Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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Want - ads
Aflrartlaeaaeata far tne wl
roleaaas will be takes til IB a, lot
for the mnralaa; aad l4r 4ltlaa.
t ask nut ( y all rfr for
waat-eds aa4 adertleaat will
fee accepted for leas tnaa 10 eeats fa
the first laaertlaa.
Hates apply t eltkee Tka Dally
Bandar Baa.
A I way a mI ais wo HI a to Ha.
Combinations af laltlala ar aaaaaers
tout aa ana word.
laaertlon, prr llae, 10 eeats. Twa at
mora roDseeetlve laeertlone, per line,
reals. Kara laeertloa made oa odd
days, lO rrnti per llaa. fl.BO per llaa
per mono.
cAJi nfE rnn notices.
Death nod Fonersl Notlcee, Cards of
Thanks and Lodge Notices, T Mats
, prr line for one edition, moraine or
even I n 8 rents a Una for each ad
ditional edition. unday, 10 seats a
line. No art takea for lea tkaa SO
adrertlaentent Is Inserted nnder aay
one of the rlaaaidrntlons arlrra below,
it will be rhnrtrd at the following;
rateat On Insertion, 4 teats per llne
three to six conaecotlre Inaertlons, 3
cents per line each Insertion aen
r more eonaeeatlTe Inaertloas, 2
rents per line each Insertion I SO
ceats per line per month.
Kxcept A cents, Solicitors aa4
Towa, Birds, Dears and Pets.
lloraea and Vehicles.
Ponltrr and Eggs.
Typewriters and Sewing; Machines.
Pianos, Organs and Maalcal lastra
men ts.
Furnished Rooms,
t-'n famished Rooms.
Housekeeping Rooms.
Boarding and Rooms.
Want-ads for The Be mar bo left
at any of the followlns; drag stores
one Is "your corner crosrslst" they
are all brunch o dices of The Bee aad
soar ad will ba Inaertsd ' Jast as
promptly and oa the same rates as at
the mala olDoo la The Bre Ualldlng,
Seventeenth aad Farnam attracts I
Aibach. W. C, 40th and Farnam.
Boranck. 8. A.. 14o2 & 10th Bt.
Becht, Pharmacy, 720 8. ltith St.
Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb.
Bemls Faik pharmacy, 38d and Cumin
Blaku's pharmacy, a6 9herman Ave.
Caus-hllii. C. R., 8th and Pierce 8ts.
Clifton 1 1111 pharmacy. 2213 Military Ave.
Conte, J. H., Slsat Ave. and Farnam.
Crlsaey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake.
Ceamak. Emll. 124-t 8. 18th Bt.
Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton.
Ehler. F. If.. 2i Ijeavenwortb..
Foster A Arnoldl, 213 N. 23th Bt.
Dreytag. John J., 1914 N. 24th St.
Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb.
Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake.
l Green's Fharmary. corner Park Ave. and
Greenough, G. A., JOIS S. lmh St.
Oreenoimh, Q. A., 1624 South 10th St.
Hayden, Wm. C. 2H20 Farnam St.
Hanscom Park Pnar. 1601 8. 2tth Ave.
Hoist. John, 624 North isth 8t.
Huff, A. L., 2!t?4 Leavenworth St..
King. H. B 2238 Farnam St. .
Kountze Place Pharmacy, 8104 N. 24tt
Patrick Drug Co., 1124 N. 24th St.
I.athrop, Chat. E., 1824 N. 24th St.
Peyton, L. F, 24th and Leavenworth.
Saratoga Drue; Co.. 24th and Ames Ave.
Schaefer's Cut Price Drtig Store, 16th aad
Srhaefer, August, vm T 16th St.
Schmidt. J. H.. 24th and Cumins Sts.
Storm Pharmacy, lfith an.l Martha Sts
Walnut IT1I1 Pharmacy, 40th and Cumin.
Walton Pharmacy, jnth and Ortce Sts.
Wlrth. O. M.. 40th and Hamilton Sts.
CLARK Caroline A., teloved wife of Al
lan u. Clark. Sunday evening.
Funeral Tuesday. 2 P. m.. from residence.
82J South Twenty-sixth avenue. Frlenda
Invited. Interment at Foreat Lawn.
Births B. W. Bronson, 403 Bancroft
street, a-lrl: Henry Curtis, central hoaoital.
girl; O. F. (iewlnner, Jr., 1705 Van Camp
uvenue, Doy; jamea oarrlaon, ZTJS South
Twenty-eighth street, boy; Henry Gunder
son. Sixth street and Avenue K, East
Omaha, girl; John P. Wills. 816 South
Twenty-second street, boy; Fred Lanford,
fXI South Seventeenth street, boy; Harry
I'tuben, 1716 California street, girl; Issao
Kulakofsky. 1SH4 South Tenth street, girl;
Bert Wilcox, 20 Cuming street, girl.
Deaths Lewis Glgotte, K86 Poppleton
avenue, aged 2 months: William P. Mc
Devltt, St. Joseph's hospital, aged 47 years;
Prank E. Martin, SM9 Miami street, aged
2 years; Dr. A. C. Phillips, 527 South
Twenty-sixth avenue, aged 52 years; Mil
dred Allen, 403 Bancroft street, aged 13
days; William A. Paxton, 206 South Twenty
fifth avenue, aged 70 years; Mary Heada,
1422 South Thirteenth street, aged 18 years;
Rune Junes, Immanuel hospital, aged 39
fours; Jessie Alender, Omaha general
lospital, aged 20 years; Carrie A. Gonden,
3UU Pacific street, aged 61 years.
The following marriage licenses have
been Issued:
Name and Residence. Age.
Albert K. Uewlnner, Omaha .". 24
Alary Agnes warrtcn, Omaha 20
General Scott. lr.. Omaha 3K
Mrs. Georgia Williams, Omaha 36
SHE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th and
Leavenworth bis. Tel. Douglas 13X7.
SIGN PAINTING B. H. Cole. 13u2 Douglas
1905 BU1CK. two-cylinder, 23 H. P. tour
ing car, overhauled and painted ItiaO.uO
19 CADILLAC. 19 H. P. touring car, fine
shape 1526.04
1906 RAMBLER. 18 II. P.. almost new,
several extras included jjoo uo
1905 KNOX, touring car, air cooled... .fciuO.OO
lu6 OLDS, With top, 20 H. P 1700 00
lw REO. 16 H. P., used very little. .$750 .00
19u6 FRANKLIN, with top, four-cylinder,
detachable tonnaau W.&.00
19u6 FORD, two-cylinder, detachable ton
neau, 14 H. P 1400.40
19u 8TEVENS-DURTEA, two-cylinder.
and looks like new, with top luuOOO
RAMBLER K.. detachable tonnaau, Just
repainted and overhauled two 06
Write for full descpiitlon.
H. E. FREDRlCKdUN, 16th and Cap. Ave.
i2 m
FOR BALE A Cameron Runabout auto
mobile; a bargain. Globe Land and In
vestment Co.. ltd Farnam St. (2) 107
6END for our list cf second-hand automo
biles. DERIGHT. 1818 Farnanv Ci 106
!s46 acres, Ave miles of good town In Har-
I rlaon county, la., beat of soil, three sols
j of Improvements; M0 acres In growing
I crop, balance In Umber and pasture. One
of the best producing farms In western
i Iowa. Price, 127,000. will carry lll.buo, (f
necessary. J. R. Adkins, First National
i Lttiik Bldg., Council Bluffs, la.
; a-Misj xx
fcXCHANGES If you have city property
aiocks of gouds, farm land or property of
any kind to exchange, write for our com
Llele Hat. W t.ave pro par I lea and lands
In all parts of the country to exchange.
Our list la free. Bend for It at onoe.
Olobe Land and Investment Co., ua Far
bam St.. Omaha. Itslt. Uj lit
I HAVE a rood upright Kimball piano to
sell, or will trada even for 1HM worth of
sidewalk work at 8902 Cass St. 1'hone
Harney tosi. ( M972 27
NEARLY new upright piano for board and
room In privets family within two mllei
of poato
Phone Douglas 7:tll for par
ti) MS. J it
GOOD stock of general merchandise In an
Iowa town of 2.6uO. Will trade for clear,
cheap land. Globe Land and Investment
Co., K1 Farnam. (3) 769
SOME Income property, both town and
city, to exchange for land or merchan
dise. Iowa and Nebraska farms to exchange for
Income property; quirk exchanges made
where property Is offered at Its value.
See us for a quick trade:
(09 Bee Dldg. 'Phone Douglas IMA.
(3i MSti9 ax
120 ACRES 6 miles from Schell City, Ver
non county, Mo.; 80 arres under cultiva
tion; good buildings. Price, "0 per acre;
Incumbrance, $V0. Will exchange for
general merchandise. Olobe Land and
Investment Co.. 1822 Farnam St., Omaha.
a 75a
stock and grain farm of 32o acres In north
ern Illinois; price t per acre; Incumb
rance 12,fi0; a bargain at the price. Ad
dress Hlnshaw pros., Falrbury, 111.
0 Mfr9 24
FOR SALE or exchange for merchandise,
8?U acres unimproved land In I'hane Co.,
Neb.; price l' per acre; Incumbrance.
WO. Harrington & Co., Crab Orchard,
Neb. (3-M742.2
A.rc You Looking for a Farm,
Home, Ranch, Business
or Property
of any kind anywhere It makes no dif
ference whether you want tltiO butMIn
lot or a Ifcoo.utO tract of coal or tlmher
land, you should not buy or trade before
seeing a copy of the Real Estate World.
It contains a lare list of property and
merchandise stocks for sale and exchange,
and reaches several thousand readers each
Issue, and la the best advertising medium
to reach the real estate buyers. homseek
ers and traders that you can advertise In.
Write your name and address on a postal
card, matl It today, and we will send you
the journal for two months on trlHl free.
Address the Real Estate World. Suit 6.D
Good Block, Des Moines. Ia. (4)-43l
FOR SALE First class stock of millinery
and notlona In one of the best towns in
the state, having 2,000 population, on the
main line of the Union pacific R. R.
Only exclusive millinery In town; stock Is
new and In good condition; no old truck;
will Invoice close to 11,200. Will sell
cheap If sold at once. Buyers address
inquiries to A. C. Mayer, Grand Island,
Neb. (4)-M883 23
THE KEYSTONE will, on August 1, 1907,
open a department ror the KX.(JLi'biY r
business of buying and selling rooming
houses. The party having charge of this
department thoroughly understands the
business, consequently we can guarantee
satisfaction to buyer and sellur.
Suite 404 Uee Bldg., Omaha, JSeD.
'Phone Doug. tWtf.
(4) M940 27
LIST your property with us, we have buy
ers; hav- nroperty for exchange alu.
JACOliSON & CO.. 936 N. Y. Life Hldfr.
(4) M442 Ala
Life. Tel. Doug. 6149. (D--M9GS
ROOMING houses for sale,
Gangestad, 4uQ Bee Bldg.
all . sizes.
14) M363
FOR SALE The best paying business In
northeastern Nebraska, stock of gro
ceries, queensware and notions; will be
sold cheap. Answer quick. Address Y
1, Bee. (I; MS73
WANTED A party to buy out a flrat
class stock of furniture in the best town
on the Elkhorn valley; best of reasons
for gelling. Wlsner Furniture Co., Wls
ner, Neb. t4)-Ttiu
TO BUY or sell any business or res', es
tate, call OA or write E. G. Gangestad,
4u3 Bee Bldg. (4)-76J
COME to Hlldreth A Lowman. with or for,
business chances. Farms or city prop
erty. B10 Bee Bldg., Omaha. " (IMIW
HALF interest and help manage townrlta
and waterworks proposition; over 20
lota and fine artesian well: new town on
R. R., 700 population; write for par
ticulars. John R. Hodges, Artesla, N. M.
(4) M480 auglox
LIST your property with us. Graham &
Wright, 922 N. Y. L. Tel. Red 653.
(4 M8
Do You Wish to Make a Change
IF you have a farm, home, business or
property that you wish tu sell or ex
change, write us.
Omaha, Neb.
4 M551 Aug. 17
CANDY factory, completely equipped,
steam factory, middle western city; well
slocked and In operation; good profit on
Investment; liberal administrative sal
aries; about 140,000 will handle; good rea
sou for selling. Addross Y 124, care Bee.
(4) MtM2
ONLY harness stock In good town thlrty
tlve miles from Omaha. Box 279. Blair,
Neb. (4) M6t4 Ai
FOR 8ALJ3 In Fullerton. Neb., blacksmith
and wagon work business, witn loots;
one 4 H. P. gasoline engine: only four
shops In county seat town about 1,600.
Address C. K. Stenberg, Indian School,
Genoa. Neb. (4-M7S4 27x
SOMEONE to share car shipping household
goods to Donver. D. H. uungan, Allan no,
la., 12U9 Chestnut St. (4) M743 26x
THE new town of Rosalie needs a drug
store and physician, harness snop, iurni
ture and Jewelry stores. New brick store
room for rnt. Address F. L. Cook. Rosa
He. Neb. 14)-M744 2
HOTEL furniture and lease for sale; rea
son for selling, owner wishes to quit dusi
hess; hotel doing fine business, In the best
town In the Black Hills. For particulars
address Box 37, Belle Fourche. S. D.
(4) M8S2 23
ONE of the best pool hall and cigar stores
for sale at Lincoln at once; good reason
for selling. Inquire K St., 1M0, Lincoln.
(4) M1S2 A4X
a lease on one of the street car lines in
Lincoln, and will Install the patent End
less Belt advertising racks In the cars
there at once. This means dividends will
be raid this fall; buy stock now. See the
model In Myers-Dt lion's show window
before It Is taken to Lincoln. For par
ticulars call or write
34 U. S. Nat l Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb.
(4 M1U3 25
FOR SALE Two-chair barber shop, with
pool room, cheap; must sell; have other
business. 1423 No. 24th St. (4) M154 'x
BAKERY for ssle or rent In good county
seat town; doing l,2ti0 to l.ii") loaves
weekly; going west; cheap for quick buy
ers. CassvlUe Bakery Co., Cassvllle, Mo.
(4i-M87l n
STOCK general merchandise. 'Invoice
about IASoo, located In a good little town
In 8. E. Nebraska. Will take for quick
sale 66 cents on dollar. J. R. Adkins,
Room 4. First Natlooal bank bldg., Coun
cil Bluffs. (4 122 i:x
FOR SALE Hotel nd restaursnt, opposite
depot, Goff, Kan.; three trains step for
dinner. Address C. E Roberts, Goff, Kan.
(4 Mi. 2i.x
FOR SALE Restaurant and nine furnished
rooms, all In good shape, each room Willi
bed room suite; dining room and kitchen
well furnished, and will be sold at a
bargain If sold soon; reason for selling,
iM.or health. Call on or address G. C.
LUIott, Bells Fourche. S. D. '4 MU A5x
MILUNFJRY stock for sale; a bargain tf
tsken soon. Mrs. A. Jennings, West
Point, Neb, (4) Mm Aug. ltg
FOR SALE A small stesm laundry, mod
ern, equipped, In a mountain town of
1 7e0 population. American I-dry Co.,
Idaho Sprlnga. Colo. (4) Mrit 25x
LIST your property and business; quick
sales. H. Manweiler, 1524 Dodge St.
(4) M&6 Aug 11
FOR BALE Hotel and fixtures, doing good
business, only hotel In town; will sell
cheap. Address M. O'Brlea, Carroll, Neb.
(1 Mat! 24X
Every ad put
Boo want ads will do tho samo for you.
BARBER shop wanted for cash, must be
reasonable. Address 27Jv Bo. l?th St.,
Omaha. (4) Mb86 2ftx
FOR SALE First-class blacksmith and
wagon work business, with tools; M to M
received for shoelna and 14 to
W lor set-
ting tires. Address Y 129, Bee.
CO 113
WE can sell your farm, home or business
properties, no matter where located; send
price and description and learn how we
do It, Iowa Land Company, Sioux Rap
Ida, Iowa. (4) M&fiB 23x
NEWSPAPER and Job office, doing good
business, for sale In northwest Iowa.
Price 600 cash. This Is a snap. Guy D.
Savage. Alvord, Ia. 4 M945 31 X
FOR 8ALB Telephone exchange In South
eastern Kansas; this nas an Deen bunt
in the past IS months; price and terms
reasonable; might consider trade for land
at cash value; good reasons. Rnx 101.
Strawn, Kan. (4) Mti44 4x
S0 New York l.lf.s Uldg..
Omaha, Neb.
A fine wall paper and paint store, do
ing fine business; Invoices, 14,500; make
me an oiler. Address or call m in. rejo.L
Colorado Springs. Colo. (4) M128 2x
COME to Hlldreth & Lowman with or for
business chances, farms or city prop
erty. (4) M331
DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V.
Knlest, 707 N. T. Life. Omaha. Wni
sells or exchanees everything, land, city
property, merchandise and automobiles.
63 Douglas block. (41457 Aug. 14.
DEWITT HOTEL for sale. Will sell
building and furniture, or sell furniture
and rent building. This Is one of the best
paying hotels In the state: I can prove
it by what I have made. J. H. Ptickett..
DeWltt. Neb. (4)-M314 24 X
HOMES, lands, etc., bought, sold or tradoj
quickly. Pardee & Braum, the hustlers.
330 Neville Blk. (41-529 Auglo
LIMITED amount of stock for sale In Al
mining proposition; mill up and mine
proven. For particulars write or call be
tween 9 and 11 a. m. 620 N. Y. L. Bldg.
J. O. S. (4 536 22x
BERKA & CO.. 938 N. Y. Life Bldg.. sell
real estate quick and satisfactory.
(4) 620 Augia
FOR SALE cheap, stock of men's furnish
ings and shoes. In a good location. Ad
dress P 790, care Bee. (41528 22x
GROCERY and meat business for sale.
Will give good discount. 2227 Broadway.
Council Bluffs, Ia. (4) M345 27x
CASH for bad accounts, bills, notes or
any other claims. For particulars address
E-7S0, Bee. (4) M108 27x
$4,000 Laundry plant, absolutely clearing
175 per week for $3,iO0 Mlta Laundry,
Boulder, Colo. (4) M11S 27x
FOR SALE Drug stock and fixtures In
u good Southern Nerbaska town. Invoice
about 4,0u0. Address Y-207, Bee.
(4)-MllB 27x
11,250 WILL get right party half Interest
and management of a business here In
Omaha that clears 11.600 monthly; If you
havo the money and mean business, ad
dress M 821, Bee. (4J-M990 23x
BUTCHER shop for sale Modern In every
respect; the best location In brick build
ing; only market In county seat of 1,000;
lurpo territory surrounding; employ three
men and do heavy business; a splendid op
portunity; owner tinablo to give personal
attention to business; terms, f 1,600 cash,
balance time. N. J. Frayn, Faulkton, S.
r. (4 mho 27x
FOR SALE Clothing and gents' furnish
lng stock for sale; only stock In good
farming towa or about z.ono. For par
ttculars Inquire Ochsner Bros. & Co., Ed
gar. Neb. (5) M104 27 x
WANTED A buyer for an established
hardware business; must sell at once:
good reason for selling; best references
given. Lock Box 927. Tulsa, I. T.
(4) MS39 tix
(4) 768
city property, farms, merchandise or
chattels. Write Townsend Realty Co.,
Mouaie, is. lj muou Augox
SALES made on Mdse., Jewelry, household
goods, live stock, farm Implements, ato
Roth & Tyrrell. 1212 Douglas, Omaha.
Carpet Cloaalaa;.
SANITARY Cleaning Co., tflt Farnam.
(5) 7TI
DR. ROY, R. t, 1506 Farnam lit.
Doug. 6491.
lt Miia
AUGUST KROFFT, building . contractor.
1008 N. 21st St., South Omaha. (b nt
Civil Eagtaeera.
(5) 77
to Beatrice creamery i;o., umana.
() 77t
IN FAMILIES--Miss Sturdy.
Tsl. Hamey
M LOWELL Dressmaking Sohool. 1623 Far
nam Bt. (5) M6oo
LADIES learning sewing can have pat
terns fit. 619 a 24th ave. Red 5c74.
(5-7 Aug. 18
BA1LE& ft MACK, 3d Or. Paxton.
D. loss.
HESS ft 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam.
(5) 780
L. HENDERSON, 1519 Far.
Tsl. D. 1251.
(o; lil
THE 8CHLITZ, European, 14th and Harney
Jewelers aad) Watchaaalcara.
N. P. STILLING Watch, clock, Jewelry
repairing, raxion ma. ieL u. 4J67.
Laws Mowers Sharpeaed.
LAWN mowers sharpened. Lawrence, 2703
Leavenwortn at. ioj Mou Aug. 17
JOHNSON INS.. 411 N. T. L.
Tel. D. lf4.
Dr. Bowser, over 1500 Far.
Tel. Doug. 6371
t)-ai401 Jyzl
On co Sapplloa.
FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose
leaf devices and orhce flxturea and sup
plies oi an ainns. Alienor furnishing Co.
ltd sarnain cu Douglas uuoi
fiiUIbi Aug. IT
in The Bee made me jx dead."
C. B. TRUSS ELL, Ui South ISth St.
WANTED numbers.
(6) Ml 33
Tel. Harney !.
BEFORE placing your 190S calendar order.
don t rail to see our elegant imported line.
Lyngsiad at Jorve, printers, 16 A Cap. Ave.
HIGH GRADE Imitation typewritten let
ters and job printing; no ot too large or
mall. Anchor Publishing Co., 1S22 Far
nam St. Tel. Doug. 0661. (5) M966 Aug 10
iXMNOS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas biM.
Safes. Shatters. Sl
OMAHA Snfe and Iron Works makes a spe
cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and
safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 10th Ht.
School Supplies.
OMAHA School Supply Co., ltKl Howard.
(bj IM AUg. IV
Shoe Repairing;.
RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.. first - class
work. ISI8V1 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 994.
(5) -244
MORRIS Chicago Practical Tailor for
ladles and gents new work; repairing,
cleaning and dying. Called for and de
livered. 7u9 8. 27th St. Tel. Red 6al8.
THE Oliver Typewriter Co.. 116 a 15th bt.,
will rent you nn Oliver typewriter, witn
oak stand, and keep you In ribbons for $3
per month; will earn more than 13 per
month In time saved. Get the habit.
(6) 22 aug?
Vlolla Maklaif.
L. Heskett, 64T
F)-M 1 56 Augl2
$2.50 READINGS 50c
Third time In city. She Is the most won
derful spirit medium and clairvoyant ino
world has ever known. She can he con
sulted on all affairs of life business,
lawsuits, Journeys, changes, specula
tions, wives, love affairs, marriage,
whom to marry and control the one you
love, make your loved ones at a dis
tance think of you, disease cured, hablt3
corrected. My advices always reliably
and highly Tecommended by all. Hours,
9 a. m. to 8 p. m. daily; Sunday, 11 a.
m. to 6 p. m. All business Bacred and
confidential. () M170 23
The Leading Palmist of Omaha.
Revelations of past and future described.
Parlors 113 S. 16th St., Opp. Boston Store.
Clerical anil Orhce.
letter, statins experience and salary. Ad
dross H 712, Bee. (7-6ia
Factorr and Trades,
GIRLS WANTED Burgess Shirt Co., 2024
Farnam Bt. (7) vn
ST. (7)-799
WANTED A first class cutter, fitter and
tallorist to take charge of dressmaking
fiarlors, with best of references to re
lablllty. Address 1049 Park Ave. Tel.
Harney 3796. (7) M6j
LADIES Our catalogue explains how we
teach hair dressing, manicuring, racial
massage, etc.. In a few weeks, mailed free.
Moler College, Chicago, 111.
(7) M7S9 26X
WANTED Ladles and girls for decorating
acta pillows at home experience un
necessary, permanent and good payr call
before I p. m., 2311 80. Kith.
C7)-98 27x
Hoasekeeplns; anal Donteatlo.
WANTED Good lady cook,
140. Phoenix
Hotel, ban born. lows.
FAMILY cook and maid. 140 and (30. Can
adian Office, 15th and Dodge.
(7 M706
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
four m family. b01 Davenport. Tel. Har
ney 211. (7)-MU0
WANTED at once table waiter, 126 per
month. Board and room. Phone answer.
Bon Ton Bakery and Restaurant. Box 163,
Red Cloud. Neb. (7)-M286 26x
WANTED Competent cook; good wages
and steady position to right party. Ad
dress D 779, care Bee. (7 618
GOOD cook wanted.
Apply 3264 Farnam,
7 143
WANTED First class cook, who has had
experience in good family, none other
reed apply. Wages IlO.Oo to 112.00 a week.
Mrs. Ernest E. Hart, 625 3d St., Council
Biurrs, ia. (7) iz ax
GIRL for general housework; German o
Bohemian prefered. 2010 N. 20ih St.
(7) 618 22x
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework, tii 0. outh Sr. lei. Harney
tUi. tO old ix
GOOD girl cor general hr usowork on ranch
in weatern Han.; coo.1 Home;
Slace. Mrs. Charles II. Jackson, box 63.
etmore, Kas. (7 M6GS -4x
2225 Farnam.
wanted In
private family.
GIRL for general housework.
St. 'Phone Maple 6156.
2603 Pierce
(7-772 26
WANTED Competent middle aged woman
to help with care of two babies under 3
years old: must be Intelligent and neat;
good wages. 1X02 Blnney St.
(7-M8t4 27
WANTET Plain cook, also laundress, for
an institution. Apply Mrs. W. R. Adams,
S Burt St. Tel. Harney 3770.
(7)-M929 2Sx
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework; good wages; no washing.
iboi Chicagj 6t. Tel. Harney 106V.
(7) M9fi5 23
GOOD girl for general housework; threo
In family; easy place. Mrs. W. A. SrVth.
112 S. S5th St. (71146 28
EXPERIENCED girl, city references, in
family of two; no washing. Mrs. Andrew
Rosewater, 3520 Harney. (7 141
WANTED Two girls, a cook and a laun
dress. Wages, 1jO.i a month each, room,
board and wash. 1824 Harney St.
(71-M150 2Cx
One lady operator, 110 per week to start.
One lady Remington operator.
One night clerk for hotel. Also many
positions ui.en for Immediate considera
Bulte 404 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. 336.
(7)-Mlffl tl
WANTED Young women to enter the Mol
bourn hospital training school for nurses,
los Angeles, Cal. For further Informa
tion apply to Miss A. E. DuSold, 960 S.
Olive bt., Los Aagelas, Cal.
Miscellaneous -Contlnaed.
WANTED Lady to demonstrate the Man
love hair grower; liberal salary to Tight
party. Dr. Minerva James, 20J4 Davenport-
Tel. Douglas 6i (1) MjJ
ANY student desiring employment or any.
one aeairing to enter Dusiness nonoraoiy
and profitably may register free of charge
at McCarenty institute, 1802 Farnam SU
GIRL willing to do a little work around the
house tor her board and room, win find
desirable place by addressing J 801, care
Bee. (7) 6a4 22x
WANTED-Experlenced hair dresser. Ap
ply Hair Dressing Parlor, J. L. mandeis
ft Sons. (7) M958 23
WANTED A nurse for small hospital In
northwestern Wyoming. Address V 218
Bee. (7)-M181 29
WANTED Graduate trained nurse of
experience to act as trained nurse 13
a small general hospital of 20 beds; 13
tn 16 patients; 4 student nurses; salary,
135 to $40 per month, room and board.'
Send photo and references Address
Box 113, Jamestown, N. D.
(7) M4S7 29x
LADIES and girls to stamp transfers at
Home days or evenings; 1.60 to ju.oo per
day; quickly learned. Room 6e6 Paxton
Blk. (7)-M180 29x
Agents, solicitors and Salesmen,
AGENTS wanted to drive through the
country; best telling proposition ever o -fered;
big value for your customer, big
firoflt for you. Write today for partlcu
bis and territory. E. R. McClellan, t,ui
Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (9) 834
SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those who
have had experience selling views, por
traits or books; pleasant work and big
money. Call at Room 0u3, Bee Bldg.
WANTED Man tc ntre atid manage a crew
of solicitors; prefer one who has had ex
perience In selling to farmers; permanent
position; good Income. Address O 347,
Bee oflice. (9) 310
LARGE establishment wants several mes
sauger boys, must be 10 years of age;
good chance for advancement. Address
789, care of Bee. (91617 22
BOYS with wheels wanted; good wages,
Postal Telegraph Cable Co.
(9) M64S. 30x
TWO elevator boys at once.
104 Bee Bldg.
(9) 143 22x
Clerical aad office.
WANTED Clerks, both men and boys; also
man stenographer for railroad ofnee. Ad
dress F. B. Southard. A. P. A.. U. P. R.
R., Omaha, Neb. (8) M092 26x
WANTED Drug clerk. State age, exper
ience, salary wanted. H. Westveer,
Schuyler. Neb. (9) M156 23
Factory ana trade.
POSITIONS for drug men everywhere.
V. Knlest, 707 N. 1. L., Omana.
Power Co.
Beatrice Gas
(9)-M681 3
WANTED At once a good all around
blacksmith. Address lock box 726, VUllsca,
Ia. (9)-874
WANTED Man with some experience tn
traveling capable of earning hlf.h salary:
bond requited. Address, with stamp and
teferences, S 617, care Bee. l) 806
FIRST-CLASS waiters, 121 per we,6k; ten
bours. Luton Cafe, Billings, Mont.
W-M446 A2x
TEN good men wanted at Deshler brick
ard, Deshler, Neb.; board and room.
(9) MOOT 24
WANTED A good shoemaker for repair
work; good position for practical man;
Write. A. K. Macular, Ouray, Colo.
(9J-MS37 24x
ONE linotype operator, good man, can
make from 127 to 130 week; 8 hours; non
union. State Capital company, Guthrie,
OkU (9J-M643 24X
ONE all-around tailor wanted at once.
Carl P. Llndecrantt, Holdrege, Neb.
(9-M663 SOx
WANTED Men to learn barber trade at
once; wonderful demand for barbers;
top wages now; few weeks completes;
tools given; can earn some money from
start. Send for particulars. Moler Barber
College, 1116 Farnam SU (9) M740x
GOOD cornice man and tinners, at once.
Lincoln Cornice and Metal Works, Lin
coln, Neb. (-M77v
WANTED First-class barber; no student;
guarantee of $15 or 60 per cent. Answer
at once. John Stack, Huron, S. D.
(9) MS75 AugSx
MACHINE hands and laborers; steady
work; good wages. Omaha Box Co., East
Omaha. (9) 146 28
FIRST class bottler wanted at Mineral
Springs Bottling works, 724 W. B'way,
Council Blufli. Apply at once. Must be
strictly temperance. (9) M184 26x
Miser Itnnwons.
4 retail clerks, ttiS.
Bookkeeper, $100.
City salesman and office man, $100.
Office clerk. $e0.
Assistant bookkeeper, $60.
8 stenographers, $iio, lij and $75.
There Is no excuse for you being out of
a position If you do not take advantage of
the assistance we can render you.
Call or write for complete list of vacan
cies. We can place you on short notice.
721-3 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(9J-M179 23
WANTED Teams, C. B. Havens ft Co..
yards, 14th and Webster St.; teams now
making from $5 to $8.60 per day. 9i M.ilO
WANTED Young man as porter at Union
Station restaurant i9 M67 23
WANTED Several good farm hands. Ala
nilto fianitary Dairy Co., 1S12 Farnam St
(9i-Mi;:i '
GOOD PAY Men wnnted everywhere to
tacit signs, distribute circulars, samples
etc.; no tanvussing National Distributing
Bureau, Chicago, 111. l9 M6I0 tix
WANTED Sound young man, aged 18 to
36, for firemen and brakemen on leading
railroads; experience unecessary. Ftte
men earn $10o per month, become engi
neers, earn, $Jiv; brakemen earn $75, be
come conductors, earn '!). Call or wilte
at once for particulars. National Railway
Training Ass'n., 60 X. Paxicn Block,
Omaha, Neb. (9-2$ Aug!
ANY student desiring employment or any.
one desiring to consult as to best method
of entering business honorably and
profitably may register free f ehargu
at McCarenty Institute,, 182 Farna.n St.
(9j M361
YOUNG men to wrap bundles and taka
care of city deliveries. Nebraska Cloth
ing Co. t9 Ma
WANTED Tile dltchert to work by rod;
make 12.50 to ti.Sn a dsr. Apply J. W
Ten Brink. Nlckerson, Neb. .'9 i?l
LABORERS for handl'ng frieght at Union
Pacific. Council Bluffs transfer; wages
17i cents per hour. Board arranged if
necnasary. Apply Thoe. Scunlnn, fore
man. ( -674 54
TEAMSTERS wanted, well acquainted
with town; $12 week. Omaha Rendering
and Feed company, 1208 .Tncksin
(9) MI68 2S
Horses aad Vehicles.
RT'BBER-TIRETD road wagon. W. A
Uine, tol Haoula Ave., Council Bluffs.
lloraea ana Vehicles Contlaaed.
WE are net selling out at cost, but we are
selling driving wagons, buggies, lurries
nd stanhopes cheaper than any other
llrm west of ChloAgo. Holmes-Adklns
I Co.. 71t ft 10th U. Omaha. tip-all
' GOOD wagons for sale cheap at 1114 N.
24th Bt. tU-M114AugU
HARNESS. Saddles, Trunks, Traveling
Bags, some good bargalna. Alfred Cor
nish ft Co.. 1210 Farnam Bt. ill-tl0
FOR pony buggies, runabouts, wagons,
trsps, carts and harness, see Johnson
Danforth Ctv, S. W. Cor. 10th aud Jonet
Sts. UU-9
WE art selling delivery wagons, teaming
gears, buggies, carriages and harness
cheaper than any other firm In Omaha.
Johnson Danforth Co.. S. W. cor. 10th and
Jones Sta (1D-776
SALT. $7 a bbU Wagner. Wl No. 16th.
FOR 8ALE Fine bluett coach bred harness
horse; young and sound. Inquire, !0 So.
13th 8t. (11)-63S 22x
One 8-8PR1NO WAGON, new and one de
livery buggy, rubber-tired. Oscar Harte,
29lh and Farnam Sts. (ID 71S
FOR SALE Having bought automobile, I
offer my good, gentle, family horse.
Imrness and swell stanhope buggy. Phone
Webster &K0. L. L. Peterson.
(ID 776 22x
TWO half Shetland ronles, broke, $4"
each. Four good riding and driving
ponies cheap. One draft team. 3.00 I
lbs.. $350.00. One double harness Q'Kl
wagon. 631 Sherman Ave. Tel. Wb
ster 1115. (11) M1 74 23
ONE hay matched team, weighing 2.100
lbs., $160; team work horses, weirnlnir
2,600 lbs., $110; sorrel horse, welglilrg
1.100 lbs., $35.00; ono single driver, $?5.
2816 N. 16th Ave. (11) Ml'. 7
Poultry aad Ease.
GOVERNMENT book "free. Model Squab
Co., Omaha. (U) M386 Augl
SPRING chickens, fresh, dressed to order.
Tel. Florence luSC. Forest Lawn Wyan
dotte yards, Florence, Neb.
(ID M767 28x
Cows, Birds, Don and Pets.
terrier puppies. 19e9
(11) M911 Six
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Scotch collie
puppies. E. B. Cook, Benson, Neb.
(Il)-My71 27x
For Information leading to the where
abouts of a steel gray mare, 6 years
old, weight about 1,260 pounds, strayed
or stolen from 2toS Emmet St. night
of July 18. Alfred Adams. 'Phone
Webster 2299. (12) 118 23x
LOST Bay mare pony, white face and
legs; reward. 625 S. 31st St. Tel. Harney
(12)-778 22
LOST Pocket book, Saturday afternoon,
containing checks for trunks. Reward for
return to matron at Burlington station.
(12) M934 23 x
LOST Gent's gold tilled hunting case
watch, leather fob, Saturday afternoon.
In park east of Kurs.ial, Manawa. Initials
"F. A. J." on fob and watch. Return to
T. L, Combs & Co.; reward of $5.
(121140 22
LOST Purse, containing $180.00; $25 reward
for return to Bee otllce. (12) M167
BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve
Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman
ft ilcConnell Drug Co., Omaha.
(13) 813
ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or
write to t! matron of the Salvation
Army Hoiiei .or Women at 3824 N. 21th
St., Omaha, Neb. (12) M10I
DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women.
80 years practice in confinements. Oflice,
614 N. 16th; residence, 3411 Chnrles,
Omaha. (13) 814
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Crelghton Medical college, 14th ar.d Dav
enport Sts.; special attention paid to
confinement cases; all treatment super
vised by college professors. 'Phone
Douglas-1167. Calls answered day or
night. 18) 120
RUPTURE CURED No knife, no deten
tion from business. yi'ICK CURE RUP
TURE v CO., over S. W. Cor. 14th and
Douglas, Omaha. (18) 926 Augl
We will give you a run of one month or
twelve oh your contract if you borrow
money of us and you pay for only the time
you are using our money,
Wt make no charges In advance, you
get the full amount In cash. Wt will loan
you any amount you may want.
Don't forget that we have been here
fifteen years.
Come to the "Old Reliable."
Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.,
lit Board of Trade Bldg.
(14) 464
Vacation time is here, ll you need money
to see you through that good time you have
promised yourself this summer, come to us.
Out special low rates for vacation money
are still In effect; you can get the mousy
quickly, privately and conUdenllally on
your salary, household goods, pianos, ttc.
Low rales; easy terms.
108 Paxton Block. 'Btiune Doug. 1411.
loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses,
etc., In any amount; lean than half rates,
perfect privacy; Immediate attention; any
terms wanted; payment suspended when
sick or cut of work. 214 Karbach Blk.. 209
8. 16th St. (l4-
Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Uldg.,
advances private money on chattels or sal
ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get
money same day asked for at small cost.
Open evenings till 1 (14) 815
have Increased theli capital, uid during tho
month of July will make a special rate on
collateral '.oans, personal properly, mort
gages and Individual notes without secur
ity; terms to suit. Phone Douglus 29u4 or
call at 310 Bee Bldg (14) M4S Aug2
and others, without security; easy pay
ments. Oflice In 63 principal cltlss. Tul
man, room 714. New York Life Bldg.
CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt
loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam SU
(14) 813
EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Rsllable. accom
modating; all business coulidcntial. 13.1
Douglas. (14 C22
FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff
Ureen Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk.
PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel c.r
salary loans. (123 Paxton Blk. 'Phone
DoutUe 745. (14) 3
tioardtaat aad Rooms.
MOST cony anient and pleasant location; da rooms. Cull before locating. The
Pratt. 302-212 6o. 26ih Bt. Private ex
change Douglas 3rA. (IS) C'6
ELEGANT room for summer; has outside
entrance, south front. In one of the b. st
locations In city; large, beautiful lawn;
private family. 627 Park Ave.
DEVi'EY European Hotel, 13th and Farna-n.
riKKlRABLE rooms: first cluss liard: fine
I lr,Hiir: walkins distance. -Is S. ''.th St.
(Ij-MM Six
I ROOMS and board with private family,
near edge of town and car line. Addreu
A 759. care Bee. (!.') 121 29x
OOOD table; modern convenlcr.ees; private
tamlly. 2 Hartley Bt. (15) Mfid 27x
NEWLY furnished rooms, with or with
out board, tol tin. 16lh Bt.
06) aUtt 17
Hoard I a c aad Rooma
HOARD wilh of without rom. Harney.
(16) MtOO AugJO
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe.
Farnlahed Booaaa,
FOR RFNT-I.srge east front room, nicely
furolalied, good location, near two car
lines Call at once. Tel. 11. 486. tot S.
29th St. (lS)-23
ELEGANTLY furnlsld rooms. IMS CapU
tol Ave. (15) 13 JyM
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms In new.
modern house; bsih on everv floe-; nil
conveniences; walking distance. 1474 Har
ney St. Tel. Douglas 4294. 06) M7J
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms with all
conveniences. 1919 Burt St.
(16) T0 Jy
405 8. 24TH AVE.: at, new, up-to-datsl
gentlemen only; references.
, (161 M4S0 Aug2
THREE rooms, 1120 N. 17th St. (15) 408
FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms. 841 8,
! (16)-M5t9 Aug
GOOD ROOMS, suitable for young men, $1
per week. 1M0 Capitol Ave (l&i MA98 26x
NICELY furnished room, south exposure;
Jteferences. n; So. 2oth Ave. (15) Mill .
El.RGANT furnished rooms; strictly mod
ern. 2f.59 Dodge St. (15) M670 23x
DESIRABLE rooms, fine location; walking
distance. 218 8 . 26th St. (15i-l(l 27x
LOWER FIOOR of home, consisting of 4
luige, handsomely furnished rooms, com
plete for housekeeping, to refined couple;
responsible parties only need app'y 4 N.
ll'th. (16) M71 a'x
liAROE, nicely furnished front room, with
alcove; everything modern; three blocks
from courthouse and city hall. 70 8. lth
St. Tel. lied 4733. (15) MH97 2Sx
BEAUTIFUL large front room; other
rooms; south; modern. 614 N. 2Sd St.
'Phone Red 4'4. (15) M733 2G
A NICE front parlor for two. 611 N. lsthj
good table board. Red 6204.
(15) M741 26x
NICE cool furnished rooms, nlcelv located.
Very reasonable. 2tUl N. 19th Ave.
(16) M560 23X
STRICTLY modern rooms; newly fur
nished. 417 No. 18th Bt. (16) M660 23 X
NICE front room, with all modern con
veniences Douglas 3S37. 217 8. 2nth St.
REASONABLE furnished rooms! thlrS
floor. 16u6 Farnam. (161626 A17
LARGE cool room. 2815 Dewey Ave.
(IV MOfid 24X
FURNISHED room for gentleman. 316 N
18th St. (15) MG43 26x .
FOR RENT Three or four furnished or
unfurnished rooms. 2416 Ersklne St.
(16)-M628 24X
TWO nice rooms, single or ensulte. for
gentlemen In private family; close In.
Phone Douglas 4378. (16) M647 24x
ONE block west of High school; large
comfortable room; modern house; large
shady yard. 2304 Davenport.
(15) 724 25x
CLEAN rooms In modern house, roomy
porches; larye, shady lawn; attractive
surroundings. 128 S. 26th St.
(15.-M910 27x
FURNISHED rooms for rent. 20X Farnnm,
'Phone Douglas 41(12. (15I-M906 27x
FOR RENT Desirable rooms In all parts
of the city. Omaha Rental Co., 8u8 N. Y.
Life Bldg., Tol. Douglas 3881.
(1E M9t2 Aug20x
THREE largo rooms, sink and sewer,
$12.50; single rooms, $4.60, 2407 Burt.
(16) M98V 27x
LARGE south-front room, with alcove: alw
other rooms, 2702 Farnam St.
(15) M107 m
LARGE, newly furnished, southeast room,
half block north of Hanscom Pnrlt.
Private family, fine neighborhood. TeL
Harney 1348. (16) M10J 1
TWO furnished rooms 2416 Farnam; first
class: gentleman preferred. (16) 118 2ix
Unfurnished Hoonia,
TWO elegant unfurnluhed rooms, modern.
633 Park Ave. (15-67 23 X
HousekeeplD Rtjomm.
SUITE of unfurnished housekeeping rooms,
strictly modern home; heat and light fur
nished; last boarding house In city
across the street. 24o8 Cass Bt.
TWO furnished rooms for light house
keeping. 2910 Farnam St. (15) M134 24
ROOM for light housekeeping. 1707 Call
fornla St. (16) M562 28x
FURNISHED and unfurnished housekeep
ing rooms. 113 S. 20th St.
(15)-M59 JtX
FURNISHED rooms, with or without light
housekeeping, corner 24th and Cumintf,
over drug store. (16j 716 25x
THREE furnished rooms for light house
keeping. 216 North 22nd St.
(15)-M936 I7x
HOUSEKEEPING rooms reasonable. 1711
Jackson. (15) M106 27x
Apartments and Plata.
FOR RENT West Farnam district, ground
floor new Bt. Louis brick flat, 5 rooms
and bath, modern oak finish, maple floors,
south front, 2th Ave. and Harney St.,
$42.60. Tel. Douglas 8581. (15)-MV12
Ho use a and Cottages.
OMAHA Van ft Storage Co, pack, more,
store H. 11. goods; storehouse Ilk)-34 N.
lath. Oflice loo Farnam. Tel. Doug. 166a,
FLAT, full modern, 6 rooms, bsalde balh
and private hall; newly done up; gat
range, etc.; entire building being put In
periect order; best flats In north part of
city; walking dislancu; referonct required.
Cull, Investigate this; $26.
BKMIS, Paxton Block.
(15 Mjb4
JUST received, a car load of drafts,
drivers, laundry and grocery horaes.
Among these one 8,200-lb. team, right
every wuy; several other lighter work
horses; one 4-year-old, extra good sIiik'4
wagon horse. Come and see us. You
can't make a mistake If you want p
horse for any purpose, as we give a
written guarantee that every horse Is
as represented. Cash or time. Omuha
Horse and Supply Co., rear 414 N.
16th St. (11) M14t
f-ROOM ho-j'ie, modern In every rosiecL
2727 Cuming Bt. (li) M7SS
HOUSES. Insurance. Klngwalt, Barker Blk.
11..) ij
FOR RENT An k-room house, all modern,
up-to-date; full lot, &'Xlu6; nice shade
trees; one-half block from jtreet car.
H. 3Mh Ave. 'Phone Douglas 4.'K7. 9.
Sugarman. Uw 523
HOUSEHOLD geds packed, forwarded,
cheap freight ru'es. Moving and atorege.
Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Do ig
las 8l4. 1 15) 131
WE DO expert piano moving at lowest
prices. Tel. Douglas 16. Schmollar ft
Mueller Piano Co., Ui 1-1213 Faniam.
t lTlTTTr'ti In Fitt of the city. R,
IlUUiiLD c i.etel 4 Co.t Bee Bldg.
US11 N S3D BT.
l-room strictly modern, urmnrt new ,$J5.
O Keefe Real Estate Co., lt4 N. Y. Ltf
Bldg (16) MM
NEW, l-ronm all modern, on rar line, near
l-.i rn!l i rk. $.
10ol N. Y. Life lildg. 'Phone Dour 2152.
(16)-M914 23
TlflTTKFS Ptrtt of the city. The
liuuri,r o. r. Davuco.. h bi'h
FOR RENT Lersj store room, 18th and
Vinton tits. C Itl. Bachmann, 417 Paxton
block. Of j tat)
W E MOVE PIANOS-Magcrard Van and
Storage Co. Tel. Douglas ltl. Ortica, 1,1
Webster bt. U 34
trfODUHN bouse, rooms. 1119 Take Ht.
v 4