Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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Honiara anil Cottat
At IjV) Ho. frith tit., II rooms; nearly new,
)f, -xcellent repiui-. nd walking distance;
tOARVlN BROB.. 1604 Farnam 'fit.
S-ROOM cottage. U modern, barn. ') N.
2Tt 8t 15-M71$
ONB J-room hiu. one room house, mod
ern except furnace, t'ib ami $22 : one S
room house, city water In kitchen. Chris
Boyer. 2123 Cuming St. U5 363
fy, M 51S'4 N. 24TH BT.. Bouth Omaha
Three ami six-room apartments In new
"Htargo'" bidding; all mortem convent
em a, Including hot mater In kitchen and
$.v 2M7 Jf: 11th St., 9-room modern house,
with attic and barn.
J18i7.9 Farnam St.. six-room apartment
n "Qulvet" building, all modern conveni
ences, including hot water In kitchen and
Hall Distributer Co., 317 First National
Bank Bldg. Phone Red 7406. (15-774
Jin B. JSTH 8T., 7-room, modern, $37.50.
23i2 Bhrrman Ave., g-room, on one floor, all
modern, 130.
1723 Mason, 6-room, water, sewer, $21.
1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2152.
U5)-M915 23
$20 6-ROOM. modern, 2134 N. 28th.
$i5 fi-room, good repair, 3414 fiahler.
N. FENULH. b2i N. Y. Life. Tel. Red 117.
(15-M!13 1Z
)UB RENT New 7-rootn cottage, bath, nil
modern conveniences, shade and fruit
trees, 4oth, north of Dndire- Inquire, ,1.
W. Robblns, 1S02 Farnam. (15) M1M6
FOR RENT S-room modern house, harn,
ehade trees and fruit, wholly modern.
H1 Lafayette. $;W.OO. Inquire. 1124 No.
40th. (15)-M158
FOR RENT 7-rootn house, modern. 24.12
Parken. (1S)-M161 25
FOR RENT Beautiful 10-r. all modern
house, oak finish, and In rife ha, n; pos
session July 21; rent, $40 per month.
First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg.
Tel. Doug. 1781 .
(15)-M176 ?
THH entire tnilldlng formerly occupied by
the Dally News, 44x30 feet, i stories and
basement. McCague Investment Co.. 1 fl
- Dodge St. 16 M
131 J HARNET BT.--8 floor and basement,
83x124 feet; suitable for wholesale. Mc
Cague Investment Co.. 1306 Dodge St.
Wholesale District
For Rent
The tour-story anil basemttnt brick build
ing at 9)4 Farnam St.
Apply F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas St.
DESK room on first floor at 1212 Farnaru.
(15) .i
ID FLOOR, well lighted; elegant for office
use. 1212 Farnam. (13 .40
FOR RENT Desk room in Bee office, city
hall building, 41V N. iffth St.. Soutn
Omaha. Apply to manager. (15)13
BTORE room for rent. 422 H. 18th SI.,
ons block south of court house.
(15) M175 Hax
TOR RENT Large store room, with good
basement, 24t',;l So. ICth St., $15.
C. M, BACH MANN, 436 Paxton Blk.
I 05)-4i;i$
BTTORB ROOM. 1103 N. lath St., $2oT
V hone Douglas I
SMALL storeroom, 1705 No. ;Mth.
. , (15)152 a
ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing
fro per. loot. t0 N. lUhvtft. Tel. Red 814.
IU, Sti
ID-HAND furniture bought and sold; busi
ness on the square. Rosenberg, formerly
with Chicago Furniture Co., m B. nth.
D. 5885.
(16) M9T0 Js27
FURNITURE of 10-room house, complete
for houaukfoplng; rent very low; a bar
gain for $m Address W 702. Hee.
, . . (!) M102 23x
Plaaoa, . Organs, Musical Instruments.
For closa; buyers. Your choice of twenty
different makes In our bargain room this
Klmbail upright I 70
Gam upright, reftnlshed like new 133
Ludlman uptight, large size 15$
Hallatt &. Davis, Flemish oak 160
Hallett &' Davla. walnut case 1M
(1 'Phono Doug. 1626. 1211-131$ Farnam St.
lilHiUUT Kimball piano. In tins condi
tion, $115.00. Owner leaving cl.y Ul
Davenport St. . tiG) JdMt U
KIMBALL upright piano, fine condition,
$100; also mualo cabinet; owner leaving
city; Uoalers don't apply. Id. 9 Davea
port. . . (16 M575 2ix
FOR SALE A Hardman Cabinet Grand
Upright Piano, nearly new. Inquire at
$705 Ohio St. (16)-714 25x
FmI BlUlard Tabloa.
FOR SAL'S New and secondhand billiard
and pool tablea. Wa lead the world In
cheap bar fixtures; easy payments, bruns-wick-Balke-Cotlendar.
407 8. 10th St.
Trt writers anal gaerlag Maeklaa.
FOR SALE- High grade secondhand type
.writer; good condition; a bargain at $
Call room 603. baa Bldg. (16)-671
ONE Remington typewriter. No. 1 In good
condition, for sale cheap. Call at Bee
Office. (16J-62WI
WHEN you write to advertisers, remember
It takes but a few sc.ratchea of the p
to state tUat you aaw the ad. In The Ut
Ton RALB-43lmplex typesetter, condition
guaranteed; 6M pounds nearly new -point
type and complete equipment.
Write or wire quick tor particular!.
Frank O. Edgecombe, Geneva, Neb.
U.1-M123 23 .
Ipeelel low price during the summer to
reduce stock. ;order now; goods delivered
when ready.
Tslephona Dougias fiU. U & 16th St.
UD 6
RESTAURANT and cafe: rent $16; $
blocks from poetofflce. W feed lju par
day. Address E Sit, Bee. Must sell at
once. (16) 777 $0x
DRUGS at cat prices; freight r'l on $1; ttalugu frea.
Omaha. Nab,
M Iscella neons ton tinned.
SKNTi ti your mall rirdei for drugs;
freight paid on $10 lota, Myera-DlUoti
Drug Co.. Omaha. (1J 860
paint. Sherman tt McConnsll Drug Co.
HOMKOTATHIC medicines, wholesale and
retail. Bherman 4k McConnell Drug Co.
HAIR'S safes, new.
Id-hand. 181 J Farnam.
SPRING chickens, fresh dressed to order.
Tel. Vark 111, Forest Lawn. Wyandotte
yards. (16) M6D3 25
FOR SALE First-class stora fixtures,
showcases, etc. Globe I.nd and I f est
ir.ent Co., H2i Farnam St., Omaha, teb.
0) $50
NEW Harrison oil stoves, different sixes;
turns coal oil into gas. ZDto Capitol av.
(16I-MI78 2
OHOCKR'8 Ice box for sale cheap- 107
North 12th St. (16)-M56l S3
FOR BALE Bohn siphon refrigerator; rubber-tired
reclining go-i-art. Tel. Webster
2449. (16I-M5S3 23
FOR BALE Fancy clurrlcs and berries.
Ihm'a Fruit Farm, 53d and Military Ave.
(Hi) 676
FOR BALE Car lond of white pine lum
ber dimension and finishing. Bo. Ifith.
11i 72S 22x
TWO diamond rings, K. each at a snap.
J-749. Bee. 06) Mil 2
FOR SALE At 7flB Bo. 1.7th Bt., store fix
tures, shelving, counters, canes, chairs,
adding machine and cash register.
(16) MlilS
FINE RURilan antique samovar, bargain.
1W8 N. 16th St. (1t-147 28x-
f-Bt'RNER gasoline stove, $2.00; 3-buriier
gasoline stove. $3.00. Omaha Stove Re
pair Works. 1206-S Douglas St.
(16) M172 23
CASH register for sale, $40; kevs. lc to
$9. 1111 Fnrnam Bt. (161 M 173 25x
CO. Book free, i Bee Bldg.
(17) 555
D. O. EAR NELL, pafrnt attorney and ma
chine designer. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red. 7117.
07) f;SOAugl0
OMAHA Stammerers' Institute. Ramge
Bldg. asj-667
BEWINO maclilnes rented. Nob. Cycle Co.,
16th and Hnrney. 'Phone Doug. 1663.
(18) -65$
Af Al"JNF.TTP,reatment n bth. Mme.
ivivvjiixjxxvySmUlli m N 15thj 2d noori
FEW bargains In 2d-hand aoda fountains,
monthly payments. Derlght. JS1S Famam.
ECZEMA absolutely oured by W. A. Paxton
salve. B. J. Scannell, agt., 509 Ware lik.
SYRINGES, rubber gootn. by mail: cut
prices. Sond for free catalogue. Myers
Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (18 SJ
THE FTITF. Expert lady operator
lillJ iJl"1JJ gives mnsaage. baths
and sal gelldua rub.
Room 200 Barker Bl.,
loth and Farnam.
(18) Ml 35 24X
PLEATING ButmVa. 'Ruching.
Dyelnr; and cleunlnK, snonglng and shrink
ing only 5c jjer yard. Send for price list
and samples.
10 Douglas Block. - Tel, Douglas 111.
MAGNETIC Osteology and maM.
jUfllWLlll Vapor and tub iaths.
Boom 2, ISM Farnuiii St. I'd floor.
(1S)-M926 Jvi6
THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off
elothltig; 111 faot, anything you do not
heed. We collect, repair and sell, at lit
N. 11th St., for cost of collecting, to the
worthy p.ior. Call 'phone Doug. 4135 and
wagon will call. (IS.i 511
YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as
stior.gcrs are Invited to Visit the Young
Women'a Christian Association rooms.
1"M Farnam street, where they will bs
directed to suitablo boarding places or
otherwise assisted. (18) 913
Dr. King. 1020 N. 24th St. Tel. Doug. 3559.
418) 03
GIRL willing to act as companion to lady
for her board and room; excellent place
for glii going to school and wanting a
home; references exchanged. For Inter-
view address K 502, caro Bee.
(18) 525 22x
A COMPLEXION satin smooth and ralr
given by Satin skin powder. Four tints.
(.18) -
OMAIIA Steam Paste Co., manufacturer!
pure flour pt. 22J.0 Cuming. Telephone
Douglas 1521 (l)
RB I I. estate: dealers.
(19) ifci
W. H TURRELL, 16 Patterson Blk. Doug.
1128. (IB) m .
PAYNE IXV. CO.. lat floor N. Y. L. Dougl
178L (l)-(i
L. W. BUNNELL CO.. $22 N. Y. Llfa,
Douglas 514$. (ID) 690
R. C. PETERS & CO.. Bee Bldg. (19) S87
ALFRED C. KENNEDY, 209 First Natl
Bank Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 728.
1601 Farnani. Tel. Douglas 756.
19j bS3
for sale cheap If taken imme
diately. 1S Mason St. 'I1. Harney
867$, (IS, MoSO 23
If so and you want a home that will help
support you, you should, by all means,
see Keystone Park, where we can sell
you a tract of $ Id 20 acres from $175
to $375 per acre. Two tracts sold this
week. Out of 5(2 acres, 160 acres have
already been sold. This la one of the
most beautiful and attractive spots
around Omaha and you ahould, by all
means, see It before you buy. Glad to
take you out In an automobile at any
time. Telephone either one of the under
First Floor N. Y. Llfa Bldg.
Douglas 17U. or
Board of Trad Bldg., Douglas 4s.
(1)-M91T 24
rooms, lectrlo light, water in kitchen,
house nearly new, two full lots, east front,
asy terms and vary cheap at $2,850.
R 17, Patterson Bldg. Tel. D. U.
(1)-M17S 24
A 4-room' house, well, cistern, cave, barn,
two chicken houses, strawberries, fruit
trees. Two lots, 44x120 each, situated In Co.
Bluffs, Ia.; $w cash needed to handle this
property. Balance monthly.
R 17. Patterson Bldg. Tel. D. 1126.
tl$;-Ml77 14
IF YOU are thinking or building- it will
pay you to see th Western Home Build
ers, rooms 21-36 U. B. Nat l bank Bldg.,
for prices and terms. (19 410
FOR BALJE 4-room cottag. owner leaving
city. tIJ sell at a satiince. lou North
ath, Bouth Omaha. Tel. S7L
be sure and see
or we will take you out If you will give,
us an opportunity. Keystone Park Is the
ideal place for suburban homes. Sea
It and you will be convinced.
First Floor N. T. Ufa Bldg.
Douglas 17SL or
Board of Trade Bldg., Douglas 40.
! M18 21
Six good ressons why Omaha wage earn
ers are seeking homes In West Council
1st. Because building lots can be bought
for one-half of wht they will coat In
Omaha the same distance from the busi
ness center.
2d. Because they can be bought for a
amall payment down and $6.00 per
month till raid.
Sd. Because we will build houses on these
lots on the Installment plan, mrmthly
payments not to exceed the amount you
are now paying for rent.
4th. Because the street ear service is as
good aa in any other direction from the
business center, the fnre being $ cents.
5th. Because we have over 100 nice lolsto
choose from, besides several houses Al
ready built and for sale on easy terma.
6th. Because we have the goods and will
be glad to show you that these state
ments are true.
Office open Sundays from t to 12:30.
Benjamin Real Estate Co.
'Phone Douglas 7332.
$26-6 Neville Block.
(19) M164
You are protected by a $10,000 bond
acalnst loss by errors. You don't buy a
lawsuit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract.
1614 Harney. Tel. Douglas 6467. (18)
Our nearly new home; 6 rooms and recep
tlon hall: all modern; facing south; raved
i street; 1 block to car; In Hanscom park dis
trict; reasonable terms. Address C 761,
care Bee. (1)-M160 24
TWO good homes, both modorn except fur
nace; one has 8 rooms, tho other 6 rooms;
east front and on grade; located on 19th
and Vinton Sts. ; price, $1,700 and $l.SO0
each: would exchange for acreage close to
car llae.
'Phone Doug. 3600. 321 Nevllla Blk.
(19) M162 23
9-room modern house, large barn, full lot
on paved street; "all specials paid;" close
to car; special price If sold this week, $2,SC0.
'Phono Doug. 1169. 419 Board Trade.
(19)-M159 23
Three to twenty acre tracts are selling
for $175 to $575 per acre. These tracts
will make home, to support you, with the
comforta of the country and the ad
vantages of the city. Take you out,
any day In an automobile. Telephone,
Fit st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg.
Douglas 1781, or
Board of Trade Bldg., Douglas 49.
, (13)-.M916 23
I rooms, brand new, strictly modern, $1,000.
O'Kcefe Real Estata Co., 1001 N. Y. Lire
Bldg. 19)-M!fiI
FOR SALE Five-acre tract of lan J In Ben
son, three blocks from car. suitable for
planting or foi' Improvement; an oppor
tunity for someone. Address G 4-3. Bee.
U9) I4X
LIST your property- with Chris Boyer,
23d and Cuming Sts (19) 64
If looking for a $, 6 or 7-room cottage on
your own terms, 'phone Web. 1856.
(19) '90
LIST your property with th Western
HO ni a Builders, rms. 22-2S Nebraska Natl.
Bank Bldg. (1)-714
WHEN you write to advtrfsera remember
It takes out in extra stroke or two of
tha pen to mention the fact that you aaw
the ait In Tha Be
will buy on of the beet homes In Kountie
Place. Modern in every way. Large burn.
Euit front. Street paved. Permanent
sidewalk. Easy terms.
Room T, New York Life Bldg.
Phone Douglas 1264.
(19) M14
1314 B. 35th Ave.
Eight rooms; built last year, modern
throughout; permanent walks; paved
street. For sale by owner, price $6,000.
JOHN 8. LITTLE 'Phone Red 4946.
(19) 144 23x
Two beautifully situated lots. 60x127 feet
each, west front on boulevard, two blocks
to car, on grade; corner, $8tX); inside, $7uu,
Must be sold by owner at one. 3404 La
fayette Ave. (19)-M3 6
TWO small Polk county fruit and chicken
farms for sale near town; price reason
able. Address Burkey 4k Graeber. Bhel
dahl. Ia. UO)-M64l ax
WANTED Agsnta to represent ua In th
sal of our Kansas lands. Writ for par
ticulars. Globe Land and Investment 'o
Omaha. Neb. &)-a7
riRST-CLABS Nebraska farms and ranches
for homts or investment. Bemls, Omaha.
FOR BALE Two tracta of 480 acres ach.
about fifteen miles southeast of Sidney,
Neb., about six miles from station on
Union Pacific and same dltdance from
station on B. M.. $3.50 per acre. $1 25
cash, balance In nine annual payments.
This la open for few days only. Address
Y 132, care of Bee office. (20) M74 23
RANCH FOR 8ALE-1.2S0 acres. Banner
county, Neb., Improved, running water,
etc.; $4.50 per acre If taken at once. Kim
ball Land Co.. Kimball. Neb.
(2u-M163 30x
th Dakota.
ARE YOU Interested In South DakotaT If
so wrlt to tha A. C. Brink Land Co. of
Pierre. 8. D.. concerning th 25.000 aores
of farm lands they own In Hughes and
Bully counitra. Tby will answer you
gladly. M,-M? A1
LOANS on Improved city proixrty. W H
Thoiuaa, iv6 c'irat National
cirai raunai uenk Bldg.
(Hi i.t
LOANS on Improved Omaha property.
O Keefe R. E. Co.. 1IM N. Y.
Llr Bldg
$1.00.00 TO LOAN on business and reai
deitce properly la Omaha; lowest raLs;
no delay. Ihomaa braunaa, Room L N.
I. Lu UO-4KU
WANTED City loans end warrants. W.
tarnain Emlth Co.. law farnam St.
MONEY TO LOAN Payna Investment Co.
(2S 901
PRIVATE MON'EY F. D. Yvcad, 16 JO Doug.
trj- eVi
$000 TO $50,000 TO LOAN at lowest rates.
(2) SO,
LOWEST rtATES-Bemls. Paxton Block.
(21') W6
WANTED City loans. R. C. Tetsrs ft Co.
FOR SALE A good T per cent mortgage on
farm land, $1,300. The O. F. Davis Co., 8k
Be BUIg (2)-M76S 24
WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture,
cook and beating stoves, carpels, lino
leums, office furnltura, old clothea and
shoes, pianos, feathers, bed plllos, quilts
and all kinds of tools i or will buy the
furniture of your house complete. Will
buy antique or mahogany furniture. The
highest prices paid. Call the right man.
Tel. Douglas 3,1. (26-S09 Jy2
CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foye Co.,
313 S. 14th. Phone Douglas 1311.
CARD CABINET of IS to 25 drawers for
card S by 6 Inches; stats price; must be
cheap. Address L m. Bee. (25) 61$
WE NEED two horsrs. 1,000 to .tH weight;
will pay cash or trtdc good piano. Mat
thews Piano Co., 1513-15 Harney St.
(i)-MP74 27
A DELIVERY wngon. In good repair, with
capacity of 8,000 rounds. August
Oreenhagen, Station B.'
. (25) M171 In
WANTED To find a desirable property
for rent, within easy reach of carllne
and with modern, facilities. Am willing
to pay any reasonable monthly rent for
same. Address K.. 785 Bee. i26) 467 2Jx
WANTED To rent, in southwest section,
modern house or cottage, with five or six
rooms; furnace not necessary; for desira
ble place reasonable rent will be paid.
Address C 812, care Bee. (2ti M7&3 22x
WANTED At once, 6-roora house, located
between Davenport and Leavenworth and
20th and 36th Sts. 'Phone Webster 337.
(26) M3ul i3x
IADY desires pleasant front room with
board In strictly private family: price no
ohject for tho right plm-a; references ex
changed; boarding houses and flmts need
not apply. Address G 816, care Bee.
(26) MM3 21x
YOUNG couple want to rent t to 7-room
house or Hat, modern or modern except
heat, between Mason nnd Davenport Sts
east of 30th; best references; give full
Information. Address B 811, care Bee.
(26)-M132 iZx
WANTED Desirable rooms In all parts of
the city. Omaha Rental Co., 303 N. Y.
Life Bldg.. Tel. Douglas 381.
(2t) M953 Aug?0x
WANTED To rent, In southwest section,
modern houe or cottage, w'th five or
six rooms; furnace not necessary: for
desirable place rensoneble rnt will be
paid. Address C 812, care Pee.
(2HI-M148 24x
WANTED Board and room by reflnel
young lady, employed; can give beat of
references. Address D 7?. Bee.
(26) M169 26x
WANTED Position In store by young lady;
itoexperlenced; would work cheap. Ad
dress Y 143. Be. (27) M180 24 X
W A NT ED Work by the day by experi
enced dressmaker. Call on or address
4936 Capitol Ava. 'Phone Hmty-l61.
Jl., i (27)-917 A
WANTED Small bundles of laundry to
take home, 2707 N. 26.h' Bt. Mrs. Kelly.
C27)-775 22
WANTED Position by-all-round clerk, 10
years experience In general merchandise;
reasonable wages; best references. Box
111. Oakland, Neb. ' ' (27) M878 23x
JAPANESE wants a position to do any
kind of work In city or out. Address
Slto 723 8. 9th St. (27) Mill 23x
THOROUGHLY competent commercial
traveling man would like an Iowa or
Missouri territory. Address B 700 Bee.
(-7)-129 22x
WANTED Position as compositor; six
months' experience. Address Y 125. Bee.
(27) M156 AugSx
als will be received at the office of the
city clerk of University Place, Neb., for
the niirrKase of fifteen thoiinsnd ItlKOO.n
dollars of electric light 'bonds of said city
Bald bonds will be issued In denominations
or one thousand (ii.iou) collars each, run-
ntng twenty years, optional after five years,
bearing 6 per. cent Interest, payable an-
nualiy, at the Nebraska Fiscal agency In
the city of New York. Bald bonds are is-
sued under the provision of sections 65i4
and 85(6 of CobBey statutes of Nebraska
' for 19"8. The time for ' receiving of said
r'!" wllJ clo8. f 8 0010011 P- m- ,ju'y ,27- ! COUNCIL BLUFFS, la., July 16.-For the known. Scutcheon suddenly murderously at
19o7, and each bid to be accompanied with r(,ason that certain parties have circulated ...i,,, h(. .. . ... --.-t,.
..ertlneA etieolc In tha sum of as .' V..Z . I A ,v,. K r-o.. i lacKd BIS son With an axe. Ml crushed
evidence of good faith. The city council
reserves th right to reject any or all bids,
By order of the city council of University
Place. Neb. Jet. JK. bllt-LLfc.. ('
Omaha, Nebraska. June 26, 1907. Sealed
proposals, in trlpllqate, subject to the usual
conditions, will be received here until 11
o'clock a. m., central standard time, July
2.1, 1907, for installing an Electric Freight
Elevator In Commissary Storehouse at
Quartermaster's Depot, Omaha, Nebraska.
Full Information furnished on application
to this office, where plans and specifications
may be seen. Envelopes containing propos
als to be marked "Proposals for Electric
Freight Elevator." and addressed to Major
THOMAS BWOUE. QuratermaHter. Army
Building, Omaha, Nebraska.
by th atoral Moll ffuiwa of Ui
he fate4 rtean fc th Ortaat. Hexr4 pae
.iUra tit ur.iaa, JU Oaf t,B beun, pote4a
r uij InknliibL Tha "Tartar.'' ''Athan.
Ian au4 ' Motitaaale" urtrrlda an eseeetlimallir ckaas
trip, oitrrrti) oua eiaai of eabia peaavjigata ondj al tti
iiitrtiMltate rate.
galling from Vancouver to Yokohama, Kob.
hasaaakt, ahansual. liana Keus ajud Mauila.
Tartar July gmprns al India, tape S
mpraaa ot Chins, AW 5 Mool.asH Sept. II
Alhaulan Aug tt fcmpraat of Japan Bapt. tt
rrom Vaaooover to Honolulu gad Sydney,
httower Aug. 14 Maaut Oot. 11
Aorangl Sept. II Mlowtra Nov.
gar ratra. Information an4 lilrratura btpijt is
A. O. SIAW, Ueo'l Agt 838 Clark BL,
Malt Attache Motorman Whoa Cnr
Overturned Carriage Pollc
Dtsnern Crowd.
BAN FRANCISCO. July i'. -The attack
ing and shooting of a conductor and motor
man last night by three unknown men, ai.d
the riot which subsequently followed, was
followed tonight with more turbulence In
th Mission district. The Immediate cause
was an accident.
While driving to the Mission theater with
his family car strut k tha carriage of
Charles Davis on Mission street. The car
riage was wrecked and Davis sustained a
broken leg and other Injuries. A crowd
Immediately gathered, almost wrecked the
car and attacked Motorman Charles Dvsns.
Policemen Funnen and Belsel cam to his
raacua and stood off tha mob until a ser
geant and ten officer cam from th Mis
sion street polio station In response to a
riot cau. j
One. IB Root
Right to Tax Stock of.Minin? Com
pany ii Involved.
Former Governor V. 9. Tboraaa c
Colorado and Congressman Wraith
'Will Annear for the
Dr frntc.
The trial of the first batch of tax suits
Involving the assessment of the Portland
Gold Mining company will begin today In
district court before Judge Thornell, who
comes here for the special purpose of hear
ing these cases. Former Governor C. B.
Thomas and Tyson S. Dines, who with Con
gressman W. L. Smith and Saunders 4k
Stuart of this city, will appear for the Port
land company, arrived from Denver yester
day. Harl Tlnley have been retained by
the supervisors of Pottawattamie county to
assist County Attorney Hess In conducting
the suits.
The cases to be trie dat this time are the
ones In which the company Itself and James
F. Burns, former president of the corpora
tion, appealed. In addition to these cases
there are close upon l.CflO suits brought by
the county treasurer agalnRt the Individual
stockholders of the company.
The Portland Oold Mining company was
incorporated under the laws of Iowa and
Council Bluffs was named as the principal
place of business. The annual meetings of
the stockholders were always held In this
city until the county decided to try to as
sess the stock of the company for taxation.
Then the company reincorporated In Wy
oming and a transfer of the Iowa oompany
was made to the Wyoming corporation. The
outcome of this batch of suits will be
watched with much Interest. No matter
what the ruling of the district court may
he. It Is understood the cases will go to t'te
highest court of appeal.
Matter of Re paving Broadway la to
Come I p.
The matter of repaying Broadway be
tween the Northwestern tracks and First
street or relaying the present granite blocks
will likely be brought up at the adjournel
meeting of the city council tonight by
Councilman Maloney. It Is the Intention, It
Is said, of the councilman from the Second
ward to bring the matter up In the form
of a resolution providing for the appoint
ment of a special committee to Investigate
the cost and to'aseertnln from the abut
ting property owners their wishes In the
It has been suggested In connection with
the proposition to Improve Broadway be
tween the points named that the rough
granite blocks he taken up and tha thorough
fare repaved with brick on concrete" base,
the grantte blocks to be used In paving
the center strip on Broadway from Thir
teenth street to the approach to the motor
bridge. The strip to be reserved for heavy
hauling between the two cities, while the
brick paved strips on each aide be reserved
exclusively for light vehicle trsfflc. If this
plan should be carried out, the property
owners on Broadway between the North
western tracks and First street would
naturally require some compensation for
the granite blocks, for which they have
tiald. The cost of the granite blocks would
fall upon the city and It Is extremely doubt
ful, In view of the depleted condition of
the general Improvement fund, If tha
money could be raised, at least not for a
few years to coins.
In any case, it is said, that Councilman
Maloney Intends to start the ball rolling
with the hope that In the near future aome
thlng may be done to improve the present
wretched condition of the principal street
of the city.
Former Owner of Union Transfer Ex
plains (barge Against Fire Chief.
O. P. McKesson, former owner of the
Union Transfer company, who filed the
clll,, wllh the Board of Fire and Police
" , , . . .
I Commissioners resulting In the ousting of
I R. W. Jones as chief of the fire depart-
lnpnt. has made the following statement
j ' , . , . . . ,, m,.h -m
rxplalning his reasons for filing such com-
I plaint:
i ni8(i W(t, u,e Board of Police and Fire
i commissioners agulnst R, W. Jones, former
chief of the lire department of this city
for the purpose or getting another person
appointed In his phire. 1 deem It proper
and right that I should state my position
and motives with referenco thereto.
I filed the said charges In the Interest of 1
no political patty or person, and had not ,
then nnd have not now, any Interest In the
appointment of any person as fir hlef, I
except that Interest that all good cltlxens
choiild have In getting a competent man I
at the head of the lire department 10 pro
tect our property In the best possible man
ner. I was a heavy loser In the Union Transfer
company Die. 1 believed at me time, ana "u auaiuru iui wue a lew moments oe.
am still confident now. that the great lot. . fore. The flrnt blow did not kill her and
RUHtnllied on that occasion Was due tO the , been rurrted Into the ttonaa
Inefficiency In the management of the fire nad V"" -"led Into tha house of
depurtment on that occasion. For the good Henry McClellan nearby. McClellan rushed
of the service and for the protection nt ' to another neighbor's for help.
nece;rvr'to h'avea C LWJi j , Cr
of the fire department. ,n tne McClellan home alive, he smashad
Had the flro department stayed awy j a window with his axe, jumped through It
from the "' "' iyl"rVlll!Im ""1 ' " attacked her. Thla tim ha
that th employes of tha t nlon Transfer ,,,., , u ,, , ,, ,
company would have extinguished the fir crushed her skull. He then loft the Model
with comparatively no loss. There Is no ; lan home and returned to his own house,
excus for the great loss except the mis- , when Mr. McClellan returned from his
management of th department, and I did - . . , ... .
not think that that excus should ever be ! rch for help tha rraaed man cam out
repeated, and for this reason and for this and started over toward him saying: "I
alone, I considered that there ought to be I want you, too."
a change In th. offlc. of fire chief of our ... wl ,hoot f you come cropf
I road," replied McClellan, who had armed
B1RGIAHS BI2COMB VEtTlHEIOMH himself with a shotgun. Deaplt the warn
Oak Saloon Near tha Pollen Station
la Robbnd,
Burglar, are becoming exceedingly ven-
tureaom In Council Bluffs. Saturday night .
gome of th fraternity broke Into th Oak
restaurant on Bryant street within sight
of police headquarters. From th restaur
ant they forced their way Into tha Oak
saloon. They secured $5 from the cash
register In the restaurant and from the
saloon liquor and cigars. They entered the
restaurant by forcing the front door which
opens on Bryant street and then cut a
hole In the door between the restaurant Jirxlcy wus captured later and confessed,
and saloon with the expectation, It Is pre- At Wellsburg, near here, Edward Lock
sumed, of being able to turn the key, - lisrt, 35 years old. shot and killed Pierca
wl.loh they supposed was on the Inelde. j Davla. agd 67. They mere neighboring
They key, however, had been taken from 1 farmers and 111 feeling between th two ba
the door, so the burglars burst tha lock existed for twenty years,
off with a heavy meat cleaver they found , lu a quarrel over a woman at Bradley,
In the restaurant. ' j O.. just over th state line, Arthur Slipper,
Peter Hartwlg and wife, proprietors of a negro, shot and killed John Meadows and
the restaurant, live over the place. Mrs. ! another negro.
Hartwlg was awakened at 130 a. m. by j I-oclchsrt and Slipper mad their ecape
the noise of some one In the restaurant
and she awoke her husband. Hartwlg in
stated his wife had been dreaming and went
to sleep again.
Flood Mtnntlon Relieved..
The flood situation In the vicinity of the
Northwestern tracks, north of Avenue H.
wa aellevrd yesterday by th opening of
th ditch connecting with th big Pettihone
ditch, which F-lltotl Jeffers had dammed.
The ditch la on the property of Jeffers,
Tel. 43.
but Is the only outlet into Prttlbone ditch
for a large amount of low lying land north
of Avenue H. Councilman Maloney secured
permission from Jeffers to open the ditch
and he had a large force of men removing
the obstruction yesterday. In a few houis
after the djteh was opened the water had
fallen about six Incbes. It Is not believed
there will ba any further trouble about
keeping this ditch open.
Davis, drugs. ,
Btockerl sells carpets.
Pumps, J. Zollcr Mer. Co.
Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer.
Fine engravings at Leffort s.
Bee Schmidt's elegant new photos.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phone 97.
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 51.
Picture framing, C. K. Alexander. $33 B'wy.
Mr. and Mrs. N. O'Brien of Sixth avenue
have as their guest Miss Mary uaaxwcll of
Dakota City, Neb.
Music rolls protect sheet music; a large
assortment at Bourlcius from 45 cents up
to satchels as high as $2.75. 836 Broadway.
Cooking and heating at Just one-half the
cost of ooal or gas. ret, further us tor
dirty coal or wood. Come In and Investi
gate. Petersen Bchoenlng Co.
R. c. Williams, aged M. died Saturday
night at hl home In Lew la township. He
had been a resident of Pottawattamie
county since 1878 and Is survived by his
wife and several sons.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Compton, who hava
been visiting Mrs. Cnmpton'a parents, Mr.
and Mrs, O. P. McKesson, at the Grand
hotel .have returned to their home In Gal
veston, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. MoKesson loft
yesterday afternoon for Denver.
Dr. A. O. Wyland'a "Indians" from Un
derwood, la., demonstrated yesterday that
they oould Play ball, although they were
from a small Pottawattamie county town.
They put It Into the Ideal Hustlers, the
Council Bluffs crack amateur team, to the
tune ot 11 to 1.
Thomas 8. B. Smith, brother of 8. H.
Smith of the Council Bluffs police force
and father of L. E. Smith of the Omaha
police force, died Saturday In Cedar Rap
ids, Nrb. The funeral will be h-ld at
Tabor. Ia., today. Mrs. Otto Vogelnr of
this city, sister of the deceased, accom
panied by Mrs. L. E. Smith, went to Tabor
Mrs. Jennlo Wllklns, wife of W. S. Wll
klns of Bennett avenue, died Saturday
evening at the Jennie Edinundson Memorial
hospital while undergoing a surgical opera
tion. She was 65 years of age and besides
her husband Is survived by one ion, I,
Scott Wllklns, and one daughter, Edna.
Mrs. Wllklns was a past matron of Har
mony chapter, Order of the Eastern Star.
The congregaMon of the Broadway Metho
dist church yesterday morning elected State
Senator C G. Saunders delegate to the
lay electoral conference to be held In this
city In conjunction with the Des Moines
annual conference In September. F. H. Or
cutt was najjred as alternate. Mr. Saunders
will hi the candidate from this clly for
delegate to tho national conference of the
Methodist church to be held In Baltimore
next May. i
Mnn Drowned at "long City.
SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Julv -.'Special Tele
gram.) While bathing In the Floyd river
at Sioux City. Steve Rebnck, aged 36 years,
a Russian, who has been working for the
Armour Packing company, fell from a treo
which hung over the river Into twelve feet
of water and was drowned before help
could be secured by threo other Russians
who were with him. None of the men
could swim. The body was recovered three
quarters of an hour after the accident. The
drowned man came to 81oux City from
Russia about two months ago. He leaves
a wife and four children In Russia.
Henrr Sentrheon of Pfoneia, Mich.,
Kill Three of 111) Family and
Is shot by Neighbor.
NUNICA, Mich., July 21. -Konry Scutch
eon, a farmer about 50 years old, living near
this village, today ran amuck with an axe,
killing his Invalid son, his wife and her
foster father.
8ctitchlebn was later shot by Henry Mo
Clellan, neighbor, whom the erased mur
derer had also attacked.
The dead:
SCUTCHEON, his 18-year-old son.
GEORGE AN NINO. Mrs. Schutcheon'a
foster father.
The Scutcheon farmhouse had apparently
always been a happy home, except for tha
cloud which tha son's Invalidism cast over
the family.
Today, with no warning so far as la
tha boyg head frightfully. When his wife
j Interfered he turned an her and pursued tha
frightened, screaming woman from th
house to tha road, where he knocked her
down with Ills weapon. Ha then rushed
back to th house and murdered hla foster
Next he tried to destroy himself. Tha
maddened man gashed hla throat and wrists
with a rasor and took some parts green.
His wounds did not weaken him and the
poison did not take Immediate effect. Axe
In hand he roturned to tha road where he
ing Scutcheon came across. McClellan
thereupon shot him dead.
Fesr Homicide at West Virginia City
Dan to Jealoosy anal
WHEELING. W. Va.. July S2. -Kour mur.
ders were commuted In and around Wheel-
; log today.
t Walter Bedford, a negro, was shot three
i times aud killed by Charles Moxley,
another negro. Jealousy was the motive.
, and possa are searching for them tonight.
Your Hair
CT Y 1 rsllinf, hair, cures i
Needs CaremS
Iowa it in Search of Hrad for New
Tuberculosis Sanitarium.
Politicians 1)1 was Oatlook In tlawk
eye State Carroll nnd Palmer
Art Mentioned In
(From a Buff Correspondent.)
DF.8 MOINES. Julv 2a-(Bp.'"i;.Th
Stat Board of Control I considering
few application for the roMtlon of super
intendent of tha new tuberculosis sanl
tarlum at Iowa City. The position Is going
to be quite as hard to All as that of super
intendent of the Industrial school for boyg
at Eldora. but not for the same reason
quite. There are many applications for
the position at Kldora and but very fear
for the position at Iowa City. But In both
rases the trouble la to get tha man suited
for the position.
The tuberculosis sanitarium la nearlng
completion. The contracts were the first
to be let by the board this spring and
work was commenced as soon after tha
legislative appropriation was made as pos
sible. It will be completed and occupied
some' time In the early fall. There Is a
dearth of competent physicians who have
made a special study of the subject of
the treatment of tuberculosis. There were
till recently but few uch Institution.
These wero In the east. Hut tha elate of
Maryland has recently built such an In
stitution and four or five other Institution
have been recently built by states. All
the anslstant superintendents In the few
Institutions of the enst have very readily'
found positions as superintendents In theae
new Institutions.
The new assistants who have taken their
places are still too new to ba much In
formed on the subject of managing such
an Institution. Hence the board I having
some difficulties.
Th legislature that made the appropria
tion for the erection of the hospital also)
made an appropriation of $5,000 for the dis
semination of knowledge of the treatment
of tuberculosis over the state In the way
of Issuing pamphlet and by arranging for
lectures. The board of control he dona
nothing with this matter thus far and
will not take It up until after th super
intendent Is appointed. It will then con
sult the superintendent and expect that
a considerable part of the work of dis
seminating knowledge over tha state will
be done under the direction of the super
intendent and prohnhly the superintendent
himself will be largely or at least fre
quently used to make addressee on the
Two Xante' Chntcen.
Considerable Interest locally Is attached
to two Interview In which prominent mn
of th state have declared within the lat
two or three days their choice for governor.
J. W Jarnagln, editor of the Cedar Falls
Record, and formerly editor of the Monte
auma Republican, declared himself In favor
of Audtor Carroll for governor and ex
Congressman Hedge declared himself for
Colonel D. J. Palmer, etnto railroad com
missioner. Both Mr. Carroll and Colonel
Palmer have been classed as standpatter
on the tariff and neither Is a Cummin
follower. Mr. Jarnagln said of Auditor
Carroll: "I think he was the first republi
can to carry Davis county. He was a
Harrison elector and afterward went to .
the state senate. It would be difficult, X
believe, to And a man eo prominent and wr
popular who could eo well heal up tha
bitter factional division In the party."
Mr. Jarnagln la being talked of for atata
auditor to succeed Auditor Carroll, who 1
now serving his third term, and though Mr.
Jarnagln denies any knowledge of It, It I
understood his friend propose to push him
for the position.
Ex-Congressman Hedge of Burlington de
clared himself In favor of Colonel D. J,
The occasion of the Interview wae the
suggestion that a great many Lee county
reptfdlcans were for Hedge for governor.
Congressman Hedge I quoted aa saying:
"I desire to see my friend, Colonel David
J. palmer of Washington county become
our next governor, and I would ak any
friends of mine to give him their support
In preference to me. HI distinguished
ervlce a a soldier was a promts of th
service a a cltlsen, and hi usefulness and
efficiency a a public offloer which he has
rendered constantly from the day of Lee's
surrender until now merit the honor- As
an example of distinguished patriotism, of
high character, clear Intelligence and ample
experience It seem to me we cannot better
Justify ourselves than by selecting Colonel
David J. Palmer a our candidate."
Bast Wlnsr Dona.
The east wing of the new Historical
building above the basement floor will bs
occupied some time next fall. The work
of moving th tniscellaneous section of
the elate library over to the building may
be commenced before that time. All of the
cteel casing and shelving for the first
floor of the library Is In place now. It will
make an excellent library room. The first
and second floor In the east wing will be
occupied by the state library miscellaneous
collection. The second floor I now tena
porarlly occupied by the arohlve depart
ment, though the oement floor and winds?
caning and other Interior finishing haa not
been done.
The first flooi, which 1 In readiness for
the llbiary, I all fireproof. Even the win
dow casings are steel. There I a gallery
about th entire room wnlch I mad of
glass and steel. Th third floor Is th
east wing I to be occupied by th museum
and the archives department I to go to
the third floor In the west wing; Very
little work has been done on the archives
department thus far that wilt make a
shewing. A vast amount of material ha
been removed from th office In th state
house and dumped In s chaotic mas In
the historical building. The work of as
sorting the correspondence, is being don
by one clerk st this time and will take
several year, according to th rat of prog
ress. The last legislature left the matter of
appointing some one to take charge of
the archive department to th executive
council. It I understood that Dan Hltea.
deputy secretary of tat under W. B.
Martin, Is a candidate for the position. No
one ha beet) selected a yet.
Start to Bwlnt Channel.
DOVKR. Bnglsnd, July S.-Jsbe Wolff,
th amateur swimmer of London, In
augurated the channel swimming season to
day. He entered the sea at the south fore
land at 10 HO o'clock and struck out for
France. Last year SVolffe swam to within
flv miles of Cape Oris Nea, Franca, but
was forced to giv up th effort because h
sprained a tendon.
A litUs tim devoted to tbs csrs of tits hair
works wonders. Just dm Arty's Hslr
Vigor, tbs now kind, sysitmstically ssd
conscientiously, and see the usult. Stops
falling hair, cures dandruff, makes the
your doctor about this.