The Omaha BailY' Bee VOL. XXXVII NO. 30." OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY- 23, 1907 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. i . f i i i ( ( - 1 OPENS FOR HAYWOOD Attorney Richardson Begins II A Argument for the Defense. "WILL SPEAK FOR TWO DAYS He Divides His, Argument Eleven Farts. Into LAW A1TD HISTORY OF CASE Lays Stress on Fact that But One Offense is Charged. DECLARES ORCHARD A PERJURER EnlrM Upon Alma and Excellent Character an Consistent Phil anthropy ol Federation of Minora. BOI8E, July 22. -Th excellent character and consistent philanthropy of the Western Federation of Miners; the patient suffering of labor under the Jain of capital and the perjury and perfidy of Harry Orchard were the main poInU In the opening rai ment In the defense of William D. Hay wood presented thla morning by E. F. Richardson. In .pit of the sweltering atmosphere very bit of the court room was occupied long before the opening- of the session. Haywood's mother aat beside the prisoner, the Invalid wife, daughter and sister end stepfather composed the family group, and seven of the battery of Haywood's counsel were In their places. Judge Wood announced during the argu ment be will hold two sessions a day, one in the morning and the other from 6 to 8;30 p. m, Mr. Richardson has subdivided his argu- tnen under eleven heads, which he snumer., ated to the Jury this morning. It Is prob able '.hat the opening argument will taks two days. For fifteen minutes before Mr. Richard son began to apeak the court room had been closed this morning against the throng which sought admittance. One woman, who came early and secured an advantageous position In the first row, at tracted considerable attention because of the large black field glass she held almost constantly to her eyes. Mr. Richardson plunged directly Into the death of Governor Steunenberg In his opening sentence. He declared It was Gov ernor Steunenberg's fortune during his ad ministration to stand In the forefront of labor war in the Cocur d'Alenes. Per haps, he said, the situation demanded all that the governor did. Perhaps It did not. Ball Pea Called Into Betas. "I do not know," declared Mr. Rich ardson, "and I shall not attempt to say. But at any rate, for the first time In the administration of American justice the bull pen was called into being. Men were put In this bull pen, perhaps as a matter of necessity, but certainly without due pro cess of law. Governor Steunenberf' course was condemned - on tb 'one aide and rtratsed on the other, as the members of two hostile camps view the matter. "When the death of Governor Steunen berg was flashed to the world there was the Immediate conclusion in nearly all quarters that there was some connection between the Coeur d'Alenes troubles and the bomb which was placed at his gate. "Again hostile camps arose. On the one side It was said that the act must have been done by some man In whose breast personal hatred rankled.. The mine own ers, however, were strong In their con demnation of the Western Federation of Miners. It has been said here that In some quarters there was even an attempt to justify the deed. No Justification for Murder. "I want to say to you gentlemen that w of th defense do not believe there is any justification for such an act, We shall not attempt to justify It; w do not be lieve It can- be justified from any point cf view." Mr. Richardson then reviewed th event following th death of Former Governor Steunenberg, saying Harry Orchard wa caught almost rsdhanded in. the act. A Pinker-ton. detective cams to Idaho and soon had W confession from a man who to save his own worthless neck wa ready to plac th blame upon other. Th matter ws taken up by that portion of th prss which depends upon th prosperous and capitalists classes and ths leaders of the Western Federation of Miner wer ad Judged guilty without a hearing. 80 far reaching wa this Inlluenc. de clared Mr. Richardson, that It extended even to the white house. The attorney begged the Jurors to lay aside any im pression they may have formed from read ing the newspaprs during th last yar and to start with him at th beginning of th rase and go through th varlou events one by on, without feeling or preju dice, "Do this." h exclaimed, "so we may Justly determine, in th light of our con clenoes, illuminated by .high heaven, if th man her at th bar and his con fldantes in th cell below, are guilty of U crtrota charged. It I my intention to carry out my argument. If I am riot over, com by heat. In th following order: Oatllae Hie Aramaaeaf. "First I shall discuss th law a applied to this case and to th prosecuting wit ness. "Becond I shall discus ths history cf ths Western Federation of Miner as shown here In ths evidence, "Third I shall discus th nera! -conditions which prevailed In th Coear d'Alene at th tlm of th Bunker Hill and Sullivan mill explosion and at Crip ple Creek prior to and during- th strike In that section. "Fourth I shall discuss th aeries of events relied on by th state to prev a conspiracy against th defendant Hay wood. Moyer and Pettlbona. "Fifth 1 shall devote myeelf to th as certainment of th particular offense ths defendants ar on trial for, for remem ber, gentlemen, that while th rang of th evidence has oovered many fields and tnany crimes, there I but one charge in th Indictment, but one offense against th stat of Idaho. 'Hlxth I shall consider Mr. Orchard while under arrest. , "Svsnth-I shall consider Un, Orchard vhlls In the penitentiary. "E'.ghth-I shall devet nryaelf t the Impeachment of MY. Orchard. "Ninth To the treatment of Mr. Hay wood, the manner and method of it and tb reasons therefor, "Tenth I shall devote myself, a I have been Invited to aa. u th reason why certain witness did not testify for the tfonileaed aa PV SUMMARY OF THE DEE Tuesday, July S, 1607. 'V t JULY tv( wis tun 1007 m oat 5 0 12 13 19 20 14 15 lt .7 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 'f 1" TIB WEATXIS. Temperature at Omaha yesterday: Hour. Leg. Hour. 6 a. m 71 1 p. m a. m 70 a p. m 7 a. m 71 3 p. m Deg. 79 U SJ 3 6 fci 81 78 7 a a. m 73 4 p. m a. m 73 6 D. m 10 a. m 75 . 6 p. m 11 a. m 77 7 p. m 12 m 79 8 p. m 9 p. m DOMESTIC. Attorney E. F. Richardson for the Hay wood defense applies the lash to capital and lauds the Federation of Miners In his argument at the Boise trial. Pagx 1 Heavy rains in Wisconsin cause wash outs on the principal railroads, ' cutting off for'nealy a day. Fags 1 Greatest marine disaster In recent yean on Pacific coast occurs when the steam schooner Elder crashes into the paipon ger steamer Columbia In a fog near (Shel ter Cove, resulting In the death of bo yt'een 100 and ISO persons. Fags 1 Judge Prltchard of North Carolina finds that penalty clause of reduced passenger rate law In that state Is unconstitutional. Par 1 Four victims of the explosion on the battleship Georgia are still In a serious condition. Page 1 Idaho stockman killed In collision of th Northwestern Chicago express at Belle Plain, la.. With a stork train. Fag's 1 Receiver of Pere Marquette railroad or ders payment of claims of relatives of dead employes In wreck as other claims against road. Page 1 FOBEIOZ?. Many Intrigues In Seoul and the hand of the ex-emperor Is discovered trying to guide his son. Pag 8. Heads of the deputations to Th Hague dine with Queen WUhelmlna at AmBter dam. Fag 1 K1BEAIKA. Nebraska railroads laying a foundation to contest their taxes. Introducing testi mony to show farm land and merchandise valuations are too low. Fag 3 State Chairman T. S. Allen of the dem ocratic qommlttee has filed a mandamus suit to compel Secretary of State Junkln to place the name of John L. Sunduan on the primary ballot as a populist. Fag 3 X.OOAI John L. Webster Is selected to lead In the presentation of case of the Missouri river Jobbers la their hearing before thn Interstate - Commerce commission for equltabl freight rates. Fag 1 Oeneral Freight Agent Spens of the Burlington gives the reasons for the 10 per cent Increase of rates on lumber from the Pacific coast. Fag 10 Society Thursday is named as women's 1 day at Happy Hollow Country club. P- 4 Union Pacific seoures privilege from Interstate Commerce oommlsslon to cut rates on coal 25 cents a ton on all shipped lato Washington, Idaho and Nevada be tween certain dates as a means of stim ulating the early shipment of winter sup plies. Pa S Opening of Twenty-fourth street In vicinity of Crelghton university Is recom mended for passage by the city council In oommlttee of the whole, only Council man Zlmman being In opposition. Pag S KOvnriPfs op oobajt iteaxiiifi Port. Arrlieo. Btllwt XtW YORK ....Columbia KIW YORK ....Sicilian Princa... QUEEN8TOWN . Calais. PLYMOUTH ....Barbarous MOVILLB Calndonlan rrnoiala. . enm'u.uwmu a. . , KaPUss '. Canopla. IDAHO STOCKMAN IS KILLED Reer-End Northwestern Collision Keav Belle Platne, la., Re salts la One Death. BOONE, la., July 23. (Special Telegram.) -Chicago Northwestern passenger train No. S crashed Into the rear of No. 12, a fast meat train, this morning at 1 o'clock near Pell Plain. T. J. Jeffreys, a stock man from Idaho, was killed. Ed Riddle of Detroit, Mich., and J. B. Nestor of Ne braska were injured, all being In the way car of th freight train. Engineer Wil liam Fuller and Fireman C. E. Kline were severely hurt. Wreckers from Boone and Clinton were called and the track was cleared this morning by 7 o'clock. The cause of th wreck Is not known by Superintendent Whalen, who Is making a thorough Investigation. Th damage to equipment will amount to less than $2,000. No passenger were hurt. Automatic" signals ware In use, but It la said that Engineer Fuller failed to not them. NEGRO PERISHED OF FRIGHT Jam Wilson, Who Shot White at Cincinnati, Dlea Aftes Captor. Maa CINCINNATI, July a -James Wilson, colored, died of fright last night, follow ing an exciting chase and hi arrest for shooting Charles Garlag, whit. After th hooting Wilson was chased over half a mile by the polio and a crowd of men who had witnessed th shooting. H was xhausted from his exertions and by th heat, but seemed afraid of mob violence, continually appealing for help from the police who had to use force to save hlin. Physicians reported that whea brought to the station Wilson' conditions was nor mal and fright undoubtedly caused death. On of th detective who assisted In th arrest ws overcome by th heat, but soon recovered. Garlag Is said to ba in a seri ous condition, but not necessarily fatal. TO INVESTIGATE RAILROADS Interstate ('emu Will Ascertain tlea Have B rce rammlsslea Whether Invea. a Saapreaaed. WASHINGTON. July H-W. P. Bar land, expert on railway safety device for the Intaratat Commerce commission, an nounced today h would begin an Investi gation to determine whether manutactur tsg corporations and railroad have sup areased invention on appliances that would be valuable la preventing railroad accident. Inventors have charged that corpanUlona bav bought valuable patents and suppressed them to keep than out of compel I Una with aasainleat fVani ts aow us WISCONSIN ROADS HARD HIT Heavy Bains Caused Bad Washouts Near La Crosie. COMMUNCATION WAS SHUT OFF Storm Had Wide Range and Electrical Dlatorbaneo Was Severe Wor shipers la Church Killed. LA OROfiRE. Wis., July 22 All trains on the Milwaukee, Northwestern and Burling ton railway systems between Chicago and Bt. Paul are tied up, the result of wash out, following a heavy rain storm. Not a train on any road has got out of La Crosse for twelve hours and It Is not known when they will be able to get through. Tl worst washouts have occurred on the lines along th Mississippi river between La Crosse and St. Paul and there also have been serious washouts on the Northwestern and Milwaukee roads to the east. La Crosse Is cut off from communication by rail In every way. Telegraph and tele phone lines went down, but were partially restored today. Much damage was done to crops and stock. One farmer near La Crnsse lost 100 head of cattle, drowned. RACINE, Wis., July 22. A number of buildings were damaged and horses were killed In a storm last night. Llrhtnlng struck the steeple of St. Mary's church at Waterford; passed down, and killed one of the worshipers. Several others wer knocked down and severely stunned. WOMAN FORGETS HER WOE Has Pardon for Husband She Con demns Before He la la Jail. A case of quick repentance and release that of A. Crants In police court Monday morning. Mrs. Crans complained to the police Sunday evening that her husband had been drinking and was beating her. He was taken Into custody and when taken before the Jud Monday ws fined $6 and costs. As soon as sentence was pronounced his faith'ul spouse, who had by that time completiiy forgiven him, sped to the office of Mayor Dahlman and came back with a pardon. She arrived on the scene with his release before the clei.K had found time to writ tn' mittimus papers committing hl.n m lsll for not pay ing his fine. Not satisilod with getting him she besieged the office t the c.tpfala until she had also been rftven back a bottle of beer, which had been taken In tow along with him. The reunited couple and the beer went home together. DIFFICULT TO GET THE MEN Tronble Experienced In Finding; Enonah Clerks and Renistrar for Fall Realstratlon. Members of th city council are experi encing trouble in securing registrars and clerks for the annual registration this fall. Each member of the council except Harry Zlmman Is expected to name two men In each voting precinct of his ward for such duty, while Mr. Zlmman has the privilege, as th only republican councilman, ot naming- bna person la each voting precinct of th city. v Dr. J. C. Davis of th Eighth wtfrd, 1 particularly anxious about the matter. He has offered places to a number of men only to have them decline, and now he has about made up his mind to advertise for eight capable men, two residing In each of the four precincts of his ward, to act a registration officials. He would have them report to him aa soon as possible DELEGATES DINE WITH QUEEN Heads of Depntatlon to Peace Con ference Are Entertained at Amsterdam. THE HAGUE, July 'fl-Th head of the various delegations to th peace con ference left today for Amsterdam, where Queen WUhelmlna gave a dinner in their honor. Before the banquet th queen pre sented each delegate with a beautiful medal of the second peace conference. PAYMASTER LOSES AN ARM Major Bua-ene Coffin Snffers from la feetloa Received In Handllagt Money. MANILLA. July 22,-MaJor Paymaster Eugen Coffin ha had hi left arm ampu tated, the result of Infection from the handling of money paying troops. H was a veteran of the civil war and a member of the old McKlnlny regiment. STEEL COMPANY MINERS OUT Western Federation Orders All Em ployee at Hlhhlnr. Minn., to Oe en Strike. ST. PAUL, Jnly 22. A special to the Dispatch from Hthblng, Minn., sarsi "Ths Western Federation of Miners has ordered out on a strike all of the miner employed by th United States Steel company here." DEATH RECORD. A a ana fas R.' MoDonongh. NEW TORK, July U-Augustus Rodney McDonough, son of the 1st Commodore Thomas MoDanough of th United States navy, who was In charge of th United States fleet In th battle of Lake Chajn platn, September lL 1SU, Is dead at his horn bare from Illness due to old age. H wa 17 years old. For many year ha wa prominent In th praotlca of law In New York. Mrs, Martha Bes;le. Mrs. Martha Bogl of Fortieth and Pop- I plosion In th motor led her to believe that pleton avenue died at her home Monday j her life was In danger. Assurances by her morning at th age ef ) years. Th funaral chauffeur that there was not th least dan arrangements have not yet been made. ger were of no avail and, no other vehicle Infant Sea ef Aacar Carter. Th latent bob of Oscar Cartar of 2J70 D'" " ln" ot mawins. in. runerai service will b bald at th residence Tuesday afternoon. Intrmnt will he at Forest La wa cemetery, Mrs. Caroline A. Clark. Mrs. Carelias A. Clark of (2S South Twenty-fifth avenue died Sunday afternoon. She was 42 years ef ag and Is survived by her husband. Funeral arrangement have not pet been made. bKVZ avan Robert Cantllo sf Booa. pat a "hobo" Tewfak Pasha, the Turkish foreign min es' a northwestern train at Arcadia for I later. . Tb minister assures Mr. Lelsbmsnn stealing a ride. Th tramp drew a rasor aad slashed the braksrnaa across his throat. Cantlln will probably recover. Kited Trylaa- te Escupe, CHATTANOOGA. Tenn., July U -While making an effort to f:p from his guards, Mitch" Murphy. tl,s nenro who shot Motorola Us BoJletr Friday nlgLt, was killed la th nedro ward si Erlaaiet hos pital last nisAir br fstDiay' Bliarin' i u JLhadwl.. " ' - MANY INTRIGUES IN SEOUL Palaee a Hotbed of Strife Since Em peror Has Taken Throat f Corea. TOKIO, July B. Telegrams from Seoul state that Intrigues on an extensive scale are now In progress. It Is declared that the palace now la a h.ntbed of Illicit plots and conspiracies. The placing on th throne of the new emperor has aggravated th Jealousy botween hi mother. Prince Ming, and the mother of Prince Ting, each having a large following. This stats of affairs is being taken advantage of by politicians who are distrustful of one an other. Dissatisfaction Is spreading rapidly and rlotlngs of the people throughout the peninsula are apprehended. Plot Against Throne. SEOUL, Corea. July 2. The discovery of a plot against the throne, resulted In th arrest early today of one of the elder states men of Corea, together with Pak Tung Ho, who yesterday was appointed minister of the imperial household; Ti Do Chal, grand chamberlain of the former emperor, and four Corean officers. The intervention of th former emperor In the affairs of todsy la evldenoed by th fsct that he prevailed upon his son, th present emperor, to refuse his slimature to a proclamation of th cabinet, the ob ject of which wa to calm th people and restore order. Furthermore the ap pointment of Pak Tung Ho Is another evi dence' of the refusal of the deposed sov ereign to surrender power and there Is reason to believe he Is planning to pre cipitate an outbreak on his own reserve. The minister of war has reported to Marquis Ito, the Japanese resident general, that he has no control over or communi cation with th army. The former emperor la responsible for four anti-Japanese con spiracies since his abdication. The first conspiracy consisted In ordering th Im perial guard to rush the palace on the night of July 19; the second Is found in th defiance of th minister of war by the Corean army; the third was the attack on the police at the great bell, which th Japanese hsve proof to show was led by an army officer, and the fourth consisted tn his Indirect manipulation of the func tions. of the present emperor. One Japanese was wounded in the en counter in front of the great bell yesterday. Villas of Ministers Darned. Two villas belonging to deposed members of the former cabinet were burned last night. The elm trie plant Is now under guard ami all night long the Japanese town was under the vlgllanc of fire patrols. Police reserves have arrived from Talko. Sensational rumors are current that three cruisers, with ability to land 1,000 blue Jackets, are making their way to Chemulpo. The Japanese residency general places the whole responsibility for tbe arrests made this morning on the throne, dls- claiming intervention, which. It is asserted, would be an unnecessary invasion Into af- fairs which are purely Corean. On ao oount of the fact that every Japanese soldier here Is needed to guard th barracks of the Corean - troops, guards have been refused to two houses of foreigners In the suburbs and thslr occupants, who have been threatened in anonymous communi cations, huv been given refuge In th foreign quarter of the city, Reinforcements of Japnnes troop ar not espected until July U and It Is impossible now to adequately patrol the -whole -ct, so as t prevent the gatherfhg-Tof-the mobs which have assembled- during th last two days. SITUATION WAS EXAGGERATED French, Newspaper Maa Inveatlamtes 1 Condition at Lisbon and o Reports. PARIS, July 22. A correspondent of the Matin, who was sent to Lisbon to Investi gate the situation arising from ths strained relations between King Charles and th Parliament, reports that conditions have been exaggerated and that the dissatisfac tion Is confined mainly to th political op ponents of Premier France. Business Inter ests, the correspondent says, endorse the dictatorship of the premier, who defended his action on the ground that the ob struction of a Parliament made It Impossi ble to prevent the squandering of publlo funds. He said also that as soon as he was able to appoint a Parliament that would co-operate In the work of reform his I dictatorship would end. HAU CASE NEARING ITS END Servaat Who Was Under Suspicion of Murder Proving; aa Alibi. KARLSRUHE, July 22. At the trial of Karl Hau, who Is charged with the murder of his mother-in-law, Frau Molltor, In Baden-Tladen, last November, Wleland, a servant employed by the Molltor household at the time of the tragedy, was examined. Wleland came from Kiel upon seeing re ports that the defense was throwing sus picion upon him. Hau stated before Wle land' testimony was taken, that h at- tached no Importance to it as he had never i . ii nn fiu nuiMii i-iii n in it a m un ntq never . . .. ,.. . t. suspeuiea mm. .oia a srra.gni. . . . . . ki. . . . lurwirn nioi t u i sua movcmonii aunni th critical quarter of an hour, and named ths several places where he had dls- charged errands. A verdict probably not be rendered before tomorrow. mi GERMANY'S EMPRESS AFRAID Bloted tnr Her Plaek an Heraebaek, She Refused ta Ride la Automobile. BERLIN, July 22. Th empress of Ger many, who Is noted for her pluck on hocae- ! baok, apparently is not so courageous ' whll In an automobile, ihe Intended to j visit Konlusburg Saturday in her touring ear and was within thirty-five miles of her destination when a loud and repeated x- being available, ths empress proceeded in wag-on to th railway station nesrby. Tlioic ta nmncM Mr-r-r-a,r-n , lunrxo IU Tuition UrrCltUC.nd J j Amerlcaa Ambassador Assured that inrewers oi noma will Be Dealt With. CONSTATINOPLE. July n.-Th nots sent to th port by Mr. Lclshmsnn. th American ambassador, regarding the .x- : plosion of a bomb In front of ths American uT thst measure, to discover and punish the guilty persons have been Inaugurated and that steps to prevent the recurrence ef such an outrage have been taken. Mexicans tie en Strike. EL PASO. Tex.. July 22. AJ1 ths Amerl- can employes en ths Parral ft Durana allroad lu Chihuahua, owned by PUfs- d by Pltrs- ui (Pa) capitalists, ar on a stria for Inner airu. trail as masliia kaw- JOBBERS TO GET HEARING Missouri Rirer Cities Fighting for Fair Freight Rates. CASE OPENS IN OMAHA IN EALL John I,. Webster Chief Attorney to Present Interests of Wholesaler to Interstate Commerce Commissioner. Preparation has been completed for the hearing before the Interstate Commerce commission tn the case of the Missouri river Jobbers against the railroads. In which the Jobbers sk a reduction of freight rates, which will allow Kansas City. Omaha 1 and St. Joseph to compete on equal basis with Chicago, St. Louis and Minneapolis, At a meeting In Omaha a few days ago of Jobbers from the three Missouri river Jobbing centers and their attorneys, John L. Webster of Omaha was chosen to take charge of the case of the complain ants. He will be assisted by Attorney John H. Atwood of Kanras City and E. J. Mo Vann of Omaha, secretary of the Omaha Grain exchange, 11 railroad rate expert. Mr. Webster left Monday afternoon for Europe. He will return to Omaha the first 1 week in September, for he expects the hearing to begin about the middle of that month, when the Interstate Commerce com mission will have finished Its summer va cation. First II carina Will Bo la Omaha. It Is considered certain the first bearing will be held In Omaha, and it may be of several days' duration. Another will be held at Kansas CJty and a third at Chi cago. It probably will be necessary to hold a session in New Tork City, for the con venience of eastern railroad officials, who are expected to appear. Though originally only five defendant wer named In the petition of the Jobbers, namely th Rock Island, the Burlington, the Milwaukee, th Northwestern and th Great Wetrn, all the big eastern trunk lines connecting with these have been made defendants by order of the commission and officials will be present at the New Tork hearing, from the New Tork Central, the Pennsylvania, th Delaware and Lackawanna, Baltimore and Ohio, Erie, Lake Shore, Hocking Valley, Michigan Central and othsr roads. The answers of these roads to the petition of the Jobbers makes a bundle as big as a library dictionary. Eighteen Omaha Jobbers, thirty-three Kansas City Jobbers and four St. Joseph took the action against the railroads. Want aa Equal Show. "We want a reduction," said John I Webster, "for the reason that Chicago, St. Louis and S. Paul and Minneapolis j have an advantage in rates which puU I Omaha, Kansas City and St. Joseph in a j pocket. They take the trade on th south and north of us and reach around west of us and get a large share of it there. We ask the reduction not for th purpose of cutting down freight rates, but to put us on an equality with these other cities. "The matter la of great moment to the entire west; It la ons of the most Important 1 cases yet brought before the oommlsslon. Th plaintiff in this case do an annual . business of $126,000,000 and they nav an- j nualiy $3,750,000 In freight charges. Their 'merchandise la used from . th Missouri I rlver tn Pactnc coast. . "Th proposed reduction would save the Jobbers in freight charge between $600,- Ouo and $900,000 annually." Mr. Webster will spend a week In Lon don and a week in Paris, returning to New Tork August 21 to attend the meeting of the American Bar association at Port- land. Me. AUTO ACCIDENT IN NEW YORK Dr. Edward J. Gallaaher Burned to Death and Flaace Fatally. Hurt. NEW TORK, July 22. Miss Helen Madl gan, who was badly Injured last evening at Jamaica, L. I., In a collision between an automobile and a Long Island railroad train when Dr. Edward J. Gallagher was killed, died today. Dr. Gallagher and Miss Madlgan were engaged to be married. The couple were out riding for the day in a large touring car. While crossing the railroad tracks an express train struck their machine. A sheet of burning gasoline from a broken tank enveloped the couple in flame. Nearly every bone In Dr. Gal lagher body was broken and he was killed instantly. Miss Madlgan'a left leg and Jaw were broken and her clothing was nearly burned from her body. A passenger ex tinguished the flames by rolling her In the grass. COLLEGE MEN RISK LIVES Dlstlagculah Themselves by Savins; Others Who Were About to Drawn. I NEW TORK, July 22. Two college men dltlnguisnad themselves Sunday by rescu - " i. -rs,. rrnm ..h. i h. Mr. P-rrv Tanner riled , A . r An hMAn. I .. I . 1 rrr i-tiAm K - ...a foot ball star of Columbia university. , dashed through th surf and out into deep water and rescusd Miss Violet Atwood, U years old, of Freeport, who had been car ried out by the undertow. Bernard Glmbel, swimmer and oarsman of the University of Pennsylvania, was th other college man to risk his II f to save other. With several othsr men at Atlan tic City, N. J., Glmbel launohed a ltfetmat and savsd four men who wer dinging to a eapstied launch In ths boiling water at the entrance to th Inlet CONDITIONS BAD IN CHINA; Pvesbyterlaa Mleateearlea Say Only Leader Is Needed, te Start Rebellion. NEW TORK, July 22.-A letter has been received by the Board ef Foreign Missions j 0f th Presbyterian ohuroh from on ef th. medlcal mlsslonarl of th board, now in chtn' describing th. condition, around j Canton. According to Dr. J. M. Swan, th I writer ef the letter, only a leader Is neoea- ' for a widespread rebellion In that sary I Pt of China. H ssys that certainly befors twelve months have passed a d- i aided change in th government may be expected and that whether it will b so- , eompi.hed by fore of arm. or net 1. yet tQ B, del.rm,ned. VANDERBILT MISSING Left on Sloop Yacht far Jamestown Exposition aad Haa Net Been Heard From. NORFOLK, Vs.. July 21-Harold S. Vaa derbllt, brother of William K. Vanderbllt, Jr., and f'or.aui-lo. duchess of Marlborough, na 1 "r.sufio, duchess of Marlborough, I ho ,u,t N,w London, Conn.. July 10, on ! his pels mast sloep yacht. Trivia, sa route from Kr Port to th Jamestown axoo - sltlon. has net yet aari4 ar beaa heard says: "hlorUaa desbl sanal, Gluon, phote frwa, gxtjihed ar Lajamlaad and set k has,' MOVING TOWARD OPEN DOOR Chines Imperial Customs II oases 00a to Ue Opened en It dm alaa Frontier. WASHINGTON, July 22.-The customs houses at Tatung Kou and Antung, on tlis Chlnese-Corean frontier, and at Ialny. within ths Japanese leased territory on Llaotung peninsula, are In operation, th latter sine July 1. A csblegram hss been received from the American legation at IVklng Informing the Department of Stats that Chinese Imperial maratlm customs houst-s ar about to be opened on the Chinese-Russian frontier. The agreement as to Dalny was mads on May 30 by the Japanese minister at Peking and Sir Robert Hart, the Inspector general of the Imperial maratline customs. In brief, it provides for the establishment of the customs houss and prescribes rules for the navigation of th waters within the Japanese leased territories, being framed upon the agreement made In 1W between China and Germany for the regulation of commerce within the German territory of Klaochou. The new agreement is to be re vised next spring after local conditions and needs are more fully ascertained. Th Stat department feels that these practical steps toward the restoration of the 'open door" In Manchuria, in which the United States Is so deeply interested, should be encouraging and gratifying to American merchant. NOTICES TO USERS OF MAIL Poatmaaters Meat Warn People A boot Sending- Meesaaea In Packages of Merchandise. WASHINGTON, July 22. -The postal laws prohibit placing written messages In mer chandise packages or letters xn which less than S cents an ounce has been paid and th provisions of this statute admit of no waiver of the penalty provided. During the last fiscal year postofflce Inspectors col lected $59,085 for such violations. In thou sands of cases a short note or memorandum was placed Inside a package of merchandise on which postsge was paid at 1 cent an ounce, while the written matter made It necessary that 1 cents an ounce should have been paid. Finding that In a great number of cases th offense was due to Ignorance of the 1 law, and that the collection of the fine us- J ually works a hardship to the very poor, specially where written messages are made tn returning coupons, tags and cer tificates for premiums. Postmaster General Meyer has directed that proper notices be placed In postofllces warning the public I against the practice. AMERICANS NEEDING REST Ena-Hah Pastor of Fifth Avenue Church Comments on Meaning- of Holiday. CHAUTAUQUA, N. T., July 22. Ths Rev. Charles F. Aked, pastor of the Fifth Avenue Baptist church of New Tork, preached In the Chautauqua assembly Sun day on the "Ethics of a Holiday," taking as his text, "Come Te to Yourselves Apart Into a Desert Place and Rest Awhile." There has been no penplk - on the face Of th earth which needed thla more than do ourselves today." said Dr. Aked. "W burn our candles at both ends and then. j ett our neighbors should get ahead of us. we light It In th middle. "The great majority of as ars Just as Incapable of flying aa wa are of thinking. ; because of our lark of leisure. If we wore to pause In our mad rush, to meditate on j time and Its mysteries, life and Its mean- ! Ing, we might miss the next car. Wa could ve If we only were not dying to get omwhere else." MANY THROWN INTO RIVER Breaking of Ralllna; on Pontoon Re sults In Loss of Life at Lorain, O. LORAIN, O., July 22. A score of men were precipitated Into the river hare today and several were drowned, a bridge crash ing beneath them. Two bodies have been taken from the water. Another Is known positively to be In the river and several more ar missing. It Is probable that they ar also lost. Th men wer employed In the ship yards. They used a foot bridge near the Nickel Plate railroad bridge to cross th river to their work. Thl morning th pontoon of th foot bridge wa open to permit a vessel to pass. The men wer leaning against a railing, waiting for the bridge to be closed when the railing broke and about twenty went Into the river. RAILROAD WILL PAY CLAIMS Receiver of Pere Marquette Road Instructs Settlement of Wreck Claims. IONIA. Mich.. July 22,-The victims of , v. tj-- ,, w--t- K.. -1 i ith Pere Marquette wreck were buried Mrs. Perry Tanner died today. I J I , D ; ' . ' ,, ' . , . . ' In. War rillrnin Imiv nrfl. r A that all th victim of Saturday' wreck near Salem be settled with th same as paying passenger. Moat of them wer employes. CONDITION STILL SERIOUS Four Victim ef Ex plosion an Oeersjla Reporterd Mot Yet Oat ef Danger. B OS TON, July 22 Four of th victims I of the explosion on the battleship Georgia i last Monday wer reported today as still being in a very serious condition. , They are: Seaman Fone, Meese, Thomas and Bush. Oilbert and Maleck are making favorable progress, whll all other ar doing well. ' ALL DANGER OF FLOOD PAST ' Mlaeenrl aad ataw Rivera Are Falllaa- ttapldly at Kansas City. KANSAS CITY, July IX The Missouri 1 nd Kaw rivar at this point ar falling rapidly today and all danger of further ! fteod damage her has passed. Near Ar- 1 tw Rock. Mo., 1 city, the Ml.sour Uo miles east ef Kansas rl broke through th lv yesterday and overflowed t.OuO acre of ; PHOTOGRAPH CANAL ON MARS Prefs. Perelval Lowell and Lamplaad Take View at Lowell Observatory. LAnuiiunir., u, ury n. rror. rer- v a a -n rtvv.stm a m T . . i sua : clv' Lowe", director of the Lowtll ob- I Mrvat.ry, has sent a dispatch to the Hr- ivard observatory offlalauv la whlck ha SHIPS IN COLLISION Steamer Columbia Run Down by Freighter Off California Coast OVER HUNDRED ARE DROWNED Passenger Boat Sank in Less Than T" a tr"' xive minuies. IT CARRIED 249 PERSONS Most of Them Were in Cabins Asleep When Vessels Struck. LINCOLN MAN AMONG PASSENGERS R. It. Enart, a Graduate of University of Nebraska Aboard Columbia List of Passengers and Crow. SAN FRANCISCO, July tl.-In one of the worst marine disasters In tbe history of the Pacific coast between 100 and 1W lives were lost as far as has been learnd by a midnight collision between the steamer Columbia and the steam lumber schooner San Pedro In Shelter Cove, twelve miles southwest of th Mendocino Humbolt county line between 12 and lo'clook yester day morning. Only meager details of th tragedy have been received, though every effort has been made to get the facta. Scores of telegrams to Eureka, th near est point of tmportanoe, remain unan swered. The few details known war brought by the steamer Roanoke and th team schooner Daisy Mitchell, which ar rived In Han Francisco this forenoon. Th Columbia, a 300 foot steal vessel of the San Francisco St Portland Steamship company, while bound from San Franclsoo for Portland, Ore., with 189 passengers and a crew of sixty, collided with and wa rammed by the San Pedro, a 170 foot , wooden steamer, southbound, for this city. The sea was smooth, but th waather was foggy. The San Pedro, looming out of th mist a few ship lengths away, bore down on the Columbia at high speed, desptt th frantic efforts to clear and with a grinding- crash sank, her stem fully ten feet Into th Columbia's port bow. Passengers Asleep in Cabins. Nearly all of the Columbia's passengers and many of her crew were asleep In their cabins and bunks when the crash came. As the Ban Pedro backed away, water 1 poured Into the ragged hole In the Colum ' bla's bow above and below her water Una and In five minutes the vessel sank to th I bottom, the deep waters of Shelter Cov ooverlng over th tops of her masts. The story of that five minutes is yet to be told, and as it Is told by some sur vivors the facts of tbe tragedy can be but , guessed at. According to J. S. Flynn, a paasenger ! on the Roanoke, Captain Doran of tb i Columbia succeeded In launching four , lifeboats and two rafts before the Colum i bla sank. Flynn In an Interview is i Quoted as -saying that eighty-eight pas- sengers all men got away tn that maa--her and were saved; that Captain Dare ' acted with great coolness in th face of j death and went down with bis sain, j Flynn is further quoted aa sayfng that ! not on of th hundred odd women pa-. sengers were saved. ! Shortly after th collision the steamers ! Roanoke and George W. Elder and the ! steam schooner Daisy Mitchell, all south bound, cam on the seen and stood by. : Ths Elder took the San Pedro tn tow, and the latest report (anrvounce their arrival In Eureka. The stm of th San Pedro ! was smashed to splinters, aone of . its i masts was snapped off at the deck. It I was settling and had a heavy list whea I taken Into tow. Captain Hansen remained on board. Assistance Declined by Elder. The Daisy Mitchell offered assistance to the San Pedro, but this was decllnsd. It picked up a life raft and a boat of th Columbia and brought them to thla city Nsar ths scene of th wreck th Roanoke picked up a life raft and found underneath it th body of a passangnr supposed to be Edward Butler of Ports mouth, N. H. The officers of the Merchant's exchange In this city and of the various newspapers an dnews agencies have been besieged - since early morning by relatives and friends o fthe Columbia's passengers, but . their Insistent and tearful requests for j Information of the victims and of 'the rescueed remained unsatisfied. Beyond the lt 1 Donr'dow; wnh his ship no details of casualties have been received. ' Assistant President Frey of the San Francisco St Portland Steamship company said this afternoon thst the lstter would take the survivors of the Columbia through to Portland. It wa not ths Intention of th company to send a relief vessel from here to Eureka. Captain Tosnr, who be longs to the lighthouse service In Port land, was a passenger on the Roanoke, which spoke the George W. Elder whUi ! It had In tow th (team schooner Ban Pedro. "Judging from th condition of the San ' Pedro," said Captain Psdo, "It wa my impression that the veasel struck ths Col umbia wun ternno roroe, as its entire deck load of lumber waa missing and she had a big list. Its whole bow was miss ing clear back to the forefoot, which would Indicate that It ran at least ten feet Into the side of the sunken steamer. The Elder was towing It wlth'an anchor chain. Its whole mainmast was gone. First Maws Received. The steamer Roanoke, carrying a number of the dead and some of th rescued pas sengers, rsached bare at S li this morning, bringing th first news of the disaster. The dead were conveyed to the morgue. Shelter Cov, where th collision occurred. Is 179 miles up ths coast. A life rsft bear ing a number of the survivors is being towed to this port by the Daisy Mitchell. The San Pedro 1. being, tewed to Qureks by the steamer George W. Elder. The Columbia was a steel vessul of LTM tons and was W feet In length, tot fest beam and 14 4 feet In depth. It carried a crew of seventy-four men under Captain P. A. Doren, who had been master of the ves sel for the last five years. The vessel was built at Chester, Fa., In lMto, and was owned by the Bun Francisco and Portland Steamship company. During the earthquak and fir th Co lumbia aa lying at th dry dock of th Union Iron works and th shock loosened seme of Its blocks, with the result that (He vtssel was capslxel. Hut it was entirely refitted and when It left ht-re Saturday It tamed a full list of passengers about 300. Sot. Ths Baa Pedro wa commanded by Cap tain Hansea aad la a wooded vessel of ttf teas, it Is U4 feet Lai, SU feet beam ai