Carey dt Benton W. 1. Stephen Hill ft Son F. P. Lwla Huston & Co North P. &' P. Co J. B. Root & Co T. H. Inghram Sullivan Bros I.ehmer Bros 2X2 1,293 1,246 m G12 7a 2d 2 9 44 w 61 2,348 2,17 2,bu6 621 1(4,2 3S? Other Buyers 8o2 2.261 Total 3,183 8,874 6,477 CATTLE Receipts were Hum this n fin ing as compared with y-Ver.Uiy, 110 c.ais being reported In. as isainst 3'1 yste-day. A hundred cars makes a very poor ihowlng In the yards and it did not seem as if there were enough to excite very rruch Interest. Thera were only a tew cars nf conffd steers In sight, but the desirable kind sold at about steady prlj's. the muket generally being quoted is slow und s et.dy, with no noteworthy ha.iieea. The lew de sirable weatern steers also brought tbout steady prices. Rully good cows and nlfcr:i cm manded steady prices ind no?; -nd then there was a salesman win thought he got if anything a little stronger prl-n than yesterday. On the other hanl infirior grades were alow and weak. Good feeders commanded 8teadv p, Ices, but the feeling on light stockers whs lower, that kind of cattle being lecldraly lower than the high time last week. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. 14.... At. rr. N. At. ..1118 ..1S80 ..tint ..1181 ..1171 ..1271 ..1313 ..126! ..134 ..1177 ..1846 Pt. 00 6 10 8 IB 6 IS 6 88 8 4J 8 58 t 70 8 70 6 70 6 80 ,. 710 ..1000 4 IS 4 28 4 15 4 00 4 K 5 vo 6 88 i 40 8 6) t 80 8 10 80.... 8 ... 18... 81..., 18.... 10.... 18..., 85.... 18.... 87.... 40... 1... 1... 18... 80... I... 8... 80... 44. .. 18... e... 80... ..1150 .. 841 ..1111 .. 810 .. 711 .. 88 . .lords ..ln&t ..1180 ..1248 .. 848 .. 852 .. S0 ..loco .. 872 ..1040 .. S95 ..1040 .. 848 ..1087 .. 8-i3 ... 80O ..11S1 .. 898 .. 801 .1017 .. Ml ,.1100 ..1047 ..1080 .. m 8 86 COW8. 1 II ....1185 .... 878 .... W"t ....1158 .... 801 ....lluO ....1054 .... '. ....1048 ....lieo ....1120 ....1..J4 ....1340 180i) ....1020 .... 7(7 .... M ....1490 .... 88 ....1410 8 8 I 88 8 70 8 70 8 70 8 80 i 85 8 86 4 00 4 08 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 15 4 50 4 80 4 44 4 75 4 80 I 00 ! 25 1 85 I 88 1 78 8 76 I 7, a 8 00 1 10 8 15 8 19 8 25 I 15 8 30 8 40 8 40 1 40 8 80 8 80 1 8t u.'. 14.! 11.'.' 14..' 18.. HEIFERS. 8 S9". i eo 11 rtot 4 10 6 876 8 09 17 nt 4 10 4 830 8 25 1 1150 4 40 11 8:7 I 80 1 7- 4 80 1 1110 8 80 23 tin) 4 88 9 t."S 8 60 1 440 8 00 1 730 8 86 18 lot ( H ST EE HS ANU HEIFERS. 48 1(7 8 00 BULLS. 1 1170 I 80 1 mo I 7 8 130 8 W 1 1SU 4 00 1 1300 8 00 1 1610 4 00 1 1130 t 80 t lf.30 4 10 1 1450' 8 40 1 1670 4 40 1 180 8 60 1 too 4 40 CALVE3. I '. 800 8 no 1 1.10 ( 75 t 450 8 60 4 147 8 00 14 478 4 25 8 1 4 00 4 '.. M IIS 1 841 4 00 1 8.1O 4 40 10 ltd ( 00 8 .31 4 50 1 140 ( Of) 8 186 I 60 I I.e It 1. 8"0 6 76. 1 no 5 8 t"6 6 76 1 175 ( 60 COWS AND HEIFERS. 11 (78 8 80 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. I tS I W f in 4 h II 531 I 06 IS 1108 4 75 4 4M 8 30 44 1177 ( 00 1 870 8 76 WESTERNS. J. M. Enochs Wyo. Wcows 1198 4 95 1 cow 1070 18 steers... .120 6 23 4 86 Spear Bros. Wyo. St steers .1115 4 So 4 Go 44 feeders.. 1120 4 80 4 65 3 26 3 25 4 f)0 4 85 4 85 8 23 8 26 3 U) 6 00 8 60 8 75 t 60 4 t 8 60 4 38 8 80 6 10 8 78 2 8 26 4 60 6 .0 6 10 800 4 80 4 50 4 85 1 cow Krju 1 cow )io 16 cows 94 1 cow lMsj 2i steers. ...luto) feeders.. U19 1 steer M30 8 cows 1040 3 vows. 4 63 4 60 8 2o 4 hi 11 cows.... 1 cow.... S4 feeders. 47 steers. .. 9a ,.940 1219 1124 ,1131 4 U0 65 steers... WYOMING. 6 16 11 steers.. ..1SS4 3 75 8 00 4 20 8 75 8 76 2 00 3 60 6 25 3 00 8 15 4 70 4 26 6 10 8 25 3 00 1 cow ...1070 1 bull J3S0 7 cows.. 21 steers, 1 cow... 1 cow. .. 8 cow s. . ... -i ...1152 20 cows h2 8 cows K&0 8 cows biS 4 cows 827 33 cows Smj 40 steers.. ..13X7 1 cow 1ij0 1 steer 1100 68 steers.... M 720 910 907 51 hulfers..l0C4 1 steer 1080 25 steers.. ..1070 11 rows 865 1 steer luGs) 1 heifer... lisji) 8 bulla tv0 23 steers.. ..1)2 42 heifers.. 1004 13 steers. ...1113 32 steers.. ..1197 1 cow too 9 steers.. ..1260 1 Steer 1160 11 Steers, ...l.-3 1 cows 77o 8 bulls 1225 1 heifer. ..1220 4 75 1 helf.i ...l'.xi 8 26 8 steers.. ..H'18 4 26 1 cow luuo 4 00 1 cow 970 8 26 NEBRASKA. ..1138 4 60 29 steers.. ..10C Thomas Mortimer Neb. 78 steers. 61 feeders., fr'o 4 45 8 cows 1240 4 35 3 steers.... 88 K-nt Blssell-8. V. 25 steers.. ..M 4 55 49cows g6 8 85 26 cows kJ 3 10 4 rows 930 4 25 HOUS Kecelpts ol bogs were not very large tins mornins. anu as mere was t good demand the market opened stronger most of the early sales being strong to f- higher. The trade was not particularly active at tne advance and af'er the more urgent orders were filled It slewed up still mure. In fact, before all the sutlers had a chance to unload the strength of the morn tng was lost, trie market closing slow an little different fron yesterday. The bulk o the hogs sold rt 8i"ufc85. with a top a 86 10. Yesterday a large proportion of th. hi.g sold at 8V8:--v'6W-. with a top at H.07V Representative sales: No. As. 8b. P No. Av. Ck, Pr. 4 841 ... 8 40 14 J'l 8" 6 MS ai. t-4 fsO 6 s. Ml I ri (0 .171 ... tUVi 88 147 ... 8 8i 144 :t8 SKI rl 1J o .jh i , tn . HI . Kl . m . 2U . . JKt ,.:o . 174 tv . 870 . 14 , I'll ..) . 10 144 . f4 ,.IJ1 . .171 ..rt .171 . 2M 8 88 8 85 8 M 5 88 8 85 8 ST. 8 88 I K 8 5 5 m 8 85 8 88 8 88 I w t 80 8 ' 8 80 8 8" 5 en ( PV 8 .l 8 8n 5 " 8 8 8 ' 8 0 80 8 8.1 8 f-l 8 8 5 8 8 tn I 80 8 88 8 12 8 82 8 5 2 8 2 8 M 8 81 70.. 48 .. 7o .. 18 . . 4 ., ... 78 . M . m . 76 ... 88.. 74. . 81 . 8'... 45 . 44.. r .. 40 . s . 77.. 74 : 88.. 78 81.. 83 . 71.. 84.. 7 . . 71.. (8 . 81.. 83.. 58 . . 87 . 48 18.. 80 . 77.. 8V . 84. 81. "5.. .fid ... 8 t J 80 8 .' .245 5 !! J.V 1.0 4:14 .241 . . 4 -, 2.5 8" 6 8" 148 K IN 120 ... I M 2tt . . 8 !t 80 5 48 t.'8 . . 5 85 . 125 181 8 2i 1M 8 8S 14.1 80 5 . .240 ... I 5 .8.3 ... 8 li .144 . 8 8" .1-7 l.f 8 85 .251 . . I 85 131 43 8 " . B7 ... 6 83 .118 80 8 87 an ... 8 87 848 ... I 87 .135 40 I 87 114 ) 8 87 143 ... 8 87 , ..47 40 8 00 . .I?l 80 8 02 . . 207 ... 8 02 4 . S'8 1 8 0-; ..lift ... 8 08 ..J'8 . . 8 06 4 40 4 "5 ..H8 ... OS . tot SO t 08 .1 -1 40 8 07 .804 ... 8 14 ,.2 80 8 10 ..151 ... 8 10 ...148 ... 8 10 .AM 80 10 80 40 JS. i.. 'SI . M I 64. i 4. I so l... ,M..., 4 . . . U .. .. ' TJ. .. 41 .. :t4... l47... ,... 178 n 4l 170 174 H7 .810 .140 241 240 8 82 SHEKf- Receipts of sheep were the lutg- est this morning that they have been sin. 0 the middle of May. rtifnrlunatoly the ar rivals consisted too much of one kind, tne bulk of the receipts being made up of weth ers, with only one bunch of yearlings, bunch of lambs and no lat ewes to sp-a ol. Conditions were rather against the seilln" Interests. Eastern markets have been nonu too good, while prices at this point havo been very high. I'nder such conditions. It was not surprising that buyers wre rather bearish In their views snd that the market turned out to be slow to 10c lower. Fretty good Oregon yearlings sold ss high as K00, about the same kind having sold here four weeks ago at 8H.L5. A string of good western wethers brought 8Vi6. wllh breeding ewes at 8."' ii. There were a few lambs good enough to bring 87.7;i. quotations on range sheep ana initios; Good to choice lambs. 87.i8Klr7.40; tair to good lambs, 84.5irn7.00; cull lambs, 4.:rf0 fi; good to choice yearling wethers, 83 aiu5 66; good to choice wethers, 84.7.'.i6; good to choice ewes. 34.7Mj6.25; fair to good ewes, 14 JJf.fiiH 75; culls and lambs. 82.o"H 0". Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 148 Idaho lambs, feeders 66 10 164 Wyoming wethers 96 6 4o 1O40 Wyoming wethers 8 45 33 western lambs 76 7 76 19 Oregon wethers 0 5 60 8T.9 Oregon yearlings H2 6 W) 365 Oregon yearlings K 00 CHICAGO 1,1 VU STUCK MARKET Cattle Ktendy Bat glow Hogs Strong to' Higher. CHICAGO, July 23. CATTLE Receipts about 4o,ou0; market steady, but slow; com mon to prime steers, 34.754f7.J6; cows, 83,26 66.76; heifers, 33.00iivi.7u; bulls 33.1nftU.H6; calves, 86.0U4j7.00, stockers and feeders, 83.00 ij6.00. Hot W Receipts about 16,000 head; mar ket strong to 6 cents higher; good to prime heavy, (H.1XU3.1E. medium to good heavy, 8O.01 a.0VS; butcher weights, 86.15iJi6.2o; good to prime mixed. 80.0OliO.10; light mixed, f,,.-JG6 &'. packing, 8o.3tSJ4.90; pigs. li. Dfi 0.20; selected, K.'Mmi.iV; pk. ol sales, 86.4A) u.20. SHEEP AND LAMU8- Receipts about 12,000 head, market steady; sheep, 8.I.76HJ) 6.00; yearlings, 86.&t&.i6; lambs, 8i.00a7.oO. New York Lire Stock Market. NEW YORK, July 23 HEKVES Re ceipts, 1,275 head; feeling steady; dressed beef In fair demand at VnVfyc for native sides. Today s caoies irom ruruos mi""" 11 ve cattle higher at hhjijc per iu.i. dressed weight; refrigerator beef ai HMj'if i'K. Bhlpmenls tomorrow, laju caiue aim 500 Quarters of beer. CALVES Receipts, 2S6 head; market feel ing steady for all grades, cais soiu a 8'.btXu.76 per 100 pounds; city dressed veals steady at Ifil3c; country dressed at 7'(yiitc. rcssed nuttermiias a ngc. SHEEP AND LAAlllO neceipm, .V7' head; sheep barely ateady. Lamoa, ouiu iou i,..r Kla-hteen cars of lambs unsold. Sheep, 33 60f()VOO; lambs, 30.0tU';.26. HOUB Receipts, z,iw neau; msisoi Heavy state hugs gold at 86 80; southern at 86.66. Kansas Cltr Ut8 Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. July 28.-CATTLF,- nsints. 16.UJ0 head. Including 10,000 soutn- . M . . nti.wrs weak rns; marKet ior 001 siiui's. - t: -hnics Mimrt and aressea oeei sieors, eu- (Zi7.15; fair to good, 85.0Oti6.26; western fed steers. 84 60fti6.u0; stockers and feeders, 33.10 416.IO; southern steers, 88.16y4.W); souinem cows, liiwi'Mo; , Ti '2U'-it' atlve nciiers, j.uso.ou, uuno, v---w- alves. 88.8546.80. HOGS Itecelpta. ll.wiu neau: marasi w 10c higher. Top. $8.20: bulk of sales. 80.o SiU6; heavy, 86.8rd.95; packers, 8.laVJ.10, pigs and light, 86.0&Ji 20. -u.l- n.nrket stronK. Lambs, 37.00tlf7.Bj; wes' and yearlings, 86.&tV(i6.fti; Texas clip ped yeat lings, 86.7fyiio.oo; i"" 0,"0I2 heep, 80.axao.ov; aiwaris im 4)C.00. St. Lonls Live Slock Market. BT. LOUIS, July 83. CATTLE Receipts, 500 head. Including 7,000 lexans; maraei steady; native shipping and export steers, 604l'7.36; dressed beef and butcher steers, 84f.25; eteers under 1.0U0 lbs., H.OViM.eS: stockers and feeders, 3.004i4.86; oows and lelfers, 88.151844.00; canners, i. nxg-i.tu; nuns, 2.7fy84.60; calvea, 34.0i9.0u; Texus and In dian steers, 33.tixilto.90; oows anu neueis, 81,6tK-B-4.0O. n- HtXJB KeCetptS, O.Qiaj liaau, insist higher; pigs and lights. u.7Utt4U; pacxers 85.70rft.25; butchers and beet heavy, 86-lu on ai'jpirp AND I .AMBS Receipts. 6,000 head; market steady; native muttons. 33 60; lamDs, .oiiSP!.ao ; mm a-aotoaw; gtocaers, .vas).vw. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. BT. JOSEPH. July 23. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6,225 head; market sieauy ; natives, 84 &OV17.00; cows anu iifiivie, e4,.sv-w, ink.n and feeders. 83.60CM.5u. Tii-MinRvneluts. S.707 head: market strong to 60 higher; top, 86.15; bulK of sales, 86-00 fu6 10. " "I 1 v 4 iroa TXAMln4. S BOS head; market steady; lambs, wt-vrm-w; vearllngs. 80 2C.4j4.65, wethers, 85. 26-46. 71; ewes, 8o.00&.26. Slonz City Lira Stack Market. SIOUX CITY, Ia., July 21 (Special.) Mrn Recelnts. 6.0fi0 head; market 00 higher, selling at 8&.7vj.0O; bulk of sales, 86.7lrtc7 Wi. . . CATTLE Receipts. 1.000 head; best, - k.v. c i-.7l 10: cows and heifers 14 -f,(lf &0: arass cows, u omlw; snn.u. and feeders, 33 7tU?4.78; calves and yeur lUigs, 83.00iiV4 .25. Stock In Slgbt. Tterelnts of live stock at the trig prin cipal western marama rrsicrunj . South Omaha Sioux City . 2,758 9.814) 8.000 6 000 l'.iM) 16.000 11,500 8.000 8.225 8.7o7 S.NiO 9.0OO 6.60 6,000 4,500 16,000 UOuO 43,983 42.607 82.803 Kansas City St. Joseph ., St. Louis .... Chicago Total Evaporate Apples and Dried Frelts NEW YORK . July 23. EVAPORATED A PPLES Market Is steady on spot, al though supplies for future shipment are said to be barely steady; fancy are quoted at 8S4jo; choice, 8 Wo; prime, 7Sik)c; poor to fair, Va1a. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Pruneg are firm, with quotations ranging from 4Vc to 12io for California iruit ana irom d-o to 80 fr Oregons up to 30s-4Os. Apricots are unchanged, with choice uuoted at 81c; extra choice, 22c; fancy, Zifytia. Peaches are more. or less nominal In the absence 01 important transactions, with rfioloe quoted at la extra choice, 124013o; fancy. HaldV extra fancy. 1 -tii 14 Vac. Raisins are un changed, with loose muscatel quoted at 84 tfluc; seeded raisins, 7i!aiJo; ixnqon lay ers, Coffee Market. NEW YORK. July 28-COFFEE The mar ket for coffee futures openeo sieaoy at 1 decline Of fyolO points aa a result of lowe European cables and selling against firm offers from Brazil. Offerings were absorled at the decline by covering or snorts and 1 continued demand from some of the lead lng trade. Interests, with prices ruling gen erally steady, although there was no re covery of consequence. The close was steady at a net decline nf ffjl0 points Sales were reported of 81000 bass, fnclud lng July at 6.7Va6sOc; September, tr 5 7(c; lecemtMr, 8 .; March, B.jT "c May. Oku June. 6 90. 8 1x1 1 coffee, uulet No. T Rio. Cjc; No. 4 Santo 7c; mild coffee, dull; Cordova. in2V!. laiar and Molaaaaves. NEW YORK. July 23-SL'aAR Raw steady; fair refining. 3 3SV; centrifugal. 96 teet. 3 87jl; molasses sugar; 8 12"-. Re fined, steady; crushed, 6 .A.-; powdered a s .... 9 , ''4, VUW. NEW ORLdEANB, Jul S.-CUQAIV. Steady, open kettle centrifugal, ''ifi 4r cenir'.fnttul yellow ,1"'i4c; sicond. 3"c; molasses unlet; new syrup, "m!t4'. OM 4,111 lltll KS M.t: M i It KKT. Condition of Trade and 4iaotntlons Ota Staple antl Fancy Produce. EtlOF-rer dog. Hmloo. Hl'TTKR Packing st.K-k. 19c; choice td fancv dalt v, - n . Ji ; creamery. Tf.c LIVE PtU'l.TKY- Spring chickens, l lc ; hrns. in-; nnisters. 6c; tuikeys, Uo; . ducks, Pv; gct-se, tic. Kill ITS AND MELONS. PI.ACKLil-.HltlE.S-Case, .'4 u.18.. 83 M. It ASPKKRR1F8 llcil, 34 pts.. 88; iBAat 24 u'.s , 83 Otx 'SEHF.RRIF.S Case. :4 qts., 83. CHKKllIF'S Home grown, 24 qts, ft t'l'HHANTH- 'ase 4 uts . 32.76. CALIFORNIA PEACHES Par bo yellow freestones. 81 76. PEACHES -Texas Elbertas. 4 basket crnto. 11: 6 basket crate 3:' 0. CALIFORNIA PI.l "MS -Per crate, 83 00. i'AI.IFOKNIA CIII-HRir-.S-per bog ol al".ut s lbs, Mack or white. 3100. TEXAS WATERMELONS Each. 86c, 45c and V, crated for shipment, to per Irs CANTElAi:PE California. 46 to crata, standard. 85 oO; 64 to create, pony, 83.60, Texas, 30 sise. tl TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMON'S- l.lmonlcra. X slxe. 48.OO; M size, 800; other brands, 60e less. BANANAS Per medlnm-alaa bunoB, 8?.(aVo:2.25: Jumbos, 32.6iif3.60. OHANOES Mediterranean SsraateV fancy, 160 slxe, 34.26; 176, 0, 216 and :.i sires, 34 '; 9H, 126 nd 2W slses, $4ti0: extra fancy. 3Dc more per box; St, I Michaels. 176, ;oo. tin anu 100 sissii ! 84.76; 126 and 160 sites. (4 oO; Valencia so, "a ana in sixes. it"ai ., 4. ' lvi and 214 sues, 84. 7f 4,0.00. 84. 00; extra fancy, 26o more per box; Bt lowls, 8c; new stuffed waluut dales, 9-1 la, box. 8I00. , IATr Kadaway, 8Vc; layers. 6c; hal lotals, U; new stuffed walnut dates, 8-I0. box, tl.cO. VRQKTABI.E8. NAVY BEANS Per etx. No. i. 88.890 2.10; No. 2. 81. l)t 1.00. POTATOF.S-Pr-r bu., nrw, 81.00. NEW PEPPERS--Per 6-bssket erats, 82; per H bushel tiox, 76c. ASPARAGl'S J6c per do, bunches. BEANS New wax and string, per 14 bu box or basket, 76o. BEETS. Tl'HMPS and CARROTS I Act hunches, SOOii&c. PIEPLANT Per doi. bunches. IWJ. Cl Cl'MHKRS Per do. 604f7oO. TOMATOES Tennessee, fancy, 8tVll crate, 81.J6. ONIONS Green onions, per dog.. 1&0. CA H1IAGK -Homo grown. 2Vc per lb. LEAF LETTUCE Hot-hous. per do heads. 20c . RAD1&HES Per dog buncbea. boms grov n. loo CELERY Kalamaxoo. 30r316c per Jos. BEEF CUT8. No. 1 ribs, 13c: No. 2 ribs, 12c; No, 8 rlbg, 10c; No. 1 loin, ISVijc; No. 2 loin, 144c; No. 8 loin. 13c; No. 1 chuck, 8c; No. 2 chuck. 5'4,c; No. 3 chuck, 6c; No. 1 round. 9c; No t round, 9c: No. 3 round, Ptc; No. 1 plate, 8c; No. J plate, W.C; No. 8 plate, 2t4c MISCELLANEOUS. COFFEEv-Roasted, No. 86, 26c per 1K SO, 14Sc per lb.; No. 25, l&c per lb.; No. 20, 14Sc per lb.; No. 21, 12W rer lb. CALIFORNIA DRIED rRI' ITS Prunes are somewhat unsettled by freer offering! from second hands, who seem desirous ol moving supplies of Immediate grades. Quo tations range from 6c to 9c for California fruit and from 6H'j8o for Oregon. Prachei are slightly easier, with fancy yellow! quoted at 13c. Raisins are firm; three crown loose Muscatels are Quoted at 9c four-crown, 10o; seeded raisins, 9VftTlo. FISH Pickerel, dressed, 10c; pike, dressed. I&c; white fish, dressed, winter caught, 13&16c; freah, lGci trout, 12ft 15c halibut, 11c; salmon. IRe; catfish. 17c; her- rig. dressed, so; crappies, rouna, wuvoj runntes. In .-ate. fancv. lSc: black bass. 26o smelts, sweet and line, 13c; eol, 18c; blue fish, Uc; red snapper, uv; torn anaa. per pair, yilttic; frog legs, vi -4m-. lobsters, green, per 10., .c, loneter uuuru, t ' lb., 2fc; lonster oouea, per id., suui BCKerei, npunian, tier 10., iou, inaM.-airj4oi, atrve. ISA 35c per 11).; fresh green turtle meat, 2fic per lb.; dressed buffalo, Ro; bull heads. Ho; white perch, 7c; white bass, l&c. CANNED (JouUH-vom, mn'ani west ern, tjhe. lomaioes, ianc, e-puunu cans, 1.45: standard, s-pounu cans, 11. a. pine apples, grated, 2-pound, S; sliced, tl.Vu2.3;. Oallon apples, 83 25. California apricots, 82.00. Pears, 3l.7t.tt150. Peaches, tl 76'j2i): L. C. peat'hes, 32.004r2.60. Alaska lalmon, rea. p.; isru-y i-imiwa, ua, a,xv. fancy sockeye, flat, 3l.9f. Hardlnea, quarter nil. 33 25: three-quarters mustard. 83.10. Sweet pota.t. 81. 261 85. Bauer kraut, 90c. Pumpkins. WCill t". l-ltoa ncana, -lu , low Ml. 20. Soaked peas. 1-lb., 60c; fancy, 812649 1-46... . .... - NUTS California wsinurs, no. , son shell. 17c; Uraslls. 16Val8c; pecans. 19tT22aJi filberts, 14e; peanuts, raw, 7ic; roasted, SHc; California almonds, llVic; cocoauuta, 80.OO per 100. Otla and Hosts. OIL CITY. Pa., July 23 OIL Credit bal- nces. 81.78; runs, lM.3ii nnis. average. 155.4tifi bbls.; shipments, 187,486 bbls; aver se, 154.RS2. SAVANNAH, oa., juiy a lurpss- tine, firm, 66i.,riC5VrC. ROSIN A and 11, 34.uVtM.17H; If, S4STH; E. 84.6tVfii4.65; F, HSSVtH 85; O, 34 8704.90; H. 34.t4Vn0.iMi; 1, (; M. (O.tfuao.ov; It, 8r..55t6.80; WO, 86.90; WW, 80.06. Prices of Wool Rising;. BOSTON. July 23. Prices In the Boston wool market are rlMng and a corresponding withdrawal of buyers Is noted. The dealers say activity will be shown as soon as tn buyers and sellers are willing to eompro mlse. Minneapolis Clraln Market. MINNEAPOLIS, July 23 -WH EAT eo- tember. Vir December, 97Hc: No. 1 hard, 99VVfj91eXc; No. 1 northern, WVc; No. northern, a0 94c. FLOUR First patents, 86 .0OS6.10; second patents, 4 9Vrifi0fi; first clears, 83.&WOO.tB econd clears, -'. 10m t n". BRAN In bulk, 315.rj0tgl6.76, Dnlntb Grain Market. mT.UTH. July 23 WHT0AT No. 1 harfl, track, 31.0t'S: No. 1 northern. 9V4.0; No. 8 northern. 9'kc; July, 90Ho; September, 8eio December, 98T4c. OATS To arrive, wc; July, tio. Philadelphia Proauce Market. PHILADELPHIA. July 23 BOOS Firm. western firsts, free cases, 18c. CHEESE Firm, fair demana, IIWIW Toledo Seed Market. TOT.FSTKi. O.. July 23. SEKTIS Clover. cash. in. 46; October, 386; December, 88 70; March, 88.70. Aisike, s.w. nmotny, SEWERS DO NOT ACT PRETTY Caose Mneh Complaint by Thartr TJaVi seemly Conduct Dnringr Hnlua. Householders In the neighborhood Ot Twenty-third and Paclflo streets su-e oonv plainlng of the action of tha aewara In that district during the recent ralna. As result of tha downpour, half a dosen cellar are full of water and two walla on one cellar have collapaesl. One party complains because tha catch basin did not perform Us function for the reason that a neighbor cut a large lot of weeds and threw them Into tha gutter. When the rains descended they carried tha weeds over the catch basin and the mud which followed formed a thatch. which kept the water on the street until It flowed Into his cellar. Another complaint Is because af tha sis of the sewers. During stages of high water in the river, the water backs up so that no storm water will flow out and It cornea Into the house through open trap. i Goes Singing; to Death. PITTSBURG, July 23 Dowllng Ore en, negro, was hanged nere tooay tor tne murder of Ms wire. Oreen marched cheerfully to the scaf fold singing "In the Cross I Know I'm An chored. DIVIDENDS ACTUALLY . GUARANTEED For Particulars Address The HIB&S M. M. Co, 1032 Fourltmlk St., Denver, Colo. Only a limited amount of flnsrsntses Btock lor Bate 1 I