i he Omaha Sunday Bee PART II. For all th Nw TJH n OMAHA DEE EDITORIAL SECTION Best t'hn. West PACES 1 TO e. VOF,. XXXVII No. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY HI, 1007. SI.Ydl.K COPY FlYK (MINTS. OUR and BUYERS' Tft Tf!F PIIRI If Every c,crk ln our cmP,oy eDls oncc a week, a hall- iiiaj i uuuavy. day holiday. This has been in force since July 1st and will be continued during July and August. Each clerk appreciates this, more than five o'clock closing, and it is a plan that involves no inconvenience to our customers. We arc sure the shopping public will agree with us that this is irdinitely the belter plan. Trtfc; BfcNF.TT COMPANY. BUYER IMAGERS' SALE ' SALE Begins Monday Morning Closes Saturday Evening 7 SECOND OUR km SECOND MANAGERS " 11 ' 1 . . . riMr A. L. SCHANTZ 1 ft ' A. M. HALIHUOC.E (Ladies' Kcudy-to-weur) H. G METZGEK (Ribbon, Etc.) 1. ! V! L F. A. CllAMKU (Silks and Dress Goods) -.Vi,.? Vie M. J. MALOXE (Hosiery, Gloves Handkerchiefs) 4 Hi. - -. V 4-1 mi J. J. MilMlSoi'GH (Linens and Wasli Goods) H. C. KKMMS (Men's Furnishings) II. A. KMTTI.K ( Kill III In re) 4 Jmjm C .... ift I s -. .fs J -.-." . : This, our second buyers' and manaanrs' sale, will be eon ducted as the first vras conducted strictly by the managers of tho departments themselves. Every man Is put on his mettle; his success, progress and reputation Is bound np in his abl'lty t.o lnorease sales, to rcduco stocks red make room for new fall goods. The management o' this great house steps aside and puts tne mer ohan(".Ir.lng absolutely in the control of the heads of departments. Unquestioned price cutting is their privliB'e a privilege they'll certainly maice use of. Do buyer in tur employ would be wort! his salt if he depended solely cn tuppllrs throrrh the "irainmer." He must go riyht to market, bay at first hand. Many of them have this to do sev eral times in a season. Our greatest need Is floor and store room space for fall goods, h?nce this great bargain sale by our buyers and man agers. A. Xi. ECHANTZ. MILLINERY Have arrHiin'I to pluce on ttalc for this Muiiui;'iV Salo, tlie most ilcshalilo stork of trimmed millinery jn Omnha. , rii-.tty frfli triiiimrd hats no Irft overs -vrry liat new and iiji-to-datr. Table Ho. 1 consists of liKlit, dainty lialH In pink, Miiu and cream ami tusraii HhailfM your choice tzf for pn)J Nonu inn i ked in btock less than $5.00. Table No. 2. Huts in lluht ami dark col ors with flowers and ami ribbon trimmings, f.incy buck- c" rrr. h-w, etc Table Kc. 3. A lino of very fine chip, hemp and hair hats ln uol- A. V. IIAXO. ors. trimmed and im ported flowers and KraHSes. none worth under J 18. all tlie.se fleant hats CJO Kfi for only.. Table lio. 4. All sailors In burnt black and natural only, all pri ces up to $5 Table Wo. 6. The big gest snap of all la w duck hats, tanis and sailors and lots of other good things . . . . 09c FROM THE LAMES' READY-TO-WEAR BUYER rK fliso that must ! m Ii! Ik I'oic I Iimvc for maikct. ot rhandisc in one week Is a stupt nl:tt rs mill .llanaiiffs Sale in lteuly-to Mear I ;ieat iiiiiiorlatice to you. I have fully OO Morth of ue . el iso, summer meivliau- a K:ii-tiieut aot tills season's, aiii! not a uaniient reserved in this sale. In move this nier- tasli mid piiee alone will do it. Watt li my ntls .l.iy hy day mid yui II be ronvineed. A. M. r..M)KllGi:. Silk, Linen and Lingerie Dresses ai Half Price All f.'iney :-iik ored linen si:its. Hnyeis' iiiul Man am t wn-'iie a ml nil ii:. is rs (ii'ine' lib lintel i If price. style. dl' sse all tnil-uur J10.no tailor and law n for waist linen suits rr iress, s 1 J r, 0 silk shit suits fur . . . . $1J.50 tailored ami liiiKefi Jl.'i.OII sillt suits for l.i. nil tailored linen and Kerli linen fur jumper tailored linen prlncesa diesse 5.00 s -25 .50 Jll'.jli silk dresses, linnerie and laibirt-il lua n suits t I ; J e WAISTS $:'.n0. $.'..'i0 and $.1.00 Lingerie Vnisis. Monday, luiyei-.s' hii.I man i allRels' .Sale Jv J:'..:'.".. $t.an and $ no Lingerie Waists. Monday, buyers' and inana- ! J SJ Sets' sale p. lO f. uxl 4 ii 12.50 17.50 KIMONAS 50e law n kiiuonas and camht ic Jackets, t'.ivi rs' tmd nianam-rs' sale -t l.rb... J. e ' prlei Jl.on oik laun Klmonas and lile'la; ! s' s lie price I.otik lawn kiniomis. worth nil all at one pi-ice, lti,irs' und inaiiatrers' sale buyers' 43. to $ .Ml, 98o 4 lin- 7.50 $-.7. in ; i 1 1 k ' ' 1' suk pi liic .is d;'i ? :)H iiriKiiie and sl'k in 'ncess drei ses $:t!.5o ltnerie and JO iy?r silk priiict'ss uresse -i-f $t;i .". i lingerie and O f silk nrllieess dress I $.M. Mi linserie and silk princess ctiX'sses .4 O 29.75 Under muslins fiOc luawers utid t'orset Covers for 19c $1.00 downs. Skirts, Corset Covers and Prawers, F'.uyers' JCo and Mnapers Sale price FROM VM CLOTHING BUYER Have heeu to market threw weeks, (lot hark Friday morn ing too late to have my picture taken. I IxiuKht very heavily of I all styles. I must net the spine and (lie only way to j"t snare is to sell the goods I liuve. As 1 liiire it, ii-uies like tile undei noted will turn the trick. V. V.. HAKKKK, Buyer. Men's $LT..OO and $J:'.00 Summer C Suits C-t IT i Hoys' $.1.00 Short I'ants Cr Q Suits iJJO Men's $18.00 und $15.00 summer CO rrir Hoys' $7.75 ami $3.75 Wash Suits Suits $1-48 FROM TilE SHOE BUYER Z rtnrnr! from I lost on Thursday mominj?. I mrfit -pry keavily for Fall, und mj only alarm is that I may not K't room for receipt of new stock. I must move the &ond.H. Anybody look-inft- for sound, solid bargains in footwear bus no other aJtcrnat ie than coiniu to i-iy detiart- C. W. F.MUK'H. Children's white canvas oxfords, sizes up JC to 8, 76e value Men's (tray canvas shoes und oxfords, Q- f regular $1.75 vuluc " Men's $5.00 patent colt oxfords, hand sewed,- best shoe made at that price. V-0 Men's Russian calf oxfords and hlKh DO shoes, best value ever offered at $3. 4 O ment. Women's patent kid and vlcl kid ox fords, values up to $3.00 Women's turned sole white canvas Cibson ties, $1.50 kind Misses' and children's white canvas ox fords, $1.00 values Nurses' rubber heeled patent tip shoes $3.00 kind Hoys' oxfords, patent leather, gun metal and vici kid, values up to $2.50 $1.48 98c G9c- $2.19 ' $1.39 FROM THE LINEN BUYER I don't hope to make money in the liny. er' Sale, hut 1 would like to see a crowded aisle in my department, and if the shopping I" appreciates real liaigain, 1 will have J. J. Mcl()X()l(iH. ItAIKMIXS 32 inch Madras, sult- the ciowds. LIXKX 72 inch cream table damask, heavy, dur able" and koiiiI de signs, scrts for .Mie yard. In the OQ,i sale 21 Inch bleached da mask panklns. our reRular $1.50 quality 98c able lor men's shirts and ladles' waists and dresses, also 29 inch mercerized walstliiKS, 20o ami 25c valu 9( From the Silk and Press Goods Beyer Hnboken, X. V July 8th, 9:45 A. M. I am aboard the Kaiser Wilhelm Ier Jrosse. She is like tin Hcnnctt store, a winner. 15y the time you jump into the buyers' sale I'll be in Chemnitz Ciermuny. Uoiu' some isn't it'.' 1 hope the sale will be a roaring success. Cut prices in my department and win out. KKAXZ A. CHA.MKK. SILKS $1.00 and $1.50 fancy Hajuh silks, 69c black Jap Bilk (spot-proof), 51)c white Jap silks with colored figures and dots, 85c Italian taffetas, all colors, 60c wash cords (checks and stripes) all colors, $1.00 shepnrd check taffetas and loui Henes, $1.00 fancy silks of all desurip- "Of tlons, Monday, per yard DBESS GOODS 75c black voile, all wool, 85c black brllliantines, 54 Inches wide; 6c black nun's veiling, 75c; $1.25 fancy checked suitings, 54 Inches wide, $1.00 fancy wool batiste; $1.25 plaid sult tnrrs. 52 inches wide; $1.25 novelty panania; $1.25 checked and plaid serges tQr Monday, per yard OcH-" WASH GOODS 86 Inch chambric ginghams, checked batistes, polka dot lawns, fancy Swisses, Bilk mulls, fig ured dimities, black and white lawns and all the ends of this season's goods will be found ln this great lot, worth up to 25c yard, Monday, yard . 5c DOMESTICS 85c bleached seamless sheets, NIx:iO, best quality of in uk 1 1 ii . Monday, at, each.... 3Dc i)x4 bleached sheeting, extra heavy, Monday, ut, per yurd 15c percales. 36 Inches wide, light stripe and figures, fine for men's shirts and ladies' waists ami dresses, Monduy, at, per yard 59c 27c 5C hosiery The iorcioji markets are. still cranky und bhovv u disposition to advance, for that reason many buyers would not bo over anxious to seriously reduce their stock, i am under orders, however, to reduce all lines to a certain point. It will cost miyhty price cutting to do it, but 1 am onto my job and there )ou are. M. J. MALOXE GZ.OVES allover lace and lace boot 26c value 15C :5c lisle Hose, $1.00 Ladles' nose, at . . Ladles' Imported lisle hose ami lace embroidered, 3:c (C value, at Ladies' Imported silk 60c value, 3 pairs for Ladies' imported lisle Hose, hand embroldeied all-over lace Q- boot, 50c value, 3 prs V Ladies' imported silk plaited hose, pu;r .:h:u:- 49c Children's Imported fast black lisle hose, 25c -f OVj,, value Xrf KNIT UVEESWEAB Ladies' low neck sleeveless Vests, tape arm ajid neck, loo Ky value, each Ladles' h neck sleeveless lisle tape arm and "t','dt 25c value -M-ad -Kj Imported lisle fancy trimmed 60c value QQ wide new lace trimmed 25c value 12' "C wide knee lace trimmed pants, S6c value ' at GLOVES It-button lisle Gloves, 'Kayeers," f"! veals, neck. Ladles' Ladies' pants, at . . . Ladles' Ladies' some $1.00 value. Laities' 16 and 12 button heavy siik gloves, double pipped fln sers. olack and white, - iy 2.uu value V A ' Ladies' 16 button colul-d silk gloves, $2.26 und Sii l4 $2.60 value. . V A 4tJ HAMDKXBOXISrS Ladles pure linen Initial handker chiefs, 12VtC value, ClC at Ladies pure linen cross bar hand kerchiefs, 15c value 9C Ladies' pure linen embroidered handkerchiefs, 35c f value Ijtdh's' pure linen embroidered handkerchiefs, 60c Q" ff value 3 for 1 Men's pure linen large sine hand kerchiefs, 15c Cl'n value O.it mm mi mrs mumim buyer I find after inventory a great many items that I must clean out. In my line, st vies urp ttn mit tfi chimin, tlmr carrying goods over is a very risky proposition. Uesides it's against the rule of the house. I have considerable pride in my departments they contain only Kpular, uiMo-datc goods at the right prices. S. C. KD.VDiS. MEITS STBAW HATS $3,00 Straw Hats, on sale $2.50 Straw Hats, on sale $2.00 straw Hats, on sale $1.50 Straw Hats on sale 75c Straw Hats on sale 50c Straw Hats, on sale ....$1.50 . . , $1.25 . $1.00 ... 75c 37c 25c USBIBWIAS Men's Ealbrlggan Underwear, shirt O"! . m -a- v In and drawers, 35c value Men's BalbriifKan Underwear blue and ecru 75c value Men's White Lisle Underwear, $1.00 value for MEN'S SKIBT Men's high Krade Negligee Shirts all the latest patterns, mostly cut coat CO,, style, values up to $1.50 OxJKj 50c 69c 13c Men's Negligee Shirts, values up to 75c for Men's Negligee Shirts, latest patterns and fabrics, values up to -, 1 A $2.00 for ipi.XU Men's high grade Negligee Shirts, swell patterns, values up to $3.00 rt- on and $3.50 for pX.OJ MEN'S NECKWEAR 150 dozen men's Neckties in four-in-hands, strings, hatwings, etc., values "?Qf up to 75c for 0Jv FROM THE JEWELRY BUYER Before this la in print I will be on my way to New York, Providence, Attleboro and Boston. I want to hare a clean stock room when I come bnck. Extraordinary bargains Is the watchword of this said while I am gone. G. H. WILLIAMS. Combs, worth up to $1.50 flf. choice tJJV- Combs, worth rT. to 5oc, choice. . J All other combs, val ues up to $lj.D'J one haif price. Wash Hells, values up to $1.50, choice Silk and PmiIht Helta, wortii uOc, 5T, choice . . . 25C Klastic and steel stud ded elastic belts at about pilce nf importa tion, ranging in price from Zfif each $10 down avM Head Necklaces, all col ors at 2.".c, 50e and $l.it0 .vorth double. Tear i'oIUi-s t.nd Helt Huckbs at up from . . . , fhese prices are has than one-half value. 25c PICTURE SECTION For my first big bar gain Monduy, I of fer (ienuine Carbons (reproductions of the masterpieces, fram ed, size 8x10.) 50c Is our sain price value. Mondav Hov ers' sale nr., price JmHiKj Twenty per cent off on i'ii lure framing and framed pictures in galleries. Five times green trading stamps on all unad vertlsed purclif.Ki'S. BABBIT CHAIM. FROM TilE CROCKERY DEPT. I have a great quantity of fine china and glass ware that should have been yours by this tiaie. The crockery market is so prolific, broken lots are what can't be avoided between seasons. I must get rid of these goods because importations from Japan, Germany, Trance, Austria and the British Isles are under shipping Instructions. WALTER B. ELMS. All day Monday, 10 per cent oif on Sinnerware. Sixty patterns, all new, up-to-date goods. The finest wares ii.&Ae, Sets from $6. a8 up to 9&00.00. Japanese China Sugars, red .-in Hum. i ili eol a tion, $l.oj value in this sale rXO pair tit I Pretty, neatly decorated Table Tumblers, three or four styles to se lect from, on sale Monday, 4?CI i lor.. Ot- Pine German China Prtiit Saucers, pretty decoration, 10c val ues in this lf sule, t acli "..' From the RIBBON; sc .it . i ; UrJt :T'rH-""rT - . . . .. , . a 1 ii:o SCHXKIDKK i Piutt ) FROM THE HARDWARE BUYER To make this sale a hummer I'll Ifive li3 per cent discount on every piece of enamelware in stock. To re dure stock and close out a bunch of things you need real bad in July and August, I'll take anything in shape of money. I. If. A KEY. 20c italvHiilzcd Ma ter pulls, -i rzt, special . . . A J 25c ri ilvanizrd ua t. r ..ails. - rt. special . . -4y :;ee gal vh.iIZ'm) wa ter ua.l.i. Oft,, spec Id . . v $' 0 J l.iKli vrade lawn 62 r OPT mowers V""--' Screen jS" door . . . OiM Screen wire eloih, per square -t f.it . . . . -- 2 SPOBT1NG GOODS Close Out Sale on Hammocks. Any Color Wantad Any $2.75 "I i0 Any $:.&o will go tor--t."- win y,, fo, ltegular D.ic croquet sets 4Jo 8 Inch rice root, Tampico or I'al metto scrub r . , brusn for . . 4 y 60 foot cotton Clothes line, n tu Ur liir, (t, spuoial . . . 25c c.irptt heaters, sp-rl.il - r-t. Fxtra (rood tee pick" . Sere, n door hinges complete w i t h 10c 1.78 BOOKS ,A!VD STATIONERY lu this sale I the two bargains each the greatest of its kind, to my kuowledge, ever offered in Omaha. L. A. Kl'SSELL. Books 49o to $1.08 "lO.. values for XJC larse. handsome library editions, some bound In half leather and clotli. Had a retail value of $2. no. N Thousands of bond iu. r mid 25 copyright fiction that retailed as high hs $l.0t. pub lished at $1 r.'j, all In original Idnd inss, hde -t., they last., itlt Engraved Station ery (60o value 19c 1 mIi. ."Whit ing's" French Or gandie, woven lin en or oraandie envelopes to match all the latest shapes and colors. Tins is tiii hialiebt class of paper made. Your Initial stamp ed Willi script or old Kiih'M.-.h die, free of charge, making positively a S"o value, i Cl for litl, K:" Furniture o Carpet Duyer I leave for Grand Bapids tonight. I've left orders that all brokan lines must be disposed of btfore I return. Any old thing ln the shape of money will satisfy me. Out with the stuff. B. B. KNITTLE. Mgr. Beautiful, all oak. , Swisses and Sllko- llilee piece porch bet, coin. - - . lines, worth loc, Monday, Ut at yard .... l.ace Curtains and Portieres are mark ed at 'j. their regu lar price. CARPETS. 4:,eL-iii(le SBAPEBIEii, Fine of Floor Oil Cloth, imported silks and 51 indies wide, ev inadias, worth 75c, I ery yard is perfect, Sue and $1.25, Mon- full roll pieces. Mon- ". i itl.,luy, at 8(i. 0 plete 1'retty Sn lug, with chains cozy 1'orch complete $6.25 yard yard 23c FROM OUR DRUG BUYER Stakcnable goods, needed reliefs from summer anuoances, are what I expect to hum a run on during tlie salu. At same time if you're any aches or pains remember I've goods at the right prices. GilO. BCKjtILEK. tix I'oison ft-per, 5 shut'ts, for .. Fiy 5c Tanglefoot Fly Paper, 3 double sheets K4. for C Iialsy Fly Killer Sulphur Cand- Ktt die Persian Insect Pow der, lb. for yl Pet. -r man's Ii;uid 1 dscovery at 15c 25c From the Meat Buyer Ours is in only market in Omaha that does business out in the state, for that reason tbis market is under Government Inspection all the time. Ka customer can need a greater guaran tee and our market is the only one in town that has it to give. J. XULAKOraXY. 7,600 lbs. of Morton, Gregson Co.'s Hebr. City sulected Sugar cured regular pig bams. Their best brand, average 6 to 8 lbs., svery one Kwlft'a l.ard. 3 pall .. Swift's Lard, 5 lb pall Swifts fciilver Leaf Lrd lb. pail hl'.ver Leaf lb... 35c Silver Leaf 55c 1.10 FROM toe GROCERY MAN Bennett's Uijj (irocery has been in existence lor nearly Ihrity years. Kuyiux direct in car lots enables us to save our customers money, be side k I vino; them fresh new goods at all times. Coffees roasted every day riht in department. ISulter and t'Wfs received daily from the farm. Our delivery system given you the best service obtainable. S. KKYNMs. !.!'? '"""0 "'""anulat.-d Simar $1.00 Iteiin. tt s Hreakfast Coftee, a !b. can 48o t. 11 ., 'T'''" ''ading stamps. Tetley h iellow luaiid Tea, lb. tin. . 60 o Ami ia ureeii trading stamps. B. C. J'uie 1'epper lb. ean 10o And III green trading .stamps. Lemon Extract, bottle So Corn Starch, lb. package ' ' ' 60 Anderson's Soups, c.in ' ' ' 60 (.lid i.ust, 7 pa. Kaif.8 :::::;.-850 Uerniett s Cupltol Kxtracts, Vanilla Lemon, Hone, Hanaiui, Kaspbeny' 1 1 Iniiainon, peiuli, l'lm apple, hot tie ...................... 180 And to green trading stamps! "Best We Have" Baked Beans. iau0 Anil ID ur lrli. Bennett s Baigain Soap, ten bars J'lireo Star Corn, li cans Ami Ma irr in syrup, large can. ii" 11". K. " """'"' stamps ... m nmr fiiniiiaKii. 2 cans.. .11111 .,11 green trading stamps f.B8-0-M"C t Jiki 'KHgeS rnriiiMi ,-areiy . , lelus. b.z boxes 60 Bayles Cldi r Vliii'Kar, pt. bolt le . . . . 10o An. 1 in green IradiiiK stamj.s. Heinz Vlriegur, ,iinrt bottle J50 And 01 pru-n trading stamps. Worcester Table Salt. 2 S41 ks 10o And la green trailing stamps. Corn, can 50 Peas. cn '..'.'.to Potted Meats, can 40 Oil Sardines, can 30 Life Hoiiv Soap, 6 iMUes 1 ! ! 35o And 10 green trading stamps. Olive Speelal. gold medal olives, in oz. boitle 3o0 And 30 preen trading stamps Ktllffdl Olives, G LI bottle UO And In areeu trading stamps. I'needa Biseulis. 4 ackaaes 160 And 10 green tuidiiig stamps. Be.nnett s Capitol Flour, sack $1.40 And 100 green trading stamps. green trading stamps. 85c 6O0 .150 30o 35o I have had a most successful season, and before 1 po east 1 must clean out a lot of broken lines. I don't mind a loss I can stand it. I can't remember of such values before, don't think you can either. If you wish to see some extraordinary bargain doings around my de partment, it's now they're on. 11. V. METZdiElt. BtBBOB DEPARTMENT 5 inch lancy all silk wurp print Taffeta Kibbons, worth "01. 35c yard, at ' 2 WOTION BEFABTMEBT Black spool silk, worth -f figt bile per doz A-VFI Light weight nainsook dress shields, all sizes Kf, worth 12C, per pair Women's pad front belt hose sup porters, In white, llfiht blue, pink, red and black, -f fig worth 25c Shell hair pins, In plain and crimp ed amber and shell colirs, worth 25c dozen ABT BEEDLEWOBK DEPT. 500 dozen -lnch einhroldered doll ies, worth up to 10c, o, each I,ace scarfs, 45 Inch long, 18 Inches wide, worth 5c, -1 Klt each AOC IS Inch corset cover embroidery in Knglish eyelet and Japanese effects, worth up to 35c, - trg, yard, at XOl Swiss and nainsook embroidery bands, edging and flouuclngs In all tlie new designs, worth "irW. up to 5 Oc AvMj Val. lace edgings and Insertions to match, all tiie season's patterns, win tli up to 1 0c, T yard KECKWEAB Won-' n's laundred embroidered collars, twenty assorted styles In all sizes, worth 25c for Marie Antonuettes, enilirol P i . ii and lace ..onibiin d 1 111'f lln- in plain white and dainty t ,1 1 1 It 1 1 1 h -tions, suitable for shirt, waist fronts, collars and cufft. I A,, worth 5uo, yard., 1214C ,' ; v . .f ; v. :, v ? lV- n HAM HKVNOUl) I Gixx erles) in. ttXivv7" . V A. O. IIAXI) tMilllnery) '" W"4' i V;5. U.:,-V'.:.,,r.'v .1.:.. t f---' 1 '1 1. UKO. K. 1 1, M AMS (Jew dry) ' ' "v-f r KV j WALT Kit It. ELMS (Crockery) !i;p&ai?' vt.'..'--ltr?rtff.V.i' 1 1IAKKY CHAIM (I'lctures) ft.- : w. ' J-1 vv ' ' 4 rtvf 'I.? J-". " .- 1 -- - .til I. II. AKEV (Hardware) c. v. i:mekich (Shoe Buyer) :;?r i55; - ii'& :; -.w w .... -.i7 L, A. Kl'SSELL (Stationery) .,; 1 ' r -v 1 5-'. V rX ZV'sV - - - ' - A I : -triu v, vV ' " , "v . .Cef m" V ..' I J. Kl liOkl 1SKV t Meats) .Jwfi' fir, ') 1 : a .