Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1907, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee VOL. XXXVII NO. 29. OMAIIA, MONDAY MORNING, JULY 22, 1907 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. 4- PERIOD OF INFLATION Frenchman'! Financial Review Com mandi Attention in Wall Street FALL IN PRICES MUST COME Speculative Values of Securities Are Entirely Too High. BUSINESS VOLUME TOO LARGE Demand for Capital Increasing: Faster ' Than the Supply. INTEREST RATES WILL ADVANCE He Alsa Says Prices of Raw Materials, Notably Matala, Will Fall flvents Bear Oat Part of Prediction. NEW YORK, July a. The stock market of the last week has revealed the cross currents of speculative sentiment, running on the one hand through the channels of the northwestern and Pacific railroad stocks, where efforts centered for an ad vance in prices and a stimulation of specu lative interest, and on the other hand In the industrial group, where evidences of trade reaction caused some depression and hesitation. The easing tendency of the money markets has been a reviving In fluence on securities, but this was under the restraint of the dubious ulterior pros pect and the short time remaining before the strain of the Interior demand for cur rency to, move the crops may be expected to draw on New York banking resources. The stirring speculative interest in a limited group of stocks has not proved convincing of any revival of substantial Investment de mand, which must be relied upon for any conclusive relief of the troubles caused by the scanty available supplies of capital. The indications of trade reaction are In accordance with the expectation generally felt ever since the disturbance in the se curities market first gave warning of the forces at work to that end. Nevertheless the extent to which these forces rriay act and the measurb of their counterbalancing forces which may operate as a check and to effect recovery are so far undisclosed as to leave opinions unsettled and capital still doubtful about embarking In Invest ment. Period of Inflation. A recent article by M. Paul Leroy-Beau-lleu, ' the distinguished French economist, analysing the problems of the decline Id Investment securities and the prospects for their recovery Is given respectful attention imongst students of conditions. His con elusion that a period of inflation has led ( jp to the present situation commands gen eral agreement. The course of events bears out the assumption that "bank liabilities cannot expand indefinitely, bank reserve jannot fall Off continually, nor can business perpetually support high money rates." There must come, first, a shrinkage in rpeoulatlve securities; next, a fall in prices Df raw materials .of manufacture, notably metals. Real capital, he holds, presents n Insufficient supply for nations whose Iplrlt of enterprise so far stimulated as to lost sight of all limitations, as he maintains has been the case both In the United States and Germany. He calculates that the lnlted States has undertaken to spend a single year for all industrial and financial ;. purposes $3,600,000,000, when the annually I accruing capital of the United States prob- ; v. i .. AnA-thlril nf thiit aum Meantime foreign supplies of capital were . n. i.... nr. BDiorDea in anumunnj lib. prise, and were d.plet.d also by the de- . . . . . ...... . ... . structlon or capital in war loans ana in me San Francisco earthquake. From which it ha. followed that users of capital must pay more for it In a higher Interest rate and they will have to postpone or extend ,r ..vera. year. ...., hich preparation had already been made. enterprises for IntiatHnl mil financial markets must, in a measure, reduce their .cale of prices, and In some proportion the price of raw material must come down.' Events Prove Theory. Events have too far proved th. opera tion of all the.e force, to leave room for dispute. The Journal of Commerce ha. made a compilation of new securities created In the United State, during the first half of 1907, showing a total of $1,278. 738.500 with issues since January 1, of 1799. 41,100. Of this amount $K3,51,000 has been In short notes at high interest rates, re flecting the urgency of the requirement. The summing up of M. Leroy-Beaulleu Is that "the existing situation In the financial markets et. offers to capitalist, and investor, ally the opportunity of which they genen have been deprived for nearly twenty years, of securing a suitable return on their Invested capital." Nevertheless, the Investment demand In the New Tork market still halts. On of th principal restraining factors during the last week wal the declining tendencies In th metals. Th copper market remained la an unstable condition after the reduction mad previously by the principal producers and made below their quotation. Metal Market Pallia. Reports from the iron and steel markets were of a falling off In orders for finished products and, a condition of complete dul- ness In the iron market with fears of a j political significance attache, to his visit, 1 uninflammable material?' asked a news possible deadlock between buyers and sell- : he has found tlm to sound the leaders ' paper man from a Prairie state of Admiral ers such as characterised the copper mar ket Other metals at th same time de clining tn prices. Authorities in the iron trade have foreseen this result and hav expressed satisfaction over th prospect, promising a return to more normal con dition with an assurance cf a waiting de mand on a readjusted price basis, auffl cltnt to afford a continuance of highly prosperou. condition.. But th tlm cf readjustment is inevitably a tlm of un-s.-ttlement. Th sustained activity tn th branches of the Iron and steel trade. 1. admittedly due to th working off of ac cumulated order., and to th completion f plan, of construction partly entered upon before th shortage of capital became man ifest. Th completion of many of these projects ha. been with money borrowed on onerous term. Th extant to which the curtailment In future plana of th rail road, may affect th demand for Iron and steal, la, a. yet, an unsolved problem. In lSut, which la th latest period for com parison of similar conditions, th railroads wr pushed for capital supplies and forced to retrench, but without marked affect on th resumption of Iron products until dur ing th second half of th year, when th trad was In deep depression before th expiration of September. No two financial periods aver afford an exact parallel, but (Continued on Soond PagJ UNITED FOR CLEAN MEAT National Llv Steele Exrhanae la with Govern aaeat Aaatnat Tuhereuloai. "The exchange is determined to aid the government In the enforcement and main tenance of the cattle Inspection system to the end that tuberculosis may be as com pletely stamped) out as possible," said Thomas B. McPherson. 701 Park avenue, one of the prominent livestock commission men of South Omaha, who was elected president f the National Livestock ex change at its convention In Kansas City to succeed J. C, Swift. Mr. McPherson ar rived from Kansas City yesterday morning. The exchange thoroughly indorsed the government's policy and methods in this matter of tr'-tng to exterminate tubercu losis," adi . McPherson, "and decided, unitedly 11 in Its power to secure the best p. t. results from this Inspec tion. "One deflm'Ja we adopted was to endeavor to f n those states still without such st. as will harmonise with the national "V, seeking to stamp out disease among y. he enaotment of these laws. This t x in was recom mended to the exchiv"' a committee appointed to look Into f" .atlon and the exchange cordially adopt .. the report of the committee. Consequently, when the legisla tures in these states convene next time they will find representatives of the live stock Interests on hand to secure the en. actment of anti-tuberculosis laws. And I guess these representatives will not be run out of the state capitals as undesirable lobbyists. They will be there in the In terest of the public, backed by the gov ernment of the people. Side by Side with TJncl Bam. "By this action the National Livestock exchange has placed Itself and the great Industry it represents on record clearly as with the government in its fight for sound and healthful meat. "Omaha and South Omaha were well represented at the convention and they brought back the presidency, which shows our interests had a hearing at least." Mr. McPherson, as readers of The Bee know, persistently declined to accept the nomination for the presidency when it was tendered him, urgently pleading the re election of J. C. Swift, but he was over ridden and elected. Mr. Swift, on the other hand, declined to allow his name used and urged the election of Mr. McPherson. "Relations between Mr. Swift and myself were perfectly harmonious and are now," said Mr. McPherson. "In faot, the whole convention was a big love feast and the future holds nothing whatever of discord or unpleasantness. We are facing a great year and are united In the determination to secure the greatest good to the largest number.' WILL PROSECUTE FENCERS Aetlnsr Secretary of the Interior Den lea Report PnMlahed In . Several Pa per e. WASHINGTON. July n.-In a statement issued today. Acting Secretary of the In terior Woodruff says prompt action will be taken wherever cases of illegal fencing of public lands are discovered, but that In spectors and special ageats are especially occupied, this summer with preventing fraudulent acquirement of public land. The statement follows: "My attention has been called to articles aeveral of the western papers to the effect that the Department of the Interior will not prosecute any Illegal fencers this year. It would be unfortunate that suoh an idea should get abroad, because it is not true and if any depended upon It, they might get Into serious trouble. I might explain that the special agent force of the sraneral land office and the eneclnl In- spectors of the Department of the Interior ! will be esDeelallv occuDled during this will be especially occuDled during tills ! -ummer with the more paramount and 1m- I ,.,. .i., vii 1.-4 : K.... ..... u ! tnm being acquired fraudulently contrary ' to For that reason few of them can be stalled to search specifically for illegal ; fencing." GOVERNMENT INSPECTS BOATS UU V LnlMlYi Lit I IIMirtUli BUA I i j -- " Will Be Chartered aa Transnort. if Emergency Arises. V'ACOMA, Wash., July fl. After the re turn of the Boston Steamship company's liner Tremont from the Puget sound navy yard drydock at Bremerton today it was learned on good authority that the Inspec tion of the steamer just completed by Pa- ciflo Mall Steamship company officials and others was made on behalf of the United State, government, the men. having been deputised for the work. The Tremont ia not the only large steamer on the Pacific to be Inspected by the three men who were in port early In the week. Others have been j ammcd , Ule me way and u ,alJ flfte(?n for inspection, .:;e list Including two American-Hawaiian liners and some of the Pa cific Mall company's steamers. (Reliable autorlty states this Inspection is being car ried on by the government with a view to chartering the steamer, for government transports should occasion require it. Mayor Dahlmaa 'la- Leader. LANDER, Wyo., July SI. (Special.) Mayor James Dahlman of Omaha was in the dty Sunday as the guest of Mayor ' William O. Johnson of Lander, one of the I leading democrats of central Wyoming, and j while Mayor Pahlman denies that any of the local democracy a. to their attitude toward William J. Bryan, hi. candidate tlon. With a kindly, almost fatherly .mile, for the presidential nomination next year. ! Admiral Hrownson replied: "That both Mr. Pahlman has traveled extensively over ' powder and bag went Into the gun and th th Big Horn basin on this trip and he be- ! explosion destroyed whatever there was of lleves that this section of th state Is the bag and that to make an uninflammable surely for Nebraska's favorite son. He : bag would necessitate the pouring of pow wa. driven to the oil well, and other point. ! der Into th. breach, a method long sine of Interest in the vicinity and expressed tabooed." himself as surprised beyond measure at i Be it said to the credit of the American the wonderful resources of this section of ' navy that every accident 1. minutely ex the state. Th Immense acreage of Irrigable ': amlned Into and reports and recommenda land that Is rapidly being brought under ' tlons made looking to th elimination of cultivation was one of th things that 1 such accidents In the future. And such Impressed him. He left for Omaha today j will be the case with the Georgia, but and will recommend to the Omaha booeter. ; pall of disaster still lingers, notwlthstand that they take a trip through this section . lng. at th earliest possible opportunity. at OTXatXsTTS Ol OCHAM BTBAattatEpg ArrlT. ...fKl ....Lacaala ,.. iU(iot rriiaiu. ....Virginia Sll4. .PVIt4lphU. . KmUi4. .kM. . ttrrnia. ..Kxaar. .Cltu l MIUbs. .rat nr. . VlrminUa. la Toataiii. MtBSMBalU. t. Pul. TldtrUaa. NW TORK.. NIW YOKK.. HSW TORK.. SIW YORK,., KIW YORK... ...L Saial. NIW YORK .rttneie CW YORK LIVERPOOL, ...uWlBlfrauia HAVRE BOSTON LON DON HANI HBSTER IHKFBolRO . ANTwmp .... RliTTKRDAM . ROTTKRDAat . NAPbkS PLYMOUTH ... PAI.CRMO .Kit HAN .... . 0orlAa .. .Cs!aoula. .. BtfttsncAai .,Poi4ata .. . Europa .... ..K. Leaks... us la, SUlA OTHER WARSHIP ACCIDENTS Sad Record of War Losses that Hare Occurred in Times of Peace. LIST IS LARGE IN RECENT YEARS Ilandred and Seventy-Three Killed or Injured Slaea 1S&M. a Casualty List Blaaer Than Dnrlsg War with Spain. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, July SI. (Special.) The awful accident on the Georgia, one of the newest of our battleships, wherein a num ber of brave' men lost their lives by a powder flash while the ship was engaged In target practice, sent a thrill of horror throughout our own country and sorrow throughout the civilised world. In war such occurrences are expected, but in these "piping times of peace" when a score of men are burned to death or wounded be cause of the explosion of powder in the turret of a battleship while practicing the arts of war, the nation stops to Inquire whether the accident could not have been prevented and If not why not. It Is a remarkable fact that in the thirty three years covering the close of the civil war In 1R65 to the destruction of the battle ship Maine In 1898 there were but twenty nine accidents in the navy, including the total loss of twenty-two ships. These ships were lost for the following reasons: ' By hurricanes or by tidal waves, which no human power could have foraeen or controlled, six. By uncharted currents or on uncharted rocks, six. By collision In cases which the men-of- war had the right-of-way and therefore their officers were not at fault, two. The Mai ne blown up In Havana harbor. The Rogers burned. The tug Lyden foundered in a terrific gale. Five ships were lost when presumably tne accident could have Deen avoided. Hnndred Lives tn Ela-ht Years. This story of thirty-three years, sad as It Is, covering as It does the reconstruc tion period of our history, is even more appalling since the destruction of the Maine and the Spanish-American war. In the period between 1898 and today there have been more than twenty-four accidents and many of them of exceedingly grave char acter. During the last eight years 100 lives have been lost and forty-seven men Injured through accidents caused by explosions or powder Ignition. This Is a greater casualty list in time of peace than could be shown by the entire Spanish-American war, with Its big battles of Manila and Santiago. The accident on the Georgia increases this, total casualty list to fully 173 officers and men killed and Injured during the last eight years. The most serious previous accidents of the sVrt at target practice were those which occurred In the turrets of the battleships Missouri and Kearsarge. Thlrty-Pour Killed on Mlaaonrl. That on the Missouri occurred during target practice oft Pensacola on April IS, 1904. and resulted in the killing of five naval officers and twenty-nine enlisted men. It was caused by what Is technically known as a powder flare back; that Is, gases in the bore of the gun found their way back ward Into an open hatchway and Ignited a charge that was being raised through the ammunition hoist. This dropped below and ignited causing Injuries below as well as above. Four officers and fourteen seamen were killed in a turret of the Missouri and of those stationed below, tone officer and flf- j teen men were killed by burns or suffoca tion by the deadly gasoa resulting from the explosion. Fortunately, the powder maga- " "as closed by a seaman who shut the aor nd Jumped Inside of the magazine, thereby saving hi. life. After this Incident automatic shutters were Dlaced in the am- automatic shutters were placed In the am munition hoist to prevent powder and gases finding their way down into the ammuni tion room. Two years to the date after the acci dent on the Missouri, or on April IS, 1906. theI- lou explosion In the gun , ..,,,, ir..,.. .,1, target practice In the north Atlantic, which 1 resulted in the death or nve enlisted men. After Practice Was Over.' Target practice had been finished on tha Kearsarge when the accident occurred and the men were loading their guns. They had taken a charge out of one of the gun. and laid it on the deck inside of the turret, Just to th rear of the guns. One of the gun crew was using a steel bar known as j a shell extractor, an instrument with a long iron handle and heavy. The man was shifting this extractor over his shoulder when the other end came In contact with an open electric switch inside the turret . ' and directly over the powder charge. This ! caused a short circuit, and the fusing of j ,ome bras, on th. swl'.ch mrihl on the powder, c.u. '.ch dropped molten uBing Ignition. The accident on the Georgia, however, is not traceable to any of the conditions that brought about those on the Missouri and Kearsarge. On first impulse It was believed that sparks from the funnels had fallen on the bags of powder being conveyed to the guns, but officials of the Navy department are inclined to scout this theory. They lean to the idea that In the desire to make a target record for the Oeorgla. which was fairly on the way, , somebody erred, the explosion resulted and '. brave and intrepid sallormen went to their ; death. : ny non i tney mane powder nags or 1 uninflammable material?" asked Hrownson. chief of the bureau of navlga Interesting- Indian Dlea. There died her this week a most Inter- I testing character, an Indian, Andrew John by nam, whora thousands will miss from th capltol of th nation. John wa. a Ber.eca, whoa Indian nam was Ka-sten-ot, which mean. "Standing Stone." He was a large man, probably weighing SCO pounds, and as he ambled through th corridors of th capltol from th house commute on Indian affairs to th senate committee h attracted universal attention. He spoke English fluently and a. hi. tribe was a creditor of th government he was ap pointed as an ex-chlef of th Seneca nation, which maintain. In New Tork stats its tribal character to collect tb moneys owed by th government to th Seneca. For years he labored with the committees of the two house ofjeongress having to do with Indian matted that hi. tribe might receive their Just Jdues. And for years the committee on Indian affairs turned the old man down. Finally the late Sena tor from Pennsylvania, Matthew 8. Quay, who was a atudent of the Indian character, became Interested In John's matters as they related to the Seneca tribe, one of Ihe (rreat trlbee which constituted the six nations, and having taken a position on the senate committee on Indian affairs, so that "exact Justice might be done between the Indian and the, government." as Sena tor Quay said, Andrew John's bill against the government for the taking of lands and the Interest on moneys deposited to the credit of the Seneca nation began to take form. When President McKlnley was In the White House he became a patron of the ex-chlef of the Sonera's and gave him a letter that brought to "Standing Stone" many friends. President Roosevelt, know ing much of the complslnts of the Seneca and believing that their demands upon the government were right, helped wherever he could In the claims brought by the Seneca tribe against the United States treasury and the pathos of It all Is that AnHrew John, who assisted most materially In the collection of the Senecas' bill against the government amounting to J2.0OO.O0O and more died Just a week after the govern ment had Issued a treasury warrant to pay for the same. Andrew John' Side Llna. Andrew John was; a "great mixer." as we understand It, particularly among the Indians, who come to Washington from time to time either on business for the Indian office or to see the Great father. These Indians live at a quaint old hotel near John Marshall Place, known as Bev erldge's and here Andrew John lived. No matter If the Indians were Sioux, Coman ches. Apaches, Klowas or Klckapoos, John was friendly and he showed them the Bights of Washington. He would give them a ride on the "rubber-neck" wagon, or go with them .In their walk through the crowded streets and then at the end he would land them In the bureau of ethnology, of which Dr. W. H. Holmes Is chief, and take them to the photograph gallery, pre sided, over by Mr. Delancy QUI, scientist of note, who would make a picture of the red men garbed appropriately with their war bonnets and their gaudy apparel, and then. If the Indians were willing, JolTn would take them over to the Smithsonian Institution to have live masks made. For a full blood Indian's picture John received $1, and If the Indian was willing to sit for his mask he would receive J5. While all the Indians who came to Washington were willing to sli for their picture, many of them objected to having the plastic put upon their faces. The securing of Indians for their pictures became John's side line and If business was low he would run in half-bloods and quarter-bloods, and even go so far as to ask Mr. QUI to make pic tures of Indians he had made before. And this proved John's undoing. One day Andrew John presented a group of five Klowas to Mr. QUI and the latter, having made thousands of Indians' pictures, recog nised In the group one or two whom he believed he had photographed before. Going to his cabinet of negatives he took out two that greatly resembled two of the Klowas In the room, and he asked them If they had not had their plrtw - taken and they aid yes, and then he showed them, the negatives and both agreed that their pictures were In the bureau. John was cut out of considerable money by overplaying his hand, but generally he was looked upon as a good Indian and a good citizen. RIOT IN SAN FRANCISCO Two Street Railway Employes shot and Number of Persons Injured, SAN FRANCISCO. July 21. As a result of an attack on the strike-breaking crew of a car late last night two men were shot and wounded, three persons were Injured in the wrecking of a building by a runaway car, many others were severely clubbed by the police and more than a score of ar rests were made for rioting. When a car of the United Railroads In charge of J. Talltskong and Motorman Fel lel. reached the end of Its run on top of the hill at Thirty-ninth and Noe streets about 9:J0 o'clock, and the crew was just starting on the return trip, three men standing In the darkness about fifteen yards away opened fire on the car with revolvers. 1 Conductor Talltskong had Just raised hla ! left arm to signal the motorman to go ahead when a bullet smashed his elbow. Almost at the same moment Motorman Fellel j dropped to the floor of the car with a bullet I In his right thigh. I Another car was coming up the hill at the time, and upon arriving at the top , the crew left It standing and took th car with the wounded men with all possible : speed to the car barns at Twenty-ninth ' and Mission streets. As they turned the corner at that point they saw their car going down the hill at a terrific rate of , speed. Arriving at the turn the runaway ' car jumped the track and plunged into a I small store, wrecking the building. Sophie I Bernstein, a daughter of the proprietor of , the store; Ralph D. Hoff, wife and child. , customers, were painfully cut and bruised by breaking glass and falling timbers. An immense crowd immediately gathered and a fir alarm and riot calls were turned j In. The police reserves charged th crowd, I which had become turbulent, and used their clubs freely. Many heads were cracked I and twenty arrests wer made for rioting. Police Sergeant Lane was struck in the I back of the head by a stone and seriously hurt. He fired three shots at the two men, , one of whom he charged threw the missile. Th two wounded were taken to St. Luke's j hospital. Their Injuries are not dangerous. I It Is supposed that the men who attacked I the crew released the brakes on the car , and started It down the hill. THREE KILLED BY BIG WIND Several Houaea Blows Dowa at Wool socket Destructive storm Ac compaaled by Heavy Ralas. MITCHELL, S. D., July 21. (Special Tele gram.) Reports were tecelved here late this evening of a severe and destructive wind and rainstorm which occurred at Woonsocket. about I o'clock this evening. The house belonging to a man named At kinson, a carpenter, was caught by tha heavy wind and blown over. Three people who wer in th bouse at the time, wer killed by the flying board, and being crushed beneath the building. Several other houses In Woonsocket wer partly de stroyed by the wind, but no other injuries are reported. Telephone line, to th north of that place ar all down. In Mitchell the storm was not near so sever, only an Immense volume of water fell In the hour and a half that the storm continued, which backed up into cellar and basements along Main street, it being th second experience of this kind In two days. Two lnchea of water fell during th storm PRESS CAMPAIGN IS ON Partisans of Sedgwick and Reese Am Busy Lining- Up County Papers. FIGHT FOR REVENUE OFFICE Chairman "W. B. Rose and Rom nana mond Are Brlnalna Preaaure to Bear on faulted States Senator, (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. July 21. (Specials-Nothing very startling has occurred th past week on the republican side of the state cam paign, although the partisans of Judge Sedgwick and Judge Reese, who are to bo the opponents for the nomination for su preme judge, have been plugging away steadily for their respective candidates. For the present the work on both sides Is being directed toward the organisation of press bureau batteries and working strings to Una. up on one side or the other all the country weeklies of republican persuasion throughout the state. It 1. safe to say that political paragraphs are being written right here .In Lincoln for half the repub lican papers In Nebraska. Ross Hammond's Fremont Tribune Is authority for the as sertion that "during the post two weeks approximately fifty Nebraska newspapers have volunteered their support to Judge Reese, and doubtless many more will de clare for him this week." Just how many newspapers have been annexed In behalf of Judge Sedgwick has not been given out, but they number at least more than a score. Rose Versna Hammond. While this press bureau prelude to the coming state primary is being carried out, another play seems to be on within the "reform" part of the press in the nature of a canvass as between State Chairman W. B. Rose and Editor Ross Hammond for endorsements and appeals to the two United States senators to forthwith sub stitute one or the other of these aspirant, in place of United States Collector of In ternal Revenue Elmer B. Stephenson. Ac cording to Inside information, Hammond. not long ago, sent out a bunch of letters to friendly quill-drivers, asking them to give him a boost for the place, with a view specially toward putting a little pres sure on Senator Norrls Brown. The Inocu lation took quite freely and a whole bou quet of posies came In full of weet scented fragrance for the Fremont editor. As soon as Rose's friends discovered what was doing, they, too, got busy, with the re sult that the? likewise brought down a fair killing of newspaper recommendations for the state chairman. A few papers Of press bureau fame who found It difficult to choose between the two candidates, con tented themselves with calling upon the two senators to Are Stephenson forthwith, if not sooner, without waiting for cold weather, and give the Job, with the sal ary attached, either to Rose or to Ham mond, they didn't care which. Supreme Court Clerkship Involved. How these two competitors for th in ternal revenue collectornhlp should be hitched up in. double harness, pulling the Rccho wax on ha aewned tnexplicabK but, . ' . - i 14 ome auusion. in to alleged reasons why Chairman Rose is dead set against the renomlnatlon of Sedgwick may be a hint to a possible ex- flanatlon. It appears that Rose was on among many applicants for appointment as clerk of the supreme court when Lee Herdman was pried loose from what was known as the best-paying place In the state. The award was made by Judges Barnes and Sedgwick, Judge Holcomb bo- ing a silent partner, ana wni e earnes voted for N. D. Jackson and Sedgwick for Victor Seymour, they finally compromised on Harry C. Lindsay, who made Seymour his chled deputy, and Jackson was later taken care of by appointment as supreme court commissioner. What determined Lindsay's success at that time was the practically unanimous endorsement of the republican press. The suggestion is now made that Rose has not given up his hopes of landing the supreme court clerk ship and has two strings to his bow. If Judge Sedgwick should be displaced, a new clerk of the court might be within range, and If this situation could ' be brought about, it might solve the problem by satisfying Rose's ambition and at the same time clearing the track for Ham mond to land th federal plum without further obstacle. A couple of state house politicians were discussing this phase of the campaign yes- ! terday, and one of them declared: "If this Judgeship contest Is really a fight for the clerkship of the court, it's too bad Lind say and Rose can't come out in the open and settle it between them. I wish we could add a space on the primary ballot for clerk of the court, and let each of them file their names, under agreement that ' the one polling the highest vote should have the place. That might give us a chance, then, to chooso a supreme Judge i strictly on the merit, of the candidates." Democrats la Dens Despond. The meeting of the democratic state com mittee last Tuesday accompllahed only one thing, and that was to prove that the democrats and populists are still at sea as to candidates, and that their only purposo in going through the forms at this year's primaries is to hold the organisation In tact and preserve fusion for next year, when a presidential ticket, with Mr. Bryan at the head, may possibly Inspire them with some enthusiasm and a ray of hope. The names mentioned as supreme Judgeship possibilities were ex-Judge Sullivan of Columbus, Judge Loo mis of Fremont and Judge Albert of Columbus. It was stated for Judge Sullivan that he would not, under any conditions, accept the nomination. The most likely democratic nominee is Judge Albert, who is a populist. He claims to be able to hold the populists in line, and if the populists insist on having th. candi date, It I. certain to be their, for the asking. The democrat, would Ilk to throw them a will-o'-the-wisp thl. year, when a fusion nomination Is nothing more than an empty honor, so a. to be able next year to corrall all the good place, for democrat.. In case there 1. a better pr6spect of cash ing In a certificate of election, accidentally or otherwise. . TEN DEATHS FROM HEAT Fatalities Ar Reported Pittsburg aad One la t. Louis. PITTSBURG, Pa., July J.-Nln death, on person insan. and many prostrations wer reported today from th oppressive heat and high humidity. Th temperature till hover, between 16 and fW degree.. BT. LOUIS, July .Mrs. Emma Loh mueller, 48 year, old, of 2223 Mullanphy street, died today becau.e of the exc.slv heat Four prostration war reported to-niUL PAYS TRIBUTEJ0 MARK TWAIN Glaasrow Paper aa He Takes Place of Something More Than Humorist. OLASOOW, July 20.-(Speclal -The Glasgow Herald pays the following Inter esting tribute to Mark Twain: "Tho American writer whose pen name is perhaps the most familiar to the English speaking people of both hemispheres has pegged out other claims upon the kindly feelings of America and Britain than that of the accepted humorist. Humor ia a substance which does not readily submit Itself to chemical analysis, either quantita tive or qualitative. The literary gager can not take Its strength with any authoritative accuracy. There are few experiences more depressing than that of the reader, who recommends a book which has vastly entertained him to a friend and gets It back with suggestive promptitude and a frank acknowledgment that the borrower can see no fun In It his words Implying surprise that the lender should have ob tained any satisfaction from such dreary stuff. Hundreds of people must have had this experience with the works of Mr. Dooley. who is in a peculiar degTee handi capped by his resort to Chicago-Irish dia lect, and to numerous political and social references, whose point is blunted for the British reader. It would be dlslngenlous compliment to say that Mark Twain has escaped the common lot of humorists. There are thousands of people who can not enjoy a professedly funny hook like 'The Innocents Abroad," though they may revel In 'Tom Sawyer,' which Is something more than humorous. And Mark Twain is of course subject to the limitation which la laid upon his compatriot writers by the m.'tltufe of British ublrt who cannot stand American humor. One cannot argue this point. If one does not like American humor onei cannot acquire a taste for It, as of It were- merely caviare or olives. We do not propose to attempt the task of fixing Mark Twain's place among the, literary men of his country, of comparing him with Artema. Ward or contrasting him with Bret Harte. He ha. other claims upon the affection of the Anglo-American world, al though it may be only through his vocation as a humorist that he has been able to ad vance and establish them. "He touched on one in a few words at the close of the speech delivered to the Pil grims gathering. He could not forget that there is a duty towards the living and if one could be cheerful cheerful In spitit, cheerful in speech and in hope that la a benefit to those around one.' That Is the doctrine which SteVenson preached In sistently and practiced with conspicuous success, often in circumstances which made cheerfulness a shining virtue. Mark Twain Is also a living example of what cheerful ness can do for a man himself as well a. for those about him. He wa. smitten to the ground by a financial disaster which suggests a parallel with the ruin that over took, but did not daunt the brave and steadfast spirit . of Scott. Mr. Clemens made touching reference to other losses, cruel enough to excuse a morose outlook on life. But at 71 as the earlier part of his speech showed he preserve, the mirthful- ne mirmiui- choolboy on which des- ness and high spirits of a set holiday. The cabled message scribe, him a. 'the champion dispenser of sunshine and good cheer,' expresses an 1 anuB UI oriluiiB win iitTai iiiy rnuursn, nuu i Mf Blrre d,d not exaffffer8,te the function , of popular whpn he clalm(.d for , Mark tnat ne had , been the true coniolldator of natlons because his . humor dMpates and disperses national pre- Judlcea. The key to the affection, the hearty, honest, human affection, of which Mark Twain has hud so many assurances and which he values Infinitely above praise or fame has always been in his possession. It is the spirit of kindliness and human , athy whlch an)mates all that he has ',,- m,1iy,, i. . a HcU n, ,v.r, . knack; , a menta, Rnd BplPltuaI aUtude towards life and one", fellow, in which certain men are .et by nature. And the kindliness which I. the flr.t essential of the humorist who would capture the af- fectlon of all classes of men and women has been bestowed In a most measures upon Mark Twain." generous COUNTRIES YIELDING LITTLE Tha Maa-ae Conference Not Oatberln of Theorists, but of Practi cal Men. COLOGNE. July' 20. (Special.) - The Hague conference continues to attract at tention in more ways than one throughout the. continent. For Instance, the Kolnlscha Zeitung notes that England is disposed to make certain concessions on behalf of neutrals while substantially maintaining th right to make such captures. That paper says that If the point of view is adopted that the present moment for alleviating the sufferings of war can best be promoted by confining war-like ac tivity to actual warlike operations and that the whole peaceful activity of the citizens of belligerent nations should be removed a. far a. possible from the In fluence of war it 1. certainly to be regretted iiiai ma iiu uiiuot me vii vuinniHiL-f b cruel custom of the capture of private property la preserved. On th other hand, h Imrtartl! AhmrvAP mnat , . V. the Impartial observer must recognize the fact that England's objections have Justi fication In the history and life Interests of that nation. England', power He. upon the ocean, and It is quite understood that It wishes to give it the most comprehensive scope upon that domain and decline, in this re.pect to let Itself be lead estray by hu manitarian considerations. The Hague con ference is not an assembly of theorist, and no state will be Induced at the conference to renounce the defense of its really vital Interest In favor of general principles, however exalted they may be. If England doe. not do so In the case of the seizure of private property at sea It may be re gretted, but no one will be entitled to blame it. In our view the labors of the confer ence will be considerably advanced it all of the state, carefully refrain from re garding a negative attitude on the part of any country a. actuated by a kind of malice aaatnst another cnimtrv nr nvnlna. general humanitarian principle. What ! lriP' t , . , . . England doe. at the conference In regard i 8oon the lon "ne T' car'lae" wa" w'" to the .elzure of private property at s. a, i ln way to For'"'1 I'aWn I whor Germany or some other country may be I vault hu1 been ''r,,"areiJ- A hort K rv" y or some other country may be compelled to do In soma other question to. morrow. If one take. thl. into account .a will t m-Vit I. . , . i II. 1 place the debate, of the conference upon a basis of mutual respect and understanding 1 la and avoid discussion, that might disturb it. progress. Booth Dakota MtrawherMes. SIOUX FALLS. 8. U., July 21 (Special.) So far a. heard from, E U. Carpenter, a Hanaon county farmer, hold1, th South Dakota record for th value of hla straw berry crop this season. Th crop paid lilin a profit at the rat of more than $1,100 per acre. The berries were of extra fine quality, and Carpenter found a ready mar ket for them a. fa.t aa they rlpud and wer plckod. W. A. PAXTOiN AT REST Pioneer Mourned by Thousands Who Had Known Him. LARGE CROWD AT THE FUNERAL Services Held at Residence and Inter ment at Forest Lawn. PARLOR BANKED WITH FLOWERS Tributes from Far and Near Aro Profuse and Beautiful. REV. T. J. MACKAY LAUDS DEAD Refers. In Sermon to IMar-Hearted ttualltlea and Poreefnlnesa nf Character and Kindliness of Hla Heart. All that was earthly of William A. Pax ton, that rugged old pioneer whose nam and achievements are a part of the history of Omaha and the west, was laid In lis eternal resting place Sunday. Mr. Paxton was burled In Forest Lawn cemvteiy, mourned by hundreds who were present at the funeral service, and by other thou sands far and near to whom his great heart had endeared him. The funeral was held at S o'clock Sunday afternoon at the Paxton home, 206 South Twenty-fifth avenue. The body lay In the big front parlor, which was literally banked and walled with flowers. So many floral tributes there were, some of them coming from afar from Chi cago, Kansas City and Denver that not all could have been placed in view had they not been arranged In the corners In pyra mids reaching almost to the celling. A wealth of roses and other beautiful flowers brought by the relatives of the dead wer placed on the casket and about It. Wreathed In flowers, on an easel, stood a portrait of the deceased as he appeared a good many years ago, Mr. Paxton's favor ite picture of himself. It was of a man In middle life, in the best of health, with suc cess stamped upon the features. Monrnera View the Body. Not long after I tho mourners began ta arrive. They passed in solemn file before the bier and took a last look at the silent face, calm and peaceful as In a sleep. Those for whom seating arrangements had been made in the house, including, besides the relatives, Mr. Paxton's dearest friends, were ushered to seats. The others passed out again to the porch and the shaded part of the lawn, where hundreds stayed throughout the services, though they were unable to get close enough to hear th words of the preacher. On the opposite side of the street tha porches of the houses were crowded with : peoplo who had not known Mr. Paxton, ex- j cept perhaps by sight, but who had been win pnimjiB ny Bigui, nui wno naa Deen interested time and again by the story of his life. The coachmen left their horses ' and came up to the lawn while hymn, wer bring sung in honor of the dead. Rev. T. J. Mackay conducted the service, the beautiful and impressive service of the Episcopal church. "Lead Kindly Light" w 8unB Bt tha openng nnrt "Abide With M" at the close of the service by a quar- tet consisting of Mesars. J. H. 81ms, Wlll- lam Itlgdon. Charlea Ilaverstock and Gerke, Theae hymns were Mr. Paxton's favorites. Telia of Good Uaallttea. In a masterful way Rev. Mr. Mackay noted the noble qualities of Mr. Paxton, touching chiefly bn the kindness and demo cratic fellowship which made him loved j by thousands, and more widely mourned, i . .,, , .,' ! Wth one exception. He was rich, a mlU lionalre. but if he had owned fifteen mil- I Hons he would have been the good friend I alike of rich and poor; he never refused j to see a poor man and wealth was no bar i to hla regard. "He towered above the shoulder, of men," said the speaker. "He was mighty, not In body alone, but In character. His heart wa bl the world' He reminded m of ragged peak rising nign above in rest of our western mountains." That he had a deep esthetic nature which delighted in poetry and all manner of beauty and dtdlcate sentiment could not long be doubted by one who came to know him, said Mr. Mackay. Wrhen the benediction had been said, th honorary pallbearers filed slowly from th house and lined the walk to the street. J. Ogdon Armour of Chicago, whose nam had been placed on the list, could not leav Chicago and Colonel J. 11. Pratt was un able to be present The honorary pall bearer, were: C. F. Mander.on, John C. rowan, Ralph Kitchen, Al Patrick, Iw Hill. T. B. McPherson, John A. Mi-Shane, G. W. Hnldrege, A L. Mohler, Peter E liar, Colonol J. 11. Pratt, J. Ogden Armour, Samuel McHoberta, F. K. Pea roe, C. K. Johannes, Goodley Brucker, J. O. Phllllppl. Lvlther Urake, J. H. Millard, M. T. Harlow, H. W. Vate., C. E. Yost, Oscar Williams, T. M. Orr, Lr. A. W. Riley. Frank Colpi txer, i Rev M P Powllnt i John T. Dillon, J Isaac E. t'ongdon, t It. C. HOWC, Joseph Redman, V. O. Clark, Down between the two line, formed cam the active pallbearer, with the casket. They were; C. H. Pickens, A. J. Vlerllng. Herman II. Peter., B. J. Soannell, C. J. Lane, C. T. Kountze, John M. l-augherty, J. H. McLioiuild. The relative, wer aasisted to their car riage by the usher.. The relative, wer beside Mr. Paxton: W. A. Paxton, Jr., and family of Keystone. Neb.; Mrs. J. N. Cox of Montgomery, Mo., a sister; Mr. I James Ware of Blair, Neb., brother of Mrs. Paxton, and his wife, son and daugh ter; James L. Paxton of South Omaha, a distant relative; J. C. Sharp, Jack Sharp and Harry Bharp, Miss Sharp and Miss Ida Bharp, nephews and nieces, living in Omaha. Preston Paxton, an older brother of Mr. Paxton, residing at Muntgomery( Mo., was not well enough to make tua Ice was held at the grave. When the casket wa. .hut from sight by the slab, all the floral tribute, had beri taken from It but one. It was a wreath, brought by Prairie Paxton, the dead man', little granddaughter, and It wa. tied with a yellow ribbon on which wa. th word "Plom-er." The ribbon wa. sent by tha Douglas County Old Settlors' association. Th other flower, wer pllud at th vault door. A touching tribute wa paid by the fire men at Twenty-fourth and Cuming streets. As the cortcgu passed the Are house th men lined up on the walk with bared head. Parker lloour the Dead. In, memory of tlifc daJ. business was suspended fur five minutes. Immediately aitr I o'clock, la ail tU sacking huusna