Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4
TITE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 21. 1907. TWO YOUTHS KILL HAN PAR Such ia Statement of Willi Allmack on Arrest. SAYS HE GETS PAY FOR WATCHING Voinf Man Ctnrcd In St. tale Makes TKIt tuitncnl ot Kill ing of ( hlnamin la Omaha. 8T. LOUIS, Mo.. July ). (Special Tele gram.) Wlllla Allmack. a 17-year-old boy, arrested here today, says that two youths of his own age killed Torn Chung Tun of Omaha, nephew of Charley Choung, king of the St. I.nuta Chinamen, on the night of July 11. The boy said he did not know that the murder was to be committed, but that he witnessed the tragedy and accepted tao of the proceeds of the robbery that fol lowed It. Allmack said he was employed tn the restaurant operated by Yun over the Turf saloon In Omaha. A second youth Implicated In the murder also was employed there. The third boy whs a chum of the other boy. "The third boy," he said, naming the youth, "enme to the place Shortly before cloning time, which was usually In the arly morning hours. He held a whispered conversation with the boy, who was work ing with me and then started toward a back room. I peeped through the door and aaw the two killing Turn by hitting him on tha head with a piece of Iron. Pretty soon the two came out of the room. They were excited and told me I would have to go with them. We hoarded ft Rock Island train. They gave me 30 and told me that was my share of the money they had taken from the trunk jn which Yun kept his money." Allmack says his father Is a farmer near Melrose, Ia. M order Suspect t'aaaht. Willis Allmack, allns Harry Rogers, the Chief suspect In the Han Fak murder case, was captured Friday by the police of St. Ituls, so local officials were notified Satur day. With his two companions. Joseph Pumrhrey and the other man, who also claimed the name of Rogers, Allmack left Omaha at S o'clock on the morning of Thursday, July 11. A few hours later the Chinaman was found In the kitchen of the Sing Hal Iw restaurant, where he slept, frightfully beaten and very near death. Allmack and the others were traced as far as Chicago, where they separated. There la hot much chance now, however, that the others will escape. Since the murder four detectives Drummy, Molony, Sullivan and Mitchell have been working on the care, under the direction of Chief of Detectives Savage and Chief of Police Donahue. Detective Mitchell will leave for St. Louis Saturday venlng to bring hack the prisoner. The evidence agalnat Allmack Is largely of a circumstantial nature, but a strong case can be made against him, the police say. He was a waiter In the Han Pak establishment and knew very well where the Chinaman kept his money. The other Rogers, supposed at first to he his brother, hid only recently entered the employ of tha murdered man. A woman known to the police saw the three suspects In the res taurant late the night of the crime and when the rooming place of Putnphrey was uncovered It was found In a disorderly condition, showing that his departure had been unexpected and very hasty. GAS TANK MEN ON STRIKE Thirty Think They Are Not Gettlngr Enough .Honey for Their Work. Driving rivets Into a gas tank on a hot day for 12.75 per Is a Job which became so arduous to the men employed on the enor mous steel cylinder which Is being erected for the Omaha Gas company at Twentieth and Center streets that thirty-five of them truck Friday afternoon and have not yet returned td work. The contract for tha tank Is held by the Btacey Manufactur ing company of Cincinnati represented In Omaha by Lou Venerable. The principal complaint made by the men waa for higher wages. The rivet drivers have been receiving 12.75, the heaters 12, the burkera $3 and the laborers $1.80. A raise of 25 centa a day la demanded by all except the laborers, who ask $2 a day. There are, according to tha men, seven riveters, sevan heaters, seven backers and fourteen laborers Involved. It Is merely a local affair and not a union question. Only three or four, of the strikers have union cards. Among the leaders are: H. Rasmuasen, F. S. Kuly, N. Mack, F. Murtoff and William Ryan. "It la simply an unfair Job," aay the atrlkers. "Wa asked for living wagea and he won't give them to us. The unions officially have nothing to do with It, but no loyal laboring man will take a Job on the work while we are out." "The affair amounts to nothing at all," ays Superintendent Venerable. "One or two of my men got dissatisfied and wanted an excuse to quit, so they took the wage question. They are wrong on that propo eUlon. however, as I am paying them Juat The Knock-on t Blow Tha blow which knocked out Corbett was revelation to tha prUo fighter. From the earliest day of tha ring tha knock-out blow was aimed (or the Jaw, the U'DipIo or the Jugular vela. Stomach punches were thrown In to worry and weary the fighter, but If ft scientific man had told ono of the old fighters that the noat vulnerable spot was tho region ot tha stomach, he'd hare laughed at him for an Ignoramus. Dr. Pierce Is bringing hon to the publlo ft parallel fact that th tVmadV Is the most vulnerable organ out olhe piVa ring a well as In It. Wa protect bur haSa, throats, (pet and lungs but tbeSeWrrth e are utterly Indlffer int to, until dlstVXflntls the solar plexus sua Knocks us out. mskw tpt nomacn lonnd and .strong b tlic m cf iwto? Pierce's (iolden Med car T)lcoverv. am foutTr o LecL Youx-cl (1 it oTi r in o t v LiTn e r aMc tuot. 'uolden Meiilcsl Discovery rurs 'welTc stomach," Indigestion, or dyspepsia, torpid liver, bad, thin and Im pure blood and other diseased of the or g&ns ot digestion and nutrition. The "Golden Medical Discovery "has a specifia curative effoet upon all mucous scrfaces and hence enrna catarrh, to natter where located or what stage It may have reached. In Masai Catarrh It Is well to clean the passages with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy fluid while using the "Discovery " as a constitutional rem edy. Why the "UoMan Medical Discov ery euros catarrhal diseases, as ot the stomach, bowels, bladder and other pelvle organs will be plain to yon If you will read a booklet of eitracts from the writ ings of eminent medical authorities, en dorsing Its Ingredients and explaining their curative properties. It t mailed fie on request. Address Dr. E.V. Fierce, Buffalo, N. Y. This booklet gives all the Ingredients entering Into Dr. Pierce's tDudlolnos from which It will be seen that they contain not drop ot a loo hoi, pare, irlple-ruflned glycerine being used Instead. Dr. Pierre's great thousand-page Illus trated Coromou. Sense Medical Advisee will be seat freo. papnr-bouiMi, for 81 one crtit itamiK, or cloth bound fur Si stamp, aVddroae Dr. pWree a bov what la paid for their work all over the eotmtry. The first man to go waa J. Mc- Mahon. I fired him and refused a Job to another turned C. M. Atkins. Much of this Is spite work from them. Slsteen men are still working for me and the work will iot tie stopped because of this little affair. Mot of them will be back to work again Monday morning." SAMPLE OF, THE SIMPLE LIFE Chleasro Man Tells How to Reach Poor Score and Da It In t'hlcaa-o. A. A. Sample. M years old, sixty years married, fifty-five years a resident of Chl- j rago, the strenuous city, delivered these j precepts In reply to Inquiries as to how I he had reached such a ripe, happy old age. Having proven nil that he said to be true, ' he spoke with authority and conviction: Never worry. I'on't get rich. Don't stay poor. Own bsnk stork. Ion't speculate In wheat Own your own home, and don't - want to own any other man's. Shoot huTalo with Buffalo Bill and ducks In Missouri. Oet married and stay married. Take a toddy three tlmrs a dav. and smoke after you are 40. If you like It. "Next Saturday the wife and I celebrate our sixtieth anniversary," he said, "and I would rather follow the path I have come all over again than own all the houses in Chicago. The best a man can do Is to be happy. I am happy, and believe my life Is a success. "I have led the simple life. I have never let anything come up to worry me. For more than fifty years I have been In the Board of Trade every day. I have seen men wax rich In a day and accumulate millions. And then I have seen their for tunes shrink, and watched them pass Into oblivion, and seen others rise ' In their places. But I have kept out of It all. I never bought a bushel of wheat rn my life. I believe in the simple life In wheat. "I have been a great hunter. I do not believe that there Is any man In Chicago who has killed as much game ns I have, excepting the pot hunters. I have shot buf falo with Buffalo Bill, and killed ducks out of a canoe, fntil four years ago I used to go to Missouri every fall and shoot quail. That is good for the health of the man. It's hard on the quail, of course. "I take a toddy three times a day, once before each meal. After I have had that, I would not take another for the president of the I'nlted States. And I have smoked a pipe for forty years. No, not tha same pipe." Chicago Inter-Ocean. CHILD LABOR BOARD NAMED Governor Appoint Jnmes Wise of Month Omaha and Mrs. Draper Smith. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb , July 20. (Speclnl Tele gram.) Oovernor Sheldon this morning appointed tho following members of the board provided for by the child labor law: James Wise, South Omaha, chairman; Mrs. Draper 8mlth, Omaha, for tn five-year term; Mrs, II. F. Rose of Lincoln, for the four-year term; Ed Murphy of Brady, for the three-year term, and Mrs. M. Comb of Ord for the two-year term. The board acts In an advisory capacity to the'achool authorities and the labor commissioner, who enforce the law. Oovernor Sheldon has accepted the Invi tation to go with the president and other Mississippi valley governors on the trip from St. Louis to Memphis and the gulf by water to Investigate the feasibility of providing a water way to the gulf for. big traffic. The data of the trip has not yet been announced. Tho personnel of tho board of Inspectors will meet thu approval of all Interested In the child labor law and especially of those who were Instrumental !n Its drafting and passage. In appointing Rev. James Wise of South Omaha, chairman, Oovernor Shel don followed the recommendation of the friends of tho bill, while the appointment of Mra. Draper Smith of Omaha and Mrs. II. F. Rose of Lincoln, two of Its strongest supporters. Insures the approval of all In terested In It. AFRAID TO CASH HIS DRAFT Flea, of a Stranger Who Applies for AI4 at Various Hoa pltala. Adrift In a great city, with a draft for 17, whloh he was afraid to cash, was the seri ous situation of Dan W. Mcllvaln, who Is a chronic, applicant for relief at the different hospitals of the city. Mcllvaln received the draft aoma time ago, but he did not get It cashed at once and now It la a month old. Ha aald he waa afraid to present It for payment for fear there would be no money to meet It and he would be arrested. At least this was the excuse he gave when he applied at tha County hospital for a place to stay. Mcllvaln declared he was suffering from a severe attack of stomach tioublo and waa given a berth at the hospital. He waa happy for a few daya. when the pa tient In the cot nert to him died. Two hours afterward Mcllvaln'a dyspepsia dis appeared. He packed hla grip and went away. Now he haa applied to the county commissioners for money to take him to hta home In Ruakln. Superintendent Morrla of the Associated Charities haa promised to assist In get ting the draft cashed and Mcllvaln prom- lacs to go back home. For some time he hss gone from one hospital to another aa La charity patient. When hla next-door neighbor died at the County hospital he evidently took fright and pulled out. CONNELL FEELING HIS WAY Health Commissioner Vncertatn of Method to Emptor la Meat Inspection. The proposed Inspection of meat offered for sale In Omaha la still awaiting further Investigation on the part of the health com missioner, who la trying to secure more data before preparing an ordinance to cover tha case. 'I am not certain of the power of Omaha to place Inspectors In South Omaha," said Dr. Connell. but I see no reason why tha city cannot exclude meat which Is hot Inspected by a man stationed In that place by tho city, and the result would be the same. I have cer tain knowledge that one dairyman sold twenty-three cows at South Omaha re cently and that eighteen of tha twenty three were affected with tuberculosis. I don't know who bought tha cows, but I do know there la nothing to prevent them having been sold In Omaha for food. 'Omaha should have as much right to protect Ita clt liens as the federal govern ment has to protect Its citlsens and we will determine In what method the power shall be enforced. " Itefleetlona of a Bachelor. It's a god deal easier to be rood than to get any fun out of tt. The exciting thing about kissing a girl la tho way she gets mad with you till after you ao ii. , When you eee a bunch of eobweba In a room they're supposed to be clothes for feminine wear. A mini family savea him from loalng a lot of money in Investments by not lcavlnc him any to Invest. It's hard for a woman to believe a man rrauy lovca nia cnnaren unices ne la willing to carry all their eis In his anna when , ney go traveling. Mew Tor Preas. COLORED BAPTISTS ADJOURN District Conveniton Will Be Held Next Tear in St. Lonii. GRIFFITHS IS AGAIN PRESIDENT Deleaatea from Ten State Knjoy Afternoon la Picnic at Rlrer vlew and Will Star Over Sanoar. President Rev. T. L. QrtrrUh, D. D., Des Moines, la. Vice Presidents Rev. C. D. Douglas, Colorado: Rev. J. H. Kelley, D. D., Cali fornia; Rev. R. A. Broils, D. D., Illinois; Rev. N. H. Plus, D. D., Indiana; Rev. D. A. Holmes. D. D.. Iowa; Rev. H. W. White, D. D., Kansas; Rev. J. W. Fltts. D. D., Missouri; Rev. J. A. Blngamon, D. D., Ne braska; Rev. Fountain Walker, D. D., Ohio; Rev. S. S. Jones, D. D., Oklahoma; Rev. C. O. Booth, D. D., Indian Territory. Recording Secretary Rev. E. Arlington Wilson. D. D., Kansas City, Kan. Corresponding Secretary Rev. O. C. Ma son, D. D , Alton, 111. Treasurer Rev, C. D. Douglas, D. D., Denver, Colo. Statistician Rev. B. F. Abner, D. D., St Louis. Auditor Rev. C. O. Flshback, D. D., To peka. Thfsp constitute the officers elected for the ensuing year of the First district of the Baptist Association of the Colored Bap tist Churches at the closing session Satur day morning. The next annual meeting will be held nt St. Louis In July. 190. The exact date will be determined by the executive board, which consists of the above named officials. Convention la Adjourned. The fourth annual session of the First district conversion of the Colored Baptist church concluded Its work Saturday noon, with the election of officers for the ensuing year and fixing of the place and date for the next annual convention. The session was a most harmonious one and was attended by representatives of the entire district, which comprises the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Mis souri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Nebraska, Colorado and California. The first two days of the convention was de voted to the work of the Woman's Auxil iary of the nsoclatlon and the election of officer of that aasoclatlon. which wa fully reported In The Bee. The Woman'a Auxiliary will meet at the same time of the general convention In St. Lou's In July. 1908. The devotional services of the convention closed Friday evening with an Interest Inst address by Rev. J. F. Thomas of Chicago upon the subject of "The Evils Creeping Into the Baptist Church, Destructive to It T'nlty and Practice." Dr. Thomas strongly opposed tho open communion, and his ad dress was particularly directed to the preachers of the church. Special Thanks to The Bee. Rev. E. J. Fisher of Chicago Just prior to tho final adjournment Saturday morning said: "I feel this convention Is under deep and lasting obligations to the citizens of Omaha for our kindly treatment and hospitable entertainment and particularly at the hands of the press, and especially Tho Omaha Bee, which haa given our proceeedlngs such prominent mention In Us columns. We, too, feel especially grateful to Hon. Victor Rosewater, editor of The Bee, for his cordial address of welcome." The remarks of Dr. Fisher were put In the form of a resolution and were unani mously adopted by a rising vole. Saturday afternoon tha delegates and united Sunday schoola of the colored Bap tist churches Joined In an outing at River view park. Following are the assignments for Sun day services: Mount Morlah Baptist, Twelfth and Jack son Morning, Rev. C. H. Mendenhall; evening, Rev. H. W. White, Topeka. African Methodist Episcopal, Eighteenth and Webster Morning, Rev. J. F. Thomas, Chicago; evening, Rev. J. A. Holmes, Dav enport. Ia. ' Zlon Baptist, Twenty-third and Grant Morntng, Rsv. C. O. Flshback, Topeka; subject, "The Mission of the Church"; aft ernoon, I o'clock, Rev. J. H. Garrett, Ma con, Mo.; evening, President T. L. Griffith, Des Moines; subject, "The Negro in Bible History." The meeting of Sunday afternoon will be In the nature of an educational mass meet ing. MAN EATERS OF THE DEEP Ocean Tlarere that Are Feared and Hated br Every Seaman Afloat. Imagine a whole school of 4,000-pound monsters swimming at railroad speed. And with vast Jaws armed with twelve rows of triangular teeth that spring erect like snake fangs when prey Is struck In a lightning dart. Such are the voracious and dreaded ocean tigers, the largest of the man-eating sharks, feared and' hated by every seaman afloat. ' Last year the British cruiser Eurydlce was at anchor off Santa Lucia In the West Indies, and a party of marines were disporting themselves In the sea around the great armored walls. The water was most Inviting for a swim and Petty Of ficer Henry Pell was giving an exhibition of fancy diving to his mates. Hla record was a full minute under water. They watched him swim downward Into trans lucent deptha, and glance along the mlgftty steel hull nearly six fathoms below, feeling the velvety moss and- weed as he went. 'Sharks!" The word struck terror; tTie mere sight of racing, knife-like dorsals threw the helpless men Into a panic, but they were soon out of harm's way swarm ing up the sides of the vessel. Tills took but a few aeconds. nenry Pell waa still below. He, had left the weedy hull, how ever, and waa swimming away from It under water. Suddenly he paused, about to rise. Some thing vague and big took shape a shadow or a blur a first against the lovely blue. Then a mighty dun-ccjored form, tiger swift In movement, maneuvering ao rapidly with the peculiar side or lateral awing of Its great tall that the man seemed to meet the awful creature face to face. He could almost have touched the sharp, up standing dorsal fin. Pell knew he waa In frightful peril. With audden resolution he shot up, and aa he did the terrified monster sharks are notoriously timid swung Its huge tall and swept away In a perfect cyclone of mud and sand. OTtce on the aurface the man beheld, as ha knew he would, a little flotilla of the fateful triangular fins. He waa perhaps 200 yards from the cruiaer and aaw a boat being lowered. Slowly and with ,much deliberate splashing he began hla return. Now and then he would pause to look behind, and saw always the looming shadow cf the giant that had located him first. A most ferocious creature. Now and then It would spring level with htm. but at a respectful distance on one side an appar ently effortless bound rolling Its hideous white belly to bring the little gray ryes to bear upon Its living prey. Tell was fast loalng hla self-control; he was tiring and crying out to the men In the ap proaching boat. The Immense shark, now bolder, more determined, was lashing right around him with Incredible speed, churning the blue soa at the surface and narrowing the circles at each revolution. A terrible situation for a helpless man. Once twice thrice It flashed Its vast Jaws, only to dart back as Pell splashed with the fury of desperation. Hut the boat wss alongside. A doien eager hands seised the swimmer while others attneked the monster with boathVtoks and bayonets. But It was not to be denied. Even as Pell was In the very act of being hauled over the aide the creature made one Inst plunge through the water, dyed with Its own blood, and snapped off the man's left leg Just above the knee. Not all the efforts of the surgeons of the Eurydlce could save him. Pell died next day. These horrible creatures attain an enor mous else up to forty feet, or as large as some whales. I have seen a specimen taken of the Oreat Barrier reef thirty-six feet long. It had eaten a horse thrown overboard from the Port Moresby steamer, and Its serried rows of fangs were the most dreadful sight I have ever beheld. Some of them were nearly two Inches long and two and a half wide. New York Press. HOME OF FREAK COMPANIES They Hare Their Birthplace In Maine, the Paradise of the Promoters. Do you want a company to supply the" people of Mars With steam shovels to dig their canals" Do you want to form a company to raise bananas In Alaska? Do you desire a concern to trade In the spirits of the heroes of the past? Well, If you do, go to Maine and file your papera. You can form a corporation with a capital limit only exceeded by the skyline, and It won't cost you enough to set you back very ma terially, either. For years Maine has been the mecca of those who wished to foist companies on the unsuspecting public. The fees for granting a charter are merely nominal. The taxes are still more so, something like an annual franchise tax of $5 on tXU. capitalization. Almost no questions arc asked, and tt Is as easy for a company with any object whatever, and a few dol lars to pay the necessary fees and print ing, to get a full-fledged charter as It Is for a man to get a drink In the city of Bangor and no man who ever went to thatjflty and wanted the stuff that cheers but Inebriates ever went very dry, either. All sorts of fanciful corporations are filed at the office of the secretary of state In Augusta, and gaudily printed shares of stock are offered to the public. You need not limit your capitalization to be sure, the more capital you have the more tax you are supposed to pay but after you have disposed of your shares you probably won't pay your tax anyway, and will let the charter of the company ex pire. It's only another of the get-rlch-qulck schemes. Last week a list of delinquent corpora tions were published In one of the Bangor papers, corporations whose charters were to expire on account of unpaid taxes. It filled nearly two pages set In nonparicl type, with close spacing at that. And all of these were to lose their charters be cause their taxes, amounting In most cases to less than $25, had been unpaid. But hundreds of others are formed every month, so a few more or less aren't missed very much. The Purple Sunset Mining companies, with a few million dollars capitalization, of which nothing Is paid In. and about an equal amount Is likely to be paid In, are too common for mention. Goodness, what won't they mine? Gold, silver, copper, diamonds, platinum, mica, feldspar, rubles, garnets, anything that the earth holds, all are decked out with their little papers, and duly labeled at the secretary of state's office. And that's about as far toward actual business aa any of them go. Companies to dig tunnels In regions where travel is absolutely nil; companies to raise mussels and , put them on the market; companies dealing In oil; com panies dealing In assurance (about all of. them have plenty of this for their stock In trade, although It Is more com monly known as gall); companies deal ing in patent medicines of all kinds; In "synthetic coal." If any one knows what that Is; In amusements, and women's wear; In rubber, concrete, paving stones, engines, foods, and land are only too common. The most Interesting ones are the freak ones. They abound from the propagation of cats to the saving of fouls. Among a few In the advertised list which haven't paid their" taxes are the Baldwin Airship company, the Artistic Display company, the Blue Blazes Heater company, the College of Physiognomy and Sublime Wisdom of Life; the Boston Ex poratlon company (as If any one ever wanted to explore Boston); the Beacon Ethical union; the Conscience Law corpor ation (one corporation evidently has a con science); a concern organized up In Kittery for the purpose of dealing In bananas- a company known simply as the Superlative company, -which didn't appear to have any business at all; a company for the develop, ment of two republics, according to Its title, and so on ad Infinitum et ad nau aeam. At one time last winter It got to be the fashion to Incorporate electric roads Electric roads between Podunk Corner, and Squedunk Center, with a distance of perhapa fifty mile, up hill and down dale with an average populotlon of one family to a square mile, were put through In all seriousness, and the necessary charters promptly given. Small wonder that Maine Pennsylranla flank Closes. WASHINGTON. Julv SI -n,. National hank of Boylestown, Pa., was to day ordered closed by the fmm,ii.. the currency upon a report of National examiner Hlngham. showing It to ba insolvent. J. W. Scofteld. hanu haa been appointed receiver. The bank haa a capital of $50,000. Bartender's Cramp the Latest. The harfnHn, A . ... . which v H ro."" rrm ei i . " l"u,,, r ur into n ' "W, ""l.PUJL'i' Vlen.y a't tfZ IN f : It tint a rli. . ... said In r;n . "'P. " he 7""'? -'.I"'! '.arte-nd"?'. iirnm or ht Hure; lots of artender. have It It comes from handling ".A" ,l,Pn- a' In water. There's nothing funny about It. either." New York PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS City Clerk Dan B. Butler Is spending ten days In Denver. DrVC.i E' .8mlth Bn.(1 famlly 1,BV Sunday for Yellowstone Park. Augustus Kountze of New York CItv Is In Omaha for a few days. y Miss Bt-ssie Wolshewsky will leave Mon day for Alnaworili, Neb., where she will spend hrr vacation. She will remain two weeks. Guy V. Furay of Dearborne, Tex., Is vis iting hia mother. Mrs. Catherine M Furay V. H. Snoop, superintendent of the court house, will go to Excelsior Springs Mo Monday for a vacation of two or' throe weeka. Frank N. Clark, who has been manager of the Brandeis bank since Ita establish ment. Ave years ago, las concluded his engagement with that Institution and on Monday will begin on a vacation he thinks he has earned. Beyond taking a rest Mr. Clark haa no definite plant for the future will 'Ynake you over.' y 01 D You will enjoy every mile of the way More particulars may be had at City Ticket Office. 1324 Farnam St. 'Phono Douglas 334 AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Building Occupied by Packers Na tional Bank is Sold. HASTENS ITS NEW STBUCTTJRE To Be aa Ornate, Fireproof Bnlldlna; One Story and Basement, Exclu sively for the I'se of the Bank. Tt Is reported that the building at pres ent occupied by the Packers' National banks changed hands yesterday. Tho building was owned by C. M. Hunt, and others and they sold out or at least sold an option to Wright A Lasbury. 604 North Sixteenth street, Omaha. They are pur chasing. It Is said, for a retired farmer of Woodbine, Ia. It is also said that the Intention Is to continue tho same kind of business on that corner. The price given was 124,000. This may hasten the plans of the pres ent management to erect a new oanklng building at Twenty-fourth and Q street. It has been the Intention of the bank management to let the contract for the new building about August 1. The plans and specifications for the building ure already completed. These were approvt l by the board of directors at a meeting two weeks ago. The plans contemplate a building to be uaed strictly for banking purposes and It will be but one etoiy above the basement. This story will con tain all the offices required for the con vcnle'ne of tho bank, but no more. The eoRt will not exceed $30,000. but with the fixtures will be about 150,000. Much care has been given to the artistic fea tures and to the absolute safety from fire and from burglars. At no time haa the company contemplated a general ofTlce building. Mr. Moriarty aald he waa aorry that an erroneous report had gone out, but that the new building would be a credit to tho Institution and to the city, although confined to the single purposa. Swifts Ilnsy In New lionae. Swift and Company are now working at full capuclty In their new beef plant. The llrst killing began last Monday morning. With a few minor delays due to the condi tions of a new plant and new machinery, the work haa continued steadily. There are twelve killing beds In the part of the new plant already erected. When the counter part of tho piesent building Is done there will be twenty-four beds. The killing Is done on the top floor and all the products descend by gravity to the various depart ments in the most approved modern sys tem. The foundations of the new section alone cost the company $70,000. Blnce the killing In the old section ceased the wells are being sunk for the foundations for the second section. These wells are made from sixty to seventy feet deep, and after the bedrock la reached are filled to the top with concrete. On these columns the pillars which support the Interior weight of the building rest. It will require until next year to complete the last section. Balif Left on Doorstep. The finding of a foundling on the door step by Fred Fitch was reported to the po lice last night. Fitch lives at TW North Twenty-fifth street. The And was made by the near neighbors, who are said to have scn the woman who left the child. Captain Troufan was summoned and took charge of the Infant, which la only a few daya old He made an effort to trace the woman and claimed lo have seen her In the distance, but she doubled and eluded pursuit. The officers are working on the case. This re calls the abandonment of a child last March by parents, who Immediately left the city. That chiy Is still In the Child Saving In stitute. Nomher of Robberies, Several attempts at robbery were com mitted Thursday night on Twenty-fourth street. The Guthrie meat market on Twenty-fourth and E streets was entered and 24 cents taken. Entrance was gained by the transom over the front door. R. C. Beavers' grocery and meat market at Twenty-fourth and L, was similarly entered from the rear. The cash register waa carried out Into the ally and opened. Otto Mauer'a saloon waa entered also, but It has not been discovered that anything waa taken. ' Bhamblin'a blacksmith shop was entered, but no articles were found out of place. Y. 11. C. A. Haa a.000. The whistles sounded for M, yesterday, the business men's team doing the most active work. However, the young men Were able to report a few email pledges. The more money that Is actually secured and ICQ L The land of health rest and Two weeks of Colorado this Round Trip Via BU reported the easier It Is to get other sub scriptions. Confidence fn the ultimate suc cess of the movement is growing stronger every day. Other cities are doing this work successfully, why not South Omaha' In Nebraska, Hastings, Deatrlce, York and Central City, smaller cities than South Omaha, own nice association buildings, while Columbus and Fremont will soon complete buildings as good ns the one needed here. With these cities setting the pace In this work, there appears no good reason why South Omaha should not do as well or better than any of them. Sunday Services. Dr. Wheeler's Sunday evening topic will be "A Suggestion Concerning tho Unveil ing of the Schiller Monument." The morn ing service will be evangelical. Rev. George Van Winkle will deliver a sermon Sunday morning on "The Stream of Life." The evening theme Is "The Au thority of Jesus." The Sunday morning topic of Rev. H.' H. Millard Is "A Fatal Mistake." The even ing theme Is "A Standard of Measure ments." The theme of Rev. Livers' sermon Sun day morning at the English Lutheran church will be, "Compromising With tho World." A meeting of members of the ! congregation will be held after the preach- Ing aervlce. An absence of two Sundays nas been granted Rev. Mr. Livers, and there will be no preaching services the first two Sundays In August. Mr. and Mrs. Livers will vlait In Kansas. Masrlo t'ltr (Snssln. One of J. J. Utllln's children Is seriously sick. L. D. Erlon and family have moved io Bellevue. The Independent base ball team has dis ba nded. Miss Kffle Anspach and Miss Rowley left last evening for a visit In Denver. ,wVBA Kenno,ly f Ios Anpeles, Is visiting with George Kennedy of this city. The Kpworth League will give a trolley party Hiursduy evening of next week. John Skupa has been appointed to a gov ernment position In the bureau of animal Industry. Oscar Hamilton leaves today for Detroit, Mich., to accept a position as foreman on the beef floors. The women of the English Lutheran l,,UTSh ?,ve "n ,ce Team social In Highland park Monday evening, July a. The Nelson case will be tried In the dis trict court Tuesduy. This Is a case seek ing to set aside tho Thirtieth street paving. The Hoetors will play a double-header Sunday afternoon with the Sterlings and the Fort Omaha teams. The games are at Duffy'a park. William E. Davis haa returned from a vacation to Orchard, Neh He will not tell how manv Ash Via .n 1 . ( the stories of a number of other men who iisvv urrn oul. The explosion of gasolene caused a run by the fire department to the Rothhols res taurant on N and Twenty-fifth aireets. Little damage was done. R. H. Roberts Snd DavlH Imlannn hv I lately returned from a trip to western nuuriiBm. rney report the outlook for I ? J- ? 3 ? 7 1 A.l i i - Qr" (FIE We Carry the Latest up-to-date Tools and Our Prices Are Riht Contractors Supplies Cham Blocks. Triplex and Differential; Asphalt Tools and Shovels. Steel Tra.y Barrows, Manila Wire Rope EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED GOODRICH GARDEN HOSE JAMES MORTON & SON CO. 1511 Dodge Street. Hardware People. E pleasure. summer a f? a Dili crops to be the best ever seen In the atato at this season of the year. Henry MrCubbln's horse had a leg broken Thursday night, being struck bv a street car on West Q street. The boy who waa rldfnr was throu-n vut t..,- fv.- mai was shot. PICNIC TO GEJ CONVENTION Oatlna- of l.ettof Carriers Mas for Pnrpone Lnnrilnar of Na tional Meeting?. Yesterday was the day of the Omaha letter carriers' picnic. It was held at Krug park. As the letter carriers coin t not get off until late In tho ufternoon most of the fun happened after 4 o'clocl:. Some o fthe carriers at tho substations went to work an hour earlier than uuut and were off duty an hour earlier. T'.m wives and children and many of ihn friends of the carriers npent tHo whole day at the pork. "This Is a picnic with a purpose. " 'aid D. W. Tlllotson of the committee. "Our object Is to raise money to boost for the great convention of the Net loin I Associa tion of letter Carriers In 1J08. Tt taken money to get this plum, but It Is a b'g th"n(r and we have the assurance of the ro-opcra-tlon of the business men In our effort. "The convention has more thin I,"1! d"le. gates. New York City alone senOs Torty dM'. gates and Its famous brass band of seventv flve pieces. Boston sends, in Hdditlna to thirty delegates, a band of sixty ple: St. Louis a hand of forty-five pieces, grid San Francisco a band of forty pieces. All these musicians ara letter currl-rs and are working In the service. They would mnko Omaha ring as It never has before. It would mean a gala' week for Omaha If we landed the convention. "We are going to mnke a great effort to get this convention and we trust the pcoplo of Omaha will show us their good will by patronising the picnic at Krug Tark today. St. Paul is going to make a strong effort to get the big meeting In l!rs. but we feel that we are entitled to it. and with a little foresight and push we will get It hero. It means about 3,000 visitors In the city for a week or moro, which alone Is a big- source of profit and advertising." reddler's Repartee. At a meeting of the famous Bill elub of Jefferson City he whose name is not William may not Join this club former Congressman Cowherd told a Memorial day story. "Mennrlal day," he said, "alwavs makea me think of a peddler who came to my cousin's house in Jackson county when tha war waa at its height. "This peddler, a strong, tall young man. was peddling ferns, and my pretty cousin said to him reproachfully: " I am surprised to see an able-bodied young man like you selling feme at tola crisis. Why are you not with the army?' "Th peddler looked aupriaed. 'Why, they don't want ferna tn tha m,y. they, ladyr he asked."-New 1 urn 1 nuune. 1 ONE OF OUR SPECIALTIES r- r