Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1907, WANT AD SECTION, Page 2, Image 33

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llfili and lilnmri- oatlaaed.
WASAOEn OF HA I.i.SM EN I want a
msn, experienced, wlih best nf references
and record (no others need prly. fr
developing ami managing real estate
salesmen. My Ideal would le a man who
can sell himself and get others to do an,
who could take up one of our out-of-town
territories (It ta out nf New York and
Brooklyn that the best real estate nwtify
can be made) and develop it, adding an
other within easy railway dlwtance aa
won aa ha oould get ttia 11 rut ao It would
run Itself with moderate oversight and so
en until ha should have a a'ata or a little
(roup of alalia paying Mm an annual
tribute for bla braina and energy that
niifht ta run to $30.ono or more. I enn
ehnw how man In our laat previous nper
ation did thla or better, and successful aa
have been our prevloua developments they
wera email aa compared witn i.otn B'rii,
where $3,000,000 la being apent for Impruve
menta. Any successful solicitor who la
making less than $10,imo a year at hooka.
t advertising, at real eetata or In any
almllar Una la not doing himself Justice
If ha does not endeavor to qualify for thla
rare chanoa. Call fir addreaa Arthur
Stonebrldge, room, 226, 9 Eaet Zth St.
iMadlaon Square), N. T. City.
)-20 21x
SALESMEN WANTED-To aell the well
known and widely advertlaed line of
"Acorn" and "Sophomore" men's clothing
for the atatea of Kanaaa, Nebraaka, Mis
souri, Iowa. Jlllnola and Wisconsin, lib
eral Inducements to men with an estab
lished trade. All communication treated
confidentially. Address Leopold, Solomon
and Elaendrath. 234-2 Market St.. Chi
cago. (9)
AGENTS' opportunity to aell either ter
ritory or article Itself. U-reatest fuel saver
Invented. Also the Iowa Concrete fenoe
post. Addreaa J. A. McDanlel, Letts, la.
BALKS MEN WANTEI.v-Who has estab
lished business In northern Nebraska or
adjacent territory. None other need apply.
Good proposition for right party. Ad
dress Wholesale House, 622 Delaware,
Kansaa City, Mo. (9) 1-64 21
SALESMAN WANTKD Bell retail trade,
your locality, $Hn per month and expenses
to start or commission; experience un
necessary. Hemtngsen, Cigar Co., Toledo,
O. ' (9I-8M21X
A COMMISSION big enough to produce
heart failure for agents with golden
tongues and established routes. Addreaa
Side Line, Box 64, Cincinnati, O.
9)-M 21 it
SALESMEN for Nebraska; experienced
traveling man prelerred; line staple for
general trade; position permanent; $10
weekly advance with commission. Re wyer,
Leslie ft Co., Detroit, Mich. (9) f9 21x
facturer to aell their product on straight
commission basla to the retail hardware
trade; high rate of commission paid; ter
ritory thla state. Illinois Pure Aluminum
Co., Lemont, 111. (!)-( Zlx
LADY agenta wanted for Holcomh'a Freckle
Cream; rapid seller; satisfaction guaran
teed; big profits; 50c Jar and particulars
Tor lfte. M. v
Holcomb Co., Ixvk Box
8?, Chicago.
(7) -843 21X
WANTED At once, six experienced travel
ing men who know how to sell goods and
are capable of earning large sslar :
alrlctly commission account; old estab
llahed Jobbers and manufacturers; spec
ialty line, staple. Address 1112 Lumber
Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn.
(9I-R33 21x
SALESMAN wanted for Japanese meer
schaum advertising pipes. Best selling
novelty today. Liberal commission. Prompt
remittance. Japanese Novelty Co.. St.
Louis, Mo. (9)
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
with staple line; high commissions with
$100 monthly advance. Permanent position
' to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit,
Mich. 9)-e5 Zlx
WANTED Two young men, experienced
traveling salesmen; good references; must
: have ability; capable of earning good
aalarles; for Nebraska territory, by an
established house; good line; travel year
l round; opportunity for advancement.
Olva age, experience, lines carried, to re
ceive reply. Have general men in field;
' can arrange for Interview. Replies con
fidential. Box 555, Chicago. (8)-i7 21 X
SALESMEN who contemplate making
change write us for particulars. Several
of our saleamen earned from $300 to $'l"0
per month during May and June. Me
' Allleter-Coman Company, 364 Dearborn
St., Chicago. (9) 09 21 x
WANTED Salesmen; experienced specialty
or In handling jewelry or other assort
ment. Have new proposition. Men
making $6.00f) to $10,000 yearly. Sterling
i Mfg. Co., Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
(9)-10 21 z
PEANUT MACHINE New, Just out. Beata
them all. .Vending machine one.ators and
salesmen, write for particulars. Fenn
Mfg. Co., Box 13. Columbus, Ohio.
(9J-311 ax
PORTRAIT pillow tops, $6c; best on mar
ket Bee my Bromide Ollette portralta.
M. A. Beali, artist, 771 W. Madison St.,
Chicago. () 667 Zlx
LOCAL manager, to represent and sell best
vending machines on market; prospectus
furnished; $100 deposit required. Sales
Manager, Hilo Qum Co., 41) S. Union St.,
Chicago, 9)-72 21x
WANTED At once, a good man for Ne
braska territory; travel for old, reliable
wholesale house; staple, well advertlaed
line; $126 to 10 a month and expenses.
Address Wholesaler, 706 to 708 Houscr
Bldg., St. Louis. Mo. (91-547 21x
AGENTS Make big money selling auto
matic screen door catches and checks;
sample catch, post paid, 28c. Automatic
Catch Co.. Chicago. (91846 Zlx
SALESMEN Big money and pleaaant busi
ness, selling on honor, new department, to
j retailers; very profitable and desirable;
i, nothing like It ever before offered: ex
perience unnecessary; natural qualifica
tions win; only those who can give bejit
of references need apply; give age, pre-
' sent and previous business. WUinet. 108
Randolph St., Chicago. (9) 4s 21 x
AGENTS can easily make $10 a day selling
, our gold window loiters, novelty sign
and changeable sign; catalogue tree.
Sullivan Co., u6 W. Van Buren St., citf.
cago. 111. (9) $4 Zlx
,,WANTEJ Salesman experienced In any
line to sell general trade in Nebraska:
! liberal commissions with $36 weekly ad
vance; one salesman earned $1.28.b dur
ing last three months, his first work.
The Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland,
w sou ii x
WANTED Grocery aaleKmen in our coun
try department; honest, capable, ener-
fetio men to sell hotels, restaurants,
armers and large consumers generally;
largest house In the business, lowest
' prices, highest qusjlty goods, comply with
all pure foood law requirements, exclusive
territory, quick shipments, good pay.
promptly remitted. John Sexton A Co
Wholesale Grocers, Chicago. (9) h.S3 21x
Wow Is the harvest time tor agents to sell
filters; sample outfit (? Altera! free to
My agent sending first-clans references
ss to honesty. Ureater New York ao
cepted. Seed Filter Co., '164 Duane St
N- (9l 812 21x '
S.GENTS Qet our plana; aell our formulas'
sole owners; no oanvaaalng. Rrqutslte
Toilet Co.. Flndlay. O. ( S19 x
SALESMEN wanted to sell to grocers,
druggists and confectioners; $lo per
month and expeneee California Cider 4
Extract Co., lit. Lauls. Mo.
9-8 Zlx
WANTED Piano player, male or female,
for travelling theatrical company. Muat
be sight reader and capablu of playing
flret olaae overtures, lady or gent. Ad
dreaa Clifford Reeves, Jiodge hotel.
Omaha.. (91-120 21 x
AGENTS WANTED-Legltlmate substitute
for slot machines; patented; sells on sight
fur Ii. Particulars. Qtsha Co.. Anderson,
Ind. () U7 Zlx
WANTED Traveling salesmen: salary and
expenses advanced; easy line; experience
unnecessary. Hobert Thai Co., St.
Louis. Mo. ( 12 Zlx
EXPERIENCED salesmen to carry our
small line of new. original advertising
novelties; fine sellers; samples, prepaid,
ioc, to practical salesmen. Write Spots,
wood Specialty Co., Lexington. Ky.
(t)-tJt tlx
AUfcNTS wanted to sell $1 box of Native
Herbs for Sec, express paid. Write. P. C
Melruee. Columbus. O. (
W ANTED-I.lve salesman, side line sou.
I venir postal caros. liberal eommlssloita.
rapes- vu.( Austin, Minn.
SALESMEN READ: A large well known
Jobber, opening up territory with n
staple specialty line, wants two hlgli
STJi'lo salesmen for Nebraska. An un
usual opening for right man; state age
experience and nationality or no attention
paid. Address Day, 41i Huinmit St.. Iowa
i u y, ja. i at;) -ix
SALESMAN WA NTED Bps re hours or en
tire time. We own number of scholar
ships In a hwal business college which we
will sen tit a niK-rni niseount. t an you
sell tbemT Hlg commission, ir you can
Also own scholarships -."On other schools,
all parts country. Write today for par
ticulars. Columbia School Agency. Man
hattan Bldg., Chicago. WS 21x
WANTED A specially salesman, new prop
ositlon; no competition, good salary, ex
pense money advance, call 8 a. m. sharp
Monday, room lu Paxton hotel. W. J.
Kyle. (9) MW2 22x
RESPONSIBLE, dignified man wanted as
financial representative In every town;
congenial. Independent employment, lead
Ing to large salary; no Investment re
quired. St. Paul Timber Syndicate, St.
ram, Minn. .(St)
AGENTS to Introduce and sell abaolute
household necessity; ready aeller; pays
per rem proni; particulars tree. 'er-
oxine iMectro chemical Co., 143 rast KM
Bt., xsew York. (9) 8J Zlx
LARGE establishment wants several mes
Sanger boys, must be 16 years of age;
good chance for advancement Address
O 79. care of Bee. (9) 617 22
BOT8 with wheels wanted; good wages.
Postal Telegraph Cable Co.
(9) M648 30x
Clerical aad Offlee.
WANTED Clerks, both men and boys; also
man stenographer for railroad office. Ad
dress F. B. Southard, A. F. A., U. P. R,
R., Omaha, Neb. (9) M692 25x
WANTED Experienced grocery clerks
with good references. Apply Hayden
Bros., urocery Uept- (9) 717 21
WANTED Toung man who understands
something about keeping books to learn
the grain business. Must write good hand
and be accurate at figures. Address W
W9 Bee. (9I-M752 21
WANTED Sales people and offlee peoplo
for high salaried positions In Seattle; en
close stamp for detailed Information. H.
T. Snyder, Opportunity Broker, P37 New
York block, Seattle. (!t) MW 21x
WANTED Young man to work in offlee;
good opportunity for advancement; refer
ences required. The Pantorlum.
(91-933 21
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wanted. Write
slating experience; preaent employer and
'phone number. Address L 803. care Bee.
W-950 21
POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F.
V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. L., Omaha.
WANTED At once a good butcher, wages
$16 per week; no booier nor crank. E. A.
Crockett, Plalnvlew. Neb. (9)-M444 22x
WANTED Gas IV.ters. Beatrice Oas &
Power Co. (9)-M681 90
WANTED At once a good all around
blacksmith. Address lock box 725, Vllllsca,
I. P-874
WANTED Man with aome experience In
traveling capable of earning hlch salary:
bond required. Address, with stamp and
references, S 617, care Bee. (9) 80S
FIRST-CLASS waiters, $21 per wrjek: ten
hours. Luson Cafe, Billings, Mont.
(9-M'46 A2x
WANTED A first class blacksmith and
horseshoer; steady Job; no booaer need
apply. John F. Pinne. Rockwell City, la.
(9) M484 22x
WA NTED Teh bricklayers at Fort Rus
sell, Cheyenne, Wyo.; 76 cents per hour.
Atkinson Bros., Contractors, Cheyenne,
Wyo. (91-M507 22x
One first class all-around painter and
paperhanger. No cigarette or boose fighter
need apply. Steady Job; good wages. J.
E. Dain, Casper, Wyo. t9 MI70 22x
TEN good men wanted at Deshler brick
yard. Deshler, Neb.; board and room,
W- (9)-M6S 24
WANTED A good shoemaker for repair
work; good position for practical man;
write. A. K. Mechler, Ouray, Colo.
(9I-M-I37 2lx
ONE linotype operator, good man, can
make from $27 to $30 week; 8 hours; non
union. State Capital company, Guthrie,
Okl. (9)-M43 Six
ONE all-around tailor wanted at once,
Carl P. Llndecrants, Holdrege. Neb.
(9) MM9 SOx
WANTED Men to learn barber trade at
once; wonderful demand for barbers;
top wages now; few weeks completes;
tools given; can earn some money from
start. Bend for particulars. Moler Barber
College. Hie Karnam St. (9) M740 Zix
OOOD cornice man and tinners, at once.
Lincoln Cornice and Metal Works. Lin
coln, Neb. 9) M770
WANTED Two gray Iron floor moulders;
only first-class nonunion men need apply.
Address Rainier Foundry Co., Seattle,
Wash. (9)
MEN learn plumbing. Western Plumblnir
Trede Schofd, 1509 Tremont. Denver. Colo.
Write for catalogue.
WANTED First -els ss barber; no"1udent;
guarantee of $15 or tin per cent. Answer
at once. John Stack, Huron. S. D
()-M!75 AugSx
BRICKIjA VERS wanted at once. Call
Master Builders' Association. 21$ Conti
nental Bldg., Denver, Colo.
(9J-R61 Zlx
I worningmen to Know sev.
I r . Wftrr-k A it 1
ivnun on in nan rTancisco; Citizens'
Alliance employers trying to crush union
lMin; stay away until settlement It
reached. (9-6I 21x
YOUNG man to act as stenographer and
eventually take charge ef department:
salary to stsrt, $60.
Young man, cashier's dept., as slenngrspher
and clerk; good chance for promotion, $60
to $s0.
1 first clsss stenographers; good wholesale
house, $75 to start.
Good bookkeeper, $76, s.
First class dry goods clerk, $88, Wyoming.
Offlee man and city saleaman. $100.
First class trafflo mansger, $100.
We cater to men of ability and supply them
with good positions. If you are In the
market for a better poaitlon you should
register with us at once. We also have
a number of miscellaneous clerical posi
tions for young men at different aalarles
Call or write for complete list of vacan.
721-8 N. Y. L. Bidg
(t M7 20
Bookkeeper with experience In machinery
business wanted at once, $85.
Stenographer (experience unnecessary) $40.
Stenographer (experienced) ttifl.
404 6 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha.
(l-49 H
WANTED Ttams, C. B. Havens at Co
yards. 14th and Webstsr St.; teams bow
making from $5 to $S60 per day. (9) MM')
WANTED Young man as porter at Union
Station restaurant, 9i Mj7 21
GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to
tack, signs, distribute circulars, samples
etc.; no eanvaaaing National Distributing
Lureau, Chicago. J 11. (9 MS30 six
foremaa Rock Island chutes. Council
Bluffs. MT07 Si
LABORERS for handling frleght at Union
Paclnc, Council Bluffs transfer; wages
17" cents per hour. Board arrsnged If
necessary. Apply Thos. Scanlan, fore
man. tj-74 24
WANTED Man and team. Apply at 60S
New York Life Bldg. tj MTUZ 21
STUDENTS ef the National Elevator and
Janitor Exchange Training Dept. are In
constant demand. Omaha office, !"4 Bee
Bldg. OSi-961 Six
WANTED High school graduates or equlv
stent to work through ' medical, law or
dental college; opportunity lo earn way.
ranpath. Chicago. () 839 Zlg
Ihlsrel la neoa (' I need,
WANTED Sound young men. aged 1 to
36. for firemen and hrakemen on loading
railroads; experience unecesssry. Fire
men earn $lti per month, become engi
neers, esrn, $'-"o; brsltemen earn $75. be
come conductors, earn $1W1. Csll or wtlte
at once for particulars. National Hallway
Training Ap'n., li.'O X, laxton Block,
Omaha. Neb. (9i 92 Aug
ANY student desiring employment or any
one desiring to consult as to best method
of entering business honorably snd
profitably may register free of ch.irgti
at McCarenty Institute, 1M2 Farnam St.
(9) M3S
SALESMAN and offlee clerk, brokerage,
Bookkeeper, retail coal, $1,200.
Bookkeeper and order clerk, $1,000.
Experienced packing house test rlerk.
Kansas, $900; chance for advancement
to office manager.
Several packing house bill clerks, Kan
sas, $900.
Exwrlenced railroad clerk, lumber office,
Z stenographers, wholesale, $900.
stenographer, young man. to work up to
department manager. $00.
Assistant bookkeeper, $720.
The above positions must be filled Im
mediately. We also have numerous miscellaneous
Call or write us at once if in need of a
721-2 N. Y. L. Bldg.
(9) 969 21
WANTED At once registered pharmacist;
German prererred. Kererenoes. Address
Y ZOS, care Bee. (9 M704 21 x
WANTED A good hustling man for
packer and shipping clerk. Grand I. nlon
Tea Co., 113 8. 16th St. (9)-t70 20
WANTED Intelligent, capable couple; man
for general ranch work, wife as house
keeper; small family; wages good, ac
cording to ability and experience. Ad
dreaa with particulars E. T. Payton, Ara
poolsh. Big Horn county, Wyo.
(10) M505 22x
HI'STLE'RS wanted everywhere; $25 to $30
made weekly distributing circulars, over
seeing outdoor advertising; new plan; no
canvassing. Merchants Out-Door Adver
tising Co., Chicago. . (9) M746 21x
WANTED Men to work in yard; steady
work; good pay. Sunderland Urns. Co.,
2oth and Hickory Sts. (9)-M762 21
A large Income assured to anyone who
will act as our representative after 1e- :4
Ing our business thoroughly by mall; ex
perience unnecessary; all we require Is
honesty, ambition and willingness to learn
a lucrative business; no soliciting or trav
eling; an exceptional opportunity for
those who desire to better their condi
tions and make more money. For full
particulars address either office. National
Co-Operative Realty Co., 7lfi B. Athen
aeum Bldg., Chicago, or 765, Maryland
Bldg., Washington, D. C. (9) S40 21x
COLORED elevator boy. Apply between
i:.f ano o a. m. Monnav oniv. iiartman
Furniture Co., 1416 Douglas. (9) M19 21
YOl'NG man to wrap bundles and taka
care or city deliveries. Nebraska Cloth
ing Co. (9) MW3
THREE expert salesmen. Ave steno
graphers, one rubber salesman, must
understand mechanical rubbers. We
have many other positions open and for
a limited time we will be glad to register
free, competent stenographers, "'ho can
paaa a required examination. Keystone
Surety and Ref. Agt.. (Inc.) Suite 404
Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 336.
(B)-941 21
WANTED Experienced Janitor. Majestic
Apartment; rererences required.
(9) M956 22
MAN wanted to work around place. Ad
dress aw l.eavenworth. (9) 730 21
TEAMSTERS wanted, well acquainted with
town, u wee; umana tendering and
Seed company, 1308 Jackson. (9) 988 21
WANTED Tile ditchers to work by rod:
make $2.60 to $3.60 a day. Apply J. W.
Ten Brink. NIckerson, Neb. (9 628
BAGGAGE truckman wanted at the Union
citation. (91 M100
LEADING conservative copper and Iron
company wants to employ active man or
woman upon liberal terms. P. O. Box liw.
New York. (101836 21x
BOYS and girls to sell 24 Jewelry novel
ties at iuc eacn; return our :'.) and
receive a repeating air rifle, sleeping doll
or other premium free. The Love-A merle
Supply Co.,' Liberty, Tex, (10) 101 21x
VAUDEVILLE poople and people for plan
tation snow, national Amustmeni Co.,
care Omaha Bee. (10) 103 Zlx
Horses and Vehicles.
WE are not selling out at cost, but we are
selling driving wagons, buggies, surrles
and stanhopes cheaper than any other
firm west of Chicago. Holmes-Adklns
Co., 714 S. 10th St.. Omasa. (11) 811
RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. W. A.
Stone, so Lincoln Ave., council Bluffs.
GOOD wagons for sale cheap at 1214 N.
24th St (111-MlHAuell
HARNESS, Baddies. Trunks, Traveling
Bugs, some good bargains. Alfred Cor
null tt Co.. 1210 Farnam St. UD-4U0
FOR pony buggies, runabouts, wagons.
traps, carts and harness, see Johnson
Danforth Co., S. W. Cor. lOlh aud Jones
Sts. (ll)-Su
WE are selling delivery wagons, teaming
gears, buggies, carriages and harness
cheaper than any other firm In Omaha.
Johnson Danforth Co., S. W. cor. loth and
Jones Sts. (111-775
GOOD family mare, t years old, very gen
tle, not arraia or anything; new set or
surrey harness and two-seated buggy,
$190. C. H. Eckery, 2229 Locust St.
. (11) M309 20x
ONE bay pacing team, 6 and 6 years old.
single or double drivers; one brown trot
ting tesm, 4 and 5 years old; one brown
horse, single or double trotter; one span
matched cream colored drivers, 6 and 7
years old; several single wagon horses,
and a few work horses. Omaha Horse &
Supply Co. (11) 47$ 20
SALT, $7 a bbl. Wagner, $01 No. 16th.
FOR BALE Fine bUcw coach bred harness
none, young ana souna. inquire. tfu so.
19th St. (ll)-639 22x
One Z-SPRINO WAGON, new snd one de
livery buggy, rubber-tired. Oscsr llarte.
2Sth and Farnam Sis. (11) 718
FOR SALE Having bought automobile. I
offer my good, gentle, family horse,
harness and swell stanhope buggy. Phone
Webster 1030. L. L. Feteraon.
(11) 776 22x
FOR SALE A good carriage horse welgh-
iiih tuuui i,0uv ios. ; also puaeion ana oou-ble-seated
carriage, both In good condi
tion. Will sell separate or together. II.
C. Peters, 4a Cane St. (ID 771 21x
FOR SALE Buggy and harness. 275(1 Cali
fornia Bt. (11) 2 21 x
faaltrr aed EaTsra.
GOVERNMENT book free. Model Squab
Co., Oniaba. (11) UM Augl
SPRING chickens fresh, dressed to order.
I el. F lorence 108i Forest Uwn Wyan
dotte yards, Florence, Neb. (,11) M767 2b
Cows, Birds, Dogs aad Pets.
GOOD cow for sale. 32 lHlckory St.
FOR SALE .Vry Pretty fox terrier pup.
s inonins oia. -u-j cnsries.
(1D-M386 ZOx
terrier puppies. 10JS
(ID M911 Six
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Scotch, collie
puppies. E. B. Cook, Benson. Neh.
(1D-M971 rrr
FOR BALE Dogs. Must dispose of my two
fne pointer bitches. Princess (y9) and
10 months old puppy. John IJng. Har
vard. Neb. (Ill r Z.x
WHEN you write to advertisers, remember
tt Ukes but a few scratches of the pea
to stats that you saw the sd. In The Bee.
A bay gelding pony stolen; weight 70 of
oe pounds; fswn white feet, white
star in forehesd; branded on shoulder
with lazy eight (a figure 8 In horizontal
position; black mane and tall; age 9
years; foretop snd fetlock have Just been
trimmed; beavy double girth saddle; rua
set bather; weight about 35 lbs.; slso
russet leatl'er riding bridle with curb bit.
Will give f.o rewsrd for return of above
property. 'Phone at my expense. Bell 87i,
or 127 Council Bluffs, la. R. D. M Turner.
(12) M70S 20x
LOST Hold watch charm; monogram "I
K. S." on cover. Fenard for return to
L. R. Smith, 19 S. l?th St.. Omaha.
(12I-M732 20X
FOUND J. Hanson, the upholsterer and
furniture repairer, 1612 N. 241 h. 'Phone
Webster 329. (12) M."3 22
LOST Gold O. B. C. watch charm: mono
gram and emblem front and back. Re
ward Wm. Kennedv. Adv. Mgr. The
Bennett company or Douglas Printing
Co., 814 South 13th Pt. (12) 725 21
TAKEN UP-Ba!d-face small ponv. In
quire 3124 I-eavenwoith St. (12) MT54
LOST Bay mare ponv. white face and
legs; reward. 625 S. 31st St. Tel. Harney
3576. (121778 22
LOST Pocketbook. Snturday afternoon,
containing checks for trunks. Reward for
return to matron at Burlington stslion.
(12) M934 23x
BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve
Food Pills,'' $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman
& McConnell Drug Co., Omaha.
(1$) $13
ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or
write to the matron of the Salvation
Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th.
6t., Omaha. Neb. (12) M10I
DR. 'PRIES, specialist, diseases of women.
$0 years practice in confinements. Office,
614 N. 16th; residence, 2421 Charles,
Omaha. (13) 814
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Crelghton Medical college, 14th ar.d Dav
enport Sts.; special attention paid to
confinement cases; all treatment super
vised by college professors. 'Phone
Douglas-1167. Calls answered day or
night. 13 129
RUPTURE CUREDNo knife, no deten
tion from business. QUICK CURE RUP
TURE CO., over S. W. Cor. 14th and
Douglas, Omaha. (13) 926 Aug
DR. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women
and children. Office, 2D06 Cuming. 'Phone
Douglas 3(167.
We will give you a run of one month or
twelve on your contract If you borrow
money of us and you pay for only the time
you are using our money.
Wo make no charges In advance, you
get the full amount In cash. We will loan
you any amount you may want.
Don t forget that wo have been here
fifteen years.
Come to the "Old Reliable."
Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.,
119 Board of Trade Bldg.
(14) 464
Vacation time is here. It you need money
to see you through that good time you have
P'.omised yourself this summer, come to us.
Our special low rates for vacation money
are still In effect; you can get the money
quickly, privately and confidentially on
your salary, household goods, pianos, etc.
Low rates; easy terms.
208 Paxton Block. 'Phone Doug. 141 1.
U4) 19
loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses,
etc.. In any amount; less than half rates,
perfect privacy; Immediate attention; any
terms wanted; payment suspended when
sick or out of work. 214 Karbach Blk.. 209
B. 16th St. (14)
Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg.,
advances private money on chattels or sal
ary; easy to get; no red tspe. You get
money same day asked for at small coat.
Open evenings till 7. (14) 816
have Increased their capital, and during the
month of July will make a special rate on
collateral loans, personal property, mort
gages and Individual notes without secur
ity; terms to suit. 'Phone Douglas 2W4 or
call at 310 Bee Bldg. (14) M426 AugZ
and others, without security; ea.ny pay
ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol
man, room 714. New York Life Bldg.
CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt
loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St,
(14) an
EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom
modating; all business confidential. 13 1
Douglas. (141402
FURNITURE, llvs stock, salary loans. Duff
Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk.
PHOENIX- CREDIT CO. for chattel or
salary loans. 623 Paxton Blk. 'Phone
DoukIss 745. 04) 2J
Uoardlas aad Rooms.
MOST convenient and Pleasant location da.
alrable rooms. Call before locating. The
Pratt, bo. utn hi. Private ex
change Douglas 3138. (li) 26
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe.
DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam.
ELEGANT room for summer; has outside
entrance, south front, in one of the best
locations in city; large, besutiful lawn;
private family. 627 park Ave.
t ROOMS, with board, private bath. 2416
arnam ti. tlo) M566 22
BOARD with of without room, Harney.
(15) M8D0 AugJU
OOOD table; modern conveniences; private
family, iltffl Harney St. (16) MDtie 27x
WE WANT Z young men that can furnish
good references to board and room In
private family; everything modern; best
location In city. Address F 816, care Bee.
(16) 86 Zix
FOR RENT One or two rooms, desirable
location. K 819, care Bee. (16) 964 'i
NEWLY furnished rooms, with or with
out board, 4o3 No. loth St.
(16)-M116 27x
DESIRABLE rooms; first class board; fine
location; walking distance. 218 8. 25th St.
(15) MKB7 27x
Furnished Roams.
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms with all
conveniences. 1919 Burt St.
(16)-870 Jy26x
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. 1915 Capl
tol Ave. (15) 3 Jy27
FOR RENT Large east front room, nicely
furnished, good location, near two car
lines. Call at once. Tel. U. 4S5. tot 8.
29tl St. . (15)-922
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms In new,
modern house; he.ih on every floor; all
conveniences; walking distance. 2474 Har
ney St. Tel. Douglas 4194. (15) M977
LARGE front room; modern; reasonable
646 So. 24th Ave. (16) MoT 11
406 8. Z4TH AVE. i a;-, new. upto-date;
gentlemen only; references.
(15J-M130 AugZx
THREE rooms, 1120 N. 17th Bt. (15) 40$
FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms. 84Z 8.
lth. (tf) M5 Augiix
GOOD ROOMS, suitable for young men, $1
per week. 1SJ0 Capitol Ave. (lli) MS$ 26x
NICELY furnished room, south expure'
references. 117 So. 26th Ave. (15) Mil
ELKOANT furnished rooms; strictly mod
ern. 25) Dodge St. (15) M670 23x
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; rea.
sonable; quiet street; modern; phone; 647
S 24ih Ave. US) M4- 20
DESIRABLE rooms, fine location; wslking
distance. 21$ ti. tb SU (U 9 i.
Faralahed Rooms
IiOWER FIOR of home, consisting of 4
large, handsomely furnished rooms, com
plete for housekeeping, to refined couple;
responsible tsrtb s only need app'v 3.1 N.
lf'th. (If.)-Kl7ri 2,x
LARGE, nicely furnished front room, with
alcove; everything mo.leri; three blocks
from courthouse end city hall. 7"0 S lth
St. Tel. Red 473K. (15) M:W 2Sx
BEAUTIFUL large front room; other
rooms; south; modern. 514 N. 23d St.
'Phone Red 44. (15)-M7. J5
A NICE front parlor for two. 611 N. lth;
good table board. Red 62'4.
(16)-M741 2x
LARGE, cool front room, modern through
out; central location: preferable for a
gentleman, 'l'hone Doug. 40K1.
(15) 434 20x
LAROF1 south-front room, with alcove; also
other rooms, 2702 Farnam St.
. ' (15)-422 20x
TWO nicely furnished front rooms, single
or en suite, for gentlemen. 2221 Douglas.
(16-M19S 2ix
NICE cool furnished rooms, nicely located.
Very reasonable. 2GV1 N. 19th Ave.
(15) M560 23x
STRICTLY modern rooms; newlv fur
nished. 417 No. 18lh St. (16) M550 23x
NICE front room, with all modern con
veniences. Douglas 8SJ7. 217 S. 2Sth St.
(15 HIS
ROOM, strictly modern. 410 S. 24th St.
(16) M357 20
REASONABLE furnished rooms. third
floor. 1606 Farnam. (15) 625 A17
LARGE cool room. 2S16 Dewey Ave.
(15 MIV56 2X
FURNISHED room for gentleman. 316 No.
18th St. (15) Mfi48 26x
FOR RENT-Three or four furnished or
unfurnished rooms. 2415 Ersklne St.
(15) M628 24X
TWO nice rooms, single or ensulte, for
Ptenuemen in private family : close In.
t-none uougias 4;rf((. (16) MS47 24x
ELEGANT front room, all modern. 618 N.
23d. Douglas 73S6. (15) 610 21x
ONE block west of High school; large
comfortable room; modern house; large
shady yard. 2304 Davenport.
(15)-724 25x
CIOSE In. Large cool room, first floot
suitable for gentleman, with library. Ad
dress W 826, care Bee. (161723 21x
CLEAN rooms in modern house, roomy
porches; large, shady lawn; attractive
surroundings. 128 8. 25th St.
(16.-M910 27x
FURNISHED rooms for rent. 2025 Farnam.
'Phone Douglas 4102. (15)-M9"6 27x
FRONT parlor for light housekeeping. 2205
Farnam. (16) M930 22x
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, with
all modern conveniences on Park Ave. car
line. 1U53 Fark Ave. (15) 89J 21x
FOR RENT Desirable rooms In all parts
of the city. Omaha Rental Co., 308, N. Y.
Life Bldg., Tel. Douglas 3S81.
(15)-Mnr,2 Aug20x
FURNISHED front room in new house.
Just completed, all modern, on So. 2rtth
Ave. Two blocks from Farnam Pt. ar
line. No other roomers, small private
family. Address N-822, Bee.
(15) 0R3 21x
THREE large rooms, sink and sewer,
$12.50; single rooms, $4.60, 2407 Burt.
(15)-M9sr Z7X
LARGE south-front room, with alcove; also
other rooms, 2702 Farnam St.
(15)-M107 27x
LARGE, newly furnished, southeast room,
half block north of Hanseom Park.
Private family, fine neighborhood. TeL
Harney 1348. (15)-M10S 27
TWO furnished rooms 2416 Farnam; first
class: gentleman preferred. (161118 Six
Unfurnished Rooms.
TWO unfurnished rooms: bath, water,
pleasant, ahady surroundings: $8 month.
977 No. 27th ave. (15) M4X9 23
TWO elegant unfurnished rooms, modern,
633 Park Ave. (16) 697 23x
TWO or four connecting rooms, modern.
2566 St. Mary's Ave. 'Phone Douglas 4432.
(15) Mti9 21 x
Housekeeping; Ruoni.
BUITE of unfurnished housekeeping rooiwe,
strictly modern home; heat and light fur
nished; best boarding house In city
across1 the street. 2408 Cass BL
FOUR elerant rooms, modern. No. JS17
North Uth St., first house south of
Corby. (16) M3S3 x
ROOM for light housekeeping. 1707 Cali
fornia St. (15) M652 Z3x
TWO light housekeeping rooms, fur
nished. 1408 Jones St. (16) M643 23x
FURNISHED and unfurnished housekeep
ing rooms. 113 S. 20th 61.
(15) M5 23x
FURNISHED rooms, with or without light
housekeeping, corner 24th and Cuming,
over drug store. (15) 715 Zox
FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light
housekeeping and sleeping. Tel. Harney
4b8. (16)-M751 22
FOR RENT In Dundee, three pleasant
rooms lor house keeping, 'Phone Harney
2914. (16)-9u6 21x
THREE furnished rooms for light house
keeping. 216 North 22nd Bt.
(15)-M935 I7x
HOUSEKEEPING rooms reasonable. 1712
Jackson. (16) 44106 7x
Apartments and Flats.
FOR RENT Woom flat, all modern.
Mart Is Blk.. 16tn and Webster.
USi M329 30x
FOR RENT West Farnam district, ground
floor new St. Ixiuls brick flat, 5 rooms
and bath, modern oak finish, maple floors,
south front. 2(h Ave. and Harney St.,
$42.60. Tel. Douglas S531. tla M91Z
2405 Harney, S rooms, hot water heat, beau
tifully decorated, finest In' the city; vscant
July 22-:.
Heases and Cottages.
OMAHA Vsn & Storage Co. pack, move,
store H. 11 goods; storehouse 1120-24 N.
Uth. Office lOud Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1569.
Ui) sa
FLAT, full modern, 6 rooms, beside bath
and private hall; newly done up; gas
range, etc.; entire building being put In
perfect order; best flats in north part of
city; walking distance; reference required.
Call, Investigate this; $25.
BEMlli. Paxton Block.
(14) M
-ROY) hoaae, modern in every respect
2727 Cuming St. (15) M73S
NINE rooms, modern, $32.60. walking dis
tance,' furniture, $175.00. 'Phone Taylor
HOUBie-lnsurattoe. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk.
. tljj Jj
114 N. JTl'JI 8T five rooms. Just remodeled,
153 N. S7tlb St., six rooms. Just remodeled,
127 N. J7th Bt., five rooms. Just remodeled,
HASTINGS A HEY DEN, 1704 Farnam St.
U5)-M67 21
7-ROOM cottajf : shsde; every convenience;
$J6. 601 8. ZU.'i si. Phone Harney iili.
(1 M58 a
FOR RENT An room house, all modern,
up-to-date; full lot. &0xlx; nice shads
trees; one-half blkick from street car. 21
S. 36th Ave. 'P.hone Douglas 4f7. 8.
Bugarman. Omj 121
HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded,
cheap freight rates. Moving and stuieiis.
Expressmen's DtllvAT Co. Tel. Do-ig-las
34. 05-a
vTE DO expert piano niorlriaT at lowest
rices. Tel. Douglas Bckuutlie
lueiier Piano Co- UllUil I an.arn.
Maaeee aad Cat tea ee Uoatlnaed.
rTPlTTCV"? ,n " Pit of the city. R.
IIUUOIiO u PltelS & Co., Bee Bldg.
1 15 -.:
1511 N 33P ST.
8-room strictly modern, orant new ,KtV
(Vkeefe Real Estate Co., lind. N. Y. Life
Bldg. U5-M9d
NEW. 8-room all modern, on ear line, near
Hcniis park. $.15.
l'n N. Y. Life Hldg. 'Phone Doug. 2152.
(l.i) -M914 23
II HUSKS ,n " rsrta of the city. Ths
UUUOliO 0 F Davis Co., Bee Bldg.
FOR RENT I.trsw store room. Wth and
Vinton bis. C. M. Bachmann. 437 Paxton
block. (15) 300
WE MOVE FIANOS-Maggard Van and
Storage Co. Tel. Douglas 141H. OlMce, in
Webster SI. U6)-S34
l-ROOM cottage, all modern, barn. 9n N.
27th St. (!5 M71
NEW six-room, modern house, walking
distance; rent $28, Inrludlng water. J.
Byrne, The Chatham. (16) M541 20
FOR RENT After August 1, thoroughly
modern S-room house, east front. West
Farnam diRtrlct. Inquire Mrs. J. A.
Hope, Arcade hotel. 'Phone Douglas 78.
(16I-600 20
7 ROOMS for rent, upstairs, modern. In
quire 2G23 Sherman Ave. (15) 611 19
8-ROOM brick flat, all modern, $343 Hsrney.
$.17.50. O Keefe Heal Estate Co., 1001 New
York Life. Tel. Douglas 2152.
(15) MU4S 20
AN EIGHT-ROOM house, modern; $35 a
month and water rent, 2R30 Dewey ave.
Apply to Allen Koch, 2033 Harney at.
(16) M477 20
At 640 So. 24ih St.. 8 rooms: nearly new.
In excellent repair, and walking distance;
GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam St.
(15) M578
ONE 7-room house, one 6-room house, mod
ern except lurnace. $26 and $.2; one t
room house, city wuter In kitchen. Chris
Boyer. 2123 Cuming St. Uij
New Houses
Now Ready
Five new five-room houses
modern except
furnace, N. W. cor. 2oth
$22 each.
1714 Farnam St.'
(15)-713 21
To rent a modern house, 408 N. 26th St,
Inquire C. W. Bixt, First National Bank.
C15-9ti4 21
RENT-2214 Webster, detached house, 7
rooms, mooern, gas, Datn, laundry, cistern,
furnace, rrate. lawn, shade: V
Rent 216 Webster, H4-3tory cottage, I
rooms, bath, gas, laundry, cistern, fur
nace, grate, lawn, shade,-barn; $S.
902 N. Y. Life. Res. 'l'hone Webf4er 1068.
(15) M.60 22x
FOR RENT Modern house of 8 rooms, close
In; party will retain Z rooms; will rent
furnished or will sell furniture; refer
ences. Address A 810, Bee.
(15)-M74 22x
$40 PER MONTH for 2fW3 Pacific St. 9
room strictly modern house; owner pays
water rcnL
GEORGE . CO., 1601 Farrmm St.
(16) M767 21
20-$40-518tt N. 24TH ST.. South Omaha
Three and six-room apartments In new
"Scargo" bulding; all modern conveni
ences, including hot water In kitchen and
$30 2id7 N. Itth St., t-room modern house,
with sttic and barn.
$46 J607-9 Farnam St., six-room apartments
In "yulvet" building, sll modern conveni
ences, Including hot water In kitchen and
Hall Distributer Co.. 817 First National
Bank Bldg. 'Phone Red 7406. (lb) 774
110 S. SaTIi ST.. 7-room, modern, $37.60.
$.'W2 Sherman Ave., (-room, on one floor, all
modern, $30.
1723 Mason, 6-room, water, sewer, $30.
1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2152.
(lu)-M91o 23
f'JO 6-ROOM. modern, 2134 N. 28th.
$16 5-roorn, good repair, 3414 Pahler.
N. FE.NUER, oJli N. i. Lite. Ttl. Red 3217.
(15) M 918 23
13W Sherman Ave., (-rooms, modern, $30.
2W N. 21th, 6 rooms, new, modern, $35.
3i Jianu-y, 9 rooms, modem, oak finish,
aervaiita' looms and toilet separate,
2912 Harney rit., 6 rooms, oak flnlbii, maple
Uoora, south (runt, $12.60.
HASTINtiS & HEVDE.N, 1704 Farnam Bt
' (15) 9W 21
9 rooriia, new, 416 N. Xh, $j0.
rooms, Ml Park Ave., $0.
7 rooms, 13 N. 40th, $35.
110 8. 25th Ave., 8 looms, modern.
640 8. 24th, 8-iouiu modern brick, $40.
823 S. 26 Ave.. 7 rooms, modern, $36.
2710 Davenport, 9 rooms, modern, $30.
tt'7 N. 27th Ave. ( rooms, $Ui.
2214 D St., (South Omaha) 6-room flat, $8.
GARVIN BROS., 16o4 Farnam.
FOR RENT New 7-room cottage, bath, all
modem convenience, shade and fruit
trees, oth, north of Dodge. Inquire, J.
w. Konmns, lmiz f arnam. (16 m:hh
FOR RENT 4-room cottage and large barn,
walking distance, small family, $12. New
6-room modern dwelling will lie ready for
occupancy August 1, $:in. Nine-room mod
ern dwelling, large barn, 18th and Lake
Sis. $32.
1023 New York Life Building.
05 S98 21
MODEiRN house, 8 rooms. 2110 ake St.
(15-)7 23
THE entire building formerly occupied by
the Dally News. 44x30 feet, i stories and
baaeuient. McCagus Investment Co., ljOi
Dodge St. (16)-SSti
1812 HARNEY ST. floors and basement,
33x1X1 feet: suitable for wholesale. Mc
Cague Investment Co., 1506 Dodge St.
Wholesale District ,
For Rent
The fow-story and baseman t brick build
ing at 916 Farnam St.
Apply F. D. Wead, 1514 Douglas St
HALLS Fraternity hall, 10th snd Harney,
opposite public library, being remodeled
for lodges and halls, dances, etc. N. P.
Dodge 6t Co., 1714 Farnam St.
(15) M748 21
FOR RENT Large store room, with good
basement. 24 So. loth St., $1.
C. M. BACHMANN, 4.i4 paxton Blk.
(16) M71(
$40 PER MONTH for desirable store room
and hasemnit, -jixti it., near sea ana
Farnam Sts.
GEORGE & CO., 1901 Farnam Bt.
(li)-M76$ 21
DESK room, with 'phone service: nom
inal rent. J. H. Johnson, (4$ N. T. Life.
(16)-6Z7 20x
TORE ROOM. 1108 N. 18th St.. $21
Thon Do us las 6& (16) 414
(Continued )
DESK room cn first floor at 1213 Farnam.
(16) 83
ZD FLOOR, well lighted; elegant for offlcs
use. 1212 Ksrnsm. (15) 644)
FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city
hall building. 417 N. 2Mh St., Soutlt
Omaha. Apply to manager. (15) 134
It Is very seldom thst good outside spara
In a well appointed oftice building ts avail
able At the present time we have (1
besutiful suite of two rooms on ths fifth
floor, with east and south light, a largs
vault, which makes this a most desirable
space during either summer or winter.
Room No. 516 Is now vacant and Is 14xl,
with a good-sized vault; has east llghU
A new hard-wood floor was recently put
In thla room.
Everybody In Omaha knows the location of
the Hen building; It Is central, close to
the city ball and oountv court house.
There are seversl h-indred people who
spend more time here than la their homes
and any one of tlei will ttst.fy as to
the caro they receive here.
For further partlculats coll
ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing
ic l ci loot. 206 N. 17th bu Tel. Red 814.
(16 4i
ID-HAND furniture bought and sold; busU
ness on the square. Rosenberg, formerly
with Chicago Furniture Co., 103 8. 14th.
D. 685. (16) M970 Jy27
FURNITURE ef 10-ronm house, complete
for housekeeping; rent very low; a bar
gain for $i:M). Address W 702. Bee.
(16J-M102 23x
Pianos, Organs, Masleal laatrasBenta,
For close buyers. Tour choice of twenty
different makes In our bargain room this
Klmbai! upright $ Tt
Gem upright, reftnlshed like new 13J
Ludlman upright, large slxe 154)
Hallett Davis. Flemish oak 16ft
Hailett Davis, walnut case 191
'Phone Doug. 1625. 1311-1313 Farnam Bt.
UPRIGHT Kimball piano, In fine condi
tion. $116.00. Owner leaving city. lsl$
Davenport St. (K) Mo44 $3
FOR SALE Almost new piano, cheap If
taken at once. Address 1026 So. 81st St.
(16) M6SJ Sx
KIMBALL upright piano, flne condition,
$100; also music cabinet; owner leaving
city; dealers don't apply. 1819 Daven
port. (16 M576 S3x
FOR SALE A Hardman Cabinet Grand
Upright Piano, nearly new. Inquire at
2706 Ohio St. (161-714 26x
Fool and Billiard Tables.
FOR BALE New and secondhand billiard,
and pool tables. ' We lead the world la
cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Bruns
wIck-Balke-Collendar, 407 8. 10th St.
Typewriters aad Sewlsc Macalaee.
FOR SALE High grade secondhand type
writer; good condition; a bargain at VA.
Call room 603. Bee Bldg. 061671
ONE Remington typewriter. No. 6, In good
condition, (or sale cheap. Call at . Pes
Office. (!) 2x
Good as new, all typewriters sold during;
July and August, $1 down and $1 per week
till paid for.
We still rent all makes, $2.60 per month.
Every machine warranted. All kinds Of
reps Irs.
VCi Farnam St., Omaha. 'Phons Xi. IS74.
(1) 84$ a
Bee our Remingtons $12 up.
Bee our Smith-Premiers $16 up.
See our Olivers $3f up.
Bee our Underwoods $3 up.
Bee our Densmores $6 up.
See our Bllckensderfers $1S up.
See our entire line of typewriters of an
makes, the largest assortment la Use
west. Cash or payments.
Typewriters for Rent
$2 a month up. Sent anywhere.
0)-Hm ZX
RF8TAURANT and cafe; rent y (
blocks from postottlce. We feed l&o 'tr
day. Address K $14, Bee. Must sell at
once. di-777 x
SEND us your mail orders for dru..
fielght palu oi $10 lots. Myers Dl.lon
D.-ug Co.. Omaha- US) es
6HERWVN WILLI A 6: 8 CO. beat mixed
palut. eheruiau at McConnell Drug Co
HOMFOPATHIO medlolnea. wholesale and
retail. BWiuan McConnell Drug "o
, (uj)-Mit
CMfWTB OL'T'T-Restaursrit fixture,!
Including refrla-eiutors, range and sia.
tsWe, will iT all or ,art. P. N,?"
2JJB Cumin ML ni.
MlVi ti