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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1907)
tttt: omatta srxoAY r-FJi: .in.v 21. 1007. The Omaha Sunday Ber OMAHA. SUNDAY. JULY 21. l'JOT. JUDGMENTS HANK C1IASCB apparently 1IJ one good thliiK. when lie U his tem-1-4 per Binl uhled the bottle bark Into I tin; lil-.i t.rrs. From all over tho country sounds a chorus of pro test against the. rowdy bbaeherlte and a re form of some kind scerr axsured. In the American league It ! now promised to line ' PJu the club on whose grounds bottl. a or similar missies are thrown at players. On many of tin- National league ground tho Mile of drlnkn of any kind In the bleachers will be prohibited, and thus the rowdies will be deprived of their ammunition. The minor 1 agues are taking action, and alto gether the result of thnt unfortunate epi sode; Is likely to bring lasting good to the ;nmc. A base ball game Is no place for a rowdy, either on the field or In the seats. The City Tennis tournament, now under way nt the Field club courts. Is but the curtain raiser to the great event of the tennis yenr In the middle west. Tho Mid West tournament has grown In Import ance each year since Its revival, and the names Inscribed on Its trophies are those representing the best there Is In tennis In the west. This year It promises to be even a greater match than ever, for the crack players have learned to rnnk It as one of the great events of the year In tennis and second only to the great Western championship games at Ken wood. The committee In charge bus as surance of the coming of a numlicr of the men who make tho Western such an Interesting affair, ami clubs thnt have contributed so largely to the success ot tho fixture In the past are to be repre sented as usual. The Field club has mado Its customary generous provision for the support of the gnmes and tho en tertainment of the visitors, and now asks that the public show its appreciation of the tournament by contributing "moral" sup port to the event. The Field club di rectory assumes all expenses, and its en terprise and liberality d served the cor dial support and encouragement of the citizens, Karl rtehr's defeat at Wimbledon was discounted on this side, and little real disappointment Is felt, beyond thnt which attaches to tho fact that It will he Aus trullu and not America that challenges for tha Davis trophy. Wright won his matches, but llehr was not quite strong enough to defeat his experienced and Masoned opponent from the antipodes. The Australian had the advantage of several seasons' experience on EngliHh courts, while Ilchr was playing tin-re for the first time. For this reason the p'ueky stand made by the young Americun I most notable uehlevement, and for It he I1I bo given credit by his countrymen. Another season, and we may bring that cup back again, and. In the meantime, Ireland la not producing any more Do hcrtya to win trophies for England to plume herself on. Yankee tlshermen sailing out of Iloston exhibit very little eiithiinlnam u.,, o,.. cup offered by Sir Thomas Upton for u race between fishing schooners. These canny tollers of the sea say they don't see j-i wnero nicy come lit they lose the time in iiic iisiung. anil the owner gels the ik If Sir Ttimmns aco between these tirofesHlonals lot Mm ,1,. ns Connolly did when he was getting the material for his stories go to ' sea with them. "Boshter Hill's" friends now offer tho ex planation that Hums didn't treat him right that afternoon down at Colma. They argue that Hill wasn't ready when Tommy got busy, and consequently it all ought to bo tiled over. And I -11 Arthur wants some of It, and Twin Jack hus a thousand cM Planted the harvest Is certainly ripe for Tommy and he otirht to be a very busy boy for the next few months If he can get clubs and purses enough. Cleveland's bid for lirst place was badly Jarred by the Athletics, but New York gave the Sox a terrible Jolt about the mime time, so it didn't hurt much. In the meantime Hugh Jennings has his Detroit scoring muchine In pretty good Bhape. and Is llkelv to take a hand In tho game himself. All of which means that the finish In the American Is to bo as bruising this season as It was last. A pointer from tho patrons: If the West am league players In the big leagues were suddenly taken out. It would leave several rosters looking like Harry Deuel s skimmer, and there are a lot more fine young men In tho Western ready to go up. This Is an Indication of the quality of ball that Is served on tho little six-club circuit. Tho poplcss bleacherlto will be a novelty, but no more so than was his beerloss pro genitor less thun a generation ago. When the blK leagues cut out the beer stood It was looked upon as revolutionary, but the Kumu has survived, and even progressed. That big crowd of Omaha golfers who went over to Itock Island had one good time, as well as proving to the other Trans mleslsiilppluns thut Omaha still has tho light spirit. Most of the other towns sent only their crack to the meet. Ducky Holmes la still a little bit inclined to exhibit peevishness at times. At that, he has a lot of friends who would liked to have had that little run-In between tho head duckling and Corkblll go to a con t luslon. Con Young's busy season Is here. too. As director of tennis tourneys this voterun Is as glittering a success as he was with tho racquet during the days when ha held tl.e local championship at his mercy. Win n tho Des Moines players line up tills afternoon they will get an ocular dem onstration of the Sunday crowds In Omaha, nt which some of their supporters have af futed to sneer. l'apa Kill and the weather man have had u moat complete understanding; the rain storms come at night and the ball games ti e next afternoon. Eaves sprinkling the diamond, too. The "stormed Denver Times Is also peeved heuu.e of the way the TedJy Bears didn't a In k lines In Omaha. It was a bit rude to the visitors, but Omaha needed them, too. Dinky and his hustling band have cer tainly done the right tiling by Omaha In tutting tlo Champs down and holding I hem there. Talk about I.aonldss at Thermopylae! Wl.sfs tie matter with the Rourke family on the home grounds T This will be Omaha's last day at home for omo time. You can't afford to miss this one. Maybe lies Motnes will miss soma of those deporud players yet. Brraguu Abbott: 6oma golfer O. K. JERSEYLAWS IX WAY OF RACE New Statutes May Prevent Vander bilt Cup Contest There. RACE, BET OR WAGER IS BARRED Another State Hum Trust Sleeca .Mn llr to He t ccleil for the ftlii Automobile Dem onstration The Idea of holding the Vandcrhllt cup raee In New Jersey may have to 1 abandoned because It Is said to violate the federal and state constitutions, to violate the statutory and common law. to be against public policy anil to constitute a public nuisance. The Horseless Age has discovered all these difficult Ifs in the way of holding of the race In New Jersey. Tho New Jersey automobile law, enacted In l!iti and now regulating the driving of automobiles in thnt state, provides that no person shall drive a motor vehicle upon any public thoroughfnre "In a race or on a bet or wager." Obviously, with this provision of the law staring them In the face tho promoters of the Vandnrbllt race had no hope of being able to conduct the race in New Jersey without either violating or nullfylng the law. Being prohibited from holding such a race on the public ' highways for a bet or wager by the ex press wish of the people under the penalty of criminal prosecution, the promoters have set to work to abrogate the low, to nullify the wish of the people by an attempt to so amend the existing law as to permit what previously has been considered as against public policy. In other words, the race Is sought to bo held under authority or color of law. As will be pointed out presently, even though the legislature of New Jersey passes the amendment per mitting the race, It will bo held. If at all, merely tinder color of law, and will be Illegal. The bill authorizing the race Is at this time lending In the New Jersey legislature for action by the senate, hav ing been passed by tho house. Itiiee Aanlnst rtibllo Policy. That such a race ns the one proposed Is undesirable nnd illegal from every point of view ennnot successfully be disputed. There are those, of course, many perhaps, who favor the contest, being Interested cither because of its savoring of sport or because of pecuniary gain to them In some manner. All tho people of the state of New Jersey are also Interested parties, nnd It is prob nble thai a lnrge majority of the cltliens of the state will condemn the contest as any such gambling event Justly should be denr unced. for the race, in Its less serious aspect, Is a gamble and nothing more. Very true, it presents n thrilling spectacle, and consequently draws great crowds, but the human emotions played upon nnd tho Impulses created are not for good ends. Tho common law has condemned gambling ns against public policy: It prohibited bets nnd wagers, making It Impossible for a pambllnir contract to be enforced. In many of our states horse racing on the public highways Is prohibited. nearly Aenln.t Volley. That conducting such a rnce on the pub lic highways is clearlv agalnrt public pol icy Is conclusively shown by the automobile enactments in some thirty-seven states of this country, which limit the speed of mo tor vehicles because of danger. The highly dangerous churacter of the race proposed is well known from the occurrences nt pre vious Vanderbllt cup races. Those who participate In the event risk their lives, t'robnbly the state cannot complain of this, unless for the reason thnt such reckless ness hus a tendency in creiue uuirj.'" safety or life on the part of others. Ono of the worst Influences of a race of this character, If held under color of law, Is to foster the desire for speeding. What little in belniT accomplished by the state and municipal authorities to compel automobile drivers to operate at a safe sliced, nnd even bv some of the automobile clubs, which have taken steps to alleviate the speed nuisance, Is frustrated to a great extent by a d.irlnsr exhibition of speed such as th Vanderbllt race. The spectaele is demoral izing, tho ruco Is against public policy and, moreover, la Illegal, ns will now be seen. Thnt it Is in a way n public nuisance there can be no doubt, because It will close to travel so many thoroughfares which peopin would like to use on the day of the ,race. Whilt Is the Hemedyf If the proposed race is not desired it may bo stopped, because the law authorizing it viciously violates the federul and state con stitutions. To prevent the execution of tho unconstitutional provisions of the law an Injunction will avail, and to forestall a criminal violation of the statutes of New Jersey a criminal proceeding may be main tained. If the race is by any chance held the promoters and those engaged In It may bo, prosecuted, and if anyone Is killed as a result of It, the race itself being Illegal, the death will constitute a criminal homi cide. Automobile Notes. Ottawa, Canada, now has a motor asso ciation. Ieadvllle, Colo., the famous mining town, has but one automobile. Forty thousand automobiles In France are using &uu.iiw hectolitres of gasoline per year. Chauffeurs of the Quaker City have or ganized tho Philadelphia Mechanical Chauf feurs' association. Sealed mechanism contests are all the style now. yet a year ao, when first sug gested, they were scoffed at. Oeorge Qould nnd his family have been making a series of automobile trips through western Europe, using Paris us a base. Of the eighty-six starters In the sealed bonnet test of the Chicago Motor club, fifty-rive came through with clean scores. Affairs at the Jamestown exposition ar In such an unsettled condition that It Is llkelv that the motor boat contests will be abandoned. Newark (N. J autols's are talking of forming a second local organization, to h limited strictly to residents of the City and nearby towns. A standing reward has been offered by the Minneapolis club for the conviction of any person stealing a car owned by any of Its members. Although only in its tnfancy the automo bile Industry und Its allied trades in tht I'nlted Stutes nourishes an army of over uoO.11) workmen. Philadelphia s autobuses began running the past week. Twenty-five were put In service on Itroud stret, the longest paved street In the world. Skeptical of the asserted smoothness of the route niupped out, many (Hidden tour ists took precautions to tit their machines with shock absorbers. A manufacturer who is in a position to know declares thut only about lo per cent of the U concerns which build cars in this country do so with a pr ht. With the victory of Nasarro In the French Grand Prix the intt rnatlonul racing score for lmii stands tnree Italian victories, one lirltish and one German. Tho American Motor Cur Manufacturers' association bus decided upon a sixty-day guarantee as the standard to be given by its members on cars they sell. During the fiscal year ending June i. 1.4 5 cars, valued at t').v'..i)i 5. were Imported through the port of New York, a gain of llu cars over the preceding fiscal year. A Connecticut lawyer (Ives It as his opinion thnt many town treasuries In the Nutmeg state depend almost solely ujicn the capture of alleged speed violators. Since the removal of the limit on active membership by the Worcester (Mass ) Auto mobile club thnt organisation has been forging ahead rapidly In point of numheia. For the first six months this year the state of New York issued .2t licenses to owners of automobiles and I 'Jf.5 to chauf feur, for which It collected IJs.MI In fees. Senator PTiuimcey M. Dcpcw and his w ifa, who recently arrived to I aria, Intend mak- II J U L.l.tT It 1 I t . . I 1 .. . I .1 I. t i. , .... I and may lio n r' pi i .niun .1 , In i .t .s. Governor Uillett of California Is m.c of , the most active oulm-ls ot any si. He x-ci-tlvc In the onuniry. lie did a ot nmk in ti.e last campaign wn.t t!ic nld if his car. An nflici r of the ip rinim army wl'l at to cross .Arriia 1:. an 01101110111;,' by way of (jermftn l.ust Atrli . l!l'l-li Cent nil Alriea. litiooeslii and li-'iiiun H-uiHwist Afrit u. , Tho Importers' Automobile .N.ilun will I hold Its fourth annual show of ii.r, .gu curs and uecesstn it s .it AludMori Souaie ' Cfiinleti. New iurk, December J.i to Jan uary 4. In connection with l, ..sum's Old Home week cekbriilioii nn aiuoiiiuhile anade will be held August 1, followed by a hsln mien 8 race and athletic panics 011 tl.e historic common. The Automobile club of Indiana refused to support a race project on the Indianu Mule lair grounds ut Indianapolis on tuu ground thut the truck was not til for high speeding. ' The . new automobile fa. t .ry nt New ! Ciistle, Ind., for which Vice I 'i 1 shli nt Fair banks recently laid the cornel stone, will , cost !!., ijfi, cover sixly-llve act i s und tin- j ploy 2,i)i) workers. ' Among the thirty new members elected 1 by t lie Automobile club of I'hiladeiphia ut j its last meeting was Jane s AicCiea, pivai- ! dent of the l'i nnsylvanlu railroud, who is j an ardent motorist. I Under the auspices of the Maiquis do i I'ion a great test for touring automobiles soon will be run in France, the winner to ! receive a magnificent silver trophy, known as the lress 1 up. j I'roliably the largest contract for auto- 1 mobiles ever mane was slum .1 recently by j a Philadelphia company, which ugrced to, supply 3-4i cars a year lor live je.ns to u I firm m Floience, Ituly. j The Imperial Automobile club of (icrmnny ' lobt $4o. by the emperors cup nice, a 1 huge sum biing exjn 1 1 to put the Tauus course, over w'deh 1 run, in condition and the erect grand atutida. The ascending ot ..k .hW iii, the hUlr- j est accessible peak 111 tn.- Siena Muire 1 mountains. Is a 11 ut that is atlrucimg iiuio- ! iitobihsts of southern California. Too moan- tain Is a little over a mile high. I'nllke the rul ing board, the touring ! committee of tho American Automobile as- j soi lalton Included "1J ' ulong Willi otoer entiy numbers lor the (Hidden tour. M r . remarkublo still, the recipient made no pro- tcst. In one day recently at Portland, Oie.. J. 11. Wallace broke two iciouts, winning a tweiily-nve-mile race oil a cilcular 11 .o k in JS minutes, lv, , , onds. und u len-ini.e. Mice oil the same Hack in lu minutes, jurs 1 seconds. j New Jersey motorists have raised a fund of several liiou.saud Hollars lo luoroiighly test in the courts liie speed luw of iliat ! fclule, which rural otlictals Interpret to suit. I themselves, uiways lo tno ulhuuvantau of tno motorist. Chicago uutoists are most gallant, be cause uamp weather prevented the taking of old ladies of public Institutions out oil Orphans' day, tho Windy city moioris.s are planning a special outing tor them later in Hie summer. In Pennsylvania l.r.4J4 automobilo licenses wero Issued the lirst six months tills year, as iiKulnst 1I. I.SJ all of last your. The slate uses the prolitt. obtained from the lies for survey work und experiments with dusi luylng muterluls. The iiutuiiioblle speedway ut I.akeflde, Sun Diego county, California, is one ot the tnslest in the country, owing Uui ly to Its shape that of a gnat itg-two miles around and with the lony; curves banked high for speeding. During a recent tiro near l.archmoiit, I.. I., the horses were unable, owing to in avy I roads, to drag an engine lo the blaze. 1'n- I hitching Ihis teuni the lire chief s.-ut for an automobile, which towed tho engine to the tiro in quick time. A novel feature of the race for the kalsor's cup was the-patnting of the cars, the German being white; French, blue; ltulian, red; belgiun, yellow; Knglish, green; Austrian, 01 tinge and black, and Swiss, red and yellow. To got the best of a private detective agency which set traps to catch unwary motorists in whoso lines they siiui'ed, the Norrlstown (fa.) Automobile club erected signs and stationed members uloug the roads to warn strange drivers. The Chicngo Automobile club will hold a show of cars, tires and sundries In the full Independently und probably before the reg ulur show of the Nutlonul Association of Automobilo Manufacturers, which will be held November ZD to Deeeinbir 7. Declaring thut the only way to prevent the Vunderiillt cup ruco Ho. 11 lapsing is to hold it on the bcueh ut Ortuond. members of the Florida Automobile, association ure pressing the matter upon the ottii iuls of lite Americun Automobile uSMiclullun. The hangings, wull paper, carpets und furniture of the sleeping upurtmeius of the tl7f.Coi) club house. Just opened by lh Chl cugo motorists, were selected by the wives of the members, with the result that too rooms posueus a most artistic, It uneilku air. Tho suppression of the Stuttgart Interna tional race' Is regarded as the lust step by the German government toward the com plete prohibition of automobile ra lug Ml the highways of the empi-.e, in accordance with the wishes of the minister of the In terior. Curl I.lttlesterna, the Swedish glohe-t rot ter, who tuts driven In an automol.ili; la 'every part of the world except Africa and Alaska, is on his way to tho latter to dilvu mi auto stage between Dawson and llran- . ville. tile most northern stuue route In the world Whnt Is said to be the "farthest north" automobile go rag" In the world Is located at Calgary, Northwest Territory, Canada. It Is ?r,n miles faither north than St. Petersburg and the most northerly point on the globe where automobiles ure sold and cared for. Tho HrldKoport (Conn.) Automobile club claims to have broken the non-stop record, a touring car owned bv one of Its members having been driven 4i miles in twenty one days without the engine having been stopped. This Is oxer l,0u miles better than tho previous record. The couches of the rowing crews of sev eral of the eastern universities have de cided that there is nothing so rtstful to the nun under their chnrgo after u hard pull In the rhills as u ride in nn auto mobile. Gasolene tonic has been mlded, as It were, to the training table din. Massachusetts' new registration law pro vides an annual fee of $s for automobiles and t'2 fo" motorcycles. It goes Into effect Austlst 1. and. no mutter If each of the 15,000 motorists In that state already h paid a t fee under the old law, he must Spend 15 more for the balance of the year, anuary 1 another $T. fee will be required. To aid the promoters of the Vanderbllt cup race, should It he decided to hold It In New Jersey, the legislature of that state, without an opposing vote, pussed bills per mitting the closing of public roads to other travel while the contest Is on and allowing motorists from other states to enter and leave New Jersey without taking out licenses. A valuuble nnd decisive test of commer cial motor vehicles is to begin in Kngland September 9 and last twentv-two running days. The vehtcles competlns' will move from town to town nnd a careful record of their mileage, repairs, etc., will be kept. At the places exhibitions will be held at night, opened by the vurlous mayors. AMATEUR GOLFERS OF THE WEST Ninth Annual ( hnmpfoiixhlp In ( hi rouu In AiiKimt. The ninth annual amut. ir champion ship of the Western Golf association will be held en the courso of the Chicago Gulf club, August 6, 7, 8, 9 und lo. The annual Competition for the western ch.impionsl.lp Is open to amateur golfers who are mem bers of dubs belonging to the Western Golf association, the competition being played under the rules ot the I'nlted States Golf association. The winner of the competition shall be amateur champion of the Western Golf association for a year, and his club will have the custody of the George It. Thorne trophy until the next annuul championship ineetliu. C. F. Thompson is secretary witli lis ofiice in Chicago, at l'ittf Hallway Exchange build ing. The open tournaments of the associa tion, yet to b playtd are: July lH-iO Gb n View club. Golf. 111., gen eral tournament. July 2f.. 27-Kcnt Country club, Grind ttaplils. Mich., general tournament. July 25 Midlothian Country club, blue Island. III.. Pater Filius cup. July 3"-Au;ust J liiinl;.i club, Luke Forest. Ill , general tournament. August li-W-Koilt Island Arsenal ( Vrf' club. Kix'k I.iUnd. Id., (rii-'ul tournament. August l''-.l Jacks.. n li:r!t Golf chin, Chicago. I'd., general tournament. August Luke Geneva Country club. Lake Geneva. Wis., general tournament August 23 Midlothian 1'ii.iii'rv rluh. Llje Island, 111., "Su'li i'-w" lumhui.niit. LAWNIENMS illCII IN FAVdR Game Has Swung Back Both Here and in foreign Lands. OUR SCHOOL SYSTEM IS PRAISED tirrutrr Interest nted In the 1 nlteil Mates This Senium llrltaln Also Kinds Kpurt Stronger Th mi for Sensoim. The I'nlted Stntes National Iawn Tennis association this year made provision In Its schedule for more tournaments than for many seosons before. There has been an increase In the number of clubs In this country formed for the purpose of playing the game and leagues for lntcrclub matches have hi en springing up everywhere. This rellects the condition on the other side, too. The Field of London finds the matter worthy of a leader In a recent Issue. The Kiiglish publication takes occasion at the same time to point out that the American method of encouraging lawn tennis In the schools is having its Improving effect on the quality ot the game In this country. Lawn tennis undoubtedly did fall off In favor In the I'nlted States, but since has coine back strongly. It Is considered by many persons here to be n safe prediction thut the gume will Increase In popular favor to a surprising extent In the next three seasons. I. awn tennis is regarded as having shown amazing vitality, because there are few sports which have come back so once they have dropped from pub lic liking. What the Field has to say is Interesting to persons lure, because whatever may have been the conditions here a couple of years back the boom Is on In lawn tennis here, too. The English sporting paper says in putt: From many points of view tho announce ment that ull the reserved seats at the championship tournament now proceeding at Wimbledon hud been booked some weeks in udvance may be regarded with satisfac tion. There ure special reasons why in the cast? of this game the number of noncoin batant visitors to the great tournament of the year can be taken as a rough measure of Its extension and why the spu'tators of the championship matches may be be lieved to be for the most part representa tive of solid growth In the multitude of those to whom the introduction of lawn tennis lias afforded wludesome exercise and recreation. Little experience of such gath erings is required to convince one that no mere cruze or propensity Is fostered by attending them. No cause can be aliened for suspecting a groat gulf b'tween play ing and looking on; no need for the lawn tennis apologist to plead that the crowd Is diverted from some more or less vicious manner of wasting time or gratifying a craving for excitement. It must bo remembered that lawn tennis owes nothing to external assistance. Dur ing the greater part of the last twenty years It lias received much Ignorant deri sion and but little praise from the press of the Country; It has been declared ntain nnd again to be dead or dying, while Its solid merits have nil the time been gain ing for It host of recruits In every part of tho civilized world. In fact the growth of the annual tournament list, Itself an Index of the Increasing supply of players, the gradual and quiet progress which has at last made itself felt and tho voluntary ac cession of hosts of fino athletes preceded the burst of recognition which occurred but two or three seasons back. I : fleet of Ultor'a Victory. The number and spread of the entrants for the recent All Kngland championships also Impress the writer of the article. Ha speaks of the Americans and others In the recent tournument, which for the first time was wan by other than an Kngllshmun. It Is curious to note how the sort of prophecy In tills article written before the tourna ment iias been verified by the Victory of Norman K. Hrookcs, on Australian, In the championship round. The writer continues: A glance at tho program of the All Eng land championships may suffice to suggest u number of questions concerning the pres ent and future status of lawn tennis In this country. There was a dale In tho history of the Wimbledon tournament when It was almost us popular as It is at present, owing to the sudden und wonderful development of Hie skill of a small bHtid of players, of whom the late Messrs. William and Mrnest Uenshaw were Hie leaders. by way of contrast it would appear that we have now reached a lean year In respect of Liltlsh talent, inasmuch as the holders of tho championships, who l.cve to no small ex tent repeated the personal attraction of tluir famous precursors, nave rem en num 1 h.- an na. The game originally created by the brilliant feats, the chivalrous sporis- K.ttwa.'and 1' admirable chuninlons. Is in. . m sucn a position as to lie able to run alone. Of the numerous candidates for the va cant titles It may bo said that not brilons, but colonial and foreign visitors engage the largest amount of public curiosity. The tact that luwn tennis hns become a univer sal rath.-r than a national game, capable of affording what are now called Olympic contests in a more capable manner than miiv other, is Indicated by the Wimbledon list of names. For the Kenshaw cun not onlv nre aspirants from the Fritted States cen'tendlng with the flower of Australia, b it India nnd Egypt are represented by their champions und Austrlu has to be reckoned with. Among the ladles who are candidates for the honor of challenging Mrs. Chambers for the title Is Miss Sutton from the pu rine coast, who has once before curried the championship to her distant home, together Willi Canadian, South American and Aus trian plovers. Though France is unfortu nately without a delegate, it Is not that she Is destitute of players of tho first rank. A belginn contingent has previously vis ited us with distinction and will be heartily welcome on Its next appearance, while of other European countries which have the means of making a creditable show when ever thev cun mobilize their full strength Holland. Sweden und Prussia may be pur tloularlv Instanced. The time bus passed when the rivalry of competitors from abroad was welcome In deed, but far from formidable; and while we ure now indebted to our visitors for much of tho attractiveness of the yeur's championships, there is no little cause for apprehension that we may have to con giatulate some of rtiem upon having made a greater advance than our own best men can show. l'luy at Mcbools. Fussing to the International matches, the Field Indulges In a critclsm of the an progressiveness of the brltlsh In failing to provide more Interscholnstle play. In the I'nlted States not only do several of the universities hold tournaments for the school boys to the end of selecting a na tional intcrscholastlc champion, but tlm Public Schools Athletic league also recently lias undertaken a systematic plun of work ln the game for the high school lads. The consideration of the points follows: In the peculiar fitness of lawn tennis for internal lorial contests undoubtedly lies one of its best features. It Is, of course, possi ble to attach excessive Importance In sport el a'l kinds to the f -w mutches between expert of th- first rank, und especially the chosen champions of dl.Terent coun tries; but, on the other hand there Is good reason to believe that by such contests anj bv the exampl of those who bestow more time and pains upon games than the rank and tile i f players could profitably afford the games themselves are diKniflod and reeiiiiinenibd. to th- gr.-at advuntujo if, tin who ure thus Induced to cultivate. ' them in moderation It has Justly been I said of lawn tennis that it Is the recreation I I . r .1... ....... 1... u.u -I....O ,,.. .n that account forget that In this country it 1 has been perfected by a fsw nun of leisure j who could spend summer after summer In tournament pluy. The advantage jn the possession of such 1 t layers us Us representatives has hitherto oeionueii 10 our oll eininiijr, mm 11 v e fall behind In the race It w'll be because our rlvuls have balanced this either bv 1 greater uthlctic ability, by svstentatle and I intellectual application or by training In 'youth. The last Is a most Important eon- j i Fiib r itloii. and It Is In the failure of lawn . ti-niiis to pain a fooling at English public ! schools, while It Is cultivated assiduously at si hoola in AmirlcH and our colonies. J , t' at our first preat defeat on English turf I , wiil be attributable. D feat In these clr- j lumstnnces will to te inevitable, 1 ' and It Is not 1n Itself to lie crestlv deplored wh-n it comes, provided that It brings no ' di-'enurafiement. Wlother lawn tenids Is a desirable a(1 j Jitljn to the school curriculum Is for du- , .it'onuilStH to COllSlilel'. but lloWeyer till." : .ay be. we arc coin liu o! ti .it it Is m uispensahle for a large proportion of our outh. since it affords tn un exceptional manner the ixenise. the lualthy stiruilus. lie ununited vista of Improvement . t'ne ! meiilsl and moral training thai chui.o' 1 terize games of the first class, while It l .available t many for whom no otuer 1 athletic recreation Is equally suitable. It ' lias been pointed out Willi great force that 1 In spue of eminent , x.imples K.nuilsh play ers ar liegltiilul of lietliod lis coa..iied with their American rivals that they have no school for acquiring style in slue to that which formerly existed In 1'uiuin. that evi n the bi st professional coaches have been exp 'tied to the continent, and thnt for new developments of strokes and tactics we have lau Iv had to look abroad. Perhaps Hi,, p. of n champlonh1p or two. to say nothing of the international trophy, which is shortly to be competed for. and therewith the iirivllene of providing the ground for the con'ist. may he neces sary to enforce these lessons. In that case the somewhat mysterious absentation of our champion from last year's contests -regrettable as It tuny appear In the cli -cumstiiriees of the hour- may lie n bh sslne In disguise. At any rale the old. If not all the new, Knullsh admirers of lawn tennis will not grudge the winners of the cham pionships or the Davis cup their victory. The present year has already been one of wholesome criticism and the commence ment of reform. Itiiwn tennis has on the whole been fortunate utnll recently In its administrators as well 11 s Its players. For the well drafted code of rules nnd the wise adoption of tonn's traditions It has to thank the earlv fathers of the All Kngland Lawn Tennis club, and for its world wide extension to no small degree the Lawn Tennis association nnd the coir nate body of the I'nlted States If the as sociation can effectively command the earnest and undivided support of Its con stituents we may confidently hope not only that the credit of the game, somewhat rudely shnken bv recent controversies will I be restored, but thnt there will be no re currence or tno present iiiitieultv of finding an international team, nnd that our players will once more take a foremost part In the developments of skill and Ingenuity which the future Is certain to produce. BIG TENNIS TOURNAMENTS ARE ON !) Moines mil lunn frnrkn Are Get (lug llasy. The second annual open tournament of the Iowa Lawn Tennis association will be held August 5 to 10 nt the Hyperion club, Pes Moines, when the championship of Iowa In gentlemen's singles nnd doubles will be decided, the matches being rl-iyed under the auspices nnd rules of the West ern Lawn Tennis association. The winner In the singles will be culled upon to play Walter T. Hayes of Toledo, la., present holder of the state chrrmplonshlp, nnd the winners of the doubles will piny the present chnmplons. W. T. Hayes nnd W. E. Hlnther wick of Hock Valley, In. both these play ers nre well known In Omaha, as Hayes Is the present holder of the Middle West tennis championship nnd Platherwlck is the ambidextrous doctor who was such n hnrd proposition to put out nt several tourna ments held In Omaha. Conrad Young and several other Omahn players have sltrnUied their Intention of going to Des Moines to the tournament nnd in return of the compliment a large number of tho Ivs Moines players say they will come to the Middle West tourna ment, which meets a couple of weeks nfter the Des Moines tournament. Lnfe Young, Jr., of the Pes Motnes Capital has taken up tennis nnd Is boosting tho game besides putting In all Ids spure time in practice. He hns written to Omaha to boost for the Iowa meet and to get more Omaha players to go to ros Moines for the week. He says the Dos Moines players will more than reciprocate. Tho secretary Is E. N. Hopkins of Des Moines. Pluy will begin nt p) a. m. nnd at 2 p. m. each day. The entertainment program for the week Includes a trip Mon day evening to Ingersoll park nnd theater, Tuesday an automobile ride, Thursday the annual meeting and dinner nt the club and Friday night a dance at the club. DAN M'GANN OUT FOR SEASON Coakley'a Unll Split Hone In Ilia; Mini's Arm. NEW YORK. July 3D. Many weeks will lapse before Dan McGunn, field captain of the Giants, will again don a base ball uni form, and tho end of the season may come before he Is ublo to hurl a bull across tho diamond or clutch u bat firmly enough to mukfl a awing hurt. After waiting pa tiently for three weeks for his arm to round Into shapo and undergoing various treatments, tho stublHirn whip was put under the X-ray nnd the liosnltal Biirguona , tnuTH ttmt th(1 b(ino wns broken, and tho j who,e r .0 be shipped Into a pins- tor cast to wait for further orders. In tho main bone of the forearm a longitudinal break was discovered, and tho split bono will have to knit together securely before McGann can again take his Job at first. The doctors explained thut a longitudinal break Is one that runs lengthwise of the 1 bone Instead of oosswlse, as Is usual ln ; such coses. For that reason they are very ! hnrd to discove r, and but for the X-ray j big Dan might have been still waiting for . the soreness to get out of his wing. Tills ' news ramo as a deep disappointment to i the other members of tho team, who want I tho captain buck ln the game. McGunn i was hit on the arm bv a pitched ball thrown by Coakley In Cincinnati the same Inning that bresnahun was knocked out. MISS SUTTON AND MISS SEARS Match between the Champions Is In Sight. CINCINNATI. O., July 2. A sioclal con test between Miss May Sutton, champion woman tennis player of the world, anl Miss Sears, tho American champion, Is planned for the tri-stute tournament, which 0ens In this city the last of August. Noth ing has yet been heurd from either player, but the officials of the tournament have tho matter before them, und are hopeful of obtaining the contest, for which a valu able prise will be offered. It's too late to put the ice ln the referlgtirator after the milk Is spoiled. The time to order a tropical weight suit Id before the rcaUy tropical v ather arrives. We are ready to make to your measure. $50.00 Summer Suits to order ror $;in.tM $40.00 Summer Sulla to order for .oo $30.00 Summer Suits to onie-r for vm.oo MacCAHTHY-WILSON TAILORING CO. Vhons Doug I SOS. MM a ltth Bt. Naar B. W. Cor. ltth and Farnam 81 Jiy ft iK-'! 4 1 ROM MAIORTU MlNURLEAf.UE Whereabouts of Some of the Base Ball Stars. END OF SOME WHO SLOWED UP X rteraim ho llnve Fonurl Good berths Ouistile of l'hliiimlilp ( onqinni anil Are Mill et It. Sonic major league base ball placers go to the minor leng n s because they haw passed the period whin they are lip to ma lor league speed; some go to tho Minors because they need more development and are not yet up to major league sp 1: some return to the minors bocuti'c they are not made of major league capacity. Whatever the reason, minor leagues are a lilesliig for the great army of professional player for whom theie Is no room in the big leagues. The minor leagues nre tilled with plnyers who once played in the National or Ameri can league, and no doubt sonic of these I could hold their own In fashionable com pany were they to return to it. At the same time they are quit- busy holding their ow n where tin y are, for the principal minor lencues are speedy on their own ne count and call for ball playing of quality. A former National league player of note Indeed, he was famous in his day who lias found a sntirtuary In the minors Is Theodore breltensteln, tho once rrnck pitcher of the St. Isnils and Clncbinntl tinnm. "I'.relt" lias been with the Now Orleans dub of the Southern learue for I several yours and has pl.iye.l much good bnll there. lis Is not played out yet by any means, and In that climate has shown us good form as lie ever did In the parent organisation. Another old-timer still on tho base bnll earth is George Van Haltren, who Is earn ing his dnlly brend with the dub of the California league. Oakland bill Phil- lips, tho former Red pitcher. Is with the New Orleans team, ns Is Iive Cross, the veteran thldd basonan, recently released by Washington. billy Gilbert, who plnved second base for MeOraw's world's cham pion New Yorks, Is filling the same jmisI tion for the Trenton tlub In the Trl-Slnte league, and Joo Kelby, star of the old Orioles and later manager of the Cincin nati Reds, Is manager und player on the Toronto Eastern league team and doing well. Juke berklcy, who spent yenrs In Na tional lengue service, Is playing lirst base for the Kansas City team of the Americun association, and Mike Grady, a veteran of both the National and American leagues, Is doing backstop duty for the Wllmlngtons of tho Trl-Stnte league. Joe Dohin, once a whore he will reimrt today. John fuvorite In Philadelphia nnd Louisville, Is j on opened the season with the Welser with Omaha In the Western, nnd "Ducky" ,,,an1 of xh Maho State lengue nt Welser, Holmes of the White Sox Is managing the ! o"'h of Spoluine. nnd lip to June 30 had Lincoln team and placing third base. Frank ! I'Hched seventy-five Innings without a hit Lachanco, who played first base for brook lyn In the National lengue and boston In tho American league, Is now guurdlng the first cushion for the Watorbury team of ' Plnycd games in which his team scored the Connectlt;ut league. ninety-eight runs to Its opponents' flvu. On the Haverhill club of the New Englajad J"mon Is credited with striking out eight league Is Hilly Hamilton. Into of BoBton Pn mrn ln rnrh of gnmes. In on and Philadelphia, and ono of the beat fielders, batters and base runners the Na tional league ever had. Cupid Chllds, a noted second baseman over a dozen years ago and an associate of Patsy Tobeau on the CTevelundN, is playing second base for the A., J. and O. team of the New York State league. Sam Mertes, who worked on various big lengue teams. Is with the Ml... neapolls cluh of the American association. 60 Is buck Freeman, who was famous us a home run slugger In the big league. Both are playing the game right up to the handle. Mulnchl Ktttredge Is still In harness. He catches for and manages the Montreal team In the Kastern league, billy Klester of the Jersey Cltys Is another former big league plnyer who has found a good berth ln the minor league ranks. Hugh Duffy, a hitter of rare quality In tho National league years ngo, is managing the Provi dence team. Heinle Pelts, for many sea- Our Enemies Ssxy Vie "Cai i Deliver the Goods.' 1 ure of automobiUng see us about a Stoddard-Dayton. The little four-cylinder Ford Is the greatest car in its class. Still have the old Popo and two or three cheap second hand cars for sale. Sold another truck. People who are contemplating the purchase of Motor Trucks should Bee us. DER1GHT AUTOMOBILE COMPANY 1814-16-18 Farnam Street SUMMER RATES 1 GREATLY 000. Wabash 1601 FARNAM STREET. HARRY E. M00RES, 0. A. P. D. sons n contpi. ',ior- I'gine behind the bat In the National ! nunc, imiv sports th mask and I .id for the l.o'lisilh' team. ti!nr f trior h .mue pi. ..Mrs now in th Anietlian a.-'so, mi ion ne I'hHths Carr. maiinici r or the Indlanaiolis cluh; Jimmy Ittirki. w!o 's placing will K.iiisas City; Anil rose I 'ut ' 1 ' ,i tn . tl.e I.'k southpaw plti her. with Lomsvlllc and once with tht New York Aine'lciins. Mclllth. Huelsman nnd Krueu. r, wtih K. iter's City; Montu p.eville. with Columbus; Gremlngir. ti e big third hns man. with Minneapolis; Geler, Koeloer. old Joe Sllgdell and I'iu In r l.e loy. wph St Paul; Sinnct and Abbott with Toledo. policrtaille nnd Wicker. nf th. ! pitchers, with Columbus; lick t'oolei. with Louisville; brings and Kiilum, pitchers, ! nnd otto W illiams, shortstop, with Indian-' j Bpolls; Jack Mil ly'thy. with Knnsns City, j Thoney. the Toronto outtlehbi who li j doing tine work this season and Is to Ji1n j the boston Antiileans next year, was tn I the American league a few seasons ugn, both with New York nnd Clevelnnd He Is one of the fastest runners in base ball nnd a splendid thrower. Harry Schlaftey, recently with Washington. Is on the snnis teum. Charley bnbb. who played short for the New York Nationals not so long ngo, Is Willi the Memphis dub of the Southern league. In the same league, playing with Atlnntu, Is Otto Jordan, who was brook lyn's second baseman for one season. Jack Dunn, who did valuable work on the. New Yorks for McGrnw as a utility man. Is manager and second baseman of tha Paltlmore Eastern b-agne team. Van 7.tii dt, the former St. Louis Ameri can outtlchlir. Is playing with blnghumton of the New York State league. Sb olmiin, the former brooklyn catcher. Is with I 'tic, Jimmy Sebrlng, who played the outfield for Pittsburg and Cincinnati, Is with tho Wil llamsport dub of the Trl-Slute league. Harry Arndt, third baseman for the St, Iuils Cardinals last season, In with th Wilmington club. Lew Wlllso, one time n box man for th New York Americans nnd n brother of George Wiltse, is one of the Johnstown club pitchers. The Itiirrlsburg club hns I ,wo noted veterans on Its roster of players, ' '",,n ' whom Were big league stars. On Ih bill Schrlver, the catcher, who saw long service on various big league teams and who once tried to catch a bnll thrown from Washington monument. The other Is Kip Srlhnch, who played In New York. Wnsh- ' Ington nnd boston, and In his time shon luminously as 0, bntter nnd outfielder. JOHNSON IS THE PITCHING KID Wonderful lt-rord of YYiinlilnKtou'a iN'eiv Tm Irler, SPOKANE, Wnsh. July 3n Wnlter John son, n native of California, born at Ana heim nineteen yenrs ngo, whose record ns a twirler Is without parallel In base bnll history, has signed n contract to pitch for tho American league team of Washington, being scored against him. He struck out US! men in hlnety-nlne Innings, pitched seven consecutive shut out games nnd game he retired the first eight men to fac him, while eleven others did not reach first bnse. While In California playing with the Ollndn team, he pitched forty-nine In nings without a lilt being scored by th opposing tenm. While his performnnces hnve never been approached by the big leagues, Johnson Is m,-ul,ftt Tfn i?ois nbont bin work on th aimnn(1 ,n n businesslike way and is good nntur,.rt throughout, never questioning th decislons of tho mnn with the Indicator. Ho hns tho chnrnctorlstlc California faith In himself nnd In Mils, coupled with his headwork, he has mnde more thnn good In a stnte l"ngiin composed of fast and heady plnyers, brought to this part of the north west from the base bnll centers In th middle west, east and Pacific coast. Vet erans who have watched Ids piny since th opening of tho senson declare that th coming yenr will see the young Cnllfornlati nt the hend of the pitching ranks In th major lengue. we havo no enemlwB except one or two . cut price automobile dealers. People who buy Stoddard-Daytons and Korda are our life-lonK friends. We are taking; orders for Fords and Stoddard-Daytona nearly every day and shipments are being made prompt ly. Delivered two Stoddard-Daytons thU week. New models will be shipped in the course of two or three weeks. Have one Stoddard-Dayton runabout on the floor for sale. This Is the firm Stoddard-Dayton we have had for immediate delivery this year. If you want to experience the pleas REDUCED .000 City Office OMAHA.