Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 11

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    TIIF, OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: .U'LV Lit. 1907,
Opening of Happy IIollow Gay Event
of Month.
Vlaitlna C.lrU Will Knrlir First
Atteatlsa This rk, bu
Caleadar la Onlr rarllally
A Wfmfl Aalrrp.
Ha oaufM hr alcp In a hammock
He ardently look Mr toll;
Wbau charged with the ti,eft, ha acknowl-
That on llttla kits he alole.
One little kla? It amounted
To aeven ere It aa done:
Bhe knew Juiit the number ahe'd counted,
Enjoying them one by one.
'Die Witness.
The Social Calendar.
UNDAT Mlaa Ella Mae Brown, nipper at
the Country club.
MONDAV-Mn. John Pariah, luncheon for
Mra. Bllaa Duncan, guest of Mrs. Walter
IVESDAT Miss Mohler, luncheon for Mrs.
K. P. Dodae, Jr ; Mrs. L D. Barkalow.
luncheon for Mlsa Cranmer, guest of Miss
Margaret Wood.
WEDNESDAY Mrs. Colt, bridge luncheon
at Country club for Mrs. Allee; Miss Morn
Kloke, luncheon at Country club Tor Mes
Wanda Eatee; Wallace L,yman, Harmony
club table d note dinner and dance at
FtM dub.
THURHDA Y Mrs. T. M. Campbell, Central
Whist club.
FRIDAY Miss Ella Me Brown, Original
Bridge club.
SATT'RDAY-Mra. C. M. Wllhelm. dinner
at Country club; dinner and dance at the
Country, Field and Happy Hollow clubs.
Beginning with a prospect not overly
bright, last week proved one of the gayest
Of tha aummer. There were luncheon par
tie galore at the clubs and at home scat
tered all through the week, with the open
ing of Happy Hollow and the musicals at
tha Field club aa the two big event a.
Among tha club luncheons were several
that would have been conspicuous had
there been fewer of them. Wednesday
proved almost a record-breaking women's
day at the Country club, with the lunch
eon given by Mra E. H. Bcott and Mlsi
Caroline Dodge for Mrs. N. P. Dodge,
Jr., the largest party, If subsequent de
velopments did render It second In point of
The engagement hooks are not very full
tht week, bttt this by no nieana Indicates
a dull time, for the majority of the affairs
are Impromptu nowadays, even some of the
large luncheons, this being made possible
by tha service at the clubs.
Beveral affairs planned for Baturday and
for this week have been called off on ac
count of the death of Mr. William A. Pax
ton. Among them were the dinner to have
been given Baturday night at the Happy
Hollow club by Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Johanea and the dinner to hove been given
at tha Country club by Mr. Paul Galla
gher. What la the matter with the Omaha
girls?" This Is the question that society
has had occasion to ask for a third time I
thla year wl;h the announcement lust week
Of the engagement of nnn of Oniaha'a
most eligible bachelors to an out-of-town
girl. Of course, there Is nothing the mat
ter with the home girls unless, perhapa,
they are a bit unappreclatlve for their op
portunltlea, but the fact remains that some
Of the moat eligible men In town have gone
away for their brides, three conspicuous In
atancea of this aort having occurred dur
ing the year. It may he soma consolation
to the Interested, however, to know that
at least two of the rlcheat bachelors still
remaining In town are not unappreclatlve
of or unappreciated by Omaha young
women. At least one of them la really
engaged to one of the younger glrla, while
the other well, hla attention to one of the
most atunnlng glrla ln town has been the
subject of some of the most Interesting
chat of the summer.
The formal opening of the Happy Hol
low club Baturday afternoon and evening
iaw tha realization of one of the much
anticipated events of the aummer. It
was the really big thing of the month
and brought out a big attendance cT
and brought out a big
guests as well as members. All after
noon people came and went, but the
largest crowd was present for the table
d'hote dinner served at S o'clock, for
which nearly 400 reservations had boon
made. Dancing followed the dinner.
While the dinner partlea were numer
ous, none of them were ns large aa that
to have been given by Mr. and Mrj.
Charles Johannes, but which was called
off on account of the death of Mr. Pax
ton, haling been the largest planncl.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Oeorge entertained
a party of seven. Including Mr. atid Mrs.
B. D. Barkalow, Miss Caroline Barkalow,
Denlse Barkalow and Stanley Incson ar.d
themselves. ,
Mr. and Mra. 8. S. Curtis and tho Misses
Curtis occupied another table.
With Mr. and Mrs. C. D. McLaughlin
were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hart of Coun
cil Bluffs. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McLaugh
lin of Canandalgua, N. Y. ; Mr. and Mia.
William Howard of Ban Diego, Cal. Mr.
and Mra. L. T. Sunderland had as their
guests MlfS Boulter and Elmer Sunder
land. With Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Peters,
Miss Jennie and Reed Peters; with Mi',
and Mrs. T. H. Fonda, jr., Mi.s Bex
halmer of Milwaukee, Wis., and Mra. V.
H. Fonda; with Mr. and Mra. Edwaid l'p
dike, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes I'pdlke an!
Mlsa I'pdlke; with Mr. and Mrs. E. D.
Van Court. Mrs. Ogden of Chicago, Mr.
and Mra. Charles E. Van Court and Miss
Virginia Van Court; with Mr. and Mis
E. A. Benson, Miss Benson and Grant
Benson, and with Mr. and Mrs. A. rt. Ed
wards, Miss Berntce Edwards aad RoM-r
Williams, who Is a cadet at West Point.
Among the others entertaining were Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Vpdike, who bad a
party of five; I. A. Medlar, three; EraMuj
Toung, five; John Jo Ross, Ave; J. J.
Deright, four; A. J. Cooley, four; A. T.
Austin, three. W. E. Shafer. three; (. W.
Bumner. four; H. K. Burket, live; W. V.
Mllroy, four; B. A. Sesrle. six; Robeit
Dempster, three; C. D. Mclaughlin, four:
Euclid Martin, three; Thorns. A. ('reih,
four; F. H. Chlckerlng. four; W. L. Sell.y,
three; W. L. Wright, four; R. R. Evans,
three; D. D. Miller, four; J. 11. Parrotie,
five; H. E. Mllllken. four; T. C. Haven,
four; Alfred Darlow. three; J. R. Web
ster, four; Rome Miller, four; L. L. E
Stewart, three; T. C. Callahan. thre;
0. H. Payne, four; C. N. Gates, four; 11.
O. Meyer, three; H. B. Brne, four;
Charles Marah,. four; A. W. Nason, four:
W. C. Bullard. eight; T. It. Matters, five;
J. C. Chad wli k. four; It. C. Freeman,
four; M. Shirley, three, E. W. Ounther,
fire: Joseph Hayden. five; A. C. Koeidg.
three; Charles K. Johannes, ton; T. J.
Hughe, two; E. A. Nordstrom, tuo; H.
K. Leavltt. two; John O. Yeler, two; C
8. Hayward. two; W. U Curtis, two; Ar
tbur Croasman, two; A. O. Peterson, two,
C. K. Herring, two; C. O. T. Image, two;
B. N. Robertson, two; K. W. Carmlchul,
two; T. J. NoUu. two; M. F. Kunkhausec,
two; A. A. McClur. two; T. W. Austin,
two; Q. W. Marshall, two; Samuel Reos,
two; Andrew H. Komnwrs, two; 11. M
Rogara, two, W. J. Bradbury, two; !..
Palmer Flndley. two; Henry E. Burn. in,
two; D. E. MeOulley. two; Dr. W. O.
Henry, two; K M. Talmage. two; J. a.
fttinderland, two; A H. Hippie, two: H
jfA fie4. le, B A, JfUUey. tag, C L., two; M. J. Creedon, two; w. A.
ndcrs. two; H. H Neale. tmo; T. Sili-
hernen. twn; F. D. Weart. two; M. D. Ca;n
I r.,n two- .1 M Vrk'lf rlrk. two: T. K.
Steven, one; H. Thrown, two; J. K.
KlHk, twn; C. O. Trimble, two; tr E. C
Mrr.rj. two; R. V. llaf-ri. two; llo;ird
Kennedy, two.
At the I'nnntrr Clnh.
The crush at Har'Pv Hollow mnferlslly
affeted the stteiidorvn at both tre ('nun
try anil Field rluhx Fntutdav nftrnonn end
fvening. although racli had few dinner
parties with the tisnal week s ithI hop fo-
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Baiioi entertained the
largest dinner glen at the Country club
C M-m l-V.4PU. 13-, ,,f V
York, their other guest- Nina: Mr. and 1
Mrs. C. M. Wilholm. Mr and Mrs. D. A I
Ba'im. Mr. and Mrs. John A MoShnne.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Remington. Mr. end ,
Mrs. Warren Ropers, Mr. and Mrs. Abe
Red, Mr. and Mrs. John Bradv. Mrs. Dan
Wheel, r and Mr. Howard Maldrlge
Mr. and Mrs. W. J Connell s gneats were:
Mrs T. M. Metcalf and her guest. Mrs. T.
E. F. Melee of Independence. Kan.
For Mr. and Mrs. Nathan riillln Dodge,
Mr. Nnd Mrs. Arthur C. Bmlth entertained
Mr. and Mrs K. II. Scott. Mr. and Mrr.
Oeorge Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Williat 1 Soars
Poppleton, Miss Dodge of Councl rduffs and
Mr. Harry Doorly.
Miss Gladys Peters' guests were: M'ss
Blanche ptlckney of Minneapolis. Miss
Alice rarey McOrew. M!?s Elizabeth Pick
ens. Miss Eunice Howell. Mis-.s Margaret
Bruce. Mr. Bryant C'nr, Mr. Harrv Koch,
Mr. Fred Thomas, Mr. Hugh McWhorter.
Mr. Oardner McWhorter and Mr. Elmer
With Mr. Donne Keller were: Miss Car
oline (Vingdon. Miss Dorothy Morgan, Mls
Dorothy Ringwalt. Miss Mildred Rogers,
Miss Msrthona Harrison. M'M Helen
Forbos. Mr. Joseph Ringwalt. Mr. Joseph
Mcfaguc, Mr. Lake Deuel, Mr. Benjamin
Wood. Mr. I.loyd Bmlth and Mr. Herbfit
Others giving dinners were: Mr R. T.
Baum, who had five gueats. Mr. I. P. Pan
fleld, three; Mr. H. A. Tnkey, three; Mr.
W. J. Connell, three; Dr. Anglin, two; Mr.
H. T. Lenilst, three; Mr. T. L. Davis, Mr.
A. P. Olnu. three, and Mr. E. M. Fair
field, three.
At the Field Inh.
Ma.lor McMnhan had six guests, and Mr.
Lester Drishaus, four.
Mr. and Mrs W. J Burgess and Mr. and
Mrs. Byron Bmith dined together.
Mr. J. H. Adams entertained In honor
of Mr. and Mrs. Bilas Duni ai of Bath, Mo.
His other guests being: Mr. and Mrs.
Walter F'reston. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C.
Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Orelgor,
Miss Adams and Miss Fannie Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Conrad entertained
at dinner at the Field club Baturday eve
ning 1n honor of Mrs. J. B. Livingston
and Miss Sargent of Portland, gunsls of
Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur English. The others
dirlng with them were: Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Mohurg,
Mrs. W. K. Fowler of Lincoln and Mr.
O. H. Pratt.
Social tbU-that.
Mrs. Oeorge A. Hoagland, who Is In
Kenosha. Wis., for her health, Is much
Mr. nnd Mrs. N. R. Wilcox are receiving
congratulations upon the birth of a daugh
ter Friday.
Mrs. J. H. Evans and Miss Pauline
Schenck expect to leave August IS for a
trip of several months In Europe.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Morsman expect to
go abroad early In August, leaving their
children with Mr. and Mrs. Truman Buck,
who are now at Dennis, Mass.
Mr. Julius Festner, who Is spending some
time abroad with Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Oetichmann. writes the following to The
Bee from Marburg, Germany, under date
of July 6: '
Mr. Howard Baldrlge and son, Malcolm,
will sail August S on the President Lincoln
to Join Mrs. Baldrlge In Paris. They wfll
tour southern France In a motor and later
go to Switzerland and then the British
talcs and will return home In October.
Mr. and Mrs. John K Webster and Miss
Webster left. Thursday for Chicago and
will be Joined later at Quebec by Mr. and
Mrs. McGrew and Miss Jeanle Brown. Frl-
Ju)v 6 thfy w)n a, Ba (rotn Qupbec
.. ' T l. . - .111 nAr,a a oi..nlf In
for Europe. They will spend a week In
London, also a week In Paris, then sail
for New York and return home the laat
of August.
"Yesterday, on the glorious Fourth, forty
American-, and English students from the
university here and visitors from all parts
of the I "nlteil States and from Great
Britain celebrated tho great American Day
of Liberty. In the afternoon a picnic was
held on a high hill several miles from
Marburg, from where a delightful vl-w
Is obtained of the city and surrounding
country. The Declaration of Independence
was read, a pistol shot fired and then we
celebrated with songs, games, luncheon,
etc. In the evening supper was served in
a hall, and after that came singing, dan
cing and games. The celebration extended
slightly Into the fifth, but that marred the
pleasure In no way. Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Oetxchmann. Miss Julia Nagle and myself
from Omaha participated and helped In
the celebration. Flags were numerous and
the day will never he forgotten."
Come and fin Gossip.
Mrs. Theodore Hacker Is visiting at her
old home In Tennessee.
Mrs. J. W. Fisher and son are now at
Chase, Colo., for the summer.
Mrs. Nelson I'pdlke and children left
Friday for Olenwood Springs. Colo.
Mr. John A. Kuhn Is expected home Sun
day morning from Washington. D. C.
Miss Kathryn Bond of Kansas City Is the
guest of her uncle. Mr. Jackson Bond.
Mrs. George Chrlstlancy Is the guest of
her parents. Mr. and Mra. Guy C. Barton.
Mrs. Mary Da Cou of Northfleld. Minn'.,
Is visiting her daughter. Mrs. A. C. Troup.
Mrs. George Scbenecker of St. Joseph W
the guest of Miss Alma I'rban for the
Miss Lueile Hosteller of Decatur. 111.,
Is the guest of Miss Beulah Befflre for the
Mr. Augustus Kountie of New York City
is the guest of Mr. and Mis. Charles
Mr. Arthur Iewls returned Friday after
a two weeks' viidt ln Chicago ; id Spring
field. 111.
Mrs. H. B. Reed returned Friday from
Wall Lat e for the opening of the Happy
Hollow club.
Miss Taylor of Fort Wayne, formerly
of Omaha, will arrive next week to be the
giicrt of Miss Ma honey.
Mrs. George N. Aulabaugh ta spending
a few weeks with her runt. Mrs. 8. H. H.
Clark, at Weiuctonslng. Mich.
Miss Marllla Maxwell of Fremont, who
ha been visiting her cousin. Miss Willis
Ifoopes. left for home Saturday.
Mr. Adelaide Mlllspaugh Zanner leaves
Wednesday for an outing at Mound lake,
Minnrtonka, Minn., to be absent a month.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Goodwin are now
at Port Cockburn, Musk oka lakes. On
tario, where they wiU remain for several
Mr. J. J. Brown returned last week from
the P. K. ranch, near Sheridan, Wyo.,
where she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Phillip! and Misses
Margaret and Mary Phillip! have gone to
Ocean Grove, N. J., where they will spend
several weka.
Mr. Henry C. Van Gleson and Mrs.
Jtmea W. Hamilton and son have returns
after a two months' trip. Including visit
In New York City.
Miss IiOiils Pinning' is at home after
being at s hool at "t. Mary's. N"re f ime
Ind., for the year. Knront" hoive Mis
Dinning vlsltrd at Mans'lehl. O
Mrs. Edwin Pph and Mrs. Jnai'pli Ir
ker snd ciilldren left Sunday evening for
ngunouit. Me.. wi,ere thev will b- joined
latrr by Mr. Speh Hiid Mr. Barker.
Miss Klttr M-r.n ighlln of Peoria. Ill
who has h-n visiting her aunt. Mrs. Ward
OilTord. left for the ,-nnt last week to
vlwtt her sister, Mrs. Senator Putnam. '
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ("udnhy ind MW
Parks left Thursday evening for f'hiongo.
Mr. arid Mrs. tld.ih.v n'na from there io
Mirklnao. and Miss r.irks returning am.
Mf. GOI'tP II. FiSOlV llSS COne onSt for
month nrd will visit the Jam. st.vwn -
position hefnre icimrvrsr. Mr-i. l"ir!y and
thilclicn have gone to 1 a I'U'te. Neb., for
a week s visit.
Mif. N.ithania Aispecher l.ns ret irnol
trcai a ten nay s visit In Kloux i iiy arm
i. wimi ner sisi.-r. .wrs. i. ...
her vocal studio In New i nrn ( :?y.
Mr. Edward Morrs.n of Kansas t'itv
wll' come to Oiralia from the coif tounvi-
mmt at Ho. k Island and Join Mrs Mor
rison, who Is visiting her partnl'', Mr. and
Mrs. A. P. Tuky. They will remain two
Miss Frances Case of titand Rapids,
Ml' h.. who was the guest for several weeks
of Mrs. J. N. II. Patrick ai.d .Vis? E lit :t
Patrick. left for her home the e.ivly pari
of the week. Miss Cae was honor jiwt
at mary social affairs.
I'omlnK Rvents.
Wednesday evening Mr. Wallac
wlH entertain the Harmony elnh.
,r Mr- N ",1"' f- M"h,Pr
will give a luncheon on Tuesday.
:rB- M' ""ntPbell will citertain "i"
Peniial Whist club at her home Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Will elm will enter- j
tain at dinner at the Country dm. next ,
Saturday evening.
Mi.s May Mahnney will entertain at ship
per Sunday night for Mr. Robert Mahonry
of Washington, D. C.
Mrs. Clarke Colt will give a bridge
luncheon for her guest, Mrs. Allee. Wednes
day, at the Countty club.
Monday exenlng Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Bingham will entertain for Mips Jessie
Hcghes and Mr. Fled Btnglnm Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Yetter will giv a din
ner at the Field club fir Miss Vaughn of
Seattle, guest of Mis. Frank Judson.
Mrs. John Parish will give a luncheon
Monday In honor of Mrs. Silas Duncan of
Rata, Me., guest of Mrs. Walter Prefiton.
Minx Mona Kloke will give a luncheon
Wednesday at the Country club for Miss
Kstee. who will be the guest of Miss Hazel
Miss Cranmer of Denver, guest of Miss
Margaret Wood, will be the honor guest at
a luncheon given Ivy Mrs. 8. I). Barkalow
on Tin day.
Sunday evening Miss Elia May Brown
will entertain Mr. and Mra. E. 11. Sprague,
Mrs. Haskell of Chicago, Mr. Harry Tukey
and Mr. Stockton Heth at Slipper at the
Country club.
Miss Connell returned Wednesday
morning from a yachting trip on the At
lantic coast. Her party was entertained
on the battleships Maine and Ohio. Next
Wednesday morning Miss Wanda Estee of
Montpclier, Vt., will arrive to be. the guest
of Miss Connell. Miss Estee was the room
mate of Miss Connell at the Flnck school
In New York. Among the things planned
for Miss Estee are, a luncheon to he given
at the Country club Wednesday by Miss
Mona Kloke and In the evening, a dinner
at the Field club.
Weddings and Kngagementi,
Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Smith announce the
engagement of their daughter, Miss Lora
Rupert to Mr. Charles Ford Unman, the
wedding to take place August 14.
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Hughes have is
sued Invitations for the marriage of their
daughter. Miss Jessie, to Mr. Fred Bing
ham Hill, which will tako place next
Wednesday, July 24, at 8 p. m. at their
home, Hll Vinton St.
Mrs. J. E. Dennis of South Omaha an
nounces the engagement of her daughter.
Miss Edith Lyle, to Mr. J. Theodore Hel
gren of Omaha. The wedding will take
place the latter rart of August.
A reception followed the ceremony, last
ing until 6 o'clock. Among the out-ol-
town guests, were several young women,
who had been classmates of the bride at
Wellesley College, also Ensign Post of St.
Louis: Mr. and Mrs. Nelson of Chicago,
Miss Helen Cooper of Kansas City, Miss
Olive Qllbreath of La Plata, Mo., and Miss
Mary Harper of Ottumwa. la.; Miss Laura
Welty of Audubon, Iu.; Mr. John Smith of
Chicago, and Mrs. Hall of Oakland, Cal.
One of the prettiest weddings of the sum
mer was that of Miss Nell Carey, daughter
of Mr. John L. Carey, and Ensign Paul
Prltchard Blackburn, V. S. N., son of T.
W. Blackburn of Omaha, which was sol
emnized at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon
at the home of the brlde"s uncle, Mr.
George Q. Carey, 111 South Thirty-first
street. Rev. W. S. Fulton of Westmin
ster Presbyterian church, officiated. Though
Informal, It was a naval wedding, t lie hous
decorations being yellow and white and
the groom and his attendants, also of the
navy, wearing white uniforms. The bride
wore a charming gown of white opera
batiste trimmed with Valenciennes lace and
Inserting and carried a shower of sweet
peas. A long tulle veil hung nearly to the
foot of her skirt. Mrs. Frank Fahs, her
sister, was her only attendant, as matron
of honor. Mrs. Fahs was gowned In white
mull, lace trimmed, over yellow silk, and
carried a bouquet of daisies. Ensign C. A.
Harringtttn of Boston served as best man.
Mr. and Mra. Blackburn left for the east
Saturday evening to spend some time be
fore he returns to his duties In the navy.
"Vogue" of last week contained the fol
lowing account of the wedding of Miss
Mary Pullman, daughter of Colonel Pull
man, who Is well known to scores of
Omaha friends who knew her during her
father's station here: Miss Mary Pullman,
daughter of Colonel John W. Pullman.
Cnlted States army, and Lieutenant Ed- I
ward Ellis Farnworth. Pnlted States army,
were married on Tuesday, July 2, In the
Church of 8t. Mary, on Governor's Island.
N. Y., the Rev. Father J. Anthony Grogan,
officiating. Maid of honor. Miss Ethel Pull
man; bridesmaids. Miss Anne Greble and
Miss Mary Gale. Best man. Captain Elli
son L. Gilmer of the coast artillery; ushers.
Lieutenant Henry Torney, lieutenant Al
bert Howell Barkley, Lieutenant Edward T.
Welsel and Lieutenant H. H. 8cott. A re
ception followed, and among the guests
were: Brigadier Genera! and Mrs. Fred
erick Dent Grant, Colonel Allan, com
mandant of Fort Jay, Governor's Island,
and Mra. Allan, Colonel and Mrs. H. O.
8. Heist rand, Colonel Williams, command
ant of Fort Hamilton, and Mrs. Williams,
Major and Mrs. RLharda. Lieutenant and
Mrs. Stott, Lieutenant and Mrt. Landers.
Captain and Mrs. Sarratt, fharnpla In and
Mrs. Edmund Bank Smith of Governors
Island, Admiral and Mrs. Goodrich. Miss
Goodrich, Major and Mrs. Greble, Admiral
and Mrs. Coghlan. Colonel and Mrs. Os
good. Mrs. Frank Taylor Evans, sister of
the bride; Major and Mrs. Cronktte. Colonel
and Mrs. Scrlvan, Major and Mrs. New
cemba. Miss Newcombe, Captstn Rowley.
Captain and Mrs. Johnson. Lieutenant
Finch Hedges. Uewtenant and Mrs. Madi
son, Captain and Mra Cochu, Captain and
Mrs. Davis, Captain and Mrs. W. H. Jor
dan nf Lieutenant and Mr. Adams,
Purity Congress Issues Announcement
of Its Annual Meeting;.
Federation of Inl.a and Wnmaa'a
krlstlnn Temperanre lalna
Arranging Attraetlve I'rn
K rani a for Kali Verting.
Wide th' rlub ! of Ncb-nkii has
nnw - M. -ill,.- t,.,rt nan. -,,4.l fr.r tlio ciminnf
the ri'-.-in. -nmirttw f.,p the nrnnl t:.t' f
corneiili'M of th" NctT.i A. i federation of
cl':bs to be held at H islinss m'Xt fall has
not beep .lo. While not roivideie, sum" of
the Important femir.-s of th- program have
been iiii!"llnit. ly arranged. Mrs.F. H. Cole
Omaha being chairman
of the rom-
HI t t '- ((tl'iH'r
and 1 have been nn-
nonru'.Ml as the dales of th" meet Intt. The
I Elks ! il'- of llmtiags ha offered t use
: or it rooms, a o itiesy that 'nsur- s con
v 1 1 i i n t and comfort. An ad.airahlo ar
rangement has been made for the presenta
tion of club i.'-iorls. Tuesday evening nt
' ti o'( Io. k a mpper v.111 be .-erved by one
.of t'ie local i aterers. to nil ihe visitors and
I delegates and the reports will ho given
: during the supper. i .1. -s will have to be
i I. ft with the chairman of the committee,
for r.-tervatlnns, will cist about S"
! i i'iils each.
One of the chief treats Is sehedulcd for
i Werner-la; evening- when F. II CWrke. at
,ihc head of the dep.,rt :,ient of public speak-
lliR Of the hiversilv of Clileatro wilt snenU
to., -The Spirit of Li-otatmo." It was of
I Mr. Clarke that Mrs. Decker said "H" pro.
; 'd.-s m,.r- on tiie snhje, ! of literature tha-,
1 nv sr.e-.'er I h.,.. oi-.. " m-
t'larke i. .vie ot tae high-priced speakers
and his coming to the state meeting wrs
on.y made possible by the aat'on of the.
Omaha Woman's club in enaaging him for
a le.tiire hi Omaha two cicnmcrs before.
Resales Ihese features t lie committee has In
mind several others that promise to mak
the program of exceptional Interest. The
complete program will prohahly not he an
nounced until the middle of September.
W . C. T. I . Meeting;.
Extensive preparation is 111 progress for
the annual meeting ()f the Nebraska
Women's Christian Temperance union,
whUh will 1. held In Lincoln this fall.
The unions of Laneasicr count v will be
hostess a and besides a good program, fur-th'-r
Mitracttrm will be afforded by the.
i presence of th" president and vice presi
dent of th.- national organization, Mrs. L.
M. N. Stevens and Miss Anna Gordon, who
will be guests of the convention the first
and second days. While Miss Frances
Yv'lllard whs a frequent visitor to Nebraska,
tills will be the lime the state meeting
has had the prlvlbge of entertaining Mrs.
Stevens and Miss Gordon. October 15, Hi,
17 and IX are the dates announced for the
convention. Every union Is entitled to
send Us president and ono delegate for
every twenty members: or major fraction
thereof. All local presidents, state super
intendents, general officers and organizers
arc members of tho convention by virtue
of their office. Tho complete program will
le announced ln September.
The Women's Christian Temperance
union of Howard county has announced
August 7, as the date for its annual con
vention. The gathering will be held out of
doors In the park nt Dunnebrog.
Purity Promoters to Meet.
The National Purity congress, which con
venes at Battle Creek, Mich., October 31
to November 6, has Issued the following
announcement: This congress will be
held under the auspices of the National
Purity federation, an association having
for Its object tha co-opcratlon In a national
sense of all forces ln the Vnlted States
that are striving to promote purity ln the
life of the individual and ln social rela
tions. Eminent speakers from all sections
of our country and some from abroad will
address the congress. A program Is being
prepared which will cover every phase of
the movement. Including preventive, edu
cational, rescue, legislative, law enforce
ment, and sanitary lines of effort; the
while slave traffic, social diseases and good
health topics. A general invitation Is ex
tended to all who are Interested to attend
this congress. Purity, temperance and re
form societies, churches, missions and all
organizations promoting purity are urged
to unite In the work and send delegates.
All delegates will be entertained free of
expense at the great Battle Creek sani
tarium. For further Information and
printed matter address the president of tho
federation, B. S. Steadwell, Iji Crosse,
Wisconsin, Dr. Carolyn Gelsel, Battle
Creek, Michigan or Mrs. Rose Woodallen
Chapman, 123 East Eighteenth street,
Brooklyn. N. Y.
I'au.ona Battleships of the gpanlsh
Amerlcan War Placed la
The last of the battleships that partici
pated in the Spanish war was retired from
the Atlantic fleet and placed In reserve re
cently, their places being taken by the new
battleships recently placed ln commission.
The vessels that are ordered ln reserve are
the Indiana and Iowa, both of the Fourth
division of the Second squadron. The Ver
mont and the Kansas, vessels of li.000 ton,
will take their places.
The placing lit reserve of the Indiana and
Iowa realties the dream of those naval offi
cers who have long advocated aa the main
fighting arm ln the Atlantic a powerful
fleet for the backbone of which shall be
four or more squadrons of battleships com
posed only of the most modern vessels of
their type. The Texas has long since been
placed In reserve, and the Olympla lias been
assigned a permanent berth at Annapolis
as a trainlngship. The Massachusetts, the
Oregon and the New York are all out of
commission and undergoing repairs at the
various navy yards, while the Brooklyn,
while still tn commission. Is nevertheless
listed In the reserve.
The addition of the Kansas and the Ver
mont to the Atlantic fleet makes that or
ganization one of the strongest fighting
units possessed by any nation. As It will
be constituted by the retirement to reserve
duty of the two historic battleships, there
remains ln It not a single armored vessel
that participated In the war with Spain. In
point of service the battleships Kentucky
and Kearsarge are now the sfniors of the
fleet, they having been completed aoon after
the close of the Spanish war. All of the
other ships are of comparatively recent
completion, the newest being the Connecti
cut and Georgia classes.
Of the vesels ln reserve, the only one
218 Houth Fourteenth Street.
Chinese, Mexican, Italian Diehes a Specialty.
Chop Suey Chili Con Carne Spaghetti
Chinese. Noodles Chili Mac Macaroni
Prompt and Polite Service Open All Niht
Orders Sent Out Given Special Attention
Ladies' Parlors Upstairs
ronelderedl as likely to he returned to the
t arme distant dv Is the owa. '.hrt h
is one of the finest trrssris of its period Hnd
i onstrort ior. and Is considered hy ninny
1 .. A t.-rr mmiv InorA Vf:tr of
II n n I 11 it ii a p- . ... - - . ......
gond service provided It Is brought tip " If
d;itc. The Indiana, the Massachusetts anl
the Oregon, the latter two of which rw
being reconstructed, will probably etui their
days In the reserve, as will also the arm
ored cruiser Brooklyn. The New Tork.
which Is nearlng the completion of Its con
struction at the Fston navy yard, has been
so completely overhauled that it Is consid
ered probable that it may bo transferred
to the I'Bctfic to become the flagship of the
fleet in those waters.
The placing lt reserve of th" Indiana and
Tnwa, leaves but twenty guns o," the 13-inrli
'1 ln th' Atlantic fleet, n all of the
nrwrr shins carry 12-inch guns In their
fore and aft turrets. The vessels tliat still
retain the 13-ln'-h guns are tho Kearsarge
and the Kentucky, and the Alabama. Illi
nois and Wisconsin. The new Atlantic fleet
still consists of four divisions of battle
ships, but there Is a possibility that the
number of divisions will be Increased by tho
formation of another within the next year.
thi division to ronslst of the battleship Ne
braska. Just completed on the Pacific coast,
and the Mississippi, Idaho and Wisconsin.
New York Times.
Fine Manic Prepared for Pntrnns
of Han scorn Park This
A f ternofin.
This program will he plavcd by Georgfl
Green and his band at Hanscom Park, Sun
day afternoon beginning nt 3 o'clock:
March Embossing ti e Emblem. Alexander
A Southern Reverie (characteristic Bendlx
Agnus 1 ,'l from the 121 h Mass Mozart
Overture from Dawn to Twigight Bennett
Overture Bohemian Girl Balfe
Waits- Iove's Garden Frantzen-Morie
Selection (Comic Opera I The Prince of
I'llsen T nders
Cz.irdns Ixive (Hungarian Theme.
March Rival Rovers Alexander
I Cocoanut Dance (Characteristic) ...Herman
I Intermenzo- ( 'herrv Albert
March The Crusader Sousa
Ice Cream ii
Your Pocket
They are filled
with three flav
ors of Ice
Cream. Rich
with pure,
sweet cream,
highly flavored
with pure fruit
flavors and
packed so that
it will kf.p
hard for a long
time on a hot
Uuart sire, suf-
flcent for six or eight ret--sons
Pint slie, suf fident for threw 20t
We pack and deliver a nrnall a
?uantlty as on quart or .c -renin
or 50c quart. Either In the plain
or brick form. All flavors.
The Store m delicacies.
TODAY 750.
1518-20 Farnam. Phone Doug. 711
An Invitation to
Omaha Ladies
la hereby extended to call at our drug
store at lGth and Podge during the com
ing week and meet Miss flrace Moore,
one of thfl most skillful toilet complexion
specialists in the United (states. Miss
Moore comes to Omaha as tho personal
representative of Professor Burnham of
Chicago, whose beauty parlors on State
street are well known to every lady within
200 miles of Chicago. The Burnham line
of toilet articles may hereafter be pro
cured at our store at lath and Podge or
the OWL DRUG TO., ltith and Harney, as
we have secured the agency for Omaha.
Cor. 16th and Dodge.
Cor. 16th and Harney.
Table d'Hotc Dinner
m M
3S8 Chesapeake Cale
11:30 a. m. Io 8:00 p. m.
1508-10 Howard Street
Music by Moulton's Orchestra
The Chesapeake
New Grill Room
1512 Howard Street
Slrictly Everything First Class.
A complete) line) of wines, liquors
and cigars, imported and domestic
erved from our own buffet.
Phone Doujlas 5152
r'-l'MnS cut crudely sug
JL gests one of the
most fashionable and
popular Oxfords of the
year. It has been a
serious problem for the
"Dorotlty Dodd" shoe
makers toikeep pace with
the demand. The toe is
rather printed, though
the shoe is extremely
comfortable and a fine
fitter. The .heel is set
well under, and the shank
is arched. Thoeffect is a
slender, graceful, arched
appearance to any foot.
Solo Western Agents.
The Public invited. Games,
Races, Cool Shade.
Trains from Webster Street
Station, 730 a- m, 9 a, m
via the Northwestern Line.
Ladies' Tailors
Stilts. Skirts, Coats
and all kinds ef
LldlM' Wearlm
Apparel ra a d to
order. Hlfh t
Una ot Tailor Mas
Bklrli raady to
Vienna Ladles' Tillers
D. Lm. VgT.
9010 TAKKaVK ST.
Under the command of Capt. Bivley, U
making regular trips every week day
except Monday and Friday, at 8:00
I M.
This is the only boat on the river al
ways reliable. Special attention to
ladles and children.
A delightful trip for a hot summer
afternoon or evening.
Sunday, July 21st, 2 Games,
1st Gams Galled 2:30 P. M.
This "Dorothy Dodd" style
is made in various leathers,
including the dressy, shiny
leather. You get the limit
of satisfaction when you
buy this shoe.
And all thsr repair work dona by e-perieni-ed
workmen. Wa ar tha largest
Rho repair concern ln tha west having tha
lHtest inodorn machinery and a Goodyear
Stitcher which enaidws us to alve you a
superior class of work at reasonable
W Csdl For and Deliver All Work.
Sewed - 90c
Nailed , 5o
Men's heels 35c
Sewed "5c
Nailed 60c
Ladles' heela 25c
Ladles' or gents' f0o
Shoe Laces, Polishes, Shoe Trees,
etc., always ln stock.
Standard Shoe Repair Co.
J 804 Farnam St., Tel. Douglas 7667.
Toilet Soaps
at Beaton's
'Phone your wants; we deliver fre
to all parts of Omaha.
25c Sanitol Soap, Monday only..J2
26c Pond's Extract Soap, Monday only
at 120
25c Armour's Glycerine and Cucumber
Soap, box of 3 takes Monday.. 12
25c Dermalin Sltin Soap, Monday ana
Tuesday, per cake Zt
25c Vantine's Oriental Sandalwood
Soap. Monday and Tuesday, at, por
caks 110
50c Society Hygienlqu. every day
at 2t
15th snd Farnam Sir
J j and