Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1907, Page 10, Image 10
r Tim DMAIIa dATLT BETS." nF.sf,AV titt.v ton?" - : V S I I o t : A ' Hi !5 14 i i 11 19 1 1 1 ia i i Ml r 9 a ' a I n f. 8 a RISE IN LUMBER RATES AdTince of Ten Cents Hundred from Pacific Coait. HILL LUTES MAKE THE MOVE Xnervaa In W(m and Cost of Opera tion Two of the Reasons filren for MiVIng the Adrtnrr. "Thn ratf on lumber from the Pacific coast to the eat will be raised 10 cents per hundred pounds, as announced In Tfie lice Monday mornlnn," said C. K. Hpens, gen eral frpljrlit sirnt of the,Burllnirton. "The rrlnclpal change will be on fir lumber from the Tarlflc count to Ht. Paul from the old rate of i cents to BO cents; to Chicago from 50 cents to 80 conts, to the Missouri river from CO cents to 55 cents, to St. Louts from B2H cents to 60 cents, to Denver from 40 cents to 50 cents, and to the Mississippi river from 60 cents to O) cents. The rates on other classes of lumber will be adjusted with the same corresponding relation to rates on fir lumber as exist today. The rates on shingles will be 10 cents per hun Ired over and abovo the rates on lumber. "The reasons for the advance are several. Conditions which Influenced the adjustment of rates from the Pacific coast In 1SS3 no lonRer exist. At that time the cutting of white pine In Minnesota and Wisconsin was at Its height and It was considered that the rales then made effective on Pacific coast lumber were necessary to meet competition. Since that time the forests of Minnesota nl Wisconsin have been rapidly depleted nd the consequent enhancement In the value of white pine has materially lessened competition with the lumber from the Pa dua coast. "The cost of operation and maintenance of railroads also has materially Increased, which accounted principally for the de mand of the public for better service, both freight and passenger. Higher wages to employes and an advance In the cost of all material required Is another reason for the advance. A statement of the prices of the very lumber we haul, taken f. o. b. from the official price list of the lumber asso ciation, shows the Increase In the cost of this material to the railroads, as follows: Per cent 1W. Inc. Fir ties $7.00 $13 is) Kir car Kills 12 00 20 67 Kir cur decking .... 17.00 21 24 fir car framing .... 11.00 21 1 91 19 ( I r.u Bard ware Drpl. Old Store 'anMa B ill I 11.00 Fir timber 10.50 81 Users oi Oalck ntne Shoe Polish tay It's the best and most lasting polish ey hav ever used. It w)ve, R polish to the ltathsr and it won't rub oft on the clothing. A wall satisfied user la tba best advertisement. Big Sales la Dept. Tuesday is Special Sale Day in HANDKERCHIEFS These are all importers samples of very fine handkerz r, 7, - .. I JL ... .'If .. .1.1. vuivjo -winvt we wni, ecu, at teas man taeir a? ... Tst cost to tmport. Embroidered and all linen effects, many lace trimmed in hundreds of styles also men's and women's plain and cross bar all linen handkerchiefs, hem stitched, and worth up to 35o each on big bargain square, Tuesday, at ...... 2c4 I i i ism 2C If HI I a OMAIIA WEATHER FOIIECAST Taeaday, Fair, Very Important Buyer's Week The management "lays off" and the buyers do as they please. Solid advan tages are yours. Bargains on every hand. Broken lines and odd items at next to nothing prices. Half Holiday Ey.ry clerk gets a weekly half holiday during July and August. W. determined this after sub mitting the question of a half holiday or 6 o'clock closing to a popular vote of oar em ployees. The half holiday car ried and you are not Inconvenienced. $1.00 Quality SILKS at Wc Pekin stripes, taffeta glace, small and medium checked taitetaa and Louisenes, barred silks, etc., in new shade of brown, navy, rose, grey, etc.; bargain square at, yard 43c GRAND SUMMER CLEARANCE in WOMEN'S NEGLIGEES To the F.nmt from Ctalcaao. Eastern passengers go through from Chi cago without changing cars over Pennsyl vania Bhort I-lnes. Eight dally trains. Ex ceptionally low fares to Jamestown Exposi tion at Norfolk, with stop-overs at Balti more, Washington, Philadelphia, ' New York, Boston, Richmond, etc. Details on request. Address or oall on Rowland, 20 U. B. Bank Bids., Omaha. Italians Get Life ftentenee. HAHNYIIXH, I,a., July 22. Ignaclo Camplsciano, his wife, Collagaro Oendusa mid Tony Costa, found guilty last week of murdering the kidnaped Lamana child, were today sentenced to life Imprisonment. 1 he case of Leonardo Gebbla and his sla ter, who are to be tried on the same charge, was continued until November 12. A TimclySavino On Women's Oxfords We place on sale beginning Tuesday all of our ladles' white canvas, buck skin and colored oxfords at 25 less than usual prices. All sizes and in covered Cuban and all leather heels. Our white canvasca are new and up to th.e minute, as are the colored oxfords made to match suits. REGULAR PRICES 1.75, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00 Now 25 lesa than regular. P Women's 35c Short Kimonos at 15c Each Light summer weight maae or. colored n j-ii ii ana aoiiea lawns regular 35c values, at, each Women's Dressing Sacques and Short Kimonos that are worth regularly up to $1.00 each Tuesday at. . . Women's Long Kimonos, Sum mer Wrappers and two-piece House Dresses worth A O 49c up to $2.00 each, at Specials ii Muslin Underwear 4 Women's Drawers; an extra & special Good aualitv and worth up to 35(5 1 Q Tuesday at, pair ...IOC Gowns, Drawers, Skirts, fr 1 . F iuemises, eic, wortn up to ' $1.00, will go spec- AC " ial, at, each ..... . .T JC Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Faroam St. HOTELS AND SUMMER RESORTS WWWMnmirusji main ini BR ANDEIS Boston Store MITES BEDDCD VIA IIIMMS .CENTRAL EFFECTIVE JULY 19th $10.00 -Will be the Rate to.... ChlCagO No. 4 "Chicago Day Express" leaves 7:20 A. M. No. 2 "Chicago Limited" leaves.. 6:00 P. M. $7.00 Minneapolis No. 4 "Minneapolis Day Express" leaves 7:20 A. M. No. 32 "MinneapoliLimited" leaves 8:30 P. M. Tickets at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam St., or at Union Station. v SAMUEL NORTH, V7 District Passenger Agent, Omaha. TJh HOTELS AND SUMMER RESORTS GESIGAGO 0EAGI1 HOTEL American and luroaaan Plan Finest Hotel ca the Great Lakes On the edga of town, this ideal Hotel, pacioua, elegant, modern, overlooki Jtaa Utcnlgan Beach oa two tidea, wbil. Hotel Cumberland Broaawar u Mth Itraat, KIW UKK CUT. Pnwtlwl t aubwar u4 L" Builca. Ihov lu Ui.lrld, Ikulvi. Ctolrml Fvk. N. tiadwa. rmro(. Out at lh aMt (umUL4 ao(l a bruadwar- Kataa will Batk. ta.SO ap. Oolat Sumnr Uul In Kw tork. bpel B.iuuff luut, liaftAuuur rr autbra pwil. tuiMrb aounrbat. Modbru frlua kui. u4 f.v awaiw. iANAC.biaNr; HIT P. IT1MSON B. J. BIMII4M. haded narks Mmnl.u the beautiful arroundlota. Tba city ii bat 10 mloatei tide from tba nearby station. Many families make this their permanent home. There Is always a cool breeze in warmest weather, ettlargeoutslde ruoms, 250 private baths, 1000 feet vl broad reranda. The table Is always thebett. TonriMtaadtraDbleatruaats find It a delightful place to step ea ronte end rest. Address for handsome! JUuitr.ted Booklet. rMor full partion Uri, Manaser, Chloa(o Beaob UtteL Ust Blvd. and Lake bhore, Chfeace. Arc You Going to St. lonlf? The Hotel Hamilton la a dallahtful place In the Beet JUaldeat sleotloa and away from the noise and awoke: yet wuhm easy access. Tranaleat Hate: II t ll. per day. Euro pean Pisa. Special hates by the Meek. wK far Booklet. Address W. r. W1T.MAMBON, Manacer. oiaiH ne. ovrm. The Finest Pishinz T5f ut,n; . wisoonein. Lets and eotta.ea for sale on the fiteet lake la CurUe X.aasa Wis. , m WAISTS Buyers' Sale of.. All Lingerie Net Lnce and Chif fon Waists, regularly sold up to Ten Dollars given away, Tues day, only . Sale of lingerie and Linen Dresses At HALF PRICE $3.95 Dresses for , oa no $7.50 Dresses for $12.50 Dresses for . tnvx $15.00 Dresses for ir'in $19.50 Dresses for .'.".V o.75 .Tuesday only Second Floor. O'Donahoe-Redmond-tiormile Stock Sale of High Grade Furnishings Continues With Unabated Bargain Interest Every dollar's worth of this stock must bt closed out this week. V ' Greatest savin opportunities on high grade furnishings ever known A Few Tuesday Bargains 25c Suit. I n ...98c Mm'. Vnderwpar that sold up to $1 a garment plain and fancy colors broken lines of high grade garments, each Men'. $2.00 Combination plain white, blue or fancy tripe, to close at Meo'a Combination Suit. worth $1 and $1.50 great snap "T Af Tuesday at t DC'HpC Ladles' ITnion Suit- 75c values, pure lisle, Jersey knit, w.f at H9C Ladlr. Silk and Lisle VesU11.00 values, with fancy yoke, at t9c Mens Shirts worth to 11.00 rrwat- est variety of new patterns shown in Omaha to select from. Monarch, Cluctt. Orlffon and other well known Men's Suspender Silk lisle, web, light or heavy weight, values to 750, 12lc-19c-25c-39c Men's Hose Plain or fancy up t twenty-five cents -f l - fOf. values, at aC-JlC-JaCjC Ladies' Knit Vest, in lisle or cotton, big assortment of plain and fancy colors, on sale at 5-W-12'rl5-19-25c Buyers' Sale in Crockery For one day only, Tuesday, buyers' and managers' sale. Tuesday we will sell all fancy China Plates, several thousand odd pieces, no complete sets Pouyat, Haviland and English China. OJfE-HALF PRICE 75c Satzuma Cups and Saucers. deep red decoration for one L uay oniy; Tuesday, each. 25s Boys' Clothing Boys' Wash Suits, a rag ing bargain 350 Wash Suits, white, fancy, ducks Galateas and chambray, values up to $2.50, for one day only, Tuesday, at 79C BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Roasted Santos Coffee, lb....... igc And 10 Green Trading Stamps ." B. P. Japan Tea, lb. 88c And 3 g Green Trading Stamps Corn Special' .Three Star Corn. 6 cans. ... 60c And Forty Green Trading Stamps Sweet Potato Special Booth's sweet potatoes, S cans 30c And 30 Green Trading Stamps "Best We Have" Baked Beans, 2 cans 25c And 20 Green Trading Stamps Bennett's Bargain Soap, 9 bars 25c Wonder Wax for washing, pkg. ioc And 10 Green Trading Stamps Kippered Herring, Marshall's, can 20c And 10 Green Trading Stamps Tomato Herring, Marshall's, can 20c And 10 Green Trading Stamps Diamond S Preserves, large Jar 28c And 20 Green Trading Stamps Blood of Grape Juice, pint bottle 25c And 30 Green Trading Stamps Blood of Grape Juice, jt. bottle 60c And 60 Green Trading Stamps 21 lbs. Granulated Sugar -..1.00 Red Snapper Relish, bottle 16C And 10 Green Trading Stamps Tuesday a Grand Baraain Dav Suit Dept.--Sui!s, Unmade Robes, Waists and Skirts In Our Mid- -Milliner Clearance at Rbout One-Third Actual Value. One Lot of Unmade Robes!-Regular 1 n k , colore- M.95 rames up to Z0.00 choice Tuesday Z,DU Elegant Tailor Suit. Jn all new stylos and materials, made to sell up tri thirty-five dollars 4 choice Tuesday ld.jJ fine Skirt, in silks, voiles and Pana mas, all bcBt styles and values to twelve dollars, choice , Splendid Line of Silk Undershirt, Made to sell up to $7.60, 7 Qjr on sale Tuesday e7e M OO Silk and Net WaisU 4 Cl Nobbiest new styles, choice .leel Extra Specials Tuesday in Domestic Room FORENOON ONLY AT 9:30 One case unbleached muslin, yard wide, extra heavy, regular 8 He grade. 10 yards limit, at, yard..4fcc Apron checks, 7 He grade 5c Apron checks, 6 He grade 3),c 19o towels at 94c 12 He towels at !!..5c $1.50 table cloths, at .' .80c $1.00 table cloths at ..'.; 60c AFTERNOON ONLY AT 2. One case bleached muslin, regular 10$ quality, not over 10 yards to a cusV- tomer 16c towels, extra large lefto 39c table damask ............ io S6c turkey red table ydamask. . .1240 15c batiste at TWo 12 He batiste at '..Bo 7H batiste at 2H American prints. 7 He values ..8U Amoskeag apron checks eUs W HA YDENS' sr Ladies' Home Journal Pat terns Durtns; the buyers' and managers' sale we give free with a 18o pattern, a copy of, the new summer style book, which at other times sells for 16o. Buy a 16c pat tern and set the book free. Pattern Booth Harney St entranoe. STORES WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY Kodakery Special display dur ing buyer's week. Vacation picture taking Is one of the most delightful of modern arts. All supplies at right prices. Expert advice. YOUNG PEOPLE Young people will get married even in .Tnlv mJ. Auguat. Of course this calls for wedding gifts. We've got the goods Silver, Cut Olaas, Clocks, etc,, and will be glad to show them to you. LOOK FOR THE NAJtB. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler Nit Douglas Street CP f"" eaiiia a "n"vmMBw"n'V,linniii u ai M nanammma mtmmmmmemjLexrm in irmi.nnri. .i rim maiaM.'.ia.tMa ,i t jAjfjxKAia- ' era j 1 .. . w,u...m...,,,i.,m,m,i ..,,i..i,". .-,. riiwiw, , MaBw,,,, "'" ' .. 1 ir ii 111 iiniium n 1 tm ..tin. I iwnei i n i m in, art In Protecting Your valuables by placing them In on. of our Safe Deposit Boxes. . Wo amount of secret hiding In th. home or office will keep Fire from reaching them. No amount of protesting to a burglar would satisfy him that they were not hidden BUT show him the KEY o your safe deposit box that will tell its own story. Box., are from $3.00 to $15.01 a year. Vault space for trunk, or sil verware may also be rented. First National Bank OlIAHA. NEB. Go Somewhere ROUND TRIP RATES FROM OMAHA San Francisco, Lo. Angeles, Portland and Seattle, daily foo OO One way via Shasta Route '. 'itq' Spokane, Wah., dally 'aWon liutte and Helena, daily 850 OO Yellowstone Park; Tour, daily until September 12 !!" ' ho no Salt Lake City and Ogden. dally ' Glenwood SpringM, Colo., daily Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, daily " Cody, Wyo., daily MlSo Worland, Wyo., dally '8i 40 Thermopolls, Wyo., dally "?"-U'no Sheridan, Wyo., dally . iaflif! Dead wood and Lead. S. D.. dally IT Bot Sprtng.. 8. D dally , $ia 40 Jamestown Exposition, daily until November 80 (limit December' 16)" SOO SO Jamestown Expoaition, dally until November 30 (limit 60 days) "43 U5 Jamestown Exposition, dally until November 20 (limit fifteen days) . ' " 13560 NOTE: Jamestown Expoaition rates with side trips include New York, Boston and Eastern cities with diverse route. Mackinaw City, Mich., dally . , -M Charlevoix, Mlch dairy tTlk I'etoskey, Mich., dally Detroit, Mich., daify .1? 'in Niagara) Falls and Buffalo, dally. J,i Boston, Ma.., July 13. 25, 26. 27. 28; Aug. 6. 10, 20. 24; Sept! Vo" 14 24 and 23 ' Quebec, P. Q., dally " T.ronto, Ont.. dally gJ-JJ REDUCED ONE WAY RATES DAILY FROM OMAHA" To Chicago " to peon; : fi2? To St. Louis Zl'mZ. To Kansas City call or writ, and l.t me help you plan your trip. J. . REYNOLDS. CITY PASSENGER AGENT, 130J r num Strwet. Omaha, N.b. Dwagla. S3 SO. mem AND ffiinn W I J I I I I If II IWIK 1 1J IIV HfiuyuPHL II liyyvJIiy AT FORT CALHOUN. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JULY 25th The Public invited. Games, Races, Cool Shade. ENTERTAINMENT FOR ALL Trains from Webster Street Station, 7.30 a. m., 9 a, nx, via the Northwestern Line, TICKETS AT DEPOT $1.00 i i sV -aw- lil'l'llj) tr 3 3 How to Gel Off a Car Wait until the car comes to a complete stop; Have your LEFT arm and hand free; Step squarely down onto the step or running board, holding to upright hand-hold immediately in front of you with your LEFT hand, and facing direction car is headed. Before stepping off see that no vehicle is passing, to collide with or run into you. Retain your grasp upon the hand-hold to steady yourself, and step down (forward) from the step or running board with your RIGHT foot first, releasing your hold as soon as your foot reaches the ground. Assist us in preventing accidents. OMAIIA (SL COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. DR. ORADDURY, Dontlot, l'.Z OMAHA. Phono Douglas 17 5 g HJOtlaauoUasaai 1S08 PAR NAM ST Extracting 2Ac Porcelain Fills.. fl up Crowns $2.50 up Bride Work.S2.A0 up A W. tuako a specialty of metal and roofless plat. Patulea. work la ail. oporatioaav. cfcpea vejOBs. (Ill S O'clock, )