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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1907)
st South Oms.lia and at the stock srd. In the Paxton home there Hon a M bunrh o? telegrams from friends who could not attend the funeral, but wished to express their sorrow. Among them are messages from: ' Mr. and Un. Thomaa Lowry, Minne apolis. Mr. and Mrs. E. Dickinson. Kimm City, at present at Manltou, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Irving' A. Hatter, Chey enne. A. K. Kimball and James Stephenson, 3alt iAke. D. R. rant and family, San Antonio. Frank 8. Kogh. Bait Lake. A. L. Thomas, at. present at f)etrolt. Mr. and Mra. V. It. Kelly, Los Angeles. Mr. and Mra. J. D. Seltt, Kansas City. R. B. Van Taaael, Cheyenne. Mr. and Mra. I', d. Beeson, New York City.' F. J. McShano, Renrhestrr, Wyo. Mr. and Mra. John Bratt. North Tlatte. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Swlnney, Kansas City. Mr. and Mra. William C. Irvine, Ban Francisco. C. R. Cornell, Valentine. Mr. and Mri. Zcra flnow, Portland, Ore. J. Ogden Armour. Chicago. Samuel MrRoberta, Chicago. T. R. Hord Grand Inland. Mr. and Mra. W. N. Hancock, Chicago. Mra. Mat tie Durfoe, Kansaa City. F. C. Wood, Hastings, Neb. Joy Morton, Chicago. R. C. Btewsrt ft Co., New York. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. C. Kenvnn, Chicago. O. F. Schnfleld and family, Cleveland. From J. Ogden Armour to James I,. Fax Ion came this telegram: "I am awful sorry to hear of the death of Mr. W. A. Pax ton. He was a very fine old man." The ushers at the funeral were: Henry AVIlklns. T. J. Kennedy. 1-uther Kountte. Arthur Remington. I'uul Gallagher. Harry McCormack. PERIOD OFJNFLATION (Continued from Firat Page.) the analogies of the present year with that of 1303, are so many aa to make eom parlaons Inevitable on the part of those who acan the, financial future. News of the crops last week was satis factory and added to the confidence that the country will have an available surplus to supply the urgent needs of Europe with highly profitable rates. Money rates re laxed here and abroad. With the winter wheat harvest already under way, and the New York exchange rate at Chicago declin ing, the period of the coining demand on eaatern bank reserves to move the crops becomes of early consequence. FEUD FIGHT ON RAILROAD Fast Train Plovra Into Mlasoarl Belligerents and Kill. One of Them. STANTON. Mo.. July 21. While feudists from tb darks were fighting on the 'Frisco tracks here today, the "Meteor," running at the rate of fifty mllea an hour, 'plowed Into tha group, killing William Wll llg. ZJ yeara old. Henry Shaeffer was pulled from the track Just In time. His rescuer, Richard Enlow, 24 years old, was atabbed In the back by one of the feudlsta aa he dragged the man from the tracks. Three were slashed during the fighting. The families or the Sautflera and Bliaeffera have been hostile for several yeara and yea terday four ot five of each aide met at Stan ton. All had been drinking and they be gan tq flglit on tho station platform, each using a kni Co. - """The nolae made by the combatants drowned the sounds of the approaching train and the spectators cheered the light ers on. adding to the din. The train broke tup the fight and those Buffering from knife wounds were taken to neighboring phys icians. TORNADO IN NORTH DAKOTA Fifteen Hoases Damaged and Twenty Fiva Persona Injured Near WlUlston. Wllllatoi WIULISTON. N. D July 21.-A terrific wind, hat) and rain atorm last night de stroyed fifteen dwelling houses, Injured twenty-flvo people, two of them probably fatally and did much other damage to property In this city and the surrounding country. Those believed to be fatally hurt re a man named Holmes, and Mrs. Collln on. Mra. Colltnaon and her baby were blown out of their house for a distance of about 100 yards, landing against a wire fence. Their house was entirely destroyed. Most of the houses demolished were In the suburb of West twn and were small structures. The courthouse, schoolhouse and Union block sustained considerable damage. CoiMuitMloa Makes Report. CHEVKNNK, Wyo., July a.-i8pecial,) Governor IX. B. Brooks has received tha report of .the nonpartisan board appointed to investigate charges eg aunt the manage ment of the 1nlverslLy of Wyoming made by Prof. O. E. Morton of the Colorado Agricultural enllege, and formerly of the University of Wyoming staff. Prof. Mor ton alleged graft on the part of the uni versity trusteea. especially In the' letting of cool and printing contracts, and that a state of petticoat tyranny resulted from the promiscuous activity of Miss Alice Hebard. secretary of the university. The finding of tha commission Is In a way afcUlcatlon of the university board, which Hi composed entirely of republicans. Jt atates that the chargea of graft were not substantiated and that petticoat tyr anny waa not proven, but aets forth that conditions might materially be Improved and recommends the appointment of a nonpartisan board of university trustees. Oovernor Brooke has not Intimated what action he will take. - Arrow Collar, it oUce, 15c each, a fo Quarter biaes, 15c each, a lor jc iuirr. rtieoov 4 CO. . BUaeri at l'l"i ktunt Hkttts. .w"-- - I, S, 4 and Horse Cvanore) For SULKY, BANS in. DISC PLOWS Ask Your Dealer for "Helder" Evioers, or Writ Us HE.DEfl IRFQ. CO., ttnm if all kixia l kreoari, ladder. . .. CAM MOLL. IOWA. RAILROADS . WILL PROTEST Allegation that Assessment of Other Property is Too Low. AGENTS WELL APPEAR TODAY Attempt Will Be Made to Show State Board that Behednlea of Sev eral Counties Are Unfair. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, July .-(8pe lal.)-The Union Pacific and the Burlington railroads are ex pected to be here tomorrow, by their rep resentatives, and make good on their alle gations that property In Nebraska other than railroad property. Is grossly under valued. These roads filed a written declara tion with the State Board of Equalisation that such was the case, and even went so far as to say by what per cent several classes of property were undervalued. They agreed to furnish witnesses to substantiate their charges against the various county as seaaora. If the roads can make good there Is every reason to believe the various coun ties will get a boost from the state board, as the members seem bent on getting a good, live valuation on Nebraska's prop erty. Oovernor Sheldon Is, and always has been, anxious to get rid of the enormous, Illegal stale debt, and to that end he fath ered what Is known as the Sheldon 1-mlll redemption act, providing that a 1-mlll levy shall be made on all property for the pur pose of paying off the state debt. The gov ernor wants to get that debt paid and knows the only way to pay It Is to tax all the property In the state. He Is ready to listen to any charge that any assessor has neglected to place a correct value on prop erty. And so are the other members of the board. The assessors of Ijncaster and Douglas counties are also expected to be on hand with the Information requested by the board regarding Individual assessments. Pew Prisoners In Pen. Just at this particular time there are less prisoners hi the Nebraska state peniten tiary eligible or fit for parole than there has been since Warden Beemer assumed charge four years ago. This Is nut due either, It Is said, to the large number of prisoners paroled by Qovernor Mickey dur ing his two terms of office. The prison list Is now practically made up of professionals and there are very few Nebraakans con fined. Experience has demonstrated that It la unwise to parole a professional prisoner, because lie has no ties to bind him to the state, and therefore at the first opportunity he will make his escape. On the other hand, the person sentenced from Nebraska usually has some ties In the way of relatives or property which attach him to the state and, tlrerefore, there Is a less likelihood of his running away. "There are very few men I would rec ommend for parole now In the peniten tiary," said Warden Beemer. "The Inmates are mostly transients who got Into trouble In the state, but who belong elsewhere, and who have served time elsewhere. The only reason I can give for this Is thnt there is so much prosperity In Nebraska, there Is no excuse for people to rob for money, as they can get H by working, and there Is work for all. In years nast the great majority of the convicts were right from the state, but at this time there Is very little crime being committed in Nebraska. The state seems to be very free from robberies and I believe H la due to the general prosperity of "the people." ., Oovernor Approves Report.' Oovernor Sheldon has approved the re port of the board of examiners detailed to- examine officers of the Nebraska Na tional Ouard as to their Qualifications for commissions as made to Adjutant Oenernl C. F. Bchwarg. The following officers passed the examination and have been commissioned to date from their present appointments: First Infantry George A. Eberly, major; James J. Grimm, major; Iver 8. Johnson, captain; John M. Crandell, captain; San ford H. Garey, first lieutenant; Jacob C. Ferguson, first lieutenant; Ivan McKay, first lieutenant; Ralph 8. Edmunds, first lieutenant; Q. Albert Funck, second lieu tenant; limning' F. Elsasser, second lieu tenant. Second regiment Oliver G. Osborne, lieu tenant colonel; Herbert J. Taul, major; Walter F. Sammona, major; Thomas A. De Noon, captain commissary; J. Fred McNee, Jr., captain; Julius A. Wtlg, cap tain; Albert H. Barker, captain; Edmund H. Mullowney, captain; Montie E. Utm, captain; Charles K. Glbbona. first lieu tenant, assistant surgeon; George p. Thomas, first lieutenant; Maryl 8. Mather, first" lieutenant; Otho E. flhelburn, first lieutenant; Leon H. Davis, second lleuten ant. Troop A Albert 8. Hlsey, captain. ' Hastings Rifles John P. Madgett, cap tain; George E. Boggs, first lieutenant; Henry B. Brown, second lieutenant'. On the recommendation of the board the following named officers are commissioned without examination, on account of previ ous examinations, commissions and service In the Nebraska National Guard, to date from their present appointment, vli: Colonel John C. Hartlgan, Second In fantry; Captain George H. Holdeman, ad jutant. First Infantry; Captain Samuel E. Yoder, Battery A; Second Lieutenant El bert O. Butterfleld, First Infantry. The board having reported that the fol lowing officers failed to obtain the required per cent In the examination, and recom mended that they be re-examined, the re port and recommendation are approved and the said officers are ordered to report for examination at such times as the adjutant general may direct: Captain William A Myers, First Lieutenant William E. Os borne, First Lieutenant Robert A. Chap man. First Lieutenant Carl Abrahamaoa, Second Lieutenant William N. Orris. Sec ond Lieutenant Osborn D. Latta, Second IJeutenant John C. Dullaghan, Second L'eu tenant Joseph F. Hulka, Second Lieutenant Arthur Klmberllrig, Second Lieutenant Wil liam H. Clark. Crete Man Candidate. Friends of C. B. Anderson of Crete are preparing to circulate a petition, to have, his name placed on the primary ticket aa a candidate for regent of the State university. Mr. Anderson was a member of the avnate during the legislature of ISO and a member of the committee which prepared the rev enue law. He was prominently mentioned aa a candidate for treasurer before the last state convention, but declined to enter the race, though urged by hla friends to do ao. It Is expected the petition will be filed within a day or two. National Gaard Kneampment. No place baa yet been selected for holding the annual encampment of the National Ouard and the Indicatlona are the adjutant general la up In the air In the matter. Omaha can get the encampment If it will furnish enough ground ori which to hold It Uiicolii made a bid for It, but the grounds looked at did 4iot suit. Ttie adjutant gen eral had Lincoln tn mind because It would cost less to bring the soldier boys here than to meet atany other place, but now Ln coln Is out of It, If any other town wants It and Is not too far from where moat of the guardsmen are located. The encampment Is to be held some time during August, but nut on the dates fixed some time ago by Gen eral Culver. UarllasTtoa Artlvtt) In Hnt, NORTH PLATTE, Neb., July ZL-.Spi- THE OMAHA elal.) The right-of-way agent of the Bur lington railroad was here this week and settled with Mr. F. E. Bnllard for his residence lots, which will be used In the right-of-way of the Burlington when li Is constructed here. The price paid was S3.J7S. Mr. Billiard Is given permlxslon to remove the residence which he has upon these lots. Another Indication that the Burlington will soon begin construction of the road through thle city Is that the report is now current that the Lincoln Land company, which la an adjunct of the Burlington, will lay out a town site on the E. W. ranch, about eight miles esst of tf city. The Union Pacific Is now resuming the construction of the North River line from O Fallons to Northport. This road has al ready been completed as far as Lewellen. About sixty foreigners arrived yesterday and will be sent up the North Rlv branch to lay track. During the coming week an operator will be stationed at O Fallons and a work train will be put on at the same time. It has been intimated that two hun dred men have been secured In the con struction work and that these will be,tn early next week. Large quantities of tips and other railroad materials are being un loaded at O Fallons Junction. Pern Peeping Tom la Fined. AUBURN, Neb., July 21. (Special.) Another "Jack the Peeper" has been dis covered, caught and convicted. In the per sonage of Lafe Collins of Peru. Neb. It seems that on the night of the 1st of July, about 10 o'clock In the evening, a little boy. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong of that place, was startled by some one looking In the window above his head, on the floor where he had his bed laid. He notified his father, who made a search of the premises but waa unable to discover anything un usual and went back to bed. A little later the boy again saw the figure approaching the house and again notified his father and mother of the same, who, this time, care fully stole out of the house with rifle in hand and captured the skulker. A lantern was brought and It proved to be according to the evidence a man giving his name as Lre Collins. He Was Immediately arrested and his trial was held yesterday at the village of Peru, before a - Jury, which brought In a verdict after a short recess of guilty of malicious trespassing and he was fined $10 and costs. Netve of Nebraska. COLUMKUS-Thls city has a population of 6,(S2. It will be necessary to have 32S. W0 In taxes this fiscal year to keep the city up to the standard and make the nec essary Improvements. FREMONT Mrs. Anna Anderson, widow of James Anderson, died at her home on . 'nt'1 s,reet, yesterday, at the age of M. She came to Fremont with her hus band almost fifty years ago. She is sur vived by one daughter, Mrs. Johanna John son. COLUMBUS Up to the present writing there Is but one republican willing to take the risk for a county office this fall. He Is Prof. Jerome A. Alcock, who wants to be county superintendent of public Instruc tion. He Uvea In Monroe and has a rec ord that well qualities him for the place. FREMONT Soren Anderson, a resident of tremont for the last thlrtyflve years. oieu at the residence of his daughter, Mis. Daniel Buck, yesterday of old age, being S2 years old. He was a native of Den mark. For a good many yeara he con ducted a hotel here, which was extensively patronized by his nationality, and he had an extensive acquaintance among his peo ple. He had been entirely blind for tho last twelve years. HUMBOLDT-The city Is still without suitable wutvr supply as the reserve reser voir was left In such condition by the flood as to necessitate Immediate cleaning, and while It was being done the council ordered tho standpipe emptied and cleaned along with the water mains as far as possible. This leaves the city without fire protection, and extra care Is being taken to see that no blaze starts from carelessness. HUMBOLDT Mrs. Eleonora Skochdopole. tho aged mother of Mrs. Anton Kozl, -filed at the home of the latter last evening after an Illness of three .years, .. during which time she was a victim of rheumatic afflictions. Her death was the , result of an attack of heart failure, suffered three days prior to the end. Deceased was a native of Bohemia, and was In her 71st year. She was a widow, but leavea a num ber of grown children, residing at thia place and Ravenna, Neb. COLUMBU8-T?he Columbus Commercial club has taken the matter in hand, and If there are trusts In Columbus, they are going to find it out. They have Just had the lumber firms before them to explain how It was that outside towns sold lum ber so much cheaper than Columbus firms and why when bids were asked for, there waa such a uniformity in the price of all the bids, and why It was that here lumber le so high that those that contemplated Uuildlng, gave It up. The lumber men. while In the sweatbox answering questions, did not make their answers satisfactory to the Commercial club. POTTAWATTAMIES ARE LAID OUT Bravea from Harrison County Take Their Bralpa. Tho Harrison county. Iowa, officials re turned to Logan from Council Bluffs Satur day evening and they carried their scalps with them. They did not leave their hirsute coverings in the wigwams of the Potta wattamles as the latter had boasted. In fact when the story Is told the officials of Harrison county tomahawked the officials of Pottawattamie' county to a standstill. Seven Innings sufficed and when the official scorer closed his count It stood 10 to 3 in favor of the visitors from Harrison county. The Pottawattamles at the start, evi dently thought they had something easy and put H. V. Battey, clerk of the district court, the "old man" of the county court house. In the box. Well, It Is several years since Battey pitched anything but a handsomi) lithograph In the face of couples seeking marriage licenses, and tho Harrison county officials didn't do a thing to his In curves, out curves, down shoots, spit balls, etc. They knocked out nine runs the first Inning and then got tired of allowing off their running form around the bases. After the first Inning, when young Ar thur Mayne, son of County. Surveyor Mayne, went into the box for the Pottawat tamles, things were different and he held them down for one run, secured In the last Inning. It looked mightily like a shut-out till the sixth, when the two Frank Smiths for the Pottawattamles each made two baggers, bringing In two men on bases and thrn the Pottawattamles succeeded in adding another In the seventh. George S. Wright, the Adonis of the Pot tawattamie County bar, acted as umpire, and. In view of the fact that he escaped from the field with a whole skin. Indicated tbat he did fairly well or, as some ex plained, as well as he knew how. County Recorder O. G. Balrd did yoeman service in assisting retrieving the bails which were knocked outside the fence. Sheriff Canning, attired in a brand new pair of sky-blue overalls, showed on the field during the first inning, but declared he waa overheated and for the rest of the game sought a shady spot with Clerk Battey, where they told of the days gone by when they were ball players. There was a marked difference In the two teama. The Harrison county braves were attired In neat uniforms of gray with red stockings, and looked like professionals, while the Pottawattamlea were decked out In any old kind of apparel. Ernest Lathrop and Tracy Rodwell of the county recorder's office and the office of the clerk of the dis trict court, respectively, looked pretty go-vl If It had not" been for the black silk hoie. which looked suspiciously aa If they had been borrowing from their wives. Overalls were about the best the Pottawattamles could muster, however. The game was pulled off at the Ideal-Hustlers' ball park and waa witnessed by a fair sized crowd. Percy Battey, In the third Inning, was knocked bora de combat by being struck by the pitcher on he left arm In the ra of the "funny bone." For a while it DAILY BEE: MONDAY, JULY" 22, 1907. EVEN SPLIT WITn CHAMPS Big Crowd Sees Double-Header Be tween First Place Rivals. BAGAN DROPS FIRST GAME With Aid of jm. Keepa Itsaea Fall and la Retired In Third i Omaha's Hits Win Second. Des Moines. 9; Omaha, 4. Omaha, 4; Des Moines. 1. Sunday waa a great holiday for the base ball fans of Omaha and nearly B,(rX) of them Journeyed to friton street park to see Omaha and Des Moines, the rivals of many a fierce-fought battle, play a double header to a standoff. Des Moines winning the first and Omaha the second. Barring the game between Omaha and Kansas City when Kid Nichols waa In his prime It was the largest crowd that ever turned out to a base ball game In the west. Fifteen min utes before time for the umpire to cry "jlay ball" every seat In the Immense stands and bleachers was taken and Pa Rourke had to Issue order to the ticket sellers to sell no mdre tickets to the stands. The crowd was then turned loose on the grass and It completely surrounded the field. Everywhere a player would glance he would see thousands of fans They nuattorl on iv, . ,,,, ,,-, ,,,, ,K. squatted on the ground, they lined the fences and piled on too of them and lounged all over the lot. A ground rule, making a drive Intq the crowd good for but two bases waa estab lished, and was the cause of several two Backers, some of which might have been good for more and some for leas. Brother I Dave was In his glory, for the crowd drank Mm out of house and home. It soon made away with all the pop and then started on the lemo and tub after tub was finished as fast as It could be stirred together. Crowd la Good-Matured. It was a good-natured crowd and even refrained from mobbing the umpire when he forced Ragan to retire after pitching three magnificent innings of base ball. Not a hit was made off the big fellow for three Innings and then Doggie said something to Mr. Brennan which made him tighten up and Ragan was not able to throw an other ball which Mr. Brennan would call a strike. This caused the loss of that first game, for Ragan, who usually has splendid control, passed three men In succession and Thompson was called In to finish the game, but It was no use, for the five runs made oft Ragan' were enough to win. Not a hit was made off Ragan during the first, three Inning, but In' the fourth the trouble started. Hoggle singled and then Rugan and the umpire made the. mis take of passing Dexter, for both were soon driven home by liupp's lusky two sack drive which went down the right field foul line, Just ovtt of Bclden's reach. Omaha had made the first run In the first Inning when Beklen walked, was sacrificed to sec ond by the captain, went to third on Autrey's infield out and home on Welch's single, The fourth Inning put Des Motncs one In the lead-. Umpire Aids the Champs. The champs added three more in the fifth Inning by tile aid of the umpire, who could not see a thing in Omaha's favor and gave half a dozen close decisions to the Champs. After- McLear had popped one to Gondlng, ,the next three men In succession were fcnssed by the aid of the umpire, who 'ouhV fcot call a strike, and the bases wlre'ixuied. Andreas hit to Austin who had a throw for the plate, but fumbled the ba'TaTTfrdne run was fn. Hupp hit to right again and drove Hoggle and Dexter across the plate, making four he had scored by hla hitting. Ragan was then retired and Qua took hla place. Kelley hit to Autrey who ran into (the crowd, nailed the ball and made a nifty throw to the plate for a 'double. Omaha also made things hum In the fifth and It looked like Clark would be forced to quit, but he stuck It out and won his game. With Gondlng out Thomp son singled and so did Belden and Captain Franck walked. Autrey hit, for a single, which scored Thompson, and the bases were still full. Roscoe Miller was warm ing up and It rattled Clark until he hit Welch, which put Belden across the plate, but Dolan could not drive the ball so far into trie crowd that McLaughlin could not nail It, and Omaha could make no more runs. Omaha had a chance to do some more scoring In the sixth, but luck was against them. Graham hit for a single and Austin followed with another, but Graham could not get out of the road cf the ball and was out. Ootid Ing hit to short, who threw to Kelley and the big first base-i man got the ball back to third In time to catch Austin, who was trying for two bases on the play. Omaha Wins feeond. Omaha made the fewest hits and1 the most errors In the second game, but made the most runs, and that la what wins the games. FTanck's -single and Graham's double made the first run In the opening inning, and tn the second two more runs were made because o fthe wlldness of Mr. Miller, a new southpaw Manager Kelley 1 naa Buuru to nis siaix. weicn smgieo end went to second on Sander's' infield ottt. Bel den. Franck and Dolan were passed In suc cession, Dolan's pass being good for a run. Miller was canned and Elmondson, an other southpaw, called Into the game. He la a big, fine-appearing pitcher, but about his first ball was a wild pitch and Relden scored on It, but Austin's lnfiel dout ended the Inning. The only run made In the second game by the Champa came in the fifth Inning as the result of singles by McLear and Hoggle and Graham's error. Omaha made another run in tho last of the fifth for good measure. Austin walked and went to third on Graham's sacrifice and scored on Autrey's safe bunt. Oondlng singled but Welch and Sanders could not push them around, and that was all the scoring that was done. The game ended by a ast double from Francks to Graham to Dolan. The score: First game: ' DKd MOINES. H. PO. 1 McLear, aa, 3b 0 1 Mclaughlin, cf t I logrlever. 3b a n Yeager, rf 6 0 Dexter, 0 Andreas. 2b a Hupp, If 9 0 3 I 0 11 1 1 Kelly, lb I o Gochnaur, rf, aa 2 Clark, p i I Totals S3 OMAHA. 9 12 2a u AB R H. PO. A. 0 I 0 Belden. rf. .. 1 t Franca, aa. . Autrey, If. .. Welch, cf. .. Dolan. lb. ... Uraimin, 'ib. . Austin, 3b. ... OondtinT. e. . kugan, p. ... Thompson, p. Lettitttid .... Totals . 1 .33 i ii n 'Graham out; hit hv batted hall. bulled for Tlioiiipsea In the ninth. Runs Des Main os Omaha Hits lies Moines Omaha Two-base hits: . 0 0 0 2 3 3 3 0 0-1 ...1 00030000 4 M M 1 I I I 3-11 13 1 1 3 3 0 1 1-11 Gondlng, McLear, Mu Hupp. Baaea on balls. I.aughlin. Dexter, OU vhngan, 6; OH Tbouipsuo, r, off Clara, I. Hit by Pitched ball: Ry Clark. 1. Struck out: By RAgan. 2; bv Thompson, S; bv Clark 2. Left on bases: Omaha. 7; D- Moines, 10. Double plsvs: Autrey to Oond Ing; Andreas to Kellcv; Clark. Kellry to Hogrlever. Stolen bae: Hogrlever. Mc Laughlin. Sacrifice hit: Franck. Hits: Off Ragan. 4 In four and one-third Innings Time: Z:l&. Umpire: Brennan. Attend ance: S.O0U. Score, second game: OMAHA. . . . AB. R. H. PO. A. 0 0 4 r t o 0 0 i nenen, rr Kranck. ss Doinn, lb Austin. Sb 3 Oraham. 2b Autrev, If.... Oondlng, c... Welch, cf.... Sanders, p... Totals ... .. 3 23 4 DKS MOINES. ( 21 12 2 AB. R. H. PO. A. 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 E. 0 0 0 McLear, ss 4 Mcl aughlin, cf g Hogrlever, Jb 4 Veayer, c 3 Andreas. 2b 1 Hupp, if 3 Kellev, lb 3 Doxt-T, If 3 M. Miller, p 0 Kdmonson, p 3 0 I V. Totals ... Runs Omaha .... Des Moines Hits Omaha Des Moines 7 3 18 7 ...1 ...0 3 0 0 10 0-4 10 01 2 1 0 2 0 - 10 112 12 8 Two-has hits: Oraham, Kelley, Edmon son. Wild pitch: Edmonson. Bases on balls: Off Saundnrs, 1; off Miller, 4; ff Ed monson, 3. Hit with pitched ball: by banders, l; rty kdmonson. 1. Struck ou By Sanders, 2; by Miller, 1: by Edmonson. I 'ft on bases: Omaha, 10; Des Moines, 7. Double play: Franc kto .Graham to Oolan. btolen bases: Welch, Helden (S). inn e nus: uranam. Mciannnrai. nits: Off Miller, 3 In one and two-tlilrds Innlncs. Time: 1:30. Umpire: Brennan. Attendance: 3.5110. GAMES I AMERICA ASSOCIATION St. Pnnl Wlna Both Knds of Double- Header from Coin mhos. ST. PAUL. July 21. St. Paul took both games of the double-header from Colum bus todav hv the senres of 9 In t) nnri 9. tn 1. In the first game Columbus did not get a nil on r arris until two were out In the ninth, when Gessler tripled. Crlss held the senators to four hits In the spcond game. In the sixth Inning Upp passed a man with three on bases, forcing in the winning run. Score, first game: ST. PAUL COLUMni'B. AB H.O.A.K. AB.H O.A.B. runlaay, it. 4 Flood, 2b.... 4 Qatar, aa 4 Trlfk, If I Nordyka, lb. 4 Tlemyar, lb., S Koahler, cf. . I Pterca, e t Farrll, p I 0 OPrlH, lb 1 1 2 1 I 1 0 0 14 0 1 4 0 I 1 0 IJuile, rf OHulswitt, la OOagaler, cf.. OKIhm. lb... "Firvitlm, If OWrlgley, 2b. OHIut. c Wicker, p... 0 3 1 t 0 11 0 I 0 1 0 4 7r" 1 24 12 1 Totals St. Paul .. Columbus 10 J 17 10 Totlll 0 0 0 0 0 tOO -2 .0 0000000 0-0 Two-base hits: Flood Oeler. Stolen haioa W'lgley, Flood. Double plays: Blue lo Hulswltt. Bases on balls: Off Farrla, 1; off Wicker, S. Hit by pitcher: Wrlgley. Struck out: By Farrls, 6; by Wicker, 8. Sacrifice hits: Hulswltt. Fricl, Frisk. Left on buses: SL Paul, 6; Columbus, 6. Time: 1:35. Um pire: Hayes. So6re. second game: T. COLUMBUS. AB.H. O.A.B. AU.H.O.A.E. Punleavr. rf. 4 I 1 0 Frlal. 3b I 0 Judi. rf 4 1 Hulawitt, aa. 4 0 Oaasier, cf ., , 4 OKIhm, lb.... 4 OScrvatlui, If. 4 OWrtglay, 2b.. I Fojtl, c S 1 Upp, p I 0 riooe, 2b.... 4 Qatar, u 4 Frlak. if 4 Nordyka, lb. 4 Tiejiiyor, lb.. I Koehlir, cf... t Piem. e 1 Laughlln, c. t C'risi, p S I 0 1 2 2 II 1 0 0 t 0 I 0 o o Totali .32 4 24 11 1 Total! II 10 27 II I St. Paul 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 -2 Columbus 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 Three-base hit: Tlemyer. Stolen bases: Tlemyer. Double plays: Kihm, Hulswltt and Kihm. Bases on balls: Oft Crlss, 1; off Upp, 3. Struck out: By Crlss, 9: bv Upp, . Passed balls: Pierce, Ivuighlin. Sacrifice hit: Wrlgley. Left on bases: St. Paul, 8; Columbus, 6. Time: 1:60. Umpire: Hayes. , , ., Toledo Piles Up Bla; Score. KANSAS CfTY, July 21.-Excel1ent pitch ing by Llttlmore and poor swirling by both Case and Crutcher gave Toledo today's game. In the fourth Toledo drove Case from the box by making six safe hits and as many runs. Score: TOLEDO. KANSAS CITT. AU.H.O.A.E. AB.H. O.A.B. Barbaati, H. . I 1 2 I MrBrldi. aa.. 4 1 2 4 Smoot, cf 6 1 1 V Kcrwln, rf... 2 0 Hill, cf 4 OD.oklfy. lb.. 4 0 Hualftmin, If I 0 Kruafer, 2b.. 4 V Ilurka, lb.... 4 0 Sullivan, e... I 0 Caaa. p 1 1 0 1 I 0 1. Clarka, If. 4 I I Armbruat'r. rf 4 0 I Fcrrlng. 3b.. I I 0 Wllllima, 2b. I 1 0 W. Clarke, lb 5 111 Abbott, c 114 2 10 1 4 0 2 4 2 2 1 I 1 o o i 0 1 I Latttmora, p 4 3 Crulcher. p.. 2 Total! to n li i Touts 12 7 27 II 6 Kansas City 0 0000000 1-1 Toledo 0 0 0 6 0,4 0 2 0-12 Struck out: By Lattlmore. 4; by Case, 1. Bases on balls: Off lattimore, 1; off Case, 1; Off Crutcher, 2. Stolen bases: Smoot, J. Clarke. Williams. Sacrifice hit: Kerwln. Double plays: McBrlde to Kruger to VXt ley; Bar beau to W. Clark. Two-Ma hits: Williams, Burke, Werwln. Hill. Hits: Off Case, 6 in four Innings; off Crutcher, 10 In five Innings. Left on bases: Toledo, S; Kansaa City, (. Time: 3:16. Umpires: Kerln and Kagan. N0NPAHEHS LOSE A CLOSE GAME Defeated by goatk Omaha Country Clab Fear to Three. South Omaha' Country club defeated the Nonpareils in a fast game by a score of 7 to 3 before a large gallery upon tho former's grounds Saturday. The features were pitching of Ross and the fast field ing of Fletcher. . Bunting and fast baao running gave South Omaha club the vic tory. Score: COUNTRY CLUB. NONPAR KILS. AB.H. O A E. AB.H. O.A E. Kennedy, it.. 4 0 4 0 0 Tracy, !b.... 4 1 1 2 0 Talbolt. lb... 4 t 11 o vixmnr. cl ... 4 u a f e 4 1 Flat. bar. aa. . 4 1 I I 0 clrl'' b' J l 1 1 W Hatches, p 4 3 4 4 0 Crandall, c. .. 4 1 I Sherwood, 2b 4 I I Val Clevi, cf I 0 I J ( lirka. rf. I 1 I Rom, p Ill rarer. If 4 1 I lo Hiichen, Ib 4 1 I 2 1 o OLlpp. rf i 9 1 t ociark. e I 0 1 t 1 iTheuer, ib... 4 ii i ! Totlll It in I I Totlll II 24 12 4 j Two-base hits: Clark, Sherwood. Me- i Fadden. Baaea on balls: Oft Rose, 3: I off Fletcher, 1. Struck out: Hy Rose, 8; by Fletcher, 4. Left on bases: South Omaha, 0: Nonpareils, 6. Stolen "oases. Talbott. Crandall, Tracy, Fletcher, l'lme: 3:00. Umpire: Collier. New York Wins from St. I.aila, ST. LOUIS, July 21. -New York won from St. Louis today in a ten-Inning game by the score of 7 to 1 Molarity's error in the ninth gave the locals a chance to tie the acore, but New York batted Pelty hard in the tenth. Score: NEW YORK. iT. LOflS. AB H. O.A.B. AB H O.A.B. Hoffman, cf. 4 0 4 Nllis. Ib 4 0 4 4 0 Elberfeld. aa, 4 1 I I OHenpblll, it 4 (htae. 1 Willlana, 2b. I 111 Stone, if I 1110 Pickering, rf. I Lipoma, rf ... I 1.1 0 Wallace, aa .l MortarHr. lb. t I I 1 1 Yeager, 4b... 4 C'onror, It.... 4 110 IJonea, lb.... 4 Kletnoer, 1...I 1 II 0 IStevem, e... Ho(f. p.'.... I 111 OHowall, NewloB, p.... 1 0 0 1 Polly, p 0 ecrtb 1 4 0 0 O'Spewer .... 1 TetaJe 11 11 M I 1 Totala.... Batted for Hogg In fourth. Butted for Howell In ninth. St. Louis 0 0 1 0 0 0 New York X 1 0 0 I 0 0 .24 T SO 17 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-3 37 Two-baae hlta: Jonea, Chase (2). Three base hits: Yeager, Conroy. lilts: Oft Huw ell, 7 in nine innings; off Pelty, 4 In one in ning; off Hogg, 3 In three Innings; oft Nt. ton, 4 In seven innings. Sacrlllce lilts: Con roy, Newton, Nlles, Hoffman. Stolen banes: Morlarlty, Klelnow, Hamphlll, Orlh Double playa: Nlles to Wallace; Morlarlty to Wll llama. Left on bases: St. Louta, 11; New York. 8. First bast: on balls: Off Howell, 3; off Hogg, ; off Pelty, 1. Struck out: By Howell, 6: by Ho-g. 3; by Pelty. 2; by New ton, 4. Puased balla: Klelnow Co. Time: i lif. Umpire: O LougUlln.. Grand Island Defeats Kearier, GRAND ISLAND, Neb., July 51. 8pec1al Telegram. I Grand Island knocked Kugate out of the boa today and maintained a lead after the third Inning. Zalusky's batting and Ruben's fielding, with six accepted chances In the left garden and no errors, were features. Kearney's bits were scat tered through eight of tne Innings. Score: RUE Kearney I DM I I I I 44 10 3 Grand Island 1 0;i II 0 1 ! ; 0-4) 10 1 Batteries: Kearney, Fugate, Justice and Lulus; Grand Island, Berges aud law Mild. Havs Root yrlnv If EVEN BREAK IN CHICAGO White Sox and Beaneateri Divide Honors in Double-Header. BOTH GAMES FAST AND SNAFPY Sine Dnnble Playa Made Dnrlni the Afternoon First Contest Waa a Shatoat Victory for tha Visitors. CHICAGO, July 21. -Chicago and Boston divided a double-header today. Winter beating Walsh In the opening game. 3 t'i 0. and White winning the second, 4 to 2. Nine double plays were made during the after noon and they were all exceptionally fast. Score, first game: BOSTON. CHICAOO. AB !I O A.R. AB H O AR. 0 I Bsrrett. If.... 8 1 0 0 l Sulllvma. rtl I I a Concalcon, rtl I I I tnliib. lb. 4 11 . rrrl, lb. ... 4 I " . Knljht. lb. .. S 1 1 0 dltuhn. rf. 1 I 0 OJntiM. tt 0 0 Donnhue, lb. 1 0 li 1 0 s 1 t A 4 0 0 0 I 0 1 1 ft 0 Sfaboll, Jb... x pnuihen. If I ORnhl. .-Jb.. t t OW. Sullivan, r 1 Hart, l. 1 OOuillln. tb... t v,ir, M. . I t 4 Cr s.r, c 4 0 S Winter, p.... 4 t 1 PaK aa 1 M 10 r IS (1 Wilah. I Totsli. Toula W tt 14 I Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Boston 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0-3 1 Two-base hits: Rohe. IXnohue. Sacrifice hit: Wagner. Stolen bases: Knight, Bar' . rett. D. Sullivan (31. Congalton. Double 1 plays: Rohe, Isbell to Donohoe; Ferris tn ! I nglaub; Isbell to Donohue; Winter, Wag- ner to l.'nglaub. Left on bases: Chicago, ; ; tiosion, B. tiases cn Halls: urr waisin, 3 off Winter, 1. First base on errors: Hob ton, 2. Struck out: By Walsh, 3; by Win ter, i. Passed ball: W. Sullivan. Wild pitch: Winter. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Connolly and Hurst. Score, second game: CHICAOO. BOSTON. AB U O A E. AD. H O A R. ..001 1 OBarratt, If... 4 I t 0 Hahn., rf. Jonas, rf. lab.ll, tb. rtouttharty. 4 i a 0 OBulltTlD. cf.. I 1 0 ('nusalton. rf 4 0 Ot'iiftiaub, lb. 4 1 Farrli. lb.... 4 1 OKnliiit, lb... 4 2 0 Winner, la... 4 f OOrlser, c t "it I lb' I I j i o i i 0 (t 1 1 T 0 0 '""', Itoflnaun. Rnho, H 3b., Hirt, White, 1 0 Pi u nt, p 0 Ulltc. Totlll 14 lli I I P I Totlll 11 t 24 11 4 Chicago 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Boston 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 Two-base hits: Barrett, Congnlton, Isoell, Jones, Unglaui). Hits: Off Pruitt. 1 In two-thirds Inning; off Glaze, 3 In seven and one-third Innings. Sacrifice hits: Hahn. 0 J Sullivan. Hart, Dougherty. Stolen base: Hahn. Double plays: Hahn to Isbell; Sulil 0 ' van to Ferris; Rohe, Donohue to DavlF: 0 I Ferris to Crigor: Wagner to Crlger: Isbell I to Davis. Left on bnsvs: Chicago, I; Bos- lnn ft Ho, nn Holla- riff White . r. t Pruitt. 3; off Glase. 3. Struck out: By i White, 7; by Glase, 2.' Time: 1:40. I'm- pires: Connolly and Hurst. BKYN MA WE WINS POLO GAME Fort Riley Team Unable to Croas Goal f Easterners. LAKE) FOREST. III.. July 21.-The Bryn Mawr Polo club of Philadelphia overwhelmingly defeated the Fort Riley (Kan.) team at Onwentsla Saturday In the first game for the senior polo champion ship. The eastern team scored nli't goals In the first period, five In the sec ond, seven in the third and two In tha fourth. In the final period Btyn Mawr also forced the Fort Riley players to make two safeties. Tho Philadelphia goal was not crossed. As a safety counts a quarter of a point, the final score there fore was. Bryn Mawr, 23; Fort Riley, M The Phlladelphlans were not only better mounted than the army officers, but In dividually and ns a team they played the game far better. The Fort Riley players were well mounted us polo ponies go and the pontes knew the game, but time and again they were outspceded by the eastern horses. .It was in the tea.n work that the superiority of Bryn Mawr was especially apparent. When a Fort Riley player missed the ball, which often happened, a Bryn Mawr man was always coming fust to take advantage of thj mlsplay. Several of the easterners' scores were made in ' this way. Bryn Mawr made a runaway of the first period, scor ing the first goal In a minute and a half. The Fort Riley lineup was changed for the second period. Armstrong playing No. 1; Hennessey, No. 2; Lasslter, No. 3, ahd Engle, No. 4. Hopelessly beaten, the Fort Riley team played hardest l the final period. Once Lieutenant Hxmessey had a chance to score at x awkward angle and he missed. The Ooat of the play waa In Fort Riley's -territory, and first Engle and Hennessey knocked it across the line for a safety, and soon the match ended, Bryn Mawr. Goals. Alex Brown ( W. H. T. Huhn M. G. Rosengarten 4 C. Wheeler 7 Total 28" Fort Riley. Goals. Lieutenant Kmll Kngel Lieutenant K. V. Armstrong 0 Captain William Lasslter 0 Lieutenant F. B. Hennessey Lieutenant Allerf 0 CITY ENGINEER TEAM WINS GAME Baars On from the Hernia Company Whistlers. The Engineers' Department team Satur day defeated the Bemls Bag company nine, 14 to 7. The score: ENOINEKHS. HKMIS R. H.O.A.K. R.H.O.A.R. rora, a w . - -niinerr. ao... i a v j i Price, cf I 0 0 1 Ocr.xkar. cf... 1 I 1 OvanHaven, lb I 1 10 1 I Willis, lb.... 0 0 0 I I 0 lllaila. 2b.... I 1 1 t I 1 lShirpe. c. .. 0 0 4 1 1 Olf,ullkr. If .0 1 0 0 1 1 yerrall. rf ... 0 1 I OFarmar. .... 10 110 foid. lb 2 2 4 : ; i Nlcholaoo, If, 1 I I onnrll. lb. . 1 l l Stevena, rf... 1 1 0 rrovaalnik. c 1 Morlartjr, p.. I I 0 i Totsls 14 12 21 4 Total! 7 I II I i C. JC. D 3 1 0 1 4 6 II Bemls Company 0 2 3 1 1 0 0 7 Two-base hits: Coad (2), Crocker, Hall, Nicholson. Stolen bases: Ford (2, Price, Hall, Connell, Provosnek, Coad. Bases on balls: Off Farmer. 0. a truck out: Uy Farmer, 4; by Morlarlty. i. Umpire; Golden. Two Games at Hesabllraa City. REPUBLICAN CITY. Neb.. July 30 Two base bsll games drew the largest crowd to town that has been here for a year. Hun dreds stood for four hours In the hot sun watching liuntly defeat the Sodlurners. Score, t lo 1 The Haskell Indians of Kansaa defeated Republican City 9 to 6. Both games were spirited. Hamburg Team Wins. HAMfii'RG. Ia., July 21. (Special Tele gram.) Hamburg defeated the Pacific Junc tion team Iters today by the score of 3 to 1. Baker was the star player of the game. shotoat for Lakeeldes. SPRINGFIELD. Neb., July 0.-8perla Telegram.) Springfield won its second Diarrhoeas When yon want quirk cure without any loss of time, and ilutt Is followed by no bad results, use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ' and Diarrhoea Itemed j. It never falls and is pleasant and safa t take. It U equally valuable for chil dren. It is famous for its euros over s) Urge nart of tUo civilised world. - ' I,.-. ' STANDING OF THE TEAMS Plsved. Wort Iot. lv Omaha rO 4 3 .00 Lincoln M 4!t a ' ttfs Moines 02 4 4 3 .'' Denver H 4H 41 .4t4 lotn city S5 35 ( .4U Pueblo so 31 4 OAMKS TODAY. Western I c cue-Des Moines at Pueblo, Onmha at Denver. National l furuo-Clilciigo at New York, Pittsburg nt Hoston, St. l.-uils at Philadel phia. Cincinnati at Broolilvn. American league - 1'oaton at Chicago, New York at St. Louis. Philadelphia at Detroit. Washington nt Cleveland. American Aa elation Ind'aniwHs at M'nneiipolis, Toledo at Kansas Civ, IOti! vllle at Kansas City, Columbus at St. Paul. g:ime of the season today from the T.ak sides of Omaha. to ti. Itlondy Ruff wns buck In the piitne. and untile a clean hotuu run out of the first hall pitched. Helle vue comes next Saturday, and for 8, a date Willi a god strong team from Omaha or elsewhere Is desired. The scores R. H I'.. j Springfield .1 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 i 13 t ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 5 2 Stiltx and Kutes: Moeller nr.d Struck out: Hv Moeller, 7. I.akesldo . Hatteries McDonald. Home run Ruff. Tliree-b:i.,. hit; McDon- aid. Time: 1:2U. Umpire: lvn Huff. FINAL DAY OF WYMORE RACES Hood Crowd and Close Finishes In All Kventa. WTMORE. Neb., July Jl.-tSpeclal Tele gram.) Saturday' races were the lest of the week, the finishes being close and good time being made. About l.Oflo people were present. Summaries: Pacing. 2:22 class: Ray Star C. 1 l l Hal S 2 2 3 Helen C i 3 3 Rnxlna 4 4 t Vurina Post 6 6 Brownwood Ford 8 7 5 Klsle Holton t 8 Billy Hunkri 7 t 1 Time: 2:17V. 2:17V ::1"V Trotting, 2:27 class: " ' Vestale 1 Clear Drift 3 King Truvclcr 2 Checkbook 4 Perry Mack 8 Lady V 9 1 I 1 1 6 S 4 3 8 6 ; i 3 4 1 at herlne Kummel Willie Green I Fat Gray dr The Legislator ds Time: 2::s, Z.-.'iV. 2:2. Pacing, 2:12 clasa: Conroy 6 111 College Maid 1 3 8 1 S. H. All 2 8 3 4 Fred H 4 4 2 Dr. Tom 5 4 6 S College Boy 8 t 6 ds. Time: 2:14. 2:13. 2:1.1. 2:16. In the last heat of the last race. Mart Allerton and Don Muscovite colli. led on the back stretch and Jolilinie K. ran Into them. All the horses were sjomewhat bruised. Irwin. Johnnie K.'s driver, waa slightly bruised. Trotting. 2:17 class: Winnie Black 2 Ell Silver Star j 5 2 4 4 Johnnie K 1 4 3 S Don Muscovite 4 3 3 3' Mart Allerton 3 1 6 t Time: 2:19. 2:19. 2:17V. 2:19. 2:2?,hb. The running race, which was to havs been a mile dash, was culled off on ac count of a disagreement between the own ers of the hordes entered. GAMES IN THE IOWA LEAGUE Wet Oronndn Prevent Contests at llnrllnaton nnd Keoknlc. MARSH ALLTOWN, la., July 21. Spe- rilal Talstrsniw I Wrvl 1 rir 1 n tw S r-M t hah TSLm Batteries: and Pratt. No games wet grounds. Bennett and Walsh; Akers at Burlington and Keokuk; Franklin Tnkri Second. FRANKLIN. Neb.. July 20. (Special.) Franklin took the second game from Hll dreth here today. Score: Franklin 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0--4 Hlldreth 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0-3 Batteries: Franklin, Crandall and Pooke: Hlldreth, Ashley, Landbern, M.trlnau and MeCord. Struck out: iiy Crandall, 9; by Hlldreth's two pitchers, 6. Umpire: L. C. Churchill. grhnyler Defeats silver Creek. , SCHUYLFjR, Neb., July M.-( Special Tele gram.) Schuyler today defeated' Silver Creek In a ten-Inning game by a scor of 4 to 3. This was by far the best game of the season. Score: Schuyler 1 00100001 14 Silver Creek 0 80000000 0-4) Games In Three-I I.eagae, At Clinton Clinton, 6; Decatur. 3. AteDubu'iue Diitii(iuT 1; Hloomington, t. At Cedar Rapids Cedar Rapids, 7; Peoria, 8. When you have anything to buy or sell advertise it In The Bee Want Ad columns. Jamestown Exposition Best reached via B. & O. S. W. From St. Louis. Choice of routes. All rail through historic Virginia, or via Der Park, Harper's Ferry and Washington, D. C. Potomac River and Beautiful Chesa peake Bay, also via. New York and Boston, with ocean trip If desired. Go one Way and return the other. Vestibule trains, a la carte Dining Cars; life's! etcp-owrs. Through Sleepers without ferry transfer. Full information und lowest rates from any agent, or, address: A. O. Goodrich, T. T. AM Bos 864, Kansas) City, ato. r. S. OUdirsluve, A. a. I. A... St. I-o-tia, . S i Delicious are tha leading articles of their kind ia timer ica. -PATENTS trt PROTECT i f nt Is, 8 UCE" w.ih.f.ftea.O.U ts. 1869. HOTELS AND SUMMER RES0RT9 IW -W rr m www Hotel Kuppcr lltb. and ICoOee, KANSAS CITY, M0. tn fas sThopptBf Blstrloa, Msar all ii Vimum, aoa bsaatual l-mii, 100 ghftH betha. I Rot and ooJd water tn all pacteas icscy, pariers. feievkoae tn every room. ftemUftU Cafe, Perfect Ovist. SI to S2.50 Per Day ' Bnrepeaat flaa. KUrFER-BENSG HOTEL CO. . A. Moa at, .il i t. iv a, l I i viii'xiug sbiv - suits In the Iowa league: At Waterloo R.-H. H. Waterloo ....06001001 7 11 1 Marshallt'n ..02000200 04 6 t Batteries: Swalm, Harmon and Llz ette; Hatch and Forney. At Quincy (ten Innings) R. H. E.i j Qulncy .... 0 00000200 13 10 3fr Jackaonv'e .0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 02 7 It was thought th membei nas frtic'.uroi ; I I