Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1907, Page 3, Image 3
4 For Those Who Hung On During the last year's agitation of life insurance, a good many people surrendered their policies or allowed them to lapse. Whether this was the result of panic induced by sensational attacks in the press, or the work of unscrupulous agents who sought commission for themselves in possible transfer of policies, the effect was most disastrous to such policy holders and entailed an r irreparable loss upon many deserving beneficiaries. The Mutual Life Insurance Comoanv V su bclones to all of its policy holders. Whenever any of these fall out of the ranks, what they leave benefits those who stay in. The reserves sacrificed by withdrawing members in 1906 and now inuring to the benefit of persistent policy holders, amount to over $3,000,000. Strong proof is this that it pays to stay in, and strong proot likewise tnat it pays to get in the Mutual Life, the staunchest life insurance company in the world. The Time to Act is NOW.. For the new forms of policies write to The Mutual Ufa Insurance Company of Now York. N. Y. Or STAMIOI'i; FLKMINO, Manager, First National Bank Mdg., Corner 13th and Farnam Streets, Otnaha, Neb. RAILROADS READY TO FIGHT Laying' Foundation for Legal Contest on Their Assessment. i 1 . . - CHAW FORD A MORAL CITV NOW Gambler and Lerrd Women Forced to Leave Town, CRAWFORD, Neb.. July 22. Bpeclal.) Crawford is today one of the mutt moral and orderly cities In the state. The old city administration had been trying to colonize the houses of ill-repute In an out' ylnc quarter, and had Induced a number of citizens to secure an available site. fter the organization got Its deed, It got Into litigation with the wife of the grantee, who enjoined the platting and occupation of same. The district court, having de c!6jd fuvorably to the organization, the railway and Mr. Allen was thrown vio lently to the ground. When he was picked up he was unconscious, and apparently dead. Ho waa taken to Bax 4 Co's. drug store and his Injuries were dressed by Dr. Baker and he returned to consciousness. He Is a very large man and at present It Is Impossible to tell the result of his Injuries. WOMAN Mrs. birnki) TO DEATH ATTACK FARM LAUD VALUATION Other party appealed, and prevailed upon the man who was afterward elected us the present mayor, to slsn the supersedeas bond, which tied the matter up In the supremo court, and the prostitutes re mained scattered nnd tolerated by the cltl sens pendlnn the. deelFlon f the supreme coi.rt. When the county attorney returned from a brief sojourn In Lincoln a few days ago, ho found matters In a ferment. The mayor had caused the arrest of the pro prietors of a couple of houses in one of the most unobjeetlonnblo of the districts heretofore occupied y them, and these women hired nn attorney and cause 1 the arrest of every other proprietress In the city. The county attorney was met, on his arrival, with a deluge of complaints the two women first arrested nllcglng that they were being persecuted simply because they 1 refused lunger to pny hush money to cer liilt!) city ollVlals, and the good citizens iJhher Infested neighborhoods eomplnln Inif that the rlly authorities were playing favorites. Whereupon County Attorney Porter closed every house of Ill-repute In the city, and called upon Sheriff Mote of Chadron to sec that his directions were obeyed, which directions that officer obeyed to the letter, and prooiptly drove nil the women from the county. This caused tho owners of some of the houses, which have become vacnnt and unremunerntlve, to In sist that If the city Is to be so mornl, then t'.ie gambling- must be ended nlso. Whereupon others Interested In seeing that this evil be abolished by the city, took ad vantage of tho Munition, and the city au thorities, falling to tnko action, the county attorney was again called upon to Inter fere with the city authorities' mode of open gambling regulation, with the result that In less than one hour after he Issued orders to the saloon keepers, they all grace fully accepted the Inevitable, and got rid of and cleaned fliHr ealcons of every specie'! of gambling device and table which i has been tolerated here since the begtn- 5 nlng of the city W. D. I.amb Die from Explosion of Gasoline at Long; Pine. IXNG PINE, Neb., July 22. (Special.) With her clothing a mass of flames and tailing for help, Mrs. W. D. Lamb rushed from her restaurant In the south part of town Saturday evening at 4 o'clock, and met a horrible death from the burns she re ceived. Mrs. I-ainb had started to fill the tank for a gasoline lighting apparatus, which la located in the rear of her building nnd which furnishes light for her building and an adjoining business house. The tank had been pumped full of air and when a cap on the tank was removed the gas Im mediately filled the room and was Ignited by the fire from a large range used In the kitchen. The woman was carried to the office of Dr. McKnlght, where everything possible was done for her relief, but all J the medical aid that could be procured was useless and she died several hours later. Ovad Morgan, an employe of an adjoining business house, proved himself a hero In bis efforts to extinguish the flames. Mr. Morgan had his hands and face badly burned, but his Injuries are not serious. Two of the buildings where the explosion occurred were completely gutted, leaving only the frames and siding. The property loss by Are waa not heavy, as the building was an old one and not of much value. Improvements at Plaluvlew. PLAIN VIEW. Neb., July 22 (Special.) Since the recent rains In this locality the city council and mayor have taken steps to Improve the streets and alleys In Plalnvlew and establish street grades. East Plaln vlew lies In a basin and. as a natural con sequence, the residents In that part of the city aro unfortunate in catching most of the water after a heavy rainfall. Mayor Kngler and the city council propose to drain that part of the city In a systematic manner and have already taken steps to that end. Many claim that the city officers made a great mistake In beginning their drainage on the high land Instead of start ing on the lower spots In East Plalnvtew. It will require much time and a large sum of money to carry out the plans they have before them, but Mayor Etigler says that The Crawford gamblers he will Insist on having the work done sys- had a reputation of being an orderly and icmaucaiiy u it takes an summer to an it. lionorable cluss of men In their business, and to their credit be It sold, they acted promptly, quietly, and with one accord, In complying with tho edict of the county attorney, who says that gajnbllng la now a tnlng of the past In Crawford, so far as he Is officially concerned. A great many of the lewd women, after being driven from Crawford, went to neigh boring cities, but found no rest there, and having been warned by Sheriff Mote of this county not to locate In the county, have procured tents and have established col onies In Sioux county, Just outside of the military reservation. ( Fall Mar He-salt Fatally. LKX1NGTOV, Neb.. July 21 (Special Another Improvement that la very notice able Is the laying of many new cement walks. 4 l Mooded sheep, was seated on a spring seat J'1 nderM ; on a high load of truck driving a spirited j days out of the seven the team. On attempting to cross the railroad track the wheels of his wagon struck the New of Nebraska. BLl'H HILL Miss Anna Merten and John C. Baker of lilue Hill were united In marriage at Red Cloud Thursday. The citizens of Alliance are planning a reception for the governor to take place at the opera house after his address. BEEMKR-Hoff Brothers of Wlsner have purchased the drug stock of the Swarts Drug company and have taken possession. ANSLET A party of twentv Ansley citi zens left Saturday for a ten-dav fishing trip to Halsey, Neb., the sand hilt fish ing country of Nebraska. PAPILI ION The will of Paul Boop, a farmer who died a short distance west of l'aplillon. Is to be contested. Mr. Boon dm. Telegram. -Oeorg Allen, proprietor of posed of S100.(Wo in his will. Co'den Hoof farm, near here, dealer In I ASHLEY Harvest and baying has been rrittrui-u ny ine rains as rained five past week. ANSLEY The fall wheat crop Is very much better than expected. The out crop hns come out wonderfully the past two weeks and we will harvest an abundant oat crop. OSCEOLA Building goes right along and houses cannot be finished fast enough to accommodate thoso who are - anxious to settle here. There la not a vacant resi dence In the city. BEATRICE Mrs. Theodore Orotjan oroppeo aeaa at her home at Cortland yes. terday. She was 18 years of aae and had been married lss than a year. Heart irouoie is assigned as the cause. uRBEI.ei Addison Kelley, aged 74 years, and one of the early settlers of ureeley county, died at his residence In (.reeley Sunday morning. Funeral from the Methodist Episcopal church Monday at U CIOCK. HEATRirE Knhrin krnla InIA . T- llr.gton way car here last night and stole iwo luita ot clothes and other wearing apparel belonging to Brakeman Thomas of e.euraHa i ny ana Hleveman of this city. uri in uu tiua. ni en l , t t rm .... ... . . " peuuon wnicn waa circulated by C. F. Ound and others call. Ing for a proposition to vote a snecikl levy to build a new cou.-t house has been mej wttn tne county commlSHloners and they will submit the proposition to the AUJANfK- superintends Hayes has rT-eeiveu nmincauon rrom uov. George L. Biiem, n mat ne win be In Alliance next Tuesday evening. July . to lecture at the opera house. This Is the fourth number of the Junior normal lecture course. The last ieu ei itovtrnor e.ieiaon curing Ms cam palgn the weather was very Implement iioic, mere oeing a baa snowstorm. T frerest Shoes from Crukltg use yuicx Bhlne Shoe Polish. It alia polishes and gives a patent leather finish and la water-praef. Ask your dealer for It. Presidential Candidacy of W. J. Bryan to e Launched nt a Dinner Which is to Be Held After Fall Election. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. July 22,-(Spoclal.)-That the railroads Intend to fight In the courts the collection of their" taxes based on the pres ent assessment was practically assured this morning when Bdson Rich, attorney for the t'nlon Pacific. In requesting that the stenographer taking down the pro ceedings be sworn, said: The board may hereafter be Interested in the correctness of the record." This statement, considered with the care of the railroad officials and attorneys In securing a record of everything that is sold and done at the meetings of the board, and the fact that a mandamus suit Is now pending In the supreme court to compel the board to furnish a detailed statement of how It arrived at Its conclusions re garding the valuation of railroad property, makes It almost certain the big corpora tions are again getting ready to go to the courts. The, board spent the day listening to witnesses of the ITnlon Pacific and Bur lington In corroboration of the tilings each made several days ago relative to the value of other property In the state com pared with tho value of railroad property. Included In the mass of testimony filed by the I'nlon Pacific were 724 letters written by Nebraskans to a man named W. IL Clare of Joliet. a real estate and Insurance agent. In answer to Inquiries by him re garding the value of Nebraska property. One of the lettera was written by Secre tary of State Junkln, who said land In his county, Oosper, was worth S40 an acre for the best and HO for the poor land. The assessor valued the land at 111.30 an acre, one-fifth of which Is the value upon which the taxes are levied. Another letter was from Congressman Pollard, who said land In Cass county was worth $75 an acre. This land was valued by the assessor at $a0 aa acre. Several letters were received front every county In the state, and In most every Instance the value of the land was higher than fixed by the assessor. The letter sent out by Mr. Clare Btated that he had received many Inquiries from par ties regarding Nebraska properties, and If business was stable lots of money would be Invested In this state. Tax Commissioner Scrlbner of tho Union Pacific and Crawford Kennedy of the Bur lington appeared as witnesses, while Ed son Rich appeared as attorney for the Union Pacific and Tax Commissioner Pollard looked after the Interests of tho Burlington. Assessor Miller of Lancaster county was placed on the stand to toll what he knew of the Doulas and I Lan caster assessments. He testified that not withstanding he had placed a fair value on the property of this county, the county board had reduced his figures 20 per cent less than it should have been. In answer to Questions by Secretary of State Junkln, he said he had spent only one day there and had merely looked at the storea and gone through them. He had not seen an lnvoere, an Insurance policy or asked about the dally sales. His knowledge was based solely on what he saw, mct.urlng up the floor space In some of tho stores here. The board will listen to the rail road men' again In a few days, when more testimony will be offered. Nothing camo out today other than what was published when the attorneys made their statements to the board some days ago, except the letters mentioned. The board decided It has the right to assess all lnterurban companies, whether wholly In one county or not, and will do so. Lincoln Gets Out of Costa. The state railway commission will again begin taking testimony In the case wherein the city of Lincoln Is trying to force the Lincoln Traction company to sell six fares for 26 cents. The hearing has already boen on for a week. In the meantime the trac tion company, which has had a suit pend ing In the federal coirt to enjoin the enforcement of the six-for-a-quiirter or dinance, has dismissed the suit In the ttpulatlon filed the traction cornpany lawyers and the city attorney say the last legislature passed an act putting the mat ter of rates to be charged by street rail ways under the state railway commission, repealing by Implication" the ordinance passed last year by the city council of Lincoln. Other lawyers see no reason why the city of Lincoln should appeal to tho railway commission, or why the commis sion should take up Its time with such hearing, when a suit was pending In federal court over the matter when the commission was created and when the law was enacted giving it authority. It is said had the commission Insisted on the matter being fought out by the city In the federal court, where It was when tho commission was created, the city would have had toy stand for any costs, while now If the traction company loses, the Nothing Ever Made To Equal KIRK'S JAP ROSE Transparent Toilet Soap. VArT)Afr It's fho tit Trtnsparant pain SOap ''BATH SOAP lmOW11' Lathsrs equally well In hard or solt water never leaves sediment or scum. Grocers and drafjgtsts Bell It. Pofifireff Curt ALCOHOLIC UECRIETY, crn. MORPZIXE COCAINE. AND O'HFH PRUO ADDICTIONS. TWENTT-8EVEN TEARS of continuous success. Printed sent In plain envelop upon request. correspondence atrtotly confidential. THE jEELEY JNSTITUTE Cor. Twenty-fifth and Caaa 8U. Omaha. Man. matter All Bra Want Aas always bring reaulta. Bnakana Kills New CAMTF!N. N. J., quarrel, Mrs. Alice a bride of several killed at her hoiix husband, Fred-rtck tally shot hlmMlf. his wife he. nus a eh ride. July 2J Following weeks, was shnt and i hera today by her Mruee, who them fa Bruce quarreled with remained away from home until lata at night without hla con sent- "The Btood is The Hfe." Science has never gone beyond tha abovo simple statement of scripture. Ilul It has Illuminated that utatcment and given It a meaning ever broadening with the Increasing brendtli of knowledge. When the Uuol la "bad" or impure it ia not sjone the body which suffers thiough didfiauo. The briln is also louded.XVi mini and Judgement are icUsd. andiJiany an evil deed or Imnurt thoghtVj!HHrocty traced to the Impuvetr ot the bhxJb Foul. Imimrn Mord can he rr.a.An p.ire by tli'l U.-x1. JI rrces UoidOQ Medical Discovery, It L-iiricije 8 and nirri'H Hand thei-ebv curing, pimples, blotches, eruptions and other cutaneous afloctlooa, as eczema, tetter, or salt-rheum, hives and other Buaulfestatlonaot Impure blood. G D In thfi cure of scrofulous swellings, en larged glands, open eating ulcers, or old suras, the "Golden Medical Dlscorery "hm performed the most man sions cures. In case of old sores, or open eating ulcers, It Is well to apply to the open soroa Dr. Pierce's AU-IIeaitng Salve, which pos aessea wonderful healing potency when used aa an application to the sore In con Junction with the use of "Golden Medical Discovery as a blood cleansing consti tutional trcatmont. If your drnpgist don't happen to hay the "All-Healing Salve" tn stock, you can easily procure it by Inclosing fifty-four cents In postago sump to Dr. U. V. Tierce, 6C3 Main St., Buffalo, X. Y., and It will come to you by return posk fost dragglsu keep It u well a the "Golden Medical Discovery.' B 9 9 f s You can't afford to uv pt any medicine of Mtikiiou'fi ccrmpoflt.mi as a substitute for "Golden Medical Discovery," which Is a medicine or known cowpositioh, having a complete of Ingredients In plain English on Its lotUowTapper, tha aaaie being attested as oorract o rider oath. Dr. rieroe's Pleasant Pellets regulate tad Invigorate stomach, liver aba buwala, as f, II II I ' kai ri is m mm w en M siin ietncity The Cheapest and Strongest Power Known to Man Thousands of People Have Become Rich by Investing in Electric ndlllUdU OlUbAi Amtmn w J V cwup uMeaSf F I S " 'KrLZ3r i Let Us lake You Rio l TIJeitwiLai RASTlNflY The opportunity is open to all. Can yon invest $26.00 in any other proposition that will ho worth $100.00 inside of three years; $100.00 invested will be worth $400.00 inside of three years; $200.00 invested will be worth $S00.00 inside of three years; $500.00 invested will be worth $2,000.00 inside of three yean; $1,000.00 invested will be worth $4,000.00 inside of three years. The most prominent men today will back ns up in this statement. All the electric railroads in thje East have done this and some even better. This road will pay from the very first day of operation. The country through which we pans is developed to the highest degree. Hundreds of thousands of people will ride over this line yearly, to say nothing of the millions of bushels of grain and thousands of head of live stock that will be transported to market by tho olectrio lino. The buying of right of way and tha work of actual construction ts rapidly going ahead. Wo Invite erarrone to lnreet in this grand enterprise. Spaoe la too scarce to tell you about our proposition fully; bo fill out the attaohed coupon and mail today and we will give you information that will con vince you that a few dollars invested now will make you rioher la a very short time. We want One Thousand energetic and wide-awake ladles and gentle men who are looking for aa honest and money making investment to Jnvest in the next ten days. COUPOTi-Mail Today-COUPON Please send further information in regard to the road. Name a Address 8 T K Free transportation offer expires Aug. $d. Yon can buy one share or as many shares as you like. Will you be one of the one thousand investors t Our stock for the next fow dayB will be $26.00 per share and with eaoh share of stock you get $5.00 in transportation. You can buy by paying 10 down and 10 per month until paid if you choose. , Invest now. 1W3A CENTRAL RAILWAY 320 1st national Bank OMAHA, NEBRASKA Telephone Douglas 3744 AID SiEORASiiA commission will have to enforce the order and pay the costs If appeal Is taken to the courts. A second hearing will bo given the ex press companies on the 23d, at which time they will be given an opportunity to say how much of a reduction,, It any, they are willing; to stand for. I.annehlnajr Bryan's Candidacy. The candidacy of W. J. Bryan will got an official boom at a dinner to be given In Lincoln by g'ebraska democrats some t1me this fall, probably shortly after tho election. Iromlnent democrats from over roads at the grilling they were getting, but no more will his heart throb with sentiment when he gets a transportation corporation on the spit. Requisition for Almatelc. Governor Sheldon has Issued a requisi tion On the governor of Missouri for the return to Omaha, of Harry Rogers, alias Willis Almack, wanted for the murder of an Omaha Chinaman. Rogers Is under arrest In St. Louis. Test of Rallna; on Primary Law. The application for a mandamus to com pel Secretary of State Junkln to place the the country will be present. Including ! name of J. L. Bundean on the primary bal- Oovernor Hoke Smith of Georgia and Governor Campbell of Texas and other southerners. The dinner Idea was sprung on a few of the democrats at the recent democratic meeting here, though It has lot aa a candidate of both the populist and democratic parties for supreme Judge was filed In supreme court today. Judge Tlb bctts and eGorge L. Loo nils will make argument before Judges Sedgwick and been discussed before with the leaders of Barnes tomorrow. the party In other sections of the country. . Clarke Candidate for Commissioner. Heke Smith and Governor Campbell had j Henry T. Clarke, Jr., member of the both suggested such a meeting and both State Railway commission, filed his neme expressed a desire to come to Nebraska on ! with the secretary of state this morning as such mission. Other prominent democrats a candidate for the republican nomination from other states will be Invited to bo ; for railway commissioner. Mr. Clarke waa present and it Is expected Mr. Bryan will appointed to his present membership on give official recognition to the demand for j the commission to fill out the unexpired are called to meet In convention and con ference In the Auditorium, Lincoln, on Wednesday, July SI, for the purpose of ar ranging for the placing of a state ticket In the field under the new primary law; to make plans for aggressive work, the elec tlcn of a state central committee and for the transaction of such other business as may como before the meeting. him to again lead the forlorn hope and at the same time he likely will outline his platform. Chairman T. S. Allen of the democratlo state committee said a number of demo crats from over the country had expressed term of Robert Co, ell, who waa elected last fall. Htch Mar Be Paroled. William Rich of Douglas county, serving a three-year term In the state peniten tiary, has ben promised a parole providing a desire to come to Lincoln and It was Judge Sutton will recommend It. Appllca thouglit a democratlo dinner would be a tion was made for a pardon for the prte good excuse for them to come. Mr. Allen ' oner, but after the hearing, which was held attaches no significance to the the meeting ! this afternoon, Governor Sheldon said he lnso far It concerns Mr. Bryan. Hitchcock Has a Slate. At the recent meeting of tho democrats, Gilbert M. Hitchcock's representatives pro posed a slate for the delegatlon-at-large to the national convention which may be broken at this dinner. The slate Is coin posed of: Hitchcock, V. IL Thompson, A. C. Shallenberger and Mayor Brown of Lincoln. The matter was tipped off to only a few of the personal friends of the four named, but these heartily endorsed It and expect to see that the nominating convention carries out the program. This Ib the bunch which brought about the po litical death of George W. Bergo, and now there Is a sentiment around here that Berge should be resurrected and sent to the national convention and that Mr. Shel lenberger should stay at home. A good many democrats here also object to Mr. I Hitchcock, and especially Is this true among the friends of Mr. Bryan. Tom Allen la sure no slate was fixed up, but other democrats who know are not surprised tliat Brother-in-law Tom was not taken I Into the confidence of Mr. Hitchcock. Al len Is perfectly willing to work with Hitch cock and vice versa when the election of some one else lsat stake, but when the Interests of the family are at stake It Is different. Dodge Kicks on Freight Rill. Hon. N. P. Dodge of Douglas county has felt the squeeze ot the octopus and he has learned getting married so far away from linme Is an expensive habit. Mr. made no bones about exposing his sore spots to the State Railway commission In a letter to Member Clarke. Mr. Dodge has Just paid a freight bill of 1-20 on an auto mobile, two horses and a buggy from Bos ton to Omaha. He thought the bill would be about $114, hence his letter to Mr. Clarke. Mr. Dodge expects no relief, but Just wanted to inform the state omnmiKalon that western rates are outragrou. Mr. Dodge's goods were shipped 1.000 miles to the Mississippi river for 187, the cost of a carload of mixed goods, but to get them across the state of Iowa It cost f75, as the shipments this side of the river could not be made In carload lots. The Merchants Despatch company, Mr. Dodge said, told him the total Costs would be about tut, but he had to pay 1220 or let his horses die iu the car where they had been for five days. Mr. Dodge said there was uoth Ing for blm to do but pay up, but ha ex pected to make a note of It and remember, remarking also that during tha lagislatur he sometimes felt a sympathy for tba rail- would parole the man If the trial Judge would recommend his interference. State Prohibition Convrntlon. UNIVERSITY PLACE, Nob., July 2i (Special.) The prohlbitlonlHts of Nebraska GOVERNOR BICHTEL AT HAflTIlVOA Colorado ExeentlTe Conducts Divine Service and Delivers Lectare. HASTINGS, Neb.. July 2:.- -C?reeial.V-Rev. It. A. Buchtel, governor of Colorado, conducted divine services at the tabernacle at 11 o'clock yesterday morning. Nearly every seat In tho arg bulldlnir was occu pied. At J:30 o'clock this afternoon he deliv ered his noted lecture on "Theodore Roosevelt" to the largest audience that has yet been In attendance. He Is a most In teresting talker and one who never falls to please his audiences. & W. Gillllan, the humorist, entertained a large audience for an hour and thirty minutes last night, and although from some unknown reason, probably an over sight, his mirth provoking lecture was the same as that delivered here on the Toung Men's Christian association lecture course a few months ago; no one went away dis appointed. Doubtless the largest Sunday school In the state was conducted at Camp Chautau qua today. Rev. Lincoln McConnell, tho great evangelist of Atlanta, Oa., who -is also platform manager, was In charge and was assisted by a corps of able teachers from the various Sunday schools of the city. A banner has been offered to the Sunday school of the county that has the larg est attendance as comparing with the mi rolment, and some lively rustling upon the part of the teachers resulted. In unusual Interest and a large attendance. "A model Sunday school" waa conducted by a number of the most successful Bun day school workers In the state, at tha children's tent. Honeymoon In Jail. FREMONT, Neb., July 23. (Special.) John E. I'lko, a telegraph operator and re lief agent of the Northwestern, Is spending his honeymoon In tho county Jail. About five months ago Pike, who claims Daven port, Nob., as his home, came here wltli a' very attractive and fine appearing young woman, evidently of college training, whom he represented as his wife. March 1 Plka left her and In May married Mrs. Edith M. Pollock, an Oniuhu woman who was di vorced from her first husbund, W. C. Pol lock, abodt a year after their marriage. Three weeks ago a child was born to the woman he brought here and , It ap peared that only a, common law marriage existed between them. A warrant waa ob tained in Justice Laird's court for his ar rest, but ho had skipped. The chief of po lice at Norfolk anested him there early yesterday morning and yesterday after noon Sheriff Batman brought him to Fremont. Fraternal Societies to Picnic. YORK. Nob., July S. (Special.) One of the greatest events In the history of Torlt county will occur August 1, when all tba members of the fraternal Insurance societies In the county will, with their families and frlonds, Join In one great gathering In the York city park to enjoy the day In a fra ternal picnic. Hon. A. M. Walling of David City will deliver the address. Bee Want Ada always bring results. Don't Ruin Your Best Horse Going for a Doctor Bowel complaints arc always more or less prevalent during the Summer months, and many a man has ruined his best horse going for a doctor when some of his- family was suffering from cramp colic or cholera morbus. Be prepared for such an emergency. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Is the most successful medicine yet produced for these diseases and can always be depended upon. No doctor can prescribe a better medicine. It is almost certain to be needed before the Summer is over. Buy it now. V