Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1907, HOME SECTION, Page 2, Image 23

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I littiiai art Kf Mi
ONE of the Busy Bees forgot to give her age this week and two others
forgot to say cm which elde thry wished to be counted, the red or the
blue. This la too bad. for they were all good stories. We must all
remember, too, that the stories must all be markod "Original," for
only the original stories ran be used. One came In hint week that was
not an original story, but the editor hopes there will be no more mistakes ot
Two weeks more remain In which the Busy Bees may select the subjects
for their own stories. One boy has written asking that this privilege be open
urtll the first of September, because "its lots easier to write about things you
want to write about when It's hot." The editor thinks this is the very best sort
of reason, and If enough of the boys and girls are willing we will extend th
time. Won t you all say what you think about it next time you write?
Through a mistake last week the
.. hirh won second prize, was credited to
'f:.rJorle Pratt of Kearney, Neb., aged 11
to her.
One of the girls sent two pen and
good. Olio of the boys writes that be
so cannot write any more stories until
reads the Busy Bee page every Sunday.
The first prize this week was won by
Neb., the second by Juanita Inus, aged 12
honorable mention by Helen Miller, aged
Those succeeding In solving last week's beheaded word puzzle were: Clara,
I.undberg and Agnes Lundbeig, Fremont, Neb.; Howard Uiffen, Olenville, Neb.;
Eunice Bode. Falls City, Neb.; Ruth Krueger, Fremont,. Neb.; Kathryn Rosa
Clark. Kim Creek, Neb.; Ethel M. Ingram, Valley, Neb.; Eleanor McCarthy,
1714 Dorcas street; Alta Wilken. Waco, Neb.; Mortimer Asher, 1(117 Maple
street; Lottie Fulcher, Bellevue; Marguerite Belknap, 2524 North Eighteenth.
Etroet, Omaha.
The Fairies
By Maud
Gracie sat on the ground beneath p big
tree playing with her doUs and picture
books Pretty Boon, to her great astonish-
mont one of the picture booka opened-a
book 'of fairy tales-and out stepped one of
the daintiest fairies in all tho book's pages,
She was the Princess lla, and Grade
bad read of her dozens and dozens of
times, never finding the story dull. As
Oracle was on the point of speaking to
Princess I.ala another page of the book
flew open and out walked Hop-Over-My-
' ' . . , j !
Thumb, Just as funny and as real as
Gracie had ever seen him in picture and
story. Then, as fast as they could lift
. .
the book leaves am
. , , , 4,
all the fairies of the
I o.i-t. ..... - -
soft grass, came
hook, making a beautiful and entertaining
company. Oracle, now almost too much
surprised to believe her eyes, looked from
one to the other of her strange callers,
saying In a fluttering voic.eof excitement:
'Well, how did this ever happen? But, It
Is lovely, perfectly lovely, for you to come
to life and make mo a visit. Will you all
be seated? I am sorry I can only offer
you a seat on the grass.
"Oh. my dear Oracle. said the fairy
queen, who was a white-haired, pretty
little old fairy dame, "it Is we who should
apologize to you for coming so unex-
pectedly. If one Isn't Invited, one must
be grateful for a seat on tho grasa-or In
a tree's limb."
"Hure, In a tree's limb." exclaimed nop-
Over-My-Thumb. And Instantly the Imp-
Ish fellow-for ho looked really Impish In
reui lire gave a nouna in mo air ana
seated himself on tho limb of a tree.
There he sat, dangling his legs to and fro,
humming a merry tune. And soon many
of tho other fairies the youngish ones
followed Hop-Over-My-Thumb's example,
and the fine old tree swarmed with fairy
"Well why shouldn't we turn Mine of
these little pebbles Into chairs and divans?
asked Princess I.ala.
What Is the good
ot being a fairy If one doesn't use the
fairy's power?" And as she spoke she
waved her wand about her and there rose
from among the pebbles scattered about
on the ground easy chairs and comfortable
divans. Then the entire company-whlch
must have comprised fifty fairies In all
found seats.
"We've come to tell you how much we
appreciate your love for us." said one of
tho fairies, smiling on Oracle. "W don't
know of another child In the whole sur-
rounding country who enjoys us more than
you do
1 I enjoy you In real life much more
I do In that big book," declared
Oracle. "And every day I read about you
to my dolls, Sissy and Malel. You see,
although my dolls do not talk, they ean
understand trie." she added seeing that
several of the fairies looked at Sissv and
Mabel, who wer lying on the ground.
,.. ,. ... , , .
ell. would you like to have your dollle.
Ini ar."cli fn'ry QU"P"' aMrCSa'
"Oh ih't wnni.i b , , ..
Oh. that would be perfeetly lovely."
and alttJ f' tVsm m . "T,
vtj. I ". 1 .7 w 88a,r": ,1"
..v. . , ...a, ,i(i, Hill lllF Vt IIOI1
company-and such distinguished compahy,
rlna- VonT1'" """
,,,rro" :r; ir
kT.-v and Vshel on t ha noni v 'in n'h
, .
story entitled "Edith's Valentino,"
the wrong writer. It was written by
years, and Fhould have been credited
Ink sketches this week. They are very
Is working for his father this summer,
fall, but he assures the editor that h
Alta Wilken, aged 12 years, of Waco,
years, 2769 Fort street, Omaha, and
12 years, Falrmount, Neb.
Visit Gracie
dear little old fairy touched the )lps of the
dolls with the wee point of her tiny finger,
and Immediately Sissy and Mabel began to
sing the prettiest little song you ever heard,
Oracle's pleasure was great. She danced
and laughed In glee, telling the old fairy
Queen that she should never, never forget
her and the great miracle she had wrought
h her dear daughters. Sissy and Mabel.
"Oh how can I ever hank you enough?
kneeling at the foot of the old
fa'l"yql"0",1 . .
"A t we ask Is that you do not forget us,"
, - " ':..
como the fashion for children to not read
fairy stories. They now read tales of fiction
dealing with problems and questions much
, , " , T . , 7. , nj .
liiu oiu nir mom. in iuci, mo uiimicu ol
today are about as old as their parents, and
If you tell them about us they'll shake their
say. ,Tn(re
n, fairies N'nw von nrA not thnt sort of
mtp glrl you dpKht )n hPBr)nK nni, read.
Imr about lis. And what la most eratifvlnor
t UB ,B thfe fact tnRt you honeMly beeve
(n ug
.. j do be!eve )n y
Gracle ..SnouM T ever to dlllbelleve.
,n falr)e8 j 8houd unhap)y. why,
noth,ng the but rpa, ,u
thftt dQ thnM Jupt a , dQ thni K ,
,ove tho falr)t,B and rll n(,yer cpage tJ fce
uuve )n them."
..NoWi el)alj we nave a banquPtr. c,,led
down Hop-Over-My-Thumb. "I'm getting
awfu, hungry-even though I'm not a flesh
un,i bone person."
,.yc(j the flrle- a haye Btomuchs..
laughed a big fairy, a funny fellow, who
was always going about In the book dis
guised as a clown.
'We've stomachB
, ,--., , u 111,1
Aiii0.V" lu Hanoi lull nun,
In a pretty little fairy miss who was seated
beside the clown. "Now, will you remain
nuitt until nnllArl unnn trt iint-flk nir?1 alia
added laughingly.
A feast, a feast, a feast!" cried a chorus
of voicet from the tree limbs. "Queen Mab,
give us a feuat!"
Tlle i,uk. 0d qucen smiled Indulgently
on her band of fairies and waved her wand
nbout ln front of ner immediately there
arpcared-as If rising from the very earth
a table spread with all the good things
to cat that child or fairy could possibly
wll(h for And m ,nother minute Oracle,
having been Invited by the queen to act as
hostess at the banquet board, was doimt
the honors of tho tabl. About her gathered
fairies of every description, old, young, lit-
tie, big and great. At her right hand sat
Sissy, pouring nectar from a golden pitcher
ln,n ,lny la"es. and on her left was Mabel,
w,, wa" B"rvlnS' strawberries rolled In
iKiMueieii sugar ana swimming in yellow
crenin. A great pyramid of cake and Ice
cream held the center of the table and
l""u ""ul uy ,ru""' rHna,PS
1',z'"',,her kinds of delacacles so appetizing
to children and fairies.
Put Just as Oracle lifted a plate of
ruKarei conUpll to pi( , hpr
"n,etl"n blt hcr 00 the c,'eek' Sh haf
"0,",' look,'', about hpr m a AzoA way-
The ,, rilbbpd h and w.ratohed
'mBr,",K "" "
""Tlto had hltten her a moment
mil wnero were tne ra riesT And
w,,e wa tn banf.11Pt table, Gr.rl(,
tuhMi h'r n thpn h"Jht
"It'll". I IlfY WPffl V n&T On inn
Ti.r:t'bir:J. i
' " , " "pl ' IT,en ura(,'o
n.m .i.i in- in nooK oi isiry tales,
Summer Evening Fun on
r 1YW '
Vi K'-S'i: tl-A '
1. Writs plainly on on side of ths
paper only Ml number tn pages,
a. Us pen and Ink, not psncll
3. Short and pointed artloles will
b fivn prefereno. So not ns ovsr
aso words.
4. Original atortss or latter only
will be used.
ft, writ youi nam, ags and ad
ores at tb top of tli first pair.
First and cond prisas of books
will be glTn for tb bust two con
tributions to this pag eacli wek.
Address all oommnnlcatlon to
Omaha Bee.
(First Trlze.)
A Hurried Move
Vlv Alio. Wtllrnn iirurl 1 Ypnrs
Neb. Red.
The squirrel family had settled for the
winter In Rotten l.lmb Row. Tho tone-
ment they had secured was large enough
for the whole family-father and mother
squirrel, big brother Plumey and little
sisters Squeaky and Chlppy-and all their
winter supplies. The squirrels did not
know that Farmer Brown was going to
out down the tree, so they did not know
they had to move. The next day two men
came to the tree and cut It down; there
was a irreat commotion In the suulrrel fam.
lly. They barely had time to escape by
running alona Rotten I.lmb Row over into
Oak street, which was In the next tree,
when down went their old home with
crash. The squirrels were Jone,l by their
friends and they all chstlered angrily
at the men.
While big brother Plumey
ran out on a branch and scolded the men.
Affairs were not so bad as they seemed
at first, for Mrs. Squirrel found a vacant
hollow in Oak street, which they found
would do very well for a new home. After
r -
" was open at a page where she had been
reading to her dollies Just a little while
An f b(.PnaBlP , , no
'-'' -ely beln there. U
was that horrid old mosquito that had
iii. .i.e.. i.i. i i.
r, " ,'"":'.. '7.: ...u
voices. Slowly Oracle Rot to her feet and
lrmbrxl nimut hoi- Than nllh
- i -e n
dreaming, but I believe in fairies Just the
?-V:.,;;...'-N ' Ak v
TV i v v
'.'. .Hi MX
the men had aone the soulrrels hurried
the men had gone the squirrels mimed
Although the men had shaken out some
of the nuts they bad not taken any away.
The whole family set to work carrying
their treasures to the new home In Oak
street, whlsps of hay and wool for the
beds and the store of nuts for winter.
Chippy found her acorn all Bate and
sound and Squeaky her big fat peanut.
Py night the new home was ready to be
slept In.
(Second Prize.)
The Queer Chicken
I5y Juanita Innes. Aged 12 Tears. 2761)
Fort Street. Omaha, Neb. Red.
Old mother hen had sat on her eggs for
three long weeks, and. on hearing tho other
chickens In the farmyard talking about
giving a party, she became Impatient, for
the was sure she would get an invitation
and If her 'ggs had not hatched how
could she go?
Nevertheless, she did not give up but
it there, patiently till another hen came
up and offered her an invitation, which she
declined, saying, "These eggs on which I
am sitting have not hatched yet and I
cannot leave them." "Will you please let
me look at those eggs." asked the other
hen. "With pleasure," answered the set-
ting hen and she flew off her nest with
8 "cluck, cluck."
"I am Bure those eggs are no good." said
the other hen, as she carefully turned them
ov,r "l wl" walt ,(,r one weclt "re,"
answered the setting hen.
0n', W'H,1 lftter the hen, who had offered
me semng nen me lnviiaum lo xne party,
rall1 aaln "n,i Ral('- "Well, have any of
tho88 eKK" hatched." ''Yes." answereed the
setting hen, "One.
He 18. a very queer
look In (t chicken.'
other hen said.
Let nie see It, ' the
Yes. to tell the truth it was a very queer
chicken. It lied webbed feet and a very
queer looking bill. All the fowls ln tho
farmyard notleed it. but they thought it
was some new fashioned chicken. But, to
tell the truth. Ihe farmer had set the hen
on a half a dozen duck eggs.
(Honorable Mention.)
Jessie's Sacrifice
. . . . . .
Y x- u rairmoni.
"Thursday. Thursday! ' Will It
f n-t... i .. rr,
day w. ...e ay ot ,h 8Und.y -.hoi
picnic. This was only Mondoy. "Mamma.
may I go and see Owen?" said Jessie. "Ye.
dear." "Oh, Owen. Tuesday, Wednesday.
then 'rhnraifnv " TYi irlrla Innl, knM a
,, ,.
', " '"
hands and danced around. Wednesday
M ' '
morning Owen said. "I'm so tired and hot.
In the afternoon her face looked red and
feverish. Her mother i ailed the doetor snd
when he came he told her that Owen had
the measles. When Jessie heard of It she
was very sorry for now she knew Owen
13 v:- ,t-mmm a mm
niuft mifs the picnic. Jessie's mother bad By Ruth Weller, Aged 10 Years, Nebraska
asked her to clean a drawer. As she wss City, Neb. Blue,
cleaning It she came across her Sunday We were telling stories about different
School quarterly. countries one afternoon. One girl told
She glanced at the page and saw the about China, which I will tell you about,
golden text: "Do unto others as ye would In China they don't care for women or
that they should do unto you." Jessie's girls. You can have a house built and fur
heart beat fast and she wondered if she nislied for V. They use bamboo In (M
Illustrated Rebus
the Old Farm
v. ', A
5- f" A I
, . , v
7 I
would like It if she was slek and Owen
left her. Surely not. She went and told
her mother not to bake the cake she was
to take to the picnic, as she was not
going. Her mother said nothing. Next
day she took her best doll and went to
. Owe,. As Owen was not Very slek
thev had a Eood time.
When Owen got well there was a sur- land In wild Arizona. As far as the eyi or not he got a stool and spoon. When ha
prise for her and Jessie. Their mothers, can reach there Is nothing but ilrv lant. got there he could not reach the Jam.
fathers, and the two little girls went In Arizona was always noted for being barren. He Jumped down and got bis own high
a sailboat to a little island in the lake and and the onlv way to get across this desert, halr. He at last got the Jam. He corn
there spent a happy day. If you do not know the place. Is to follo v rnenied to eat. Kvery spoonful he would
"Owen," whispered Jessie, with her arm the tracks of wagons as they have mov.-d drnp Bonlo 0n his nice clean suit,
around her friend, "I'm glad I didn't go silently across. On one side of this endless pretty soon he heard a noise, and thent
to the picnic." plain can be seen a white line. That Is "Teddy, Teddy! Where are you? Teddy
the Indian camps, where the numerous wa BO frull1 that he dropped the Jar ot
mnp TWO PftHTNS wigwams are pitched. jam on tb noor. fTls mother now knew
X W nuoum Portlier n(f In the onnosltn direction mav . n,. ........
. , . ii
y " "P ...
Manderson Street. Omaha. Red.
th- t t:t t: thz nMt ,n
our trpp a))d thr. hn,, a mu rohn.
Cn( evollnB. my cos,n Rnd i rmbed the
free and fp(1 u a lot nf ,, worm8 and then
the two robln(, rat1)P fluttering about the
trPe and wp R(lt down-
0np ny bov ,.Unihd ,1p the tree and
klpd tnp ,p rnh,ni and tlmt evening the
two roblng fltW away and that was tne st
x eaw ot them.
Tommy's Christmas
By Fern Carpenter, Aged It Years. 230S Ij
Street, South Omaha. Red.
Mr. Ixmg was going home from his work
on Christmas eve and as he was passing
the window of a great toy store he notleed
a little boy standing there looking with
eager eyes at the pretty toys.
"What is your name?" asked Mr. lying.
"Tommy." replied the little fellow.
'Are you going to have a Chrlst.hias trte
Bt 5'our house this year?" he asked nf Mr.
I-ng, but before he could answer the boy
a,(1. "We aren't, for mamma says we are
too poor, we can't afford It this year.
"Aren't you afraid you will get lost?"
asked Mr. lying.
"Oh. no; I know the way." was the reply,
"Wouldn't you like to spend Christmas
with me?" asked Mr. Long.
"I expect t would," said Tommy.
"We will go home and ask your mamma
If you may go."
They soon reached Tommy's home. It
wasn't a very nice one you may be sure,
His mother consented to his going and they
were goon on their wav to Mr. Ix)nK's.
AftPr leaving Tommy there lie went to
t()Wn and purchased a Christmas tree and a
,,) nmnv tovs And th first thlno- thnt
jfrPrted Tommy's eyes next morning was
the lovelv Christmas tree and on it the
VPry Famfl ,ovs b had wlshpd fnr. Thls
wa8 a chrlBtmas Tommy never forgot,
, . . f
AIlc OldJTS U.I1U Qllipea
By Rva Hugenberg, Aged 10 Years, 83 P
Street, South Omaha. Blue
The small two-story house still standing
at 23! Arch streot, below Third street,
Philadelphia, has an Interesting history,
In it the first flag, containing thirteen stars
" ......
and thirteen stripes, was made by Mrs.
John Ross. The design for the Hag was
from a drawing made by Oeneral Wash-
lngton with pencil, and the flair thus de-
signaled was adopted by a resolution of
congress on June 14. 177i'. A committee of
congress, accompanied by Oeneral Wash-
i. , ..
iiiBiuii, Mit'miiius eaie'ii upon .Airs, rtnss
and engaged her to make a flag from thi
n-w ., , ,
design. The flag then made Is now known
the world over as Old Olory, the Star
Spangled Banner of the V nlted States of
Customs in China
ways for wntor pliirs. d I i . fur
niture nnd lots cf nthtr ways. Tiny -,l
tl.i Ir ili -xoi-'t H st Htul soup lnt. Tlny
do pvrryth'nB hrkwnl. Tliy Ht
nf l ire. Thi'V livi- very i hi ai'ly 'I I in iln
n"t liavp Imrsi . Tliey lmvi' a klitil of
clmlr wlili'li tlie nun nll tin- vmm'ii In.
Tliey will pull you nil day for alimt 'jn
cnls. Tliey have an ollve-r ilored skin,
PlantlnR eyes anil a lonK cue. If tliey wouM
cut their cue off they think they wouldn't
go to heaven. They think yoti need clothes
In heaven, so they hum clot lies on the
grave and believe the smoke takes them
up. Their sleeves re larKe, because tliey
use them like pockets. When the cltls are
babies tho mother wraps the fi-ct up very
tight and sillinesses them in tisht shies,
which stops the blood, and the feet do not
grow. You may see a woman with a foot
no loriR-pr than four Inches. The sobs of
their phors are wooden and an Inch thick.
The Spoiled Daughter
By Wauneta Hen. Aged 12 Years, flliel
ton. Neb. Red.
Hell was Just about to enter the kitchen
when the sound of voices readied her. She
paused at the door to listen. It was her
twikbrothers talking about her.
"f course, Oeorge, she's petted and
spoiled, but I can't see why we have to
mind her; sho's younger than we are,"
Frank was saying.
"Father said we were to mind Hell, so
we must." said Oeorge, "and 1 will nut
argue more.
T1..II l.nw na..B 1,'llh llfir llUtliltl Bllil
rushed upstairs. She ran to her room am'
locked the door behind her. Phn flung
herself upon her bed and began to soli, i)n
censlngly. After a couple of hours some
one, knocked st the door and her mother's
voice said: "Bell, dnrllng, let me In. I've
been wondering where you had gone."
Bell arose and opened the door. Then the
story of what she had heard was told to
her mother, who said: "Well, dearie, you
musn't care, because they are only hoys."
A great change came over Hell after she
had heard the boys' conversation. Phe no
longer wished to have her own way. but
did whatever her brothers said. They all
wondered at the change except Mrs. War-
ren, wno anew wny dpii urni ' -
evening Bell aked the boys to come to
her room, for she had a surprise for them.
, 1 i . ,1 riA
,nfn ,n,a lrrm w,,Hl
week before. "And," she added, "I won't
y,t geflsh any more
A Word Picture
Iv Margaret lyake. Aired 14 Tears, )
West Sixth Street. Fremont, Neb. nine.
Imagine, if yon can, a streteh of barren
n e(.n at twnlKht a smoldering nre. in
smoke and fire crawl up perpendicularly, a
"roy "how-now and one can
gpe an Indlan gM slUn( aiona by the fire.'
Her Rnrments mnslst of a loosely fitting
Rrav jnrkcti wlth a reddish brown skirt.
nr mnccaMnn are covered with dealers
of ,)Mdg an(, acroflR hfir forphpad , tlP(,
a band o( Her hair falls about her
shoulders In long wavy tresses. She had
ateiv been banished from the camp, which
gave her eycs a dreamyi ;l8Ues9 expression.
The Dissatisfied Beggar
By Clura Lundherg, Aged 11, remont,
Neb- Red.
Once there was a man who only had a
few- cents left, soon that was gone, and
then he went begging. He went from place
to place carrying his wallet and begging
tnr money, but no one would give him any.
0r fly 88 he was on his way to town he
came by a nice shady tree where he eat
oown lo rest, wnne simng mere ininking
about that he had no money, a fairy
stepped in front of him and said. "Hold
ut your wallet and I will pour gold Into
It. but remember, if you drop any of the
gold It will turn to dust." The man held
"'t his wallet quickly and the fairy poured
gnld into It, but the man was not satisfied
with this and wanted It filled to the top.
Tlen the fairy gave him a little more and
tol1 n,m ' would split and turn into dust,
Tlie man stin kpPt on saying, only a little
more, until the wallet split and all the
B"1'1 became dust. So the poor beggar
was left poor as before Just because ha
was never satisfied.
Geraldine's Party
Py Florence O. Murphy. Aed 11 Tears,
Council Bluffs, la. Ulue.
Oeraldlne was the only child of Mr. and
Mrs. Oilman; they were very rich, so
Oeraldlne had everything that ho wanted.
School had lot out and she had nothing
to do but play. One afternoon about half-
past 1, Mrs. Oilman sent Oeraldlne over
to Mr. Baird's store after some little flags
made of paper, and nbout two Inches
lng. Oeraldlne wondered what her
mamma was waiting on the porch. Oer-
sldlne gave the flags to her mother and
started off the porch, but her mother
- - -
called her back and pinned one of the little
flags on her, then she told her to stay
around In the backyard for a few minutes,
Oeraldlne said alrlKht, and ran around In
the backyard, pretty soon her mamma
came to the door and called her In. She
took Oeraldine by the hand and led her
Nonsense Verse
There was a small boy who did hear
A noire that to him sounded queer
b'i hK thought he would creep
And tak': a sly peep;
Put tu bee got a nip of his ear!
'Alii TVRN1I'3.
Into tho i irlor. arA wliHt ilo you think shs
saw. six li,t!. lu.ys ami nix little girls, ami
CM) otii' l:;lil H liltl.' tl.lH Iillllll'll on thl
f runt of lii-r ih ins. Tin' i hllilfn rlHyeil
B.mi'.x jiinl 1 1 ni Ih.y lunl a nice liinrh, ami
wont bonir. iixinq tliry IkiiI B very nice
time, mill Unit injnl ln.forc (teralillne went
to imt iie thanknl lirr mamma Tor tne
nice party.
The Reunion of the Fairies
By lluth Ashby. A Red IT Years, Fairmont,
Neb. lilin.
Ktlcrn whh a little lush girl who had
Just moved to Ann in a sin- often thought
of her oh home and Ui males anil wished
she could see thfin (me day as she lay
under the tree she saw a little fairy In
front nf In r. "little girl." i-aid the fairy,
"I can Kive you a privilene which I can
give to no other girl but one whom you
pli k out Today Is the reunion of tha
fairies. The American fairies me the
hosti sues and their iin en told me to In
vite you and Nora."
"Nora O'Shan.'iHliHn In Ireland," Inter-
mined Kileen.
..V(.ry N(,ra o'Shanaghan Is to come
, ,hp r,.liMlon Rt ,,, n K t, t . "
The fairy vanished. TliHt night Kileen
was there at midnight and there stood
Nora. The two little Rirl stood and
watched the fairies. First came the Irish
fairies, who stopped and talked to the little
Irish gills; then the .Japanese, Chinese,
l'eislan, Arabian, Turkish ,ind many more.
After they all arrived they were seated
nii'itnii ,i iiiijiic i'.ii ;i.ji(iii on WII1UII rsioou
all the queens. The American queen came
forward and said: "You were each given
a green leaf, on which please write the
name of the fairy which you wish to be
queen of all." The votes were collected
and put away. Then dewdrops on toasted
flower petals were passed.
Then came a dance. After this the votes
were counted and It was found that little
Fairy Nebraska was the queen of all.
Teddy's Temptation
By riorothy I.yle. Aged ll Years, Holdrege,
Neb. Red.
Teddy was a llttln boy. He was often
I)HUKl,ty. one ilav Jils mother was going
way nm) ,()1 ,,,-,, n,u ,)ot touch the
Jam Ted(ly ttk..., ..,, V(ry muoh. Ha
thought and then he said to Ills mother.
"Can't I have one little lilt?"
The mother said, "I have my gloves on
now, but when I come home you may havs
Teddy watched lier disappear. When sh
was out of sight he slowly walked to the
Not knowing whether to take any
w 1111. iruuy wan uijiiih. Aeoiiy b inoiner
, nnt ero(, hm Bhn took hm up(,tal
washrd hla face fln(1 hBJld, .nd DUt '
, , , . -
i-e WalnUt ITeO
Kunice node, AKed 10 Tears, Falls City,
Neb. Red.
One summer day several little girls, who
were tired of play, sat down under a tre
rest. "I.ct8 tell stories." said one of
them, at whose house the others wer
visiting. "I'll begin. Do you see that lit
tle walnut tree over there?"
"Tes, we see It, why?"
"You can't guess who planted It."
"Who did?"
"A squirrel. "
A saulrrel !" said the others In on
voice. "How could It?"
"Well, over In grandpa's yard there are
Bome btKi id cottonwood trees, and In one
of them lives some squirrels. One autumn
the squirrels came here to get walnuts off
cf our t,ers. Tney would hide the nuts In
hoPS n tne ground until they had time to
put them in their storehouse. Now, either
the squirrels forgot one of the nuts or they
didn't have room for It In their store-
house, anyway they left a nut. and the
following spring the nut started to grow,
and now It s a little tree."
After the story was finished they went to
see the squirrels' nest, and they stayed so
long watching the squirrels, that no mor
stories were told that afternoon.
Edith's Trip to the Moon
Py Nina Stiles, Aged 7
Neb. Rlue,
Years, L,yona,
Edith was sitting under an apple tres,
reading. Suddenly she felt herself rising
up, up, up, Into the sky.
When she got up there she looked
around and said: "How lovely! How did
I get up here?" Just then she saw a
small fairy, who said. "Don't you know
how you got up here? Why, I took ydu
up. Would you like to go and see the Man
ln the Moon?"
Edith said, "I believe I would, dear
"Very well." So the little fairy brought
a small boat and they went off together
to see ths Man In the Moon, ne told
- -
them to take chairs and then he gav
them some green out of his green
cheese cupboard. Thi n Kdlth said she had
better go home. And she felt herself going
down, down, down, and Just then she
woke up and found herself under the old
apple tree.
When We Go A-Riding
About ti e city let us go
ln a Jolly lall -ho: in, ciack our whip and cry.
"Uve-up, hoim s, lu lgh-lio-heigh I
Or let us in a fine auto
Through the parks so pretty ;o:
Make I lie old burn tout tout loot!
And like a cttnuon bull we shoot
I own tha stiver and o'er the hill
With ne'er a thought of standing stlU,
Or In an airship let us go
Far above the world below;
ltldUiH- till enollKh we've had.
liiun desevnd aud go to bed