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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1907)
HIE OMAHA DAILY BUR: TUESDAY, .T ITT A" 2X 1P07. The Omaha Daily Dek FOUNDED BT KDWAJID R08EWATER. VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR. Entered t Omaha postofflce aa eeoond cUss matter. . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Pally Uee (without Sunday), one )'(.,H I mil Uee Hnd Sunday, one year 1 Sunday te, one year J-5JJ Saturday bee, one year 1 DELIVERED BY CARRIER. Dnlly Hee (Inrludlng Sunday), per week.. 10 Dally Ie (without Sundny), per weck -.toc Evening bee. (without Sundav), per week. e Evening bee (with Sunday), per week. ...loo A dd rem ell complaints Irregularities In delivery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omnha The Uee Building. Smith Omaha City Hall building. Council HlufTa lu Bcntt Ptreet. Ch'cagn i) I'nlty Building. New York 150H Home Life Inmiranee Bldg. Washington Ml Fourteenth Btreet. 1 CORRESPONDENCES. Communications relating to newa and edi torial matter should he addressed, Omahi Uce, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only l-rent stamps received In payment of mall accounts. Personal checks, except oa Omaha or eastern exchange, not accepted. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. 6tate of Nebraska, Douglas county, : Charles C. Rosewater general manageT of The Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn, says '-hat the actual number vt full and complete copies of The Dally. Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of June., 1W7, was es follows: 1 88,830 IT M.480 t 35,500 II 3S.490 1 36,620 It 86,460 4........ 36,690 20 38,310 6 36,410 SI 36.880 1 36,810 21 36,810 T 36,630 28 36,780 36,800 24 36,800 6 38,900 to 38,880 10 36,660 2 86,680 11 36.930 27 36,B?0 12 36,880 28 36,470 II 36,640 29 36,860 14 36,990 30 38,980 15 37,170 II 38,600 Total... 1,094,830 Leas unsold and returned copies.. 10,389 Net total 1,083,631 Dally average 36.187 CHVKLm.3 ROSEWATER, Oeaeral Manager. Subscribed to my presence ana sworn to before me this 1st day of July, 1(07. (Seal) M. B. H UNGATE, Notary Public. WHEN OCT r TOWN. absertbcrs leavlaa- the city ten porarlly should have) Th Be mailed to taeas. Address will he chanced as oftea as requested. The Theatrical trust la acting on the theory that all the world's a stage. A Carnegie hero medal has been found In a New York pawn shop. Even heroes get hungry. Mr. Knox might find the "Help Wanted" columns of advantage in promoting his boom. The thread combine threatens an other advance in prices. That is one trust that ought to be broken. Senator flatt says be would not vote for Governor Hughes again. That should help the Hughes boom. Another advantage of the new pas senger rates Is that It makes It easier for people to get away from Chicago. The emperor of Corea Is reported to be standing on his dignity. That is about all Japan has left him to stand on. John F. Stevens, late chief engineer of the Panama canal, has secured a soft berth, an upper one, on ,the New Haven railway. It Is sincerely hoped that Japan will not start a war now, while Senator Beverldge, one of our greatest national defenses, Is taking a vacation. "Should teachers smoke?" Is a ques tion being discussed by the Wisconsin educators. Whether they should or not, most of them will not, as they consider It very unladylike. Yale has Invited a Central Amer ican official to deliver a series of lec tures on "Peace." Harvard should now Invite some San Francisco official to lecture on "Good Government." Policemen at Washington are asking for extra pay when assigned to duty at the base ball games. No one who has ever seen the Washington team play ball will blame the policemen. In the meantime, United States Col lector of Internal Revenue Stephenson la complacently figuring on holding his office until January 1, next, and draw ing salary regularly up to that time. Mayor "Jim" Is home again. Will he stand for the scheme of the city council to screw the municipal tax rate up to take $250,000 more out of the pockets of the people next year than this year? The emperor of Corea drew $400, 000 from the Imperial bank and placed It in his personal pocket Just before he abdicated. The rumors of his Incapacity seem to have been ex aggerated. Oove'nor Vardanian has pardoned a woman who shot a man and declares that "In Mississippi the unwritten law Is the highest law." There seem to be no limit to the brands of Var daraana dementlana, as Mr. Del mas would put it. Now conies Colonel Watterson and declares that Oqvernor Johnson of Minnesota Is not bis dark horse candi date for the presidency and, further, that he will not reveal the identity of the dark horse to' the public, but will whisper the nam Into Colonel Bryan's ear any time Colonel Bryan wants to tear it. We can see from here that Colonel Watterson will be compelled to keep his secret until after the dem Mwatlo national convention. TO MAKE SVBt OF FAILURE. Colonel Bryan's Commoner outlines a program for dealing with the rail roads to innke sure of failure of the regulation laws passed by congress and the various state legislatures. It declares for Mr. Bryan that, while he believes public ownership offers the ultimate solution of the problem, those who, with him, believe the public will finally in self-defense be driven to ownership recognize that regulation must be tried under the most favora ble circumstances before the masses will bo ready to try a more radical remedy. Mr. Bryan has, himself, stated repeatedly in other places that he Is convinced legislative and admin istrative regulation of railroads can not be made effective. The democratic proposal, therefore, amounts to this: Put the democrats in control of the national and state government and let them conduct the experiment of railroad regulation un til they prove that they can give no satisfactory relief and then come to public ownership as the last resort and only remaining alternative. While the experiment Is In progress and the people are being convinced that regu lation does not regulate, the democrats would occupy the panoply of power and enjoy the patronage and spoils. In a word, the republican program Is to try regulation with a view to scor ing a success, while the democratic program la to try regulation with de liberate design to Insure its failure. ANOTHER RAILROAD REFORM. Another sti iking illustration of good results that would follow co-operation between government authorities and transportation companies is furnished by the practical perfection of a uni form bill of lading for use on all the railroads of the country. The form of the bill has been prepared by the in terstate Commerce commission, aided by representatives of the shippers and of the traffic departments of several leading railways of the country, and a date has been fixed In the early autumn for considering objections to the form. Unless objections, if any are filed, are of the convincing kind, the form will be adopted and the uni form bill of lading will be prescribed for all railroad companies, removing one of the most prolific sources of complaint, trouble and litigation be tween transportation companies and their patrons The significant feature of the new proposition is that It promises to give to the shippers and the bankers of the country a concession they have been vainly seeking for years. There has long been an earnest demand for a bill of lading that could be used as security for bank loans and bills galore looking to that end have been Introduced in congress, only to die in the committee rooms, killed by the objections of railroad companies. What congress failed to accomplish the transportation companies and their patrons now promise to do by mutual agreement under pressure of the In terstate Commerce commission. The new bill of lading covers the question of deliveries of goods and the negotia bility of the bills of lading, and, at the same time, accepts the principle of responsibility of carriers, so far as property shipped is carried on their own lines. Certain conditions, printed on the backs of the uniform bills, form a part of the contract and are designed to protect fully the Interests of the shipper and leave little room for dispute or litigation where goods are lost, damaged or destroyed in transit. The new measure, while not wholly satisfactory, has met the approval of a committee of the American Bank ers' association, representatives of the leading railways, representatives of the shippers and the officials of the Interstate Commerce commission. The mere promise that such a measure as is proposed will be generally accepted Is an Indication of a change for the better In the relations between trans portation companies, shippers and the bankers, the three elements that have leading roles In the Industrial drama of the nation. A'O MISFITS. Candidates are filing their names light along to get on the official pri mary ballot for nomination to various county or district offices at the pri mary election to be held in September. It Is the proud privilege of every American citlien to aspire to public office and it is the purpose and intent of the primary election law to vest the voters with the exclusive determina tion as to which shall be favored. There Is no law to prevent a hod car rier from submitting his name for nomination to the office of county treasurer nor to prevent a man who never paid a hundred dollars' worth of taxes in his life from asking to be commissioned by the people to assess millions of dollars of real and personal property for taxation. An Ill-defined but none the less cer tain rule prevails, however, Imposed by mere practice and custom, that candidates for office should have at least measurable qualifications to per form the duties of the position which they seek. In other words, while the doors are wide open for anybody and everybody to have his namo printed on the official primary ballot for al most any office from top to bottom, the voters may be confidently relied on to draw the line at misfits. All this 1b by way of generalisation without reference to any particular candidate for office already filed or only "mentioned." But should the Improprieties of the situation -become acute at any place it may be necessary later to point out definitely who are absolutely disqualified in order that the voters may pass judgment Intelligently. 1STERXATIUXAL TlLACRMAlt,. General Horace Porter, head of the United States delegation to the peace conference at The Hague, Is entitled to credit for compelling the delegates to look one situation in the face, in stead of spending all their time In academic discussion of fine-spun theo ries. General Porter's awakening ad dress came with a presentation by him of a modified form of the Drago doc trine. The Drago doctrine Is a brief, direct and simple proposition prohibit ing the use of force In the collection of International debts. General Por ter, evidently with the sanction of the authorities at Washington, pro posed an amendment supporting the Drago doctrine only in the case of "contractual" obligations. The interesting part of General Por ter's' argument was his plain talk about the experlene of nations In the past in collecting debts on the verdict of a Jury of 12-inch guns. He showed that European nations had blockaded South American and Cen tral American ports and collected claims padded several thousand per cent, In order to cover the collection charges. This he denounces as but a form of international blackmail, more contemptible than individual black mall. He contended that a blockade or any form of duress to collect a bill from a debtor nation was as obnoxious as Imprisonment of an Individual for debt, now recognized generally as a relic of barbarism. While the United States offers no objection to the use of force to collect debts in those cases In which In demnity could be rightfully or plausi bly demanded, as for an internatlon'al Injury or an international Insult, It will not use the Monroe doc trine to protect South or Central American rulers, like Castro of Venezuela, for Instance, who make awards and promises apparently for the sole purpose of defrauding Inter national customers. The United States refuses to extend Immunity to a pro fessional national debtor. It simply urges that "contractual obligations," agreements entered Into In good faith by contracting parties, shall be settled In-the courts and not by force. The United States also urges, practically In the form of a demand, that no force be used until the creditor nation pre sent proof that Its claim is Just and reasonable and not padded by usurious and fictitious claims, as has been too often the case. The American proposal provides for an honest adjustment of claims be tween nations and for preventing In ternational blackmail. The proposi tion see ma a long step In the rlght( di rection, and neither the Latln-Ameri can countries nor their foreign cred itors can oppose It without suspicion that they prefer to continue repudiat ing honest obligations on the one hand, or exacting blackmail by force on the other. The esteemed Kearney Hub Is la boring under a complete misapprehen sion as to the railway assessment In Douglas county showing comparatively little increase over that of a year ago. It assumes that this evidences the fu tility of the terminal tax law. In point of fact the terminal tax law did not become effective until this month and was, therefore, not operative when the assessment was made. The first assessment under the terminal tax law will come next year, unless the rail roads succeed In carrying out their threats to nullify it by the aid of the federal courts. A movement is just starting over In Iowa for a county depository law that will relieve the county treasurers of responsibility in placing out the county funds and also relieve them from po litical obligations to the bankers who try to Influence the selection Of county treasurers. Nebraska has had a law covering this subject for more than a dozen years, but did not realize It was so far ahead of Its neighbor on the east. The idea that the disposition of public funds is in any way a private perquisite of a public officer cannot be upheld. Word comes from the state capital that Omaha can have the annual en campment of the Nebraska National Guard If It will only provide the neces sary camping ground. Our local mili tary companies should take this up at once with the promotion department of the Commercial club and make sure that the conditions are fulfilled. One of the high financiers of the democratlo city council has discovered that the city can Issue bonds and pay interest on them without letting It cost the taxpayers a cent. This magician ought to move right down to Wall street without waiting a minute. The report of the receipts and ex penditures of the sheriff's office under Sheriff McDonald for the year ending last January has Just been filed six months overdue. It must have taken a lot of work to get the reports prop erly fixed to cover up the graft It Is said that there were thirteen different kinds of booze on tap at the Sabbath day plcnto of the Dahlman democracy and that one or two of the picnickers acquired thirteen different kinds of Jags. The regular annual alarm is being sounded at the University of Nebraska for the changes la the faculty due to the acceptance of offers of higher sala ries In other educational Institutions. This is nothing new nor unusual. The faculty of the university has been con stantly changing ever since its start sometimes for tho good of tho profes sors and sometimes for the good of the university. Public Serenity. Indianapolis Journal. Another evidence of Improved conditions Is shown In the fact that so many states men can butt around all summer without creating any disturbance oft the Chau tauqua circuits. A Step Forrrard. Brooklyn Eagle. Soma of the absurd restrictions on the printing on postal cards are to be abolished. This Is a step forward. For a quarter of a century the annoyance of citizens hasn't saved the government a cent. A Passible He form. Pittsburg Dispatch. Anyhow, If the government gets a re ceiver for the cigar trust, we may hope that In running the business he will give more attention to the quality of wrap pers and fillers and less to the gilt bands. Some Important Omissions. Cleveland Plain Dealer. The duties of the good cltlson are defined In a novel way by the lieutenant governor Of Massachusetts. He says, "Buy a pew In church and attend the political cau cuses." But what about his duty to the state as a husband and father? Oat ef n C'BDltol Job. Wall Street Journal. If the resolve of the Rock Island Railroad company's president to eschew politics and do away with lobbies and lobbyists in the state legislatures and In congress, should become general, many an unofficial states man will be out of a capltol Job. Getting; Closer to Fact. Louisville Courier-Journal. Mr. Rockefeller thinks that the aver age citizen of todny Is enjoying the lux uries of the rich man of yesterday. But more correctly Breaking, the rich man of today Is enjoying luxuries purchased with money plucked from the average citizen of yesterday. nallroad Expansion. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The gros9 earnings of the railroads of the United States for the six months ending With June were $2,580,000,000, against $2,1119, 780,000 In tho corresponding period of U06, a gain of $:MO,000,000. An Increase of 11 per cent Is a striking ' item In railroad expan slon. Wise Judges Disagree. Springfield Republican. The lower federal Judges contlnuo to render opposing' opinions regarding the constitutionality of the federal employers' liability law. .The southern Judges have rendered Judgments placing themselves In opposition to each other, and so have two western federal Judges. And now cornea Judge Adams of the United States district court at New York with an opinion In favor of the law's constitutionality. It la now in order for some other eastern district judge to render a contrary opinion. Trouble from Military Overcoat. Baltimore American. The board of inquiry In Colonel Ayrea' case bids fair to add considerably to the gayety of national The blunt question as to whether the gallant colonel, who says h la a man" and a husband as well as a military ofneeTand Intends to' stand by his wife, or his wife Tiersoir la to De prac tically on trial, 'will focus popular atten tion upon tho inquiry to an extent unusual In military affairs of the kind, and the answer will be awaited with much Interest. If the now famous overcoat Incident at West Point will figure In the matter, both the Interest and the gayety will be largely Increased. points oar POLITICAL pmuosopiir Crete Vidette-IIerald: To fuse or not to fuse Is still the paramount Issue wltrf demo cratic politicians of the state. The rank and file of the party say, "Ignore principle, subordinate everything to office getting, fuse again with the fellows that have al ways played us false If you want to, and we will get In our work as usual at the polls." Beatrice Express: It Is formally an nounced from Lincoln that populism which has been a waning political organisation for several years. Is now dead. Ten years ago the populist party was strong In every sec tion of Nebraska, and every man who car ried the badge of leadership a luxurant appendage of whiskers was deemed an in dividual of considerable eminence. Since then they have, one after another, with few exceptions, cast off their badges of distinction, and Joined the ranks of the two old parties. Now there Is not enough left of the once robust and flourishing populist party to keep up an organization, and so It passes from being, but not from memory. Albion Argus (pop.): The question of fu sion seems to worry the politicians consider able. There was a meeting of pops and dems held In Lincoln Tuesday, called to gether by Chairman T. S. Allen. But this aggregation didn't seem to know any more than common people out In the country. At least they arrived at no conclusion. The fact Is fusion has served Its purpose. It Is an awkward piece of business and always was. The people don't worry their brains much about It. The vote In Boone county has shown this for several years. They are just as liable to elect a repub and pop the same year as any other way. The com plexion at the court house at the present time shows this. So with this state of af fairs, what Is the use of trying to force the fusion Issue down the people. Columbus Tribune: We are rapidly ap proaching the ace when men assert their manhood and cease to cringe to the swing of the party lash. Be we democrats, pop ulists or republicans, we are all men desir ing the best good for our country, our state, our nation. While In many Instances our opinions differ, as Is natural, yet a "political party" Is worth to us Just In pro portion aa to the good It dots and harms us just In proportion to the bad It does. It dors seem to us, that with the . present flourishing prices paid for our products, with the demand for labor and excellent wages, that to disturb these conditions would be fallacy. Let us stand together for the greatest good to the greatest number and do In political affairs exactly as we would In personal, let good enough alone. Fremont Tribune: The democratic state central coiumitU-u defeated the plan to cull a state convention by only two votes. At the same time the committee declared Its sincere desire to fairly test the primary law. The truth Is a very large proportion of the democratic leaders do not like tho primary law. They wanted it so framed, When the legislature enacted It, as to leave the opportunity for voters of one party to Impose candidates upon the other party, In J which effort they failed. And now they are further Incensed because the attorney gen eral has decided that a candidate cannot have his name printed on the ballot as the candidate of two parties, for the obvious reason that since In the primaries he muat declare his party affiliation and that If he claimed to be a democrat he oannot also affiliate with the op dilate NOTES OS OMAHA SOCIETY Thursday Named Ladies' Day Happy Hollow Club, at FEW SUPPER PARTIES AT CLUBS Another llonud of I.nnrhron, Dinner and Supper Parties rirloa; Plannrd In Honor of lslt Ins; Women. The Country club hnd the largest attend ance for supper Sunday evening, when be sides the usual attVndance of golfers and reservations for two or three, there wero several parties. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Baum entertained the largest party In honor of Mr .and Mrs. Charles Burr of New York City, guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Baum. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Burr, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Baum and Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Baum. Mr and Mrs. Z. T. Llndsey gave a family party of eight covers for her guests. For Mrs. Uaskel of Chicago, guest of Mrs. E. H. Pprague, Miss Ella Mae Brown entertained six guests. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Cady entertained for Mrs. Frank Smith of Chicago, the other guests being Mr. and Mrs. Allen RoMnson and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wheeler. Others dining at tho Country club Sun day evening were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cot ton, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Oulou and Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Wnstbrook. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Kinsler had two guests: Captain and Mrs. Thomas Swone, four guests; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Remington, four; Dr. and Mrs. Connor, four: Mr. Harry O'Neill, three; Mr. Huntley, two; Mrs. E. M. Morsmnn. two; Mr. Sevens, two; Mr. Walters, three; Dr. Leroy Crummer, one; Mr. R. T. Barnes, one; Mr. R. Towle, three. At Happy Hollow. Thursday has been named as ladles day at the Happy Hollow club, which guaran tees another gay day to the summer cal endar. Wednesday has been dedicated to the women at the Country and Field clubs and invariably Is celebrated with a flozen or more luncheon parties at each place. A table d'hote luncheon will be served at Happy Hollow every Thursday. There were only a few suppers served there Sunday night, however, Mr. J. E. George, Mr. Thomas Cretgh, Mr. W. C. Fuller, Mr. A. D. Nordstrom and Mr. D. L. AHerman be ing the only ones making reservations. At the Field Club. Only a few supper parties wero served at the Field club Sunday night, although there were a score or more reservations for from two to feur. Mr. R. Metx enter tained a party of eight covers: Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Welsh, a party of six; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wagner, six; Mr. D. J. Matter, five; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Rogers, four; Mr. P. O. Davidson, four; Mr. J. A. Abbott, four; Mr. E. R. McMahon, four; Mr. A. W. Oordon, four, and Mr. R. M. Sleman, four. Prospective Pleasures. Mrs. W. H. Munger has Initiations out for a luncheon of fourteen covers to be given at the Field club Wednesday In honor of Mrs. C. N. Dietx. Mrs. J. II. Dumont will entertain a lunch eon party of twelve at the Field club Wednesday In compliment to her sister. Miss Ebersole of Seranton, Pa., who Is her guest, and Mrs. Silas Duncan of Batb, Me. Mrs. E. B. Carrlngton will entertain a small luncheon party at the Field club Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Tetter will enter tain a party of sixteen at dinner at the Field club Wednesday evening, and at the dance following In honor of Miss Vaughn, who Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Judson. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hall hasve Issued In vitations for an Informal dancing party to be given at their home on West Far nam street Thursday evening for their son, Mr. Ware Hall, who Is at home from school for the summer. Come and Go Gossip. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bryson left Sunday evening to take the trip through the lakes and up the St. Lawrence. Twin daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wolf of 1111 South Thirty-first street Sunday, July 21. Miss Edith Snyder of Fairfield, la., and Miss Ruth Evans of Chicago, who have been guests of Mrs. Z. T. Llndsey, have returned to their homes. Miss Rose Chatlngton of Charleston, S. C, arrived Saturday to be the guest of Miss Sara Evans and Miss Edna Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burr leave Thurs day for Lincoln, where they will visit for a month before returning to their home In New York City. Miss Ebersole of Seranton, Pa., arrived Saturday to be the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. II. Dumont until Thursday. JUDGE WAITS FOR TESTIMONY Monger Takes No Final Action In Case of State and Express Companies. The case of the application for a tern porary Injunction on the part of the five express companies to restrain the Ne braska State Railway commission and the attorney general of the state from en forcing the terms of the Sibley aot still remains in statu quo In the United States circuit court. Judge W. 11. Munger has not yet granted the Injunction asked for. Both parties are given leave to submit tes timony in the matter and until this evi dence is submitted to the court nothing will be done. Virtually two suits are pending In the case, one In the federal court for the Lincoln district, which has been trans ferred from the state courts. This case was brought by the state In the supreme court to compel the enforcement of the Sibley law. On the motion of the de fendants, the express companies, this case has been transferred to the federal court at Lincoln for the purpose of testing the constitutionality of the law. In the case now pending In the circuit court of the United States In Omaha the application Is for an Injunction to restrain the State Railway commission and attorney general from enforcing the law. In the arguments held before Judge W. H. Munger Saturday the state held that aa the matter was now pending upon the con stitutionality of the Sibley law, there was nothing to enjoin. Judge W. II. Munger takes this same view In part and until testimony Is produced showing that the state Intends to enforce the law without regard to the settlement of the question of conaltutlonallty nothing remains for him to do In the premises. WAKEFIELD'S BLACKBERRY BALSAM It and hat been for 61 years the moet prompt and reliable curt for Diarrhoea, Dysentery ana Cholera Infantum. At thtsa diseases often ccme in the night, vary homt should bt prepared to check them without delay by having Wakefleld't Blackberry Balsam on hand. It never fails. Ail ttli i Full mm botut tfia. i p The Universal Staple. Strengthening food for tho weakest digestion. Nourishing food for the strongest digestion. Good for the babies good for all ages the most nutri tious of all the wheat foods. Uneeda Biscuit In dust PEnOXAL NOTES. The Chicago -Inter Ocean's presidential boom for Speaker Cannon yields an aroma as pungent as Uncle Joe't stogies. New York's fire commissioner wants H0, OOO.OiO to run his department a year, evi dently thinking It wise to burn money, any how. Andrew Carnegie's promise of an add! tlonul $123.0(iO for branch libraries In Cleve land, will raise the total of tits donations to that city to 1373.0O0. Tho Alabama legislature proposes to have automoblllsts barred from public highways Between this course and that of permitting them to bar everything else from the pub lic highways there ought to be possible a reasonable compromise. Congressman Nehemlah D. S perry of New Haven, Conn., the oldest member of the house of representatives, has Just cele brated his SOth birthday. He was one of the founders of the republican party, and was a close friend of Lincoln. Prof, W. A. Henry of Wisconsin one of the leaders In American agriculture has purchased a tract of land In Walllngford, Conn., and proposes to make his home there after thirty years' service In the State University of Wisconsin. George H. Worthlngton of Cleveland, O., has a stamp collection that ex per is esti mate is worth 300,000. It Is said to be fie finest In the United States. The next most valuable oollection of stamps in this coun try la owned by Henry J. Duvecn of New Tork . Bayard. Oray, the new grand lecturing knight of the Elks, is the second son of Isaac Pusey Gray, a former governor of Indiana. His oldest and youngest brothers, Pierre Oray and Bayard Gray, are at torneys at Indianapolis and Frankford, Ind., respectively. The following officers have been detailed to represent the United States army at the Oerman Imperial maneuvers to be held dur ing the ensuing -autumn: Brigadier General Wlnfleld E. Edgerly, Major Cornelius DeW. Wilcox, Captain Robert B. L. Mlchle and Captain George IL Shelton. The score of a hitherto unknown opera by Verdi, has been found In a cabinet of old papers at the Villa Verdi at Santa Agatha. Verdi In his will directed that the contents of the cabinet be destroyed. These were be ing examined when the score was found. It seems to be an early work of the com poser. Count Henri de la Vaulx of Prance Is building a large airship for military pur poses, with a capacity of J, 000 cubic metres. It can easily be tsken to pieces and packed In four cases to follow the headquarters of an army corps, thus differing from, the Labaudy airship, which operated from a fortified base. It Is estimated that De la Vaulx'a airship will have a speed of twenty five miles aa hour without wind. I 3 Fop Women's Fine Garments Suits, skirts, shirt waists all kinds that fairly beam with snowy beauty and freshness, will be the rule, rather than the exception. if they are starched with the Silver Gloss Starch No itarch ever hat or ever will equal this for delicacy and fineness of nniin. Uarmenti itarcned with It keep their shape longer, are more pliable, and have a newer tnd cleaner appearance than with any other. Can't injure goods goes fanner because of superior strength, hence most economical. Doein't stick to the iron. I he standatd of quality for BIST rot aU Far f earral as kail at atreewa, xa colt water siarca, rcaalrlag Made for eer fifty years at Oswego. All grocers, la full wcigat packages. T. KINQSFORD & tUnOHAl KTiBr.H - i n 20 DISCOUNT - S a big reduction when you take the quality and workmanship of Browning, King & Co.'s clothing into consideration. If you need a suit, a pair of trousers or a light summer coat, now is the time to buy; you can save a few dollars and the goods will be just as good next spring. ' Starting Tuosday We will sell all our broken lines of $1.50 and $2.00 Negligee Shirts at one price $1.05 These Shirts are broken lines of this season's beet selling patterns, and come In plain and plaited bosoms, with attached or detached cuffs! A few have collars attached and moat of them are the popular coat style. tSrownina. R. S. WILCOX, Manager. moisturt and proof packages. NATIOKAL BISCUIT COMPANY TART TIUFLKS. Wife (horrifledl (ood heavens. John, what are you doing sitting In that mt Where I Just put my new summer hut? Husband irlslng guiltily!--I'm afrnld I'm sitting on the stylo, Mary. Balllmura American. Mrs. Ryers Mrs. Cassldy next door was talking today about her Irish blood nnd "the struggle of 'Hs." 1 wonder what she means by that T Mr. !typrs--Hotinrin like a fight at n bar gain salo. Catholic St.-indard nnd Times. "Is it not our duty," ssld the moralist "to keep temptation out of the wiiy of people who may do things they will re gret?" "Yes," answered Fnrmer Corntosseh: "Unit's why I ninke It a rulo when w have summer Ixisnlers to keep the pluno looked." Washington Star. J The FatherRemember, my son, that now you are through college your liardeHt study begins." The Son Yes, father; I suppose I'll havo to begin studying the time tables now. Yonkers Statesman. Nino Massachusetts people have been killed by automobiles In a period of twenty six days and the survivors made ado over the matter. "Haven't we a rlht to live?" thoy asked the chauffeurs. "If you think you have," responded the chauffeurs, haughtily, "there are nlrshtps available." Philadelphia Ledger. "He occasionally says things that are wonderfully apropos," said one statenmnn. "Yes," answered the other; "hu's like our parrot at home. It doesn't knivv much, but what It does know It keeps on repeating until sortie clrcuiristauee nrises that makes the remark seem marvelously apt." Washington Star. "Bill Smith Is eager to beat tho record eating pie, and wants a challenge." 1 nen 1 should lunge he Is u man of consuming ambition." Baltimore Ameri can. IF I WAS DIG. r J (Cella M, Robinson, In Harper'i I want a ladder awful hiarh Like Jack had. so that I run m Right where the stars are In the sky; I want to sail acroe the soa Like Slndbad did; and I want three or maybo four fat hens: thev'd Imv Some golden eggs to have for tea. I wish that 1 waa big today. I want to go a-rldlng by A castle with a golden key, To find a princess, who will sigh And wait for one to come and free Her from tho giant's spell that he Mas cast aoout ner: ami I II slay The great big giant! Yts-slreel I wish that 1 was big today! i And sometime, maybe, If I try, ' I'll find a dragon, too, and he Will try to eat me up, and I Will be as brave as I can be. And I will kell him, and. "To thee " The king will cry, "we bow! You ma Become a knight at once!" oh mo! I wish that I waa big today! ENVOY. Lad, life holds much of mystery Beautiful visions far away! Oh, would that I might change with the! 1 wish I were a lad today! starched carments i of genuine over half a century. KINDS OF BTA1THING ter I If lit starchlag aaeaaslea at a telling. SON. OtWCCO. I. T. OlklPaJlf tiireaasa iilinfi & (L6 h y9